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Third Quarter Topic: Physical Education 9


DANCE – refers to movement set to music where there emerges organization, structure and pattern. It is a
composition that implies arrangement of parts into a form

DANCING – is a means of expressing one’s emotions through movement disciplines by rhythm.

- It is an act of moving rhythmically and expressively to an accompaniment

- Came from an old German word “danson” which means to “stretch”
- Essentially all dancing is made up of stretching and relaxing
Benefits of Dance

• improves agility and flexibility

• improves balance and coordination

• improves cardiovascular health

• improves muscle tone and strength

• maintains and builds bone strength

• aids in weight loss or maintenance

• improves memory and cognition

• improves mood

• provides an opportunity to socialize

• is easily adaptable to meet your needs

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The Essential Components of Dancing

1. The Movement
- Movements are needed to be conveyed because they have distinctive meanings which others should
2. The Music
- The musical composition determines the dance composition
- It is important because it adds flavors to the dance itself
3. The Formation and Position
- In dancing, transition is essential which is called CHANGE OF FORMATIONS AND POSITIONS
- It is generally known that changing of formation adds beauty to dance because when we are dancing,
we are performing it in front of the audience


Ballroom dancing is the perfect combination of physical activity, social interaction, and mental stimulation, and it
can bring so much to your life. It’s a great workout; has documented physical and mental health benefits; can
enhance your social life and self-confidence; reduces stress and depression; promotes relaxation; is a wonderful
outlet for self-expression and creativity; and its FUN!! With all these reasons to start dancing – we challenge you
to find a good reason NOT to.

- A type of dance or a partner dance which is enjoyed socially and competitively because of the
entertainment aspect
- The term 'ballroom dancing' is derived from the word ball which in turn originates from the Latin
word ballare which means 'to dance' (a ball-room being a large room specially designed for such dances).

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Burn Fat / Lose Weight / Increase Metabolism. Ballroom dancing is a low-impact aerobic activity that burns fat
and can boost your metabolism. In just thirty minutes of dance, you can burn between 200-400 calories – that’s
roughly the same amount as running or cycling! Burning an extra 300 calories a day can help you lose between
½-1 pound a week (and THAT can add up quickly). In fact, a study in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology
found that dance as exercise is just as effective for weight loss as cycling and jogging. Dance training is also an
excellent form of maintenance exercise, to stay healthy and toned once you’ve reached your goal weight. And
since ballroom dance is so much fun, you’re getting these benefits without feeling like you’re working out!

Increase Flexibility. A reputable ballroom dance class will typically begin with a few stretching exercises, to get
you prepped to execute dance steps with comfort & ease, and to protect against dance-related injury. Beginner
dancers especially will notice that the more you dance, the more flexibility and range of motion your body
develops. Increased flexibility will help your dance abilities, decrease joint pain and muscle soreness after exercise,
and improve core strength and balance. Yoga and ballet stretch can be extremely beneficial as pre-ballroom dance
warm-ups, but be sure to talk with your Fred Astaire Dance Studios instructor about a recommended warm-up

Increase Muscle Strength & Endurance. Ballroom dancing contributes to the build-up of muscle strength because
the act of dancing forces a dancer’s muscles to resist against their own body weight. The use of quick steps, lifts,
twists and turns, will help you develop more muscle strength in your arms, legs and core as your lessons continue.
Endurance (in this context) is the capability of your muscles to work harder and longer without succumbing to
fatigue. Ballroom dancing as exercise is particularly effective at building up your endurance – so as you work on
your dance steps, you are conditioning your muscles to perform these feats with less and less fatigue. And the
added benefit is that you’ll look and feel strong, toned and sexy

Great for All Ages. Ballroom dance is a fun activity for everyone – from children to senior citizens, which is
another reason it’s such an effective form of exercise. At Fred Astaire Dance Studios, we work with students of
all age groups, physical abilities and skill levels – and will create a custom dance program that’s comfortable yet
challenging, and will help you attain your dance AND exercise goals


- Also called cha cha cha which originated from Cuba in 1940s
- Developed in combination of two dances like Mambo and Rumba
- Composed of triple steps and rock steps
- Lively flirtatious ballroom dance full of passion and energy
- Partners work together to synchronize each movement in perfect alignment


So just to recap, the four elements of the cha-cha basic were; walking steps, forward, backward,
sidesteps and the fourth element, the rock step.

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What are the three steps of cha-cha?
For each bar of music there are 2 slow and 3 quick steps, which may be counted as – one, two, cha,
cha, cha or step, step, step, quick step, quick step. The footwork is simple and mostly focuses on
just shifting weight from one foot to another. Remember, five steps are taken to four beats of music.

What is a triple step in dance?

Triple step is a generic term for dance step patterns that describes three steps done on two
main beats of music. Usually they are two quick steps and one slow one, i.e., often they are counted
as "quick-quick-slow", "one-and-two", "three-and-four", etc. Some dances have a pattern known as
such: "triple step".

What is a rock step in dance?

Rock step (also called break step) may refer to one of several similar dance moves. The name refers
to the rocking action during the move: the weight is transferred from one foot to another and
then back. It is used in a number of dances, such as East Coast Swing, Zydeco, Lindy Hop, Tango.

What is rock step in cha-cha?

Cha-Cha (also known as “Cha-cha-cha”) SAY: “Rock-step, cha-cha-cha” or “2-3, cha-cha-cha”.
Remember: The “rock-step” is a rock (partial step on the ball of the foot with full weight) in one
direction, then a whole step in the other. Start. Rock (1) RIGHT.

How to Do the Cha Cha

Starting with a Prep Step
Start with your feet together. Understanding the syncopated step (4 and 1) is key to executing a good cha
cha.[1] Your feet should be together when you begin, with your left foot popped up slightly so that you are
balancing on the ball of your foot. Most of your weight should be supported by your right foot.[2]

Step out to the left. Keep your right foot in the same place, and step out to the left, just past the width of your
shoulders. As you step to the left, let your hips follow your foot. Your left hip should be popped out slightly to
the left side, just over your left foot.

Slide your right foot to meet your left and then back. Once your left foot is popped out, lightly slide your
right foot across the floor to meet your left foot. Then slide your right foot behind you. As you slide your right
foot back, lift your left foot up slightly.

Rock forward to your left foot. Once your right foot is in place behind you, rock forward so that your weight
shifts from your right foot to your left foot. Then bring your right foot up to meet it. This is the main starting
position for the cha cha.

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Performing a Basic Cha Cha Step
Start with a triple step. Your feet should be together. Pop your right foot up slightly, but keep the ball of your
foot on the floor. Lower your right heel to the floor as your raise your left foot up. Then lower your left heel to
the floor and raise your right heel. Repeat once more on the right side.[6]
• The rhythm of this step is the "cha cha cha" that gives the dance its name. It should take two beats of
whatever song you're dancing to.
• You should end with your right heel on the floor and your left heel lifted off the floor slightly, resting
on the ball of your foot.
• This triple step is one of the most basic cha cha steps, so it’s important that you practice it.

Take a rock step forward with your left foot. Don’t take a huge step – your left foot should only extend about
a foot in front of you. As you step forward, your right heel should come up off the floor as you rock onto the ball
of your right foot.
• This step should happen on the third beat of the song.
• The rocking step should be pretty smooth. Both of your feet should always be partially touching the
floor as you transfer your weight from one foot to the other.

Perform a rock step from your right to left foot. Rock your right foot back so that your heel is on the floor
again. As you do this, bring your left foot back to meet your right foot in the starting position.
• This step should happen on the fourth beat of whatever song you're dancing to.

Repeat the triple step. Once you replace your left foot, repeat the triple step, beginning with your left foot this

Rock step backward with your right foot. Extend your right leg back so that the ball of your foot touches the
floor. As your rock backward and your right heel takes your weight, lift your left foot up so that the ball of your
foot comes off the floor and your heel stays in place. Then rock back onto your left foot and bring your right leg
back to starting position.
• It is good to learn cross body lead, basic ladies turn, and the basic step to get started.[11]

Trying a Side Basic Step

Start with a prep step. The side basic step starts with the same basic prep step as the basic Cha Cha step.
Stand with your feet together, then slide your left foot out to the side, transferring your weight there. Slide your
right foot toward your left and then back, rocking back so it takes your weight, lifting your left foot in the
process. Then rock back forward, letting your left foot take your weight again.

Step to the right. Instead of bringing your right foot back to meet your left foot and returning to starting
position, bring your right foot up to your left foot and then out to the side. Your right foot should be just wider
than shoulder width.

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Slide your left foot to meet your right. Transfer the weight of your body to your right foot, and lightly slide
your left foot to meet your right. You should pop up your right foot as your left meets it.

Step to the right again. Once your feet have returned to starting position, transfer the weight of your body to
your left foot and step out to the right again, taking the weight of your body.

Take a rock step forward. With your right foot still out slightly, step diagonally with your left foot, so your feet
are closer than shoulder width apart but your left foot is in front of your right. Place your left foot on the ground,
rocking forward so your right heel lifts up. Then rock back onto your right foot, returning your left foot to the
starting position.

Repeat the side step on your left side. Bearing your weight on your right foot, step to the left. Then lift your
right foot off the ground so just the ball of your foot maintains contact. Then slide your right foot to your left so
they’re together, taking the weight on your right foot. Then step to the left one more time

Take a rocking backstep. Transfer your weight to your left foot, and step back with your right. Once your right
heel hits the floor, lift your left foot slightly so only your heel makes contact. As you move your right foot
forward again, step out to the right and repeat the side step.

Making Your Cha Cha Look Professional

Keep your hips moving. You may learn the dance for social or competitive purposes.[19] The motion in your
hips is one of the most important components of the Cha Cha. Your hips should move to follow your feet. Move
your hips to the left as you pop your left foot out. Roll them back and to the right to follow your foot back.[

Keep your arms loose. If you’re dancing the Cha Cha alone, your arms will be loose without a partner to hold
onto. Feel free to keep moving them to the rhythm of the music, following your hips as you move them match
your feet

Dress like a Cha Cha dancer. If you’re a woman, wear a skirt or dress that’s flowy with a lot of movement.
You can also wear a scarf around your hips to accentuate their movement. Men can wear long pants with a
high waist to accentuate the length of their legs. Men and women should both wear dancing shoes.

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