9.1 Transport in Animals

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9.1 Transport in animals

• To be able to state difference between singe and double
circulation and explain advantages of double
• To describe the double circulatory system in humans
Single - blood only passes
through heart once

- Fish have a single circulation system.

- The heart pumps deoxygenated (no oxygen)
blood to the gills.
- Oxygenated (with oxygen) blood returns to the
Double - passes through heart twice
- We have a double circulation
- The right side of our heart pumps
deoxygenated blood, then returns
to the left side of the heart.
- The left side of the heart pumps the
oxygenated blood to the tissues.
- Deoxygenated blood then returns
to the right side of the heart.
Explain the advantages of double circulation

1 this allows a lower pressure circulation to the lungs;

2 less likely to damage delicate tissues;
3 higher pressure circulation to rest of body;
4 with greater distance to travel;
5 allows only deoxygenated blood to go to lungs / only
oxygenated blood to rest of body / bloods do not mix;

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