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By: Matumelo Ramalieletse

Author behind Simple escapes reading on Facebook
Book genre: Fantasy, thriller and romance

For more of my work, please join: Simple escapes reading on Facebook

Contact details:
Cell No: 065 619 3518
As the last Canis Lupus in the South. His last task was to
resurrect the house of wolves in the South. But bringing
his house in order and protecting his family meant he had
to implant in his brothers to help him fight the inherited
enemies of the dark world; The Rafe.
By blood they are the Molapo brothers
By wolf instinct, they are the Wolves of the South.
I give my gratitude to my readers. It wasn’t an easy ride but
I soldiered on. I weathered the storms. I’m not where I want
to be as yet but somehow I see it. I see that place I long for
much nearer now.
I’ll say it again; dream so big that it scares you. Don’t settle
for minimal. Only when it shivers you in fear and make you
doubt you capability you’ll push much harder. Dreams are
supposed to be dreams. Be big enough to achieve but when
you push and put much effort, you might just achieve them.
My dearest persons.
Note the following before we start:
1. Wolves of the South is a sequel to Lwandle Ngcobo
our Zulu bride
Lwandle Ngcobo our zulu bride has two parts, the
Facebook part which ends on chapter 17 and the
complete pdf which continues from chapter 17 to
chapter 35. If you read the Facebook part only, you need
to buy the complete pdf of Our Zulu bride to understand
Wolves of the South. The complete pdf is R50.

2. Wolves of the South is divided into two

Part 1-Which is very short, it’s about Lwandle and
Majara only. We are catching up on what happened
before we involve other characters.
Part 2-Is where the story vibes. We indulge in each and
every brother’s life. See how they came to be what they
are now.

Read enjoy, don’t get confused!

Characters and names to be aware of in this read.
Remember this is fiction, some places and events are a
fiction of my imagination as a writer. Keep an open mind.
 MaPeete is Violet –Puso’s wife
 Joy is Michael – Majara and Angeline’s Chinese boy. He
is dead but Joy harbours in him.
 Wolf Akela –Luna Wolf – A female Alpha wolf
 Wolf Aragorn – Beta Wolf – A male wolf that follows the
alpha in hierarchy of wolf dominance and leadership
 Wolf Adal, Adol and Adul – Omega wolves – The last of
the hierarchy
 The Rafe – Council of wolves
 An Acua – A seer of the House of wolves.
 Oves – Is the world of Wolves
 Olve – Foreign language used by wolves to

Lwandle Ngcobo/Mabataung’s version of events

‘It’s a wolf thing’ I can’t help but melt like butter under the
scorching heat of summer sweltering day every time I hear
those words. It’s his signature ‘It’s complicated I don’t
want to talk about it’, his own escape sentence when he
has to explain the extraordinary things that happens in our
little house of wolves. Our very own bubble of wolves.
They say birds of the same feather flock together. Same
applies to wolves. Wolves of the same pack hunt and revenge
together. You touch one wolf, you touch the whole pack.
The Alpha I married is no different than the other with his
pack, but boy my man is as complicated as they come. He
can simply be a normal human being in a space of a minute
but then turn around and be a revered leader of a pack. It
still scares me how he seems to have two personalities. One
minute he is Majara Molapo - The ever so distant and quiet
brother, father, son and uncle. Then the next minute he is
Lupus. The gray wolf of canis lupus family which separates
from other wolves species because of its dominance and
battle instinct. The canis lupus also separates from other
wolves because of their body, head and tail. Its upturning
tail is found in no other species of wolves but the canis
lupus. And that’s my Lupus.
Like I said, an extraordinary man I married.
Like any other normal human being I got scared. I let fear
get the best of me when I learned of all what he really is and
the dark world enemies he has. I let my feet carry me as far
as possible from him hoping for a chance to a normal life but
that was just me being in denial and naïve.
The more I run, the more I longed for his touch. My body
ached every day to be just in close proximity with him. His
imprint on me kept pulling me there-to him where my heart,
soul and body longed to live. The man left a mark on me so
deep it only heals at his presence.
The time I spent away from him left me fragile. Like wind I
felt myself fate. With each passing day I could feel myself get
weaker and weaker. But not my daughter. Of course I
couldn’t leave my little Tlotla behind. As complicated and
extraordinary as she is, I had to take my little wolf Akela
My baby is her father’s best friend. They understand each
other more than I do her because of their nature. She has a
connection deep with her father. If she could talk then, I
think she would have snitched on her father that he was
following us.
Tlotla would sit by the window of my flat. She would sing
and clap hands ‘PAPA! PAPA! PAPA!’ In my troubled mind I
thought she was just missing him but little did I know that
the wolf I married purchased the entire building opposite to
my flat just so he can breathe he say. He said he couldn’t
even try to survive a night without us. The night I left, he
followed. He followed his daughter scent until he made it to
us. But because he understood that I needed time, he chose
to give me that time but he wasn’t going to leave my side. He
was there in silence, larking in the shadows but he was

One evening I guess he couldn’t take it anymore. I had been

spending the whole week at MaDlomo’s house. He hadn’t
seen me the entire week and when I came back to my house
I found him sitting in the middle of my living room with
nothing but his heavy commanding character filling the
entire flat.
My man is an epitome of badass. He is the one man that can
hold a room and claim it as his own without having even the
slightest right to the room. He can make the entire house
squirm in fear just at his presence.

I felt a shrill of fear travel way down and claim my nerves

before I dropped the bags I had in my grasp to the cold tiled
floor. Tlotla who had been shuffling behind me flew to her
father as soon as she saw him. The welcome they had was
tear breaking. For the first time I saw him share a single tear
as he held his daughter in his arms. He sniffed and kissed
her as much as he wanted. I felt like a prisoner in my own
house as I witnessed their reunion. My motion of locomotion
failed me. Like a glued dog I stood in one place without a
bark. He glanced at me once and disappeared in a room I
had prepared for Tlotla and I. He took few minutes in there
only to come out without Tlotla but he still found me in one
For a minute he kept a distance from me but not his sight.
He looked at me like he was digging deep in my soul. I felt
my breathe catch at his stare. My skin welcomed both
shivers of happies and fear as he looked at me. I was scared
that he was mad that I left but I was also happy that he was
With four strides he was right before me. I could feel my
heart threaten to beat out of my chest at his proximity. The
ached my soul craved for his touch overpowered me. He was
taking his own sweet time when I just wanted him to
embrace me in his unique animalistic scent and touch.
The only choice I had was to allow a stroll of tears pave down
my cheeks. I know he can stand anything but not my tears.
Before they could even drop he welcomed me in his touch
that I ached for. Like a piece of paper I was in my man’s
arms. Now the tears were the tears of joy. The tears of
contempt as I sniffed him.
Oh boy! My husband smells divine. The power of his scent
had kept me through my loneliest night. I had his one shirt
which I turned into my sleep wear just so I could smell him
in the coldest night. The shirt was never washed while I was
“Oh Mabataung!” His bold voice felt like home. I wrapped
around his firm waist and held him like butter on bread.
“I’m so sorry abuti majara”
“Shhhhh!” he whispered in my ear kissing my cheeks “Let’s
go home lerata laka” (……my love) he cupped my face and
pecked my teary eyes.
“I don’t ever wanna see this tears. The only tears I want from
this beautiful face of my wife are the tears of joy, wa utlwa?”
(……You hear me?) I found myself smiling and nodding
through my sobs and sniffs. Still wrapped around him he
shifted me from his front to his back. He snapped his finger
and whistled something like a howl, not a deep howl but
more like a melody calling on someone. Tlotla came out in
wolf Akela form. I couldn’t help the giggle that parted my lips
“You ready to ride your Lupus home?” He asked glancing
back at me once.
“Yes…but my flat, I can’t just leave everything like this”
“Dlomo will take care of everything. Let’s go home my soul”
Like butter I spread, I held tighter to him and whispered “I’m
ready my Alpha”
He didn’t need to hear it twice. I felt his muscles tighten
within my hold. A howl came deep from his throat as he
twisted his neck looking up. His clothing became ragged
pieces as they burst through my living room. I felt the tingle
of his tail on my back before he dropped his hands to the
floor turning them into front legs of my Lupus.
My white alpha gray canis lupus he was when howled on the
floor. My two dogs glances at each other before they flew out
of the building. The ride felt like a gust of wind. No human
could spot us. The speed of their pace felt like a fly. And like
that, I rode my wolf home.

A smooth ride it had been. The ride felt short and something
my soul had been longing for. It actually felt like a shift more
than a ride. From childhood I have never rode even a pony,
never mind the bicycle because it was always considered a
boy thing while I was growing. Riding and holding on the
back of Lupus felt soul fulfilling. Something that came as
norm to me. Yes I have climbed him before but it was never
for a distance as far as today. The connection of my wolf and
I felt impeccable. I felt like I had been longing for that ride
since I left him.
Now the problem came when I realise he took me to the
palace not his house. I could feel myself shrink smaller at
the sight of the palace. Moletsane’s hut looked new, like it
was rebuilt into a house. Everything was still as it were
except for the hut. I wasn’t ready to face the family I
disappointed so much.
“Our house mangcobo” he corrected. Somethings will never
change. He still resides in my mind. He had put me down
now and we were awaiting on Tshepo to bring him some
clothes. Of course my eyes went there, the steely member. I
miss that C shape something something. I wanted to salivate
over it but I had to hold Tlotla so she doesn’t see her father
“I wish we went home first and talked” I came out in a
whisper, I was still shy of the fact that I left him. Yes I wished
we had sat down and talked before he took me back to the
palace. I was scared that I disappointed my in laws.
Especially Mamajara and Mabereng. The two have been
nothing but wonderful to me but when the going got tougher,
I carried my daughter and chose the easy way out.
“My family understands that it’s not easy loving a man like
me. Don’t be hard on yourself” Of course we can hold a
conversation without uttering even a single word.
“What if they are not as welcoming as before?”
“Your mine to love and keep. If they don’t want to accept you
with your flows then they never loved you in the first place”
well he is mine to love too, he’ll find a way to make me feel
better no matter what. I was still not confident but I chose
to hold on to him and his words.

Tshepo eventually came with his clothes and he quickly

dressed with Tlotla. He took my hand in his and led the way
while he held Tlotla in his other arm. Closer and closer we
got to the main entrance I felt more and more scared. He
stood right at the door before he knocked.
“Mangcobo I love you and I don’t care that you left. You have
been nothing but open minded about who I am like I had
asked. Of course you were going to break at some point and
you leaving was that point. Please breathe and let’s get this
over and done with so we can go home and talk about what
really transpired” I let out a nod followed by a heavy
breathing at his words. Only then he knocked after making
sure that I was okay.
Like a door keeper Palesa was right at the door to welcome
us. With enthusiasm she claimed me. She held me tight in a
warm hug. I made a friend in her.
“Mabataung, mme mamajara is not going to let you lift a
finger, look at you!” my weight was the first matter she
choose to touch on. I was better, if only she knew. MaDlomo
had fed me while I stayed a week in her house.
“You look beautiful Palesa” she really did. Being Tshepo’s
whatever she is was treating her good. She flushed at my
compliment. I know if the man besides me wasn’t here, she
would have shared some dirty laundry that kept her glow.
“My prince” only then she acknowledge him. Her eternal
crush to this man will always be there. She doesn’t maintain
his look, her eyes drop to the poor floor like it asked to be
looked after.
“Palesa” he acknowledged back.
“How may I be of your service my prince, mam” the
downwards drop she maintains, failing to even steal a glance
at him.
“We are fine palesa, where is everyone?”
“In the living room my prince” the drums in my heart started.
The living room meant everyone is waiting for us. I felt a peck
on top of my head which left Palesa blushing like it was
received by her. He led us to the living room but paused
before we made appearance.
“You okay?” I nodded “I love you” he whispered staring down
at me. He has a way with words. He says them normal but
because they come from him, they make me weak at the
“I love you too” I whispered back looking up at him. A grin
creeped his face. Something you don’t see every day. His lips
awarded Tlotla who was now asleep in his arm with a
forehead kiss at my confession, I sulked.
“Mangcobo don’t dare try to compete with my daughter” I let
out a giggle and only then he pulled me in to the eyes of the
living room.
I didn’t expect the room to burst into ululation but it did.
Mabereng, Mamajara, Ora, Puso and Seeiso danced the floor
away. Happiness filled the room while the old man clapped
laughing on their seats. I didn’t know what the drama was
for but I was glad to be welcomed with love all over again.
Seeiso snatched Tlotla from her brother’s hold and woke her.
The traitor of a daughter I have giggled at his uncle.
I was passed to almost everyone for hugs and kisses. They
are a warm family and I really did miss them. I noticed that
only Mapeete was not so welcoming. I understand. She is a
hostile person by nature and it will take long for her to warm
up to me again. I was the one pestering her about warming
up to the family and getting involved only for me to leave and
not look back.
“Mabataung” even her tone was stone cold. I had to go to her
chair and hug her while everyone fussed over Tlotla. I didn’t
expect the old men to stand to hug me but they did, happy
to see me again I think.
Ntate Moletsane held me longer than I had expected. The
room trained at us at his behaviour. When he released me
he had a frown on his face. Between my face and my empty
belly I thought, he danced his glance. It stung like it did
when I left. I felt empty. The soul that I had wasn’t there
anymore. Up and down he kept looking until he was
interrupted by Ntate Tlali
“Moletsane don’t dare scare my daughter in law please, we
don’t want her running and leaving us with the angry maraja
again” and like that it was a joke, the room welcomed
laughter as Moletsane let me off his hold. I could feel his eyes
follow me with every move I made. It felt like an investigative
look. Like he was searching for something he couldn’t

“Still okay?” my type of poison asked in my head. I had been

seated between Mamajara and Mabereng who were on a
mission to feed me. I raised my eyes to him and found him
creeped with a smirk staring at me.
“I’m where I belong” that was my okay to him. I said in my
mind and he smiled. I knew he received it.
“I love you wautlwa?” (……you hear me?) oh this man! How
am I supposed to eat when he has me blushing from my
“Mabataung, Majara can I please eat in peace without
listening on your silent conversations” Moletsane. I forget
that he can read my man’s mind too.
“Get a wife Moletsane” Oh the arrogance in my husband.
“And turn into a lost lonely dog like you did when she left.
No thank you” I hate it when they make fun of him.
Something happened and I didn’t know how to deal with it
except to put the blame on him and leave.
Lunch was amazing. It felt like a celebratory to welcome me
back. As soon as the plates started becoming dirt as they no
longer had food I offered a hand assisting Ora and Mapeete
to clear the table.
“I’m happy your back ausi lwandle” Ora couldn’t hold herself
anymore. As soon as we had the space in the kitchen just
the three of us she was all over me like butter on bread once
“And I’m happy to be back and be welcomed again. I’m sorry
I left” I still felt I owed her and everyone an apology
“And how do we know that this time it’s forever? You were
the one who was insisted on us holding each other as family
but jiki jiki wena you lose a child you decide to leave the
family and expect abuti Majara to come chasing after you”
MaPeete clapped. She was right but I still hadn’t come to
acceptance of losing my child. It still felt sore and I needed
to talk to abuti Majara about it not anyone else.
I was trying to articulate my correct response when the room
suddenly felt mute and cold. The three of us could hear
ourselves breathe until his voice came.
“MaPeete” he wasn’t shouting but he only said her name as
a reprimand. He didn’t have to come stern but saying her
name was enough.
“I’m sorry mabataung” MaPeete bowed to me. She didn’t
have to do that but I know the look she is receiving behind
me had her at command. I felt his arm sneak on my waist
from the back….his warm body collided with mine bringing
me closer to his touch.
“I want you all to myself now” the words came on top of my
head. Before I know it I was on his shoulder like a sack of
“Molapo stop it” I tried to stop him before we made
appearance to the dining room but he wasn’t having it.
Regardless of my fights he carried me anyway. Coming to the
dining room he spanked my butt. I chose to die in
embarrassment hiding my face with his shoulder as the
room erupted in laughter.
“Don’t tear it Juju, go easy on it, remember Adel’s lyrics
when jamming it” Seeiso screamed, of course he is the only
one with loose screws in this family. He led us to the elevator.
Only dropped me down once we were in.
“You really know how to embarrass me” I said through the
giggles. He chose to smile down at me, making me shy while
at it as the elevator took us a step higher.
“Please don’t ever leave me again Mabataung” his tone came
begging, sad expression on his face.
“I’ll never leave you again abuti majara” he brought me
closer to his touch at my promise. Holding me in a hug that
felt like strangle because his arm was caging my neck. He
kissed my head again when the doors slide open and held
my hand leading us to his room. The room far at the end of
the passage.
As soon as we were alone again thick silence took over. The
biggest elephant in the room. I felt he needed me to go first.
Nervously I took the bed edge as I sat and bowed to his look.
Words failed to come out of my mouth. I didn’t know where
to start.
He dropped both knee on the wooden floor before me, taking
me by surprise. He claimed my hands in his and took my
eyes with so we look in each other’s eyes.
“How are you feeling mosadi waka?” (…… wife?) He
asked, looking in my eyes to hear my truth.
“I’m fine now Molapo but it still stings in my heart”
“Did the space do you good? Are you still blaming me?” we
were talking, his emotion weren’t giving anything away, it
looked like he needed us to be okay more than anything.
I expressed my answer with a head denial “The space did
more damage than good but I’m not blaming you anymore.
I’m sorry I ever put the death of our son on you”
He shook his head too “Don’t be. You were right. It’s my
fault, if I wasn’t who I am we wouldn’t have lost him. I’m
sorry I am who I am Lwandle. I’m sorry you had to love a
man like me. I’m sorry you had to be my chosen. I wish I can
give you the normal kind of love but I can’t. I’m a wolf before
human and I have inherited dark world enemies because of
the power I possess. Do you think you can find it in your
heart to forgive me for the loss of our son?” I hate that I have
taken him ten steps back. The look in his eyes alone tells me
that he’ll forever blame himself.
“You were never at fault Molapo, you don’t have to apologise”
he shook his head once again before I could finish.
“It’s my fault. You were right. What I need is for you to forgive
me. Please forgive me lehakwe la pelo yaka” (…….the pearl
of my heart) he had both his hands clasped before me, like
he was praying for my forgiveness “I’m praying you
Mangcobo, I’ll never let any of my dark world enemies even
have a sniff in our yard again. I love you so much mangcobo.
The past month you left me felt like hell for me. I felt like I
had no purpose. I made you cry, which is something a
husband is not supposed to do. My dark ways claimed our
boy’s life before he could even see what a beautiful mother
and sister he had. Baby if it wasn’t for Tlotla I would have
ended my life. I wanted to do it couple of times because I had
lost you, I had no will to go on anymore but Tlotla. My baby
is a little Lupus. It came to me that if I took my life, all those
dark forces would be her enemies to worry about and I
couldn’t have that, even in death I don’t ever want my baby
girl to suffer because of who she is. For her I couldn’t. I made
a decision when I crawled out of the dark emotions that I
was in that I’m going to fight for my wife. I’m going to kneel
and pray to you. As I am. Mangcobo you’re my God. Please
forgive me” I felt like I had totally shattered him, no matter
what he was convinced. It was all my fault that I made him
believe it’s his fault that we lost our boy. I had no choice but
to accept him as the mess I made him to be.
“I forgive you Molapo” deep down I knew I was just saying it
just so I don’t see him this broken. I wanted him to stop
kneeling and clasping hands for me like am a God. I took his
grasp in mine and kissed both the back of his hands
“I forgive you and I love you so much Molapo. Please kiss
me” that he is been aching to do. His cold lips crashed into
mine just as I finished the words of my mouth. He pecked
and pulled on my bottom lip first, holding my waist with his
other hand and pulling me down to his waist. His other huge
palm cupped my face and my neck at the same time. The
kiss was slow, tender, erotic and fulfilling. Death by kiss
seemed befitting. It’s what my soul was craving for and he
gave it the best way he knew how
“I forgive you Molapo” I repeated lips to lips as we broke the
kiss a bit to catch air
“Thank you” it came closed eyed as he inhaled me. My scent
had him smiling.

My soul is home. I’m home because she is back in my arms.

This tiny woman is my little drug on this troubled land of the
living. The little person that made me know how it feels like
to sleep. I’m a sleeper now and it’s unbelievable that I can
drown in dreamland like a normal human being. I can now
wake on my own without needing her to leave the room or
being woken by the thorn of life. I’m awake and watching her
sleep because Moletsane decided to make appearance in my
thoughts while I was still enjoying sleep with my wife. We
ended up sleeping yesterday and I so wanted to rip her apart
but hey……she needed my arms for assurance and it’s what
she got.
“MAJARA NOW!” fuck! What was God thinking taking his
time and sitting to create a seer like Moletsane? He is all over
my thoughts like bee on honey. I kiss my wife’s lips before I
decide to go honour Moletsane with my presence. Whatever
he is calling me for better be good.
I’m in my silk sleeping garment and gown only, no vest
what’s so ever. If it was up to me shirts and vests should be
burned from this world. They are too touchy for my liking.
Another reason why I can’t stand ties, I feel like I’m being
strangled whenever I wear those.
First I make way to my folks room. I need to check on my
daughter whom we disappeared on with her mother last
night. I don’t knock, regardless of that voice in my head. This
people are too old for sex, what’s worse could I see.
“Son!” Bereng has my daughter in his arms balanced by the
headboard, there is no sign of his person in the room.
“Father, how are you? I’m here for this fat somebody” he
hasn’t been feeling well. I think they are hiding something
because all they keep saying is that the doctors are running
more test. Now that my person is home and I can think
clearly, I’m going to dig. I need to know what is happening
with my old man.
“I liked you better when you used to call me daddy” we both
laugh “And my granddaughter is not going anywhere, I’m
still enjoying her while I can” while he can? He regrets it
immediately with his look.
“Bereng you’re not dying are you?” he smiles, the kind of
smile to ease me off.
“Not before I see your first son, I have seen your first
daughter now I need to see your son” I don’t know what he
mean by that because they know that we lost the baby.
“It will have to be a year later. You know I breed in seasons”
he laughs
“Sometimes I forget that you’re a wolf more than human.
How is she?” he is asking of my person.
“She’ll be fine now that she is home”
“I’d love that. Go make her breakfast” I laugh, standing off
the bed.
“Tlotla ya papa!” now I’m baby talking with my baby who
hasn’t even attempted to look at me, she has her
grandfather’s phone in hand playing a game “Baby!”
“Atsheeee! Ati manara!” my jaws drop in horror while my
father laughs his lungs out. I know I disturbed her game
deliberately but did she just call me ‘Abuti majara?’ I need
to have a sit down with Mangcobo “Tamaya, a tena wena”
(Leave, you’re annoying)
“Tlotla, ke papa my baby eseng abuti majara okay”
(….I’m…….not…..) I try my best to correct her. I don’t want
my daughter calling me by name.
“Papa tota?”
“Yes my baby, ke papa tlotla ena” she beams, now pout her
“Mbaa papa tota” thank god! I kiss her tiny lips and she
giggles hiding her face.

I leave the room content, heading straight out to Moletsane’s

chambers to honour his disturbance in my head so early in
the morning. I stop for a minute at the lounge when I pass
Puso sleeping on the couch. It’s odd. I’ll address him after
It’s a bit chilly today, the sky is clear but the weather didn’t
get the memo. It took its own different form. I’m taking my
wife straight to our cabin, she always wanted to visit the
cabin when it’s chilly. It will be perfect to have a talk with
her there.
“Moletsane” I call out outside his chambers
“Come in morena ntse keo emetse” (… I have been
waiting on you) One thing about this hut, I call it chambers
because you would mistake it for a whole room built for
something more useful than just to talk with the dead. I
respect them but I hate how they control people, hence why
I’ll never take the throne. I’m not one to listen to dead people
tell me how to live my life. The hut was built afresh, he
wanted it modern and his friend bereng gave it to him
though they over did it. It’s too sophisticated, more like an
elegant room for a seer.
I know the drill, I have abandoned my sleep wear push-ins
outside at the door. He is on the couch. Nice seer things I
see. Sipping coffee and smoking tobacco through that pipe
of theirs. Say calls it an old fashioned hubbly. The fact that
he is chilled on the couch informs that this is not a
consultation. He needs to talk, well more like advice. It’s
what he does best “What took you so long?” I’m not going to
glorify him with an answer. I take a sit next to him and ask
“What am I doing here Moletsane while I should be sexing
my beautiful person” I don’t know how I came to be a clown,
he is quite tickled.
“Shame, you scored a nil. She didn’t even as much let you
touch it, did she?” mxm!
“I told you to get a wife to keep you busy so you can stop
getting bored in my head, what do you want from me?”
He shakes his head “The bottle on your left, grab it” I do,
there is a jar filled with liquid on my left “Look at it carefully
and tell me what you see” I glance at it once and look at him
“Careful and attentively Majara…..look beyond the eye, with
lupus’ eye” now I understand. I let him take hold of my sight.
Lupus eye can see beyond humanity. I hold the jar to my
face and look, the kind of look for it draw me in.
It starts with what looks like a bubble in the jar. Right at the
centre in the middle of the water. Through the bubble I make
a tiny picture of what looks like a foetus. It floats naked in a
foetal position.
“Is that a baby?” I ask still holding the jar in hand and
inspecting it some more.
“That’s your son. Aragorn the wolf” I drop the jar but
thankfully it lands on my lap but I’m quick to hold it so it
doesn’t shatter to the wood floor “He is still alive” this man
better not start me.
“Moletsane don’t please” I beg that he tones it down on
spitting on my already wounded heart.
“Mabataung is still very much pregnant”
“That’s impossible, have you seen my wife?” I hate the image
she is become. I’m going to feed her as much as I can.
“Aragorn is still with her mother”
“Moletsane she has no belly. She is got a flat stomach that I
hate so much” he laughs
“Yesterday when she hugged me I felt him. I needed to
confirm so I looked through the oval eye of infinity. Your wife
is still pregnant but she will not feel it. She and what she is
carrying contradict each other, hence the disconnection.
Your wife is a white witch. She is pure but your son is a
tainted with darkness. A combination of Lupus blood and
witch blood. She is carrying a hybrid. Half wolf and half
witch. He is hiding on his mother as to protect her. Who she
is cannot mix with darkness in her son”
“Moletsane are you saying my wife is carrying evil?”
“No. Don’t use the word evil. He is tainted by dark witch
blood, which you as his father will teach him how to use and
how to control. He is still of the lupus line but because of
when he was conceived, the dark blood was also passed on
to him”
“How is he going to be born without killing my wife? If he has
dark magic in him, he is a threat to my wife. He might kill
her when he is born” he refuses shaking his head
“So far he is proved to hold his mother dear to heart. His
protecting her from a pregnancy that could kill her by hiding.
So we’ll have to see until he is born if he’ll not want his
mother. But as for birth. He will be born the same time with
Vulamasango’s daughter. The healer. That little girl we’ll
make sure that he takes a safe passage without being drawn
to evil”
“So he will live and be fine?” he nods “Then why are we not
telling my person all this?”
“She cannot know. And you should not tell her. Mabataung
is a white witch, who she is cannot mix with darkness what’s
so ever. If she ever found out she is pregnant, she’ll naturally
react and her perfect nature will clash with your son’s
impure nature. One will die. She might try to kill it if she
found out what she is carrying. She should not find out until
she gives birth”
“I did not expect this moletsane. But why did she think she
lost the baby in the first place?”
“Aragorn disconnected from her when the witches
threatened to kill him alive in her stomach. He was hiding
so they couldn’t find him but Mabataung took it as death.
She felt the disconnection and the fact that she bled she
assumed the worst”
“And I guess that’s why the doctors I took her to confirmed
a miscarriage because he hit himself” he nods “He cannot be
seen by modern doctors can he?”
“He can’t except if the doctor believes in ancestors.”
“Thank you Moletsane. You just made my day. I’m still going
to be a father” Though I’m saying it, deep down I choose to
believe it when I see it.
“Your ancestors still got you back” yeah right!
“Remember to keep her in the dark until she is due, her
pregnancy is difficult to us who see what she is and what
she is carrying. We’ll deal with all the finer details when the
child is born” I offer him a nod too. Standing and shaking
his hand.
“Thank you for everything Molele” he hates the name, as
much as I hate juju or Jumanji
“Oh! o yaphapha now….Mabataung should leave you more
often, you were a sorry bastard when she left and now that
she is back o yaphapha majara. Ke tla mophephetha and
you’ll be sorry…..” (…….Your forward…… forward
majara. I’ll make her leave and………) I’m out of the door
leaving him singing his displeasure. He needs to chill. If my
person ever left me again I wouldn’t survive it this time
She still sleeps. A unique rare beauty my woman is. Lupus
is ravenous of her, I feel him want to burst my veins and get
buried in her pleasure. He and I are at competition and no
one is winning. We both come same score all the damn time.
I fail to hold myself. The urge to just touch her in sleep
overpowers me. I sit beside her and run my hand all over
her, gentle not to wake her. My trunks ache at the touch of
her skin. It sends electrifying current that chokes my dick
up. I want to fuck her so bad while she sleeps. I wish to wake
her with it buried deep in her tight juicy cunt.
“Molapo!” Damn it! Her voice comes still infected in sleep,
her eyes squints of fatigue. I pray she didn’t see that I was
drooling over her in sleep.
“Ngwetsi ya bataung” (Bataung’s daughter in law) she
smiles, rubbing on her face and sitting up straight
“What time is it? You woke before me?” the spaces between
her eyebrows forms cute furrows that draws me in and I find
myself kissing her just there. She giggles and it’s now ironed.
I know she is surprised that I woke before her but it happens
now, I guess my body is starting to react more like normal
mortal human being all because of her.
“Mangcobo I miss you” my dick head pulses at my
confession. I want her. She choose to laugh “Let’s get you
cleaned up and then we are going to our cabin. I want you
to myself. You’ll see everyone tomorrow”
“Molapo no, I can’t just leave”
“You can and we are” I have her in my arms regardless of
her cute fights. She is my little cat this one, and this fights
she is putting up on makes me see her just as my kitten

“Don’t you dare!” I was about to rip her night dress into
pieces and put her in the shower while I nicely take off my
clothing. I place her down and we both undo of our sleep
wear. My eyes voluntarily lands on her stomach but I make
sure to shut the thought. We connect in ways deeper than
human understanding. She might hear my thoughts so I
make sure to just inspect without a thought. She looks
normal. It doesn’t look like there is anything inside her.
In the shower I fight the urge to take her right here right
now. I know I’m going to howl. It’s been quite some time
since I opened my meaty curtains. I need it to happen out in
the jungle.
“Are we taking Tlotla with? Where is she?” she asks dressing
up. I’m a perv. I enjoy the side of her small butt. I make sure
to sit on the bed and enjoy her going up and about in the
room. She is building me up and I’m going to rip her.
“Tlotla is not coming along, everyone is still fussing over her”
I don’t want my daughter to hear our sexual cries
“Why aren’t you getting dressed?” I don’t know what I’m
going to wear that will hide this erection. I wish I can wear
this gown to the cabin.
“Do you have anything in mind I could wear to hide this?” I
open my gown for her to see my struggle. She gapes at me in
shock ‘this man is going to tear me up’ I hear her say in her
mind. That she is right about “Don’t worry, I’ll sex you nice
and slow my person. Easy not to have it bleed” she swallows,
choose to shut me out of her mind
“Wear track pants, vest, trainers and put on a knee length
coat. As long as you make it out of the house without
showing the boner” boner? Really this woman?
“I’m not twelve mangcobo, I don’t have a boner. I have an
erection for my wife” she laughs doing the bed now
“Go get dressed Molapo so we can get the hell out of here
and I can get to work on that erection” well the last part has
me dashing to the closet like lightning. The sooner she works
on it the better “Do we have food in the cabin? I’m quite
famished and I know you’ll not have me waste more time on
breakfast here” she screams while I put on the clothes. She
was right about track pants, they don’t touch my aching dick
so hard.
“Yes my person. There is food. We’ll drive through
somewhere and buy breakfast” I hear a faint ‘okay’ as I
quickly put on my sneakers. I’m aching by now, almost my
every vein in me is throbbing. The animal in me is
threatening. We both crave the taste of that little cunt.

Tshepo practically flew down the road under my command.

As the prince of the kingdom I’m not to be seen driving
unless the matter was quite pressing and I couldn’t get any
of the drivers on time. I don’t know what she ordered. We
drove past spur and she ordered whatever. My mind, body,
soul and Lupus were all aching for her. She was right next
to me but I was deep inside her. I could already imagen the
warmth of her pussy. I haven’t had it in while and the
thought of going to have it when we reach the cabin had me
hauling commands at Tshepo to drive like a maniac.
Thanks to the name tact on my last name he put on some
sirens. Every driver in the Kingdom of Lesotho knows that
when you hear those, you make space and let those of the
high power pass. If only they knew that I was just in hurry
for my wife’s tight cunt they would have laid a complaint.
But no one would dare question a black SUV Mercedes with
the kingdom flag and plates of the royal house.

Tshepo is stealing a glance at us through the rear review

mirror. He feels the sexual tension in this vehicle. I’m
fighting so hard not to jump her right here right now but the
gods are against me. I don’t know what kind of pothole is
that but Tshepo mistakenly bump into it and we collide. My
aching skin touch on the skin I’m craving for so bad to bed
and right there, I lose the sexual battle. I bring her closer to
me and kiss her like the world is coming to an end. For a
minute I try to stop myself, swallow my desire down my
throat and having a chat with Lupus to calm the fuck down.
It doesn’t help that none of us is thinking straight.
But then mangcobo forces her way on my lap. She crawls on
top of me and take me as she wish. Jesus, I don’t think we’re
going to make it. We’re pawing at one another in the
backseat, trying desperately not to fuck while really wanting
to fuck.
“Jesus! You two get a freaking room” Tshepo is not just a
driver, he is my friend and he speak to me anyhow. His gives
me a feeling that he’s been trying to put us in order for quite
some time. Through the ravenous kisses I look out the
window to see we have stopped in front of the cabin.
“Dikgomo” I smirk at him and pull my person out of the car.
He shakes his head.
“My food…” my wife’s voice comes wobbly as I shuffle with
the keys to open
“He’ll bring them” As soon as I shut the doors close behind
us, we are on each other again. We are house on fire,
dangerously burning for each other. Every stop we make to
catch breath has us coming back at each other stronger than
before, more like magnets of the different charges. My lips
are on hers and I’ve got her pinned to the wall. She’s
climbing up my body and our hands are everywhere.
“Molapo take me to the bedroom, I can’t wait any longer” she
groans in my mouth. I don’t think we’ll make it there. I want
her now. I start stripping off her clothes as she rips at mine.
Our lips still colliding with fierce passion is igniting between
us. I want us to take it slow so we savour the moment but
the ache and Lupus refuses, neither does she. She wants it
as bad as I do.
Before I know what’s happening we are on the floor of the
living room utterly naked and grinding on each other. My tail
breaks, I feel it grow out like a snake out of a hole. The wolf
in me is a jealous lover. He wants me to know that she is
both ours. Fur covers my skin, I know I’m building towards
Lupus but I let my face remain as it is. She is my chosen.
The only one Lupus would show before her.
She is beneath me as we continue to ignite the fire between
us. My cock is rock hard and ready to fuck.
“Ready?” I ask as we both gasp for air.
“I was born ready for you Molapo” she says as she strokes
my cock and moves it against her clit.
“Fuck!” I groan and bury my head on her neck. The pleasure
is too epic for me. I take my cock from her warm hold and
direct it into her cunt. I push past her wet lips and sink into
her soft pussy. I watch as my length slowly disappears into
her tight cunt “God!” I moan at the sight, it feels as homely
as it felt the first time I dived into her “Does it hurt?” I ask,
I still have to be a gentlemen, I’m not a man that can easily
be accommodated so I have to make sure my partner feels
what I feel. I look up into her eyes, she is biting on her lips
and shakes her head no. That’s the green light I seek.
I lean down and kiss her softly this time, taking my time as
I slowly sink deeper into her core. The pressure of her tight
cunt is too much. I’m building just at the contact. Her hands
grips my ass and I sink all the way in moving faster than
before. We are cooking a minute noddles here. I grit my teeth
to keep from cumming too soon, but I can’t hold back much
longer. Her hips rock and meet me thrust for thrust
“Oh Lupus!” She moans my animal, driving me straight to
the edge, so I hump her deeper
“Aauuuuuu!” and there it howls, the growl comes deep from
my throat. It’s sensational and fulfilling to be inside her. I
drop my head back on her mouth panting more from Lupus’s
excitement. She receives me with a kiss which starts soft and
sweet but back to ravenous desire in just a matter of
seconds. I can’t stop this need I have for her, and I don’t
want to.
The feel of her tight cunt wrapped around my cock is heaven.
She was created specifically for this cock. Her warmth is
“Baba I’m close” she says, as her pussy clamps on my cock.
Baba I’m close my left foot. Ntate. I manage to pull out and
stare down at her “Molapo what are you doing? Put it back
in” she can barely hold herself
“Ntate” I correct.
“Oh Ntate I’m sorry. Ntate do it” perfect! I sink back in
“Jesus!” she moans allowing it back in. She is pulsating and
gripping me. Probably punishment for pulling out.
“Oh god. Mommy don’t do that please” I say, straining to get
“Baba!” she moans.
“Yes mama, baba” Moshoeshoe is spitting on me wherever
he is but I can’t. I have to let my tribe down. This zulu queen
of mine is giving it too hot to handle. She sneaks up on me,
moves so fast I don’t see it coming. One second I’m on top of
her pounding away and the next she’s on top of me, riding
my dick for the life of it. She bounces up and down, right to
left and dance on it. Fuck I hate woman on top “Lwandle the
gravy is coming” I shut my eyes tight and try to think about
my baby. The image of tlotla should stop this dick from
embarrassing me. I have never cum before a woman until
“Serve it baba” she moans as she grinds her clit down
“Aaaah! Molapo molapo!” she screams out her orgasm which
definitely take her by surprise. She was on a mission but
Lupus and I still won. The feel of her trembling pussy and
warm gravy releases me. I push harder cum deep in her
cunt. The feel of my release inside her sweet little pussy is
like a drug, and I’m instantly a junkie.
“Fuck it lwandle” I groan, looking up at her pussy engulfing
my cock. My tail dies, but it trails a sweet path at the back
of her spinal cot.
“I wanted to undo you today” I could tell, she gives me a
mischievous smile as I sit up so we are face to face. I haven’t
even attempted to pull out. I urge the move once and she
gets me. She starts moving on my cock again. Slowly but
face to face we move again, less rushed this time “Molapo
your still hard” She say between the sweet slow thrust
“He missed you so much mosadi waka” (…….my wife) This
time we make love, we converse through sex “Mme?” I call
out as we continue to enjoy each other body for body
“Ntate” good girl
“Don’t ever leave your man again please” I’m vulnerable
during love making
“I’m yours for the keeps ntate. Always and forever”
“Glad to hear that” I say, standing up and carrying her with
still intact inside of her “Now we are going to make sweet love
in the bedroom”
“Your wife is still very much hungry ntate molapo” she says
when I push the bedroom door open
“One last round” I hope I keep my word. I don’t want to let
go of this warmth.

I don’t know how many times she cried of hunger but I fed
her my gravy instead. Eventually I had to get off her and get
her food before she passed out on me because of all the sex
with an empty stomach. If there is ever a woman who knows
how to faint it has to be her. She is resting on my chest back
in the lounge butt naked after yet another round of sex. I
had to put it back in after eating. I can still go some more
but I have to feel for her, she is exhausted now.

“Mrs. Majara Molapo” a perfect giggle escapes her lips. She

is perfect in every way. She is tiny and fits me like a glove. I
enjoy her naked on me, my hand is dancing up and down
her beautiful toned skin
“Hmmm” she is listening to the beat of my heart, I hope it
matches hers. I’m so in love with my wife I would like to think
that even our hearts are in tune with each other.
“Now that your back and your aware of who I am, I think it’s
time I also make you aware of what is expected of us”
“Us?” she shifts a bit in question to look at me
“Yes Mrs. Molapo. You married a wolf, not just a wolf but a
canis Lupus kind. There are things expected of me. And you
my chosen bride, I should see them through with you by my
side. You’re what’s been missing for me to fulfil my journey
of The House of Wolves”
“Molapo you’re not going to bring another coven of witches
in my life are you?”
“No my person. I would like to think we have dealt with all
the witches but I can’t say I know for a fact that even in
future they will not be there to stir trouble especially with
Aragorn on the…..” fuck I bit my slippery tongue and make
sure to shut down
“Who or what is Aragorn and why are you shutting me out
of your mind?” Sometimes I love the connection I have with
my wife but sometimes it’s just get way too much. Now how
am I supposed to hide this from her?
“I’m not shutting you out of my mind. I just…..rather can I
show you what I’m talking about”
“Okay you can show me” thank god we are out of the Aragorn
“Well I’m going to need you to move this sexy ass off me and
get dressed. I’m taking you somewhere” she grunts a bit, she
loves lying on my chest I have noticed
“Do we have to go now?” she sulks
“Yes Mangcobo. Get off me. The sooner we go, the better” She
doesn’t even as much stir on top of me, she is just as rigid.
Well I guess it’s up to me to make sure that we move. I have
her in my arms as I stand. She giggles in my hold “You can
be such a baby Mabataung”
“Let me be Molapo please, I’m enjoying my husband” and
she has every right to enjoy me as much as she can. I deposit
her on the bed and she laughs when she bounces on top of
the mattress. Once again I enjoy her tiny bare body on my
bed. Her peachy breasts and shaved pussy is just there for
me to see.
All mine to do as I please “Fill the tab with water Molapo and
stop staring at what’s yours”
“I can’t help it mama Tlotla” I put one knee on the bed and
stoop to her legs. I bring them up to spread them. Her tiny
cunt still glisters with our gravy. She so slick and it’s
inviting. It calls me in with the gravy in it. I must have it, I
can’t let all that taste of ours go to waste. She doesn’t fight
me when I deep my head between her legs. She smells of sex.
Of our sex. I don’t know what could be more arousing than
this. I sniff her for a while to satisfy my animal of our sexual
scent. I enjoy her with my finger first, gently greet her
aroused clit with my thumb. I’m not going to make her cum.
I’m going to build her in sexual frustration so she gives up
more and more tonight. When my touch doesn’t satisfy her
she touches my hand, trying to direct my finger in her slick
cunt but I don’t, I frustrate her with my tongue instead. Push
it deep in her tight hole.
“Oh Ntate Molapo!” she moans, sinking deep in the mattress.
My forever ready wife. I spread her wider when she tries to
cage me with her thighs. I feel her walls convulse around my
tongue and withdraw it. She gasp and try to push me back
in “Molapo I was close, please don’t do me like this” I can’t
the help the satisfy smirk creeping me. I want her sexually
needy and frustrated when I fuck her tonight.
“Let me clean you up my baby” she beams, thinking I’m
going to give her, her orgasm. She flexes her hip to meet my
face. I can’t help but grin on her pussy. I let my tongue grow,
release Lupus’ tongue and clean her up. I lap on it and lick
it like the animal I am, cleaning her squeaky clean with just
my tongue. She is trying to push my head deeper and
moaning like an animal to be slaughtered. When I see she is
starting to enjoy my lick more, I grow back my tongue and
get off her pussy, leaving her close to cursing my name
“I love you baby” she doesn’t respond but choose to lie on
bed. She is sulking and sexy as hell. When she sulks and
shouts, it tickles me, her features desert her, she looks more
beautiful when trying to be mean.

I put her on my coat regardless of her sulk. She hasn’t

attempted even a single word as I dress her naked body with
just my coat. I don’t wear anything because I’m taking form.
Instead I take my track pants and fasten them around her
waist. She looks hideous. My big coat on her and my pants
fasten around her. She would make a perfect model for those
ugly big close they wear.
“I hate you and I hope wherever your taking me there will be
no one to see me like this” finally she speaks
“Ride on your wolf mommy and let me take you to our House
of Wolves” she winks when I bend on the wood floor and
release him. It always starts with a stir, I twist my neck first
to prepare my muscles. Animal wave of emotions storms
clouds in me and I swirl to welcome the animal in me. When
the body is ready I take the red eyes my wife loves, I stare
down at her with a fierce look that stamps her to my heart.
I let out a low growl that makes the air vibrate a bit. Claim
my eyes on her and command her to my back. A good girl
she is. She climbs me and wrap around me. I lick her soft
hands clinging on me for dear life before I walk us out of the
house. As soon as we are out of the door, I waste no time. I
blur up in speed into the forest. The hill of The House of
Wolves is quite a distance.

The house is odd. Situated Isolated standing within the deep

dark forest that looks like it’s a home for creatures that are
not meant for human sight. Yes the cabin is also isolated but
this one is beyond isolated. It looks like a home for
something that doesn’t belong within the earth. It looks like
it was never meant for a living being but souls, more like
spirits. Everything is just extraordinary and alone. It doesn’t
look like the type of land human being would habitat. It’s
creepily odd and cold.
There is this sense or some souls I feel like they are watching
us from the gate. He is putting on his pants while I stare at
the creepy mansion. Up above in the sky it stands out.
Looking old but more like vintage old. It looks foreign to the
earth, something that would fit well in the wild dark life if
they ever had their own space. My fellow humans would call
it a haunted house.
“Ready?” his hand holds mine in a warm touch while I stare
up the creepy mansion, it’s huge, cobwebbed and wrinkled.
Yes I’m ready because he is right by my side and I know
nothing will befall me as long as I stand by him “Even if we
are world apart I’ll always protect you mabataung” I award
him a smirk, a man in my heart, mind and soul. He would
fight the gods for my safety. I don’t miss the smirk on his
face, he heard it all “Not just the gods alone, even the all
mighty” a bit dramatic he can be when he likes.
“Molapo why do I feel like we are being watched?” I’m
whispering, I feel like someone can hear just about anything.
There is this shiver claiming my skin, it’s not the cold shiver,
there is no way I would be cold with him by my side. He is a
warm blooded animal, naturally hot even in the coldest
winters because of his double layer of fur. But there is this
fear shiver that is infecting my skin.
“Because we are being watched. He is a cute adorable soul.
He wouldn’t harm you, let’s go” I glare at him, hoping he’ll
say he is kidding but he doesn’t.
“Whose soul is it abuti Majara?”
He heaves a sigh “The keeper’s soul. Let’s get in please.
Everything will be clear once we are inside the yard” once
again I choose to trust a man with supernatural enemies, I
hope this is not another mistake I’m making.
Slowly I make sure to be right by his side though my steps
are quite careful. Even stepping on the slightest leaf I turn
and send my eyes around praying it be nothing. I see it in
the way he looks at me that he thinks I’m over reacting. He
shakes his head before he grabs me in a way I don’t
understand. One minute I was shivering in fear next to him,
the next minute I’m in his arms and he jumps. It all happens
as a blur and in a speed of lightening to me when I see him
place me by the door. I look back at the gate and him in
“How did you do that?” my tone is in disbelief, he jumped
from one place to another and it’s quite a distance from the
“Lupus is strongest in this yards. This is his home” I frown,
expecting him to elaborate but he drops on his knee. Besides
me he picks one large rock that would require an army of
men to pick with just his left hand. His right hand reaches
for a key that looks rusty and quite huge. One of those keys
that opens large foreign doors. He has the key in hand but
he isn’t coming back up.
Oh lord! The squint in his eyes. I just know he is going to do
something that will leave my skin burning of his touch and
craving for more. From my ankle he licks me. The large wide
tongue belong to Lupus I know. He trails a wet path slow
and gentle making my clit vibrate more for his touch. Easily
and gently he leads straight to my bare cookie underneath
his coat. I’m already lost in his touch, I’m holding his head
pushing it to eat me up but he doesn’t, I feel him sniff me
like an animal he is and withdraws. He stands with a smug
grin that frustrates the shit out of me.
“Your pussy smells divine mabataung, do you know what it
smells like?” I hate him, I hate the sexual teasing he is doing
to me. I just stare up at him “It smells like my gravy” fuck
his gravy “Baby you can’t insult your man like this”
“Aargh! Just open the damn door” he laughs, out loud
pulling me under his arm.
“Sorry mommy, I’m going to give it to you nice and slow,
okay” he better.
His left hand focus on the door while his right hand has me
pinned under his large arm. The double door entrance opens
and there, the foreign home comes to view. Everything is
covered in white sheets but because of time and dust it looks
He takes my hand in his and leads me inside the creepy
house. Spiders have sure made a home in this house. There
are cobwebs almost everywhere. Every object looks rusty
and dealt with by time. Time erosion. Time can also erode.
“This is Lupus’ home. His family was born and raised within
this quarters” His voice comes when I least expected, I’m
drawn to the foreign house.
“What do you mean?” I need more clarification.
“This is The House of Wolves. A home to WOLVES OF THE
SOUTH” I still don’t understand him.
I hear him expel a heavy sigh before he pulls one of the
sheets off the couch. The dust that fill the air when he
uncovers the couch has me breathing beneath his coat. The
entrance from the door let us to this lounge, I call it a lounge
because I occupies couches and a fireplace. That’s all that
makes it a lounge. And a huge portrait of wolves with
different eye colours above the fireplace but there is also a
female on the portrait, she looks……I don’t know….like I
have seen her or I know her. The portrait look old but the
female face looks nothing new to my eyes.
He gestures that I sit by his head and I do. I’m glad his coat
on me is quite huge, there is no way my skin is going to
touch on this dusty old couch. It’s still dusty regardless of it
being covered. I watch him parade his sexy body before me.
He is bare chested, only his track pants beneath. He goes to
the fireplace. The fireplace stands alone in a rock wall before
the couches. He presses one rock and a drawer of rock made
structure opens just above the fireplace. If it wasn’t for the
dust still accumulating the air I would have dropped my
jaws. He retrieves one large book from the drawer and comes
back to sit beside me.
“What’s this?” I’m in hurry to know
“This is the WOLVES OF THE SOUTH prophecy book”
“What does a prophecy book mean?” he arms me under his
chest once again and peck on top of my head
“It’s a book that tells the future, based on believes about a
particular matter. This one tells a tale of what is expected of
me and you. The ones they knew would come to life and
resurrect The House of Wolves” he touches it with outmost
tender care, like it would break or something
“This book holds a lot Mangcobo. If I was ever to die, this
book will tell you all you need to know. I need you to value
it. It’s a book of my life and our children’s life. Whatever you
need to know about me as Lupus, it’s all in here” I nod, still
under his chest and watch him carefully page it. I grin at the
first image that shows
“This is Lupus” he doesn’t need to tell. The red eyed wolf I
know very well by now. Though he looks a bit younger on
the image, not what I know him as through my husband
“Yes, he is quite an old wolf, he was still in his gents stage
here” the next page brings a beautiful woman. I don’t know
her but her features are something familiar, though I’m not
sure how. It’s the same woman besides Lupus on the portrait
“This is your great grandmother” I gape at him “Doesn’t she
look like your mother?”
“No she doesn’t. My mother was….i don’t remember her
quite clearly but she wasn’t anything like this. Why do you
say she is my great grandmother?”
“What do you see when you look at this picture?” he asks
“I see a woman I’m a bit familiar with, though I don’t know
where exactly I can say I know her from” he nods
“This is you great grandmother” he repeats “The woman that
raised you was never your mother. She was tasked to protect
you from those who were after your family”
“What are you talking about?” he heaves a sigh
“Let’s not shift the motive of today. I’ll tell you all this after I
have made you aware of why I brought you here. All I need
is for you to listen and pay attention to this moment” I nod,
I know he’ll tell me. He always keeps his promises, especially
with telling me the things I need to know.
“Your great grandmother is the woman that birthed the
hybrid wolves in earth” he pages next but there is no picture,
it’s a written page but he doesn’t read, he tells it like he
knows this from word to word
“This woman slept with a wolf. She was a maid in this house.
Her job was to look after the master of the house who was
Lupus but she ended up looking after him in ways she
wasn’t supposed to. The connection between the two was
impeccable, something they both didn’t understand. They
both enjoyed each other until she fell pregnant a year later.
They both hadn’t thought she would fall pregnant. It took
them both by surprise but it didn’t break them apart. She
deserted going home and gave herself to the master of the
house. She gave birth to a blue eyed Luna wolf as first born.
The wolf was named Wolf Akela….” I interject.
“Abuti Majara my daughter is wolf Akela and she has blue
eyes” he nods “And what’s a Luna wolf?”
“It’s a female Alpha wolf” I nod “The second born she gave
birth to was a black eyed beta wolf named wolf Aragorn” he
“What is a beta wolf?”
“It’s a male wolf that follows the alpha wolf in a hierarchy of
wolf dominance and leadership. Beta wolfs are characterise
by their quiet, loyal instinct. Although not possessing super
natural power like alphas do, Beta’s are very powerful
creatures. They possess all the common physical attributes
inherited in all werewolves and other shapeshifters” my
heart is beating in an abnormal manner, I can’t shake the
feeling that this is the story of my life
“Okay go on” he nods
“After the beta wolf. She gave birth to three green eyed omega
wolves. They were named Adal, Adol and Adul. Three pups
born as a set of wolves”
“What are omega wolves and why are you telling me all this?”
“Omegas are the last of the hierarchy. Just as we phrase
them. The Alpha-The beginning and the Omega-The end. In
dominance hierarchy of wolves we have
The Alphas- most dominant and leaders
The betas- Neutral; and lastly
The omegas- Submissive. And as for telling you this, I’m
telling you this because this is our story. This is what is
expected of me as the Alpha. You’re to birth my pups. Five
of them. Akela, Aragorn, Adal, Adol and Adul. We are the
ones to bring the Wolves of the South into live once again.
“Why me?”
“Mabatang it’s you because you are the last of your kind.
Like the pre Lupus, he could only mate with a pure soul. The
ones called the white witches. Your great grandmother was
one, hence why she could birth for Lupus. I as Majara had
always thought I couldn’t have children until you came
along. The women I have been with weren’t capable of
carrying my seed. It had to be you because you’re what
Lupus connects with. The pure soul”
“Are you saying I’m going to mother all this wolves?” I ask, a
bit terrified of what’s to come out of his mouth
“Yes. And we are going to raise them here. This is supposed
to be their home, their territory, their nest and a place they
call home away from the cruel world that will not understand
who they are. In this house they will be protected by their
gods and the keeper who’s been keeping guard of this house
for ages” I let my heart breathe in slow motion
“Are you telling me this because you’re asking or what?”
“Mangcobo you don’t have much of a choice. You may leave
and deny me this task but you’ll always come back. This is
what your soul was created for” I need time to process all
“And my great grandmother, what happened to her?” I need
him to go back the story
“The prophecy say they lived happily ever after, until the
Rafe came for Lupus”
“What is the Rafe?” I ask
“Council of wolves. The rafe showed up in their house. Lupus
was an Alpha sent to this side of the world to hunt white
witches. He was to capture them and bring them from the
world of normalcy- human world to the dark world-
supernatural world. But he failed. He fell in love with one
and mate with her. It was a sin. His world was scared of what
they birthed. They had to be ended before they could
understand their powers. The actually wanted white witches
because they knew they threatened their generation. They
wanted them to die but they could only kill them in their
world, hence why Lupus was tasked with bringing all the
white witches.
When news broke to those of his world that had sent him on
the mission, they retaliated. They came for him and all he is
got. They killed Lupus and all the little wolves they found in
the house but they made one mistake. The left the human
white witch. The wife. Because in their form in here, they
had no power to kill a white witch, they could only kill them
in their world. And that was their mistake. She locked the
house and left never to come back to this side of the world.
The pain of not being able to tell her family that she had a
family of her own and they were killed got too much for her.
Little by little she died. But before she could give up her soul.
Lupus came to her in her last night. He promised her that
they’ll come back. Their house will rise again. He promised
her that he is not dead, he is building his strength. And
when all is done, the Wolves of the South shall resurrect
stronger than before. They will come back through the
descendant of their bloodline and they shall come back to
wake their house.
“I’m related to the maid?” he nods
“As I’m related to the wolves. My mother is of the wolf
bloodline and it’s where Lupus took refuge, through my
mother’s family tree. He hid in my grandmother, whom I’m
told was cast aside because they thought she was crazy but
little did they know that what lives in her is stronger than
humanity. She had to wait for me to be born so she could
pass on the wolf to me. I don’t know why me either but I’m
told that I had the strength to see the prophecy through. I
was created for this purpose. This is who we are. We are the
Wolves of the South”
“And your both forgetting me” I jumped, feel a shrill of shivers
grow at the nape of my neck when a foreign voice speak from
behind. Molapo held me before I could attempt to escape.
“Molapo…..who…..what’s that” my voice comes trembling in
fear….something just spoke out of no where
“Calm down Mangcobo. That’s the keeper. Sanjoy the hybrid.
I call him Joy. He is just a joyful soul” he places me on his
“I don’t care about a happy soul he is, I don’t want to be
hearing souls speak” he laughs my out burst
“JOY! JOY!” he calls looking around “JOY SHOW YOURSELF
DAMN IT!” the giggle of the soul emerges behind us. I know
for a fact that if he wasn’t holding me I would have fainted.
Annoyed he reaches for something and his hand come out
choking a dark soul that is now apparent floating in the air
“Jujumy…..your….choking me” the soul have hands, though
I cannot see the legs, it’s trying to fight his grip
“You’re scaring my wife. Take form” I’m shaking like a leaf
by now
“Which form?” the soul asks
“Any form, as long as it’s human” he says and release it, from
the air he drops down the floor as… me “Joy you’re going
to annoy me” the woman laughs while I’m still bewildered by
all this and changes into another white man I don’t know.
Abuti Majara shake his head in exhaustion “Baby this is joy.
He can be anything. He is a soul. He is the one that’s been
watching us since we came in here. He will always be in our
house. He is the protector. What we can call a seer of our
house. He is so old he sees into the future, the past and
communicates with forces of this world, dark and pure”
“Abuti Majara I cannot live with a soul” he feel more like a
ghost, a happy one for that matter but I don’t think I’ll be
able to live in here knowing that there is a floating soul in
the air
“Lwandle we have to have him. A royal house cannot stand
without a seer and same as the house of wolves. A house
of wolves should have a keeper. He is the guard. Like a seer.
He can see into the future, the past and the present of the
dark world. A wolf’s house to resurrect needs all form of
deadliest vicious forces to stand”
“I’m sorry but I’ll not live with a soul floating in my house”
he sighs, looks at the so called ‘Joy’ who shrugs “Can he at
least take one form and stop floating around” he nods “Then
he can take your Chinese boy form, he is dead right?”
“And no one knows that he is dead except you and I right?”
he nods
“Then he can be Kung fu” he laughs, looking at the annoyed
white man
“Madam couldn’t you choose someone more elegant
and……” abuti majara interjects him
“You heard my wife. Take Hong Kong form and stop floating
around” the man sighs and changes into a young Chinese
boy that was once fathered by my husband
“Oh boy! How I missed you” I can’t help myself but tickle his
red cheeks. My husband is laughing at how annoyed he
looks “From today going forward we’ll call you Joy joy, mama
and daddy’s joy. No more floating and acting like a ghost” I
love him. At first sight I love the soul. It feels like another
missing puzzle in my life is finally in place

The good thing about being married to a werewolf is that he

is also my mode of transport. He can run from one place to
another in what fills like a shift. I don’t know when we
arrived back in the cabin, the only thing I remember is him
telling Joy to keep up when I rode his back. The next thing
here I am, waking up with his steely member buried deep
inside my core. I feel so delicious, like I have been having
endless orgasms in my sleep. I fight the edge to grip it with
my walls because we feel a bit sticky now. We need to clean
up. I gaze up to the face of the man I love so much. I love
him with all that he comes with and it scares the shit out of
He proves ever day to be much complicated than I thought
but I’m never leaving him. As complicated as he may come,
this man is my ride or die. He says I changed him and I
believe him. He didn’t sleep before I came into his life but
now he can sleep and wake in his own accord.
I fail to control my hand aching to touch on his skin, gently
I run my finger on his slightly parted lips. They feel soft,
tender and all mine….
“Your right about that Mrs. Molapo, they are all yours”
creepy bastard! He is been awake all this time but
pretending to be asleep. He strokes his nose against mine,
giggling me as we sleep face to face. My thigh is on top of his
leg and he is still very much firm inside me.
He takes over the delicious moment and push me beneath
his warm touch. He pins my hands on either sides of my
head. His weight feel perfect on me, heavy but the arousing
kind of heavy. He plants a gentle kiss on my lips as he eases
himself out of me. I long for the feeling just as he breaks our
delicious contact. He took me in my sleep and I felt no damn
thing. But the way I feel so nice, I know he did himself as he
please, I’m used to his big cock by now.
“I have missed this” he breathes, leaking on top of me.
“Me too” I whisper, pecking his lips from beneath. My peck
turn into something, he cups my face and kisses me hard.
An ardent kiss blazing with assurance. He is assuring me of
something through the kiss. He leaves me breathless and
aching for more
“Don’t leave me again” he begs, looking deep into my eyes.
“Molapo I’m never going to leave your side, even after the
things you shown me and made me aware of yesterday” I
inform with a smile. His response is a content smile, relieved
and once again a smile of a normal happy man “Now get off
me, let’s go bath. We stink!”
“And I’m very sensitive to smell but ours… I wish we
could smell like this every damn day” he grins at the horror
on my face, I wouldn’t want to smell like sex for the rest of
my life.
“Move Molapo and stop dreaming” he does, get off me
dashing to the bathroom. He is opening the shower taps, we
usually have to let the water run out for about five minutes
before we actually get hot water because the house is seldom
used. I’m leaking his semen as I stand. I hate the grin on his
face when he comes back. He dodge the pillow I throw at him
“Vaolance Mabataung!” this beautiful bastard.
He throws me a towel and luckily I catch it and wipe myself
up. We remove all the bedding and throw them in the washer
before we step into the shower. It’s sweet and innocent
because he is starving. When I reach for a gown after
lotioning he glares at me. The pervert wolf I married.
“Where is Joy?” I mean I don’t want to be walking around
the room naked with a little boy in the house. A soul I mean.
This one prefers me naked when we are in the cabin so he
can feed his lusting eyes.
“He had to go back for something last night, but he’ll be
back” now I can walk around naked “Let’s go, it’s your turn
to cook me some food, I’m famished” I gape at him as he
giggles dragging me with to the kitchen “Mabataung you
can’t be married and expect your husband to cook for you
all the time” he is the one that got me used to him doing all
the cooking

Abuti Majara and I enjoy breakfast on his wooden table that

fits the cabin furniture like a glove eating noodles stir-fry I
made him. Just fried onions, peppers, bacon, cheese and
noodles of course. One of the easy recipes I learnt while I
was still a scholar. He is a meat man. He had to fry some
wors while I got busy with the main dish. Its past eleven and
we had to make it a brunch instead.
“This was damn good. I didn’t know I would enjoy noodles
until today” he appreciates almost cleaning out his plate. I’m
glad he enjoyed my food. I sit naked a cross him, proud that
I cooked him something he enjoys. This is the first meal I
have made him since we have known each other.
“One good meal doesn’t say you shouldn’t spoil me like you
have though” he laughs, his normal laugh that he doesn’t
give out every day, throwing his head back almost like Peete.
“Now that I know you can put a plate together, baby forget
me cooking everyday” I sulk, pouting my lips and regretting
spoiling him with my cooking skills “Did you learn from your
mother how to cook?” I hate talking about that woman. She
was selfish and I haven’t made peace with how she chose to
leave me orphaned with no one… least now I know she
was never my mother but who was she?
“Not really” I scoff, trying hard to hide the storm brewing in
me at the mention of her “She wasn’t that motherly, I would
say she tolerated me more than love me enough to teach me
things that mothers are supposed to teach their daughters.
I learnt how to cook from my varsity roommate” He gazes
down at me, like he is trying to read something through me.
“Where exactly did you grow up and what were her names?”
He is going to ruin this nice moment with all the talks of that
“I really don’t want to talk about this abuti Majara” I mutter
“My childhood wasn’t very pleasant” I add quietly.
“I know but listen….” His voice is soft, he reaches for my
hand on the table and caress them in assurance “…we have
to know. There are things I have kind of find out about you,
but don’t want to raise your hopes before I make sure of
everything. Hence why I’m asking all this questions. I know
you don’t want to talk about your past that much but please
mosadi waka e motle, can you please this once answer my
questions?” (…… beautiful wife,……) Sigh! I heave a sigh
nodding my head.
This is one of the things that made Peete and I fight the most,
he battled with making me open up and in guess maybe
that’s why he also never opened up to me about who he
really was
“Okay, I’ll try” I shrug
“Where are you from and what was your mother’s name?”
His tone is a bit edgy, like he already knows
“I’m from Evander Mpumalanga. That’s where I grew up and
I never visited any relative if she had one. I remember that
place only as home and her name was Phindile Ngcobo” he
nods though I’m startled by his wary expression
“Phindile Ngcobo” He repeats the name in a low whisper like
he is trying to save it for something or remember something.
His eyes glow with emotions I can’t describe “And you never
knew your father?” I nod again to his question.
“It was just the two of us hence why I don’t understand why
she took her own life like that” he nods.
“Have you seen Mam Jabu?”
“Who is mam Jabu?” I ask back with a frown I can’t contain.
“Vulamasango’s Joburg uncle wife” Oh that one.
“Yeah I have, why do you ask of her?” he sighs.
“Like I said, I don’t want to raise your hopes but……I caught
her staring at you couple of times during Tlotla and
Mkhonto’s ceremony. I wasn’t the only one who caught her.
There was a time when she cried from the corners staring at
you. And it’s safe to say you both have some similar features”
what’s he trying to say? My heart rate spikes “What I’m
saying it that there is a possibility that you two might be
“My mother said she was born alone and both her parents
are dead” he nods
“I hear that. But now we know she wasn’t your mother. She
was just someone raising you” I’m going to lose my mind
“I would really like to look into this. Even if she might not be
related to you, I think she might know your parents” wow!
This I didn’t expect and I don’t know how I feel about it
“You’re comfortable with me trying to help you find your
people right?” I nod, I have nothing except Tlotla, him and
his family
“If I may ask?” I whisper “Why is it so important for you to
do this?” His brow creases
“Mangcobo I love you and I would like you to know who you
really are but mostly I’m doing this because I need to
complete all the necessary ceremonies to make you
completely mine. My ancestors knows you because they
choose you for me but we haven’t completed the traditional
ceremonies to your side of the family because we have no
one to go to. I haven’t even paid mahadi for you. We need
this baby” (……bridal price……) I haven’t thought that far
“Okay, I hear you. And I bet my ancestors will be mad at you
that you married me sneakily”
He smiles “I know but them being mad at me, wouldn’t have
stopped me”
“Oh! Corky bastard aren’t we?”
He narrows his eyes “Watseba ka sesotho re shapa mosadi
kang?” (Do you know how we punish our women in Sotho?)
“But I did nothing, why would I need punishing?”
“Oh Mangcobo you don’t call me a cocky bastard and get
away with it” He says each word slowly, looking deep in my
pupil trying to wake something. Fuck! Desire. He can arouse
me with just a look.
He pushes his chair hard standing, his steely member
curved in a C shape. FUCK! My breathing spikes in desire,
glaring right at his member. He strokes it before my eyes and
I have to lick my lips to wet them from the sudden dryness.
Just as I enjoy the show he move to the fridge, still stroking
his member and it’s where my eyes stay. He opens the fridge
with his free hand and take out a tab of yoghurt. Move back
to the table where he grabs a spoon. He marries his eyes into
mine, his eyes are hooded and his lower lip is trapped
between his teeth. Oh, that lip. I wish to be between his
teeth. I feel winded with desire, weak and famished for his
touch through my veins.
“Let’s go get you cooled down” he whispers “You look
suddenly hot. Come.” He holds out his hand and I place
mine in his. The road leads back to the bedroom. I feel
slippery between my thighs though he hasn’t done anything
In the bedroom he places the yoghurt on the pedestal, pulls
another fluffy blanket from the drawer to dress the naked
“Your ogling” he say, preparing he bed only for us to mess it
“You fascinate me”
He smirks, the horny smirk coming for my waist “And I
would like to mess with you my wife once again” my body
reacts to his touch and horny voice, I feel myself convulse “I
seek permission to tie you up”
I…I blink a bit, I hadn’t expected that “Oh, Okay” I whisper
“Only your hands”
“Okay” I whisper again, already dying in anticipation. I
hadn’t noticed the shoe lace on the bed until he frees me off
his touch and pick the lace
“Give me your wrist” I hold them out and he fastens them “If
I get too much tell me okay” I nod, paralyzed under his expert
touch. His warm palm cups my face, looking at me like I’m
made of pure gold. His touch pulls deep in my groin.
Bending, he devours my lips briefly.
“Lie on the bed facing up” he murmurs, close to my face with
his now hooded eyes. I take the bed as told, face up and feel
my body growing big in anticipation. He stands by the bed
gazing down at me naked tight to my front.
“Mosadi you have a beautiful tiny body that I can’t get
enough of” (Woman……) he says and join on the bed with a
crawl. He straddles me picking my tight wrist.
“I need this arms here” he pushes my arms above my head
and I let him be. He fastens the loose ends of the lace to the
metal bars of the bed. When he is sure I have no way to run,
he smirks, smirk down at me enjoying me tight on his bed.
“Our bed lwandle” urgh! He climbs off me and stand
gloriously naked besides the bed. I don’t know how but he
stares at me, like he is studying me. I feel his eyes infect me
with each gaze they offer my body, sucking me off the need
to have him. I feel suddenly dry of his touch and I have no
choice but to drink him in with my eyes too to quench my
sudden thirst for his touch. He is beyond perfect. His broad
muscular shoulders, eight pack and the inverted triangle
leading to his southward region that hold the C shape steely
member I’m aching for the most
“Glad we are on the same page baby” He strolls to the end of
the bed when he is satisfied of feeding his lusting gaze my
body. He grasps my ankles, pulling me closer to him so my
arms remain stretched out from above “Now you are ready”
he mutters.

Climbing the bed smoothly again to straddle me. He picks

the yoghurt on the pedestal. Gently and tenderly he peels off
the lid of the tub and dips the spoon in “I hope you like the
plain yoghurt mangcobo” I don’t but the way he asks and
moan as he scoops a spoon full in to his mouth I have no
choice but to nod that I do
“Delicious” he moans, licking his lips “Wanna taste?” he
looks so freaking delicious, I want to taste him. I nod, though
I would have preferred to tell him that I want him instead
but my voice is so infected with desire it’s hard to even utter
a damn word. He scoops another spoonful and feeds me.
“Hmm… taste like your cum” his jaws drop, horrified as I
giggle beneath him
“Well let me shut this big mouth” he teases, taking another
spoonful and cleaning the base only. He looks into my eyes
as he places the metal part of the spoon on top of my chest.
My breath hitches. I watch my chest expand and contract
longer than necessary at the cold object running shivers all
over my skin. He pours the yoghurt right on my chest when
my breathe start to catch.
He stoops to my chest and seductively licks it off. My body
is yet again ignited with foreign feeling of his touch. I crave
for him more. The longing is going to be my undoing “It
tastes fucking priceless on you Mrs. Molapo”
“Aaah abuti Majara!” I moan, pulling against my restraints
as he sucks right on top of my chest with his tongue. I’m
burning with desire, it’s consuming me.
“Ease baby, ease” he admonishes, wanting me to keep still
as he pours me more with yoghurt, now on my breasts. Each
hardening more at the cold metal that touch on the nipples
before he spreads the yoghurt all over them.
“Baby it’s deliciously cold” I inform in a moan
“Let daddy warm it up baby” he bends to lick and suck the
yoghurt off my nipples. His hot mouth tortures me in a way
that is so so sweet. Taking his time with each nipple. I’m
panting with need with each slow lick and suck. When I can’t
take more of the torture, his tongue trails up to my mouth
taking me for as erotic kiss that takes all my breath away.
He abruptly stops suddenly. Gaze down at me as I pant with
need. He lowers himself a bit lower, scoop another spoonful
and pour right on top of my sex.
“Holy fuck!” I squirm, of the cold and hot tantalizing cream
on top of my sex. He spreads it further with the back of the
cold metal spoon, smearing it as he likes, my folds, my
clitoris. Oh the touch of the cold object and cream has me
crying “Baby!!” I try to flex my hips up to engulf the spoon
but he doesn’t let me
“I know my person” he breathes, right on top of my sex. His
tongue cleans the front row first, lapping and sucking the
cream away as he gets deep in. He builds me more as he
cleans my fold, my clit and then he is in my cunt,
accompanying his tongue on my clit with his finger. He slips
one finger inside me, then another and he moves them slowly
in and out
“Right here mme” he murmurs, rhythmically stroking my
cunt while he licks and sucks my clit. He is teasing right on
my g spot.
“Aaaaaaaa!” fuck! I let go, unexpectedly erupt into tiny
pieces of an orgasm right on his face. It traps all my senses
and leave me numb with sensation. My body continue to
tremble and convulses as he continues to do me regardless
of my triumph. He stops after drinking all my cum. Hovers
over me and in the first attempt he is deep inside me, hard
and fast.
“Oh Mangcobo!” He groans as he slams into me, it’s a strange
arousing feeling how I want to hold him but I can’t it builds
the sensation more. I’m enjoying his quick deep strokes
when he pulls out suddenly and turn me on the bed. I’m on
my knees in a second and he pushes back inside me once
more. He undoes my restraints and push my chest deep into
the mattress. Taking it from behind.
His one hand move beneath me to play my breast while his
other and grasp my waist bringing me closer to his relentless
thrusts. I groan, grabbing the blanket for dear life. He leaves
my breasts for my clit as he flexes his hips, deliciously deep,
filling me again and again
“WOMAN!” he moans against my ear as he takes me like a
dog “Open this cunt up lwandle” it’s open, wide open but he
is releasing and he wants more. He pulls out suddenly. Tab
his dick on my butt and pushes deep and hard in way I didn’t
expect. It builds me again in an instant that I cry out. And
he builds us together, deep and higher and higher. I feel the
familiar quickening deep inside. Fuck again! I am just a
sensation of his touch. He does me like only he can
“Give it to me baby” he growls through gritted teeth as my
walls start to spams around his cock, like I had been waiting
for his voice, I let go. We release together, cursing as we juice
each other until we have nothing to left but only deep
“O monate mme autlwa?” (Your delicious woman, you hear
me?) I flush, beneath him as he pulls out of me and turn me
to his face
“Nawe umnandi sthandwa sami” (Your also delicious my
love) I meet his face on top of me and kiss him gently. He
smiles and reaches for my face cupping it within both his
“The love I have for you scares the shit out of me Lwandle”
He confesses
“I’m also scared but I know you’ll never hurt me
intentionally” that has him smiling. He pulls my bottom lip
through his teeth before he ask
“How about round two?” this cabin should be our fuck

The honey moon is over. Back to reality. Back to apologising

and earning people’s trust back because regardless of them
being nice to me, I still feel I owe them an apology. We are
back at the palace and I have to face my demons. I haven’t
apologised to the women who have been nothing but nice to
me. I know I let them down even though they haven’t said a
damn thing. But I know I must make things right.
We walk into a family lunch. The old men are not here
though, it’s just Mabereng, Mamajara, Ora, Say, Puso and
the babies. Seeiso has Tlotla on his lap, he is feeding her
while he eat too but all comes to a hold when he sees us. I
don’t miss the smirk on his face. I wish he could die for just
a day. His gaze alone study us, it’s like we are suddenly an
equation he is trying to solve, especially me. His eyes are
trying to find something, I don’t know if I give myself away
but I try to pull Abuti Majara’s jacket I’m wearing to hide the
bruises of the shoe lace left on my wrist from yesterday
episode of sex. I think he sees it because he winks at me.
“Famili” Abuti Majara greets, he is greeting for the both of
us, I don’t have to greet too. He pulls me a chair next to him
while they all respond to his greeting.
“And the lovers are back, how was the sex guys?” cutleries
drop in shock, jaws move as people try to find proper words
to put him in order but all fail “How I miss sex, I’m back to
nutting in my hand, its not nice trying to be a decent man
for my virgin girlfriend. Jumanji please tell me is it okay if I
make a virgin suck my dick?”
“SEEISO!” Mamajara is the one to call him in order, he
receives the admonish with an eye roll, he thinks we are
“Shisho!” that’s tlotla on his lap.
“Yes my baby” he is looking down at her.
“Uzo” (Food) Seeiso smiles and feeds her, he is the one who
hears most of the things Tlotla say. Peete on the other hand
is…….he doesn’t struggle like Tlotla speaking, maybe it’s
because he is a bit older than her but my daughter is worse.
If it was just us I wouldn’t have known what ‘Uzo’ meant
“Eat my baby, this people are too dramatic, I don’t know
what is so scary about sex talk on the lunch table” he talks
to Tlotla.
“Seeiso I’m going to cut that stupid tongue, if you keep telling
my daughter kak” my wolf threatens dishing for me. Puso is
laughing in a way not to be seen with peete on his lap. The
improper Seeiso is whispering in Tlotla’s ears talking
nonsense with my daughter on his lap. He hums stealing
glances at me as he feeds Tlotla and eat.
“Mabataung what happened to your wrists?” fuck! I have
nothing to cover them with, Molapo took off the jacket when
I sat down, now I’m totally exposed and if I pull them under
the table it will raise suspicions. I expected this kind of
question from Seeiso, not Ora. Her question infect me with
attention once again. The man who bruised my wrist is
drawn to his plate, now it’s all up to me. How old is Ora? She
is Seeiso’s age, she is supposed to know this things or she is
putting me in the centre of attention on purpose like her
“That’s why I asked about the sex. I saw her wrist from when
they walked in. It is what is called BDSM” the happy
information comes from Seeiso. Abuti Majara and Puso are
dead in giggles.
“Is it a sickness of some sort?” the question comes from
Mamajara, I wish to disappear the scene.
“No, it is an abbreviation for Bondage, dominance,
submission and masochism in sexual practices. It’s just a
word used to describe kinky intercourse” then it’s tense
again, I’m glad the old men are not on the table.
“That still doesn’t explain why her wrist are bruised” I need
“Well I would say she was tight to the ceiling while
“I’ll snap your neck Seeiso if you dare say the word” abuti
majara threatens him before he even finishes. He and Ora
fist bump dead in laughter. I hate them.
I follow the women to their secret chambers. A small room
in the house where they hide booze and drink in peace.
Especially my champagne mother in law. It’s a small lounge
of some sort though quite small and closed. It’s the four of
us. Mamajara, mabereng, Mapeete and I. Mapeete and
mamajara are on champagne glasses. Mabereng and I
resorts to coffee. We watch the huge plasma before us
playing some Nigerian movie. This is a perfect moment to
apologise I take.
“Mme, mama and vio I would like to talk to you all” I start
and take the remote to pause the movie. I have the attention
I need now. I heave a sigh first to gather myself
“Mme, mama, vio I would like to apologise. From the bottom
of my heart I’m sorry for leaving the family like that. I didn’t
know how to handle the issue of losing my child and I put
the blame on abuti majara, that’s why I left. I couldn’t stand
him and I blamed him…..which was wrong of me. I shouldn’t
have left him. I should have came to you all like you told me
to run to you when it gets tough and too much to handle
him” my mother in law is brushing on my arm next to me
“Lwandle Majara is a difficult man, with a difficult past. No
one is holding a grudge against you. You were hurting and
you needed time out. I think we all understand because we
can only imagen the things you see because of your
husband. Don’t be so hard on yourself. We are not mad and
we were never mad. Okay?” Mabereng, I nod. Feeling like a
load has been lifted off my shoulder.
“But it’s not fair mme don’t you think?” Mapeete “You all told
me that when I marry in to this family there is no leaving,
I’m in it for life. But lwandle can just take breaks whenever
she wants?”
“Mapeete Mabataung is not married to Puso or Seeiso. I
think by now as part of this family you know what Majara
is. This woman put up with a man with two personalities
each and every passing day. Each personality my son has;
has its own difficulties she needs to face. We understand her
struggle hence why no one in this room will crucify her for
leaving. Even if she leaves again and again, she is allowed
to. She deals with a lot and she’ll need time to herself every
now and then” Mamajara
“I hear you mama but nna I personally don’t like women who
don’t stand their grounds, especially someone who is
married to a strong man like abuti majara but it’s fine if you
all don’t see anything wrong with her being so weak” Violet
was named mapeete when they got married. I hate that name
on her. It was my husband’s name and she doesn’t seem to
like me much. I think she tolerates me more than like me.
“Mabataung Ora is got a boyfriend” That’s my mother in law
changing the subject but wait…Ora? Ora is a shy character.
She talks but she is very reserved. The only time you would
catch her talking her lungs out is when she is with Seeiso.
“Ora…..Oratuwe Molapo mme?” I have to be sure, that girl
could be a 24 year old virgin
“The one and only. I know she is going to talk to you. She is
shy about it but please when she tells you encourage her
tuuu” we laugh “I was starting to worry about that child, I
thought she was lesbian” Mamajara is dramatic
“Mme what makes you think she’ll talk to me?”
“Ora likes you. She sees a sister in you and believe me when
I say she is going to talk to you. All the children of this house
say you’re easy to talk to” Mamajara
“Yet she is the one to skip the country back to her home
country when things gets too much” Mapeete, that’s a jab
but I’ll let it slide. I’ll talk to her when we are alone if she still
choose to be a bitch with me, I’ll serve her my bitch side too.
I’m woken by cold hands touching on me. I don’t know what
time it is but it’s very late for sure. When we had dinner all
the men of the house were now absent and we all retired to
our chambers after ten, which was already late as it is.
“I thought you are a warm blooded mammal” I tease,
snuggling closer to him to transfer my heat.
“I am but I do get cold too once in a while, what the hell is
this mangcobo?” I’m glad I’m facing away from him, I roll my
eyes until they almost hurt
“One day those eyes will burst and you’ll be left with just
holes for eyes” he is taking my nightdress off. I weigh a paper
for him. He lifts me a bit and pulls my sleep garment off. Now
I’m left with my undies which he rips on both side of my
waist and pull them out like a diaper
“You know that we join bed in birthday suit in my house”
“Is this why mamajara took Tlotla?” Tlotla is not my child
when I’m here, she is everywhere with everyone but me.
“My mother understand that I have been starved for quite a
long and now it’s time for me to kill…..bula hanyane mme”
(…….open a bit mommy) he is already picking my thigh and
pushing his steely member tip right on my opening. He
makes sure to make it comfortable in my folds and then
cuddle me. It’s where it should sleep, he says. In my next life
I’m never marrying a wolf “Mme I’ll follow you even in your
next life” I giggle but I feel him tense behind me. He breathes
deep that I hear it loud.
“What’s wrong Molapo?” I ask.
Another sigh he heaves “Tomorrow we are going to
Mpumalanga” what? I try to turn so I look at him but he
clasps me with his firm skilful arms. I have nowhere to turn
expect to look at the wall where I had been staring at.
“What’s in Mpumalanga abuti majara, what are we doing
“We are going to find your family. Mam Jabu is your aunt”
“WHAT?” this time he lets me face him with……I’m not angry
but….fuck! I’m angry and shocked “What do you mean she
is my aunt? I thought we were just suspicious” he can’t drop
this kind of bombshell on me
“It’s confirmed. Vulamasango ran the tests when we went to
bury his sister. I just needed her to admit that you’re both
related before I ran this past you and she did and she is
willing to talk. Though she asked that we meet in
Mpumalanga, your home where you grew up”
“Do I even have a choice in all this? Molapo I just got back
home to you. You’re my home, I don’t need any other home.
Can we please let this go?”
He huffs, pulling me back inside the blankets. I was now
fuming seated on the bed “Lwandle!” I swallow, it’s the way
he says my name when he wants to stress something. I’m
now back in his arms but face to face this time around.
“We are going to Mpumalanga” it’s final, his tone alone
comes dead. He picks my leg to his waist, put his steely
member back in its home. This time he pushes a bit
“Abuti majara not tonight please” I’m not in the mood. The
news of going back there doesn’t sit well with me
“I’m not going to fuck, I just want to…..aaah!” he moans,
doing whatever he is doing in my opening. He is pushing only
the C of his dick in. It hooks my cunt. We become
intertwined in a delicious manner as we sleep “I love you” he
confesses on top of my head, I’m enjoy our connection so
much I wish he would move.
“Molapo do we really have to go?” I still I have hope to
convince him otherwise
“Mangcobo we are married but I haven’t paid mahadi, what
does that say about me? Please let me do what is right. We
have to find someone and you have an aunt that is willing to
talk” (……bridal price……….)
“Is she really my aunt?” I don’t see him but I feel him nod on
top of my head “Then why didn’t she say something when
she first saw me?”
“I don’t know mosadi waka but will find out tomorrow”
(……….my wife……….) I don’t want to go back there, I left
that place because it died when my mother took her own life
in a selfish manner leaving me orphaned
“I’m not going. I don’t want to hear what she say and why
does she want us to meet there? I’m not going” he pushes it
and I lose my almost battle “Molapooo!” I moan unintended
“Hanyane my person” (Just a little……..) he moves, gentle
and with ease stimulating us. Fuck! I open wider and he gets
the message. His hovers over me and thrust deeper pinning
me to the bed “This little cunt is going to be the death of me”
he breathes, dying on top of me as he starts to make love to

Sometimes we leave things behind for a purpose. We leave

them and bury them where they are because we don’t want
to carry them into our future. It’s the things that hurt us the
most that we tend to kill in our lives no matter how present
and alive they’ll forever remain. It’s the things that ache the
most that we turn our backs on and never look back no
matter what. I never knew what home felt like around this
quarters. I wasn’t abused or anything but for almost the life
I spend here I felt like my own mother was a stranger to me.
I never knew what love of a mother felt like. She was just a
person raising me, that’s why it was so easy to bury her and
never look back. Sometimes I think my small room in varsity
was much of a home than this yard. I felt much alive outside
this home.
I hate that I was woken at wee hours of the morning and
dragged here against my wishes. The hate I have for this
place is still the same. I feel nothing. This home died with its
owner. I created my own home on my own where I had people
who loved me.
But now I’m married to a royal man. As much as he is a wolf,
he’ll never under look his royal side. He is both and he
embraces both his roles. The royal side of him requires him
to pay lobola. If it was up to me he would give me the money
and I would spend it as I please. This is what brought him
to dig into my past.
All the men came along. One thing I love about my now
family is how they come through. This is what they were
discussing when he came to bed late at night yesterday. I’m
the only woman accompanied by four men. We are inside the
Lincoln navigator SUV seven seater. Seeiso was the driver
with Puso by his side. Ntate bereng and Ntate Tladi took the
seat behind them. My wolf and I were squashed at the back
and he was naughty as always.
The man doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself, and
my body always betrays me, it knows his touch like it’s part
of us. Seeiso caught him trying to steal a few kisses coupled
times from the rear review mirror. I know he made a mental
note to that, he is going to bring it up when we least expect
Driving into the yard we are welcomed by a beautiful black
BMWX7. I wonder who it belongs to because there is no way
my dead mother would own such luxury. The yard and the
four roomed RDP house still looks the same. Like I left it
about a decade and couple of years ago. Time has destroyed
it but it was never a beautiful home. Now that we are here
my heart is beating at an abnormal rate.
“Mabataung o right ngwanaka?” (………are you okay my
baby?) Ntate Bereng my father in law turns to ask as Seeiso
kills the engine. I’m fine but I don’t have the strength to
speak right now. My emotions are all over the place. I nod
with a smile to ease him and one by one they step out of the
car “We’ll give you space” I nod again to him before he joins
the others outside.
“You okay my baby” I have to smile because of how he asked.
He has a sweet tender side that only I take advantage of.
“I’m fine because you’re here” I clasp my hand in his and he
brings my knuckle for a peck to his soft lips “Kiss me please”
I’m jealous of my hand, I catch his grin before he complies.
In a second we are breathe for breathe. He is kissing me in
a way that assures me that he is here, that we are one. He
doesn’t let it get out of hand. He stops it and pecks my nose.
“Let’s just do this so my family and I can pay our debts owed
to your family okay” I nod “You ready?” I nod again
“Mangcobo I’m going to need you to say it”
“I’m okay Molapo. Let’s go please” only then he helps me out
and we join the others outside.

From the door that used to be my home comes an old

woman. I don’t recognise her from a distance but it seems
like she recognises me. She is coming straight to me in a
hurry that doesn’t match her, she looks like she should be
using a walking stick but her legs says otherwise. In a
minute I’m in her arms. She embraces me in a tight hug.
Scans me from head to toe when she frees me from her
“Lwandle?” Oh my god! Her voice. This is mom Sylvia. My
mother’s best friend then. Gosh she is not old, she is
just…time has dealt with her. Time and life. Those two
factors can make one appear older than they really are.
“Mam Sylvia?” I’m shocked as she is.
“What ever happened to you child? We thought you died,
some said you went overseas, some said you’re a
prostitute…” Of course Seeiso would burst at that, he
doesn’t even contain himself when we glare at him “There
was just a lot of stories about you lwandle, what happened?”
“Oh mam Sylvia” this time I’m the one to embrace her, I
didn’t know I missed her until this moment “Where is Soso?”
she laughs, soso is her daughter. She and I were friends
growing up.
“She is a mother now and would kill you if you called her
that, she is at work. I’m glad you are well my child” I nod
with a smile “Let me not keep you” she steps out of the way
gesturing that we should go ahead.
Molapo has my hand in his warm touch when we follow
behind the others. He keep squeezing it in assurance.
Entering the house we are welcomed by life erosion.
Everything is faded……the cupboards, the kitchen unit, the
stove….everything but the nervous woman on the table
sitting next to bab Kubeka looks almost like Phindile now
that she is inside this house. I have never really taken time
to look at her but now that she inside this house, I do. The
resemblances that I hadn’t noticed is there. I hate that she
is already grating onions when no one is said a damn word.
I let the man exchange pleasantries while my eyes remain on
her. It’s her, bab Kay and bab Zwe in the house, this are her
in laws and if she is to come clean I would have preferred
she brings her real family. My family as the results say.
“Ausi lwa!” I’m snapped back to reality by seeiso showing me
to sit on a crate. There are no chairs. Embarrassing I know
but he is a kind soul, he had a brief chat with mam Sylvia
when we got in here and quickly left with her. I guess he was
going to find things to sit.
Now that we are seated my eyes are yet again at the crying
woman, I hate her. If she really is my aunt, I hate her more
than the word hate.
“SEEISO!!!” he is snapped at, I have to look at what he is
done and stop staring at the woman because he is forever in
trouble “SIT!” it’s an order from his father, he was on his way
to the door with his phone clutched in his hand “This young
ones don’t want to learn a damn thing, sit down wena!” Ntate
“But tyma I was going to buy you all something to drink”
“Seeiso sit down!” this time ntate bereng’s tone is too stern.
Seeiso expels an exhausted sigh before he comes for me. I
frown staring up at him first when he stand by my side and
shove his phone in his pants. In a blink he picks me and
settles me on his lap. I expect abuti Majara to call him in
order but it doesn’t look like it. They are all now face to face
on the table waiting for the talks to be initiated. Sigh! This
is what happens when you’re just too tiny and too portable.
“Bontate, now that we are here. I think we should start”
(Gentlemen….) Ntate bereng initiates and he receives
multiple head nods. The one I’m sitting on retrieves his
phone out and display it under the table. His on a chat with
‘Mamolapo’ I hope that is Khwezi.
“As we are all aware in here that DNA test were conducted
between Mabataung and Mme Jabulile and they came back
proving that they are related. Mme Jabu you assented that
this information was correct and that she is an aunt to
Mabataung. She asked that we meet here so she can clarify
some things. As per your request, we are here mme and we’d
appreciate to hear what you have to say” she is crying, I’m
not even moved by her tears because I don’t understand why
she is crying. Bab Kubeka is brushing her back tenderly
trying to help her control the river flowing on her face.
“Yebo ntate morena….thank you” she manage, taking a deep
breath to control her voice “Lwandle is my sister’s daughter”
this time I focus, I glare at her not to miss a damn thing. She
swallows when our eyes lock but she doesn’t keep my stare
“My sister Nomalanga Ngcobo had lwandle and gave her to
our cousin Phindile Ngcobo to raise her” I’m trying to place
my emotions. I’m not moved as yet “My sister was a
gifted……” my heart doesn’t receive the past tense used in
the so called my mother well
“Was….is she dead?” I interject, not certain how I’ll feel
about her being dead
She nods sniffing “She died after…..our father killed her
after she gave birth to you” horrified gasps fills the room,
Seeiso drops his phone under the table in shock. In utter
bewilderment we stare at mam Jabu “He killed her and gave
you up to our cousin to raise you as her own”
“Why would a father do that to his own child?” the question
comes from Seeiso, now his as invested as everyone else
“He did everything he did to protect our family-to protect
you” she defends, looking at me. I don’t vocally question
more but I give her the look to continue spitting nonsense
and luckily she reads me so well “You were defined an
abomination at birth, a product of my sister and her
initiation teacher”
“Ngaka?” (A healer?) The interruption comes from my
Mam jabu nods again before she continues “Nomalanga was
gifted. She was a special child when we grew up. She could
see things that were beyond the eye. My parents figured she
had a sangoma gift as years went by. She would have
seizures and sometimes speak alone. She would see things
we couldn’t see and sleep walk alone at night. Most times we
used to find her sleeping by the river every morning. It was
concluded that she is has to go for initiation in that river
that she always sleep walked to. A ceremony was performed
and she was accompanied to the river. We spent an entire
year at home without seeing her”
She heaves a sigh, sipping her water from the metal cup
placed before her on the table “When she eventually came
out, a year later. She was heavily pregnant. She wouldn’t say
who or how she got pregnant because this whole time she
was in initiation. She kept to herself until a week later when
she gave birth. In labour pains, she asked our father to
protect you. Move you far away from our village. She asked
that our father kill her immediately after giving birth.
Apparently her healer baby daddy saw you gift. You are the
last white witch in our family. The purest of them all. Your
father, the healer wanted to take that away from you. He
wanted to take you gift and do as he please with it. So in
order to protect you, Nomalanga had to die. The man turned
her into a plastic. Something he could summon over with
wind and would sing like a bird. But that night she gave
birth. She left her pure child and her honest truth to us. Her
only ask was that she be killed immediately after birth
because the man would find you through her and that you
be moved far from our village”
“She gave her own life to protect her child?” Puso asks.
“Yes. My father gave her to Phindile because she was a
distant cousin that we hardly saw. He bought her this house
and asked his healer to protect it from any forces of this
world who may be after your gift too” gift? Everyone keeps
saying I’m gifted yet I don’t know how?
“What exactly is this gift?” I’m loving Seeiso so much right
now “I’m sorry but mosadi wa abuti waka but I don’t think
you can even play netball” (……… brother’s wife……)
laughs, light laughs and chuckles lift the heavy room
“Seeiso some gift are not talents gift. Some gifts are
emotional, spiritual…even sometimes a presence can be a
gift. There are people who would walk in a room without
uttering even a single word but the whole room would fill a
shift. That’s presence. The people that have power beyond
humanity understanding” Ntate Tlali
“Have you ever wondered why you never struggled in your
life?” the question comes from mam Jabu, I frown at her
because she doesn’t know my life “Have you ever failed?” I
shake my head no “Have you ever in pain, life pains, like
things are not going as you had wished?” to be honest my
life has always been smooth. I passed my matric with flying
colours, went to varsity with a bursary I don’t know when I
applied for. Thrived my varsity life and met my late love
Peete……honestly speaking the only time I ever felt life was
dealing with me was when I lost Peete “You have always been
protected by your gift. You were never going to suffer with
the light that shines upon you. The only time you were said
to feel life for what it was, was when you meet the one you
were meant for” indeed abuti majara came into my life and I
started seeing the flames that everyone was always talking
“Why did she kill herself?” I’m asking of Phindile
“I don’t know, I wasn’t here. Maybe this got too much for her.
Putting her life on hold living to raise you…..i don’t know. All
I know is that our fathers agreed that it be her who raise
“She wasn’t a Ngcobo” Uncle Zwe speaks for the first time
“To protect her she wasn’t supposed to be under the
Ngcobo’s care. Phindile was a bastard child your uncle’s wife
had outside marriage, that’s why it was easy for them to ship
her off with a child to start somewhere” makes sense.
“Why are you telling me this now? Why didn’t you confess
when you first saw me?” I ask.
“I was scared. I buried my father last month and when I told
him I saw you before he died, he asked that I tell you the
truth. Though it should be in this house because this house
is protected from ears that might want to know of your
I nod in understanding standing off Seeiso’s lap. I hold out
my hand for my husband “Thank you for the information,
Molapo let’s go”
“Mabata…..” I interject. I need out of here. I need to think
and digest all this.
“Now abuti majara”
He sighs receiving my hand. Right now I don’t know what to
say. I need my time alone.

My miracle baby. I wonder if he knows how much he means

to me. A pure soul born with so much. A pure soul with
inherited enemies. A pure soul that is expected to take his
father’s place should anything happen to him. My poor baby
boy. It’s still a bit unbelievable that I have this perfect picture
in my arms. It’s hard to believe that I was still pregnant all
this time when I thought I lost him. My miracle baby boy.
Lerotholi Molapo.
It still feels surreal that I’m carrying him in my arms. I still
find it hard to believe that I carried him full nine months in
my womb without knowing. But my doubts are cemented by
this huge boy in my arms. I love how he stares right in my
arms. I feel the connection between us with the way he hold
my stare at such tender age. I never had this kind of
connection with Tlotla. With Leroy it’s different. I feel like his
soul depend on me. Like he’d die too if I die. My husband
says we are connected because my son is a force of dark and
I’m a force of light. Together we are like a magnet of different
forces but pulling together- Positive and Negative.
Leroy and I contradict each other but at the same time we
bring solace in each other’s lives. I swear I came to accept
who I was after he was born. This little being pushed me a
step in to embrace the gift of light I was born with. Him
invading my womb forced me to a journey of discovery and
now I can stand on top of the mountains and scream that
I’m the last white witch. The highly favoured being.
“My person” my other form of poison, I flush, staring up at
him. He is standing by the door with legs crossed in just his
pyjama pants. I swear this man doesn’t understand that his
chest is like porn. Just glancing at that chest I have to cross
my legs a bit. The things my husband makes me do
“Why does it look like Lerotholi is taking my place?” Jealous
“Get a shirt Molapo” he won’t, he only wears his chest when
we have to really leave the house or when we are at the
palace because there are lot of people going about there.
“I need you wet Mangcobo and I know what my chest does
to you” I swallow, make sure to shut my mind up because
he is another invader of my mind. With two to three strides
he joins us on bed. He kisses Leroy’s eyes. Both of them and
the owner of tired eyes starts to fidget. He makes cute baby
“Don’t disturb Leroy’s peace please” I slightly hit his head
when he starts forcing his hands open. He likes doing that,
even with Tlotla he would open my baby’s hands.
“Leroy?” he exclaim staring up at me. Seeiso is the one that
gave him the name Leroy, he said Lerotholi is too long
“It’s a cute name” I defend myself
“Please squash that panty dropping name. Seeiso can’t be
giving my son horny names at such tender age. This man is
Lerotholi Molapo of the Royal Baletsane. In his father’s
house of wolves he is Wolf Aragorn the beta of the family” I
doubt I’ll be able to let go of Leroy, I love the name “Where is
my daughter?” where is she vele? He frowns at me when I
“Mangcobo!” he is on his feet in displease. Tlotla is too busy
and I honestly cannot run after her all the time.
“Batswadi batswadi!” (Parents, parents!) his search for Tlotla
is stopped by Say coming through the doors with Tlotla
carried on his neck.
“What are you doing here?” Molapo questions, it’s the middle
of the day and he should be at work.
“I’m here to steal this princess. Khwezi is in town” I don’t
miss the twinkle in his eyes at the mention of Khwezi. He
surprised us all. Seeiso is something we never thought
would be tied to one girl but we were so wrong. He is taken
and he is not even trying to hide it.
“Congratulations we heard that. I was with Mthokozisi
yesterday helping her settle in. What I asked is what are you
doing here?”
“I said I’m here to steal princess. We are spending the night
at my girl’s place”
“And why are you taking Tlotla with?” I ask.
“Eish! I don’t want to tear my girl up as yet so if it’s just us
alone in the room I know for a fact that I’ll not be able to hold
my beast. But with Tlotla in the room I’ll behave” too much
information if you ask me.
“You’re not taking my daughter to practice family with an
eighteen year old”
“Juju I thought we were passed the stage of calling her a
baby. That eighteen year old is going to be your queen. You
better watch that big mouth” Molapo huffs “Princess you’re
leaving with me akere?” he looks up to tlotla on his head
“Eya shisho” (Yes seeiso) Tlotla is that child who calls people
with what she hears them being called as. Seeiso is seeiso.
There is no uncle whatsoever.
“Thank you my baby” he disappears to the closet. I assume
they are going to pack up Tlotla’s overnight bag. Molapo joins
us back in bed. He knows that arguing with him will be just
a futile exercise. They come out sooner than we thought.
“Abuti waka” (My brother) we both have to frown in shock
turning back to him. Tlotla is now walking on her feet with
her snake teddy bear. She is a lover of snakes. We stare at
Seeiso who is now suddenly a good boy out of a Friday taking
a seat at the edge of the bed. He is squinting his eyes trying
to look as innocent as he could.
“Yoh! What do you want?”
“Can you talk to Khwezi’s father for me?”
“About?” Abuti Majara asks
“Tyma said he hasn’t responded my letter” we laugh. He is
put a royal claim forward asking to marry Khwezi when she
comes of age.
“You really adore her don’t you?”
“Adore doesn’t even cover it. I want spend the rest of my life
with that girl and her father is like a rock standing between
our happiness”
Molapo laughs shaking his head “I’ll see what I can do. But
please don’t do anything that will piss vulamasango off right
now. In short I mean don’t sleep with the girl. You know how
those people are, they might take her and check her if she is
still pure and if they find that you have disrespected them
they might fine you and deny your claim”
“This is why I’m taking Tlotla with for a sleep over but once
my letter gets approved. I’m climbing that girl” I laugh while
Molapo just shakes his head “And tomorrow I’m bringing her
along. Olady said it’s time I start showing her and
introducing her to family if I’m sure she’s the one I want by
my side when I take the throne” Molapo agrees with a head
“It will be good for the both of you if the entire family start
seeing and noticing the two of you together. I’ll talk to Dlomo
but I’m not promising anything, that man is as stubborn as
all the Zulu men”
“Please my juju” he is up on his feet with a smile “I’ll see you
people tomorrow. Mabataung please put Leroy in his Nikes
that I bought him. I don’t want my nigger embarrassing me
on his big day……oh before I go” he stops like he just
remembered something “When last did you speak to
Mapeete?” he is glaring at me for an answer. To be honest
since I left and came back our relationship took a turn I
didn’t expect. I think now she tolerates me for the sake of
“I’m not sure, why?”
“I went to see Peete and give him his sneakers too but she
didn’t open the door for me, though I could tell she was in
the house” Molapo and I share looks.
“Where was Puso?” he asks.
“Abuti Puso is sleeping at the palace, I think they are having
problems. Please check on her. I’m worried about her and
Peete” this is one of the things I like about this trouble some
guy. He is a softie on the inside. Yesterday he showed up
here with R3000 sneakers for Leroy and R5000 sneakers for
Peete. He spoils his nephews and niece to the core. Tlotla is
got a laptop from his dear uncle at this age. I took it and
made it mine because it was just crazy.
“I’ll go check” only then he nods and pick Tlotla.
“See you all tomorrow good people” he sings tucking Tlotla’s
bag under his arm.
Girls. Girls. Girls. Girls will be the death of men on earth.
I’m standing outside the door rooted to a girl with big eyes
who decided to call the other slender and asked if I’m not
prince Seeiso. Right on my face.
“Paba…it’s…it’s him” the one that was called is a bit
hesitant, she stutters bowing her head like how people
should to someone of my calibre “My prince, my apologies,
you may come in” she steps aside for me to come in, pulling
the one she referred as Paba who was still standing solid
hard like a rock. The place is small. Too small. The door
welcomes me to a lounge/kitchen. There is one couch, a
stand with no tv and in the kitchen I see the unit, fridge and
“Ladies, Dumelang, I’m looking for Khwezi Dlomo”
(Greetings……) I’m growing impatient with how this other
one is staring at me. I was a player and I know a drooling
girl when I see one. They were always my easy targets. They
give it up without much convincing. They are the type to be
careful of, the mental case types.
“The zulu girl?” I don’t miss the shock and annoyance in her
“PABATSO!” the slender one reprimands her “Khwezi’s room
is right this way my prince” the decent one shows me down
the small passage “The first room” I nod with a smile. I don’t
like this Pabatso at first sight.
“Shisho empe nana ee” (Seeiso this child is ugly) I have to
laugh, my baby’s got my sight. The pabatso girl is not very
pleasing to eyes and her attitude stinks. Tlotla points her as
we walk to my star’s room. I resort to laughing though I know
she is damn right.

I knock once and allow myself in before she even gives

permission. She is on the bed with a laptop on her lap and
headphones plugged. Her jaws drop in shock when she sees
us walk in. slowly she removes the headphones.
“Siso” she exclaims. I put Tlotla down and she runs straight
to bed, trying to climb her fat self-up the bed
“Nezi….nezi!” she is very familiar with her and she is fighting
to be lifted to the bed. Khwezi helps her up still staring at
me though. Tlotla wraps her tiny hand on her neck and hugs
her. This little being we call her a warmer at home, she
always leaves us melting no matter what. That’s why she
doesn’t stay with her parents that long. Everyone always
fight for piece of her. She pouts he lips and kiss Khwezi
multiple times. Now my star is not looking at me but the
person giving her all the affection.
“Izang” (How are you?) she has a way with words, with izang
I know she meant to say ‘ho jwang?’
“I’m fine baby wena ho jwang?” my star sotho is getting
there, she is not totally hopeless. Her mother is sotho but
her father is shaka zulu. That means he is a stubborn zulu
“Tota ena e sap” (Tlotla is fine) she is pointing at herself
“Ekae Tonto?” (Where is Mkhonto?) My star burst into tears
of laughter, Tlotla wants to know where her boyfriend is
before anything. I wish to witness them growing up.
Mkhonto is just a boy as he is but he couldn’t set his eyes
off Tlotla when he was here. I wish to see them fall in love
deeper as they grow.
“Tlotla, you know your boyfriend that much?” Tlotla is no
longer paying attention, she is drawn to the laptop
“Sebileng moo?” (What are you watching here?) Now she is
pushing my star joining in her fleece that she was covering
with. I watch in content. I wish she makes me a father to a
girl child one day. Maybe I’m a rare type of species of men
but I prefer girl child over a boy. My star presses her laptop
and makes her watch cartoons. She plugs her headphones
and only attend me now. Damn! She is wearing tiny sleeping
shorts. My beast reacts when my eyes land on those smooth
thighs, I would like to lick them wet one of these days.
“What are you doing here?” she asks in a whisper, a bit shy
which is so unlike her. She is keeping a safe distance
between us, like we are in are in level 5 covid19 situation. I
reach out and pull her by her waist close to my chest with
one attempt. She giggles looking shyly down.
“O jwang lerato laka?” (How are you my love?) She shyly
looks down,
“I’m fine siso, what are you doing here?” she hasn’t even as
much raised her face to me.
“Why are you suddenly so shy?” she is shy but not this
much, she resorts to biting her bottom lip instead of replying
me and….lord she does things to me with that innocent act.
I free her off my touch because I’m afraid having her in my
arms might just wake my starving beast “I told you I was
coming” I retire on the bed and admire her beautiful body
before me.
“You did but I thought you were taking me out, not coming
in here. How did you get in here?” I pull her to sit beside me
on the bed, the less I see of her shorts the better.
“I’m spending the night with you” she gaps, eyes wide open.
“Siso you can’t….this is a girl’s residence, you’re not
supposed to even be in here, how did you get in any away?”
“MaMolapo I’m a prince this side. Please remember that
before you asked me unnecessary things” she smiles
shaking her head.
“And you haven’t hugged or kissed you man, have you seen
Lesotho’s hot guys already” I bring her to a giggle. I wrap my
one arm around her tiny waist and grab hold of it bringing
her closer to my face. She smells divine, innocent like how
she always smells. I run my nose on her neck first, just to
inhale her drawing scent. When I’m satisfied I change to her
face, kissing her nose twice before I claim her lips. Soft,
tender, juicy……..
“Shisho sies maan!” (Seeiso sies maan!) Jesus! Why did I
bring Tlotla with, just when I was enjoying the kiss? When
did she even stop watching the laptop? “A.a Shisho!” (No
Seeiso) she is even shaking her tiny head for emphasis
“I’m sorry my princess” she gives me a thumbs up and wears
her headphones. This one is just too clever “I guess there will
be no kissing for a night” I say to my star
“For a night? You are serious about spending the night?” she
asks and I nod “With her?” I nod again “Siso this is res, you
can’t do that here”
“I can do anything in Lesotho my baby. Now what are you
going to feed me, I’m hungry” she glares at me in shock as I
rest back on the bed “And before I forget, tomorrow we are
going home, there is a ceremony for the children. I’m taking
you with”
“Siso you promised not to rush, what am I doing at your
family ceremonies?”
“As the woman who’ll be by my side when I take the throne,
you’re bound to partake in such events with the family so
that they can get to know you and be comfortable with you”
she stresses her lips in thought, failing to respond me
“Come here” she falls on my open arm with a sigh “Don’t
stress, the people who matter in my life already know you
and they love you”
“What if my father denies? I asked my mother to give him
the letter but they haven’t said anything” I brush her arm as
we look up the ceiling, I’m stressed too about that man’s
“I’m going to impregnate you if he says no” she gets off my
touch and glare at me.
“Khwezi I love you. Shit scares me, I have never thought I
would love anyone until I met you and the thought of not
having you is hell for me. Please understand”
“I’m sorry siso but we are not doing that. I have disappointed
my parents way too much and I’m not going to that. My
mother asked me one thing, and that was not to make her a
grandmother. We’ll find another way if my father says no,
but we are not having a baby just because you can’t handle
my father’s no” Oh Jesus! Can that zulu man just disappear
for a bit.
“Okay let’s not fight about this. Come rest with your man, I
asked what you’re going to feed me?” she breathes hard,
coming back to her prior position. Her father is going to
make me make mistakes I don’t want to make.

I honestly thought he was taking me for a ride when he said

he is spending the night. I can’t believe he took Tlotla with
to a sleep out. They sleep alike. And now that they are asleep
I enjoy watching them for a while. They have sharp English
noses. They both have their lips parted as they slightly
snore. I enjoy Tlotla more. She is chewing in her sleep. I
thought she was going to be fussy but she wasn’t, as soon
as she ate she slept…………oh oh! What’s that? Tlotla is
farting, she turns and put her entire fat leg on siso’s face.
Such a terrible sleeper she is.
“Hm Hm Hm!” Siso stirs, he tries to fight the fat leg on his
face but the owner keeps throwing it there “Hmmm maan!”
he snaps waking, the frown on his face disperses when he
realises that it’s Tlotla torturing him in sleep. He smiles
when his eyes catch mine. I’m balanced on my elbow
enjoying the two invaders sleeping in my room.
“MaMolapo” I melt, there is just something in the way he
calls me, I love it when he regards me with his names.
“Molapo” I acknowledge back, failing to contain the smile on
my face.
“I love you” gosh! Don’t I blush “It’s too early to be blushing
Mrs. Me”
“Leave me alone siso, how did you sleep?” I change the topic
so he can refrain making me blush so early.
“I slept like an angel, there is no way I was going to have
nightmares with my two angels by my side. I only missed one
“One?” I can’t hide the bitter taste in my tone, which one?
“My other better half”
“SISO!” I snap bringing him to a light laughter.
“Ora, you forget that your man is got a twin?” Oh! I do forget
that sometimes. I watch him climb down the bed and stretch
his arms, his got perfect build enough arms. He takes care
of his body, my eyes travel scanning him and admiring his
features until they land on his……Jesus! I look away, why
did I look there? He rounds the bed to come to my side. Again
his something is right on my face, I don’t know why he had
to come this side.
“Come here” he holds out his hand and I place mine in his.
He helps me out of the bed and bring me close to his touch.
He feels so warm but I’m uncomfortable with this thing
poking my stomach.
“You look beautiful” I manage a smile, I suddenly cannot
look him in the eyes.
“Thank you, you don’t look bad yourself. Let’s go wash our
faces” I’m trying to escape the uncomfortable poke but he
hold me still. He wraps me tighter around my waist and pull
my chin up with his index finger so we are face to face. I feel
trapped in his touch and eyes, I suddenly have nowhere to
look but him regardless of the goose bumps growing all over
my skin.
“I said I love you my star” the sincerity in his eyes is not hard
to miss. I know not much about love but I cannot be wrong
with him. The words comes from the bottom of his heart.
“I love you too my sotho man” I confess back, infecting him
with laughter that has him throwing his head back a bit and
freeing me of his soul capturing stare.
“That I am, your one and only man” he is back to taking my
stare in his, I watch his face lean down to mine and his lips
lock with mine.
“Siso we….haven’t brushed out teeth” I manage through the
lips battle, he is trying to invade my mouth with his tongue
and I cannot think…..gosh this guy! He wins. He is taking
my mouth as he please, I let go and enjoy him. Something
about his kisses always warm my private places. His hand
is caressing my behind, cupping and squeezing as he likes
“Hmmmm!” he moans in my mouth, it’s getting a bit out of
hand now because he is pushing his hard……….
“Shisho sies maan!” dear lord! He abruptly let me go, his
already small eyes are the tiniest. Tlotla is sitting on the bed
looking cute chasing the sleep in her eyes with her tiny fat
hands. She is rubbing on her eyes.
“I’m sorry my baby” he finally speaks, pulling me to his body
so we both face Tlotla on the bed. He is hiding this hard
something with me.
“Potty kae?” (Where is potty?) I feel siso freeze behind me, I
didn’t get what she asked “Tota e bata kaka” (Tlotla wants to
“Baby please don’t embarrass me like this” he lets me go to
kneel down the bed and bring Tlotla close to his touch “Tla
kaka hae akere baby” he say trying to convince her of
something (You’ll poop at home my baby)
“A.a Shisho….kaka ena teyena” (No shisho…. this poop is
here) I don’t know what she is saying but she is touching her
butt, there is farting going on too “Nezi!” now she is looking
at me with begging eyes. I think she is going to be those
people with short answers when she grows up, I don’t know
how ‘Khwezi’ turned to ‘Nezi’
“Tlotla no, i……” whatever he was about to say doesn’t see
day, tlotla burst into tears crying my name
“Shisho tibata nezi….nezi!!!” (Shisho I want nezi……nezi!!)
Jesus! I bend a knee down to hear what exactly is the matter.
I cup her beautiful chubby face wiping tears.
“Tlotla askies baby, king?” (What’s the matter?) I try, my
mother only go sotho on us when we pissed her, other than
that I don’t have much knowledge with the language
She sniffs forming a frown and glaring at her uncle as she
wipes tears with the back of her hand “Tibata kaka
nna…..nna tibata kaka le wena” (I want to poop……I want to
poop with you) this is going to be a long morning
“Kaka?” (Poop?) I ask
“Kaka ta mona” (Poop here) she points her tiny butt and only
now it clicks, Siso is buried to the floor, he can’t even as
much look at me. I laugh out loud picking tlotla to my waits.
“You going to bring her again for a sleep over?” I ask looking
for my toiletry bag and tlotla’s bag so we can end up bathing
after she poops
“Never! I have never been this embarrassed by a child” he is
dramatic. Kids poop whenever they want. I’m not new to kids
poop, I used to help my mom with my little brothers and the
girls briefly.
I leave him making the bed as we head to the bathroom. We
share a bathroom in this house. So far it’s just me, Lerato
and Pabotso though there is one vacant room. I run into
Pabatso down the tiny passage. She glares at me from head
to toe. I have realised that she doesn’t like me much and I
have made peace with it and kept to myself. I don’t spend
time with them in the lounge because she is forever throwing
unkind remarks toward me. Hence why I lock myself in my
room and watch my laptop.
“So this is what brought your perfect self in Lesotho?” she
snides, keeping her volume lower not to grab attention from
the rooms.
I swallow, I’m scared of her. I have never been in a fight
except when I was in primary school. She looks like the
tough type that would rearrange me in a second “What are
you talking about?” I manage without showing her that she
intimidates the shit out of me.
“You think you can crawl all the way from South Africa to
come and date our prince? He is pushing time with you sisi
and he is going to spit you like tired gum that you’ll be when
he is done with you. You’re just the new zulu girl in town,
there is nothing special about you. The royal house would
never allow him to take a commoner zulu girl for a wife. I feel
sorry for you” Her words don’t even as much touch me, I
know how Siso feels about me and I know where our
relationship is heading. There is letter asking for my hand
already sent to my dad. So I don’t give her vile words even a
thought. She deliberately bumps me passing after giving me
that scary look again. But her victory walk is short lived.
Tlotla spanks the back of her head hard and say
“Empe wena…..empe sies!” (Your ugly wena……ugly sies!)
Jesus! I hold her closer, she is burning in my arms, she
wants to jump off my hold but I manage to hold her. Pabatso
is appalled, she glares at the fat being in my arms trying to
jump her “Tamonyesa nna!” (I’ll mess her up!) I don’t know
what she is saying but she is burning, I disappear us off the
scene to the bathroom. This one is a little fighter
“E nite nezi?” (Are you okay nezi?) She asks as I free her of
her tiny panties and put her on the toilet
“I’m fine baby, kaka neah?” she nods, holding on the seat as
I prepare our shower.
Siso walk in just as I wipe her. Tlotla grins at him “Shisho
nna tikakile” (Shisho I pooped)
“Fotsek, you embarrassed me” (Piss off….) I laugh “My star
can I borrow your tooth brush, I just want to brush my teeth.
I’ll bath at home” I’m relieved, I don’t want him bathing in a
shower I share with my roommates……….but teeth brush
“Baby that’s gross” he doesn’t regard me. He takes it out of
my toiletry bag and wash his teeth. Tlotla is already stripping
her pyjamas. She is calling for me to come join her in the
shower but I want to wait for Siso to leave the bathroom so
I can strip. I don’t know where this shyness comes from but
I’m suddenly so not comfortable with him anymore. Maybe
it’s because it’s been a long time since we spent time together
like this. He sees right through me. He shakes his head in
disappointment before he gives us space.
“Tishapa nunuza nna nezi!” (I’m washing my nunuza nezi) I
have to laugh, I love her energy. She looks extremely cute in
water trying to wash her privates.
We are here now. The yard is full of people who are all almost
staring at his car even though they are stealing their glances.
His mother called him when he was driving here asked where
Tlotla was and if he is bringing me with. She was on speaker
and she sounded happy that I was coming. I have met her
and she is been nice but I have never met her as her son’s
girlfriend. I’m shaking in fear but I manage to keep my cool.
I feel his hand on my thigh covered with a long maxi dress.
He thinks I was ridiculous dressing like this but I know
better. I don’t want to be labelled as a girlfriend who can’t
dress on top of being the zulu girlfriend.
“You ready” he is squeezing my thigh gently.
I breathe, expel a deep sigh before I say “I’ll be fine”
“Don’t stress, no one is going to say anything. It’s just a
matter of them seeing you close to me more often until the
announcement is made when your father replies the letter”
I place my hand on top of his caressing my thigh. I’ll be fine.
“Come here” he likes saying that when he wants to smooch
me, I allow him to pull my neck closer and lean in for a kiss
but his lips are reprimanded once again before they even
touch mine.
“Shisho sies maan!” I crack, looking at her on her seat at the
My boyfriend shatters, he sighs in defeat before he asks her
“Tlotla o shwa neng mara?” (Tlotla when are you dying
“Hoshane” (Tomorrow) I crack up harder, her eyes look
ahead clapping hands “Mme! Mme! Mme!” she sings, only
now we follow her eyes and see Mme Mamajara coming our
way. My heart skips a beat. I didn’t expect her to come to the

“Ausi Khweziii” she opens my door and pull me to her warm

embrace. She is warm and her hug is perfect.
“Maa” I manage, still in her arms.
“So beautiful” she regards me, holding my shoulders as she
looks at me “You are your mother’s daughter aren’t you?” I
laugh, I get that a lot, especially now that I’m in this age.
“Thank you Maa” Siso has also jogged around the car and
picked the singing tlotla out of the car.
“Why are you wearing a jacket so hot” Siso laughs at the
question, my maxi dress is strapless and I thought it would
be disrespectful showing my shoulders. He said I’m being
“She wanted to look respectful” I glare at him but he doesn’t
even as much regard my look.
“That’s nonsense. You’re not a daughter in law as yet, you
can wear your shorts, no one will even cough” I nod “And
don’t do anything, your Seeiso’s guest for now, and you’ll be
treated as such. This rules will only change when your father
replies the letter, have you talked to him?”
I shake my head no “I only spoke to my mother and she
promised to talk to him” she nods, receiving Tlotla from siso.
“Don’t worry, he’ll come around. Follow me” Siso takes my
hand in his as we follow her sweet mother to the house “O
lapile wena?” (Are you hungry baby?) She is talking to Tlotla
poking her tummy.
“Nna? Tota ena e zele…nudus, weebins, pisa, nezi a sapisa”
(Me? Tota ate noodles, weet-bix, pizza and Khwezi bathed
me) her grandmother is laughing at the list “Mme nezi e
ntimme nama” (Mama nezi didn’t give me meat) Siso laughs
with her mother.
I feel all eyes trained at us but because I’m with my boyfriend
close to me I don’t feel much nervous. He lets my hand go at
another boy child running to him. I swear he loves kids more
than me. He catches him with the same enthusiasm,
throwing him up in the air. It’s the little Peete.
“Molapo” he catches him ruffling his cute kept afro
Little Peete is giggling “Ko robala le wena akere!” (I’m going
to sleep with you) the little man say looking happy to see his
uncle. He is older than Tlotla and his words are much clear.
“Peete monna nna seke robala le mosadi waka” (Peete my
guy I’m going to sleep with my wife)
“A wife that you haven’t paid a dime for, her father might
deny you and wipe all this cockiness in you”
“Faith olady, faith” he holds my hand again as we enter the
house. I feel more eyes and I’m starting to sweat “Relax!” he
whispers in my ear when he feels my palm moisten up.
“Let’s go greet the old men first before I take you to
mabataung and mapeete” Siso doesn’t let my hand go at his
mother’s instruction. We follow her down the big house. Now
I’m sure I want to pee, I suddenly have this urge to pee. We
come to a lounge of pair of eyes that scares the shit out of
me. I know them all but not like this. I take courage in the
tight grip holding my hand.
Tlotla fights her way out of her grandmother’s arms to her
father “Ati manaraaaa!” (Brother majaraaaa) she screams in
happiness, running to her father. The lounge is on the floor
with laughter
“Baby papa hle….yoh!” he kisses her “And you?” he fixes his
eyes at siso
“Yeah yeah!” gosh why is he so happy? He sings carrying
peete on his waist and his other hand holding mine “look at
me now” the whole lounge of Molapo men erupt in laughter
“Who is getting married family?”
“I have vulamasango on speed-dial and I might just tell him
you are turning his daughter in to a wife” papa tlotla barks
and that seems to cool him down
“Juju please don’t kill my brother’s vibe” Abut Puso comes
for his rescue
“Come here my baby” Ntate bereng holds out his hand and I
manage to go, though I think I might drop any minute “How
are you my baby?” he shakes my hand.
“I’m fine ntate, how about you?” I manage, almost in a
“I’m fine ngwanaka, I wish I can say welcome to the family
but we’ll say that after we have heard from your father” I
nod, not able to utter more. He is pleasant “This is Seeiso’s
grandfather, greet him” he passes me to ntate Tlali who is
also very warm. Ntate Tlali passes me to ntate Moletsane,
then abuti Puso and lastly papa tlotla.
“Khwezi are you having sex?” Jesus! Papa tlotla…. I cough,
I don’t know what I’m coughing. The lounge is rolling with
laughter. How can he ask such? I don’t cool down even
though he is laughing.
“Majara your shit” her mother say taking me off the
embarrassing laughter, even the so called boyfriend is
laughing “Remember I told you, you’re not supposed to do
anything. I’m just taking you to the kitchen because it’s
where mabataung and mapeete are. Ora is suddenly not
available since she is dating” I don’t comment, I haven’t met
Ora properly as yet. Mama tlotla is warm, she embraces me
in another warm hug when we enter the kitchen. I don’t get
introductions in here, I’m offered a chair as I watch them
cook a storm. Mamajara leaves me in the capable hands of
Mabataung and Mapeete. I don’t get a very warm welcome
from Mapeete but I don’t mind, mabataung is going all zulu
as she speaks to me and that seems to anger Mapeete if I’m
not mistaken.
“If trash wants to go low, let it go low alone. It’s
where it belongs after all, in mud- by Simple escapes

“Nana wee!” (Baby girl!) She is looking at me passed the mug

she is drinking whatever in, that ‘Baby girl’ is not warm at
all, it’s more of a mocking. It comes cold and bitter like how
I sense she is been around me since I walked into that
kitchen. They are done cooking and now we sit in another
lounge. It’s just her and I. Mabataung excused herself saying
she is going to get dressed. I have a feeling this one doesn’t
like me much.
“Mme” (Mother) I manage, sipping a glass of juice.
“You must be courageous girlie” I don’t know what to make
of that statement, I just look at her once and focus back on
the tv.
“You do know that there is no way you can be a queen right?”
I don’t want to be a queen but siso’s situation doesn’t give
me much choice. I love him and I’m sure I want to grow old
with him. If being a queen is what I have to be to be with the
man I love, so be it.
“You don’t have the spine for it, neither do the skin. One
would swear your just a naïve commoner” it’s an insult but
I take it, my mother raised a better woman in me to stoop to
trash. If trash wants to go low, let it go low alone. It’s where
it belongs after all, in mud.
“You want an advice princess?” her face and tone says
otherwise, she wants to spit something bitter out of her
mouth. She hates that she even regards me as princess.
“I have a feeling you’re going to give it either way even if I say
She raises an eyebrow, surprised of my response. I make
sure to keep my tone minimal. Unlike her, I’m boitumelo’s
daughter and she raised a lady in me
“I see you do have a mouth after all” I award her my fake
grin “Look I just want to make your aware of something you
probably haven’t given much thought” she sits up straight,
almost too close to my face
“Your boyfriend is….” She snaps her fingers, I guess trying
to find the correct words “Seeiso is a young royal guy who is
definitely not ready for the throne. He is going to fuck up and
all the blame will go to you because you’re the queen by his
side. They will never fault their own, his mistakes on the
throne will be burdened to you”
“And I’m hearing this because?” I ask.
She smirks “Listen princess, I care for you because you’re a
young woman and I wouldn’t want to see you drown for your
husband’s mistakes” yeah right! I don’t believe even an inch
of her lies, my mother always said to look in people’s faces
‘If you don’t believe the words, search the truth in their eyes’
she would say.
“I’m giving you this advice. Talk to seeiso, make him see that
he is not ready for this responsibility. Travel the world with
him and enjoy both your youth before you complicate your
relationship with the throne. Make him see that his brother
Puso can hold the throne for him while he lives a bit. Enjoy
each other before the throne. Puso will hold the fork for him
until he is really ready for it. Right now if he takes it, he is
going to mess up baby girl and these people will blame you.
They’ll cover his faults by saying he has a weakling of a
queen by his side. I hope you heard me” I did, crystal clear
and now I know that she wants the queen tittle. I wonder if
abuti puso is in on her little mission to be the next queen.
“You definitely opened my eyes” I murmur.
“And what we share stays between us right?”
“Most definitely”
She breaks a grin, sure that she opened my eyes to see
things her way. If only she knew that she opened my eyes
about her. She is one to be careful around.

She acts normal and innocent when Ora walks in, like she
wasn’t even conniving just a second ago. Ora looks beautiful.
She is definitely the female version of my boyfriend.
“Hi” she breaks a beautiful grin, looking in my direction.
“Hello” I return the beautiful smile.
“Your boyfriend sent me to come fetch you” finally! I was
starting to think that he forgot he brought a girl home. I’m
on my feet in a second following Ora out. Mapeete’s bipolar
was starting to get the best of me.
“You’re beautiful” she compliments stealing a glance at me
as we walk down the hall.
“You’re beautiful yourself” I compliment back and she
receives it with a smile.
“How is he treating you so far?” she enquires.
“Amazing so far”
She nods with a smile “If he starts his old habits on you, call
me. I’ll sort him out. He is very much scared of me and I can
throw a mean punch” we both crack as she flexes her arm.
Reaching the outside I almost gasp in shock. What the hell
happened to the hot weather? The skies are dark with clouds
that shows that it’s about to rain quite heavily in any minute
from now. There is a tent erected and it’s full of people. In
front the tent there is a laid cow skin fenced with sticks that
would rise to a knee length. It’s a beautiful unique structure
that wasn’t there when we arrived. I wonder what’s going to
happen in there.
I grab Ora’s hand when I feel all eyes on me once again. She
doesn’t mind, she squeezes me in return and smiles.
From the front row my eyes meets his, now I can breathe
and walk keeping my eyes locked with his. The handsome
boyfriend of mine just takes my breath away.
The centre of the front row occupies the king and queen on
their elegant chairs. Then to the king’s right is Papa tlotla
and her mother, then ntate tlali and mabereng. To the
queen’s left is abuti Puso and a vacant chair. I suppose it’s
for the demon in the house he calls a wife.
Then there sit my type of poison next to abuti Puso’s vacant
chair and two more empty chairs besides him. He stands up
when we get closer, more eyes train at him. He looks like a
king to be. A person I would call a husband one of this fine
coming days. Now I feel a bit underdressed when he is this
suited up. He is in a black fitted no collar suit with that
Basotho blanket neatly folded and hanging on his shoulder.
He pulls a chair for me when we reach him. He gives me the
one next to him and Ora takes the one next to me.
“You’re not mad at your man, are you?” it comes as a
whisper in my ear, infecting my skin with shivers with how
seductive he asks. I pull my face away from him because he
is bringing us unnecessary attention.
“No I’m not mad and please behave” he can be a fool when
he likes but I love him either way.
His hand rest on my thigh. I love and hate it there, the touch
of his skin has a certain effect on mine. I have to swallow
and take in a deep breath to keep my excited feeling in order,
this is not the time or place. I don’t know if he is doing it on
purpose, it’s not good regarding where we are. I put my hand
on top of his and hold it still.
When he laughs I know he was doing it on purpose “When
am I having a taste vele MaMolapo?” I’m only relieved that
he is whispering in my ear, but I’m not happy with the
attention he is bringing to us. I feel eyes behind us. Eyes
that are followed by not so low whispers.
“Siso behave please” he breaks into a laughter before he
composes himself when…..i think her name is palesa if my
memory still serves clear images, she comes out following
ntate Moletsane holding Leroy and two more girls behind
her. The other one is holding Peete’s hand and holding a
baby chair. Then there is Tlotla. No one is holding her hand,
the girl who is supposed to hold her hand is just carrying
her pink chair. She is changed into a beautiful puffy princess
dress. I can tell that she is sure that she is beautiful. She is
taking her own sweet time staring at herself and brushing
her dress. The tent is filled with low giggles.
“His queen we are waiting for you” Ntate moletsane tells
Tlotla who is left behind brushing on her dress. Palesa puts
Leroy down the matt wrapped in his blanket, then Peete sits
on his chair. Tlotla’s chair is left vacant as she still models
to the front.
“Papa tota” she sings, looking at her father’s direction “Tota
mote neeee?” (Tota is beautiful neah?) the tent laughs.
“O pabala wena ngwanaka” (Your extremely gorgeous my
baby) the deep voice that take a room responds with a giggle.
She takes her sit next to Peete smiling at herself.
Ntate Moletsane holds something like a stick. He eats, chew
and spit walking around the skin matt. He is talking but
unfortunately to himself.
“What’s he doing?” I enquire from the one next to me.
“He is fencing them in, they’ll not be able to leave that scene
until the ceremony is done” I don’t understand but I watch
He stops and stands outside the round skin matt. He points
his stick up in the skies looking up and again talking to
himself. Tlotla and Peete are talking to themselves too. As
for Leroy he is just lying quiet down the matt.
“Now he is calling rain. It’s going to drop any minute now,
watch…” just as he say light drops falls, the tent claps and
“The kids are going to be wet” I state the obvious whispering
in his ear.
“It’s their Strengthening ceremony and it’s required to rain.
In my language we say ‘Ngwana o behwa puleng’ meaning a
child is placed under the rain. It’s a ceremony done for every
Basotho children. But for us the royals, the customs differ a
bit” weird much!
“Why though?”
“Its culture, it’s our tradition. If you were not put under the
rain when you were a baby, you’re going to be a weakling
growing up. You’ll grow to be something that is swept by
every force of life. It’s just an act of strengthening the child’s
roots” I could argue otherwise but we are not there. Tlotla
and Peete are enjoying the light rain at first, even the one
kicking his blanket and showing his cute baby legs in socks.
Then is starts to pour, really pour.
“Papa!....papa!” her and Peete are both screaming, trying to
run from the rain they can’t. Now I see what he meant by
‘His fencing them in’. There seems to be a force refraining
them from walking past the cow skin matt.
“Seeisssooo!” Peete is got a cute hoarse voice. He resorts
calling for Siso when the papa they cried for doesn’t rescue
“Shishooo!” Tlotla joins in, tearing up in siso’s direction. I’m
only thinking of the flue those kid are going to suffer. Their
family seems to be celebrating, they are clapping and
dancing in enthusiasm. Mabataung is the only one who
seems not happy about the scene.
“Lerotholi is a man” abuti puso comments passed the vacant
chair by his side to Siso.
He agrees with a head nod grinning at children abuse
happening before us “A true Molapo bro” he remarks back.

The rain stops like a switch, like it was just passing by and
only then whatever invisible fence breaks. Mabataung
hurries angry to pick Leroy, Tlotla is the quickest running to
her father’s arms. She is crying for her dress more than
actually being wet. Peete also run to abuti Puso who also
picks him. I guess the ceremony is done as people start
breaking out of the tent.
“Is it done?” I ask Siso as he helps me up.
“Yes, the only part left is the naming of Leroy. It’s nothing
major though, Mjay is going to properly give him his royal
name that his ancestors will know and that will be it”
“Isn’t his name is Lerotholi?”
He smirks “How come you are able to call that properly but
my name” I smile avoiding his eyes,
He shakes his head in defeat “Anyway yes that’s his name
and he is just going to tell our ancestor his name. Right now
they don’t know his name. A royal name is introduced to the
ancestors when blood is spilled. So since today we
slaughtered a cow for the children’s strengthening
ceremony, it’s an opportunity for him introduce Leroy’s royal
name” I nod with a sigh “Let’s go eat, you must be starving”
he holds my hand in his leading us back to the house.
“Seeiso!” a beautiful thick woman calls him just as we make
it to the house, she is right behind us. His smile is growing
bigger every time she gets closer to us
“Who is this beautiful young lady?” the woman asks
“This is Princess Khwezi Dlomo. My bride to be. Baby this is
my aunt, rakgadi Bohlokoa” (……Aunty Bohlokoa) Siso
I receive the cheerful woman’s hand “Pleased to meet you
aunty” I sing.
“The pleasure is all mine my baby. Looks like you tamed the
player” she jokes, bringing siso to narrow his eyes at her.
The event ended proper I think. When we left it was already
late and those who let alcohol get the best of them were
already dancing the night away. He wanted me to spend the
night but I put my foot down. Just because they were nice
and welcoming I wasn’t going to let him overdo it. He drove
me sulking but ended up melting because we are like ice and
fire. None between us can stay long mad at each other.
Again he drove through the girl’s residence like its normal.
The security guy didn’t even give him a book to fill his details
just like other visitors. He offered him a salute and bow, and
that was it.
We are parked in our front yard lying on top of his car bonnet
where he parked watching the beautiful clear skies. The
stars are out to play and one would think it’s a lie that it was
“Do you know what we call your name in my language?” he
asks holding my hand and brushing on my knuckles, the
sky is really beautiful “You are that star up there” he points
among the stars “The brightest one. We call you Naleli. But
I prefer to call you Mphatlalatsane, my morning star. You
showed up in my life like a morning star and from then, my
days have been brighter than before. You took my heart and
made it yours Mrs. Dlomo” he brings my knuckles to his
sweet lips
“You still haven’t touched weed?” I don’t see him as its dark
and he is facing up but I do feel him break into a grin.
“I haven’t and I don’t even miss it”
“That’s my man” this time he chuckles a bit louder but sighs
quickly “What’s wrong?” I ask.
He breathes “Your father is scaring me. With each day dying
and I don’t get his reply I’m drowning deeper and deeper in
fear. I want to marry you Khwezi, and only you but your old
man. What if he says no?” he turns a bit to look in my eyes,
through his eyes I see the fear that I hardly see in him.
“We’ll think of something but I’m not getting pregnant” he
laughs, though it’s not his contagious laughter “Stop
stressing, my mom will come through for me. If there is
anyone my father cannot say no to is my mother” he
squeezes my hand with a sigh, I take this time to snitch on
Mapeete, it’s a good change of topic,
“Moletsane!” gently I call out, and like I thought he breaks
into a loud contagious laughter of his that I love so much
“You do know how to call my name now don’t you?” I nod, I
do. I’m just used to how I used to call him. But now I know
the difference between Siso and Seeiso
“Seeiso” he laughs louder again, bringing me closer to his
warm touch
“I think I love Moletsane better” I nod, planting a peck on his
cheek “What were you saying hee MaDlomo waka before I
interrupted you?” (….My MaDlomo……..)
I sigh “MaPeete said somethings to me” he frowns balancing
with his elbow to look down on my face.
“What did she say?” he comes a bit hostile.
“She said I don’t have the queen bone, you are not perfect to
be a king and that I should convince you to give the throne
to your brother abuti puso for now. She was basically
bashing us” I think that covers just about it, I don’t want to
go into it for detail in detail.
He bites on his bottom lip, staring down at me “She said
that?” he asks and I nod “I’ll take care of it” now I frown at
“Don’t start battles with your family Siso please”
“I won’t, I promise” he leans to my head and plants a kiss on
my forehead “Other than that, is there anyone else who said
something mean to you?”
I shake my head no “I actually love everyone and I enjoyed
them except her”
“Thank you for telling me. I know she probably said not to
tell me” I nod “Thank you for trusting me, if we can go on
like this, open and with no secrets between us. We’ll be just
ready for the throne when the time comes” I pull his collar
closer to me, I need his lips now. We have been talking for
way too long. He pecks my lips first before he takes them as
he please. By now I’m addicted to his expert tongue….
We are pulled apart by a clearing of throat, we both sit a bit
to see the invader of our little sweet time. Pabatso stand
down the car holding a fleece.
“Hmmk my prince” Siso frowns at her then at me, maybe he
think I have something to do with this “I’m offering my
blanket to keep you warm in coldest nights and arms my
prince” she bends a knee holding out her ugly fleece to my
boyfriend. It’s dark but I feel that it’s ugly.
Siso is a bit uncomfortable, he stills a glance at me before he
reaches out his hand. Hmk! He must be kidding me.
“Dikgomo” (Appreciated) he say, taking the blanket. Pabatso
smiles with a bow and leaves. That stupid blanket will keep
him warm, I’m living his sorry behind
“Khwezi! Baby!” I’m off the car before he can even as much
grab my hand. He can go to hell for all I care.

I married a woman. I married a woman who felt too innocent

for me. She came into my life and gave me warmth and
security, but now a woman I married is turning into another
duplicate of the woman that brought me in this world. She
used to be sweet, caring, loving, supportive, inviting,
innocent and welcoming. And I loved her to the moon and
back for that, her gentle tender personality was what drove
me to her. I loved that she was my ride or die. I could count
on her for anything but like every sweet dream, it all faded
like a sweet dream it was when she tasted the slice of royalty.
MaPeete is turning into something I don’t like, something
that is slowly making me tolerate her more than love her.
Slowly I’m falling out of love for my wife and I wish she could
just catch or meet me half way so we can pace each other
back to love once again.
Today is one of the days where she made me feel of how
much of a nothing I mean to her. She disrespected me in
front of my family and she didn’t even care that is was our
son’s strengthening ceremony. She knows how my family
prefers holding each other through everything but she is
always pulling in her own different direction of late.
Even our little kotiza pulled through for Seeiso. She is not
even married into this family but she was right by her
husband to be. I on the other hand I’m a married man in the
family, my wife is supposed to be by my side in family events
but she choose not to even show face. I had a vacant chair
by my side. A vacant chair that’s supposed to occupy
MaPeete my wife.
I married a woman who is here but she is not really here. I
feel like we are pulling in different directions. The more I try
to reaching out and find what the matter is, is the more she
throws insults at me. Our constant fights are starting to
affect my son. My boy is starting to grow into a quiet child
because of the screaming he witnesses at home. He is only
loud when he is with Tlotla. Well and Seeiso too because my
brother is a baby’s man. He loves kids to the core.

We are spending the night at home. The children’s ceremony

requires us to do so.
I fill a huge bowl with yoghurt, ice cream and some chocolate
syrup. I hope I did it okay. Maybe today she’ll talk to me and
not insult me every chance she gets, I hope.
I pass to my parents’ room before I head to our bedroom to
check on the kids. I’m pleased that they have Tlotla and
Peete and I know they’ll sleep with them.
“Puso!” my mother calls just as I walk out. She is not my
biological mother but I love her more than the one I called a
mother. Through this sweet woman I found what is called a
motherly love. She loved me and accepted me like I came
from her. Right now I can see that she is worried about me,
the creased lines on her forehead confirms it all.
“Mamajara leave my son” he is my brother but our age
difference and culture says otherwise. I’m the son his father
birthed him. That’s what our culture say. In Sesotho, when
an old man have a son in his old age. That son is not
considered his but his first born son’s son. I love it when he
calls me his son.
My mother doesn’t regard him, she stares back at me, her
eyes pregnant with worry “Are you okay son?”
I swallow, am I okay? I’m not but I hope my wife will talk to
me and stop insulting me one of these days “I’m fine olady”
I manage, passed the lump clogging on my throat at that
She doesn’t believe me but she doesn’t dwell on it “Your wife
wasn’t by your side during the ceremony”
I breathe, I’m good at lying for her to my family lately “She
was having period pains hence why I’m holding this” I show
a bowl of dessert “It’s going to melt” she nods with a smile
as I lie literally flying out of the room. I don’t want more
questions. I hope my lie worked.
In and out I breathe before I enter the room. She jumps off
the bed and folds her arms to her chest. That’s her ‘it’s going
to be a fight’ pose.
“Baby!” I breathe, holding our dessert with one spoon. My
intention was that we are going to feed each other so I saw
no need for another spoon.
“And here walks in the weakling I call a husband” it starts.
I still soldier on ignoring the insults as I rest on the bed “Look
what I made for you, please come sit next to your husband
so I can feed you” I’m exhausted of the fights, I long for a day
where we would just sit and eat dessert like we used to. I
don’t even have a sweet tooth but I compromised because
she likes sweet things.
“Puso why are you such a weakling, your frustrating the shit
out of me. Where is your damn spine man!” of cause the
disrespect comes with the insults. She hisses fisting her
hands together. I know she is fighting the urge to punch me.
She is done it before and I let it pass just like all the other
“Baby can you sit so we can just eat and enjoy ourselves. I
miss sitting next to you without a fight”
BY SAYING NO” this is what birthed this side of her, the side
that’s slowly making me see her true colours. I thought I
married for love but I was wrong. So damn wrong. Since I
declined the throne when I was given a chance to hold for
Seeiso until he ready, my wife declined me too. She changed
into something I didn’t think she is. A venom of a woman
waiting to sink her teeth in me.
She wants me to take the throne and for the life of me, I don’t
want that responsibility. I don’t have the power for that. I
have never imagined myself over that chair. The power chair
I thrived for and obtained with a corner office at the top
building MDM is the CEO chair. I worked my behind hard
for that chair and I got it fair and square. I’m fulfilled with
that and I don’t even earn for more. I belong in the office,
making money not on the throne chair dictated by ancestors.
My brother gave me the CEO chair because he saw how
much I wanted it. And I’m content with that.
“Can you please not shout, we are at home mommy and my
family might hear us” my voice comes lower than hers, I
would like to keep her perfect in front of my family so that
when we fix things, they don’t even know that we were
having problems.
DAMN KING PUSO” I’m thankful that my room floor at home
is in third floor. Only Seeiso and I occupies this floor and I’m
sure he is not back as yet.
“I don’t want to be a king Vio”
“You never loved me Vio?” she swallows, looking like she
didn’t mean that but I know better. And I see better. She is
been by myside for this all along. At least now I know she
got pregnant on purpose. To trap me they say nowadays.
“I just want you to embrace who you are and stop settling to
being second best in everything. We would be a king and
queen now if you didn’t turn down the offer. Do you know
how annoying it was to watch that naïve stupid princess be
pointed at that she is going to be the Baletsane’s queen” oh
“I’ll sleep in one of the guest rooms” I don’t have the energy,
it’s been a long day and all I needed was to end the day in
my wife’s arms.
“Tsamaya Puso, you good at running vele” (Go Puso,……….)
I don’t run but I’m a calm person, I prefer nice and quiet
environments. I’m almost out of the door when I feel
something hit me hard and bite the back of my head…..fuck
it stings. She threw a photo frame at the back of my head.
I turn a bit and watch down the shattered pieces down the
white ceramic floor before I finally look up at her. One would
be filled with regret after such incident but not my wife. She
looks like a snake ready to spit more venom. Not even once
of regret.
I gather my wounded soul and finally leave her space. I
married my mother’s daughter in law.
I know I choose his room because spare rooms that are not
used usually feel so cold. They lack warmth no matter how
many blankets you cover with.
When I feel cold hands brushing my cheeks I just know the
owner of the room is back. I don’t struggle opening my eyes
because I’m naturally a light sleeper and I haven’t had a
decent sleep in almost forever now. First thing I need to
address is,
“Why are you brushing my cheeks?” I ask following my
question with a yawn as I fight sleep off me
“Why are you not in your room?” I ask, he asks,
“What time is it?” I choose to change the topic and turn to
investigate time on my phone which I had placed right over
the headboard counter next to me. I ignore a headache that
pokes right above my eyes as I check the time of the night.
His face is worn with a frown I don’t know where it source
from when my eyes lands back on him after I have confirmed
time. He is a happy person naturally, so seeing him grow
wrinkled with worry I reciprocate his expressions with my
own worry creased forehead lines.
“What’s the matter?” I’m the one to ask before him.
“You’re bleeding” it comes as a whisper as he sends his hand
for inspection. He is trying to touch the back of my head
pressed on the pillow but I win the task before him. I touch
the back of my head and my hand comes reddened with my
own blood.
To say I’m shocked is minimal. She didn’t hit me that hard
but the blood absorbed on the white pillows says otherwise.
“Abuti Puso what happened?” (Brother…….) I’m only brother
when he needs something or when he really fucked up.
Today I just discovered that when he is terrified too I’m also
awarded with my proper tittle from him.
I swallow first so I can clean my tongue of any slipping, it’s
supposed to be firm now. No slipping of tongue
“I…..hit….some drunkard threw a bottle at me, can you
believe it?” it’s a celebratory day, chances of having drunk
people throwing bottles at me are very high.
“I wasn’t born yesterday” he is not impressed with my lying
“Seeiso please let it go” I know convincing him would be a
futile exercise but I hope for my sake he lets it go. I look in
his eyes to relay the message that I don’t want to talk about
it and I’m glad he gets it before he even mouths it.
“Let’s get you cleaned” I don’t fight him with that one. He
give me his hand for support to stand and I hold on to it for
brotherhood. The headache is bursting right above my eyes
but I soldier on.
My steps are a bit crooked and my sight is blur but we do
make to the bathroom where he shoves me to his rest chair
in the bathroom. Right now I’m trying to control the
headache as I shut my eyes tight close and listen to him open
a tap running water. He comes back with a damp towel and
press it on my head in silence. I know he is hurting that I
don’t want to share my pain with him but I would like to
protect my wife.
“When is kotiza visiting again?” I ask, not because I really
want to know but because Khwezi is the only topic that
would inhale all this steam of anger he is exhaling.
“She would if Mapeete was welcoming of her” jerrrr! I hope
she didn’t say anything to kotiza “Abuti puso do you want
the throne?” she said something now I’m sure. Seeiso knows
that I don’t want that chair but the fact that he is asking
again means Mapeete opened her mouth to kotiza.
“Seeiso I don’t want to be a king. I’m okay with the CEO
position and I love it there” Mjay gave me the position when
he stepped down. He has too many supernatural enemies to
fight now that he has his family to protect.
“Then why is mapeete not in tune with you? She is feeding
my girl with ideas and making her feel stupid for agreeing to
be my queen?”
Sigh “I’ll talk to her and put her in line” that’s all I can say
for now. I hear his resting breathe too leaving the
conversation there at a comma point before he frees my head
of the warm towel. I still have my eyes shut. His minimal
footsteps alerts me that he is in his cabinet, he comes back
to me just a short while
“Here drink up” I manage to open one eye open and find him
holding out two tablets of aspirin and a bottle of water. I
receive the medication and throw in my mouth downing it
with water. It stings like hell when I raise my head to help
the tablet down my throat.
“Thank you” I murmur
“Your most welcome but please next time warn Mapeete of
the fine she’ll pay if she dare does this again” past my painful
eyes due to headache I open them to look at him. He holds
my stare telling me through his eyes that he knows. How? I
don’t know.
“Come back to sleep, I’ll change the pillow and there is no
way in hell I’m sharing a blanket with you” he turns on his
steps changing the topic. He is just avoiding worrying me.
With a sigh I follow him back to the bedroom. He disappears
to his closet and comes back holding an extra blanket. My
eyes fall on the a purple fleece that looks nothing like him,
“And that?” I gesture with my head pointing the fleece
“You won’t believe that Khwezi left me out in the cold
because of that fleece” I frown for him to elaborate “Some girl
who is her roommate gave me this thing….you know as a
royal I cannot deny gifts from my people. My girl doesn’t
understand that. She stormed off angry without even as
much giving me a second to explain” I have to laugh at how
worried he is, Khwezi is got her wrapped around her tiny
“One of this days sit her down and explain how things work
this side. She may be a princess but she doesn’t know how
we work this side” he nods with a sigh “And the cake? Have
you killed it as yet” I ask that to crack him up and it
works…I’ll listen to how much of a virgin he is the rest of the
night and forget my troubled marriage.

Her eyes. They say a woman’s eyes can tell a tale for the
heart. Through her eyes you can tell whether she is cooked
a thunderous storm or a calm ocean. I see it in the way she
glares at me that she is beyond furious. Her eyes thrive in
sombre pain and thunderous anger. If she could she would
jump me and strangle me alive. My mistake was coming to
bed late thinking that she would have fallen asleep and will
be much calm in the morning, but I guess the gods are not
in my favour today. She is still extremely mad even though
she is slept on it.
I was trying to run my disciplinary hearing as I tiptoed out
of the bed and dashed to the bathroom to wash the night off
me. To my bad I find her glaring in my direction balancing
her head with her elbow as I come out of the closet.
I manage my steps carefully as I walk towards her, I’m still
very much careful because an angry woman is like a weapon
waiting to strike.
I had hoped that she would be fast asleep and will wake to
an empty bed. Which would have given her more time to
calm this aching anger burning her.
“Mabataung” I drop besides her, that’s my good morning.
She has Lerotholi under her elbow which is pinned on the
pillow facing the closet direction just so she can intently
watch me.
“Sweetheart” I try the sweet approach when she doesn’t
glorify me with an answer but just stare at me “Mama
kekopa o ntshwarele” (Mommy please forgive me) When her
chest expand high before it drops as she contracts I know
she is willing to talk.
“Sorry for what Papa Tlotla?” I drop my eyes, not because I
cannot hold my wife stare but because I want her to see how
sorry I am. Sometimes as a man, you just have to let your
wife lead some battles and let her win. She must know that
you may be a bull in the house but she is the horn on the
bull’s head
“Tlotla is coughing, Peete has a runny nose and Leroy is
blocked. Do you know how painful it is to watch my children
get sick all because of your culture that is so damn cruel?”
“I’m really sorry mosadi waka” (……My wife) I maintain my
humble apologies, still looking down in shame. But my eyes
land on her bended knee exposed outside the covers. I miss
“A.a. hey hey! Don’t you dare get horny with me, I’m very
much annoyed with you. Why didn’t you tell me my children
were going to be drowned in water” (No. no…….)
exaggeration is in woman’s nature. They were sprinkled with
rain but it is how she sees it, I’m in no position to hold an
arguments especially because I’m on the begging side.
“I’m sorry mommy”
“Abuti majara I thought we were past the stage of you
making me feel like an infant by taking all the decisions for
me. These are my children and you were supposed to tell me
that a bloody storm was going to be called on them and they
were going to be drowned to death” exaggeration and drama!
She is so cute when she shouts and I just want to eat her up
but still, I remember that she is addressing me and I must
respect that.
“Please forgive me ngwetsi ya baletsane. It was wrong of me
not to tell you how and what was going to be done to your
children. I beg you to forgive me my baby, I’ll take all your
children to the doctor today” I seal my apology with a
promise, even though I know that the children will wake up
“You better” she threatens.
“And I will mommy, I promise with the Alpha in me” that
brings that smile that captures my heart so bad on her
beautiful face. I love my wife so bad I feel like I’m aching for
her when I don’t touch her skin.
I don’t know when I picked her and positioned her on top of
my waist, but only now that I feel satisfied with her touch in
my hold I realise that I picked her to my lap. I’m holding her
portable waist caressing it through the silk night garment
she is wearing. Lately she wears her ugly sleep wears
because we share a bed with Lerotholi.
“Am I forgiven?” I keep her eyes with mine looking down at
her. She is still shorter than me even when we are seated. I
love what her tiny hands are doing at the back of my head
even though it’s sending wrong signals to a certain member
down town.
“I cannot stay mad at you for long Molapo” melody to my
ears. Her soft arms cage my neck while her hands caresses
my head as it pleases. I feel like her boy and I’m proud that
I am. There is no other woman who can have me like she
I pick her chin up to my face. My other hand wrapped
around her keeping her waits intact in my touch. An open
invitation to devour her lips is welcomed when she bites her
lower lip. I bite that very same lip first. Staring in her angelic
pure eyes. This woman is going to drive me crazy if I’m not
already am. The touch of her lip between my slightly gritted
teeth feels like biting into a marshmallow. I let her take the
lead and close her eyes, following on queue I close mine too
and indulge in her oh! So sweet tender lips and mouth. She
taste like a foreign drink I’m not supposed to have but I keep
on having anyway. She is so juicy, so mouth-watering, so….
“Aouch!” she cries, abruptly stopping our sweet fluid
exchange moment. She drops her bottom jaw and open her
inner lower lip “Molapo you bit me” she manages pulling on
her bottom lip for thorough inspection.
I feel my heart freeze and constrict when I notice a drop of
blood inside her lower lip. The juicy I was feeling when
devouring her lips was her blood. This cannot happen. For
the wolf in me my wife is a no go area. Even Lupus himself
knows that. The only time Lupus can put her in harm’s way
is if the battle of the dark world begins. And as far as I know
that cannot happen because I would be out numbered. My
children are still very much young and some are not even
born as yet. The battle of the dark world is supposed to
resume after the prophecy has been fulfilled. Enemies of the
dark world are supposed to attack when I have my pack
ready. Right now it would….
“Molapo I said you bit me” her tone comes out stern and a
bit shouty. She snaps me out of my trained thoughts and for
the first time I’m glad she is concentrating on her anger than
to listen to my mind. This are the side effects of having
someone love you so bad that they love even your heavy
mind. You cannot think alone if you have them close to you.
“Lwandle I am so so sorry….. I….” I trail off when I don’t even
know what to say. I’m ashamed in myself that I sink my teeth
in my wife’s lips. This is all Lupus. He is not supposed to
harm our mate but he produced his canine teeth and sank
them in Mabataung when he got excited.
“Why would you do that?” She is appalled, glaring at me with
a crossed frown on her head.
I have no words to reason for Lupus despicable behaviour.
Before I promise her that it will never happen again while I’m
not certain, I myself. I pick her off my waist and place her on
the bed. I’m quick to leave the room even though I feel her
stare dig on my back as I walk out. I need Joy to clarify what
the hell was that. Lupus cannot loose himself with his mate.

When I’m alone I try very much to control the animal in me

but it just too much off power to tame. I check behind me if
none of the staff is off sight before I turn on my way to the
elevator and go for the stairs. I’m only two floors above. I let
my animalistic instinct take over and jump the two floors
instead of taking the stairs. It’s the thrive I needed.
“Majara don’t annoy me” It’s my father. He is looking so frail.
Holding on to the walking stick like his life depends on it.
This cancer is really setting off my old man “This is not a
witch’s house. You don’t jump inside my house” moments
like this I want to engrave them in my heart, I want to
remember him scold me like this when he is gone.
“I’m sorry dad” he laughs, it tickles him well to hear me call
him dad. I offer him my elbow for support and let him lead
the way to wherever he was going,
“Where are you going?” I ask because it’s still too early.
Everyone is still fast asleep. Unless the palace help of course.
“I know I’m sick and I’m supposed to be on bed to save all
the energy I have but your mother is overdoing it. She is
treating me like a child. I just want to watch the sunrise. She
hides me so much from the morning dews saying they are
not good for my health but it’s what I miss the most.
Watching the sky welcome the mother light and breathing in
new air” Slowly we pave way to the balcony as I listen to his
“It comes from a good place you know that right?” I ask
helping him on the chair
“I know and I appreciate my beautiful caring wife so much.
But please tell her to tone it down a bit” I laugh but do
promise to see the promise through by nodding
“I’ll ask palesa to bring you your tea just the way you prefer
it” he smiles. I squeeze pat his shoulder and let him be in
search for Joy.
Joy is a delicate case for me. I cannot connect to him in
anyhow. Even if I would want us to connect, he is keeping
me safe from the dark world by shutting me out of his mind.
Here at home they still think he is Michael and that Angie
disappeared leaving him behind. Everyone call him every
Chinese name you can think off but I know my family is one
gentle family. He is well taken care off even though he is
trying so hard to push them away. He hates being made a
baby because he is one grown 416 years old baby.
His room was vacant when I went to search for him so I sat
and waited for him. He is an Acua. An acua is something
just like a seer. He sees into the past, the present and the
future of the dark world. Like a seer he sees something while
some he doesn’t. I’m hoping he’ll clarify why Lupus sank his
teeth in his mate.
He walks in looking like a boy just as I’m still immersed in
my thoughts. It’s the truth in his eyes that tells me that he
already knows the reason for my early invasion in his room.
“Son!” I don’t miss his not pleased stare. When we are alone
we usually throw out the titles and talk face to face as an
Acua and an Alpha “You look tired” I probe
“I don’t sleep Lupus”
Sigh “What do you see? I almost bit my wife this morning”
he nods in understanding
“Lupus is sensing them. They are coming” I glare “I was at
the home today. I looked through the mirror of darkness.
Randolph, Ulmer and Lupe are making way to you” the
moment stops. I feel immobile for a bit. Those are the Rafe.
The council of wolves. Their way to me means they are here
to finish my family off.
“I’m not ready. My family is not yet rooted. I’ll be
“That is true. But you have a choice” the minute our eyes
lock I know what he is suggesting and NEVER! “It’s that, or
you watch them finish your house of wolves before it even
“Joy NO”
“At least talk to them first before you squash the idea. They
are your blood and they are the only ones you can implant
on them” No. There has to be another way to fight this battle.
I cannot not infect my brothers with wolf print to turn them
into what I am so they can help me kill my enemies of the
dark world.

“We lean to value those closest to our hearts when the

light dims” By simple escapes reading
Goodbye Bereng Molapo

The time was always going to come. Be it hundred or million

years more to come but the day to face his inherited enemies
was always going to come. He was still going to fight the Rafe
for the protection and freedom of his family. Lupus waited
for him to be born because he is the one who would avenge
him. He is the one to resurrect the house of wolves on earth.
All this is Lupus’ burden but as the carrier, it falls on him
He is been in one of those moods since his talk with Joy. He
doesn’t know how he is going to defeat something like a
government of wolves. This time was supposed to come when
his pack is all born and strong enough to fight by his side.
But it looks like he is going to have to face the notorious
vicious council of wolves on his own.

His family is dreading carefully around him today. Its days

like this when he would go to his then lonely house and lock
himself there. It was his escape for when days got too hard
on him. He is killing all the energy in the house with his
distant emotions today.
He was called for breakfast but he didn’t even as much blink.
He is been staring in space lost in his deep thoughts.
From drowning in his thoughts, something grabs his
attention back to the living. What grabs his heavy thoughts
is the smell of blood. With his nose he lightly sniffs with the
instinct of the wolf in him. Blood scent comes from Puso and
Seeiso who looks like they just made a pass before him.
“PUSO” it comes too cold although he didn’t mean it to come
out like that. It happens when he is in one of his moods. The
two both stand to look at him. It’s his first word to his family
today. They found him in the lounge but he didn’t even as
much breathe a word.
“Abuti” (Brother) there are times when you just have to
respect him, times you don’t want to add to whatever is going
on in his head and unfortunately it looks like today is that
“What happened to your head?” he is the one with a bandage
at the back of his head. Mapeete was passing by helping the
help collect plates of the dining table where they just had
breakfast. Unfortunately for her she trembles a bit when her
ears steals in their conversation that wasn’t meant for her
ears. She breaks plates in terror. This invites the uninvited
attention in her direction. Seeiso on the other hand is now
definitely sure.
When attention dies from Mapeete, Majara glares back at
Puso for an answer. Instead both his brother’s share looks.
“I……I….i was drunk yesterday and I hi..hi..hit him with a
beer bottle” the response comes from Seeiso but Majara
knows it’s pure lie. The fact that he stuttered is to blame for
him not being convincing enough.
“Hmmmm!” that’s all Majara say, holding them in place with
just his stare “You may go as you wish” both they expel
muffled sighs but because Lupus is very busy today, he
hears their breathing too. They are definitely lying, that’s a
relief breath.

He lets them off his attention and wallow back in his

thoughts. He really doesn’t know what he is going to do. The
Rafe are definitely much stronger and dominant than him
because they live most of their lives in wolf form. He is a
diluted wolf as compared to them. And there is no way he
can fight them alone.
“Ntate Molapo?” now that’s the woman after his Lupus and
being. His lips curl into a hidden smile. He is happy that this
tiny being knows him so well. She didn’t even poke him
earlier when she saw that he was in mud of thoughts. She
let him be and breathe his thoughts.
Only now when she feels that his emotions are a bit at base
she comes to find out what has been toying with her man’s
He pat’s his lap and open his arm. Mabataung gets the
instruction loud and clear. She settles on his lap and wrap
her one hand around his neck while the other one plays with
his growing beard. They are the beard brothers. His though
is not much grown, same as Puso. The person who keeps his
grown and neat is Seeiso.
“Where are you today my Alpha” Mabataung asks gently
teasing his beard.
He sighs deeply “A bit far away. I’m sorry about this
morning” she is totally forgot about it, she didn’t even take
it much to mind.
“Molapo please don’t tell me you’re this distant because of
that?” well it’s not that but it’s also part of what drew him
back to his dark thoughts.
He sighs again, looking down at her “I think it’s time we go
home” in his tone she is aware of which home he is talking
about. She is not ready for that home.
“Abuti Majara I thought we agreed to at least wait for Leroy
to turn one before we take on that journey” they sat and
spoke about it, their agreement was that they wait for baby
Leroy to at least turn one.
“We did mommy but, we might need the protection of that
home sooner”
“What are you talking about?” there is panic in her eyes.
Everything that has to do with her husband is always deep,
dark and extraordinary. He is managed to break the fence
he build around himself, he shares almost everything with
his wife.
First he looks around to make sure they don’t have extra
ears in the room.
“What happened this morning was a sign of………”
“Mabataung” the conversation is interjected by ntate bereng
walking back into the lounge. Mabataung jumps off her
husband’s lap when her father in law paves in to the room
resting on the single sitter couch.
“Ntate” she manage, looking a bit embarrassed. Ntate bereng
has a letter in hand.
“Call everyone my child but leave the children” Mabataung
bows to his order and disappears off the room.
Majara is left with his father, who looks in the core of
Majara’s eyes to take him where his mind is at in the

“Moletsane” he keeps his eyes at his son, Majara shakes his

head because he doesn’t want to acknowledge what he sees.
“It’s time Moletsane” with more than mouth conversation
they look in each other’s eyes. A ping of sadness hugs over
Majara’s heart.
“I’m going to need you to be the strongest one for them all.
You may not be the king but know that you duty is far
beyond the throne. You’re the carrier. I named you Majara
because you’re the one to carry everyone’s burdens on you.
You’re the rock of this family Maraja”
“Tyma no” Majara shakes his head in denial.
“Molapo you’re the protector, the shield and the root of this
family. I leave them in your capable hands and one day you’ll
leave them in Lerotholi’s capable hands. I told you that I’ll
die after seeing your first born son and I am. I will not see
tomorrow son I can feel. I need you to remember that I leave
you to carry this family to greater heights. I trust you grow
them beyond humanity. Make them the best house in the
south” it aches, it aches even his cold heart. When he
learned that his father is got a brain tumour and there is
nothing to be done, it wasn’t easy for him and the whole
family. But because they hold each other through
everything. The held it together and gave him his wish of not
being congested by doctors……at some days they even as
much forgot that he is ill because he was at his happiest.
“Papa don’t….papa we still need you” ntate bereng can’t help
but melt. He is never been called ‘Papa’ by him in quite a
while. He left the papa word in the five years he spent in the
mountains trying to get rid of Lupus in him but he ended up
appreciating his wolf instead of ridding it.
“It’s time son. Marena a nnete a tseba ha nako e fihlile”
(……True kings know when the time has come)

Their conversation is cut short by people starting to flood

into the room. One by one they all honour his request. It’s
very sad to die before your parents but he is happy that the
two people who brought him to this world will see him off
this world too. Ntate Tlali seats next to Mabereng.
Mabataung takes her sit next to her husband. Ora take a sit
next to her twin Seeiso. But Puso and Mapeete sit sits apart.
“Mapeete, your place is by your husband. Sit next to your
husband” since his eyes picked on them first he decides to
starts with them, with his own queen standing behind him
brushing on his shoulder. He takes her hand and kiss the
top of it.
His smile falls on Mapeete who changed sit to be by her
husband “Mapeete” he regards her still contained in smile “If
I had much time on this world I would have told you how the
beloved Bataung BaMoletsane came to have the name ‘Peete’
in their family tree. You are named after one of the fallen
kings of this house. You came into this family unexpected.
One minute Puso is a bachelor, next minute Puso is married
with a baby boy. Of course I had to call the first boy born
after Peete. You gave us our Peete back Mapeete. We may
not do this as often as we should but I need you to know
that we love you and we appreciate you. You are valued in
this house and we’ll fight for you just as we would for
everyone in this circle. I don’t know what the future holds
but I’m dying recognising you as a wife to Puso. And I’ll
always see you as that when I join my forefathers in the last
ride. I’ll forever see you as my mistake brother’s wife
wherever I’m going” the lounge welcomes light chuckles at
the mistake brother.
His eyes fall on Puso. He hates that he is such a sensitive
young man but he wouldn’t trade him for anything in this
“Molapo” he is looking at Puso with a smile “I always wanted
a brother. A little one to teach things but you came into my
life and became my son. Thanks to our busy father” light
laughter’s “I love you and appreciate you. You’re my blood.
I’ll be with you till the end of time. When you feel it’s too
much, ask Moletsane to call me and I’ll come running. I may
have not had the chance to hold your hand through
everything as I wished but the time you came into my life, I
have held your hand and I’m not going to let go. No matter
the phases of life. I’ll forever be with you when you call”
Mapeete wipes Puso’s lone tear that just braced his cheek.
He pulls her under his arm in comfort. Ntate Bereng is
content. He wants to leave everyone happy.
He turns to Mabataung and Majara. Still drawn in smile
“Our thriller couple” again laughter’s take the room
“Mabataung. Mme wa bataung. You are our mother wena.
You are appreciated, you are valued. You are the mother of
this house after my wife. I’m going to carry you in my next
life. You earned yourself a shine in my heart that I’ll carry to
the other life. I cannot wait to tell my forefathers about you.
Thank you. Thank you for giving my son a reason to live.
Thank you for loving him with every darkness in his life. I
will forever respect and love you” Mabataung receives the
words with a pressed pained smile. she mouths that she love
him too.
Next to receive his smile are his parents, mabereng doesn’t
even have the strength to look at her son. It’s unbearable
pain for a parent to bury their son.
“Mama, Papa” he is someone’s son too “All I say is thank
you. Your both my soul” he keeps it simple, his mother’s
sobs doesn’t sit well with him.
“My princess” Ora is an ocean of tears too “Please live. Have
fun Oratuwe. Please ngwanaka stop being so perfect. Get a
boyfriend maan” (…….my baby…….) almost every one
“My prince, my king to be” Seeiso is blushing “This is for
you” he hands Seeiso the letter he is been eagerly waiting
for. Seeiso doesn’t open it but hold it to his heart looking at
his father “I love her. She is a little dynamite. Young but
capable. Mould her well and see her flourish by your side.
Tell her now that I have this letter I’m saying ‘Welcome to the
family’ and for the fact that she is not here today, I need her
to do me a favour by naming your first born son with her
Bereng MolapoII” Seeiso stands with a smile and crashes his
father with a hug. Ora follows and Puso is next. It’s a
bittersweet moment.
“My queen” he turns to Mamajara behind him. She is smiling
through the tears “Take me to our grandbabies” she holds
her husband’s hand helping him off the couch. In sadness
the family watches them slowly walk out of the room. A
painful day it is.
As people disappeared on queue with their partners, Seeiso
disappeared with his still sealed letter. He wanted to take the
wonderful news on his own and celebrate by himself first.
He stands outside the balcony up in the sky wanting to enjoy
this moment alone. He is going to give Khwezi the mother of
proposal when she turns 21 he thinks.
With ease and excitement he tears the paper standing up
ready to dance his happiness. He is going to send her a
picture of the letter after reading through it.
His hands tremble hands in excitement as he breaks into
paper. With a sigh he breathes I the letter before he actually
reads. All the excitement is immediately replaced by fear
when his eyes read two letters on the white paper.
*NO* it’s written in a black pen stamped and addressed to
him. Her father’s signature solidifies the contents of the
In that moment he sees his world come crumbling before
him, his knees fails him and hits the ground. The piece of
paper falls aside him as he stare ahead shattered. “NO” the
letter is simply written. He’ll not be the lucky man to marry
his morning star.
Right in that moment Mapeete makes a pass to her room,
she turns to investigate what the matter might be with her
brother in law when she sees him kneeling looking lost in
“Say what’s wrong?” worriedly she questions Seeiso’s state,
he doesn’t have the strength to even word. He is shattered
beyond repair. Mapeete’s eyes fall on the letter besides him.
She picks it and read the two letters “Oh no seeiso I’m so
sorry” still seeiso doesn’t word, he is in disbelief “Here,
smoke and calm down” he doesn’t even turn but the smell
he knows too well. It’s weed. How she has weed he doesn’t
know but one zol will do right now.

A sad Monday it is for the Kingdom of Lesotho. The news of

the passing of the great King Bereng Molapo was prod casted
first thing in the morning. Apparently he didn’t make it to
the morning. They say he died in his house in bed with his
wife. She only saw that he was no longer with us this
morning. It’s a sad day for the kingdom of Lesotho.
I haven’t been able to get hold of Siso. From when I heard I
have been trying him with no luck. I made a decision to
attend my classes and jump straight to taxis to town so I can
go see him. He must be a mess where he is. Not forgetting
the pressure of the throne now that his father is no more. I
saw ntate bereng at the children’s strengthening ceremony
and he wasn’t so bad. Yes he looked a bit frail but it wasn’t
something to prepare the writings of obituaries.
The media is speculating as usual because no official
statement has been made as yet. It was only announced that
the Kingdom is off their king as of this morning.
I dash into the shower for a quick refreshment before I
change to a knee length tight fit denim dress. White crop top
floating above my jean dress which starts above my waits
compliments my dress. No skin is showing from my crop top
because the dress is high waist. I end my clothing with my
white Nike sneakers. I hold my coat in hand because one can
never be sure with this country’s weather. It’s a bit chilled
though not chilled enough for a coat but I would rather be
safe than sorry. I shove my doek inside my bag. I know his
mother said I can be me but I would still like to look
respectful, especially because now there is a funeral in the
When I’m sure of everything I make way out after locking my
room. Lerato is standing by the stove stirring whatever in
her pot. I like her and I think she likes me too, even though
she is slightly older than me.
“Hey” I acknowledge because I haven’t seen her since
“Hello, I’m sorry about your father in law” she winks. We
both laugh.
“I’m sorry about your king” again we crack. She is nice
unlike the ever hostile hurricane Pabatso “Anyway, I’m
heading there. I’ll see you later” she nods with a smile.
“Call me if you need anything”
“I’ll keep that in mind” I say marching to the door where I’m
meant by hurricane Pabatso as I open the door. She
challenges me with a stare when our eyes meet. I don’t have
time for her drama so I squeeze myself over the little space
she is left me at the door.
Only when I’m outside I breathe. That girl was a bully from
primary school I tell you. Even her presence alone makes me
squirm without her uttering her bitter words.
After the taxi has dropped me a walkable distance to the
palace. I hide my head with the doek walking over to the
palace. I need a new hairdo. This straight back is handing in
its expiring date. I’m still unable to get hold of him as I stand
outside the huge wide opened gate. A familiar face notices
me as I try to gather my strength so I can walk solo in his
home. He comes to me with a smile.
“Your highness” he drops his head with a bow when he
stands few feet away from me.
“Khwezi please sir” he must really know who I am to address
me like that “Can I come in?” I ask.
He chuckles a bit “Of course mam” this man is way way older
than me.
“Please call me Khwezi sir” I insist walking towards him as
we make way into the yard. He keeps close to me but with
respectable distance between “Do you perhaps know where
I can find Siso?” he regards me with a bit of confusion
portrayed on his face and I’m quick to remember my mistake
“Seeiso I mean” I correct myself.
He breaks another lopsided smile “Go ahead princess. I’ll call
someone to receive you at the door and take you straight to
“Thank you sir” I appreciate with a nod too and head for the
house leaving him at the gate with other men I don’t know.

As soon as I reach the door it opens before I even as much

knock. Sis Palesa holds it open with a smile. She drops a
knee and bow too. They are too overwhelming this side.
“Dumela sis palesa” (Greetings……) my sotho is getting
“My princess” she bows with a smile “Tshepo asked that I
take you to prince Seeiso”
“That would be very much appreciated sis palesa, thank
you” she returns the smile and then free me off my coat and
“This way mam” I choose to just breathe it. It really is
overwhelming to have elders respecting you but I guess
when in Rome, you eat with the romans.
She leads the way into that spacious big lounge. I keep at
her tail until I hear voices. I stop before I could make face
when I hear deep male voices occupy the lounge. Damn it!
Sis palesa is already in before I could stop her.
She claps her hands and bows to interrupt the male talks in
the lounge. It doesn’t take long for ntate Tlali’s voice to order
her to talk.
“My apologies your highness. Prince Seeiso you have a
visitor” she announces, still looking down.
“I’m in the middle of a meeting, keep them entertained please
until I’m done” oh my boyfriend’s voice. It sounds strong but
hiding behind the pain.
“It’s princess Khwezi my prince” Bathong sis palesa! I didn’t
mind waiting on him.
“Can I please be excused for five minutes” he sings sounding
like he is already on his feet. When his face show behind sis
palesa he breaks a pained grin behind her. His red eyes
confirms that he is been crying.
He engulfs me into a hug when he reaches me. I embrace
him back wrapping tight around his neck while he holds my
waist picking me a bit. For a moment we hold each other in
comfort until I break the moment. It looks like he really
needed this hug.
“Molapo I’m so sorry” I whisper in his ear as he arm me like
it’s all that’s left for him.
“Thank you for being here MaMolapo waka. I’m sorry I
haven’t been able to take your calls” a man after my heart.
He apologises before I even ask.
“It’s okay baby, you don’t have to apologise. I was just so
worried about you” He frees me off his warm addictive divine
embrace and holds my shoulders looking down at me. He is
happy to see me but there is something in his eyes.
Something sad. It’s more than the pain of losing his father.
“I love you MaDlomo you know that?” I nod, he knows that I
know and I love him back just as much “Can you please
allow me to go back to my meeting, I’ll be with you in….” he
glances at his Rolex “Let’s say thirty minutes from now” I
stand on my toes to reach his lips so I can peck him as an
agreement and he meets me halfway. He pecks my lips and
nose then signal his hand for….. he wave’s sis palesa who
was just a bit of a distance from us,
“Ausi palesa please take her to Ora or Mabataung but not
Mapeete please” Sis Palesa agrees with a bow.

Down the corridor I tail sis Palesa. She starts the search for
Ora or Mabataung in the kitchen but we only find it occupied
by three women wearing the same uniform as hers. She
leads again into that other small cozy lounge. Still it’s empty.
“Eeeh Princess Khwezi would you mind resting in here while
I go look for your hosts” I shake my head no that I don’t mind
“I’ll ask someone to bring you some refreshments”
“Thank you sis Palesa” she smiles before she disappears off
sight. I throw myself down the couch and reach for the
remote. Mabataung called this lounge the woman’s lounge
the last time I was here.
It doesn’t take long before one of the women who were in the
kitchen walk in holding a tray of something that smells so
divine. I’m a foodie because I can barely cook. If it wasn’t for
you tube I would be totally hopeless. She places the tray
before me and I thank her only to staff myself in when she
is out of sight.
Damn it! This is delicious. I wonder what they call it. I would
say it’s tuna samosas if there is such. I take a pic and
forward to my mom with a caption *what do I call this?* my
mom will know for sure *Tuna Empanadas* she responds.
I’m tempted to tell her about the funeral but she’ll freak out
and be dramatic like her husband. She’ll think I’m chasing
after siso if I tell her I’m here…………
“Mama” (Mommy) a gentle voice calls out tapping my thigh.
I almost jump and scream because I didn’t see him coming
in. It’s the little Peete. A cute little boy.
“Hey baby” I throw another tuna whatever in my mouth. I
swear I’m going to finish the whole plate.
“Mama, o kae Tlotla?” (Mommy where is Tlotla?) He is asking
the wrong person and I’m definitely not mommy but I don’t
mind. He is much older than Tlotla
“Ha kitsibi baby” (I don’t know……) children! He is looking
at my hand holding the tuna thing. There is three left and
now I have to share with him because his eyes don’t leave
my hand. Jerrr! I hand him one and he awards me with a
grin and sit right on my feet. He is such a cute being. We
watch tv in silence a bit enjoying our snack until the door
opens. I feel full before she even word. It’s my little buddy’s
Her eyes burn me for a while until they fall on little Peete
sitting down on my feet. I see her palpitate in a second. She
is burning with no smoke but her vile emotions fills the
entire lounge.
“How dare you?” she finally manage to word passed the fire
burning her. I’m so confused and lost, I don’t even know
what to say because I don’t know what I’m wrong of.
“Are you trying to kill my child?” she spits, still burning as
she takes angry steps toward me. In a minute she is grabbed
me with my washings up the couch. Little peete has fled the
scene. He run like a scared little boy when her mother
grabbed me.
“Sis…sis vio….” The rest of my voice don’t see day. In a shift
she strikes my cheek hard with a stinging clap. I think I see
stars for a while as I fall back on the couch groaning in pain.
“You make your child little whore. Don’t you dare kill my
child” she points her trembling finger at me. I’m holding my
aching cheek in shock just staring because I have no words.
I don’t know how I tried to kill her child.
I don’t know who called her husband but the room is
immediately braced with an angry stare of abuti Puso. Now
her expression softens when her eyes land on her husband.
I’m still holding my aching cheek in numbness. They stare
at each other without word. In a second she is floating in the
air. Abuti puso grabs her neck and shove her to the wall.
She is trying to speak and fight his tight grip. It’s utterly
I’m scared of what’s becoming of me. I don’t even as much
scream for help. I watch her husband choke the life out of
her and I still feel like it’s not enough. I hope he has nails
too and he sank them on her snake neck.
The door flies open again and in what looks like a shift abuti
puso is now the one grabbed to the wall. Papa Tlotla pins
him to the wall with his single arms and look down at the
choking Mapeete. His eyes confirms that he is confused.
When abuti puso stops fighting him he lets him go. Mapeete
hasn’t stopped to fight for air on the floor.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Our father is dead and
our little brother is barely coping and wena the best you can
do is put your hands on women?” he spits glaring at abuti
puso. He doesn’t receive any kind of response from abuti
puso. He only breathes hard in and out controlling his anger.
Papa Tlotla changes gears to the one breathing on the floor
“Mapeete what happened?” he is also a bit gentle when he
talks to her.
“Abuti Majara he does it every day. He hits me as much as
he likes” her voice comes clogged, he really did strangle the
life out of her. I think papa Tlotla is in disbelief. He looks at
his brother, then his wife. I think he forgot that I’m in the
“I’ll tell you what happened Mjay. Peete came running to me
and told me that her mother is hitting Kotiza. I lost it and
strangled her. It was for the first time and the last time. I
know we don’t condone violence to our women in this house.
I just lost it when I saw her eyes had none regret for putting
her hands on my brother’s wife”
“Why the fuck would you hit Khwezi?” he doesn’t question
his brother more. I see it in his eyes that he believes him at
first attempt. His tone has lost the gentleness towards her,
it’s annoyed as hell now.
“She…she tried to kill peete. I found her feeding my son
tuna” bathong! “He is allergic to tuna” she adds
“And was Khwezi supposed to know that? Did you perhaps
tell her?” she shakes her head no looking down “You are
aware that Khwezi is still of the high power to you and
putting your hands on her means you’re to be fined. Not to
mention her father who is a king. Hitting her, you’re hitting
her father and if she brings this to her father, you’ll be fined
severely” silence, I think she didn’t think of that. I also didn’t
think of that. Papa Tlotla sighs hard before he hold out his
hand for me. I receive the strong hand helping me up.
“Handle your wife Puso. But let this day be the last you
touch your wife like that. I’ll take Peete to the doctor” he
announces walking out of the lounge with me.
“Peete is not allergic to tuna, there is no need to take him to
the doctor” abuti puso tells papa tlotla before we walk out. I
think now he is confused and defeated because he resorts to
shaking his head and leading me out.
“Are you okay princess?” he asks holding me as we walk
down the corridor,
“I’m fine papa tlotla”
“Do you want to lay a charge to the council against her?” I
shake my head no. I don’t want to take things to such vile
lengths “Okay but if you change your mind know that you
can still do so. Even if it’s a year later. The council will put
her in order and she’ll be fined whatever your father will
demand” I nod again,
“I think its best you go wait for your boyfriend in his room.
He is still under the council because he is next in line. They
are sharpening and polishing him a bit but he’ll be with you
shortly” I nod again because sometimes he takes one’s
emotions without even threatening or doing a damn
I only realise that I was holding in air as I breathe hard after
he frees me off his touch. I know siso’s room very well. I make
way there quick to run from mapeete if she is following me.
So thankful for the elevator which transports me to my
boyfriend’s room fast.

I throw myself onto the bed once I’m in his room. I remember
that I didn’t lock the door, mapeete might come to turn me
into history. Just as I stand on my feet once again the door
opens. His eyes look drained. He is exhausted and shattered.
I’m not very familiar with the look deep in his eyes, I would
say it’s a sexy look but there is tiredness and sadness
somewhere in them. He takes steps closer. His step closer, I
step backward. Not in fear but in confusion. I know I have
nowhere to go when my back view hits the wall.
“Siso what’s the….” The matter comes in his mouth.
Suddenly our mouths are on each other. Our lips connect
and there’s no softness to the kiss. It’s fuelled by something
from him. I would say pain but there is anger in it. It feels
like he is bottling a lot and he is releasing it in this kiss. The
desire he has for me also piles up. I cling to him, wrapping
myself around his muscled enough body. He easily picks me
up, and my back once again presses against the wall. His
mouth moves against mine, his tongue pushing its way into
my mouth. He takes over the kiss, dominating it, and I let
go. I allow myself to enjoy the closeness of him and soak it
all up. I want every last drop I can get out of this.
He growls into my mouth, and I find myself moaning in
response. He moves one of his hands under me and he is
touching me so privately. I’m slightly growing uncomfortable
with the strong poke that’s being pushed against my sex. He
dips it direct to my soft flesh there….I pull off the kiss fight
of his tight hold.
“Siso what’s the matter?” I ask heading to the bed and sitting
“Mamolapo you said you’re ready” What? I look up at him.
He is dead serious. That was months ago and he refused and
why is he bringing this up again now.
“Siso what’s wrong with you? I’m here to be with you. To hold
you and listen to your pain not for that”
“Well I need that to take this burden off my shoulders” sigh!
I stand off the bed and fix my dress down “Call me when
you’re ready to talk about your pain, not to fuck me to numb
the pain” I tell walking out of the room. I made a mistake by
coming here. From claps to having someone who want to
sleep with you just so they don’t feel the pain. NXA!

She is furious. She managed to get transport back to res just

in time. She is been watching her phone couple of times
hoping that he’ll call to apologise but he hasn’t. She is sitting
with Lerato on their little lounge watching her laptop. They
don’t have tv in their lounge. She is thankful that there is no
pabatso in the house. The last thing she needs is hurricane
pabatso on top of the mess her relationship is.
It’s after 22:00 and they are already in their sleep wear for
the bed. Both girls are wearing their shot pyjama pants
sipping on tea as they watch comedy. Khwezi prefers comedy
when she is had a shitty day.
They both look at each other with frowns wearing their faces
when there is a sound knock at their door.
“It must be pabatso, I forgot to take off my key” Lerato
informs standing to open the door.
Who is behind the door is not pabatso as she had thought.
She has nowhere to run and hide her almost bare body.
“My prince!” she bows, shamefully because of how she is
dressed. She is a tall slender girl. Normal slender. No curves
and big butts. She is just perfect in her own body. Khwezi is
watching the scene with an eye roll. She thinks its Seeiso.
But only when Puso walks in she also jumps from the sit
and regret it same time. She is also half dressed and it would
have been better if she kept her almost naked body on the
“Abuti puso!” she exclaims joining in the shame.
Puso’s eyes remain on the tall slender girl who opened for
“Kotiza, we are here to fetch you” he informs Khwezi but his
eyes keep on the girl. Her head is glued down and for no
reason at all he wishes she can lift her face so he looks in
her eyes.
“Fetch….fetch me to where abuti puso?” Khwezi asks.
“Let’ go kotiza” still he doesn’t divulge much info, he seem to
be distracted by the slender girl before her.
“I have classes in the morning” only now he turns to eye
Khwezi and give an order.
“Go pack your overnight bag. You’re spending the night at
the palace. You’ll be driven to school tomorrow morning” she
wishes to argue but Puso’s facial expression refuses her. She
heads for her bedroom leaving Lerato glued down under
Puso stare. None between them say a word.
“I didn’t get your name” He say when he sees that they are
off Khwezi.
“Lerato my prince” she remains her head looking down
“Lerato must have last name and a place she calls home”
why he is interested in all this details he doesn’t know
“Lerato Khotso from Maputsoe my prince”
“So we have ‘We love Peace’ from tycoon land” he translate
her names in English man’s language. Somehow that brings
a bit of smile to Lerato that she ends up looking at him once
but immediately drops her eyes once again. Maputsoe is a
town nickname tycoon land because of its wildness.
Khwezi comes back now decent and comfortable but she
feels like she is an intruder in whatever is in the room. It
looks like Puso is making Lerato uncomfortable with how he
keeps his eyes trained directly at her with nowhere else to
“I’m ready abuti puso” she announces her presence again
when he doesn’t let Lerato off his stare. Only now he
breathes shaking his head.
“You can use the laptop for a night, I’ll take it in the morning”
she tells Lerato before she walks out of the house with Puso
holding her hand. He didn’t even as much say goodnight to
the person he was looking like an alien.

“Are you okay?” he asks after a moment of silence holding

her hand. She wonders why he parked outside the yard
because seeiso always parks in.
“I’m fine abuti Puso” she say.
“I’m asking about earlier. You know you can lay a charge
and no one will judge you” she doesn’t want it to go that far.
“It’s okay abuti Puso, there is no need for such drastic
majors” he lets her be. If she doesn’t want to stress the
matter so be it but he wishes otherwise even though he
doesn’t voice it.
Khwezi chose to drown herself in her phone when they
entered the car. Puso and Tshepo took the front sit talking
away like old buddies. She didn’t pay attention to their talks
or how far they are. She is been stalking seeiso on the socials
the whole way. She is that person who checks her
boyfriend’s last seen when they fight, check if he is online
entertaining other girls. But her man is passed that life. All
his last seens are of yesterday. Meaning since the news of
his father’s death broke he hasn’t logged into the socials.
“Mrs. Molapo we are here” slowly she picks her head off her
phone to find that they are parked outside the palace. Puso
is holding the door wide open for her.
She wants to hesitate but Puso’s look on her is final. He
takes her overnight bag and hold her hand walking into the
palace. The first image that welcomes them in the house is
Mapeete’s grumpy face. It looks like she didn’t expect Puso
to walk in with Khwezi. Again they share that vile look but
none words out. Puso continues his journey to his brother’s
room still holding her hand leaving his wife burning in range.
They are both at the rock bottom in their marriage.

“What did you two fight about earlier?” He stops her outside
Seeiso’s room only to question now. She doesn’t know how
to tell him that he wanted to sleep with her to numb his pain
so she resorts to dropping her eyes.
Puso sighs and say “Please be with him. He is going through
the most. He is still very young and he hadn’t expected that
the old man would die so soon. Right now the council and
every royal member expect him to stand up and claim the
throne. He cannot even as much show grief. He has to be the
pillar of the clan. Please be his pillow. Let him know you are
here and you’ll be his shoulder to cry on” she nods with a
sigh although if she wasn’t so scared of him she would ask
what to do if he wants sex like earlier on.
“What time do your classes starts tomorrow?” this one she
can respond
“11.00 AM” he nods
“Be ready by 10:30. Tshepo will take you straight to campus”
she nods receiving her bag which he is been holding with his
other hand “My room is right there” he points a door not so
far “Don’t be scared to knock for me if you fail to handle him”
she nods again and watch him turn his back on her walking
to his room.
She makes her way in too after inhaling sharply to release
the tension wearing her. Her jaws drop when she is
welcomed by weed smoke floating inside the room. There is
a Hennessey bottle close to empty dropped to the floor. He
lies with his stomach pressed on the mattress.
Before she even as much opens her mouth she goes for his
balcony. Both sliding doors she spread them wide open. She
cannot stand the weed smoke. This nigger promised that he
stopped smoking weed.
When cold chills of air circulating into the room chasing the
warm smoke he stirs on the bed. His skin welcomes the
shivers of cold he doesn’t understand where they come from.
Still eyes closed he manages to step off the bed and follow
the strong unwanted air. He is heading for the balcony.
He pushes into a solid being. Instantly he opens his eyes
even though they refuse him. His mind is very much
disoriented because he was kaak drunk and high before he
was forced to bed.
“…sadi…waka!” (…my…wife!) Passed the
alcohol induced voice and stuttering Khwezi does manage to
hear him. He is a stutter when drunk and angry “You….you
and andddd……this one look so… beautiful”
problem about alcohol is that it will show all the colours you
have. Even those you try so hard to hide when sober.
“Siso I cannot believe you right now. You’re drunk and high.
You promised to never touch weed again” she snaps, folding
her hands to her chest. He finds her extremely cute.
“Hau mme! Akere o haaaanne ka….kuku….yaka, yaba….batla…ntho engwe e mona…naaate” (Hau
mommy! Isn’t it you refusssssed with…….my cake, so I….
I…… I…… went for another niiiiice thing) sigh! She is
defeated. There is no point shouting him now. It’s best she
opens the covers for him and only give him a piece of her
mind in the morning when he is sober.
“Let’s go to bed siso” She drags his hand back to the bed.
When she bends to remove the pillows he spanks her butt
“Otlo mpha…pha….pha kuku akere baby” (You’re going to
give me…me…me my cake right baby) he is very much
grinned when Khwezi turns with a look ready to bite his head
“Yes, get inside the covers” she is only saying it to get him
under the covers. Like a child promised sweets he jumps up
and down. He takes off his shirt, just as she watch in shock
his pants follow both with his briefs. There is a long mamba
dangling between his legs. She blinks quite a lot to take in
the image. This is definitely a sight not to forget.
Luckily as instructed he jumps inside the covers pulling the
duvet to his neck. The air from the balcony is really mean to
his skin.
“Hurry mme hle, your man is very readdddy for you” she is
more than defeated at this point.
“I’ll be back. Wena just close your eyes and think of all the
things you’re going to do to me” like a good child he complies.
Khwezi resorts to picking his clothes off the floor to the
basket and removing the pillows slowly from the bed. She
can tell with how he breathes that he is falling asleep.
She kills time again taking her bag to his closet to change.
When she comes back she closes the doors first before easily
sliding right by his side.
“Tlompha kuku” (She is going to give me cake) he mumble
turning in sleep facing the other way. Thank you alcohol
she’ll not be deflowered today.

One thing about alcohol is that it will make you do and say
things you don’t mean. At first he was surprised to wake
next to his girl. The last thing he remembers is that they
fought and she left. Then the other thing that scared the shit
out of him was the fact that he was in his birthday suit. He
only took a deep breath when he realised that unlike him
she was still clothed and there was no sign of a used condom
on the floors. He would like to believe that he wouldn’t be so
stupid even when drunk.
Although it looks like he was a good drunk, one thing for
sure is that his girl is going to swallow him alive.
As much as he’d rather have her snoring cutely in sleep, his
ache to hear her angelic voice overpowers him. His hand fails
to hold on a while longer. He cups her face looking down at
her as he runs his thumb right on her slightly parted lips.
She is all hers. The beautiful Khwezi Dlomo… scratch
that. The beautiful MaMolapo Molapo. That’s the name he is
going to give her once they ask him to dress her by the gate
in front of his forefathers. Regardless of her stubborn
father’s disapproval. He is going to marry this girl, dark or
blue. Even if it means getting her pregnant first just so they
don’t give her an option. That’s all that was in his head when
he wanted sex from her yesterday.
He awards her dry lips with yet another kiss. Her pure star.
He takes her in brushing her face as he likes. Her lips,
eyebrows, nose. Ai shame! His girl is beautiful even in sleep.
“Mmmhm” she stirs, trying to turn the other way but the
man cupping her face won’t free her face off his touch. This
brings her to open her eyes. She flickers them a bit chasing
the remnants of sleep off her eyes and bringing the picture
before her into memory,
“Siso” she murmurs, still a bit under the influence of sleep.
“I like it better when you call me Moletsane” an eye roll, she
is wide awake now that she is rolling eyes “Good morning
Mrs. Molapo”
“Morning baby” In a second he flips her over and she lies on
top of him. He wants to breathe all of her in. His other hand
wrap around her waist back while the other one focuses on
cupping her face with her neck same time. He pushes her
head down to his face. When they are inches apart he goes
for the kill. His lips finds her and they greet each other to
the new day.
The kiss starts off cute and decent. They are patient with
each other, slowly he enjoys his girl’s lips until he feels her
starts to grow uncomfortable. It must be the erection
growing big under her and his nakedness. She breaks the
kiss failing to look in her man’s eyes, she resorts to catching
her breath lying on his chest.

“Baby I thought you stopped weed” he knew somehow that

it’s the first thing she would want to address but it’s not his
priority. He is not proud of how he handled himself after he
received her father’s response.
“Ngwetsi ya baletsane, kekopa o nshebe” (Baletsane’s
daughter in law, please look at me) she does, with a sigh
though. He is drawing delicious movements at her back as
she lies on top of him. It’s a rhythmic movement making her
melt in his touch
“First I want to apologise of how I handled myself with you
yesterday. It was immature and very disgusting of me. Can
you forgive me for that first?”
She breathes, placing her chin on top of her hand so she
look direct in his eyes,
“I thought you said we should wait a bit with sex” she
reminds him. He was very mad that she denied him access.
“I did and I still do my star. I just panicked”
“Panicked of what?” there is a cute frown on her forehead
that deserves to be kissed away.
He indeed chase it with a kiss and she melts “My father
received your father’s response before he passed yesterday.
He gave me the letter without reading it because he was sure
that we’ll receive great news but……” her heart skips a bit
when he trails off shaking his head,
“What did he say?” she asks.
He shakes his head once again before he even words out “He
sent a simple NO” she feels her emotional world crush before
her “If you had allowed me to touch you yesterday I would
have gotten you pregnant. It was my motive”
“Does this mean you are going to marry someone else?”
He sighs “I don’t want no one else but you Khwezi but I’m
afraid the council doesn’t have my heart in mind. As we
speak they are probably sitting to discuss which house they
are going to approach for me to marry” tears well up in her
eyes. She attempts to get off his hold but he holds her tighter
“Mamolapo please don’t cry”
She sniffs “Don’t call me that siso, you are going to marry
someone else”
“The only someone I want to spend my life with is you but
your father baby…..” he trails off, not knowing what that
zulu man wants. He didn’t even reason. He wrote two letters
with his black pen ‘NO’ and stamped it to be posted to
“Siso please let me go. I no longer belong here if you are to
marry someone else” he holds her stronger than before. He
cannot let her go,
“Khwezi I need you. I need you now more than ever. Please
don’t leave me. Not when I have to make my first statement
to address the public of my father’s passing and funeral
details. All this preparation and everything is on me because
I’m to take that chair straight after the funeral. I’m supposed
to stand before people and look unfazed about my father’s
death while I’m slowly dying inside. Please don’t leave me”
she understands but this man she love more than anything
might not be hers after all. She is not sure who she is mad
at the most. Her father or the council.
“When are you addressing the press?” she asks fighting off
his hold and he lets her be.
“09:00 this morning”
“I’ll be there” she disappears in his bathroom. She would like
to cry in peace. For the love of her life she is going to watch
marry someone else. She doesn’t care anymore to scold him
for the weed. He is not hers after all.

This is not the kind of press release she had in mind. She
thought it would be chaotic but it looks nothing of that sort.
It looks arranged and well planned. In front a pile of
journalists sit’s the royal house appointed to address them.
Each journalist is eager and praying to put the words better
than the other even though it will be the same thing. Before
them sit him- the king to be, on his right hand is his
grandfather ntate Tlali and on his left is ntate Moletsane.
The other two men are seated behind the boards’ written
council. They must be the council members.
Among the journalists she sits. He would have preferred her
to be right by his side but she refused. She cannot risk being
spotted with him now that she knows that he is not hers.
She might be labelled as a royal mistress when his new
woman comes.
After the pleasantries and protocol has been followed the
interview starts. He is shaking in his boots but his eyes
remain glued at the far back to the girl that owns his heart.
Through her eyes he draws the strength he needs.

“……. And now I’ll hand over to our Prince, Prince Seeiso
Molapo the first to address you all personally of more details
that I might have left out” the royal secretary informs after
reading the press release that confirms the passing of King
Bereng Molapo.
Hands fly up in the sky like school children wanting to be
chosen. He taps his forefinger on the mic twice before he
points a journalist sitting right next to Khwezi. The young
man also looks like he hadn’t expected to be chosen. He is
suddenly the nervous one as all eyes turn to him.
Khwezi wakes him from his fears by nudging him. It’s very
unexpected and surprising for him to be chosen. He is just
an intern filling in for his boss’s personal assistant. Even his
questions weren’t carefully formulated hence why he chose
to sit at the far back of the crowd to avoid asking questions.
He breathes hard first to gather his nerves “My
prince…thank you for choosing me. Eeehhh!.....” He is
hesitant and doesn’t know what to ask, looking down his
note pad he is sure he is going to make a fool of himself.
“Get straight to the point young man” Seeiso’s voice comes
bold and firm, making him squirm and become more unsure
of what he wants to ask.
“My prince….my first question is…..I would like to know
what exactly ate our king and why was the public not
informed that he was sick” teboho follows his question with
a sigh of relief when all eyes turn back to Seeiso. Thank God
he didn’t make a fool of himself.
“Your name young man?” Seeiso’s voices echoes the entire
council house, there is just something firm and sure in the
way he speaks today. Something that affirms that he is a
man ready to step to bigger roles. There is no playful Seeiso
that the journalist are usually used to.
“Teboho Serui from Lesotho times my prince” the young
journalist informs
“Teboho the late king suffered of cancer. Unfortunately we
discovered it while it was already in the late stage. He choose
to spend his last remaining days with his family without the
fuss of the public” this whole time his eyes are on her next
to him. He doesn’t care much about teboho from Lesotho
times. He just wants to look at his star. That’s where his
courage comes from. They may be on a rocky path now but
that beautiful zulu girl have his heart at the palm of her
“Ask again teboho” some journalist grunts in displease but
no one voice out loud.
“If it’s not too early to ask my prince but……now that the
throne is empty and we’ll be taking our late king to his final
rest in the caves on Saturday. I would like to ask who is next
to take the throne if such talks have been held” there is a
moment of silence first, this time the young man is spot on
to what almost all the journalists in the house of council
wants to know.
Seeiso seeks confirmation to his council members by looking
at them before he reveals. When both side nods in agreement
he delivers
“I Seeiso Molapo, the first of my name will take the throne
as soon as we have washed my father spirit” his words comes
focused on her. He will be a king with her by his side. His
father gave him blessing of marriage to her, not anyone else.
Flashing of cameras lights up the whole room. Everyone now
definitely wants a picture of Prince Seeiso soon to be the king
in the Kingdom of Lesotho. He is way way too young for such
role. Hands fly up now eager to ask more but he chooses the
young man once again.
“My prince if I’m not mistaken, you have two brothers before
you. Why don’t one of your brothers take the throne?” at
least the young teboho does ask things they want to know,
even though he doesn’t seem to have the journalist ruthless
backbone. He lacks the spice. That extra hotness that
journalists have.
“Teboho are you saying I’m not capable to handle the
“No no no my prince, never. I just….i thought culturally the
eldest son is always the one to take the throne after the
falling of the king”
“That’s correct teboho but the throne keeper is also chosen
by the royal house, the council members and the fallen king
himself before he rides with his forefathers’ right”
“Yes…yes my prince” it’s not the answer he wants but he
doesn’t want to throw him off now that he is eating at the
palm of his hand.
“If I may ask again my king” he gives him a go ahead with a
head nod,
“Since your still a bachelor my prince. Are you going to line
up all the single bachelorette in Lesotho and choose your
next wife?” the house erupts in laughter, even the king to be
himself gives a lopsided smile at his question.
“This one will be answered by us” the response comes from
one of the two men who sit behind board written council
“Young man we are under talks at the moment. We are still
looking in royal houses. Once we find a woman fit to be by
our king’s side. We’ll approach the house. But for now let’s
focus on the funeral first” the words shatters someone who
doesn’t need to hear them. They really are going to marry
him to someone else.
Careful not to draw attention on herself while people are still
staring at the front she makes her way out. This should be
the end of her inside this compounds.

Well it seems like the press wasn’t as collective as she

thought. The outside of the council house is bathed with
more journalist wishing to be inside the house. It’s quite a
work to manoeuvre through information hungry journalists
but she finally makes it after thousands ‘Excuse mes’ and
‘I’m sorries’
She is sure she is out of the yard when she feels a pat on her
shoulder. She turns with a frown that has no business
taking her face only to find the young journalist who was by
her side inside the room of information.
“Hi…hi” he looks a bit shy but he does manage to greet
Khwezi is still a bit frowned but does manage a “Hello”
“I’m Teboho Serui” he offers out his hand to shake hers but
she just looks at it,
“I heard” the guy’s disappointed face makes her regret her
rudeness immediately, with a sigh she tries again. She is
just mad at her life right now and she is taking out on
innocent people,
“I’m sorry, I’m Khwezi. How may I help you?”
“I was wondering if you need a ride, I’m going to campus too”
She raises an eyebrow in surprise “Are you a student?”
Teboho nods with a smile “Final year student. I’m doing
Journalism. I’m currently on my internship hence why I
work at Lesotho times” She is a bit hesitant.
“And how do you know me?” she is a bit confused how a guy
in his last year of school would know a first year that happen
to be her.
“You’re not the type of girl to not be known. Almost the entire
campus knows you. Especially the gents” A frown marries
her face, he finds her extremely cute when she frowns.
“Knows me for what? Please, I have to go” she doesn’t have
time for nonsense, she is been keeping a clean low act since
she arrived in school to avoid exactly being that girl known
by almost everyone.
“Khwezi?!!!” when he calls out she is out of his side. She has
a crying session to take before she goes to her class at 11:00.

To her luck the gate is unattended. Even Tshepo is not in

sight to accompany her. She walks the pavement straight
down to the main road only to be disturbed by a black golf
GTI driving slowly close to her.
When the window rolls down it’s the journalist guy. He looks
forward now, not so shy anymore.
“Khwezi please get inside the car” he begs, driving slow
besides her.
She keeps her silence, she is not going to entertain him.
“I promise, I’m going to campus” he’ll speak on his own. She
is made up her mind. Lucky for her she sees a taxi coming
her way just as she stands. She needs to call her father and
vent, not entertain guys she doesn’t know.
Outside his bedroom balcony he sits staring into space. He
is questioning his being, what he wants and what he saw
himself be before all this burden was dropped on his
The one person he wanted to do this side by side with her
sent her a text. He had been calling gazillion times when he
thought she was out of her classes but she didn’t pick. What
she did was sent a text that broke his heart.
*Hey. I know we had plans. For a brief moment I believed in
those plans too. I believed that will be together no matter
what. But unfortunately we forgot that this is life. Not
everyone ends up with their soulmates. Unfortunately that
is us. I love you and I’ll always love you but I cannot break
my father’s heart any more. I’m scared of not having him in
my life. At some point it was just him and I, and I would like
to think he has my best interest at heart. Good luck with the
kingdom. You’ll make a wonderful king. Goodbye Seeiso
The words keep playing in his fragile heart like a melody. He
can tell the text message from word to word even though he
is no longer looking through his phone.
Even a fool can tell that, that was a polite way of saying ‘I’m
letting you go’. He wants no body but her.

Majara’s head is all over the place. He is worried of the Rafe,

then the passing of his father. And now Puso and Seeiso.
Puso is hiding something though he cannot tell as yet what.
He could find out on his own but right now Lupus focus is
shifted. He is immersed in sensing the Rafe once they cross
the border of foreign worlds.
This afternoon the absence of Seeiso on the dinner table
added to his worries. His mother’s last born son is a foodie,
and it’s unlike him to not sure for dinner.
He asked Palesa to dish for him and now he is on his way to
his room.
Down the passage he runs into Puso who also two glasses
and a bottle of whisky in hand. Both they chuckle when they
realise they are about to serve him.
“Our king wanted his food delivered by his brothers today”
Puso jokes
“At least you’re the head of drinking department, imagen me
the cook” both they bust pushing his door open.
They have no manners what’s so ever making noise in
someone’s room without even knocking. Outside the balcony
they follow each other to where he sit. He hasn’t even turned
to spare them a look but their loud jokey vices confirms that
it’s them.
Majara drops right beside him, resting on his behind while
his knee bend before him. Puso also joins on the other side.
The three brothers sit balanced by the wall looking at the
beautiful night skies.
His plate is placed before him, and the two glasses that puso
had he fills for himself and Majara. The middle man is
offered the bottle. In silence he gets the assignment. He
drinks straight from the bottle and eat his food. Not quite a
combo but it will do.
Now it seems like his moment affected them all. The stars
have everyone drawn into their moment until Majara
remember to be the big brother. He gulps the last contents
of his drink and grabs the bottle from Seeiso drinking some
more. With that he subsides his problems and focus on his
At the far left he starts with Puso.
“Puso is there something you want to tell me?” Puso frowns
peeking his head forward to look at his brother. He shouldn’t
be the subject, they are here for Seeiso.
“Mjay I’m fine, we are here for Seeiso” he reminds him,
“Now that you are here, I’m here for both my brothers. Are
you okay Puso?” Majara is not a sentimental person, when
he takes care in one’s business he really is worried. Puso
chooses to swallow his real truth. He loves his wife and he’ll
protect her.
“Like I said, I’m okay abuti. If there is something you should
know, I’ll tell you” Majara nods, he’ll not push but he’ll not
let it rest. Something is up. He regards little Peete as his son
before his niece and he doesn’t mind living with the little
man forever but his observant wife has picked things from
the little man that made them question Puso and MaPeete’s
marriage. Lately he is too jumpy and doesn’t want to go
home to his parents. Then there is the wetting of bed he
does, which he never did before.
“I’ll respect that” he closes Puso’s topic to move to Seeiso
“Say? What’s the matter?”
Seeiso breathes hard, gulps more alcohol before he speaks
“My star’s father denied me her hand” both his brothers drop
jaws in shock. He hadn’t shared the contents of the letter
with anyone except Mapeete who read it herself. Both his
brothers got distracted by the passing of their father that
they forgot to ask what the letter entailed.
“What?” Puso is beyond shocked. He really is fond of Kotiza
and she would have made a perfect addition to the Molapo
“Denied you how? What reasons did he state?” Majara
“Just a simple NO” Seeiso’s drained voice replies.
Majara takes the news to a moment. He eats the news first
and make sense. Vulamasango is a proud man. He loves his
daughter with everything in him. Of course he is not going
to give her up just like that.
He holds his little brother’s shoulder with an intent to
squeeze it in assurance that the man just need a bit of time
but Seeiso groans in pain.
“AAAAAH MJAY!” something twisted from his shoulder
where his brother held, he held too tight.
“What?” Majara asks a bit confused of his outburst.
“You almost broke my shoulder man, what is wrong with
you?” Seeiso asks now standing glaring at his brother while
he eases his shoulder of the pain.
Both Seeiso and Puso glare at Majara only to squirm in fear
when they learn the colour of his eyes. Red and black are his
normal eye colour. Red belong to Lupus while black belong
to him. Deep down he was always going to be a dark man
regardless of the primal animal living in him.
He is normal at red and black but not dusty black. When his
eyes takes the black that looks like it’s a bit diluted with grey
colour everyone in his family knows that that’s the colour to
look out for. That one colour can make him forget who he is
before a wolf. It’s the colour that brings the wild wolf in him.
And now his eyes have taken colour.
Step by step his brothers cower back in fear. Puso joined in
on Seeiso when he realised that they might become Lupus
meal for no reason at all.
“What’s wrong?” this is the part he cannot control. It
happened when Lupus was controlled by the witches and
now it’s happening again.
“Your…..your eyes…are du,du,dusty black” when he
stutters it’s another moment, a moment he cannot control.
In this moment his jumped in Puso’s arms bridal style. How
Puso is holding him is yet another sight frightening Majara.
When did he even Jump to Puso’s arms?


They have been fine. Well not the last percentage bar of fine
but they have been less fights since ntate bereng had a talk
with his family. He left them with kind words of appreciation
before he left the world and the two couple have been a bit
on the smooth sail since the fateful day. He was disappointed
when he found her fast asleep yesterday after they had a bit
of a scare moment with Lupus. He wanted to enjoy the
peaceful sight of her that he lately hardly see for as long as
he can.

He is going all out with breakfast. Palesa and her colleagues

are laughing their lungs out watching him make breakfast
for his wife from scratch. He is a romantic guy by nature.
But he is hardly romanced back but it doesn’t matter, there
is always one that’s more invested in every relationship. He
is proud of being the most loving in the union.
He is hoping to score himself one round before they bury
their father. After the funeral it’s compulsory that they spend
at least a month without sex. And knowing that he hasn’t
been getting any in a while, he hopes that since they have
been a bit okay even though they didn’t address their issues,
that she’ll plate him a bit of that soft sweet slice of cake that
makes his member drip juices.
He carefully holds his tray of breakfast in bed as he pushes
their bedroom door with ease. When they are at home Peete
is not their child, him tlotla and Leroy are almost always
tailing their grandmother. The child that seems to have out
grown his grandmother is Hong kong. He is suddenly so
grown and doesn’t want to be babied any more.
Maybe it’s because he leaves in two different places.
Sometime he is here, sometimes he is at his mother’s home.
That’s what Majara tells his family when they ask of
Michael’s whereabouts. He lied to them and said Angeline’s
father is more welcoming of Michael since the
‘disappearance’ of Angeline. His family doesn’t know that
Angeline is no more and how she departed the earth.

Since there is a funeral at home, all the children of the royal

house will not be going back to their houses in a while.
Customs requires them to be under the same roof for at least
a month which is their mourning period.

Entering his bedroom he is smitten all over again. There, the

cute, innocent, beautiful woman he fell in love with sit
balanced by the headboard like she already knew that her
husband was preparing to pamper her this beautiful
She appreciates his effort with a smile before she even sees
the whole tray. A lucky woman she is.
“My shine” she is his shine, his last ray of sunlight that
brought enough light at the end of a dark tunnel that had
been his life for as long as he can remember. Violet wasn’t
always violent. Before everything she was just innocent and
perfect and he still sees her as that.
“Ntate wa peete” (Peete’s father) she doesn’t fight him when
he connects their lips with a peck, though it’s where it ends.
She doesn’t love morning kisses. Her own rule.
“How did you sleep beautiful? I made you breakfast in bed”
there is that smile he hasn’t seen in quite a while. He is just
an easy to love guy who loves love.
“Better, you weren’t snoring that much” both they welcome

He fixes the tray on her and watch her enjoy her breakfast.
She forks into her toasted bread, bacon and eggs at the same
time taking a bite. He tried but…
“Your eggs are too salty” he is quick to hand her juice to
wash down the salt,
“My apologies my shine, I shouldn’t have used salt” he is
quick to apologise.
“And your bacon is too watery, didn’t you fry it?” he did, he
doesn’t know how something fried can be watery but he is
used to her complain about almost everything.
“They say it’s the thought that counts, thanks but I’ll go
make my own breakfast” in relationships there is always one
that loves the most than the other, and unfortunately in this
union he is the one that loves the most. He is learned to
mask his disappointment well in this marriage. He is always
disappointed. Like now, he is disappointed that she can’t
even as much pretend to enjoy his hard work. But ke at least
she had one bite.
“I’m sorry babe, I’ll try better next time” he helps her free off
the tray that she is already pushing off her lap. He puts it
on the headboard table and jumps straddle her before she
gets off the bed.
Gosh! He wants sex. She sees it in the extra delightful mood
he is in.
“Pusoo” she tries to push him away but he is too strong.
“My shine. Ko hopotse mommy” (……I miss you……) he
plants a peck on both her cheeks, trying to sweeten her first.
“Eish, I’m not in the mood hle puso” he hears her but he is
not listening. Regardless of her denial words he still forces
his mouth to her neck. Neck kisses are her weakness.
“I won’t be long lerato laka. I just miss your soft heaven so
bad” (… love….) the words comes breathed right in her
ear, it used to send tingles all over her when he did that but
not anymore.
“Molapo i…” whatever she is saying doesn’t see day, he cups
her breast squeezing them through her night dress. He
wants to kiss her so bad but he knows that her mouth is a
no go area in the morning.
“Mapeete keya o kopa mosadi waka, I’ll not be long” (……I’m
begging you my wife……) he is quite persistent.
“Damn it I don’t feel you anymore, will you stop!” she snaps,
ceasing every horny desire he has. He blinks at her and
collects himself getting of her. The pain in his eyes touches
her heart.
“I’m sorry” he manage looking at her once before he turns on
his steps heading for the bathroom.
“Ntate Molapo I just don’t like it when you don’t listen, I’m
really not in the mood” she tries her best to cover her
snapped words.
“Its okay mama peete, I understand and I’m sorry” he mutter
disappearing in the restroom.

He doesn’t take long. He comes out clean looking fresh.

“I’ll see you during the day” he announces standing by the
dressing table collecting his keys and wallet. This is his way
of hiding his disappointment by leaving the room.
“Hmmm!” she regards him, eyeing him suspiciously,
“Why are you washed and dressed so early in the morning?”
she asks, he is looking quite good for someone who is going
to be running around preparing to bury his father.
He could tell her exactly where they are going but he really
doesn’t want to fight and the mention of her name might take
her steps back to fighting. Khwezi is something she doesn’t
want to talk about even though the poor girl did nothing to
“I’ll see you during the day Mapeete” he repeats his same
words leaving her shocked. He was actually dismissing her.

He finds Tshepo and they get on the road. Majara tasked

them with fetching Khwezi so they can get her to Seeiso. He
is not looking good and he cannot be spotted in student’s
campus. Not when he is the king to be.
They make it to the university much faster because they
need Khwezi to help Seeiso. He is drained and walking
around the house taking orders like a ghost. He needs
someone to cry on and that person is his star.
Eyes will be everywhere. Especially for him being the royal
man spotted at varsity girls’ residence. He doesn’t pay
attention to the attention he is receiving. He keeps his head
low heading straight to his little brother’s girlfriend’s house.
He knocks twice before that tall slender girl opens.
She is quite tall but not tall enough for him. He is a Molapo
man and he is built to make every woman feel that they are
woman under his presence.
Again there is that pull. That force that just draws all his
attention to the slender girl. Her eyes are once again dropped
to the floor. She might have murmured her greetings but he
didn’t hear a damn thing because he just hypnotized
“My….my prince” the girl tries again, he didn’t hear her at
the first attempt.
He sighs, take a deep breath to just breathe whatever is
“Lerato Khotso from Maputsoe” he remarks making his way
in when Lerato steps aside for him to enter.
This time she admires him from behind when she shuts the
door behind him. He is quite a man.
She is a bit surprised though that he still remembers her
“You may have a sit my prince” she offers him their only
couch and he sits spreading his large enough arms on the
couch rest. God took his own sweet time when he created
this Molapo men. They are all fine muscular species meant
to drop every panty in town with just their looks.

“Where is my kotiza Lerato?” he asks keeping her before him

with just a look. Definitely kotiza is khwezi. She would like
to ask questions about that but his look doesn’t give her
enough courage.
“She…she had 08:00am morning class. She should be on
her way back by now” she manage passed the nervous
tension and the uncomfortable lump growing on her throat.
“What time does her class ends Lerato?” Lerato again? He
really doesn’t have to end every question he asks with her
name. She is the only person in the room, she knows that
he is talking to her.
“10:00 am sir”
“My prince Lerato” he corrects, sir sounds like he is in his
CEO office addressed by one of his employees.
“My apologies my prince” he smiles with a nod.
“I would like to enjoy tea while I wait for kotiza Lerato” Okay!
It’s not just questions. He finishes every sentence with her
She swallows, feeling his eyes on her even though she
doesn’t look as much into him. She is not comfortable
making a whole prince tea in their house,
“I take my tea with two spoons of sugar Lerato” how does
one say no to a prince? “I love it black” he adds when he sees
that she is in thoughts of contemplation.
She bows in agreement to turn to the kitchen. The kitchen
is right before his eyes. The house plan affords him the
opportunity to watch her prepare him tea. The sight is…let’s
just say he puts it at nice. Befitting. He is not much of a tea
person but he will surely enjoy her tea he can tell. Even now
he didn’t really mean it but now that she is making him tea
he’ll not decline it.
She is bit too clumsy for his liking, or is it because she is
nervous around him, he doesn’t know. He is studying her
every movement. Noticing things he shouldn’t take notice of.
Like her small breasts. The nipples look too big pushed on
her white vest warn with boyfriend jeans and those boots
with rubber soles big enough to be mistaken for a V12
“Here you go my prince” he blinks to hide his shame. He is
been studying her so much that he didn’t even realise that
she was done. His eyes look good at the nipples but he
makes sure that she doesn’t follow his naughty eyes.
There is a tray with a brewing mug and Lemon creams
biscuits on a saucer. He is learnt to eat sweets things
through his wife even though he doesn’t really thrive on
sweetness. The cream in the biscuits makes him regret this
whole thing more but he still doesn’t pull out.
“Thank you Lerato. Please sit, let’s have some tea” Lerato
wants to say no, she is saying no in her head, if only it could
come out of her mouth.
“But please wear that jacket of yours” he adds when she is
about to sit. There is that big jacket on the chair with a bag.
It looks like she was going out. He is asking her to wear her
jacket because he cannot keep his eyes of her nipples.
Lerato is nervous. She wants to ask why but his personality
and look refrains her. She grabs her bomber jacket and
throw it on her body.
“Why is it so big ye so small?” he asks, surprising her.
“Bomber jackets are designed like this” that’s what slips off
her mouth. She doesn’t know what to say. She is not a
nervous person but she is beyond nervous around this fine
“Eat” he commands, making her squirm a bit.

There is one couch but it’s big enough. She sits at the far
end and takes a biscuit. She is not going to have tea, she
has it once in the morning and that’s it.
In silence Puso sips his tea, which he enjoys unlike the
biscuits he is pretending on. He passes his cup of tea to
Lerato so she drinks too. She looks at his hand holding the
cup to her in silence, when he lifts his eyes to her she takes
the damn cup. Drink from the same cup as him under his
He hold out his hand for his cup back and sip until the cup
is empty and the saucer is free of Lemon creams biscuits
which felt too creamy for him.
“Thank you” he mutter when she collects the dishes to the
kitchen “You make a mean tea” he compliments, breaking
the ice in the room.
“Thank you my prince, my father used to say the same thing”
she say, standing in the kitchen by the counter. Somehow
she doesn’t want to sit next to him again. The pull was just
too strong.
“Used to?” he investigates.
“He passed away last year, car accident” she explains, the
shift and drop of emotions in the room reminds her. His
confidence is suddenly replaced by sadness.
“Prince Puso” she calls out, for the first time today she calls
his name “I’m sorry about your father” she means it. He sees
it in her eyes. She really is sorry.
“Thank you, I’m sorry about Mr. Peace too” her surname
Khotso translate to Peace. Both they welcome light chuckles.
“Aar! He long passed, I’m okay with it by now. You’ll be fine
too” slowly but surely the ice in the room is melting.
“I guess I will. What about Mrs. Peace? Is she still with us?”
he is getting to know her even though he is not aware as yet.
“Very much alive” there is a cute smile breaking on her face
at the mention of her mother.
“Who did you leave her with in Maputsoe?” he asks.
“I left her with my two sisters, one is doing grade 12 and the
other one is in grade 10” he nods, happy that they can hold
a conversation even though he doesn’t know why he is happy
of the discovery.
“What are you studying?” he asks.
“Environmental Law” the frown that grows on his face brings
her to a chuckle.
“Why?” he asks almost in disbelieve.
“Aar! You know, I had passed maths and science so well
when I was in high school and everyone insisted that I do
science related course. Environmental Law ended up being
my field of study” she explains, still talking to him from the
kitchen counter where she balanced.
“What did you initially want to study?” he asks. Somehow
making her laugh with just his question. He frowns but
smiles in confusion “What?” he asks when she melts instead
of replying him.
“I actually wanted to be a police woman growing up” both
they now crack a laugh.
He is about to ask why when Khwezi walks into the room
without knocking and immediately freezes. She hadn’t
expected to find abuti Puso here laughing with her
housemates. If she still remember clearly, Lerato had a
10:00 am class. She looks ready but maybe to have forgotten
that she was on her way to class.
“Didn’t you have a class at 10:00?” she asks before she
acknowledges abuti Puso. Lerato mumble a low ‘Oh shit’
grabbing her bag and flying off the room.


She is here. Right by my side and I can finally say I’m

handling my shit like a king to be. I can finally say I’m
breathing for a purpose. I can finally gel well with my new
responsibility. And it’s all thanks to this queen of mine. My
precious morning star.
I have been very much active the past two days that she is
been here with. She looked passed the goodbye message she
sent me and came to be with me when she was informed that
I wasn’t coping. I respect her more for that. She didn’t care
that we were not okay relationship wise, but the news of me
not coping made her look past our hurdles and came to hold
my hand.
She didn’t even as much talk about the text. I didn’t mention
it either because I just was so drained myself. I was just
thankful that I have her once again.
She wakes in the morning to attend her classes then she
comes back to me. Her home. Well I would like to think that
I’m her home because she is actually mine. There is no home
for me without this perfect star of mine.

I’m thankful to her and my brothers. Mjay told me to love my

girl no matter what. He said he’ll handle her big headed
father and I believe him. He is never let me down before and
I would like to think that he’ll not let me down now.
He knows how much Khwezi means to me and he made me
a promise that he’ll see it through that I marry the girl of my
Abuti Puso is going through his own shit in his marriage but
my brother is able to cease just about anything to get my
star for me. Hence why I’m grateful for this consistent rocks
I call brothers. Now I’m not doubting my capabilities to take
on the throne. I’m adamant I’ll thrive with them as the wind
beneath my wings.

At the moment I’m under severe surveillance by the public.

I’m the most wanted by the journalist and I should keep a
low profile until I take the throne.
My brothers came through for me no matter how
embarrassing I ask. They get what I need and bring it to me.
One thing both my brothers asked me to do was to use them
as I please. Hold on them until I’m able to fly on my own.

Two days ago when my star arrived with abuti Puso, I

expected her to shout and make a scene but she didn’t. She
didn’t fight me when I asked to lie on her chest. I needed to
inhale her being to function. I felt out of place like I was living
because I have to. Not because I wanted to.
Putting my head on her chest was supposed to be a soothing
moment. The moment was meant to draw strength for me
but I ended up sleeping only to wake up four hours later and
I was still on her chest.
She asked if I needed tea when I woke and I couldn’t
respond. Not because I couldn’t speak but because I was
grateful that she put our differences aside and chose to be
here when she could have just said no to abuti Puso.
She insisted that tea would make me feel better. I don’t
actually know where women get that mentality about tea but
I gave in.
One cup of tea it’s all it took. We were talking like she didn’t
even walk away from us.

Today it’s Thursday morning and we’ll lay my father to rest

tomorrow. Kings don’t get buried on Saturdays. We bury
kings on Friday nights this side of the kingdom. Saturday is
the funeral day for the public.
My outmost duty today is to prepare my late father’s bed. As
the next king to take the throne I have to dress his coffin.
The inside of his coffin should be laid with lion skin and it’s
all my task. His body should be laid facing down the south
and it’s all my task. His body should be transported to the
caves of royal tombs in mount Qiloane and it’s all my task.
Ntate Moletsane and I should perform ceremonies to open
his paths in the after world when he rides with our
forefathers tomorrow and it’s all my task once again.
All this burden I didn’t choose for myself. It’s draining and
decomposing but with this star lying beneath me I’ll do them
I have to agree with my father. She is quite a dynamite and
she is yet to outshine some more.
I wake her with a kiss on her slightly parted lips.
Immediately she stirs, creased lines of worry grow on her
beautiful face but she irons them when she realises it’s me.
“Siso!” she exclaims! I like it better when she calls me
“Babe” I look down at her balancing my head with an elbow
just so I can enjoy her beautiful face.
“Moletsane I told you that you shouldn’t be in here. Your
mom offered me this room to use just so I be close to you,
not to disrespect her” my mom offered her a room because
she didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. If it was up
to me and everyone in this house, I would be sleeping her off
every night. But because she is Khwezi, she only agreed to
be my strength if she was given a room that is not mine.
“How is your day looking today lerato laka?” (……….my
love?) I’m asking so we change the subject. I belong
anywhere she is. Be it here, or any other room. She is crazy
if she thinks I’m going to sleep alone in my cold bed when
she is just two rooms away from me.
“I have one class at 10:00 am, then I’ll be free. What do you
need?” what I need? I know it’s selfish but I love that she
asks what I need every morning. She wants to make sure
that I’ll have a smooth day before hers,
“Firstly, why do you have one class? I thought you said your
timetable is quite tight”
“The kingdom is mourning. Even our lecturers are mostly
suspended until he is laid to rest” it doesn’t break my heart
as it did. I have talked about it more than once with her and
I’m glad to say it still hurts but I’m able to take the hurt now.
“The kingdom is mourning” I laugh, she is getting
acquainted to our way of saying and doing things. She’ll not
be as hopeless as some people may think.
“What do you need today Moletsane?” oh my little dynamite.
She is been taking care of daddy from day 1.
“Today I’m tasked with preparing my father’s coffin and
taking him to the caves where will bury him tomorrow night”
she nods in understanding. We have talked about everything
and she understands almost about everything. She doesn’t
question as much.
“Do you need me with?”
I shake my head no “Knowing that you’ll be here tonight is
all I need. I would like to bring you with but you’re not
married to the Molapo as yet so that means you cannot enter
the caves” she nods, the shift in her eyes alarms me.
“What’s wrong baby” I keep at her eyes, refraining her from
freeing me off her innocent look.
“Siso I’m not sure if I still qualify to be your Mamolapo, I
don’t think my father will change his mind anytime soon
and…..” she trails off and breathe. I give her time to gather
herself so she continues “And….baby what if you really end
up with someone else? I’ll be shattered Moletsane” it hurts
but it brings me to grin, I’m happy to know that she is still
hoping for a miracle that we end up together. My miracle is
my brother and I know he will pull through for me.
“No woman will carry that name from me expect if it’s you” I
assure, kissing on her forehead “I love you babe, and I’m
going to fight that we end up together. Even if it means I
have to crawl before your father and kiss his toes. I’ll do it
because I love you Khwezi Dlomo. You do believe in our love
right?” I don’t let go of her forehead intertwined it with mine
so I look deep in her eyes as I ask.
“I love you too Siso” that’s all I need. The rest will sort it’s
self out. This is my rock, no one else but her.

She doesn’t fight me off as I move from her forehead to her

eyes. I kiss both her eyes and she giggles. From her eyes I
taste both her cheeks. So sweet and tender. So mine. I have
to be this girl’s man.
‘Let me by Zayn’ comes on the tv just as I award my baby’s
face with kisses. It’s one of the songs that I’ll dedicate to her
on our wedding reception.
I free her off my touch to reach for the remote on the
pedestal. She eyes me suspiciously when I step down the bed
to lock the door. I increase the volume and keep the song on
repeat looking right at her.
Oh poor thing, she is back to being shy.
“Siso!” she exclaims when I fight my pyjama shirt off my
chest and kick my boxers with pyjama pants same time
“Babe…babe…we…” I thought I was the stutter in this
union. I don’t give her time to really think and word out but
crawl back on top of her.
Oh doesn’t she look like a perfect sexual dream beneath me.
If perfect was a person it would have to be her. Careful not
to get carried away I close the distance between our lips. Her
heavy breathing comes in my mouth as I devour her wet
tongue. The moment is perfect, Zayn starts his lyrics from
scratch and I sink in the moment and enjoy my girl…..
“Sweet baby, our sex has meaning
Know this time you’ll stay till the morning
Duvet days and vanilla ice cream
More than just one night together

Baby, let me be your man

So I can love you
And if you let me be your man
Then I’ll take care of you……..”
“Siiiso” she moans in my mouth and I swallow it.
I break the kiss and drop my head on her chest to catch
myself. I’m a man and I can only hold on for so long. I have
been walking around with blue balls for way too long.

“Mommy” my words comes as whisper in her ear, I’m still

managing my breathing by her shoulder
“Hmmm” my baby is infected by desire as well.
“I would like us to try something today. I’ll not penetrate you
I promise” I hear her take a swallow. I don’t know if she is
nervous or not “You’ll still be dressed I promise” I add to
calm her if she is growing nervous.
“Okayyy baby” it comes slow but sure, only after the two
words I face her. Oh my poor baby, I’m sorry I’m doing this
to her but I need to release.
“I love you” I assure glancing between us.
Reaching for the hem of her nighties I pick them to her waist.
The beauty of her mound covered in black lace panties is
inviting. I want so bad to kick damn black lace panties off
and have her as I wish. But I have to remember to be a gentle
men until I have her family’s permission.
I can’t stop staring at her perfect body. She is so small
compared to my size, but her curves are mouth-watering and
grown enough for my touch. Her full breasts with hard
nipples poking through the night garments looks like they
were made perfectly to fit in my hands.
My cock bobs between us, and a pearl of cum beads at the
tip. My desire is peaked by the look of her perfect body I’m
craving to taste so bad. My need for her has surpassed any
feeling I’ve ever had in my life. I want her more than I want
my next breath, and I can’t hold back much longer. I’ve been
holding back so long. The walls are cracking.
“Please wrap your legs around me” I manage through my
voice pregnant with desire. She does as told and more.
Wrapping her hands too around me like a glove.
Her perfect small hands dancing all over my back and my
cock directly in contact with her damp core.
“I love you Khwezi” I confess dying in desire. I’m still looking
for reasons why I fell so hard and so bad for this perfect
“I love you too Moletsane”
“Fuck!” I hiss through gritted teeth when she does the
unexpected. She takes my shaft in her soft hand and strokes
me from root to tip and directs it her perfect pearl.
“Mme wee hlee” (Mommy please) I cry like a little girl. I try to
reprimand. This is supposed to be mine, not hers.
“Take it as you please Molapo, it’s yours alone” no matter
how excited you are, you don’t say words like that to a horny
man between your legs unless you want to walk around with
his evidence of his sperm in you.
In that moment. Drinking in her words and forgetting the
gentlemen I have to be I spread my pearl on top of her
covered pussy. Up and down I smear my juices on her little
covered cunt. Fuck! I want more, I make love to her through
her panties but the feeling doesn’t die down. It escalates.
This little girl is going to drive me crazy.
I find myself swaying her panties to the side and slippering
my tip up and down her wet folds. Fuck it! It’s freaking
amazing. And way way much better.
“Madlomo….i love you” I confess, infected by her warmth. It
takes everything in me not to push in her little tight cunt.
“Siso!” she moans, arching her back when her little clit starts
to throb on my tip. I’m holding my dick directing it just up
and down. Our connection looks perfect and I cannot wait to
eat her up someday.
Oh oh! What do I have here? A juicy dropper I see. Her clit
twitches on my tip bringing her to tremble beneath me. She
doesn’t know what to do with herself.
“Siso!” she exclaims a moan again, biting her arm to refrain
herself from screaming. The feel of her warm juices
splashing my tip drives me insane. Fuck I put my dig on her
opening, dying in desire as I shoot my cream right on her
wet little cunt.
“Oh my star. I love you so much my baby” I fall right there
and rest. One day I’ll tear this cunt up and actually have a

This is the most sexual we have been. I should free her so

she goes to school but I can’t seem to get enough of her. I
think now I know I want sex soon. I love how she is suddenly
so shy. It’s true when they say virgins will go around
boosting about their virginity wanting it to be taken but
when it finally happens it’s a different story.
“Come here” I summon her to my lap. I’m seated on the edge
of the bed watching her get dressed before me. The guest
room she uses doesn’t have a walk in closet.
Slowly after adjusting her black shirt tucked inside her white
skin jeans she comes to my lap as summoned bare footed.
She just took a bath preparing for school.
“Mamolapo I want us to make love soon” I tell. She looks
away blushing “I swear baby I need to taste all of that
softness and juice”
“We will” she wraps her hands on my neck, intertwining our
noses together.
“You want me to take you to school?” I ask, holding her waist
with all the hold I have.
“No baby. Abuti Tshepo will take me. You know you’re
supposed to keep a low profile until the fuss dies down a bit”
I agree with a nod “And Molapo I wanted to address
something with you but I just wanted you to be in good space
firsts” I guess I am in a space she wants now that she is
bringing whatever it is she wanted to address.
“What is it mme, talk to me” I encourage pecking her lips.
“Baby why did you smoke weed the other day? You promised
you stopped all those things” I could tell her the truth that
it was Mapeete who gave me weed but I don’t want to
aggravate the beef between them. Khwezi is going to be
married in this house and when that happens I would like
that they both get along. As annoying as Mapeete is, she is
still my brother’s wife and I’ll love and protect her for that
role only. She is not entirely to be blamed for my weed
setback. I could have just flushed the damn thing but I used.
Because I needed to be in the peaceful world for a bit of time.
“I’m sorry lerato laka. I was just fucked up after learning that
your father denied me of you. I promise you it was the first
time after I had made a promise to stop” it really was the
first time after that long.
“Siso I’ll not marry a weed smoking husband” she warns.
“You’ll not marry a weed smoking husband I promise” she
chuckles, kissing my nose.
“Glad we are in agreement. I have to go or else I’ll be late”
“You didn’t even have breakfast” I say,
“I’ll grab something at the canteen”
“Okay, I’m accompanying you hee, I’ll not step out of the car.
Abuti Tshepo will take one of the tainted windows rides” she
sighs, she wants to say no but she lets me be.
She gets off me to go back putting on her boots and collecting
her books on the desk.
“The conference day, why did you choose a guy next to me?”
she asks
“I wanted to look at you only” it’s the truth, I couldn’t look
anywhere else but her
“You know that guy. The journalist guy you were talking to.
He is been bugging me since that day” I frown, feeling range
take of my nice emotions.
“He is making a move on you?” I hate even asking this.
“Not yes but I see he is headed there. He shows up almost
everywhere at school where I am”
“Wait, he goes to the same school as you?” she nods, tugging
her bag under her shoulder. Where the hell does it not sit
well with me?
“I’m going to need you to stay the hell away from him” she
laughs, coming for my hand.
“You have to worry not of that one. I’m under the Molapo
spell” she better be.
I’ll have a wash when I come back, she’ll be late if we are not
careful of time.
Hand in hand we walk down the corridor heading for the
elevator which opens before we even make it. I feel her try to
force her hand off my grip when Mjay comes out of the
elevator but I don’t let her. I hold her tighter.
He looks between us. I don’t know what he is playing at but
his eyes tells me that he doesn’t have pleasant news.
“Juju what’s the matter?” I question
“Dlomo and MaDlomo are downstairs” we both freeze.


The fallen Molapo giant was laid to rest a night ago. We lost
a solid rock that didn’t allow to even be shaken by strongest
winds of the earth. I hope I make him proud in his final place
of eternity. I hope he looks down on me as an angel and see
that I live to my name.
I’m Majara. A carrier. I carry burdens of those I love and
make them mine by name. Majara Molapo to carry the family
to greatest heights. I’m still not sure which heights he
meant. Maybe I’m yet to find out but I think he had too much
hope in me truly speaking.

Today it’s Saturday and we just had another service for the
public. It’s safe to admit that my mother is not coping but
I’ll not let her crack. I’ll help her back to recovery.
Seeiso on the other hand did amazing. We were a bit
sceptical thinking he’ll crack again now that Kotiza couldn’t
be by his side but he proved himself. He rose above the
challenge and made sure Molapo got the sent off he
He sneaked his girl through the back doors the other day
just to make sure that Vulamasango doesn’t see them and
unfortunately because of that gorilla named Vulamasango
Kotiza couldn’t come to be by her man. She didn’t want her
father even suspecting a damn thing.
Seeiso is honestly giving Vulamasango too much credit. If he
wasn’t so adamant in doing things the right way I would have
advised him to knock Kotiza up and watch him explode only
to do nothing because there will be nothing he can do but
accept their marriage when the damage is already done.
The man is so stubborn even though he can see that the kids
love and adore each other dearly.
Thinking of that fool, I decide to abandon the council men
I’m subjected to entertain in search for him. I’m not even
listening in in their bored talks. I think they see themselves
as bunch of gods for the kings. Little useless people who
thinks they control thrones.

“Molapo where are you going? We agree on Monday right?”

Lekgotla asks just when I see myself out. I have to stop and
frown back at him. I’m a bit lost.
“We agree on Monday to do what?” I enquire. I don’t do it on
purpose but I know and feel how much shit scared they are
of me. At some point they had to meet Lupus when they
wanted to label me a bastard when they found out that my
blood is diluted. They wanted to make me a subject of their
bored talks and tried to cast me out of my home so I
unleashed Lupus to put them in order. Since then, no one
around this circle is brave enough to even as much mouth
anything to me.
“Molapo…eeh….we were just talking about the queen’s
chair” unfortunately with my father gone I have to entertain
these people. I honestly would rather be buried in my queen
than this.
I don’t ask but look in him to explain because I’m confused
of what he is talking about.
“We thought that we sit down on Monday since we are done
with the funeral and look into houses that we’ll approach for
our king to be throned’s request for marriage” see what I
meant when I said they are bored.
“Seeiso is got his suitor. He is chosen his queen. Why would
we look into other houses?” I ask still by the door ready to
“Her father refused. We are not about to beg some zulu man
for his daughter that would have been nothing but our King’s
downfall. He did us a favour. Now we’ll choose him a well-
groomed princess who will help him grow in his
responsibility and bear us grandchildren to continue our
tradition” I chuckle,
“Good luck marrying him to someone else” I know my
brother. Seeiso is anything but a push over. They’ll marry
that princess of theirs.
I don’t dare spare them more of my time but walk out to find
Vulamasango. Now I need to talk to him more than ever. He
needs to do my brother right.

There is his beautiful wife. She is washing dishes outside

and I don’t see a sight of my person next to her. Last I
checked they were together.

“Mrs. Dlomo” she jumps, turn to me blinking like one of

Peete’s cartoons. Peete is the one who watch cartoons like
normal kids in my house. Tlotla and I watch an army of the
walking dead and my baby will not even as much be scared.
“Papa…..papa Tlotla” she manage, going all shy on me. I feel
what she feels. She doesn’t understand it and I enjoy how
uncomfortable it makes her feel. Lupus likes her. Even now
I’m holding him in admonishment not to break free.
He wants to free and just lick her. She is the woman that
gave birth to his kind so he likes and adore her. But
unfortunately since I’m the carrier she might think it’s me
and take it otherwise. She is gorgeous but she is not my type
of tea. I love my tiny little thing to the core, and since she
came into my life she is put my whoring days in order. I don’t
know when I last I saw another woman and became excited.
“Where is Mabataung?” I have to know of my wife first
because she was with her.
“She…she went to lie down. She wasn’t feeling good” I can’t
help the frown that grows on my face,
“Headache. She complained of feeling light headed and I
suggested she goes to rest a bit” she explains.
“Thank you. And your husband? Where can I find him?” I
“I’m not sure papa tlotla” I nod and leave her be. I’ll look for
him and go see my wife afterwards. I don’t like it when she
gets sick.
“Dlomo” I found him, he is in the company of Moletsane and
“Molapo” he turns to face me.
“Can we have a moment please” he regards me with a look
that I know he already knows what this is about.
Aside from the old men we step a bit of a distance.
Hands tucked in my pockets I look at him when we are off
prying eyes and ears.
“Majara my daughter is eighteen damn it!” he snaps. The
shaka zulu in him will not rest. Always angry and stubborn
for no reason at all. I knew he knows what this is about when
he looked at me with gritted teeth like he wants to eat me
up. And I’m quite glad he gets straight to the point.
“I know Dlomo. I know this is hard for you but do you really
want to deny your daughter a chance to be loved by her
soulmate. The one man who’d put her above everything else?
Don’t you want your daughter to experience what you share
with MaDlomo?” I ask, more like reasoning with him to make
him see point.
“Majara let’s have this conversation when Mkhonto comes to
ask for Tlotla’s hand when she is only eighteen years old”
“I’ll gladly have the conversation and I’ll allow Mkhonto to do
right by my daughter because I know it’s where she belongs.
I know she’ll be loved for eternity by that young man. Stop
overthinking things Dlomo. Give my brother a chance to love
your daughter. Seeiso worships Khwezi. The little time they
have been together my brother has turned his life around
and cleaned his act just so he can be perfect for his queen.
Please Dlomo” I beg.
He sighs, hesitation clear on his face and I know I’m getting
him where I want him.
“I know it’s not ideal and you would like to see your little girl
grow a bit before you even thinking of giving her away but
Vulamasango she’ll be here. With me. With my family. Don’t
you trust us to take care of your daughter?” I add, still
dancing him towards my tune.
“I do. And believe me when she turns forty and want to get
married I’ll give her to Seeiso but not now. Now she is still
my baby girl and I don’t want to think that Seeiso will be
climbing my sweet little princess pounding her to
womanhood” I can’t help but crack in laughter.
“You’re laughing Molapo, it’s not funny. I’ll ask you this
when Mkhonto ask you to wife Tlotla up and climb her” okay
that doesn’t sit well with me. They will be spiritually married
for as far as I’m concerned and living. Mkhonto will not climb
my daughter. There will be war. I guess the frown on my face
warms him too because he is the one laughing now.
“Okay let’s get real Vulamasango. I need to wife your
daughter in my house. What are your demands” I know him,
I know I have made him see reason.
“No sex” unfortunately that’s the first thing Seeiso is going
to do I’m afraid but I’ll not voice it out. He is been
complaining of blue balls and cold showers.
“Okay” I agree.
“No babies” shaka zulu’s kind.
“How can they have babies when they don’t have sex?” I ask,
“I don’t know and I don’t give a fuck. I just don’t want to be
a grandfather” I laugh “Imagen a small being running after
me calling me ‘Mkhulu’” (……… ‘Grandpa’)
“I hear you. So do I give my brother the good news?” I ask,
“Yes, I’ll inform your grandfather and council members
before I leave too. But tell Seeiso that I want my cows in full.
Not even one missing and I want them walking”
“You’ll get your cows. Even your stubborn cow will be added”
“Now you are talking”
I move about the house to find my person after my
successful talk with Vulamasango. I texted Say and told him
that he can tap that pussy up, it’s all his. And he replied
with ‘I love you juju’ text. Sometimes he defeats me.

I don’t know why but with every step I take closer to our
bedroom I feel my heart beat in a way that alarms me of
something. I cannot tell what exactly but I can already tell
that something is amiss.
I’m not one to be shaken but…. I feel unease in my own skin.
Something is a bit unsettling as I get near and near to my
room of rest.
“Baby” I forget that she is said to be asleep as I open the
door. I’m already calling for her, releasing Lupus instinct to
sense if there is anything beyond human understating I
should be aware of.
“MABATAUNG” I try louder resting by her side. My aim is to
wake her but I stop halfway when my eyes fall on her face.
“Mosadi waka?!” (My wife?!) Panic washes over me. Her eyes
are wide awake but all white even though it looks like she is
in deep sleep. I inspect her nose to check if she is breathing
and I’m a bit happy to discover that she still inhales and
exhales. For the first time in almost forever I’m scared and
“Mangcobo!” I have her in my arms trying to run to
Moletsane’s hut for aid when a voice comes in my head.
“Take her home. Her home. Her house of wolves where she
is to mother all the Wolves of the South. She’ll wake there.
The Rafe are within the phase and they have possessed her
to get your attention” the voice belongs to Joy. As an Acua
of my house, I know he knows what he is doing and saying.

In a space of a minute I shift my space from one place to

another. I space jump from the palace to apparent myself at
the house of wolves holding my wife with the outmost care.
There is a sign of foreign wind that lingers in the house of
wolves as put my person on top of a dusty bed. Something
is much present though I cannot tell what.
“JOY?!” I call out loud, my voice trapped in panic.
“Here” the response comes behind me. He comes out floating
in the air as a dark spirit.
“What is happening?” I cannot wait any longer, I want my
wife awake.
“They are here. In the phase of darkness. They saw her first
as the pure light shielding you and possessed her. They want
you to surrender. Give your life to save hers”
“No” it comes whispered. I feel my paws fight to break free
and itch to nail the life out of something.
“They don’t even want her. It’s you they want and they are
afraid of fetching you in this world because they don’t know
how strong and dominant you are right now. They think that
you might have earthly powers that they might not know of
and might make you stronger than them. But if they get you
back to Oves, you’ll be back to being one of them and they’ll
finish you off” (Oves-Is the world of wolves)
“Joy what do I do?” I feel like I’m constricted. Like I have
been grabbed and put in a box. Even my wolf instinct feels
numb. My mind is just clogged and blocked.
“You know what to do”
“Joy there has to be another way than implanting on my
brothers” I argue,
“I’m afraid not Lupus. Your running out of time as it is. They
have already possessed your wife. Next will be your children.
Seed Lupus. Seed in your brothers and go to war. This fight
will finish you if you face it unarmed. Create your own army
of wolves through your brothers. I have seen your bond and
I’m very much aware that they’ll both jump guns for you”
“What happens to my wife while I make brothers what I need
them to be to save my family?” I ask.
“I’ll protect her. They cannot do anything to her because of
who she is and where she is. All they can do is to possess
her in sleep of eternity. But I’ll protect her until your pack of
Wolves of the South is ready. I’ll keep floating in the dark
phase to protect her. Just be fast because you don’t really
have time”
I have never been this shattered. Down on the dusty bed I
look at my tiny being. It breaks my heart that my kind of love
brings her nothing but misery. Maybe setting her and my
children free of me is what is best.
“Don’t think like that. You belong with this woman. You were
meant for this woman. It’s a pity the Rafe see you as a threat.
Go arm up and come back ready for war” I breathe his words,
releasing the clogging in my chest before I space jump back
to the palace.


Space jumping to the palace I make sure to apparent myself

in Peete’s room. I feel that my bedroom might be occupied
and indeed I can hear my son’s screams from the room that
belonged to my wife when she was welcomed in this house.
One thing about Lerotholi is that he is a mini me. I gave a
seed to birth a boy who took me even for a voice. His deep
coarse cry fills the entire corridor as I head to my room.
Getting inside the room I’m welcomed by MaDlomo with the
wailing Lerotholi on her back. One thing about
Vulamasango’s wife is that she is a mother before anything.
She is pacing up and down the room strapping Lerotholi to
her back trying to calm him down.
I don’t miss my worn out mother on the bed looking like she
has no reason to keep living. My father’s death did a number
on her even though she knew that his days were quite
numbered on earth.

“MaDlomo” I stand behind her to receive my son. She

unstraps him and hands him to me with ease.
“Where is Mabataung?” she worriedly asks.
“She is sick, she cannot be here at the moment” that’s as far
as I’m willing to explain. I don’t miss her face drawing
creased forehead worry lines. Even my drained mother joins
in her worry.
“What do you mean? She only had a headache this
afternoon” she continues to question.
“It’s complicated. It’s a wolf thing” I say.
I see she wants to ask more but she knows when not to poke.
She turns to give my father’s girlfriend a hand helping her
up. Lerotholi have stopped crying. He is looking in my eyes
like he wasn’t crying a minute ago.
“Majara take all the children to Mapeete if Mabataung won’t
be here. I cannot look after my grand babies at the moment”
I nod to my olady who is armed by madlomo as they walk
“Please tell mabataung to call me when she gets back, we
are leaving this afternoon” MaDlomo informs before they
make way out. I almost forgot that Vulamasango mentioned
that they’ll leave this afternoon.
I affirm her with a head nod that I’ll pass on her message.

As soon as they are out of the room I produce my phone to

check the whereabouts of Seeiso. Puso I can feel that he is
in the house.
He informs that he is with Khwezi but will come with her as
soon as her parents leave. Apparently they just came from
seeing her and now they are preparing to leave straight from
He also informs that Vulamasango gave his daughter his
At least one thing is going okay. As long as my brothers are
okay. Now I need to know the hell is going on with Puso but
that can wait until I know my person is safe and sound with
our mysterious family.
“Molapo o no llellang hantle” (Molapo why were you crying
exactly) I decide to talk my son while I pack his bag to take
him to Mapeete.
I have to see our guest out and have a conversation with my
brothers when we are free of extra ears and eyes. My little
fellow is giggling kicking his feed on the bed. He is far put
the crying behind him.
When I think I have all he might need I make out of my room
to the upper floor. Again I space shift. Every time I feel that
I have no prying eyes on me I use my powers to my benefits.
I apparent myself right on the slightly opened door of Puso’s
bedroom door and unfortunately not intended my ears
welcome a heated conversation inside the room. I hate
eavesdropping but since I have been wanting to know what’s
eating my brother and the sound of his voice coming out as
exhausted as it sounds. I listen on.
“Woman what do you want from me?” Puso’s voice comes
defeated, drained and lacking life in it.
“Puso I tell you every day that I want you to stop being a
weakling. Now you have turned into an errand boy. Seeiso
sends you around for that stupid girl and you keep running
at his demands like a dog thrown a bone” hmk! The hell?
“I don’t have time for this” he surrenders his hands making
way to the dressing table. He grabs his keys and wallet not
facing her. From behind I see her pick the iron she is using.
She is standing by the ironing board pressing on clothes as
they argue.
I open the door and clear my throat before she throws the
iron at my brother. She is quick to collect herself when she
sees me. I have no emotions. I’m beyond shocked at this
moment. My eyes keep at her looking at her beyond the
naked eye. Has she always been this violent?
I’m brought back from questing her by something snuggling
on my leg. I look down to find the teary Peete holding my leg
for dear life.
Now I’m beyond shocked. I’m fucking anranged that they
decided to bit heads with my son in the room.

“Are you too fucking kidding me?” I hiss as I pick my son to

join on his brother in my arms. My little fellow has wet his
pants. He is not crying loud but there are tears streaming
down his cheeks.
“Eish, Juju I can explain” Puso tries to reason.
“What the fuck do you explain? Do you two always have your
one on one in front of my son?”
Silence, both they share shameful looks. This is exactly what
my person was talking about. She saw this before I even saw
“I’m going to deal with the both of you. Follow me wena” I
glare at Puso leaving with my children. They’ll never sniff
Peete ever again. I’m taking him from them.
I feel him behind me as I make way to find Palesa to babysit
for me while I see our guests out with this fool brother of
mine that exposes my son to violent behaviour at such
tender age.
Seeios arrives with Khwezi right in the middle of the night
after we have seen almost all of our guest out. He was
supposed to be here too but we cut him some slack. He
needed to breathe and he can only do that with his star.
They come in happily holding in hands. Khwezi tries to take
off her hands of his grip but he doesn’t let her.
“Du..dumelang” (Greetings) she greets looking down.
We are in the lounge occupied by I, Puso and Mapeete who
was looking after the children. I’m stressed of the children
because I no longer trust her to look after my children. If she
can expose Peete to such vile words exchange I wonder what
else she does when no one is around.
I’ll only leave them now that I know Khwezi is here. I couldn’t
burden Palesa with the children because it was way passed
her working hours.
“Dumelang eng?” (Greeting what?) Mapeete snides at
Khwezi’s greeting. I look at her once and she drops her eyes.
Puso has closed his eyes in embarrassment I think. I
honestly don’t know what is happening to Mapeete. When
did she become this vile?
“Mapeete, I’ll say this once and it better be the last. I don’t
know what your beef is with Khwezi and I actually don’t want
to know. You’re a daughter in law in this house. Act like one”
I swear I’m appalled by her. She keeps poking and poking.
Her unnecessary drama will cause a drift between my
brothers, which is the last thing we need right now.
As it is we have kept Seeiso in the dark she put her hands
on his star. If that info could land on Seeiso’s ears. I know
hell will break loose. I’m thankful that his star didn’t tell on
her. She is proving every day that she is gel. She gels with

I turn to Khwezi who is looking down the floor “MaDlomo” I

catch a bit of smile even though she is trying so hard to hide
“Papa Tlotla” she say,
“Can I ask a favour from you?” she nods, still looking down.
“Can you please look after this little persons? I need to
borrow these brothers of mine for a tiny meeting and I
cannot take them to their grandmother, she is still not okay”
I feel Mapeete’s eyes on me and I look at her once only for
her to drop her glare.
“I’ll look after them papa tlotla, there is no problem” perfect.
“Thank you MaDlomo. I hear I should call you kotiza going
forward” Puso and Seeiso crack behind me as we make way
out “Mapeete will help you with Lerotholi’s bottle. Tlotla and
Peete just need bed, they’ll not bother you” I explain before
we disappear off the room. Right now I trust her more than
Mapeete with my children.

I hate that I’m left with this woman but I have no choice but
to suck up my hate and have a talk with her. My day was
perfect until this moment.
My parents came to see me at my place and I finally received
my dad’s blessings. He shook Siso’s hand and told him to do
right. To say I’m over the moon is an understatement. I’m
going to spend the rest of my life with the man my heart is
in tune with his heart beat.
As soon as my parents left, I called siso and he arranged that
we meet in a secluded secret place where we celebrated my
father’s yes picnic style.
Papa tlotla broke our moment calling him to come home only
for him to take him from me and leave me in the company of
this woman.
Mapeete hates me. It’s simple as that. I don’t even know what
I did for her to hate me so much. But I have a guess it’s all
because I didn’t convince Siso to let go of the throne.
She is throwing daggers at me. From where she sits I can tell
that she is boiling. She is like a pot of soft on the stove
fighting to kick off the lit.
I know my way around this house so far, so I pick Lerotholi
in my arms and decide to free her of my presence which
looks like it isn’t doing her justice. I ask the drowsy tlotla
and Peete to follow me to my room. I’ll sleep with them in
room I was offered by the lovely Mme Mamajara.
“Eeeeh Mama wa peete where can I get Lerotholi’s nappies
and bottles?” (….Peete’s mother……..) I decide to ask her
before I leave the room with the children. Lerotholi is the
only infant. Tlotla and Peete no longer use those.
“Mrs. Molapo ngwanana. You don’t go around calling me
with my son’s name. I wonder if you’ll even give a first born
son to this house like me. I’m the woman who should be
honoured as queen. I gave them their first grandson”
(…….girly…..) I honestly don’t know how asking for bottles
and nappies dilated to queens giving birth to sons.
“My apologies Mrs. Molapo. Where can I find nappies and
bottles for Lerotholi?” I try again.
“Hake tsebe. Tsamaya o nsto botsa” (I don’t know. Go around
asking) I don’t know what she said but it’s not pleasant at
all. I can tell with the way she eye me from head to toe and
stand yawning leaving me dump folded.
I watch her in shock until she disappears off the room only
to breathe when she is off sight.

With a sigh I make way to my room to bed Tlotla and Peete.

I’ll strap Lerotholi on my back while I walk around the house
to find help.
The elevator is always the fastest. In no time I’m on the third
floor with two little sleepy people following me and one in my
arms. I decide otherwise on my way to my room. Siso’s room
has a cot that he once explained that he sometimes sleeps
with this two.
It will be appropriate for them. I have never slept with three
little babies and I’m afraid I might squash them.
The two don’t give me headache as I help them in the cot and
cover them. They really are sleepy. Even the talkative Tlotla
has no words but sleep today.
I find that ugly fleece he was given by pabatso on his couch
and use it to strap Lerotholi with it. I’m going to burn it. I
don’t want him having items from hurricane pabatso. I need
to find Lerotholi’s nappies and bottles before he starts to cry.

I hesitate a bit when I reach Mme mamajara’s room. She was

said to be sick but I find myself with no choice but to wake
her. I breathe hard first before I knock my knuckle on her
bedroom door. I pray I’m not overstepping.
“Come in” the voice comes laboured in emotional pain.
Slowly I open the door only to see that her eyes are immersed
in red colour of tears. It’s quite evident that she is been
crying. Her red eyes says it all. She is medium thick woman
by nature but now one can tell that she lost weight in a space
of a week. She looks very fragile.
I don’t miss the pained smile on her face when she looks at
“Kotiza” she manage, with a sorrowful smile. Every member
of this family seems to be warming up to me with this kotiza
name I was given by abuti Puso.
“Dumela mme, I’m sorry to disturb you” I manage almost in
a hushed shy whisper,
She waves me next to her bed as I stand by the door.
“It’s okay kotiza, who do you have on your back” she asks
before I make it to her. I turn for her to see the sleeping one
behind me so she sees who it is.
“Oh it’s Leroy la nkgono” (Oh its granny’s Leroy) She plays
his cheeks still strapped behind me,
“I’m actually here to ask where I can find his nappies and
bottles. I’m baby-sitting for a couple of hours” I explain.
“Where is Mapeete? You shouldn’t be burdened with
“I don’t know mme but I don’t mind at all” I think she sees
that I’m covering for Mapeete because she shakes her head
struggling off the bed. When she puts both her feet down she
dizzies up and almost fall but I’m quick hold her pushing her
back to the bed. She sits back with a sigh breathing.
“Mme here” I hand her a bottle of water which was seated on
her pedestal. She gulps a bit of it and close the cap.
“Mme you can just tell me I’ll find it myself, you don’t have
to go show me”
She breathes, looking at me with her drained eyes “Do you
know how to make a bottle?” I don’t but I’ll call my mother if
the instructions defeat me.
“I’ll manage mme, please rest. Just tell me where to find his
things” I peel off her covers helping her back in the covers.
“Okay kotiza. His parent’s room is in the second floor. The
one at the far end of the isle. I’m sure you’ll find everything
you’ll need in there” I smile in appreciation.
“Do you need anything before I leave?” I ask.
“Nothing my baby. Thank you. I’m glad my son found a jewel
like you” I smile.
“Good night mme” I sent off,
“Good night my kotiza”


Implantation is not something totally new to wolves’

evolution. As a hybrid wolf myself. Half human, half wolf. I
can infect other humans with my wolf instinct to create a
pack of my own. It’s a wolf cloning that is forbidden as much
as human cloning is forbidden.
I have never thought of implanting on any one because this
kind of power I possess should be kept sacred to
humankind. Humans are the most destructive beings ever
created. They thrive in power. The less they know of extra
influence there is out there, the better.
Addressing a matter of this sort with my brothers meant I
had to take them to the house of wolves. Away from invisible
eyes and ears that might eavesdrop on this information.
They always knew of the prophecy and all but they have
never seen everything for an eye and I think at some point
they thought some of the things were just myths. Seeiso is
the most shocked one.

“Are we in another world? How did we even get here?” Seeiso

asks scanning around the room, he is looking almost
everywhere and touching. He is too touchy and too
wondering. I space jumped them to here.
“Why is mabataung sleeping on such dirty bed? What the
hell is this abuti majara?” he continues to ask more question
on question.
I rest besides my wife while they choose to stand. It breaks
my heart to see the love of my life like this. And it takes every
control in me not to lash out and do something out of the
ordinary. I’m a husband and a father now. I have to think of
that before I drown in hasty decisions.
“Molapo we are in the house of wolves. This is a home to
Lupus. A home I have to raise my pups in” I respond. Staring
at the pure wife of mine possessed in sleep. I wonder where
her mind is at, I cannot even as much sense even a single
reaction to her brain. It’s just dead quiet.
“Why is mabataung sleeping like that? Why are we even
here?” this time the interrogation comes from Puso. I have
to comment him on how collected he is. He has his hands
shoved in his pants pockets calm like a winter soldier
awaiting orders.

“Molapo my wife is not sleeping but she is possessed. She is

trapped within a dark phase of two worlds. Earth, the world
dominant of humans and Oves, the land dominant of wolves.
A council of wolves called the Rafe have trapped my wife in
sleep to get to me. I’m an abomination to wolves of the Oves.
My kind is not supposed to reside this side of the world and
mate with one of the purest kind of humans but I did all that
and now they are coming for my family once again. Only this
time if they win against me. There will be no resurrection. It
will be the end of me and my entire family” their silence is
not heavy, it comes off as them trying to attentively make
sense of what I just told them.
I offer them a moment of silence to take in the information
and process it.
“What would you have us do to help Molapo?” Puso’s
question warms my cold heart, like a soldier he is ready for
war even though he doesn’t know much of the root of the
problem. His role is to protect those he loves and he’ll do it
with no questions asked.

“BoMolapo I have quite a huge ask for the both of you. I need
your help” I allow them time to take in my words. Both they
look in each other’s eyes before they turn back to me giving
me the go ahead to continue.
“BoMolapo I’m in trouble” I start, brushing on my wife’s
I’m glad Joy managed to close her eyes. It would have ached
my heart more to keep seeing her with her eyes turned white.
“Bua letsibolo labo Molapo, talk to us. I asked what you need
from us.” (Talk to us Molapo’s first born……….) Puso
reminds again taking tentative steps closer to me and my
He squeezes my shoulder when he is close in enough. I can
sense that he is ready to help me carry my load. I just hope
it’s not too much what I ask.
I breathe, look up at the both of them as they stare down at
me in anticipation.
“BoMolapo I have to ask the both of you to risk your lives for
me” they both nod consecutively without questions.
“We are brothers juju. I’ll hold a gun for you and shot for you
if need be” Seeiso articulates, unfortunately it’s not a steel
battle this one but I’m thankful to know that they’ll join me
in battle to save my family.

“BoMolapo I need your permission to implant in both of you

to help me fight the enemies of the dark world coming for my
“Implant?” Seeiso is quick to ask for clarity.
“Yes. I’m asking to turn the both of you into wolves too” I lay
it in simple context.
I let them sink in silence taking in what I just asked. The
silence is very loud now. Both they look lost but spiked with
“Is that even possible?” the question comes from Puso when
I was just about to grow a bit weary thinking they’ll decline
“Yes it is”
“I thought this was a first born child curse only” Seeiso
“It was for our mother’s family. And since I got it from our
great grandmother, I thought so too but the birth of Lerotholi
as my second born with Lupus instinct proves that what I
was gifted is far beyond what was given to our great
grandmother” I explain,
“It proves that I have gray wolf family blood running through
my veins. And that’s one of the dominant families of wolves.
Meaning I can pass it on” I add.
“Can it be reversed?” I think Puso also doesn’t understand
Say because he also look at him in confusion like I do “I want
to know if you’ll turn us into wolves to help you with your
battle and then turn us back to humans when the battle is
done” he explains.
“No. Once I implant on both of you, you’ll be just like me.
Half wolves, half humans. Although you may not be as
strong as Lupus because you weren’t born with Lupus
instinct” I clarify.
“Okay. Okay. I hear you Moletsane and you know we are
brothers. We hold each other through everything. I just need
to ask. Will it not cause problems for the throne?” Seeiso.
“No. you’ll still be absolutely normal. Still human. You’ll not
have Lupus born instinct. Both of you will still be recognised
as Molapo royals before wolves. Unlike me but I can take you
back to consult with Moletsane if you want to be sure” I offer,
praying that they don’t turn me down.
“How do you implant?” Puso enquires.

“You both bite into my wrist and drink my blood. That’s all.
From there you’ll both feel the change in your bodies. It will
depend on your characters as humans what kind of wolves
you’ll turn out to be. I’ll explain and take you both through
everything” I explain.
“So there will be a time when I crave for raw meet” Seeiso. I
shake my head in a chuckle.
“No. your kind of wolf will connect with you and let you know
when it’s starved. And yes, wolves prefer their meat raw and
red juicy” red juicy is better than saying blood.
“Yak!” Puso and I laugh his disgusted face.
“Etla reo jee hee ngwana ntate. Give me your wrist” (Come,
let’s eat you up our father’s son…………...) I have to laugh at
Puso’s eagerness
“Molapo I need you both to understand that doing this is not
just to protect my family. Once I turn the both of you into
what I am. You’ll both inherit my enemies. You’ll both give
birth to infected children. Our family may be the first Wolves
of the South through this implantation. Are you ready for
that all that sacrifice and power?” I ask. I need them to be
sure of what they’ll be getting themselves into.

“Nna I’m actually getting more pissed with this talks”

Seeiso’s tone comes exactly annoyed as he articulates, I
frown at him in confusion “I have been panel beaten my
entire high schooling years, had I known you could implant
I would have asked way way sooner”
“Seeiso this should be sacred. You don’t go around showing
what you can do to normal humans with this power I’m
about to share with you. Please don’t be a headache” I
“Relax will you. I understand the risk and responsibility of
this. I’ll treat carefully I promise” I nod. I hope he doesn’t go
around killing this one.
“You both need to understand that this will be our secret.
Our own secret to take to the grave as family. Only our wives
and Moletsane will know who we are behind the royal status”
I explain.
“What about Mme, ntate moholo and kgono?” (……mom,
grandpa and grandma?) The question comes from Seeiso.
“We’ll let them know, just not now. Right now let’s give them
time to heal from Molapo’s fall then we’ll inform them when
the time is right”
“Okay. So we are doing this?” Seeiso asks looking at Puso
for confirmation. He receives it with a head nod followed by
a smirk.

“Give it to me Molapo, let me bite into you and taste you

baby. I hope your dripping of juices baby” Stupid Seeiso
“Fuck you” I love this niggers of mine.
Both they step closer and receive both me wrists accordingly.
“Quite soft baby, are you sure about giving me this ass?” I
swear I’ll snap this moron’s neck. He asks brushing on my
wrist like his holding one of his girls.
“Otla nyela” (You’ll shit yourself) I affront.
“BoMolapo let’s get to business please” Puso’s eagerness
worries me a bit. I pray he is just eager of what he’ll be. Not
what he plans to do once he has this kind of power.
I fist both my palms, folding them tight to press more blood
into my veins. Puso goes for my right wrist while Seeiso goes
for my left.
Both they sink their teeth biting and drinking blood from me
like starved vampires. Lupus growls deep inside me as he
seed in my brothers.
“Auuuuu!” I feel the pull, force dividing into my brothers.
The pull of blood drawing off my veins is aching. I see them
welcome the blood before my eyes. Both they strengthen up,
muscles tight up, bones strengthen up. Skins clear up
almost like new borns.
Their human forms has accepted blood.
“Enough!” I withdraw my wrist from both of them at the
same time. Now I need to see if my seed implanted.
“VALARINIE!!!” I growl, my voice filling the entire room as I
speak Olve (Foreign tongue of wolves) commanding them to
take form as their Alpha.
Both their eyes take green colour. With a single breathe I
watch them grow, grow into animal giants before their
clothes starts to rip off. Their toned muscles and vein pops
out. Both they groan in pain. The first transformation is
always the most unbearable.
They both fall on knees as their bodies alters. Their
backbones take that of wolves. Grey fur grows on both their
skins covering them in animal form. Seeiso’s tail takes me
by surprise. He is awarded with an upright tail like Lupus
unlike Puso’s. I make a mental note to question Joy about
But nonetheless, I’m glad I have my own Wolves of the
South. Now the battle shall begin.


Some people receive all the glory for totally being nothing but
a sham. I hope this time this family see who exactly is the
mother of their children.
I gave them their first grandchild heir, unlike mabataung
who disappears to the centre of the earth every time the
going gets tough. I’m not about to look after her children
while she enjoys herself in South Africa. I wish she stays
there and never come back. It’s her home after all and she’ll
always run there.
I pray abuti Majara doesn’t run after her this time around.
Mabataung is honestly too weak but no one sees it because
they make excuses for her. Everyone keep saying she
married a difficult man and she is allowed to breathe once
in a while.
That’s just pure nonsense. The woman is weak and
shouldn’t be wifed to someone of abuti Majara’s calibre and

Then there is this little naïve girl who thinks she’ll be a

queen. Hmk!
Wonders of this world shall never end.
I wonder how she coped with three babies. It must have been
hell. I hope she tells her homie mabataung to never leave her
with her children once again. What kind of a woman is
mabataung? Who leaves nje…out of nowhere? And then
abuti majara doesn’t even have the decency to explain why
they fought this time around.
All he say is that ‘It’s a wolf thing’ like we don’t know that he
has extra ordinary problems.

I fetched my son from Seeiso’s room which I also saw

occupied the so called ‘Kgotiza’ alone. This means that she
also slept alone. I thought ntata Peete used one of the guest
rooms but the absence of Say in his room confirms that they
all didn’t come home.
My intention was to fetch Peete alone to feed him but Tlotla
was also awake in the cot. She followed behind me. I love the
fat baby girl but her mother is over doing it. Now I have to
take care of her babies because she is married to a wolf and
she needs breaks. At least Tlotla doesn’t trouble that much
because she is older now but as for Leroy, he’ll be that stupid
naïve girl’s problem.
I’m not about to be a new mother once again.

I’m sitting in the lounge feeding both Peete and Tlotla before
me in the lounge. I’m a ball of nuclear bomb waiting to
explode. For mabataung who left her responsibilities, for
another princess in the house trying to be a Molapo wife and
lastly for my husband who slept God knows where.
My senses feel a being enter in to the room.
My eyes fall on the so called ‘Kgotiza’ coming into the room.
She bathed and it looks like she bathed Leroy on her waist.
She looks like she is heading to varsity with her school bag
hanging on her free shoulder.
“Dumela mama peete” (Morning……..) she greets, with that
accent of hers that annoys the shit out of me. I think she is
pretending really, sotho is not that hard. She doesn’t have
to zulufy every word.
“Can I leave Leroy with you, I have a class at 08:00” she
continues to speak to me even though I don’t offer her my
responses. I don’t know how stupid she can be.
“Do you think you’re going to pass mara?” I ask, glaring up
at her. This thing boils me up to the core. She is here playing
daughter in law even though she ain’t one when she should
be focusing on school.
She breathes, hard dropping her chest in defeat. I’m glad I
defeat her as much as she defeats me “I know how to handle
my life Mrs. Molapo. Are you going to help me with Leroy or
not?” helang! The attitude.
“Your mother taught you to speak to your elders like your
jumping off the tree?” I ask, annoyed by her sudden tone and
“No. my mother taught me to stand my ground and I think
it’s time I address you. You may be older than me but know
your place sisi. I’m Khwezi Dlomo. The daughter of two of
the craziest zulu men on earth. Stop poking me. I’m the
daughter of the men you wouldn’t want to be an enemy of.
And I’m definitely of the high power than you. Next time you
open your mouth on me talking like your jumping off the
train, I’ll report you and you’ll be fined. Not forgetting telling
Siso about what you did” hee! The chicken can finally fly. I
guess she isn’t as innocent as her mother.
“So you’re going to run to daddy little girl?” I poke, enjoy the
vile her as I.
“Yes. Not one but two fathers. And to enlighten you. My
fathers kill for their family” the fuck! Why does it look like
she is very sure of that rubbish coming out of her mouth?
My follicle hairs stand in attention of fear as I glare back at
her and maintain the look that renders me limb in terror.
What the hell? I cannot be afraid of this little girl.

“Helang! Kotiza you’re here” our staring battle is broken by

Mabereng’s voice which comes extremely excited to see her.
One of the things that annoys me. I was never this happily
received unlike this zulu girls leaving hot men in South
Africa to snatch our men in here.
“Eya mme I’m here and I’m running late. I’m really sorry I
didn’t come to greet last night when I arrived” I roll my eyes
till the hurt.
“You’re going to school?” Mabereng asks.
“Eya mme, I have class at 08:00” look at princess pretending
to be perfect when she was just a bitch second ago.
“Give Lerotholi to Mapeete sisi. I’m going to check on
mamajara. And eat kotiza before you leave” I fake a grin as
she hands me Leroy. I only receive him because we are under
the presence of Mabereng. I don’t miss the little whore smirk
as she hands me the child.
“And please come back kotiza. Your father gave us a yes
finally. We have to start grooming you” Mabereng adds as
she kisses tlotla and peete down the chairs.
“WHAT?” I ask a bit shouty and almost dropping the child.
This girl cannot be a queen.
“Yes. Kotiza’s father gave us the go ahead to send our people
yesterday” all my hopes of being a queen crush all because
of this zulu girl. I wish I could doom her back to South Africa.
“Bye nezi” Tlotla
“Bye Mamolapo” Peete. Urgh! I feel like everyone is over doing
it. There is nothing special about her really.
My day got ruined in the morning. I decided on the bath after
dumping Lerotholi with Palesa in the morning and locked
myself in my room to sleep. Palesa is the only maid trusted
enough to look after the children of this house though it is
always stressed that we take care of our own. We only deploy
to Palesa when there is no other way.
I needed a moment to breathe. Mabereng and ntate Tlali took
Mamajara to a doctor. She is not doing okay.

I felt I was woken by something or rather someone. Down on

the bed my eyes land on Peete and his tail Tlotla. They are
always together this two.
“Mama rekopa dijo” (Mama can we please have some food)
his firm speaking language scares the shit out of me. He is
too smart for my liking. He isn’t that old from Tlotla but he
doesn’t struggle with words what’s so ever.
Palesa is going to annoy me. I gave her straight orders to do
nothing today but look after the children. Her colleagues can
handle the duties of this house for a day.
I bring a room telephone on the pedestal to dial the maid’s
phone but it rings unanswered. I don’t have the energy to go
make this little people food.
“Peete tsamo shebang palesa, ke kgathetse nna” (Peete go
look for palesa, I’m tired) I instruct, turning to look the other
“Mama hayo palesa” (Palesa is not here) Palesa is palesa to
him because he copies from us.
“Hai fotsek! Get off my side. Hau!” I snap, I honestly cannot
deal with the whining right now.
“Nxa! Atamaye eete. Mama ena empe” (Nxa! Let’s go peete.
This mother is ugly) I hear the unruly one with speaking
problems say. The day I sink my hands in that fat little ass.
She’ll watch that mouth carefully before she calls me ugly.
I don’t even spare them a look. I’m relieved when I hear the
door shut. It means they are out of my room.

“Dumela!” I jump off to sit up straight like I just got bitten.

His voice comes just as I was about to drift back in sleep.
“The hell!” I exclaim.
“Where the hell have you been all night Puso” I ask, shouting
on top of my voice. It angers me more when he doesn’t
respond me but proceed to the dressing table,
“And you didn’t leave this house dressed like that. Where the
fuck were you? Are you cheating on me Puso?” still he
doesn’t regard me. Instead he disappears to the closet only
to come back naked and proceed to the bathroom,
“PUSO I’M TALKING TO YOU” I shout behind him as he
closes the bathroom door.
I swear I’m going to kill Puso if he is cheating on me.

He is never taken an hour to shower. He was definitely

bathing his whore off his skin. He keeps yawning. Like he
didn’t sleep. They really had a great time I see.
“Puso I asked you questions” I’m still fuming, screaming for
him to tell the truth. When he grabs his wallet and keys I
jump off the bed to stand by the door.
I hear him expel an exhausted sigh. Somehow he hasn’t
looked at me. His eyes are dropped. It looks like he doesn’t
want to look at me with his wondering eyes.
“Mapeete I don’t have the energy for this” his voice. There is
a change in his voice. A shivering change in his voice but I
don’t dwell much on it.
“Why won’t you talk and look at me? And what the hell
happened to your voice?” I enquire, folding my hand to my
chest as challenge him.
“Firstly….” He takes a step forward and I remain on the door,
his tone though shakes me a bit “….. I will not talk to you
until you polish that vile tongue of yours. Secondly I’ll not
look at you because you disgust me of late” he grabs my arm
too tight and bring me to look in his eyes. I blink the foreign
look I don’t know in his eyes. Shivers of fear settle deep in
my stomach, my skin is also infected. I don’t know this him.
I don’t know this look. There is something that renders me
submissive in his eyes. I find my heart palpitating in a
rhythm I cannot explain.
“And thirdly, you’ll know what happened to my voice when
you’re ready to be my wife and listen to me” with that said
he pushes me off the door like a piece of paper and walks
out. I’m left with shaky knees.
What the hell was that?


My classes ended at 13:00 today. I threw myself in the

library and buried myself in there after having lunch the
entire afternoon.
I lost track of time as I tried to catch up with my school work.
I promised my mother a degree. Not a talking walking degree.
And my priorities haven’t changed. I need to make my
parents proud at least of one thing.
I’m a bit scared as I wonder out of the library to our residence
house. I’m just thankful it’s within the yard and there are
guards almost everywhere even though it’s a walkable
distance to the residence. It’s quite dark outside.

I’m hurrying looking all over my shoulder as I walk to the

I almost scream when I feel a pat on my shoulder just as I
turn corner. Immediately I realise it’s Teboho the journalist
“Jesus! You scared the shit out of me. Why are you lacking
in shadows” I snap, holding on the side of my palpitating
“Askies sweetness, I didn’t mean to scare you” mxm! I roll
my eyes, carrying on hurry to the house.
He doesn’t ask but join besides me hurrying too. He is
honestly a pain. He has been up in my business for a while.
I thought he was lying when he said he is a scholar but I
have been spotting him quite often around campus.
“You didn’t tell me what Khwezi means” I guess he is making
small talks. I’m not even in the mood for his talks. I just want
myself in a shower then my bed. I’ll order in pizza. I’m too
lazy to cook.
“My boyfriend says it means phahlalazane morning star” I
bring in the boyfriend card to back him off. I see where he is
going and I’m not interested.
He cracks up into a laughter besides me “Mphatlalatsane
you mean” yeah! Whatever, I tried.
“So you already have a boyfriend” I’m just glad the only
source of light is the street lights around campus or else he
would see how much I have rolled my eyes on him.
“Yes I do. And I’m here, thank you. I’ll manage from here” we
are almost at a gate to my house.
“Your welcome. Tell your boyfriend his quite lucky” I grin,
fake grin dismissing him. I don’t know why, maybe I’m rude
but he is just… blood just doesn’t gel with him.

Getting inside the house I’m welcomed by aroma that

reminds me of my mother. Gosh I miss that someone’s
heaven’s cooking.
Hurricane Pabatso is shaking her booty over the stove
stirring in her pots. She is even humming lightening. It
might strike any minute. One cannot be sure with this one.
“Hey girl” I look behind me first to check if there isn’t
someone. It’s definitely me alone and she is talking to me.
“Hiii!” my back greeting comes elongated and whispered.
“Why are you so late? You found yourself a boyfriend around
campus already?” she is screaming and sounding too happy
for my liking. If it wasn’t just me, her and Lerato in this
house I would say she wants neighbour to hear her voice.
I have never really paid attention if she is loud or what
because we hardly speak but her tone is quite high today.
“Yes. I found myself a man in campus” I’m lying. I just want
to dismiss her so she butt out of my business.
She cracks “And Prince Seeiso?” exactly why I want her out
of my business
“Urgh! He is boring. He lacks vibe” I leave her quite tickled
as I head to my room. Gosh she is so nosy.

I unlock my door and switch on the light only to drop my

“Siso!” I exclaim. Shocked to find him sitting in my locked
room in the dark.
“How did you get in here?” I ask, my voice still laboured in
“So you’re seeing someone around campus and you think I
don’t have vibe” bathong! That snake! No wonder she was so
loud she wanted my boyfriend to hear on our conversation.
I collect my keys on the floor and place them on my desk
with my bag before I take steps towards him on the bed. He
doesn’t fight me off his lap as I sit on it but he doesn’t look
at me.
“Moletsane I was dismissing that chick. I don’t want her up
in my business. The only guy I’m seeing in this world is you”
I assure, wrapping my hands on his neck,
“And I hate it when you don’t look at me, please look at your
star” under the bucket hat that looks cute on him I spot a
bit of smile. He is about to look at me when a light knock
disturbs us from the door.
My woman instinct tells me who it is and I paddle to open
the door with ready anger. I’m scared of the girl but I’m not
afraid to put her in her place.
She has a towel hanging on her shoulder and a basin of
evaporating water.
“Girl I’m here to help my prince wash hands before I serve
him” she explains when I stand on the door refraining her
from entering.
“Pabatso, are you okay upstairs?” she frowns at me,
surprised of my tone and attitude “Go serve your hurricane
prince elsewhere, don’t annoy me please” I shut the door
right on her face. She needs to take a chill pill.

“Come here” I was already going back to his warm touch. I

like being in his arms.
“Where have you been?” he asks after I have settled back on
his lap. Still he doesn’t look in my eyes and it hurts a bit.
“I lost time in library, I was catching up with my school work”
“And you couldn’t at least text me back, because?..…” I
frown, producing my phone from my jacket pockets to find 6
missed calls from him.
“I’m sorry baby. It was on silent and I forgot to put it on
vibration at least. Cell phones are not allowed in the library”
I explain.
“My grandmother waited for you the entire afternoon” Yerrr!
It totally slipped my mind.
“Eish Moletsane. I forgot. I’ll call her tomorrow”
“No. we are going home now” he stands off the bed putting
me on my feet.
“Siso I can’t go. I’m a bit far with my school work and I would
like to catch up. I’ll see your grandmother tomorrow”
“MaMolapo you can catch up with your school work at home.
I need to lay next to you tonight” oh shaka zulu Jesus!
“Siso I can’t. I’m going to have to babysit or be given some
duty if not Matsunami annoying me. Please understand
baby. Spend the night here with me if you want to sleep next
to me”
“Are you saying my family is burdening you?” Jesus!
“Siso I’m saying I have to find a balance between my school
work and being your girl. Baby can we please not fight. I’m
exhausted and I just want to bath, eat and enjoy your arms”
“Meaning you’ll not be doing the studying you’re so busy
saying you’ll be busy with” I can’t believe we are fighting
over….what exactly are we fighting for?
Angry silence welcomes it’s self into the room. I feel his eyes
looking down on me and somehow I don’t have the strength
to look up at him even though I have been craving his look.
Like a shift I feel myself float in the air before it registers to
me that I have been picked and thrown on the bed.
He is all over me having me in a kiss that is very demanding
and almost everywhere. He is touching me as he please.
Claiming my body a bit rough but because my body knows
his touch very well, it warms up to him regardless of the
roughness I don’t understand. But no. I can’t have him do
this right here, right now.
His hands hurries to my jean fly to unbutton me but I stop
him, moving my head to the sight too to stop the kiss.
“Siso no” I say.
“Baby I need you” his words comes breathed in my ear.
“I do too you know that. But not here, not now” I can’t have
him do this when there is hurricane pabatso in the next
room that might be listening in on our deeds.
In my touch I feel him moist up. He heats up in a way that
alarm me so bad that I search his eyes. Again he tries to
escape my eyes but I cup his face on top of me.
“SI…SO!” I gasp, immediately drowned in fear. His eyes.
“Siso….your…your eyes!” I have never seen him like this
“What the hell happened to you?” I manage to shift under
him and glare down at him on the bed. This is not my
“I have to tell you something” oh lord! What could it be that
changed his pupils to green?


I blink. Quite too much and more than a straight man

should blink. It’s what Juju instructed that we do when the
edge to transform overpowers us. It happens with every
change of emotion. The next person sees it in the change of
our pupils. It’s something that going to happen quite often
going forward. It has to do with emotions.
Even though we can only transform fully at his command as
his pack, some features may still alter without his word but
it will never be full transformation.
Wolf’s emotions show in the colour change of their eyes.
Cold, hot, angry, hungry, happy, sad, any feeling. Be it an
emotion for just a feeling everything reflects in the colour of
our eyes.
We spent the entire night yesterday with him figuring us out
and learning of our traits, dominance, strengths and
weaknesses so he can know how to tame us if it happens we
go rogue.

At this moment I’m quite hungry, angry and horny. Hence

the change in my pupils.
“I have to tell you something” I inform her.
She glares down at me in what looks like shock or……I don’t
know, she just looks stunned but I still find my star quite
beautiful no matter how mad I am at her.
I know I have to tell her of what I have become since we
agreed on transparency union in order to overcome anything
but I’m going to do so now, just not now. I just would prefer
that we do it in a place befitting the news, which will have to
be a secluded place for just the two of us.
I breathe first, subsiding the anger of her coming in so late
and not wanting to go home with me.

“MaDlomo I would like to deflower you” she blinks, gapes in

shock dropping her jaws. I really want to tear that hymen
up. My dick is been tortured enough.
“Siso…we…I…” I think I rendered her speechless. She didn’t
expect me to say this. She is trying to find words to deny me
but they totally fail her.
“You can go fix me something to eat while I alert my security
detail that we are heading out” I produce my phone to text
Fox that we are ready to move. Since the throne saga I have
been assigned security detail of two. Motlatsi aka Fox and
“Baby I told you I really want to catch up on my school work
“And you’ll catch up Khwezi” She sighs. I make sure not to
leave her room to argue otherwise. I see in the way she huffs
that she is burning to spit at me but she doesn’t. Stubborn
Star. Zulu women are just like their man. You don’t date a
zulu woman and expect her to be a ‘yes Ntate’. A zulu woman
will want to know the whys, how, when….those women just
wants to know. (Yes daddy)

One thing I have learned about my girl is that she can stand
her ground. I’m just glad that she chooses not to put her foot
down even though I know she can if she wants.
She drags her feet out of the room mumbling to herself.
Shaka zulu’s breed!

As soon as she is out of the door I procced to text abuti Puso.

I need some me time with my favourite person.
Me: *I need a pozi* (…a house) he is online, it doesn’t take
long for him to respond
Him: *What kind of a king are you, you don’t even have a
Me: *My father forgot to buy me one before he passed but he
left me in capable hands of my brothers who owns multiple
Him: *Where are you? Which one do you want?*
Me: *Any that is available. I’m with my star. I need to have
some alone time with her and break the news*
Him: *Doing it already?*
Me: *Yes, the sooner she knows the better for me. We
promised to be transparent with everything*
Him: *Okay. I’ll arrange your pozi with Fox. Where is
Makhotso?* makhotso? I frown a bit at the last question.
I see his conversation screen reporting that he is typing
when I don’t respond immediately,
Him: *Lerato. The girl that is kotiza’s house mate* Yeh yeh!
Why do I sense trouble here.
Me: *You’re married*
Immediately he is offline before I go all investigation on him.
He better not try something stupid. Tsunami Mapeete would
kill the poor girl.

They say it’s the thought that counts but noodles, really?
She is not even moved that she is holding a hot bowl of
noodles with a fork for me. Even when I was a scholar I never
ate this hot dancing worms for the life of me.
“Mamolapo you’re not serious” I’m looking between her and
her hot dancing worms in a bowl.
“Siso I was going to order in but now I can’t because you
decided to be hot headed and order me that we are leaving”
“Maybe I should go eat pabatso’s food. I mean she cooked for
me” if I’m not careful she’ll throw this bowl on my face “I’m
kidding” I was kidding but it seems she isn’t taking it that
“How do you know her name?” how do I vele?
“You told me” I say doubtfully.
“I have never told you her name siso” she folds arms to her
chest and demand an answer. I truly don’t know how I know
her name if she didn’t tell me.
“You want her don’t you?” she say when I fail to respond of
how I know the girl’s name.
“Now you’re being paranoid, let’s go” I’m on my feet taking
the damn worms from her hand. Fuck I drink the damn
thing and chew once then it’s done. She is jaw dropped once
“Take your books my star we have to go” Fox has sent me
the clearance. My security detail have to check and clear
everything and anyone before I walk out of this campus. I
cannot be spotted here.

She is a tad too quite on our way to the penthouse just a bit
out of town organised for us by abuti Puso. I’ll get the privacy
I need there. I have been offered a pass this whole week to
do what I have to do before we cleanse and I take the throne.
And I have decided to spend this time with this queen of
I take her silence in the car is because of Fox and Letha on
the front. She is not used to them but she’ll have to get used
to them very soon. They are assigned to know her and I like
the back of their hands.
Tsepo is her preferred detail but unfortunately that one is
trusted by the entire family. Everyone always wants him on
“When do your classes starts tomorrow and how many do
you have?” I ask close to her ear so I don’t call attention of
our detail on her. I can see she is already as nervous as hell.
“Four. The first one starts at 08:00” her tone comes
This means I’ll have to not tear her hymen up tonight.
“What about Wednesday?”
“I don’t have classes this Wednesday” music to my ears.
Wednesday it is. She frowns at me when I peck her forehead
in elation. I’m getting myself some cookie this week. Her
father’s yes is all I needed.
“The place is already swept my king, you can go as you
please” I should be calling this man abuti Motlatsi. He is not
my age whatsoever but my current status doesn’t allow me.
He is very vigilant and good at what he does. Both they were
my late father’s detail. I’m not placed on the chair of power
as yet but some people already address me as their king. It’s
not exciting having this attention trained on me but I’ll
breathe it with each day.
“Thank you Fox” Letha has already jogged around the car to
open my star’s door. Fox offers help with mine and I round
the car to receive my girl’ warm hand in mine. They know I
need to breathe so they stay outside as I lead my baby up to
our apartment.

“Those men are scary” I knew she was not totally free. She
only speaks now when we step inside the elevator.
“They are not as scary as what I am about to do to you” I
train my eyes down on her as I pull her close to my erection.
My back is pressed on the cool metallic wall of the elevator
and I have her pressed on my front facing me even though
her eyes are now suddenly down. I have both her butt cheeks
in my palms squeezing and feeling on her as we head up.
“Do you feel that?” I push my hard on, on her stomach. She
swallows, still looking down. I can’t help but chuckle at how
nervous I make her when I want. I’m mentally preparing her.
Sex is not about physical and emotional connection only.
One needs to be prepared mentally for it too. Especially
dealing with a virgin and holding an AK47 gun like mine.
To her luck I release her when the ping announces that we
are a floor away from our destination.
The place is damn swept. I haven’t even made face of one
person since we stepped out of the vehicle.

“Wow! This is exceptionally beautiful” she appreciates

running her beautiful eyes all over the place. I allow her the
space to take in the penthouse. I head in the kitchen to
check if Fox organised us food while she roams the living
room to the balcony.
My thoughtful security detail ordered for us.
“Mrs. Molapo where are you?” I scream, coming into the
living room and not seeing her.
“I could get used to living here” she informs coming down
the corridor that leads to the rooms. I laugh, heading to
catch her in my arms. She fits my touch like she is part of
my skin.
“I’m glad you like it because we’ll be living here for an entire
week” I whisper in her ear as we face the wide opened
balcony doors that shows the sleeping city of Maseru so
She turns to look up at me in question.
“Siso I have school” Moshoeshoe please intervene!
“You’ll go to school and come back here the whole week”
“Why does it feel like you already arranged everything
without talking to me” stubborn woman!
“I needed to have some time with my baby before the drama
of the throne”
“I don’t like this siso” she huffs “Which room are we using, I
need a shower and I’m hungry”
“Let me grab your bag” I take her bag and hand leading her
to the master bedroom.
“This is us” I tell welcoming her in our bedroom.
“The shopping bags on top of the bed should be your clothing
and cosmetics” I add resulting her to turn back frowning at
“My clothing?” she questions sounding astounded.
She lets go of my hand to inspect the contents of the
shopping bags. Night dress, sleepers, gown, panties, bras
and three summer dresses. I’m disappointed there are no
jeans. My baby looks divine in jeans.
“When did you buy all this?” she is astonished.
“I didn’t, Fox did”
“The security guard?” she asks perplexed and I nod,
“Siso you let your security detail buy me panties? How did
he even know my size?” women drama!
“MaDlomo that passage leads to the bathroom. I’ll join you
just now. I have to make a phone call” I’m dismissing her on
purpose. Fox’s job is to know even the slightest detail about
her and I. Even how many times we inhale in a day he is
supposed to know if such information is required.
She glares at me but do take her stuff and disappear down
the small passage that leads to the ensuit.

I check first before I dial Juju that she really is in the

bathroom. Something doesn’t sit well with me.
Nigger is taking his own sweet time and I don’t have time for
that. Finally!
“Say” I hate how down he feels. This Rafe demons should
just come and we show them flames so they release
mabatuang. Majara Molapo is an empty soul without
“Eish I hate to bother you but I need to ask something” I say,
“I’m listening”
“Are wolves smart, like intelligent thinking smart” I can hear
him sigh.
“Say please be direct. You know I don’t do well with bush
“Okay. I’m with my star. We were in her apartment when I
miraculously known her roommate’s name. She swears she
never told me the girl’s name and I actually don’t know how
I know the girl’s name”
“Did you fuck the girl?” hebanna!
“NO” I’m a straight up guy. A damn virgin of late.
“Molapo are you sure?” what is this man asking?
“Yes I’m sure I don’t know the girl like that. I’m not
acquainted with her in any way” I say.
“Well the only explanation is that you have had an intimate
relations with the girl. Wolves are very sensitive sexual
beings. Even today I can still tell all the names of the women
I have been intimate with. Be it they told me their names or
never did. We have sex genes epic like hyena. If you had
touched on that girl in a sexual manner, be it one night
stand you don’t even remember, now you’ll know her now
because of what you are now” silence.
I breathe and he breathes. I’m breathing nervously because
I don’t want to think that I once landed between Pabatso’s
“Say I’m gonna ask, do you remember all your hook ups
before you cleaned your act?” I swallow. I don’t want to think
but I can tell she is somewhere in that equation. A one night
stand I left in bed after humping in a club all night long.
Fuck I didn’t even remember her face until just now. Could
she still remember me?
“She is there isn’t she?” he ask when I wallow in my thoughts
failing to respond.
“My advice is that find out if she still remembers the
incident. If she doesn’t thank who ever high power you
prioritise. But if she does, I’m sorry brother your presence
around her is about to remind her of what you two shared
and she might use all in her power to have it for just another
“Molapo…..” I trail off, not knowing what to say.
“Stay the fuck away from her as much as you can. In fact
buy kotiza a house far away from that girl as soon as now”
he hangs up leaving me drained in thoughts. Why the hell
was I fuck boy vele?


I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking. At first I thought

she would turn me down but when she just said “Okay”
when I asked if I could see her, I found myself taking a quick
visit in the shower and changed into clean clothes to hurry
Now that I’m here my senses crawl back but I don’t dare
touch on my car ignition. I’m having a debate in my head.

My heart is telling me that this is just a visit to see a girl.

There is nothing harmless in it. But my head is watching
down wearing judgmental shades of temptations.
My head is disputing my heart. No matter how loud my head
voices and reminds me that I’m a married man, I don’t turn
back. I sit in the dark car parked inside the parking lot with
hope. Hope that I’m going to see my tall slender being just
Look at me claiming her as mine already while I haven’t even
made a move.

All the quarrel in my thoughts and heart is put off by a tall

slender peace walking towards the car. There is nothing that
stands out about her. Not the ridiculous beautiful but yet
something about her is calm and drawing in. She is neat.
Neat, calm, collected and peaceful and that’s just a recipe
for fucking amazing.
I flicker my lights on so she sees me when she struggles a
bit. The closer she gets, the less the guilt dies.
I open for her from the inside and she jogs in.
“Hi” she manage, dimple faced as she presses her lips to
suppress a smile. Oh what a pity that I’m married!
“How are you?” I manage back, failing to hide the excitement
in my voice.
“Okay I guess. What am I doing here?” You’re here for my
heart woman! I don’t know why she asks that while she came
dressed. She is got LRD wrapping her slender figure with
black stilettoes. My time of woman. I love my woman in
heels. (LRD-Little red dress)
“Dinner. I would like to take you out to dinner” I look in her
eyes. There is that twinkle, that hidden affection and I know
I cannot be so wrong.
“I guess dinner it is” if she wasn’t in my space I would punch
the air the way I’m so thrilled with her agreement.
I don’t waste time bringing my engine back to life. Lucky
bastards of this world are fools like me.
I wasn’t going to take her to public place with my status
attached to my behind. I see she has questions but she
choose to quieten down as I lead her to a closed Avani inc
private restaurant. It had to be just us in the room.
I grab her hand in mine when I feel her apprehension get the
best of her. The touch of her skin in mine has me swallowing.
There is spark that makes me forget that I have a woman
back at home. Maybe it’s the connection everyone is always
raving on about.
She tenses too, freezes on her steps. She felt that too.

“Makhotso what’s the matter?” I ask, towering down at her.

As tall as she may be but I’m a Molapo man. I was created
to make a woman know and feel that I’m a man in their
presence. I still look down at her no matter her height.
“I…i…I’m underdressed” Oh well! I am too but I don’t feel
that way with her in my touch. Woman is in formal sexy
dress. Not so underdressed as she say but I understand.
This is Avani inc private.
“You look beautiful” she does. Tall slender dimple faced is all
I need. I don’t care of what she has on.

“My prince, my lady” Mothae. The manager of the restaurant

welcomes us from the door. It’s late at night. He should be
with his wife at home…… ‘So should you’ no matter what,
you’re a conscious will always be there. Mine snide when I
least expect it but I don’t dare dwell on it, it will ruin this
perfect night I intend on having.
“Mothae” I shake the man’s hand while Makhotso resorts to
holding on tight to my hand not even sparing the man a look.
“Welcome my prince. This way please” so formal and
discreet. I love that.
He shows us a way to a table prepared for two with a young
man who stands tall, formal and ready with booklets in
hand. My peace’s presence is suddenly heavy. I can feel that
she is beyond nervous.

After we have taken seat I wait for the young man to give us
space before I signal for Mothae to come closer to the table.
“My prince” he inquire, standing a feet away from us.
“How many people do you have in here?” I question.
“It’s just me, my best waiter and chef”
“I’m releasing all off you off duty. You’ll have your restaurant
in one peace tomorrow. The rest of tonight I would like to
dine alone without interruptions” I ask, more like tell
because I have to. Though I still need to be polite about it.
“Your wish is my command my prince. We’ll leave the keys
at the door. Please kindly leave them to the entrance guard
when you’re done my prince” I bow in appreciation and
releasing him.
It doesn’t take even training minutes for the three gentlemen
to exit the restaurant. Now it’s just my peace and I and I feel
that calm peaceful sensation once again.

“Now what would you like to do” I ask, bringing her to giggle.
“Aren’t we supposed to eat?” she poses a question back at
“We can. We have the entire restaurant with food to
ourselves but I would like we try something else” I have her
nervous once again as I stand off my seat and jog to hers.
She keeps light as I help her off her chair and have her in
my touch. Her slim body fits perfect in my touch. I cage her
waist with my one arm while my other hand holds on her
chin bringing her to look in my eyes.
“Lerato Khotso” I drink her in. breathing the same air as her
as I intertwine our noses together. She fails to hold my stare
but I hold her in.
“Staring down at you I see my calm ocean of peace. Can you
please be my peace?” I ask, looking deep in her beautiful
tired eyes. I’m only realising now that she has eye features
as my little brother. The lazy eyes type of people.
“I need calm in my life at this moment. And I see and feel
you as that. My lowest base, yet my strongest root. Can you
please be that for me” I beg.
“I…I don’t understand” I smile. She does but she needs it
“I’m asking you to be my woman Lerato Khotso. Be the
woman that brings peace in my life”
“How do I bring peace in your life?” she asks.
“By just being you. You don’t have to do anything. Just be
you and have me. That’s the peace I need”
“I guess I can be me” oh girl. She drops her eyes blushing
and I know my yes when I see it.
I bring her chin up to my face once again and have her with
lips touch. Her soft lips are as peaceful as she is. Gently I
take her in a slow sensual kiss. She taste like heaven on
earth. Her slippery tongue is quite inviting and holds the
dance impressively.
“Mhhhmm!” I groan in her mouth when my warm feelings of
her defeats to stay in control. I stop, pulling back to breathe.
Things will get messy if I don’t stop.
“Did you go to school to study being Puso Molapo’s
addiction?” she awards me a smile. I feel her warming up to
me. Her hands wrap around my waist.
“I would like you to kiss me again” oh the woman after my
heart! She doesn’t need to ask twice. I crash her in a more
fervent kiss this time around and she reciprocates it with the
same hunger.
Unintended I pick her off the floor to the table still kissing
the shit out of her. Her long legs wrap around my waist
bringing me closer to her pleasure.
“Mmmm!” fuck she moans in my mouth. Driving me straight
there. There on the edge ready to jump the boat of body on

She slips her hands under my shirt and sink her fingers in
my back. That horny act unleashes it. The current wolf in
me. I feel it in the burning shivers on my skin. My backbone
strengthen up, wanting to alter up but the are no words to
release it. Fuck I must have her.
Her tiny tight fit red dress turns into a jacket as I tear into
it. The view behind the dress is exceptional. Small peaches
with nipple so big like baby pacifiers.
Fuck I abandon her mouth for her nipple. I have one in my
mouth sucking the horny life out of it while I grab the other
one feeling on it. A girl who doesn’t wait for everything to be
done by a man. I’m more aroused when I feel her soft hands
dancing on my front. She battles my belt and zipper while I
enjoy her firm soldiers.

“Hlhhh Oh lavo!” I hiss, pushing my now free dick right in

her warm palm. This girl is driving me straight to hell. Well
I’m heading there. Better enjoy the journey to hell while at
“Take it as you please Molapo” If you don’t intend on getting
some raw dick don’t ever scream that in a horny man’s ear.
The six words has me forgetting rubber. I have the hem of
her panties to the side in a minute. The moisture in her
cookie is enough for me to go for the kill.
I have her eyes in mine as I slide my tip up and down testing
the road. Her clit twitches on my tip and that’s all the
assurance I need.

Slowly, breathlessly, gently, tenderly and pleasurably I sink

my cock deep in her cunt. I feel like I have never fucked until
“AUUUUUU!” a deep groan voluntarily passes through my
throat. It startles both her and I that we take a moment to
look in each other. In each other we stare body to body
taking advantage of each other but bewildered at the same
time. Fuck the connection is impeccable.
Still eyes locked in mine I feel her heel sink on my ass. She
bites her lower lip pushing me deep in her warm cock
grabbing cunt.
“Oh lerato” I moan, picking her one leg to my shoulder while
the other one wrap around my waist. Fuck she is so
grabbing. Each stroke I serve is welcomed by a clit throb. We
are made for sex. She arches her back giving me deep access
of her sweet hole
“Makhotso ke mokoti waka oo?” (Makhotso is this my hole?)
I fail to hold my tongue
“Kaofela daddy, tjhepa hlee” (All of it daddy, just dig) oh what
a wonderful hole!


In this house mornings are considered family time. You can

miss lunch and even dinner it’s excused because they
understand that people work and might be delayed
somewhere during those meal occasions. But not mornings
Breakfast is compulsory. It’s compulsory for every Molapo to
attend breakfast table. The most important meal of the day
should be joined by all.
Today breakfast is odd. There is no joy in the gathering of
morning food table.
Mapeete is in the company of Mabereng, Tlali, Moletsane,
Mamajara and Ora. There is no sight of the young male blood
of this house. Their absence bring coldness into the room.

“Where is Puso?” Mabereng questions looking in Mapeete’s

direction. As the wife to the man in question, she is
supposed to know where he is. She doesn’t ask about Seeiso
because she knows that he asked for a week off. And as for
Majara they know that he might be in the house and just
decided to not be seen. He is a complicated man at times
“Puso didn’t sleep home” Mapeete is happy to snitch on her
husband. She doesn’t even as much cover for him. She
knows that his family will deal with him accordingly.
Cheating is not condoned in this house hold.
“And you’re only telling us this now? What if something
happened to him?” the weak widow mamajara asks. She will
ask everything as a mother before anything.
“Nothing happened to him Mme, Puso is having an affair”
Say what! Bewildered stares are trained at her. She is not
even sure of the information but it’s what every woman
thinks when their husbands sleeps out.
“What makes you think that? Puso would never” Mamajara
is ready to defend her son. Mapeete is itching so much to tell
her that her perfect boy is a whore but she holds it in. She
still has the integrity to hold in this family.
“Mapeete bring that nonsense of yours to us when he comes
in” the annoyed ntate Tlali announces pushing of his chair.
Moletsane is on his tail as they both walk out. The two old
men will not let him off this one lightly.
“I still think your exaggerating. Puso adores you. He would
never put you through that” Mamajara still defends her boy.
Well breakfast is over and Mapeete doesn’t have time to go
back and forth with her mother in law.
Instead she excuses herself heading to Seeiso’s room. She
checked the room the entire night because she knows Puso
sleeps in there when they have one of their moments. But
last night he wasn’t there. The whole night.
Only at pregnant hours of the morning when she checked
for the zillionth time she saw that he was back. Meaning
nigger slept out. She left his snoring ass with the aim to deal
with him after breakfast.

She settles on the ottoman when she hears him hum one of
his romantic playlist songs on the bed. In fact it’s one of his
favourite. The colour of love by BOYZII MEN. He is covered
his face inside the covers singing along to his iPod with
headset on.
Mapeete is patient enough to wait for him to finish his stupid
song. He is definitely happy about something.
It doesn’t take long for the jolly Puso to rise out of the bed
jamming his body and soul to the melody playing in his
heart. He is totally in his world. His peaceful world.
“MKHMMM!” the annoyed Mapeete clears her throat like the
scratching of 70’s cd in a music player. Puso turns a bit
alarmed but not startled. What he is now doesn’t allow him
to be startled by weak presence.
For a whoring man he really knows how to mask his stinking
“Mosadi waka” (My wife) gentle as ever he acknowledges his
wife. Standing shocked but he doesn’t show it. He didn’t
expect to see his wife in his brother’s room. No matter if she
was looking for him or not.
“You know Puso, if you’re going to be a whore, at least
respect me about it. How dare you sleep out to your whores?”
it’s one whore but he doesn’t even see her as whore. She is
a loading Mrs. Puso Molapo the second.
“Isn’t it too early for this?” this is what made him look the
other way. Always accused and yelled at. There is no peace
in their union anymore and he went to find himself some
“Wa feba Puso?” (Are you fucking around Puso?) he is but
his not about to confess that. Not when he still figuring a
way forward with this peace he’s found himself.
A staring contest battle is shared between the two lovers
until Mapeete huffs producing her phone. She dials intently
looking back at her husband.

‘Palesa bring my son in Seeiso’s room’ she commands, not

backing down from staring back at Puso.
Immediately she drops the call and continue to train eyes at
her prey which happens to be her husband at the moment.
“You’re going to regret ever fucking around on me Puso Softy
Molapo” Something in Puso is itching to rip her in two but
he is not there yet. He loves this woman and there should be
a way to solve the disrespect that comes out of her mouth
every time,
“Wait until Peete gets here” she adds, biting on her nails
which are already not there because she always chews on
“Why do you need Peete?” He is tired of his son being the
audience to their fights. Majara was to address them of these
battles in front of little Peete but he got distracted.
“Wait where you are and you’ll find out soon enough”
“Violet I need a shower, I don’t have time for this…..” his
sentence is cut off short by a light knock at the door. It has
to be Palesa. The owner of this room will never knock in his
She must have been pretty close with the kids.
“Come in!” Mapeete shouts.
Indeed Palesa walks in with Peete and Tlotla walking besides
her while Leroy is strapped on her back.
“My prince, my lady” she greets the married couple.
“Get out with Tlotla and Lerotholi” Mapeete doesn’t even give
puso time to return greetings to Palesa.
Palesa does as told forcing Tlotla out who definitely wants to

“Come here boy boy!” Mapeete waves Peete between her legs.
The little man walks to stand as his mother instruct. Puso
is frowning at this act because he doesn’t understand what
she is doing and where she is going with this.
“Ko botsitse na wa feba puso?” (I asked if you’re fucking
around Puso?) From her pinafore front pocket she pulls a
knife. She is quick to choke the young man with his hand
and bring him closer to her wrath.
She has a kitchen knife pointed at Peete’s neck from behind.
Puso is rendered numb. His body, his word, everything just
fails him. He stands in utter shock staring at Mapeete.
“Take off your pants and come here?” WHAT? Internally he
exclaims but externally he is still immobile.
FUCK HERE” she shouts this time around. Pushing the
sharp end at little Peete’s neck.
“PAPAAAAAA!” the little being cries in agony when he feels
something sharp penetrates his neck.
“Mapeete I have never lost it with you but I swear if you stab
my son I’m going to send you straight to hell” he promises
dropping his pants as his wife requests.
His dead ding dong drops hanging between his legs.
“Come closer!”
“Mapeete not in front of my son please!” when little Peete
screams again he does as told. He is a quiet person. The
dangerous type. Everything happening he is writing it in his
memory. One day soon enough, hell will break loose.
He choose to stand by her side instead of in front of little
Peete. As much as he wants his son not to see this, it’s
impossible. The little man will remember this images for a
“I’ll test for myself if you have been fucking around on me”
she leans in length of his ding dong. First she sniffs. Like a
dog searching for a meaty bone she sniffs for a while.
Sense of smell doesn’t provide her with accurate results. She
resorts to sense of taste. Her tongue licks on his balls then
his rod. He definitely tastes like pussy.
“You fucked around on me didn’t you?” she hisses, still in
eye contact with his balls.
Puso fist her unexpected at the back of her head and she
immediately goes unconscious. He supports her by his thigh
and pick his son to his chest so he doesn’t see what’s
“Papa ho bohloko” (Daddy it’s painful) the little man has a
bit of blood coming out of his neck.
“I’m sorry my baby. Daddy is going to take mommy to a
doctor to help her get well so she doesn’t hurt you again
okay” little Peete nods with sniffs.
“I’m going to take you to ausi palesa now, when I come back
you, tlotla and I will have marshmallows okay” the little man
is in smiles. It doesn’t take much to win children over.

They call it the mountain of wisdom. Not may know of this

mountain situated in the deep heart of the kingdom of
Lesotho. It’s a mountain that serves as a home to the
supernatural of the south. The mountain where those that
are gifted beyond humanity seek clarification and peace
when the world gets too much for them.
He is very much respected in this quarters. The Great Gray
he is regarded. Some call him The GG. Short for Great Gray.
The wolverine is got more students this epoch. Old, young,
white, black, all races. It’s not a school of some sort, but it’s
more like an initiation where one can choose to channel their
gift or end it.
He doesn’t need much permission but bowing to the
wolverine wouldn’t hurt. She felt that he was coming.
“Enter Lupus” she allows him in before he even voice out. In
the cave of truth is where she sits. It’s still her favourite place
inside the mountain of wisdom that is caved in various
rooms for various purpose.
“Jir’e” (Madam) he acknowledges her in Olve
“My best student” they both laugh, at the irony in that. He
may had come here to end his life but he ended up being the
clarity she is been seeking for.
“The burden on your shoulders is heavy on me” she is
medium. Feels and carry people’s pains.
“My wife” that’s all he says, she is aware.
“Your white witch” she prefers. Majara raises an eyebrow at
the tone in her voice.
“Soulmates are not perfect. We love them even if they hurt
“Where is that coming from?” he questions.
“Nowhere. The predator is in the vicious cave. It’s his place”
she is dismissing him. He knows that even if he probes, the
wolverine will not say a word. But he is taking the words to
heart. It was a warning.
“Keep safe the wolverine”
“Keep safe Lupus. You’ll conquer them all” he nods with a
smile that doesn’t reach the far corners of his eyes. He
doubts himself.
Here he can be who he really is without the guilt. He shifts
from the cave of truth to the vicious cave. As expected he
finds Mkhonto in part predator form. He is very much
human but his hands and feet are reptile like. He is crawling
on the wall.
Mkhonto jumps back down when he feels him in presence.
“The great gray” he fists his hands and grow them back to
normal so he shakes his future father in law’s hand.
“Son!” Mkhonto grunts, he would have preferred to be called
the predator “And I’m baba to you” they share a pleasant
shake, both smiling back at each other,
“How are you son?” Majara continues to ask.
“I’m partially fine” Majara raises an eyebrow expecting to
hear what’s troubling him,
“I miss my queen” Majara narrows his eyes at him. He knows
where this is going “My pride” he add, shifting away from
Majara in a second. His parents had always complained of
him being too closed but it seem he is loosening up as they
had always wished. The mountain is doing him good.
“I’ll snap your neck Dlomo, come sit next to me” he pats the
rock bench where he chooses to retire on. Mkhonto joins
He sighs first. It’s not easy. His purpose of him coming here
it’s quite embarrassing but he needs this young man. He is
a living proof that might get the rafe off his back.

“I’m caught between Oves and Earth. My previous life keeps

coming for me even when I’m worlds apart. The enemies of
my past have found me. They are here for me and seed and
that means they are here for Tlotla too”
“No one is going to take my Tlotla away from me” Majara
chuckles, staring in his eyes as they welcome darkness for
danger. What he says comes deep from within.
“Will you fight with me to protect your pride?” Majara asks.
“I’ll kill with you to protect my pride” he will, they will, they
both sniff the blood already.
“What are we?” Majara asks, content that the predator is
finding his purpose. Killing for those he loves.
“We are Wolves of the South, the first pack of wolf’s shifters
in Africa” Majara bows, grateful that the wolverine is doing
an amazing job with him. He now understand his purpose.
But then again he is happy he has the unexpected beast The
Rafe will not see coming.

“Now that we got serious staff out of the way, does she call
my name perfectly now?” he is back to being a boy, playful
and very much in love with his daughter.
“Unfortunately your still Tonto” they both welcome laughter.
Mkhonto reaches for something in his pocket. A unique
bracelet made of his reptile skin and a bit of fur he has. He
is still a unique kind of wolf even after cleansing. Reptile like
with less fur.
“Please give her this. Put it on her wrist and don’t let her
take it of even in a single day. I’ll feel her and protect her
wherever she is with this”
“I’ll only take this because you’ll not see her for five year.
Don’t get used to sending me around to your little girlfriend”
“Wife, father in law. Tlotla Molapo is my wife and I feel it in
my blood”
“I better get going” Mkhonto laughs, he is suddenly in hurry
because doesn’t want to admit Tlotla as a wife to Mkhonto
even though it’s the truth that he knows very well.
“I miss my heaven. How is she and my siblings” he still
doesn’t acknowledge his father.
“Your mother is fine and your siblings are also okay but your
father passed away” he feels the room freeze at the last words
he said. He fails to breathe, look at Majara in agony. It’s
evident that he loves his father so much.
“Your father is fine” he closes his eyes, let the words sink in
and slowly breathe.
“Why…would you say that?” the pain in his heart shows in
his tone.
“Why are you still mad at him?” Majara poses a question
“I’m who I am because of him. I’m mad that I have this blood
because of him. Had he kept his hands clean, I would have
turned normal like my brothers. I would have not have to
miss my mother’s warmth for five years. I would have not
have to miss the five years of my pride’s life to see her grow
because of this. I would have not have to miss my brothers
and sisters so bad” the anger in his words is very much loud.
“That’s where you are wrong Dlomo. If you had turned
normal believe me you wouldn’t have Tlotla as your chosen.
If your father had kept his hands clean, you wouldn’t have
the element to withstand being my daughter’s mate. But I
need to ask you this to make you see reason,” he looks in
his eyes,
“Would you not kill to protect your mother, brothers and
“Within a blink of an eye. No one can touch my family”
“Then why are you mad at your father? He was protecting
you. Your family. He is just like you. Would do anything for
those he loves”
“Even if it means turning his first born son into a monster?”
“Even if it means turning his first son born in to a monster.
He would rather have his family complete and love it
wholeheartedly with his monster son. He’ll even kill for that
little monster of his too” they share a smile.
“Don’t be too hard on him. Everything Dlomo is ever done is
nothing that you wouldn’t do yourself” Mkhonto nods slowly
in understanding.
“Please tell them I miss them. And him too. But mostly my
pride, my queen” the change in Majara’s face has him tickled
so well.
“Keep safe the predator, and listen out for my howl” he’ll call
him when the time comes.
“Keep safe the great gray. Protect my pride while I’m still
here” Majara resorts to shaking his head before he shape
shifts out of the mountain.


Someone is enjoying her stay here. The sulkiness has

skipped out of the window. Oh what a beautiful star of mine!
It’s about time I taste this person of mine.
“Molapo staring is rude” she seats on the couch with a bowl
of popcorns watching tv. I had just stepped outside the
balcony on a phone call and now coming back admiring the
perfect image she is, I can’t help but fall deeper for this girl.
We have been here for two days and I have to admit to
myself, she is the fresh scene my soul was craving for. Seeing
her as much as I want is all I need to do this life thing. This
king thing.
“I can look at my woman as much as I want” I tell heading
back inside. It’s the fateful Wednesday I have been eagerly
waiting for with my gun.
I wanted to shoot straight in the morning knowing she
doesn’t have classes today but I was disturbed by her
chatting for almost an hour with her mother. I wanted to
take that phone of hers and throw it to the wall the way I
was so I annoyed.
After the phone call she kept herself busy with the
penthouse. Which was also another delay I didn’t need. I
tried to stop her but she wasn’t having it. She only took a
rest not so long ago after having a bath.
I take a different seat from where I had sat before I went to
receive a call. This time I choose the table before her and
reach for the remote.

“Siso what are you doing? I’m watching” I press pause on

her sad movie and free her hands of her snack.
I have been dreading telling her of what I have become for
the past two days and it’s enough.
Having both her hands in my grasp I exhale deeply first.
“My star” I softly brush on her knuckles.
“I have to tell you something” I don’t miss the instant worry
expression on her face. She seats up straight readying
herself for the worst.
“I’m listening” it comes almost whispered.

“You probably wondering where Mabataung is?” she nods

“Well she is captured”
“Captured?” she asks.
“You know what Juju is right? He has enemies from the dark
world that have captured mabataung in sleep to get to him”
another thing I’m thankful for is that my star is not totally
new to supernatural lives. She has a brother of our kind so
she doesn’t become as astonished as any normal being.
“To fight this enemies he needed to form a pack of his own.
He could have used Tlotla and Leroy but they are still so
young so he needed to implant” I add.
“Implant?” her gaze hasn’t left mine,
“Yes, meaning he had to infect males he trust to fight by him
when the time comes” I stress.
“Okay….but why are you telling me this?”
“Because he implanted in me and abuti Puso”
“What?” she is shocked “Wait….what does infecting you
mean?” she swallows, I think deep down the bits are coming
together but she still need me to say it.
“It means I’m a wolf now” she laughs, taking me with,
expecting me to laugh too so I can confirm that this is a joke
but I don’t. Only when she see me staring at her in
understanding she stops to swallow
“Babe….” She trails off, failed by words and shock.
“I am MaDlomo” I confirm. I hold her hands tighter as we let
moments of silence sink into the room. She is in disbelief.

“Let me see” she finally say after stretched silence.

“See what?” I’m a bit lost.
“Your wolf. Let me see what it looks like” I can’t help but die
in laughter,
“Unfortunately my star I’m not a born wolf with wolf instinct.
Only Mjay can unleash me as his implanted pack”
“Siso I don’t even know what to say, this is mind numbing.
Is there something I should know about this or you’ll still be
“I’ll still be your Siso my star. I just needed to tell you this
so you don’t get freaked out when you see some changes in
me. Like the green eyes you were asking about the other day”
she remembers, forming an O of shock but my horniness
spikes when she does that. I would like her to form an O of
pleasure beneath me.
“Is that all I need to know?” the question strains me a bit but
I don’t let it claim my emotions. I still have the pabatso dark
cloud over my head but I’ll not let it rain on me when I’m not
even sure she remembers me.
“Yes for now that’s all I needed to address but there is
something else I need us to address in the bedroom” I stand
off the table and hold out my hand for hers. My gun is ready
to shoot but I pocket my other hand to hide the
embarrassment. It’s already hard.
She puts her soft hand in my hold and I help her up leading
her to the bedroom. I think by now she is not aware of my

As soon as I shut the door behind her in our bedroom. I take

her with me. Igniting her with the same flame as me. I have
her for a kiss that invites her in my world of pleasure.
It’s our little paradise, it’s our war zone. ‘Pillow talk by Zayn’
has me withdrawing the kiss to put it on repeat. I leave her
panting behind the door as I fix our music.
‘Climb on board
We’ll go slow and high tempo
Light and dark
Hold me hard and mellow

I’m seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure

Nobody but you, ‘body but me
‘Body but us, bodies together
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you…….’

I signal her to come close to me by the bed from the door. I

don’t miss her careful nervous steps but she makes it before
me swallowing with every step.
I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her chin up so I
look in her eyes.
“I love you, Khwezi, don’t ever forget that” leaning down, I
rub my nose against hers and close my eyes. As much as
she confirmed that I she is mine, I still need permission to
deflower her.
“MaDlomo I would like to make you a woman today” still
rubbing my nose with hers I look at her. She catches my
stare a bit and nod dropping her look but I don’t give her the
“My star I’m going to need your verbal agreement” I bring her
chin up so we gaze in each other. Stressing her bottom lip
she maintains my stare a bit before a faint…
“Okay baby” tumbles off her lips.
A lucky bastard I am. It scares the shit out of me that this is
really me. I have been faithful to one girl and I still want her
She is very ease as I push her on the bed and hover over her.
Oh what a perfect creature she is! Gently and tentatively I
connect our lips once again. She moves her hands to my
neck, they are soft and tentative igniting my already infected
skin with more shivers of pleasure.
There is passion in her touch. She is letting loose exploring
my body as she likes and the waves created by her soft
hands is unbearable.
Her lips are still full against mine, our tongues sweeping
deliciously against each other. She is taking charge and
giving in, but I can’t have that. I’m the one taking her
virginity here. Not the other way round.
I reach behind my neck and take her wrists, gently pulling
them away. I press her hands above her head, softly but
“I’m the one deflowering you mme, please relax and let me
love you the way I need to” I whisper, staring into her
gorgeous now horny eyes,
“I’m sorry I didn’t make this perfect. You deserve candles and
rose petals” She smiles at me, and there couldn’t possibly be
a more beautiful woman on this earth.
She wiggles one wrist free and brings her hand up to my
“I’ve never had anything in my life as perfect as you, as
perfect as this. Make love to me Molapo, you’re the rose petal
I need” I drop my head to her chest, resting my forehead
there. Breathing her in, I feel her other hand come free of my
grip and dance across my back. She tugs at my shirt hem,
pulling it from my pants. She tugs it up to my shoulders and
I help her take it off me. She discards it. I trail soft
movements to her soft firm thighs helping her off her short
full body dress beneath me and pull it off.
Perfect she is in just her bra and panties. I pull off to sit on
my knees so I take this image. A mental image I’ll store in
my archives and save it for eternity.
“Your beautiful Khwezi Dlomo” she is fucking amazing.
Failing to hold myself any longer I reach for her bra and
unclasp it. It joins my shirt and her dress on the floor.
I let out a breath. She is fucking peach. I can cum on her
breast over and over again.
I take her hands and put them on my front. I want her to
finish stripping me. My perfect girl doesn’t need to be told.
Her fingers clumsily undo my belt and pants. She pushes
them down my waist and over my ass, exposing my cock.
Suddenly she freezes. I look at her to find her staring at the
machine gun before her.
“I call him AK47” I whisper, taking her now stiff hand to
teach her how to wrap my cock. Her index finger and thumb
don’t close in my cock. I’m bigger than the O formed by her
index finger and thumb.
“Siso it’s not going to fit” Oh my sweet girl, it’s going to fit
just fine.
Unable to stop myself, I stand off the bed and fight the rest
of my pants and briefs. Hovering back I first help her off her
panties and rest back on my knees spreading her wide for
my eyes only. I should be the only man that sees this cookie.
Fuck! She is naked under me, and I can’t stop staring at her
perfect vagina. She is so small compared to my size, but
she’ll take me in I hope. It’s very evident that this cookie
doesn’t know a dick.
Her full breasts with hard pink nipples look like they were
made perfectly to fit in my hands. My cock bobs between us,
and a pearl of cum beads at the tip. My need for her has
surpassed any feeling I have ever had in my life. I want her
so dirty.
I take her hand and place it on my shaft showing her how to
stroke me from root to tip. A fast learner she is because she
has me groaning in a second. Up and down she strokes me
and then grips me firmly at the base.
“Fuck!!” I hiss through gritted teeth. I’m the teacher but my
leaner is over teaching me.
While she continues to stroke me I touch on her little shaven
pussy. “No one should touch this except me, you hear me”
she nods, swallowing as I gently open her small lips. She is
glistening with need, and I can see that she’s ready for me.
Ready for this.
There’s no need for foreplay. We both have been hungry for
each other for far too long.
“Move your hand” I say, tightening my jaw. She does what I
demand, taking her hand off my cock “Legs around my
waist, and arms on my shoulders” I want her wrapped
around me completely, every inch of her body touching mine
as we join together. Again, she does as instructed.
“I love you with everything in my soul, and nothing will ever
change that. Nothing.” She nods, her eyes looking to mine,
full of anticipation.
“I love you, too” The words come in a whisper from her. She
is dead in desire.
“I’m clean, Mamolapo, and I know you are too. I want you
skin on skin, with no protection.” She hesitates a bit,
blinking not giving me the clearance I need. I want to ease
her fears so I grip her chin up to look at me so she doesn’t
miss a word of my assurance.
“MaDlomo I know you still need to make your parents proud
and I’ll not stand in the way of that but I need you to give
me your first time as bare as you can. You’re my yesterday,
my tomorrow and my future. I’m your husband Khwezi
Dlomo” Her eyes look deep into mine, believing me for every
“Okay” she whispers, and I can’t help but tease my tip inside
her folds. Up and down I prepare her for the real penetration.
I wait for her to enjoy the feeling before I connect us in the
most intimate way possible, thrusting gently in her cunt but
she cries. Fuck she is too tight! She wiggles beneath me
trying to run out of my touch.
“MaDlomo I’m going to need you to relax lerato laka” she is
blinking tears, it was just the tip in but she is already in
tears. She nods breathing, letting loose.
I try for the second time, push again but she pushes me,
dropping her legs from my waits.
“Siso no. this is painful” the tears fall from the corners of her
eyes. They touch me I’ll not lie but I need this woman. She
is going to have to woman the hell up and take it.
I take of my cock from her tight opening and tap it on her
clit. I need her lubricated more. I’m too big and she is a
virgin. What a mix! I let her close her eyes and enjoy the clit
tapping play. More juices are glistening her cunt. It’s now or
never. With one unexpected stroke I fully push inside her.
I feel my blood rush, so fucking painful but shockingly
amazing. Something that feels like it’s been asleep wakes in
me. I feel myself groan in a way that scares me. Deep down
my throat I let out a content animal groan.
“Auuuuuu! Fuck!” I only open my eyes after my own content
“SIIISOO! SISO! SISO” she is crying, hitting on my chest. I
can’t bring myself to pull out. Fuck its warm and too tight in
here. I feel myself empty inside her at the first stroke while
she cries.
“Shhh I’m sorry my star” I whisper against her ear. She’s a
virgin, so it was going to hurt. I try to hold still and let her
adjust. I take her lips in a soft kiss, trying to do all I can to
ease the pain.
“I’m really sorry MaDlomo. The worst is over now my love”
I’m still hard as fuck inside her. She is shaking her head
“I….i….can’t” I hate that she is crying so badly, now I feel
like…like I’m taking her by force,
“Please… me. Get….it out siso” she can’t even make a
clear sentence. It stinks a bit in my heart but it’s her body.
Gently I pull out but she wails more. Like I’m tearing into
her once again.
“I’m sorry” I whisper taking my aching dick out of the bed to
run her a bath. I leave her sobbing so painfully that I vow to
myself to never touch her again. I feel like shit now. I’ll not
forgive myself for hurting her like that.
Her painful cries breaks my heart as I carry her to the tab. I
sink her in and kiss on her forehead.
“I’m sorry MaMolapo” I apologise once again. She continues
to cry, so painfully.
I let her have a moment to clear the bed. The sheets are red.
She bleed. Even my cock is coated with her blood. I feel like
an ass as I clear off the sheets and throw them in the washer.
I could join her in the tab but I need a cold shower more.
I took a long enough shower. I’m still hard but my emotions
are helping calm my gun. I’m shit scared as I sit on the bed
waiting in on her. She is been in that bathroom for more
than an hour now. I feel it in my heart that I fucked up. Now
I’m suddenly scared to go check on her.
I quickly shoot my eyes to the passage when I hear a door
open. She comes in view slowly walking. I stand on my feet
about to go to her aid but she stops me with a hand. Her red
eyes looks at me once before she disappears inside the
I don’t know what to do with myself as I wait on her. I feel it
but I don’t want to entertain negative thoughts. I’m just
nervous. I convince myself pacing up and down the room in
Finally she comes out. Wearing the clothes she arrived in.
She careful walks to the mini desk I prepared for her in our
bedroom and collects her books pushing them inside her
When she turns to me I see pain in her eyes. I hurt her.
“Please ask Fox to take me back to campus” my world falls
before my eyes. She doesn’t want me even an inch close to
her. Again she stops me with a hand.
“I’m so sorry Khwezi” she doesn’t say a word. She passes me
heading out. She is leaving me.


Before showing up face here he took a stop at his House of

Wolve to check on his wife. She was still very much immobile
and drained in sleep when he felt his right hand wrist vein
throb. That’s Puso’s vein. It mean Puso’s beast is threating
to unleash. It needs his command. That means Puso is livid
wherever he is. Probably on the verge of doing something
He had to cut his time with his sleeping wife short. Come
straight home.
The happy voice that welcomes him has him smiling
regardless. He cannot stay mad at this beauty.
“Ati manaraa!!!!” (Abuti Majara!!!!) He grunts but receive his
happy daughter as she jump in his arms.
“Papa my baby” he corrects, kissing on her fat cheeks.
“Papa tota?” she asks,
“Yes my baby”
“Ekae tonto” (Where is tonto?) she naughtily hides her face
with her hands as she asks this. How she knew he went to
see Mkhonto is still a connection he can’t explain.
“Efileng” (What did he give you?) he finds himself out of
answers at how she knew he had a gift for her.
“Tsenaaa papa” (Put it on papa) she is already waving her fat
wrist on her father’s face. Majara sighs putting on the
bracelet on her hand. She fights off her father’s arms in
“NETEEE!!” she runs screaming to show off to Peete who is
nowhere in sight. Majara shake his head in defeat before he
attempts to jog up the stairs to continue his search for Puso
but his cut feet short by his fragile mother.

“MAJARA JUMANJI MOLAPO!” he grunts under his breath.

Not missing Palesa’s hidden laughter as she ascends up the
stairs with a mop and bucket.
“Olady” the smile on his face is fake but the agony in his
heart at the sight his mother has become is unbearable. He
hates seeing his mother fate with each passing day,
“Mama no” he shakes his head in emphasis. Taking both her
hands in his warm grip and pulling her to the decorative
couch just by the stairs,
“This is not you, what is happening?” he questions.
Adoringly looking in the core of his weak mother’s eyes.
“It’s nice to hear you call me mama” they both share a
Mamajara sighs “I lost my soul son. I’m not going to be okay
in a day but I can promise you that I’m going to try my best
for you, your brothers and my grandchildren. Speaking of
my grandchildren. I actually called you to ask, where is the
mother of my first grandchild?” Eish! He really doesn’t want
involve his family in this. It’s soul consuming enough that
the love of his life is possessed by the Rafe.
“Majara we cannot keep going as if one of us is not missing.
If she left you again say it so we know. Right now we don’t
know where Tlotla’s mother is and you’re not saying
anything” Mamajara continues to plead when she sees that
he is hesitant of spiting the truth.
He breathes. Checks the walls around them and lean down
closer to her so the information is received by her alone.
“Your daughter in law is possessed by the rafe. They are
here. And everything about the prophecy is starting to
unfold” she knows everything so well. It comes from her own
family tree.
“Majara!!” her tone comes laced in shock.
“I’m fixing it olady. She’ll be here. I’m going to get her before
they even think of coming to me”
“You better majara. Mabataung has suffered so much please
my son. You’re supposed to be her happy place”
“I am. And I promise she’ll be well and very much alive the
next time you see her. But can you at least eat now? You
don’t want her to stress about you too when she comes back”
Mamajara smiles “She is the bearer she was said to be. She
bearers everyone’s problems and helps in every way that she
“That is my person. I love you mama. Please get well and I’ll
see you tonight” he kisses his mother’s cheeks and runs up
the stairs. Mamajara is left smitten. Content that this is her
son. There were times when she thought he wasn’t human
but Mangcobo showed up in his life and filled in the missing

“PUSO!” he follows his knocks with his name. Calling him

out so he opens.
“PUSO!” he is loud. He would barge in but he knows to
respect married people’s bedrooms.
“Eeehm! My Lord” Palesa disturbs him coming out of Seeiso’s
room which is not so far from this one. She stands bowed
down by the door in respect waiting to be given permission
to address him.
“Palesa, you may speak up” he gives permission.
“Eeeh! Prince Puso left just now. He used the elevator and
he was carrying quite a heavy object on his shoulder. I think
he was heading for the basement parking”
“Heavy object?” Majara investigates stepping closer to her.
He is not worried about not catching up with him. He can
unleash Lupus to catch up with him wherever he is.
“Yes…yes sir” she stutter under the stare of her crush.
“Explain heavy object” he is interested in the details of this
‘heavy object’
“I…. It was something wrapped in, with a matt. He had it on
his shoulder when we passed down the corridor. He had his
keys in hand hence why I thought he was heading to the
“He came from this room?” he gestures pointing behind her
with his forehead. This room in question is Seeiso’s room.
“Yes….yes my lord…my prince. He had called me to come
clean up in here” he nods and slips passed her. He enters
the room to sniff using Lupus senses. He is sniffing for blood.
The fact that his right vein throbbed meant that he was quite
enraged. Lupus’s sense of smell fails to pick any drop of
Puso’s blood but there is blood that was spilled in here.
“Thank you” he mutter, walking passed Palesa who only
breathes once his out of sight. Damn his quite a catch and
smell so foreign yet so damn good she thinks checking him
He only marches normally in hurry until he is out of Palesa’s
look. He can feel her ogle her but he smiles it away. When
he is in scene alone he shifts places from third floor of the
palace to the basement parking.

Puso is closing down the boot of his range rover when his
brother appears by the elevator. He curses under his breath
and stands balanced by the boot.
“Ruler!” puso was teased with the name ruler growing up.
Puso translate to ruler. Majara takes tentative steps and
stands right before him.
“Abuti” (Brother) he is trying very hard to keep his cool.
“Are you okay?” Majara asks. Skipping his eyes between the
boot and his hand that is pressing so hard on the boot.
“Fine Juju. I have to be…to be at the office”
“Dressed like that?” his in a shirt that reeks Seeiso
accompanied by track pants that also looks like nothing
Puso would wear.
“I’ll change in the office apartment. I’m really late for a
meeting” Puso jogs to the driver seat and jumps in wanting
to run Majara’s demanding stare
“Puso Molapo” he puts his hands on his door “My right vein
is been throbbing and that means you were livid and wanted
to transform. What happened?” he asks, calm holding his
door open.
“I was mad. I’m mad. I just found out that one of our miners
stole our diamonds and sold it to the Chinese. I’m rushing
to the office to stop Xao from getting his hands into our
diamonds” Xao diamonds is one of the companies they are
in competition with. But this is pure lies. Majara can tell by
just looking in the core of his eyes that he is lying but the
wolf in him tells him to let him be. If Lupus is at ease with
whatever he is up to then he’ll put his trust in his beast.
“Hmmm!” Majara steps out of his way and watch him speed
off. He always fights between two beings. The human in him
tells him to follow him but the wolf in him tells him to back
down and let him be. He chooses to listen to his wolf this
time around.

Eve’s breed. This female species can drive a man straight to

hell. This is his lowest blow so far in life. He is one that
resembles his name. A leader leading by example. He is a
ruler. Straight forward. But here he is. In a bended situation
he never thought he’d be.
He wakes her with a bucket of water. Harshly pouring it on
Mapeete’s face who is laid on the bed. She gasp for air as she
wakes, wiping the stream of water off her face.
“Pu…Puso…baby….papa Peete” her lips tremble in terror as
she tears up at the creature towering over her. She looks up
at him standing over her but this is not her husband. He
sweet lovely Puso would never do her like this.
“Papa Peete please” she continues to plead. Hands clasped
together begging.
“How dare you Mapeete?” he glowers.
“I was just driven by hurt and anger baby you know I love
our son so much”
“So much that you dare put a knife on my son’s neck?” she
is ashamed. Doing things when still driven by range is never
a way to go.
His eyes are wrinkled in anger. Narrow and green. His face
is between a beast form and human form. He stands human
above her but this is not the man she married.
“Who the fuck am I Mapeete?” the harshness of his tone
sends shivers down her already trembling spine.
“ husband. The father my child” she manage, not able
to control her tears.
“Yah, I’ll be the father my child. WHO AM I?” she is mixing
words in fear.
“Papa Peete you’re the father of my child, my husband” she
claps her hands together.
“Who the fuck wears pants in this house?”
“You hle ntate. You do” she is quick to reply, pleading for her
life by her urgency and respect in sudden tone.
“You seem to be forgetting that a lot lately. I’m leaving you
here to think. Think of the wife you want to be for me. I love
you Violet but you’re so damn violent lately you make it hard
to be your husband. Think of the home you want us to have.
Our son is constantly peeing on his bed while Tlotla who is
younger than him doesn’t even pee on the bed, and it’s all
because of the environment he is growing in. I Puso Molapo
need peace if my life and if you’re going to be this vindictive
bitch you have become, leave me the fuck alone and divorce
me. I’ll be back in a week to hear your thoughts” week? Did
he say week? He can’t leave her in this one room alone for
an entire week.
“Papa Peete what do you mean? You can’t leave me here.
What’s this place?” she is only able to sit properly now
because he was about to walk out of the door.
He holds open the door, glares at her and she crawls back
in fear.
“This is the place where you’ll sit alone and tap into that
sand filled brain of yours and wash all out. By the way. I’m
taking a second wife. Think of that too while you at it” her
jaws drop to the floor. She only screams hard when he shuts
the door.
She stands to bang the door open but the only sound she
makes is that of burglar bars of the door closing in. He is
locking her in. The one window she runs too also have
burglars closing her in.
“PUSO!!!!” she scream on top of her lungs watching him walk
to his car. He waves her bye before he climbs in his vehicle
and drives off.
“Puso nooo!!!” she sinks down the wall, failing to hold
herself. She is left in the middle of nowhere in a one room
house surrounded by mountains.

He is been driving. Round in circles for a while not knowing

what to do. His head feels hot. He can feel the rush in his
blood flow. He needs calm. Calm comes with peace and there
is one woman that offers that best.
He finds himself parked outside Khwezi’s residence house.
He is only regretting it now but, now that he is here, he
cannot leave without seeing her.
He is forgetting who he is. The campus is not very much
asleep. It’s just after 20:00 and some scholars are still
roaming around the streets. He is forgetting all this as he
jogs out of his car and walk straight to their door.
He knock twice after heaving a sigh.
His knocks are answered by the other girl. Pabatso. She
steps aside for him to come in. She no longer frowns to
seeing them here. They are Khwezi’s people.
“My prince” she bows in respect.
“Hi. Is my pea….Lerato in” Pabatso frowns looking down.
She thought he was here for Khwezi.
“She is in her room my prince”
“Which one is it?” he asks
“Second room down the passage” he nods and head that
way, ignoring pabatso’s questioning eyes that he feels bores
his back.

He knocks once and test the door. To his luck it’s unlocked
and he gives himself permission.
Lerato holds the knot of her towel tight at the man walking
in her room. She had just came out of the shower and was
about to put on her sleeping wear.
“My peace” he rests on the bed, looking so drained and
“Molapo….what’s wrong?”
He reaches out his hand and pulls her between his legs.
“Can we please lie down? I just want to breath you” she
blinks, not knowing what to say but she can’t deny him lying
“Okay, let me just….” She is pulled back as she was about
to go get dressed. She giggles falling on his lap. He holds her
delicately and undo her towel knot.
She doesn’t fight him as he picks her and lays her on the
bed. He watches her down before he smiles and kicks his
sneakers. Still very much dressed he joins her and rest his
head right on her chest. He plays with her small nipple as
she brushes on his head.
“What happened?” she asks after a moment of comfortable
“Will it be wrong if I asked you to be my second wife?” her
reaction to the question is interrupted by the flashing of
camera over the window, they both follow the light to find
multiple phones taking them pictures over the window.
“Fuck!” Puso curses.


Seeiso came home stuttering at everyone. He is trembling in

voice and on the verge of tears. No one expected him today.
He wanted a week off but it seems his week ended in two
days. He hasn’t said a word of what happened but it is pretty
obvious that something transpired between him and his
He didn’t show for dinner. Neither did Majara. He is scrolling
down on social media stalking his star when pictures of his
brother wrapped around a very naked Lerato’s starts
flooding his timeline.
“FU..CK!” he curses, unintended inviting Majara’s
questioning look on him. They are both seated outside the
balcony drowning in their sorrows in silence.
“Smoko?” (What’s the matter?) Majara questions.
“I think you need to see this” he hands him his mobile phone
screen displayed on Puso’s trending pictures.
“JERRR! PUSO!” Majara exclaims on his feet,
“Where is this place? We need to get him the hell out of there”
“Eeeh that is kind of khwezi’s roommate he is snuggled with”
Seeiso explains behind him.
“Tell me you’re joking” Majara is in disbelief. His request is
answered with a head shake by Seeiso,
“You both have to be fucking kidding me. What’s with you
all and bo takalani. Jerrr!” (……kids….) he takes his phone
out and dial someone as they march to the car.
‘Lense, my brother is trending on social media. Please take
all the pictures down this immediate’ he orders the Lense
‘Noted’ his response short and sweet but he’ll get the job

One of the royal guards sees them march in hurry towards

the cars. He jumps to open the door for them while his
colleague brings the engine to live.
He bows in respect closing in the door on them after they
climbed in. They are accompanied by two guards on the front
as they both fit at the back. Tshepo and Fox leads them.
“National university of Lesotho” Seeiso informs Fox as they
drive out of the premises. He is the one behind the wheel.
“Tshepo please try to dilute the situation. You probably saw
that your friend is trending” Tshepo laughs busying on his
“Call him” Majara directs at Seeiso who immediately dials
him but he is welcomed by voicemail.
“Voicemail” he informs,
“Mapeete? She can’t see this”
Seeiso sighs dialling her too but it’s another dead end.
“Voicemail too”
“You’re both careless as fuck. How long has he been fooling
around with the girl?” Majara asks,
“I only found out two days ago”
“Fucking great, just fucking amazing. What a way to go Softy
Molapo” he is pissed. Seeiso wants so bad to laugh but he
holds himself. He is throwing daggers when he mentions
Puso’s English name or is it called Christian name.

They didn’t enter the campus immediately as they had

wanted. They had to be sneaked at the back gate because
the front one was buzzing with paparazzi already. The house
in question was at least now secured.
Fox holds the door of the house open after knocking to be
welcomed by Pabatso once again.
She squirms in fear when her eyes land on Majara. This one
you don’t see very often. It doesn’t help that Majara also froze
at her sight.
He is looking deep in her eyes sensing that she mothered
their seed.
“Are you a mother?” he asks, standing by the door looking
at Pabatso. Pabatso swallows instead of answering. Seeiso
nudges him behind so he stops making the girl nervous. He
avoids all sorts of eyes with Pabatso staring at Khwezi’s
“Where is prince Puso?” Seeiso asks. This tone Pabatso can
take. She breathes in first and points him the way. Seeiso
jogs straight that way.
She is about to run away from this one’s questing stare when
he calls her back to him.
“Ausi wee! Come back here” Pabatso freezes again. Turns
slow like jelly.
“I asked a question. Are you a mother?” she nods, looking
“Where is your child?” he continues to question
“At…at…home” she manage with a pounding heart
“Where is home?”
“Is it a he or she” she hasn’t lifted her eyes to him what’s so
“She is a girl”
“How many years old?”
“Four sir” he steps closer. Pabatso feeling all the air in her
chest leave her. He sniffs her twice and steps back. Regard
her as if studying her.
“Off you may go” she flies out of his soul digging stare.
Only holds on her knees to catch some breath when she is
out of the room down the passage. Her eyes lands on Seeiso
coming out of Lerato’s room. The fear she had is suddenly
replaced by lust. She eyes him. Licking on her lower lip.
“You don’t remember me don’t you?” she mumbles as Seeiso
passes past her. He stops dead track on his steps but doesn’t
look in her direction. Pabatso Moiloa. “But you can call me
Peebee” Something in him remembers, even though the
memory is distant and blur, there name Peebee matches this
tone. His years ago one night stand.
“I’ll take our secret of four years ago to the grave” he feels
the blood drain out of his system. He really fucked this girl
four years ago. She was a one night stand that happened
when he was kaak drunk. Now it comes flooding all in mind.

Seeiso is avoiding all sorts of eye contact with his brother as

they stand outside waiting on Puso to join them. Majara is
searching something in him. Reading him. This only fuels
Seeiso’s nerves. He is already all over the place because of
what Pabatso whispered in his ear. The last thing he needs
is Majara and his questing stare.
“Where is that man whore you call a brother?” Majara hisses
staring at the door where there is no sight of Puso as yet.
“He..he is comimiming”
Majara shakes his head. He hates is when he stutter but we
can’t change our siblings can we. We love them with all their
The said man whore comes out sheepishly clinging his
slender madam right under his arm. He loses focus from the
baby maker of the family to the whore of the family. Is he the
only nice man in this family?
“Juju!” Puso acknowledges him when they make it to them.
He is praying that Majara doesn’t embarrass him in front of
his woman.
“Is this the stolen diamond you were talking about?” Seeiso
cracks up, but short because he receives daggers stare from
“Kore Bereng haso bole le ho bola but already sentse le
tshwela lebitla la hae. What kind of behaviour is this Puso?”
(Bereng hasn’t even decomposed as yet but already you’re
spitting on his grave……..) Puso maintains his low profile
look not sparing him even a single sight.
“Can we at least talk about this in the car? We are still very
much exposed” Puso begs.
“Exposed? Motho your ass is all over the internet and you’re
talking about exposed while we stand outside your
mistress’s house. You should have thought about being
exposed before you advertised your dick to the whole
kingdom. Nxa!” he click his tongue and turn to jump in the
car but he finds Seeiso grinning at Puso.
“Another baby maker. You go around dropping your seed
and leaving it nje. Kore o sefebe se seholo hee wena”
(…..You’re the biggest whore) Seeiso’s grin is replaced by
confusion. He wants to ask what he means when he says he
is baby maker but he knows that he’ll not offer any
information now. When he is livid they let him be.

Seeiso, Puso and Lerato all stand by the car and stare back
at Majara. He looks at them confused.
“WHAT?” he shouts.
“You have no space” Puso.
“I have no space? I Majara Molapo the good man?” it’s a five
seater car. The two royal guards takes the front and three
passengers at the back.
“Juju come on. You can walk. Lupus is always happy to be
freed” Puso reasons.
“No. I want to ride a car. Wena sefeba sa lelapa you’ll walk”
(……you family whore,……) he opens the door and gets in.
Seeiso gestures for Lerato to get in. She is hesitant getting
in next to the fuming brother but she can’t stay behind. Puso
made it clear that she has to come along and stay off the
raider until the damage is solved.
Seeiso gets in right after Lerato.
“Shut the door. We don’t need that whore in here, he might
infect us with his whoring ways” Majara directs to Seeiso. He
is about to close the door as told when Puso shoves himself
“Abuti Puso no maan. I don’t know where this ass have been.
For all I know you might have been twerking and you sit on
top of me?” Seeiso complains as Puso sits right on top of
him. His body doesn’t allow him to sit on top of Seeiso only.
He lays on top of Lerato and Majara. His face resting on
Majara’s lap.
“This face might have been between a woman’s legs and you
think I want to look at your whoring face? No thank you” he
opens the door and gets out.
“Fucking whore! You all better go straight home. You’ll find
me there” Thank God! They breathe.
Puso helps himself to Majara’s seat. Only after he is settled
in Fox drives.
“What did you do to him?” he looks passed Lerato at Seeiso
in question.
“What I did? You’re the whore here. You’re the one that
pissed him off”
“Mabataung needs to come back, this man is too angry” Puso

“No woman forgets being cheated on, no matter how

good you redeem yourself, it may be a decade later but
a woman wronged will remember. Yes they forgive but
they don’t forget. That’s my breed. I know” – by simple
escapes reading.


At the age of 25 she never thought she would make it to the

tabloids pages for nude scandals. They were just cuddling
but that’s not how her family will receive it. This whole fiasco
is more insulting to her because she was the nude one.
The man she is in mud with is just trending for his name.
He was totally dressed.
She is scared of her mother and uncle. When her father
passed, her uncle stepped up amazingly and took care of his
brother’s family. Those two people are the ones she wants to
make proud the most.
She is lived. At 25 she is not an angel but she sure doesn’t
want her mother to know that she is fooling around with a
royal man. A married one while at it.
It was supposed to be just a harmless fun but emotions got
involved. They don’t know each other at all with this man
holding her so tight this morning but there is something that
keeps pulling her right in this warm masculine long arms.
The pull is just so strong and it has turned her into a weak
woman who can’t say no to this man.

“What’s on your beautiful mind lerato laka?” (………my

love?)He kisses her lips. More like a peck testing the waters.
Mapeete hates morning kisses. He doesn’t know how his new
woman feels about morning kisses but he on the other hand
loves them. It’s a pity he married a woman who reminds him
every morning that his breath stinks. Of course morning
breath stink. No one wakes up smelling like Colgate. But
when you love your man, you compromise. You love him with
his good and bad or otherwise, he’ll go looking for those that
will embrace his bad if you don’t take them.
“Hi handsome” she places her hand on his cheek, bringing
his face closer and deepening the kiss. Puso smiles kissing
her back. There is no bad morning breath as Mapeete
complains. Only love shared through the morning kiss as
they greet their souls into a new day.
He dominates the kiss. Pressing her tiny body beneath his
rock solid hard body. His hands takes both her hands and
grip them on the pillow enjoying the stimulating kiss. He
moans between the kisses grinding his erection right
between her thighs.
“Tiisa love” (Harder love) he moans through the kiss asking
her to press her thighs tighter so she grips his dick. He
leaves her lips and travels down her neck infecting her with
all goose bumps. She loves his tongue right there. Her own
canal warms up and she wants to open her legs so this man
directs his shaft to where it’s rightfully supposed to be but
he is moaning so so good. He is enjoying her thighs so bad.
“Yah! Saja sefebe sa Molapo banna” (Yah! The family whore
fucks around) fuck! They both freeze. Majara walks in
without knocking. His tail once again is the smiling Seeiso.
Puso grunts getting off his girl. This two really don’t have a
“Juju I get that I disappointed you but can you fucking calm
down! I’m a man here and I know what I’m doing. What the
fuck are you two doing in here so early in the morning?” he
snaps, forgetting that he is the one at fault.
“There is a family meeting down stairs. We have been waiting
for you for almost an hour so we thought we might as well
come and tell you that it’s daylight already….you don’t
whore broad day light but it seems we were late” Majara.
“Hi Lavo. Nna I’m here for you. You can’t show up in front of
the vultures down stairs without these” he hands her two of
Khwezi’s doeks that she leaves in his room for when she is
here “Put one on your shoulders and the other one on your
head” Lerato receives them even though she is trying hard
not to come out of the blankets.
“Thank you” she murmurs.
“The pleasure is all mine lavo. You look flushed. Tell me,
were you two having sex?” Seeiso’s mouth lacks a filter
“SAY!!!” both his brothers call him in order. He shrugs off
because he doesn’t think he asked anything inappropriate.
“Fuck! Such a wide big mouth” Majara affronts glaring in
Seeiso direction. He breathes after a moment of discipline
and turn to Lerato,
“Tell me nana, how did you let this whore drag you in his
brothel ways. Is he raping you?” and they call Seeiso a big
“Juju you need to take a chill pill” Puso’s snaps.
“I need you to stop being a whore. Down stairs in five
minutes” he walks out, leaving his tail behind.
“How bad is the situation?” Puso asks Seeiso as soon as
Majara is off sight.
“Bad. Pretty bad. Where is…..” he trails off. He wants to ask
of Mapeete but he is not sure if Lerato knows about her.
“Come down, faces it and get it done with” Puso nods to him
before he also shuffles out of the room.

“Ready to meet you’re angry in laws?” he asks pulling her

back to his touch. He settles her on his chest as they both
sit under the covers. She throws him a look, a very not
pleased one.
“Come here” he pulls her to his chest, resting her head there
and kissing on her forehead as much as he likes.
“Don’t stress much. They are just mad I embarrassed the
family. They are very good people and you’ll enjoy them once
the dust settles”
She breathes. Taking in his words “We don’t know each
other. Don’t rush to label us. Let’s just go with the flow now”
he nods, only to please her but deep down he knows where
his heart is.
“So how do you want me to introduce you?” he asks.
“You can just say I’m a friend”
“A friend that I lay naked with?” he poses the question at her
but she doesn’t have the response for that. Maybe friend is
just stupid.
“Let’s go face the music. Will figure the rest as we go” he
helps her off the bed. He knows where his heart lies with this
girl and he is ready to claim her in front of his family.

The eyes trained on them and the thickness in the room is

soul chocking. She only finds comfort in the hand that is
holding her even though she feels like he should let her go.
She doesn’t know if it’s appropriate for them to walk into the
room hand in hand. Though the man holding her hand
doesn’t look like he is willing to let go. He is holding her for
She focuses down on her feet ignoring the penetrative stares
they receive from the large table. She is praying she doesn’t
drip and fall.
“I’ll not let you fall” the man holding her for dear life assures
in a whisper. She smiles to herself. He must have felt her
She doesn’t even have the courage to greet. She doesn’t even
know how to. How do you greet a royal table?
“Family!” Puso greets with the greatest enthusiasm for the
both of them, helping her on the chair. He settles right next
to her.
“Yah! Raditapole” (Yah! Mr. Potatoes) Ntate Tlali mocks him,
tickling Seeiso and Ora so perfect,
“Aren’t you going to introduce us to your....friend?” He
continues to questions in a mock.
“Fam, this is Lerato Khotso. Babe this is my family” he leaves
it at that and picks plates to dish for himself and his peace.
“Where is your wife Puso?” Mabereng asks, rendering Puso
a bit uncomfortable. He steals a bit of glance at Lerato
because they haven’t tapped into the conversation of him
being married.
“I asked a damn question Raditapole” (………Mr. Potatoes)
she hisses, glaring at him when he just scratches his head
instead of replying.
“Mme…can we not talk about this now?”
“No Puso! We’ll talk about it here and now. Akere o
Raditapole wena o rekisa ditapole o nyetse. How much is
your potato by the way” (Isn’t it your Mr. Potatoes, your
selling your potatoes while you’re married?..........) Seeiso is
recording the whole scene. This is the best drama they have
had in a while.
“Puso. Son, what’s going on?” Mamajara steps in calm. She
seems to be the only collected elder on this table.
“I’m taking a second wife maa” gasp!
“You think you can handle that?” Ntate Moletsane only
speaks now. Puso is quick to nod in agreement.
“Where is Mapeete hee? And did she agree to this?” he
continues to investigate.
“She said she needs time to cool down when I told her” he
“Told or asked? You cannot take a second wife without her
permission and we’ll not accept her until she gives us the go
ahead. You don’t take a second wife because your potatoes
were inching to taste another sauce. You take a second wife
because you sat down with your wife and you both agreed
the need for a third party” Ntate Tlali addresses him, a bit
calm now but Puso doesn’t like where he is taking this. He
knows the woman he married. She’ll not accept another
woman in their union.
“Maybe I take after you daddy don’t you think? Did you talk
to Mme when you took your witch stripper as a second wife?”
“MAJARA!” ntate tlali shouts at Majara that he is quiet while
Puso disrespects him. It’s the truth but he thinks he is being
disrespected when he is reminded of his own whoring ways.
“Puso mind your tongue please. Don’t disrespect my
grandfather because of your itching potato ways” Majara.
“Like father like son don’t you think Tlali” the mockery in
Mabereng’s tone cannot be missed. She glares at the man
that once did her so wrong. No woman forgets being cheated
on, no matter how good you redeem yourself, it may be a
decade later but a woman wronged will remember. Yes they
forgive but they don’t forget. That’s my breed. I know.
“I’m so sorry mosadi wa dikgomo tsa ntate” (……..the wife of
my father’s cows) he is. Regret and guilt is written all over
his face.
She receives his apology with a tongue cluck and goes back
to the son of his father.

“Wena Raditapole tell me, did you give her the taste of your
potatoes?” (You Mr. Potatoes…….) Seeiso fails to hold his
laughter, he burst into a cracking laughter, accompanied by
his twin,
“I’ll kick you both out of this table” Mabereng threatens them
and that collects them “BUA PUSO!” (SPEAK UP PUSO!) She
“Mme yes I made love to my second wife” the table gasps.
“How could you Puso? We are still mourning your father”
fuck! It only hits now!
Seeiso is suddenly choking from his own breath. He
dramatically coughs hitting on his chest. Majara reads right
behind his whoring skin.
“You fucked up too didn’t you?” he asks glaring at Seeiso.
For once all the attention leaves Puso to question Seeiso.
“SEEISO!!” Mabereng. She is the grandmother of this house.
This children are testing her.
“Eish! Nkgono I forgot. We haven’t had people departing in
this house in a while” (…..grandma……) Seeiso speaks for
“And that excuses you two spitting on my husband’s grave?”
Mamajara joins in on the angry bird’s breed of elders.
“I’m sorry mommy” Puso ashamedly apologise. Seeiso
resorts to staring down in shame.
The table sighs in disappointment.
“I’ll cleanse them. Bring your potato partner too this
afternoon and one goat each of you” Ntate Moletsane.
“And you’re both buying those goats yourself. No one is
getting a goat from my kraal” Ntate Tlali.
“HAAAA!” they both exclaim in shock.
“This afternoon” Moletsane remind pushing his chair to
stand. He rounds the table to have Lerato’s hand. He wants
to read her spirit.
“Ausi Lerato, if I may please have your hand?” she looks at
Puso first. Only after he agrees with a head nod she gives
her hand to Moletsane. He squeezes her hand staring right
in the core of her eyes. She is pleasant and she is indeed to
bring peace in Puso’s life.
“Welcome to the family his peace” he plants a pleasant peck
to her hand and let her be.
“Eeeh Maa can she stay here until the scandal dies down?”
Puso take attention of the room staring at his mother. The
scandal is already taken care off by Majara but he doesn’t
know because he is been off social media from yesterday.
“I don’t see a problem with that” Mamajara.
“Mapeete will not like this at all” Mabereng.
“I’ll talk to her” Puso jumps in. The house at large knows
Mapeete but they choose to let Puso handle his affairs. Ntate
Tlali is the first to leave as always.
“Okay Baletsane, Moletsane and I have to go and soak
moretele hotlo hlapisa difebe tsa lelapa” (… wash the
whores of the family) he announces on his feet.
“MORETELE!!” both Puso and Seeiso joins on their feet in
fear. (Moretele is wild plant mostly found in Lesotho. The
herb in not nice to skin. It leaves the skin inching and sore
in irritation)
“Yes. And I’m going to make it so strong. You’re both not to
leave the premises until you’re cleansed. You’ll send your big
brother to run your errands today” Moletsane adds his two
cent following his friend.
“Why am I added in family potatoes’ problems” Majara asks
behind him.
“You are the carrier, you carry their problems” he glares at
the two culprits.
“I’m not buying goats!!” Lupus will just eat the bloody goats
if they send him to buy goats.

I will not lie and say it doesn’t hurt. It hurt so bad. So so

bad. I know I messed up. I shouldn’t have left like that but I
just needed to be alone. I needed to cry the pain away in
peace without him feeling guilty watching me tear up
because he penetrated me.
I don’t think we even had sex. That was just penetration and
it was so painful I don’t want to lie. His something something
is big. Way too big.
I think women in general are just faking in sex. That thing
was extremely painful. A 10/10 painful. I don’t think it gets
any better. It felt like he was tearing me up.
It’s time like this when I wish I had friends. Best friends I
can talk to. I tried Palesa but she wasn’t of any help. She
basically told me to take the damn dick like a woman. She
laughed my pain. Told me that I have a dick dream of every
women. Apparently every woman wants a man with a thick
long dick. Well I learned that I don’t. I would have preferred
it smaller and thinner. Not long thick and veiny. It looked
angry I must say. Maybe it was the hunger of not getting it
for a while.

“Knock knock! Khwezi open up maan!” Urgh! Hurricane

“What do you want?” I’m in my covers. I took a shower after
cleaning my room and I haven’t left my bed. My lectures were
cancelled for a day. There is a meeting.
“I have scoop. Did you see prince Puso’s dick all over social
media with Mamonotwana?” (…….Sticky-legs?)
Mamono…whatever is Lerato. She calls her that and I have
never asked why. The news of abuti Puso being naked on
social media has me on my feet. I open the door for her
without thinking twice.
“Yes girl!” she waves a bottle of wine over my face pushing
passed me as soon as I open the door. She settles on my bed
drinking her wine straight from the bottle.
“Let me see” I sit besides her aiming for her phone.
“See what?”
“The video. You said abuti Puso is all over social media” I
remind her.
“Yes he was, I thought you could sent it to me. It’s been
taken off, the only people who have it are those that saved
in their phones” bathong!
“And what made you think I have his video?” I question
bored as hell. She and I tolerate each other.
“They are your people. I thought you might have it” mxm!
“Please leave my room. I need to sleep in peace” I’m on my
feet holding the door open for her. I didn’t even know about
the damn video until she mentioned it.
“Keng? Trouble in paradise already? You’ve been walking
around with red eyes since you came back wherever you
“Pabatso please” I gesture her out with my head.
“He dropped you like its hot too didn’t he?” someone tell me
why I invited this girl in my room again.
I resort to giving her a bored look. She smirks crossing her
legs still very much seated on my bed.
“You know, you and I might have shared a dick. I didn’t
remember it until recently. It was dark and I was wasted.
Both we were wasted. Probably why we both didn’t
remember it”
“Pabatso I’m not interested in you sex life, please”
“Oh dear zulu girl! You need to know this. We were in a club
and I ended up in his bed. We were so horny for each other
that we didn’t switch the lights on. I still remember that big
thick cock like yesterday. Nigger did me so good in the dark
only to leave mid night. I woke up with a very much swollen
vagina. He did me so good I stopped fucking around for a
“Congratulations, you got fucked in a club. Please leave my
room” I’m five minutes to shit land right now. She finally
stands, catwalks to me by the door still not letting her wine
friend go.
“I slept with prince seeiso” she whispers in my ear with a
smirk on her face. I don’t believe any of her lies.
“Good for you bitch” I attempt to shut the door immediately
but she holds the door open with her foot. That must have
hurt. I slammed really hard.
“You don’t believe me don’t you?” we share a battle look
“Maybe you might believe this, he was here last night and he
didn’t even come see you in your room. Him and all his
brothers went to Mamonotwana’s room and didn’t even
check on you” (….Sticky-leg……)
“You’re lying”
“Oh princess. Get off your high horse. You’re not the it girl
anymore. They were here for Lerato and they left without
even saying hi”
“Go to hell”
“That’s my second home don’t you know?” urgh! She blows
a kiss and leaves.

Fuck! It hurts more. I throw myself on the bed and allow my

mind to drown in my sorrows.
I guess he gave up on me. How can I mess up something so
great? I should have just taken the pain and kept my
emotions to myself. Now I have lost the love of my love over
bloody sex that was so painful.
“KHWEZII!!” can this girl die and leave me with my broken
“KHWEZII!!” Urgh! Pabatso!
screaming on top of my voice.
“Someone is here to see you. He is in the lounge” I would say
she is lying but her tone comes very careful and scared if I’m
reading correctly. I hear her steps fate and her room door
I forget that I was crying for my failed relationship and
literally storm to the living room. I’m ready to bite whoever it
is and chase them off but my anger is immediately dressed
by fear. I step back a bit and swallow my manners.
“Khwezi!” he gets off the couch and steps closer to me. Worry
is very evident on his face though he still scares the shit out
of me even when he looks worried.
“You’re crying, what’s wrong?” eish! My bloody face. I forgot
to wipe it.
“I..i….i was watching a movie” that bush eyebrow raised tells
me he doesn’t believe me.
“Try again Kotiza. What’s the matter?” eish!
“It’s nothing papa tlotla”
“You do know that your father let you to come study here
because he trust that nothing will befall you under my
watch, right?” I nod, not able to keep his look,
“You’d tell me if anyone was messing with you right?” I would
tell him if I want the person permanently removed from the
world of the living.
“Yebo papa tlotla I would tell you” he regards me. Making me
feel like a needle under his questing look.
“Hmmm! Go dress up we are leaving” I would ask where we
are going if it’s someone else but because it’s him, I scurry
back to my room. I wonder where he is taking me.


There is just a way that the sun graces the mountains of

Lesotho. The sunsets are out of this world in this deep
Kingdom of Lesotho. It’s one of those beautiful afternoon.
The sun just decided to make love to the mountains of
Lesotho. The touch of all the rainbow colours of the sun
reflects so beautifully down the mountains.
Deep in the palace two royal princes ascends up the steep
hill from the river where they were bathed with ‘Moretele’.
They are both simply bare, only covered with their traditional
blankets Seana-marena. A blanket befitting the king the call
Red is their current skin tone. The Molapo’s are light beings.
The darkest they can be would be described as a coffee
colour. This makes them easy reactants in skin solutions.
Seeiso picked stones along the way to scratch his skin. He
doesn’t know what to do with himself. His brother Puso is
singing. He doesn’t know the song he is singing neither do
their company which happens to be Ntate Tlali, Moletsane
and Mabereng. He is singing to distract himself from
scratching his skin.

Arriving back at home they are welcomed by two goats at the

gate. Each goat guarded by their sexual partners.
Seeiso hasn’t seen his girl since their fateful events of
yesterday when she walked out on him. His heart skips a
beat when his look tumbles upon hers. It wouldn’t take a
rocket scientist to figure out that she is not fine. He is only
grateful that she came.
“Hey” he murmur standing right next to her as they await
further punishment as he regards the situation.
“Hey” she returns, stealing a single glance at him and paying
attention to the old people before them.
“Are you okay?” he still keeps his voice way low.
“You look terrible” she is looking at his red hands that helped
her hold the goat’s rope.
“Not as terrible as my heart feels” his tone and his words
brings her to look up at him “I’m so sorry lerato laka”
(…….My love) he is sincere in his tone and expression “I love
you Khwezi Dlomo and I apologise from the bottom of my
heart for hurting you like that”
“I love you” her tone comes as collected and lowered meant
just for the both of them.

The young prince fails to contain his excitement. He lets go

of the rope and holds the small of his girl’s back. He stares
in her eyes. Admiring what the young princess made him
feel. He’s never thought he’d settle down but here he is. It’s
still unbelievable even to him but heck he wouldn’t trade this
feeling for anything in this world.
He is just cupping her face with his left hand while his right
is holding her for dear life on her waist. His beautiful star.
He is about to lean down and have her for a kiss when
someone clears their throat intently disturbing them. Such
a devil the person deserves to be!

“Mkhhhhm!” they both collect themselves to join back on the

land of the living. Ntate Moletsane is before them with a
questioning look.
“Where is your goat?” he asks the lovers when they both look
at him lost. The goat is gone.
Silence stretches between the lovers. Suddenly ashamed and
out of words. To their luck someone screams of a goat down
the yard.
“You both better hurry” Moletsane.
“Both?” Seeiso doesn’t mind chasing the goat alone, he
doesn’t want his star running after a goat.
“Yes both. You both let that goat go. It’s your goat and you
both better be here in the next five minutes or else will start
this whole process tomorrow, starting with Moretele” that
has Seeiso on his feet. Tall and yellow chasing a goat down
the yard.
Majara is enjoying everything up the balcony having whisky.
Ora is taking a video.

Finally! They caught the goat. The couple is panting. That

was quite a chase.
“Your……your hair” Seeiso is holding on his knees to catch
breath. He warns Khwezi of her hair. She is a mess. Her nice
puff ponytail that was hanging straight like a ruler tucked
under a doek is threatening to fall. That’s the consequences
of fake hair.
“What…what about my…hair” she manage to ask back
through deep inhalation and exhalation.
“The horse’s tail is falling” you don’t say that to a woman
who prepared herself to look good for you.
“I have a horse tail on me Siso?” oh oh! It’s about to rain.
Her tone has him standing to touch on his aching chest.
“It was a slippery of a tongue motho waka. Forgive your man.
My life is in danger here, I can’ think straight. I’m breathing
blood because of all this running” (……my person……)
“You’ll not just breathe your blood only but drink it, if you
ever call my hair horse tail”
“Hae shape fatshe mommy” (Please forgive me mommy)

“Seeiso, Kotiza. Join us please” Ntate Moletsane disturbs

Both the royal men are instructed to enter the gate with the
goat in hand and sing their apologies to their late fathers.
Apologise for their sexual partners as well.
“Volume. I can’t hear them up here!” Puso as the eldest is to
go first. Majara is the one screaming of suddenly having
hearing problems.
“Maybe you should join people down on earth if you want to
hear them” Puso snaps screaming up at him.
“I wouldn’t want to join boRaditapole, you’ll infect me”
“You’re….” Puso’s scream is interjected by ntate tlali,
“You better leave that angel son of mine alone and focus on
you dirty behaviour” Majara? Angel? Both puso and Seeiso
share shocked looks,
“Just look at him, he is even wearing white” he is, white
summer see through shirt accompanied by formal flowy
pants creased on the legs showing his hairy feet in flip flops.
He looks like he was going to a beach. Only that he was going
to watch his brothers get punished.
“PUSO!” Moletsane bring Puso back to his moment “I
Raditapole Molapo with Maditapole Molapo…..go on” he
starts for them mocking them. Seeiso would laugh if he
wasn’t busy with his skin and dodging the eyes of the woman
he called her hair horse’s tail.
Puso ignores Moletsane’s mockery “I Puso Molapo and……”
he is stopped,
“Puso your full names please” Moletsane is on mission to
embarrass him. They don’t let Majara go for his Jumanji
name. His is worse but miraculously everyone forgets it until
they see his identity documents.
Sigh! “I Puso Softy Molapo” Seeiso stops abusing his skin to
sit down and laugh. Khwezi fails to hold herself, she joins
her sexual partner in crime. Lerato’s jaws are sweeping the
floor. The terrible old gentlemen before him are also stifling
in their laughter.
He wants so bad to cluck his tongue but he decide to just do
the damn thing and get it over and done with.
“I Puso Softy Molapo, the second of my name. The second
prince in the kingdom of Lesotho. I come before you my
elders, ashamed and disgusted of my ways. I spat on your
quarters, belittled your name and brought more darkness in
this yard.
I bring before you Lerato Khotso, the peace of my heart,
whom I’m planning to introduce to you soon as my second
wife. I wronged you by not staying clean during this dark
cloud that has hovered our home. I brought more darkness
into our home and for that I would like to say I’m sorry
Baletsane. Please look past my indecent behaviour and still
regard me as your child that just fell. I apologise for my lady
as well. Haeshape fatshe baletsane” (………Forgive me
baletsane) he bows to show that he is done.
“Rea leboha Softy. Take your peace and head under the kraal
with your goat” (We thank you…….) he only breathes that
this part is done. As instructed he takes Lerato’s hand and
leads her under the kraal.
Now it’s Seeiso’s turn.
“I Seeiso Care Molapo. The first of my name. The promised
throne prince in the kingdom of Lesotho. I bend a knee in
shame. Shameful of myself. I misbehaved and for that I ask
for forgiveness. With my promised Queen Khwezi Dlomo. We
were wrong and we kneel before you seeking forgiveness.
Please Baletsane” he also bows in respect.
“Follow Softy, we’ll be with you for the last part just now”
Moletsane allows them in as well and instruct them further
under the kraal.
“What a day!” Puso exclaims exhausted after the events of
this day. He is cuddling with his girl after dinner wishing so
much to dine between her legs now that they have the four
walled room privacy.
Lerato was offered a room in the palace until the fuss dies.
Puso took advantage of the generosity of his mother and the
absence of his wife to sneak for the warmth and peace this
young lady brings in his life.
“Your family is hectic” Lerato remarks, smiling at the man
tenderly brushing on her back. She rest on top of his well-
muscled body on top of the bed. Fully clothed to avoid any
“Yeah they are like that, but I wouldn’t trade them for
anything in this world”
Lerato breathes, clearing her chest and mind for the topic
they have been avoiding for a while.
“Did you really talk to your wife about this?” she asks,
careful and calm.
“To be honest no. I just mentioned it. I haven’t sat down with
her and addressed us” Puso.
“Do you think she’ll agree?”
He shakes his head “She’ll not but don’t worry yourself about
her, I’ll handle her” she is hesitant. She was just having fun.
One of those fun you think we’ll be something you sit down
reminiscing of alone in years to come and think ‘Wow, I once
did that-had fun with the prince of the kingdom’ but here
she is, getting in boots that may be way too big for her.
“Do you think she’ll like me?”
Puso chuckles before he answers. He knows his wife very
well and he doesn’t want to lie to her.
“Nop. She’ll never like you but I’ll make sure that you both
have peace and at least tolerate each other” she responds
with a burdened sigh, she is not sure herself if this is what
she wants but there is something she feels for this man.
Something she is never felt before.
“Don’t stress about our union. You’re the one who said we
should go with the flow. Have you switched your phone on?”
he is purposely changing the topic, he doesn’t want to ruin
their little peaceful moment with things that might consume
their happiness. They’ll deal with everything as it comes.
She breathes “Nop”
“Turn it on. It’s time we know how many people you know
saw that video” her phone is been off since yesterday night.

She reaches for it on the pedestal and turn it on.

Immediately she is welcomed by notification tone. Tone after
tone. She looks at the man staring down at her as she goes
through her messages. The man is staring on her phone
screen. She is only praying that Thapelo’s messages don’t
flood in too. He is another person they have to discuss. But
not now. Luck is in her favour, there is no message from the
Her cousin saw it and that can only mean her mother and
uncle saw it too or heard about it. The seven ‘please call me’
from her mother confirms her fears.
“Molapo how am I going to face my mother” her tone comes
gentle and hidden in a whisper.
“Why don’t you call her? Calm her down and alert her that
she’ll be receiving a letter from the kingdom very soon”
She breathes putting her phone away “Molapo we don’t even
know each other that well. I honestly think we should wait a
“I love you Makhotso. I don’t need to wait to know that I love
you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But if
you want us to wait, it’s your call. We’ll get to know each
other as you want but I don’t even know what getting to
know each other do you want” she can tell that he is not
happy of her delay but she lets him grunt to himself.
“By the way, how old are you since we are getting to know
each other?” she laughs, he sound so irritated.
“I’m 25. See what I mean when I say that we don’t know each
“Urgh! You just want to drag me because I didn’t give you
time to drag me when I was courting you” she laughs,
enjoying his slightly pissed tone. She snuggles closer to his
chest and rest her head there. The peace she brings spreads
on his buffed chest.
He plants a content kiss on top of her head. He hasn’t known
this happiness in a while. They both welcome silence.
Peaceful silence until Lupus invades Puso’s mind.
‘It’s going down tomorrow. Hugo needs to feed before night
fall’ he shifts, not able to understand how a voice can just
come in his head. He needs to see Majara.
Khwezi has given up on saying she has a room she sleeps in
here. Seeiso always forces himself in every room she runs
today. She is made peace that she’ll share his room with.
He apologised and she forgave him but they are still
awkward. She is sitting on his desk with her books open
trying to read but nothing is getting in. Seeiso can see with
the way she yawns and flips pages that she is literally doing
“Mamolapo?” he calls her,
“Hmmm” she turns to look at him.
“Come here” he pats the space next to him on the couch. He
was busying himself with his side project of photography
that his family doesn’t want to hear a thing about.
He puts his laptop on the table and turns to face her taking
both her hands in his.
“Are we okay mommy?” she nods with a smile,
“You can’t fool me lerato laka. I know I hurt you and I still
apologise…..” (… love…….) she cuts his sentence short.
“Moletsane please stop apologising. I feel bad okay. I
shouldn’t have left. I just wanted to cry alone without
making you feel guilty” he opens his arms and she falls right
in his embrace. His arms circles her so safe kissing on her
forehead every chance he gets.
“It’s okay MaDlomo waka, I’m never gonna touch you again.
I don’t ever want to inflict that kind of pain in you again”
“Babe what do you mean you are never gonna touch me
again?” it was painful yes, but she doesn’t like the sound of
that. She asks getting off his embrace to question him with
a frown.
“Mamolapo I don’t want to make you cry again”
“But Say what about our pleasure. I’m your girl and I’m
supposed to give you pleasure”
“Don’t worry your sweet self about me. I’ll be fine. But I
promise you I’ll give you all the pleasure you need. But
before we dine into pleasure. I need to talk to you about
something” she is not at ease with how he is dismissing their
failed sexual encounter.
“What is it?”
“Next week after the cleansing ceremony my family will be
paying a visit to your father to start off our negotiations. Do
you still want to marry me after…after what I did?” she hates
that he is blaming himself like he intently hurt her.
“Seeiso I love you and I’m not changing my mind. Please stop
apologising, I’m sure we’ll get better with time” at the
moment she doesn’t believe herself, she is just saying it to
cool him down.
He laughs. Pulling her thigh that she had sat on as they sit
face to face on the couch. He pulls her thigh to his waist and
she falls. Her head rest on the couch rest. She is consumed
by giggles.

“What are you doing Say?” she questions past her giggles.
“Redeeming myself. I can’t be a flop in everything. Maybe my
mouth might do you good”
“What…...say…babe” she stutters when he fixes position
between her legs
“Relax my baby” he says.
“Siso we shouldn’t….we are not supposed to…oh lord!” he is
laying on his stomach kissing on her thighs, the lazy feather
like kisses exaggerates to her inner thighs. She fails to word
properly as she welcomes a burning sensation that heats
right on her clit. She is in just in his basketball vest which
looks like a night dress on her.
“I’m just going to give you the pleasure you deserve my love,
relax” he is blowing air like he is soothing a wound right on
her sex.
“But….bu…baby” she is getting softer with every touch.
“Keya fodisa hle mme a pusang. Relax and let me eat you
up” (I’m healing you my baby………) he sniffs her, pecking
her covered sex with his lips “You smell divine Mamolapo.
You smell like my wife” oh this guy! He is going to drive her
crazy. He is just breathing her but his moans accompanies
his breathes which has her wanting to touch on his head
and pushing him in.
“I’m your wife Molapo, do me as you please” one thing about
sexual pleasure is that it’s confident. It will have you saying
things you don’t mean.
Seeiso puts his thumb right on her enlarged clit…it’s
throbbing beneath the lace material. He wets his lips with
his tongue as he tears her underwear into a belt. He tears it
right at the crotch knitting.
“Babeee!!” she moans, arching her back as he opens her
folds with both his index fingers and blow soothing air down
her wet cunt.
“Babe please!!” she doesn’t know what she is begging. Her
hands are have betrayed her. They are pushing his head
right on that nicely aching part but he is too strong headed.
He teases her clit with his tongue, not licking or sucking but
just touching the top part of her clit with his tongue gently
teasing. As much as she is pushing his head he doesn’t allow
his face to fall in.
“Oh lord! Say…babe something is coming” he sees is come
right through her tight hole. He lean right on her cunt when
he feels her clit throb with much need. This time he doesn’t
blow air but draws it back from her cunt. Khwezi fails to hold
herself. A little creamer she is. She cums right on his face
calling her parent’s names.
“Yoh mama wee!
……mamaaa!” Seeiso is laughing drinking all her juices with
his mouth. Who calls their parent’s names when they cum?
“Haaaaaaah!” she exhales content, coming back from her
cloud nine. He crawls up to her face. Failing to hold his grin.
He pecks her lips.
“Hmmm! MaDlomo, why would you call your parent’s name
when you release?” Shyness visits her, she hides her face
with her hands but he removes them,
“Your father would explode if he heard this. But hee, you
taste damn fine my baby” she doesn’t know how to take
sexual compliments. Do you say thank you? Or what?
“I need a cold shower. Stop being shy, you’ll get another
pleasure in the morning” she holds her lips blushing but her
blush is suddenly replaced with guilt when he rises with a
tent erected right on his front. He can’t even walk properly.
He tortoise walks to the bathroom holding his pyjama pants
not to touch his aching dick. This drowns Khwezi in guilt.
She sits up straight closing her legs and allow guilt to
consume her.
“Babe, Mamolapo! Here” he peeks outside the bathroom door
throwing her a warm towel.
“Please wipe yourself. I’m sorry I can’t make it back there”
he doesn’t say it to make her feel guilty, he honestly cannot
walk back there because of the pain his feeling. He needed
to give his girl pleasure after how he failed her.
“Mamopalo!!” he calls again when she looks lost in thoughts.
She snaps out of it and smiles.
“Are you okay?” she nods
“I’m coming back, you’re going to tell me what’s eating you”
he disappears to the shower, step right under cold water. It
seems his cold shower days are prolonged.
Mid his cold shower he hears words in his head ‘It’s going
down tomorrow. Shadow needs to feed before night fall’ the
word are meant for that something in him he is still trying
to figure out. He needs to have a word with his big brother
for clarification.


They laid next to their woman last night. They are both sure.
They should both wake in gentle warm embraces circled by
their women but it seem the universe had other plans. They
both wake groaning in pain. Naked and exposed to the
atmosphere. No warmness what’s so ever as the air bites
sharp to their bare skin.
Confusion, bewilderment and shock are evident in their
eyes. All this emotions take turn with them as they silently
share looks. It’s complete havoc that hovers their mind as
they study their surroundings.
“Where are we?” Seeiso manage to voice out questioning at
his brother Puso who is just as numb as he is. Puso shrug
his shoulders still studying the environment.
“Are you in my dream or am I in your dream?” Seeiso yet
again questions. Stupid he can be.
“Why are you dreaming of me naked?” Puso wants so much
to tell him to shut his pipe up but he is trying to figure out
where they are. That’s the most important content at the
“You know Softy, you could have came to me in reality, not
in a dream. Maybe you’re trying to tell me that you prefer
your bread buttered both side. I understand abuti waka.
Don’t be ashamed of being gay. I understand and you have
told me. Now wake up so we go back home. But next time
please don’t dream of me naked. It makes the
whole……..aaaaaa! mamaaa!” (……my brother…..) whatever
nonsense he was saying is saved by the spirit floating right
around them.
He screams crawling to Puso. He forces his very naked body
right between Puso’s legs as he sits butt flat crouched on
eroded basalt stone surface.
“Such pussy and you sitting on top of my dick. My gay dick
might just push right in your ass”
“NOOOO!” that gets him on his feet, staring down at Puso in
“Please don’t rape me. I beg you. This is a dream. Just wake
up before you rape me. I’m carrying a virgin ass here and I
would like my star to be the one who breaks it”
Puso hisses. Whatever is happening he is sure that keeping
low on the ground is their safest option.
“Yes I’m a kid. My mother’s last born. I’m going to tell mama
you took me with to your wild dreams” he sits next to his
brother, shivering in cold and fear of whatever is going on.
His eyes are scattering around, full on detective mode.

“I’m gonna crawl right on that edge and check” the only thing
they are aware of is that they are high. Where ever they are
is in higher altitude. The air is at its meanest form even
though the sun seems to be rising. The hissing of the air is
more than just cold morning air. It’s cold air from above.
They do say ‘The higher you go, the cooler it becomes’
He said he is going to crawl but he doesn’t. He is slithering
right on the stoned surface like a soldier at war. The person
who was told to stay behind joins him in slithering. He is not
about to stay behind when he doesn’t know where they are
and there is some sort of spirit floating around them.
“My dick is going to bruise” Seeiso complains in a whisper
right next to his brother.
“Lerete la hao nkabe lele safe had you listened to me and
stayed right where I told you to stay” (Your cock would have
been safe…………)
“And let whatever that thing floating eat me alone? No thank
you” he is whispering.
“Why are you whispering?”
“Why should I not whisper? I don’t want to piss your dream,
it’s scary as it is that I’m in your dream” Puso gives up on
him. He shakes his head continuing to slither down the
harsh surface. Careful not to bruise their bodies and attract
They make it to their intended edge destination where they
both gasp looking down in shock.

“Are we in heaven?” Seeiso questions eyes bulging out of his

sockets. They are way above than they had thought.
“Heaven? Really?” he can be so stupid.
“Well how do you explain us being so high? And what the
hell is this place”
“If we were in heaven I think we’d be flying. I would like to
fly when I get to heaven” Well stupidity runs in the family.
Seeiso is not the only one.
“When? Who said you’re going to heaven? You should have
said ‘If’” Puso would argue otherwise if he wasn’t trying so
hard to crack his brain so they find out where they are.
“Take that stone and through it down” Puso instruct Seeiso
who blinks at him and pass the stone before his eyes to his
brother. He is not about to stone things he doesn’t know.
“You can be such a pussy when you like” Puso complains
doing his own task by himself.
Birds fly off the trees when their stone make a pass to the
ground. They seem to be on top of a mountain. How they
made it on top of the mountain they don’t know.
“I think we are on top of thabana Ntlenyane” Seeiso whispers
carefully studying their surroundings now that they are on
the edge.
“Thabana Ntlenyana?” (Mount Ntlenyana?) Puso questions
looking for clues why he’d think they are on top of one of the
biggest most beautiful mountains in the Kingdom of
“The stone, this is basalt and if you listen attentively, there
is a flowing stream nearby and its flowing west. Thabana
Ntlenyana is the only mountain with a stream flowing to the
West Orange Rivers that makes the borders of Kwazulu
Natal” Puso is looking at him shocked. How can he make
such information in such a short period of time?
“Wow! Your biology teacher would be so proud right now”
“Geography damn it! Life science has nothing to do with
nature” they seem to forget where they are. Puso doesn’t like
his education being spat on.
“What the hell is life science?” Seeiso closes his eyes
breathing. He honestly cannot deal with an ancient scholar
right now.
“Do you know Sir Albert Einstein?” he questions Puso who
is quick to nod.
“Yeah, the body guy”
“Body guy?” Seeiso is lost.
“Yes the one who said body A and body B equals to body C”
“Which school did you go to?” Seeiso cannot believe his ears
“You’re a true embarrassment to your life science teacher.
There is no such theory in life science”
“I didn’t do life science vele, I did biology and in biology the
Eisterr guy said that in one of his boring stories”
“I’m demoting you from being my brother, I cannot have a
brother like you who…..” Seeiso’s words freezes in his heart.
Both they share terrified expression when they feel a
presence behind them. They were getting lost forgetting
where they are.
“Oh mighty Lord! God of wonders. God of miracles. My God
I pray you perform one of your miracles. God I pray you take
me home. Take me out of this bad dream my lord and I will
be your most loyal servant going forward. I promise you God.
I’ll be a good boy. Thank you ntate waka” we run to him in
our darkest time. This is Seeiso’s darkest time. He calls on
his god.

Both him and Puso don’t want to turn to look at what stands
behind them.
“Shadow, you’ll go first. You seem to have a big mouth” the
tone behind them is way too creepy. They both turn only to
meet a dark soul floating with no feet above them. Seeiso is
pushed down the mountain before he can as much breathe.
“Noo that’s my brother!” Puso screams about to attack but
he also receive a push that comes from a force that he
wouldn’t withstand.
“Hugo follow your stupid brother” down the mountain he
falls. The fall down the mountain is slower than the force
that pushed him. It’s more like it activates the wolf in him.
He feels his range burn him. His veins and bones transform
to that of the wild animal he harbours.
The howl of the wolf in him leave his throat deep from his
guts. Right next to Seeiso he lands. Head bowed down and
ready to transform as his brother. The rush in both their
blood has woken the beast in them.
They sit kneeled bowing heads awaiting orders. Something
in them has brought them to this emotion. They cannot go
back to what they were on top of the mountain. Right now
they are a pack awaiting their Alpha.

“HUGO! SHADOW!” the voice coming before them is that of

their eldest brother. They haven’t raised their heads as yet
but they do feel that it’s him. Wolves of the same pack
connects with just a howl.
Both they stand at the mention of the names ‘Hugo and
Shadow’. They are not aware it’s their wolf names as yet but
the wolves in them knows their names, hence why they bring
them both on their feet.

“CONVERT!” Majara gives a word. A word that comes like a

drink they have been waiting for their entire lives.
It’s a fulfilling word that has them slightly raising their noses
up in the air, sniffing coupled times preparing their bodies
for a conversion. The backbone is always the one that alters
first. It feels like it’s rearranging up to their neck hence why
they twist their necks slowly welcoming alterations. A deep
wolf howl leaves both their throats when they take full
transformation. Wolf teeth poking out of their mouth and
their paws sharply digging into the ground. Two white green
eyed wolves they stand.
The wolves stand now to look at their alpha. Gloriously
naked in human form with not even a single rope on his
waist. He spreads his arms, not voicing out but they feel that
he calls them. His right hand is claimed by Puso while his
left hand is claimed my Seeiso.
“Wolves of the South. By blood, we are the Molapo
brothers. By Lupus implant, we are Wolves of the South”
both his hands tenderly brush on his pack’s heads, taming
“It had to be dawn that I bring you here to feed. Feast and
quench your thirst for the tonight. Go feed. Feed of the
deadliest creatures in this forest”
“Auuuuu!” they both howl, alerting the animals in the forest
that they have arrived. Hide where you can because gray
house is in the forest. Both they turn, offering him their tails
to give the final word. He takes both tails and sink his claws
right in them.
“HUNT!” he frees them. They disappear into the thick forest
like hunters they are chasing for preys.
I feel stagnant. Like I’m in a phase that has me restricted
within the four walls of darkness. All I see is darkness. I
cannot feel my body but I can feel that I’m trapped in
My soul feels sore. I cannot pin point exactly where I feel the
pain but I feel heavy. Deadly heavy as if I have been sleeping
longer than I should.
I don’t know how I came to wake in such darkness but the
scent lingering on my breath is very familiar and warming to
my soul.
“Lwandle!” my sense of smell is disturbed by a call. The voice
that is calling me I don’t know it. I have never heard this
voice. It sounds old and must belong to a woman. An ancient
one while at it. the voice definitely belongs to a fossil.
“Lwandle!” the unfamiliar tone calls again. I wish to see the
owner but unfortunately my eyes only sees darkness.
“Fight Lwandle. You’re the white witch. The last of our kind.
Fight! You’re the light. Light up your way to him. Listen to
him. Find his voice. Find his touch and follow it. Follow
nothing but his touch. Follow nothing but his touch” I wish
to speak and ask how but my voice only comes in me. I can’t
seem to voice out either.
“Lupus is your soulmate. Follow his voice that speaks to you
in silence. Help him get you out of here. Follow nothing but
his touch” I wonder who this old woman is.
“In every darkness there is always light. Find that light. You
are that light” I should find the light. How?
“Follow nothing but his voice. Follow nothing but his touch”
I cannot see but I feel the voice fate, like she is disappearing
or leaving my space.
Within the darkness I’m yet again alone. But I have an active
mind today. I exercise my mind with her words. How do I
follow his touch, his voice?

The voice said I’m the light. How do I light up my way back
to soulmate?
My heart. I can connect to my husband in ways beyond
reason if I listen attentively. The scent. That was his scent.
The scent that is pleasant to my nose and I know so well. If
I could follow his scent, I would find my way back to him.
“Where do you think you are going” my soul welcomes
coldness at the now creepy voice. I don’t know what it means
that I’m going somewhere. For all I know I feel trapped.
“A little fighter aren’t you?”
“Here, take my hand I’ll lead you to light” I feel my soul shift.
About to reach out but the earlier voice of the old woman
finds me again ‘Follow nothing but his touch. Follow nothing
but his voice’ this is not my Lupus’ touch. This is not my
husband’s voice.
“Don’t go back, come” the creepy voice now comes desperate.

“My person” now that’s the voice I’m aching for. It comes a
bit far and as murmur but I turn my breathing senses into
the direction of his warm scent.
“I’m going to kill them all” his touch I feel. His touching my
“I’m coming to get you my baby, just hold on a bit”


Battle of wolve’s existence it could have been had he given

The Rafe time to arm up and attack him at their own time.
But like taking candy from a child’s mouth he made his own
plans. He wasn’t going to wait for an army of wolves to come
for him. He had to come unexpected to them.
Every Great War ever won was won by the element of
surprise. Hitting your enemies when they list expected it is
always a way to victory. This war is supposed to end his
bloodline, his breed on earth but that will not happen under
his existence.
He wants to walk his first daughter down the aisle to her
soulmate. Give her rightfully to the man she belongs. The
Rafe will have to suck it up. He’ll fight to see his children
grow and protect those he loves.

To this battle he is accompanied by his well-fed and ready

for war pack of three. Hugo, Shadow and the Predator. He
howled for his son in law and he came running as promised.
He wasn’t going to miss a chance to protect ‘his queen’
Feeding the first time hunger of his pack took longer than he
thought. The wolves went for a hunt the whole night. Only
in wee hours of this morning they both came back satisfied
and ready for war.
He brought them here. To his house of Wolves which Joy will
prepare as a medium to Oves. He’ll get his wife from the rafe
possession before they come to him. They are dragging their
feet and he cannot live any longer without his tiny person.
From the guards, Tshepo is the closest friend he has. He
knows who he is. He brought him with. His only task is to
take Mabataung in his care and run with her as far as he
could as soon as she gains consciousness. He is tasked with
sitting by the bed and waiting on her while the four wolves
enter a medium prepared by Joy.

In all wars we fight for something. Be it an exchange of

unpleasant words, threats, any clash of emotions and
morals may start wars of the world. This time and this
instant he is fighting for his heart. This woman sleeping so
peaceful is his world.
He had to abandon his pack for a minute just to have a
moment with his woman. Deep within him, he searches for
her soul. She must hear him. She must prove that their
union was meant and prepared by their forefathers. She
must prove that she is real mate to Lupus. Heart to heart
they must connect.

“My person” he murmurs, tenderly brushing on her cheeks

looking at her with nothing but pure love.
“My person” he repeats, trying to find something in him that
will connect with her.
“Find me Mabataung waka. Find my heart and wait on me
mommy” the skip of his heart is the affirmation he was
seeking for. His heart beats in a manner that doesn’t scare
him. It beats in a way that alerts him that she is listening.
She is feeling him. Though she still sleeps pale without
movement, his heart is saying otherwise.
“I’m going to kill them all” the promise in his words she feels
it in her soul
“I’m coming to get you my baby, just hold on a bit”

“It’s time Lupus” Joys stands in spirit form at a respectful

distance. They await him. All is ready.
“The altar is ready for your presence” he adds.
Majara plants a long peck on his woman’s forehead before
he turns on his heels and follow Joy the spirit out of the
room. Outside the door he nods to Tshepo. He knows what
to do. He gets in to guard Majara’s wife while he goes to war
for her soul.

Down the stairs they arrive at the centre of the living room
that Joy worked on to create a sphere medium that will
transport them to the other world.
Two white green eyed wolf with a reptile kind of wolf stand
head bowed down the dark sphere circulate a storm of
darkness in the centre. Majara knows that it’s time to leave
Majara and take Alpha form. His pack is ready.
He shoots his head up in the air allowing a deep howl to
leave his throat. That’s how he voluntarily calls his beast
when his person is not around to unleash it.
In a minute he stands a red eyed white alpha wolf. He swings
his tail up and hits it hard on the ground. Thunder claps
hard outside as he opens a pass door to Oves.
As the leader he jumps first down the dark sphere. The
predator takes the second pass. Then Hugo for the third
pass. Shadow the forth and lastly Joy the spirit vampire at
the end.
In another world they arrive. Right in the heart of Oves. The
land where only wolves bloodline make a home. There is no
human being on this side of the world. A world of Wolves
only it is. And those that are not meant for this world are
sniffed from a mile.
Joy made sure that they fall right at the place where
Mabataung’s soul is captured. It is no other den than the
council’s den of wolves.
The closer they are here, Lupus can feel where his tamer’s
heart beats. He sniffs her soul from afar. But not that far.
He is ready to give his life to have the woman who gave him
a reason to live back with his pups. She belongs by Tlotla
his Pride and Lerotholi his miracle.

Every wolf make a pass for them as they follow their Alpha.
It’s attention drawing and inviting the council’s anticipation
right to them.
They are within the council quarters. Of course they were
going to see them but they would have liked to free the soul
they came here for before attending them and seeing if this
day leads to a battle or a mutual understanding.
“LUPUS!” behind them comes the voice of RANDOLPH the
wolf. He is the protector of the wolf bloodline. One of the
dominant voices in Council of Wolves, The Rafe.
Randolph and Lupus go way back. Before Lupus was sent
on a quest to Earth, they were once an inseparable pair. Cut
from the same cloth if it’s befitting. They were mostly famous
for their charm in all the female quarters of Oves. Friends is
what they used to be until life happened.
Though it seems time has dealt with Randolph the wolf. His
of the Rufus red wolves family. One of the most beautiful
breed of wolves but one can hardly tell today. He is a grey
furred wolf but today his fur colour is slowly fading to yellow.
It may be age but he is not that old to have given to time
erosion. It has to be due to the lack of life in this place. Oves
has corroded with time. Every tree that once made this forest
home of wolves looks nothing but just poles standing tall
with no branches. Even the forest it’s self lacks life.
The two former friends share a look. A painful one. Lupus
knows him very well. From the life before and he can attest
that his friend is fading. Whatever happened to him? he
He comes harmless. With no howl or fight spirit.
“We have been waiting for you” he communicates eyes to eye
staring in Lupus’s eyes. His tone lacks life and friendliness
as well.
“The council is waiting for you, this way” he adds, calm as
he can be. Randolph bows to show respect before he leads
the way. Wolf instinct is one strong character they share.
Through instinct they can always read intention. At this
moment he can tell that Randolph’s intentions are pure.
Hence why he follows him with his pack without a doubt.

The world of wolves is not what he remembers or what it

used to be. Oves has faded. Everything and every wolf he
sees going about looks like it’s on the verge of extinction. The
wolves look weaker and fewer. He doesn’t see any Alphas as
they follow the frail Randolph to the den of the council.
Randolph the wolf himself looks like a walking fossil.

“What happened to this place?” they may have came here for
war but it looks like there will be no fight today, not even
tomorrow. There is no real dominant wolves he can fight.
Even his new breed of pack he was so worried of would have
a field day with the wolves he sees walking around. Every
wolf they pass stop to stare, envy is written in the corners of
their wolf eyes. How they miss walking this tall and so bold
in character and instinct.
“You left and never came back” Randolph’s answer invites a
frown on Lupus’ face. His departure has nothing to do with
Oves dying. He thinks.
The council den house used to be the heart of Oves. So
beautiful and capturing to the forest but not anymore. It now
looks like nothing but poles circling The Rafe’s sacred place.
Inside the Council den they are welcomed by BEOWULF –
an Intelligent wolf and GUNNOLF – the Fighting wolf. They
are the last remaining elders in the quarters. Too ancient
and might just cough and hand in their death certificates if
they do have those in Oves.
Lupus still knows how important it is to respect the elders
of the quarters. He waves his tail up signalling for his pack
to stop walking. A safe feet away they have to keep from the
When he bows in respect his pack follows his action. He
seeks attention to be addressed.
“Canis Lupus, our last gray wolf of Oves. King in Oves” the
last words has him raising his head to look in Beowulf the
wolf. He must have made a mistake.
“We have been waiting for you, for decades” he adds, howling
out loud inviting every wolf of Oves to come witness the
return of their king.
Slowly but surely every wolf avails themselves. One by one
they gather. Gather circling Lupus and his pack. In a howl
they all bow down to their king when they have all gathered
in the council’s den. All their tails turn up right pointing
right at him. The king in Oves they have been waiting for.

“To you we bow, Lupus the great gray. The last dominant
Alpha to bring life to Oves” Gunnolf speaks after a moment
of silence.
“This has to be a mistake Gunnolf” Lupus.
“It’s not. We made a mistake casting you out of Oves. Your
absence in this quarters killed all the dominant Alphas. It
was said to bring you home, only then Oves will go back to
what it’s used to be. One by one we are dying. The great
AMARUQ wolf shield (An ancestor of Wolves) has turned his
back on us. He wants your bloodline leading the pack. These
pack in Oves” Beowulf explains.
“I can’t. I have responsibilities on Earth. I have made a life
for myself. I have a pack of my own there as you can see”
“But we need your blood to bow to in here. We need your
blood to lead the pack or else we are all about to become
history” Gunnolf.
“That’s not my problem” Lupus.
“It is. We don’t have your white witch. The great protectors
AMARUQ have her. He needed to bring you home to your
responsibility of leading the pack and the only way to bring
you back in Oves was through her”
“Take me to him” Lupus. He needs to hear this from Amaruq
In the sacred shine caves of wolves is where they used to
bow and talk to their high power which happens to be
Amaruq the shield wolf.
Beowulf and Gunnolf both lead him to the cave he request.
Though he leaves his pack behind. It’s the three of them that
enters a cave right inside the Council’s den.
Everything might have been dealt with in Oves by time
erosion but the sacred shrine cave of wolves is still what it
used to be – calm and peaceful to enter. That sense of
belonging hits him. This is his root home. As much as he
might have made home in Earth through Prince Majara
Molapo the carrier of Lupus. This is Lupus home. This is
where his bloodline lays. Where his mother and father
birthed him.

In silence the three Wolves bows inside a hollow cave that

has nothing. Every being have someone they bow to. In this
cave is where Wolves of Oves bow. Where they receive
without asking. Their destinies is determined in this cave.
By The Great Amaruq wolf shield.
“The Great Gray Canis Lupus of Oves, I’m glad you honoured
my call” there is no physical wolf they can point but his voice
is there echoing the entire cave. With Amaruq the wolf
shield. You don’t ask or talk. You listen.
He wasn’t called. He came to get his wife. Probably she was
a bait for Amaruq to get him home.
“Your blood has to take over Oves. Protect and revive the last
pack in Oves. LEIA the Luna wolf awaits you to mate. You’ll
leave your seed in LEIA the wolf to give us pups of your
bloodline to raise and take over Oves. Or you’ll give us one
of your pups from the white witch to raise as our own and
take over your responsibilities this side.
I’ll give you a pass of the next daylight and moon to decide.
You’ll come back here to mate with LEIA the wolf to leave
your bloodline for your pack in Oves or you’ll bring us one
of your pups in Earth to take over in here. Great you may go
Canis Lupus. The Great Gray. You’re acknowledged and
highly favoured in Oves too. Safe pass back to Earth. Your
pack of Wolves of the South is acknowledged too. We’ll
bless them with wolf instinct as well. Our Great Gray cannot
have a pack without wolf instinct.
We task Gunnolf and Beowulf to claw your pack with Wolf
instinct before you leave. You must have a real pack
protecting you at all times. Your house of Wolves is one of
the last dominant houses in this era and it must be
protected by real Wolfs. Hugo and Shadow will leave this
place today as real wolves, even though Shadow is already a
real one. He is from your mother’s bloodline and he carries
the blood family of Lupus.
Behind you is your White Witch. See you again in the next
daylight and moon” the voice dissipate inside the cave until
it leaves just an echo.
Amaruq just tells, even if you ask it is just useless. He tells
what is expected of the Wolves. Right now what is expected
of him weighs too much. Lupus adores his chosen zulu
human wife. He cannot even think of betraying her in such
a manner.
The time period he is given to make a decision is too small.
He would have preferred maybe a year. But he knows even
in a year he still wouldn’t think of betraying his tiny zulu
Behind the three wolves as they turn they find a ball of shine
floating in the air. His white witch shines even in soul. He
blows air over the shine pushing it out of the sacred shrine
cave as they walk out. Too much is what is expected of him.
The pack howls up in the air when they all come out. It is
said and it all lies in Lupus. He’ll decide.
Lupus communicates heart to heart with Joy handing him
MABATAUNG’S soul to send back to earth through his
medium. They’ll leave after the ceremony to instil Wolf
instinct in Hugo and Shadow has been fulfilled. But he
needs to find his person breathing on earth.


She breathed. More like gasp for air. In and out she chased
for air. She felt weak and out of air to breathe. Her mind was
disoriented and she couldn’t remember where she’d been or
what was happening.
She continued her laboured breathing scanning her
surroundings until her eyes landed on Tshepo who looked
alarmed and shaken a bit staring down at her. She took a
sigh of relief when she made a familiar face. A weak smile
she offered to a noble man who somehow looked spooked.
“Wa….war…ter” her throat felt foreign to speaking. She was
shivering. In fear. Her soul felt like it was somewhere it
wasn’t supposed to be. She tried to word passed her clogged
“Hmmm!” Tshepo was totally lost. He didn’t understand
what she was trying to say.
“Water…I’m thirsty” she finally managed. Gaining her
speaking ability back.
Tshepo quickly ran for the jar just a pedestal away and filled
a glass. He handed it to her in urgency helping her up.

Gentle sips she took to quench her fears with water. Only
after she took water in she inhaled deeply.
“Thank you” she finally spoke normal. Passing the glass
back to Tshepo.
“Where am I?” she asked. Her memory was still lost at the
events of where she had been.
“House of wolves. And I have to take you far away as soon
as now” he was tasked with escaping with her as soon as she
gained consciousness. What happened in the other world he
didn’t know? All he knew was to do as Majara had asked of
“Okay, where is he?” she doesn’t have to say a name. He
knows exactly who she asks of.
“He went to fight for you with his kind. I don’t know much of
the details. All I know is what he asked of me, which is to
take you as far away from here as possible” Majara was
afraid that some of the wolves might use the medium they
came through to get to his wife and actually kill her hence
why he asked Tshepo to run with her. He knew that he’d just
sniff her scent or listen to her mind to find them when he
was done fighting for her.
Mabataung has grown thicker skin. She has grown much
needed trust in Lupus. Tshepo didn’t need much convincing
to make her see reason.
She helped her aching body which felt like it had been in
quite the longest sleep down the bed. Tshepo had her in his
arms as soon as he saw that she was struggling a bit to
Outside the creepy mansion of wolves they made it. At the
back seat he strapped her in and jumped to drive out of the
house of wolves.
The house is located far far deep in the heart of the Kingdom
of Lesotho. Both they have never used man’s transport to
this place. They don’t know the path. Tshepo was shape
shifted to this place my Majara. Same as Mabataung. The
vehicle Majara had purposely brought it here knowing that
Tshepo might need it for an escape of his wife.

Tshepo is just following a gravely deadly road that he hopes

will lead him to civilization. Not this lonely creepy land.
“Do you know where we are going?” Mabataung asks curled
at the back. She is just in her nightdress. She had been
asleep when she was captured into everlasting sleep.
The wind is getting colder with each drive. It’s like they are
drive right into the Native American tribes who lives in very
cold northern areas of North America, Russia and Greenland
called Eskimos.
The hissing of the air outside the car is very much loud
inside the vehicle.
“I’m just getting you as far as I could. Juju will find us”
silence stretches inside the speeded vehicle.
Ahead they see a storm of snow coming. This is the kingdom
of Lesotho. Deep in the mountains. A home for heavy snow
Before they could even think snowflakes consumes the car.
Every driver in the kingdom know not to drive when the snow
falls. Unless you have tire protectors for snow. The road just
becomes slippery and wet. One must wait the storm and call
for help to the snow rescuers of the kingdom.
“FUCK!” Tshepo hits the steering wheel in frustration killing
the engine. Now it makes sense why the air was so mean to
“Please light the heater” Mabataung advices shivering in the
back seat.
He does as told and pass on his jacket to her when he sees
that she is shaking in cold through the rear review mirror.
“You’re scared of cold?” he makes a conversation while he
looks through his phone to call for help but it reports that
there is no signal. Another mountain of frustration builds in
“I…didn’t grow….in…Lesotho… I only…..hate…the
coldness…..of this place” she manage, through shivering
and teeth hitting on each other in cold.
“I’m afraid we going to have to wait it out here. I have no
signal to call for help” she nods, not wanting to open her
mouth because she feels like she is giving her warmth out
when she speaks.
In silence they wait out the storm. Tshepo is a Mosotho man,
he has seen storms of snow. This is the first for mabataung.
She has seen snow since she married this side but she has
never been right inside the storm.
Regardless of the warmth inside the car she is still shivering
beneath tshepo’s coat. Pale she is slowly growing. Tshepo
knows that is not a good sign. People have died because of
snow storms. There are people who are just not made for this
kind of cold. And it looks like mabataung is one of those.

“MABATAUNG!” loudly he calls turning to look at the back

seat. She is closing her eyes.
“MABATAUNG!!!” his tone creates noise pollution inside the
vehicle. There is still no response from her. As loud as he
had shouted.
“FUCK!” he curses again unstrapping his belt to jump to the
back seat. He engulfs her in his warm embrace brushing on
her shivering body.
“Say something please. Don’t close your eyes. Look at me”
down in the core of her eyes he urges a stare. She looks so
weak shivering.
“You are doing great. Just look in my eyes. Speak” he
motivates. Capturing her with just a look. Snow storms have
very strong winds.
Eye to eye as they look in each other, a force of wind pushes
the car. Tshepo’s face falls right on her face. Lips to lips they
touch. Eyes trained on one another.
Heart to heart both their hearts palpitate. They share a warm
breathe through the touched lips. Reasoning leaves them.
Tshepo leans deeply into her lips, taking her bottom lip in a
slow sensual kiss. She doesn’t fight him but capture his lips
and kiss him back.

This is wrong. Extremely wrong. This is Lupus’ wife. You

only fuck Lupus’ wife if you truly have a death wish.
But this is sex weather. Man and woman find themselves in
this position. Whose responsibility is it to stop this? The wife
or friend to Majara?
Both they get consumed in the moment. They forget their
loyalty and let the moment be. Sexual healing it is in the car.
What Majara doesn’t know will not hurt him.
Hand to hand they explore each other for bodies. Human
warmth is radiated between the two.
Tshepo helps her off his coat. The silk material of her night
gown beneath the coat is more arousing. He finds his hand
between her legs. The discovery of her being wet without an
underwear is enough to send his hand to his zipper. He
undoes it in a second. Freeing his ready cock.
In this moment the only voice is to taste each other. Like she
weighs nothing he picks her to his waist. Taking the seat.
He helps his cock right inside her warmth. She is a foreign
cookie. Something he is never felt. Even Palesa’s virginity
didn’t feel this nice.
“You’re amazing” sensual he whispers in her ears, consumed
by desire.


One thing I don’t appreciate is being kept in the dark. I

understand I can’t always know everything about my
boyfriend but we promised each other transparency. To
disappear on me for two full days is uncalled for. His phone
is been off. Since the morning I woke alone in his bed after
the cleansing ceremony, I’m afraid I haven’t seen my baby.
It’s like he disappeared without a trace.
I had to turn to Lerato and ask that she calls abuti Puso but
she had the same problem as me. She doesn’t know where
abuti Puso is either. We are both at a blank spot.

I don’t know if I’m exaggerating or what but I feel like

something is really really wrong. I miss him and I want to try
somethings I learned on porn hub on him. I feel guilty that I
haven’t been able to satisfy him sexually while he gave me
my first wave at its meanest.
“Where the hell can you be my Say Molapo” I had to voice it
out. Sometimes I blush alone. He drives me crazy. Crazy in
“You both still a thing?” Urgh! I wasn’t aware she is in the
room. She is seated on the couch while I wait for my pies
that I just threw in the oven. I’m not a fan with pots. I only
cook when I have to and I’m glad my parents remember that
when they send me my monthly allowance. It covers all my
lazy cook buys.
“Not a thing. I’m his promised. We are getting married” I
gloat. The aim is to drop her jaw but she burst into a
laughter that irks my skin. She laughs like Satan.
I know I shouldn’t be announcing this as yet but Pabatso
really annoys me. Siso said we’ll have an official press
release after his taken the throne and I’ll be moved here.
Only then can the public know about us. But this hurricane
Pabatso I just needed her to know. She is like a bug on my
skin. Probably why it’s so cold today.

“Khwezi your no princess love. Prince Seeiso will never marry

a commoner. He is fucking you babe and he is going to drop
you like he dropped me and everyone else. At least with me
he was just a one night stand. My heart was never invested.
I feel sorry for you for the crying your about to do when he
leaves you for another fresh pussy” see why I hate this witch.
On top of everything she is a liar. Siso would never touch
her. Even drunk.
“You do think I’m of your calibre pabatso don’t you think?” I
can’t contain my smirk.
“Next time NMDS (National Manpower Development
Secretariat-Lesotho bursary scheme) buys you data please
google me and let’s rate my calibre then. I’m not here
because I’m of your standard baby. I’m here because I
wanted to be next to my man. And as for this place” I roll my
index finger up in the air to indicate,
“I can have my father buy it and buy you while at it. I’m no
commoner, commoner. I’m Princess Khwezi Dlomo. The first
born to the king in the Zululand King Vulamasango Dlomo
the first. Know the people you should fight with. I’m way
above you to be picking on me every chance you get” I leave
it at that.
She is glaring at me without a word as I plate up my pies
and pour myself some juice. I’m about to disappear to my
room when the door opens without a knock.

“Bhuti….abuti Fox” this man. Did he really have to just come

“My lady” he bows in respect. I swallow. I always don’t know
how to respond to this much respect given this side.
“I’m ordered to come pick you up my lady” he proceeds to
“Pick me up? Is he okay?” I mean I haven’t heard from the
man in two damn days.
“He is fine, he just need you at the penthouse this instant”
“I have classes tomorrow” I love the penthouse but he needs
to remember that I have school.
“You’ll make it to your Friday classes my lady. 08:00, 11:00
and 14:00 right?” he even knows my timetable? I raise an
eyebrow but nod anyway.
“I’ll be outside. You have 10 minutes to get off this premises
my lady” the manner of command in his voice has me
nodding. He leaves me consumed with questions I wish to
have asked him.
“You are to wed prince Seeiso aren’t you?” Oh! konje there is
this one in here. I totally forgot about her. I think she is only
believing me now.
He should have came himself and explained the hell is going
Not send bhuti fox that he knows very well that he scares
the shit out of me to pick me up from school and transport
me to his penthouse without even a single word what’s so
Then on top of everything abuti Fox drops babies on me
again without no explanation. I’m baby-sitting the babies at
the penthouse. Why? When they have grandmothers at
home I don’t know.
Maybe I’m mad because I woke to an empty bed the other
day. I love waking up under his adoring stare. He looks at
me like I’m his world every morning and just that look alone
makes my entire day. But that day he deprived me that
intense soul fulfilling stare and still hasn’t even called to
check on me. I wonder where the hell he could be.

“Nezi?” (Khwezi?) that’s tlotla. I’m thankful for her talkative

self because she keeps disturbing me from my angry
thoughts. Peete on the other hand is too quiet. More quiet
than ever. There is a bandage decorating his neck. I wonder
if he broke his neck or something.
“Tlotla” I respond back looking down at her. We are watching
tv after dinner. Leroy is sleeping on the couch next to me
while Tlotla and Peete sit down the carpet on the floor.
“Nna tihopote tonto atjeba” (I miss tonto you know) whatever
she said is silly, there is a giggle leaving her tiny lips at that.
I only picked Mkhonto from what she said as she calls him
‘tonto’. She is kissing her ugly bracelet I haven’t seen on her
wrist until today.
“Okay baby” I don’t know what to say, I’ll just agree to
“Tonto yaka” (My tonto) okay this one I hear perfectly and I
clap once in shock. She is now staring at the tv whispering
to herself. How old is this one again?
My shock from Tlotla is disturbed by the door bell ringing. I
wonder who it could be because I’m not expecting anyone.
Never mind that no one knows that I’m here expect for my
man and his family.
Nevertheless I drag myself to the door. But first I need to
know who it is.
“Who is it?” I ask just by the door,
“Fox” oh! I cannot miss his tone even if I wanted. There is
just something that stands out about his unique tone.

I don’t hesitate opening for him but I’m immediately taken

by a frown. His hands are heavy with different foodie bags
and he is accompanied by Lerato who looks just as
astonished to be here. We haven’t talked with her. We stay
in the same house but our classes were clashing. When I
come in she is in hurry leaving. I still need to know how she
came to be abuti puso’s girlfriend but that’s not my
business. Partly I feel sorry for her. Mapeete is going to have
a field day with her.
“Hey” I hug her. We are not that close but we do talk and we
are comfortable with each other. Abuti Fox has eradicated
himself to the kitchen with his shopping.
His voice is talking to the old lady we found here. She was
introduced as Mrs. Moleko but she preferred I call her Mme
Martha. Fox said she is the help that will be assisting me
with the kids. I wanted to know why and how long I will be
staying here but he gave me that look of his that makes me
swallow my words.
“Who is that and what am I doing here?” she whispers down
to my height careful that abuti Fox don’t hear her as she
returns my hug
“That’s abuti Fox and as for what you’re doing here, I don’t
know either. I was literally dragged here too” I explain,
“Come in” I allow her further in leading the way.
“When did he pick you?” I ask as we settle on the couches.
“Just now. I had an afternoon class. As soon as I got home
he knocked and literally ordered me to pack up and come
with him. You know he didn’t say a single word the entire
journey” I laugh. He frustrates me about that too. I actually
prefer bhuti Tshepo. He is a talker that one.
“And your classes tomorrow?” I ask.
“He said I’ll make it to class” Yoh! I guess we are both in
“My lady, good after noon mam” our talk is disturbed by
Mme Martha coming into the room head bowed down. She
acknowledges me and greets Lerato.
“Ke teng mme lekae?” (I’m fine mam how are you?) Lerato
politely returns the greetings while I acknowledge her back
with a head nod.
“I’m fine mam. Can I offer you something to drink while I
warm up your dinner?” she asks,
“No mme I’m fine” Lerato.
Mme Martha nods and looks at me.
“My lady what time should I bath the young ones?” why is
she asking me? And where are they. Only Leroy is still
sleeping on the couch. The two were nowhere in sight when
I came back from receiving Lerato.
“Eeeh I think immediately after they had dinner” I don’t
know their routine. She nods.
“And which room should I prepare for Mam Khotso?” why is
she asking me all this questions?
“Any I guess” I shrug. I don’t know why I’m getting all this
questions as if I’m the lady of the house.
“Thank you my lady” she scurries off leaving us tense and

“Yoh! Talk about being strict and too respectful!” Lerato

exclaims. She looks comfortable. This might be the only time
I have to snoop in her business. From the horse’s mouth.
“Sooo you and abuti Puso…..” that’s how I start. Doesn’t she
melt? She blushes showing her dimpled face.
“I didn’t see your sex scandal, I wish I had seen it” that
brings her to a loud laughter.
“I’m so lucky. Most people saw it but it was removed before
they could save it. I’m just glad my family didn’t see it. They
just knew I was trending but they didn’t know exactly for
what. It wasn’t even a sex tape. We were cuddling but the
fact that I was naked turned the whole thing into a scandal”
“When did you two start seeing each other by the way?” I
was aware they are familiar with each other but I didn’t know
that they get down like that.
“To be honest we went on a single date and I gave it up and
just like that, he was talking marriage and I was so taken.
Gosh I’m so taken I’m not sure of what I’m doing but I don’t
think I want to be anywhere else but with him at the same
time. Do I make sense?” I chuckle.
“You don’t but one thing for sure is that your taken baby girl
and he is ready to wife you”
“Wife number two” she mutter, her hype suddenly shuttered.
“What’s the matter? Are you not sure about being wife
number two?” I question.
She breathes “I just never thought I would be someone’s
second wife. Let alone the whole prince of the kingdom. I
think we are rushing but it feels so good. I don’t know if it’s
the new love or he really is good. I’m also scared of his wife
and his family” his wife she should be scared but I’ll not say
it out loud.
“His family?” this one I ask.
“They felt tense. Like they don’t approve of me”
“That’s nonsense. Those people are loving and they approve
of you. The situation of abuti Puso taking a second wife is
tense as it is. They don’t want to celebrate you before they
receive go ahead from the first wife” that’s what I made of
the situation.
“You think?”
“I know Lavo. Relax”
“You think she’ll approve of me?” eish that one is a given. I
can already tell she is going to throw a mother of dramas.

“My lady” thank God for Mme Martha. She disturbs us

appearing from the kitchen.
“Your dinner is served. Can I have the young ones to feed
“Mme Martha can you please just call me Khwezi. Thank you
for dinner and the young ones are probably in their room”
she nods with a smile and disappears.
“Let’s have some food. I have work to get to after bathing”
Lerato doesn’t hesitate following me.

“You’re of the high power aren’t you?” she asks sitting

opposite to me on the big lounge table that only occupies me
and her.
“What do you mean?” I ask back,
“She regards you as ‘My Lady’ and me ‘Mam’” I’m not familiar
with this titles, I frown at her to explain.
“When an employee of the house of royalty address the
female royals of the house, they call them ‘My lady or your
grace’ but if the female in the royal house is not of royal blood
like me, I’m ‘Mam’” she explains and it now kind of makes
sense. I wasn’t even aware.
“I wasn’t aware yazi” she laughs “But to answer you, yes I’m
from a royal family”
“And an extremely wealthy one while at it” this one bring me
to laughter.
“Why do you say that?”
“Have you seen yourself? Girl you’re out here trying to look
like us but your skin and presence just fails you. You stink
of money. No matter how hard you try to hide it” urgh! I
thought I was doing so good hiding who I am.
“Let’s eat. This smells divine” I want us to let go of the topic.
My parent’s money is their money. I’m grateful for those two
lovers I miss so much but I’m here to make a name for
myself. I don’t want to be identified as the rich princess from
a rich home.

The kitchen door opens in our mid dinner. From the lounge
where we sit we can see through the kitchen.
For a minute I think my eyes are deceiving me. Mabataung
walks in wearing a coat that definitely doesn’t belong to her.
She looks awful. Like a hobo.
“Mama Tlotla!” I exclaim, on my feet heading to her. I throw
my arms around her and she receives me. Though I can’t
help but pick that she is awkward. She doesn’t embrace me
as much as I do her.
“What happened to you? Where have you been? Are you
okay?” I hit her with all this questions forgetting my
“I’ll be fine once I see my husband and babies Khwezi” she
doesn’t look good at all. I’m all over her hugging her once
again. I see abuti Tshepo outside talking to Fox who looks
like he had been standing out with two more guards.
“Where are my babies?” she asks in a whisper. I free her off
my embrace.
“I’m sorry, come with me”
“They are here?” she asks standing rooted. I nod.
“Can I have a shower before I touch them?”
“Yeah sure”
“Which room? And can I please use your toiletry bag” why
does she look so uncomfortable?
“Sure, come with me” she doesn’t notice Lerato. I’ll introduce
them when she has taken a bath as she wants.

“This is my song, I wrote the lyrics myself. It’s my own

duty to sing it and dance to its tune”– By Simple
escapes reading.

I’m ashamed of myself. A shameful woman to the female

breed. Disgusting is befitting to describe me at this moment.
What the hell have I done? With Tshepo of all people. My own
guard? I will not forgive myself for this one. How can I whore
around with…..Dear Lord how do I get out of this one?
Molapo is going to kill me. I’m literally a walking dead. I don’t
think he’ll forgive this one.
I need to have a bath and clean myself of the two minutes
fuck that ruined my whole life. I can’t believe I ruined my
marriage over sexual intercourse that wasn’t even great. I’m
a shameful woman.
I don’t want to be here to feel my husband’s wrath. He’ll find
me I know but I’ll live on the run. Majara Molapo is going to
eat me alive when he finds out that I betrayed him. With his
own personal guard. The man he trusted to protect me but
instead I opened my legs for him. Betraying him in the worst
possible way.
It wasn’t intentional. I got lost in a moment of lust and gave
into temptation. I’m not a loose woman but somehow I found
myself opening my legs for another man. It’s like I had no
control over my feelings. I just sat there and let Tshepo
bounce me on his dick three to four times before he creamed
hard inside me. To even let him spread his seed inside me.
Sies! I need a morning after pill.
Tshepo shouldn’t have allowed that to happen. Same as I
should have stopped that. We both betrayed the man we
trust. An extremely dangerous man for that matter. I’m in
shit trouble same as he.
He is saying I should act calm but he doesn’t know the
connection I share with that man. How am I going to shut
my mind from thinking of our betrayal? I don’t know.

My husband is going to read my mind and he’ll instantly

know. I need to get the hell out of here before he comes back.
I cannot risk looking in his eyes after have betrayed him this
much. The pain in his eyes will eat me for life. I can already
feel the damage I have done and I don’t want to stick around
to see it through.
Somehow it felt like the universe wanted us to fuck. As soon
as we both welcomed reality back after he cum, the storm
cleared. His phone found signal and he called for help. We
were rescued and he called Fox who told her that the family
was divided in hiding houses for the war my husband went
to. I asked that he take me where my babies were because I
knew I have to eradicate myself before Molapo turns me into
I’m a walking dead woman.
“Khwezi?!” I call out just as she is about to leave the room.
I’m so proud of her. Her mother is my only hope at this
moment. She is going to be so proud of the young woman
she is becoming. She is not a cry baby girl I met a year ago.
She is a woman. A responsible one for that matter. I would
be so proud if my daughter carried herself like her growing
up. Not her whoring mother.
“Mama Tlotla?” she snaps me out of my thoughts when I get
lost in her beauty. In and out Boitumelo’s daughter is
beautiful. Looking drop dead gorgeous like her mother with
each passing day.
“Can I borrow your phone?” I ask.
She nods taking it out of her jean pockets and coming back
to hand it to me.
“It doesn’t have a password?” she shakes her head no.
“Thank you” she nods again leaving me be.
I breathe a sigh of relief when I have the four walled room to
myself. I sink on the bed thinking of what I have done. I miss
my babies so much but because I fucked up I cannot touch
them when I still smell of another man. I need a morning
after pill, I need to priorities this one. Damn I fucked up!

I dial MaDlomo immediately after gathering my emotions.

She is the only person I pray will help me out of this shit.
Even the so called aunt of mine I don’t think will help me.
I’m still not close with her. Maybe it’s because of the distance
but MaDlomo assures that she is good people.
‘My baby’ the sweet melody of MaDlomo snaps me out of my
yet again trained thoughts. She thinks its Khwezi on the line.
She giggles. I have never met a woman so effortlessly lovable.
Even through a mere phone call you can tell that this is
beautiful soul.
‘Mrs. Lupus’ she is laughing
‘How are you?’ she ask.
‘I’m not good’ she keeps quiet for a bit, I hear a bit of
shuffling like she is moving to a secluded area.
‘What’s the matter Lwandle?’ I cannot miss the worry in her
‘MaDlomo I fucked up’
‘How? What did you do?’ there goes nothing!
‘I cheated on my husband with my guard’ the silence that
follows my confession is judgemental. I don’t blame her. I’m
ashamed of myself too.
‘MaNgcobo are you serious?’ she finally asks.
‘I need your jet. I need you to get your jet here to take me as
far away as I can from him before he comes back’
‘You’re running?’
‘I have no choice MaDlomo. The man is going to kill me’
She expels a sigh ‘I’m disappointed in you MaNgcobo. I don’t
know the details of why you stepped out of your marriage
but as a married woman and knowing that you’re married to
a wolf, you should know better, you should carry yourself as
a chosen. We don’t drop our panties to another men no
matter what. The only man that’s supposed to see your
panties is your husband. I love you and because I love you,
I’m not sending the jet. Fix the mess you created’ she doesn’t
‘Boitumelo that man is going to kill me’
‘Lwandle that man loves you. He worships you. Yes he is
going to flip but he’ll not lay a finger on you. Fight for your
man. Apologise’
I breathe, tears freely falling on my cheeks
‘I hate myself so bad right now’ I confess.
‘I’m disappointed in you too but running will not help
anything. Humble yourself and apologise’
‘Easy for you to say, you’re not the one who cheated’
‘And I don’t even dream of cheating. Vulamasango would
burn the entire male population in this country if I opened
my legs for another man’ we both crack up. That man is
crazy about her. He would kill everything with a dick
between its legs.
‘Listen love, don’t run. Face the shit you created. Sit with
him and talk. Humbly apologise for hurting him. Rather
come visit me if he needs a bit of space but don’t run’
Sigh! ‘I hear you’
‘Good. Call me if you need anything but not the jet. I will not
let you do more damage to your marriage’
‘Thank you. I’ll talk to you later. Bye love’
‘Bye babe. Be strong please’ sigh! I drop the call and stare at
the poor phone as if it will undo the shit I have done. This is
my song, I wrote the lyrics myself. It’s my own duty to sing
it and dance to its tune.
My shower is long and dreaded. I felt him claim the room. I
felt his presence. His flammable mind though he kept to
himself. I can tell he already knows and I’m shitting in my
Getting out of the shower to the bedroom I find him right
behind the door. Down in my eyes he looks. I try very hard
to keep my mind to myself but I have never seen this look
before. With just a single glance I can tell that he knows.
He swallows his pain. I see his adam’s apple gobble up a
lump. The glistering of tears in his eyes is something I never
thought I would see. I didn’t even know that he can cry. I
have broken his spirit.
“Molapo I’m sorry” I murmur, my own treacherous tears
making a fall.
His bottom lip tremble but he is quick to catch it and press
it between his teeth. He forms fists looking up to fight his
tears. I ready myself for his roar but he engulfs me in his
warm touch. An emotionally painful hug. I sink in and fall
apart. I rest on his chest as I let go of my betrayal. He holds
me tight, I feel his pain. The pain I caused.
“You broke me mangcobo” above my head he whispers,
holding me tight to his chest,
“Molapo I’m sorry” from the bottom of my heart I am truly
sorry. It was a mistake. I don’t know what got into me.
“Soulmates are not perfect. We love them even if they hurt
us” he say, still not letting me go. The words comes like a
quote of some sort. He loves me even if I hurt him. I
understand his words.
“It’s painful to love someone more than you love yourself.
Even if they fault, perfect is what we see still. I love you with
your imperfections”
“Abuti Majara I’m…I’m sorry” I don’t know what to say for
myself than to say I’m sorry.
“It’s okay” he frees me off his touch, hold my shoulders to
look down in my teary eyes.
“Are you happy with me?”
“I’m the happies woman on earth, please, I’m sorry” he nods,
leaning down to peck my lips.
“As long as you’re happy. Get dressed. Tlotla and Lerotholi
have missed you. I missed you too” I want to apologise for
Tshepo too but…..
“Don’t mention his name” fuck! He read my mind. I blink up
at him, only this time I see range. Beneath Majara is Lupus
waiting to kill for the betrayal.
“We are not to talk about this going forward” I quickly nod,
“I still love you” he adds, intently looking at me.
“I still love you too Molapo. And I’m truly sorry” I catch a
smile before he turn on his feet heading for the door.
“Where are you going?” I ask, not comfortable that he is
leaving me without a word.
“To kill Tshepo” I freeze. I want to speak but the look in his
eyes is daring me.
“O..okay” I mutter, he throws me that smile of his again and
walks out. I just killed a man.
“Love is not something you just easily wipe. Where
there was once love, there will forever be love” – By
Simple escapes reading

Being left in the middle of nowhere in a single room with food

but no access to the outside world is mentally damaging.
You literally have nothing but your mind to yourself. She
indeed thought. She is lost respect in her husband. Let royal
power consume her so bad that she insulted and belittled
her husband.
She is done the introspection she was meant to do and she
is ready to love her husband and be what they used to be
before he brought her into the royal power.
She is only praying that he was kidding about the second
wife nonsense. Yes his dick might have tasted like pussy but
she can look past the cheating because she hasn’t really
been performing her wifely duties. She hasn’t worked her
man in ages.

When she hears a sound of a heavy steel chain and padlock

move she jumps on her feet. Fixing the same dress she is
been wearing since he left her here a week ago.
She is embarrassed of a bucket of shit she is been using to
excrete in the one room house. He stocked food and all the
supplies she might need but he forgot to buy her clothes and
find her something to toilet.
She tried. Opening the one window she had every time she
relieved herself and throwing her own shit out of the window.
That was the best she could think of. The room doesn’t stink
but because she knows she sleeps and shit in the same
room, she feels like it stinks.

Finally the door opens. She swallows when her eyes meets
her tall husband’s penetrative stare. By the door he stands
staring at his wife. She is still the 330ml can he fell in love
with years ago. He opens his arms and she scurries right in
his embrace. She missed this touch so bad.
“Oh Papa Peete I’m so sorry” she goes first enjoying his
touch. She missed this arms.
“I’m sorry too Mama Peete” she breaks apart. They do say
the throne can blind a person. She doesn’t believe she was
so bad to a point of harming her own son.
“Do you think he’ll remember” he knows exactly what she is
talking about. He was astonished himself of how she harmed
little Peete without a flinch. That’s when he decided that this
woman needs a time out.
“He is still young. He will forget all the bad images we gave
him. What we have to do is be perfect for him going forward.
He deserves that don’t you think?”
“He deserve the best version of his mother and you deserve
the best wife as well. I’m really sorry for everything I did to
you Moletsane. I love you without the throne and I know
you’re doing a fantastic job at the company” he smiles,
setting her off his warm hug.
He leans down to peck her lips. A blush he hasn’t seen in a
while sweeps her face. When their eyes finally lock, face to
face, Mapeete frowns not able to maintain Puso’s look. There
is something behind his eyes she cannot explain.
“What’s wrong?” he asks when he notices the change on her
facial expression,
“I should ask you that, what’s wrong?” she poses the
questions back. He shrugs lost.
“You have changed. There is something in your eyes.
Something a bit scary though I can’t explain it” well he is full
werewolf now, but now it’s not the time to explain.
“Let’s get you home. I have to pamper you before we go back
home” he is dismissing her. She doesn’t fight because she
wants to see herself out of this place.
He booked the both of them at Lesotho hotel for a night. They
need to talk.
Firstly he organised her a dress while she took a much
needed shower at the hotel. When she was done he took her
to the salon to do her hair. Then held her shopping bags
while she shopped from one expensive store to another with
him right by her side. They made it to another expensive
restaurant for lunch.
Exhausted is what they are as they both lay facing up the
ceiling in their expensive villa.
Mapeete’s hand hasn’t left her husband’s. They are
intertwined in hand as they rest looking up.

“Papa Peete” she speaks after a moment of comfortable

“Hmmm!” he brings her knuckles to peck.
“You forgive me for everything?”
“I love you Violet. I love you with your violence but when you
hurt my son I had to take action. I forgive you because I
know you love me and that boy of ours. I know you’re not
perfect and I don’t expect you to be. As long as you
acknowledge your mistakes and take action in fixing them, I
forgive you my wife. We promised each other till death do us
apart and it’s what I would like to give you if you’ll still have
me” she snuggles on his chest. Grateful that she scored
herself a wonderful sweet soul for a husband.
“I still don’t want no body but you Moletsane. Your still my
Seven seas” they both share love in their eyes as they travel
down memory lane to their wedding song. Words to words
they speak out the lyrics to ‘Seven Seas by Babyface’
“Sitting by the window
All day thinking of you
Watching the days go by, I started to cry
But they weren’t tears of sadness
They only meant I love you
And I want to tell you girl that I, oh, I

I’ll travel around the seven seas for you

It’s written in the melody I adore you
I wrote my love a symphony
To show you there’s nothing I won’t do
Baby I’ll walk around the china wall for you
If there’s a way I’ll do it all for you
Anything you want me to, you know I would do……”

“I may have lost sight of who I am but with you by myside, I

know you’ll carry me when I fail to stand. I know you’ll love
me for all my short comings. I know you’ll be my seven seas
Puso Softy Molapo. And I apologise from the bottom of my
heart for making you feel like you were no longer enough for
me. You are the guy that pulled me out of the gutter and
made me gold. Your own precious gold and I’ll love you for
the rest of my life” love is not something you just easily wipe.
Where there was once love, there will forever be love.

Puso picks her chin. Helping his face down to her sweet
tender lips. It’s like he is kissing her for the first time once
again. The butterflies that settle down in the base of their
stomachs confirms that love still radiates between them.
He feels her deepen the kiss and that’s his alarm to break it
off. He needs to be totally honest with her too before they
dive in sexual healing.
“I miss you” she murmurs when he frees his lips off hers and
just stare in her eyes with nothing but pure love.
“Your beautiful” he brushes her cheeks, making her blush
“Thank you Papa Peete but you feel different” she say, feeling
him much stronger as she lies on his chest. He is been a well
build guy but today he feels like steel strong. Too strong if
she is not being paranoid.
“You just missed me” he dismisses her again.
“I did. I still miss you in every possible way” she shits upper,
claiming his lips again and he doesn’t fight her. He holds her
closer to his touch. Caging her with his arm wrapped on her
“I think we should try for a second baby” she confesses
through the erotic kiss. He coughs, breaking their delicious
contact to look at her.
“Why?” he asks.
“We have been through so much Papa Peete, a second soul
to celebrate the storm we weathered wouldn’t hurt” he is not
comfortable with this. Yes he wants to have more babies with
her but now is not the time to bring another baby into their
marriage. It may be sailing smooth today, but with Mapeete
you never know. Tomorrow there might be stones thrown,
especially with the third person coming into the picture.
“Have you stopped taking your shot?” he asks, glaring at her
hoping she say no.
She shakes her head “No, but I will go see my gynaecologist
as soon as we get back home” Thank God he inwardly

“Listen” he sits up straight and pulls her to position,

“We are fixing our issues, we haven’t fixed them as yet. We
are working on it and if we continue like this, we should be
okay. Let’s at least wait a year, this year. We can start trying
January, how is that?”
“Well I wanted us to have another one now but I understand.
We have been through so much and you want us to patch
things up before we rush into another journey” he nods.
“Thank you for understanding and I have to tell you
something” he expels some air taking her hands in his.
“First I need you to know that what I’m about to tell you
doesn’t change anything between us. I love you. So much.
You still have my heart and I pray you don’t take your heart
away from me after this”
“You’re scaring me Papa Peete, what is it?” she asks, fear
written all over her face.

He breathes “I have found peace somewhere else” he codes

his confession.
“What do you mean?” she frowns, ready to go back to
“Mapeete I’m taking a second wife, and I need you to accept
it and bless the union” her jaw drops, she thought he was
just scaring her.
“Molapo no” she shakes her head in disbelief
“I love you mosadi waka but I found peace somewhere else.
I find myself torn between the two of you”
her feet, shouting on top of her lungs forgetting her sweet
character at the moment.
He stands, take one step to her and glower down at her “Sit
damn down and mind your language when you talk to me”
his tone comes cold and stern, something is suddenly scary
about him.
She weighs the bed down even though she is cursing in sign
language in her heart.
“Talk to me properly, in respect, as your husband” he calmly
sits back down.
“Am I not enough for you?” women will always question their
worth when men start acting selfish.
“You’re enough mosadi waka” (…… wife) he assures.
“Then why did you go and find some whore to…..” she trails
off, seeing the raised bush eyebrow that she is going astray.
“Why did you go look for love somewhere else?” she corrects
“I didn’t go looking for love. You’re my love but you’re not my
peace. I went looking for peace and I found it. I want both
my love and my peace in my life. And that is you and your
sister wife” she stops to think. She doesn’t know where her
mind is at.
“You’re hurting me” she breaks.
“I’m sorry”

I’m growing comfortable around abuti Fox. He is constantly

at my res to pick me up. It’s safe to say I haven’t used public
transport in a while. I’m starting to get attention from my
school mates. I’m being noticed now. As hard as I try to keep
a low profile, the dark tainted Royal SUV with sirens picking
me up is starting to invite eyes in my direction.
“You still don’t want to be friends with me?” I’m walking with
Teboho. He is still pestering me about friendship. I still find
him shady without reason. He shows up on me almost
“I have enough friends Teboho” I might sound rude but I
know who I am. I’m not just a girl. I’m a girl promised to the
king to be of the Kingdom. I need to keep my acts clean for
when I start making papers for vultures called journalist.
They will dig me up so bad.
He laughs “There is no……” the rest of his words don’t come
“You heard my lady now fuck off!” eish, we both turn in
horror. Its abuti Fox. He barks at teboho who removes
himself immediately. This one can me so rude. Hence why I
prefer abuti Tshepo whom I haven’t seen in a while.
“My lady” he bows, like he wasn’t an asshole just a minute
“Prince Seeiso awaits you in the car my lady” eish! I turn to
the car. Its dark tainted but I can see that there is a figure
at the back.

It’s Friday. They are cleansing tomorrow. I had promised to

sleep there to be with him but we didn’t agree on him picking
me up.
“This way my lady” Fox adds when I fall into my mind. I expel
a sigh readying myself for my baby’s outburst. He can be
just as mean when he wants.
A short walkable distance we head to the black SUV. Fox
opens my door and I jump in, to be meant by an angry face.
“Lephela lentse le o fereha leo ke mang?” (Who is that
cockroach courting you?) Unfortunately I’m not 100% with
sotho. I lean in to kiss his lips because I heard nothing he
“Hey baby” I greet.
“MaMolapo I asked a damn question, who is that fool?” what
was so hard with speaking terms I understand.
“That was Teboho, don’t you remember him? The journalist
you choose to ask you questions the other day”
“I hate him” I bet he does “And don’t want him talking to
“You’re not handsome when you’re grumpy” I joke,
“Mxm!” he looks at Fox on the front “Let’s go”
“Moletsane I have to go to my house first and change and
pick something for tomorrow” I’m wearing shorts. He can’t
honestly let me go to his home in shorts.
“You look sexy. But sexy for me. I bought you clothes, you’ll
change when we get home” Fox is already driving towards
the exit gates.

The ride was grumpy. He is an angry big bird. I took his

jacket and wore it when we arrived at his home. I wasn’t
about to show my thighs to my future in laws. The yard is
starting to buzz. Tomorrow there is a cleansing ceremony for
the passing of Ntate Bereng.
I locked myself in his room when we arrived because I
couldn’t see Mabataung or Lerato anywhere. He is been the
only angry person walking in and out of here with no word.

“Khwezi I don’t do well with sharing” Urgh! I was just walking

with the guy, we weren’t doing anything suspicious.
“I feel like killing myself right now” he adds, standing by the
door where he just walked in again to be angry for no reason.
Teboho is not even worth his energy. I don’t even look at the
guy in anyway.
I walk to him, wrap my hands around his waist. It’s time I
cooled him down.
“I’m sorry. I’ll never walk with him again” there is a smile
that grows on his face. It’s silliness I see.
“Maybe if you can give up a taste of that cunt once again I
might just calm down” he can be too blunt. Through my
shock I find myself in his arms. Lately he is also way too
strong. It’s like I weigh nothing to him.
He kisses me. So loving and so sweet. Having me wrapped
on his waist as he walks us back inside the room from the
He set me down on a long wooden table he bought me to
study on in his room. He scatters my books down on the
“Just a little fish taste” he murmur, looking at me like a
starved animal.
I squeals a little when he shoves my knees apart and slide a
hand up between my tits, forcing me backwards on the table
to lay for him.
I feel so exposed lying open for his eyes. I’m changed to a
long maxi dress which makes things so so easy for him.
“You have a beautiful pussy MaMolapo” I giggle, since he
tasted me it’s like I have become a drug for him. I don’t know,
maybe eating me up satisfies him as well. It still stinks that
I don’t satisfy his needs but he gives me mind blowing
orgasms with his tongue and fingers.
He reaches up under my skirt and slowly drag my wet little
panties down my thighs. He hasn’t done a damn thing but
I’m already wet for him.

“Remove this blanket you call a dress off my sight” I laugh,

clumsily getting rid of my dress through my head.
I’m utterly naked for him lying on the table. His hand rest
on my mound, brushing and slightly opening me up.
“Have I told you how delicious your cunt taste?” I squirms
beneath his scrutiny, I feel so open but so nice. He holds my
legs open when I attempt to shield myself from his view.
“Bula my star” (Open……) his tongue travels down the inside
of my right thigh “Don’t you dare try and hide my cunt from
me” he breathes closer to my juncture. I feel wetter when he
sniffs me.
He runs his tongue through my folds, stopping when he
reaches my clit to press down. Hard. My legs jerk around his
head, the feeling overpowering me.
“Siso….babe….oh lord!” I moan, feeling the now familiar
build coming in a storm
“Wider love, open this cunt all up for me to lick this virgin
hole” Oh lord! So dirty yet so sexual. He takes my legs and
puts them on his shoulders, picking my ass off the table and
stoop down to eat me for life.
His tongue licks are slow. In and out it penetrates me. Just
when I enjoy the rhythm he whips it, side to side, then circle
my cunt with his tongue.
I lose my mind. Push my heels digging into his back. He
massages my clit with his lips. Taking me straight to hell.
My thighs begin to tremble, he sinks his middle finger inside
my cunt. Hooking it to find the spot I didn’t know I have. He
pet it in consistent circles.
I welcome a world of pleasure. My moans grow into screams
of pleasure. My fingers deep into his head, twisting and
pushing him further in.
“Maa Weeeh!!…my…my G - God” I gasp, sailing on pleasure
boat of my own. Juices rain out of my sex in a way I cannot
control. He waits my pleasure out, drink me in until I’m
done. His lips finds mine in a content grin.
“Your man needs a cold shower” he pecks my nose, leaving
me to be. Momentarily my wave is replaced by guilt. He can’t
keep giving me pleasure while I fail to return the favour. How
long is he going to hold himself?
“Let me clean you up” I snap back to reality when he comes
back with a towel. I fake a grin past my guilt to ease him off.
As soon as he is done, he leaves me again and I let guilt
engulf me once again. If I continue like this he is going to


It’s Saturday morning. The day of the cleansing. The yard is

already bathed with drunk villagers even though it was said
to be something small. I think in black society the term
‘Small’ is just an invitation for everyone to come.
I’m seated in the open lounge following my baby with my
eyes everywhere he goes as I sip my morning coffee. The guilt
of not returning the pleasure favour has me paranoid. I’m
like a hawk watching him communicate with every female.
He keeps frowning at me when he catches my penetrative
I don’t want him entertaining any woman. All that pleasure
he gives me should be mine alone.
I don’t understand why he is so busy doing up and downs
when he told me that the daylight cleansing ceremony is for
the people. Them the royal house will cleanse alone at night.
Without the people. But he is like a busy bee. Maybe looking
for a bitch to hook up with while……..

“He is a gorgeous young man, who is head over hills inlove

with you, isn’t he” Mabataung catch me staring at my own
man. She comes behind me. I haven’t seen her since that
day when she showed up at the penthouse looking all
“And he is very much mine” I gloat, bringing her to laugh
retiring next to me.
“Glad you know that, you don’t have to keep him on the stare
leash. He is all yours”
I expel a sigh! Not intended though. Her face marries into a
worry frown at how I react,
“Are you okay?” she asks.
“Yeah” I manage.
“Try again, what’s the matter?” she shifts closer to me,
probing me to speak up. I’m shy about such matters.
Especially with her knowing she is friends with my mother.
I don’t want to wake to calls of my grandmother inviting me
to reed dance.
“What you tell me stays between us. Something is up and
I’m not letting you off until you tell me what’s the matter”
she reads my mind. Assuring me of her loyalty.
Again I breathe. I hope she keeps her promise. She is old.
Probably will help me of my little situation.

“So Siso and I have started doing the deeds” I start, shy with
the information and not looking in her eyes.
“The deeds?” she investigates. Gosh she is going to make this
entire conversation more awkward. Doesn’t she know what
the deeds is?
I resort to sliding my thumb between my index finger and
middle finger. She burst into pieces of laughter. I was taught
that by Sakhe. I never knew what it meant until he told me.
That one is going to give my parents headache.
“You two are having sex now?” she asks after containing her
laughter. I nod.
“So what’s the matter?” she asks.
“It’s not nice” she raises an eyebrow for me to explain.
“We did it once and it was very painful. Extremely painful.
Now he won’t try again. He keeps sucking me and having
cold showers. I’m scared he’ll look elsewhere and someone
will give him the pleasure I don’t give him”
She smiles “He wouldn’t” I’m not so confident.
“Why do you think so?” I ask.
“I don’t think so, I know so” I intently look at her to explain.
“Firstly, Say adore you. Believe me he’ll not hurt you like
that. Unlike me he knows what he has and will do all in his
power to not bring you pain” I don’t know how she got in the
middle of her advising me but I don’t ask.
“Secondly, Khwezi you were a virgin. It was bound to hurt.
Especially with a Molapo man as your first. The male species
of this house are gifted. Hugely gifted. Don’t be hard on
yourself but then again don’t relax. Get him to lay you”
“How do I do that? He doesn’t want to touch me again after
I cried of him hurting me” I say.
“Give him a head. Play with him. Wear your little numbers
and take him as you please. As for the pain you going to have
to take it baby. It will get easier if you keep at it for a while”
I think sex is another stress we bring to ourselves. SIGH!
“How big is he?” now she is being naughty, there is a
naughty smile on her face.
“Ruler tall but thicker than the ruler” I whisper looking
behind us,
She throws her hand in the air and say “That’s nothing”
“Nothing?” I gasp,
“I don’t want to traumatise you” bathong this woman! “Let
me go get my phone to call Charmaine. She’ll bring you a
wardrobe of lingerie to choose from” I wardrobe of what?
Papa Tlotla appears before I could stop her.

“My person” he opens his arm, receiving her and helping her
like a child to his back. They are cute to watch. Mabataung’s
giggles engulfs the entire lounge as she is spanked on her
ass from behind.
“Bad girl you are. I told you not leave the bedroom” he teases
her playful hitting on her behind.
“My apologies Molapo waka…..”
“PAPA!!!” (Daddy!!!) Tlotla shows up behind them just as they
are about to take the stairs,
“Nka tlotla papa. Manaung kowa” (Take Tlotla daddy,
Mabataung move) she raises her hands fighting for her spot
“Ti papa yaka ena manaung” (This is my dad mabataung)
she is terrible with names. How Mabataung turned to
Manaung only she can say something so weird.
“Ti papa yaka ee” (This is my dad) she waves her hand at her
mother who is now down on her feet. She is the one being
carried by her father.
“I wish Mkhonto could come take you as in now, this is my
husband” Mabatuang complains.
“Tonto” this child. She is giggling hiding her face at the
mention of my little brother. Another soul I miss so bad. I
cannot wait to witness their love.

“MaMolapo” I’m snapped from staring at the cute family

ascend up the stairs by warm hands touching on my
shoulders from behind. It’s Mamajara. She looks better. Not
there yet but much much better.
“Mama” she laughs of my blushing face when she calls me
that. She has Peete strapped on her back.
“Mme and I have been meaning to talk to you” I sigh, I hope
I did nothing wrong “Oh! no don’t worry, it’s nothing serious.
It’s about Seeiso’s royal claim to you” I hope they didn’t find
him another princess.
Mabereng also comes in sight carrying Lerotholi in her arms.
She smiles sitting next to her daughter in law. I grow shy
under their scrutiny.
“Kotiza” Mabereng.
“Did Seeiso tell you about his father’s request before he
died?” a frown grows on my face because I have never heard
of any request from Ntate Bereng until now. I shake my head
She breathes “My son asked that you two name your first
born son after him” Hei! I’m 18 going to 19, I’m not thinking
babies anytime soon. In fact I should get my ass shot up.
Peter forgot to give me a shot as my mother had asked when
I was in the hospital.
“That means he approved of you and trusted you to carry the
royal name of this house to greater heights. You are to birth
the next king of this house” that’s quite a burden.
“Yoh! I don’t know what to say Mme but I’m still in school, I
can’t fulfil all that now” she nods laughing.
“I know kotiza, I’m not telling you to put pressure on you.
Rather I want you to know your main responsibility in this
house before we see your family so you can stop us if you
feel you don’t want to have that kind of responsibility on your
shoulders” I nod in understanding.
“I understand Mme. As long as Seeiso and I we’ll still get
married when I’m done with school”
“That’s another thing. The elders and council think you both
should get married immediately after he gets inaugurated”
say what now?
“You’ll still not be pressured about giving birth. You’ll still go
to school and finish your education. We just prefer that we
have our Queen to be right next to our King” sigh!
“Can I talk about it with him first before I give an answer?” I
“No problem kotiza and regarding paying your bridal price.
Your delegations have been postponed. We have to see
Majara and Mabataung’s traditional wedding through first,
then Puso’s second wife issue should follow. And lastly will
end with yours then Seeiso’s inauguration” she explains. I
wasn’t aware Mabataung and Papa Tlotla have a pending
traditional wedding.
“I have no problem mme” she stands with a smile.
“Tankie ngwanaka. One last thing MaMolapo, let today be
the last day I hear you call your promised king with his
name. You call him Molapo or Moletsane. If the two fail you,
you regard him as - Your king. Your grace. Your highness.
Your lord….any high power regard but not his name” (Thank
you my baby……) apparently she is old. Very old but she is
got good genes. Ancient she is but one can hardly tell.
I see Mamajara who is still seated doesn’t agree with her but
she doesn’t say a word.
“I apologize mme. I’ll do better next time” she smiles and
leaves, Mamajara waits for her to disappear until she say
“Don’t bother about her, I still called Bereng with his name
till he left me. She is too old” I laugh.

“Listen baby. I need you to go keep MaKhotso company. She

is been locked in her room since Puso left to spend the night
with MaPeete yesterday. Nna I honestly don’t understand
how women would share a man and think no one will not
get hurt” I’m with her on this one. I would never stay in
“Okay Maa, I’ll go wash this and check on her” I gesture of
my coffee mug I have been using.
“No MaMolapo. You’re not to do a single damn thing in my
kitchen until Seeiso has dressed you and introduced you to
our ancestors. Right now you’re a guest. Yes you can make
yourself some food and your boyfriend too but it’s not a must
for now. Put this here someone will pick it up. This house is
full of people who get paid to just walk around”
She looks terrible. Like she hasn’t closed her eyes the past
twenty four hours. I had to knock until my knuckles almost
hurt before she actually came to open for me. She is been
going to school and coming back here the entire week. I
think abuti Puso is using the said scandal that we never saw
as a way to keep her in his space. He doesn’t want her away,
I think.
“You look like a ghost” I tell. I can be too blunt as well. I don’t
hide under the bushes.
“Tell me about it” she drags herself back to bed and sink in
the covers. I choose a couch a safe distance in her room. I
don’t want her infecting me with whatever is eating her up.
“I arrived yesterday but I didn’t see you on dinner table, even
today on breakfast” I start.
“How do I face his family without him?” she whines.
“He will not always be around to hold your hand. And he
doesn’t have your hand only to hold” I remind her purposely.
She needs to know that the man is got the two of them.
She blows out a sigh “Khwezi I don’t think I’m ready”
“For marriage?” I ask,
“No. I’m ready to marry him. I can marry him today but I
don’t think I’m ready to share him. I’m not ready to be a
second wife” Yoh!
“Lavo I don’t know what to say to you. You knew he was a
married man when you two dated. Did he make promises to
leave his wife?”
“No Khwezi, it’s not even about his wife as much. Everything
is just rushed. Maybe if we dated longer I would welcome the
news of being a second wife better. I don’t know. I’m just not
happy to have a man I love to share with someone for the
rest of my life” sharing things. I would hang myself if Siso
came with another woman down the line. No I would call
Mkhonto on him.
“Do you know just yesterday night, he told me before he left
that he is going to get his wife from wherever she is been and
told me that he will be spending the night with her out of the
palace. He told me, but I couldn’t sleep. Knowing he is out
there sexing his wife and then he is going to come to me and
sex me too……..” she trails off with a sigh. I’m patient
enough to wait for her to gather her emotions.
“I don’t know how I feel. Maybe I took too much than I can’t
handle” she adds.
“Or maybe you’re just scared. It’s okay to be scared Lavo. I
think you need time to take in everything. Talk to him to stop
the marriage proceedings if you feel like everything is
happening all at once” I advise.
She nods, sitting by the headboard biting on her lower lip.
“Do you think Mapeete will like me? I have been stalking her
the entire night. She is beautiful and curvilicious. Totally
different from me” I laugh. MaPeete is got the structure and
figure of a real African Makoti. Short, fat in the right places
and the beautiful coffee colour skin. Lerato on the other
hand is tall, slender and maybe a shade lighter than
Mapeete. They are different people.
“Wash up. Let’s get you out of bed. You need to stop stalking
your sister wife or else you’ll go crazy” I’m not well informed
with polygamy. I don’t want to advise much because I’m
judgmental as it is about the whole issue.
“Okayyy! Your right, I’ll go crazy if…….” She is disturbed by
a once knock that is followed by the opening of the door.
Abuti Puso walks in tall holding MaPeete by his hand. This
is my queue.


Dear Moshoeshoe people. The mosquito my husband

cheated on me with! Here I was, thinking I’m going to find a
real woman but I find a mosquito. A bitch mosquito with no
meat what’s so ever?
The room is heavy with awkward silence at first. My husband
is looking between me and this bitch mosquito. I think he is
trying to study us. Poor nothing on top of the bed can’t even
look at me.
I want her to stand so I can see her needle body perfectly.
Face wise I show her flames. I’m way too beautiful than this
bitch mosquito. I’m praying she doesn’t have a flat stomach.
That would down notch my confidence. I see she is tall,
slender and I pray she has a belly. A big one for that matter.
That will just be a bonus for me.
“MaKhotso” my husband finally greets his bitch. I don’t let
go of his hand. I want this whore to see that this man is
mine. She is just a piece of meat he is snacking on.
I can’t help but roll my eyes when he calls her ‘Makhotso’.
Mrs. Peace my left foot. She is Mrs. Disruption to me.
‘Madihele’ (Mrs. Hell) the opposite of peace.
“Ntate Molapo” helang! I’m raising an eyebrow as she shyly
responds. ‘Ntate Molapo?’ Letekatse lena hale mpone. (This
bitch doesn’t see me) she is got an ugly voice. Another point
for me.
“How have you been?” we are still standing. I feel him want
to free of my hold and go to her but I don’t give him a chance.
I hold him tighter hurting his hand in the process even
though he doesn’t as much flinch.
“Ookay” Yoh! she speaks like hell strippers.

“We would like to speak to you. Are you comfortable now or

should we come back when you have gotten proper?” why is
he asking for her permission? He didn’t ask for mine.
“I…I’m….” she stttuters
“I want to talk now” I cut the ugly voice with my angel voice
dragging him to the couch that MaMolapo had sat on before
she rushed out of the room when we got in.

Papa Peete gives me a look. He doesn’t sit but stand staring

down at me.
“MaPeete!” Jesus! Why is he so scary lately? The one week I
spend away from him I feel like I came back to a totally
different man.
“If Makhotso is not comfortable speaking to us now, we’ll
respect that and come back when she is ready” I sulk. I want
to spit shit but I’m trying to get back on my husband’s good
“No. It’s okay ntate Molapo, I don’t mind” Fuck! I feel like
hanging myself at that ‘Nyate Monyapo’ she say. Jerrr!
Bloody ‘Madihele’ (Mrs. Hell)
Molapo sits after she given her okays. I find his hand once
again when he finally sits next to me.
“Please come take your side next to me too Makhotso” urgh!
Where is the rope to hang this mosquito?
Haaaa! Another point for me. I’m studying her as she gets off
the bed. She doesn’t have a belly as I had liked but she is
got snooker legs. I can break those legs of hers into two with
just my fingers.
I cross my leg over the other one when I notice I have another
point to squash her. Purposely exposing my fit, firm, bright
legs for her to see what I have. I’m a bloody SUV. Not a polo
like her.

“MaKhotso, MaPeete….” Why is he starting with her name?

We are going to have a conversation about this. I’m the first
one and I should always come first. He even holds her with
his other hand while holding me too.
“….I would like for the both of you to meet each other
properly. MaPeete, this is MaKhotso. Makhotso this is
MaPeete. The both of you are and will only be the women in
my life going forward. I know you both don’t know each other
but I would like us to get to know each other. The three of
I don’t expect the both of you to get along even though I
would love that very much but I would appreciate it if you
tolerate each other at least. No one is more important or
loved more than the other. You both occupy the same space
in my heart. You both bring different elements in my heart
and I thank the both of you. So please meet each other and
get to know each other” such speech! Puso Molapo is mine.
Mine alone.
He takes both our hands and force us to shake hand before
him. Even her hand feels boney. No meat. I’m the first to
withdraw my hand off the spiky touch. I felt like she was
stabbing me with needles when she touched me.
“Mama Peete you can go first if you want to ask something”
Glad he gives me my position. I should always come first.
“Madihele, o ko njwetse…..” (Mrs. Hell, please tell me…….) I
catch a glare, fuck I said that out loud. She is ‘Madihele’ in
my heart.
“Sorry, Mahotso I mean” I correct myself.
“Makhotso. Not Mahotso” this man!
“Makhotso” I’m going to sanitize my tongue for calling her
name so perfect.
“You can proceed” mxm!
“How old are you?” I direct to madihele (Mrs. Hell)
“And why are you still in school? Are you dumb?” why is he
looking at me like I’m a villain?
“Makhotso don’t answer that. Mapeete don’t test me please”
he warns. Okay I need to play nice.
“I don’t mind Ntate Molapo. No I’m not dumb MaPeete….” hei
hei! She better not try me.
“Mme Mapeete baby girl. Akere he is ntate Molapo to you,
then I’m Mme Mapeete to you” hau! Letekatse latlo ntella
monneng waka. (Bitch be disrespecting me to my husband)
“Mapeete. I’m not going to sit here and let you disrespect
Makhotso. I’m trying for us to sit and reach an amicable
understanding. But if you keep being violent about our talks,
you’ll not like the decision I’ll take. So please. For the last
time. Behave woman!” I need to breath.
“Makhotso you can continue” I’m taking this Madihele
straight to hell where she belongs.
“I’m doing my final year. My course takes five years and I
had to take some gap year somewhere during my study
period due to some financial crises at home” why is she
giving such a speech?..... Oh! I had asked why is she 25 and
still in school. I was hustling when I was 25, long done with
“Makhotso is there something you would like to ask?” he is
so gentle with her.
“No” she shakes her head.
“Mapeete?” he turns to me in question. I shake my head too
even though I’m holding my tongue. This whore will not
marry my husband. Not when I’m still breathing.
The cleansing ceremony went okay yesterday night.
Unfortunately I couldn’t be part of it because I’m not a wife
as yet. But he wasn’t secretive of the details. He is a free man
and I can have him as I please. I have plans that I hope will
blow his mind when he comes back this morning.
He left to attend the council in wee hours of the morning. I
took Mabataung’s advice. I need to try harder. Starting off
this morning.
Unfortunately I don’t have lingerie but I do have matching
bra and undies. I slipped into my black lace pair and red
bottoms stilettos that I had worn yesterday for the ceremony.
I’m growing impatient but I will not dare give up. I need to
have him. See him come undone beneath me.
Finally! I know him even with the way he walks. I can hear
his footsteps approach hence why I stand off the bed and try
for a pose which totally fails me. I don’t know what to do with
my hands.

He walks in without a knock during my hands battle. The

pause he strikes by the door staring at me has me
swallowing. I don’t know what is going on his mind.
After a moment I can’t explain, he walks in. Careful and not
taking his eyes off me. Only when he walks closer I realise
that his eyes wear nothing but lust.
“Please make love to me Molapo” I beg, thankful that my
voice still cooperates.
He doesn’t word but turn back to the door. He locks the door
and turn to his sound system. ‘Promises by Wiz Khalifa’
echoes the room.
“Say baby, Imma wake up for you
Imma have my way with your body
And when I’m done touching you
I bet you won’t wanna
Give yourself to nobody
Baby when the lights go out
It’s like we’re the only ones
And I already feel it now
It’s like you’re the only one
Only one who knows just how
How to make the time stand still
We’re caught in the moment

So don’t let me down

You made those promises
Don’t take em back now
Don’t let me down
Do all the things that you said that had me going
Let’s get caught in the moment (caught in the moment)
Let’s get caught in the moment (caught in the moment)……”

Hungrily he just stare at me while Wiz claims the room with

his down slow jam. It’s like he is drinking me in with just the
way he worships my body with his look. I feel more confident
and ready to come out of my shy shell and be with him in a
more mature intimate way.
He keeps me rooted in the same spot as he strips off his coat
and shirt not leaving my sight. He is like a hunter over its
prey. A chill of fear runs me. There is dangerous intention
written all over him and it’s unfamiliar. But I know he would
never, ever hurt me. At least not intentionally. The danger in
his eyes is rather sexy at this moment.
This man worships me. He keeps proving to be my rock and
it’s only fair that I take the pain his dick comes with and let
him have his pleasure.
I’m shaking with the need to be devoured by Siso. Hence why
I unhook my bra clasp with lust radiating between us. I
throw my bra right on his coat and shirt.
I want to touch on his huge chest. But instead I touch my
own breast. Squeeze with need. He mumbles a curse under
his lips.
“Your intention is to subdue me today Mrs. Molapo” his voice
is strained,
“You and that little unfucked cunt are aiming too high. Way
too high for your little stilettos as well” with two strides he
stands before me, breathing down at me but only filling me
with much need.
“I…I need you to…to fuck it” I mutter, feeling like God is
watching and I don’t want him to hear.
He laughs, claiming the small of my back and colliding us
for skin to skin. I’m face to face with his vicious muscled
artwork six pack.
“Let’s see if your little cunt is now ready for my cock” I suck
in a breath, bury my fears by running my hand over his lined
muscle for muscle.
“Don’t dare run this cock this time around my star” reaching
down between us, he unzips his pants and pulls out his
heavy erection with a groan. Taking his cock with his right
hand for a minor stroke. He takes my hand and direct it to
do as he was. It’s strong. Thick and veiny but mostly it
doesn’t fit the circle of my thumb and index finger still.
I touch the tip of his cock creamed with pre-cum. He hisses.
Throwing his head up
“You own it all baby girl. It’s all yours” my lady organ is
behaving in her own way. There is need throbbing down
there. He leans down on me with his mouth to feast on my
one breast creating a little magic with just his lips and
“I’m burning with need my star. I just want to feel your little
tight cunt grip my cock” His mouth needs saving but the
dirty words infect me with more pleasure.

He gently helps me on the bed. Laying me like a lamb

awaiting sacrifice. He stand on his feet to admire me. His
eyes on my body has me squirming.
He kicks the rest of his pants out of his legs then free my
feet of my stilettos. His thumb runs between my toes. He
brings my one feet to his mouth and suck on my largest toe
staring right in my eyes. The sensation from my toe is
traveling straight to the organ under my panties.
When I moan and arch my back feeling more delicate in his
touch he stops immediately.
He reaches for the waist of my panties and rip them of my
vagina. His tongue wet his lips as he stares at my nakedness
helping the rest of my panties down my legs. He bites his
lower lip, stare hungrily at my shaven muffin.
Finally he joins me on the mattress. Blazing his sexy eyes
right on me. He finds my face for a peck on the nose.
“I love you Khwezi” now this is my man. Still horny but head
over hills in love with me.
“I love you too Siso” I confess back. Raising my head to find
his nose for a peck as well.
“Are you truly sure about this, this time around?” I don’t
wait for him to finish his sentence.
“I was sure then and I’m still sure now. Have me as you wish
Molapo” I catch a content grin on his face. He intertwines
our foreheads and close his eyes. He doesn’t word but I feel
his love engulfs me. I’m one of the few lucky girls on this
earth who found man that would move heaven and earth to
have them.
He finds my lips, kiss me for dear life, gently weighing me
down properly. His kisses went to private school. I find
myself opening my legs wider to wrap around his waist.
His left forearm provide extra pillow for my neck while he
sends his right hand down between us. He smirks through
the erotic kiss when his fingers finds my cookie jar dripping
wet. He slides two fingers inside me. I arch my back when I
feel the sweet familiar but yet again foreign touch in my
sacred organ.
“This little cunt is going to kill me you know that?” He thrust
his two fingers gently in and out of me. I can’t speak. The
only language I’m good at, at the moment is sexual language.
“Promise me you’ll not cry again when I thrust into this tight
hole I have been dreaming about day and night. I want to fill
my cum inside you baby girl”
“Do it baby, I want that too” I whisper, throwing my arms up
over my head. I have touched myself so many times with my
own fingers and I could never make it feel this good and this
fast. The strokes of his fingers find that sweet spot inside
me. He taps there for a while. I feel like dough with too much
yeast. I keep rising and rising higher to his touch.
His touch in my cunt is possessive, knowing and fucking
sweet. His mouth finds mine again, dancing our tongues
stroking in long, breathless turns until I’m writhing on the
I’m so wet and so ready, I can’t stand it anymore. I beg for

“Condom Siso” I whisper through the kiss

“Never MaDlomo. No rubber. I want to feel you in every way”
His middle finger presses that sensitive sweet place inside
me that blocks all my thinking,
“No negotiations on this one. I’ll get you morning afters” the
tap on my sensitive spot has me nodding.

Siso’s mouth finds mine again as he positions himself

between my legs. That unbelievably thick veiny part of him
rests on my stomach, throbbing in time with my pulse and
slowly, so slowly, he rolls his hips back, forward, dragging
his steel length over my clit.
“Tell me to stop if it hurts again” the words tumble as a
whisper out of his lips. He cannot take it anymore.
“I promise” I mutter, dying in anticipation.
Teeth gritted, Siso reaches down to feast his erection,
guiding it past my entrance deep in my cunt. When he forces
the large head inside me with a grunt, there’s an
uncomfortable stretching sensation, but I keep my gaze
glued on him. I don’t want to focus on the pain.
“Still okay my baby?” he asks, not even half in when I steal
a glance between our intimate connection. I nod looking in
his eye to concentrate on him instead of the pain.
More inches he gently helps his thick veiny cock inside me.
I whimper, trying to close my thighs, but Siso’s hips block
“Hosetse hanyane mommy, kekopa o bule hlee” (Be brave
mommy, I’m almost there. Please open for me) his tone
comes hissed.
In one vicious thrust, Siso buries his thick shaft inside me,
tearing a scream from my throat. Sharp pain blooms
between my legs, and I move involuntarily, trying to shove
Siso’s huge body of mine.
“It hurts Siso. Please stop” I whimper in pain, tears back in
my eyes.
He pins my wrists above my head, taking control of my
“Stop moving baby, just lie still” he advices. Refusing to pull
out but wipe my tears and kiss both my eyes.
He lies still on me, let me welcome his incredibly big shaft
inside me. I feel his cock tip pulsate inside me.
“Oh fuck! Forgive me, my star. I’ve waited so long, I don’t
think I’ll keep still any longer, is it still painful” he wants to
thrust, I feel him fight his hips which want to plunge inside
“Baby you’re too huge, wait a little” it’s still fucking painful
but holding it for a minute is much better. My hands rest on
his head playing with it and his back while we wait for the
green light.
“This size will be all you want once I have totally broken this
little cunt open” he whispers in my ear biting on my earlobe.
I breathe. Feeling myself grow accustomed to the big firm
cock resting inside me. The pain is lessening and he sees it
in my eyes that I’m a bit comfortable.
“We can try again. It’s much better” I whisper in his ear. It’s
like he is been waiting for the words.

His eyes are animalistic as he shoves my thighs open and

begins to pound himself into me. Even in the midst of the
lingering discomfort, I can’t help but moan at how he moves
his gears inside me. He is confident and seem to know
exactly how to handle me.
“Khweziiiiiii” he hisses,
“Oh baby, this little pussy is driving me out of my mind” he
groans, his face taking forms that makes him ugly.
“Open wider love. Let daddy love you” gosh I can’t believe
myself right now. There is still a bit of discomfort but I focus
on the nice rhythm of his strokes.
For a couple of minutes he does as he please. Hits every
corner like no one’s business. His driving his manhood
inside me making sure he is the only driver to drive this
Sweat falls from his forehead onto my body, my face, his
pumping body sleek and claiming. His is marking his spot
now. There is no longer gentleness, only the proving of

But as my body relaxes, I can’t deny I love the sensation of

his cock buried in my cunt. He is turning me on with the
way his eyes stare with love and admiration at where our
bodies join. Over and over he humps me with ease now.
I open my legs even wider. He smirks, take me hand and put
it on my bouncing breast. He makes me take my nipples
between my fingers and play with them.
A quake of pleasure travels down my lady part.
“Oh! Lord” I gasp. Sending my attention down his flexed
chest and abdomen muscles. My eyes find the spot where he
rams in and out of me, I watch his thumb settle on my clit,
loving it with teases and gentle strokes while he does me so
good in my cunt. It’s a simultaneous equation. Two
processes of pleasure happening at the same time.
“Cream me my star, let daddy have a taste of your sweetness
on his cock” it’s like my body had been waiting for his
permission. I feel my inner walls begin to spasm.
“Yes my baby, let it go. Give it to daddy” he breathes in my
mouth. Shoving his wet tongue inside me. The kiss is
different. It means something but I can’t make it out. I’m one
minutes to pleasure land.
I grab on the sheets and moan in his mouth when I feel
slippery waters come out of my sex. He doesn’t stop
pounding me but kiss me for dear life. I think he is muffling
my screams.
“Aaaah! Fuck!” he groans. Pushing deeper in me through my
own climax to flood his seed inside me as well. I feel him
overflows me with his warm liquid not stopping to pound. He
pounds growling so deep I think we have an animal in the
room. I only open my eyes from my own ecstasy to catch a
flare of green eyes in his look but he quickly closes his eyes.
It goes on for so long, more and more liquid sliding down the
insides of my thighs and pooling beneath my bottom, that I
have another orgasm, my back arching of the bed as I

He finally dies on my neck. Breathing so deep. He is still very

much hard inside me but there is comfortable sleep claiming
“So lazy” he murmurs, kissing on my lips,
“I love you MaDlomo” I feel him stare down at me with
nothing but pure love. I’m so tired I can’t open my eyes but
he knows I love him too. He lays a lingering kiss on my
forehead as I start to drift in long deep sleep.


When you say you love a woman, you love her with
everything she comes with. Good or bad. Anything the
woman your heart beats for comes with it’s yours to bare.
Heavy or light, you be your woman’s love as you had
promised. Through all the phases of life.
“Mabataung!” she is dead in sleep. He doesn’t want to leave
without seeing her eyes. It’s a crime to his heart.
“My person!” he lands sweet kisses all over her face.
“Tsoha hlee mme keo hopotse” (Wake up mommy, I miss
Mabataung is groaning. Lazily opening her eyes to her
handsome wolf husband.
“Papa Tlotla what is it so early in the morning” she
complains. Her complains are shut with a kiss the wakes her
instantly. She wraps her hands around her husband’s neck
reciprocating the kiss with the same effort.
“Mmmmh! Mama!” he withdraws, hating himself. There is
nothing he would rather do than dine between his wife’s legs.
Even after she gave another man a taste of is heaven he still
worships his wife.
“Puso and Seeiso are waiting on me” he explains, squeezing
his erection that is threatening to rip his pants off.
“Where are you all going so early in the morning?” it’s yet
another day, and her husband is all smelling good and going
somewhere. She knows that he’ll never cheat on her but
because she cheated she is a bit insecure.
The fact that he once left her for two days after he found out
that she cheated also piles up on her insecurities. He never
told her where he had been and she never asked.
“When we come back. I’ll sit all the family down and explain.
I just need to be sure first”
She breathes. She hates being in the dark.
“I’ll be back by lunch I promise. In the main time, please talk
to your aunt. You have to leave on Friday so you can go
prepare your home for the delegation. She called me last
night and said she is waiting for you” she rolls her eyes.
Discovering that she at least have an aunt didn’t fill the void
in her heart. She would have preferred her real birth mother
to have a heart to heart conversation with her. But they are
all dead. Only aunt Jabu she doesn’t like much.
“Okay, I’ll call her”
“Please. I need to get this traditional wedding out of the way
as soon as next week”
“I will Molapo. Can you leave now?” he laughs, he knows she
hates going back to her past.
“I love you mabataung waka” he plants a long lingering kiss
on her forehead before he stands of the bed.
“Mommy loves you too” she blows him a kiss and he catches
it before he shuts the door out.
They didn’t even wait for breakfast. Majara is behind the
wheel with the company of Puso next to him and Seeiso at
the back. He had to take the back seat because he was too
lovey and huggy. He hugged them both and kissed their
cheeks when he made it to them waiting on him outside the
house. That was an open invitation for him to take the back
“And Aaaaaiiii aaaah will always love youuuuu” Oh Jesus!
Why the hell is he so happy? He is even singing the late
‘Whitney I will always love you’ from the backseat.
“Say you’re going to bore me. Keep your tent church voice to
yourself, asmblief” Majara cannot take more of his
“Celine dion was a legend sana! Why did she stop singing?”
at least he stopped singing but he can’t be serious.
“I think you want to say Whitney Houston” Puso corrects
“The dead chick? You don’t know your music Softy” they
don’t bother. He is a hip hop person more.
“So Juju vele you’re not going to tell us where you are taking
us?” his face appears between the front seats with no full
stop. Majara wishes he took a masking tape to shut him up
“We are going to Leribe” he say
“Leribe??” they both question him at the same time.
“Leribe Hlotse to be precise. You’ll both see when we get
“Yoh! You better not ruin my glow. I’m glowing neah” Seeiso.
Puso turn to him with a silly grin on his face and ask –
“You got some you little fucker, didn’t you?”
“Eish…I got it so sweet, so tight, so…….” They both fist
bump on his happiness, much to Majara’s irritation.
“Can you not share the details? Khwezi is a baby for crying
out loud. You should be waiting for her to turn at least
twenty one” he will always see her as a baby, regardless of
how grown she is.
“Did it finally fit?” Puso. The two ignore him. He can be such
a bore when he likes.
“I tore that pussy apart. My baby will miss school today. I
would have liked to open it some more today but Lupus
decided to be Lupus today” Seeiso.
“What was the problem?” Puso has turned on his seat to
converse with his brother at the back.
“She said I’m too big, can you believe her?”
“Let me see, I’ll tell you if you’re really big” Puso. Majara
thinks it’s a joke until he hears the sound of a zipper
dropping. He hits the brakes putting the vehicle to an
immediate halt.
“Jeezzz!” Puso.
“Are you trying to kill me while I’m glowing” Seeiso. Both they
“You both better stop this shit you’re doing in my car. No
one is showing anyone his dick in my car”
“Okay, let’s go out Say, I want to see” the car is already at a
halt in the middle of nowhere. Puso can also be Puso. Stupid
like Seeiso.
Majara sinks to his wheel when the two get out of the car
and stand at the back. The stupid giggles confirms that
Seeiso is really showing Puso his dick.

“It’s not that bad boy, but when you do it again, put the
tip……” Puso advises when they jump back into the car but
the rest of his words don’t see a day.
“HAIII MAAAN!” Majara roars.
“Mxm! Wa bora wena juju, let’s go” (….Your boring……)
Seeiso dismisses him. Puso is laughing at his pissed face as
he drives off.
“How is Mapeete taking Lavo’s arrival?” Majara would rather
they talk about that.
“Yoh! That one is a walking flame. She is mad but I’m hoping
she calms down with time” Puso……
The house is nice. A comfortable four roomed house situated
right in the middle of the small village. Still the two don’t
know what they are doing here. They are just following the
grumpy Majara who literally forced them to come with.
They are known. Princes of the kingdom of Lesotho. People
stop to stare at them making way to MaPabatso’s house.
They whisper at each other wondering what they might be
doing in that yard.
MaPabatso appears from her small garden behind the house
with a little girl tailing her with a song. She stops to blink at
the presence of royal men in her yard.
She bows in shock. Not knowing what to say.
“Mme Mapabatso” Majara acknowledges helping her up.
“We are your visitors today mme, there is no need to bow”
Mapabatso is still shocked but she does as the eldest prince
ask. She looks at them in utter bewilderment.
Seeiso is immersed on his phone texting with his girl when
he feels something touch on his leg. Or rather someone. It’s
the little girl that was singing behind the woman. He loves
children. He shoves his phone in his pants and squat to the
little girl.
“Dumelang” little being greets him with a smile before he can
“Dumela ausi-nyana” he kisses her tiny cheeks.
“Ke mang bitso la hao?” (What is your name?) the little girl
ask him.
“Ke nna Seeiso Molapo. Wena o mang ausi a motle?” (I’m
seeiso Molapo, what’s your name little cutie) he is holding
her soft hands in his.
“Ke nna Bohlokoa” (I’m Bohlokoa) she puts her hand on her
“Bohlokoa mang?” (Bohlokoa who?) he asks
“I don’t know. Can you please be my friend?” he melts. He
love these sweet God’s angels.
“I would like to be your best…best…best…friend” he kisses
her cheeks making her laugh between all the ‘best’
Puso’s eyes are leaving his socket. How he is not seeing this
he doesn’t know. The child is a spitting image of MaBereng.
He pulls Majara aside.
“Don’t tell me you have a daughter we didn’t know of? You’re
going to break Mabataung” he hisses at his brother but voice
kept way down low.
“That’s not my child. That’s Seeiso’s child with Pabatso,
Khwezi’s roommate” Puso’s jaws drop “But he doesn’t know
it yet” he adds as they watch the two converse and laugh like
“Abuti Majara” Puso whispers out of words.

Mapabatso offered them chairs and drinks after the

pleasantries were shared. Little Bohlokoa is sitting on
Seeiso’s lap not wanting to let go.
“Hlokoa” Majara takes a R50 note out of his wallet luring the
little girl. He needs to talk but he can’t talk with her still in
the room. His bait trap his prey. She jumps off Seeiso’s lap
to run to him.
“Tsamo reka dizimba baby” (Go buy some chips baby)
“Tankie ntate” (Thank you father) Bohlokoa claps thanking
him and turn to Seeiso after receiving the money.
“You will not leave me akere chomza” She touches his knee
begging him with her eyes. Seeiso is grinning from ear to ear.
“I’ll be right here waiting for you when you come back
chomza” he kisses her forehead and watch with love as she
squeals screaming for her friends running out of the house.
“I’m an angel. Children love me” he gloats to his brother
forgetting the presence of Mapabatso.

“Mme MaPabatso” Majara takes the attention of the room.

“We humble ourselves before you mme. We come in peace
and respect in your home mme. I don’t want to dread this so
I’ll just put it on the table. I as the eldest brother of the royal
house, I learned that little Bohlokoa is a princess of the royal
house” Seeiso looks at him in shock. He can’t believe he
cheated and had a kid while at it.
“My prince I’m not following. Bohlokoa is my daughter’s
baby. She cannot be a princess” Mapabatso doesn’t believe
her ears.
“Mme did Pabatso point anyone as the father to Bohlokoa”
Only the mention of Pabatso’s name has Seeiso shooting
instant sweat. He didn’t think she is Mapabatso, pabatso’s
“Hai my prince! You know this young girls. She never pointed
anyone. She said she was at a party and was drunk and
can’t remember who got her pregnant” Seeiso is unbuttoning
the upper buttons of his shirt.
“When was this?” Majara asks.
“Five years ago. Bohlokoa is four” from the chair Seeiso
drops off the floor. He suddenly cannot breath.
He has to be home. He has to hold his brother as he faces
his fears but he had to come here first. Fox called him and
said their little prey is finally giving in. He’ll not see tomorrow
and he asks a favour to him.
It hurts that he had to do this to him. He was the closest
thing he had to a best friend but he broke him when he
shoved his dick in his wife. Of course he wasn’t going to
retaliate on his wife but Tshepo. Tshepo literally begged to
die when he fucked his wife.
“Lupus” his face is a vegetable. Fox and the other guards
were ordered to torture him for weeks.
“Eat……me….just…end me” he begs for death at Majara
who sits foot away from his bloodied body and face.
“Tshepo I…I trust you. I cannot kill you myself. You deserve
a funeral. To be buried. To have your final resting place
where I’ll go and spit on your grave. You betrayed me in the
worst possible way and for that I cannot let you live”
“I understand…….i’m sorry……truly sorry……. I don’t
know…….what came….over me……but…..please……just
finish me…..i’m in pain” he is tight to a chair. Knives stabbed
all over his body but not taken out so he bleeds from the
inside and take time to die.
“You said you needed a favour from me” he can still do him
favours because he trusted this man until he grossed a line.
“Pa..palesa….please…..keep her safe. Let her know that…. I
love her….. I died thinking of her…….she’ll forever be in my
heart” his and palesa was always weird. He was married to
Palesa’s sister but loving Palesa instead.
“Palesa will be taken care of. Is that all?” he is not even as
much touched of his pain.
“No……I want to thank you……thank you…..for an
adventurous life…..thank you for trusting me……thank you
for seeing a friend in me. You are my… friend…too……I
apologise….for hurting you. And i….forgive you…..for ending
my life. Till we meet again Lupus”


I don’t know about woman in general but I, MAPEETE

MOLAPO, wife to PRINCE PUSO MOLAPO. I will not share
my husband with any whore. Not even an angel. There are
lot of men in this world. A very much lot to choose from. And
for a woman to choose mine who goes around wearing my
little finger cuff called a ring on his finger. It’s pure
disrespect. Pure audition to hell and I’ll make sure she get
there safe and sound ready for her hell life.
I’m not about to have a spare wheel. I’m very much capable
of pleasing my man alone. I know he loves me. Through that
love, I’ll be the peace he went out looking for.
Little Madihele doesn’t know me too well.
“Mme Makhotso” I’m nice. Way too nice to lure my prey. I
advertise my entire teeth even showing the tongue at the
back of my throat just to show how nice I can be. I already
have Tlotla strapped on my back seat car for my mission.
She is a little diva this one, she didn’t want to come with me
but I promised her that we are going to see ‘Mkhonto’. Little
wolf whore only agreed at the mention of the creepy boy. She
is going to be a wild bitch this one growing.
“Mme Mapeete” she is calm. Getting in my vehicle looking
like a polite woman. She should have been polite with my
husband. Now I have no choice but to play nice until I have
her head for a feast to Wolf Akela.
“Fasten up motho wa motho waka, we are going to have
some fun” (……my person’s person…….) my jolly mood has
her letting her guard down a bit.
I had to wait for Papa Peete and his brothers to leave before
I convinced this husband snatcher that she should visit me
at my house so we talk. She was hesitant but she gave in
when I mentioned that MaMolapo and Mabataung will be
I know for a fact that those two shaka zulu women are
painting down town red with shopping. Mabataung is
shopping for things she is leaving with on Friday to prepare
for her lobola delegations and traditional wedding.

“Tell me. How did you two meet?” I’m killing time to get to
my house faster. It’s not much of a distance. The Molapos
like keeping it close to each other.
“Eeehh! Eish” a bit shy now, are we?
“Don’t be shy” she chortles, looking the other way.
“We met through Khwezi” that fucking zulu girl. She
probably pushed this whore to my man because she doesn’t
like me much. I need to find a way to turn the family against
her. Tlotla would never harm her because she is a sister to
her monster boyfriend.
“Actually we didn’t meet through Khwezi. What I meant to
say is that I met him when he came to see Khwezi” I need to
control my facial expressions. She is changing her statement
because she probably picked on my face.
“We are here” I kill the engine before my house. I’m glad we
got here before she could dive into finer details of how she
fucked my husband.
“Tlotla…tlotla!!” I turn to the back and lightly pat on her fat
“TING?!” (Keng?! - What is it?) Urgh! Such unruly child. She
looks pissed waking from her nap at the back seat.
“Tonto e teng katlung” (Mkhonto is in the house) that brings
a grin to her face. She doesn’t wait for me but jump off her
seat running straight to the house as soon as I free her of
safe belts.
My so called walking corpse sister wife is stretching outside
the car as I jump down to join them……Tlotla can reach
handles on her toes.. She squeals on her toes opening my
house door screaming for ‘TONTO’
I have my walking dead right by my side as we join in the
house. My weapon of choice which is a butcher knife is right
in my bag hanging on my forearm.
As soon as we are inside I make sure to be behind her and
lock the door. She turns when she hears the lock turn.
“Why….why are you locking?” oh baby girl. Peete Molapo
married a psycho without knowing.
“You should have chosen another man but not mine” I drop
my bag with a grin and take my knife out.
screaming taking steps backwards.
“In your next life, stay the fuck away from married men”
that’s my final word to her as I push my knife right in her
She groans touching on her wound. Blood gushes out like
tap water. I stab her again on her left side when she touches
on her right abdomen side with both her hands.
“Ple…please!” she falls on her knees. Bleeding on my white
ceramic floors. I think I’m going to change them to red. They
look good painted in red.
“Not my man nana” I smirk, thankful that I’ll not have her
to deal with. Every bitch coming for my man will suffer the
same fate.

Wolf Akela is already turned. Little blue white fur wolf stand
by my hall way sniffing for blood. Now this was the aim.
Tlotla will feast on all her body and I’ll have no body to worry
about. My husband’s supposed second wife will be said to
have disappeared from the face of the earth. This is how good
it is to have little wolfs running around me.
I have heard that they have quite an appetite when starved.
I’ll spend all this day here with her to feed on Mrs. Hell going
to hell.
“Pllll…plea….” Aooo shame! She is still weakly trying to find
a heart in me bleeding on my floors.
My little wolf akela is taking careful steps to the blood. I
know when they are starved they transform at the sniff of
fresh blood. I knew she would transform and feast on the
“TLOTLA!!!” why is she coming to me…..
instantly taking steps back as she approaches me leaving
the fresh meat I prepared her. Oh fuck im dead! She twists
her neck. Growls deep scratching my floors with her paws.
“TLOTLA MY BABY” I drop on my knees. Tears flooding my
eyes as I pray her not to have me for breakfast. Lerato is
supposed to be breakfast. Not me.

I’m beyond exhausted. Mabataung had me up and down

town the whole day. I thought a bath would do me better but
now I just want to close my eyes.
I drop on my man’s bed reaching for my phone to check on
him. I last spoke to him earlier in the morning when he told
me they were somewhere called Leribe and telling me that
he’d rather be sexing on me than be on one of Papa Tlotla’s
My phone reports that I have missed calls from my mom. 12
missed calls. What could be so wrong to blow my phone like
this? I call her first lying on his bed. It rings for a while, too
long but she picks when I’m about to lose hope.
‘Sango’s heaven’ I expect her to laugh at that but she sniffs.
She doesn’t sound good.
‘Mama are you okay’ I’m alarmed right now.
‘Where is Seeiso baby?’ why is she asking of him.
‘He is not here, why do you want to talk to him?’ I ask.
‘You have to come home’ come home?
‘Why? Mama I’m not on break as yet’ she sniffs again. It
sounds like she is crying but trying to keep it together.
‘Where are you? Are you at the palace?’ I nod, forgetting that
she can’t see me. My heart is already beating at the speed of
‘Yebo Maa, I’m at the palace’
She breathes, a painful sigh I hear through the phone,
‘Please give your phone to Mabataung or any elder and call
me back’
‘Mama why?’ why is she scaring me?
‘Just….do….it babe please’ she fails to hold herself. Now I’m
sure she is crying and she just dropped the call on me.

I flew. Literally run out of Siso’s room to find anyone I can

give my phone to call my mother back. Something is wrong.
Very wrong.
To my surprise I find the whole lounge standing still with
almost every member of this family. It looks like I walked into
They all turn slowly to look at me at my hurried footsteps. I
slow down feeling them all penetrate me with their looks.
There is a young girl eating her thumb holding on Siso’s leg.
She looks….she…she is a spitting image of MaBereng.
He reaches for my hand when he sees that I’m hesitant
because of the looks in the room. I receive his hold and he
pulls me right next to his touch.
“MaMolapo I have to talk to you” he say. We can talk but not
now, not when we have the whole room trained eyes at us
and not when I have my sobbing mother crying on the phone
waiting for our call.
“Please…please talk to mama first. She said to give someone
my phone. Something is wrong at home” I’m already dialling
her back as I explain in utter panic. She receives
‘Siso is here mama’ I give him the phone and he presses it
on his ear taking a bit of step away from me with a frown on
his face. The little girl still holds on his leg for dear life. I
wonder whose child is she.
“Oh Lord Mrs. Dlomo. My deepest deepest condolences”
Condo…what? I feel my knees kiss on each other staring at
“I’m really sorry mme, I’ll make sure she is there first thing
tomorrow morning” he is marching to me, I feel myself lose
balance but someone holds me before I hit the floor. I’m hot,
sweaty and numb.
“WHAT HAPPENED?” the tone belongs to the creepiest one.
Papa tlotla asks very much alarmed. I can’t look at him but
I can tell he is worried. I’m shaking in abuti Puso’s arms.
Siso shakes his head dropping the call. He looks at me with
nothing but sorrow.
“Siso…..where…is….my father. Call….him now” I need to
hear my father’s voice. Why is he shaking his head instead
of calling my father?


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