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a) Companies should always ensure to provide latest configuration of

laptops &/or desktops to ensure that their employees get latest
upgraded hardware & software to work effectively.

b) Company should always aim to install latest updates of all the

software required to perform tasks. Employees do not feel
motivated to work if they work on outdated software & employees
of their grade in other company works on updated software.

c) Company should provide immediate onsite IT supports to their

employees. If the employee is facing any IT issues and if they do not
get any immediate support then they would not be able to perform
their tasks efficiently & effectively.

d) A lot of employees have complained about the work environment.

Companies should try to implement more friendly, open & flexible
culture in the organization. Employees while working should not be
bothered to enter office premises.

e) Employees who are actually working on the tasks throughout the

day should be allowed to take initiative in suggesting the ideas. It
helps them in grooming their selves. It also gives them an
opportunity to work on their terms instead of just following the
orders of superiors,

f) Two of the three companies selected as sample are providing work

from home facility to the employees and third company (CBRE)
allows work from home facility only to the top management. As far

as possible they should also allow the middle level management
employees to work from home. Such decision will increase the job
satisfaction level amongst the employees.

g) None of the companies have mentioned about lobbing in the

organization. It is a very good indicator of a healthy work policy.
Company should keep strengthening such things. The deserved
should not be punished.

h) None of companies selected as sample provide any transport facility

to its employees. The decision to provide transport facility depends
on a lot of things like count of employees coming from one location,
what type of vehicle is required to be allotted, the cost effectiveness,
etc. However, still company can check if they can provide transport
facility to the employees & recover some part of the cost per head
from their salary per month.

i) Managers should always discuss about the developments happening

in the company or at least about the developments happening for
their department which will have impact of employee’s work. It
gives sense of involvement the employee & they understand their
role in the organization better.

j) Employees working at Executive level in KPMG and CBRE feels

that company does not have career development plan for them. The
Line Mangers should keep discussing with the employees about area
of improvement for those employees & motivate them in developing
those area which will provide them opportunity to move ahead in
the organization.

k) All the Companies should always provide training about latest
developments in the work-related area, soft skills and any other
areas which will develop the employees overall.

l) The Senior Managers should organize skip level meetings with the
employees working at Executive level so that they can get a concrete
feedback about middle level management. It will give a sense to
Executives that even their feedback counts and it will give a strong
message to middle level management that if they do not behave
correctly with the Executives then even, they will be punished. This
is type of positive motivation for Executives and negative motivation
for Middle level management.


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