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Linguist Quotations for the essay:

 “Nothing unites Australia more than a common language” - John Howard.

 “Language and culture are so closely bound up with the life of its speakers that it is very difficult to seperate
them” - Kate Burridge.
 “Standard language does not necessarily have prestige in all contexts” - Kate Burridge.
 “Ethnicity is … something that people often … demonstrate through their use of language” - Kate Burridge, Jean
 “Of all the markers of identity, language is by far the most significant” - Kate Burridge.
 “Standard language does not necessarily have prestige in all contexts” - Kate Burridge.
 “Our culture tells us that the standard is the best form of English” - Kate Burridge, Jean Mulder.
 “Non-standard dialects are often disparaged…because they don’t have the same prestige or status as the standard
language” - Kate Burridge, Jean Mulder.
 “The way we use language uncovers our background and our aspirations” - Kate Burridge, Jean Mulder.
 “Ethnic identity … is closely linked with language” - Kate Burridge, Jean Mulder.
 “Language is perhaps the most widely encountered symbol of ethnic identity” - Kate Burridge, Jean Mulder.
 “Language acts as a badge of identity” - David Crystal.
 “Language shows we belong” - David Crystal. 
 “Australia is a multi voiced and multilingual society” - Bruce Moore.
 “Of all the markers of identity, language is by far the most significant” - Bruce Moore.
 “When we speak, identity flows from us” - Dr Cara Penny Williams.
 “People think non-standard indicates non intelligence and uneducated” - Dr Cara Penny Williams.
 “Slang is a marker of in-group solidarity” - Allen and Burridge.
 “What counts as polite behaviour varies between human groups” - Allan and Burridge. 
 “Different cultures express politeness differently” - Janet Holmes.
 “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable” - George Orwell.
 “The standard is the dialect with the highest prestige, being associated with education and with high income
groups” - Kate Burridge, Jean Mulder.
 “Standard English is perceived to be intrinsically superior to other varieties” - Kate Burridge. 
 “Standard language does not necessarily have prestige in all contexts” - Kate Burridge.
 “Language can define people as intelligent and polite, or as rude and insensitive” - James O’Connor. 
 “We play with language when we manipulate it as a source of enjoyment” - David Crystal.
 “Language is constantly evolving to reflect Australia’s changing cultures” - Dr Melissa Butcher. 
 “To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture” - Frantz Fanon.
 “Bending and breaking the rules of the language” - David Crystal.
 “If you lose your language you lose your personality, your character and who you are” - Hugh Lunn.
 “Technology is driving and perpetuating new slang terms” - Zoe Kleinman.
 “Language is butchered by the media” - Dr Don Watson.
 “Members of a social group draw personal strength and pride from using the same language” - Clare Kramsch.
 “Jargon is making it increasingly hard to understand what a public figure is actually trying yo say” - Dr Don
 “A range of linguistic deodorisers, smokescreen and fig leaves” - Kate Burridge.
 “Underhand euphemisms are used…to deliberately disguise a topic and deceive” - Kate Burridge.
 “Swearing together can be a way of asserting a cultural cohesion” - Kate Holden.
 “There is a natural connection between language and identity” - Clare Kramsch.
 “There are hidden consequences to using jargon” - Gabrielle Dolan.
 “Sometimes people default to jargon when they have something to hide” - Gabrielle Dolan.
 “Jargon is used it to make us sound more credible or knowledgable than what we are” - Gabrielle Dolan.
 “Teenagers use language to experiment with their identities” - Simon Musgrave, language expert at Monash
 “Swearing…can be used…to show solidarity” - Dr Nick Wilson.

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