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REG. NO.: 3006



The task of this paper is to emphasize the achievements of Africa. There are many who disguise
the achievements of Africans like Dr. Vint, who argues that from the average weight of the
Native brain, the stage of cerebral development reached by an African adult is that of the average
European boy between 7 or 8 years of age. Dr. Williams follows by saying that, compared with
the white races, the African seems to lack initiative and constructive ideas, and he wishes to gain
wealth without much energy. Dr. Williams concludes by saying that you can’t expect better from
a poor African. All down the ages, the western European has refused to credit the African with
any achievement. It appears that Europeans have come to believe that they are the top race and
that they are the guardians of human civilization while the African is an empty vessel into which
you pour all the European civilizing ideas. Some of the major achievements discussed in this
paper include: achievement in civilizations, production of notable people, military achievements,
success in the field of medicine, academic field, Excellence in sports, arts and music.

Civilizations: It is now known that some of the earliest civilizations were in Africa. For
instance, the Africans were building in stone long before Europe. Archeologists have discovered
ruins of stone building and sophisticated roads, road cuttings through hills and vast embankments
in valleys in the Kenya highlands dating back to B.C. For many years African civilization in
East, central and South Africa used to trade with China. China sold silk and chinaware and they
bought iron, gold and ivory from Africa up to early A.D.
Notable people: In the past, Africa has produced many notable people who initiated many things
which have benefited mankind, among these include the kings and queens of Ethiopia, Africans
of the Christian era such as St. Augustine. The first person to build a house in Chicago named
Jean Baptist was an African. Africa also produced the following popes, Victor, Melchiades and
St. Gelasius. Even Ireland had an African Bishop, Bishop Diman.
Military achievements: In military achievements, Michael Egypteos was a major general in the
Russian Army and a member of the Revolutionary committee of the Bolsheviks in 1918.
Napoleon had at least 12 African generals in his army.
Field of medicine: In medicine, the physicians to Charles VII and Louis XI were Africans. The
first person to operate on the heart was a black American doctor who had many successes in
saving lives of people stabbed in the heart.
Academic field: Many sons of Africa have pioneered human learning. In fact, in ancient Greek
empire, if one said he had been taught his skill in Africa he was held in the highest esteem.
Many European teachers explain the brilliance of African students by saying they have good
memories than the European students.
Sports: In the field of sports, the successes of Africans have astounded many experts. At first it
was said that Africans could not compete in sports because they were ‘bone lazy’. After a time,
they excelled in short distances. Then the experts said that the Africans are too inferior to have
the stamina for running long distances like the superior whites. Sometime later Africa produced
long distance runners such as Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia and recently Kipchoge Keino from
Arts: Products of our craftsmen and artists are collected by foreigners for their museums. Many
fine art experts know that the late Picase, the most outstanding European artist got his ideas from
African art. He noticed that in most of Africa, things were represented the way they felt not the
way they really looked in nature. From this observation there came a revolution in European art
which liberated European artists from the shackles of copying accurately everything from nature.
The west in the field of arts should thank our artists and craftsmen for revolutionizing western
Field of music: African music has completely revolutionized European music. It has given
European music rhythm and life. When the African realizes how talented he is in music and
other arts soon enough, he will be able to develop his own music most probably in a way no
other nation has developed theirs. There is nothing to stop an African tune being played by a full
orchestra indeed. It would be foolish to think that our music can only be played on bongo drums
and tom-toms and two stringed calabash violins. The greatest so called European classical
musician, Ludwig van Beethoven, the Shakespeare of European music, was in fact said by some
people to have African blood as stated before and Hydin was definitely half African.

In conclusion, the African has been achieving a lot since the dawn of history and it seems as
though he is poised to achieve even greater things. This has been clearly seen in some of the
notable achievements listed in this paper, including achievement in civilizations, producing
notable people, military achievements, success in the field of medicine, academic field,
Excellence in sports, arts and music. With all these listed achievements, the West should have
grown tired of watering down our achievement and recognize that we beat them because we are
better and rational.

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