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By o group of supervisors
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Algebra and Probability

Unit One Equations.

1. Solving two equations of the first degree in two variables graphically and
2. Solving an equation of the second degree in one unknown graphically
and algebraically.
3. Solving two equations in two variablesr one of them is of the first degree
and the other is of the second degree.

Unit Two Algebraic fractional functions and the operations

on them.
1. Set of zeroes of a polynomial function,
2. Rtgebraic fractional function.
3. Equality of two algebraic fractions.
4. Operations on algebraic fractions (Adding and subtracting algebraic fractions).
5. Operations on algebraic fractions (follow) (Multiplying and dividing
algebraic fractions).

Unit Three Probability.

1. Operations on events : lntersection and union of two events.
2. Operations on events (follow) : Complementary event and the
difference between two events.
Second Geometry

Unit Four The circle.
1, Basic definitions and concepts on the circle.

2. Position of a point and a straight line with respect to a circle.

3. Position of a circle with respect to another circle.

4. ldentifying the circle.

5. the relation between the chords of a circle and its centre.

Unit Five Angles and arcs in the circle,

1. Central angles and measuring arcs.

2. the relation between the inscribed and central angles subtended by

the same arc - Well known problems.

3. lnscribed angles subtended by the same arc.

4" tfre cyclic quadrilateral and its properties.

5. Cases of proving the cyclic quadrilateral.

6. tfre relation between the tangents of a circle.

7. Angles of tangency.
Distribution of Moths Syllobus
Third Yeor Preporotory - Second Term

Algebra and Probability Geometry

<<One period weekly>> <<One period and a half weeklp>

Unit One : Equations Unit f,'our : The circle

- Solving two equations of the first degree in - Basic definitions and concepts.
I two variables graphically and algebraically. - Positions of a point, a straight line and

z - Solving an equation of the second degree in a circle with respect to a circle.

one unknown graphically and algebraically. - Identifying the circle.

>. - The relation between the chords of a circle
L - Solving two equations in two variables , one
L and its centre.
is of the first degree and the other is of the
'9 second degree.
Unit Five : Angles and arcs in the circle
- Central angle and measuring arcs.
3 - The relation between the inscribed and
central angles subtended by the same arc.

Unit TWo : Algebraic fractional functions Follow Unit Five :

and the operations on them - Inscribed angles subtended by the same arc.
- Cyclic quadrilateral.
li - Set of zeroes of a polynomial function.
- Properties of cyclic quadrilateral.
- Algebraic fractional function.
- Equality of two algebraic fractions.

- Operations on algebraic fractions.

Unit Three : Probability Follow Unit Five :

h - Operations on events. - The relation between the tangents of

e - Complementary event and the difference a circle.

between two events. - Angle of tangency.

General exercises and model examinations

First Algebra and Probability

On factorizing the algebraic

Revision expressions.

unit I Equations. 10

Algebraic fractional functions and

unit2 the operations on them.

unit 3 Probability.
Revisioll on factorizing the algebraic expressions

Taking out the H.CF. : ab + ac = a(b + c)

. 6 X2y + 10 XyZ =2 Xy(3 x+ 5 y)

. 2 a (X+ y) - b (x + y) = (X + y) (2a - b)
Notice that : The H.C.F. is an algebraic term (X + y)

Difference between two squares ; a2 -* = @+ b) (a - b)

. x2 -9 =(x+3) (x-3)
. t6 Xa- 81 = @ x2 +D @ Xz -D = (4 x2 +D Q X+3) (2 x- 3)
Notice that : We continue factorizinguntil factorizalion is complete.
. z x3 -72 x = z x (x2 - 36) = 2 x (x + 6) (x - 6)

Notice that: We firstly take out the H.C.F.

. Sum of two cubes - ab +bz)

: a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2
. Difference between two cubes : a3 - b3 = (a - b) (a2 + a b + b2)

.3 x4 y - 81 xy4 =3 xy (x3 -27 y3) = 3 xy (x- 3 y) (x2 +3 xy +9 y2)

Trinomial in the form : X2 +b X + c

. x2 + 7 x + tz - {x;!j.) (x + !) .x2+x-12=,r:fil;
"+;r;;;o"rrV^ 4u"paoarat, -{L

Trinomial in the form: ax2 +b X+ c

. 6 X2 + I X + 2 = (2 X + t) (3 X + 2)
(2X+7\ 6X+l
. 36 x3 - 84 x2 - $ x= 3 x G2 x2 - zB x-
=3 X(6 X+ 1) (2

Perfect square trinomial : .* + 2 ab +*

=(a + b)2
. iL -2ab +b2 - (a-b)2

. X2 + lO X+25 = 1X+ 5)2 In the perfect squaxe trinomial :

. Each of the first and third terms are

. 9 x2 -24 xy + 16 y2 = (3 X - 4 y),
perfect square
. 4 X2 - lO X+ 25 is not a perfect square trinomial . The middle term =

because : the middle term * + 2 x ^[nF n[25 +zx {First term x {Tht.d l,.r*

. a X + a y + b X +b y = a (X+ y) + b (X+ y) Notice that: We divided the expression

into two expressions each of them
=(X+y)(a+b) consists of two terms.

. x2 -2 xy + y2 -g = (x2 -z xy +y\ -9 Notice that: We divided the expression

= (x-92 - G)2
into perfect square trinomial and
perfect square monomial.
=(x-y+3) (x-y-3)

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Lessons of the unit :


l, Solring two equations of the first degree in two variables graphically and
2. Solving an equation of the second degree in one unknown graphically and
3. Solring two equations in two variables, one of them is of the first degree and the
other is of the second degree.

Unit Objectives :
By the end of this unit, student should be able to
- :

. Remember what have been studied on factorization of algebraic expressions.

. Solve two equations of the first degree in two variables graphically.

. Solve two equations of the first degree in two variables algebraically by

substituting method and omitting method.
. Determine the number of solutions of any two equations of the first degree in
two variables.
. Solve word problems that will lead to two equations of the first degree in two
.Solve an equation of the second degree in one unknown graphically.
.Solve an equation of the second degree in one unknown by usingthe general
rule (general formula).
. Determine the number of solutions of an equation of the second degree in one
. Solve word problems thatwill lead to an equation of the second degree in one
. Solve two equations in two variables, one of them is of the first degree and
the other is of the second degree.
. Solve word problems that will lead to two equations in two variables , one of
them is of the first degree and the other is of the second degree.
. Use the calculator to solve equations.
Solving two equations of the first degree in
two variables graphically and

. The meaning of solving two equations graphically is finding the ordered pair or ordered
pairs which satisfy the two equations simultaneously.
. Since the set of solution of the equation of the first degree in two variables in IR x IR is
represented graphically by a straight line :

then to solve the twov equations

vYuqLIUuD graphically
Srsl,urLquJ, rvv uv qo rvu

In the Cartesian plane draw the two straight lines which represent the two equations to
be L, and L, t then the S.S. is the point of intersection of the two straight lines L, and
L, tthen we have three cases.

L, L, intersect at
and LrandL, LrandL,
the point (Xt ,y) are coincident are parallel

L-v ,\t 'l)''"



Th*" tr *,rq*
. There is an infinite . There is no solution
solution (Xr ,y) number of solutions .The S.S. = Z
.The S.S. = {(Xr , yr)}

The following examples show each case of the previous cases.

Lesson One


E co \ N
ol \ tl
EI il N F.i t
trI N cn C.l +
xt Nl x

1{l X+ X


ll >. r x >, x
j J a'l a

\o N
>< M
trol N
o-l -loI Gl

EI + ool
) /- x
tl $+@
+l N I

a II
E{l l>)
N c-.1 I


o l
Nll x x )
ilx )
-i J
N ,X


ca ra) N

- I

E N s N
orl I I
-lcr an
EI I \r) ca I

xl Tfa F{
ll + x

Efl ol I

x+ i X x
:I N
-i ']
c.l a

! Remarhs on the previous examples
. In exampl" O : You can check the truth of the solution that the point (2 : - 1)
satisfies each of the two equations simultaneously by substituting by X = 2 and
y = - 1 in each of the two equations : then we shall find that :
the left hand side = the right hand side in each equation.

. In example (D : We notice that the two equations are two different forms of the same
equation (Dividing the second equation by 2 twe find that2 X-y + 4 i... y - 2X-4
which is the same first equation)
. In example O : Putting the first equation in the form : y -2 X= -2
, and putting the second equation in the form : y - 2X= I
We find that they are contrary because it is impossible to get a value for the vartable X
and another for the variable y which make the expression (y - 2 X) equal - 2 and I rn
the same time r that explain why the S.S. is Z

Determining the number of solutions without graphing

You can determine the number of solutions of any two equations of the first degree in two
variables without graphing as follows :

Find the slopes of the two straight lines m, and m,

Then the two straight lines Then find the points of intersection
intersect at one pointe and then of the two straight lines
the number of solutions = 1 with y-axis

The two points are equal The two points are different

Then the two straight lines are Then the two straight lines are
coincident : and then the number parallel r and then the number
of solutions is an infinite number. of solutions = 0

Lesson One

Find the number of solutions of each two pairs of the following equations :

I X+2y =l t 2X+3Y =12

2 4X-y +7 =0 t 2y-BX=14
3 2X-3y=6 t !=iX+3

. rl, i ': mr=-l r lll^=- -L

.'. ml# m2 .'. The two straight lines intersect at one point.

.'. The number of solutions = 1

- the coefficient of X _ -4 _A
2 '.'m1
the coefficient of y - -1 -'T

- the coefficient of X -(-8) ,

'm2= the coefficient of y 2
We can get the point of
=ffi2 intersecting with y-axis,
: the two straight lines intersect with y-axis by putting X = 0 to get the
corresponding value of y
at the same point (0 t7)
.'. The two straight lines are coincident

.'. The number of solutions = an infinite number of solutions.

the coefficient of X _L a
' "'1 - - the coefficient of y 1 =2J
tf{rr=the coefficient of X= .'. m,lz= m^
'.' The first straight line intersects y-axis at the point (0 : - 2)
and the second straight line intersects y-axis at the point (0 : 3)
.'. The two straight lines are parallel because of the equality of the two
slopes and the two points of intersection with y-axis are different.

.'. The number of solutions = zero

Final answers

Find graphically in IR x IR the solution set of -,,T'ffi:*

the two following equations :
Y=X+2 , y+2X=8
Second I Solving two equations of the first degree in two variables algebraically
This method depends on removing one of the two variables to get an equation of the first
degree in one variable r then we get the value of this variable by solving this equation.
Then we substitute by this value in any of the two equations to get the value of the other
variable which we have removed before.
For that purposer we follow one of the two methods :

tl Sonstituting method. ff omitting method.

In the following r we will explain each of the two methods.

f, Substituting method

The following example shows how to use the substituting method to solve two equations of
the first degree in two variables algebraically.

Find by using the substituting method the solution set of the following
equations in IR x IR :
2X-y=J t X+3y+1=0
To use the substituting method, we do the following steps :

tl W" get one of the two variables in terms of the other variable from
one of the two equations : by putting this variable in one hand side
of the equation in condition that its coefficient = 1

From the first equation :

'.'2X-Y=5 .'. y-2x-5

@ Sutstltuting by the value of y in the other equation we get an
equation of the first degree in one variable (X) and by solving it we
get the value of X

Substituting by y = 2 X- 5 in the other equation :

.'. X+3X-5) + 1=0 :. X+6 X-

(2 15 + 1 =0
.'.7 X-14=0 .'.7 X= 14 ii:)I
f,! SuU.tituting by the value of X in the equation which we got in the
first step we get the value of y

.'. y - 2x2-5 i I

Lesson One

a Remark
In the previous example :

We can solve the problem by getting the variable Xin terms of y from the second
equation as follows : "
. From the second equation :

'.'X+3y+1=0 :.\.--3y-1 (i)

. Substituting by the value of X in the first equation :

:.2 (- 3 Y - 1) -Y = 5 .'. - 6 Y -2-y =5

..-t 'i,,-'i
j-t i;;
..i.y=-l il i

. Substituting in equation (1)

.'. \,--3 x(-1)-1 :.i.I-? i
.'. The S.S. = {(2 -
, 1)} which is the same result which we got before.

Find algebraically in IR x IR using substituting method the S.S. of the two

X+y-4 t 2X-y=5

2 | Omitting method

The following example shows how to use the omitting method to solve two equations of
the first degree in two variables algebraically.

By using the omitting method , find the solution set of the following
two equations in IR x IR
2X-y=5 , X+3y+1=0
Solution To use the omitting method, we do the following steps :

tl W" write each of the two equations in the form : a X +b y - c

:.2X-Y=5 (1)
tX+3 Y =- 1 (2)

E W" make the coefficient of one of the two variables "X or y" in one
of the two equations the additive inverse of the coefficient of the
same variable in the second equation.

(r : f ) Y e /6slsl Y/(olil -6:;) or:. rL, )14f.yJl 17

Multiplying the two sides of equation (2) by - 2 to make
the coefficient of X in equation (2) the additive inverse
of the coefficient of X in equation (1)

-Zx-6Y=2 (3)

E W. first
acld the two equations (3) and (1) to get an equation of the
degree in one variable (y) and by solving it we get the value of y

Adding the two equations (3) and (1) : .'. -7 y =7 .'.

B W" substitute by the value of y in one of the two equations to get

an equation of the first degree in the one variable (X) and by solving
it we get the value of X

.'. Substitutingby y =- I in equation (2) we find : X+ 3 x (- 1) =- 1

.'.x-3=-r i..i:-i, )

... The S.S. = {fz , - ty1

Note that : The solution set is the same which we got before by using
substituting method in example 5

Io Remark
In the previous example :

We can solve by making the two coefficients of y in the two equations: one of
them is the additive inverse of the other as follows :

Multiplying the two sides of equation (1) by 3

.. t JV- L

Substitutingby X=2in equation (1) we get:2x2-y - 5

:.4*y=J .iv=-1i
.. i J i

.'. The S.S. = {Q , * 1)} which is the same result whicii we got before.

Find algebraically in IR x IR using omitting method the S.S. of the two

equations:X+y-3 ; 2X-3Y=1

Lesson One

Solving two simultaneous equations of the first

Third degree in two variables using the calculator
You can use the calculator to check the truth of the solution of solving the two equations
which we solved before graphically and algebraically by substituting method or omitting
methodwhichtheyare 2X-y=J > X+ 3 y+ 1=0asfollows:
tl fut each equation in the form : a X +b y - c

:.2x-y=5 X+3Y=-1

@ Press the key

5 *O from the (menu) choose (EQN) by pressing
the key of the digit written in front of it.

p Choor" the equation which is in the form : anX +b, y = cn by

pressing the key of the digit written in front of it.

@ Insert the coefficients of X t ! andthe absolute term with

their signs in the order of the first equation r then their
corresponding coefficients in the second equation using the
inserting k"V t in each time.

@ Press E,o appear the value of X which is 2

: then press again (p,o appear the value of y which is - 1

: then the S.S. = {(2, - 1)} which is the same result which we got before.

using the calculatort fincl in IR x IRthe s.s. of the two simultaneous

2X+y=g t X+2y-3=O

Applications on solving two equations of the first degree in two variables

In this kind of verbal problems, the solution takes the following steps :

Let one of the two unknown be X and the other be y

From the given data in the problemr form two equations of the first degree in X and y
Solve the two equations algebraically or graphically to get the values of x and v
It is preferable to solve them algebraically.

The sum of two rational numbers is 14 :

if twice the greater exceeds three times the smaller by 3

Find the two numbers.

Solution Let the greater number be X and the smaller one be y

'.' Their sum = 14 :. X+Y =14 (1)

'.' Twice the greater exceeds three times the smaller by 3

.'. 2 x the greater number - 3 x the smaller number = 3

.'.2 x-3 y =3 (2)

Multiply the two sides of equation (1) by 3 :

.'.3X+3Y=42 (3)
-- --- ----',
Adding (2) and (3) : .'. 5 X= 45 .'.i
_____ __-,- -,'

i------ ----- ---l

Substituting in (1) : .'. 9 + y = 14 ."iv=5 i

The greater number = 9 and the smaller number = 5

*T The length of a rectangle is more than its width by 5 cm. :

and twice its length added to three times its width equals 45 cm.

Find each of the length and the width of the rectangle.

Solution Let the length be X cm. and the width be y cm.

:.y=x-5 (l)
t2X+3Y=45 (2)

Substituting from (1) in (2) :

.'.2x+3(X-5)=45 2X+3X- 15=45 -"

I- -- - -- -- - -- --

5X=60 ,.4-_!?)
Substituting in (1) : Y=12-5 '' i t-=7 )

The length = 12 cm. and the width ='7 cm.

Lesson One

Exqmp_ A}-digitnumber r its tens digit is twice its units digit.

If the two digits are reversed , the resulting number decreases

the original number by 27. Find the original number.

Solution Let the units digit be X and the tens digit be y

'.' The tens digit is twice the units digit, :, y = 2 X (1)

The original number = X + 10 y

If the two digits are reversed.

i.e. The units digit becomes y and the tens digit becomes X :
then the resulting number = y + 10 X

The following table shows that :

Units Tens The number

The original number x v X+10y
The resulting number v x y+10X

'.' The resulting number decreases the original number by 27

.'. The original number - the resultingnumber =27

.'. (X+ 10 y) - (y + 10 X) =27

.'. X+ 10y-y- 10 X=27

.'.9y-9X=21 .'. y - X=3 (2)

Substituting with the value of y - 2 Xfrom equation (1) in equation (2) :

:.2X-X=3 .iaz.i
..i.L=J I

Substitutingby X= 3 in equation (1) :

:'Y=2x3 .'.i v=6 i

.'. The units digit = 3 : the tens digit = 6 The original number = 63

Two years ago : the age of a man was four times the age of his son.
After 3 years from now , the age of the man will be three times the
age of his son. Find the age of each of them now.

The following table shows the ages of the man and his son now , two
years ago and after 3 years from now.

Man's age his son's age

Now x v
2 years ago x-2 y-2
After 3 years from now X+3 y+3
'.' Two years ago r the man's = four times the son's age.
.'.x-2=4(y-2) :. X-2=4y-8
:. x-4Y =-6 (1)
'.' After 3 years from now : the man's dge = 3 times the son's age.

"'".Xr 3'-.3(y-r-3) .'.X+3=3y+9

.", )C - !1 Y ,- $ (.2)

Subtracting equation (1) from equation (2) : :'iY = 12i

Substituting in equation (1) : .'. X . iv-tai
- 48 = - 6\-+Ll

The man's age now = 42 years and the son's age now = 12 years.

The sum of two numbers = 12 and twice one of them is more than the other by 3
Find the two numbers.

L( g'. erv sJequrnu o.,ru eq;

At the end
{ft, t-)} ='S'S eI{JEl

Jffi , d} 'S'S eqt r

{(t , z)} ='s'S eI{IEl
{(t, e)} ='S'S eI{JEl

{@ = Jlesrno,(
^rerq Il
f llestnoA nq h7 p

Solving an equation of the second degree in
n2l one unknown graphically and algebraically

_ _. I -

;iit: :r i


First I Solving an equation of the second degree in one unknown graphically

To solve an equation of the second degree in one unknown graphically
, we do the following steps :

Put the equation in the form : a X2 +b X+ c = 0

Assume that: f (X) = a X2 +b X + c: draw the curve of the function /
Determine the points of intersection of the function curve and X-axis r then the X-coordinates
of these points of intersection are the solutions of the equation

According to that 2 we find three cases :

The curve intersects The curve touches The curve does not
X-axis at two points X-axis at one point intersect X-axis

. There are two solutions . There is a unique solution . There is no solution

in IR in IRi. inR
. The S.S. = . The s.s = {/} . The S.S. = Z
{/ , -}

The following examples show the previous cases :

Exqmp_le I Exomp_lq I Exqmp_lq E

Find graphically in IR Find graphically in JR Find graphically in R
the S.S. of the equation : the S.S. of the equation :
the S.S. of the equation :

x2 -z x-3 =o - x2 -4 x-4 =o +2=0X2

on the interval l-Z , +l on the interval [- S, t] on the interval [- 3 , 3]

Soilu&{wm Ss$u.stiom Solution

(x) = x" -z x-3 Letf(x)=-X2-4x-4 Letf(X)=X2+2
x -1 0
1 2 3 4 x -5 -4 -3 a -1 0 1
x -3 1
-1 0 1 2 -)

v 5 0 -3 -4 -J 0 5 v -9 -4 -1 0 -1 -4 -9 v 11 6 3 2 J 6 11

-l 2-


\ -I

\ "4
3 2 IU

From the graph : Fromthe graph : From the graph r

theS.S.={:,_t} rhe S.S. = {-2} the S.S. = O

! Remarks on the previous examples

. ln example O : x The vertex of the curve is : (1 r - 4)
x The minimum value = -4
x The equation of the axis of symmetry of the curve is : X = 1

. !n example €) : x The vertex of the curve is : (- 2 ,O)

x The maximum value = 0
x The equation of the axis of symmetry of the curve is : X = - 2

. In example O : x The vertex of the curve is : (0 r 2)

x The minimum value = 2
x The equation of the axis of symmetry of the curve is : X = 0

Lesson Two

Graph the function f : f (X) = X2 + 2 X- 3 on the intervalf- 4 r2l

From the graph : find the S.S. of the equatio n '. X2 + 2 X- 3 = 0

Graph the function f : f (X)= X2 +2 X-6 taking Xel-4 ,2f from

the graph : find the two roots of the equation : X2 + 2 X- 6 = 0

Solution '.'f (x)=x2+2x-6

x -4 --) a
-1 0 i 2

v 2 -J -6 -1 -6 -J 2

From the graph : the approximated values

of the two roots of the equation :

X2 + 2 X - 6= 0 are 1.6 and - 3.6

Ia Remarh
If you substituted X= 1.6 in the equation : X2 +2 X-
will not be satisfied 6 = 0 it

l0.q'+2x 1.6-6=-0.24* O] ttrls means thatL6 is notthe actualrootforthe

equation but an approximated value for it r also - 3.6 is an approximated value for the
other root.

Generally : using the graph to find the two roots of an equation of second degree
in one unknown does not always give accurate values for the two roots.

etiilil srls, €,:l

tiriJl-ai}ll ii6lll ,,'a

alrhrpl ii.Lptl ..,-

, -t ,
' ,ggirill oig- n-ul

(t : r ) \ o /6ttetrl(stil - C;-) ol+;t-,r l4ldl 25

Second Solving an equation of the- second degree in one
II unknown using the general rule (generalformula)
In the previous example : using the graph to find the two roots of the equation :

X2 +2X-6=0 gave approximatedvalues forthem so rit'sbetterto solve the

equation using the general formula as the following :

The general rule (generalformula) for solving

an equation of the second degree in one unknown :

If a X2 +b X* c = 0 where a : b and c are realnumbers t a*0

r then fi- -b+ 2a

-b+ -u-{uti; I
i.e. The solution set of th"
{ 2a ,^ l
. and here is how to use the general formula to solve the equation: X2 + 2 X- 6 = 0
...i a=1 , b=2 ; c=*6 i

) . /\.- -u+{u2-4ac

-2+ 22-4x1x(-6) -)+

2x7 2

-z+l[n -zt2^[i
., 1

.'.x--=-l+17 or x= -z-21n
2 =-l-al7
and these are the actual values of the two roots without approximation

:sotheS.S. of theequationinlRis: {- t *'[l t -l-1, ]

and we can find approximated values for each of the two roots as :

x - - t *^[i - 1.646 to the nearest 3 decimal places

- 1.6 to the nearest 1 decimal place

t X=- 1 -^{i = - 3.646to the nearest 3 decimal places

- -3.6 to the nearest 1 decimal place

*T Find in

IR the S.S. of each of the following equations

zBx(x-t)=-z 3
Lesson Two

x2 x-

Solution Another solution using factorization :

'.' x2 -5 x-6=o
:. X-6=0 .'. X=6
-(-s)+{GlP-+xr<-O orX+1=0
2xl . y_ 1
., L-- L
s11[zs*% s+t[ae
... The S.S. = {o , _ t}

...\,_5+7 _6 or *-5-7 - 1

2 2
... The S.S. = {6 ,_ 1}
Before using the general forumla we put the equation on the form :


8 x(x-l)=-z .',8 x2 -B x=-2
.'.8x2-8x+2=0 a=8 I b=-8 t C=2

- -atr[*-+a,
=_= -(-8)+{13t-a"3"2
2a 2x8
a +t[u-e+ s*{o I
= L6
.'. rhe S.S. = {+}
' x2 x-
(multiplying both sides by X2)

2a Zxl 2

,'.'^l-4 G R
.'. The equation : X2 - 4 X+ 5 = 0 has no real solutions
.'. The S.S. = Z
! Remarhs on the previous examples
. ln O : The value of :b2 - 4 a c = 49 )0 and the equation had two solutions which are :

Generally if : b2-4ac>o : then the equation has two different solutions in lR

. ln @ : The value of :b2 - 4 a c= 0 and the equation had one solution which is :
Generally if : b2-4ac=0 r then the equation has a unique solution in IR

. In €) : The value of : b2 - 4 a c - - 4 <0 and the equation had no real solutions

Generally if : b2-4ac<0 r then the equation has no real solutions in lR

Finct in IR the S.S. of each of the following two equations :

BZ X' +l X-4=0 @X' -2 X- 1 =0 tothenearestonedecimaldigit.

Solving an equation of the second degree
Third in one unknown usinq the calculator
The second degree equation in one unknown as :x2+2X= 6 could be solved by using

calculator (the type supports solving equations) as follows :


tf eut the equation in the form : a x2 +b X+ c = 0

'.' X2 +2X=6 :.x2+2X-6=0
@ Cti"t the button
5 *O from the menu select (EQN)
by pressing the opposite key of it.

f,t Choor" the equation which is in the form : a X2 + b X + c = 0

by pressing the opposite key of it.

@ Insert the coefficients of X2 , Xand the absolute term with their

signs respectively by using the key of inserting (p
@ Pr"r, (p, then the first value of Xwill be : - t *F : then press the k"V (E agait t

then we shall get the second value of X which will be , - | -^[7

Using the calculator , findthe S.S. of each of the following two equations in IR :

@x'-g x+ 18 = o x(x-4)=3

Lesso n Two

An application on solving an equation of second degree in one unknown

Exqmple In a javelin r the pathway of the

spear to one of the players follows the
relation y = - 0.008 X2 + 0.56 X + 1.2
where X represents the horizontal
distance which the spear covers
from the point of projection t and y
represents the height of the spear from
the floor surface in metres.
Find the horizontal distance at which the spear falls to the nearest hundredth.

Solution . To find the horizontal distance after which the spear falls r starting from
the point of projection we put y = zero in the given relation r then we get
a quadratic equation of the second degree as follows :

- 0.008 X2 +0.56 X+ 1.2= 0 and by solving it : we get the required distance

.'.a=-0.008 : b=0.56 t c=1.2

The place

illustration figure

-f+ -o.s6r@
2a 2 x (- 0.008)

_ 0.s6 +l ossz
- 0.016

- - 2.Og (refused because the distance should be positive)

o,s6 -1ta3s,
ot X= - -12.08
- 0.016
i.e. The spear will fall at a distance 72.08 metres from the point of projection.

{llv-r' !lv* z} ='S'S el{r @ {s, e}='s'Seqrtr3;

{v'z' v'o-} ='s's "qr @ f)='s'seqrDE
. e -} = 'S'S eql r ;1esrno.{ ,(q me"rq
{1 !t
gestnoi tq fu1p

ng two equations in two variables , one of them is
I Solving
I of tne first degree and the other is of the second degree

The method of solving two equations in two variables r ono of them is of the first degree and
the other is of the second degree r depends on the substituting method.

The following example shows the solution steps :

Exqmplq E Find in IR x IR. the solution set of the following two equations :

I X-y=t , X2+y2=13

From the equation of the first degree we express one of the two
variables in terms of the second variable.

': X-Y=l ... X=7 +y

Substituting in the equation of the second degree we get an equation
ofthe second degree in one variable.

Substitutingby X- 1+ y in the second equation

.'.(1 +y)2+y2=13
.'. 1+2y*y'+y2-13=o
fr:' ne^e-U", *"t
.(a-b)2 =u2-2ab+b2
Solving tlir result equation by factorrzation or by general formula we
get the value of one of the two variables.

'.'Y2+Y-6=0 .'. (Y-2)(Y+ 3)=0

.'. Eithery-2=0 rtheniy=2i or )*3=0 rtheniy=-3 i

Lesson Three

ffi Substituting in the equation of the first degree we get the value of
the other variable.

Aty- 2 ;theni.t=.1.j Note thqt :

andaty=-3 rthenii=-;t
The elements of the S.S. are
ordered pairs.
{(3 t2) t (_2, _3)}

The S.S. =

Find in IR. x IR the S.S. of the following two equations :

y-X=3 , X2+Xy=J
Solution From the first equation :

Note thot :
:.'y-X=3 .'.y=3+X (1)
In this problem : it is easier
Substituting by "y" in the second equation : to express "y" in terms of rrxrr

Substituting in (1)
' iil ,fl

Find in IR x IR the S.S. for each of the two fottowing pairs of equations:

@x -2y =o , X2 -y2 =3

@x*y=1 , X2+Xy*y2=3

Applications on solving two equations in two variables one
of them of first degree and the other of second

ErrEPfT{ The sum of two real numbers is 7 and the difference between their squares is 7

Find the two numbers.

Solution Let the greatest number be X and the smallest be y

'.' Their sum = 7 :. X+y -7 (1)

'.' The difference between their squares is 7

.'. x2 "'y2 =.J (2)

From equation (1) : .'. X=7 -y (3)

Substituting in equatio n (2) : .'. (7 - y)2 - yz = l

.'.49-14y+y2 -y2=J
.'. -74y =7 -49 :. -l4Y =-42 -42
Y= j=s
Substituting in equation (3) : :. \,=7 -3 = 4

The two numbers are 4 and3

*1 The product of two real numbers is 2 : if the grg,.?tgft is a44s_d to

smallest the result wi1lbe 4

Find the two numbers.

Solution Let the smallest number be X and the greatest number be y

:. Xy =) (1)

,y +2 X= 4 (2)

Fromequation (2):y =4-2X (3)

Substituting in (1) : :. X (4 - 2 X) = 2

:. 4 X-2 X2 =2 :.2x2-4x+2=O
.'.x2-2x+1=o .'.(X-!)2=O :.X=l
Substituting in equation (3) : :. y = 2
The two numbers are I andZ

Lesson Three

Exomplq The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 cm. and its area is 20 cm?

I Find its two dimensions.

Solution Let the two dimensions thilt

@ Rem embef
of the rectangle be x cm' . perimeter of the rectangle = (length + width) x 2
and y cm. . Area of the rectangle = length x width
... The perimeter of . Perimeter of the square = side length x 4
Area of the square = side length x itself
rectangle = 24 cm.

.'.2(X+Y)=24 .'.X+Y=12 (1)

'.' The area of the rectangle = 20 cm2. :. XY =)Q (2)

From equation (l) : X- 12 -y (3)

Substituting in equation (2) : .'.(12-y)y =20

:. 12y -y2 =20 :.y2-12y+20=O
.'. (y- 10) (y -2)=0

ory -2=0 :.Y =2
Substituting by the values of y in equation (3) :

.'.Aty=10 :then X=2 Aty-2 tthen X=10

The two dimensions of the rectangle are 10 cm. and 2 cm.

The difference between two positive real numbers is 4 and their product is 12

Find the two numbers.

Z. g'. era sreqrunu olrltr eql@

{(2, t -) o (t -, Z)} =.S.S eqJE
{fi, O. (r- ( Z-)} = .S.S eqJ@ [
gestnol tq fu1p

(o : | ) Y o /6tttt /(ot:l -C:a) ogt-, )t<ldl

Y 33
Algebra ic fractiona I fu nctions
and the operations on them

I Lessons of the unit :
1. S.t of zeroes of a polynomial function.
2, Algebraic fractional function.
3. Equality of two algebraic fractions.
4. Operations on algebraic fractions (Adding and subtracting algebraic fractions)
5. Operations on algebraic fractions (follow) (Multiplying and dividing algebraic

I Unit Objectives:
By the end of this unit, student should be able to :

. Recognize the zero of a polynomialfunction.

. Find the set of zeroes of a polynomial function.
. Recognize the algebraic fractional function.
. Find the domain of the algebraic fractional function.
. Find the common domain of two algebraic fractions or more.
. Reduce the algebraic fraction to the simplest form.
. Prove that two algebraic fractions are equal.
.Add, subtract, multiply and divide algebraic fractions.
. Recognize the additive inverse of the algebraic fraction.
. Recognize the multiplicative inverse of the algebraic fraction.
affi Set of zeroes of a polynomial function

Zero of the function f is the value that makes f (X) = 0

For example:
If the function / : IR ----------> Rwhere f (x)=X3-5X2+6X 1

Then :

.atX=0 rthen/(0)=0 '-5*02+6x0=o

.atX=2 rthen f (2)=2 '-5"22+6x2=8-20+12=0
.atX=3 :then f (3)=3 3-5 * 32+6x3=2J _ 45+ 18=0
i.e. Eachof thenumbersr0'i: i2, r i3'iis called azeto of thefunction/
If / is a polynomial function rn X >then the set of values of X which makes / (X) = 0 is
called the set of zeroes of the function f and is denoted by z (f)
i.e. z (f) is the solution set of the equation f (X) = 0 in R

Notice the difference among f ,f (Xl ,'t (;f';',:,

.f denotes to the function

. f (X) denotes to the rule of the function or the image of X by the function /
. z (f) denotes to the set of zeroes of the function f and it is the solution set of the equation
The following examples show how to get the zeroes of the function :

*1 Find z (k) of each of the polynomial functions defined by the following
rules in IR :
1 k(x) =2x-6 2 k(X) = X2 -3 X-
Lesson One


3 k(x)=8 4 k(x)=0
Solution To get the zeroes of the function k we put k (X) = 0 and solve
the resultant equation.
1 Putting 2X-6=0 .'. x= +
.-. \/-) J
)u= ... z (k) = {3}
2 Pilting x2 -3 x- 10 = 0
.'. X= 5 or X= -2

.'. z (k) = {5 ,-2}

.'. The image of any number by the function k equals 8

.'. There is no number X makes k (X) = 0

.'. The image of any number by the function k equals zero

.'. A11 the real numbers are zeroes of this function i.e. z 1k; = R

Io Remark
From @ and @ i" the previous example , we deduce that :

. If k (X) = a where a elRx : then z (k) = Q

.If k(X)=0:thenz(k)=P

Exqmple Find in IR the set of zeroes of each of the polynomial functions defined
by the following rules :

I f (x)=x2*16 2 k(x)=x2+49

3 g(X) =X2-l0X+25 4 f (x)=x3+7x2-18x

Solution Putting =0
xz - 76 :. X2 = L6
... X=4 or X=-4 :.2(f)= {+ '-+}
Putting X2 + 49 =0 :. X2 = - 49

... \,= *^[4g

, 1F 49 €R
:. Xz + 49 = 0 has no real roots i.e. its solution set in IR = Z
Putting x2-IOX+25=0 :. (x-5)2 =0
. \/_< :.2(il = {s}
Putting X3 +7 x2 -18 X=0 :. x(x2 +7 X- 18) = g
.'. x(x-2) (x + 9) = s .'. X=0 or X=2 or X=-9

:.2(f) = {0 :2,-9}

Find in IR the set of zeroes of each of the polynomial functions defined

by the following rules :

I f (x)=x2-2x-r 2 e6)=x2-3x+7

Solution Putting X2 -2X- I = 0

This equation is difficult to be solved by factorization r therefore we
shall use the general formula.

-r*n[P-+ac t &=l t b=-2 t C=-l

z+ t[aJ z=^[s z+2^[i - .r=
= = =lt,l2
2 Z
;. \,- t +1[i or X= I _alT
... z (f) = {r +t[i, | -1[r]

Lesson One

2 PfitingXz -3 X+7 =0 s'.' z=1 t b =- 3 t c=7

-a* 1frtaas z*tfott zl-afa
2a 2 2

,'.'r/-rq Gm
.'. Thereis no realroots forthe equationX2 -3 X+7 =0
:, z(g)=Q

Find in IR the sd of zeroes of each of the polynomial fundions definecl by

the following rules :

f!rro =x2-2x @ eV) -sr

= x2
Bnrxl=x3+27 @ttxl =x2-8x+t2

- Accuynulative tests.
t, - lrnportant questions.
- Final revision.
- Final examinations.

{g, z} = (r) zB {s -} = (q) z@

{0. o-} =@)z@ {2, o} =$)zE

/ gestnolnqnap f1
Z 2 | o,r.braic fractional function

- Algebraic fractional function

The algebraic fractional function is a function whose rule is in the form of an algebraic
fraction whose numerator and denominator are polynomial functions

Examples for algebraic fractional functions :

. f '. f (X\' =x-3 .n:n (X\= 3

X+2 x-4
.s:s (x\=3x-r .k:k(X)= 2X+5
' l2x (x- r) (x + 4)

-T h e d o m ain of th e alg eb r aic f r s ctio n al f un ctio n


The domain of the algebraic fractional function is all real numbers except the numbers
that make the fraction is undefined (i.e. except the set of zeroes of the denominator)

i.e. The domain of algebraic fractional function = IR i'-')the set of zeroes of the denominatori

For example :
. The domain of / f (x)=#isrR- {-2}
fr:- n"-"^A", *"t
. The domain of n n (x) =*is R- {a} Dividing by zero is meaningless.

. The domain of g s(x). =t-7

R- {o}
. The domain of k k(x)= (x-2X+5
1) (x + 4)
islR- {t,-+}

Lesson Two

If p and k are two polynomial functions r

then the function n where n : IR - z (k) --->R : n (X) =

' 19
where : z (k)is the set of

zeroes of the function k : n is called areal algebraic fractional function or briefly

it is called an algebraic fraction.

Exqmple Determine the domain of each of the following algebraic fractional

function that are defined by the following rules r then find n (0)
1 n(x) = *=*5 2 n(X) =
xr-8 x3-4x2 -t2x
3 n(X)= X2+l 4 n(x)=;+
Solution To determine the domain of the algebraic fractional function r

we put the denominator = zero to know the set of zeroes of the denominator.

1 Byputting :X3-8=0 .'. X3=8 ;. x=l^[d

. v-a

.'. The set of zeroes of the denominato, = {2}

... The domain of n = R - {2}
-1+5 __4
xr-8 g-T=-i-''(-I)= -1-8 9

t n (2) is meaningless becaus e z#the domain of n

2 Byputting : X3 - 4 x2 - 12 X= O

.'. x (xz - 4 x- L2) =g

:. X=0 oI X=-2 or X=6
{0 , - 2 , 6}
.'. The set of zeroes of the denominator =
3 X+2
.'. Thedomain ofn =R- {0 r-2 t6} r'.' n (X) =
x3-4x2 -12x
.'. n (0) is meaningless because0Gthe domain of n
-3+2 __ ,A\ 6+2 8 t
rn(-1)= 1 6

-l-4+12 1 -
8-t6-24 -32 +

(1 ,r)y o/6ttetyl(sr-il-c,,i) ot+;-tp l4lyJf 41


3 '.' The denominator of the function n is a constant

.'. There are no zeroes for the denominator because it equals 3 always.

.'. The domain of n = IR

v2-1 0+1_
:'.'n(X)=T3'33 .'. n(0)=-- -

4 Byputting'.X2+I=0 :. X2 =-1 (whichhasnosolutionsinlR)
.'. There are no zeroes for the denominator
.'. The domain of n = IR
:'.' n(X) = \J- .'. n(0)-
" 0+l -'
:n (- 1) =-+= I =o n(2)=#=?
If the function n : n (X) = ,thedomainofn=R-{5}

Find the value of a where a C IR,

Solution ... The domain of nR- {5}

.'. When X=5 rthen X2-aX+25=0
:.25-5a+25=0 .'.5a=50 .'. a= 10

Ia Remark
The set of zeroes of the algebraic fractional function is the set of values which
makes its numerator equals zero and its denominator does not equal zero.

i.e. The set of zeroes of the algebraic fractional function

- the set of zeroes of the numerator - the set of zeroes of the denominator.
For example:
. If the function n : n (X) = *' x(x + 3)
:'-! r then n (X) =
(x-3) (x+3)
i.e.t z(n) = {0,-3} - {3,-3} = {0}
. Ifthefunctionn : n (X) = ..1*l 6 _ :thenn (X) = 3 (x+2)
Xz + X-2 (x- 1) (x+2)

i.e. z(n)- {-2}-{1, -2} =A

Lesson Two

@ Oetermine the domain of each of the fotlowing algebraic fractional

(t) f (x) = 3X+12 (2) r (x) =
x2 -g
x2 -25 x2 -2 x-8

E ff the domain of the function f : f (X) = +*isrR- {+,-+},

fincl the value of a

@ comptete :rfthe function n : n fx> = #:x'2 -25 rhen z (n) =

The common domain of two algebraic fractions or more

-The common domain of.two algebraic frsctions t

is the set of real numbers that makes the two algebraic fractions identified together
(at the same time)

Assume that we have the two algebraic fractions n, and n, where :

n,(x)- 3
' x-z andn"(n=LJ-,
then the domain of n, (say) ml = IR - {2} (because n, is undefined when X=2)
andthe domain of n, (say) ffi2 =lR- {1 ,- 1} (becausen, is undefinedwhenX= 1or X=-l)
According to that :

The common domain of the two fractions n, and nz=mtnrr,

{2}) n G- {1 ,- 1})
= (rR-
=1fr- {z ,t r- 1}
= IR - the set of zeroes of the two denominators
(becausen, and nzareundefinedtogetherwhen X=2 or X= I or X= - 7)
We Notice that :

For any value of the variable Xthatbelongs to this cofirmon domain : the two fractions n,
and n, are defined together.

If n, and nzare two algebraic fractions r
and the domain of n, = R - X, (where X, is the set of zeroes of the denominator of n1)

and the domain of n, = R - X, (where X, is the set of zeroes of the denominator of n2): then :

The common domain of the two fractions nl and n, = lfr - (X1 U x2)

= IR - the set of zeroes of the two denominators of the two fractions. ,

Then we can generalize the same thing for any number of algebraic fractions :

i.e. The common domain of any number of algebraic fractions

= lfr - the set of zeroes of the denominators of these fractions.

Exqmple Find the common domain of each of the following :

1 n, (x) = *^*' t t :--

rr.> 1x1 = --4=
2 nr(X)= 2X nr(x) 2X+3
) = ry(x) =
x2 -3 x+2
x3 -l
Solution 1 '.' n, (X) = .'. The domain of n, = R - {3 , - 3}
x-3) (x+3)
': nr(x) = X2+5
) .'. The domain of nr- R- {2 ,3}
(x-2) (x-3)
The common domain of the two algebraic fractions n, and n,

=lQ- {3 ,-3 ,2}

.'. The domain of n, - IR - {- 1}

t '.' n2(X) = .'. The domain of n, - IR - {1}

, .'. The domain of n, - IR - {z,t}
The common domain of the algebraic fractions n1 t n2and n^ -1


Find the common domain of each of the following :

@n1 (x)= x-5 , fr2 6\ =
^-:; ^.
Dln,(X\=3 ,.
5x r L1y1=--!t- '; fl3(x)=
,. fi"(X\=x-5
xr-zx rz_4

{z-, z, o} -U@ {r, s} -uOE

gt =n@

{v, z-} -U - rJo uleruop eqJ (z) {E, s -} - Ul = / Jo uleruop eqJ (I)
O tr
llestnort nq i4 p f,
Equality of two fractions



Before studying the equality of two algebraic fractions : we will learn how to reduce the
algebraic fraction.

Reducing the algebraic fraction

Reducing the algebraic fraction is to put it in the simplest form.

It is said that the algebraic fraction is in its simplest form if there are no cofllmon factors
between its numerator and denominator.

For example :

. The following algebraic fractions are in the simplest form :

x-L x2 X2+2X-l
x+l ' x\t )
because r there are no common factors between the numerator and the denominator of
each of them.

. The following algebraic fractions are not in the simplest form :

x Xz+I x2ex-I)
x(x.D ' x1x+U ' f
because : there is a common factor between the numerator and denominator of each of

How to reduce the algebraic fraction

To reduce the algebraic fraction , we do as follows :

Factorize each of the numerator and denominator perfectly.
Identify the domain of the algebraic fraction before removing the common
factors between the numerator and denominator.
Remove the common factors between the numerator and denominator
to get the simplest form of the algebraic fraction.

and the following examples will illustrate the previous steps :

Exqmple Reduce each of the following algebraic fractions and mention the
domain of each one :

1n,(X)= 2X+4
+2 x2 -35 X
2 nr(X) = x3
x3 -25 X

Solution 1 '.' n, (X) = 2(X+2)

(x-2) (x+2)
.'. The domain of n, = R - {2 ,,-2}
Removing (X + 2) from the numerator and the denominator :

.'. n. (x) ' =-x-2
" h ,^A X(X2+2X-35) _ X(X+7)(X-5)
x(x2-25) x(x+5)(x-5)

.'. Thedomainof n,=R-{0 r-5,5}

Removing X (X - 5) from the numerator and denominator :

... n^ (x) -
' X+5

Reduce the following two algebraic fractions to the simplest form ancl
mention the domain of each of them :
x2 -g x3 -g
@n1 (x) = X2+4X+3 @nr(x) =

Lesson Three

Equality of two algebraic fractions

If n' : n2 are two algebraic fractions where : n, (X) = 3 t n2 (X) = 3X
The question : is n, = n1 ? The answer is : no

because : n, (X) = 3 for all real values of X

.but: nr(X)=3 ifX*0

tn2(X) is undefined if X = 0

nr(X) = n1 (X) X*0 if

,n2(X)*nr(X) ifX=0

It is said that the two algebraic fractions n, and n2 are equal (i.e. n, = nr)
if the two following conditions are satisfied together :

@fne domain of n, = the domain of n,

E r, (X) = nz(X) for each Xe the common domain.

Exom In each of the following : If n, and n, are two algebraic fractions ,
1 n,(x) =ffi t n2(x)=
X2 + X-6
2 nr(X) = x2 > n2(X) =
x2 -2 x- t5
x+2 -3 Xr.4X+5
n2lX)= x2-3x+2
3 n, (X) =ffi t x3-4x2+4x
Solution 1 '.'n, 1Y1= x(x-5)
' (x-2) (x- s)

.'. The domain of n, = R - {2 , 5} r n1 (X) = x-2 (1)

.'. The domain of n, = R - {2 , 5} t n2(D = x-2 (2)

From (1) and 1Z; : i'.:.'ni ;i;


Although the domain of n, = the domain of rg

n,00 +nr(X)

z ...n, (x)
' _6+3)(x-2)
(x- D 6-2)
.'. The domain of n, = R - { ,2j , nl (x\ = x-l
1 (1)

(x- 5) (x+ 3)
, ...
z _
(x- 5) (x- 1)

.'. The domain of nr- R - {5 , 1] t n2(X) =
x-I (2)

Although n, (X) =nz(X) in the simplest form

but the domain of n, # the domain of n,

3 '.'n, (x). = xz (X_Z)
.'.Thedomainofnr=R-{0,2} : n1(X)' =J;I^ (1)
) _ (x- 1) (x-2) _ (x-l) (x-2)
- x(x2 4 x+ 4)- - x(x-ry
.'. Thedomain of nr-R-{0,2} t n2(X)=
L (2)
From (1) and (2) i-r';1 = n, I
' \""
"."""" "" "." ""","""-._,,

because : The domain of n, = the domain of n, and n, (X) = n2(X)

Let n, andn be two algebraic fractions where their domains are m, and m,

If we could reduce n, (X) and n, (X) to the same fraction : it is said that n, and n,
take the same values in the common domain m, ll m,

Lesson Three

Ifn,(x) =W t n2(x)=
X2 + l0 X+21
X2 + 4 X-ZI
Prove that :

n, (X) = nr(D for all the values of X which belong to the corlmon
domain and find this domain.

... n, (X)
' = !-\!=.?!
x (x-3)=++where
the domain of n, = R- {0 ,3}

' ' = *)29)2

, bL (D
(x+7) (x-3) = ++where
x-3 the domain of n, - R- {- 7, 3}

:. n1 (D = nz (D for all the values of X which belong to the coflrmon

domain of the two functions n, and n, which is IR - {O , f , - 7}
By another meaning :

R - {0 t3 t - 7} is the coflrmon domain in which frr= flz

In each of the following , if n, dnd n, are two algebraic fractions ,


Er, (n=# t n2(x)= 2X3+4X


8,, (x)=#*+ , n2(x)= x2-3x

zu;o ureruop eql Iugo ureruop eqJ

: esneceq,oN@

(x)zu = (x) ru,,

zu Iu go
yo uruurop eqtr - ureuop or{I
: esneceq , se1
{o} -U
Jo ureruop ew, (x)zo@
* =

{e -, 1 -} -U = IuJo ureulop "t$, X= (1) IuOII

gestnol Aq fug p
(v : f ) Y e /6stxt Y/(qll .Cri) or1;!, 114ld, 49
Operations on fractions

Adding and subtracting the algebraic fractions :

Adding and subtracting two algebraic fractions are similar to adding and subtracting two
fractional numbers r therefore , it is useful to remember how to add and subtract two
fractional numbers.

Adding and subtracting two fractions having the same denominator :

.I I (where b * 0)
_3 *24 i -2-4 -6
' -' ----"'r'-- 5 5 _2+I -5
77 tt

Adding and subtracting two fractions having different denominators :

AC ad+cb .i ad-cb

h'd- (where bd * 0) (where bd + 0)

) *z:lx7+2x5
' 5xi -7+10 17
= 35 = 35
- I /-3\
-4-\s/- I x5-(-3)x 4 _5-(-lD_5+12_-20
-= 4aa 20 20
By the same way we can carry out the operations of adding and subtracting two algebraic
fractions of the same denominator and those of different denominators as follows :

Lesson Four
Adding and subtracting two algebraic fractions having the same denominator:
If xCthe common domain of the two algebraic fractions n, and n, where

n, (x) =fl$ r then :

. n, (x) + nr(x) =ffi+ ilfr = IgWP

.n,(x) -nr(x)=ffi =il\dP
For example: "*fr
rf n, (x) = n, (x) =
* and
#r then :

. n, (x) + nr(x) =
*. #=ry* ='++
where the domain of the sum is R - {2}
. n1 (x) - nr(x) = X-X+L
*- #=Lf) = x-2

where the domain of the result is R - {2}
Adding and subtracting two algebraic fractions having different denominators :

If xCthe common domain of the two algebraic fractions n, and n, where

nr(x) =
#and n, (x) =t3 r then :

+p (x) xr(x)
' n, (x) + nr(x) =fr(X) !?- / (x) xk(x)
tP^. |k(X) r(X)xk(X)
f :!!
' n, (x) -nr(x) = r (x) -+g)- / (x) xk(x)-p (x) xr(x)
k (x) r (x) (x) I-k
For example:

If n, (x) = *and,nr(x) = #r then :

5 3 s (x+2) +3 (x-3) 5X+10+3X-9 8X+l
(x-3) (x+2) (x-3) (x+2)
where the domain of the sum is R - {3 , - Z}
which is the common domain of the two algebraic fractions n, and n,

. n, (x) - nr(x) =
* #=#ffi =Tffiff
- =
(x-3) (x+2)
where the domain of the result is IR - {3 , - 2}
which is the common domain of the two algebraic fractions n, and n,


The steps of adding or subtracting two algebraic fractions :

Arrange the terms of each of the numerator and denominator of each fraction
descendingly or ascendingly according to the powers of any symbol in it.
Factorize the numerator and the denominator of each fraction if possible.
Find the common domain which willbe the domain of the result.
Reduce each fraction separately to make the operations of addition or subtraction easier.

Unify the denominators.

Perform the operations of addition or subtraction of the terms of the numerators.

Put the final result in the simplest form if possible.

In each of the following , find n (X) in the simplest form showing the
domain of n

T2+3x +X"-4X-5
1n(X)=X'+4X+3 .X-5

2n(X)=a-)- x-3
X'-X X2 +6-5 X

...n (x\= X2+3x + .x-5

X"+4X+3 X"-4X-5
.'. n (X) =
X(x+ 3) x-5 (Factorization)
(x+3) (x+ 1) (X-s)(x+ 1)

.'. The domain of n =R- {- 3 t - t, 5} {nin0ing the con}mon domain)

...n(x)=#.# (Reducing each fraction separately)

.'. n (X) =ffi= | (Addition operation and simplifying the result)

. !r\/!r- x-l
. ll l4 r
x-3 =---;-
X2_X X2+6_5X


.'. The domain of n = R- {0 t I t2, 3} {finaing the common domain)

...n(x)=*-# (Reducing each fraction separately)

x-2-x (Unifying the denominators)

=-x(x-2) (Subtraction operation)

Lesson Fou r

Find n (X) in its simplest form showing the domain of n :

x- to *x2 -?x- ts
I n &\=2X"-2X-12
2 t(X\- X+l
=-a-' 4X-7
x2-2x-3 zx2-i x+3

Solution 1 '.'n(X)= 10 (x- 1) . x2-zx-t5

2(x2 -x-6)
10 (x- (x- s) (x+ 3)
2(x-3) (x+2) (x-3) (x+3)
.'. Thedomainof n=R-{3 t-3 t-2j
'.' L.C.M of the two denominators = (X-3) (X +2)

. ^ /\,\ _5 (X- 1) + (X- 5) (X+2) _5 X-5 + X2 -3 X-LO

(x-3) (x+2) (x-3) (x+2)
_ X2 +2 X- L5 _ (X+ 5) (X-3) _ X+ 5
(x-3) (x+2) (x-3) (x+2) x+2
2 '.'n(X)= (x-3) 4 X-7
(x+ 1) (2x- 1) (x-3)
.'. The domain ofn =R- {3 r- t,
.'.n(x)=-1 4X-7
x-3- (2x-1)(x-3)
'.' L.C.M of the denominators is (X -3) (2 X- 1)

... n(X) -Qx-r)-(4x-i)

(x-3)(2x-t) -2X-r-4X+7
(x-3) (2x-t)
-2X+6 -2 (x-3) -2
(x-3) (2 x- t) (x-3) (2 x- t) 2 x- L

In each of the following , ftnd n (X) in the simplest form showing the
domain of n :
-x-3 *Xt^-x
n(X)=x'-2x-3 n X+4
(x) -ir+x-tz-7-sx+6 1

The properties of the operations of the addition
and subtraction of the algebraic fractions :
!l Co*-otation. @Association.
@Zero is the additive neutral (additive identity) of any algebraicfraction.
@ fn" additive inverse of any algebraic fraction is available.
i.e. The additive inverse of the algebraic fracrion ,
fl# ,r - f,# , t# * +&
The domain of the algebraic fraction is the same domain of its additive inverse.

Note that : Subtraction operation ofalgebraic fractions has no property ofthe previous properties.

If n is an algebraic liaction where : n (X), =*^1.{'!

Find in the simplest form the additive inverse of n showing its domain.
Solution '.'n(x)=*'}'f
' x"-4 x(x+2)
.'. Thedomainof n=R-{2 ,-2} tn(X)=#
.'. The additive inverse of the fraction n is : -
# ,;3", f *

**1 I Its domain = the domain of n = lfr - {Z - Z}


Find n (X) in the simplest form showing the domain of n if :

n (x)
x'-4 +=+--:then
=?4*! 2x-x' l-ind n (l) and n (-2)

Solution n(xt=u/ffi.=A4
-] 2(x+2) (Notice the change of the sign)
(x-2) (x+2) x(x-2)
n=R-{2 t-2 t0}
.'. Thedomainof
tn(x)=V!1-i== *-
.'. n (1) =
*,= - L s n (_ z)is undefined because -2#*re domain of n

Fincl n (x) in the simplest form showing the clomain of n where :

n(X)= -3x-15 _ x2_g*x2
x2_ 8x+15

{t-, E., E}-U-uJouleluopeql6 I - $)"A

{2, g, t-}-U=uJoururuopeqr, !--1=(x)u@{r ( E( t_}-U-uJour€uopeql.I=(x)"Olt
t gestnol nq tu1 p


Multiplying and dividing the algebraic fractions :

ffi fUuttiplying the algebraic fractions :

Multiplying two algebraic fractions is similar to multiplying two fractional numbers r therefore it
is better to remember together how to multiply two fractional numbers.

B Rem ember that

f r; = ffi (where bd * o)

For example:
5 _2x5 _ I0
7 - 3x7- 2'l - l- 3 - r-3x1-
.4,{4"5-4"5-4x5-20 3

. The following shows how to multiply two algebraic fractions :

- Multiplging tw o algebr aic fr actions

If X e the cofilmon domain of the two algebraic fractions n, and n, where :

n, (x\' = f (nr 1Y',/ -P

r(n k(x)

, then : i n, (x) x n,z'(X) = f \,2 *PJD= / !? "l !?

r(x) k(x) r()Qxk()Q

For example:

Itnr(x)=rt t n2(X)= *-rL ,

then n, (X) x nr(X) =f," *
=ffi Notice thqt :
The domain of the product is
where the domain of the product - lR - {O , t } the common domain of the two
algebraic fractions before reduction.
:n1 (X) xnr(X)=*

The steps of multiplying the algebraic fractions :

Arrange the terms of each of the numerator and the denominator of each fraction alone
descendingly or ascendingly according to the powers of any symbol in it.

Factofize the numerator and the denominator of each fraction alone if it is possible.
Find the common domain.

Remove the common factors between the numerator and the denominator of each fraction
and between the numerator of a fraction and the denominator of another fraction.

Perform the operation of multiplication and put the result in the simplest form.

**l Find n (X) in the simplest form showing the domain of n

-^,^.\ x2 +5 x .. x2 -1 x+lo

Solution ...n(X) _ x(x+5) x(J-s)(x-z)

(x+3) (x-2) (x- s) (x+ 5)

.'. Thedomainof n=R-{-3 t2 t5 r-5}
By removing the cofllmon factors : .'. n (X) =#

Find n (x) in the simplest form showing the domain of n :

n(x) = *-'-* ,x\^-a

x2 +2x" x2 * |

Lesson Five

The properties of the operation of multiplying the algebraic fractions :

tl Co**utation.
@ One is the multiplicative neutral (the multiplicative identity).

@ nristing the multiplicative inverses.

I ffr" multiplicative inverse of the atgebraic fraction :

If n is an algebraic fraction where n (X) = *O
1wheren 1(X)
rthennhas amultiplicativeinversewhichisthe algebraicfractionn =ftfr
and the domain of n 1 is IR - the set of zeroes of each of the numerator and the denominator

of any of the two fractions.

For example:
Note thqt :
rf n (x) =# , rhen n-1 (x) =# n
(X) and n (X) each of them is the
reciprocal of the other
where the domain of n = R - {5} i.e. the numerator of each of them is
and the domain of n 1 =lR- {5 r- 1} a denominator for the other.

Exqmple lfng1l=x'-4-x'-5x
1 Find : n 1 1x; and state the domain of n- 1

2 Find: n 1 (- 1)
3 Ifn 1 (X) ={, nrAthevalueofX

Solution ..,-,^,, x(x2 -4 x- 5)=x(x-5) (x+ 1)

"'n(r)= (x-5)(x+, 1x-sy1x*1
.'. Thedomainof n 1=1fr-{O rS r- 1 ,-5}

,n-1 (x)=ffi,
- x(x+ t)
., n 1 (- 1) is undefined because - l#the domain of n-

(A : r ) Y o /6ttelYl(olil - C:&) ol+;lr-., )|{ldl 57


X+5 _l
3 '.'n1W)=+ ". x(x+1)- 3

.'.x(x + 1) = 3 (x+ 5) .'. X2 + X=3 X+ 15

:.x2-2x-15=o :. (x-5)(x+ 3)=0
\,- 5 refused because 5S.the domain of n-l
or X=-3
Complete the following :

E rrn (x) = x-8

x then the domain of n-l is..........
x-5 r thenn 114;=
Errn(x)= X+3
B Iin (x) = 2X-4 r then n-t 7-21=

fl Oiviaing an algebraic fraction by another:

Dividing two algebraic fractions is similar to dividing two fractional numbers: therefore it is
better to remember together how to divide two fractional numbers.

-@ Rem ember that

are two fractional numbers tb + Oand * 0
r then
*. ; = # * the multiplicative inverse of the number ; = #, 4 1*h"." bd + 0)
For example:
.l 3_l _5_5 .5.-r5-Z'ut-
[ - -]
4'5-4"3-t2 4 - Xz^ -ksz- Z
Regarding that the multiplicative inyerses of the algebraic fractions exist
r then the operation of division is possible and it is defined as follows :

- Dividing an alg ebr aic fr action bg another-,

If n, and n2,Ifetwo algebraic fractions *t
W ,"."
: n, (X) = nr (X)=
:then:' n, (X) +nr(X) /^.\ -.
/^,\= ,-nl (X) -1 ,^,' .f
,n2-'(X)=i6 (x) k(x)
where the domain of n, + n2= the coflrmon domain of each of n, and njl
= lfr - the set of zeroes of denominator of n, or denominator of n2 or numerator of n,
- lR- (, (r)U z (p) U , (k))

Lesson Five
For example:


If n, (X) =
x-l ,flz (x) x-1
(x) x r 2X --Y X-4
x-l 'x-l- - Y.-1 " 2X 2'
then n, + nr(X) =

Find n (X) in the simplest form showing the domain of n :

n(x) _x2_ 7x+10 * _x'-8

x2-4x-5 x2 +2x+4
: then find n (2) and n (3) if it is possible.

Solution ... nrr r.1r\

[-/\, t -
(x-2) (x- 5) . (X-2) (x2 + 2 x + 4)
'-- (X-r(x+1)' Xz +2X+4
.'. Thedomainof n=R-{5 t-t 12}


t n (2) is undefined because ZS.tne domain of n

:n(3) =+T=+

Find n (X) in the simplest form showing the domain of n :

I'-t .x2-+2xi4
n(x\=Xz+X-6' 3X+9

{t -, z}- EI = u Jo ureruop eLrt c E= (x) u

r_u Jo
ule{rrop eW# Z - : osneceq 6 peurJepun

L-(e {s, o} -u0E

{t -, t o z-, o}-UI=uJoule.,,op ,*,7*=(r)utt
gestnol lq fu1p


c $

;o\ o
E-: al
I Lessons of the unit :

1, Op"rutions on events : lntersection and union of two events.

2. Operations on events (follow) :

Complementary event and the difference between two events.

I unit objectives:
By the end of this unit, student should be able to :

. Remember what have been studied on calculating the probability.

. Calculate the probability of occurring two events together in the same

sample space (lntersection of two events)

. Recognize the mutually exclusive events.

.Calculatethe probabilityof occurring one of two events at least in the same

sample space (Union of two events)

. Recognize the complementary event.

. Calculate the probability of non occurrence of an event (Complementary


. Calculate the probability of occurrence of an event and non occurrence of

another event in the same sample space
(Difference between two events)
? il | or.rations on events

Before studying the operations on events I we shall remember some main concepts which
we have studied before in probability.

I ffr" random experiment:

It is an experiment in which we can specify all its possible outcomes before performing
it, but we cannot determine which outcome will occur certainly.

B rfre sample space (S) :

It is the set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment.

The event:
is a subset of the sample space.

!l fn" probability of occurrence of the event :

' lt is said that an event occurred if the outcome of the random experiment is an
element of this event.
. We can calculate the probability of an event (say A)from the relation :

D/ a\ _ The number of elements of the event A _ n (A)

The number of elements of the sample spaces n (S)

Lesson One
For example:
In the experiment of rolling a fair die once and observing the number appears on the upper
face , if S is the sample space of the experiment and A is the event of getting an even
numberrthen,s={I ;2 t3 t4 t5,6} : n(S)=S r A= {Z r+ re} : n(A)=l
:thenP(A)=# = * = * (r*.Theprobabilityof occuningtheevent O= +)
Io Remarks
.0 < the probability of any event < 1
. Probability can be written as a fraction or percentage.

The following figure shows the possibility of occurring an event due to the value of its
lmpossible Less Equally likely More Certain
event likely as unlikely likely event

o I I 3 I
4 2 4
@ @ @ @ @
Operations on events
Since the event is a subset of the sample space (S) r then we can carry out on events the
same operations which we cirrry out on sets such as intersection : union , complementary t
the difference regardingthat the universal set of these events is the sample space. Also we
can represent these events by Venn diagrams.

lntersection of two events

For any two events A and B of a sample space S :

The event of occuring the two events A and B together = A 0 B

The probability of occurring the two events A and B together

n (s)

In the experiment of rolling fair die once and observing the number
appears on the upper face s if A is the event of getting an even number I
B is the event of getting a prime number and C is the event of getting
an odd prime number 2 find using Venn diagram :

1 The probability of occurring the two events A and B together.

2 The probability of occur:ring the two events B and C together.
3 The probability of occurring the two events A and C together.

I tZ t3 t4 t5 t6j
The sample space (S) = {
:n(S)=6tA={2t4r6}tB= {z,z,s}
1 '.' The event of occurring A and B together = A l"l n =
.'. The probability of occurring A and B together = p (A l^l B)

_n(AOs)_- t
n(S) 6

2'.' The eventof occurring B and C together = B n g = {:, 5}

.'. n(B )C)=Z
.'. The probability of occurring B and C together = P (B O C)

_nGnC) =Z=L
n(S) - 6- 3
3'.' The event of occurringAand C together =A 0 C = A
Because A and C are two separate sets or distant sets
.'. n(AlC)-zero
.'. The probability of occurring A and C together = P (A 0 C)

_ n (A1] c) r"ll
n(s) = 6
= zero

Ia Remarks
From the previous example we notice that :

O C C B therefore B 0
C = C : then we deduce that :
The probability of occurring the two events B and C together

= the probability of occurring the event C
n (S)
O a n C = A therefore it is said that the two events
A and C are two mutually exclusive events

Mutually exclusive events
. It is said that the two events A and B are mutually exclusive if
AnB =A tthenP(A0B)=O
i.e. The probability of their occurring together = the probability of the impossible event = 0
. It is said that some events are mutually exclusive if every pair
of them is mutually exclusive.

Lesson One

Forexample:IfA0 B = A t B0 C = A t A)C=g

r then the events A , B and C are mutually

exclusive. ooo
In an experiment of drawing a card randomly from 9 identical cards numbered
from 1 to 9 t if A is the event that the drawn card is numbered by an even number
and B is the event that the drawn card is numbered by a number less than 7
Fincl the probabilW of occurring the two events A ancl B together.

i Union of two events

'._) s
I For any two events A and B of a sample space (S) : I A
^ B

| , t... one of them at leasr occurs) = A U B. then : L--+-
(au n)
I ff," probability of occurring the event A or the event B or both of them

i.e. The probability of occurring one of them at least = p (A U B) =


Exomple In the experiment of drawing one card randomly from 10 identical

cards mixed very well and numbered from 1 to 10 : if A is the event
that the drawn card carries an eyen number r B is the event that the
drawn card carries a prime number and C is the event that the drawn
card carries a number divisible by 4 s find using Venn diagram :

1 The probability of occurring the event A or B

) The probability of occurring the event B or C

3 The probability of occurring the eventA or C

Solution '.' S- {t,Z.t3 ;4,5 t6 tJ t8r9 r 10}

I ,A={2t4t6r8r10}
I ,B={21315r7}:C={+,S}

(1 : r ) Y o /6ttttYl(oliJ - cri) -r.;-q, 114IYJ| 65


L '.' The event of occurring the event A or B

=AU g={2 t3 t4 t5 t6:7:8 r 10}

.'. n(AUe;=3
.'. The probability of occurring the event A or B

n(S) -=L=+
=p(AUn;=n(AUB) 10 - 5
2 '.'Theeventof occuningtheeventB orC=B U C={2 t3 t4 t5 ,7 ,8}
.'. The probability of occurring B or C = P (B U C; =
T3" = * = 3
3 '.'Theeventof occurringtheeventAorC=AU C={2 t4 t6:8 ,10}
.'. The probability of occurringAor C = P (A U C; = _5_1
- t0- 2
Notice that : C CA i.e.A U C =A
: so w€ can say that : P (A u C) = P (A) =
In the opposite Venn diagram : S

IfA : B and C are three events from the

sample space S of a random experiment I find :

1 P(AuB) , P(A)+P(B)-P(AnB)
What do you notice ?

2 P (A u C) , P (A) + P (C) What do you notice ?

S={1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 tJ r8 r9 r10} .'.n(S)=19

r ...A = {2 ,4 t6 t8 ,10} .'.n(A)=J
:'..B={21315r1.} .'. n(B)=4
...c-{l ,q} .'.n(C)=2
P(c) 2 _l
=+3= 10-5
Lesson One

1'.'AUB= {Z rZ t4 t5 t6 >J r8,10} .'. n(AUnl=3

n(s) -=L=+
10 - 5

:'.'At'-t s={21 .'.n(A0n;=1

.'.P(A0n) =n(A,?B)=,t
n (S) 10

.'.P(A)+P(B)-P(A0n;= +.?--l=+=+ Q)

From (1) and (2)we notice trrat :

i p ia U Btf p (A, ; p iBt- p iA B) i

2 ... AU C={2 t3 t4,6 r8 :9, 10} .'. n(AUcl=7

.'. P(AUc;=*3'= # (1)

,...p(A)+p(c)= +.+=# e)
From (1) and (2) we notice tr,ut i r la U aj = p aAt;r ict
' i

. From the previous example we can deduce the following rule :

. For any two events from the sample S

space S of a random experiment :

i P(AU n; =P(A) +P(B) -P(A n B)

. If A and B are two mutually exclusive events r then

: S

P(AnB)=zero rthen:
I P(AUnl=P(A)+P(B)

If A and B are two events from the sample space S I P (A) = Q.3
and P (B) = 0.2 find :

1 P(AUe)irP(AnB)=0.1
2 P (A U g) if A and B are two mutually exclusive events.

3 P(A0e)ffP(AuB)=0.3

Solution 1 P(AU n; =P(A) + P(B)-p(40 B) =0.3 +0.2-0.1 =0.4

'.' A and B are two mutually exclusive events

.'. P (AU n; = P (A) + P (B) = 0.3 + 0.2 = 0.5

'.' P (A U n) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A n B)

.'.0.3=0.3 + 0.2-P (AnB) .'.0.3 =0.5-P(AnB)
.'. P (A I n; = 0.5 -0.3 = 0.2

If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment :

P (A) = 0.8, P (B) = 0.7 rP(A n n; = 9.6

Fincl the probabiliV of occurring the event A orB


ffi on events (Followl


, then the probability of non occurrence of the event A = p fAi = " !{j]
n (s) .,

For example:
. In the experiment of drawing one card randomly from 7 cards which are identical and numbered

by the numbers from 1 to 7 and observing the written number on it.

If Ais the event of getting aprime number r then A= {2 t3 ,5 t7} s
.'. A = {t , + r 6} is the complementary event of the eventA
It represents the event of non occurring the event A
Sincen(A)=4 , n(A) =3 t n(S)=7,
then the probability of occurring the event A = P (A) = ' !*] = 4
\,.,r_n(S)_ 7

n (A)
and the probability of non occurring the event A = P (A) = =
- 3
n(S) 7


o Remarks
For any event A of the sample space S it will be :
Oa n i=o
i.e. The two events A and A ur. two mutually exclusive events
i.e. Occuring one of them prevents the occurring of the other : then P (A n A) = ,"ro
i.e. The union of any event and the complementary event of it = the set of sample space S :
then P fa U Al = P (A) + P (A) = P (S) = 1
Note thot :
From that we deduce that :
P(A)= -P(A), P(A) = 1 -P(A)

1 n (S)

If A and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment :

P(A) =
f ,r(An B) =
fi andP(AU B) = + Find :

L The probability of non occuffence the event A 2 P (Bt)

Solution I The probability of non occuffence the event n = P (A)

+ t-!=1
.'.P(A)=1-P(A)= -66
2'.' P (A U n; = P(A) + P (B) -P (An B)
"g 6'-\"' 18 * *# - +=*
.'. P(B) = = +
"P(B-)=1-P(B) .'.P(B)=l-i=;
40 pupils in a school participated in the sports activities
in the school. If 25 pupils participated in football team
: 10 pupils participated in basketball team :4 pupils in
the two teams together and the rest in other teams.
If a pupil is chosen randomly from those pupils. tal -
Find using Venn diagram the probability that
The pupil is participating in football team.

2 The pupil is not participating in football team.

3 The pupil is participating in the two teams together.
4 The pupil is participating in the football team or basketball team.

Lesson Two
Assuming that :A is the event that the pupil is S

participating in football team r B is the event that

the pupil is participating in basketball team and
S is the sample space of this experiment.

.'. n (A) =25 tn (B) = 10 :n (S) =40

I The probability that the pupil is participating in football team

n (A)
_r \rrl n(S)_ 40 =1
=p(A)=--r--r=21 _ g

2 The probability that the pupil is not participating in football team

Another solution : '.' n (A) =25 .'. n (A) = 40 -25 = 15

.'. The probability that the pupil is not participating in football team

-r \rr,' n(S)-40 --
'.' The event that the pupil is partielpattng in the two teams
.'. n (A 0 n;
= The number of pupils who are participating in the two
teams together = 4
.'. The probability that the pupil is participating in the two teams

L \LL, ,v)
n (S)
- 40 - l0
'.' The event that the pupil is participating in football team or
r'.'n(AUn;=21 +6+4=37
.'. The probability that the pupil is participating in football team or
basketball team = P (A U gy ='(AU
n (S)

Another solution :
.'. P (A U n; = P (A) + P (B) - P (A n B) = 5 1 1_31
If A and B are two events of the sample space (S) of a random experiment :
P (A) = 0.5 r P (Bt) = 0.7 and P (A O g) = O.t

rina:@ r 6; @ptaUel

The difference between two events
If A and B are two events of a sample space S then :

. The event of occurrence A and non occurrence B B A

1i.e. The event of occurrence A only) = A -B

: then the probability of occuffence the event A and non occulrence
(1;.8) (B-A) (A-B)
the event B = p (A- B)' ='
. The event of occurrence B and non occurrence A

1i.e. The event of occurrence B only) = B -A

: then the probability of occurrence the event B and non occuffence the event A

n (S)

In the experiment of rolling a fair die once and observing the o- ---
number on the upper face.If Ais the event of getting an even

number and B is the event of getting a number less than 5

Find using Venn diagram :

1 The probability of occurring the event A only.

2 The probability of occurring the event B only.
Solution '.' g =
{t ,Z t3 t4 ,5 ,6}
.'. n(S)=S
{2,+,6} ,g = {4 ,3,2,t}
I The event of occurrence A only = the event of occurrence A and non
occulrenceB=A-B = {6}
.'. The probability of occulence of A only - P (A - e; = 1142
n(S) -= 6

2 Theevent of occurrence B only = the event of occurrence B and

non occurrenceA- B -4= {: , t}
.'. n(B -A)=2
.'. The probability of occurrence B only =
Lesson Two
A class contains 45 pupils, 20 pupils of them like reading police novels and
15 pupils of them like reading romantic novels and 5 pupils of them like
reading the two kinds of novels. If a pupil is chosen randomly from the class.

Calculate the probability that the pupil :

1 likes reading police novels. 2 likes reading police novels only.

3 does not like readigg the police novels.

4 likes reading the two kinds together.

Assuming that : A is the event that the pupil

likes reading police novels and B is the event
that the pupil likes reading romantic novels
and S is the sample space.

.'. n (A) =20 ;n (B) = 15 :n (S) =45

The probability that the pupil likes reading police novels

The probability that the pupil likes reading police novels only

y,_ _45_3
The probability that the pupil does not like reading the police novels

=P(A)=1-P(A)= r-+=+
The probability that the pupil likes reading the two kinds together

=P(Aln;=tl4!el- s- 1

n(S) - 45* 9

If A and B are two events of a sample space (S) of a random experiment r then
.(A-B)u(Ale;=4 S

i.e. r (A- B) + P (A n B) = P (A)
and from it :P (A- B) = P (A) -P (A n B)
Also: (B-A) (AnB) (A-B)
.(B-A)u(AnB)=B i.e. P (B -A) + P (A n B) = p (B)
and from it :P (B -A) = P (B) - P (A n B)

(\. : r ) Yo /6tttt Y/(olil *Cr,) or*;r* I4lyCl 73

Exqmple If A and B are two events of the sample space (S) of a random experiment
where P(A-B)=0.3 : P(B-A)= frandP(AnB)=+ Find:
I The probability of non occunence of A
2 The probability of occurrence A or B or both of them.

1'.' P(A-B)=0.3,P(An B)= +
.'. P (A) = P (A- B) + P (A n B)
.'. The probability of non occuffence A = P (A)

2'.' P(B) =P(B -A) +P(An B)
_4 I

.'. The probability of occurrence the event A or B or both of them

=P (AU E; = P (A) + P (B) -P (AN B)

-15'2 30-5
Ia Remarks
O If e and B are two mutually exclusive events of the sample space (S) r then :

.A*B =A

i.e. P(A-B)=P(A) S

.B-A=B i.e. P(B-A)=P(B)

€) tf e and B are two events of the sample space (S) and A C B : then :
.A-B=A S

. P (A - B) = P (o) =" (::q) = zero

' n(s)

ExompQ If A and B are two mutually exclusive events of a sample space of

arandomexperiment :P(A-B) = | andP(AU B) = + Find:
1 P (A) 2 P(B-)
3 The probability of non occurrence both of the two events together.

Lesson Two

'.' A and B are two mutually exclusive events.

.'. P(A-B)=P(A)= +
'.' A and B are two mutually exclusive events.

.'.P(AUn;=P(A)+P(B) .'.
+=f +r@)
...P(B)=+- +=h .'. P(B-) = I -P(B) = I - rt = fr
3 '.' A and B are two mutually exclusive events.

.'. P(AOB)-zero
.'. The probability of non occulrence both of the two events together

=p(A11 n) = 1 - p(A0 n; = 1 -0= 1

If A and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment :

P(A)=;, pG) =f; andp(AnB) =+ Find :

1 The probability of occurrence one of the two events at least.

2 The probability of non occurrence any of the two events.

3 The probability of occurrence one of the two events and non occuffence

of the other.

1" The probability of occumence one of the

two events at least CD
Occurrence one of
=P (AU n; = P (A) + P(B) -P (A n B)
the two events at least

2 The probability of non occulrence any of the

two events

=P(AUs)=1-P(AUB) Non occurrence any

,21 of the two events
-, -1


3 The probability of occurrence one of the S

two events and non occuffence of the other

:'.' P (A-B) =P(A)-P(Al n; = 59 - !=
9- !9 Occurrence one of
the two events and
non occurrence of
, P (B -A) = P (B) - P (A n B) = ? - + = + the other
.'. The probability of occurrence one of the two

events and non occulTence ofthe other =

* '915 9

Aclass contains 40 students.30 students ofthem succeeded in mathematics and
24 students succeeded in science and20 students succeeded in both of the two


If a student is chosen randomly. Find the probabil@ that the chosen student :

3-l Su".""ded in mathematics.

[2 Su""eeded in science only.

[3] Su..""ded in one of the two examinations at least.

tra TE
L'o@ s'0EIl
gestnort fiq fu1p

Second Geometry

unit4 The circle.

unitS Angles and arcs in the circle. 110

Z4l ,necircre



rir'/ t

Lessons of the unit :
F 1, Basic definitions and concepts on the circle.
2. Position of a point and a straight line with respect to a circle.
3, Position of a circle with respect to another circle.
4. ldentifying the circle.
5, The relation between the chords of a circle and its centre.

l' Unit Objectives


By the end of this unit, student should be able to :

Recognize the circle and basic definitions on it (The radius

the chord).
- the diameter -

. Calculate the circumference of the circle and its area.

' Recognize the axis of symmetry of the circle and some corollaries related to it.
. Determine the position of a point with respect to a circle.
. Determine the position of a straight Iine with respect to a circle.
. Determine the position of a circle with respect to another circle.

' Determine the relation between a tangent to a circle and the radius drawn
from the point of tangency.
' Determine the relation between the line of centres of two touching circles and
the common tangent at the point of tangency.
' Determine the relation between the line of centres of two intersecting circles
and the common chord.
. Draw a circle knowing its centre and its radius length.
. Draw a circle passing through a given point.
. Draw a circle passing through two given points.
. Draw a circle passing through three non-collinear points.

' Recognize the circumcircle of a triangle and determine the position of its
centre with respect to the triangle.
' Determine the relation between the chords of a circle and its centre.
4 Basic definitions and on the

It is the set of points of the plane which are at a constant distance from a fixed point in
the same plane.

' The flxed point is called "the centre of the circle".

, The constant distance is called "the radius length of the circle".
, The circle is usually denoted by its centre r so we s&)
the circle M to mean the circle whose centre is the point M

Partition of the plane by the circle

Any circle divides the plane into three sets of points which are :

B fn" set of points of the circle.

El fn" set of points inside the circle.

B fn" set of points outside the circle.

For example :

The drawn circle in the opposite figure divides the plane into :
tlfn" setof points of the circle <<onthecircle>> as:A:B r C :... E.
@fn" setofpoints inside the circle as : D rE rF : ...

@ fn" set of points outside the circle as : Z: K r G , ...

Lesson One

-The surfsce of.the circle is-

the set of points of the circle U ttre set of points inside it.

So : the surface of the circle differs from the circle.

For example:
In the opposite figure :
. AB n the circle =
{C , O} but AB n the surface of the circle = CD
. Me the circle but M e the surface of the circle.

-The radius of.the circle

It is a line segment whose endpoints are the centre of the circle and any point on the circle.

In the opposite figure :

If the points A r B and C belong to the circle M r

then MA , MB and Ivrc are called radii of the circle M

and MA = MB = MC = r (where r is the radius length of the circle).

Ary circle has an inf,nite number of radii and all of them are equal in length.
@lt ffio radii of two circles are equal in length r then the two circles are congruent

-The chord of-the circle

It is a line segment whose endpoints are any two points on the circle.

In the opposite figure :

If A:B andCbelongtothecircleM: F

Ag , eC and gC

then each of

is a chord of the circle M

. Notice that : EF is not a chord of the circle M because Efi the circle M

(\ \ i t ) Y o /6ttstYl(sl.i] * C-r-) ol*;!, )14lil 81

.the cir cle
-Th e diameter. of
It is a chord passing through the centre of the circle.

In the opposite figure :

If M is a circle, Rg i, a chord of it
, M € AB : then an it a diameter of the circle M

-Notice thot :
Any circle has an infinite number of diameters and all of them are equal in length.

ffi fn" diameter of the circle is the longest chord of the circle r and its length = 2 r
In the opposite figure :
AMC is a triangle in which :

AM + MC > AC (The inequality of the triangle)

... AB > AC
i.e. The diameter ng is longer than the chord AC

The circumference of the circle and its area

, The circumference of the circle = 2x\ r
,, The area of the circle = T, 12 r is the radius length of the circle r and f,[ is a constant ratio for any circle r where it
represents the ratio between the circumference of the circle and its diameter length and
equals 3.14 approximately o, + approximateiy.

F:r:r exarrrple: The circle whose radius length is 7 cm. :

Its circumference = 2 x(, r=2 x'i ", = 44 cm.

fi 12 = ff 154 cr&
" 0)2 =
Its area =

Lesson One

Exom p]gII In the opposite figure :


| ^(|ADM) = 15o rm(ZMAC) =60" andAC=5


I Calculate : The area of the circle M (X[ = 3.14)

Given m (Z ADM) = 15' tm(LMAC) = 60o :AC = 5 cm.
R.T.F. The area of the circle M

Proof '.'MA=MD=r
.'. m(L DAM) =m(L D) = 15"
'.' m(LAMC) =m(LD) + m (Z DAM) = 15o + 15o = 30'
'.' m (L MAC) = 60o
.'. rn(LACM) = 90o
.'.AM=2AC =2x5 =10cm.
.'. The area of the circle M = Xl, 12

=3.14 x (10)2
= 314 cr& (The req.)

In each of the following figures, find the value of the used symbol in
measuring where M is the centre of the circte :

Symmetry in the circle

. Any straight line passing through the centre of the circle

is an axis of symmetry of it.
. Since the number of these straight iines are infinite :
then the circle has an infinite number of axes of symmetry.


lmportant corollaries

The straight line passing through the centre of the circle and the midpoint of any
chord of it is perpendicular to this chord.

In the opposite figure :

If AB is a chord of the circle M

and C is the midpoint of AB r then Md I AB

The straight line passing through the centre of the circle and perpendicular to any
chord of it bisects this chord.

In the opposite figure :

If AB is a chord of the circle M and Md I AE, where C €AB r then

C is the midpoint of AB

The perpendicular bisector to any chord of a circle passes through the centre of the circle.

In the opposite figure :

lf AB is a chord of the circle M : C is the midpoint of AB
and the straight line L I AB from the point C :
then M e the straight line L

From the previous, we deduce that :

i fn" axis of symmetry of any chord of a circle passes through its

, so this axis is also an axis of symmetry of the circle.

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

If AB is a chord of the circle M :

C is the midpoint of AB and m (Z BMC) = 63"


Lesson One

Given AB is a chord of the circle M : C is the midpoint of AB and m (Z BMC) = 63"

R.T.E, m (Z MAB)

Proof '.' AB is a chord of the circle M r C is the midpoint of E

... MC I AB

.'. m (L MCB) = 90o

'.'m(L BMC) =63o

.'. m(L MBC) = 180o - (90" + 63') =2J"

.'. A ABM is an isosceles triangle.

,'. m(L MAB) =m(LMBA) =27o (The req.)

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

If AB is a chord of the circle M whose radius length = 5 cm.

Find : The length of AB

Given ag is achord ofthe circle M, MC I AB : MC = 3 cm. andMA= 5 cm.

R.T.F. The length of AB

Proof ... MC I AB

.'. m(L MCA) = 90o

.'. (AC)2 = (AM)2 - (MC)2 = 25 - 9 = 16 (Pythagoras' theorem)

... MC I AB

.'. C is the midpoint of AB

.'.AB=8cm. (The req.)

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

AB and AC at" two chords of a circle M where

m (Z BAC) = 56o r if D and E are the midpoints
of AB and AC respectively.

AB and AC are two chords of the circle M

tm (LA) = 56' r D is the midPoint of AB

and E is the midpoint of AC

m (z DME)
'.' D is the midpoint of AB

... MD I AB .'. m (L MDA) = 90o

'.' E is the midpoint of RC

... ME I AC :.m(L MEA) = 90o

... The sum of measures of the interior angles of the quadrilateral = 360"

.'. m (L DME) = 360o - (90' + 90' + 56') = 124" (The req.)

In the opposite figure :

BC ir a diameter of the circle M :

MD I AB where MD n ag = {o}
tm(L C) = 40' and AC = 8 cm. Find:
@* (z DMB) @ fn" length of MD

'urc t- cntr
= (flhtrc n*DEl
o9Z= ft 'tuc 0I =, B o08=f '"OS=X@ OOZI="EII
t 11estnort nq Aa p
f 1

Position of a point and a straight
line with respect to a circle

First i Position of a point ,rith r"rp"A to .ir.l"

rf M is a circle of radius length r and A is a point in its plane r then :

@ I is outside the circle M @ A is on the circle M @lis inside the circle M

If MA> r If MA< r
A circle M is with radius length 5 cm. and A is a point in its plane.
Complete the following table :
If Then Because
1 MA=5cm. A lies the circle M
2 MA=3cm. A lies the circle M
3 MA = 6.5 cm. A lies the circle M
4 MA = zero A lies the circle M andA
becomes the .......... of the circle

Solution I on r because MA = r ) inside r because MA < r

3 outside : because MA > r 4 inside , centre : because MA = 0

If M is a circle of radius length 5 cm. and A is a point in the plane of
the circle.
MA= (3 X- 1) cm. rfind the values of X when A lies.
I Outside the circle. 2 Inside the circle. 3 On the circle.
1 '.' A lies outside the circle. .'. MA>r :.3x-1>5
:.3X>6 :. x>2 i"e.x-_f 2,*l
'.' A lies inside the circle. .'. MA<r :'.' MA>O
.'.0<MA<r ...0<3x-l<5 .'. 1<3X<6
.'. ! x<2
3 =
i.e. xelt ,rl
'.' A lies on the circle. .'. MA=r .'.3X-1=5
.'.3 X= 6

If M is a circle, its diameter length= 72 cm. and A is a point in its plane,

complete the following :

Cj rt MA = tz cm. ; then A lies the circle M

ErrMA=6cm. : then A lies the circle M

ErrMA=3cm. : then A lies the circle M

If M is a circle with radius length r and L is a straight line in its plane r and we draw
MX I L to cut it at the point A : then MA is the length of the perpendicular line segment
from the centre of the circle to the straight line L
If we compare between MA andr t then we have three probabilities.

1" MA>r 2 MA=r 3 MA<r

Each of these probabilities determine a position of the straight line L with respect to
the circle M as shown in the following table :

Lesson Two

The figure Note that ,


The straight line L

lies outside i
't n the circle M= a
MA> r the circle M i . L n the surface of the circle M = A

The straight line L is

a tangent to the
) circle M atA .LlthecircleM={A}
A is called . L O the surface of the circle M = {A}
"the point of

The straight line L is

.LOthecircleM={X rY}
a secant to
' L 0 the surface of the circle M = XY
the circle M
' XY is called the chord of intersection

Exom Let M be a circle of radius length = 5 cm. r MA- I the straight line L
where A C L
Complete the following :

1 If AM = 5 cm. r then the straight line L

2 If AM = 5{g r then the straight line L
3 If AM = ] . r then the straight line L
Solution 1 is a tangent to the circle M 2 lies outside the circle M
3 is a secant to the circle M

If M is a circle of radius lengthr : MA Ltne *raight lineLand A CL

complete the following :
ErtMA=r r then the straight line L

@IIMA=5r r then the straight line L

Errua= 1' r then the straight line L

(\\ : t ) Y o /6ttetYl(ol-iJ - C.*) ogL; 1l4lYdl 89

Two important facts

'fhe tangent to a circle is perpendicular The straight line which is perpendicular

to the radius drawn from the point to the diameter of a circle at one of its
of tangency. endpoints is a tangent to the circle.

i.e. if the straight line L is a tangent to l.e. if AB is a diameter of the circle M and
the circle M at the point A r the straight line L I AB at the point A r
then MA I I- then L is a tangent to the circle M at the point A

Exqmple trn the opposite figure : [E is a diameter of the circle M

: the straight line L is a tangent to the circle at A \
r and the straight line K is a tangent to the circle at B
Proye that : The straight line L ll the strwght line K B

ag ir a rliameter of the circle M r the two straight lines L and K are two
tangents to the circle at A and B respectively.
The straight line L ll the straight line K
'.' The straight line L is a tangent to the circle at A
.'. The straight line L I MA
.'. The straight line L I XE (i)
'.' The straight line K is a tangent to the circle at B
.'. The straight line K I MB
.'. The straight line K I;3 {.2.)

From (1) and (2) : .'. The straight line L // the straight line K (Q..E"D.)

From the previous example , we deduce that :

; ttre two tangents which are drawn from the two endpoints of a diameter
of a circle are parallel.

Lesson Two

Exomple In the opposite figure :

AB is a tangent to the circle M at the point B :

AitA n the circle tvt = {C} tm (LA) = 30'

Prove that : AC = BC

AE is a tangentto the circle M at B t m (LA) = 30'

'.' AB is a tangent to the circle M at B .'. MB I AB
r '.' in AAMB : m (L A) = 30" t m (LABM) = 90"
.'. m (L M) = 180" - (30' + 90") = SQ"
: '.' AMBC is isosceles (MB = MC = r)
,'.'m(ZM)=69" .'. AMBC is equilateral
.'. m (L MBC) = 69"
.'. n(LABC) =m (LABM) -m (LMBC) = 90o - 60o = 30"
.'. In AABC : m (L A) = m (Z ABC) = 30"
.'. AC = BC (Q.E.D.)

In the opposite figure :

EB and tD ut" two tangents to the circle M at B and C where

ffi n tB = {o} , gA i, a diameter of the circle M

;m(L BAC) = 50o

.08 = (ocs z) * El

I I elcrrc eql ot tuuces e sl B

IN elcrrc oqt oprslno sell I I olcrrc eqtr o1 ]ue8uel n q DE

@ "oE oprslno
/ gestno( nq
fi 1o f 1



Let M and N be two circles : their radii lengths are r, and r, respectively t rr> r,
r then the straight line passing through the two points M and N is called "the line of centres"
The two circles M and N takes one of the following six positions :

IfMNlr,* MN=r, *
\A,Z- -
#+q) 1/\]
ro fwn ninnlos
Touching externally
The circle M i the circle N = Z The circle M O the circle N = {A}
The surface of circle M (l the surface The surface of circle M O the surface
ofcircleN=Z ofcircleN={a}

Lesson Three

i tr., - tzlMN < rr+ rz If MN =tr-t2

Then the two circles are : Then the two circles are :

Intersecting Touching internally

Notice that : Notice that :

. The circle M O the circle N = {n , n} . The circle M (-l the circle N =
. The surface of circle Vt 0 the surface of . The surface of circle Ira 0 the surface
circle N = the surface of the shaded part. of circle N = the surface of circle N

If MN lrr-rz If MN =zero

Then the two circleJ are :

Then the two circles are :
One inside the other
(the circle N is inside the circle M

Notice in the two cases that :

. The circle M I the circle N = Z

. The surface of circle M (^l the surface of circle N = the surface of circle N

The length of MN-

One inside Touching Touching

Concentric internally Intersecting
the other

From the previous summary , we notice that :

(l If M and N are two distant circles r then : MN €] t, * rz , *l

@ ttM and N are two intersecting circles r then : MN C] tr-rz t11+\l
O ff M and N (one of them is inside the other) r then : MN € ] 0 t 11- r2f

F ;i;

Exqmp{ If the radius length of the circle M = 5 cm. , the radius length of the
circle N = 3 cm. , determine the position of each of them with respect
to the other in each of the following cases :

1 MN =2cm. 2 MN=8cm.
3 MN = zero 4 MN=10cm.
5 MN= 1cm. 6 MN=5cm.
Solution ft+rZ= 8 Cm. t1-T2=2cm.
1 '.'MN =Zcm. .'. MN =rr-r2
.'. The two circles are touching internally.
'.'MN=8cm. .'.MN=rt+r2
.'. The two circles are touching externally.

3 '.' MN = zero. .'. The two circles are concentric.

4 '.' MN = 10 cm. .'. MN > 11+ 12

.'. The two circles are distant.

'.' MN = 1 cm. .'. MN 1rr-rz

.'. One of the two circles is inside the other.
'.'MN= 5 cm. .'. rt -rr<MN <tt+r2
.'. The two circles are intersecting.

From the previous example , we notice that:

tl a, MN = 1o cm.
i.e. MN g] S, * [ , then the two circles are distant.
i.e. MN e] O, 2f tthenthe two circies (one of them is inside the other).

i.e. MN efZ ,8 [ , then the two circles are intersecting.

Lesson Three

Let M and N be two circles , their radii lengths frre 4 cm" dnd I cm.
respectively. Complete the following :

B If the two circles M and N are touching externally r then MN

@ ff the two circles M and N are touching internally r then MN . ,. ...

E tf the two circles M and N are intersecting r then MN.
G] ff the two circles M and N are concentric r then MN

E ff the two circles M and N are distant : then MN

@ ff the two circles M and N are one of them is inside the other

The line of centres of two touching circles passes through the point of tangency and
is perpendicular to the common tangent at this point.

In the two opposite figures :

If the two circles

M and N are touching
at A (the point of tangency) r

the straight line L is a common tangent to them at A

r then A €Mfr and MN I the straight line L

The line of centres of two intersecting circles is perpendicular to the common chord
and bisects it.

In the opposite figure :

If M and N are two circles intersecting at A and B :

then MN r- AB , i,Ifr bisects nn i.e. AC = BC

This mean that ffi is the axis of symmetry of AB

*-l ZI
In the opposite flgure :

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B

AB n MN- = {C} rtMA= 6 cm. : NA= 8 cm.

and MN = 10 cm. : find : The length of AB

Two circles M and N are intersecting at A and B r

MA= 6 cm. :NA= 8 cm. and MN = 10 cm.

The length of AB

In A AMN : '.' (MA)2 = 36 t (NA)2 = 64 and (MN2 = 100

... (MN2 = (MA)2 + (NA)2

.'. rn(L MAN) = 90o (converse of Pythagoras'theorem)

'.' The common chord AB intets"cts MN at C

... AB T MN ... AC= 4HP=tf,=4.8cm.

.'. AB = 4.8 x 2=9.6 cm. (The req.)

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles touching externally At

the straight line L is a common tangent to them at A

aD is a diameter of the circle M r
BD n the circle nA = {C} r where BC = 3.6 cm.
1 Prove that : m (Z ACD) = 90'
2 Find : The length of AN

Given M and N are two circles touching externally at A
and the straight line L is the common tangent at A
AB = MN = 6 cm. and BC = 3.6 cm.
m (L ACD) = 90o
The length of AN

Construction Draw MC

Lesson Three

Proof '.'CM=DM=MA=r
.'. A ACD in which : CM = lap

'.' i. the midpoint of AO=

.'. CM is a median of AACD
:. m(L ACD) = 90o (First req.)
'.' The two circles are touching externally atA and the straight line L is the
common tangent atA
... MNIL
.'. ABD is a triangle in which : m(LDAB) =90o tAC ]- gD

.'. (AB)2 = BC x BD (Euqlids)

:.36=3.6xBD .'. BD = 1o cm.
'.' (AD)2 = (BD)2 (AB)2 - (pythagoras)

.'. (AD)2 = 100 -36 = 64 .'. AD = 8 cm.

... MA =
t =4cm. rMN=MA+AN
.'.AN=MN-MA=6-4=2cm. (Second req.)

In the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles

atA and B r X is the midpoint of

the chord Co and Dd n BT = {E} where m (LE) = 60o
VF touches the circle M at F where Nlfr n ffi = {U}

@ rina : m (L zNX) @ erove that:IF tt te

[(proqc uoururoc) sv a (sertuecyo eurl) , g4

Nr-\r 1gr{ : lurHJ ;1esrno,(,(q e,ror4
oozr = $Nzz) *0 El
ls , o[= Nlt [E l-'gI[3Nr\IB o= NrrI[E

lsr, s[=N]\r[C 'rucg=NII[a 'ulc gI =Nr\IDII

qp**fnq rtrwlt

(\r : t ) Y a /6ttst Y/($d -Cr6) ol+;lr, )t<l#l 97

u ldentifying the circle

-/ /x
The circle is identifled if we know :

ffi ir, centre. O i,r radius length.

In the following: we will study the possibility of identifying (drawing) the circle under
certain conditions.

First I Drawing a circle passing through a given point

If A is a given point in the plane and the required is drawing
A 'i{ '
a circle passing through the point f ..r _-.n,.
as a centre using the compasses r draw a circle with the centre M I l'tI \
and radius length = MA r then it will A
pass through the point
\ )
. Similarly , you can draw another circle whose centre is Ni and \--/
its radius length ls MA r then it will pass through the point A
or draw a circle whose centre is Ni and its radius length = Vie : then it will pass thrcugh
the point A and so on .......
You can draw an infinite number of circles passing through a given point.

If the circles required to be drawn to pass through A M4

are congruent (their radii are equal in length)
r then all the centres of these circles lie on a circle which
is congruent to these circles and its centre is the point A
as shown in the opposite flgure.
:'t M2/

Lesson Fou r

second i Drawing a circle passing through two given points

If A and B are two given points in the plane and the required is drawing a circle
passing through the two points A and B :
. We know that the cenffe of any circle passing through
the two points A and B should be equidistant from A and B
.'. The centre of any circle passing through A and B should lie
on the axis of symmetry of AB which is the straight line that
is perpendicular to it from its midpoint r therefore , we draw
the straight line L that represents the axis of symmetry of Ag
. We take any point on the straight line L as M
r then we draw the circle whose centre is M and its
radius length = MA (or MB) : then it will pass through the two
points A and B

'similarly , we can draw another circle whose centre is M and its

radius length = MA r then it will pass through the two points A and B
or we can draw a circle whose centre is \i and its radius length trria
: then it will pass through the two points A and B

Thene is an infinite number of circles that can be drawn to pass through the two
points A and B and all their centres lie on the axis of symmetry of In
Using the geometric instruments: draw E
with length 3 cm.r then
draw a circle passing through the two points A and B with radius
length 2 cm.
How many solutions can be obtained ?

Solution . Draw AB such thatAB 3 cm.

. Draw 6B r AB f.o- its midpoint C r then CD l,
the axis of symmetry of AB
. Open the compasses with a length of 2 cm.
using A or B as a centre and draw two arcs
cutting Ed ut M and N
. By the same openiflg r use M as a centre and
draw a circle and similarly r do the same at N
to draw another circle.
So you have two circles with radius length 2 cm. passing through
the two points A and B


. If AB is a line segment and the required is drawing a circle passing through
the two points A and B r then :
O O [ ,, ; AB
, rhen we can draw two circles (as shown in the previous example).

Q) tf I r = i an I r rhen we can draw one and only one circle (it is the smallest circle)
passing through the two points A and B : hence AB is a diameter of it and its centre
is the midpoint of AB

" E. 1 of,-l , then it is impossible to draw any circle.
. Any two circles do not intersect at more than two points.

Using the geometric instruments , draw XY where XY = 4 cm. r then draw

a circle passing through the two points X and Y and its radius length is 2 cm.
How many possible solutions are there ?

Third I Drawing a circle passing through three given points

If A I B and C are three points in the plane and the required is drawing a circle
passing through the three points A I B and C :

. We know that : In order that the circle passes through the two points A and B r then its centre
should lie on the axis of symmetry of AB r sa! L, : and in order that the circle passes through
the two points B and C r then its centre should lie on the axis of symmetry of BC t sa! L,
... The centre of the circle that passes through the three points A r B and C lies on each of
Then we must distinguish between two cases :

If the points A I B and C are collinear as in figure (1)

: then the two straight lines L, andLrare parallel not
In this c&Se r it is impossible to draw a circle passing
through the three points A r B and C Fie ( l)
It is impossible to draw a circle passing through three collinear points.

Lesson Fou r

Anthe points A I B and C are not collinear as in figure (2) :

then L, andLrintersect at one point as M : then M is
the centre of the required circle which passes through the
three points A : B and C r then the radius length
of this circle = MA = MB = MC
i.e. Fig (2)

For any three non-collinear points , there is a unique

circle can be drawn to pass through them.

There is a unique circle passing through three points as A r B and C which are not collinear
and the centre of this circle is the point of intersection of any two axes of symmetry of the

axes of the line segments AB , BC and AC

Using the geometric instruments I draw A ABC in which :

AB - AC = 3 cm. and BC = 4 cm. r then draw the circle which passes
through the points A I B and C

Solution . Draw Ag of length 3 cm.

. Open the compasses with a length of
3 cm. r then use A as a centre and draw an

arc r then open the compasses with

a length of 4 cm. : then use B as

a centre and draw afiarc to cut the previous

arc at the point C : then draw AC and BC

. Draw the axes of AB and AC to intersect at M

. Open the compasses with length = AM (or BM or CM) and use M
as a centre r then draw the required circle.

Using the geometric tools s draw LXYZ in which m (L X) = 80o s XY = 4 cm.

and XZ = 3 cm. t then draw the circle which passes through the points X tY and Z

The circle which passes through the vertices of a triangle is called the circumcircle
of this triangle.

. The triangle whose vertices lie on a circle is called

the inscribed triangle of this circle.

In the opposite figure :

M is the circumcircle of A ABC
or A ABC is the inscribed triangle of the circle M

The perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle intersect at a point which is
the centre of the circumcircle of the triangle.

In the opposite figure :

If the straight lines L, tLrandL,

are the axes of AB , BC and Ca respectively

andL, llr0L3={M},
then the point M is the centre of the circumcircle of A ABC

Io Remark
The position of the centre of the circumcircle of the triangle as M differs according to
the type of the triangle as shown in the following table :

acute-angled triangle The right-angled triangle The obtuse-angled triangle

M is inside M is the midpoint M is outside

the triangle ofthe hypotenuse the triangle

Lesson Fou r
. A special case :

The centre of the circumcircle of the equilateral triangle is :

- The point of intersection of its sides axes.

- The point of intersection of its altitudes.

- The point of intersection of its medians.

- The point of intersection of the bisectors of its interior angles.

We can draw a circle passing through the vertices of (the rectangle : the square or
the isosceles trapezium) while we cannot draw a circle passing through the vertices
of (the parallelogram r the rhombus or the trapezltmwhich is not isosceles).

- Accuynulative tests.
- lrnportant questions.
- Final revision.
- Final examinations"

';1esrno,( ,(q zuurq

'uonnlos euo ,(1uo 6 gyesrno.( ,(q merq

a5 I of a circle and its

t@If M is a circle , AB and CD ur" two chords of it at distances MX and MY from its centre
respectively r then the following f,gures determine three cases of these chords with respect
to their distances from the centre of the circle M
Fie. (1) Fig. (2) Fig. (3)

Using the ruler : /ou can check by yourself the truth of the following information :



From ,

The closer the chord is f"rom the centre of the circle r ttre longer its length is

and vise versa.

i.e" There is a relation between the length of the chord and its distance from the centre of
the circle.

Lesson Five

The relation between the chords of a circle and its centre :

If chords of a circle are equal in length, then they are equidistant from the centre.

Given AB=CD, MXf ABandMYl-CD

Construction Draw MA and tvtC

Proof ... MX T AB
.'. X is the midpoint of AB

...Ax=lRs '2

'.' MY I CD .'. Y is the midpoint of CO|co

.'. A AXM : A CYM r then we get : MX = MY

In congruent circles, chords which are equal in length are equidistant from the centres.

In the opposite figure :

If M and N are two congruent circles :

then MX = NY

In the opposite figure :

AB and AC ar" two chords equal in length
in the circle M , AD is a diameter of it D

MX I AB and intersects it at X
M? f AC and intersects it at Y
Prove that : BD = DC

(\t I t ) Y o /6ttstYl(sliJ - C,i) -!*:!, )Hldl 105

Given AB =AC rAD- is a diameter of the circle M , MX f AB and MY f AC
Proof '.' MX f AB .'. X is the midpoint of AB
... MY r AC .'. Y is the midpoint of AC
'.' AB = AC .'. MX = MY (theorem)

In A ADB : '.' M is the midpoint of 6p- and X is the midpoint of AB

In A ADC : '.' M is the midpoint of AD- and Y is the midpoint of AC

But MX = MY (by proof)

'. leo=loc .'. BD = DC (Q.E.D.)

Exqmpl€ In the opposite figure :

AB and AC ur" two chords equal in length
in the circle M : X is the midpoint of AB r

Y is the midpoint of AC and IY intersects the

circle M at D and E
Prove that : XD = YE
Given AB = AC : X is the midpoint of AB and Y is the midpoint of AC

Construction Draw MX and MY and draw nfp f i? to intersect it at F

Proof '.' X is the midpoint of AB ... MX I AB

'.' Y is the midpoint of AC .'. MY r AC
'.' AB = AC .'. MX = MY (theorem)
.'. In A MXY : MX = MY and ntf f XV
.'. XF = YF (1)

'.' MF- l- DE .'. DF = FE (2)

Subtracting (1) from (2) : :.DF - XF = EF - YF XD = YE (Q.E.D.)

Lesson Five

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

Mis acircle , Ei, achordinit
AM = 6 cm. r CD = 5 cm. andAB - (X + 2) cm.

If MF > ME : flnd the values of X which

satisfy these data.

Given lrtEf 6S- rffif CD rAM=6cm. rCD=5 cm. : AB = (X+2)cm.
and MF > ME

R.T.F. The values of X

Proof '.' ME- f AB , tr,tp I CD and MF > ME ... AB > CD

:. x+2> 5 ... x> 3 (t)

'.' AB is a chord not passing through the centre.

.'. AB < the length of the diameter of the circle.

.'. AB < t2 .'.X+2<12 .'.X<10 (2)

From (1) and (2) : .'. 3 < x < 10 ... xe]: , to[ (The req.)

In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle drawn in the circle M where AB = AC r

X is the midpoint of Ae and Y is the midpoint of AC

If m (L YXM) = 20" , then frncl : m (Z CYX)


In the same circle (or in congruent circles) r

chords which are equidistant from the centre (s) are equal in length.

i.e. In the opposite figure :

If AB and CD are two chords of the circle M :

IAX f AB, MY f CD and MX = MY : thenAB = CD

Also in the opposite figure :

If M and N are two congruent circles , AB is a chord of
circle M and CP ir a chord of circle N

,MXf AB rNYtCDand

Exomple In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle drawn inside the circle M

If m (LA) = 55" r D is the midpoint of AB
r E is the midpoint of BC and MD = ME

Find: m(LB)
m (L A) = 55o r D is the midpoint of AB ,

E is the midpoint of BC and MD = ME

'.' D is the midpoint of AB ... MD T AB
'.' E is the midpoint of gC ... ME T BC

'.' MD = ME .'. AB = BC

:.m(L C) = m (L A) = 55o

.'. m(L B) = 180 - (55'+ 55') =70" (The req.)

Lesson Five

Exomple ABC is a triangle in which AB = AC r a circle M is drawn such that gC it

a diameter of it r the circle cuts AB at D and AC at E

Draw M* f np to intersect it at X and MY f CE to intersect it at Y

Prove that : BD = CE

AB = AC , BC is a diameter of the circle M r

IAX f BD and trAV f Ce

Proof I In A MXB and A MYC :

MC (two radii)
[MB =
lm(L MXB) =m(L MYC) = 90o
Im (Z B) = m (L C)(becauseAB =AC)
.'. A MXB = A MYC r then we deduce that : MX = MY
.'. BD = CE (Q.E.D.)

t_ In the opposite figure :
O, *y are two chords of the circle M ,
I * f CD and intersects it at Y : X is the midpoint of AB
i "ndXE=YF

IAN = Xhtr teql elord : tulgJ ;yesrno.( ,(q e,tor4 @

[ey8uurrl selecsosr ue sr INAX V pue JV T ltIN t€qt olord : lulH] "0II = (X,LJ Z) *E

Angles and arcs
in the circle

Lessons of the unit:
l Central angles and measuring arcs.
2. The relation between the inscribed and central angles subtended by the same arc
- Well known problems.
3. lnscribed angles subtended by the same arc.
4. The cyclic quadrilateral and its properties.
5. Cases of proving the cyclic quadrilateral.
6. The relation between the tangents of a circle.
7. Angles of tangency.

I Unit Objectives:
By the end of this unit, student should be able to :

. Recognize the central angle and the inscribed angle.

. Calculate the measure of an arc of a circle and calculate its length.

. Recognize the relation between the inscribed and central angles subtended by
the same arc.
.Recognizethe relation between the measure of the inscribed angle and the
measure of its subtended arc.
. Recognize the relation among the measures of the inscribed angles subtended
by the same arc.
. Recognize the inscribed angle in a semicircle.

. Recognize the cyclic quadrilateral and its properties.

. Determine when a quadrilateral be cyclic.

. Recognize the relation between two tangent-segments drawn to a circle from

a point outside it.
. Recognize the angle of tangency and the relation between
the angle of tangency and the inscribed angle subtended by
the same arc.
. Prove that a ray drawn from one of the vertices of a triangle is a tangent to
the circumcircle of this triangle.
Central angles and measuring arcs
5 28


I tl
-The centralangle
It is the angle whose vertex is the centre of the circle and each side of its sides contains
a radius of the circle.

In the opposite figure :

Z AMB is a central angle because its vertex M is
the centre of the circle and each of its sides Mf a"d rvtE
contains a radius of the circle : they are : MA- and MB-
Notice thqt:
The two sides of Z AMB divide the circle M into two arcs they are :

The minor arc AB and The major arc AB and it is denoted

^ -..---\ ^
it is denoted byAB by ACB or the major arc AB

Notice thot: The symbol G means the minor arc unless there is other stating.

! Remarn
ff AB is a diameter of the circle M r then :
L A}dB is a straight central angle r

then each offfi urdffi

is called a semicircle.

Lesson One

It is the measure of the central angle which subtends this arc and it is measured by the
measuring units of the angle (degrees , minutes , seconds ...)

For example:
In the opposite figure :

If AB is a diameter of the circle M r C and D are two points on the circle M B

where m (Z AMC) = 30o , m (L AMD) = 90o r then :

@ ^16D1 = m (z CMD) = 9o' - 3oo = 6oo

ft '" @E-; = m (Z DMB) = eoo

@ t" 1ffi- the major) = m (L DMB the reflex) = 360o - 90" = 27Oo
E * (G') = m (Z AMB) = 180' ( Noticethqt: G."pr"r"nts a semicircle)
The measure of the semicircle = 180o
and then the measure of the circle = 2 x 180o = 360o

Ia Remark
The two adjacent arcs are two arcs in the same circle that have only one point in cofllmon.

In the opposite figure :

AB and ^BC are two adjacent arcs in the circle M because they have one

commonpointonlyB :thenitwillbem 1G-; * * (ft) =- @)
. ^
AC and
^BD are not adjacent arcs because they have more
than one common point (they have the common u."68;
In the opposite figure :

Rg it a diameter of the circle M : m (l- AMC) = 30o

^ ^
Find : m (fD)

(\o :1 ) Y a /6ttttYl(su] - C,;) oq;LJ I4lYCl 113

an ir a diameter of the circle M r

m (Z AMC) = 30' , * (6) :m (60') =3 :2

m (AD)
Ag ir a diameter of the circle M .'. m (,ACB-) = 180"
^ .^.
m (AC) =m(LAMC) = 30o .'. m (CDB) = 180o - 30o = 150o

Assuming that : m (6) =3 x tm(60') = z x

:.3 X+2X= 150o .'. 5 X= 150o .'. X = 30o
.'. m(CD)=3 x30o=90o ^
.'. m(AD)=30o + 90o = 120o (The req.)

-The length of the arc

It is part of a circle's circumference proportional to its measure and it is measured
by length units (centimetre , metre , ...)

To calculate the length of the arc r )ou can use the following rule :

The length of the arc = -the ilc x the circumference of the circle
measure gf-the
the measure ot the crrcle

the measure of the arc x
Where r is the radius length of the circle and fi is the approximated ratio.

In the opposite figure :

A circle of centre M r its radius length = 2'1" cm.

A and B are two points on the circle M
such that m (Z AMB) = 120"

Find : The length ofG (Consider, fi = 2+)

Solution '.'rn(LAMB) =120"

.'. rhe lengrh of G = iS' x z n, r

.'. m(^t) =120o

I =Wxzxff x2l=44cm,
*T Find the measure of the arc which represents
and if the radius length of the circle is 15 cm.
Find : The length of this ur.. (Conrider : x[ =
3 M)
Lesson One

tfr" measure of the circle

The measure of the arc=
t the measure of the circle =
* * 360' = 120"
the measylg-of the arc
The length of the ur" = x2 Jl, r

=#x2x3.l4x 15= 3!.4cm.

Ia Remark
The length of the semicircle =
| the circumference of the circle = l/T, r length unit

@ e circle of centre M of radius length !4 cm.If A and B are two points on the
circle such that m (Z AMB) = 45" Find the length ofG (Consider , X =2])

Find the measure of the arc which represents tn"measure of the circle and
if the length of the diameter of the circle is 70 cm. r find the length of this
arc. (Consider:fi =T)

Exomple In the opposite figure :

If BC is a diameter of the circle M of radius length 7 cm.

Find: 1m(6D)

2 Thelength of6 (Consider, n =

nCi, adiameterinthecircleM:r= 7 cm. tm(LAMB) -(X+ 15)" :
m (Z BMD) =J X" and m (Z DMC) = (4 X+ 15)'
^ ,^
m (AD) 2 Thelength of Ad
'.'m(BD) =m(L BMD) ='7 X":m(DC) =m(LDMC) =(4X+ 15)'

:. J X" + (4 X" + 15') = 180" .'. Ll X" + 15" = 180"

:. tt 180'- 15o = 165" .'. \,= - 15o
T 11

.'. m(fr) =7 x 15' = 105o, m(^Bt)= 15o + 15o =30o

^ = 105o + 30'= 135'
.'. m (AD) (First req.)

:theiengthof6=# x2ltr= * r r"T x7= 16.5cm. (Second req.)

In the apposite figure :

AB , CD and EF are three diameters in the
circle M of radius length 3.5 cm.
^ ' ^
Find: m (AD) The length of FD

lm p-orta nt corol laries

In the same circle (or in congruent circles) I if the measures of arcs are equal : then
the lengths of the arcs are equal : and vice versa.

In the opposite figure :

If M is a circle in which rn fIDl = m (6D)

, then the length of G = the length of 6D
and vice versa : If the length of fF = the length of 6D
^ ^

In the same circle (or in congruent circles) I if the measures of arcs are equal r then
their chords are equal in length I and vice yersa.

In the opposite figure :

If M is a circle in which
^ ^
m (AB) = m (CD) r then AB = CD
and vice versa : If AB = CD r then m ([E-) = m (6D)

Lesson ()ne

If two parallel chords are drawn in a circle r then the measures of the two arcs
between them are equal.

In the opposite figure :

If AB and CO are two chords in the circle M

, ts ttCD , then m (f,e) = m (fr)

If a chordis parallel to a tangent of a circle , then the measures of the two arcs
between them are equal.

In the opposite figure :

If AB is a chord in the circle M and

CD touches the circle M at E r


In the opposite figure :

AX is a tangent to the circle at A :

the chord eC ttm , m(LB) = 35o


Given ffi ir a tangent to the circle at A teC ttm ,m QB) = 35o

R.T.E, m (Z BAC)

Proof . I* IBC
^ ^
.'.m(AB)=m(AC) .'. AB = AC


'.' AB = AC

.'. m(L C) = m (LB) = 35o

.'. m(L BAC) = 180o - (35'+ 35") = 110" (The req.)

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a ckcle.

Prove that : AD = BC
Given ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle r AC = BD

Proof '.' AC = BD (Given)
^ ^
Subtracting rn fC'l from both sides :

^ ^ ^ ^
.'. m (AC) - m (AB) = m (BD) - m (AB)
.'. BC = AD (Q.E.D.)

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

AB and CD are two parallel chords in the circle r

AF and CE *" two parallel chords in the circle.

^ = m (EF)
Prove that : m (BD)

Given Ng IICD , AF II CE
^ ^
Proof ... AB II CD

^ ^
.'.m(AC)=m(BD) (1)

... AF II CE

.'. ^ ^
m(AC)=m(EF) (2)

From (1) and (2) :

.'. ^ ^
m(BD)=m(EF) (Q.E.D.)

Lesson One

Complete the following :


m (AB) = 160o : m (CD) = 100" : n 1ft;=

^ =
then m (AC)

B6 is a tangent to the circle M at C r

then m (AC) =

.o€r Et

3 5) | fne relation between the inscribed and
gG | ..rrral angles subtended by the same arc


It is the angle whose vertex lies on the circle and its sides contain two chords of the circle.

In the opposite figure :

. L ABC is an inscribed angle

because its vertex B belongs to the circle M

Bf and Ed carry the two chords

and its sides

BA and gC i, the circle M

.The inscribed angle L ABCis subtended by fd

a Remark
For each inscribed angle , there is one central angle subtended by the same arc.

In the opposite figure :

n The inscribed angle LBAD is subtended with the central

angle l- BMD by the ur.66D

"While the inscribed angle LBCD is subtended with the reflex central
angle BMD by the ur.6fD

Lesson Two

The measure of the inscribed angle is half the measure of the central angle I subtended
by the same arc.

Given In the circle M: L ACB is an inscribed angle t L AMB is a central angle

R.T.P. m (r- ACB) = m (z AMB)
fiiii;;+ lf M belongs to one of the sides of the inscribed angle ACB :

'.' Z AMB is an exterior angle of A AMC

.'. m(LAMB) =m(LA) +m (LC) (1)
r '.' MA = MC (two radii lengths)
.'.m(LA)=m(LC) (2)
From (1) and (2) we get : m (Z AMB) = 2 m (Z ACB)
.'. n(LACB) = t AMB) (Q.E.D.)
itresecona .i.i-)> HM ties inside the inscribed angte ACB :

Const. Draw CM to cut the circle at D
From the first case :
m(ZACD)=+m(ZAMD) r

m (Z BCD) =
+ m (z BMD)
.'. m(LACD) + m(LBCD) = t AMD) * * ^(z BMD)
.'.m(LACB) =*^(zAMB) (Q.E.D.)

ih;ihi;i ;;;; ) rf M ries outside the inscribed angre AGB

I :

Const. Draw ffi to cut the circle at D

From the first case :
m (z ACD) = m (z AMD)
t m(LBCD) = t BMD)
^(z ,
Subtracting :

.'. m(LACD) -I(LBCD) - + m (Z BMD)

= t ^Q AMIril

.'.m(LACB) =t^(zAMB) (Q.E.D.)

(\1 :t )\ o /6ttttYl(otij-C:,i) -l-.:r-, )l4lYo|f 121

i L,:

Ia Remark
The measure of the central angte equals twice the measure of the inscribed angLe

subtended by the satrre arc.

In each of the following figures :

Find the measure of the angle denoted by the sign (?) given that M is the
centre of the circle.

Fig. (1) Fig. (2) Fie.(3)

Fig. (1) In AAMC : '.' MA= MC (two radii lengths)

.'. m(L MCA) =m(L MAC) = 30o

:. m(L AMC) = 180o - (30' + 30") = l20o
t '.' LABC is an inscribed angle and L AMC is a central angle
subtended bVft
;.n(LABC) =t^icAMrC)=60o (tlhereq")

Fig. (2) '.' m(L AMC) = 140o

.'. m (reflex L AMC) = 360o - 140' =220o

; '.' LABC is an inscribed angle and reflex L Ai|dC is a central angle

subtended by the

.'. rn(LABC) =
t *(reflex L AMC) = 110" (T{re ree1.)

Fie. (3) '.' m (L AMB) = 90o ; m (L BMC) = 110"

.'. m(LAMC) = 360o - (90" + 110") = 160o
t '.' LABC is an inscribed angle subtended by the .u-" *" ft
with the central angle AMC
.'. m (LABC) =
i ^ (L AMrC) = 80o (The rec1.)

Lesson Two

In each of the following, find m (/ ACB) giventhat M isthe centre ofthe circle :

tr E]

The measure of an inscribed angle is half the measure of the subtended arc.

In the opposite figure :

(inscribed and central angles with common ur"ID;,
m (z AMB) = m ([B)
;.m(Lq= + * (f,l')
The measure of the arc equals twice the measure of the inscribed angle subtended
by this arc.

In the previous figure : m (fE-) = 2 m (L C)

Exomplg-{ In the opposite figure :

I as0co={E},AB=CD

Prove that t EA = EC

Given ABnCD={g},AB=CD
Construction Draw BD

Proof '.' AB = CD (1)

.'. ^ ^
Subtracting - (ft) from both sides :

^ ^
Butm (LD)= * rn(fr),m(ZB)=
m (AD)

.'. EB = ED (2)

Subtracting (2) from (1) : .'. EA = EC (Q.E.D.)

In the opposite figure :

XYZ is a triangle inscribed in the circle N r

m (Z XYN) = 40o tm(L NZY) = 30o

Complete the following :

@-(zN)= @- (LX) =
The inscribed angle in a semicircle is a right angle.

In the opposite figure :

'.' m (L q = +m ([D) (corollary 1)

^ = 136'
, '.' m (AB)
.'. rn (L C) = 90'

Io Remarks
@ fne inscribed angle which is right angle is drawn in a semicircle.

€) fne inscribed angle which is subtended by an arc of measure less than the measure of
a semicircle is an acute angle.

@:ffre inscribed angle which is subtended by an arc of measure greater than the measure
of a semicircle is an obtuse angle.

Lesson Two

Exqmp[q p In the opposite figure :

: AC touches

Ag ls a diameter in the circle M it at A r


BC intersects it at D

If BD = 9.6 cm. : DC = 5.4 cm.

Find : The length of the radius of the circle M

aB it a diameter in the circle M r

AC touches it at A r

BD = 9.6 ,DC = 5.4 cm.

The radius length of the circle M
'.' AC touches the circle at A : ag is a diameter in it
:. m (L BAC) = 90"
'.' AB is a diameter in the circle M

.'. m(LADB) = 90o

.'. AABC is right-angled atA , AD I BC

.'. (AB)2 = BD x BC = 9.6 x (9.6 + 5.4) = 144

.'. AB = 12 cm.

.'. The radius length of the circle M equals 6 cm. (The req.)

In the opposite figure :

en ls a diameter in a circle M :
the radius length = 2.5 cm.
i_! fne perimeter of A ABC i 2 i The area of A ABC

Well known problems on theorem (1) and its corollaries

If two chords intersect at a point inside

a circle r then the measure of the included
angle equals half of the sum of the two measures of the two opposite arcs.

Given AB , CD are two chords in a circle intersecting atthe point E

R.T.P. I n(LAEC) = i l^fftl * - (6D)l

', m(LcEB) =
* l*@l *'" (6)]
Construction Draw nC (or AP)
Pnoof '.' L AF;C is an exterior angle of A EBC

.'. m (LAEC) = m (LB) +m (L C)

m(LB)= * *fftl t m(Lq= +*ffrl

= *l^fftl *'rtfrl] (Q.E.D. 1)

Similarly r if we draw AC (ot nO) twe cznprove that :

n(LCEB)= + [*@l+mf6i] (Q.E.D.2)

E$!rlp]g-!l eB and eC ar" tr,vo chords ot a circle r D is the midpoint of G r E is the

I midpoint of AC : DE is drawn to cut AB at X and AC at Y

Prove that z AAXY is isosceles.

Given D is the midpoint of Gt r E is the midpoint of ft

R.T.P. AAXY is isosceles
Proof ... m (LAXE) =
* l*fGl * * rfrll
.'. m (LAYD) =i l^tGl * * tffil]
'.' D is the midpoint of G : E is the midpoint of ft
.'. ^ ^
m(AE)=m(CE) ^
: m(BD)=m(AD)^
.'. m (L AXE) = m (L AYD) .'. AX = AY

.'. AAXY is isosceles. (Q.E.D.)

Lesson Two

Complete the following :


ffm(fr)*-(ffi)=8oo r If m(L DEB) = 110o :

then m (L AE;C) = ..........o
^ --70" r then m (AD)
m (BC) ^ =

If two rays carrying two chords in a circle are intersecting outside it, then the measure
of their intersecting angle equals half of the measure of the major arc subtracted
from it half of the measure of the minor arc in which both are included by the two
sides of this angle.

Given Gn16=1a1
R.T,P. m(Lrr)= *l*@t--(ffi)l
Construction Draw CP (or gE)

Proof LCDE is anexteriorof AADC

m(L/t)=m(L CDE) -m(LC)
m(zcDE)=+*tGl tm(Lq=+ m(ff)
m(LA)= * ^@l- 1*rfrl
= *l^@l-*(6D)l (Q.E.D.)

Exomp]e B In the opposite figure :

II EIn BB= {c} tm(LC) = 36',


m (Z ABD) = 22" Find : m (BE)

Given '.' EX n BB'= {c} tm(LC) = 36' tm(LABD) =22o

R.T.E, m(G)
Proof '.' m(LABD) =22" .'. m(6) =2m(zABD) =44"
. EXnffi= {c} .'. m(Lq=
+ [rnfGl-rnf6l]
, *) [*rffi> -44") ;.72o=*@)-44"
.'.m(BE)=116" (The req.)

Another proof '.' Z EAB is an exterior angle of A ACB

.'. m(L EAB) =m(L C) + m (LB) = 36o + 22o = 58"
.'. m(EB) =2m(LEAB)=2x58" = 116o (The req.)

Complete the following :

E tr

lf m(L BDC) = 50" rm(DE)=30o If m(LA) = 40' tm(L CMD) = 100'

r then m(L A) = r then
^ =
m (BE) o

"oz@ .s€fi.lEl
"oL@ .0r 0 El
"oor B .0rI @ .09 @ "ozrQ@
"ss E "sE@ "0s D Il
gestnoi tq fu1 p
lnscribed angles subtended


In the same circle , the measures of all inscribed angles subtended by the same arc
are equal.

,, L C t LD and L E are inscribed angles subtended by AB

] . - Q CX= * * (Gl

.'. rn (L C) = rn (LD) = ii (LE) (Q.E.D.)

In the same circle (or in any number of circles) the measures of the inscribed angles
subtended by arcs of equal measures are equal.

i.e. in the.cirote M

Ifm(AB)=rn(6D' );
then rn (LX) =in (LY)'
In this case: the length 6f AB = the length 6f CD

(\v, r ) y o /6ttxty(ou - 6*i)ogL, I4lydl 12g

' liffi

Also : If M and N are two congruent circles

l\ .--a
In this cose , the length ofG = the length of 6D

Similarly.'In any two circles M and N

If m (Ats) = m (CD) I
In this coso : the length of ^'* the length of 6
The converse of the previous corollary is true also
i.e. In the same circle (or in any number of circles) the inscribed angles of equal
measures subtend arcs of equal measures.

In the opposite frgure :

If m(L X) = m (LY) ,
^ ^

Exompl]q E In the opposite figure :

rVBAC) =60o :m(ZADB) = 50"

t ,*(ZACD)=30o
I Find : The measures of the angles denoted by the sign

Given m (Z BAC) = 60o tm(LADB) = 50o ;m(LACD) = 30o

R.T.E The measures of the angles denoted by the sign (?)
Proof m (l- ACB) = m (Z ADB) = 50' (inscribed angles subtended UVfDI
tm (LABD) = m (LACD) = 30' (inscribed angles subtended Cl

t m (LBDC) = m (L BAC) = 60' (inscribed angles subtended UV ftl

r '.' the sum of measures of the interior angles of A ACD = 180o

.'. rn (L DAC) = 180o - (30' + 50' + 60') - 40'

.'. m (LDBC) = m (L DAC) = 40o(inscribed angles subtended Uy fr I
( li'i't: i'r':rl.)

Lesson Three

Exqm ple A An. opposite figure :

I AB is a diameter in the circle M r m (L ACD) = 108o

Find zm(L BAD)

Given ag is a diameter in the circle M : m (Z ACD) = 108o
R.T.F. m (Z BAD)
Proof '.' AB is a diameter in the circle M .'. m (LACB) = 90o
.'. m(LBCD) m(LACD) -m(LACB) = 108o - 90o = 18o
.'. m (L BAD) = m (LBCD) = 18' (inscribed angles subtended Uv 6Dl
(',[ tu: req.)

Ers!!PlrI AB and CD are two chords of a circle intersecting at the point N

If AN = NC Prove that: AB = CD
Given AN=NC
Construction Draw A

In A NAC : '.' NA = NC (given)

.'. m(LC) = m (L A) .'. m (6) = * (6d)
^ to both sides
Adding m (DB) :

.'. m (fD) = ttt (6D) .'. AB = CD (Q.E.D.)

) tomplete , Aiven thdt M is the centre of the circle :

tT ra

. m(L C) = ...'...'..o . m(L C) = .".......o . m(LB) =

. m(L CBA) = ..........o .m(L BDC) = .m(LDAB)=


If two angles subtended by the same base and on the same side of it have the same
measure r then their vertices are on an arc of a circle and the base is a chord of it.

In the opposite figure :

'i If L C and LD are drawn on the base AB and on the same side of it r

I m (L C) = m (LD) : then the points A r B r D and C lie on a unique


1 circle : then AB is a chord of it.

El In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadril ateralin which Ap I

m (Z DAC) = 30" t m (L BMC) = 120"

pass through them one circle.


Prove that : The pointsA : B : C and D

ABCD is a quadrilateral t lO ttBC r m (l- DAC)


=30" tm(L BMC) = 120"
R.T.P. The points A r B : C and D pass through them one circle.

Proof '.' AD ll BC ,Id i, a transversal.

:.rn(LACB) =m(LDAC) = 30o (alternate angles)
In A BMC : m(L MBC) = 180" - (120" + 30') = 30o
.'. m(L DAC) =m(L DBC)
and they are drawn o, OC and on one side of it.
.'. The points A zB r C and D pass through thern one circle. (Q.E.D.)

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral whose diagonals
intersected atB t m (Z BDC) = 60o :AB = BC =AC
Prove that :The pointsA : B r C and D pass through
them one circle.

t(COg 7) ut = (CVA Z) ru tuql e^ord : lurgl ;1esrno,( ,tq e,tor4 B

(gVC 7)rrr, (g Z) ur -f
"gt =


"0, =
(JCg 7),u1, oOV = (C Z) ul e "0€
= (VgJ 7)w, o1g= (JZ)
"/ Il
gestnoA tq fu1 p

The cyclic guadrilateral and its

T w





-T he cy clic
qu a dr ilater al
The cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose four vertices belong to one circle.
, We can draw a unique circle passes through its four vertices.
In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral because its four vertices

lie on one circle.

Properties of the cyclic quadrilateral

Each two angles are drawn Each two opposite The measure of the exterior
on a side of its sides as angles are angle at any vertex equals
a base and on one side of supplementary the measure of the interior
it are equal in measure angle opposite to its adjacent

and next we will study each property in details with clarification by the examples.

In the cyclic quadrilateral t eachtwo angles drawn on a side of its sides as a base and on
one side of it are equal in measure.
"Because they are two inscribed angles subtended by the same arc".

For example:
In the opposite figure :

If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

r then m (Z BAC) = m (Z BDC)
"drawn o, BC and on one side of it"

If the figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral : then we can deduce the following :

.m(L1)=m (LZ) DA
t m(L3)=m (L4) t
m(L 5) =m(L 6) ; m(L7) =m(L 8)
" The line segments AB , BC , CD , DA- : AC and gD
are chords in this circle.

Efgf ple_E In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which AB = AD r

m (l- BAD) = 70" and m (l- BDC) = 41"

Find : The value of each of X andy

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral r AB = AD , C

m (Z BAD) = 70" t m (L BDC) = 41"

R.T.F. The value of each of Xandy
Proof '.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'. m (L BAC) =m (L BDC) = 41" (drawn on the same base BC)

m (Z BAD) = 70" :.m(L CAD) =70" - 41" =29"

m (Z CBD) = m (L CAD) (drawn on the same base CD)
X= 29"
A ABD in which AB = AD

m (Z ABD) = m (Z ADB) ,2- 180'- 70' = 55"

m(L ACD) = m (L ABD) (drawn on the same base AD)
Y=55o (The req.)

Lesson Fou r

In each of the two following figures , if ABCD is a ryclic quaclrilateral t

find the value of X :



In a cyclic quadrilateral , each two opposite angles are supplementary.

Given ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

R.T.P. 1m(LA)+m(LC)=180o
2 m(L B) + m (LD) = 180o
Proof '.'m(LA)= (Lc)=
+ mf6EDl andm
* ^fffil
.', m (LA) +m (L c) =
t l*fffil +m fffil]
= themeasure of the = x 360" = 180o
| "ir"l" *
Similarly z m (L B) + m (LD) = 180o (Q.E.D.)

Exqmpl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle r

en is a diameter in it andAD = DC

If m(L BAC) = 35o

Find: 1m(ZD) 2 m (L BCD)

UIVCN ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral , AB is a diameter in the circle

r AD = DC and m (Z BAC) = 35'


R.T.F. rn(LD) m (l- BCD)

Proof .' AB is a diameter in the circie

.'. m(L ACB) = 90o .'. rn(L ABC) = 90o - 35o = 55o

'.' The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral (given)

.'. m(L B) + m (LD) = 180o

.'. W(L D) = 180' - 55" = 125"

In A ADC : '.' m (L D) = 125"

.'. m (L DAC) + m (L DCA) = 1B0o - 125' = 55o
'.' DA = DC (given) .'. m (L DAC) = m (L DCA) = l5' = 27 .5o
.'. n (L BCD) = m (L BCA) + m (L ACD)
= 90o + 2J .5" = l1l .5" (Second req.)

In each of the following figUfes , find the measure of each angle

clenotecl by (?) :

ic @

The measure of the exterior angle at a vertex of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to
the measure of the interior angle at the opposite vertex.

In the opposite figure :

If ABCD is a cyclic quadriiateral

t L CBE is an exterior angle of it r

then m (Z ABC) + m (L D) * 180"

but m (Z ABC) + m (L CBE) = 180"

.'. m (L CBE) = m (Z I))

Lesson Four

*: In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle

(LA) = 70' and E CIE
in which : m

Given CD = CB : DB - DA and m (L A) ='7Q"

R.T.F. m (/ EBC)
Proof In A DBA:
'.' DB = DA
.'. m (L DBA) = {n (L A) = 70"

:.m(L BDA) = 180o - (70'+ 70") = 40o

'.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

.'. m(L C) + m (L A) = 180o

:. m(L C) = 180" - 70' = 110o

'.' CB = CD tm(L C) = 110"

.'. m(LCDB) =m(LCBD) = l!9]J10. = 35o

:.m(L CDA) =m(L CDB) +m(L BDA) = 35o + 40o =75"

'.' LEBC is an exterior angle of the cyclic quadrilateralABCD

.'. m(L EBC) =m(L CDA) =75" (The req.)

Exomple In the opposite figure :

E€Bd tm(LBMD) =n(LBCD) =2X"

Find : The value of each of X and y

(\^:r)Y o/6ttetY/(,UJ-cr-) olj;-t, I4Edl rc7


Given m (Z BMD) = m (Z BCD) =2 Xo and m (Z DCE) = (y + 20)"

R.T.F. The value of each of X and y

Proof '.' L Ais an inscribed angle and LBMD is a central angle subtended by 6
;.m(LN= + m(ZBMD)=fi
'.' The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

.'. m(LA) +m (Z BCD) = 180o :. X+2X=180'

:.3 X = 180o .'. X= 60"
'.' LDCE is an exterior angle of the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD

:.m(L DCE) =m(LA) .'. y+ 20o =60o

:. y = 40" (Tl-re i'r-t1.1

ffit In each of the following ftgures , ftncl the measure of each angle
denoted by (?) :

.oer [g .s9 @ .ozr 0 El

(CJV 7)urc ogII = tC Z) *[?l .orr [e .O8DE
"0, = "0a@
"ZL.E .ze u Il
rypsnoi1q tutuoJl

rving the cyclic quadrilateral

In this lesson we will answer the next question :

When a quadrilateral is a cyclic quadrilateral ?

The quadrilateral is a cyclic qaadnlateral if there is a point in its plane at equal

distances from its vertices.

If M is a point where :

r then A,:BCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

The quadrilateral is a cyclic quadrilateral if there are two angles equal in measure
drawn on one of its bases and on one side of this base.

According to this r €ach of the fbllowing fbur figures is a cyclic quadrilateral.

(z) (.j)


Ia Remarks
{$ If there are two angles drawn on one of the bases of a quadrilateral r and on the same side
of it and they are not equal in measure : then the quadrilateral is not cyclic.

@ ffre rectangle r the square and the isosceles trapezium are cyclic quadrilaterals while
the parallelogram: the rhombus and the trapezium that is not isosceles are not cyclic

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral r its diagonals intersect atB

If m (L,A.DB) - 48' t m (L DBC) = 32o t
m (Z BEC) = 100' and m (Z ABD) = 64"

1 Prove that :

The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

2 Find:
The measures of the angles denoted by (?)

Given m (Z ADB) = 48' t m (L DBC) = 32o >

m (LBEC) = 100' t m (L ABD) = 64

R.T.P. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

R.T.F. The measures of the angles denoted by (?)

Proof InABEC:
'.' m (L BCE) = 180o - (100" + 32") = 48o

:. m(LADB) =m(-LACB)
and they are drawn o, AB and on one side of it.

.'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (First req.)

.'. m (L DAC) = m (L DBC) = 32"

(drawn o, DC and on the same side of it)

;n(LACD) =1(LABD) =64o

(drawn o, ID and on the same side of it)

Lesson Five
'.' LBEC is an exterior angle of A ABE
:. m(L BEC) =m(L EAB) +m(L EBA)
:,m(L EAB) = 100o -64o =36

.'. m (L BDC) = m (L BAC) = 36

(drawn on BC and on the same side of it) (Second req.)

Eleonr"l In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilaterul inscribed irr a circle

itsdiagonalsintersect atE tXCBE rYe CE
such that XV / gC

Prove that :

1 AXYD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

2 m (L BAX) = m (L CDY)

Given ABCD is a cyclic qua&ilateral , XY llBC

R.T:P. 1 AXYD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

2 m(L BAX) =m(L CDY)

Proof ... XY IIBC

.'. m (L 1) = m (L 2) (conesponding angles)
but m (L 2) = m (L 3) (two inscribed angles subtended UV 6l

.'. m(Ll)=m(L3)
and they are drawn on the base YD and on one side of it.

.'. AXYD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D. 1)

'.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

:.m(L BAC) =m(L BDC) (1)


'.' AXYD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

.'. m (L XAY) = m (L XDY) (2)

Subtracting (2) from (1) we deduce that :

m (Z BAC) -m(L XAY) =m(L BDC) -rrr(L XDY)

:.m(L BAX) =m(L CDY) (Q.E.D.2)

Put 6/1 for the cyclic quadrilaterdt in the fottowing

(Given that : AC n To , {n}l :
l.- ) IT

r----.l t---l


In the opposite figure :

If m(L B)+m(LD) =180o orm(LA)+m(LC)=180o

: then the figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Elomp_!rl In the opposite figure :

gC is a diameter in the circle M rA€fr ,

the chord DE I BC where
DE n BC = {x} and DE n ac = {v}
I Prove that : The figure ABXY is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Given gC ir a diameter in the circle M , DE I BC
R.T.P. The figure ABXY is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Lessoh itr '

Proof '.' BC is a diameter in the circle M

.'. m(L BAC) = 90"
, '.' Dg I BC :. m (L DxB) = 90"
.'. In the figure ABXY :

m (Z BAY) + m (Z YXB) = 90o + 90o = 180'

.'. The figure ABXY is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

Ia Remarh
If one of a cyclic quadrilateral's angles is right r then the diagonal opposite to this
angle is a diameter of the circumcircle of this cyclic quadrilateral and the midpoint of
this diagonal is the centre of this circle.

In the opposite figure :

If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateralt m (L A) = m (L C) = 90"

r then gD ir a diameter of the circumcircle of the figure ABCD
and the point M (the midpoint of eD) is the centre of this
circle whose radius length = MB = MD = MA = MC C

Elg$ple ,ffi
**\ In the opposite figure :

AD bisects LBAC ;

Ci bisects L ACB t m (L BAD) = 35o t

m (L ACE) = 25" and AO n EC = {X}
Prove that : The figure BEXD is a cyclic quadrilaterul.

_ HEfl

AD bisects LBAC, Ci bisects Z ACB :

m (Z BAD) = 35' ; m (L ACE) = 25o

The figure BEXD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

In AABC '.' EBbisects LBAC

:. m(L BAC) = 35" x2='70"
r '.' CE bisects L ACB .'. m(LACB) =25" x2=50"

.'. m(L B) = 180o - (70" + 50') = 60o (1)

t '.' L AXE is an exterior angle of A AXC

.'. m(LAXE) =m(LXAC) +m(LACX) = 35" +25o = 60o (2)

From (1) and (2) andin the figure BEXD :

:. m (L AXE) (the exterior angle) = m (L B) (the opposite to the vertex X)

.'. The figure BEXD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

Irt each of the following , is the figure ABCD a qclic quaclrilateral or not


(d pve (1) e:re slerotel,upenb c11c,(c sql@

(g) pue (t) ere slerelqupenb c11c.(c eqlll


of a circle


I .,ritri€=

First I The two tangents drawn at the two ends of a diameter in a circle are parallel

In the opposite figure :

If AB is a diameter in the circle M and the two

straight lines L and K are two tangents to the
circle atA and B respectivelyr
then the straight line L // the straight line K

(because the straight line L I AB and the straight line K I Anl

Second I The two tangents drawn at the two ends of a chord of a circle are intersecting

In the opposite figure :

If AB- is a chord in the circle M and the two

straight lines L and K are two tangents to
the circle at A and B respectively: then the two
straight lines L and K are intersecting at a point
outside the circle M (Say C) and AC , BC ar"
called tangent-segments and AB is called a chc

(\1 : r ) Y o /6tlelYl(str] - Cy) olr,:-1..r )t<ldl 145


The two tangent-segments drawn to a circle from a point outside it are equal in length.

Given A is a point outside the circle M :

AB and AC *" two tangent-segments

to the circle at B and C respectively.

R.[P. AB =AC
Construction Draw MB , nAC , Ua-

Proof f ir a tangent to the circle M

m (Z ABM) = 90'

AC is a tangent to the circle M

.'. m(LACM) = 90o


I MB = MC (the lengths of two radii)

] au is a common side.
I m (L ABM) = m (L ACM) = 90" (proved)

.'. A ABM : A ACM r and we deduce that : AB = AC (Q.E.D.)

Corollaries of theorem (4)

The straight line passing through the centre of the circle and the intersection point of
the two tangents is an axis of symmetry to the chord of tangency of those two tangents.

In the opposite figure :

If m and Ed are two tangents to the circle M at B and C

IM ir the axis of symmetry
respectivelyr then to BC


Lesson Six

The straight line passing through the centre of the circle and the intersection point of
its two tangents bisects the angle between these two tangents.It also bisects the angle
between the two radii passing through the two points of tangency.

In the opposite figure :

If m and Ed are two tangents to the

circle M at B and C respectively : then :

. EM bisects LBAC .'. m (L l) =m (L 2)

. I\4Ibisects LBMC .'. m(L3) =m (L4)
Ia Remarks on theorem (4) and its corollaries
In the opposite figure :

(O,qn = ec €) rvrg = MC = r
@r,ZABM) =n(LACM)=90o
i.e. The figure ABMC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
,ZBAM) (LBCM) = m (LCAM) = m (LCBM)
Gl m =m
@ = m (LACB) = m (LAMC) = m (LABC)
Exom P]q Il In the opposite figure :
I AB and AC touch the circle at B and C :

I ABll CE,m(LA)=50o
i Find by proof t m(L BDE)

Given aE and ffi touch the circle at B and C, AE ll CE t m (LA) = 50"
R.T.F. m (z BDE)
Proof '.' AB and AC are two tangent-segments to the circle .'. AB = AC

- 180o- 50o = 65o

.'. In AABC : m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB)'2

. AE ll CE and ffi is a transversal to them.

:.n(LABC) =m(L BCE) = 65o (alternate angles)

'.' The figure DBCE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

.'. m(L BDE) = 180" - 65o = 115o (The req.)


following t find the measure of the angle clenoted by (O


The inscribed circle of a polygon is the circle which touches all of its sides internally.

Fie. (1) Fie. (2)

M, is the inscribed circle of the triangle ABC where : M, is the inscribed circle of
the side AB touches the circle at D: the side BC touches the quadrilateralABcD
the circle at E and the side CA touches the circle at F

Ia Remarh
The centre of the inscribed circle of any triangle is the point of intersection of the
bisectors of its interior angles.

i.e.In the opposite figure :

If the circle M is the inscribed circle of the triangle ABC
: then M is the intersection point of the bisectors of the
interior angles of A ABC

We can prove that as follows ! c

'.' AD and AF are two tangent-segments to the circle M
.'. EM bisects L BAC (1) , similarly
, ffi ABC
bir""ts Z (2)
, CM bir""ts Z ACB (3)
From (1) t (2) and (3) t we deduce that :
' M is the intersection point of the bisectors of the interior angles of the triangle ABC

Lesson Six
Exomple ABC is atriangle whereAB = 4 cm. rBC = 7 cm. :AC = 5 cm.
If the inscribed circle of it touches its sides AB , BC and CA at D r E
and F respectively,

prove that : AC + BD = BC + AD r then deduce the lengths of the parts

into which the sides of the triangle are divided by the points of tangency.
Given AB = 4 cm. rBC = 7 cm. rAC = 5 cm. :
D : E and F are the points of tangency of the
inscribed circle of the triangle ABC

R.T.P. AC+BD=BC+AD +7cm,-

Proof '.' CF and CE are two tangent - segments to the circle at F and E

.'. CF = CE : similarly AF = AD : BD = BE

.'. (CF + AF) + BD = (CE + BE) + AD

.'.AC+BD=BC+AD(1) (First req.)

'.. AC = 5 cm. : BC = 7 cm. :AD = (4 -BD) cm.
Substituting in (1) :

.'.5 +BD=7 +(4-BD) .'.5+BD= 11-BD

.'. ZBD =6 .'. BD=3 cm. rDA= 4-3 =l cm.
'.' BD = BE

.'. BE = 3 cm.: CE = J -3 = 4 cm.

'.' AD = AF

.'. AF = 1 cm.r CF = CE = 4 cm. (Second req.)

In the opposite figure :

If M is the centre of the inscribed circle of A ABC
) complete the following :

@ U is the intersection point of of the triangle ABC

@ fne perimeter of AABC =

@ :fn" figure ADMF is a cyclic quadrilateral because

The common tangents to two circles

.It is said that the tangent AB is an internal common tangent to the two circles M and N
if the two circles M and N are on two different sides of the tangent.
. It is said that the tangent IE ir an extemal common tangent to the two circles M and N
if the two circles M and N are on the same side of the tangent.

The following table shows the number of the comtnon tangents to two circles in their
dffirent situations (locations) :

Two distant circles Two circles touching externally

4 common tangents 3 common tangents

. L, and L, (external) . L, and L, (external)
. L, and L. (internal) 'L, (internal)

Two intersecting circles Two circles touching internally

2 common tangents One common tangent

. L, and L, (external) . L is the cofi]mon tangent (external)
. There are no internal tangents . There are no internal tangents

One circle inside the other

There are no common tangents

*1 In the opposite figure :
M and N are two circles touching externally at
The straight line L is a common tangent to them at A
Lesson Six

r C e L r from C draw more two tangents to the circles M

and N to touch them at D and E respectively.
Prove that :

1 C is the centre of the circle which passes through the points D: A and E
I 2 LDAE supplements Z MCN
L is the common tangent to the two circles M and N at A r
CO is a tangent-segment to the circle M :
CE is a tangent-segment to the circle N
I C is the centre of the circle which passes through the points D r A and E
2 LDAE supplements Z MCN
'.' CD and CA are two tangent-segments to the circle M ... CD = CA (1)
'.' CE and CA are two tangent-segments to the circle N ... CE = CA (Z)
From (1) and (2) we deduce that CD = CA = CE
.'. C is the centre of the circle which passes through the points D : A and E
(Q.E.D. 1)
'.' Md is the axis of symmetry of the chord of tangency aO i, the circle M
.'. m(LAXC) = 90o
. frd is the axis of symmetry of the chord of tangency AB in the circle N
.'. m(LAYC) =90o .'. m(LAXC) +n(LAYC) =90" +90'= 180"
.'. The figure AXCY is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'. m (L DAE) + m (L MCN) = 180o (Q.E.D.2)

In the opposite figure :

Find the value of each of X andy
in centimetres.

(I + (ftOV Z) ru .wc
= dV 7) Lu r-fl oZ@ se18uu rorrelur Jo srolcesrq oqJ
.0, E.o9 = (c 7)w. "ot= (cynt 7*@ .,9 E I'

Angles of


The angle of tangency is the angle which is composed of the union of two rays , one
of them is a tangent to the circle and the other contains a chord of the circle passing
through the point of tangency.

In the opposite figure t ;


If - AC is a tangent to the circle at A and AB contains the chord l

: then LBACis an angle of tangency in the circle M r its chord is AB

eg is called the chord of tangency of the angle of tangency BAC

The measure of the angle of tangency

The angle of tangency is a special case of the inscribed
angle because if we imagine that the side Ad of an inscribed
angle BAC moves around A in the direction of the affow
as shown in the opposite figure r

then the point D gets closer to fhe point A till it coincides the point A:
then Ad becomes a tangent to the circle.
Since the inscribed angle is measured as a half the measure of the arc intercepted by its two
sides : then the measure of the angle of tangency is the same.
.The I
i.e. i measure of the angle of tangency = measure of the arc intercepted by its sides.

Lesson Seven
In the opposite figure :

' LBAC is an angle of tangency that intercepts fE- between its sicles.


" LBAD is an angle of tangency that intercepts the majorfB

between its sides.

.'. m (L BAD) = the major)

* ^160

The measure of the angle of tangency is equal to the measure of the inscrifued
angle subtended by the same arc.

Given LBAC is an angie of tangency and L D is an inscribed angle.

R.T.P. m (l- BAC) =m (LD)

Proof '.' LBAC is an angle of tangency.


'.' L D is an inscribed angle

.'.m(LD)=-lI *r[El (r]

From (1) and (2) twe deduce that : m (Z BAC) = m (Z D) (Q.E.D.)

The measure of the angle of tangency is half the measure of the central angle
subtended by the same arc.

In the opposite figure :

m(LBAC) =-|." liDl

(tangency angle)

, '.' m (Z AMB) (central angle) = m (G)

.'. m (L BAC) (tangency angle) = AMB) (central angle)
* ^(Z

(y. :r) y o /6ttstrl(otij-cri)-l*:!, I4lyJl 153

Ia Remark
The angle of tangency is supplementary to the drawn inscribed angle on the chord of
the angle of tangency and in one side of it.

In the opposite frgure :

If BB is a tangent to the circle M r

E e the circle M

(z ABD) = +
, then m Gl
rn (1)

and m (z AEB) =
i ^tfrDl Q)

Adding (1) and (2) twe deduce that :

m (z ABD) + n(LAEB) = t ^fffiEl * * ^tiGl

= * l^fGEl + m 1iG )7 = +x 360' = l8oo

Exqmple In each of the following ,76 it a tangent

to the circle M Find the
measure of each angle denoted by the symbol (?) :

m (Z ADB) = m (Z BAC) = 65"

(inscribed and tangency angles subtended UV fDl


m (Z BAC) = i m (Z AMB) = 55o

(tangency and central angles subtended UV ilB-l

'.' m (L AMB the reflex) = 360o - 120' = 240o

.'. m(LBAC) = * AMB the reflex) = l20o

(tangency and central angles subtended bV fr the major)

Lesson Seven

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two tangent-segments to the circle :

m (Z BDC) = 65' and m (LE) = 115o

2 Prove that : Btbisects L ABD

Given An and AC ar" two tangent-segments to the circle r

m (Z BDC) = 65'and m (LE) = 115o

R.T.F. m(L At)

R.T.P. Bd bisects L ABD

Proof '.'m(LABC) =m(L BDC)

(tangency and inscribed angles subtended tV 6dl

.'. m(L ABC) = 65o (1)

, '.' AB and AC are two tangent-segments to the circle.

.'. AB = AC

.'. In A ABC : m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = 65o

:. m (L A) = 180" - (65' + 65") = 50o (First req.)

: '.' the figure BCED is a cyclic quadrilateral

andm (LE) = 115o

.'. m(L DBC) = 180o - 115" = 65o (2)

From (1) and (2) :

:.m(LABC) =m(L DBC) = 65o

.'. Bdbisecrs Z ABD (Second req.)


W In each of the fottowing t find *he measure of each angte denoted by

the symbot (?):
I o ltr lB

If a ray is drawn from one end of a chord of a circle that the angle between this ray
and the chord is equal in measure to the inscribed angle subtended by the chord in
the alterrrate side r then this ray is a tangent to the circle.

Thus in the opposite figure :

If AB is a chord in the circle M :

eD ir drawn such that m (Z BAD) = m (L C) ,

then AD is a tangent to the circle M

I Wnut is the benefit that we have from the converse of theorem (5) ?
The converse of theorem (5) is used to prove that the ray drawn from one of the
vertices of a triangle is a tangent to the circumcircle of this triangle.
. If we want to prove that :
AD is a tangent to the circumcircle of A ABC r

then we should prove that m (Z CAD) = m (LB) (1)

. And if we want to prove that AE is a tangent to

the circumcircle of A ABC : then we should prove that
m(ZBAE)=m(LC) (2)

* And proving one of the previous steps (1) or (2)

that means , 5E h a tangent to the circumcircle of A ABC

Lesson Seven

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

AB =AD r m (L A)= 84" t m(LABC) = 132o

Prove that :
gC ls a tangent-segment to the circle passing

throughA:B andD
Given AB =AD :m (L A)= 84o. n(LABC) = 132"

R.T.P. gC it a tangent-segment to the circle passing through the points A : B and D

Proof InAABD :'.' AB =AD tm(LA) = 84o
180'- 84'
.'. m(LABD) = m(LADB) - 2
= 48o
'.'m(LABC) =132" .'. m(LDBC) =732" -48" =84" =m(Llt)
.'. BC is a tangent-segment to the circle

which passes through the points A : B and D (e.E.D)

Exqmple In the opposite figure :

Ag is a diameter in the circle whose centre is M :

lrtC is a radius in it perpendicular to AB , D €Md ,

AD n the circle = {E} and BE n I\{d = {N}

Prove that :

1 The figure DEMB is a cyclic quadrilareral.

2 ffiis a tangent to the circumcircle of A NDE

Given ae is a diameter in the circle M , Dfr I AB
R.T.P. I The figure DEMB is a cyclic quadrilateral.

2 EM is a tangent to the circumcircle of A NDE

Proof '.' AB is a diameter in the circle M :. m(LAEB) = 90o
.'. m(L BED) = 90o :
'.' m(L BED) =m(L BMD) = 90o
and they are drawn o, gD and on one side of it.

.'. The figure DEMB is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.l)

'.' m(LEDM) =m(LEBM) (drawn on MB and on one side of it)

but : m (Z EBM) = m (L MEB) because MB = ME = r

:.m(LMEB) =m(L EDM)

.'. ffi is a tangent to the circumcircle of A NDE (Q.E.D.2)

In each of the foltowing figures , show if ffi is a tangent to the circte

passing through the points A , B and C or not

E Ao

J pue g c y slurod eqt q8noqt Surssed elcrlc oql o1 true8uel u trou sI AV e

J pu€ g c y slurod eq1 q8noql Surssud elcJlc eql ot tue8uel B lou sI AV @

J pue g c y slurod eqr q8noqr Sutssud elcrlc oqt ot tue8uel E sl gV O El

.09 @
.g9 = (gJC 7),rr'.g9 = (c z)*@ "ozr @ tl


By o group of supervisors



: ::


I nlgebra and Probability

l"- ."- 1I

t il

W s

Unit One
Unit Two
Alg.ebraic fractional functions and the operations
on them.
Unit Three Probability.


Unit Four The circle.
Unit Five Angles and arcs in the circle.
irst Algebra and Probability
On factorizing the algebraic
expressions. 6

unit I Equations. T

Algebraic fractional functions and

Unit 2 the operations on them 24

Unit 3 Probability.

Accumulative basic skills

"TIMSS Problems"
Revision exercise on factorizing

Factorize each of the following perfectly :

1t)25 X2 -gy2 I*-)Z Xs + 54 X2

t,4z x4 - rc
i'i)z x2 -20 x + 48 Ir;,,)X2+8X+16

l'r )8 x3 +27 ['tly'-50y-51

ir'lzs x2 -30 x+9 i;rrrlX2 - 81

lr'{ly'-y l"ae]3 X2 +7 X-6

it:,,)y2-8x+L2 i'n^)Z x3 +2 X2 + 12 X + 8

irr,lx3 -tz5 3rl4x2-12x+9

tt'/)a3 +3 t -9 a-27 i,vl-2 x2 _ r5 x-7
l,t{tilx2 -i X+ tO i.;',t\g x4 - 16 ya
-9 X2 +20 vtlr - 4 x2
t:;:;15 X2 -3 X-z rr,43 xa -$ x3 + 12 x2

l;:i-13X2-t9X+6 yrtu)4 X2 + 28 Xy + 49 y2

li/ix6 -64y6 ?",rlzya -4yt +7 y -14

y;;u)Xa-5x2-24 lsn)9 ya - 13 xz y2 + 4ya

zl Equations


I Exercises of the unit :
I . solving two equations of the first degree in two variables graphically
and algebraically.
2. Solving an equation of the second degree in one unknown
graphically and algebraically.
3. Solving two equations in two variables r one of them is of
the first degree and the other is ofthe second degree. Scan the
QR code
to solve an
test on each
. lesson
TI Solvingtwo equations of the first degree in
twovariables graphica lly and algebraical ly
From the school hook



O Remember O Atppfi:y & Problem Solving

Find graphically in IR x IR the S.S. of each pair of the following equations :

(Alexandria 15) < {(2 t 5)}

[Iy + X=7 Y=2X+l >

Lp-lx+y=S x-Y=1 (South Sinai 13) < {(3 : 2)} >

Elm3x+y=5 y+3X=8 <<Ar>

[4lm 2x+y=4 8-2y=4X < an infinite number >

Elm 2x+y=Q X+2Y =l " {(- 1 t2)} "

[i]y=-3 x-Y=5 "{(2t-3)},

B fi*ra algebraically in IR, x R the S.S. of each pair of the following equations :

l':x--y X+3Y=3 < {(2 t2)} >

le,,)x-y =2 X+y-4 (Red Sea 18) < {(3 : i)} "

y+2X =5 <{(2:1)}>
Lr)x+5y=4 2X-5Y=11 (Matrouh 18) < {(5 , {)} "
l;i)y=y+4 3X+4Y=5 (El-Dakahlia 18) < {(3 :- 1)}'
jffi z x-y --3 X+ZY =4 (Et-Sharkia 19 t Alex' 18) < {(2 : l)} >

:3X+2Y=4 X-3Y=J (Kafi' lll''Shcikh 19) < {(2 I - 1)} >

iffil : x+4y=24 X-2Y = -2 (El-Gh.arbia 18 t Giza 12) < {(4 t 3)} >

t,3X-Y=-4 y -2 X=3 (Asuun 19)

" K- 1 I 1)] >
)X+2y =5 316=y+8 (til'sharkia 18) < {(3 : i)} >

Exercise I
h:]5 v + x=2 t 2X-3y+9=0 <{(-3:1)}>
I 2y -3 x=7 t 3y+2X=4 <{(*l r2)}>

[@x+2y=1 t 2X+4y=-5 <<4,

14im{*I= I * *2Y =1
'633 )
23 < {(2 :0)} >

ffiFind the solution set for each pair of the following equations algebraically and
l:tly=x+4 X+y =4 (El-Gharbia t9 tSouhag 16)<{(0 t4)}>
l43x-y+4=0 y =2X+3 n{(- 1 ,1)} "
'Czx+y=1 X+2y=J <{(-1 r3)}>
i4x+2y=8 3 x+y =9 < {(2 r3)} >

E)x-v = 4 3 X+2Y =7 (Damietta 13) <{(3 r- 1)},

ic:x+4y=ll 2X+y-4=0 <{(l r2)}>

@ Wtrat is the number of solutions of each pair of the following equations :

It]m7x+4y=6 ) 5 X-2y = 14

l\ax+2y=t0 t Y=-2x-5
isj m g X+ 6y =24 ) 3 X+2y =8
ffi Find the values of a and b knowing that (3 I - 1) is the solution of the two equations :

aX+by-5=0 t 3aX+by=lJ
(Luxor 18 t Damietta 17 t El-Gharbia 16) << 2 ; 1 >>

If (a ,2 b) is a solution for the two equations :

3X-y=5 and X+y-*1

: then find the values of a and b (El-Dakahlia 17) << I s- I >>

If f (X)=aX2 +b rf (1)=5 ,f (2)=71 tthenfindthevaluesof aandb

(El-Fayoum09)<<2 t3>>

Complete the following :

E fne two straight lines which represent the two equations X=3 '. )y = I are intersecting
at the point

E m The solution set of the two equations : X+y - 0 , y - 5 = 0 inlR x IR is ..........


(Y:t)Y o/6ttttvl(olJ;-rL":) *,*--r, 14ly6ll g

ZT O Remember e Understand O Apply ooo Problem Solving

Lq]m The S.S. of the two equations :X+ 3y - 4 ;3y + X= 1 inlR x lRis

E-l fne unique solution of the two equations : y = 2 t Z X = Y in R x IR is """ "'

IsJfneS.S.of thetwoequatiorr,{+ 1=0 :} + 5 =0 in]R xlRis......'... (Norrhsinai t2)

{Z]m If thetwo straightlines whichrepresentthetwoequations : X+3Y =4 tX+ay -7

are parallel : then a = ".......'
E m If there is only one solution forthe two equations : X +2y - | and2 X+ky =)
: then k cannot equal ..........

[t Choose the correct answer from those given :

* Ll Which of the following graphs represents two equations of the first degree in two
variables which have no common solution ? (Port Said l9)

x'l/ x
(a) (b) v' (c) t4 (d)

o i.rlThe point of intersection of the two straightlines : X+2 = 0 r Y = Xis

(El-Dakahlia 17)

(a) (2 >2) (b) (2 ,0) (c)(-2,-2) (d) (0 ,0)

a [!lfne point of intersection of the two straightlines : X+3 - 0 ,Y - 5=0

lies in the '......... quadrant.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

[4 fne two straight lines : 3 X =7 t 2 y = 9 are (Matrouh l6 t Luxc,r l6)

(a) parallel. (b) coincident.

(c) intersecting and non perpendicular. (d) perpendicular.

[-qlThetwo straightlinesrepresentingthetwoequations : X+5 Y= 1 : X+5 y-8 =0

4re.......... (El-Beheira l7 ; Giza 16)

(a) parallel. (b) coincident.

(c) perpendicular. (d) intersecting and not perpendicular.

(l :[=L]l The S.S. of the two equations : X - 2y= I ;3 X+ y = 10 inR x Ris .'........
(Souhag l8 t Port Said 13 t El-Fayoum 1l)

1a1 {15 , z1} (b) {(2,4)} 1c1 {1t ,:;} (d) {(3 , 1)}

Exorcise I
l.',mThetwostraightlines:3X+ 5 y=0 t 5 X-3 y=0 areintersectingat..........
(Alexandria 14 t El-Beheira l1)
(a) the origin point. (b) the first quadrant.
(c) the second quadrant. (d) the fourth quadrant.

o Elftnepointofintersection ofthe two straightlines : X- I=0 ) y =2 k lies on the

fourth quadrant : then k may be equal (Kafr El-Sheikh 16)

(a)-5 (b) 0 (") 1 (d) s

J' @rne numberof solutions of thetwo equations: x - [v =+ t z x-y = 2 in]R2

is...'..".' (El-Kalyoubia 16 t El-Monofia l6)
(a) a unique solution. (b) two solutions.
(c) an infinite number of solutions. (d) zero.
aa ',1,,lffi If there arealinfinitenumberof solutions in]R xRof thetwo equations:X + 4y =J
,3 X+ky =21 r then k - ...... (Souhag 19 tEt-Beheira 18 > Qena t7 ; Alexandria 16)
(a) 4 (b) 7 (c) t2 (d) 2t

In the opposite figure :
If the equation of straight line L, : X + y - 6

and the equation of the straight lineLr: y - 2X=0

where LraLz= {B} r O is the origin pointr A e it
Find : The surface area of the triangle OAB

(El-Sharkia 15) < 12 square units >

Applications on solving two equations of the first degree in two variables

The sum of two natural numbers is 63 and their difference is 11

Find the two numbers. (El-Beheira 16) < 37 t26 >>

The sum of two integers is 54 : twice the flrst number equals the second number.
Find the two numbers. < 18 ,36 >

If three times a number is added to twice a second number the sum is 13 r and if the flrst
number is added to three times the second number the sum is 16

Find the two numbers. @ort Said t7) << I t I

ffi A rectangle is with a length more than its width by 4 cm.If the perimeter of the rectangle
is 28 cm. Find the area of the rectangle. (El-Kab,oubia 19 t Cairo 17 t Alex. 12) < 45 cm2: >>

I C Appfly 1'1 Problem Solving
ZT O Remember Understand

tro M If the number of the teams participating in the African Nations Cup is 16 teams r and

the number of non-Arab teams is 4 more than three times the Arab teams ,
find the number of the participating Arab teams in the championship. << 3 teams >>

@ fne sum of ages of amafi and his son is 55 years. If the man's age is more than four times
I his son's age by 5 years. Find the age of each of them. < 45 years r 10 years >


lt M Two
supplementary angles r the twice of the measure of their bigger equals seven
times the measure of the smaller. Find the measure of each angle. < 140o r 40o >

tr Ml Two acute angles in


a right-angled triangle : the difference between their measures is 50"

Find the measure of each angle. (El-Beheira 19 t El-Kalyoubia 18 t Damietta 17) < 14' t20o >>

tro If the price of 4 pens and two books is L.E. 22 and if the number of pens increases by one
and the number of books decreases by one : then the price will becomeL.E.20
Find the price of each of the pen and the book. <L.E.3:L.8.5>

III A two-digit number : the sum of its two digits is three times of its units digit and its tens
digit exceeds its units digit by 4 Find this number. <<84>

IE ffi A two-digit number r the sum of its digits is 11 If the two digits are reversed : then the
resulted number ts 2J more than the original number : what is the original number ?

(Kafr El-Sheikh 16) < 41 >

@ A two-digit number equals 5 times the sum of its digits. If the two digits are reversed then
the resulted number will be more than the origin number by 9
Find the origin number. << 45 >>

IE A rational number : if the number 1 is subtracted from its two terms r it will be I and if the
number 5 is added to its denominator : it will become I3 firrA the rational number. '70

@ M If the sum of the ages of Ahmed and Osama now is 43 years r and after 5 years
the difference between both ages willbe 3 years.
Find the age of each of them after 7 years. < 30 years t27 years >>

@ five years ago : Magdi's age was five times the age of his daughter Dina and after four
years from flow : Magdi's age will become three times the age of Dina.

Exercise I
IE In the opposite figure :
An equilateral triangle

Find the length of its side, << 7 cm. >>

(x+2Y) cm.

The two measures of the base angles of an isosceles triangle are (5 x 5 y).
t (3 X + 5 y)' and the measure of the vertex angle is (2 X)
Find the value of each of X and y < 18 :3.6 >

For excellent pupils

rcf+*=3 ,t** = 10 Find the value of each of / and m

"_ r,!"
E a rectangie of perimeter 24 cm.If its length decreased by 4 cm.and its width increased by
2 cm. became a square. Find the area of the square. (Ismailia 13) <<25 cm2.>>

A sum equals L.E. 8 : it is wanted to change rt to 2l banknotes r sorlle of them are of

25 piastres and the others are of 50 piastres. Find the number of banknotes of each type.

l0 of 25 piastres r 11 of -50 piastres >

Solye the interactive tests

by scanning tne OR COde

Download Open the

QP reoder
tthen scan
Epplication on QF code in
your phone each exercise

ofthe second degree in
an equation
one unknown graphically and algebraically @_
lnteractive test
M From the school book

O Remember O Applly r'o Problem Solving

Choose the correct answer from those given :

The opposite figure represents the curve of a quadratic

function / : then the solution set of the
equation f (X) = 0 in lR is """"" (Cairo 16)
q .,x
-r -z -t Ol 123
@)a (b) {1}

(") {o} (d) {(o ,1)} I v,

In the opposite figure :
The S.S. of the equation f (X) = 0 in IR is '

(u) {- 2} (b) {- 2 ,4} _:\

(.) {+} @)a \

In the opposite figure

The S.S. of the equation

f (x) = 0 in R is ""' .. (Cairo 15) X'j L

2Vt'3 4

(a) (2 t- t) (b) {(3 ,1)}

1c; {s , t} (d) (3 ,0)

Exercise !
@ If the curve of the quadratic function / passes through the points (- 1 , 0) , (0 , - 4)
, (4 ,0) and (0 >-6) t thenthe solurion serof the equationf (X) =0 in1Ris..........

(El-Gharbia t9)
(a){-1,o} (b){-4,o} (c) {- r ,4} (d) {4 , - 4}
& fq ] The curve of the function f : f (X) = X2 - 5 X intersects the X-axis at the two
(a)(2 (b) (0 :0) : (5 ,0)
(c) (2 :0) : (- 5 ,0) (d) (o :0) , (- 5 ,0)

o [E-l If the S.S. of the equatio n : 4 X2 + 4 x+k= o is

{-+}, rhen k - ... ....
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c)-1 (d)-8
o U)ff X = 3 is one of the solutions of the equation : X2 - a X- 6= 0 : then a = ..........
(Suea l7)
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d)-1
In the equation : a X2 +b X* c= 0 trfbz - 4 ac>O r then this equation has ..........
roots in R (El-Fayoum 19 > Damieua 16)

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) zero (d) an infinite number

IE t, the equation : a X2 + b X* c= 0, ifbz -4ac=0 r then the number of real

solutions of the equation equals

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) zero (d) an infinite number.

@ t, the equation: a X2 +b X* c=0 , if b2 - 4a c( 0 r then the number of roots of the

equation in R equals

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) zero (d) an infinite number.

a !trIf XCIR, then rhe equation : X2 + X + I =0has

(a) two roots. (b) one root.
(c) no roots. (d) an infinite number of roots.

ao Find the S.S. of the following equation in


IR, z X2 + 2 X-3 = 0 :
@ using factorrzation.
[!] using the general formula. !! using the calculator.

I o Remember I Understand O Appfiy o'o Problem Solving

[- t, :],

f! R"pr"sent graphically the function f : f (X) = X2 -2 Xrnthe intervai

(Suez 12)
I from the graph find the S.S. of the equatio n : X2 - 2X= O
E:,. m Graphthefunctionf f (x)=x2 +2x+ l intheinterval l-4'2f

i' urafromthe graph rfindthe solution setof the equationi Xz +2X* 1= 0


Graptrthefunctionf z f (x)=x2 -4 x+ 3 ontheinterval [- t 's]


and from the graph r find :

[I The minimum value of the function'

Ia ]The equation of the axis of symmetry.

(X) = g (El-MonoJia l2)
BThe S.S. of the equation /
tr M Graphthefunctionf z f (x) =- x2 +6 x- ll inthe interval [o ' 0] '
from the graph find the S.S. of the equation z X2 - 6 X + 11 = 0
(X) = 6 X- Xz -g in

Ea M Draw a graphical representation of the function f where f

the interval [0 r 5] and from the drawing find :

[! The maximum value or the minimum value of the function'

g -- 0 (Port Said 12)
@ The solution set of the equation : 6 X - X2 -

tr ffi Draw the graphical representation of the function f in the given interval I then
find the solution set of the equation f (X) - 0 :

nf 6) =x2 -2x-4 in the interval l-z'+)

@ f (X) =2 X2 + 5 X in the interval l- 4 ,2) $ouhas 13)

td / (x) =3 X- X2 + 2 in the interval l- I ,4f
@ f (X) = X (X- 5) + 3 in the intervat [O , 5] @t-Monofia lt)

tE / (x) =2 x2 -3 (2 - x) l-z ',zf


in the interval

E/ (X) =2 X(X- 1) -3 (X+2) +5 intheinterval [- t, A]

7)f (n=(x-Z)2 -(x-3)-4 intheinterval lt ,ll


tr O
Find in IR the S.S. of each of the following equations using the general formula :

3)X, +i X+2=0 approximating theresultto thenearesttenth. (El-Kalyoubia 16)

i E] ro X2 - 4X+ 1 = 0 approximating the resultto the nearesttwo decimal digits.

(Giza 17 t Aswan 14 t Alexandria 13)

Exercise I
Ldm 2x2-4x+t=o rounding the result to three decimal digits. (Et-Dakahtia t9)

t4rm 3x2-6x+t=o rounding the result to the nearest three decimals. (Sotuh Sinai 18)

BZX2+5X=O (Alexandria 19)

@x'+3X+5=0 (El-Fayoum l9)

E X'+ 8 X+ 9 = 0 rwhercfi = 2.65 (lsmailia 09)

@z xz - x - 2= 0 t wherenfi = 4.12 (Luxor 19)

Find in IR the solution set of each of the following equations using the general
formula approximating the result to three decimal digits :

lj)z x2 - t0 x= l (Damietta l3) [4m x(x-r)=4 (Souhag l9)

@Zx2=3(2-X) L4lm (x-12-5x=o

m (Damietta l9) lq ffi {*-}= r (El-Fayoum l2)
X" /\
Em x1.
3 5-x
4 *_ .

Applications on solving an equation of the second degred in one unknown

Il m When a dolphin jumps over water surface r its

pathway follows the relation y = -0.2 X2 + 2 X
where y is the height of the dolphin above water
surface and X is the horizontal distance in feet.

Find the horizontal distance that the dolphin coyers

when it jumps from water till it returns again to water. < 10 feet >

A bullet is shot from a mortar cannon

in a pathway follows the relation
y = 0.38 + 0.78 X-0.3 X2 twhereXrepresents the
horizontal distance in kilometre r y is the height of
the bullet above the floor surface in kilometre.

Find the horizontal distance far from the

cannon which the bullet reaches till it strikes
the land surface. <3km.>

(Y:f )Y o/6tlelYl(ol;l;-rt.j) *,*,"U, 14fy6ll n

Applly j'1 Problem Solving
ZT O Remember O

A man waters his garden with a hose where the water

is pumped through in a pathway identified by the relation

y = - 0.06 Xz + 0.39 X + 0.7 g where X is the horizontal

distance that the water can reach in metre and y is the

height of the water from the floor surface in metre.

Find to the nearest centimetre the maximum
horizontal distance that the water can reach. << 812 cm. >

@ A player beats the golf ball to reach a certain

place and the following relation expresses
the height to which the ball will reach in feet
y= - 16 t2 + 80 t + 20 where t is the time in seconds.
lJ After how many seconds will the ball reach
the floor surface ?

El Will the ball reach a height of 130 feet ? < 5.24 seconds >

tro ffi A snake saw a hawk at a height of 160 metres and hawk was flying at a speed of
24 metre / minute to pounce on it. If the hawk is launching vertically downwards
according to the relation d = Vt + 4.9 t2 where d is the distance by metre r V is the
launching speed in metre / minute and t is the time in minutes.

Find the time the snake takes to escape before the hawk reaches it. n less than3.ll seconcls >>

For excellent pupils

.,G Complete the following :

[I If the curve of a quadratic function / intersects X-axis at the two points (1 , 0) : (3 r 0)

r then the equation of the axis of symmetry of the function f is the straight line passing
through the vertex of the curve at \, = '.'..,."'

E If the point (- 3 , 0) is the vertex point of the curve of the function /

r then the S.S. of the equation f (X) = 0 is """""
] If the point (a - 2 ,0) is the vertex point of the curve of the quadratic function /
: the S.S. of the equation f (X) = 0 is {5} r then a = """""
@ If the point (- 3 ,4) is the vertex point of the curve of a quadratic function f and

- 5 is a root of the equation f (X) = 0 r then the other root is

Solving two equations in two variables, GffiEil

fr3 one of them ii of the first degree and

the other is of the second degree i-nteractivetest
From the school book

O Remember C Understand O Appfly j'3 Problem Solving

Find in IR x IR the S.S. of each pair of the following equations :

l1:x=y ) x2+y2-Z (Souhag 09) < {(t : 1) r (- 1 r* I)} >

lqlX-3=0 , x2+y2-25 (Cairo 19) < {(3 t 4) t (3 t - 4)}
lPix-2y=0 ) x'-y'=3 (Port Said 17) < {(2 t l) ; (-2 t - 1)} >

[g]x-y=o ) X2+Xy+y2=2J (Alex.19) u{(3 r3):(-3 r-3)}>

lqlV-2X=0 ) xy=18 (El-Sharkia 14) < {(3 r 6) I (* 3 t - 6)} >

felX+y=g ) Y2=x 16th October 11) < i(0 :0) r (1 : - 1)] ,

I't)x-y =o ) x- --vA (El-Dakahlia 19 t Ismailia 18) < {(2 t 2) t (* 2 t - 2)} >

Find in IR x IR, the S.S. of each pair of the following equations :

llJy=x-t ) y2 + X=7 (Qena09)

"{(3:2) t(-2 t-3)}>
la)x=5-y , x2-Y2=55 (Matrouh 08) < {(8 r - 3)} ,

I9x-y=1 ) X2 +y2 - 25 (Aswan 19 sPortsaid l8),. t(-3 t_ 4)t (4 :3)] >

l$x-y -2=0 , x'-y'=o (El-Kalyoubia09) << {(l :- 1)} >

lg2x+y= 10 , X2+y2=25 (El-Kalyoubia 05) << {Q t D : (5 :0)} >

lnjy- X=3 ) x2-2X+3y=15 (Alex.1l)

"{(-3 t0) t(2:5)}"
LZmy+2X=7 ) 2X2+X+3y=19 ,,1 16) r(2 r3)}>

ZI O Remember O Understand O Appfly ooo Problem Solving

Find in IR x IR the S.S. of each pair of the following equations :

3)x+y=l xY=72 (Qena 17)

" {(4 , r :4)}
3) (3 >

Elx+y=5 (El-MonoJia 08) < {(2 t 3) t (3 t 2)} >

[.rlm y - X=2 X2 + Xy -4=0 (El-Beheira 19) {(-2 t0) ; (1 r 3)}


[4m x-2y-1=o Xz - Xy =O (KaferEl-sheikh 19) < {(o'_ .,-

+) r?1 1)},
Lblm X+2y={ x2+xy+y2=7 ,r{(2tl)t(*2r3)}"
folmy-X=3 X'*y'- Xy = 13 (El-Kalyoubia 17) <<{(1 ra) tG4 t- 1)}
tr lm X-y = l0 X2-4Xy+y2=52 "{(*2 t-12);(12 t2)}"

Find in IR x IR the solution set of each pair of the following equations :

i'r lX=0 t X'*y'+4X+3y- 10=0 (Ismailia03)<[(o t2) >Q r-5)],

Ei)x-2Y =8 , y2=x (Damiena 09) < {(4 t - 2) t (16 r 4)} >

ljt]x+ 2y =2 , X2+2Xy-2 (El-Sharkia ts) < {(t , $l} "

it1,)X+y =2 , X2+y2+2Xy+Y=6 (New Valley I 3) < {(0 t 2)} >

Flm x+y -2 ,' ++ y 2 ;where

x 1= X*0 t! *0 (El-Menia 19) < {(t t t)l >

Choose the correct answer from those given :

o [!The S.S. of the two equations : Xy =J , X+ XY = 6 in]R x IRis """""

(a) {(1 , s)} (b) {(s ,6)}
(c) {(s , z)} (d) {(1 , s) , (5 , 1)}
(Qena 18 t El-Ghqrbia 11)

(a) {(0 ,0)} (b) {(- 3 ,3)}

(d) {(- 3 t-3), (3 ,3)}
(c) {(3 ,3)}
@ The S.S. of the two equations : X = L ) x2 -y'= """""
10 in IR x IR is

(a) {(1 ,3)} (b){(1 ,-3)} (c) {(1 ,3) : (1 , - 3)} @) a

@ The S.S. of the two equations : X + y = Q , X2 + y2 = 2 in IR x IR is ........ (Assittt 13)

1a; {10 , o;} (b){(1 ,- 1)}

(c){(-1,1)} (d){(1 t-t)t (-1,1)}

Exercise t
E fne ordered pair which satisfies each of the two equations : Xy - 2 t X-y - L

ls '...'...,. (El-Sharkia l2)

(a) (1 r 1) (b) (2 , t) (c) (L t2) ral (1 ,r)
E m One of the solutions forthe two equations :X -y =2 , X2 +yz =20

is ."....... (El-Kalyoubia 19 t Qena 17 t Port Said 14)

(a) (- 4 ,2) (b)(2,-4) (c)(3:1) (d) (4 ,2)

O rIfY=l-;5 ) (X+y)2 *y=5:theny= (El-Fayoum l2)

(a)s (b)3 (c)-a (d) 4

o EJIfX2 + Xy= 15 t X+y =5 t thenX'= (Cairo 06)

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

Applications on solving two equations in two variables , one of them is of the first
degree and the other is of the second degree :

The sum of two real positive numbers is 17 and their productisT2

Find the two numbers. (Alex,09) <<8 r9>


The sum of two real numbers is 9 and the difference between their squares equals 45
Find the two numbers. (El-Fayoum 19 t Kafr El-Sheikh l3) < 7 ;2 >>

Eo Two positive numbers : ofle of them exceeds three times the other by 1 and the sum of
their squares is 17
What are the two numbers ? (El-Sharkia 041 " 1 ,4 "
go The perimeter of

a rectangle is 18 and its area is 18 cm?

Find its two dimensions. (New Valley 16) < 6 cm. , 3 cm. >>


ffi A length of a rectangle is 3 cm. more than its width and its area is 28 cr&.
Find its perimeter. (El-Fayoum 12) << 22 cm. >>


E0 For a rhombus r the difference between the lengths of its diagonals equals 4 cm. and.
its perimeter is 40 cm.
Find the lengths of the diagonals. < 16 cm. t 12 cm. >>

C Appfiy o'o Problem Solving
ZT O Remember O Understand

Two pieces of land : each of them is on the shape of a square the difference between their
perimeters is 8 metres and the difference between their areas is 20 square metres.

Find the side length of each of them. << 6r metres ;4 metres >>

ffi A right-angled triangle of hypotenuse length 13 cm. and its perimeter is 30 cm.
Find the lengths of the other two sides. (El-Monofia 15) < 5 cm. r 12 cm. >

A right-angled triangle in which the length of one of the sides of right-angle is 5 cm.
and its perimeter is 30 cm. find the area of the triangle. (Indicating the steps of the solution)
(El-Monofia 17) '<'t{} ':tt,): ,

A right-angled triangle , in which the length of one of the sides of the right angle
is 3 cm. less than the length of the other side and the hypotenuse length is 15 cm.
Find its perimeter. < 116 t:rl. >

The length of a rectangle is X cm. and its width is y cm. and its area = 77 cr*
If its length decreases by 2 cm. and its width increases 2 cm.
r then it will become a square.
Find the area of the square. (North Sinai 05) o 81 cm? >

@ If Ayman's age is more than three times the age of his son Bassem by one year and the sum of
the squares of their ages is more than three times the product of the two ages by 181

What is the age of each of them ? < 37 years r 12 years >

IE ffi Consider a digit in units place is twice the digit in the tens place of a two-digit number.
If the product of the two digits equals the half of the original number'
What is this number ? <36>

@ A two-digit number r its tens digit is more than its units digit by 1 and the product of the
original number by the number resulting from reversing its two digits equals 252
Find the original number. <') \

MlApoint moves on the straightline 5 X-2 y= 1 where its y-coordinate is twice of the

square of its X-coordinate.

Find the coordinates of this point. "(1 ,{)or(1 r2;"

Exercise 3

A driver of a car moved a distance X kilometres towards the west r then he moved
a distance y kilometres towards the south. If the sum of the two distances equals
28 kilometres and the distance between the starting point and the end point is 20 km.

Find the distance which the driver moved in each of the west direction and the south
direction. <12km.r16km.>

For excellent pupils

Find in IR x IR the S.S. of each pair of the following equations :

[ilx = y t X'-2y -2=O . {1r +{:, t +di1 r0 -"[i, r -fy],

Ax+y=7 , 1[i*y=5 <{(4r3)}>

It(-2 r4) is one of the solutions of the two equations : aX+ b y - 2 tab Xy +2 X2 =0
in IR x IR where a and b are two integers.
Find: (a rb) <(1 r1)>

Accurnulative tests.
lrnportant questions.
Final revision.
Final exar^inations.

Algebraic fractional functions
and the operations on them


I Exercises of the unit :

4. Set of zeroes of a polynomial function.
5. Algebraic fractional function.
6. Equality of two algebraic fractions.
7. Operations on algebraic fractions (Adding and subtracting
algebraic fractions). Scan the

8. QR code
Operations on algebraic fractions (follow) (Multiplying and
to solve an
dividing algebraic fractions). interactive
test on each
function ffi
H4 Set of zeroes of a polynomial
lffi From the school book

% Ej

O Remember O Understand O Appfly oi Problem Solving

Determine the set of zeroes of each of the polynomial functions which are defined by
the following rules in IR :

irl.f(x)=5X+10 Elffi f 6)=x2-2x

lQl/ (x) = x2 - t6 ltlf6)=x2+9
lu_m f W)=25-9X2 iriim f 6)=5x3-2ox
irf m f 6)=x3-725 Plm f 6)=2x4+54x
a,"n)f (x) = x3 - x2 -z x l',?|f(X)=6X2-ZX3-4X
Eqm f (x)=2xa+x3-6x2 lrqlffi f (x)=x(x-s)-t4
ilql m f (X)=(x-2)(X+3)+4 @t-MonoJiat5) [16]/(X) =X2+2X-6
adf6)=2x2-x+5 hil m f (x) = x3 -3 x2 -4 x+ 12

Sslm f (x)=x3+x2-2x-B l1i/(x) =x4-lox2+9

Choose the correct answer from those given :

(Snea 18 t Giza 17)

(u) {o} (b) {- 3} (c) {- 3 ,0} (d) R

o @ The set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = 9 X2 is ..........

(a) o (b) {0} (.) t+] (d) {- 3}
(t : r ) Y o /6tlstYl(ou1 r.-rl;) *+.r-t, )Eltdl 25
ZZ O Remember 0 Understand O ooo Problem Solving

E ffre / f(x)=4is

o set of zeroes of the function (Aswan 17)

(") {- 4} (b) {0} @)a (d) {2}

o E ffre set of zeroes of the function / f (x)=zero is """"" (Cairo 19 t Qena 09)

@)a (b) R - {0} (c) R (d) zero

o E fne set of zeroes of the function / f (x) = x2 - 25 is """"" (Assiut 16 t South Sinai 14)

ru) {s} (b) {- s} (.) {s ,- s} @)a

o @ The set of zeroes of the function f f (x) = x6 -32 xts """"' (Beni Suef ) 11

(a) {0 ,2} (b) {2,16} 1c; {6 , t6} (d) {o , s}

O @ fne set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = X (X2 - 1) is

(u) {o} (b) {o ,- 1} (c){o,1:-1} (d){0,1}
o tqf lf / (X)=X2 +X+l:thenthesetof zeroes of thefunction/is. (El-Fayoum06)

(u) {o} (b) {1} @)a (d) {2}

O f : f (x) = X(Xz -2 x+
inj M The setofzeroes ofthe function 1) is (Alex. 13)

(a) {0 , 1} (b) {o ,- 1} r"l {o} (d) {1}

rhll m Itz(f) = {2}, f (x) = x3 -m :thenm=..'....... l5 l4)

o (Qena t El-Sharkia

ru)lnfi (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8

m If z(f)= {t ,- Z} , f (x)= X2 + X+ a:then a= '.........


o [iT

(a) 28 (b) 1 (c)-1 (d) -2

@m ffz(f)= {5} , f (x)=X3 -3x2+a;then a-.......... (Portsaidt4 tAssiuttt)

(a) - 50 (b) - s (c) 5 (d) s0

f :f (x)=X2-2aX+a2

o ir:rlIf {2}isthesetof zeroesofthefunction t

then a = '....'...' (New Valley 14)

(a) 2 (b) -2 @)a (d)-4

ala @If the setof zeroes of thefunction f : f (X)= X2 + aisA:then amay equal
(a) 25 (b) -2s (c) zero (d)-1

@If thesetof zeroesof/: f (X)=X2+kX+ 1is A tthenkmayequal.."......(El-sharkia15)

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) -2

Exercise 4
Complete the following :

Etfre set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = \,- 5 is .......... (Darnietta ll)

@ The set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = X2 + 1 is .......... (El-Dakahlia 09)

EIf / | f (x) =4-2 X : then the set of zeroes of the function / is ......... (El-Fayoum 04)

@ The set of zeroes of the function f : f (x) = * f, - 3) is (Kafr El-Sheikh 05)

@ The set of zeroes of the function / f (x) = (x - 1) (x + 2) is .......,..

@ The set of zeroes of the function / f (x) = (x- D2 (x+ 2) is

E fne set of zeroes of the function / f (x) = x2 - 3 x is (suez t2)

E fne set of zeroes of the function / f (x) = x(x2 -9) -3 (x2 - 9) is

E If the curve of the quadratic function / does not intersect X-axis : then z (f) =

@ If {- 3 ,3} is the set of zeroes of the function / where f (X) = X2 + a

:thena=..........' (Qena l8)

M If the function f : f (X) = X3 -Z X2 -75

Prove that : The number 5 is one of the zeroes of the function /
(South Sinai 18 t Beni Suef l5)

If the setof zeroes of the function f :f (X) = aX2 + X+b is {0 , t}

Find the value of each of the two constants a and b 6lex.t7) <* I r0 >

ffi If the set of zeroes of the function f where f (X) = a X2 +b X+ 15 is {3 , 5}

Find the values of a and b (Et-Fayourn 19) << I t- 8 >>

For excellent pupils


Ifz (h) = {-2:0} whereh (X) = aX2 +b X* c rh (3) = 15 Find : h (2) <<8>>

aie Ifg(X)=aX-3 ) f (x) = a2 x2 - 12 x+ 9 and z (g) = z (f)
Find the value of a : then find : z (/) nzr\, r3\I"
H5 Algebraic fractional function ffi|-
lnteractive test
ffi From the school book


O Remember O Appfly joi Problem Solving

Ea Determine the domain of each of the algebraic fractional functions which are defined
by the following rules :

ln(x)= X+l
A,- Z
L4l mn(x) =#
Nffi, (x)=ti1 ln (X) =

Mn(X)= x-2 r In(x) -x1+1

2X x'-x
, ffin(x)= xi+9
s ffin (X\=X:-I
' x"-16 X"+I
,t n(x\= xr2+25 x2 -4
X5 +25 X
@n(X)= i'-x4
(x\ =x2 - 4-x + 3 x2 -5 x+6
t't n
@n(x)= x4 - 8r
n(X)= X+l x2 -3
@n(X)= x2-3x+5
ao Find the common domain of the followi ng algebraic fractions :

x3 - *l-tl :-X+2 t-' X-4

1',x - X+5 X-7
3X X+3 -,-
: -qt-r-
X 3
x-2'x'-, (North Sinai 09)
J\ -+
X2+3X X2+3X+9 ,. x-4
2X (Luxor 19)
x3-gx' x3-21 x2-5x+6'x3-gx
Exercise $
,,rnx-Z 1 x
:'tt,,, I Lttl
x2-4 7
-----;- )
X'-5X+6 x'-q
X2 + X-2
Complete the following :

@The domain of the function f : f (x) =1' .a {

is ..........

@ The domain of the functionf : f (X) = x' ..........

-32 X"
@The setof zeroes of thefunction f : f (X)= ,{'-4 -is..........
' x/'-x-2 (Suez 05)

@ The common domain of the two functions n, and n, r

where n1@) =ft , nr(X)= X+6is .......,.. (Ismailia 06)

@ If n (X) = *and the domain of the function n is lR - {-2} r then a =

(El-Monofia ll)
@If thefunction f : f (x)=#7has thedomainR- {-5 ,5} :then a=
(El-Monofia 04)

E-l ffi If n, (X ) =;3. t n2(X) =

*and the common domain of

the two functions n, and n, is IR - {-Z ,7} , then k = .......... (North Sinai t2)

E If / | f (x) =#and the set of zeroes of this function is {2 , -2} ,thenl.= ..........

Choose the correct answer from those given :

S If n, andnrare two algebraic fractions : the domain of n, = IR - X, where X, is the

set of zeroes of the denominator of n, : the domain of n, = lfr - X, where X, is the set
of zeroes of the denominator of nr r then the common domain of n, and n2 = lR
(Port Said 18)

(a) X, - X, (b)x1nx2 (c) X, U X, @)a

2-!- 4 : then f (X) is undefined when xe ... ...
t l lf f (X)' = x'-4 .

(a) IR {- 2 ,0 ,2} (c) rR- {-z ,z} (d)R- {-2,0 ,2}

@ The domain of the algebraic fraction {j '3', equats the domain of the algebraic
fraction (El-Kalyoubia l6)

X'+l @* r"lx1 @)#
ZZ O Remember C Aprpfly loe Problem Solving

'igItf (X)=*'then/ (2)=..... .. (Qena 06)

(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) zero (d) undefined.

@ If the domain of the algebraic fraction n is lR - {2 ,Z , +} : then n (3) = "'

(El-Sharkia 19)

(a) 3 (b) 2 @)a (d) undefined.

@ The set of zeroes of the function / f (x)=+ris (Cairo 16)

(u) {z} (b) {2 ,7} (.) {z} @)a

lJ The set of zeroes of the function / f (x)=6t|)19!-3) i, (El-Menia l8)

fa) {3 ,-3} (b){-3,- 1] (.) {3 ,-r} (d) {2 , -2}

@ The set of zeroes of the function / (El-Gharbia 17)

tu) {2,-2} (b) {-2 ,- 1) (") {2, - 1} (d) {1 ,- 1}

@ The set of zeroes of the function

/ "f (x) - x-2 is .... .... (Matouh 17)

ru> {z} (b) R - {2} (") {3 ,- 3} (d){3,-3,2}

........'. (Et-Fayoum t8)
fplThe common domain of the two fractio ntx'-I. ,:+is
-] x"-x
(a)m-{t} (b)R-{0,1} (c)R-{0, t ,- 1} (d)R-{t ,-t}
@ The coflrmon domain of the two functions nl : nr (x) =3 X- 15
t rr2 i 17, (X) = X2 - 4 is .......'..
(a) m- {s} (b)R- {2,-z} (c)R- {s,2,-2} (d)R

O l"ul If the domain of the function n : n (X) = :=is R, then a .. 0 (El-Dakahlia 16)
(a) = (b) > (c) < (d) <

o @Ifx=3isoneofthezeroesofthefunctionf:f(x)=#:thenk-.........
(KaIr El-Sheikh 18)

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c)-3 (d)-6

la)nf(x)=1i , xelR-{l ,-l} r then f (-Z) = (El-Dakahlia 16)
(?) .:-1
I l-'2)
f e)
@h @ tr-u
Exercise $

Determine the domain of the function n : n (X) =

x2 -5 x+6
r then find n (0) , n (2) (New Valley 08)

ffi tf the domain of the funcrion n : n (X) =*#*is R- {3}

: then find the value of a (Ismailia 19 ; Souhag 18 t Beni Suef 17) < 6 >

If n is an algebraic fraction where n (X ) = and n (a) is undefined
4x2 -r2x+9
r then find the value of a <ir>

If the domain of the function / where f (X) = islR- {Z rc}

xz *5 x+m
: then find the value of each of m and c (El-Sharkia 16) << 6t3 >>

ffi If the domain of the function / f (X) = - {-z} and f (0) = 3

#is rR

r then find the value of each of a and b (El-Fayoum16) <<2t6>>

If the set of zeroes of the function / where f (X) = aX -6 X+8 is

b x-4 {+}
and its domain is IR - {Z} , then find a r b (El-Sharkia 17) << \t2 >>

For excellent pupils

If the domain of the function n is R - { 1 ,3j ,where n (X) = -=4

Find the value of each of e and a <<-4 t3>>

If n, (X ,1 = --4- t n"z\--/
(X; = and the common domain of
xt+g ---!-
the two functions n, and n, is IR - {3}
Find the value of a <<*9>>

for all educational stages

H6 Equality of two algebraic fractions ffi
lnteractive test
ffi From the school book

O Remember O App[y & Problem Solving

Reduce each of the following algebraic fractions to the simplest form showing the
domain of each of them :

n(x)= 2X+B
; n(x) -x?-2x
x2-4x x2-4
x2-t6 fmn(X)= x3-g
,n(X)=- 12X2-8X
6x2-4X [dmn(X)= x2-5x+6
x2 x+9 _6 X2 + X-6
.,El n(X)=+ @n(x)= x2 x-
2X3-t8X -2 15

ffi 2X2+7 X+6 X3+l

.J 4 tl t)\,
-___---- @mn(x)= x3-x2+x
6 + X-X2
@n(X)= x2-5x+6 reffin(x)=6-Dz-'
x+* 1

'rrin(X)=----!; (Damiexq 17) trtcn(h=x3+x2-2

4X+- 4 x-I
In each of the following , prove that : n, (X) and n, (X) are equal for all values of X
which belong to the common domain and find this domain. (In another meaning
r find the common domain in which the two functions n, and n2are equal) : n, (X) = 4X2-g n2(X) =

2X2+3X (Port Said l5)
6 X-9 3X

I Exercise 6
x2 -3 x+9 2
X3 +27
n,(X) =2X+6 (El-Sharkia 17)

[E nr (X) =
x2-4 n2(X) =
x3-x2-6x (Kafr El-Sheikh l8)
X2 + X-6 x3-gx
Elnr (x) =
n2(X) =
x2-z x-3 (Alex. 19 t Damietta 17)
X2+5X+4 X'z+2Xn

In each of the following : prove that n, = fl2 i
3x 2X
[In,' (x) =3X-6 n2(X) =
(Souhag 06)

lEnr (n=r+ n2 (x)= j!- (Luxor l9)

2X X2+2X
fq: I n, (X) = n2(X) =
2X+4 X2+4X+4
(El-Beheira 19 t El-Menia 17)

x3-L (X- 1) (X2 + t)

Emnl(X)= X3+X2+X n2(X) = (Matrouh l8)

@ n, (X)
x2*x n2(X) =
x2-3x+z (El-Dakahlia l9)
x3 *z x2 x3-4X2+4X

[e-.lffi n.I (x)-_ r\"^.) nr(x)-x3+x2+x l9)

x3-x2 ' x+-x

if-) m n1 (X) =
n2(X) =
X3+X2+X+I X+l
g In each of the following : show whether frr=fr2or not (give reason) :
\'I \x- (x2 + l)
1 tU n,-x ) z
tr.t 1Y1-
x(x2 + t)
2X3 +6X 2X
Blm n1 (X) =
(x-D (x2 +3)
' x-l
n2(X) = (Assiut I8)
3 X-15

!l n, (x) x2 -g n2(X) =
x-3 (Giza 16)
X2+4X+3 X+l
( o:1)Y t / 6tl tlrl(oLl ;-rL"::) -,r..r., y4f.d| 33
ZZ O Remember I Understand O Appfiy & Problem Solving

x2-4 x2 - x-6
Elrun1 (x)= x2 + x-6 nr(X) =
(El-Gharbia 19 t Qena 18)

x3+l x3+x2+x+l
i4ffin1 (x)= x3-x2+x nr(X) =
x3 +x

[Inr 6)=r-+ nr(x) =L# (El-Sharkia 19)

B Complete the following


[!If X +2 tthenthe simplestformof thefractionn wheren (X) = " """'

=is (Alex.12)
+x1 --zx
El ffi The simplestform of the function n where n (X) = t X*0 is """""

r then the cornmon domain in which

tl= fl2is """"" (KaJr El-Sheikh ll)

Ifn,I (X)=--4 t n7(X)=:.

xt+x- L rthenn, =n2whenX€"' (New Valley 09)
-Ifnt0{)-+: t n2(X\=;,andn, (X)=nz(X) ,thena=
=L-l If the simplest form of the algebraic fraction n (X) = Y#:#
is n (X) =;, then a = ...... ...

Choose the correct answer from those given :

?(i [IIf thedomainof n,I.x_

:n, (x) =L -equalsthedomain of nr:ry(x)= x-3
B X+k
(a) 8 (b)-8 (c)-3 (d) 24
lf n, (X) = j' , nr(X) = X + 2 t then flr = flzwhen they have the same domain

' x-2
I which is ...'....'. (El-Fayoum 03)

(a) R (b) R - {2} (c) R - {-2} (d)R-{1}


If n, (X)
' - x-3 , n2 (D = then nr * l2because (Souhag 04)
(a) n, (X) =nz(X) (b) the domain of n, = the domain of n,

(c) n, (X) *nr(X) (d) the domain of n, + the domain of n,

Exercise 6
, If p (X) =
(x+2) (x-2)
, q(x) =*rthenp-qwhen (El-Sharkia 03)

(a) p (X) = q (x) for each x elR * {- z}

(b) p (X) = q (X) in the simplest form

X€lR - {Z
(c) p (X) = q (X) for each ,-Z}
(d) p (X) = q(n for each xClR

For excellent pupils

- 6 x +'2 - Q x-

f n"au"e the algebraic fraction n (x) D2 ro rhe simplesr

, 32 X+B

I showing the domain : then find n (0) and find the values of X which makes (n 1X1)2 =+

" I t2or_6.


If n,, (x) t (x\ ==-- x3 +b

x and n, = n,
,. x; i3 ;#;x* s
r then find the value of each of a and b <5r1>

Adding and su
algebraic fractions
lffi] From the school book

O Remember O Understand o Appfly o'o Problem Solving

Choose the correct answer from those given :

lI If n @ = +
+ {,then the domain of n is
...'.... (El-Sharkia 18)

(a)lR-{3,0} (b)R-{o} (c) m - {:} (d) R

1z Thedomainof n:n @=#*+ x\7A-2-is'...."'..

(a) R (b) R- {s}
(c)R-{-S,S} (d)R-{-s ,5 t-7j
The simplest lorm of x ]-lt * - - ,3 (El-Fayottm l5)
Xt+4 X2+4
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d)
fq tt xCIR- {z} ,tn"n ,fi. **= .......... (Aswan 13)

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) x (d)-1

Effre additive inverse of the fraction

.......... (El-Fayoum 12)

. .-(x+7\
@)# @)+* (c) 5-x @+*
i ,; lThe function / where f (X) =
+3has an aclditive inverse if the domain is
(Kafr El-Sheikh l6)
(a) m - {z} (b) R - {s} (c) IR - {-2} (d) R
Exercise J

f]If n 1*1= fi -*; then the set of zeroes of the function n is .......... (Hetwan tt)

{:} {- t}
(b) { 1}
ru) (c) (d) {- 3}

In each of the following : find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n :
iEn(X\=2x * 4
X+2 X+2 En(x)=;3-*
o v2 2x2-25
:ln({)- L)\'
2X+5 5+2X ?ln(X)= X2 - X
x2-l x2-l
Eo In each of the following , find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n :

n(X)=-=-zL-+""'Y X+ I
X'+2X X+2
rn(X)=^? Y X+4
X 4 X2-rc (El-Kalyoubia l8t North Sinai 17 t Aswan 16)

It (.1') =
x2+x 6 x2-4
(El-Kalyoubia 16)
X+ 3 X+2
X2+3X X-2
x2+2x-3 x2-3x+2 (Suez I8 t El-Dakahlia 17)

- x2_l
(Damietta 19 t Assiut 08)
X'+8 Xt+X-2
il (-t) -, .-
2X+6 x2-6x
= (El-Monofia 13)
X2+x-6 x2_ gx+12
[-L]l n(lc1=--a4-+
. 2X2-15X+ x-5 . (El-Dakahlia 1l)
IB 15-13 X+2X2
X2 + X-2 X+5
ll (-\) = .-
x2-l X2+6X+5
(Damietta 14)

3X+15 r Zx2-3x-z
-- ----
(El-Dakahlia l5)
X'+JX+10 X2 4

3X-6 X2-3X
x2^ -4
(Qena 12)
- x3 -x) -6 x

In each of the following : find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n :
\/ t 3+X
'l En(X)=n-'
x 2x
;: n(X\= X - X (El-Gharbia 19)
X-2 X+2
;:: fl(X)= ' +-#X+3 (North Sinai 14)
X+3 X'+3X

2X 2X-l
ZZ O Remember Understand O o'o Problem Solving

1s ln (X) =
X J-
X+2 (El-Sharkia 14 t Souhag 15)
x2+2x' x2-4
2X-l 1
(Damietta 06)
it,ln (x) = x'2 - x-z x-z
i;ln(x)= x2-5 L-
2X+6 (Qena 17 t El-Beheira 14 t Cairo I I )
- x+6 x2 +x-6
Il i/L, =
x2-x*12 (6th october o9)
-- xr_8
x2 -g
3 X-2 3 X-4
ll t4, - -"3 X'+ X-2
n(X)=(X+3) - x2
In each of the following r find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n :

,t,n(X\- x-l X
* I-x (Giza 19 tLuxor l8)

:rln(m -3x2-+6x* 6 (El-Kalyoubia 05)

xt-4 2-x
I En(X\="x2+2X+4 g-x2
' (El-Monofia 18 t Alex. 17 t El-Beheira l5)
x3 -g X2 + X-6

ll t-,!t
Xz+X 5-X (El-Dakahlia 19 t El-Menia 18 t Luxor 17)
x2-t xz 6x+5
2X2-8X 3(2X+3) (El-Sharkia 03)
2xt-llX+12 9-4X'
ll t./!,
X+3 T - 2X+2
-- (Kafr El-Sheikh 02)
= ---^
Xz -9 3+2X-X' ^

3X-6 9 (El-Dakahlia 18 t El-Fayoum 12)
x2-4 - 2-X- X2

4) t'\r') x-5 - X+3
n (Aswan 08)
zx2-Bx+ 15' 15 x-lB-2x2
x2-4 T-- 5-l0x
Xz+X-2 3X-l-2X' ^

r- n (X) =--:L-x-3 x-3 (Assiut 19 > Luxor 19)

Xz-7X+12 3-X
x2 -5 x x2 +3 x+9
ll lt t4,
x2 -8 x+ 15 x3 -27
I then find n (X) in the simplest form and calculate the value of each of n (1) : n (5) if
it is possible. (El-Sharkia 17)

Exercise 7

1o Find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n where :

--A:3- A-!Z
X'+6X+9+ X+3 find n (- 3) and n(2016)if it is possible. @t-sharkia t6)
n (X)
' = r then


ffi fina n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n where :

n(X)= ^+-J (0),n (-1) ifitispossible.

12xt-3 2x-4xz^,thenfind n

ffn (X) = x2-zx _ 4-X2

x4-3x3 +2X2 X2+x-Z
r find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n r then find the S.S. of the
equation:n(X)=0 (New Valley 13) < A >>

IE Find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain where :

,^.\ X'2 + X+ I X+3

If f r (D = and the set of zeroes of /, is {5}, and the domain of /, is R-

E #:
: then find the values of a and b

rt f 2fX)=++:
"L' x-3
then find f r(x) + f z6)inthe simplestform. (Et-Dakahtia t7) <<5 t-3>>

@ ffi lf the domain of the function n where n (X) = +. r4} tn (5) = 2

o X :=is
IR- {0

r find the values of a and b (KafrEl-Sheikh 16 tEl-Beheira 15 ;El-Menia14) t-35>>

For excellent pupils

(Dis the additive inverse of n (X)

xz-x-6 ,k
If n (X)' = #:+

:findk(2) rk(3) <5 rundefined>

Find the value of Xif :

r-.. 4X
14 '-- 3X
"- tl -1
X-I X+l =

{i -^{i - ,[i *,[i ' 2l t
(91 >

- I
,-----;-'-- 4X+5
x2-4x-5 5x2+4x3-x4 -1 <l))

Multiplying and dividing
H8 algebraic fractions
IEEI From the school book

O Remember a Understand O Apply o'r Problem Solving

Choose the correct answer from those given :

E ff n 6) = # r then the domain of n 1 is .......... (Port Said 19 t Souhag 18)

(a) iR (b) R - {2} (c) lR - {- s} (d) R- {2,-s}

If n (X) = then the domain of n- is .....'.... (Cairo 18)
(x- ^-:
-: 2)-

(a)R- {t,z} (b) R (c) m - {z} (d) {2}

(El-Sharkia 16)
@)a o)R-{-:,:} (c)R (d) R - {o}
If n (X) =-a-Z :thenthedomainof n-1 is """"' (El-Beheira l7)
x'-x 6
(a)m-{z} (b)R- {-z,z}
(c)rR- {-z,z} (d)R- {-2,2,3}
If n (x) = then n -r (4) is .... ...
(a) equal to zero 4 (b) equal to (c) equal to 8 (d) undefined.

lin1X)=x-|:thenn-l (l)is ' "' (Beni Suef 17)

(a) equal to - 1 (b) equal to zero (c) equal to 3 (d) undefined.

Exercise S
E If n (X) =
x + 3 in which the function n
x-5 x-5 : then the domain

has a multiplicative inverse is R -

(a) {0 : s} (b) {o t 3 , 5} (.) {s} (d) {s ,- 3}
If n(Xt =x2-X
,n-t 1/1=3 ,thenl- =
(a) -i1
@+ (c) J
4 (d) 1+

ao Complete the following :

E If the function n : n (X) ='^-- 4^ has a multiplicative inverse r then the domain
ofnis x-z
(El-Kalyoubia 06)

@If X#. {2 , - 2} ., then rhe mulriplicarive inverse of the function / :f U\-
' X2_4
is the function k : k (X) = ..........
]ffn -a- * x-2

[s 1y1= r then the domain of n is (Damietta 05)

@ The domain of the algebraic fraction n : n ()Q =

X-2 (x-z) is..........
@ The simplest form of the rule of the function
f : f (X) = X+3=x
is / (X) = .........' and its domain is .......... (Cairo 05)

rf x#. {2 ,0} , rhen -x

:x*2+ z-x =
I e m If the algebraic fractio " x-3 a multiplicative inverse which is ^-' ,
then a = .......... =has (El-Beheira 11)

In each of the following : find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n :

En(X) -3x-15 r4X+t2 @uxor 13)

x+ 3 5 X-25
yL1 2X_4
?)n(X)' =# (Luxoro|)
x2-4 x-3
n(-{,)=X2+2X+l x --X-4 (Suez 17 t Cairo 16 t Ismailia l5)
zX-B X+t
[^l]n(X)= X'-l x 2x-2 (El-Dakahlia l9 ; El-Kalyoubia l8 ; El-Monofia l8)
x2-2x+l x2+x+7
n(-K)=2X-10x--X2+5X"-- (Qena 09)
x2_25 x_3
Lqln (x) =
x2-3x-4 x----
.. x2-x (El-Kalyoubia l6 t El-Gharbia 04)
x2-l X2+3X
(1:r) Y o/6ststrl(ou;rL-).!-!rflzlldl ql
ZZ O Remember O Understand O 1'a Problem Solving

n()(")=6x2+3x x-=- X2+4x+4 (Assiur 15)

X+2 6X+3
-.n(Xl- nJ_I
)t - X.- X+.1 (Alexandria 19)
x2-x x2+X+l
n (X) =
5X+5x -'Xl+lX-18
,' ' -- '" ' then find n (2) iiit is possible. (Ismailia 09)
X+6 x2-zx-3
@n(x)= -- --'x-.
X2+2X X2+3X+9 r then flnd n (6) r n (-2) if it is possible. (South Sinai 17)
x3 -27 X+2
x3 2X+6
-g -1
n - (X) X= I
@n(x)= r then find when (Port Said 04)
X2+3X-10 X2+2X+4

2x3-16 x3x2-rox-25 (Ismailia 09)
x2-7 x+ 10 x2+2x+4
tt1-,r..,1 =
x2-2x-3 5x2+15x+45
-- ^'
5X3-].35 X+l

n (-L) =
x-2 X 9'---4X2
2x2-3x --6+x 2x2
rr \-vl =
x2-12X+36 4X+24
- v2 6x 36-x2
In each of the following , find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n :

'l f n(X)=3X-15 ' 5x-25 (Luxor l8 t Beni Suef l4)


tt\rw' x-l
'' lrt-Ar=
y2-4x-5 ^
(Matrouh 19 t El-Menia 16 t El-Beheira l5 tAswan 14)
@ ll \/lt=-=-
X2+2X-3 x2-l (Port Said l8 t Alexandria l3)
X+3 X+ I

x2-2x-15 2X-10
i4 m n(x) = x2 (El-Gharbia l8 t El-Beheira 18 > Alexandria 16)
-g x2-6x+9

l"j n (x) -8 x2 +2x+4

x3 (Alexandria 09)
X2+X-6 2X+6
, tt l/!,
x2 2x+l x-l (Suez 19 t El-Dakahlia l8 t El-Gharbia 17)
x3- l x2+x+l
x'\-21 X3+3X2+9x (El-Fayoum 09)
x2-9 2X


u2-3x zx2-3x
Un(X)= ^
(Luxor 19)

n(X)=x2 - x_ 2 = x2 -4 x_ 5-

X2+x-6 x2-2x t5
x2- 9 3X2+6x_45
--\-'/ 2X2+3X (Aswan 08)
n(X)= : - 4 6XZ_5X_ 14
3X2+x*10 3x2*5x
^,) -3 X+2 .
_ Xt 3 X- 15
Ll-ll n (X)
t-x2 y2-6x+5

3X-9 :
-' -
x2 -5 x+6 6-x x2

X-2 : 6+X -2X2
2X2-3X 9 4X2
x2 + X-6 x3 -z+ X-Z X2
n t-\l =
X2+5X+6 X3+2X2+X+2
tro ffiIf n (x\= x2-zx

(x-2) (X2 + 2)
[I fina n-l (x) and identify the domain.
Etf n-I (X)=3:whatisthevalue of X?
(Alex. 19 t El-Kalyoubia 18 ; El-Gharbia 17 t Aswan 16) << I >>

tro ' = *'

If n (X) !1T1t"'*
Xz+zx , flnd n-l (x) in the simplesr form showing rhe domain

of n-l r then flnd n 1

1- 2) it it is possible. (Isnruitia08) < unrlelincct >

z If

n (x) =x+h rf,ndn I (x) inthe simplestform showing the domainof n-1
(El-Gharbia 19)

ffi tt n txl =
#, then flnd n (x) in the simplest form and identify

its domain and flnd n (1) (Assiut 19 t El-Beheira 17 s El-Gharbia 14 " - $ "

ZZ o Remember I Understand O App[y 3o1 Problem Solving

x='-. 2 x' x3 ! 6 xz + 5-x r then find n (x) in the simplest


If n (x) -= X-l{
y2-5x+6 x2+2x-15
formshowingthedomainof n rthenfindn(7) rn(3) <l rundefined>

v2 *
=t#3' '15 A:-4-find

IE It f lx) * / (x) in the simplest form showing the

U xz _3 x
domain of / and if / (a) ={ nnO the value of a (Assiut0[ J"]"


Find n, (X) t n2(X) t n (X) in the simplest form showing the domain of each of n, r n,
and n where :

n,(x) =]ff!* 4X2+t2X-7


@ Find in the simplest form :

n(x)= ^j4! ^ *2:+)

( X2+7X+10 X+2 /""-]1-z
Showing the domain of n and if n (x) = 2 s find the value of X (Suez05)<4>>

For excellent pupils

ll trnl (x) = X2-aX+12 ,


nlt(x) = find the value of a <<J


ao. x2-3x-4


If n (X) = r find n (X) in the simplest form showing the domain of n

aa 4X+
r then flnd n (1) : n (8) if it is possible. nundeflned:f,


3 Probability


\r i,"
e U;I

I Exercises of the unit :

9. operations on events : lntersection and union of two events.
10. Operations on events (follow) :

complementary event and the difference between two events. iry

Scan the
QR code
to solve an
test on each
ntersection and union
fi9 of two events t'ffi1
From the school book

Problem Solving

' The probability of the impossible event equals (KaJr L

@)a (b) zero @+ (d) 1

The probability of the certain event equals """ (u

(a) zero b)a (c) 1 (d)-1

m IfA and B are two mutually exclusive events : then P (A 0n;=

(a) o (b) P (A) (c) P (B) (d) zero (El-Ghar

IfAandB are two mutually exclusive events r then P (A U B) =....."". (El-Mt

(a) P (A) (b) P (B) (c)P(AnB) (d)P(A)+P(B)

If A and B are two events in a sample space of a random experiment I AC B

r then P (A n B) = .."....'.
(a) P (B) (b) P (A) (c) zero @)a

I m IfACB,then P (AU B) = """"" (El-Beheira l9 t El-KalYoubia 1E

(a) zero (b) P (A) (c) P (B) (d) P (A n B)

] m If a regular coin is tossed oflcer then the probability of getting head or tail is
(Alexandria 14 t t

(a) IOO Vo (b) 50 Vo (c) 25 Vo (d) zero Vo


Exercise $
o @ A card is drawn randomly from 20 identical cards numbered from I to Z0 r then the
I probability that the number on the drawn card is a multiple of 7 is
@l-Beheira t7)

(a) IO Vo (b) 15 Eo (c) 20 Vo (d) 25 7o

E m If a regular die is rolled oncer then the probability of getting an odd number and

even number together equals ......... (Alexandria l6 t El-Beheira l4 t El-Fayoum l2)


(a) zero @+ @)+ (d) 1

o @ A regular die is rolled oflco r if the event A is "appearing a prime number" and the

event B is "appearing an odd number": then p (A n B) = .......... (El-Sharkia 1l)

+ (o)+ @+ @)+

o @A tair die is rolled orce: the event A is appearing an odd number and the event B is
appearing a number less than 5 r then the probability of occurring one of them at
least is

(")+ @)+ @)? (d)*

ao m If A and B are two events in the sample space of a random experiment. Complete :

EP(a)=0.: EP(A)=0.55 EIP(A) =..........

P (B) = 9.6 P(B)=+ P(B)=+
P(AnB)=0.2 P(AnB)= P(AnB)=zero
P(AuB)= P(AuB)= 13

E m If A and B are two events in the sample space of a random experiment.

Answer the following :

EP(A) = +,PG)= !,v(AnB) = t,thenfindp(AUB) (Port Said t3) *1,,

Ep(A) = *,p(B) = l,v(AU B) = *,thenfindp(An B) (Damietta 11)
EP(A) = + ,P(B) = { ,tn"nfindP(AUB) inrhefollowingcases:
(ii) A and B are mutually exclusive events. (El-Gharbia t8 t eena t8 t Aswan tn "fi, $"

Zg o Remember I understand o Appfl]z of Problem solving

E ffi If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random

ir:; B CA (Port Said 18 ,t Luxor 17 t North Sinai 14) "i , *"

I ,P(A) =+ ,P(AnB)= # andP(AUB) =+ ,thenfind:P(B) o-t'

@ Ifn and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment :AC B
i,r(AnB) = t andP(AUB)= +,rind :

(<:1Lt :))
| ,P(A) uP(B) ))

fl If ,t and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment r P (A) = 0.5
i : p(AU B) = 0.8 andP(B) = 2X;thencalculate thevalue of Xif :
I,_ r aC n t?l P (A 0 n1= 9.1

(Kafr Et-Sheikh t6) <a.4 ',4"?.>,

tro ffi Use the opposite Venn diagram to find :


iiaP(Aft c),P(Auc) .s /-ii\
'|31P(B0C),P(BuC) (Assiut 1l) \1 '9c

@ Use the opposite Venn diagram to find :

[n]P (A n B) lPlP(AUB) [EP(Anc)

i4P(AUc) I .tPGnc) aplP(BUc)
IrtP(A)+P(B )-P(AnB)

IE ffi S is the sample space of a random experiment where its outcomes are equal , A and B
are two events from S

If the number of outcomes that leads to the occurrence of the event A equals 13 and the
number of ali possible outcomes of the random experiment rs 24 ,P (A U B) = *

f ! fne probability of occur:rence of the event A

;rr,1r"probability of occurencethe eventAandB togethet.(El'Menia17 tEl'Gharbia 10,fi , {"


Exercise $

O m A box contains 12 balls , 5 of them are blue: 4 arc red.and the left are white. A ball is
randomly drawn from the box. Find the probability that the drawn ball is :
ir]blue. iirlnotred. ii;lblueorred.
(Souhag ls tLuxor lS tAlexandria 13). ,i>
,ri , *,
@ A bag contains 25 balls : all of them are identical t 4 balls are yellow : 7 balls are red and
the rest of balls are black. A ball is drawn randomly.
Find the probability that the drawn hall is :

black. yellow or black.

not yellow. , 14 18 2t
$feen. "Zj;Zi ) x) u'>

tE tntheexperimentof rollingafairdieoflco rifAistheeventof gettinganevennumber

? B is the event of getting an odd number and C is the event of getting an even prime
number. Find :
f The probability of occurring the two events A and B together.

@ The probability of occurring the events A or C n0 ,

@ A group of identical cards numbered from 1 to 8 without repeating. They are mixed well.
If a card is drawn randomly.
First: Write:
!] The sample space.

@ A is the event that the drawn card caruyrng an even number.

@ B is the event that the drawn card carying a prime number.

Ld C is the event that the drawn card canying a number divisible by 4
Second : Use Venn diagram to calculate the probability of :

[J The event of occuring the two events A and B together.

[4 The event of occuring one of the events B or C at least. ** , 1,
tro A card is randomly drawn from 20 identical cards numbered from I to 20
Calculate the probability that the number on the card is :
@ Divisible by 3 @ Divisible by 5
[i! Divisible by 3 and divisible by 5
@ Divisible by 3 or divisible by 5 (Aswan 11)
"t ,
I , *, h"
IE A box contains 30 identical cards numbered from 1 to 30 r a card is drawn randomly.
Find the probability that the written number on the card is :
[C Odd and divisible by 5 @ Prime or divisible by 7 "# , #"
(v:r)Y o/6ttetYl(oLt;1t.j) -grq, 14f5ll +g
z O Remember o /,rlolpts, joj Problem Solving

m .LEA set of cards numbered from I to 30 and well mixed. If a card is randomly drawn.
Find the probability that the card is carrying :

A number multiple of 6

A number multiple of 8

A number multiple of 6 and 8 together.

A number multiple of 6 or 8 ..t-1 1 7,,

numbered from 7 to 15 : one ball was drawn randomly from the box.
Find the probability of each of the following events :

[! The drawn ball is red or carrying an odd number. lt4'

I The drawn ball is green and carrying an even number. '15 15

ffi U For an ir:regular dice the probability of the appearance of the numbers I t 2 ,3 ; 4
and 5 are equal and the probability of the appearance of the number 6 is 3 times the
probability of the appearance of the number 1 If the dice is rolled once.
Calculate the probability of :

@ The appearance of the number 6

[-ql The appearance of a prime odd number.
"+ '4

ffi1] ,,.t i, B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
If A and
experiment such that the probability of occulrence of event B is three times the probability
of occurrence of event A r the probability of occurrence of one at least of the two
events is 0.64
Find the probability of occurrence of each of the two events A and B
< 0.16 r 0.48 >

For excellent pupils


[{J Three players A r B and C join in the competition of weight lifting. If the probability
that the first player wins is equal to twice the probability of the second player to win and
the probability that the player B wins is equal to the probability that the player C wins.
Find the probability that the player B or C wins r taking into consideration that one
player will win. (Matrotth 1$ "\,,

a If A
and B are two events in the sample space of a random experiment :P(AUn)=f,
P(A) = ! andT P(A0 n; = 2-P(B)
Find : P (B)



t Complementary event
the difference between two events
From the school book


" '; a'::i




O Remember o Appfly a Problem Solving

E() Complete the following :

, I I ffil If the probability of occurrence of an event A is 65 Vo ; thenthe probability that

event does not occur equals (Assitr lI)
:ttl ffi If p (A) = p (A), rhen p (A) =
t :,1 j If A and B are two mutually exclusive events irl,a ranclom experiment
,thenP(A-B)=P( ) : P(B-A)=P(....... .)

i't I If a and B are two events of a random experiment and A C B

: then P (A - B) = P (,.. ...) - ..........
il;; If A is an event of a random experiment r then :

iq i ffi If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment :
P(A) =0.7 andP(A-B) =0.5 :thenP(An B) =... ....

i ;'] If the English alphabet ietters is a sample space which contains 26letters >

X={a tb sc,td se rf ,h}andY={k ru rv} :rhenp(X-y)=.. ......

ZI O Remember o Understand O Appfly o'o Problem Solving

@ Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

-.. lIf A and B are two events in a sample space r the event of occurrence of A only is

(u) A (b)A-B (c)A[lB (d)AuB

(El-Menia 15)

ttllf A is an event fiom the sample space of a random experiment I then e 1A; =
(El-Dakahlia l7)

(a) 1 (b)-1 (c)l-P(A) (d)P(A)-1

illIf S is the sample space of a random experiment : then e 13; =

(a) 1 (b) zero @+ (d)-1
[-]If P (A) = 4 P (A), then P (A) = (El-Kalyoubia II t El-Kalyoubia I7)

(a) 0.8 (b) 0.6 (c) 0.4 (d) 0.2

ii, l114 and B are two mutually exclusive events in a random experiment and P (A) = 0.6
,P (A U n; = 0.9,then P (B) = (Kafr El'Sheikh l3)

(a) 0.5 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.3

i ,: 114 and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment
,P(A)=0.6 andP(AnB) =0.4,thenP(A-B) = """"' (Nev'Vatlet t4)

(a) 0.6 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.2 (d) 0.1

iI lIfA and B are two events of a sample space of a random experiment rAC B

, P(A) =0.2andP(B) =0.6 rthenP(B *A) = " "" (Luxor t9)

(a) 0.6 (b) 0.2 (c) 0.8 (d) 0'4

. rr lpot any two events C and D of a random experiment:

then (c - D) u (c n D) = .......... (Et-Dakatttia 14)

(a) 1 (b) S (c) D (d) C

E != If S is the sample space of arandomexperiment rAC S ,A is the complementary

event ofthe eventAand S = {1 t2 t3 ,4 ,5 ,6}
Complete the following table and record your observation :

event A event A P (A) P (A) P(A)+P(A)

{: ,6]
{t rz t3;4 r5 16}

Exercise l0
tro In the opposite figure :

If A and B are two events of a sample space S of S

a random experiment : then find :

1x / "2\ xJ
a'4P(AnB) 4t \ 13
[:,rl The probability of non-occuffence of the event A (Cairoln"+,t,t"
tro If A and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment ,
P(A) = ,eG) =
f ? andp(An B) =
fr nina'
t! P (A) lElP tBl lljp(nUs)
Ic jP (A- B) injp(B-A) 4271r
tro If X andY are two events of a sample space S , P (X) = 0.35 : P (Y) = 0.48
and P (X U Y) = 0.6 Find :

[* ]p r*l ,p (i) P(XNY)

[BlP(x-Y) i P(XnY) < 0.65 :0.52 t0.23 t0.1.2 t0.7J >>

ll If A

and B are two events of a sample space of a random experiment r P (B) = 1

and P (A- B) = {4
firrO P (A) if :

i:lLp (a n B) = # .

. A anO B are mutually exclusive.

lrjB C A ..1.1.7,.


If X and Y are two events in a sample space of a random experiment where :

p(t'),P(X 0 v; = ni"a,
P(Y) =
?,, f*>= t
lrlP(x) [r]P(xUY)
(KaJt"El-Sheikh 18 ; El-Katyoubia 1O .,1 ,16r,

IfA and B are two events of a sample space of a random experiment, P (A) = p (A)
:P(Al n; = fr andP(B) =
* rrol Find :

Lr jP (B) faP(AuB)
l:"jP(A-B) (El-Fayoum tq"*,1,*"

@ A bag contains 12 balls numbered from to 12 t if

ball is drawn randomly : and the
1 a
event A is <getting an odd numbeo> and the event B is <getting a prime numben>
,rhen find : P(A),P(B),P(A), (AU g),P(A-B) 151 rz 71t6>>
,rz, 12
' D

I 53

?s o Remember & underst*nd O Appfly ir Problem Solving


El A box contains 20 balls which have the same shape r size and weight are well mixed
r 8 of them are red tJ are white and the rest of the balls are green. A ball is drawn
randomly. Find the probability that the drawn ball is :

,rRed. [, lWhiteorgreen. ',:]Notwhite. "'1 ,l,,!;',,,"

@ U If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment r
P (A) = 0.8,P (B) = 0.7 and P (A n B) = 0.6 Find :

; lThe probability of non occurrence of the events A and B together.

IE If A and B are two events of a sample space of a random experiment r P (A) = Q.J
, P (B) = 0.6 and P (A n B) = 0.4 Find :

i , The probability of occurrence at least one of the two events.


i,j The probability of occurrence of B and non occurence of A

I , _lThe probability of non occurrence of A
' The probability of non occulrence of any of them.
1 ,:]The probability of occurrence of one of the events but not the other.
:;lTheprobabilityof occurrenceof theeventAonly. ,<{i)/ tt},'). tO.5 r0.ll ,0li ;{.) l>
@ If A and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment r the probability

of non occurrence of the event,t is r the probability of non occurrence of the event B is
andthe probability of occurring one of them at most is
! f
Find the probability of each of the following :

: lThe occurtence of the event A

:r The occurrence of the two events together.
:-r The occuffence of any of the two events.
, :. lThe occurrence of the event A only.
,;lTheoccurrenceof oneof thetwoeventsbutnottheother. ,,)n,l:, )l ,,|tt, )1,r,,

A class of 32 studetts ) 22 of them play football r 10 of them s

Volleyball Basketball
play basketball and 12 play volleyball.
If 3 of them are playing the three games r 5 play football
and basketball r 8 play football and volleyball and 6 play
basketball and volleyball.

Exercise 10
E]How many students play football and basketball only ?

E Uow many students don't play any of these games ?

E tt a student is chosen randomly r then what is the probability

that the student be a football player only ? u2r4,$,

A classroom contains 40 students. 18 of them read Al-Akhbar Newspaper : 15 read

Al-Ahram Newspaper and 8 read both Newspapers. If a student is selected randomly.

Calculate the probability that the student :

,.=. Reads A1-Akhbar Newspaper. E m Does not readAl-Akhbar Newspaper.

..=. Reads Al-Ahram Newspaper. El m Reads both Newspapers.

Reads Al-Akhbar Newspaper only. lqlReads Al-Ahram Newspaper only.

[z_]Reads Al-Akhbar only orAl-Ahram only.

m 45 students participated in some sports activities. 2l of them are members in the

school football team. 15 in basketball team and 9 in bothr football and basketball team.
A student is randomly selected. Represent this situation using a Venn diagram r then
find the probability that the selected student is :
iTlA member in the football team. [_e"_J A member in the basketball team.
Lil A member in the basketball team and football team.
E Not a member in any of the two previous teams. 3114 n
"5'3 '5 L5"

60 students participated in one of the school's sports activities r 36 students participated

in football t 27 students participated in basketball and 12 students participated in football
and basketball. A student was chosen randomly.
Represent this using a Yenn diagram , then find the probability that the chosen student :
[! Aparticipant in the football team and not a participant in the basketball team.
[E]A participant of at least one team from the two teams.
IE Not a participant of any of the two teams. 211 )
<<5 3
zo ' 2o>>

IE The number of all outcomes of a random experiment of equal choices of all outcomes
is 30 If A and B are two events of the sample space of this experiment and the number of
outcomes of occurring the event B equals 12 outcomes and P (A U B) =
r P (A) = 0.6 Find :

[I ffre probability of occurence of the two events together.
{E fne probability of occurring one of the two events but not the other. 211


z O Remember O l\rprplly o'o Problem Solving

For excellent pupils


E ffi In a survey of 6000 birth cases in a province

selected randomly. Researchers paid much attention
to find a relation between mother's age when she gives

I birth and the place where she lives. The following table
shows the number of births in urban and rural villages :

Place of living
Mother's age
Urban Rural villages
Less than 20 years 120 240

From 20 years to less

240 360
From 22yeas to iess
t740 r440
than 30 years
From 30 years and more 1500 360

i I ft tne event A. expresses the mother who gave birth and lives in the urban area and the
event B expresses the mother who gave birth whose age is not more thanZZ years.
(1) P (A) (2) P (B) ..3.4,,
'5 25
@ Represent the sets A and B using the Venn diagram r then find :

(1)P(AnB) (2)P(AuB) (3)P(A-B) (4)P(AuB)

"*'lc ''#';"ri"
Lrj Predict the number of births if the mother lives in the urban area and aged 30 years or
more, take into consideration that the number of births is 9000 in the province.
<< 2250 cases >>

a A farm contains cows of the two colours white and brown. If the probability that the cow

is white = andthe probability that the cow is brown =*

Find the probability of each of the following :
,-, cow is mixed colour of the two colours.
i The cow is only white.
/z- .

I Tt,lts, P
e€r$lc $.ldJJ$

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

trl (- ltt - (- r )36 = ...'... '. (El-Menia l7)

(a)-2 (b) zero (c) 1 (d) 2

'G.'1E=....... (Ismailia I6)

@):\[-* b) 2:{; (c)-i (d) zero

If 21 x31 =6k,thenft=.......... (El-Fayoum 19 t El-Kab,oubia 17 t El-Sharkia l6)

(a) 14 (b) 1 (c) 6 (d) s

@ttZs x 35 = mx 64 r then m = .......... (El-Sharkia l7)

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

@ The solution set of the inequality : X < 1 in N is .'...... '. (Matouh 17)

rai {t} o) {0} (c) {o , t} (d) {1 ,0 ,-1 ,...}

@12 r 5] is the solution set of the inequality .......... (Alexandria l6)

(a)1<x-l<4 (b)1<x-I<4 (c)1 <x-1<4 (d)1<x-l<4

tflIf i X=
10,then2 \, =
..'....... (New Valley 17)

@)+ (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) s0

E tf Xis a negative number r then the greatest number from the following numbers is ..........
(El-MonoJia l8 t El-Kalyoubia 17 t Giza 17 t Cairo l6)
(a)5-x (b)5+x .5
(c): (d)sx
(A : t ) Y o /6tlelrl(oLrl r.,rt.j) -l:,rt .r fglsdl Sl
trrr fi+. :6 = 8 + x rthen \,- .......... (Aswan l7)

(a) 9 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 10

@tf (S t X- 4)= (y + 2 t3) tthenX+ y = (Luxor l7)

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 12

@ If x is the additive identity : y is the multiplicative identity r then 2x + 3Y =

(Ismailia 19)

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

@rne multiplicative inverse of the number E*

(North Sinai l7 t El-Menia l6)

2F tfi
(a) -tG
Y- r"t (d) ll-

| )(X- 5;zero = 1 forevery Xe.... . (Souhae 16)

(a) R (b)R-{s} (c) iR - {- s} (0R-{1}

If ab = 3, ab2 = 12 tthenb = ...'.....' (Damietra 19 ; KaJr El-Sheikh 17)

(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) -2 (d) !2

IfZ XY = 6, X2 y * Xy' =6 rthen X+y = (Souhag l6)

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 6 @+

Ify-3-8 rtheny= (Alexandria l6)

(a) 1
o)+ (c) 2 @)+

fB fne curve y = a * +b x+ c intersects the y-axis at the point ..'..... (El-Menia l8)

(a) (0 , b) (b) (b ,0) (c) (c ,0) (d) (0 , c)

If X+Y=5, X-y =3 rthen X'-Y'=

(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 1s

@ rrre additive inverse of the number 0 -^[i ) it (lsmailia l6)

@) t +a[i (b) - | -{, f">n[i -r @^[;

@ ffre arithmetic mean of the values :2 t3 t 4 t7 andg is .........' (El-Fayoum l6)

@)a (b)s (c)6 (d) 8

Accumulotive bosic skills

@ If tfre function / is a function from the set X to the set Y : then the domain of the
function is ...'...." (Beni Suef 16)

(a)x (b)Y (c)XxY (d)YxX

\:1lf -b2 =a + b,
a2 then b - a = ..........
where a+b +0 @t-Gharbia t8)

(a) 2 (b) -z (c) 1 (d) - 1

Itrl]Irx-2 ry =3 rthen (y-2x)10=.i........ (Damiettotg tAlex.tT tLuxort6)

(a)1 (b)-1 (c)5 (d)10

t-If X+ 3 y - 7 tthen X+3 (y + 5) = .......... (El-Beheira t8)

(a) 22 (b) 2I (c) 1 (d) 3

(u) 430 (b) 40 (") 815 (d)231

[i,!ttre rule which describes the pauern,

+, ?, tr, +, ... in terms of n
where neZ*is .......... (El-Fayoum 19)

h1L rbrn+l
'2 (c) n ,ol 2n-1
"n+l "n+ n+l
l .Z ft a . ^{i < b r then (a : b) may be (Et-MortoJia t7)

(a) (0 , 1) (b) (2.s (t '2)

,3.s) (c) (d) (2 ,3)

irrr;1lf ab=12 rbc= 20;ac= 15 anda tb rcelR* rthenabc= (DamiettatT)

(a) 360 (b) 3600 (c) 60 (d) 36

Second Geometry

unit4 The circle.

Angles and arcs in the circle.


) Accumulative basic skills "TIMSS Problems" 154






I ,.i
.A .*
i,l^ .. i ''

' )-_-

Basic definitions and concepts on the circle.

Position of a point and a straight line with respect to a circle.

Position of a circle with respect to another circle. Scan the

ldentifying the circle. QR code
to solve an
The relation between the chords of a circle and its centre. interactive
test on each


1eXFffi I
on the circle
From the school book

l Problem Solving

Complete the following :

i L is a line segment with one endpoint at the centre of the circle and the other

] endpoint on the circle.

i it
The line segment whose endpoints are any two points on the circle and not passing
i through the centre is called (l{evt, \rcrllq'06)

I 1,, ] The straight line passing through the centre of the circle and the midpoint of any chord
of it is (IQt/t' Et-sheikh t 1 )

iri] |-l The straight line passing through the centre of a circle and perpendicular to any

chord of it ........'. this chord. (Sor.thag 12)

The straight line which is perpendicular to any chord of the circle from its
midpoint passes through (Alex.06)

The product of the approximating ratio (fi) by the length of the diameter
of a circle equals (Lrmor a4)

Choose the correct answer from those given :

it ]The diameter is a ..........passing through the centre of the circle.

(a) straight line (b) ray (c) tangent (d) chord

Exercise $

@ The longest chord in the circle is called a .....,.... (Porr Soitl 19)

(a) chord. (b) diameter. (c) tangent. (d) radius.

@ The axis of symmetry of a circle is .......... (I')l-Monrtia l9)

(a) the diameter.

(b) the chord.

(c) the straight line passing through the cenrre.

(d) the tangent.

@ The number of symmetry axes of a circle is ....... (Damiettct l9 t El-Kal1,oiltitt 1B)

(a) zero (b) 1

(c) 2 (d) an infinite number.

@ The number of symmetry axes of a semicircle is (Red Sett l9)

(a) zero (b) 1

(c) 3 (d) an infinite number.

@ The length of the longest chord in a circle is 12 cm. : then the circumference of
this circle equals .......... cm. (El-Dukqltlia ]9 t El-Sharkia lB)
(a) 12 xI (b) 6 xr (c) 24 xt (d) 10 xl

@ The radius length of a circle whose area is 25 tl cm? is .......... cm. (South Sinoi I 8)

(a) 5 (b)-s (c) 25 (d) 4

@ The circumference of a circle is 8 fi cm. r then the length of its diameter

equals .......... cm. (Suez.18)

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16

@ The radius length of a circle whose centre is the origin and passes through the
point (- 3 , 4) equals length units. (Red Sea 19)

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 7

@ AB is a diameter in a circle whose centre is the origin r where tr = (2 : 0)

rthen$ =.......'.. (Dconietta I8)

(a)(2t2) (b)(0,-2) (c)(-2t0) (d)(-z,z)

@ A chord of length 8 cm. : is drawn in a circle of diameter length 10 cm. : then its
distance from the centre is .......... cm. (El-Ghrnbio 1,3)

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 6

Z O Remember r:'ir ,;rdtilr'll;rtt! C Applly ij Problem Solving

i i In each of the following figures : find the value of the used symbol in measuring

where M is the centre of the circle :

tr tr tr

- """""
y = ..........
) - """"'

x- V_
-L - .""""'
x- ..-

y= v-"" '

In each of the following figures r M is a circle : complete :

tr tr tr

m (l- MAC) = """""o m (Z DME) = ..'..'."'o IfAB=8cm.

(l-tt.ror l4 ti\ssiut ll) l,Lr.wtr l-l t (ii:s I 5 )
( r then MB = ......."' cm.


If AB = 10 cm.
AB = .....'.'.. cm.
r then CD = ....'....' cm.
(Rctl Scu l2)

Exercise I
B tr

AB = .'.'.'...'cm.
m (Z A) = ..'....... o
XY = 7 cm. ,lT =!3I
CD = "...' MA = ...'...... cm. The area of the

Each of the following figures represents a quarter of a circle M

n trc rct

The length of EC = The area of the
rectangle = .......... cm?

tro In the opposite figure :

ag ir a chord of the circle M :


and m (Z MAC) = 40o


Prove that :

C is the midpoint of AB (Kafi" El-Sheiklt 09)


ffi In the opposite figure :

AB and BC are two chords in circle M :
which has radius length of 5 cm.:

MB I AB irrtersects AB at D and intersects the circle M at E :

k ir th" midpoint of BC rAB = 8 cm.r m (Z ABC) = 56o

Find : {I m (Z DMX) IeJThe length of DE

I (El-Menia 19 t El-Ghar"bia 17 t Soultng I5) << 124. > 2 cm. >>

(1 ,t)Y o/6ttetrl(oa.*rL;) .$ti, I4lif


ZN O Remember O o'o Problem Solving

tro In the opposite figure :

A and AC u." two chords of the circle M r

m (Z BAC) = 45" ,
D and E are the midpoints
of ag and aC respectively.
Prove that : A DFM is an isosceles triangle. (New Valle)t 05)

ffi In the opposite figure :

M is a circle of radius length 13 cm. :
Rg ir a chord of length 24 cm. t
C is the midpoint of AB

and Md 0 circle rvr = {D}
Find : The area of the triangle ADB (EL-Dakahlia t 3) < 96 crt? >


t0 ffi In the opposite figure :

Misacircle rXgllCD,
X is the midpoint of AB
and XM is drawn to cut CD at Y
r\ x -_Za

I Prove that : Y is the midpoint of CD (El-Menia lB tAssiut l8 tAswan l5 tAlexandria l3)

IE iU In the opposite figure :
and AC are two chords in circle M
that includes an angle of measure 120" t

D and E are the two midpoints of AB and AC
+ +
respectivel) r DM and EM are drawn to intersect
the circle at X and Y respectively.

Prove that : The triangle XYM is an equilateral triangle' (Aswan 16 t Beni Suef l5)

tE f" the opposite figure :

AC = AB : X is the midpoint of AB ,
Y is the midpoint of AC ,
m (Z MXY) = 30o
Prove that : The triangle AXY is equilateral. (Assiut 14)

Exercise I
IE ffi In the opposite figure :
Two concentric circles with centre M r
Ag ir a chord of the greater circle

and intersects the smaller circle at C r D

and MB I AB

Prove that : AC = BD (El-Gharbia 18 s Qeno 18 s Qena 17 t Red Sea t2)

@ ffi In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle drawn inside a circle with centre M

(inscribed triangle) , MD I BC and ME I AC

Prove that :

trED l AB
I @ The perimeter of A CDE = | theperimeter of A ABC (Kafr El-Sheikh l6 > El-Beheira l3)
tro ffi In the opposite figure :
In circle M, MX I AB, My I AC
I ;m(L A) = 60'and m (LB) = 70o
Find : The measures of the interior angles of the triangle MXy

<< l20o t 20" ; 40">>

IE M In the opposite figure :

eg i* a chord of circle M r
Ad bisects Z BAM and intersects circle M at C

If D is the midpoint of AB

Prove that : DIVI I CVf (El-Beheira l9 ; EL-Gharbia l7 t Souhag 14)

EI In the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles their centre is M

r MB = AB , if the area of the shaded

region = 48 Xl cm2.

Find : The radius length of the greater circle.

<< 8 ctn.>>

ZI O Remember O Appily & Problem Solving

IE In the opposite figure :

Aquarter of the circle M : AM- I MB


If MD=6cm.:DE=2cm.

Find : The length of EC


IE In the opposite figure :

gC is a diameter of the circle M r

I AB =AC r

m (Z BAC) = 60o ,

BX = 2.5 cm. and MX- I AB

Find : The length of AE << 5 cm. >>

llir In the opposite figure :

Ag is a diameter in circle M

Prove that : NC > NA

< El-Belrcira lB "

8 In the opposite figure


Ag ir a diameter of the circle M r

Co ir a chord of it r XC I CD

and YD I CD

Prove that : AX = BY (El-Slnrkia 09)

@ m AB and CD are two parallel chords in circle M : AB = 12 cm. I CD = 16 cm.

I Find the distance between those two chords if the radius length of circle M equals 10 cm.

Are there any other answers ? Explain your answer. < 14 cm. or 2 cm. >>

In a cartesian coordinates plane , if AB is a diameter of the circle M where A (3 , 4) and

B (3 , - 3) , find the coordinates of M r then calculate the circumference of the circle.
(, , *) t22letsthunits >

Exercise I
El fnacartesiancoordinatesplane r if M(-1 ,2) rA(2r6)andB (2 r-2)
Prove that M is the centre of a circle passing through the two points A and B r then
calculate the perpendicular distance between the chord An and the centre of the circle.
< 3 length units >

tro In a cartesian coordinates plane , AB ir a chord of the circle M : D is the midpoint of AB

IfA(4 r1)andB(-4 r5)Find:Theequationofffi <<y=2X+3>,

For excellent pupils


ffi In the opposite figure :
A circle M has a radius length of 7 cm. r
\rl o

AB and CD ure two perpendicular and intersecting chords at O

If AB = 72 cm. and CD = 10 cm. \9 A

Find : The length of MO ,,{3z"-.,

In the opposite flgure :

AB and BC ar" two chords of the circle M r AB = BM :

MA- I BC and BC = 14{lcm.
Find : The radius length of the circle M


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by scanning the OP COde

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OP reodor
tthen scan
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of a point and a straight
Posit ilrt+_E

H2 tHffir
From the school book

@t G


O Remember e Understand O App[]z o'r Problem Solving

Acircle M is of radius length 8 cm. ,Ais a point in the plane of the circle M : complete :

f! If MA = 10 cm. : then A lies the circle.

E If MA = 8 cm. : then A lies the circle.

E If MA = 512 cm. : then A lies the circle.

[?] If MA = zero r then A lies the circle and it is represented by

Complete the following :

E If the straight line L O the circle M= A : then the straight line L lies .'.'......
B If the straight line L intersects the circle M at the two points A and B r
then the straight line L 0 ttre surface of the circle l\rl = ""''""
E The tangent to the circle is perpendicular to drawn from the tangency point.

@ The straight line which is drawn perpendicular to a diameter of a circle at one of its
endpoints is ......'.'. (Porr saic

E fne two tangents to a circle at the two endpoints of a diameter of it are

(Kafr El-Sheikl

E m If M is a circle with circumference 8 n cm. ,Ais apointon the circle rthen

MA = .......... cm. (Kafr El-Slrcikl

m If M is a circle with radius length 7 cm. r Ivta J- L where A CL

: complete the following :

I If MA = 4^t[z cm. : then the straight line L

Exercise I
E If MA = 3fr cm. r then the straight line L

E If 2 MA - 5 = 9 cm. r then the straight line L

@ If the straight line L intersects the circle M and MA = 3 X - 5 r then X e ..........
@ ff tne straight line L is a tangent to the circle M and MA = X2 -Z: then X C .........

Choose the correct answer from those given :

(a) MA> 6 cm. (b)MA=6cm.
(c)MA=3cm. (d)MA<3cm.
o [E tf a straight line L is a tangent to the circle M whose diameter length is 8 cm. r then L
is at a distance of .......... cm. from its centre. (Souhag l9 t El-Kalyoubia l8)

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

a [il ]Acircle M is of radius length 5 cm. rAis apoint outside the circle r

then MA = .......... cm. (Et-Gharhio 0-j)

(a) 3 (b) s (c) 8 (d) 4

a @ If the diameter length of a circle is 8 cm. and the straight line L is at a distance of 3 cm.
from its centre r then the straight line L is .......... (Damietta l6 t El-Menia 14)

(a) a tangent to the circle. (b) a secant to the circle.

(c) outside the circle. (d) an axis of symmetry of the circle.

o E If M is a circle its diameter length = 14 cm.: MA= (2 X+ 3) cm. whereAis apoint on

the circle : then \, - .......... (El-Kall,oubia l7 >El-Sharkia l5)

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

o E] If M is a circle : its radius length is 7 cm. r A is a point in the plane of the circle
r MA = (2 X - 3) cm. r where A is outside the circle : then
(a)X=5 (b)x€[s,*1
(c)Xe ]S,-1 (d)xe]--,5[
E] m Ag h a diameterin acircle M ,mandEBare two tangents to the circle r
then fid Ed (Alextutdricr l3)
(a) intersects (b) is perpendicular to
(c) is parallel to (d) is coincident to

Zq O Remember lJnr : C Aiptpfi:y 1'i Problem Solving

U A circle is of cm. r and the straight line L is distant from its

a circumference 6 X[
centre by 3 cm. : then the straight line L is ....'..... (Red SecL l9 t Red Sea 17 t El-MonoJia l5)

(a) a tangent to the circle. (b) a secant.

(c) outside the circle. (d) a diameter of the circle.

[e ]ff the area of the circle M is 16 tX cr& :A is a point in its plane where MA = 8 cm. r
then A lies .......... the circle M (Qena l7 t El'Shorkia 09)

(a) inside (b) outside (c) on (d) at the centre of

E0 M is a circle with diameter of length 8 cm. If the straight line L is outside the circle :
then the distance between the centre of the circle and the straight line L C .....'....

(a) l4 , -[ (b) [o ,4[ (c; ]o ,4[ (d) [o , 8] (Kafi'El-Sheikh 14)

@Acirclewithdiameterlength (2X+5)cm. rthestraightlineLisatadistance (X+2)cm.

from its centre where X> 0 r then the straight line L is """"" (Port Said 17)

(a) a secant to the circle at the two points.

(b) outside the circle.
(c) a tangent to the circle.
(d) an axis of symmetry of the circle.

Using each of the following figures : choose the correct answer from those given :

U If AB is a tangent to the circle M atA :

AB =AM r then m (L}{) = .....'....

(a) 30' (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90'

tr AB is a tangent-segment to the circle M

tm(L B) = 30" rAM = 6 cm'
r then MB = .....'.... cm. (Red Sea ) B)

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12

lE AB is a diameter of the circle M r

CA and CD touch the circle atA and D r

if m (L DMB) = 50" r then m (L C) = ""

(a) 50" (b) 130'
(c) 90' (d) 40"

Exercise 2
@ If AB touches the circle M atA :
I MBnthecircleM={C}
where MC = BC : then m(LB) = ..........
(a) 30" (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90'
E If m touches the circle M at A :
D is the midpoint of the chord AB
tm (L ACM) = 50o : then m (Z BAM) =
(a) 40" (b) 45"
(c) 50' (d) 90"

tra m M is a circle in each of the following figures and 7G is a tangent. Complete :

tr tr tr

m (Z AMB) = m (l- ADB) = ....'.....o m (Z AME) = ....'..'.'o

D 10cm. A
A l2cm.
B 8cm. A
I The perimeter of The perimeter of the
DB =....." A ABC = .......... cm. figure ABMD = .......... cm.
(El-Gharbia l2) (Alexandria ll)

z In the opposite figure


BC is a tangent at B
: D is the midpoint of AH
Prove that : DA= DM (Aswan l1)

(\. If )Y o/6tlxlYl(olJr,-rLu) -l+li,)l4ldl

Z* O Remember o Understand O Appfly o't Problem Solving

In the opposite frgure :

ag i, a diameter in the circle M :

AC is a tangent to the circle at Ar
m (Z DMB) = 100o

Find by proof :

{! m (z ACB)
@m(L CDM) (El-Menia ll ) << 50" t 140o >>

tro ffi tn the opposite figure :

M is a circle with radius length 5 cm. r

XY = 12 cm., MY fl circle M = {Z}

atdZY = 8 cm.
i? t
Prove that : a hngent to the circle M at X
(Matrouh 17 t Sor.tth Sirroi 16 t Qena l5 t El-Beheirtt 14)

In each of the following figures r explain why 7G is a tangent to circle M


tr tr g

(lsnruilict l7 t El-Gharbict l6) (lsmailia ll )

ill ,,;r In the opposite figure :

AE ir a tangent to the circle M at A r

MA= 8 cm. tm(LABM) = 30o and AC I MB

Find : The length of each of Ag and AC

(Giza 19 t Matrotth I 8 ; New Vatley 18 t El'Monofia 14) * 8\E cm., 4{3 cm.'

In the opposite figure :

M is a circle , i? ir a tangent to the circle at X

, MY O ttre circle 1Yt = {Z} ,

XY = 12 cm. tYZ = 8 cm. X l2cm.
72cm. Y

Find : The radius length of the circle. (El-Menia -13) < 5 cm. >

Exercise I
[E f, the opposite figure :
Ag ir a diameter of the circle M r

AC is a tangent to it atA r CM is drawn :

D is a point on it such that CM = MD

Prove that : nB ir a tangent to the circle M at B

In the opposite figure :

AE and Ad ur" two tangents to the circle M

r touch it at B : C respectively

and m (Z BAM) = 25o

J Prove that : Mf bisects Z BMC

@ Find z m (L BMC) (Port Saitl 17) << 130" >>

IEI fn the opposite figure :

Rg ls a chord of the great circle and touches

the small circle atC tAB = 8 cm. and the

radius length of the great circle = 5 cm.

Find : The radius length of the small circle. (Souhag 09) << 3 cm. >>

IE In the opposite figure :

M is a circle : the chord SA ttMC ,

YX is a tangent to the circle at B
If m(LABY) = 50o

Find:m(ZCBX) << 20" >>

In the opposite figure :

DC touches the circle M at C , AB llMD :
m (Z BAC) = 80' tm(L MDC) =20"

and ACn MD = {E}
Find:m(ZECM) (Beni Sr.rc.f 05) r,30' ,


Remember a Understand Appfy Problem Solving
ZN O O ooo

IE In the opposite figure :

Ed Ir a tangent to the circle M at A :

MB n the circle vf = {X} , tvtC n the circle vt = {V}

Prove that : m (Z BMA) = m (Z CMA)

IE In the opposite figure :

nC i, a chord of the circle M
: A € I4e ,
m(LA)=n(LCBA) rBC=BM

Prove that : -AB is atangentto the circle M at B
@ In the opposite figure :
ag is a diameter of the circle M
,C CBA : CD touches the circle at D


t8 Agi5 adiameterinacircleof area 36ncn:{. rEdi, drawnatangenttothecircleatB :if

m (Z ACB) = 60o : then calculate the area of AABC (El-Dakahlia 14) <2415 cr* "

@ m AB is a diameter in circle M , AC and BD are two tangents of the circle M :
CM i.rt"rr"cts the circle M at X and Y and intersects BD at E
Prove that : CX = YE (El-Beheira 19)

@ M In the opposite figure :

M circle with radius length of 5 cm. : A is a point outside the circle r

AD ir a tangent to circle M at D , AE int".tects the circle at B

and C respectively where AB = 4 cm. andAC = 72 cm.

@ Find the distance of the chord BC fto* the centre of the circle.

1a Calculate the length of AD < 3 cm. , +^[i cm.,

@ Determine the positions of the following points with respect to the circle M whose
radius length is 5length units and its centre is the origin point.

LIJa(- 3 ,4) ieJB(2,3) iqlC(6,8)

Exercise 2

Provethat:ThepointsA(3 r- 1) ,B (-4:6) and C(2 t-2)arelocatedincirclewhose
centre is the point M (- 1 t 2) t then find the circumference of the circle.
(El-Beheira 11) <10 X[ length unirs >

tro ro If CD is a diameter of circle M where M (1 r 1) ,D (3 ,-2)

Find : The equation of the tangent to M at C (El-Dakahlia ll ),, y = ? X + +)

For excellent pupils

In the opposite figure :

Two circles are concentric at M

, AB is a chord in the greater circle and touches

the smaller circle atC t if AB = 74 cm.

Find : The area of the part included between the two circles. (El-Dakahlia t9) < 49 JT cm?

In the opposite figure :

AE touches the circle M at B , CD i, a diameter of it :

m (Z BAM) = Xo and m (Z MDB) = 2 X"
Find : The value of X in degrees. (lsmailia 06) <<

E f, the opposite figure :

M and N are two congruent circles :

IE ir a coflrmon tangent to them r

C is the midpoint of AB ,

the circle M n MC = {x} : the circleN n NC = {y}

E A CMN is an isosceles triangle.

trxy/MN (El-Kalyoubia 04)

osltlon of a
respect to another circle
Interactive test
From the school book

O Remember O Understand O Appily ooo Problem Solving

Complete the following :

f1] If the surface of the circle M [l the surface of the circle N = Z

: then the two circles M and N are (Sottltag ll)
E tt tfre surface of the circle M 0 the surface of the circle N = {A} : then the two circles
M and N are (Nev, Valley l2)

E If the surface of the circle M 0 the surface of the circle N = the surface of the circle N r
then the two circles M and N are or ...."""
BIfthecircleM ll thecircleN= Z rthenthetwocirclesMandNare or.....'.".
@ If the circle M 0 the circle N = {A} : then the two circles are .."""" or """""
E The centres line of two intersecting circles is perpendicular to """"" and """""
(El-Beheira 12)

E The centres line of two touching circles is perpendicular to (El-Sharkia 06)

E m The axis of symmetry of the two circles M and N that are intersectrng at
A and B is ..........
E] If M and N are the two centres of two circles of radii lengths r, and r,
r where MN > rr + 12 r then the two circles are """""

@l M and N are two circles of radii lengths r, and rrlf r, - rzl MN < rr + 12 r then the
two circles are ......'...
@ If the sum of lengths of the two radii of two circles equals the distance between the
two centres : then the two circles are .....'....

Exercise $
fl Choose the correct answer from those given
a M and N are two circles touching

t-[1 ]

and 5 cm.r thel MN = ........'. cm.

internally : their radii lengths are 3 cm.
I @eni suef 17 t El-Ghctrbia ls)

8 6 (c)4
II .-,-M and
ru) (b) (d)2

+ [4 N are two circles touching externally , if their radii length s are 4cm. and 2 cm.
r then MN = .......... cm. Gairo t5)
(a) zerc (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 7

? tr M and N are two circles of radii lengths 9 crn. and 4 cm.respectively : MN = 5 cm. :
then the two circles are .......... (El-Dakcthlitt 17 t El-Ghurbia 14)
(a) touching externally. (b) touching internally.
(c) intersecting. (d) distant.

+ trMandNaretwocircles rtheirradiilengths are 8 cm. and3 cm. rif MN= 11 cm. :

then the two circles M and N are (El-Menia 13)
(a) (b) concentric.
(c) intersecting. (d) touching externally.

+ trM and N are two circles r their radii lengths are 4cm. and 3 cm. If MN = 9 cm. r then
the two circles are .......... (Port Said 09)
(a) distant. (b) intersecting.
(c) touching. (d) one is inside the other.

i glfthe radii lengths of the two circles M andN are 6 cm. : 3 cm. rMN = 2 cm.
r then the two circles M r N are .......... (El-Dakahlia l8)
(a) intersecting. (b) one is inside the other.
(c) touching externally. (d) distant.

? tr If the radius length of the circle M = 3 cm. and the radius length of the circle N = 5 cm.
r MN = 6 cm. t then the two circles M and N are .......... (El-Gharbia 08)
(a) distant. (b) one is inside the other.
(c) intersecting. (d) touching externally.

? El m M and N are two intersecting circles their radii lengths are 3 cm. and 5 cm.
respectively : then MN e (Alexandria 16 ; Cairo l6 t Suez 11)

1a; l0 ,2[ (b) ]2 , 8[ (c)

]z , oo[
]a , ""[ (d)

i E TWo circles M and N with radii lengths 8 cm. and 5 cm. respectivel! t aretouching
when MN C (El-Dakaltlia 16)

1al lt: :3[ (b) ]3 , 13[ (c) ]R- [s , rr] (d) {13 ,3}

Remember & L.lnde rstand Appfiy r'r Problem
Zq O O Solving

a EO M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B : then the axis of symmetry of AB
is ....'.".' (El-Monofia 04)

(a) MN (b) NM (c) MN (d)m

@ If the radius length of the circle M = the radius length of the circle N = MN : then the
two circles are ....'.'... (Alexantlria 05)

(a) one is inside the other. (b) touching externally.

(c) distant. (d) intersecting.

[@ If the two circles M and N are touching internally : the radius length of one of them is 3 cm.
and MN = 8 cm. r then the radius length of the other circle is ........" (Giza 17) cm.
(a) t2 (b) 11 (c) 6 (d) s

C) {@ M and N are two touching circles where MN = 6 cm. : the radius length of the gteater
circle is 10 cm. r then the radius length of the smaller circle is ..'......' cm. (El-Sharkia 05)

(a) 16 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 4

o @ M r N and L are three circles touching externally two-by-twor their radii lengths are 5 cm'r
6 cm. and4 cm.: then the perimeter of the triangle MNL = """"" cm. (El:Monofia ll)
(a) 15 (b) 30 @)a (d) 60

lr,; If the two circles M and N are touching externally r the radius length of the circle M
is 4 cm. and MN = J cm. I then the circumference of the circle N is .....'...' cm.
(I)l-Motufit l6)

(a) 4 TT, (b)6fi (c)7 tl (d) xr

C) @ A circle M of radius length 4 cm. touches a circle N internall] r MN =J cm.: then the
I circumference of the circle M : the circumference of the circle \ = .......... (El-Dakahlia 09)
(b)3:4 (d)4:11

(a) 4 :7 (c) 4 :3

g I

fn each of the following figures r the circles are touching two'by-two.


Use information of each figure to complete :

tr B tr

m (Z BMN) = ......".'o m (Z EMN) = m (Z MDN) =

Exercise t

BC = ......'... cm.
NC = ...'

Ll.Lr' In each of the following figures I M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B r
complete :

AB = .."'....'cm. I= ..........

In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles touching at A :

the distance between their centres MN = 12 cm.
If NB =J cm.
Find : The length of MA (Kafr El-Slrcikh 06) < 5 cm. >

ffi In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles
with radii lengths of 10 cm. and 6 cm.
respectively and they are touching internally at A t
AB is a common tangent for both.
If the area of A BMN = 24 cm?
Find : The length of AB (El-KcLll,ottbin l8 t Luxor 16 t Port Suid 14) << 12 cttt. >>

Zo M ln the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B r

C e BE r D Gthe circle N r

m (Z MND) = 125' and m (Z BCD) = 55o

Prove that : ED ir atalgentto circle N at D (Red Sea 19 t Kafi'El-Sheikh 17 t Souhas l5)

(\\ : t ) Y o /6tlelrl(slr d,rtl) *t -!, I4hdl At

ZI O Remember C Aprpily 1'1 Problem Solving

ffi"ffi In the opposite figure :

i t

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B ,

C is the midpoint of XY, m (Z D) = 40" t

FZ ira tangent to the circle N at F where MN n FZ = {t}

[t ]Find : m (L CME) < 1400 >

le lProve that : FZ ll AB (El-Fattoum ll)

In the opposite figure :

An ls the common chord of the intersecting circles M and N

the straight line L ll AB and cuts the circle M at E and F and
cuts the circle N at C and D

Prove that : CE = FD

In the opposite figure :

Two congruent circles M and N are intersecting at A and B

Find try proof : The length of MN (El-Meflia l7) << 16 cm. >>

M and N are two intersecting circles atAand B rMA = 12cm. r NA= 9 cm. and
MN = 15 cm.

Find : The length of AB (Porr Saicl I I ) << 1/,.4-cn:t

@ In the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B
where C is a point on the circle M :

D is a point on the circle N : C CMN, D eMfr

Prove that : m (l- CAD) = m (L CBD) (El-Sharkia 15)

'ES# .i:,- In the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B :

CO is a diameter in circle M , ai is a tangent to the

circle M ar C where ei n uX = {u}

and MN'0 ae- = {F}
Prove that : m (Z DMN) = m (L CEB)

Exercise 3
IE In the opposite figure :

M and N are two congruent circles touching

externally at A t in the circle N draw the radius NB

such that m (Z ANB) = 60o

Prove that : MB touches the circle N at B

IE h the opposite figure :

Two circles are touching internally at A t

the area of the shaded part = 550 cm2. t

MtM, = 7 cm.
Find : The sum of the two lengths of their radii. (fi =
?) < 25 cm. >>

IE If AB = 3 cm. r and a circle is drawn such that its centre is the point A and passes through
the point B r and another circle is drawn such that B is its centre and passes through the
point A. If the two circles intersect at C and D

Find: Om(LACB)
@ ffre length of the common chord CD < 6oo r 3{Tcm.,

ts ffi In the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B
their radii lengths are 8 cm. and 6 cm. respectively and Xy =4 .-.
Study the figure : then answer the following questions :

f Complete : YM = .......... cm. : CX = .......... cm. and CD = .......... cm.

@ Is the perimeter of A ANM = the length of CD ? Explain your answer.

BWfrat is the measure of Z NAM ?

@find the areaof A NAM

E Wtrat is the length of the common chord AB ?
IE In a cartesian coordinates plane r the two circles M and N are drawn with radii lengths
6 and 4 length units respectively. Show the position of each of them with respect to the
other in each of the following cases :

I EM C4,8),N (5,-4) Bvr (z,t) rN(6,-2)


F ,v.H,

I Remember (and O Appily r'r Problem Solving

[El t, a cartesian coordinates plane: if the two circles M and N are intersecting at A and B
: whereA(0 : 3) andB (-4 r- 1)

Find : The equation of MN <<Y=-x-7>>

If M (3 , 5) and N (- 3 , - 7) are the two centres of two circles whose radii lengths are

4{5 length units and Zn[i lengthunits respectively , A (- 7 t - 3)

Prove that : The two circles are touching at A showing the kind of tangency. lHelwon 09)

In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles touching externally at D

If the common tangent to them is drawn to meet the MD

centres line at C and m (L C) = 30"

If the radius length of the circle M = 6 cm.

Find : The radius length of the circle N << 2 cm. ,>

In the opposite figure :

Three circles with centres M : N and L

: each touches the other two externally.

If LM = 5 cm. : MN = 8 cm. and LN ='7 cm.

Calculate : The radius length of each of them.
,<2cm. r3cm.:5cm.>>


Accut'nulative tests.
lrnportant questions.
Final revisio^.
Final exavninations.

ldentifying the circle rffir

:t \ ?',-

O Remember ,. ) r,r :,t,t,,, ,)' problem Solving

Choose the correct answer from those given :

f I It is possible to draw passing through a given point. (Nar Vallet ()5)

(a) one circle (b) two circles

(c) three circles (d) an infinite number of circles
f{ The number of circles which pass through two given points is .......... (

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) an infinite number.
The number of circles passing through three collinear points is ..........

l,Soulrug lB t Gi:u l(t t l,s'rttuilitr l5)

(a) zero. (b) one. (c) three. (d) an infinite number.
J The number of circles passing through three non-collinear points is .......... (Er-M.titt r 7)

(a) 1 (b) zero (c) 2 (d) 3

We can identify the circle if we are given i :, ,, t,

(a) three collinear points. (b) two points.

(c) three non-collinear points. (d) one point.
The centres of the circles passing through the two points A and B lie on

(a) the axis of symmetry of AB (b) AB
(c) the perpendicular to AB (d) the midpoint of AB

Z* O Remember I Understand O A\ppijy 3f Problem Solving

[] The centre of the circumcircle of a triangle is the point of intersection of


(Et-Fayoum l9 t KaJ|El-Sheikh l7 t Qena l7)

(a) the bisectors of its interior angles. (b) the bisectors of its exterior angles.
(c) its altitudes. (d) the symmetry axes of its sides.

[rl I If I ABC is right-angled at B r then the centre of its circumcircle is (lstnaititt 0-t)

(a) the midpoint of Ae (b) the midpoint of AC

(c) the midpoint of BC (d) outside the triangle.

@ It is impossible to draw a circle passing through the vertices of """'

(Beni Suef l7 t El-Dakahlitt l3 ; El-Sltarkin 12)

(a) a rectangle. (b) a triangle. (c) a square. (d) a rhombus.

@It is possible to draw a circle passing through th vertices of """""

(Et-Slru'kia 19 s Souhttg I B t Giz,tt 17 ; Beni Sue/' l6)

(a) a rhombus. (b) a rectangle. (c) a trapezium. (d) a parallelogram.

O [j] If AB is a line-segment of length 4 cm. : then the radius length of the smallest circle
which passes through the two points A and B equals """" ' cm. (El-Monofia l6)

(a) 2 (b) 3 @)a (d) s

@ If AB = 6 cm. : then the area of the smallest circle which passes through the two points

A and B equais ..........cm2. (El-Slrcrkiu 15)

(a) 3 T(, o)6xr (c) 8 xl (d)efi
Complete the following :

f The circle is identified if its centre is given and the length of """"" (lsnuilia 04)


@ The circle which passes through the vertices of a triangle is (North Sinai 09)

@The number of circles that can pass through any three veftices of a parallelogram is """""
E If AB = 6 cm. r then the number of circles of radius length for each is 5 cm. and pass
through the two points A and B is """""

@ A and B in a plane where AB = 5.4 cm. : then the number of circles which
are two points
the radius length of each = 2.7 cm. r and pass through the two points A and B is """""

@ The greatest length of the line segment whose two terminals lie on a circle of radius

length 7 cm. equals

L is a straight line in the plane : point A is at a distance of 2 cm. from L
Show how to draw a circle of radius length 3 cm. such that it passes through A and its
centre lies on the straight iine L

How many solutions can be carried out ?

Exercise 4
If A eL r draw the circle M passing through A and its radius length = 3 cm. if :

[! M Cthe straight line L r how many circles can be drawn ?
tE tutfi the straight line L : how many circies can be drawn ? (Assiur ll )

tro A and B are two points where AB = 6 cm. Draw a circle of radius length 5 cm. and passes
through the two points A and B
[] fhe number of circles can be drawn.
l?] ffre distance of the centre of the circle from AB by proof. (Drunietta 17) << 4 cm. >>

tr E-U Using your geometric tools : draw AB of length 4 cm. r then draw on one figure :

f A circle passing through the two points A and B and its diameter length is 5 cm.
What are the possible solutions ?

@] A circle passing through the two points A and B and its radius length is 2 cm.
What are the possible solutions ?

@ A circle passing through the two points A and B and its diameter length is 3 cm.
What are the possible solutions ?

an is a line segment of length 6 cm. Draw the circle that passes through the two points
I A and B and its radius length is the smallest length. (Luxor 05)


Using the geometric tools , draw AB with length 6 cm. : then draw ffi
where m (l- CAB) = 60" : draw the circle that passes through the points A r B and its centre

lies on Ad and calculate the length of its radius (Don't remove the arcs). (El-Dakctttia t7) 6<< cm.>>


Draw a circle with radius length of 3 cm. and touches to the straight line L
What is the number of possible solutions ? (Giza 06)

IE ffi Using the geometric tools r draw the triangle ABC in which AB = 4 cm. r BC = 5 cm. and
CA = 6 cm. Draw a circle passing through the points A r B and C. What is the kind of the
triangle ABC with respect to the measures of its angles ? Where is the centre of the circle
located with respect to the triangle ?

m lEl Draw the right-angled triangle ABC at B where AB = 4 cm. and BC = 3 cm.: then draw
the circumcircle of this triangle. Where does the centre of the circle lie with respect to the
sides of this triangle ? (Daniettn l8)

Z O Remember I Understand C Appfiy 3'1 Problem Solving

[,'i Draw the equilateral triangle ABC of side length 4 cm. Draw the circumcircle
ts of this triangle ABC

@ Locate the position of the centre of the circle with respect to :


heights of the triangle - medians of the triangle - bisectors of the angles.


!il Uow many axes of symmetry are there in the equilateral triangle ?

IE Using geometrical instruments, draw the isosceles triangle ABC in which

m (Z ABC) = 120" : BC = 4 cm. Determine the centre of the circumcircle of it

and find its radius length. (El-Daltaliliu I I ) " 4 ant. >>

Ia Draw AABC in which :AB=6cm.oAC=4cm- , m (Z BAC) = 60' r then draw
i a circle passes through the two points A and C where its centre lies on AB

IE Draw AABC in which : AB = 5 cm. rBC = 4 cm. : and CA= 3 cm.Whatis the type of
the triangle with respect to the measures of its angles ? then draw a circle whose centre is
the point A and touches Ed r another circle whose centre is B and touches Id and

a third circle whose centre is C and touches IB (Beni Suef06)

IE ItA(2;0) and B (-2 r 3) ,draw acircleM of radius length4lengthunits andpasses

through the two points A and B

How many solutions are there for this problem ? (North Sincti 09)

ffi ffa(1 ,3):B (1 ,- 1)andC(-3 ,-l) tfindthecoordinatesof Mthecentreof the

circumcircle of A ABC < (- 1 r 1) >

Draw the triangleABC in which : AB = 6 cm' I m (z A) = 40o and the radius length of the
circumcircle of the triangle ABC equals 5 cm. If D is the midpoint of Ag r then calculate
the length of MD where M is the centre of the circumcircle of the triangle ABC << 4 cm. ,>

Draw A ABC which is right-angled at B r where AB = 4 cm- and m (L A) = 30o r then

draw the circle M such that AB is a chord of it I eC is a tangent to it at A

lI Prove that : A ABM is equilateral and calculate its area. *+n[i" ?u

I ei] Calculate : The area of the circle M o 76 .lT, cm? r,

The relation between the chords ffi
fi5 of a circle and its centre ffi##;
From the school book

l'l L*

O Remember O Appfiy 3'1 Problem Solving

E Complete the following :

o !] If tfre chords of a circle are equal in length : then they are from the
l (Cairo 16)

a EJ f, the same circle if the chords are equidistant from the centre : then they are
I (El-Gharbia l2)

a [!,] The square which is inscribed in a circle r its sides are from the centre of the
circle. (l,lorth Sincti 09)

B AB and CD are two chordsin a circle : AB ='5 cm. and CD = 3 cm. : then the chord
which is nearer to the centre of the circle is ..........
E f, the opposite figure :

A ABC is inscribed in the circle M r


and m (L A) =J2" r then m(LB) = ....."...o

ElIn the opposite figure :
Cp i, a chord which doesn't pass through the centre of the circle M

.'. X+ 1 > .......... .'. X>

'.' CD is a chord which doesn't pass through the centre of the circle M

i.e. XC'..'....'.

(\Y : | ) Y o /6tltlYl(ouJ ;.rl;) -r,,,.t., 14f.dl

ZI O Remember & Understand C Appfly & Problem Solving


irl.i.i Study the figure r then complete :



tr tr

i \Y -/C B\ x _z

IfAB=CDrthenMX= If M and N are two congruent circles :


In A MXY AB=CD rthenMX=

'.' m(L XMY) = 100o and the flgure MXYN is "...'....

.'. m(L MXY) =..."" "o

E i.l.., Study the figure and complete :

IfMX=MYTYD=7cm. If ME = MF r then CD = '....

r thenAB ='..."...'cm. ,'. fr= c[r. r EM = "..
AM =


IfMD=ME tm(LB)=65'
... Mfr ilEd .'. MX =
'.' The two circles M and N
: then m (L A) = "'.......o are'....'.". ,ACBC
.'. AB = ".'..'.'.


Exercise !i

tro In the opposite figure :

The triangle ABC is an inscribed triangle inside a circle M r

m(LB)=m(L C),_

X is the midpoint of AB , MY I AC

Prove that : MX = MY (Gir.a l9 ; El-Beheiru 19 s Matrouh l7 t El-Fut,oum l5)


Eo In the opposite figure :

M is a circle: m (L A) = 60o
r X is the midpoint of AC
: Y is the midpoint of BC
Prove that : A ABC is an equilateral triangle (El-Shurkiu l S)

ffi In the opposite figure :

AB and AC a.e two chords equal in length in the circle M
: X is the midpoint of AB ,
Y is the midpoint of AC and m (Z CAB) =7Oo
@ Calculate : m (Z DME) < Il00> D

[!] Prove that : XD = YE (New Valley 19 t Port Said 18 t Matouh l8 t Coiro 17)

ffi In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two chords equal in length in the circle M
rX is the midpoint of AB ,
Mi int".r"cts the circle atD >M? I AC
itatY and intersects the circle at E
Prove that: f XO = Ye E]m (ZYXB) =m (LXYC) (As.siLl l8 ; El-Ghcrrbia t-1)

tro AB and AC ute two chords equal in length in the circle M r X and Y are the midpoints of
AB and AC respectively : m (l- MXY) = 30o
Prove that : EA IVIXy is an isosceles triangle.
B A AXY is an equilateral triangle. (New Vailey t6)


In the opposite figure :

M is acircle, BA I XE, CD I YE,

AB n CD = {tU},AB = CD andAX = 3 cm.
Find : The length of EY

Z+ O Remember & Unclerstand O App[:y 1'j Problem Solving

IE In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles intersecting at A and B
, Mi I AC and intersects AC at X and intersects
the circle M at Y , MN to intersects AB at D and
intersects the circle M at Er if AC = AB
Prove that : XY = DE (El-Kalvoubitt l8)

In the opposite figure :

The circle M 0 the circle 5 = {A, B}

r E is the midpoint of CD

Prove that : CD = XY

,[If AB and AC are two chords in the circle M , MX I AB r Y is the midpoint of AC ,

m (Z ABC) =75" : MX = MY

i1 lFind z m(L BAC) < 30" )

1l Prove that : The perimeter of A AXY = ],2 the perimeter
1 of A ABC
(Krtlr El-Sheiklt l8 t Ale.rantlrio l6)

In the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles at M , AB is a chord

in the greater circle and cuts the smaller circle
at C and D , AZis a chord in the greater circle
and cuts the smaller circle at X and Y If m (L ABZ) = m (L AZB)
Prove that : CD = XY (El'Kal)toubia l7 t Soiltag l3)

ir,: In the opposite figure :

AB and CD are two chords of the circle M :

MX I AB and intersects the circle at F :
MY I CD and intersects the circle atB t
Prove that :

Uee=CD irlAF=CE (El-Ghttrbia l6 t Kclr El-Sltcikh 1l )

Exercise 5
[E In the opposite figure :

AB and AC ar" two chords of the circle M : eeual in length

X and Y are their midpoints respectively.

If m (L XMY) = l20o ,VZbisects l- AYX

Prove that ziZ 1ffi. (CcLiro 08)

IE U In the opposite figure :


The circle M O the circle N = {A, B},XE' n MN= {c},

Prove that : MX = MY ( El-Kalyoubia I 9 ; El-Shctrkia I I )


EI ;: In the opposite figure :
The concentric circies of radii lengths 4 cm. t Z cm.

A ABC is drawn such that its vertices lie

on the greatu circle and its sides touch

the smaller circle atX tY tZ

Prove that :

A ABC is an equilateral triangle and find its area. (El-Ftr1'outn t9) ,, n4l3 cmi '

tEt f" the opposite figure :

M : N are two intersecting circles at B :C

Prove that : BD = CE (El-Dakahlia l7)

?tsi,4 In the opposite figure :

Ag is a diameter of the circle M , AC and BD are two chords in it :

Prove that :

[Il HAg is an isosceles triangle.

EIHC = HD (Beni Suef )2)

ZA O Remember I Understand O App0y o'r Problem Solving

m In the opposite frgure :


AB and CO *e two chords of the circle M :
equal in length , X and Y are the two midpoints


of AB and CD respectively. is drawn to cut
I i?

the circle at E and F , ML is drawn


Prove that : XE = YF (Cuiro 03)

?n In the opposite figure :
ZC andZD ur" two chords of the circie M r

Lzc,Afr'^lfr = {x}:


B em such that , eM I zD ,ffi art = {Y}


Prove that : CY = DX

ID ffi In the opposite figure

U :
I M and N are two congruent circles ,IE ll MN N M

and intersects circle M atA and B and intersects D B\

\-/ -/
the circle N at C and D
Proye that : AC = BD

@ il In the opposite figure :

M : N are two congruent and distant circles r E is

the midpoint of tvtN ,IE ir drawn to cut the circle

MatA rB andtocutthecircleNatC rD
Prove that :

nAB = CD @ E is the midpoint of AD-


@ In the opposite figure :

M and N are two congruent circles r

AC touches the circle M atAr

DF touches the circle N at Dr
ec ll op
Prove that :

fBC=EF | rylAB = ED

Exercise 5

Eo l, the opposite figure :

M is a circle , MD f AB
tA(2 t2) tD (1 ,0) andE (3 ,4)
Prove that : ME = MD (Kafi'El.-Sheikh 13)

EEI r" the opposite figure :

AB and CD ure two chords in the circle M r F and E are the

midpointsof ABandCDrespecrively.IfA(0 r-3),B (4 t-l) t
(4'- r)

E (- l , l) and M (1 , 0)

Prove that : AB = CD

In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles touching internally at A t

AB and AC are two chords drawn in
the greater circle N such that they are equal in length
to cut the smaller circle M at L and K respectively.
Proye that : AL = AK (El-Dakahlia 09)

El f, the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles of radii lengths

4 cm. and 5 cm. , AC touches the circle M
atA and cuts the circle N at B and C
r where BC = 6 cm. and MN = 12 cm.

@ Prove that the quadrilateral MACN is atrapezium then calculate its area. << 54 cm?>>

[4If CD = CB r find the distance between N and CD (El-Sltarkia 06) << 4 cm. >>

Angles and arcs
25 I
in the circle

r {EFI
r# e
s 'i'
y1 I '-i|

I Exercises of the unit :

Central angles and measuring arcs.

The relation between the inscribed and central angles
subtended by the same arc - Well known problems.
Scan the
lnscribed angles subtended bythe same arc.
QR code
The cyclic quadrilateral and its properties. to solve an
Cases of proving the cyclic quadrilateral. test on each
The relation between the tangents of a circle.

Angles of tangency.
fi6 Central angles and measuring arcs

: I i,
lnteractive test
from the school book

lt It

O Remember O Understand o Appfly

Complete the following :


o In the same circle (or in congruent circles) r the equal arcs in measure are equal in .... ....
(Mcttrorrlt ll)
E tn the same circle (or in the congruent circles) r if the measures of arcs are equal : then
their chords are .......... Sourh ,\irrui I 2 ) (

@ If two parallel chords are drawn in a circle r thenL the measures of the two arcs between
them are (Alu. tl)
B If a chord is parallel to a tangent of a circle r then the measures of the two arcs between
them are (Cairo l2)
o @ The measure of the circle equals (Cairo 08)
@ The measure of the semicircle equals

a while the length of the arc of the

I semicircle whose radius length is r equals (Porr Sctid 06)
E If

o a square ABCD is inscribed in circle M (G')

a : then m = ..........o ( Beni Suef 09)
ao Find the measure of the arc which represents
{ tfr" measure of the circle r then calculate
the length of this arc if the length of the radiuJis zr cm. (fi (Show steps)
= ?)
(El-Monofia l6) << 120" t 44 cm.
t- >>

ffitrfi In the opposite figure :

M is a circle of radius length J cm. t
m (Z AMB) = 120"
Find the length of .G (n = ?)
(Suez 17) r,14 I-)

(\r:r)y o/6tietyl(or.1 ;-rL^:) .,.--U, 14f5ll gl

Remember Apply
ZS O O o'o Problem Solving

ffi Choose the correct answer from those given :


E fne central angle whose measure is 90o subtends at afc of length = """"" the

circumference of the
(') +
@ The circumference of a cirdle = 36 cm. r then the measure of an arc
of it with
+ .
@ssiut 11)

(El-Monorta 09)
length = 6 cm. is .........'
(a) 60' (b) 30" (c) 90" (d) 120"
o @ The length of the arc opposite to a central angle whose measure = 120o in a circle of
radius length r equals .) (suez o9)
{ rrr (b) xrr (c)
i n,(d) 3 xrr

o @ The length of the arc which represents t tn"circumference of the

circle = ...'...". cm. @l-Dakahlia 17 t El-Kalyoubia 16)
(a) 2 .lxr (b) xlr (c)
, i n,(d) 4 Jrr
o @The measure of the arc which represents ttre circumference of the circle = """""
f (Cairo 15)

(a) 60" (b) 90" (c) 120' (d) 300"

a circle of
o @ The length of the arc opposite to a central angle of measure 30" in
circumference 36 cm. equals """"" cm. $otthag 09)

(a) 18 (b) e (c) 3 (d) 4's

o E An arc in a circle I its length = n, : then it is opposite to a central angle
of measure @eni Suef 16)

(a) 30" (b) 60" (c) 120' (d) 2y

E f A and B are two points belonging to a circle M such that the length of AB = JXr
r then en it in the circle M
(a) a radius (b) a chord not passing through the centre
(c) a diameter (d) an axis of symmeffy of the circle
ElIn the opposite figure :
M is a circle , lg tt CD
tm (L BMC) = 60o
^ = """"''
: then m (AD) (Asn'att l8)

(a) 30" (b) 40' (c) 60' (d) 120"

@ In the opposite figure :
If AB is a diameter in the circle M
r then m (fr) = """"" (El-Sharkia 18)

(a) 40' (b) 50" (c) 80" (d) 100"

i irr In the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles with centre M

, as 0 cD = {rur} , if m (fi) = 8oo
: then m (fr) = .......... (Sttez l3)
(a) 40' (b) 60. (c) 80' (d) 16{)'
@ In the opposite figure :

If C is the midpoint of G
: thenAB ..... ...2AC
(Giaa 17)

(a) < (b) > (c) >

M In the opposite figure :

AB , CD and EF are diameters of the circle M
^ -^
It ]m (AC) = ..........o !fm(ACE)=..........o
-^- /-.
@m(ACD)=..........o {qlm (AFE) = ..........o

ffi In the opposite figure :

an t of the circle M r
a diameter
study the figure : then complete :

Ox=-,^ l4m@)=
Ir]m (AD) = [4 ^ =
m (BC) o
_-\ -^-
is lm (CAD) = o
Ie rm (CBD)
Ejm (ACD) =
[g]m (ADC) o

In the opposite figure :

tm(LACB) ='70"
<< 550 >>

In the opposite figure :

A and B are two points belonging to the circle M
such that : m (LMBA) = 45o :AM = 7 cm.
Find : The length ofG (fi = ?)

iz o Understand O Apply o'o Problem Solving
O Remember
tro In the opposite flgure :
AB and CD ut. two diameters in the circle M
tt lg

such that : m (LDMB) = 35o '{r'
Find : m (BE)
I << 35" )>

ID In the opposite figure :
Prove that : MA= MD
(Giza 17)

In the opposite figure :
A and B are two points belonging to the circle N
,D€G rCC themajor*"G
such thatAD = BC
(Souhag 05)
Prove that : m (Z ANB) = m (Z CND)

@ [El In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateruI inscribed in a circle M
, AC it a diameter in the circle , CB =CD
^ ^
Prove that : m (AB) = m (AD)

lE r" the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M
^ ^ -^
Prove that : A MCD is equilateral.

IE M In the opposite flgure :

ag it a diameter of the circle M

tm(L CMD) = 70o


^ ^

(Assiut 12) l2O"

Find: << >>

IE ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circ1e.If AB llDC r E is the midpoint ofG
o (Damietta l6 tGiza05)
Prove that : CE = DE

Exercise 6
ffi ln the opposite flgure :
M is a circle , EB i, a tangent to the circle at C t
AB and EF u." two chords in the circle
r where tg ttBf 16
Prove that : CE = CF DC
(Assiut 19 t El-Beheira l4 t Alex. ll)
ffi In the opposite figure :
ABCD is a rectangle inscribed
in a circle. Draw the chord CE

r where CE = CD
Prove that : AE = BC
(Aswan 19 t Port Said 18 t El-Monofia 16 t Souhog 15)

IE ffi In the opposite figure :

M is a circle with radius length of 15 cm. , AB and CO are
two parallel chords of the circle , r @y = 80o
r length of
^AC = length of ^AB Find :
E m (z MAB) Lil'" 16l Itl rfre length of6
(New Valley l8) < 50o : 120' t 31.4 cm. >

tEl fn the opposite flgure :

lW ttCD , MD = Dg
t m (L AMB) = 90o Find : m (AC)
(Luxor l9) << 30o >>

@ If A and B are two points belonging to the circle M


and m (Z AMB) = i ^(Z AMB rhe reflex) Find : m (G) << J2 >>

8o ffi In the opposite flgure :
ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in circle in which AC = BD
a r

AB = (3 X-5) cm. : CD = (X+ 3) cm.

Find with proof : The lengrh of AB

<< 'l crr. >

!s O Remember a Understand O Appfly oor Problem Solving

@ ffi ln tXre opposite figure :

it" ri is a diameter in a circle M

, t.rti i:, il tangent to it at C

t llDB , x is the midpoint
tt,Li offt
, r,.r (B V) = 2 m (CY)
E,lrtr,,,:i : 'fhe measures of the angles of A MDE (Damietta 13) << 45" r 75o r 60o >>

ffi lm each of the following figures :

( 11; ls ii tangent to the circle M at D

tr tr

Find:m@'),*(6) Find : m (ABD

<50o r 1300 >
<< 240" >>

For excellent pupils

EEI i,,,r ftrle opposite figure :

1:,ii[-]J)E is a regular pentagon inscribed in the circle M

, AJi ,n a tangent to the circle at A
, llK iu a tangent to the circle at E
,,,iic1L:.XX n Ei = {x} rina :

ir] n, i.IE)
l{n(/ AXE) <<J2o t 708" >>

E m In the opposite flgure :

L'I , l'l and F are three congruent circles
rrri iouching at A : B and C
; iiil r adius length of each is 10 cm.

['! t'o',rve that : The length ofG = the length offt

= the length offt
Ill Find the perimeter of the figure ABC < 31.4 cm. >

The relation between the inscribed and GEEtEl

H7 central angles subtended bythe same

arc - Well known ffiEn_
inGractive test

E From the school book

O Remember a Understand O Appny of Problem Solving

Problems on theorem (1) and its corollaries

In each of the following I find the measure of each angle or arc denoted by (?) given

E]N tr@
that M is the centre of the circle :

trm EM

"Ttr Ii6l
z O Remember I Understand O Apply r!)o Problem Solving
@ @ @ffi.

ao i.i.i M is a circle I in each of the following I find the value of the symbol used in measuring :

tr tr tr

(:l nro)o

1 16+ 135)o



) L - """""

E Choose the correct answer :


!J fne measure of the inscribed angle equals the measure of the central angle

subtended by the same arc. (Gira 17 t Asvvart 15 t El-Menia 14)

(a) half (b) twice (c) quarter (d) third

o B tre ratio between the measure of the central angle and the measure of the inscribed
(El-Fnt,oum I I )
angle that has the same subtended arc is " " " " "

(a)3:1 (b) 2: I (c) 1 :2 (d) 1 :3

o l-Q If the measure of a central angle is 100o : then the measure of the inscribed angle that
has the same subtended arc is """"" (Giza 1l )

(a) 200' (b) 100" (c) 50' (d) 25'

o @ The measure of the arc thatis opposite to an inscribed angle of measure 40o is
(a) 20 (b) 40 (c) 80 (d) e0

E tre inscribed angle which is drawn in a semicircle is

(a) obtuse. (b) acute. (c) right. (d) straight.

Exercise 7
E ffre type of the inscribed angle which is opposite to an arc greater than the semicircle
is .....'.... (New Valley 18)

(a) acute. (b) obtuse. (c) right. (d) straight.

@ The inscribed angle which is subtended by a minor arc in a circle is ..........
(Alex. 17 t Qena 16)

(a) reflex. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) acute.

o @ aeC is an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle : then * 1G; =
(El-Fayoum l8)
(a) 30' (b) 60' (c) 90' (d) 120'
o @ fne length of the arc that is opposite to a right inscribed angle in a circle whose
circumference is 44 cm. equals .......... cm. (El-Dakahlitt l2)
(a) 22 (b) 11 @? @+
o @ ffre measure of the inscribed angle which is drawn in acircle equals .........
(Cairo 09)

@) 244" (b) 120" (c) 60" (d) 30"

o @ The measure of the inscribed angle which is subtended by at arc representing

a circle equals
(a) 240" (b) 120" (c) 60' (d) 30"
o @ In the opposite figure :

AB n CD= {B},m(l- D) = 30o ;m(LDEB) = 110o r

(a) 80' (b) 70'
(c) 40" (d) 60" (El-Kalyoubia 05)

o @ In the opposite figure :

ae fu a diameter in the circle M

tm(LA)=25" tm(LB)=32"
, then m (Z CMD) -
(a) 33' (b) 66'
(c) 723" (d) 147"
o @ In the opposite figure :

m (z CAM) -
(a) 20" (b) 30"
(c) 40' (d) 50"

(\t:r)Y o/6ttstYl(ohl 4,L.:) .r*.:-t,1af*ll tOS

?s O Remember qB i"inderstand O App[y o'r Problem Solving

@ In the opposite figure


o :

Rg ir a diameter in the circle M


of radius length 4 cm. t m (L A) = 30'


: then BC = .....'.... cm.


(a) 2 (b) 4

(c) 6 (d) 8 (Matouh ll)

@ In the opposite figure

o :

M is a circle tm(L M) - m (L A) = 50o


r then m (L 4t) = .. '....... (El-Menia 17 t Port Said I3)

(a) 40" (b) 50'


(c) 100" (d) 130'


In the opposite figure :

A ABC is inscribed in the circle M : MA- and MB- are two radii in it
tm(L MAB) =26o :XeAB

Find by proof :

Bm(L AMB) i.{m (L ACB)

@ m (z AxB) iq lm (AxB) << 128 t 64' t 116o t 128 >>


In the opposite figure :

en is a diameter in the circle M r

m (Z BMD) = 50'

Find with proof :

m (z ACD) (Damietta 14) << ll5" >,

tro In the opposite figure :

Ag ir a diameter in the circle M r

the length of AD = the length of BD r

m (Z CAB) = 35'

Find by proof : m(L CBD) (El-Menia.11) < 100'>


Exercise 7
a In the opposite figure


en is a diameter in the circle M :

the length of AD = the length of ^
DC r

m (Z ABC) = 70'

Find each of : m (Z DCA) > m (L CAB) (lsmailia 05) ,, 35' s20o


tro In the opposite figure :

en ir a diameter in the circle M

, AC touches the circle at A


IfAC=9cm. rBM=6cm.
Find the length of each of : BC , AD- (Souhag 17 t Kafr El-Sheikh 04) < 15 cm. ;7 .2 cm. >>

tro In the opposite figure :

m(ZA)=30o rBC=7cm.
Find : The area of the circle fuf (ru = ?)

(El-Gharbia 09) < 754 cm? >

@ In the opposite figure :

AcircleM rBC=6cm.
(Hint : Draw nAO f gcl (New Valley l3) << 60">>

tll f.r the opposite figure :

A ABC is inscribed in the circle M

:D C Cf ,.r, (Z BAD) = 130o

tm (L AMB) = l2O"

Find:m(ZMBC) (El-Monofia 09) ,. 40' ',

?s o Remember o Understand O Appily roo Problem Solving

@ In the opposite figure :

M is a circle ;m(L EMC) = 120"

and BE = AB

Find with proof : m (L A) (SouthSinai 16) < 30o )


IE Using the opposite figure r find :

E m (6d tr," major)


(Cairo 19 t New Valley 06) <<'70o t 280o >


IA In the opposite figure :

D is the midpoint ofG

Prove that :

m (Z ACD) = * m (Z ANB)
(Beni Suef 04)

tro In the opposite figure :

I AB , CD are two chords in the circle M

tm (L BAC) = l00o , A,S tt CD
Find:m(ZAMD) (El-Dakahlia 18) < i60" >


IE ffi In the opposite figure :

CD is a tangent to the circle at C

,6 ttAB : m (z AMB) = t2o"

Prove that : A CAB is equilateral.

(Giza 19 t Alex. 19 t South Sinai 18 t Alexandri.a 16 t Ismailia 13)

EI In the opposite figure :

- is a diameter in the circle M :
m (LB) = 40o r DH is a tangent to the circle M at D :
ffi/ sc
Find : m (DC) (El-MonoJia l7) << 50o >>

IE In the opposite figure :
an ls a diameter in the circle M
OCttAB:m(ZAMD) ='70o

Find by proof z m (L ACD) t m (L ABC) (El-Menia 17) << 35" : 55o >>

@ aB is a diameterin the circle M, AC is a chord such thatm (Z BAC) = 30", draw BC

and draw MB f AC and to intersect it at D

Prove that :

@Length of BC = length of the radius of this circle. (Et-MonoJia t7)

@ M : N are two touching externally circles at A t BA , CA are two secants cut the circle M
atB tC and the circle N at D r E respectivelyr m (Z BMC) = 140o
Find : m (ED) (El-Dakahlia l6) << 140" >>


gC ir adiameterin the circle M , BY is achord in it :E e B?where

Y is the midpoint of BE Prove that : m (Z YMC) =2m (LBEC) (Et-Dakahtia tB)

@ ffiAisapointoutsidethecircleMrmisatangenttothecircleatBrAMintersectsthe
circle M at C and D respectively: m (L A) = 49"
Find by proof z m(L BDC) <<25o >>

?E ffi In the opposite figure :

ag h a chord in the circle M r

trac r en
Prove that : m (Z AMC) = m (Z ADB)
(Port Said l4 t El-Beheira l3)

@ lffi In the opposite figure :

Ag is a chord in the circle M r

CW IIAB- , BC N AM = {E}
Prove that : BE >AE

(El-Kalyoubia 19 t El-Monofia l8 t El-Gharbia 18 t El-Gharhia l7 t Beni Suef 16)

?s o Remember O Atptslly o'o Problem Solving

8o In the opposite figure


ABC is an inscribed triangle in circle M

^ :m (BC)
: m (AB) ^ :m (AC)
^ =4:5:3

Find:m(l-ACB) (Alexartdria 16) << 60' >>

@ In the opposite figure :

Ag is a diameter in the semicircle M
Find:m(ZADM) < 1050 >

Problems on wellknown problems

Study each of the following figures r then complete :

tr A ltr tem

m (Z AEC) = (LB)
m = -1ft;=


m @)= m (DB) = .....'....o m (Z AOB) = ..."...'.o

Choose the correct answer from those given :

[I In the opposite figure :

-,,^ -^
m (AC) + m (BD) = ...'......
(a) 45" (b) 90"
(c) 180' (d) 270'
(Cairo l6 t El-Monofia l5)

Exercise J
o E In the opposite figure :
^. ^
If m(AC)-m(BD) ='70"

: then m(LE) = ...."...'

(a) 35" (b) 70"

(c) 110" (d) 140'

(Luxor ll)
B In the opposite figure :

AB = BE : m (Z EAC) =25o
^ = ....'.....
: then m (CE)
(a) 25' (b) 50"

(c) 100" (d) 180"

E In the opposite figure


o :

If m(LZEY) = 150o

: then
^ + m (LY)
m(XZ) ^ = ..........

(a) 30' (b) 60'

(c) 90' (d) 100'

E In the opposite figure :


If m(ft) =112",*(G) =44o tAD=AE r

then m (Z ADE) = ."..."..


(a) 75" (b) 73"

(c) 70" (d) 16' (Kafr El-Sheikh 08)

Eo In the opposite figure :

AB and CD ar" two chords in the circle :

*T-={E} ,irm(ffi)=60"
:m (AD) = 100" r

m (AC) = L20o
Calculate:[:LJm(CB) lAm (L CEB) (Alex.05) < 80o r 90o >

!s o Remember C Understand O Appfly 3o1 Problem Solving


In the opposite figure :

m(ZA)=40o,tt (6)=60o
^ ^
Find: trrn @l trrn t6di
(Port Saicl 17 ; North Sinai l7)< 140" r 80" >>

tro lffil In the opposite figure :

eg ls a diameter in the circle M

;m (LAEC) = 30o r - (ft) = 80"
Find : m (CD) (Alex. l8 t El-Sharkia 17 ;Aswan 17) <<80' >>


In the opposite figure :

M is a circle , nC ir a diameter in it

> m (LA) = 70' ,OP, tt eC

Find : m (BD)

(EL-Dakahlict l7 t El-Sharkia l3)<<7A" >>

W In the opposite figure :

Ag h a diameter in the circle M r

m (G) = looo
Find by proof z m (L DHB) t m (L AOH) (El-Menia 17) <<25' tJ5" >>

tro M , At is drawn to cut the circle at B and C , AE is drawn

A is a point outside the circle
tocutthecircleatDandE:if m(ZCME)= 100" t m(L BMD) =40o

I Find : m(L A) 3oo << >>

got- In the opposite figure :

M is a circle tm(L M) = 50o


tm(L C) = 100'

Find:m(LA) (Llmor 19) < 55" >>


Exercise J

ID LE In the opposite figure :

If m (LA) :- 30' , - @) = 44o

tm (L DCE) = 48o

Find:[Inr@l E*fftl <l04orl16o>

In the opposite figure :


, oC n BE = {x} and m (L C) = 26o


E'"rGl [E m (Z HXC) (RerJ Sea ]9 t El-Ghctrbiu t7 t Lsnruitia t6)<< t32" t92o ,>

@ In the opposite figure :

m(L A) =34o
tm(LBOC) =92"

I Find:m(aCDB) (63o>

IE In the opposite figure :
M ttcD,m (zAxc) = 60", ,,, @; = 8oo

Find hy proof :

E m (L AEC) i lm6Dl

[gJ m (BE) << 40o r 80o , 40o >

IB In the opposite frgure I

eB ir a diameter in,the pircle M :
Ed and gD are two chords equal in length r
Prove that : rn (z 41y19) = m (L AEC)

(\o p) \ o/6ttsclr4sl-!drJl.i)*,*,.,*ry4f*lf t tS
I w,Ftr
O Remember o Understanei O Appfly rtr Problem Solving


In the opposite frgure :

If M is the centre of the circle
tm(L AMC) = m (/ B)
Find : m(LB)
(El-Mono.fiu 06) << 120' >>

In the opposite figure :

AB =AD =AC : m (l- BAD) = 50o
Find by proof I m(L BCD)

lnscribed angles subten
by the same arc
!l=' from the school book



O Remember I Understand C Apply j$ Problem Solving

Complete the following :

a f The inscribed angles subtended by the same arc in the same circle are ..........
(htror l2)
@ The inscribed angles subtended by equal

a arcs in measure in the same circle are ..........

(El-Sharkia 04)
EU In the opposite figure :

m(LC) = ""'""'o
tm(L B) = """""o

E m In the opposite figure :

If AB =AD r then
m(LC) = ""'""'o
tm(L BDC) =.'........o

tEl EB In the opposite figure :

m (Z BED) = """""o
tm(LABE) = """""o

O Remember & llrrdersland C Applly ir Problem Solving

=s the correct answer from those given

ao Choose :

[3In the opposite figure :
If m(L BAC) = 30o : then
First : m (Z BDC) -
(a) 15" (b) 30' (El-Dakahlia 06)

(c) 60" (d) 150"

Second z m(L BMC) =...".....
(a) 30' (b) 90' (c) 60' (d) 120'

iE In the opposite figure :

If m(L ABD) = 65o

r then m (Z BCD) - '\---./"
(Betti Suef l2)

(a) 15' (b) 25" (c) 30" (d) 50"

,r------f X
]fn the opposite figure :


A circle N , XY ll NZ
If m(L XYL) = 54o ; then
First : m (L XZL) -
(a) 27' (b) 54" (c) 100" (d) 108'
\lv Z

Second z m (L YXZ) = ..........

(a) 27" (b) 54' (c) 100" (d) 108'

i4 tn the opposite figure :

tg ttCD , m (Z AWC) = 40" s

then m (l- DEB) = ...,.....' (El-Stutrkict l7)

(a) 50' (b) 40" (c) 30' (d) 45"

{E In the opposite figure :

AB irt".r"cts the circle at D and E r

AB intersects it at B and C
If m(L A) =27" rAB = BE r then m (Z CDE) =
(a) 13.5" (b) 54" (c) 27" (d) 36"


Exercise I

Eo In each of the following figures: find the value of the symbol used in measuring r
knowing that M is the centre of the circle :

Fig. (1) Fig. (a)
(:v-,s f p

Fig. (s) ii.i.,) Fig. (6) EJ Fig. (8)
(tll-Dakahlia l2)

U=ii Fig. (e) [,U Fig. (10) Fig. (11) r-'-i Fig. (12)
(El-Kaltoubia I 8)


Prove that the inscribed angles subtended by the same arc in the circle are equal in
measure. (Murrouh l9 t Ka./i'El-Sheiklt 16)
In the opposite figure :

Ag ls a diameter in the circle M

, m (L ABD) = 25"

(Suez l1)<< 65o )>


In the opposite figure :

eC is a diameter in the circle M

tm(L C) = 50' tm(LABD) = 60o
Find with proof : m (L CBD) and m (Z BAD)

(l,snruilict 19 t Kafi' El-Slrcikh l3) << 30" t70o>>


5 .* O Remember O Appfly rt Problem Solving

".. In the opposite figure :


Prove that :

m (Z AEB) = m (Z AEC) (El-Menia l9 t Suez l8 t I'lorth Sinai l7)

In the opposite figure :

AB and CD ur" two parallel chords in the circle
Prove that : AF = FB
(KcLh El-Sheikh 08)

In the opposite figure :
ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle :
os ttsc
Prove that : m (Z DAC) = m (l- BAE)
(Mctrrr.nh l9 t lsntailicL l8 t El-Fay'otrm 17 t El-Gharbia 16)

'... In the opposite figure :

Prove that : EB = EC
llsrunilia 19 ; KcLf El-Sheikh l7 t El-Sharkia 16 t Suez l5 t EL-Beheira l4 ; S. Sinai 131

:=" In the opposite figure :

AB and CD *" two equal chords
in length in the circle
, AB [) Cp = {B}
Prove that : The triangle ACE is an isosceles triangle.
(El-Beheiru l9 t El-Monofia l8 , El-Kalyoubia 1l 1

&ffi In the opposite figure :

Rg h a diameter in the circle M

,OC ttAB r m (Z ABC) = 55o

Exercise I
IE In the opposite figure :
Rg it a diameter in the circle M r C C the circle M r

m (Z CAB) = 30o : D is the midpoint of ft ,


DBnac ={u}
f Find z m (LBDC) and m f6l
@ Prove that : ag // DC (Damietta I I t Cairo l7 ) ,< 30o r 60o >
Ia E In the opposite figure :
AD and BE ur" two equal chords in length in the circle


Prove that : CD = CE

I (El-Dctkciltlia l8 t Danrientt l7 t Betri Suef l1 ; El-Kah'oubia l3)

tro In the opposite figure :

AB and DC ar" two chords inside circle M
I and are intersecting in E


proYe that : m (Z ACB) = m (Z CAD) (RedSeull)


ID ,ffi In the opposite figure :


and m (L C) = 50o

Prove that :

A r B r C and D have one circle


The points passing through them.

I (Sttcz. l6 t South Sinai l5 ; Port Said l1)

no In the opposite figure :

Ag is a diameter in circle M in which

AB t a chord and CB f AB , CB irt"rrects AE at D
Prove that z

The points D : E r C and B have one circle passing through them.

ZS o Remember O Apfoty rt+ Problem Solving

ffi In each of the following figures : prove that : a circle passing through the points
tr tr

ABC is an isosceles triangle which has AB = AC r D is the midpoint of BC ,

draw BE r AC r where BE n ac = {e}
I Prove that : The points A r B r D and E have one circle passing through them.

i ( l.l i t,tlitt!rlirt i,) )

m :. An i, a diameter in the circle M : C Cthe circle where m (l- ABC) = 40o, D C ft

Find:m(ZCDB) < 1300 >


I.i In the opposite figure :
M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B ,Id
intersects the circle M at C and intersects the circle N at D :

IE int".r"cts the circle M at E and intersects the circle N at F

Prove that : m (Z EBC) = m (Z FBD) (Qena 17 t El-Ileheira l3)

In the opposite figure :

AB- is a diameter in a circle of centre N ,

CB is atangent to the circle at B r

CN ir drawn to cut the circle at

+ +
F and E and AF is drawn to cut CB at D
lf m(L BEC) = 35o

Find: Om(L BNC) @m(L BCN) m (l- BDA)


In the opposite figure :

circle where gC ttAD-

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a r

.+ e
: BL is a tangent to the circle at B where BL ll AC

Prove that : L',-lDB bisects L ADC A DBC is isosceles.

Exercise I
@ ABC is an equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle M
Draw the diameter CD

I Prove that : m (Z ABD) = m (Z CBM) = m (L ACD) (Beni Suef08)

Eo In the opposite figure :

Ag ls a diameter in the circle M

: toG
D and E belong such rhat m (m) = * @) = * @)
, proYe that : CA = CB
r then find : m (DEB)

i.1., In the opposite figure :

ABC is an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle

:De m ,EG DC: whereAD=DE
Prove that z The triangle ADE is equilateral.

(Kt$'El-Sheikh I8 tMatroth l6 ;El-Fayolmt I5 tAtex.11)

il.;.i In the opposite figure :

E is a point outside the circle.

Prove that : m(LE) <m(L BCD)

(El-Kalyoubia l2)

a In the opposite figure :

M is a circle t L Aand L D are two inscribed angles of

measures (X + 3)' and (y + 2)o respectively. If y2 - X2 = 53
Find:m(ZCMB) << 580 >>

(\1 | t) Y o /6ttttYl(ol;l;-rL":i) -gr.r14f5ll pl

H9 tH.ffi,
.[S from the school book

O Remember ..ll [.i|rc.1*r'$ti,{rrr.1 O Appfly o'c Problem Solving

In each of the following figures :

If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral , E n BD = {F} I find the measures of the angles
denoted by (?) :

c rig.1t; Fig. (2) Fig. (3) Fig. (a)

In each of the following figures I find the measure of the angle denoted by the
sign (?) given that M is the centre of the circle :

Fie. (1) Fie. (2) Fig. (3) Fie. (a)

Exercise I


Fig. (s) Fie. (6) Fie. (7) Fig. (8)

g i

In each of the following figures r find the value of the symbol used in rl€osure
i..=.r r
where M is the centre of the circle :


\-/ B

Fis. (2) Fig. (3) Fig. (a)

Fig. (s) Fig. (6)

@ Fig. (7) Fig. (8)

tr Complete the following :

E It ttre quadrilateral is cyclic r then each two opposite angles in it are

a (cairo t7)

E fhe measure of the exterior angle at a vertex of the cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the

measure of the

I (El-Dakah.lia l2)

E In the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD t rf m (L C) = 115" : then m (L A) = ..........o


o (Atex.05)

Efn the opposite figure :


If M is a circle tm (LA) = 48"



: then m C) = ..........o

and m (BD the major) = ..........o (New Vatley t7)

E If enCp is a cyclic quadrilater (L D)


o al andm (Z B) = t
* ^
thenm (LB) = '.....'...o

-Z .o@,
O Remember &1 !,Jnrlersland O Atppily 1'1 Problem Solving
r qI#

o In the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, if m (L A) = 2 m (LB) =5m (L C),


then m (LD) = ..........o (Aler.0(t)

[l Choose the correct answer from those given :

fJ If the figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral > m (L A) = 60o : then the measure of the
exterior angle at the vertex C equals
(a) 60' (b) 90" (c) 120' (d) 180'

lE In the opposite figure :

In the circle M
r if m (Z AMC) = t40"
: then m (Z ADC) - (El-Fayount l7)
(a) 40" (b) 70' (c) 110" (d) 140"

Ie ]In the opposite figure :

lf m(L B) = 120"
,gC tt AD
r then m (Z BCF) - . (llorrh Sinai 17)

(a) 30' (b) 60" (c) 80' (d) 120'

i+ lIn the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

in which Adbisects LBAD t
If m (L BAC) = 55o t then m (L BCD) = '........' (Cairo 05)

(a) 55" (b) 70" (c) 110'

lE In the opposite figure :

LMNE is a cyclic quadrilateral

tm (L MLE) ='70" t m (L MEN) = 41"
r then m (Z EMN) = """""
(a) 70" (b) 41" (c) 29' (d) 110'

[C In the opposite figure :

and m (Z ABD) = 36o

r then m(LC) = """ " (Luxor 19)

(a) 140" (b) 70" (c) 54" (d) 108"


Exe rcise $
tro ljl In the opposite figure :
and m (Z CBE) = 85o
(Souhag l9 t El-Kalyoubia l8 t Dctntietta lB t Et-Beheira l4) <<30o >>

[=I"] tn the opposite figure :

m (Z ABE) = 100'

and m (Z CAD) = 40"


Prove that : m (CD) ^
= m (AD)

(Giza 19 tReclSea lS tEl-Ghu.bia 17 t Souhag 15)

tro In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilaterul inscribed in a circle M

m(LB)=120", ADis adiameterinthe circle ,EGAD


f fina : m (LCDE) t m (LCAD)
E tf pC ="/ cm. r find : The tength of 6 (n =!) << l2O ) 3Oo t 22 cm. >>


In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral , cB is a diameter in the circre M r


m (Z ABC) = 60" r the length of = the length of 6
Prove that : CX bisects L DCB (El-MonoJict O8)


IE In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in the circle M

,E€Bd tm(LDCE)=84o
f'r; m (Z A) L? lm (z B) < 84o :60o >

F weml

O Remember ' O Apply 3os Problem Solving

Eo In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which



AB=AD rm(ZCBD)=25" t

E C Bd and m (LECD) = 130"


I Prove that : AD = DC
@ [-i.l In the opposite figure :

I ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle M where

I M €AB , CB = CD and m (Z BCD) = 140'


I Find:Im(LA)
I [{m(zD)
(Mutrouh 17 ; Kafi"El'sheikh 14) <<40" r 110o >

tro Ii , With the assistance of the given figuresr find with proof the measures of the
angles of the figure ABCD :

Fig. (2)

Fig. (1)
IE In the opposite figure :
m (Z BMD) = m (l- BCD)

Find : m(L


"\/" C

I (SoLthag /8) < 60' >


A is a point outside a circle , ir drawn to cut the circle at B and C respectively

, AB i* drawn to cut the circle at D and E respectively. If AC = AE

Prove that :

ElBD ilcE -

Exercise $
Eo In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle M where


AE bisects LBAD and cuts the circle at E


Prove that : CE bisects LXCD


('iut l2)

m ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which tO tt BC and m (L C) = 105o


i T'tm (L A) le jm (z B) < 75o : 105o >

tro ABCDis acyclicquadrilateral :AB =AD t m(LC)=124" andm(Z BAC) =36

l l.t)m (L ACD) t im (L ADC) << 62" t 98o >>

IE In the opposite figure :
m (LBCE) = 60o , nC ll VtO
and A is the midpoint of 6D tne major

Prove that : S The figure BMDC is a rhombus.

tr AC is a diameter in the circle.

gC i, a diameter in the circle M, BA is a chord in it: D e ft such that :

m (Z ADC) = 118' , AE llDcand intersects the circle at E

@ Find : m (L ABC) << 62" >>

@ Prove that : m (Z ACD) = m (L CBE)

In the opposite figure :

X is the midpoint ofC ,

n(LYZN) = 80o and m (LYLZ) =20"

Bm(LZxL) {elm (xYZ) << 60o : 140o >

F i+r.g
Zffi% O Remember r:r t.inrlurri'rand O Appily !1 Problem Solving
I 14ff

U In the opposite figure :
ABCD is a parallelogram r

the circle which passes through
the points B : C and D intersects AB at E
Prove that : AD = ED (El-Fayount II)

@ [J In the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B r lt -{
/( N rftt
16 i. drawn to intersect circle M at E and circle N at D

I : Az,i \
Ed t drawn to intersect circle M at F and circle N at C \-/ B

I and m (L C) ='l0o
i'l lFind z m(LF) @ Prove that : tB ll EF (Qenu l9)< 110" >

@ In the opposite figure :
Two intersecting circles at A and B

I Find with proof : m(L ABF) < 1000 >

tro In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral r

An ir a diameter in the circle.

Draw ffi ttgC t. cut the circle at E

ElProve that : m (Z DBC) = m (1" BAE)

ll lf m (LC) = 130o
Find:m(ZAED) << 400 >>


ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which m (Z A) = Xo tm(LB) =2 X"

l' t m (LC) = 3 y" and m (Z D) = Y'

Find the value of each of : X and y <<72" s36" >>

ati' a
ABCDE is a pentagon inscribed in a semicircle of diameter AB

Prove that: m (Z AED) +m (l- BCD) =270"

Cases of proving the cyclic quadrilateral

From the school book

Which of the following figures is a cyclic quadrilateral ? Explain your answer :


.d 99

Fig. (1) Fie. Q) Fig. (3)


c/_+_4 .7
Fig. (a) Fie. (s) Fie. (6)

In each of the following figures ,proye that the figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral :


35 94t 120_

(Sourh Sinai l6) (Asw'un 19 tAswan 16 t Damietta l5l

(\V : t ) Y o /6ttlYl(oti4rr;).,,..,.r14$lf 129

z O Remember I Understand O A6op[y o?o Problem Solving
DA tr Dr-+ tr


\,;/)v \ /\ /

- 744 /
EB -r,\/

(Port Said l7 t Danietto l7) (El-Dlkaltlia l3)

Ea Mention two cases in which the quadrilateral is cyclic' (Cuiro 19 t Assiut 19 t Suez 19)

tro In the opposite frgure :

gC is a diameter in the circle M and BO f nC

Prove that :

f ffre figure ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

| ^

(Coiro 18 t Giz.a 09)


tro In the opposite figure :

AB and AC touch the circle M at B and C respectively

tm(LA) = 45"
Prove that :

BThe figure ABMC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

(South Sinai l2)
E]A MCD is an isosceles triangle.

In the opposite figure :

eg is a diameter in a circle of centre M
, Ad it a tangent to the circle at A

r E is the midpoint of DB t m (L B) = 40"
[] Prove that :The figure AMEC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
(Nev,Vrllet l4) <<50"
I [q]Find:m(LC) >>

In the opposite figure :

An ir a diameter in the circle M

Prove that :
ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Qena 19 t El-Fttyoum 1l)

Exercise l0
tro In the opposite figure :

nC i, a diameter in the circle M


: X is the midpoint of AB

I and CY is a tangent to the circle cutting XM at

Prove that :

f fhe figure AXCY is a cyclic quadrilateral.

@mQ BMC) =2m(z MYC)
tro In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle drawn in a circle , gX t AC , A? f BC

cuts it at Y and cuts the cucle atZ
Prove that :

E]anYX is a cyclic quadrilateral.

tr Bd bisecrs LXBZ (El-Gharbia l7 t El-Beheira l7)

ffi In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral which has EEbisects LBAC
and DF bisects LBDC
Prove that :

BaPn'P is a cyclic quadrilateral.

pplgc (El-Glrurbia 18 t Luxor 16 t El-Dakahlia l3)

m ffi agCO is a square , Ai bir""ts Z BAC and inrersects BB atX tD? bisects L CDB
and intersects AC at Y
Prove that :

EAXYO is a cyclic quadrilareral.


@m (L AYX) = 45o (Alexandria l6 ; El-Sharkia 12)

@ In the opposite figure :

M is a circle r D is the midpoint of the chord EC
I +
r BC is a tangent to the circle M at C and AB ll}y'rc

Prove that :

The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Cairo 12)



o Remember o Understand Appfly jf Problem Solving

IE In the opposite figure :

AXY is a triangle in which m (L 1r) = 60o

, XB bir""ts Z AXY , YE bisects l- AYX

Prove that :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

(El-Belrcira 16)

IE ffi In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which : AB = AC r

Bf, bisects LB andintersects AC- at X ,

CY bisects L C and intersects Rg at Y

Prove that :

[!BCXY is a cyclic quadrilateral. CB

Ia]XY//BC (El-Fayottm 17 t Assiut ll )

tro In the opposite frgure :

xg IIDE , BC ilffi

and m (l- ADE) + m (L CDF) = 180o


Prove that :

The figure ABCD is cyclic quadrilateral. (El-Monofia 06)


IE In the opposite figure :
X is the midpoint of AB , ffi n EC = {Y}
IlProve that : CXMY is a cyclic quadrilateral.
[!] ninA the centre of the circle which passes through
the vertices of the figure CXMY (lsmailia 17)

@ ffi In the opposite figure :

eg i. a chord in the circle M and CO i.
a perpendicular diameter on AB and intersects it atB
n ag = {V}

, BM int"rrects the circle at X and XD

Prove that : mXYEC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
@m(L DYB) =m(L DBX) (NewValley 19 tCairo ll)


Exercise l0
IE In the opposite figure :
ABCD is a parallelogram.

A circle is drawn to pass through the two points

A and B to cut eO at E and BC at F


Prove that : The figure CDEF is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Luxor 19)


In the opposite figure :

ag ir a diameter in the circle M

: X is the midpoint of DC t m (LAYX) = JO"


@ Prove that : The figure XYEB is a cyclic quadrilateral.

@ Find : m (L ADE) (Darnietta0S) <<J}o >>

@ ffi In the opposite frgure :

A circle with centre M

: X and Y are the two midpoints of AB and AC respectively.

Prove that :

@aXVU is a cyclic quadrilateral.

@m(LMXY) =m(LMCY)

E] AM is a diameter in the circle passing through the points A r X r Y and M (Red Sea 12)


In the opposite figure :

AB , CD are two chords in the circle M ,

I AB n CD = {E} and m (Z BAD) = m (Z BME)

I Prove that :

B ttre figure MCBE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

@m(L CEB) =2m(Z CDB)

€G fr: * ffrl = - (fr)


@ m ABC is atriangle inscribedin a circle rX ,YC where

, cx n AB = {D} and BY n aC = {B}
Prove that :

{I BCPO is a cyclic quadrilateral.
l-4m(LDEB) =m(LXAB) (El-Monofia 19 t New Valley l9 t Ale.randrio l5)


?s O Remember I Understand O Appily $ Problem Solving


ABCD is a quadril ateralinscribed inside a circle , F C AB

Draw FE ll sc to cur co at B , DF'n CE = {x}
Prove that : @ The figure AFED is a cyclic quadrilateral.

@m(L BXF) =m(L EAD) (Matrcuh 17)

ao eg ir a diameter in a circle. D € AB
Draw DE I AB where E is outside the circle and draw EA to cut the circle at X

Draw XD to cut the circle at Y
Prove that :

I f The figure EBDX is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Iz' BA bisects L EBY
tro E-L-l ABC is an inscribed triangle in a circle which has AB > AC and D e AB
: where AC = AD , AE bisects L Aandintersects BC at E and intersects the circle at F
I Prove that : BDEF is a cyclic quadrilateral.
I (Ke{r El-Sheikh 19 t El-Menia l9 t El-Mctnofin l8 t El'Menia l8)

@ In the opposite figure :

ABC is atriangle, eEIAC,CFf AB, CF n eE= {IuI}
Prove that :

MDCE is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Sonth Sinai l7)

trffi l[-U In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a parallelogramr E e eB r where BE =AD

Prove that z ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.
(El-BeheiraI8 tLuxrtr l7 tSouhSinai I3)

EEt fn the opposite figure :


m(LYXZ) =m(LYLZ) = 90o :M is the midpointof YZandm (Z XML) = 50o
f Find z m (L XYL) in degrees.
@ Prove that : m (L XYL) = m (LXZL)
<< 25" >>


Exercise l0

tro ffi In the opposite figure :

An ir a diameter in circle M , AC and AD are two chords in it
and in one side from AB
A tangent to thej{cle was d.rgr from B
and intersected AC at X and AD at Y
Prove that : XYDC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

@ ABCD is a quadrilateral in which m (L At) = 90o and the lengths of its sides
AB , BC , CD and nA are 8 ,5{, :5 and 6 respectively.
Prove that : The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral and determine the centre of the
circumcircle of it and also its radius length. << 5 cm. >>


EI achordin acircleM rC is themidpointofG.FromC thetworayseiand

C? u." drawn to cut AB at X and Y respectively and they cut the circle atL andZ respectively.
Prove that : XYZL is a cyclic quadrilateral.
@ [I-]l In the opposite figure :
Two intersecting circles at A and B
, CD purt"s through the point B and intersects
the two circles at C and D

Prove that : AFXE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

(Dconietta l7 t El-Dakahlia l5 t El-Gharbict l4;NorthSinai 13)

In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral
Prove that :

@ The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

BED ilcA

a an t a diameter in a circle and L is a straight line touching the circle at B

Taking the two points C and D on the circle in two different sides
of AB , Ad and AB u." drawn to cut the straight line L at9 andF respectively.
Prove that :
The figure CDFE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

The relation between Ei+Trn


the of a circle rH.. ffi1

From the school book

O Remember

Complete the following :

The two tangents drawn to the circle at the two ends of a diameter in it are

The two tangent-segments drawn to a circle from a point outside it are

(Cairo lS tAlex. l1)
t.i.:The centre of any circle inscribed in a triangle is the intersection point of
The number of common tangents of two distant circles is ....'.".. (New valley l2)
The number of internal common tangents of two intersecting circles is .."....'.
The straight line passing through the centre of a circle and the point of intersection of
two tangents to it is the axis of symmetry of ..'.......
The straight line passing through the centre of the circle and the intersection point of
two tangents to it bisects and bisects

Choose the correct answer from those given :

J fne number of tangents can be drawn from a point lies on a circle is ...."""
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4

In the opposite figure :

If AB , AC u." two tangent-segments

of circleM rm (LA)='70" rthen X-........
(a) 50' (b) 55' (c) 60"
(d) 70"

Exercise lI
o E fn the opposite figure :

fr and rt ur"two tangents to the circle atY and.Z

tm(LLYZ) = 130' r then m(LX) = ..........
(a) 50" (b) 65'
(c) 80' (d) 100"
(Soulmg 09)

o [4 fn the opposite figure :

If AB and AC are two tangent-segments to the circle M

tm (L MAC) = 40" : then m (Z CAB) -

(a) 80" (b) 50"

(c) 40" (d) 20' (Damietta 04)

E In the opposite figure :

If m and Ad are two tangents to the circle M

,m(L CBM) =25" s then m (LBAC) = ..........
(a) 75' (b) 50'
(c) 25" (d) 12'30

E In the opposite figure :

CB and CA are two tangent-segments
to the circle M and CB = BA

: then m (L C) = ........ '.

(a) 60" (b) 120"
(c) 90" (d) 100"

(Suez 08)

E fn the opposite figure :

AE and Ad u." two tangents , if AB = 4 cm.

tm(L A) = 60' : then BC =

(a) 3 cm. (b) 4 cm.

(c) 5 cm. (d) 8 cm.
(North Sinai l5 ; Port Said I3)

(\A 1) Y o /6ttstrl(or:J;rt-) -gr., 14f5ll rcl

z S Problem Solving

o {E In the opposite figure



I The circle M touches the sides of A ABC : if AD = 8 cm. r


BE = 6 cm. and CF ='7 cm. r then the perimeter of A ABC =


(a) 2l cm. (b) 42 cm.

(c) 48 cm. (d) 28 cm.

i I In each of the following figures :

AB and FC u." two tangent-segments to the circle M

Find the value of the symbol used in measuring :

tr tr

Using data of each figure I find the value of the symbol used in measuring :


15cm. B

(New Vtllct, 12) (l,sttrailiu l9 t Asvrutt l4) -7cm.+

tO LtIIi


tro Prove that : The two tangent-segments drawn to a circle from a point outside it are equal
in length. (KuJr El-Sheikh l5)


Exe rc is e 1t
tro In the opposite figure : B

If AB and AC are two tangent- segments to the circle M

and m (Z MBC) = 30o
Prove that : A ABC is equilateral.
(Krlr Ill-Sheikh l1)

The two circles M and N are touching internally at B r BA is a tangent of the two
circles. AD was drawn as a tangent to circle M at D and AC was drawn as a tangent
to circle N at C
Prove that : AD = AC

tro AB and AC are two tangent-segments to the circle M at B and C

If the radius length of the circle equals 10 cm. t m (L BAC) = 60o

I Find: The length of each of MA and AB <<20 cm., 10dTcm.,


LU In the opposite figure :

AB and AC ar" two tangent-segments to the circle M


tm(L BAM) = 25" and E C ft the major


I m (l ACB) @m(L BEC)

(El-Kalyoubia l8 ; New VaLley l8) << 65o t 65o
IE In the opposite figure :
AE and Ad ur" two tangents to the circle M

, BD ir a diameter in it r m (Z MAB) = 30'
I Find:m(ZACD)
( El-Sharkict /3) << 150' "


ffil In the opposite figure :

XE and XE *" two tangents to the circle atA and B

tm (L AXB) ='70" and m (Z DCB) = 125"

Prove that :

lll AB bisects LDAX [IAD- ilffi

(As.siut l8 t l6 t Qena 16 t El-Belteira ll)

O Remember t Understand O App[y 1o3 Problem Solving

@ ffil In the opposite figure :
AB and AC ut" two tangent-segments to the circle M
XS llCD and m (Z BMD) = 130"


ir Prove that : CB bisects L ACD Find:m(ZA)
I (New Valley 19 s Matrouh 18 ; El-Fayoum 17 t El-Gharbia l6 t El-Meni.a 15) < 50' >

IE In the opposite figure :

AABC touches the circle externally atX tY andZ
If the perimeter of AABC = 18 cm.

rAX=2cm.andCZ=3cm. CY

Calculate : The length of BY (El-Sharkia 03) << 4 cm. >>

@ In the opposite figure :

If the inscribed circle M of A ABC
touches its sides AB , BC and CA
at D r E and F respectively
t m (L DMF) = 120" and m (Z ECM) = 20"
Find : The measures of the angles of A ABC << 40o : 60o r 80o >

In the opposite figure :

The circle M is divided into three arcs equal in length

, DE and Dd a.e drawn from the point D to touch the circle.

[:J Find z m (L AMB) < 1200 >

[-4-]Prove that : First : The figure AMCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Second : A ACD is an equilateral triangle.

ffi In each of the opposite figures :
AB and CD are two
tangents to the

two circles M and N

Fig. (1) Fig. (2)
Prove that : AB = CD
(Port Said 13 t SueT ll )




IE In the opposite figure :

AB and AC u." two tangent-segments drawn from A
,m (L AMB) =70o

Find : Bm (L ABC)
(Ismailia 17) < 70' t 35o >>

@ In the opposite figure :

XYZ is a triangle
, XY and XZtotchthe circle M at D and E

Prove that :

The figure DYZE is a cyclic quadrilateral.


@ ffi In the opposite figure :

AB and AC ure two tangent-segments to the circle M
and BD is a diameter in the circle.

Prove that : att4 ll CO
(El-Monofia 1l)

@ ffii In the opposite figure :

AB and AC u." two tangent-segments to the circle M at B and C:
AM n nC = {X} r Y is the midpoinr of the chord BD
and m (Z XYM) = 35o

f Prove that : XBYM is a cyclic quadrilateral.
I eJFind z m (L BAC) << 700 >>

?n In the opposite figure :

AB and AC a." two tangent-segments to
I the circle M at B and C respectively r m (L A) = 45o

l Prove that :

Efne figure ABMC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

I BAD =AB + MB (Helwan 09)


z O Remember O Understand O Apply oor Problem Solving
bo Ll,I In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles touching externally at D and AB is


I a common tangent to them atA and B

Dd is a common tangent to the two circles atD t

n IB = 1c}

I where DE
Prove that : r C is the midpoint
. of AB
I BAD-IBD (Ale.r. l4 t South Sinai l2)
Eo [].1AB is a diameterof the circle MrAB = 10 cm. , C e circleM: atangentwas drawn
to the circle at C t so it intersected the two drawn tangents for it at A and B in X and Y
respectively where XY = 13 cm.

f Prove that : MX I YM
@ Find : The area of the figure AXYB << oJ cm. )'

In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle where the lengths of its sides

AB , BC and CA- are J cm. r 10 cm. and 8 cm. respectively.
If the inscribed circle of it touches the previous
sides at D r E and F respectively r +10Cfll.+

[J Prove that : BC + AD = AC + BD
Lr Find the length of each of AD- and EC < 2.5 cm. r 5.5 cm. >

For cxcellent pupils


[+=] In the opposite figure :

M is an inscribed circle to the quadrilateral

ABCD with radius length of 5 cm.
AB = 9 cm. and CD = 12 cm.
Find : The perimeter of ABCD CYB
r then calculate its area. << 42 cm. r 105 cml >

A fiJIn the opposite figure :

IE t a common tangent to the two circles

M and N externally atA and B respectively
their two radii lengths are L7 cm. and 8 cm. iespectively.
Find : The length of eg


ngles of (mr
l..l i From the school book

O Remember O Appfly & Problem Solving

Problems on theorem (5) and its corollary

tl f, each of the following I find the measure of the angle denoted by (?)
I knowing that AC touches the circle M atA:


il r 1Fig. (3) Fig. (a)

\t/* AC A

ffi Fig. (s) ri.,,.l Fig. (6) [.l"l Fig. (8)



Fie. (e) Fig. (10) Fig. (11) Fig. (12)

?r O Remember o Understand O Appfly roo Problem Solving

Fie. (13) rEl Fie. (14) ffi Fie. (1s) Fie. (16)

Complete the following :

o iJ The angle of tangency is the included angle between , """""
[4 fhe measure of the angle of tangency equals the measure of '."'..... subtended by the

same arc. (El-Dakaltlia l2)

@ ffre measure of the tangency angle equals half the measure of ..'....'.. subtended by the

same arc. (Dcunietta ll )

lrlln the opposite figure


o :

If AB is a diameter in the circle M


: DC is atangentto it at C and m (Z A) = 50o : then :

First : m (6e) = ......,...o ^

Second : m (AC) = ..........o

I Third z m (LACD) = ..."...'.o


o E lfn the opposite figure :

AE and Ad ut" two tangents to the circle M r

D lies on the circle


: then the value of X = (Sourh Sinai 05)

E m In the opposite figure :


ffi and Ed ur" two tangents to the circle M r
D is a point on the circle
such that : m (L CDB) = 725o : then :

m(LA) =....'.""o

Eo Choose the correct answer from those given :

BIf themeasureof anangleof tangency ='70" tthenthemeasureof thecentralangle

(El-Kalyoubia l6 t Asruan 13)

(a) 35" (b) 70" (c) 140' (d) 105"

Exe rc ise l2
E fn the opposite figure :

CB , CD are two tangent-segments at B r D

tm(L C) = 70'

r then
^ = ....."'..
m (DB)

(El-Dakahlia l7)
(a) 180' (b) 90" (c) 100" (d) 110"

E In the opposite figure : A

BD touches the circle and m (f,D) = tfr" measure of the circle

: then m (l- ABD) = .....,....

(a) 60' (b) 90" (c) 120' (d) 30"

(El-Monofia l5)
E f.r the opposite figure :

^ = ..........
: then m (BC)
(Cairo 04)

(a) 50" (b) 100' (c) 80' (d) 160'

E In the opposite figure :

CD is atangentto the circle M atA

and MB ll CD

r then m (Z BAD) - AC
(Port Said 06)
(a) 30" (b) 45' (c) 60" (d) 90'

Prove that the measure of the angle of tangency is equal to the measure of the inscribed
angle subtended by the same arc. (Matoult 17)

ffiffi In the opposite figure :

IB and AC ar" two tangent-segments to the circle at B and C

tm (L BDC) = 65o
Find with proof z m(L BAC)

(South Sinai l7 t El-Menia l6 t Beni Sue.f 14) << 50o >)

(\t : r ) Y o /6ttet r/(olij ,;rL.j) -$l:lr fl<lsdl l+S

Understand Appfly $
ZS O Remember O O Problem Solving


|htffi ffi In the opposite figure :

ABC is atrtangle inscribed in a circle

r BD is a tangent to the circle at B

,Xe ABandYe BC rwhereXVlf ED

Prove that : AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

(A,ssiut t9 ,Kofr El-Sheikh l8 ,Cairo 17 ,El'KalyotLbia l4)

E f*, the opposite figure :

Ii l, a tangent
tm (L XAB) = 40"
and m (Z ABC) = 110o

Find:m(ZCDB) (Kafr El-Sheikh ll) <<30" >>

In the opposite figure :

AB is a tangent to the circle M



(New Valley 17) << 40" >>


In the opposite figure :

Ag fu a diameter in a circle N
r its circumference rs 44 cm.
r CD is a tangent to it at C and CD // BA
Find with proof :
l7)m (L DCA) The length of AC (El-Fayoum I3) < 45" : 11 cm. >

tll L the opposite figure :

XYand fi, *"two tangents to the circle from the point X

tm(L D) = 110" tm(L X) = 40"
Prove that : m (ZDE) = m (ZY)

(Assiut l7 rEL-Gltarbtu l7)


Exercise 12

EI In the opposite figure :

AE and Ad rr" two tangents to the circle at B and C
[tlProve that : m (Z ABC) = m (Z DBC)
@ If m (Z CED) = 110o r find : m (L Ax)

W In the opposite figure :

Pf and FE touch the circle atA and B

,1^gtt A
t m (L ADC) = 100o and m (Z ACD) = 50o

Bm(LABC) i.z)m (L CBE) iAm (L AFB) < 80o r 50o: 80o >

IE In the opposite figure :

AE and Ed touch the circle at B and C
, XC ttBD and m(L A) = 40"
[] Find with proof : m (L ACB) , m (L ECD)
@ Prove that : CB = CD (El-Gharbtu 04) <lA' t70" >>

@ In the opposite figure :

EA is atangent for the circle M at pointA
I , ffi ir drawn and cuts the circle at B :C
and m (Z ADC) = 120"
I Prove that : lf BA = BE

[Am (L ABE) = m(L EAC) (Danietta 09)


IE ffi In the opposite figure :

AB is a tangent to the circle : AC is a secant to it
r D is the midpoint of AC r E is the midpoint of BC
and BD O the circle = {N} Prove that :

mAB ilDE
[4 The points N r D t C tE have one circle passing through them. ( Port Sakl I 5 )

Z O Remember I Understand O Appily o'o Problem Solving

IE ii==_l In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle in which AB = AC r
D €BC r DX is drawn to be a tangent to the circle at D

where oT n ffi = {x} and AD n ec = {v}

Prove that : XY = XD

ffi f" the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle :
CD is a tangent to the circle at C

Draw ffi ttRC to cut AB at E ]D

Prove that : BECD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (El-Menia 09)

&q' In the opposite figure :
Ag is a diameter of the semicircle r

eF ir a tangent to it at C and DF I AB
i', p16r. that : The figure ADEC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
ir,lProve that : A FCE is an isosceles.
lr]Determine the centre of the circle passing through the vertices of
the quadrilateralADEc (Kryfi' El-Sheikh 08)

In the opposite figure :


BC is a tangent-segment to the circle M at C

and X is the midpoint of AE

Prove that :

, ': lThe figure ECMX is a cyclic quadrilateral.

,t ,'.' m (L EMX) = m (L CBD)

In the opposite ligure :

AD is a tangent to the circle M atA

, Ee ir a diameter in the circle M
and BD I EB
Prove that : m (Z ABD) = m (Z ABC) lPorr Said 06)


Exercise l2

In the opposite figure :

ABCDE is a regular pentagon inscribed in the circle M ,

+ .€
AX is a tangent to the circle at A t EX is atangentto the
circle at E where Ein Ei = {r}
m (AE)
i. ,m (L AXE) (El-Belrcirtt l9 t Matroulr ll ) <<72" r l08o >

@ ffi In the opposite figure :

Two circles are touching internally at A

, ffi i* the common tangent to them at A

, ffi and 16 int"rrect the sma1l circle at B : D

and the great circle atC tE
Prove that : Og r EC (El-Glwrbia l5 t El-Mottofitt 14 t Souhag t-1)

@ In the opposite figure :

Two circles are intersectrng at B and C
rA€one of the two circies :
AF is drawn as a tangent to it at A
r then aE Id ur" drawn to cut the other circle at D and E
Prove that : IF r Oe (Kufi' El-Slteiklt 09)

ffi tn the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles intersecting at A and B
, B e eD , Ed and EB ur" two tangents.
Prove that :
Bm (L ECD) + m (L EDC) = rn (L CAD)
E ttre figure ACED is a cyclic quadrilateral. (El-Fayoum 08)

Problems on the converse of theorem (5)

In each of the following figures , prove that M touches the circle M atA :


?s O Remembel ',, : O Apply o'c Problem Solving

In each of the following flgures , prove that AD is a tangent to the circle passing
through the vertices of AABC :

B Eut t4m

C 6cm. ts

(Beni SueJ l7) (El-Ghttrbia 16) (Aswan l8 t Danietta 17)

Eo In the opposite figure :

rt ttDB r m (Z BAE) = 55" t

m(LC) = 110'andAB =AD
Prove that : ElThe figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

i4 AB is a tangent to the circumcircle of the

I quadrilateral ABCD (El-Beheira 05)


In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle in which
AB = AD : m (L C) = 140o and m (Z ADE) = 70"
Prove that z

DE l, a tangent to the circle at D (El-Menia 09)

ffi EF ABCD is a quadrilateralinscribed in a circle r E is a point outside the circle

and Ef and gB are two tangents to the circle at A and B : if m (Z AEB) = 70"
and m (Z ADC)= 125"
Provethat: t AB=AC
L4 Ae is a tangent to the circle passing through the points A r B and E 6le.r. 17)

tr O
In the opposite figure :

DA and DB a.e two tangent-segments to the circle M atA and B

I ,C Cthe circle M such that AB = AC
Prove that : Ed l, atangentto the circumcircle of A ABD

(Ale,r. 18 t Cairo l7 t Dttmietta l6)


Exercise l2
Eo M ABCO is a parallelogram in whichAC = BC

Prove that : tB t atangentto the circle circumscribed about the triangle ABC
(Damietta l9 ; El-Kagoubia l8 t Port Said 17 t Ismailia l6)

tro AB and AC are two chords in a circle such that AB = AC r D C BC and ED is drawn

to cut the circle at E

Prove that : ,q.C i, a tangent-segment to the circumcircle of A CDE (El-Fawum a9)


In the opposite figure :

Ag h a diameter in the circle N


, NCIeg,oeNC
and AD is drawn to cut the circle at E

I Prove that : nd ir a tangent to the circle circumscribed about A CDE

(Kt$ El-Sheikh 08)

In the opposite figure :

AB = AC and Ei i, a tangent to the circle atA

Prove that :


(L LAB) = m (L ABC)

Lll AC is a tangent to the circumcircle of AADE

(South Sinai 05)

In ffi AgCn is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle r its two diagonals intersect atB t
i? ir drawn to be a tangent to the circle at C where ffi ttEB Proo. that z

l!_l BC touches the circle passing through the vertices of the triangle ABE

@ ml ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle. ID ir a tangent to the circle at A r

X C AB and Y C AC where XV ll eC

Prove that : 16 ir a tangent to the circle passing through the points A r X and Y
(El-Kalyoubia 19 t New Vallel: l$ ; El-Fuyouttt 17 t Alexcutdrio 15)


Zr O Remember & tJnql*rstand O Appfly rtr Problem Solving

IE In the opposite figure :

R it a diameter in the circle M where AB = 8 cm.

l , AC i, a chord in it. Draw nB to be a tangent to the

circle to cut Ad at D. If BD = 6 cm.

@ Prove that : AB is a tangent to the circumcircle of A CBD
::, Find : The length of BC (El-Monofia 09) < 4.8 cm.>>

@ In the opposite figure :
AL and AC are two tangent-segments
to the circle M at L and C

, AL I aC ,,q.C = J cm.
Find with proof : The length oi At
i rrl Provethat : Xi ir a tangent to the circle passing through
the vertices of the triangle ANC (El-Sharkia 16) <<7 cm.>>

f:trfl In the opposite figure :

The figure BCED is a cyclic quadrilateral x
and Ai ll cE
Prove that : Ii i, a tangent to the circumcircle of A ABD
(Kafr El-Sheikh l3)

IE AB and AC u." two chords in a circle including an aeute angle where D is the midpoint
of 6B , ni iu a tangent to the circie at B drawn to intersect Eil ut X and

BD n Ed = {y} prove that :

l'l;ABXY is a cyclic quac{rilateral.

. i ] XY is a tangent to the circle circumscribed about the triangle ADY

Et In the opposite figure :

o I

ABC and DCE are two equilateral triangles
: E is the midpoint of BC , A.E n nO = {W}
It Prove that : AC ls a tangent-segment to
the circle which passes through the vertices of A CED

@lProve that : CDWE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

fqj Find : The centre of the circle which passes through
the vertices of the quadrilateral CDWE (El-Shco'kia I7)



Exercise l2
@ In the opposite figure :

M , N are two circles touching externally at C t

AD- touching the circle M at D r
AB touching the circle N at B
If m(L DAC) = 55o tm(L CNB) = 110o r
MN=6cm. rAD=5cm.
l"i I Prove that : AD = AC = AB
l! Find : The perimeter of ABNMD
:, Prove that : Nf bir".t, Z CNB
[,i ]Prove that : aO t a tangent-segment to the circle passing through thepointsArCandN
(lsnurilia I5)

W In the opposite figure :

The circle M is the circumcircle of A ABC in which
AB = BC , Bf inrersecrs the circle at D where BD n ef = {r}
and XY is a tangent to the circle at B
Prove that :
L1 IBX // CE
B Bd is a tangent to the circle passing through the points C : D and E

In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles intersecting at A and B


I , AE i. a tangent-segment to the circle N and cuts the circle

M at C ,ID ir a tangent-segment to the circle M and cuts

the circle N at D , EB cuts the circle N at E
Prove that : XC ttOB


In the opposite figure :

A is a point outside the circle M , m intersects the circle

atD and B , AE intersects the circle at E and C : then

draw DC and DE.If BE = BC
Prove that : gE is a tangent-segment of the circle passing

through the vertices of A ADE


(y. : r )y a/6stetrl(oL.t ;-L.:j) .q-|..ryaf*ll tSS

i:rcJ$ls $.ldJb

Choose the correct answer from those given :

[1-"]fn" corresponding angles of the two similar polygons are """"" in measure.
(a) equal (b) different (c) proportional (d) alternate
(Ale"tcrntlrio l6)

[.rr,]The area of a rhombus which the lengths of its diagonals are 6 cm. and 8 cm. equals """""
@) 2 cm? $) 1,a crxl (c) 24 cm2. (d) 48 cm?

(Cairo l9)

[C ffre number of axes of symmetry of two congruent circles and touching externally
equals (El-Dakahlia 16)

(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) an infinite number.

[4 fhe medians of a triangle meet at the same point which divides each in the ratio
..',..... from the base. (Beni StrcJ I7)

(a) I :2 (b) 2: 1 (c) 1 :3 (d) 3 :2

lE If tfre projection of a line segment on a straight line is a point : then the line segment
the straight line. (North Sinai 17 t Alexandria 16)

(a) tt (b)a (c) c (d) c

[-,'anC is aright-angledtriangle atB whereAB = 6 cm' :BC = 8 cm. r

then its area= .........."

2. (Dcunietttt 16)

(a) a8 (b) 14 @) 2a (d) l

@ fne length of the side opposite to the angle of measure 30o in the right-angled triangle
equals the length of the hypotenuse. (Cairo 19 ; tsmailia 16)

@)+ @+ @)1[i (d) 2

Accumulotive bosic skills
@ If m, and,mrare two slopes of two parallel straight lines r then .......... (El-Fayoum l6)
(a)mr*mr=Q (b)mr=m, (c)mrxmr=-l (d)mr_mz=_l
@ fne image of the point (2: 3) by rotation R (O : 180") is the point (sourh sinai t7)
(a)(2t3) (b)(-2,)3) (c)(Zt-3) (d)(-Zt_3)
@ tf tfre side length of a rhombus is L cm. r then its perimeter = .......... cm. (New vattey t7)
(a) L2 (b) z L2 @) a L @) z4[, L
['l'r]The measure of the interior angle of the regular hexagon = .......... (Alexaruh-ia l7)
(a) 60" (b) 108. (c) 120. (d) 135.
EiilfMisacircleof radiuslengthrcm. rthenthelengthof thesemicircle=..........cr1.
(a) zxrr (at
! xr ( ct
I nr (d) xr r
(Sourh Sinai 17 t El-Beheiru 16)

39'A square is of perimeter 20 cm. r then its area = .......... cm? (Et-Meni.a t9 t Berri suel l6)
(a) 20 (b) zs (c) 50 (d) 100
l','i;The two diagonals are equal in length and not perpendicuiar inthe (Et-Meniu t6)

(a) square. (b) rhombus. (c) rectangle. (d) parallelogram.

[@If cos 2X= ]whereXisthemeasureof anacute angTe tthenX=.......... (Benisuef 16)

(a) 15' (b) 30. (c) 45" (d) 60.

(a) supplementary. (b) complementary.
(c) adjacent. (d) vertically opposite angles.

inz]Two parallel lines to a third are .......... (Luxor 16)

(a) perpendicular. (b) paralle1.

(c) intersecting. (d) skew.

i'tq The radius length of the circle whose centre is (7 : 4) and passes through the point (3 , 1)
equals length units. (Aswcut 16)

(a) 3 (b) 4 5(c) (d) 6

i'll.llThe number of symmetry axes of the square is .......... (Et-FaltoLurt t7)
(a) 1 (b) z (c) 3 (d) 4

lrltllThe numbers 5 t 4 and, can be side lengths of a triangle. (Et-Menia t6)

(a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 12

@ LXYZ is a right-angled triangle at Y : then XZ """"" Y2 (Nortlt Sittoi l7)

(a) < (b) > (c) = (d) is twice

@ In the opposite flgure :

If AB = AC , AB = (2 X- 1) cm. and AC = (X + 2) cm. t

thenX=.."...... (Cairo l6)

(a) 3 (b) s

(c) 11 (d) 14

' lIf Y eXZ rXY= ZZY tthentheareaof thesquaredrawnonXY= " " " theareaof
the square c.lrawn on XZ
la) +^ @+ (c) 2 @+
@ In the opposite figure :

M is the centre of the circle :

then m (Z CMB) = ..".""' (Sourlt Sinrti l6)

(a) 36 (b) 72"

(c) 744" (d) 180"

@ In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a trapezium in whieh AD // BC

and AD is a diamoter of cirelo M r 28 cm.

then the area of the shaded region = (Dontiettct I6)

(a) 70 cm2. (b) t41 cm?

(c) l7O cr*. (d) 224 cm?,

@ In the opposite figure :


If the side length of the ABCD = 7 cm.

and of the square XYZL= 3 cm. :

then the area of the shaded pari= """""

(il'MortoJia t7)
"tr; C
(a) (7 - 3) (b) 4 (7 -3)
(c) (7 -3)2 @) Q2 -32)

Accumulotive bosic skills
@ABC is a triangle having one symmetric axis and its side lengths are 10 :5 and Xcm.
: then X= .,,, (Damietta 17)

(a) 5 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 12

@ fn the opposite figure :

The length of AB = ,......... cm.

(a) 1018 (b) 10

(c) 5 (d) s{3

(Ale.xunclt"ict l7)
lqglA rectangular picture its length is 60 cm. and its width is 40 cm. We need to make
a wooden frame its width is 5 cm. r then its total area= .......... cm? (Damierta 17)

(a) 3050 (b) 3s00 (c) 2925 (d) 32s0

[@ tf trAA and MB are two perpendicular radii in a circle M and the area of the triangle
AMB = 8 cm? r then the length of the radius of this circle = ..,....... (El-Monofia l7)

(a) 8 cm. (b) 16 cm. (c) 4 cm. (d) 2 cm.

By o group of supervisors

Accumulotive Tests i.
lmportont Questions
Finol Revision
Finol Exominotions

\., 2023


. 10 Accumulative tests
o Important questions

. Final revision

. Final examinations :

- School book examinations

(2 model examinations
+ model for the merge students)

- 27 governorates' examinations

12 Accumulative tests

lmportant questions

Final revision

Final examinations :

- School book examinations

(2 model examinations
+ model for the merge students)

- 27 governorates' examinations
First Algebra and Probability
Accumulative Tests
on Algebra and Probability


on lesson 1 - unit 1
tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

f The Straight lines representing the equations : X = - I s y - 2 = 0 intersect at

the point
(a) (- t t2) (b) (2 ,- 1) (c) (1 r- 2) (d) (- 1 t-2)
@ The two straightlines :X- I = 0 t X+ Y=5 are <<Aswan

(a) parallel. (b) coincident.

(c) intersecting and not petpendicular. (d) perpendicular.
* 6 t 2X+my =I2have aninflnitenumberof
{E If thetwoequations:x+ 3 y
solutions in IR x IR r then m - """""""' < Cairo 19 >

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6

@ The solution setinlR x iRof the two equations : X-2y = \ t 3 X+ y = 10

is ... .. .... .. .... < Souhag 18 >

(a) {(s ,2)}

G) (3 ,1) (c) {(3 ,1)} (d) {(4 ,2)}
@ The two straight lines :3 X+ 4Y = t t 6X+8y-2;0
are ............... < Kafr El-Sheikh 18 >

(a) Parallel. (b) perPendicular.

(c) intersecting and not pelpendicular. (d) coincident.

LO If X is a negative number I then the greatest number of the following

15 ............... < Kafr El-Sheikh 16 >

(a)5+X o) s-x (c)5x (d)


@ Thetwostraightlines:3 x- 5y=0 t 5 x+3 y*0intersectat

the ...'.'..'.....' < El-Monofia 19 >

(u) 1tt quadrant. point. (d) 4th quadrant.

(b) 3td quadrant. (c) origin

@] The number of solutions of the two equations;2 X-y =3 t

X+2y = 4
in lR x IR is .....'......... < Ismailia 19 >

(a) 1 (b) zero (c) 2 (d) infinite.

E tf (3 ,1)is asolutionforthetwoequations: aX+by- 5 : 3 aX+by- l7 =0

r find the values of a and b < El-Menia 17 >

p n rectangle with a length more than its width by 4 cm. If the perimeter of the rectangle is
28 crn. , find the area of the rectangle. < El-Kalyoubia l9 >

Accumulative test till lesson 2 - unit 1
Choose the correct answer from those given :
a It X- 3 belongs to the solution set of the equation : X2 - a X- 6 = 0
: then a = .'............. < Suez 17 >

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d)-1

ill If the curve of the function f : f (y) = XZ -8 X + I 6 passes through the two points
(4, 0) r (0 r 16) r then the S.S. of the equation : 8 X- t6 - X2= 0 inlR
is ............... < Qena 16 >

{4,0} (b) {o , 16} (.) {+} (d) {4 ,0 ,6}

If the two straight lines representing the two equations : X+2y = 4 ;2 X+ k y = 11
are parallel r then k - . . .. ..
(a) 4 (b) -4 (c) 1 (d)-1
lgr If there are an infinite number of solutions of the two equations : X + 4 y ='l
rX+ (k- 1) y =7 inlR x IR rthenk -'..'........... < Damietta 19 >

(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) L2 (d) 13

-s ]
The opposite flgure represents the curve of a quadratic
function / : then the S.S. of the equation I f (X) = 0 in IR
is . ... . ...... .. .. < Cairo 16 >
(b) {1}
(c) {o}
(d) {(0 ,1)}
If the ratio between the perimeters <if two squares ts 1. : 2 r then the ratio between their
areas is < Suez 19 >
(a) 1:2 (b)2:t (c) I:4 (d) 4: 1

LZ The solution set of the equatio n : X2 + 1 = 0 in lR is < Beni Suef 17 >>

(a) {1} (b) {1 ,- 1} (") {- t} @)a

If thereis onlyone solutionfortheequations : X+2y= l and 2X+ky=zinlRxlR:
then k cannot equal
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) -2 (d) -4
Find in the S.S. of each of the following equations using the general formula :

1) Z Xz - 5 Xi+ 1 = 0 (rounding the result to two decimals) < New Valley 18 >

z) x+f,=s(mowmg thatafn =4.12) < El-Dakahlia 16 >

@ fina graphically in IR x IR the S.S. of the two equations :

y=3x-l t X-y+1=0 < Ismailia 16 >
Accumulative test till lesson

I Choose the correct answer from those given :

EIfX-y+ 1, (X- y)2 +y=3 :theny= """""""' < Kafr El-Sheikh 17 >

(a) zero (b) 1 (c)2 (d) 3

EIf x -y =2 , X2 -y2 =10 :then X+y= """""""' < Suez 17 >

(a)-5 (b)2 (c)-2 (d) s

@If theintersectionpointof thetwo straightlines: X- 1=0 : Y= 2klies inthe4th

(a)-5 (b) zero (c) 1 (d) s

E] If the solution set of the equatio n : x2 + m X + 9 = 0 in IR is {- 3}

r then m= .............'. < Kafr El-Sheikh 17 >

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c)*6 (d) zero

EIfx=3, x2 -y2 =5 :theny=.........."... << New Valley 18 >

(a) (b)2 (c) t2 (d) 4

EIf2k-3-1rthenft=......'....'... <cairo19>

(a)-3 (b) zero (c) 3 (d) 8

@One of the solutions of the two equations: X -Y =2 , X2 +yZ =20 inlR x IR

is .' .. . .
.. ... ... . < El-Kalyoubia 19 >

(a) (- 4 ,2) (b)(2,-4) (c) (3 , 1) (d)(4,2)

@The ordered pair which satisfies the two equations : Xy - 2 t X-y = t
is ." ... . ..
. .. ... < El-Kalyoubia 16 >

(a) (1 , 1) (b) (2 , 1) (c) (t t 2) (d) (* , ,)

B finA in IR x IR the solution set of the following two equations algebraically :

X+y-5 , X2+Xy-15 < Ismailia 17 >

@ fina in IR the solution set of the equation :

X2 =2 (x+ 6) (mo*ing tnatnfn *l.Z) < El-Monofia 16 >

Accumulative test till lesson 1 - unit 2

Il Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

Efnesetof f : f (X)=X+ 3is.... ... ...

zeroesof thefunction < El-Dakahlia 16 >

(a) IR (b) R - {3} (c) {- :} (d) 3

E ffre set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = X2 -25 is .,,..,.,....,.. < Assiut l6 >

(u) {s} (b) {- s} @)a (") {s,-s}

Efnesetofzeroesofthefunction f :f (X)=X2+9in]Ris............... <El-Dakahlialg>
(a) IR (b) {3} (") {3 , - 3} @) a
l3 tf 3 is one of zeroes of the function/where f (X)= X2 -3 X+ c
: then c = ............... << Damietta 19 >>

(a) 6 (b) 0 (c) -6 (d) 3

@ ffre set of zeroes of the function / where f (X) = Xz - 3 is << Assiut 19 >

("){tr} o) {-1E} (.) {l} (o {-{, ,t[i]

G] The set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = zero is ............... < Luxor 19 >>

@)a O)R (c)R-{o} (d) zero

E ff Xy =3, X2y -Xy2 =6 rthen X-y=,.............. < New Valley 17 >

(a)2 (b)-2 (c)3 (d)-3

E fne solution set of the two equations : X+ 2y - O t 2 X-3 y =0 inlR x IR

(u) {(- 2 ,0)} (b) {(3 ,2)} (c) {(0 ,0)} (d) {(2 ,3)}

E tut If the setof zeroes of thefunction f : f (X)=aXz +bX+ 15 is {3,s}

r find the values of a and b < El-Fayoum 19 >

tbl If z(f)={5} , f (X)=X3 -3 x2 + a rfindthevalueof a < Assiut 19 >

E e two-digit number r its units digit is twice its tens digit. If the product of its two digits
f tr," original number : what is this number ? << El-Monofia 16 >

(Y : 1)Yol,5rler Y/ (utJi)oLrl - oL-i1..7 )t4!dl

till lesson

Il Choose the correct answer from those given :

lflrrl (x)=x2 + x+ a and the set of zeroes of the function is {1 r-2}

:thena="""""""' < Aswan 19

(a)2 (b) 1 (c)- 1 (d)-z

The set of zeroes of the function f : f (x) = 4r1
is Matrouh 18 >

(a)rR- {2 ,-2} (b)R- {3} (c)

{:} (d) {3 t2 r-2\
- \r2 v ')
Thesetofzeroesofthefunctionf:f(x)=#is........'.'.'.. < El-Mr-rnofil
xz -4
{2 ,-2} (b) {- 2} (c){- t} (d) {2 ,- 1)

If the domain of the function n : n (x) = p\*.is R - {2}

r then a = ......'........
(a)2 (b)-z (c) 4 (d)- 4
The domain of the function f : [ (X) =:!* is """ "" "' < EI-Reheira
3 (X+ 1)

(a)lR 0)m- {- 1} (c)R- {t} (d)R- {- 1 ,3}

The domain of the function n : n (X) =x:3
is .'.............

(a)R (b)R- {2} (c)m - {o} (d)R- {0 ,1}

If there is an infinite number of solutions in R x IR of the two equations :

X+4y -7 t 3 X+ky-21 tthenk=...............

@)q (b) z (c)2t (d) 12

If X y = 12 > z y = 20 and X z = 15 where X e IR+ : y €lR* rz elR*

(a) + 60 (b) oo (c) 360 (d) + 360

a If the domain of the function f : f (X) =

islR- {2 rc}
r find the value of each of m : c < El-Sharkia 16

p fina in IR the solution set of the equation t x2 - 2 (x+ 3) - 0 r using the general
formula rknowing tha|r[i =2.65 < Assiut l6 >

tl Cnoore the correct answer from those given :

E fne set of zeroes of the function f where f (X) =4 is ........,...... << Matrouh 19 >

(a) zero O) t4) a} (c) @) a

{o ,

E fne set of zeroes of the function f : f Va = .r-1is ............... (< El-Gharbia 19 >

fa) m - {2} (b) R - {3} (c) {z} @)a

E rrre simplest form of the functio n f : f fn =*t t X*Lis ............,.. < eena t7 >

(a)+xz (ri)zx-t (c)Zx @)z

[4tf x *4 tthenthe simplestformof the function f : f (x)=Ti
is..........'.... << Damietta 18 >

(a) q (b) t (c)-t (d)-+

E tt common domain of the two fractions :
-+- , -41-
is.......'....... x'-r <El-Fayoum18>
(a)m-{1} (b)m-{0,1} (c)R-{0trt-1}(d)R-{1 ,*1}
Etf X+ 3 y - 7 tthenthe value of X+ 3 (y + 5) =............... <El-Beheira 18 >>

(a) r @) t (c) zt (d) zz

lZfn" solution setinlR x IRofthe two equations : X=3 t X+y - 5
15.........'..... < Giza 18 >

(a) {Q tD} (b) {(2 ,3)} (c) {(l , s)} (d) {(s ,2)}
E If there is only one solution for the two equations : X + 4 y =5 and 3 X +k y = 15 in
IR x IR : then k can't equal < Kafr El-Sheikh 19 >

(a)-+ (b) + (c) tz (d) - rz

a [a] Find the common domain of n1 r n, to be equal such that :

nr (X)' - x2+2x+20
t' --z\--/
< Port Said 17 >

Irn, (X)
L =-s--x- ; n^ (X) - x2 -l x+z
x3_2x2 ' x3_4x2+4x
r then proYe that : frt = fl2 < El-Monofia 18 >

E ninO the value of each of a tb given that (1 t 2) is a solution for the two equations :

aX+by+5=0 t 2aX+by-1=0 < Damietta 18 >

Accumulative test' lesson

t! Ct oose the correct answer from those given :

ff n (X) = rthenthe domain of thefunctionnis....',..,',,,,.

+-+ < El-Sharkia 18 >

(a)iR-{3,0} (b)R-{0} (c) lR - {3} (d) R

domain << Suez 17 >>

(a) R- {3} (b) R - {4} (c) IR - {- 4} (d)R-{-3}

@ rne simplest form of the function f : f 19 = ffi-;his """""""' < El-Meniate >

' 3X
(b) 3 (c) 2 @h
{4 ff 27- x 37 = 6k , then k = ....'.......... < El-Sharkia 16 >

(a) 14 (b) 1 (c) 6 (d) s

iE If the domain of the function n : n (X) = :-:+_is

IR - {+} r then the value

ofk= <KafrEl-Sheikh19>

(a) 15 (b) - 1s (c) 12 (d) - 12

E tf the domain of the fractional function n is R - {2 ,3 ,4}
: then n (3) = < El-Sharkia 19 >

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) undeflned.

*'* tr"r *' ,
rrr -
' Xz+I
3 ,6r x2 + r
' -3! (d) +-
3 Xz-l
IE] If there is an inflnite number of solutions in IR x R of the two equations :

X+3y ={ t 2X+my=8 :thenm= """"" < Souhag 16 >

(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 1

E fut Find the S.S. in IR2 of the two equations : x + y = r, + +! =z < El-Menia 19 >

[b] Find n (X) in its simplest form : showing the domain where :

X+3 -/
-- \-.^.,,,
\- = ---;---
2X+2 << Giza 16 >>

x2 -g x2 -zx-3
E rul If n(x)= x2*3x+2 4-X2
r find n (X) in its simplest form : showing the domain of n << New Valley 17 >
Accumulative test till lesson 5 - unit 2

tl Ct oose the correct answer from those given :

LI fne domain of the multiplicative inverse of the algebraic fraction #-

is ..'......'.... ' ,. El-Sharkia 17 >

(a) IR (b)R-{-s} (c)R-{-2} (d)R-{-2,-s}

The fraction n (X) =
X:2 has a multiplicative inverse in
the domain < El-Kalyoubia l6 >

(a) lR (b) R - {2} (c) R- {0} (d)R-{0,2i

[e] lhe numberof solutions of the equation i X-y = 0 inlR x IRis ............... < El-Gharbia 19 >

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) infinite.

[E If x*0 rthen 5-x +-{ =............... < Souhag 19 >
X'+l X'+7
(a) -5 (b)-1 (c) 1 (d) s

(a) IR * {I ,,2} (b) R (c) IR - {2} (d) {2}

(a) {o} (b) {3} (.) {- z} (d) {3 ,-2}

EIfn(x)= +-+rrhen, 1(x)=............... <Newvauey16>

o x-!uL x
(cl -X
(d\ L
Etntheequation:aX2+bX*c=0 tif.b2-4ac>0:thentheequationhas...............
roots in IR < El-Fayoum 19 >

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) zero (d) -

E trl rf n(x) - x2*2x

@ Find : n 1 19 in the simplest form r showing the domain.
E tf , 1 (x) = ,whar is the value of X?
+ < Ismailia 16 >

DI tf n (X) = x-3 _4 : find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the

x2-7x+12 x2-4x
domain of n r then find : n (4) if it is possible. < El-Gharbia 16 >

E tut Find n (X) in its simplest form : showing the domain of n where :
\-'l x2+:x+l
* I'-*
< El-Dakahlia 16 >

tbl Find in IR x iR the solution set of the two equations :

X+y-4 , X2+y2+Xy=13 < Giza 18 >

till lesson 1 - unit 3

E Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

[N tf a and B are two events from the sample space of a randorn experiment r B C A
r then P (A U B) = ....'.......... < Damietta l9 >

(a) 1 (b) P (A) (c) P (B) (d) 2 P (B)

[4tfaandB are two mutually exclusive events :P (A) =Q.J : P(AU g) = O.g
, then P (B) = < Matlouh 16 >

(a) 0.3 (b) 0.03 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.13

LC tt is said that A and B are mutually exclusive events

ifP(AUnl= < Kafr El-Sheikh 18 >

(a) zero (b) P (A) (c) P (B) (d)P(A)+P(B)

Lal ff a and B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment
r thenA n B = .....'...'..... < lil ]\4r:nia 18 >

@)a (b) zero (c) 1 (d)-1

t-sj If a rogular die is rolled once , then the probability of getting an even number
or an odd number equals <. New Valley l8 >

(a) zero @+ @+ (d) 1

[E] ttre point (2 I - 1) does not belong to the straight line whose equation

(a)X+y=l (b)X-y=3 (c) X=2 (d)v=5

[ZOne of the solutions of thetwo equations:X -Y =2 , X2 +y2 =20 in]R xlR
is .' < El-Kalyoubia 19
......... .. ..
(- 4 t2)
(a) (b)(2,-4) (c) (3 :1) (d) (4 ,2)

tSlIf n (D =#+is an algebraic fraction : then the domain in which the fraction has

a multiplicative inverse is .. ' . .' . . .' ." " < El-Dakahlia l7 >

(a) m - {2} (b) R- {- | ,2} (c) R- {- 1} (d) {- | ,2}

E tut If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment

,P(A)=+ , P(AUn;= $,*r"nfindF(B)if :

El A and B are mutually exclusive events. [ 2] AC B < Ismailia 18 >

thl In a random experirnent , a regular dice is rolled once and observing the upper face'
If A is the event of getting an even number r B is the event of getting a prime number

rfind:P(A) r P(B) r P(AUB) ": ''i'rrrii;rii)''

E fina n (X) in the simplest form I showing the domain of n where :

n(X)= X2+2X-3 .. X+l < Cairo l8 >

X+3 x2-l
Accumulative test
EEI titt lesson 2 - unit 3

E Choose the correct answer from those given :

E If eC S of a random experiment and P (A) = 3 P (A)
: then P (A) = << Assiut l8 >

(a) t $)+ (.) *

E ln tt e experiment of tossing a piece of coin oflco : if A is the event of appearance of a head
:B istheeventof appearanceof atail rthenP(AUB)=....,.......... <El-Gharbia 19>
(a) I (b) t (c) zero
"2 @)a
E If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and A CB:
which of the following expressions is false ? < El-Sharkia 19 >

(a)P(AUn;=P13; (b)P(A0n;=P(A)
(c) P (A- B) = zero (d)P(A-B)=P(B)
illlftneprobabilityof occurrenceof aneventAis75 Vo tthentheprobabilitythatevent
A does not occur is ..........,.... << Qena 16 >

@)+ @+ (c)
',43 (d) t
E If e and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment r P (A) = 0.7
,P (A- B) = 0.5 : then P (A n B) = ............... << Kafr El-Sheikh 16 >

(a) o.+ (b) o.: (c)o.z (d) o.t

f6JIfA I B= A tthenp(A-B) = ............... < E1-Kalyobia 19 >

(a) P (A) (b) P (B) (c) P (B -A) (d) t

< El-Dakahlia 18 >

@2,[i (b) 3{, ("){l (d) tz

@tf tne two equations:X + 4y -7 and3 X-ky =zlhave aninfinitenumberof
solutions in R x IR : then ft = ........."..... < El-Gharbia 18 >

(a) + (b)-+ (c)

- tz (d) tz

ffi tul If X and Y are two events from the sample space of a random experiment

,P(Y)= ? ) P(X)=p(x) , p(X09= 1

r find :

Ep (x) EP(xUv) << El-Kalyoubia 16 >

Algebro ond ProbobilitY

lbl In the opposite figure : S

If A and B are two events from the sample
a random experiment r then lind :
space S of
@, @
Eprarls) EptnUnl
E ffre probability of non-occuffence of the eventA < Assiut 18 >

E tut A two-digit number of sum of its digits is 5 : if the two digits are reversed : then the resulted

number is 9 more than the original number. What is the original number ? < El-Menia 18 >

tbl If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment : and
+ , P@) = $andP(AUB)= t rfindeachof thefollowing:
EP(AnB) EIP(B-A) EptnUn) <El-Monofiale>

i,l ;.i
:.:;. i


tl fn. intersection point of the two straight lines: X=4 , y-3=0is (Giza l6)
(a)(4,3) (b) (- 4 t3) (c)(-3,4) (d)e,a)
El fn"two straightlines : 3 X=7, 2y =9 are (Luxor 16)
parallel. (b) coincident.
intersecting and not perpendicular. (d) perpendicular.

H ff theintersectionpointof thetwo straightlines:X- 1 =0 ) y =2klies inthefourth

quadrant r then k could be equal to .............. . (KaJi.Et-srteir.:rr i.
(al - -) (b) o (c) t (d) s

E fn" number of solutions of the r*o

in IR x lR is ............... "
(SouthSinai l7)
(a) zero. (b) one. (c) two. (d) three.

El ffr" number of solutions of the r*o

in IR, x IR, is ...............
(Cairo l8)
(a) o (b) t (c) z (d) infinite.

SB fn" number of solutions of the ,*o

in IR x lR is ...............
(Kafr El-Sheikh t6
(a) O (b) t @) z (d) infinite.

* *:flmber of solurions of the t*o

tn lK'rs (El-Kalyoubia 16)
(a) t (b)z (c) infinite. (d) o

E ffr" two straight lines L, : 3 X + 7ym

intersect in ...............
(El-Sharkia l9)
the third quadrant. (b) ttre fourth quadrant.
the first quadrant. (d) ttre origin point.

E ff the two straight lines : X + 3, = ffi

r then a = ....,'...'..... (El-Kalyoubio t 8)
(a) 3 (b) + (c) t (d) tt
lmportr:nt Questions

in two variabres which have an infinite number of s,lutions

@ rne two first degree equations
iniR'xlRarerepresentedbytwo straightlines. @l-Dttkuhlia 16)

(a) parallel (b) intersecting in one Point

(c) perpendicular (d) coincident

of solutions of the two

B ,t*" Str*- *es intersect in two points : then the number
equations represented by the straight lines is (Qena 13)

(a) a unique solution. (b) two sr:lutions'

(c) an infinite number of solutions. (d) none'

lE ff thetrvo equations : X+3y =J t kX+ 6y = 10have an infinitenumberof solutions

(lsnruiliu lit)
in lR x IR r then ft = """""""'
(b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6
(a) 1

: x-y = 0 inlR x IRis """""""' (El'Gharbio l9)

@ rne number of solutions of the equation
(a) 1
(c) 3 (d) an infinite number.

@ fnesolutionsetof thetwoequations t I
x=t : X+y= |
(El-Sharkiu lil)
in lR x IR is """""""'
(a) t(z , r)] (u) {(2 ,- 1)} (") {2
'* 1} (d) (2
'- 1)
@ fnesolution setof thetwoequations:
X+y =Q r y-5 =0
(Isrnailia l6)
in iR x IR is """""""'
(ot {(-s,s)} (r) {(s ,-s)} (c) {(s 's)} (d) {(*5 '-s)}

5 X
@ ttre solution set of the two equations : X + 3Y = I -
3y= - |
(El-Menia 16)
in IR x lR is """""""'
(a) {(2 , t)} O) {(1 ,2)} (c) {(z ':)} (d) t(3 ' 2)}

@ fnesolutionsetof thetwoequations:X-2y=l
t 3X+y= l0
(North Sinai 17)
in IR x IR is """""""'
(a) t(s ,2)] (b) {(2 ,4)} (c) {(1 ':)} (d) {(3 ' I )J

their product is 15 I then the two integers

@ Two positive integers I their sum is 8 and (Suez 16)
(a)2t6 (b)3r5 (c)4t4 (d)lrl5
Algebro ond Probobility

The curve y = a X2 +b X+ c cuts the y-axis at the point ............... (El-Menia tB)
ia) (0 : b) (b) (b ,0) (c) (c ,0) (d) (0 , c)

If the curve of the quadratic function / does not intersect;;;;, *r r"* , rr* *.
number of solutions of the equation : f (X) = 0 in lR, is ............... (El-Fayoum l6)
(a) a unique solution. (b) two solutions.
(c) an infinite number of solutions. (d) zerc.

: then the S.S. of the equation : f (n
= 0 inlRis ............... (El-Gharbia t9)
(a) {-1,o} (b) {- 4 ,o} (c) {- 1,4} (d) {4 ,-4}
If theS's.of theequation :x2-ax+4=0is {-2} rrh",u=--.. (El-Gharbia l7)
(a) -z (b) -+ (c) 2 (d) 4

The general formula to solve the quadratic equation,

*n... ,o
and c are real numbers t d* 0 is X = ............... "r;;; "
(Damietta 1g)

_b l[E+ u " (c) -a+"tla2-2ac .,. -b rfir:4a;
2a 4a 2c
In the equation : a X2 +b X* c= 0 , if b2 - 4 a c > 0 : then the number of roots of the
equation in IR is
(El-Fayoum 19)
(a) t (b) 2
(c) o (d) infinite.

One of the solutions of thetwoequations:X

-y =Z , X+rZ UO
in lR x R is . .............
(El-Kalyoubia l9 - Qena t7)
{a) (- 4 ,2) (b) (2 ) - 4) (c) (3 ,1) (d) (4 ,2)

1f1=y+ 1, (y- X)2 +y =3 tthenX= (El-Monofia t6)

.,5 (b) 4 (c) g (d) z

Ifab=3 : ab2=12 r then | = ............... (Damietta 19 - Kafr El-Sheikh t7 - eena l6)

4 (b) z (c) -2 (d) t2
Importont Questir:tii

is.fi4 Essay questions

nina algebraically in IR x R, the S.S. of each pair of the following equations
Ex+y=2 x-2y - 5 (Assiut IB)

@x*y=4 2x-y-2 (Beni Suef 17 - Aswan 17 - Assiut l6)

(Giza 19)
Ex+2y=4 3 X-Y =J
Qena l7)
@2 x-! =3 X+Zy = 4 (South Sinai 18 -
(Assiut 19 - Ismailtu 18)
E3X-y+4=0 Y =2 X+3

i" IR x IR tiie s.s. of each pair of the following equations graphically :

(EI-FaYoum l6)
EY=X-I ) 2 X+y =5
Luxor 16 - l6)
Ey=2x-3 t X+2y - 4 (Damietta 19 - Qenct

(Alex. l6)
@2x+y=1 X+2Y = J
(Beni Suef 19)
@3x*y=3 , 2 X-Y =l
(El-Fayount l9)
E3X-y+4=0 ) Y =2 X+3
tt fina the S.S. of each pair of the following equations in IR' x IR :
(Cairo 18)
BX+Y=11 ) X-2Y =)
t_ztX-y=4 ,
3X+2Y=J (El-Sharkia l7)
(El-Beheira 18)
Ex+2y-8 ,
, ,.:, :'.,,
3 X+y =9
(El-Kalyoubia l7)
Vzx-t-y ) X+ZY = J
Bzx-Y=5 ) X+y-4 (Souhag 19 - Suez 18)

(El-Dakahlia 18)
EX=y*4 , 3X+4Y=5
(Aswan l9)
A)3 x-y =-4 ) y -2 X=3

@ ninA in IR, the S.S. of each equation using the general forrnula :

1|x2+2X-1=0 (El-Dakahlia lB)

(Cairo 19)
approximating the result to the nearest one decimal place'

f-3 3X2+l=5X
(Kafr El-Sheikh 19)
approximating the result to the nearest two decimal places'
(Assiut 19)
approximating the result to the nearest one decimal place'
Algebro ond Probqbility
*"r=0where X*O
approximating the result to the nearest two decimal places. (Matouh l9)
ctX 1

'''?=5_Xapproximatingtheresulttothenearesttwodecimalplaces. (Et-Gharbia t6)

ii't *z - 3 x* 1 = 0 (amngr/s = 2.24) (suez. t7 - Et-sharkia t6)

i aiz x2 - x -2 =o (wher"n[v = 4J2) (Luxor l9)

'.s) X2 + 2 X- 4 = 0 (without using the calculator) (El-Gharbia l9)

E firrA the S.S. of each pair of the following equatiorr rr, * *

it-lx-: = o x2+y2-2s (Cairo 19)

lEx-y=g xY =9 (Alex.l8)
iP-lZ X-y =4 , xY =6 (El-Fayoum l8)
14x-y=1 , x2 -Y2 =25 (Kafr El-Sheikh t7 _ Giz.a t7)
!) X-y =) ) X2-5y=4 (North Sinia l7)
LEx-y=1 , x2-xy-o (South Sinai l7)
,-l y-X=2
, l-)
) X2+Xy-4=0 (El-Kalyoubia l8 - El-Monofia l8 - Luxor l6)
Ldlx- y=g , X2 + Xy +y2 =27 (El-Kalyoubia 19 - Alex. t9)

) X2-Xy=g (Kafr El-Sheikh l9)

Gl Fino the values of,a and b if (1 r- L) is a solution orrrr. *.no*i*

aX+by=7 s aX-by=3 (El-Sharkia l6)

E r';na the values of a and b if (r r 2) is a solution or trr. t*o .qouti*

aX+by=4 t 3aX+2by=0 (New Valley 18)

El r';rra the values of a and b if {(3 , - l)} is the roroi

aX+by-5=0 t 3aX+by=17 (Damietta 17)

E ff @ t2b)is a solution of the two equations:3 X-y = 5 , Xn y=

: find : the values of a and b (El-Dakahlia 17)

@ ff (2 a+b r 3) - (18 ra-b) rfind, rh

tll r*o real numbers : their sum is 40 andthe differen"" u* rt"rn i, to

Find the two numbers.
(Cairo 19)

lmportont Questions

the smaller number is more than

lE f*o rational numbers r their sum is 12 ttbreetimes
(El-Beheira 17)
twice the greater number by 1 r find the two numbers'

are reversed : then the

@ R two-digit number : the sum of its digits is 11 : if the two digits
resulted number is more than the original number by 27
(Kafr El-Sheikh 16)
What is the original number ?

a second number : the sum is 13 : and if the first

[E tt tnree times a number is added to twice
number is added to three times the second number I the sum is 16
(Port Said 17)
What are two numbers ?

tE nrectangle r its length is more than its width by 5 cm. and its perimeter is 18 cm.
(El-Dakahlia 16)
Find the two dimensions of the rectangle.

[Elf*o numbers : their product is 10 and the difference between them is 3

(Ismailia 19)
Find the two numbers.

squares is 45
iE 1'ne sum of two real positive numbers is 9 and the difference between their
(El-Fayoum 19)
Find the two numbers.

A rectangle of perimeter 18 cm. and area 18 cm? Find its two dimensions. (New valtev 16)

tl fne set ofzeroes of thefunction f : f (y)=-3 Xis.............. (Red Sea IB - El-Gharbia t6)
rul {o} (b) {- 3} (") {-3,o} (d) m

E fne set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) =2 X- 6 is (lsmailia 19)

rat {r} (b) {3} r.) {s} (d) {7}

E ffre set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = X (X- l) is (South Sinai 16)

rui {t} (b) {o ,- 1} 1c; {o , t} (d) {0}

E ffre set of zeroes of the function f : f (X)= 0 is (Cairo 19)

fat R - {o} @)a r.l {o} (d) R

E ffre set of zeroes of the function f : f (X)= 9 is (Suez 16)

rul {q} (b) {0} @)a (d) R - {s}

@ fne set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = X2 +9 is ............... (Beni Suef l8)
(a) o (b) R t"l {g} (d) {3 ,- 3}

E fne set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = X2 -9 is ............... (Aswan lB)

tul {g} (b) {- 3} (c) {- 3 ,3} @)a

E fn" set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = (X - t)2 (X + 2) is (Suez 17)

(a) {1 ,-z} (b) {- 1 ,2} (c) {- t ,-z} (d) {1 ,2}

!t fne domain of the function / : IR--*R , / (X) = X2 -4 is ...,.....,..... (Qena 16)

ta) R - {z} (b) R - {z ,-z} (c) rR (d) R - {-z}

@ fne set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) =+is ............... (Cairo 16)
rul {z} (b) {2,7} r"l {z} @)a
ttf rnesetbf zeroesof thefunction f : f (x)=;3is.,...,.....,... (El-Gharbia 19)
fa) IR - {z} (b) R - {:} r"l {z} @)a
lmportont Questions
., X+7
f :f (X)=?:;is"""""""'
(Aswan 16)
Thesetof zeroesof thefunction

rut {- z} (b) {7} rcl {z} (d) {t ,z}

The set of zeroes of the function "'o* fis """""""'
f : f (X)' = x"_x (Red Sea 16)

1a; {o ,1} (b) {1} c.l {o} @)a

(El-Gharbia 17)
@l {z , -z} (b){-2,-L} (c) {2 ,- 1} (d){1 ,-1} .

(X+ 1) (x- 3)
@ ffre set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = , (El-Menia 18)

(a){3,-3} o){-3,-1} ("){3,-1} (d) {2 ,-2}

The set of zeroes of the function f f
: (X) =X12i
(El-Monofia 17)

cul {l} o) {- 3} (c){3,-3} @)a

@ fne domain of the function f : f (x) =;-is """""""' (Giza 16)

(a)lR o)R- {0} tc)m- {s} (d)R- {o , s}

v _'7
@ ffre domain of the function f : f (X) 3 (X+ 1) is """""""' (El-Beheira 16)

(a)lR (b)R- {- r} tcilR - {1} (d)R-{-t,r}

@ ffre domain of the function f : f (X) =#is """""""'

(El-Kalyoubia l7)

(a)m- {s} (b)R-{-s} (c)lR (d)R- {o}

@ fne domain of the function n : n (X) = i-is """""""' (Giza 19)

rat{-r} tu)R-{l} ("){1 ,-1} (d)R-{r,-t}

of the algebraic fraction etrats the domain of the algebraic
@ 1.fre domain
f @l-KalYoubia 16)
@-4- o)* @* (oH
X'+ t
@nn1 (x) =ffi , n2(x)=ffi r then the common domain of the two functions

fi1 tn2is (New ValleY 17)

(a)rR-(r(fr) Uz(D) (b)iR- (, ff,l nr(D)

(c)z(f )U z(f z)
(d)z(fi) nzffz)
(t :? )\a/6tte!Y/ (i-lrs) olrl - olrr.iL-J fldl 25
Algebro ond Probobility

The common domain of the two fractio"tfi ,T*uis .............. . (Et-Gharbia t6)
(a)rR O)R-{0,:} (c)rR_tl} (d)R_ts,_:}
@ rne common domain of the two fraction.
ffi , ff|rs ...........,.. . (rsmaitia t6)

rul {- 1} 1r) {- | ,-4} (c) rR- {- r} fo) {- I t z , _2}

f : f (x) =#where x*3is .............. ,
The simplest form of the function (suez t6)
(a)3 (b)1 (c)-1 (d)0

Thesimplestformof thefunctionn: n(^^ 4x2-zxwhere

ix)=-=;-= ,
x*0 is """'"""'' =rex;r0is
(South Sinai 18)
(a)4xz (b)4x (c)2x (d)zx_l
@ttz(f)={3} , f (x\=2x*a:thena= (El-Fayoum l6)
(a) o (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) -6

@ lf z(f)={2} , f @)=x3-m:thenm= (Assiut l8)

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

p tf X = 3 is one of the zeroes of the function f : f (X) = xz -z x-t<

: then k - ............'.. xz -zs
(Kafr El-Sheikh l8)
(a) 3 (b) (c)
6 -3 (d) -6
rt f (x) =Hwhere x€lR - {l ,-7} ,rhen / (-2) = (Et-Dakahtia t6)

@#) o)# @)h (d)#a

If the domain of the function n: n (X) ?+*is R r then a...............0 @t-Dakahtia t6)
, x"+a
(a) = (b) > (c) < (d) <

ffif rne simplesr form of the tunctio n f I f 1*1 =

ffi. *is .............. . (Et-Menia te)

@)*3 o)3 (c)2 (d)#

@ ffre domain of the additive inverse of the function n : n (X) - Xx-3

is..........,... (El-Dakahlia 19)

(a) tR- {3} ,3}

0) R - {-z} (c) R _ {_ 2 (d) R
lrnportont Questions

@ The function f : f (x) =#has an additive inverse in the domain

(Kafr El-Sheikh l6)

(a) R- t2) 6; m- {s} (")R- {S ,-z} (d)R-{z,s}

The additive inverse of the algebraic fraction """"""" (Alex.17)

@ ;
_ X2+1. X2+l
(b) (c) -: (d)
' X'+l x2 -l
@ If X€lR-{o,1} rthen (Sotthag l8)
(a) 1 (b)-1 (c) X- 1 (d) x

Ifn(x)=* : then the domain of n 1

is """""""' (El-Sharkia l9)

(a) R- {t , o} 6;m-{o} 1c;

R- {t} 1a; {t ,o}

@ If n (X) = # ,then the domain of n 1

is """""""' (Matrouh 16)

(a) R- {:} iuy m - {t} (c)R-{-:,t} (d) {-3 ,1}

then the domain of n 1

is """""""' (El-Sharkia l6)
@ If n (X) = ;*r
(a) a (b) R- t-: ':] (c) R 1o;
m - {o}

If the function f : f (X) =+has a multiplicative inverse : then their cornrnon clomain
is'......"'""' (El-Monofia l6)

IR - {o} G) R- {o ,:} (c)lR-{0,-3,3} (d) R

the multiplicative inverse of the algebraic fraction #

@ ff #is
rthena=""!"';""!! (Damietta 17)

(a) 3 (b)-s (.)-3 (d) s

The domain of the multiplicative inverse of the algebraic fraction

@ ffi
is . .... . .... .''" (Port Said 17)

ia; m - {z} G) R -{-z ,z} (c) R- {2,-3 ,3} (d)R*{:,-:}

n 1 (x) = """""""' where x#{o}

@ If n(x)= +-+ r then (New Valley 16)

o> x-* (b) x

(d) T
Algebro ond Probobility

Iin (x) =x'- 1,x r therr the domain of n-l is .......,....... (El-Sharkia 18)
x-3 ,
ii)lR-{-:,S} (b)R-{o,s} (c)R-{-l} (d)R-{0,s,:}
*2 '-'
*' _1
li n (X) = : : rhen the domain oI^ n 'ls .'.....'....... (El-Fayoum 19)
(x"-D lx' +2) ..
(n) R (b)R-{2} - {o} (c; R (d)R* {o ,z}
Second ; Essay questions
tIf f (D=x3-2x2-75:provethat:5isoneof thezeroesofthefunction f (soutnsinoitS)

If {- 3 ,:} is the set of zeroes of the function f :f (X) = X2 + a

r find : the value of a (Qena 18)

Ifthe set ofzeroes ofthe function f :f (X)=aX2+X+Uis{O rt}

: find : the value of each ofaandb (Alex.l7)

If the clomain of the funcrion f : .f (X) =fjis R - {- Z} , / (0) = 3 ; find : the value of
each of a and b
. (El-Fayoum t6)

If the domain of the function n : n (X) - .)

x-l islR-{s} ,
: find : the value of a (lsmailia 19 Beni Suef l7 t6)
- - Suez

If the set o[ zeroes of the function .f : I (X) = X2 - aX+9 is

bX+4 {:} and its domain is R - {2}
r find : the value of each of a and b (El-Monofia l9)
\/,I I' I ,, r-.i;'i.:i.i.; ,-ri ; i

If n (X) : find n (X) in the simplesr form : showing the domain . (Daniertu l7)
+x+ft ..!

rf f (x) =# , f (D= 1 r find : the value of b (El-Beheira l7)

Find rheclornainof the function n:n (X) =*:-t rthenfind: n (0) rn (2) (Red Sea 18)
(Lux.o,r 19)


of X which belong to the common domain and find this;domain , , (Astiut tg :

: Et_Ghrtrhia t6)

lmportont Questions

llttnl(x) =ffi t n2(D=m:proY€that: n1,=L2

(Damietta 19 - El-Menict 17 - Suez 16)

IE ttnl (x) =f:F t n2(x) = x3+X2+x
rProv€that: frl=flz
(El-Menia 19 - Alex. 18 - Assiut 17)

*2 ,t
If n,r'(X)' --+--::- r' ne(x)
--z \- ' -x3-!'2-ox:showif
xt -g x
n, =n2ornot
, Er-Fa'ottrt tg)

of n where :
@ fina n (X) in the simplest form I showing the doamin
n(X)= x-5 . x2+2X+4
*-;r* (Ismailia 16)
xz -7 x+ 1o

of n where :
@ fina n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain
n (x) =x'-x-2* L4 (Matrouh 19)
^3'X t-x'
domain of n where :
@ fina n QC) in the simplest form I showing the
n(x)=+#.# (El-Kalyoubia l6)

iE If n (X) = i*;x. find n (x) in the simplest form I showing the domain of n
fi, (Aswan 17)

of n where :
@ fina n (X) in the simplest form I showing the domain
n (Jt) =
x' .2x2. (Souhas 17)
x* t* F-
*o2-g 4x-x2
Put in the simPlest form : n (r0 = ^j-f -+
x2-x-6 x2-2x-B
(El-Dakahlia 16)
r then find : n (3) if Possible.

domain of n where :
@ fina n (X) in the simplest form I showing the
n (X) = then find : n (- 3), n (2016) if possible. @t-sharkia 16)
#* ** mr
ntt"Ao*ain ofn in ()C1 =*. #. {2}' n (5) -8
^LslR- (El-Monofia l6)
r find : the value of each of a and b


r r. r I I
' '
Aigef.rra ond Probobillty

P*i rrrhedomainof n: n ($=+.,histR-{0,+} t ng)-Z

r find : the value of each of k and m (El-Sharkia l9)

If the<lomainof n:n(x) =*;**XistR-iO,-S] : n(3)= |

r find : the value of each of a and b (El-Monofia l7)

ffi R.du.e n (X) to the simplest form where :

n(X)= 3X
x2-zx -P-
r showing the domain. (El-Beheira 17)
!.:',i Find n (x) in the simplest form z showing the domain of n where :

n(X)= x-3
3-x (Luxor l9)

Find n (x) in the simplest f,orm r showing the domain of n where :

n (x) = .i2[:-4-- - -2X.13-. (El-Sharkia l8)

xr..-5x+6 (t_ x*x2

x--t x2-ox+5
: find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain. (Luxor l7)

!'i:! p161 n (x) in the sirnplest form r showing the domain of n whene :

n (X) = +=!
x'- 4 ;::
r then find : n (1) if Possible' (El-Dakahlia 18)

i"iurd n (x) in the sirnplest form r showing the domain of n where :

r) (\;,- *:x=t*4'-* (El-Kalyoubia l6)

x2-t x2+3x
I I iiitl n i.K) in the sirnplest form r showing the dornain of n where :

rr (,\) = ix3- I .. ')\/

(El-Monofia l8)
xl-2x.rl x2+x+l
E!'J,t n (x) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n where :
, r .x) =, X -* ?J * t::4:.ll (Sotnh Sinai l9)
Xr"* I X+?'
lmportont Questions

s rn (x)
ffi! =x'z-5x+6
.x-2 "# r find n (X) in rhe simplest form r showing the domain of n

: then find : n (0) (lsmailia 16)

@ fina n (X) in the simplest form I showing the domain of n where :

n (X) = ^*t -, ,4lL: then find : n (1) : n (- 1) if possible. (tstnctitia 18)

x2+ZX+I X2+X+l
-x'-3_gx + x+'3
^.2 ^M domainof n
If n (x) ^?x= rfindn (x) inthe simplestform r showing the
(Aswan 17 - Souhag 17 - Kafi' El-Sheikh l7)

@ fina n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n where :

n(X)= x2-2x-t5.
2x-lo (El-Gharbia 18 - Alex. l6)
x2 -g x2 -6 x+g

ffi fina n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n where :
n(x)= x?_ zx '2x2:3x (Luxor l9)
2X'-x-6 4X'-9
If n (x) =+ . find n (x) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n
xr-8 Hr
r then find : n (1) (Assiut 19 - El-Fayoum l9)

x3 -8 ' x3 +?x2 +4x:findn (x) inthe simplestform :showing

ffi ttn(x)= x'?4x.5= zx'- 5x-3 ""'*"'
the domain of n : then find : n (1) : n (0) if possible' (El-Mono.fia 16)

Ifn(x) =#
Find:n-1(x) : showing the domain of n 1

If n 1(x)=4 r find : the value of X (Cairo 19)

v _')
If n (X) ='u "
n 1(3)
: find : f-rl The domain of n 1
E- (El-Kalyoubia 17 - Alex. 16)

If n (x) ='::----a
r find :E n- (x) , showing the domain.
--a_, n 1
(4) (Giza 16)

x 2
If -h is the multiplicative inverse of the algebraic fraction :=
(Suez 17)
r find : the value of h
lf fne probability of the impossible event equals (Kafr El-Sheikh 17 - Beni Suef t7)
(a) 1
0)+ (c)-1 (d) 0

B tf e and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
experiment r then P (A n B) = ............... (El-Menia l9)
@)a (b) 0 (c) 0.5 (d) 1

p f a and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random experiment
:P(A)= f , p(B) = ? ,thenp(AnB)=............... (Cairots)
(a) o (b) I) (c) 1 @)a

@ If aandB aretwo events of the sample space of arandomexperiment rB CA:A*B

: then P (A n B) = '.............. (Sue7 I 8)
(a) o (b) P (A) (c) P (B) (d)P(AUB)

El rieandB aretwoevents of asamplespaces rACB rthenp(AUB) =...............

(Matrotth 19)
(a) P (A) (b) P (B) (c)P(AnB) (d) 0

E tf a fair die is rolled once , then the probability of appearing an odd number equals
(Suez l6)
(a) *J @+ (c) 1 (d) 3

il tt uregular die is rolled onco r then the probability of appearing an even number and an odd
number together equals (Alex.l6)
@+ (b) 0 @1 (d) 1

E If a fair die is rolled oflco : then the probability of appearing a number less than 3
equals (Giza 16 - El-Kalyoubia 16)
(u) (b) 1
+ 3 @)+ @)?
[t rra and B are two mutually exclusive events of a sample space s
: then P (A- B) = (El-Fayoum l9)
(a) P (B) (b) P (A) (c) P (A) (d) P (B)
lmporfont Questions

[E rrnandB aretwoeventsofasamplespaces rACB r P(A)=Q./ : P(B)=Q.s

(Luxor 19)
r then P (B -A) =
(a) o.z (b) o.+ (c) o.o (d) o.s

lll If A and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment r P (A) = 9.7
(A O B) = (El-Gharbia 16)
rP(A-B)=0'5 r then-P
(a) o.o (b) o.+ (c) o.: (d) o.z

[E rn the opposite figure :

If A and B are two events of the sample space S of a random
experiment : then P (B -A) = """""""'
@+ (b)+
(d) (Kafr El-Sheikh 19)
@+ +
IE ff a cardis drawn randomly from 20 identical cards numbered from I to 20 r then the
probability that the number on the drawn card is a multiple of 7 equals
(El-Beheira 17)

(a) to Eo @)sqo (c) zo Eo (d) zs qo

lE If A is the complementary event of Ain the sample space of a random experiment

(Luxor l7)
: then P (A) + P (A) = """""""'
(a) z '(b)t (c) 1
(d) o

tE If xC S, i is the complementary event of X r then P fx t^til = """""""' (Assiut 19)

(a) o (b) s (c) O (d) t

IE ff A is the complementary event of A in the sample space of a random experiment

(Ismailia 16)
:thenAUA = """""""'
@+ (b)t @)a (d) s

lE ff A is the complementary event of A in the sample space of a random experiment

, P (A) = P (A), then P (A) = """""""'
(Damietta 17)

(b) t (c) (d) o

@+ ?
(Assiut 17)
[E rraC S of a random experiment

(u) *J @? @+

lE macS ofarandomexperiment :P(A)=2P(A) :thenP(A)= $ouhag te)

@+ @z 1c) *J
(d) t

(o : t )Yol15rle! Y/ (cls) olJ - or| rL-r )t<lsdl 33

Algebro ond Probobility

E0 tf a is the complementary event of A in the sample space of a random experiment

: P (A) = 4 P(A) : then P (A) = (New Valley l7)
(a) o.s (b) 0.6 (c) 0.4 (d) 0.2

7l lt the probability of the success of a student is 95 Vo t thenthe probability of the student

does not succeed is ............... (Aswan 17)
(a) 20 7o (b) 5 7o (c) 10 7o (d) 0

@ lt the probability of the failure of a student is 0.4 r then the probability of his success
is . .'... ..'. . ..'. (North Sinai 17)
(a) o (b) 1 k\?
.,5 (d) E
Second I Essay questions
Il rra and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment
rP(A)=Q.{ r P(B)=Q.J : P(AUn;=0.7 :find : p(AOB) (Damietta 17)

El Urirrg the opposite Venn diagram r find :


Ep(enst x1
[.]praUni (South Sinai 17)

E ff e and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment r P (A) = Q.{
:P(B) =Q.S : P(AO n; =0.3 rfind : p(AU B) (Giza 18)

E Ira and B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment

,P(A)= +, P(AUn;= fr ,n"a:P@) (South Sinai 19)

E rra and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment

,P(A)=*, P1n)=+ : P(AUB)=*

r find the probability of occurrence of the two events together. (El-Sharkia l8)

El ff a and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment , P (A) =
,p(B) =? ,findp(AuB)if :Ep(AnB)= + Eace (El-Dakahlia 18)

E rra and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment

,P(B)=# , p(AUny={,nnap(A)if :

i -iA anO B are mutually exclusive. Ee ca (Luxor 17 - Kafr El-Sheikh l7)

lmportont Questions

E ftA and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment

:P(A)=] , P(B)=+ :findP(AuB)if:

[Ip(atlnl={ EA and B are mutually exclusive.
(Aswan 17)

E tf A and B are of the sample space of a random experiment

: P(AOs)=-1- , P(B)=f elal

:find,Ulp@) Bp(aUe) (El-Fayoum 19)

rP(A)=Q.l : P(B)=Q.S I P(AOe)=O.Z

:find,Ep(AUB) Ep(n-n) (Matrouh 19 - El-Menia 19)

lll ff of a random experiment of equal outcomes , A and B are two

S is the sample space
events of S : the number of outcomes of event A is 13 and the number of all possible

outcomes of the random experiment is24 tP (A U B) = , P (B) =* #

r find , E th" probability of occurrence of the event A
E tfr" probability of occurrence of the events A and B together. @l-Menia 17)

i B is the event of getting a number less than 5
r find t E th" probability of occurrence of the event A
E rrr" probability of occurrence of the two events A and B together. @ew vallev 17)
lE e bag contains from 1 to 10 : a catdis drawn randomly.
10 identical cards numbered
calculate the probability that the number on the drawn card is :
E u p.i-e number. E aiuiriule by 5 (El-Fayoum l7)

" '"*'ttt--'-""-'r"^
is the event of getting an odd number : B is the event of getting a number divisible by 5
(Assiut 17)
Find:[Cpta) LEpOI
lE a box contains 30 identical cards numbered from 1 to 30 : a card is drawn randomly.
Calculate the probability that the drawn card carries :

E a number divisible by 4 E u pti*" number. (El-Kalyoubia l6)

students succeeded in both exams. A student is chosen randomly.
r find the probability that the chosen student :
E] Srr."""ded in math. E Su".""ded in science only'
(I-uxor 19)
['j So..""ded in one exam at least.

Algebro ond Probobility
tE Urirg the opposite Venn diagram: calculate the probability s
of each of :
[I non-occulrence of the event A
LB occurrence of the event A or B (Port Said 17)

El rrn and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment
:P(A)=Q.$ : P(B)=Q.7 : P(AOn;=9.6
E] fn" probability of non-occuffence of the event A (Damietta t9)

lErrs={2 t3t4t5t6r7 rB} r A= {zr+,6r8} r B= {zrz15r7}

,find:Ep(A),p(d) EpfaUsl (Assiut 19)

E0 rte and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment

rP(A)=Q.l r P(B)=Q.S , P(AOn;=6.4

, find : [I p (A U B) E p f,{l 6uez t8)

El rra and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment

,P(A)=+ t 2p(B)=p(B-)
r find P (A U B) in each of the following two cases :

@ rc land B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment

,P(A)=t , P(B)=t , P(AnB)=+

[ffina:P(AUB) Eprovethatip(A)=p(B) eairotB)

EEt Ire and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment
:P(A)=Q.S r P(B)=9.5 : P(AOn;=9.3
,find:Ep(AUB) Ep(a-s) EptD eairot6)

E rra and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment

:P(A)=9.7 , P(B)=Q.$ :.P(AOe;=9.4

r find : E fne probability of non-occurrence of the event A
E fn" probability of occurrence of the event A and non-occurrence of the event B
E fft" probability of occurrence of one of the two events at least. (El-Monofia t6)
Final Revision
on Algebra and ProbabilitY
Algebro ond

It is possible to solve the two equations

2X-y =5 and X+3y+ 1=0


Draw in the Cartesian plane the two straight lines L, andLrthat represent the two
equations r then the S.S. is the points of intersection of the two straight lines.
x I 2 J
-'l ,z .z .r O-f-r- / c 4 5
v -J -1 1

x -1 -4 5
v 0 1

From the graph : The solution set in R x IR = {(2 , - l)}

' If Ll andL, are coincidents r then there are an infinite number of solutions.
' If Ll andLrare parallel r then S.S. = Z

Q Using substituting method:

Make one of the two variables in one of '.'2X-Y=5

the two equations in one hand side of the
equation with coefficient one. .'.y=2x-5

Finol Revision

Substitute by the value of the chosen X+3(2X-5)+1=0

variable y in the other equation to get the :. X+6x- 15+ 1=0
value of X
:.7 X= 14 X=2

Substitute by the value of X in the resulted

Y =2x2-5
equation in step (1) to get the value of y Y=-1

... The S.S. in IR x IR = {Q, - 1)}

@ Using omitting method :

Put each of the two equations in the form : ZX-y =5 (1)

aX+bY=. X+3y=*1 (2)

Make the coefficient of one of the two Multiplying equation (2)

variables Xory in one of the two equations bv -2:
as an additive inverse of the coefficient of the :. -Z X- 6y =) (3)
same variable in the other equation.

Add the two equations (1) r (3) : to find the

ZX-y =J (1)

value of y -2x-6y =2 (3)


Substitute by the value of y in one of the Substituting in equation (1)

two equations to find the value of X :.2X-(-l)=5
:.2X+1=5 .'.2X=4
. )\,-
\/-n L

... The S.S. in IR x IR = {Q, - 1)}

Algebro ond Probobility

Remember \ How to solve two equations in two variables one of them is of

lllllllltlttt'r*" the first degree and the other is ofthe second degree

To solvethetwoequations :y - X=3, X2 +y2 - Xy = 13

in lR x IR : follow the substituting method as the following :

From the first degree equation make one of '.' y - X=3

T-\ N
the two variables in one hand side. -____1//
.'. Y = X+3

Substitute by the value of y in the equation .'. x2 + (x+ zf - x(x+ z) = tz

of the second degree to get an equation of
the second degree in one unknown.
;. Xz +3 X-4=O

Solve the equation that you get using .'.(X+4)(x-1)=0

factorization or general formula to get the
.'. X+4=0 tthen X=-4
value of one of the two variables.
orX- 1=0 rthen X= 1

Find the values of the other variable by atX=-4 .'.y=-4+3

substituting in the first degree equation in y r

step (1).
tatX=l .'.y=1+3
Y =4

... The S.S. = {eq ,_ 1) , (1 ,q}

Finol Revisioii

Remember \ Sotring an equation of the second degree in one unknown


Put the equation in the form : a X2 +b X+ c=0

r then draw the curve of the function which is related to the equation r then the solution set
is the X-coordinates of the points of intersection of the function curve with X-axis'
For example :
To find the solution set of the equation : X2 -2 X=3
graphically in IR on the interval l-Z , +l
. Put the equation in the form : x2 -2 X- 3 =0
. Assume that: f (x) = X2 -z x-3
x -1 0 1 2 -) 4
v 5 0 -3 -4 0 5

From the graph : The S.S. ,- 1)

. If the curve touches X-axis at one point r then the equation has a unique solution in lR
. If the curve does not intersect X-axis : then the S.S. of the equation is Z

@ By using the general rule (general formula)

lfaX2+bX * c = 0 where a rb and c are real numbers t a*0

r then \,= -b+ 2a

For example :
To find the S.S. of the equation z xz - 6 X + 7 = 0 in IR

rthena=1 t b=-6andc=7
-A+^[**+ac 6* 36 - 4xlx7 o*1E. 6tz^[i ^ ^r:
2a 2xl =-;= =)+'tl2
;. \,- t +n[i or ... The S.s. = {, *.[i ,3 -1[r]
(\ :p )Yol6rlel \/ (ut$)olil - or:.'L-r )l4l.vJl 41
\-.. Algebro ond Probobility

How to find the zeroes of the function , the domain and

common domain of the algebraic fractions
. To get zeroes of the polynomial function r put (X) 0 and solve the resulting
/ = equation.
. The set of zeroes of the algebraic fractional function
= the set of zeroes of the numerator - the set of zeroes of the denominator
' The domain of the algebraic fractional function = lfr - the set of zeroes of the denominator
' The common domain for two algebraic fractions or more - IR - the set of zeroes of the
denominators of these fractions

FindinlRthesetof zeroesof eachof thefunctionsthataredefinedbythefollowingrules:

Of fxl =3x2-tsx Of@=x2+4

v2 -r
O/ (x) =
then find the domain of / Ot@=zero r n(X)-5
Qret3x2-15x=o @LetX2 +4=0
:.3x(x-5)=o :. Xz =-{ ;. X=*{J
.'.X=0 or X=5 ,...@fim
:.2(f)={O,S} :.2(f)=Q
(x-3) (x+ 3)
O f (x)= (x-3) (x+2)
.'. Thedomainof /-R-{3 ,-2} ,z(f)={3 ,-3}-{: ,- Z}={-l}
@rfn=lR r z(n)=Q
How to simplify the algebraic fraction

Q Factori ze eachof the numerator and the denominator perfectly.

@ Oetermine the domain.

@ Omit the common factors of the numerator and the denominator.

If n(x) - x2-3x-to : then find : n (X) in its simplest form r showing the domain of n
n (x) = ::- :l:::?!,
(X-5) (X+5)
rhe domain orn -iR- {s, \--/= ++
) '--n (n
L ' - 5}, X+5

Finol psyis;en

Two functions n1 andnrare said to be equal if the two following conditions satisfied :

of n, = the domain of n,
@ ffre domain
@nr(X) =nz(X) for eachXe
the common domain'


If n,r'(X)
3X X2+4X that : frr=fr2
= 3x+12 tn1(X)=
L' : ProYe


3X R- {- 4} try(X)
'.' n, (X) -- "'. The domain of n, = =
3 (x+ 4) X+4
t'i t:tr1g X(X+ 4) .'. The domain of nr=m- {- +}
" = (x+ 4)2
,n. (D The domain of n, = the domain of n,
' X+4 "'
r n1 (X) =nz(X)

For any two functions n, and n, t if n, (X) = nz(X) while the domain of n, * the domain of n,
: then flt = fl2 only in the common domain of the two functions
i.e. The domain in which the two functions are equal is the common domain of these two functions'

For example :
lfn,' (X)' " -'-1-x ) n.t(X)=
- :'-o
xz -4 x'-3 x+2
x(x+2) x
r then '
n, (X) =
(x+2) (x-2) x-2
x(x-1) =- x
: the domain of n, = lfr - {Z , - Z} t n2(X) =
(x-2) (x- r) x-2
r the domain of n, = IR - {Z , t}
i.e. n, (X) = nz(X) while the domain of n, + the domain of n,
Therefore frl= tzonly in the common domain which is IR - {Z , - 2 ' 1'}

Algebro ond Probobility

Remember steps of performing operations on the algebraic fractions

Addition and

(1) Arrange the terms of the numerator and the denominator of each fracfion
ascendingly (or descendingly) according ro the powers of any variable in it.
(2)Factorize the numerator and the denominator of each fraction if pohsible.

(3) Find the common (3) Find the common (3) Find the common domain
domain. domain betweeh divident and
(a) Simplify each fraction (4) Cancel the common multiplicative
(5) Make the denomi factors between inverse of the divisor

cofiImon numerator and (4) Change division into

(6) Perform adding or denominator of any multiplication by using
subtracting terms of of the two fractions reciprocal of the divisor
numerators (5) Perform the (5) Cancel the common fabtors
(7) Simplify the result multiplication between numerators and
operation denominators of the two .

(6) Simplify the result fractions

(6) Perform multiplication operation
(7) Simplify {1e result

Finol psyisiqn

(1) The domain of each of (n, + n2) or (n, - n2) or (n, x nr)

is the common domain of the two fractiors 111 :112

(2) The domain of (n, + nr) is the common domain of the fractions : n1 : n2

(3) The number "zero" is the additive neutral for any algebraic fraction and the number
"one" is the multiplicative neutral for any algebraic fraction.
(4) The domain of an algebraic fraction = the domain of its additive inverse
*To find the additive inverse of an algebraic fraction r change the sign of its numerator

or denominator".

For exampla :
') ) -)1: =
The additive inverse of the fraction -+ - is - ---:-- =
x-1, x-r x-l - 1.-X

If n (X) = +I1 * 0 r then the multiplicative inverse of the fraction n is n

k (x)
wheren 1(x)=
and the domain of n- is IR - the set of zeroes of each of the numerator and the
denominator of any of the two fractions.

For example :

Ifn(J0' - x+l :thenn-1 (X) =

x-5 X+l
Where the domainof n =R- {5} rthedomain of n 1=lR- {S ,- t}

Algebro ond Probobility

Probability of some events and operations on them

Words representation of Representing the event by

Probability of the event
the event Venn diagram


Probability of occuring the P(S)=1

certain event = 1

Probability of occuring the

impossible event = zero
P @) = zero

Probability of occuring the
n (s)

The complementary event
Probability of occuring the
complementary event of the
event A
or probability of non
occuring event A


P(AnB)= n(AnB)
n (s)

Intersection of two s
* ffA and B are mutually
events (A n B) exclusive events r then
Probability of occuring
A and B together P(AnB)=zero

*IfACB rthen

t Finol Revision


Union of two events (A U B) :P (AU s; = P (A) + P (B) -P (An B)

* Probability of occuring the

events A@ B or both of
* If A and B are two mutually

them. exclusive events r then :

* Probability of occuring one

of the two events at least.
* Probability of occuring any

of the two events. X If ACB

, P(A-B) =P(A)-P(AnB)
The difference between
events (A- B)

x Probability of occuring the x If A and B are mutually exclusive
event A and non occuring of events : then
event B
* Probability of occuring the
eventA only.



(1) P (A l-l A) = rero

(2) IfP(A) = P(A),thenP(A) = *, P(li) = +
(4) Probability of non occuring any of the two eventsAorB = P(AU n) = I -P(AU B)
(5) Probability of occuring one of the two events with non occuring of the other
(Probability of occuring only one of the two events) = P (A - B) + P (B - A)

Final Examinations

Atgebro ond

Model I I
Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

(X) = ......'.......
@ The domain of the function n : n *is
(a; R - {o} o)R- {1} (c)lR-{o,r} (d)R-{-t}
* y = zand y + x = 3 together in x
@ The number of solutions of the two equations : x

1S .,.............

(a)zeto (b) 1 (c)2 (d) 3

t-c-tIfx*0 :then :4-*


(a)-5 (b)-1 (c) t (d) s

@ If the ratio between the perimeters of two squares

is I : 2 : then the ratio between their
areas is

@)r:2 (b)2:1 (c) 1 :4 (d)4:1

@ The equation of the symmetry axis of the curve

of the function f where f (X) = X2 -4

@)X=-4 @)X=0 (c)Y=o (d)Y=-+

and P (A) = 2 P (A) I then P (A) = ... "" " "
E If A C S of a random experiment ""

., *J
(a) $)+ (c) 3
(d) 1

set of the equation

tut By using the general formula , find in IR the solution
Z X2 - 5 X + 1 = 0 "approximating the result to the nearest one decimal"

[b] Find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain

n(x)= ,*-3 - x2-4x

E tut Find in IR, x IR, the solution set of the two equations :

X-y = 0 and X2 + xY +Y2 =21

domain where
[b] Find n (x) in the simplest form I showing the

n(x)= x2+-4x+3 * ^x*3 :thenfind: n(2) tn(-3)if possible.

x3 -27 X" +3 X+9
(v : c )Yol6rlrl Y/ (1,-t;)o[l - or:'r-L.r I4Hl 49

Algebro ond Probobility

E fut A rectangle with a length more than its width by 4 cm.If the perimoter of the rectangle
is 28 cm. : find the area of the rectangle.
tbl If n (x) = -41-2-4-- ,
X" -3 X+2

@ fina rr- 1 (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n 1

fC If ,r- t (X) = 3 r then find the value of X

lal If n, (x) n, ,*> = t##: then prove that : nl = n2

lbl In the opposite figure :
If A and B are two events from the sample space S
of a random experiment r then find :

@ The probability of non-occurence of the event A

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

tl Choose the correct answer :

@ fne solution set of the two equations : X=3 , y =4 inlR x IRis

(a) {(: , +)} (u) {(4 ,3)} (c) rR @) A
E ttre setof zeroes of thefunction/where f (X)=* +4inRis
fu>{z} @{2,-2} (c)rR @)A
E tf e ana B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment : then P (A 0 g) =
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 0.5 @) A
@ fne domain of the multiplicative inverse of the function f : f (X) = Xis ...............

(a) R - {3} 1u) R - {-z ,t} (c) lR _ {- g} (d) R

E ffretwo straightlines :3 y=0 t 5 X-3 y=0 intersectinthe
(a) first quadrant. (b) second quadrant. (c) origin point. (d) fourth quadrant.

E tf P (A) = 0.6 r then P (A) = ...............

(a) 0.a G) 0.6 (c) 0.5 (d) I

Finol E*o.inotions

E f"t FindinlR thesolutionsetof theequation:3 xz -5X+ I =0

by using the formula "approximating the result to the nearest two decimal places".

p1 Simplify :

n (x) =
#x p#*A: showing the domain of n.

t"t FindinlR xlRthesolutionsetof thetwoequations:X-y=

1, XZ+yz=25
D] If A and B are two events of a
random experiment

P(A)=9.3 : P(B)=Q.S , P(A0n;=9.2

:findtEP(AUB) EP(A-B)

E tut Solvethe
following two equations inlR,xlR,:2 X -Y =3 t X+2y =4

p1 Simptify:

n (x) =
## -;1, showing the domain of n.

E fut SimPlifY:

n (x) = showing the domain of n.

## +
p1 Graptrthefunction/where f (X)=X2-1 t Xe[-f ,3] rfromthegraph
find in IR the solution set of the equation: X2 - 1 = 0

Algebro ond Probobility

Model examination for the merge students

Answer the following questions in the sq.rne paper : (calcutator is alowed)

ff Cornplete each of the following :

f The probability of the impossible event equals


E If A C S of a random experiment and P (A) = then P (A = ...............

@ The equation :3 X- X2 + I = 0 is of ............... degree.

@ The intersectionpointof the two straightlines : X=-l andy - 1 lies on quadrant.

@ The set of zeroes of the function / where f (X) = X - 5 is

ff Choose the correct answer from those given :

@ The solution set of the two equations : X=2 and Xy = 6 in R I R is ............,,

(a) {(2 ,:)} 16) {2 , 3} (c) {(3 , z)} (d) {3}
@ The domain of the additive inverse of the fraction n : n (X)' = x-5

layR-{z} 0)R-{s} (c) IR- {z , s} (d) {2 , s}
@ The multiplicative inverse of the algebraic fraction ;.,is

@ry . . X2+l
(c) 3 @#
@ The domain of the fraction n : n (X) = !-*?is

(a)rR- {-z} G)R-{t} (c) IR- {r ,-z} (d) Rr - {z}

E If y =2 and X' -y' = 5 r then fi = ...............
(a)-3 (b) 3 (c)+3 (d) e

@ Thetwo straightlines : X+2 y= l and 2X+4y =6 are...............

(a) parallel. (b; inrersecting. (c) pe{pendicular. (d) coincide.

Finol Exqrninotions

p Put ({) tor the correct statement and (I) for the incorrect one :

Elrtheequation:2X2 -5 X-4=Owherea= 1 r b=-5 t c=4 ()

@ The simplest form of the function n where n (X; = *. =X+ | tX* - | ()

-x-1s *x\t= ,lj , x*x.r
t9 ()

is 5 r then the two

@ If the sum of two numbers is 3 and the sum of their squares
numbers are I t2 ()

61 If A and B are two mutually exclusive events in a sample spacer then P (A 0 g) = t ()

non winning
@ If the probability of winning a team is 0.7 : then the probability of
is 0.3 ()

@ Join from the column (A) to the suitable of the column (B) :

(A) (B)

set of the two equations X=2 . {12 , t;}

@ The solution ',

@ The solution of the equation : a X2 +b X* c = 0 'P *4
inlRis X- ............. where a+0 )z rb ,celR

@If n (X)=#rthenthedomainof n
1is...'......' .-a*n[*-+*

@If n, =n, , n1 (X) =;+^:then n2(X)= "'

.R-{1 ,- 1}
@ The set of zeroes of f : f (n =Tis """""""'
E I* the following figure : P (A- B) = a; 1


. {s}

Atgebro ond
Governorqtes' Exqminotions on Probobil,ity

Answer the fottowing questions : (Calculator is allowed)

tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

fl The probability of the impossible event equals

(a) zero. $)+ (c) 1

@-]The value of X which satisfies the equation X2 = 9 where X €nS is ...............

(a)-3 (b) 3 (") {T (d)t3

Je]The curve of the function f : f (X)= aX2 +b X+ c cuts the y-axis atthe
point "............' where a+0

(a) (0 : a) (b) (0 , b) (c) (c : a) (d) (0 : c)

[A ] The double of the number

* ,t

r^) * (b) 1 (c) 2 (il4

[_sl The domain of the funcrion n : n (X) =#is ...............

(a) lR (b)R-{-t} (c;R-{a} (d)R-{-t,+}

fj1t u- x an = a"""' where a*O and m eZ* tneZn
(a)m+n (b) m--n (c) mn (d) +
E fut Using the general formula r find in IR the solution set for the equation :
x2 - 3 X + L= 0 (approximating the result to the nearest one decimal place).

[b] Find n (X) in its simplest form : showing the domain of n where :

n (x) =
x2 !2 x ,x2 -?-4+ +
Xr+S x
E tul Find inlR xlR,the solution setof the two equations : X=5 andXz +y2 =29

tbl Find n ()c) in its simplest form r showing the domain of n where :
^-2 1

x3-l x2+x+l
Finol Exominotions

E fut Find inIR xIR the solution set of the two equations z 2X +y =J t 3 X-Y =7

tbl Find n ()C) in its simplest form : showing the domain of n where :
n (X) ,*-'
=X'-4X+3* x.*3 r then find n (1) if possible.
E t"t If A and B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment and :

p (A) 0.S r P (A U n; 0.8 r find (showing steps) :

= =
EP(AnB) EP(A) [e P (B)

rbl rf n (x) = t;##:find:

@ The domain of n E n 1 (x) in its simplest form.

2 Giza Governorate J rult

Answer the following questions :

tl Ctroose the correct answer :

nff 27 x 37 =6k, then ft = ."""""""

(a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 14

@ The domain of the function f : f (X) = *is ............'..

fal R - {o} (b)R-{r} (c)lR-{o,t} (d) R- {- r}
@Ifab=3 , ab2=12 tthenb= """" """
(a)4 (b)2 (c)-2 (d)t4
E If AC S of a random experiment : P (A) = 2 P (A) : then P (A) =
(") + @+ ,,2
(C);- (d) 1

@ The additive inverse of the number (, -,8) fr .. .'.

@) | +a[i (b) - | -^[, o>nfi _ t @.[,
@ The two straight lines 3 X+ 5 y = 0 and 5 X- 3 y = 0 are intersecting on the ..'..."."'...
(a) first quadrant. (b) second quadrant.
(c) origin point. (d) third quadrant.

E t"llfAandB aretwoevents of arandomexperiment rP(A) =0.3 : P(B) =Q.$

:P(A0 n; = 0.2 rfind :E P (AU B) EP(A-B)
[b] Solvethefollowing twoequationsinlR xlR:2X-y = 3 t X+2y =4

Algebro ond Probobility

r find : E n ' (X) l, the simplest form and find the domain of n 1

@The value of Xif n 1x; = 3


, X+3
tbl Findn (X) inthesimplestformandfindthedomainof nif : n (X) =*,'.{'*
X2 -g
E tol Find n ()c) in the simplest form and find the domain of n if :

n(x)=x2+?x+4* {'-g
X'-8 X'+X-6
[b] FindinlR the S.S.of theequation:3 X2 -5 X+ 1=0 byusing the generalformula
approximating the result to the nearest two decimal places.

E ful Find in IR, x IR the solution set of the following two equations together :

X+y-5 , X2+y2=13
t nr(X)= X2+8X+16
tbllf n, (X) =ff**r r ProYe that : 11.= flz

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

(a) origin point. (b) first quadrant. (c) second quadrant. (d) fourth quadrant.

iil If A and B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment

: then P (A n B) = ."...".."...

@)CI (b) zero (c) 1 (d) 2

@ The set of zeroes of the function f :f (X) = X2 - 16 is ...............
ral {- +} o) {4} (c) {4 ,-4} @)a
@Ifa2 -b2 =7, a-b= 1 rthena+b=
(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 7
@If X2 = 25 t then X = .. '........ '. '.

(a) 5 (b)-s (c)*5 (d) t2.s

@Ifab=3 t ab2 =12 tthenb=..'....'....'..
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) -2 (d) t2
Finol Exominotions

E tut Find the solution set of the following equations algebraically in iR x IR :

2X-y=3 t X+2y=4
tbl By using the general formula r find in IR the solution set of the equation :

2 X2 -4 X+ I = 0 approximating the result to the nearest one decimal.

E tut Find algebraically in IR x IR the solution set of the following two equations :

X-y=! , X2*y2=25
[b] fina n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n

x2 -4 x2 -5 x+6
[a] simplify : n (x) -= x3 " -l x+3 showingthe
showing the dor
ffi," ifii: -:
lbl rrn, (x) = 2X t nr(X) = , Prove that : frt= frz
2X+8 X2+8X+16

E tut rf n (x) = {' '* ,:

X" -3 X+2
find : n I (x) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n- 1

[b] tf e and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment
,P(A)=Q.l : P(B)=Q.( r P(A[')n;=9.2
:find:Ep(AUB) Ep(a-s)

El-Kalyoubia Governorate

Answer the following questions :

E Choore the correct answer from the given answers :

E ffr" set of zeroes of the function / where f (x) = x2 + l in IR is

(a) {- t} (b) {1 , - 1} (c) {zero} @)a
Etf AC S of arandomexperiment rP(A) = t ,thenP(A) =
(")+ (b) zero. (.) IJ
E ffr" two straight lines X-3 =O ) y =4 are intersecting in the
(a) first quadrant. (b) second quadrant.
(c) third quadrant. (d) origin point.

B If A and B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment

: then P (A n B) = """""""'
(a) zero. (b) t (c) o.s (d) o
(A : | )Yola5;lel Y/ (+*tjs\el;l - e$tl.y )l4bdl 57
Algebro ond Probobility

s If X izero:then :++-J-=..
X'+5 X"+5
(a)-: (b)-t (c)t (d) g

(a) {o} G) { 1} (c) R

- {o} (d)R-{1}

B Iut Find in IR the solution set of the equati on z x2 - x -4 = 0 by using the general
formula rounding the results to two decimals.

tbl Simplify I f (n =+# f

"ffi, showing the domain of

lallfn,(X)=-* ^.2 " t n"(X)= x3+x2+x r then proYe that : flt= fl2
' x'-x" L
x4 -x
[b] SolveinlR xlR : 2X -y =4 t X+y - 5

!rx! t -+-+, showing the domain of f

E Iul Simptify I f (x) =x2x5-l xz-1
tblfinainlR xlRthesolutionsetof thetwoequations z X-y- | , X2 +yz =25

E trt If A and B are two events of a random experiment and P (A) = 0.2
,P(B)=6.5 , P(Ain;=0.1 rfind:Ep(AUB) Ep(e-n)
[b] Arectangle is with a length more than its width by 4 cm.If the perimeter of the
rectangle is 28 cm. r find the area of the rectangle.

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

E Cnome the correct answer from those given :

solutions in IR x IR r then a = ...'....'.....'

(a) t (b) s (c) to (d) ts
[E Quarter of the number 2r2 is ...............
(a) 2ro (b) zrr (c) zs (d) z3

ta) m - {2} (u) m- {z ,-z} (c) m,- {-:} (d) m

If X2 - 4 Xy + 4 y2 = zero : then X- 2y + 7 =
(a) z (b) z (c) to (d) ts

Finol Exqminotions

E ff a b = 5 and abz =20 tthenb- 1 =

(a) too (b) 2s (c) 4 (d)
EIf aandB are two events of arandomexperiment :ACB rthen P(AU B) =
(a) zero. (b) P (B) (c) P (A) (d) P (A n B)

E t"lFindtheS.S.inlR xlR of thetwoequations: x *y=4 t 3 x+2y=14

lbl Find n (X) in the simplest forrn r showing the domain where :
n (x) = y
x"-l "
t+{#, then rind n (- 3)

B tut Find in IR by using the general forrnula the solution set of the equation :

X2 -2 X- 4 = 0 approximating the result to the nearest two decimal places.

[b] Find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain where :

n(x)= X"+3x
X"+2X-3 X"-3X+2
g tal If n, (x) =ffi t nr(x)=ik#*,prove that:nt=n2
[b] finAinlR xIR the S.S.ofthetwo equations zy - X=2, X2 + Xy - 12=0
E tut If rhe domain of the function f : f (x) =#?^is IR- {-z ,z}
r find the value of a r then find / (3)

. tb] If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)=9.4 , P(B)=S.J r P(Ann;=9.2
E ffre probability of non occurrence of the event B

Answer the questions : (Calculator is allowed)

Il Choore the correct answer from those given :

[! ffre solution set of the equation: X2 + 4 = 0 in R is

(a) o r"l {- z}
G) {2} @) {2 ,-2}
E tf X' -y' =5 t X+y=5 : thenX-y= """""""'
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) zero.

Atgebro ond Probobility

@23 +23 =
(a)26 (b)ze (c)24 (d) +3

Efh" two straightlines : X+2y = 1 and 2 X+ 4y =6 are.'..'......'... ,.,, l

(a) paralIel. (b) intersecting and non perpendicular.

(c) perpendicular. (d) coincide.

Efn"setofzeroesof/where f (x)=x2 -5 X+6is'...'....'...' .r

(a) {z ,3} O) {s ,6} (c) m - {s , o} (d) m - {z ,z}

Etf aC S of a random experiment and P (A) = 0.4 : then P (A) = ".'."""""
(a) zero. (b) o.S (c) 0.0 (d) 1

E t"t Find the solution set ofthe two equations z 2 X-y - 3 t x+2y = 4inlR x IR
[b] fina n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain where :

n (X) = -+-+
X2 -g X+3

E t"t Find algebraically in IR, x IR : the solution set of the following equations :

X-y=0 , 2X2-!2=4
lhllfnr tx) =-J1,
x'-3 x'
t nr(X) =:f
: nr =n2
' X

E fut Find the solution set of the following equation in IR : x? - 6,x.+ 4 = 0

(By using the general formula approximating the results to two decimal places).

[b] fina n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain where :

n(r)= x3_ I x+3

x-l x2+x+t
E tut If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)=0.8': F(B)=9.7 : P(Alln;=0.6 :thenfind :
Ep(aun) Bp(n-s)
tbltrn (x)= {' -r* rthenfind :
X" X+2 -3
tr, 1
(x) and identify the domain of n I

Finol Exominotions

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

tl Choore the correct answer from those given :

Erne domain ot f : f @ = *is ...'.......'...

(a) m- {o} (b)R-{1} (c)m- {o , t} (d)m-{-r}

Efne probability of the impossible event equals
(a)- t (b) o @+ (d) t
Etf :x= I rthen \,-...............
(a) t (b) r (c) o (d)- t
E ffre set of zeroes of f : f (X) = X (X - 1) is ...............
(a) {o ,1} (b) {o ,- 1} (c) {- 1 ,1} (d)
E tt e number of solutions of the two equations : X + y = 5 2X+2y =70
sim.ultaneously in IR x IR is ...............
(a) o (b) t (c) z (d) infinite

@lt x2-k= (x-5) (x+ 5) rthenk= ...............

(a) s (b)-s (c) zs (d) -zs

a [a] Find algebraically in IR x IR the solution set of the two simultaneous equations :

X-y=4 t 2X+y=5
[b] fina n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n where :

E [a] Find in IR, by using the general forrnula r the solution set of the equation :

Xz + - 3 = zero r rounding the results to two decimal places.


tbl tr n, (X) =
ffit n2(D = then prove that : nL= nz
E Iut Find in lR, x lR the solution set of the two equations z X- 4 = zero , Xz + yz =25

tb] If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment where
P(A) =0.3 rP(B) =0.6 andP(An B) = 0.2 rthenfind : P(AU B)

Algebro ond Probobility

n (x) = -t=-L,
[a] rina n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain :---\--l x+ 3
x2-x x2+x+l

the domain of nI

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is permitted)

Il tut choose the correct answer :

E ff," two straight lines which represent the two equations :

X=3 : Y=5are"""""""'
(a) perpendicular. (b) coincide.
(c) parallel. (d) int"rr..ting and not perpendicular.

[E rt. equation +. 3 is of the """""";" degree (x*y *o)

(d) fourth
firrt 0) ,ecord (c) third

(a) (b) z (c) : (d) infinit".


[b] ny using the general formula r find in IR the sulution set of the equation :

Xz -2 X- 6= 0 : approximating the result to the nearest two decimal places.

E tut Choose the correct answer :

E A number formed from two digits r its units digit = its tens digit = x
r then the number is .....,.."."..
x2 (b) zx (c) rr x (d) rc x2

[E rrn (*) =#rn-r (k) =

*,thenk=............... x#$,-2]
(a) _q (b) s (c)_s (d)_ 8
E tf n and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
experiment r then A n B = ........'......
(a) a (b) s (t) ,"ro. (d) r

lb] rina n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n :

-- -' x2-2x-rs x22x-ro

rr 1't7
\- = --------;--
-g x2 -6 x+9
Finol Exominotions

E tutlf thesetof zeroesof /:/ (X)=ax2+bx+I5is{f rS}

, r find : the value of each of a : b
Find the common domain in which n, (X) =nz(X)

E tut Find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n :

x2 +-3 X+9
n (X) = + -(x-qz
x3-27 x2-7x+r2
[b] A righrangled triangle r the length of one of the right angle sides is 5 cm. : and its
perimeter is 30 cm. r find its surface area.

tr [a] If e and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment r and P (A) = 0.6
:P(B)=Q.7 : P(AOe; =0.4 rfind :
EP (n- e)
Efne probability of the occurrence of one of the two events at least.

ft{ff+flis the additive inverse of the fraction

* rfind : the value of k

Answer the following questions : (Calculators are allowed)

E Choose the correct answer from those given :

[!ffresetof zeroesofthefunction f :f (X)-\,-5is ... .......
rul {s} (b) {- s} (c){5,-s} (d) {zero}

tr(tr *un[r)'=
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d)27
Efne solution setof thetwoequations : X=5 t
!-2=0iniR xIRis...............
(a) {(s , - D} O) {(s , 2)} (c) {(- s ,D}
(d) {(- z ,r}
@ tf X is the additive identity r y is the multiplicative identity
: then 1000x + 99Y = ...............
(a) 9g (b) 100 (c) 199 (d) 1000
E tf tne sum of two numbers is 8 and their product is 12 : then the two numbers
are .........'.....
(a)2t6 (b)7,t (c) 3 :5 (d)4,4
E ff A and B are two events from the sar4ple space of a random experiment
:AC B rthen P (A U B) = ........'.....'
(a) zero. (b) P (A) (c) P (B) (d)P(AnB)
Algebro ond Probobility

E tul FindinlR xlR thesolutionsetof thetwoequationstogether zx+y *4 t 2x-y=/

lbl fina n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n :
lr \-/\,,, -
x- 1-r x2-2x-8
x2-g x2+5x+6
E tut By using the general formula : find in IR the solution set of the equation :

x2 - 4 X+ 2 = 0- (rounding the result to two decimal places)

tbl tr n, (X) =
ffi t nr(X) =
ffi, prove that : nr = n2

E fut Find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n where :

n(X)= "*-t * 2X+6


X'-2X_ 15'
[b] finainlR,xlR thesolutionsetof thetwoequationstogether z X-3=0 , x2 +y2 =25

E tut Find n (H) in the simplest form I showing the domain of n where :

H2-4 H2+2H+4
H3-8 H2-H-6
[b] tf n and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)=9.3 r P(B)=Q.S : P(A[ln)=O.Z
:find:i!P(AUB) BprAl

Answer the following questions : (Calculators allowed)

Il Cnoote the correct answer from those given :

E fn" set of zeroes of / where f (X) = 2 X is

(b) {2} (c) {o} (d) m - {z}
- {o}
ra) m
@tt X2+ kX -21 = (x- 3) (x + 7) r then ft ='..........""
(a) + (b)-+ (c) to (d) - to
[E ffr" additive inverse of the fraction J:
(+ 1 ,,
(a) -2
b) X+l (c)\ x-
'x-l2 (d) 1

E If a and B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment

, then P (A n B) = ....'..........
(a)o 0)t (c) o.s @)a

Finol Exominotions

Efn. ffio equations: X= 4; ! -3 = 0 are representedby two straightlines

intersecting at the point ..'.........'..
(a) (4 :3) (b)(4,-3) (c)(3:a) (d)(-3 t4)
@lt f =Z t a! = 10 : then ax*Y -
(a) 5 (b) s (c) 12 (d) zo

E trt FindinlR xlRthe solution set ofthe two equations z x+y - 4 t 3 X-y =8
(Explain your answer showing the solution steps).

[b] Find n (X) in the simplest form ; showing the domain of n where :

n (x) =
x-+2 * x-3
x2-4' x2-5x+6
E ful Find algebraically in IR, x IR, the solution set of the two equations :

X-Y=0 , 2X2 -Yz =9

tbllrn,(x) =ffi t nr(X) =
X2 +4X r
x2 +8 X+ t6
Pfov€ that : flt= flz

E tut Find in lR the solution set of the following equation t x2 - 6 x+ 4=0

(Rounding the results to two decimal places).

tbl If n (X) = # rfind : n 1 (x) andidentify the domain of n 1

E tut Find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n where :

rr = -;-
x3-t ----;-- 2x-2
X"-2X+l ^ X"+X+l

[b] If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and P (A) = 0.8
rP(B)=0.7 : P(AOn;=9.6
rfind:EP(AUB) fprAl

Answer the following questions :

Choose the correct answer from those given :

B fn" additive inverse of the fraction :f+1 is '..............

" X+l-3 (c)
" x-t 3 (d) {+
(1 : | )Ysl65slsr Y/ (utj!)sl-l - gr:.'-!-r l4ldl 65
Algebro ond Probobility

E two positive numbers r their sum is 3 and the sum of their squares is 5 : then the two
numbers are ...............
(a)L4 (b)z ,z (c)o,g (d) t ,z
7 8
Efne common domain of the two fraction,
x-5 , x-3 is ...............
(a)m o)m-{s,s} (c)m-{s} (d) R - {3}
E fn the figure opposite :

The solution set in IR of the equation whose curve is shown is ...'.......'...

(b) {1 ,3}
(") {z}
(d) t3)

E ffre probability of the certain event equals

(a) t (b) o.s (c) o.t (d) zero.

E fne set of zeroes of the function / where f (X) = X + 3 is ...............

(a) {t} (b) m (c) {- l} @)a
Efne domain of the multiplicative inverse of the function f : f (x) =#is ..,............

(a) {:} (b)m- {-z,z} (c)m- {:} (d) m

E fne solution set of the two equations X = 2 and Xy = 6 in IR x IR is ...............

(a) {(z ,:)} (b) {2 ,3} (c) {(: , z)} (d) {3}

[Efnetwolines X+2y-l t 2X+4y - 6 are...............

(a) G) parallel. (c) perpendicular. (d) coincide.

(a)-0 (b)zero. (c) o (d) q

@ ffre simplest form of the express isn -2-

x-2 - =+is
..........'.... where X t 2

(u) 2 G)X (c)- t (d) t

x-2 x-2
@lfAC S foranyrandomexperimentandP(A) = { ,*r"rP(A) =
(a) t G)+ @)?
(d) zero.

x2 +r x2 +l
(a)-s (b)- t (c) t (d) s

Finol Exominotions

@ffre number of possible solutions of the two equations : X -2y =3 t 3X*6Y=9

in iR x IR is ......'........
(a) infinite. (b) three. (c) two. (d) one.

Elf A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and

P(A)=9.3 r P(B)=Q.7 : P(AOn;=0.6 rthenP(AUB)="""""""'

(a)z.t (b) 1.s (c) 0.9 (d) 0.s

lEfl9 + 16 = ."........".' + 4
(a)zerc (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) s

@fnesolutionsetof thetwoequations : X=1 , y =7 inlRxlRis

(a) {(r , D} ru) {(7 , 1)} (c) IR @)a
@rne domain of the function / where f (x) =1f ,t
(a)tR- {q ,z} o)R- {4} @)a (d) R

@tf A and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
exp'eriment r then P (A n B) = ........'...".

@)a (b) zero. (c) 0.5 (d) 1

@fne point (2 : - 1) is an element of the line whose equation is """""""'

(a) X=3 (b)y=5 (c)X+y=3 (d)X+y=1
@fne point (- 2 ,-3) lies in the """"""""quadrant.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

Second I Essay questions

@Byusingthegeneralformula rfindthesolutionsetinlRof theequation zx2-X-3=O
(rounding the result to the first decimal).

@ff n 6)=4+-l-
X+l X+l rfind:
n (X) inthe simplestform r showingthedomainof n

@rn (x)=#4"L# rt rfind: n (x) inthe simplestform : showing the domainof n
x" -9
Answer the following questions : (Calcalators &re allowed)

fl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

ftlz-z -
(") {;} $)a (c) I{ (d)z
Algebro ond Probobility

@The probability of the impossible event equals

(a) 0.5 (b) zero. (c) O (d) 1

f l- 3 l+ l3 l= ....'.'..."...
(a) - 6 (b) zero.
6 (c) (d) 9

@fne set of solution of the two equations: X=2 , y = 3 inlR. x IRis ..........:....
(a) ,:)}
{(z 1u) {(3 ,2)} (c)rR @)a
trrr(+)"=*,thenx= . ..
(a)3 (b)2 (c)-3 (d)-z
@ If n (b then the domain of n 1
is ...............
= +:
(a)lR (b)R- {1} (c)m- {o} (d)R- {o , t}

E f"t By using the general formula r find the solution set of the following equation in IR :
x2 + 3 X - 3 =0 (approximating the result to the nearest one decimal place).
[b] Find n (f) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n where :

h1-,r,7= .
x3-l x+5
X'+4X-5 X"+X+l
E tul Find algebraically in IR. x IR the solution set of the two equations :

2X+y=l t X+2y=5
[b] Find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n where :

n(x)= A**x2-2x-8
x2-g x2+5x+6
E f"l Find algebraically in IR x IR the solution set of the following two equations :
X=y , X2 +y2 =32

tblIf thedomainof thefunctionnwheren(X)=

*.*isIR-{O, f } t n(4)=J
: find : the values of a and b

E trt If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)=6.4 r P(B)=Q.J , P(AOn;=9.2
:find:Ep(A) EP(AUB)
[b]Ifn, (n=*, > nr(X)={##
, ProYe that : fl1 = 12

Finql Exominotions

Kafr El-sheikh Governorate

Answer the following qaestions : (Calculators are permitted)

I Choose the correct answer from those given :

f The set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = X2 + 9 is """""""'

tul {:} (b) {- e} (.){- 3,3} @)a
EIf A and B are two events from the samble space of a random experiment
,ACB r P(A)=0.3,thenP(AnB)=........"""'
(a) 0.7 (b) 1 (c) - 0.3 (d) 0.3

EIfab=3 t ab2 =12 tthenb=.."...'.'...'.

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c)2 (d) 6

@ If there are an infinite number of solutions of the two equations :

X+4Y =7 t'3 X+ky - 21 inR xlR :thenlq= """""""'

(a)I2 ,ii : (b)3 (c) 6 (d) 8

El If / (n = #: rhen the domain of / - is ..........


fa) m - {:} (b)R- {-z} (c)rR- {*z,z} (d)R

E If A is an event from the semple space of a random experiment : P (A) = Q.J

, then P (A; =
(a) 0.5 (b) - 0.s (c) 1 (d) zero.

E tut lf n (X) = *. f *r find : n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n
[b] By using the general rule : find in IR, the solution set of the equation :

2 X2 + I =4 X r rounding the resuit to two decimals.

E tul Find graphically in IR x R the solution set of the two equations :

y=2X-3 t X+2y=4
X2 +c Y
[b] If n (X) =Y + ":X+2 : find : n ()0 in the simplest form : showing the
X'-2'l X'+3 X+9
domain of n r find if possible z n (2) t n (- 2)

E tutlfthe domainofthe functionn :n (x) =*-#trR- {0 r- a} t n$) * 2

r find : the values of a : b
[b] If AandB aretwo events of arandomexperimentandP(A) =0.3 : P(B) =Q.$
r P (A O n; = 0.2 rfind : EP (A U B) EIP(A-B)
Algebro ond Probobility

E t"t A bike rider moved from city A in the direction of east to city B : he moved north to
city C to travel a distance of 7 km. : if the sum of the squares of the traveled distances
is 25 km? r find the shoftest distance between city A and C

I x" + x-6 z x'-9

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is permitted)

tl Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

'J)3' + 3' + 3'= """'."""'
(a) 36 (b) 3e (") 33 (d) 96

@The numberof solutions of thetwo equations:X *y =2 , y+ X=l

together in IR x IR is ...............
(a) zero. (b) 1

(c) 2 (d) an infinite number of solutions.

(x) = x3 g X is .'...'........'
@ The set of zeroes of the function / where f -
(a) {o ,:} O){0,-3,3} (c){-3,3} @)a
E If A and B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment
: then P (A n B) = .....'...'....'
(a) I $)a (c) 0.5 (d) zero.

EIf (X +2)'"'o = 1 rthenX€....'.... '

(a) IR - {2} (b)R(- {-z} (c)R- {r} (d) R

EIf4 X-5y=zero:then +=
@)+ (b) s (c) Tn
E f"l Find the solution set of the two equations in IR x IR algebraically :

2X+.y=5 t 2X-y=3
[b] Find n (X) in the simplest forrn r showing the domain :

n (x) =
*4 * #

x2 x2 -5 x+6
E tul By using the general formula r find in IR the solution set of the equation :

X2 - 2X *4= zero (rounding the results to two decimai places).

Finol Exominotions

lbl fina n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain :

x3-l x2+x+l
Xz^ _ZX+l 2X-2

E fut tf n, (x) =ffiarrdnr(x) =##Gr then prove that : trl = n2

tbl fina the solution set of the equations inlR, xlR t X-2y =Q , X2 +y2 =20

E *' -' { r find : n l (D in the simplest form : showing the domain.

trt If n (x) =(X-3) (X" + 1)
[b] If e and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment : P (A) = Q.$
, P (B) = 0.5 and P (A n B) = 0.4

rthenfind:EPfAl EP(nUnl Ep(e-s)

Answer the following questi.ons : (Calculator is allowed)

Il Cnoo.e the correct answer :

Effre two straight hnes X=2 r y * 3 =0 are intersecting inthe quadrant.

(a) first. (b) second. (c) ttrira. (d) fourth.

@lt X2 + a X- 4 = (X- 2) (X + 2) ;then a = ....'.......'.'

(c) z (d) +
-z (b) o

E Irtr,e two equations : x + 4y -7 t x+ (k- 1) Y = 7 have an infinite number of

solutions in IR x IR r then ft = '......""""
(a) s (b) z (c) tz (d) t:
E fne set of zeroes of the function f : f (x) = zero is ...............
(a) m
- {o} b)a (c) zero. (d) m

E ff eC S of a random experiment and P (A) = 3 P (A) r then P (A) =

@)? (o)+ (") (d)

E ffr" domain of the function f : f (x) = l4is
(a) m (b) R - {s} (c)m-{+,s} (d) R- {0}

E tulFindf (X)inthesimplestform rshowingthedomainof f :

+I'+l **'r-*
f (x)=x2 x x3 -l
tbl Arectangle is with a length more than its width by 3 cm. r if the perimeter of the
rectangle is 30 cm. : find the area of the rectangle.

Algebro ond Probobility

E trt Find in lR x lR the solution set of the two equations : X -y+1 , X2 + yz = 13

tbl Find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n where :
x?-s x+o
n (x) =
E trtlf n, ()) = -I' - t n"(x)=*'*x2+x
tb] If A and B are two events from the sample space S of a random experiment
:andPtn)=3, p(B)=f , p(A0nl=f
: find : E The probability of occuring one of the two events at least.

E tut Find in IR the solution set of the following equation by using the general formula :

2 X2 - 4 X + 1 = 0 (approximating the result to one decimal place).

r and its domain is IR - {Z} ,find : the values of a and b

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

Il Choore the correct answer from those given

E ttre solution set of the two equations : X - 5 = 0 ) y = 2 in IR x jR is
(a) {(- s ,z)} (b) {(s ,2)} (c) {(z , s)} @)a
E t:+ooooo = 1 .34 x...............
(a) 107 (b) to-7 (c) to6 (d) 10-6
E tf A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment
rAC B : then P (A U B) = .....'.....,..'
(a) zero. (b) P (A) (c) P (B) (d)P(AnB)
E[3,s]-{:}= .. ....
(a) lz , s) (b) l3 , sl (c) lg , s[ (d) [3 , s[
E fne set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = X2 - 2 X + 1 is ........ ......
(a){1 ,-1} (b){1} (c) {2, - 1} (d) {0 , 1}
tr o+ = *, then 5 a- 3 b+ 8 = ...............
(a) zero. (b) to (c) 8 (d) to

Finol Exominotiohs
E tut Find algebraically in IR x IR the solution set of the two equations :
X-y=4 t 3X+2y-7
lbl Find n (X) in the simplest form ; showing the domain of n where :

n (X)
-- ^
X-3 -X-3
\--l=x2-7 x+lz 3-x
E fut find inlR.the solution setof the equation : X2 -4X+ I - 0 by usingthe general formula.

[b] Find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n :

E tut Two positive real numbers : the difference between them is 1 and the sum of their
squiues is 25 t find the two numbers.

tbllfn,(x) =#u , nr(x)=fiffirprovethat: tt=tz

E tut If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment r P (A) = Q.$

,P(B) =0.7 andP(An B) =0.6 :thenfind : EIP(A-B) EP(AU B)

6-2) (X2 + 2)
f Find n- (x) in the simplest form and identify the domain of n
1 1

E If n-' (x) = 3 : what is the value of x?

Answer the following questions : (Calculators are allowed)

fl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

flllR+-lR =
(a) IR $)a 1c; R - {0} (d) IR+ u IR_

@ The set of zeroes of the function / where f (X) = -Z X in IR is

rut {o} (b) {- 2} (c) {- 2,0} (d)R

E If A and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space S of a random
experiment : then P (A n B) = ............'..
(a) zerc. b)a (c)P(B) (d) P (A)

@lt X is the additive identity r y is the multiplicative identity

rthen 7x +2Y = """!""""
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c)7 (d) 9

(\. , 1 )Yel65rr+ !Y/ (tu\s)slil - orgL.,) I4llo|l 73

-'-.. Algebro ond Probobility

@The domain of the multiplicative inverse of the function f : f (X) =#is ...............

1a1 R - {3} R- {-
(b) l} (c) IR- {-z ,z} (d) Rr

@If 3 X=45,then ! x=
(a) 3 (b) s (c) 15 (d) 4s

E t"t FindinlR xlRthesolutionsetof thetwoequations zX+y-2 t !-X=2

[b] Find n pC) in the simplest form r showing the domain of n where :

n(x)= x * x-4
--\_-/ X+4.X2_t6

E tul Using the general rule : find in IR the solution set of the equation :

X2 - 4 X + I= 0 r where nfi - t.l

[b] Find the common domain of the two functions nt r n, where :
n, (x)
t n.(x)=---7-
o X'+4X+4
E tut FindinlR xlR the S.S.of thetwoequations: X -y =4 , X2 +y2 = 10

lbl Find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n :

n()O= "''-t * -x-1
X'-3X+2 X" +2X+4
E fullfn(x)= x",:T'- x-2
,,* ^ r find : n-
1x; in the simplest form : showing the domain of n 1

tb] If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)=9.3 r P(B)=S.l r P(AOn;=9.6
r then find : El P fAl EP(AuB)

Answer the following questions : (Calculntor is allowed)

tl Choose the correct answer :

@The intersectionpoint of the two straightlines: X-l =0 s y = 2 is ..."'....'....

(a) (1 t2) (b) (- r ,2) (c) (t >-2) (d) (- t t-2)
@ If five times a number equals 45 tthen this number is equal to ...............
(a) 81 (b) 27 (c) 9 (d) s

Finol Exominotions

tr ff {- 2 ,2} is the set of zeroes of the function / where f (X) = Xz + a: then a =

(a) -+ (b) + (c) z (d) -z

(a)-t (b) t (c) zero. (d) S

E tf A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment r P (A) = Q.l

:P I n) = 0.5 : then P (A- B) = """""""'

(a) o.o (b) o.+ (c) o.: (d) 0.2

E rf x2 -z Xy +y2 = L r then X-y = """""""'

(a) zero. (b) t t (c) 1 (d)-1

E t"t Findthe solutionsetof thetwo equationsinlR,xlR.: X +2y =g , X2 ty2 =20

[b] I'ma n (X) in the simplest forrn : showing the domain where :
,-,\-ll= -2x
x2 x2 -4
^ - xz +x-2
E tut By using the general formula : find the solution set of the equation :
x2 -2 x- 4 = 0 inlR : rounding the resultto the nearest one decimal place.

tbl tr n,l'(x) -t!'-:*:

= -!' , t n,z'(x) =*' x4_x pf,ov€ that : n1= n2
tal If R and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment , P (A) =+
rP(A UD = + r P@) = X :findthevalueofXif :

E A and B are mutually exclusive events.

[b] Find n (X) in the simplest forrn : showing the domain where :

E ful Find algebraically in iR, x IR the solution set of the two equations :

2X-Y=J t X+Y-4
tbl If the domain of the function nwhere n (x) = is IR- {g ,-:}
E Fina the value of a

E n'inO n 1 (D in the simplest form r showing the domain of nI

Algebro ond Probobility

Souhag Governorate

Answer the following questions : (Calculators dre allowed)

I Ctroose the correct answer :

E If5n = 3 r then 125" =

(a) 15 (b) tzs (c) 3 (d) 2l
E If X2 -y2 =40 t X-y=8 rthenX+y=....'.........'
(a) 32 (b) s (c) a8 (d) 8

@ The set of zeroes of D where D (X) = X2 - 9 is '........ ....

tui {:} (b) {- 3} @)a (d) {3,-3}

E If A and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
experiment : then P (A n B) = "..."...'...'
(a) zero. @)+ (c) 1 @)a
@ The soluation set of the two equations : X=y ) y =2 inlR x lRis

fu> {z} 1u) {(2,0)} (c) {(o,z)} @) {e,D}

E (x -31zero = """""""' onconditionthat xi3
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 3 (d)-1

E fut FindinlR xlR,thesolutionsetof thetwoequations ,y =X-I , X2 *y2=25

tbl If n, (X) =iL-* t nr(x)= nt=n2
E I"t Using the general formula : find in IR the solution set of the equation :
- 3 x - 2 = zero (rounding the result to two decimals)
[b] Find n (f) in its simplest form : showing the domain of n where :
x?-3x+z x2-qx-5
n(X)=-+x* 3X-15
E fut If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random

+, Pd)= + : P(AnB)= +
: find :f P (B) EP(AUB) EP(A*B)
[b] Find n (X) in its simplest form : showing the domain of n where :
n(X)= x-5 x
x2-6x+5 x-L
Finol Exominotions

E t"t FindinlR xlR.the solutionsetof the two equations : X=y -3 t X+y =J

[b] Reduce the algebraic fraction n (X) = : *-9
r then find : n (2) , n 1 (2) if possible.

Answer the following questions : (Calculators are permitted)

I Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

E If the domain of the function n : n (X) = IR - {:} , ttren ft=

(a)-3 (b) 3 (c) t3 (d) e
lA^l 64+ 36 = 8 + .........'.....
(a) 6 (b) e (c) 2 (d) 10

E If the point - 2 t zero) is the vertex of the quadratic function f

(a and the solution set
of the equation f (X) = zero is {S} , then a = """""""'
(a) 2 (b) -2 (c) 7 (d) s
E If lx I = 7 : then /,- ...............
(a) 7 (b) +7 (c) -7 (d) 14

El If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment
rAC B : then P (A n B) = .'....."......
(a) zero. (b) P (A) (c) P (B) (d)P(AuB)
E If 2x-L - 1 : then /,- ...--...-.....

(a) 1 (b) zero. (c)+1 (d) 2

E tut Findthesolutionsetof thetwoequationsinlR xR,: X -y =4 t 3 X+2y =J

lbl Find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain :

E tul By using the general rule r find the solution set of the equation in IR :

X(X-2) = 1 (approximating to the nearest one decimal)

tbl Find n (X) in the simplest form r showing the domain : n ()"1 =#.
E tul The length of a rectangle is 3 cm. more than its width r and its area is 28 cm?
Find its perimeter.

tbl If n, (X) = , nr(x) = show whether n1,= n2or not and why'
*:, * iryj:
Algebro ond Probobilify

E tut If the set of zeroes of the function f where f (x) = x2 - lO X + ait {5}
r find : the value of a

[b] If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment rP (A) = 9.3
, F(AOn;=9.2
:find:EP(AUB) EP(A-B) E] P (A)

Answer the following questions :

ll Ctroose the correct answer :

E ff f (x) = X3 - m: and the set of zeroes = {2} r then m =

@"'[i (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8

E ff a number is formed from two digits r its units digit is X and its tens digit is y r then
its value is '...'.....'...'
(a) 10xy (b) X+yX+ 10y (c) (d)y+10x
E If AandB aretwo mutuallyexclusiveevents :thenAn B =...............
(a) {zero} (b) zero (c) A @)a
@ ff a+b = ab =J r then a2b + ab2= .......'...'...
(a) 7 (b) 14 @) ae (d) t7
/\' n
L 5x
u ^- y - 5 'then
(a) I (b) 10 (c) 5 @)*
E ffre doubtre of the square of the number X equals
(a)2x (b) 4 x2 (c) 2 X2 (d) 4x
E tut FindalgebraicallyinlR xlRthes.S.of theequations ;3X+4y=lI t 2X+y-4=0
tbl If n, (X) =ffiv2 -4 t nr(X)=ffi:proY€that:
x2 -x-6 ..
n, (X) =nz(X)

for all values of X which belong to the cofllmon domain and find this domain.

E ful FindinlRtheS.S.of theequation:3 X2=5X-lapproximatingtheresulttothe

nearest two decimal digits.

[b] Find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n where :
- /1r\
^'' I -zx+4
J\. g-x2
x3 -B X2 +X-6

Finol Exominotions

19 x-t20 r find : n I (D in the simplest form

E t"t If n (X) -x2 xz-16 : showing the domain.

tbl Arectangle is with length more than its width by 3 cm. and its atea=28 cm?
Find its perimeter.

E tut Find n (X) in the simplest form : showing the domain of n where :
n (X) =
X'-X "-4L
tb] If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment

:P(A)=Q.$ r P(B)=Q./ : P(AOn)=0.0

@ The probability of occurrence of at least one of the two events.

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

f The setof zeroes of the function f : f (X)- \.- 3 is """""""'

ru> {o} $)a (c) {3} (d) R - {3}
@ Half of the number 28 equals

(a) 22 @) 24 (c) 2s @) 27

E If A and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
experiment : then A n B ='.""""""'
@)a (b) zero. @)+ (d) 1
@The solution setof thetwoequations: y-3 =0 t X+ Y =0inlRxlR,is """""""'
(a) {3 , - 3} G) {(- 3 ,3)} (c) {(o ,:)} (d) {- 3}

@ If the expression : x2 + k X + 25 is a perfect square : then lq = """""""'

(a)t5 (b) t 15 (c) r 10 (d) t 20

E If 25 x 35 = 6m rthenm= """""""'
(a) 3 (b) s (c) 10 (d) ls

E t"t Find the solution set of the following two equations in IR x IR :

X+y=7 t ZX-Y=5
Algebro ond Probobility

E fut Find by using the general formula in IR the solution set of the equation :
2 X2 - 5 X + 1 = 0 (approximating the result to the nearest two decimal places).

tb] Find n (f) in its simplest form r showing the domain where :
n(.X)=^'3 - 8 ^---x+3
X'+X-6 X"+2X+4
E fut Find inlR xIR the solution setof the following two equations: X-y - 0 t Xy =)
[b] Find n (X) in its simplest form r showing the domain where :
X'-l X"^X-5
E tut rf n, (x) = ffi t n2(D=ii#ArProY€that: nt=n2

[b] If A and B are events from the sample space of a random experiment r P (A) = 0.5

rfind:E]P(AnB) E]P(A-B)

23 New Valley Governorate ,m.


Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

fl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

E If A and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
experiment : then P (A n B) = .'.............
(a) zero. $)a (c) I @)+
@ The set of zeroes of / where f (X) = -3 X is .............'.
rul {-:} 1u) {zero} (c) {zero , - 3} (d) {3}
@ If the curve of the function / where f (X) = X2 - apasses through the point (2 ,0)
: then a = ......,........
(a) -2 (b)2 (c) 4 (d)-4
@ If the ratio between the perimeters of two squares is I : 2 r then the ratio between
their areas is .......'....."
(a) I :2 (b) 2: I (c) 4: I (d) 1 :4
@ A rectangle is of perimeter 14 cm. : if the length of the rectangle = X cm. and its
width = }l cm. r then y = ...............
(a) 7 (b)7 -x (c)7 + X (d)14-x

ru)2 t $)r+ @)+ @)- +

Finol Exominotions

E fut Solve in IR the equation ; X2 - 4X+ I = zero r by using the general formula.

tbl Find n (x) in the simplest form : showing the domain where

ll t.n,, = T
. x2+2x+4
x'-5X+6 X'-8

E futFindinlR xlRthesolutionsetof thetwoequations zy-X=L t Xy-6

the domain where :
[b] Find n (x) in the simplest form : showing
E rrt IfAandB aretwo events of arandomexperimentandP(A) =0.7 I P(B) =0.5

: P (A O n; = 0.3 r then find :

EP(B) rP(AuB) EP (A- B)

tbllf "1x1=ffi, n
r find : f The value of a En (4)

[a] If n 1x> =tff r then reduce n (X) to the simplest form : showing the domain of n

graphically in IR x IR':
tbl Find the solution set of the following two equations
y =2X-3 and X+2Y =!

South Sinai Governorate

Answer the following questions :

tf Choose the correct answer from those given :

@ The solution set of the inequality X 31 in N is """""""'

tul {t} (b) {0} 1c; {0 , t} (d) {1 ,0 r- 1 ,...}
@ The probability of the impossible event equals
(a) zero. (b) 1 (c)-1 @)+
E xs x x-3 = \,""'
(a) 8 (b)2 (c) -2 (d)-8
@The solution setof the two equations : x=3 t Y =4 inlR x lRis
(a) IR $)a (c) {(+ ,:)} (d) {(3 ,4)}
f where f (x) = ;h- """""""'
@ The simplest form of the function fiis
where xe{- 1 ,0}
(a) 3 (b) 1 (c)-1 (d)-3
(\\ : t )Yolaarlsl Y/ (4-lr<) olil - ol$L-J )l4ldl 81
Algebro ond Probobitity

E If AC S of a random experiment and p (A)

: then P (A) =

(u) $)? l
+ (c)
(d) 1

E tulFindinlRxlR,thesolutionsetofthetwoequationsalgebraically: X+y-2 t X-y-2

[b] simplify n (x) to the simplest form ; showing the domain where :

,x" -l x ?x-z
n (X)
E frl using the general formula r find in IR the solution set of the equation :
Xz - 5 X+ L = 0 (rounding the result to one decimal).
lbl Find n (x) in the simplest form r showing the domain where : n (x) = *- #
B Iut Find inlR, xlR,the solution set of the two equations : X- y= 0 : Xz + Xy + y2 =27
[h] Find n (x) in the simplest form r showing the domain where :

-- \--/
n(X)= x2+2X, 2X
Xz _g X+3

E rut Ifn,(x) =ffi , nr(x)=##hrprovethat: tt=n2

tbI In the opposite figure :
If A and B are two events from the sample
space S of a random experiment : then xl
find : ,5
@ The probability of non-occurence of the eventA

North Sinai Governorate

Answer the following questions :

tt Choose the correct answer from those given :

f The set of zeroes of the function f : f (X) = X2 -9 is ...............

tul o) {- 3} (c) {- 3 ,3} @)a
EIfTX-4=1 rthen3X=
(a) 12 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 7

Finql Exominotions

trfi++ft6 = ,

(a) 14 (b) 10 @) 6a (d) 36

E If (8 t X- 3) = (y3 r 4) :then X+y= """""""'

(a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) e

@ The probability of the impossible event equals

@)+ (b) 1 (c) zero. @)a
@ The two straightlines : X-4 y = 5" t X-4y =9 are """""""'
(a) perpendicular. (b) parallel. (c; coincide. (d) intersecting.

E tut Find in IR the solution set of the equation :

X2 - 3X+ l- 0 by using the formula rounding the result to two decimal places.

tbl Find n (,c) in the simplest form : showing the domain where

tal If n, (X) =ffi t nr(X)=#:proY€ that: nr = tr2

tbl Find in IR x IR, the solution set of the two equations algebraically :
X-Y=I t XY-12
^'2 ^x*x2tx-2
tr t"1 rcq rn the simplest form : showing the domain : n (X) =ry
xz-x x'-9
""4 set of the two equations in x IR' :
tbl Find the solution IR'

2 X+y =5 t X-Y =7 algebraicallY.

(A) = 0.4 I P (B) = 0'5
tbl IfAandB are two events of arandomexperiment I and P
: find :@ P (A;. BP(AuB) E P(A-B)

Answer the following questions :

tt Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment : AC B
r thbn P (A U B) = """""""'
(a) zero. (b) P (A) (c) P (B) (d) P(AnB)

Algebro ond Probobility

@ ffre solution set of the two equations : X=2 , y =5 inlR x IRis

1ay {12 , s;} (u) {(s ,2)} (c) rR @) a

@ ffre domain of the function f : f (X) = X2 -4 is ........,......
fil {2 ,-2} 1u) R - {z ,-z} (c) rR (d) R_ {+}
@tf a-b=3 : a+b= 2 tthena2-b2 =...............
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 1 (d) 36
E tf f (X)=X+4 rthen f (X)=zerowhen \,=...............
(a) 4 (b) t2 (c) -2 (d) -4
ie jIf X*0 rrhen
".,+l I
(a)1 ft)a
,,x @ry (d)-l
E tut Find in R x IR the solution set of the two equations algebraically :

2X-y=l t X+2y=4
[b] Put in the simplest form : showing the domain : n (X) = -J1-J- y
x2-zx+I -2-X-2-
E t"t Putin the simplestform : showingthe domain : n (x) - x2-+ x
+ =x- 5
x" -l x'-6x+5
[b] Using the general formula r find in R the solution set of the equation :

xz -3 x-z=zero

E rut Find in IR x IR the solution set of the two equations algebraically :

X-y=2 , X2+y2=10
tbl If n, (x) =ffi t nr(x)=##A,provethat: nt=n2
E rutlfn(x) =(x-z) (x2 +2)
@ Find : n- 1 1x; in the simplesr form and identify the domain of n 1

E rn- I (x) = 3 : find : the value of x

tbl If A and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment , p (A)
: P (B) =* ,find P (A U B) in each of the folowing cases :

E p(enB) = + @ AandB aremuruallyexclusiveevenrs.

Finol Exominotions

Answer the following questions : (Calculators are allowed)

tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

@ The set of zeroes of the function / where f (X) = Xz - X is """""""'

tal {o} 1u) {o ,- 1} 1c; {o , t} (o {(0 ,1)}
e)a"xa"= t a*0
(u) ulo ' (b) 1 (c) zero. (d) a

@ The value of Xthatsatisfies the equation: X2 = 9 where XCN is """""""'

(a)-3 (b) 3 (c) (d)+3 +6
E If a fair die'is rolled onco r then the probability of getting an odd number is """""""'
@)+ (b)+ (c) 1 (d) 3

@ Double the number f equals

@+ (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 2

E If the sum of two positive numbers is 7 and their product is 12 : then the two numbers
ate ..............
(a) 2 >5 (b) 2,6 (c) 3 t4 (d) 1 ,6

E fut If n (x) =L'*!'*l -H,:find: n (X) inits simplestform rshowingthedomain.

tbl Find the solution set for the equation z X2 * 4 X+ 1=0

in IR using the general rule : rounding the result to two decimals.

E tut Findthesolutionsetof thetwoequationsinlR xlR,:2X-Y=5 t X+ 5y=8

tbl If n, (X) = # t nr(X) =
ffi: proYe that : nl = tr2

E tut Find the set of zeroes of the function / where f (X) = X2 -8 X + 15 in IR

tbl If n (X) =' ,*: --+;=:find: n (X) inits simplestform rshowingthe domain.
xt-l X'-6X+5
E fut Find the solution set of the two equations in IR x iR : X - Y = 1 , X2+Y2=13

tbl If A and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random

experiment :whereP(A) = +, PG) = +

:find:EP(AUB) E P(A-B)
Second Geometry

. lmportant questions . 112

. Fina! revision ........145

. Final examinations : ..... ... .. .....157

Accumulative Tests
on Geometry
Accumulative test on lesson 1 - unit 4
tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

[TlThe longest chord in the circle is called a .....,.,,...... < Port Said 19 >

(a) chord. (b) diameter. (c) tangent. (d) radius.

@ The number of axes of symmetry of a semicircle is < Aswan 18 - Cairo 16 >

(a) infinite. (b) zero. (c) 1 (d) 2

i{ The radius length of the circle whose centre is (7 r 4) and,passes through the point
(3 , 1) equals length units. < Aswan 16 >

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

@ If the area of the circle is 9 x[

" ? ,then its radius length
is..'..'.'.'...'. cm. < El-Kalyoubia l7 >>

(a) 9 (b) 2 (c)-3 (d) 3

1 sl A circle with a circumference of 8 fi cm. : then the radius length of the circle
equals ............,.. cm. < Suez lg >

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16

@ A triangle has only one symmetry axis and its side lengths are 10 cm. : 5 cm. ) X cm. ,
then X = .....'......... < El-Gharbia 18 >

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 12

E In the opposite figure :
ag ir a chord in the circle M
, MC l- AB : D is the midpoint of MA r CD = 3 cm.
: then the surface area of the circle l\zl = .......... cm? < El-Gharbia 19 - El-Sharkia l7 >>

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 36

[E In the opposite figure :
A circle M of radius length 13 cm.

,IEitachord:AB= 24cm.
, MD f AB intersecting it at C
:then CD = < New Valley 18 >

(a) 6.5 (b) L2 (c) 8 (d) 10

Accumulotive Tests

E ln the opposite figure :

AB and BC are two chords in the circle M
whose radius length is 5 cm. , MB f AB and cuts fB
at D and cuts the circle atE tX is the midpoint of BC

: AB = 8 cm. and m (Z ABC) = 56o

Find: Br(LDMX)
E tt e length of DE < El-Gharbia l7 >

E ln the opposite figure :

AcircleM rMXf AB
tm(L B) = 70'
L!-.tProve that : XV z gC
E fina with proof z m(L YXM) < Assiut 17 >

(\Y : t )Yol6rre lY/ (d,-t$)el-l - srj.'L--r )l4lYo|l 89

Accumulative test lesson

Il Cnoore the correct answer from those given :

El tt tt point A C the circle M whose diameter length is 6 cm.

r then MA = ....".......'. cm. < El-Menia 16 >

(a) q (b) o (c) : (d) s

LE] ffre diameter is a ............... passing through the centre of the circle. < Assiut 19 >

(a) straight line (b) ray (c) tangent (d) chord

E A tangent to a circle of diameter length 6 cm. is at a distance of ............... cm.

from its centre. < New Valley 19 - Matrouh 18 >

(a) 6 (lb) tz (c) 3 (d) z

B Atrupezium in which the lengths of the two parallel bases arc 4 cm. and 12 cm. and its
height is 9 cm. : then its area = ............... ? < El-Fayoum 19 >
(a) zs (b) so (c) tz (d) tq+

E tf tne length of a diameter of a circle is 7 cm. r and the straight line L is at a distance of
3.5 cm. from its centre : then ...............
Lis < El-Beheira t7 >

(a) a secant to the circle at two points. (b) lying outside the circle.

(c) a tangent to the circle. (d) an axis of symmetry to the circle.

LqItf ag O tte circleVt = {A,B} ,then AB O the surfaceof the

circle M - ......'.. < El-Monofia 17 >

(a) IE G) AB (c)
{A , B} (d) AB
E tf l is a straight line outside a circle of centre M (0 : 0) : and its radius length
is 3 cm. and L is at a distance of Xfrom M : then Xe............... < El-Gharbia 16 >

(a) [3 , -[ (b) ]3 , *[ (c) [6 , -[ (d)]-'",-6[

[9,J A circle with diameter length 2 X cm. r the straight line distant from its centre
(X + 1) cm. r then the straight line will be ............... the circle. < El-Dakahlia 18 >

(a) a tangent to (b) an axis of symmetry to

(c) a secant to (d) outside

Accumulqtive 1ss1s

E I" the opposite figure :

Ag t a chord in the circle M

, MX I AB cutting rt atX
Find : The length of An "
El-Dakahlia 16 >

E I*
the opposite figure :
AB and AC are two tangents to the circle M
touching it at B and C respectively and m (l- BAM) =25'
@Prove that : it{f bisects Z BMC
@ Find : m (L BMC) < Port Said 17 >

till lesson

tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

f The number of axes of symmetry of two congruent circles touching externally

equals < El-Dakahlia l6 >

(a) 4 (b)z (c) 1 (d) an infinite number.

@ The radius length of the circle which passes through the point (4 , - 3) and its centre is
the origin point equals ............... length units. << El-Fayoum 18 >>

(a) 7 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

@ Two circles with radii lengths 5 cm. and 8 cm. are touching if the distance between
their centres € ............... < El-Dakahlia 16 >

(a) ]13 , 3[ (b) l3 , 13[ (c)tR-[3,13] (d){13,3}

EAnC is a triangle in which : (AB)2 > (Bq2 + (AC)2 tthen L C
is .....'........' < El-Kalyoubia 19 >

(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

E If tne surface of the circle M 0 the surface of the circle N = {A} r then M and N
are .'..."........ << North Sinai 19 >

(a) distant. (b) concentric.

(c) touching externally. (d) intersecting.

@ A circle with diameter length 8 cm. r the straight line L is distant from its centre by

(a) a tangent. (b) a secant.

(c) outside the circle. (d) an axis of symmetry of the circle.

E If U and N are two touching circles externally r the lengths of their radii are 2 cm.
and 4 cm. respectively : then the area of the circle with diamet"r IvIN
equals ........ ...... < El-Sharkia 19 >
(a) 36 xt (b) 9 x[ (c) 16 x[ (d) 4 17

E tt tfre two circles M and N are touching externally r the radius iength of one of them
is 5 cm. r and MN = 9 cm. : then the radius length of the other circle
equals ............... cm. < Suez 17 >>

(a) 4 (b) s (c) 9 (d) 14

Accumulotive Tests

E L the opposite figure :

M is a circle
: C is the midpoint of AB
tm (L AMC) = 50o
Find with proof : m(L MAC) << Suez 16 >>

E Irr the opposite figure :

The two circles M and N intersect atA and B

, CD i, a chord in the circle M cutting iZN at E

If E is the midpoint of CD
r prov€ that : ng // CD
< Port Said 17 - Giza 16 >>

till lesson

tl Choor. the correct answer from those given :

Efne number of circles that pass through three collinear points

equals < Souhag 18 >

(a) zero. (b) one. (c) three. (d) an infinite number.

EA chord is of length 8 cm. in a circle of diameter length 10 cm. : then the chord

is at ..............' frorn the centre of the circle.

(a)2 cm. (b) 4 cm. (c) 3 cm. (d) 6 cm.

E]ff en is a line-segment : then the number of circles can be drawn passing through

A and B equals < El-Kalyoubia 16 >>

(a) t (b) z (c): (d) an infiriite number.

Etn the opposite figure :

iG n the surface of the circle l\rl = '....'.....'.'.

{C , D} (b) CD

(")6 @)a < Alexandria 19 >

which passes through the two points A and B equals .....'...'..." cm. < El-Monofla 16 >

(a) z (b) s (c) + (d) s

[Ettisimpossibletodrawacirclepassingthroughtheverticesofa.'.............<Benisuef 16>

(a) triangle. (b) square. (c) rhombus. (d) rectangle.

Elf ng =7 cm. rthen the circumference of the smallest circle passing through the two
pointsAandB equals < Kafr El-Sheikh l6 >

(a') 44 cm. (b)22 cm. (c) 14 cm. (d) 21 cm.

E tt ttre surface of the circle M 0 the surface of the circle N = {A} r the radius length of
one of them equals 3 cm. and MN = 8 cm. r then the radius length of the other circle

equals ...,."......,. cm. < Alexandria 19 >>

(a) s (b) 6 (c) tt (d) 16

E tn the opposite figure :

ffi ir a tangent to the circle M

r E is the midpoint of XY
tm(L BME) = 130o

< Giza 18 >

E nV using geometric instruments r draw AABC whereAB = 3 cm. r BC = 4 cm.

rAC = 5 cm. r then draw a circle passing through the vertices of AABC
How many circles are there ? u North Sinai 19 >

Accumulative test till lesson 5 - unit 4

E Choore the correct answer from those given :

E tfre measure of the interior angle of the regular hexagon equals << El-Menia 18 >>

(a) 60' (b) toa' (c) 120' (d) t:s"

E fn the opposite figure :

, MF- ]- CD
r then EX ...............YF
(a) < (b) = (c) > (d) * < Assiut 16 >

E tf U and N are two touching circles internally : their radii lengths are 5 cm. and 9 cm.
: then MN = ..'....,....... cm. < Red Sea 18 >

@)q (b) s (c) s (d) t+

14 f, the opposite figure :

Ag Ir a tangent-segment to the circle M

: then BC = ...........'.'.
(a) 6 cm. (b) 4 cm. A Scm. B

(c) 10 cm. (d) 8 cm. < Matrouh 16 >

E fn the opposite figure :

r then m (L At) = .........'.....
(a) 50" (b) 60"
(c) 70" (d) go" < El-Gharbia 17 >

B Vt and N are two intersecting circles t 11= J cm. ) rz= 5 cm. respectively
: then MN € < El-Kalyoubia 16 >

(a) lo ,5[ (b) l2 ,8[ (c) ]8 , *[ (d)]2,-['

E A circle with greatest chord with length = 12 cm.: then the circumference of
the circle = ..'...'........ cm. < El-Dakahlia 19 >

(a) tzn (b)6n @)zqn (d) to rt

Accumulotive Tests

trllrt and N are two circles whose radii lengths are 6 cm. r 8 cffi. :afld MN = 14 cm.
r then the two circles are .........'..... < El-Dakahlia 19 * Alexandria 18 >

(a) intersecting, (b) distant.

(c) one inside the other. (d) touching externally.

E tr, the opposite figure :

In the circle M
tm(LA) = 60o r X is the midPoint of AC
rY is the midpoint of BC r FX = EY
Prove that : The triangle ABC is equilateral.
< El-Sharkia l8 >

Gl fr, the opposite figure :

lrlX f AB ,lrtV l- CO
andAX = 3 cm.
Find : The length of CD < Beni Suef 17 >

(\Y, | )Yel6rrc lY/ (]-U<\oLil - orgtl XalyCl 97

Accumulative test till lesson 1

[# Cnoo.. the correct answer from those given :

[I ttre measure of the arc which equals quarter the measure of the circle
equals < El-Monofia 18 >

(a) 60' (b) go' (c) l2o' (d) z+o'

[4 A circle is of diameter length 7 cm. r then its circumference

equals ............... cm. < Red Sea 18 >

(a)t n (b) t+ n (c) +g n @Zn

The measure of the central angle subtended by an
',3 ut. { of the circle
equals < Ismailia 19 >

@)zqo (b) tzo (c) oo (d):o

[4 Vt and N are two circles : their radii lengths are 8 cm. and 5 cm.
If MN = 4 cm.: then the two circles M and N are < El-Fayoum 18 >

(a) intersecting. (b) touching internally.

(c) touching externally. (d) distant.

s In the opposite figure :

,qg ir a diameter in circle M , AB ll CD

,m (ffi) = 80or then r.t 1ft; =
(a) 40' (b) so"
(c) 80' (d) 100" < El-Sharkia 18 >

LE ff An = 8 cm. : then the length of the radius of the smallest circle can be drawn passing
through the tvro points A and B equals '.............. cm. << Ismailia 19 >

(a) (b) 2 (c): (d) +

C) t land L B are two complementary angles t LB and L C are two supplementary angles

t m(LA) = 30' r then m (LC) = "....'.....'.. < Alexandria 19 >

(a) go (b) oo (c) go (d) tzo

[d In the opposite figure :

XWt ttCD , MD = DB
tm (L AMB) = 90"
: then * 1ft; =
(a) 45' (b) oo" (c) 30' (d) go" < Souhag 17 >


E tn the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles with centre M
r the radii lengths of them arc 4 cm. and2 cm.

rA ABC is an inscribed triangle inside the greater circle.

r and its sides touch the smaller circle atX tY tZ

Prove that : A ABC is an equilateral triangle r and calculate its area. < El-Fayoum 19 >

E fn the opposite figure :

nn ll co
,lP tt CP
< El-Fayoum 18 >

Accumulative test

tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

@ The measure of the inscribed angle is the measure of the central angle
subtended by the same arc. Cairo l9 >

(a) half (b) twice (c) quarter (d) third

@ The sum of measures of the accumulative angles at a point equals ...........',,.o,. Luxor 17 ,
(a) 80 (b) 120 (c) 360 (d) 630

ElIn the opposite figure :

M is a circle tm(LA) = 55o

: then m (Z MCB) * . ...

(a) 110' (b) 55'

(c) 35' (d) 25" < El-Dakahlia 8 >

ElIn the opposite figure :

tm (L BMD) = 80o
r then." Cfri = ...............
(a) 20" (b) 40"

(c) 80' (d) 160" < Suez 17 >

@ The inscribed angle drawn in a quarter of a circle its measure

equals < El-Gharbia 18 >

(a) 135" (b) 90' (c) 45' (d) 150'

E If the two circles M and N are touching externall] r the length of the radius of
one of them is 3 cm. : MN = 7 cm. r then the length of the radius of the other circle
is ............... cm. < Souhag l8 - New Valley 16>

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) l (d) 10

@ If two chords intersect at a point inside a circle : then the measure of the included
angle equals the two measures of the two opposite arcs. < Qena 16 >

(a) half of the difference between (b) half of the sum of

(c) twice of the sum of (d) twice of the difference between

E In the opposite figure :

AcircleM:MC =4cm.
tm (L CMB) = 60"
r'then the length offfi = ...'
(a) 4 X(' (b) 8 xr
'3 (d) 16 xr < El-Monofia 19 >

E f., the opposite figure :

ag ir a chord in the circle M

, CM ll AB, eC n AIA = 1n1
tm (L CMA) = 60o
[t;Find ^
: m (AC)

@ Prove that : BE >AE < Matrouh 16 >

E fn the opposite figure :

, OC n BE = {X},m (Z BCD) =26

@ m (LEXC) < El-Gharbia 17 - Ismailia 16 >

, i i,:i'

till lesson 3 - unit 5

ffi Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

@ The inscribed angle which is opposite to the minor arc in a circle

is .... ... .. ....
. . < El-Fayoum 17 >

(a) reflbx. (b) obtuse. (c) right. (d) acute.

iel ff ihe circumference of a circle is 18 x[ cm. r then its radius length equals ........'.....' cm.
< Assiut 19 >

(a) 7 (b) e (c) 3 (d) 6

(a) if we know its radius length and a given point.

(b) if we know two given points.

(c) if we know a given point.
(d) if we know its centre and a given point.

E In the opposite figure :

Aieil CD, m(LB)=40"
: then * fffil = .......'....."
(a) 20" (b) 40'
(c) 80' (d) 160' < Suez 18 >

l s I In the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles with centre M

: the radii lengths of them are 6 cm. and 3 cm.
^ ^ ):
If m(AB)=60o:thenm(DC ...............

(a) 60' (b) 30"

(c) 120" (d) 40' < El-Monofia 17 >

, s In the opposite figure :

rn tftl = 5oo
: then the value of y -
(a) 5" (b) 10'
(c) 15' (d) 20" < El-Gharbia 17 >

Accumulotive Tests

E tn the opposite figure :

,*@)= looo
r then m (Z DEB) - ...............

(a) 160" (b) 6o'

(c) 80" (d) 100" < Suez 16 >

E fn the opposite figure :

AB is a tangent to the circle M
:MB=6cm. rAB=8cm.
; thenAM = ..,..,,..'..... cm.
(a) 5 (b) to
(c) tz (d) tr < Suez 17 >

E fn the opposite figure :

Ag ir a diameter of a circle M r C Gthe circle

tm(L CAB) = 30o r D is the midpoint
E fina z m (L BDC) t m (LABD) with proof.
E Prove that : AABE is an isosceles triangle. < Kafr El-Sheikh 17 >

E f, the opposite figure :

Prove that : m (Z AEB) = m (L AEC)
< Suez 18 >

Accumulative test

E Choore the correct answer from those given :

[! fne measure of the inscribed angle in a semicircle is < Qena 19 >

@) a5 (b) e0 (c) 135 (d) l8o

E A circle with diameter length (2 X + 5) cm. r the straight line L is distant from its
centre by (X + 2) cm. where X > 0 r then the straight line is < Port said 17 >

(a) a secant to the circle at two points. (b) lying outside the circle.

(c) a tangent to the circle. (d) an axis of symmetry to the circle.

El eSCp is a cyclic quadrilateral : m (L A) = 50o : then m(LC) = '..'...........

< El-Beheira l8 >

(a) 25" (b) 50. (c) 100" (d) 130"

E ff eg is a diameter of a circle r where A (3 : - 5) and B (5 , 1) : then the centre of

the circle is ""'.".'..',' < El-Beheira 17 >

(a) (4 t-2) (b) (4 ,2) (c) (2 t2) (d) (8 ,-2)

E agCp is a cyclic quadrilateral r m (L A) = 2 m (L C)
r then m (Z A) = '..."......... El-Dakahlia 19 - Ismailia 18 >

(a) 30" (b) 60" (c) 90' (d) 120"

E fn the opposite figure :

an ir a diameter in the circle M
tm (L ABD) = 25o
: then m(LC) = .'.'.'...'...'.
(a) 50" (b) 100"
(c) 115' (d) 125" < Luxor 17 - Kafr El-Sheikh 16 >

E fn the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles.

If the lengths of their radii are 2 cm. and 5 cm.
- --:-
r then = ........'...'..
m (CD)

rat Z) (b) 1 @?5 (d)

< Ismailia 17 >

-. -...
..-Accu-ifr u I otive Tests

@ In the opposite figure :

If E € BC , CX bisects LDCE
tm (L XCE) = 62"
(a) 62" (b) 118e

(c) 56" (d) 124" < Giza 17 >

E tr, the opposite figurc :

m(LA)=4Oo ,m @ )=60o
rm(BC)=m (DE )
Find by proof : m (EC ):m (BC
<< North Sinai 17 >

E L the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles atA and B
r AD is drawn to intersect the circle M at E and

the circle N at D , ffi ir drawn to intersect the circle M

at F and the circle N at C t m (LBCD) ='10"

f Find z m(L EFB)

@ Prove that : CP ll gF < Qena 19 >


('\ t :| )Ye,/6rl.rclY / (4*tS) ow - egL.,, )1al#f 105

Accumulative test

I Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

f The figure is said to be cyclic quadrilateral if the measure of any exterior angle at any
vertex is equal to ....'.......... of the interior angle at the opposite vertex. < eena 17 >

(a) the measure (b) half the measure

(c) twice the measure (d) third the measure

Le I Which of the following figures is a cyclic quadrilateral ? < Ismailia 19 >

(a) The square. (b) The rhombus.

(c) The parallelogram. (d) The trapezium.

@ The centre of the circumcircle of the triangle is the intersection point of

its ............... < Qena 17 >

(a) altitudes. (b) medians.

(c) perpendicular bisectors ofits sides. (d) bisectors ofits interior angles.

@ffXYZL is a quadrilateral drawn in a circle where m (Z X) = m (L Z)

: then is a diameter of the circle. < Kafr El-Sheikh 18 >

(a\ XZ (b) xv (c)YZ (d) YL

@)l @ 41" @)a12 @z{il
ie tIn the opposite figure :

Ag ir a diameter in the circle M

: then \,= ...............

(a) 40" (b) 20'

(c) 30" (d) 60' < Luxor 18 >

:z In the opposite figure :

rfm1fr;=30" rnStt CD
r then m (Z BED) -

(a) 10" (b) 15"

(c) 30' (d) 60' < Kafr El-Sheikh 17 - Matrouh 16 >

Accumulotive Tests

@ In the opposite figure :

If m (L BAD) = 60o
r then m (Z DCE) =

(a) :o (b) oo
(c) so (d) tzo < Red Sea 17 - El-Beheira 16 >

El rn the opposite figure :

A circle M , AD ll BC
Prove that: MX = MY < Damietta 19 >

E In the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles

at C and D , AE is a tangent to the circle M at B

Prove that : ABME is a cyclic quadrilateral.
< El-Sharkia 18 >

Accumulative test lesson

O Choose the correct answer from those given :

@ ABC is a triangle in which : (AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2 + 5 tthen LB

is ..'....'....... < Ismailia 19 >

(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

tE fn the opposite figure :

IfAC=8cm. tAZ=3cm.
tBZ=2 cm.
r then BC = ...............
(a) 5 cm. (b) 7 cm.
(c) 10 cm. (d) 13 cm. < Assiut 16 >

L4In the opposite figure :

If C is the midpoint ofG
r thenAB .......'.......2 AC
(a) < (b) >
(c) > (d) = << Giza 17 >>

Lg_l In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

tm(LACD) =25o :AD = CD
r then m(LB) = ..'....'.......

(a) 130' (b) 65.

(c) 50" (d) 25. < Cairo 18 >

E fn the opposite figure :

AB and Ad u." two tangents to the circle M

tm(LMBC)=30":AB= 4cm.
r then BC = ....'...'.....' cm.
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 8 <
<( El-Monofia 16
t1l-lvlonolla to >>

E ffre number of common tangents of two circles touching internally

is .. .' .' ...
. ... . . < El-Dakahlia 19 >

(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 0

Accumulotive Tests

LZ ffre centre of the inscribed circle of any triangle is the point of intersection of

(a) altitudes. (b) medians.

(c) axes of symmetry of its sides. (d) bisectors of its interior angles.

E ffre two tangents which are drawn from the two endpoints of a diameter of a circle
are ............... < Souhag 17 >

(a) parallel. (b)perpendicular. (c) coincident. (d) intersecting.

a In the opposite figure :

Prove that :

E ANOC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

lE m (Z BND) =n(LBED) << El-Monofia 16 >

E f.r the opposite figure :

AB and AC *" two tangents

segments to the circle M
tm(L BAM) =25"
,E Cfr the major.
E m (z BEC) < El-Kalyoubia l8 - New Valley 18 >

till lesson 7 - unit 5

E Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

[! In the opposite figure :

If BB is a tangent to the circle M

tm(LBAM) =25o
:thenm(ZABD)- . .

(a) 25" (b) 50'

(c) 65" (d) 120" ,, Souhag l8 - Red Sea 17 >

E In the opposite figure :

Ag i. a tangent-segment to the circle M : m (L C) = 30o

r then m (Z ABC) -
120' (b) 110'
900 (d) 30" < El-Gharbia 17 >

In the opposite figure :

CB and Cn are two tangent-segments at B and D

tm(L C) = 70'

r then m (DB the minor) = ..'............

(a) 180' (b) 90'
(c) 100" (d) 110' < El-Dakahlia l7 >

@ It ttre ratio between the perimeters of two squares is I : 2 r then the ratio between their
areas equals ...'......'..'. < Giza l9 >

(a) 1 :2 (b) 2: I (c) I :4 (d) 4: I

[E In the opposite figure :

If n(LAMB) =52o
r then m (ADB) = ...............o

(a) 52 (b) 104

(c) 128 (d) 308 < Luxor 17 >

_o, If the straight line L is a tangent to the circle M of diameter length 10 cm. r then the
distance between L and the centre of the circle equals ............'.. cm. < Port Said t9 >

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 10

Accumulqtive Tests

E In the opposite figure : A

M is a circle
tm(L BCD) = 130o

r then m (Z BMD) - .

(a) 50' (b) 230"

(c) 100" (d) 260' < New Valley 17 >

E In the opposite figure :

MA and MB *" two radii perpendicular in the
circle M whose radius length is 7 cm.
: then the perimeter of the shaded part = "-. (rf =2)
(a) 14 (b) 11
(c) 38 (d) 2s < El-Gharbia 19 >

E Ir, the opposite figure :

AB=AD rm(ZBAD)=100o
tm(L C) = 40'
Prove that :

The points A : B r C and D have one circle passing through them. < Kafr El-Sheikh 16 >

Ag ir a diameter in the circle M , AC is a chord , ijD ir a tangent to

the circle cutting AC at D
Prove that : nT i, a tangent to the circumcircle of A CBD << El-Menia 16 >

lmportant Questions
on Geometry
First I fvlrltiple choice questions
N 0 the set of points inside the circle ]r[ = """""" "' (Et-Betrcira t8)
tf rne set of points of the circle

(a) the circle N (b) the surface of the circle N

(d) the circumference of the circle N
"""""""' (El-Beheira l6)
ff fne chord which passes through the centre of a circle is called a

(a) tangent. (b) secant. (c) diameter. (d) radius'

E ft M is a circle of diameter length 6 cm. : A is a point on the circle

(Suez 16)
: then MA=
(b) 4 cm. (c) 5 cm. (d) 6 cm.
(a) 3 cm.

AB is a diameter of the circle whose centre is the origin point I if'A =

(2 0)
tr '
(Domietta l8)
(a)(2 t2) (b)(0,-2) (c) (- 2 ,0) (d) (- 2 t2)

fne axis of symmetry of the circle is """""""'
(a) the diameter. (b) the chord'

(c) the straight line passing through the centre. (d) the tangent.

El fne number of symmetry axes of the circle is """""""' (l'snnilio l7)

(b) 2 (c) 3 (d) an infinite number.

(a) 1

E ff fE I the circleU = {A,B} ,thenIE O ttre surface of the circleM =

(El-Sharkia 17)

(") AE (d) BA
(a) {e , s} (b) AB

(Luxor 16)
(b)2 (c) 3.14 (d) 3
(a) 1

@ fne radius length of the circle whose area is 25 fi cm? is """""""' cm. (South Sinai 18)

(a) 5 (b)-s (c) 25 (d) 4 of radius length 5 cm. I then its circumference is """""""'

cm. (Ismailia 17)
(b) 7 xr (c) 10 x[ (d)25 xl
(a) 5 xt

(\o :p )Yol6Jrc !Y/ (-*tji)er;J- or$-1J )Hldl 1 13


@ A circle of circumference 6 ,lJl, cm.and the straight line L is distant from its centre
by 3 cm.
r then the straight line L is ...............
(Red Sea 17)

(a) a tangent. (b) a secant. (c) outside the circle. (d) a diameter.

@ a circle of circumference 20 xl, cm.: then its area is .............. .n cm?. (lsmailia 16)
(a) 10 (b) 100 (c) 200 (d) 400

ffi a circle M of radius length r cm., then the length of the semicircle equals
(El-Beheira l6)
f, nr
(a) (u) @)|nr (d) fir
Effi echord of length 6 cm. is drawn in a circle of diameter length 10 cm. r then ra. atr"r*
between the chord and the centre of the circle is ...............
(Kafr El-Sheikh l8)
(a) 2 cm. (b) 5 cm. (c) 3 cm. (d) 4 cm.

ffi tf MA , MB a.e two perpendicular radii of the circle M : the area of A AMB = g
: then the radius length of the circle equals "-?
(El-Monofia l7)
(a) 8 cm. (b) 16 cm. (c) 4 cm. (d) 2 cm.

tE r, the opposite figure :

r then MD - (Port Said 19)
(a) 5 cm. (b) 3 cm.
(c) 4 cm. (d) 2 cm.

[E In the opposite figure :

If the side length of the square = l0 cm.
: then the area of the circle = ............... .rn? (Alex.19)
(a) 100 xl (b) 25 xl
(c) 50 x[ (d) 40 xr

tE f, the opposite figure :

eT is a tangent-segment to the circle M
: then MB = ............... cm. (Red Sea l8)
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12
lmportont Questions

the following
@ fne centre of a circle is the origin r its radius length is 7 cm. t which of
points is not on the circle ? (Gizu 16)

(a) (0 ,7) (b) (0 , - 7) (c) (7 r 0) (d) 0 t7)

f[ ff the diameter length of the circle M is 7 cm' : MA = 4 cm'

(South Sinai 16)
r then A lies
(a) inside the circle. (b) outside the circle.

(c) on the circle. (d) in the centre of the circle.

f!flltthe straight line L is a tangent of the circle M whose diameter length is 8 cm.
r then L is at cm. from the centre. (Souhag 19 - El-Kalyoubia 18 - El-Fayoum 17)

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

drawn from the centre of the circle M to the sraight line L

@ n1ebngth of the peqpendicular
is6cm.andthediameterlengthofttrecircleequals6cm.rthenLis"""""""'thecircle. (Qenot6)
(a) a secant to (b) a tangent to

(c) outside (d) passing through the centre of

: MA> r r then L is """""""' (Ismailia 17)

(a) a tangent to the circle. g) a diameter in the circle.

(c) outside the circle. (d) a secant to the circle.

6) cm. : the straight line L is at a distance (X + 2) from

@ e,circle with radius lenght (2 X+
its centre where X> O : then the straight line L is """""""' (El'Sharkia 17)

(a) outside the circle. (b) a tangent to the circle'

(c) a secant to the circle. (d) passing through the centre of the circle'

@ fnetwotangentsof acircleatthetwoendpointsof adiameterof itare @enisuef 18)

(a) equal in length. (b) parallel. (c) intersecting' (d) perpendicular'

E Itthe circle M O the circle N = {A , B} , then the two circles are """""""' (Ismaitia 18)

(a) distant. (b) intersecting. (c) concentric. (d; touching.

@ fneaxis of symmetry of the common chord ffi of the two intersecting circles
M and N is """""""' (Beni suef 19)

(a) Mf
o) im
(c) MN
(d) NA


E rn" Hne of centres of two intersecting circres is perpendicular to ...


and bisects it (Giz.a l8)

(it; diameter. (b) tfre chord.
11r" (c) the common chord. (d) ttre tangent.

The circles M and N of two radii lengths 5 cm. and 3 cm. respectively, iiNfN = S .*
: then the two circles are ............... (lsmailio l6)
(u) touching internally. (b) intersecting. (c) touching externally. (d) distant.

if the two circies M anci N are touching externally and the radius length of one ir + .*
andMN=6cm. r then the radius length of the other circle equals "fifr"1n
(North Sinai l7)
(il) 6 cm. (b) 10 cm. (c) 2 cm. (d) 4 cm.

ffi n'l and N are two intersecting circles their radii lengths are 5 cm. and2 cm.
r then MN € (Assitt l6)
tty l3 ,77 (b) [3 ,7] (c) [S , z[ (d) l3 ,71

ffi lA and N are two circles touching externally r the radius length ,h" .i."1" M 4 cm.
:if MN =7 cm. r then the circumference of the circle N equals ............... cm. (Et-Mottofia t6)
@) qn (b)6n (c)7n (d) n
If M ancl N are two circles touching internally r their radii lengths are 5 .*. ,*
r r)5 r MN=3cm. rthenr-............... cm. (El-Menia 18)
{r)6 (b)S (c)I (d) e

M and N are tr,vo circies r their radii lengths are 8 cm. and 6 cm.
r the two circies are distant if MN 14 cm. (Cairo l9)
(a) < (b) > (c) = (d) >

if ft4 and N are iwo circies touching internally and their rdii lengths ur" 7 .*. ,nd 3 .*
r then MN = ...'........... cm. (Cairo 18)
(a) : (b) + (c) t (d) to

[p f, the opposite figure :

AB is a tangent to the circle M

rif MB = 5 cm.
:AC = 8 cm.
r then AB = (Kafi'El-Sheikh t7)
(a) 5 cm. (b) (c) 12 cm.
10 cm. (d) t: cm.

lmportont Questions

@ fne number of circles passing through a given points is """""""' (Aswan 16)

(a) one circle. (b) two circles.

(c) three circles. (d) an infinite number of circles.

@ :ffre number of circles passing through three collinear points is """""""' (souhctg l8 - Giza t6)

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) an infinite number.

@ ft is impossible to draw a circle passing through the vertices of """""""' (Beni Suef 17)

(a) a triangle. (b) a square. (c) a rhombus. (d) a rectangle.

@ 1'ne centre of the circumcircle of a traingle is the point of intersection

- Kcfr El-Sheikh 17)
of ..'......'."" (El-Fayoum 19

(a) the bisectors of its interior angles. (b) the bisectors of its exterior angles.

(c) its altitudes. (d) the axes of symmetry of its sides.

El ff e and B are two points in the plane r AB = 7 cm. r then the diameter length of the
smallest circle which passes through the two points A and B equals cm' (Quru 19)

(a) 3 (b) 3.s (c) 7 (d) 14

@ tnthe opposite figure :

eg is a diameter of circle M , CD is a tangent-segment of it
rAB = 14 cm.: CD = 28 cm. , xg tt A C 28cm. D

(Qena l9 - Damietta l6)

: then the area of the shaded Part =
(a) 70 (b) 147 (c) 170 (d) 224

@ Essay questions

Il L the opposite figure :

TWo concentric circles with centre M :

eE ir a chord of the greater circle

and intersects the smaller circle at C : D

and Me I AB
(El-Gharbia l8 - Souhag 18 - Qena 17)
Prove that : AC = BD

El l* the opposite figure :

M is a circle of radius length 5 cm.

:AB = 8 cm.
r D is the midpoint of AB
Find : the length of each of MO and Of (El-Fayoum 18)

E f* the opposite figure :

CO is a diameter of the circle M

rAB = 10 cm.
tm(LAMD) = 30o
Find : the length of CD

E l* the opposite figure :

AB , AC are two chords of the circle M
: D is the midpoint of AB

: E is the midpoint of AC tm(LBAC) = 55"

Find:m(ZDME) (South Sinai l7 - Damierra l6)

E fn the opposite figure :

an is a chord of the circle M

, Ad bisects Z tsAM and intersects the circle M at C
r D is the midpoint of AS

Prove that: DM I CM (El-Beheira 19 - El-Gharbia 17)

El fn the opposite figure :

M is a circle ,lg ll CD ,
: X is the midpoint of an
and ffi is drawn ro cut CD at y
Prove that : Y is the midpoint of CD (Assiut 18)

lmportont OuestlonS

I Using the givens of the figure

r proYe that : The triangle XYM is an equilateral riangle.

(Port Said 19)

E L the opposite figure :

eg is a tangent-segment to the circle M
rAB = 8 cm.
at B
:AM = 10 cm.
AAMB (Red Sea 17)
Find : The area of

E L the opposite figure :

7tg is a tangertt-segment to the circle M atA

r MA = 8 cm. tm(L ABM) = 30o

f nina : the length of Ae

(El-Sha*ia 19)
@ Prove that : A XAB is isosceles.

@ fn the opposite figure :

nT ir a tangent to the circle M

,I3 irrt"rrects the circle M at B and C

tm (LA) = 56" t E is the midPoint of BC

Find:m(ZDME) (Alex,19 - P.ort Said lE)

El rn the opposite figure :

M is a circle with radius length 5 cm.
r XY = 12 cm., MY n the circle tvt = {Z}
, ffi i. a tangent to the circle M at X
(Assiut 18)
Find : the length of ZY


tE In the opposite figure :

eO is a diameter of the circle M
+ +
t CA t CB are two tangents to the circle
atA:B respectively

Prove that : m (Z DMB) = m (Z ACB) (Alex, l7 - Qena 17)

tE f" the opposite figure :

A circle M of circumference 44 cm.

, AB is a diameter of it : nC is a tangent-segment to it at B
tm(L C) = 60'

Find : The length of BC (" = ?) (El-Dakahlia l8 - New Valley 16)

tB tn the opposite figure :

AE is a tangent to the circle M atA r

MA= 8 cm.

tm (L ABM) = 30o and AC f MB

Find : The length of each of AB and AC (Giza 19 - Marrouh l8)

tE fn the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles at M , AB , Ad are two tangent-segments
to the smaller circle atD t E respectively : m (Z BAC) = 70"

1, Prove that : AB = AC
ir Find z m (L DME) (Anuan l7 - Souhag l7 - Qena l6)

eg is a diameter in the circle M , m , ED ur" two tangents to the circle : CM intersects

the circle M at X r Y and intersects ED at E prove that : CX = yE (El-Beheira 19)

IE f., the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting

circles atAtB,ACnMN={E} rCe m

r D ethe circle N : m (Z DNM) = 140o tm(LC) = 40"
Prove that : EB i, a tangent to the circle N at D (Assiut 19)

lmportont Questions

IE l" the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles at A : B

: Y is the midpoint of AC , draw M? to cut the circle M at X
, MN cuts AB at E and cuts the circle M at D : if AE - AY
Prove that : DE = XY (El-Dukahlia 16)

Gl I" the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles with radii lengths of 10 cm. and 6 cm.
respectively and they are touching internally at A t
IE ir a coflrmon tangent for both.
If the area of A BMN = 24 cm?

Find : The length of Ae

(El-Kalyoubia l8 - Qena 16)

f[ In the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles at M , pd it a tangent to the gteater

circle , EB intett"cts the smaller circle

atA r B r D is the midpoint of Ag
tm (L CED) = 40o
Find:m(ZDMC) (New Valley l7 - El-Beheira 17 - Assiut l6)

El tn the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles
: AB = AC , X is the midpoint of AC
Prove that: NX = NY (Damietta l7)

72 W and N are two circles of radii lengths 12 cm. t 9 cm. Show the position of each circle
with respect to the other if MN = 15 cm. (El-Menia 18)

E u and N are two intersecting circles atA : B where : MA= 12 cm. : NA= 9 cm.
r MN = 15 cm. Find : The length of AB (Kafr El-Sheikh 18)

E Ag is a line segment of length 6 cm. Draw a circle passes through the two points
A r B with radius length 4 cm.How many circles you can dfaw ? (Don't remove the arcs).
(Damietta 19)

(\1 :1 )Yol6rlslYl (i.*lJ<) gt l - sr:" 1--r y4hdl 121


E t" the opposite figure :

AB , AC are two chords equal in length
of the circle M : X is the midpoint of AB
rY is the midpoint of AC tm (LCAB) =70o

Efina:m(LDME) B Prove that : XD = YE (El-Sharkia 17)

@ l" the opposite figure :

AB and 5 are two chords of the circle M :

MX l- AB and intersects the circle at F:
MY I CD and intersects the circle at E : FX = EY
Prove that :

Eee = cD EAf = Cg (Port Satd 19 - El-Gharbla 16 - Kafr El-sheikh t6)

E f" the opposite figure :

The circle M O the circle w= {A,B} rffi' n ffi = {C},
Prove that: MX = MY (Souhag 16)

E f" the opposite figure :

The circle M O the circle N = {A, B}
r E is the midpoint of 6 : ME = ML

Prove'that:CD-XY (El-Gharbia 18)

@ f" the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles intersecting at A and B

, Mi J- AC and intersects IE at X and intersects
the circle M at Y , MN intersects 7E at D and
intersects the circle M at E: if AC = AB

Prove that : XY = DE (El-Kalyoubia l8)

lmporfont euestions
[[t In the opposite figure :
Two concentric circles at M : AB is a chord
in the greater circle and cuts the smaller circle
at C and D , AE is a chord in the gteatu circle
and cuts the smaller circle atz and L If m (z ABE) = m (L AEB)
Prove that : CD =ZL (El-Monofia l8)

@ AB and AC are two chords equal in length at circle M : X is the midpoint of AB r MX

cuts the circle M atm fD , AC and cuts it at Y and cuts the circle at E

Prove that : XD = YE @eni Suef 16)

equal in length at circle M r X tY are the midpoints of AB I AC

@ AB and AC are two chords
respectivelY : m (Z MXY) = 30o

Prove that : E MXY is an isosceles triangle.

taIAXY is an equilateral triangle. (New Valley 16)

@ AB and AC are two chords in circle M : MX- l- AB and cuts it at X : Y is the midpoint of AC

tm(LABC) =75o : MX = MY
,rj Find z m (L CAB)
@ Prove that : The perimeter of A AXY = | the perimeter of A ABC (Kafr El-Sheikh t8)

Importont questions on Unit Five
ffi fne measure of the central angle is the measure of the opposite arc. @l-Kalyoubia t6)
(.) twice (b) half (c) equal to (d) greater than

:Ei fne length of the arc which represents the circumference of the circle equals
(El-Dakahlia 17 - El-Kalyoubia l6)
(a) Zfir (b) x[ r @)$nr (d)4xlr

ffi ftre measure of the central angle which opposite to an arc of length { rr r .*.
is ............'.. (El_Katyoubia t9)
(a) 30' (b) 60" (c) 120' (d) 240"

ABC is an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle

r then m (AB) = (El-Fayoum 18)
(a) 30" (b) 60" (c) 90' (d) 120"

In the opposite figure :

Two concentric circles at M : if the radius length

of the smaller circle 7 cm.
,m (ft) = 80o r the radius length
of the greater circle 14 cm. ,fi = : then
First : The circumference of the smaller circle = ...'..........' cm. (El-Sharkia l6)
44 (b) 22 (c) 154 (d) 88
80" (b) 40" (c) 20" (d) 160'

tr The inscribed angle which is drawn in a semicircle is .."........... (El-Dakahlia l9 - Giza l8)
acute. (b) straight. (c) right. (d) obtuse.

The measure of the central angle = .......'....... the measure of the inscribed angle subtended
by the same arc. (Port Said l8)
Gtl (b)+ (c) 2 (d) 1

The ratio between the measure of the inscribed angle and the measure of the central angle
subtended by the same arc is ............... (Aswan 16)
(a) 2: I (b) 7 :2 (c) 2:2 (d) 2:3
lmportont Questions
ft fne inscrided angle subtended by a minor arc in the circle is """""""' (Kafi'El-Sheikh 16)

(a) reflex. 1u) right. (c) obtuse. (d) acute.

: then the measure of the included angle

IE If two chords intersect at a point inside a circle
equals of the two measures of the two opposite arcs' (Qena 16)

(a) half the difference @) half the sum

(c) twice the sum (d) twice the difference

lll fn the opposite figure : (Suez l6)

eg is a diameter of the circle M
tm(L B) = 30'
rAC = 6 cm.
: then AB =
3 cm. (b) 6 cm. (c) 9 cm' (d) 12 cm.

tE fn the opposite figure :

M is a circle
tif m(LM) - m (L A)= 50o

tm(L A) = """""""'
(a,1 40' (b) 50"
(c) 100" (d) 130"

tE fn the opposite figure : (New Valley
A circle of centre M
,rn(LC) = 40' tm(LAMB) - (Y + 10)'
(a;70' (b) 80'
(c) 100" (d) 180" (v+r01"

tE fn the opposite figure : (El-Fayoum 16)

an t a diameter in the circle M C

tm(LCAB) =45"
: then m (Z ABC) -
tl;40' o) 45"

(c) 50" (d) 90'


IE rn the opposite figure : (El-Gharbia 17)

If M is the centre of the circle

tm (L BMD) = 110o
r then m (Z C) = ..........'....

(a) 70" (b) tto'

(c) tzs" (d) 55"

ffi k the opposite figure : (El-Sharkia l9)

M is a circle
, Atrrt f fvtg
: then m (Z ACB) =
(a) 45" (b) 90"
(c) 145" (d) t:s"

IE Ir the opposite figure : (Aswan 17)

ABC is an equilateral triangle inscribed

in the circle M
:thenm(ZBMC)- ...
(a) 50" (b) tzo"
(c) 60" (d) too"

,ffi,T fn the opposite figure : (New Vallet l8)

AB is a chord in the circle M
, Cira ll en
tm(L MAB) = 60o
r then m (Z ABC) - .

(a) 3o' (b) 60" (c) 90" (d) tzo'

In the opposite figure : (Kafr El-Sheikh l8)

r then rn (Z DAC) -
(a) 70' (b) tto"
(c) 140" (d) 220"

lmportont Questions
(New Valley 17)
[[t In the opposite figure :
- is a diameter of the circle M
tm(L ABC) = 40"
r then
^ =
m (BC) """""""'
(a) +o' (b) 50"

(c) 80" (d) too'

(Suez 17)
El rn the opposite figure :
m (ft) = 5oo
: then m(LE) =
(a) 60' (b) 50"

(c) 40" (d):o'

(El-Fayoum 16)
?4lnthe opposite figure :

r then
^ + m (BD)
m (AC) ^ =
(a) 45' (b) go'

(c) 180" (d)zlo"

(El-Monofia l6)
E f" the opposite figure :
m(LE) = 35o
tm(L C) = 20"

(a) t35' (b) tto"
(c) 65' (d) s5'

(Damietta 17)
TBmthe opposite figure :

A circle of centre M
tm(L *P =32o
r then m (BC) minor =
(a) t16" (b)32"
(c) 58" (d) o+"

In the opposite figure : (Suez 18)

: then m (Z AEC) =
(a) 50' (bt 1oo" (c) 160" (d) 75"

In the opposite figure : (Cairo 18)

Rg is a diameter in the circle M

^ ^ ^
r then m (Z CXD) - ..

(a) 15' (b) 30.

(c) 45' (d) 60"

In the opposite figure : (Astuan 17)

If m(L A) = 48'
: then m ^ the major =
260" (b) 265.
264" (d) 262'

In the opposite figure : (El-Sharkia 17)

es // cD
;m (L AFC) = 40"
, then m (l- DEB) -
50' (b) 40"
30' (d) 45"

In the cyclic quadrilateral each two opposite angles are ...............

(Beni Suef' l9 - ALex. l7)
equal in measure. complementary. (c) supplementary. (d) alternate.

In the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD t if m (L N=+me C)

: then m(L = ...'.......,..'
4) (Cairo 19)

(a) 20" (b) 30" (c) 60" (d) 120.

lmportont Questions

E ngCn is a cyclic quadrilateral r m (L A) = 3 m (LC)

: then m(L A) = (El-Gharbia 19 - El-Dakahlia 18)

(a) 90" (b) +s" (c) 135" (d) 120"

@ If egCD is a cyclic quadrilateral : then m (a A) +m(L C) - 100" =

(El-Kalyoubia 18)

(a) 8oo (b) 1000 (c) 18oo (d) 90"

tl! fn the opposite figure : (Assiut 19)

ABCD is a cylic quadrilateral

tm(L BAC) = 60o
r then m (L BDC) =
(a) 300' (b) tzo"
(c) 6o' (d) 3o'

t!! ln the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
tm(L C) = 3 X

r then J( = """""""'
(a) 20' (b) 3o' (c) 32" (d) 36:

EE L, the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadiilateraf insiribea in
acircle rE€BT
: then m (Z DAE) = m (L """""""')
(a) s (b) c (c) n (d) pen

(Ismailia 16)
tp fn the opposite figure :

m (Z ABE) = 100'
^ ^
: then m (Z ACD) = """""""'
(a) too" (b) so' (c) 40" (d) so"

(\v : r )Yel6Jl.ralYl (i-1.)<) etil - olgL,-., lEldl 129

In the opposite figure : (Kafr El-Sheikh 16)

If m (L BAD) = 25"
r then m (Z DCA) =

(a) 50" (b) 100"

(c) 115" (d) 125"

[p ln the opposite figure : (El-Sharkia 18)

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
tm (L BAC) = 40o
;m(L BCA) =20o
r then m(LD) = ...............
(a) 20' (b) 40' (c) 60' (d) 120'

In the opposite figure : (Alex.16)

ABCD is a quadrilateral
tm(LABD) = 30o
t m (L DCE) = l20o

r then the figure ABCD is ....'..........

(a) a rectangle. (b) a rhombus.

(c) a cyclic quadrilateral. (d) a parallelogram.

El fn" number of the cofirmon tangents of the two touching externaly circles
is (El-Sharkia l9 - Port Said l8)
(a)I zeto. (b) t (c) 2 (d) :

@ The two tangent-segment drawn from a point outside a circle are '........'..... (Qena 17)

(a) equal in length. (b) not equal in length. (c) perpendicular. (d) parallel.

In the opposite figure : (Red Sea 16)

AB , AC are two tangent-segment

of the circle M r its radius length = 4 cm.
tm (L BAM) = 30o r then AB = ............... cm.
(a) 8

G) zafi (d) 8{,

lmportont Questions

@t fn. angle of tangency is the included angle between

(Red Sea 19 - Assiut 18 - Suez. 16)

(a) two chords. (b) two tangents.

(c) a chord and a tangent. (d) a chord and a diameter.

[[ ff the measure of the tangency angle = 70" : then the measure of the central angle
(El-Kalyoubia l6)
subtended by the same arc equals
(a) 35" (b) 7o' (c) 140" (d) to5"

(New V?tlley l7)

![! fr, the opposite figure :

nT it a tangent to the circle M at B

t m (L CMB) = 110o r then m (Z ABC) =
(a) 55' (b) 35"

(c) 95' (cl) 110'

El rn the opposite figure :

6E ir a tangent to the circle at B

t m (L ABC) = 65o

tm (L CBE) =75" EBD

r then m(LC) = """""""'
(El-Gharbia 16)

(a) 20" (b) +0" (c) 50" (d) 80.

E f*, the opposite frgure :

]G i. a tangent to the circle M

tm (L MBC) = 40o
,ffilrnc BA
(El-Sharkia l8)
r then m (Z ABD) -"
(a) 80" (b) +0" (c) 90' (d) zo"

(Port Said 17)

[!t fr, the opposite figure :

If m(L CBD) = 50o

r then m (Z AMD) = """""""'
(a) 40" (b) 5o'

(c) 8o' (d) 100"


Il l" the opposite figure : (Suez 17)

M is a circle of radius length 7 cm.

,m (L AMB) = 120"
Find : The length of [D (" = ?)
E In the opposite figure : (New Valley 18)
M is a circle with diameter length of 15 cm.
, AB and CD are two parallel chords of the circle
-A --
r m (AC) = 80o r the length of ^AC = the length of AB Find :

ltlm(Lh4AB) [fttrelengthof6 (fi=3.14)

E fn the opposite figure : (El-Dakahlia 19)

an ir a diameter in the circle M

, CO tt Ag, X is the midpoint of MY

Find:r"ffrl ,*(&)
E f" the opposite figure : (Assiut 19)

ABCD is a rectangle inscribed

in a circle. Draw the chord CE
r where CE = CD
Prove that : AE = BC

E h, the opposite figure : (Cairo 19)

A ABC is inscribed in the circle M

t m (L BMC) = 80"

Find : 3)m (L ABC)

lq lm (BC) major.

lmportont Questions
(El-Gharbia l6)
E ln the opposite figure :
m (Z M,A'B) = 50"
(El-Beheira l8)
E tn the opposite figure :

Lg is a chord in the circle M r

Prove that : m (Z EAB) =2m (Z EBA)

E L the opposite figure : (Suez 16 - Assiut l6 - New Valley 16)

ef ls a diameter in the circle M
^ ^ ^
Find : lj)* (L CMD)
i4m (L CED)

E k the opposite figure : (El-Monofia l7)

nn is a diameter in the circle M :

m(LB) = 40" t DH is atan+ent to the circle M at D I
Find : m (DC)

[E t" the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle inscribed in the circle M


:m (AB) : m (BC) : m (AC) = 4 : 5 : 3


III t, the opposite figure : (Giza 17)

lf m(L DEF) = 115'

lE rn the opposite figure : (El-Gharbia l6)

AB- is a diameter in the circle M

tm(L CDA) = 110o

Find : m (CB)

tE tn the opposite figure : (Beni Suef l9)

an is a chord in the circle M

tm(LADB) =70"

iit'l I" the opposite figure : (El-Slnrkia 19)

M is a circle
r D is the midpoint of G

,m(LDCB) =25o

tE fn the opposite Iigure : (Souhag 17)

ne is a diameter in the circle M

, AC is a tangent-segment to it at A
Find : The length of each of nC , eO

[El fn the opposite figure : (El-Beheira l7)

, frrf-d n rhe circle M = {D} t m(LMAts) =2Oo
Find:, m([D)
ri: im (Z DEB)

lmportont Questions
(Port Said 19)
IB m the opposite figure :
^ = L20o tm
m (CE) (LA) = 30o

Find: m (m)

(El-Kalyoubia 18)
[E tn the opposite figure :
^ ^
Find:[!m(BD) E*rffil
(South Sinai l6)
19 In the opposite figure :

An is a diameter in the circle M

tm(L BMC) = 60o
^ ^

(El-Dakahlia 18)
l[t fn the opposite figure :
XV is a diameter in the circle M
, BP is a chord in it where :

XV ttEF:m GD)=70o
Find : m (EX)

(El-Menia l7)
E fr, the opposite figure :

en is a diameter in the circle M r

^ = L00o
m (AH)

Find by proof : m (L DHB) t m (L AOH)

Bf , m are two chords equal in length in eircle M rffi n ets = {E} (El-Fayoum 16)

r where E lies outside the circle

Prove that : A EAC is an isosceles triangle.


E nC is a diameter in the circle M, E'Y is a chord in it r E GBY (El-Dakahlia l8)

where BY = YE Prove that : m (Z YMC) = Z m (Z BEC)

[!! f" the opposite figure : (New Valley l9 - Ismailia l8 - Kafr El-Sheikh 16)
ABC is a triangle inscribed in A
a circle r
Prove that : m (Z DAC) = m (Z BAE)

E In the opposite figure : (El-Kalyoubia l9)

an ll co
Find : The value of y

[[! f, the opposite figure : (El-Sharkia 18)

The length of fr = the length of & A
Prove that : AX = AY

E lnthe opposite figure : (Beni Suef l7)

eC is a diameter in the circle M

EE fn the opposite figure : (El-Sharkia 16)

m (Z MAF) = m (L MEF) = 90o
r N is the midpoint of tvtf' tm(LENA) = 60o

E Prove that : A r M r F r E belong to a circle of centre N

E rina t m(L EEA)

lmportont Questions

E L the opposite figure : (El-Sharkia 18)

e-n it a diameter of the circle M

,E€Bf rCD=CB rm(ZDAE)= 110o

(El-Dakahlia l9)
@ f" the opposite figure :
m (Z ABE) = 110'
tm(L CAD) = 35o
^ ^
Prove that : m (CD) = m (AD)

(El-Menia 17)
O tn the opposite figure : D
BCDE is a cyclic quadrilateral
tm(LD) = 70' ,A€G
Find:m(ZABE) rm(l-E)

f,[| tt the opposite figure :

(Ismailia 17)
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
tm(LA) = 120" rffi bisects Z EBC

tm(L FBC) = 65o

Find : F-l m (L C)
@ m (LD)
(El-Dakahlia 16)
tlt I" the opposite figure :
ABCD is a cYclic quadrilateral ,;A,
tm(LACD) = 35o tm(L CAD) =25"



fn the opposite figure L (Damietta l9)

t!! :

LUNB is a cyclic quadrilateral

tm(LMEN) = 35o tm(LMLE) = 80"

@ m (z EMN)
(\A : | )Yol6rle1rr 1-,r1.* -ol1;1, )l4ldl 137

tp f, the opposite figure : (El-Fayoum l6)

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
tm (LB) = (4 X- 30). t m (LD) = (5 X+ 30)"
Find : The value of X

El f, the opposite figure : (Giza 1B)

m(LB) ='70 tm(L C) = 80o

Find : The value of each of X ty

E ln the opposite figure : (Red Sea l9)

,m1G;= 110o

(L CDB) = 30"


@ Mention three cases in which the quadril ateralis cyclic. (New Valley 18 - Souhas I7)

El fn the opposite figure : (South Sinai l8)

m(L /t) = 120" A
rBC=CD 120 \

tm(L CBD) = 60o 60

Prove that : ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Et fn the opposite figure : (Kafr El-Sheikh 18 - Damietta l6)

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in
a circle , ffi bir"cts Z BAC , DY bisects Z BDC
Prove that: AXYD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

lmportont Questions

El tn the opposite figure : C @eni Suef 19)

eg is a diameter in the circle M

, gC is a tangent-segment to the circle at B

r E is the midPoint of nn
prove that : The figure EMBC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

(Giz.a 16)
[f| l" the opposite figmre :

AR , CD are two PerPendicular and

intersecting chords in a circle at E

r draw eF f ad to cut it at F
prove that : [i] rne figure FCEB is a cyclic quadrilateral.
aAw(LBFE) =m(LBAD)
(El-Kalyoubia 19)
[p Ir, the opposite figure :

If X : Y are the midPoints of

AB , AC resPectivelY
Prove that : tIAXYM is a cyciic quadrilateral'
,m (L MXY) =' rt (L MCY)

- Luxor l7)
!!! lt
(El-Beheira l8
the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram
r BE =,4.D
Prove that : ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral'

(Ismailia 17)
[!t fn the opposite figure :
X is the midpoint of AB
i.i- Prove that : CXMY is a cyclic quadrilateral'

i a_rFind : The centre of the circle passinSl thi:ctrgh the v*rtices

of the figure CXMY


[lt lt the opposite figure : (Qena 19)

Ag is a diameter in the circle M

: draw DE l- AB :C
Prove that : ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

4ll l"the opposite figure : (New Valley 19 - Marouh 18 - Kafr El-Sheikh 17)
AB , AC are tangent-segments
to the circle M ,,AB ll CD tm(LBMD) = 130u
r , Prove that : CE bisects L ACD
ia iFind : m(L A)

lfl m the opposite figure : (El-Dakahlia l6)

AE , Af are two tangents

to the circle at B rC
tm(L E) = 110' tm(LA) = 40'
Prove that : Bd bisects L ABD

!p ln the opposite figure : (Ismailia l8)

AE , AA are two tangonts
to the circle at B rC
^ ^ ^
Prove that : A ABC is an equilateral triangle.

@ In the opposite figure : (Souhag l9)

;G , aD are two common tangents
to the two circles M :N
Prove that : AB * CD

lmportont Questions
(Ismailia 17)
El ln the opposite figure :
AB , AC are two tangent-segments drawn
from pointA r In (Z AMB) = 70o

Find : [] m (Z ABC)

@ m (z ACD)
(Beni Suef 17)
[l| tn the opposite figure :

AO is a diameter in the circle M

+ +
: CA r CB are two tangents to
the circle M atA r B
Prove that : m (z DMB) = m (z ACB)

@ In the opposite figure :

AE , m are two tangents to the circle

, ED is a tangent-segment to the circle

atF whereAE = 10 cm. rEF = 3 cm. :AD = 9 cm'

Find : The length of ED

(El-Monofia 19)
[[ f" the opposite figure :
AB , BC , Ae a." tangent-segments
to the circle M at X tY tZrespectively if AC = 10 cm. : AX = 6 cm.
: then perimeter of A ABC = 24 cm'

Find :S The length of AB CZA

l0ctn. -+

@ The type of AABC according to its angles'

(El-Menia 18)
[!t fr, the opposite figure :

Find : The value of each of X and y in centimeters'



El f" the opposite figure : (North Sinai 19 - Giza l8)

eB i. a tangent to the circle M at C


f tlProve that : AC = BC

B f, the opposite figure :

AD is a tangent to the circle M atA

tm(L DAC) = 130o

Find: m(LB)

[fl tn the opposite figure : (El-Sharkitt l6)

DA touches the circle atA r ffi/ Cg
tm(LABC) =70"
I t- l Find : m (L DAC)
p-'lProve that : AB =AC

El l, the opposite figure : (El-Sharkia l7)

AB , AC are two tangent-segments to the circle at B r C
tm(L A) = 50' tm(L D) = 115'
Prove that : til Bd bisects L ABE

@cn = 6g

S$ fn the opposite figure : (lsnnilia l9)

eT t a tangent to the circle at A 120

tm (L B) = 70o

lmportont Suestions

(El-Beheira 19)
El tn the opposite figure :
ABCDE is a regular pentagon inscribed in the circle M

,Ii it a tangent to the circle at A

,ffi it a tangent to the circle at E
Find:E-tGl Em(/AXE)
(Red Sea 19)
@ ln the opposite figure :
7F it a common tangent to
the two circles which are touching internally at A
Prove that : gD tt CE

(Port Sakl l9)

GE Using the givens in the figure
r proY€ that : AT it a tangent to the circle

passing through the vertices of A ABC

(Kafr El-Sheikh l6)

@ fn the opposite figure :

ffi , EE are two tangents to the circle atA I B

: if m (Z AEB) =70" t m (Z ADC) = 125o
Prove that : EAB = AC

trfr is a tangent to the circle passing through

thepointsA rB :E

(El-Beheira l6)
GE fn the opposite figure :
ABCD is a parallelogram
Prove that : 6 it a tangent to the circumcircle of AABC /

lft m the opposite figure : (El-Sharkia 19 - El-Monofia t8

- Assiut 16)
A ABC is inscribed in a circle
: AD is a tangent to the circle atA

, X € AB , Y CEd where XV ll nC
Prove that : ID is a tangent to the circle passing through

t[ tn the opposite ligure : (El-Monofia 17)

AB is a diameter in the circle M
: E is the midpoint of AT
, ED is a tangent-segment to the circle M at B
, EIf cuts the circle M at X
Prove that: E MEDB is a cyclic quadrilateral.

ieI AB is a tangent to the circle passing through the points B rC rD

@ In the opposite figure :

A ABC is inscribed in a circle .

: BX is a tangent to the circle at B

t AD llBX
Prove that : eT is a tangent-segment to the circle passing
through the vertices of A ACD

Final Revision
on Geometry

The straight line passing through If AB is a chord of the circle M

the centre of the circle and the
and C is the midpoint of AB
midpoint of any chord of it (not
passing through the centre) is rthen:MCIAB
perpendicular to this chord.

The straight line passing through If AB is a chord of the circle M

the centre of the circle and
and MC I AB r where C €AB
perpendicular to any chord of it
r then : C is the midpoint of AB
bisects this chord.

I-ih;p.{p@ If AB is a chord of the circle M

chord of a circle passes through the : C is the midpoint of AB and
] r ar, , -:.--1 -
I cenffe of the circle. the straight line L -l- AB from the
point C r then M €the straight
line L

Position of a point tuith respect to a giuen circle

A is outside the circle M A is on the circle M A is inside the circle M


I v

IfMA>r IfMA=r IfMA<r

Finol Revision

Position of a stralght line I tuith respect to a circle vt tuhich is

at a distance MA from its centre

@ Ltouches the circle M L is a secant to the circle M

+ + +
IfMA>r IfMA=r IfMA<r

' L O the ckclelN4= A .LOthecircleM={A} .LlthecircleM={X rY}

. L ['l the surface of 'L 0 the surface of .L I the surface of
the circleM=A the circleM = {A} thecircleM=XY
XY is called the chord of

The tangent to a circle is If L is a tangent to the circle M

perpendicular to the radius at the point A : then Ifrfa f I
drawn from the point of

The straight line which is ffAB is a diameter of the circle M

perpendicular to the diameter of , L I E at the pointA : then L
a circle at one of its endpoints is a tangent to the circle M at the
is a tangent to the circle. pointA

The two tangents which are If AB is a diameter in the circle

drawn from the two endpoints M r L and K are tangents to the
of a diameter of a circle are circle M atA : B t thenL ll K


Position of the circle M with respect to the circle N

To determine the position of the circle M (with radius length rr) with respect to the circle N
(with radius length 12) r find 11.- t, t r, * rr tthen use the following diagram to determine
the position (where rr) 12)

MN=11-r MN = 11+ L.

MN < r1.-- tZ t1-12<MN <r1+rz MN > 11+r2

The line of centres of two If the two circles M and N are

touching circles passes touching atA : L is a cofltmon
through the point of tangency tangent to them at A : then
and is perpendicular to the Mfrrr
corlmon tangent at this point.

The line of centres of If M and N are intersecting

two intersecting circles is circlesatAandB:then
perpendicular to the common MNIAB,AC=BC
chord and bisects it. (IvIN is ttre axis of symmetry of AB)

Remarks on identifuing the circle

. It is possible to draw an infinite number of circles passing through a given point.

. There is an infinite number of circles that can be drawn to p3ss through the two points
. The smallest circle passing through the two points A : B is the circle in which eg it
a diameter in it and its centre is the midpoint of AB and the length of its radiut = an
. It is impossible to draw a circle passing through three collinear points.

Finol Revision

" There is a unique circle passing thnough three points as A r B and C which are not
collinear and the centre of this circle is the point of intersection of any two axes of
symmetry of the axes of the line segments AB , BC and AC

tqualitu 0f arcs in measure and length

trn the same circle (or in congruent

rfmlG';=*(6) rthen
circles) : if the measures of arcs
ar"e equal r then the lengths of the
the le{rgth ofG = the length
of CD and vice versa
a.rcs are equal and vice versa.

If two parallel chords are drawn

If AB II CD r then
in a circle : then the measures of
the two arcs between them are
m(AC)=p (BD)

If a chord is parallel to a tangent

If CD ll AB : then
of a circle : then the measures of ,^ /^
the two arcs between them are m(EA)=m(EB)

The measure of the arc The length of the arc


tqualitU of truo chords in tength

In the same circle (or in congruent

If m1ffi';=*(6):then
circles) : if the measures of arcs
AB = CD and vice versa
are equal :thentheirchords are
equal in length and vice versa.

In the same circle (or in congruent

circles) r if chords of a circle are
equal in length r then they are
, MY -l- CD
equidistant from the centre and : then MX = MY
vice versa. and vice versa

Geometry -
angle, in and angle of tangencu

The measure of the central angle

Equals the measure of Equals twice the rneasure Equals twice the
the subtended arc of the inscribed angle measure of the angle of
.tt subtended by the same tangency subtended by
the same arc

m(ZM)=m(AB) m(ZM)=Zm(LA) m (Z M) =2m(L

Equals half the measure of the Equals the measure of the inscribed
subtended arc angle subtended by the same arc

m(zA)=**fftl m(LA)=m(LD)

The measure of the inscrihed angle

Equals half the measure of the Equals the measure of the angle of

central angle subtended by the tangency subtended by the same

m(ZA)= m(zM) m(LC)=g(LABD)

Finol Revision

In ttre same circle (or in any number of Ifm(ft;=r,r@)

circles) : the measures of the inscribed
angles subtended by arcs ofequal
measues are equal and vice versa. "m rthenm(ZB)=m(ZE)
and vice versa

The inscribed angle in

If AB is a diameter r then
a semicircle is a right angle
m(LC) = 90o

The angle of tangency is If Z AEB is inscribed drawn

supplementary to the drawn
inscribed angle on the chord of
o, AB t L ABD is angle of
tangency r then
the angle of tangency and in one
side of it. m (Z ABD) + m (Z AEB) = 180o

To prove that ffi is a tangent to

the circumcircle of A ABC ,)
Prove that : m (Z ABD) = m (Z ACB)

Relation betureen tangents ofthe circle

The two tangent-segments

If AB and AC are tangent
drawn to a circle from
segments to the circle M : then
a point outside it are .AB =AC
equal in length
. AM bisects LBAC and L BMC
.:5fr r BC and bisects it.


Cuctic quadrilatelal ,

If there are two equal angles in Ifthere is an exterior angle atanY

measure and drawn on one of its of its vertices equal in measure to
sides as a base and on one side of the measure of the interior angle at
this side. the opposite vertex.

If m(LBAC) =m(LBDC) If m(LABE) =m(LD)
\ .,
When is the quadrilateral cyclic ?

/ \
If there are two opposite If there is a point in the plane of
supplementary angles. the figure such that it is equidistant
D from its vertices.

If m(L A) + m (L C) = L80o IfMA=MB=MC=MD

. m(L 1) =m(L2) . m(LA) + m (L C) = 180o . n(LABE) =m(LD)

. m(L3) =m(L 4) . m(L B) + m (LD) = 180o . m(L DCD =m(L A)

Finol Revision

.lllell knotun problems

If AB and CD are two chords in a circle If CB and ED are two chords in a circle
intersecting at the point E r then
n Ef = {e}
, where CE , rhen :


m(ZAEC)=+ [*rftt+m6D)] m(zA) z t-@i-m(fr)l


,Circumcircle and inscrib'ed circle of the triangle

Is the circle that passes through the vertices

Is the circle that touches all sides of the
of the triangle triangle internally A

and its centre is the point of intersection and its centre is the intersection point of
of the perpendicular bisectors of its sides the bisectors of its interior angles

Q fne centre of the circumcircle

of the right-angled triangle is
the midpoint of its hypotenuse.

The centre of the circumcircle of the equilateral triangle is the

same centre of the inscribed circle to it which is the point of
intersection of axes of its sides and the point of intersection of
its medians and the point of intersection of the bisectors of its
interior angles and also the point of intersection of its altitudes.
It'sJpossible to draw a circumcircle to a rectangle : o Seu&re and an isosce,1es
trapezium while it's impossible to draw a circumcircle to a parallelogram ,-'
a rhbmbus and not isosceles trapezium.

(y. : | )yel6rrsty/ (4-tjs)oLil - or1;-!.,1 il4ldl 1 53


lmportont theorems and their proofs

If chords of a circle are equal in length, then they are equidistant from the centre.

Given AB=CD, MXf ABandffilCD

Construction Draw MA and tvtC
Proof ... MX l- AB
X is the midpoint of AB .'. AX =
f nn
lav r cn .'. Y is the midpoint of 5
cY= i"o '.'AB = CD (given) .'. AX = CY

a AxM and cYM : both n""" Iffi.==ff*1'*'

^ [m(zA)0'D = 1(LCYM)-9g'
.'. A AXM = A CYM : then we get : MX = MY (Q.E.D.)

The measure of the inscribed angle is half the measure of the central angle r subtended
by the same arc.

Given In the circle M: L ACB is an inscribed angle :

Z AMB is a central angle
R.T.P. m (z ACB) = m (z AMB)
Proof '.' Z AMB is an exterior angle of AAMC
:.m(LAMB) =m(LA) +m (LC) (1)

: '.' MA= MC (two radii lengths)

:.m(LA)=m(LC) (2)

From (1) and (2) we get : m (Z AMB) = 2 m (Z ACB)

.'. n(LACB) = * AMB) (Q.E.D.)

Finol Revision

In the same circle r the measures of all inscribed angles subtended by the same arc
are equal

Given L C t LD and LE weinscribed angles subtended bV G

R.T.P. m(LC)=rn(LD)=m(LE)
Proof '.'m(Lq=+m(^')
tm(LD= + m (^')
tm(LE)= +m(G')
:.m(LC)=m(LD)=m(LB) (Q.E.D.)

In a cyclic quadrilateral r each two opposite angles are supplementary.

Given ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

R.T.P. Qm(LA)+m(LC)=180"
@m (LB)+m(LD)= 180"

+ * f-s-61 and m (L C) = * ^tffil

'.' m(LA) =

;.m(LA) +m (Lc)= | [^fffil +m1ffi)]

= tnemeasure of the x 350" = 180o

| "ird" = *
Similarly z m(LB) + m (LD)= 180o (Q.E.D.)


The two tangent-segments drawn to a circle from a point outside it are equal in length.

Given A is a point outside the circle M

,IB and RC are two tangent-segments

to the circle at B and C respectively.

Construction Draw MB , MC , MA

Proof '.' AB is a tangent to the circle M m (Z ABM) = 90'

, '.' ;C is a tangent to the circle M :. m (LACM) = 90o

(the lengths of two radii)
IMg = MC
.'. In AAABM :ACM : Anf is a common side.
lm (L ABM) = m (L ACM) = 90o (Proved)
.'. A ABM : A ACM and we deduce that : AB = AC (Q.E.D.)

The measure of the angle of tangency is equal to the measure of the inscribed angle
subtended by the same arc.

Given LBAC is an angle of tangency and L D is an inscribed angle.

R.T.P. m (Z BAC) = m (LD)

Proof LBAC is an angle of tangency.

m (z BAC) = + * f-n-l (1)

'.' LD is an inscribed angle

;.m(Lr4=+m(^') Q)

From (1) and (2) twededuce that: m (Z BAC) = m (Z D) (Q.E.D.)

Final Examinations
on Geometry


I@tr Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

Il Cnoote the correct answer from those given :

I ! lThe inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is angle.

(a) an acute (b) u, obtuse (.;) a straight (d) a right

La Jtn the opposite figure :

Circle of centre M o
^ = 50o : then m (Z ADB) - ""'
If m (AB) B
tt) 25" tl;.t 59" t, i 100o (il) 150"
is I The number of symmetric axes of any circle is """""""'
(.it'1 ,"ro (b) 1 (c\ ) (d) an infinite number.

[aJ rn the opposite figure :

lf m(LA) = 120' rthen m(LC) = """""""'
(a) 60' (tr.i 9go

(c) 120' r ilt 180o

L s i If the straight line L is a tangent to the circle M of diameter length 8 cm'-

: then the distance between L and the centre of the circle equals """""""' cm'
(a) 3 (h) 4 rr'r 6 ({.l) 8

Ie I fne surface of the circle I

the surface of the circle N = {A} and the radius length
nf one of them is 3 cm. and MN = 8 cm. : then the radius length of the other
circle equals ..".......'... cm.
(a) 1 (b) 6 (c) 11 (d) 16

E tut Complete and prove that :

In a cyclic quadrilateral t each two opposite angles are """""""'

[h] rn the opposite figure :
ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle
r BD is a tangent to the circle at B
,XGAB,YGBCwhereXVll ffi
Prove that : AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Finol Exominofions

E frl In the opposite figure : ,1

Two circles are truching internally at B

, fE i, a colnmon tangent

: AC is a tangent to the smaller circle at C

, AD it a tangent to the greater circle at D

rAC = 15 cm. :AB = (ZX- 3) cm.

andAD = (y _ 2) cm.
Find : The value of each of X and y

lbl In the opposite figure :

eg it a diameter in the circle M
, C Cthe circle M : m (Z CAB) = 30o
: D is the midpoinr of ft , ng n eC = 1ff 1

E Find : m (L BDC) and m f6l [!] Prove that : ae // DC

B fut In the opposite figure :

AB and AC *" two chords equal in length in circle M

r X is the midpoint of AB r Y is the midpoint of AC
tm(LCAB) =70"
lA Calculate : m (Z DMH)
B Prove that : XD = YH

[b] In the opposite figure :

m(ZA)=30",m(ft) =120"
i1_J ^ the minor)
Find : m (BD
E Prove that : AB =AD

E tut In the opposite figure :

M and DE *" two tangents of the circle M

andAB =AC
Prove that : RC i, a tangent-segment to the circle passing
through the vertices of the triangle ABD


lbl In the opposite figure :

C is the midpoint of AB , Me I the circle fvf = {O}
tm (L MAB) = 20"
Find : m (l- BHD) and m t,6D'l

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

Il Cnoore the correct answer from those given :

It fn" measure of the arc which equals half the measure of the circle equals
(a) 360' (b) tgo" (c) r2o' (d) go'

[E fn" number of common tangents of two touching circles externally equals

(a) o (b) t (c) z (d) :
Lrl tn" measure of the inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle equals

(a) 45' (b) 90" (c) 120' (d) go"

lg ] ftre angle of tangency is included between

(a) two chords. (b) two tangents.

(c) a chord and a tangent. (d) a chord and a diameter.

[q] AgCp is a cyclic quadrilaterabm(LA) = 60' r then m(LC) = """" """

(a) 60' (b) lo" (c) 90' (d) tzo"

E If U N are two touching circles internallyr their radii lengths are 5 cm.
: t9 cm.
r then MN = .." """"' cm.

(a) t+ (b) + (c) 5 (d) q

E ful rn the opposite figure :

Prove that : XD = YE

160 l
Finol Exominotions

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = AD r

m (Z ABD) = 30o ,
m(LC) = 60o
Prove that : ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

E fut State two cases of a cyclic quadrilateral.

lbl In the opposite figure :

gC i. a tangent-segment at B r

E is the midpoint offfi

Prove that :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

E tut In the opposite figure :

A circle is drawn touching

the sides of the triangle
Find the perimeter of A ABC

lbl In the opposite figure :

AF is a tangent to the
circle at A r AF ll ne
Prove that :
DEBC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

E r, the opposite figure :

AB , E *" two tangents
to the circle at B r C
tm(LA) = 70'
tm (L CDE) = 125"
Prove that :

EcB=cB trAd ilBE

(Y\ : f )Yel6rlstY/ (a.-t$)slil-sr:.r-L-r )Hl.dl 161


Model examination for the merge students

Answer the following questions in the same paper : (Calculator is allowed)

E Comptete each of the following :

@fne longest chord in the circle is called

Efne straight line passing through the center of the circle and the midpoint of any
chord is'.....'.......

@fne two tangent-segments drawn to a circle from a point outside it are

in length.
EIn the opposite figure :

The length of MD = .......'..'.... cm.

Effre number of symmetry axes of a circle is ..' .. . ....... ..

tElf AC is a diameter in a circle M : then m (AC) = ...'

a Choose the correct answer from those given :

!lIf A € the circle M of diameter length 6 cm.

: then MA = ...........'... cm.

(a) 3 (b) 4

(c) 5 (d) 6

Efn the opposite figure :

m(ZACB)- '

(a) 40" (b) 80.

(c) 90' (d) 180.

Effre number of the cofirmon tangents of two distant circles is

(a) 1 (b)2 (c) 3

,]i lIn the opposite figure :

The length of BC = .......'....... cm.

(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6

E fne number of circles which can be drawn passing through the endpoints of a line
segment E equals
(a) 1 (b)2 (c) 3 (d) an infinite number.

Finol Exominotions

Efn the opposite figure :

m (l- AHC) = """""""'

(a)25" (b) 5o'

(c) 75" (d) too'

E pot(/) tor the correct statement ,(X) for the incorrect statement :
Etf U r N are two touching externally circles whose radii lengths are 11 = 5 cm. r
12=3 cm. r then MN = 15 cm. ()
Bfn the opposite figure :

ME=3cm. rthen
MF=3cm. ()
Effr" quadrilateral ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral if
m(LA)+m(LC)=90" ()
Efn the opposite figure :

@l = looo ()

Efn the opposite figure :

(AB )+m(CD)=399" ()

Efn the opposite figure :

The perimeter of

AABC =9 cm. ( ) C3cm.


E Joi, from the column (A) to the suitable one of the column (B) : I

(A) (B)

E ffre measure of the inscribed angle which is drawn in

a semicircle equals . 130o

E Irr the opposite figure :

m (Z A) = .....'......'..

E fn tne opposite figure :

BD is a tangent atB t
m (Z DBC) = 140" . 90o

r then m(L A) =

[4 fne raclius length of the circumcircle of the vertices of

the right-angled triangle of hypotenuse length 10 cm.
. 30o
equals .'.'........... cm'

E fn the opposite figure : .2: I

A MAB is an equilateral
triangle , BC is atangentatBt
: then m (l- ABC) -
|E fne ratio between the measures of the central angle and
inscribed angle subtended by the same arc is ...............

Governorotes' Exominotions on Geometry

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

Il Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

E ffre sum of any two side lengths of a triangle is ........"..... the length of the third side.
(a) smaller than (b) equal to (c) greater than (d) twice

E tf the two circles M and N are touching externally and their radii lengths are 4 cm.

and 9 cm. r then MN = """""""' cm.

(a) 4 (b) s (c) 9 (d) 13

E ffre sum of measures of two supplementary angles equals

(a) 90' (b) tgo' (c) 270" (d) 360"

E ffre type of the inscribed angle opposite to an arc greater than the semicircle
is .'..,,....',... angle.
(a) an acute (b) a right (c) an obtuse (d) a straight

E tf ngCD is a cyclic quadrilateral r m (LC) =2m(L A) r then m (Z C) = """""""'o

(a) 30" (b) 60' (c) 90' (d) 120'

E AnC is a triangle in which m(L 4t) = 40" t m(L C) = 70" : then the number of
axes of symmetry of this triangle equals
(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

E tul In the opposite figure :

HA= HD : m (Z DAH) = 35o tm(LABC) = 110"
S Find with proof : m (Z H)
@ Prove that : ABDH is a cyclic quadrilateral.
lbl In the opposite figure :
Id ir a tangent to the circle at B

tm(L DBC) = 140o

Find with proof :

E m (z ABD)
E m (LH)

E fut In the opposite figure :

Xy l, a diameter in the circle M : m (Z LMY) = 60o
Find with proof : Em (LXZY)
[b] Using the geometric tools r draw the equilateral triangle whose side length is 5 cm.
r then draw the circumcircle of it.

E tut In the opposite figure : A

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral 50" t
o Adbir""ts l- BAD
and m (Z BAC) = 50o
Find with proof z m (L BCD)

[b] In the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles at

AandC,l\AEr AB
and intersects the circle M at X : HX = DO
Prove that : AB = AC

E tut In the opposite figure :

AD- : BC *" two diameters in the circle M
tm(LCMD) =40",nOllgH
Find with proof : [Im (/ AMB)
tbl In the opposite figure :

AX and AY *r* two tangent-segments

to the circie M at X and Y respectively
tm (L AMX) = 65o and AX = 6 cm.
Find with proof : E ttre length of AY
Em (z XAY)

Finol Exominotions

2 Giza Governorate J G\
Answer the following questions :

tl Ctroose the correct answer :

EThe two diagonals are equal in length and non-perpendicular in the

(a) square. (b) rhombus. (c) rectangle. (d) parallelogram.

E If the straight line is a tangent to the circle of diameter length 8 cm. : then the distance
between the straight line and the centre is .......'..."" cm.

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

E The length of the side opposite to the angle of measure 30' in the right-angled triangle
equals the length of the hypotenuse.

@)+ @+ @)^[i (d)2

Efne inscribed angle which is drawn in a semicircle is

(a) acute. (b) obtuse. (c) straight. (d) right.

@The point of concuffence of the medians of the triangle divides each of them in the
ratio of from the base.

(a)1.:2 (b)2:1 (c)1:3 (d)3 :2

El If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral : m (L A) = 60o rthenm(ZC)=

(a) 60" (b) 30" (c) 90" (d) 120'

E fut In the opposite figure :

naC f AB ,AM = 13 cm.

Find : The length of each of AB and CD

lbl In the opposite figure :

AC ll tr,tO
tm(L CAB) = 40"

Find with proof t m(LABD)


E t"t In the opposite figure :

m (Z HAD) = 86'

tm(LDCE) =94"
Prove that : ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
E c B
tbl In the opposite figure :
m(L A) = 50" : AB , AC are two tangent-segments to the circle M '-.c
Find:Em(/ABC) /7\----
Em(zMCB) ( '(l ) '>^
Em(zcMB) V B

a [a] In the opposite figure :

ABC is an inscribed triangle in a circle M

: X is the midpoint of AB , MY f AC
Prove that: MX = MY
lbl In the opposite figure :

Find: * @l
E tut In the opposite figure :

m (Z BCD) = 70"

tm (L ADB) = 30o
Find with proof z m(L ABD)

lbl In the opposite figure :

E anO ffi ur" two tangents to

the circle at C and B

tm(LA) = 40"
, Adll eH
Find with proof : E m (Z CHB)

Finol Exominotions

@ If two polygons are similar : the ratio between the lengths of two conesponding sides
is 1 : 3 and the perimeter of the smaller polygon is 15 cm. r then the perimeter of the
greater polygon is ....'......... cm.

(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 7s

E tut In the opposite figure :

A circle of centre M r D is the midpoint of AB

: MD = ME and m(LB) =70"
Find with proof : m (Z A)

lbl In the opposite figure :

A circle of centre M r m (Z BMC) = 100o

tm (L ABD) = 120"
Find with proof z m (L DCM)

E tut In the opposite figure :

, tr, (nt; = 110o

and m (L CBE) = 100o

lbl fn the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two tangent-segments

to the circle at B and C

tm(L A) = 50" ;m(L D) = 115"

Prove that : BC bisects L ABE

E tut In the opposite figure :

AB , CB are two chords in the circle whose radius length is 5 cm.

, m l- AB intersecting Ag ut D and intersecting the circle at E

r X is the midpoint of BC rAB = 8 cm. tm(LABC) = 56o
Find : m (Z DMX) r the length of DE


lbl In the opposite figure :

rffi n 6
eg ir a diameter in the circle = 1U1
tm(LAEC) = 30o and m (fr) = 8oo
Find : m (CD)

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle drawn inside a circle

,76 i, a tangent to the circle atA
,X CAB, Y eAC where XV ll nC
Prove that : ffi ir a tangent to the circle passing through
lbl In the opposite figure :
Rg ir a diameter in the circle M
: X is the midpoint of AC and ffi intersects

the tangent of the circle at B in Y

Prove that : E ffre figure AXBY is a cyclic quadrilateral. Y

E petermine the centre of the circle passing through the vertices of the
quadrilateral AXBY

Answer the following questions : (Calculators are allowed)

tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

E tf enCD is a cyclic quadrilateral : where m(LB) = 50o r then m (LD) =

(a) 25" (b) SO" (c) 100" (d) l:O'

E fne point of concurrence of the medians of the triangle divides the median by the
ratio ............... from the base.
(a) 7 :2 (b) 2:1 (c) 1 :3 (d)3:1
E ffr" measure of the arc which represents half the measure of the circle equals
(a) 180' (b) go' (c) 120' @) zqo"

E t, A ABC : if (BC)2 = (AB)2 + (AC)2 : rhen m (L At) = ......,........o

(a) 40' (b) so" (c) 90" (d) tzo'

Finol Exominotions

Ettre inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is

(a) acute. (b) obtuse. (c) right (d) straight.

E fne angle of measure 20" is the complementary angle of the angle of measure
(a) 20' (b) 40" (c) 70' (d) 120'

E trt In the opposite {igure :

AB and AC are two chords in the circle M
r D is the midpoint of AB r H is the midpoint of AC
tm(L BAC) = 60o Find : m (Z DMH)
lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle

: BD is atangentto the circle atB t X €AB
and Y C BC : where XV il ED
Prove that : AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

E tul In the opposite figure :

AB and AC *. two chords equal in length in

the circle M : X is the midpoint of AB
and Y is the midpoint of AC

Prove that : XD = YE

lbl fn the opposite figure :

M is a circle
tm(L CMA) = 150o
f ind : m (Z CDA)

E fut In the opposite figure :

AB and AC ur" two tangent-segments

to the circle at B and C r m (L A) = 40"
Find with proof : m(LD)
lbl fn the opposite figure :
gC ir a diameter in the
circle M , ED l- BC
Prove that : ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.


E tul In the opposite figure :

A r B and C are three points lie on the circle M where

Find by proof : m (l- A)

[b] In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle inscribed in the circle M

tm(LA) = 30"
Prove that : A MBC is an equilateral triangle.

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

Il Ct oore the correct answer :

E fn" number of circles which passes through three collinear points is .'...'.....'...
(a) zero. (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) infinite.

@ A square has a surface area of 50 cm? r then the length of its diagonal is ....'....'..... cm.
(a) 5 (b) to (c) 1s (d) 2s

E egC is a triangle , (AC)2 > (AB)2 + @C)2 : then L ABC is ....'.....'....

(a) obtuse. (b) acute. (c) right. (d) straight.

E ffr" measure of the arc which equals third the measure of the circle is ...............
(a) 60" (b) go' (c) 120" (d) 24O"

E anCp is a cyclic quadrilateral r m (L A) = 3 m (L C) r then m (L A) = ...............

(a) 90" (b) +5' (c) 135" (d) 120"
E ffr" measure of the reflex angle of the angle that is measured 100' equals
(a) 80' (b) go' (c) 200" (d) 260.

E tut rn the opposite figure :

XYZrs a triangle inscribed in a circle M

: D : E are the midpoints of XY ,Xzr"rp"ctively
Prove that : L)(YZ is an equilateral triangle.

lbl In the opposite figure :
en ir a diameter in the circle M
Find with proof : n(LAEC)

E tut In the opposite figure :

A circle with centre M

tm(L BMD) = 150o
Find with proof : m(L BCD)

lbl In the opposite figure :

AD is atangentto the circle atA
r ABC is a triangle inscribed in the circle
Prove that : 76 ir a tangent to the circle passing through
the points A :XandY

E Iul Two circles M and N with radii lengths 8 cm. and 6 cm. respectively
Find the length of MN in each of the following cases :
@ The two circles are touching externally.
E The two circles are touching internally.

@ The two circles are concentric.

lbl In the opposite figure :
AB , AC ut" two tangent-segments to the circle M
atB rC, AB ll CD tm(LBMD) = 130o
Find with proof : m (Z A)

E tut In the opposite figure :

Ag i, a diameter in the circle M

, BC i, a tangent-segment to the circle at B
,MEf AD rAM= 4cm. rBC=6crn.
@ Prove that : EMBC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
@ Find : The length of AC

lbl In the opposite figure :

Prove that : AC = BC

Answer the following questions : (Calculators are allowed)

I Ctroose the correct answer :

E fne rhombus in which the lengths of its diagonals are 12 cm. r 18 cm. r its area
is '..'.....,.,..' cm?
(a) 108 (b) 216 @) 5a (d) 30

E In the opposite figure :

Ag ir a diameter of the circle M
tm(L CAB) = 40o

r then ^ =
m (AC) """""""'
(a) 50' (b) 40" (c) 100" (d) 80'

E ff U r N are two circles touching externally r the lengths of their radii are 3 cm.
and 5 cm. : then MN = .'............. cm.
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) ls

E ffre number of axes of symmetry of a circle is .'...'......'..

(a) an infinite number. (b) zero.
(c) single axis. (d) three axes.

E.l In the opposite figure :

If M is a circle t m (LBAD) = 50o

: then m (Z BCD) -

(a) 50' (b) 130'

(c) 260" (d) 65'

@ The length of the opposite side of the angle with measure 30o in the right-angled
triangle equals the length of the hypotenuse.

@+ (o)+ @+ (d)
Finol Exominotions

E tut In the opposite figure :

A ABC is inscribed in a circle
, AD ir a tangent to the circle atA tXV f nC
Prove that : 76 ir a tangent to the circle passing
through the points A rX and Y
[b] In the opposite figure :

tm(LMAB) = 50o
r find with proof : Em (Z ACB) Em fffiD'l
E tut In the opposite figure :

The circle M O the circle P = {e' n}

Prove that : MX = MY

lbl In the opposite figure :

ag i, a diameter of the circle M

Find with proof z m (L DEB) t m (L AWE)

E tut In the opposite figure :

XYZD is a cyclic quadrilateral

,W GYf where m (Z WXD) = 80o
tm(LY = + m(LD)
Find with proof : Em (LZ) Em (z D)
lbl In the opposite figure :

AB , AC *" two chords equal in length in the circle M

: D is the midpoint of AB : E is the midpoint of E
tm (L BAC) = 60o
@ Find with proof z m(L XMY)
@ Prove that : XD = YE

(yl :p )yol6rtclyl (L-rJ<)otil- o!iL^) )Ehcl 201


E tut In the opposite figure :

AB and ZE u." two tangent-segments to the circle M

, AM n BC = {D} tm(LBAM) =20o

Find with proof : E m (Z ACB)
p m (z BEC)
lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral:AB = BC = AC
:AD = DC : m (Z ACD) = 30o
Prove that : ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Answer the following questions : (Calculators are permitted)

tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

S A tangent to a circle of diameter length 8 cm. is at a distance of .....""""" cm. from its centre.
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
E The sum of measures of the interior angles of the quadrilateral equals
(a) 180' (b) 270" (c) 360' (d) 120"
E fne inscribed angle opposite to the greatest arc in a circle is """""""'
(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) reflex.

@ The number of diagonals of the pentagon is """""""'

(a) 3 (b) s (c) 7 (d) e
E] A circle can be drawn passing through the vertices of a """""""'
(a) rectangle. (b) trapezoid. (c) rhombus. (d) parallelogram.

E The area of a square is 100 cn?. , then its perimeter is """""""' cm.
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40

E t"t Find the length and the measure of the arc which is opposite to an inscribed angle of

measure 45" in a circle of radius length 7 cm. ("=?)

lbl In the opposite ligure : C

AB , AC are two chords equal in length in the circle M

: X r Y are the midpoints o1ffi , 4g

respectively r m (Z CAB) =Jlo

@ Find : m (L DME) @ Prove that : XD = YE
Finol Exominotions

E fut In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle drawn in a circle
,On tteC
Prove that : m (Z DAC) = m (Z BAE)

lbl In the opposite figure :

E i* a diameter in the circle M
: D is the midpoint of fr
tm (L ABC) = 40"
Findbyproof zm(L DAB)

B fut In the opposite figure :

ffi ir a diameter in the circle M


Prove that : ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

lbl In the opposite figure :

AABC is a right-angled triangle atA
:AC = 3 cm. : BC = 6 cm. tm (LBAD) = 60o
Prove that : i. a tangent to the circle passing through
the vertices of AABC

E trt In the opposite figure :

AB, E two tangent-segments
to the circle M , AB ll CD
tm(L BMD) = 130o
E Prove that : eE bisects L ACD @fina:m(ZA)
lbl fn the opposite figure :
ABCD is a quadrilateral drawn inside a circle
tm(LABE) = 100o
tm(L CAD) = 40o

Answer the following questions :

Il Choose the correct answer :

EIf the two circles M and N are touching internally : the radius length of the circle
N = 3 cm. and MN = 5 cm. r then the radius length of the circle l\z[ = """""""' cm.
(a)2 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) e

BThe number of the common tangents of two distant circles is """""""'

(a) 1 (b)2 (c) 3 (d)4

@If the figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral : m (L A) =Jlo

:then m(LC) = """""""'
(a) 70" (b) 110' (c) 90" (d) 180"

Effreareaof atriangle=30cm?andoneof itsheights=6cm. rthenthelengthof the

base which is corresponding to this height = """""""' cm.
(a) 30 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d)t2
EIt tfre length of the diagonal of a square is 12 cm. I then its area is """""""' cm?

(a)72 (b)144 (c) t2 (d)24

E ffre sum of the exterior angles of the triangle equals

(a) 120' (b) 180' (c)270" (d) 360"

E tut In the opposite figure :

MA=5cm. rAB=12cm.
, E i, a tangent-segment to the circle M at A

Find : The length of BD R l2cm. A

[b] Using your geometric tools r draw AB with length 6 cm. : then draw a circle passing
through the two points A and B whose radius length is 5 cm. How many circles can
be drawn ?

E tul In the opposite figure :

M and N are two circles with radii lengths 10 cm.
and 6 cm. respectively and they are touching internally at A
, AB i, a common tangent-segment for both.
If the area of A BMN = 24 c& : find : the length of AB

[b] In the opposite figure :

ng // cD
Prove that : m (Z AED) = m (LBEC)

E tul In the opposite figure :

AB , AC are two chords equal in length in the circle M
: X is the midpoint of AB , Mf inbrsects the circle at D

, ffi -l- AC intersecting it atY and intersecting the circle at E

Prove that : XD = YE r m (Z YXB) = m (L XYC)

lbl In the opposite figure :
t m (L ACD) = 40"

tm(L B) = 80' \,o./

Prove that : ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. B

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle

r BD is a tangent to the circle at B
Prove that : AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

lbl In the opposite figure :

+ +
AB : AC are two tangents to the circle at B and C
tm(LA) = 70'
tm(L D) = 125"
Prove that :E BC = CE tr Af ilBr,

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

tl Ct oose the correct answer from those given :

E a square : its side length is 6 cm. r then its surface area is . ... '. . '
(a) L2 (b) 24 (c) 36 (d) 48


EABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which m (Z B) = 70o r then m (Z D) =

(a) 50" (b)70' (c) 100" (d) 110'

Efne measure of the exterior angle of an equilateral triangle at one of

its vertices equals
(a) 120 (b) 100" (c) 60" (d) 30'

Effro circles M andN rthe lengths of theirtwo radii are 9 cm. and 5 cm.If MN = 6 cm.
: then the two circles are ...:..........'
(a) touching externally. (b) intersecting.
(c) distant. (d) touching internally.

Eln the opposite figure :

le ttCD , m (Z B) = 40o

r then m (BD
(a)20' (b)40"
(c) 80" (d) 100'

Ettre length of the side which is opposite to the angle with measure 30o in
a right-angled triangle is equal to '.....".....'. the length of the hypotenuse.
(a) double (b) rhird (c) quarter (d) half

E t"t In the opposite figure :

AB , AC *" two chords equal in length in the circle M

r Y is the midpoint of AC , MY intersects the circle M

at9 tMT f AB int"r."cting it at X and intersecting

the circle M at D Prove that : YE = XD

lbl In the opposite figure :

CD is a tangent to the circle M at D

tm(L C) = 40o
Find : m (m) the smaller.

E ful In the opposite figure :

en is a tangent-segment to the circle M at A

Find : The Iength of DB

Finol Exominotions

[b] fn the opposite figure :

E €G tm(LABE) = 100o
tm (L DAC) = 40"
Provethat:m( DA )=m (ft
g lal In the opposite figure :

AB , AC are two tangent-segments to the circle M

tm(LA) = 50"
Find : m (Z ABC) tm(L BMC)

lbl fn the opposite figure :

tm(LAMB) = 140o

E fut rn the opposite figure :

tm(L DBC) = 40o
tm(L DEC) = 80o
Prove that : ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

lbl rn the opposite figure :

AABC is drawn inscribed in the circle

: AX is a tangent to the circle ,DE ll BC
Prove that : AX is a tangent to the circle passing
through the points A : D and E


Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

Il Cnoote the correct answer from those given :

[I ffre number of axes of symmetry of an isosceles triangle equals

(a) zero. (b) t @)z (d):

@ A tangent to a circle of diameter length 6 cm. is at a distance of ......'.....,.. cm.

from its centre.
(a) t2 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 2

E tf urn(X+ 10") ={Twhere Xis the measure of an acute angle : then \,= ...............
(a) 30" (b) 45. (c) 50' (d) 60"
[4 Vt and N are two intersecting circles r both their radii lengths are 3 cm. and 5 cm.
r then MN C

(a) ls ,".[ 1u) ]- * ,21 (c) lo ,2[ (d) 12,, 8[

E ttre measure of the inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle equals
(a) 45" (b) 90" (c) 120" (d) 180"
E fn the opposite figure :

If m(LA) = 120"
: then m(LC) = .'........,...'
(a) 60' (b) 90'
(c) 120" (d) 180"

E tut In the opposite figure :

AB and AC ur. two chords equal in length in the circle M

r X is the midpoint of AB r Y is the midpoint of AC
tm(LCAB) ='70o
E Calculate : m (Z DME)
E Prove that : XD = YE
lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is an inscribed triangle inside a circle

Prove that : m (Z DAC) = m (Z BAE)

E tut State two cases of cyclic quadrilateral.

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = AD

tm(L ABD) = 30o tm(L C) = 60o
Prove that : ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Finol Exominotions

E frt In the opposite figure :

A circle is drawn touching the sides of the triangle ABC

AB , BC , AC atD tE r F resPectivelY

:AD = 5 cm. :BE = 4 cm. r CF = 3 cm.

Find : The perimeter of AABC

lbl In the opposite figure :

CD is a tangent to the circle at C

,6 ttAB ,m(zAMB)=720"
Prove that : The triangle CAB is an equilateral triangle'

E t"t In the opposite figure :

m(LA)=30o r-(G) =120"
-^ ,^ 120

E Find , r" (G) the minor arc.

@ Prove that : AB = AD
lbl In the opposite figure :

AB and AC ur" two tangent-segments to the circle

atB andC:m (LA) =50o
tm(L CDE) = 115o
Prove that : tr Bebisects L ABE

Answer the following questions :

tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

E m tne circumference of a circle = 8 X[ cm. : then the length of its diameter = """""""' cm.

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16

E If the length of the base of a triangle is 16 cm. and its corresponding height is 9 cm.
: then its area - """""""' ct t?
(a) 25 (b) 12 (c) 36 (d) t44

(YV : 1)Yol,srle lY/ (utJ!)-lil - -l:':Q: )l4lsdl 209


E fne centre of the circumcircle of a triangle is the intersection point of ...:,....:...:.;

(a) the axes of symmetry of its sides. (b) its heights.
(c) the bisectors of its interior angles. (d) its medians.

f U and N are two circles touching externally : the two radii lengths are 3 cm. and 5 cm.
r then MN = ..'............ cm.
(a) s (b) s (c) z (d):
E tn the opposite figure :

If AB is a diameter in the circle M

tm(L B) = 50'
r then m (Z A) = ."'..'.."....
(a) 40' (b) so' (c) 90' (d) too"
@ tn the opposite figure :

If m(LA) = Xo
tm(L C) = (3 X)'
r then f,,- ........'......

(a) 15" (b) +5. (c) 95. (d) t:S"

and intersecting the circle at X , i\m f AC intersecting it at E and intersecting the circle at y
Prove that : DX = EY

E fut In the opposite figure :

AB and DC ar" two chords intersecting at E

rAE = DE
Prove that : eO IC
lb] rn the opposite figure :

tm (L ACD) = 30o
tm(L B) = 60'
Prove that : The figure ABCD is a cyclic quaclrilateral.

Finol Exominotions

E tulfn the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two tangents to the circle at B and C

tm(LA) = 50"
tm(L CDE) = 115o
Prove that : BC bisects L ABE

tblln the opPosite figure :

E €cE r such that m (z ABE) = 85o

rm(fr)= 110o


E talfn the opposite figure :

,m (Z BMD) = 40o t m (L EMC) = l00o
tblln the opposite figure :

76 it a tangent to the circle

Prove that I The figure XYCB is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Answer the following questions :

tt Choose the correct answer from those given :

f The measure of the inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is

(a) 180' (b)90' (c)45" (d)60"
... .. ... .'
@The measure of the exterior angle of an equilateral triangle is
.. ...

(a) 60" (b) 120' (c) 180" (d)45'

EIn the opposite ligure :

The measure of the central angle LAMC = 80"
r then m (Z ABC) - "' ' "'
(a)80" (b) 160" (c)40' (d) 20"


E fne measure of the supplementary angle of the of angle of measure 70o equals
(a) 70' (b) 20" (c) 110' (d) 290"
E] U,Naretwocirclestouchingexternally rtheradiilengthsof themare8cm. r5cm.
r then MN = '...'........., cm.
(a) g (b) t: (c) 8 (d) s
E fne point of intersection of the medians of the triangle divides each of them by the
ratio ......'........ from the vertex.
(a) 1:2 (b) 2:3 (c) 3 : 1 (d) 2:1
E fut rn the opposite figure

BC is a tangent-segment to the circle M at B

: D is the midpoint of AE
(L ACB) = 45o
Prove that : MD = AD

lbl In the opposite figure

,^ -.^
m (ED) = m (BC)
n (BD) = 60o
n (EC) = \40"
Find with proof :E m (L A) E m (ft
E tut In the opposite figure :
XCBd tm(LDCX)=100o
t m (L ABD) = 40"
Prove that : AB = AD

[b] In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle drawn.inside a circle M

tm (L B) = m (L C) r D is the midpoint of AB
Prove that : MD = ME

E tul In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle drawn inside a circle
, m is a tangent to the circle at A tOg lf gC
Prove that : ffi t a tangent to the circle passing
through the vertices of the triangle ADE

Finol Exominotions

[b]In the opposite figure :

A circle M in which
m(L A) = 30o
Prove that : A MBC is an equilateral triangle'

E tutln the opposite figure :

M is the inscribed circle of the triangle ABC :

it touches its sides AB , BC , AC
atD rE rFresPectivelY

rAD = 5 cm. :BE = 4 cm. :CF = 3 cm.

Find : The perimeter of the triangle ABC

lbl In the opposite figure :

CB is a tangent to the circle at B

: E is the midpoint of ffi
Prove that z ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Red Sea Governorate

Answer the following questions :

tf Choose the correct answer from those given :

Engco is a cyclic quadrilateral in which t m (L A) = 40' I then m (L c) =

(a) 40" (b) 50' (c)320' (d) 140"

Bttre sum of measures of the interior angles of the triangle equals

(a) 60' (b) 120' (c) 180" (d) 360"

@M and N are two intersecting circles r both their radii lengths are 4 cm. and 7 cm.
: then MN €
(a;]tt , ""[ (b)]3,-[ (c) lo , :[ (d)13 ,11[

EA circle I its radius length = 8 cm. : then its circumference = """""""' cIr.
(a)4 Tl (b) 16 xr (c)64 xL (d) 36 xr

[s-lA square r its side length = 5 cm. : then its area - "' """' cr&
(a)25 (b) 20 (c) 10 xl (d)zs fi

E fn the opposite figure :

m @) = looo ,m @) =4oo
: then m(L A) = ...............
(a) 50' (b) :o' (c) 20'

E tul In the opposite figure :

aO i, a diameter in the circle M
, E ir a tangent-segment to the circle atA
: E is the midpoint of DC t m (L B) = 50.
Find with proof z m (L AME)

lbl fn the opposite figure :

t m (LACD) = 35o t m (LB) = 70o
Prove that : ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

E t"t In the opposite figure :

M is a circle r AB = AC
: X is the midpoint of AB
r Y is the midpoint of AC
Prove that : XD = YE

lbl fn the opposite figure :

M is a circle tm(LAMB) = l4O"
Find with proof :E * VD) B m (Z DAC)

E f"l In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle
rE€AD tm(LCDE)= 100o
,m1ffi; =120"
Find with proof :E m (Z ABC) B rn (z CBD)
lbl rn the opposite figure :
ag ir a diameter in the circle M
tm (L ABD) = 20o
Find with proof :E m (Z ACB) E * (z BCD)
t Finol Exominotions

E t"t In the opposite figure :

AE and Ad *" two tangents to the circle
tm(L A) = 50'
Find with Proof : E m (Z ABC)

@ m (LD)
tbl In the oPPosite figure :

ffiit a tangent to the circle atA

,7Grt vx
Prove that : XCDY is a cyclic quadrilateral'

Answer the following questions : (Calculators are allowed)

tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

The measure of an inscribed angle is ........'...".the measure of the central
angle :
subtended by the same arc.

@+ b)+ (") + (o+

@ The circumference of a circle equals length unit'

@)fi,? (b) x[ r (c) 2xlr @) zfi?

of circle equals
@ The number of symmetry axes a

ABCDis acyclicquadrilateral :whichhasm (LA) = 60o rthen m(LC) = """""""'
(a) 30' (b) 60" (c) 90" (d) 120'
of a rhombus with a diagonal lengths of 6 cm. : 8 cm. equals
@ The area
(a) 48 cm. (b) 43 cm? @) 24 cm' (d) 24 cm?

E If the two circles M : N are touching externall] : the radius length of one of them
is 5 cm. r MN = 9 cm. r then the radius length of the other circle equals

(a) 3 cm. (b) 4 cm. (c) 7 cm. (d) 14 cm'

E tut In the opposite figure :

Rg it a chord in the circle M with length 10 cm'

tm (L AMB) = 90o
Find:@m(LA) @ The length of MA



[b] In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which AB - AC , Bf bisecrs L ABC

and intersectsAC atx tc? bisects L ACB and intersects AB at y
Prove that : E eCXy is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Lzlxv //BC
E tut In the opposite figure :

ABC is an inscribed triangle inside a circle

,OF., ttnC
Prove that : m (Z DAC) = m (Z BAE)

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle

: AD is atangentto the circle atA
, Y € AC where XV ll gC
Prove that : ffi ir a tangent to the circle passing through the points A r X and y

E frl In the opposite figure :

AB and AC u." two tangent-segments to the circle

at B and C : m (L A) = 50" >m(L CDE)
= 115"
Prove that : E Bd bisects L ABE E Cn = gg

[b] In the opposite figure :

Rg it a diameter in the circle M

r BC is atangent at B r m (Z DBC) = 50.

E fut AB and aC1."

two chords equal in length in the circle M r X and y *",t" -iApoi*
of AB and AC respecrively : m (Z MXy) 30o
Prove that : E vtxy is an isosceles triangle. EAxy is an equilateral triangle.
lb] In the opposite figure :
I-E i. a diameter of the circle
tm(L MNL) = 110o


By o group of supervisors




Guide' Answers
of Algebra and
Probability Exercises
Answers of Unit One
[! - 1z rJ + ls x + 7) = - (z x + r) (x + 7)
0i6- s) (x-z)
flsx-:y)(sx+3y) @1t*-+y2112*++yzy
@)2 * (* + 21) = z f 1x +, (* _ 3 x + s) @f* -ql(f -,=(x-2)(x+z)(* _s)
IE(2y+3)(y+1) te4o zx)(t+zx)
@21x4-01 =2(*-r(*+3) 146 x+2) (x- D
@z 1* to x + z4) =z (x - 6) \x_ a) @s f f* - s x+ 4)=3 x2 (x- +) (x t)
@)(x + +)2 lE(:x- 1)(x 6)
@12 x+21 g * _6 x+s) @12 x+t y12
E(y-51)(y+t) @ 1s x-:;2 @l(xt-ay3;1x3+ay3;
@(x s)(x+s) = (x- 2y) (* +2 xy +4 y2y (x+Zyy
01y (yo -l) =y (yr_ 1) (y2 + 1) x1*-zxy+4y2)
=y(y-t)(y+1)(y2+1) @zy3 1y -zy +t (y -z) = (y 2) (2y3 +7)
IIP)G x-z)(x+3) @6_a)6 z) @ (x'?+ 3) (x2 - 8)
l1!)3 x (x2 + 4) + 2 (x2 + q = (f + 4) (3x + 2) @o *-+y1 (*-y2)
ltd(x-s) (*+sx+25) = (3 x- 2 y) (3 x + z y) (x _ y) (x + y)
lf a2 @ + 3) - 9 (a + 3) = (a2_ 9) (a + 3)


Now at all bookstores

nl 2 I=*.,\
i'5, -t" *-/
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Maths & Science

For all educational stages

Algebro ond Probobility
tr Y=4-Zx y=4-2X
Answers of unit one
r.rr,-|-f E-'T-r
Answers of Exercise I

y ='1 -x y=ZX+I


from the graph ,

tlre S.S. = {(x , Y):f =4-2x tlx:ry)€lRxR]
tr y=,ZX ; X=3'-7y
r,-Fr;Tf r;r.{Tt-l
tion the graph r the S S. = {(2 ,5)} ['-Fr;-f,lvTrl ,I0I
Draw by yourself
from thc graph r the S.S. = t(- L 2) l
ql y- I ' Y=x-s

ri-Frr FI--4ra
Draw by Yourself
from the graph , the S.S. = {(2 , - 3)}

E.'x=y (1), x+3Y=8 Q)
{(3 ,2)}

ftom the graph ' the s s. =
y=s-3x t Substituting from (1) in (2) : y+3y=8
tE Y=a-3x "
]-f j.4Y=8 :.Y=2

FFrtItl lti Substituting in (1) : .'.

... The S.S. = {(z ,z)}


E Adding the two equations we find that2 X = 6

.'. X=3
Substituting in the second equation :

:.3+y=4 i.Y=1
| .. ,tr" t.s. = {(3 , 1)}
from the graph ' the S.S. = Z
Answers of Unit One
Fl . y=x-I (l) , y+2x=5 (2) I
] Adding rhe two equations we fincl that :

Substitlring liom (t) nr (2) :

.'.X-l+2X=5 ...3x=6 :,X=2 Substituting in the second equation :

Substituting in (l) : ... y = 1 ..)+2=.1 ...y=l

... The S.S. =
{(Z ,1)} ... The S.s. =
{f t , r;1
L4 ] Adding the rwo equarions we lind that : 3 X @ From the secord equation
= I 5 :

..31=y+8 .'. y=3x-8 (1)

Substituting in the lirst equation :
Substituting in the first equation :

'.5+5y=4 j.5y=-l .'. x-8)=5

x+2(3 :. x+6X_16=5
--) .'.7 X=21 :. X=3
,.. rhe S.S. =
{(5 ,*)t Substitutjng in (1) : ... y = I I 3- 6
[! Substituting from tl]e first equation in the second .'. The S.S. =
{(3 , r)}
equation: @'. x* S y = 2,multiplying by -2
..3(y+4)+4y=5 ...3y+tZ+4y=5 ."-2x 10y=-4 (l) ,2x_3y=_g (2)
Adding(l)and(2) : .. - 13y=- 13
7v =-7 ..J-_r ... y=.1
Substituting in the first equation : Substituting in (l) : .'. X=- 3

'Y.- irl - ^., _1 .'. The S,S. =

{(- 3, t)}
..TheS.S.={t:,_r;1 [1E- N4ultiplying the first equarion by 2 and

.' z x-y = 3 : multiplying by multiplying tlte second equation by

@ 2 3

:.4X-2y=6 .'.4y-6x=14 (1) ,9y +6x=12 (2)

r'- X+2y=4 Addirrg tl)nild (2): ... lJ y = Z6 ... ,- 2
Substiruting in the equation
Adrling (1) : (2) : ... 5 x = t0 ... x=2 .'.6+2X=4

Substituting in (2) : X=-l ...

:.2+2y=4 .:y=l
... The s.S. =
{(_ L 2)}
Itsl..v-r,,-r .'.x=t-zy (t)
{(2 , t)}
.'. The S.S. =
O)'.' x - zy = 5, multiplying (2)
by - 3
Substituring lrom (1) in (2)
j. -3X+9y=-15 (1)

t . 3X+Zy=4 (2) ..2 4y+4y=-5 ...2=-5
Adding(l)t(2):... 1ty= t1 ...y=_l 1
T'ltis is contrary ... The S.S. = Z
Substituting in (2) : Yv ', r,
'3 * = . mulriplyirrg by 6
.,)4-Z=4 y_) ;
." x+2y =2 (l)
.. The S.S. = {(2 , _ 1)}
@.3x+qy=24 (r)
tX - 2y= - ) : rmrltiplying by 2
.'.3x+4y=6 e)
..2x-4y=-! , inulriplying equation (l) by _2
Adding (1) ,(2):
;.-2X-4y=-! (3)
... 5 x=20 .,. x=4
Substituting in (l) :
, adding (2) (3) : ...
' x=2
, substituting in (l)
:.12+4y=24 :

'i Y=3 .'.2+2y =2 i. y =0

... The S.S. =
{t+ ,:11 ... The S.S. =
{(2 , o)}
Algebro ond Probobility
@ GraphicallY

y=t-2x x=5-Z!
@ GraphicallY :

y=x+4 =4-x GT_'-E-T, I
tffi-i-fi fr;

from the grapli r the S.S = {t- t ':l}

Algelrraically t'.' 2 x+ y =I Multiplyingby 2
from the graph , the S.S = {(0 ,4)} .'. -4x 2Y= 2 (t) ' x+2Y=5 (2)

Adcling(1)and(2):.. -3X=3 I
Algebraically :
Substituting by the value of y from the first Substituting in (2) : .'. Y = 3

equation iD the second equation

... rhe S.S. = {(- L 3)}
... X+4+X=4 .'.2X=O .'. X=O lll GraphicallY :

Substituting in the first equation |: y=4

x=8-2 Y Y=9 3x
... rhe S.S. = {(0 ,4)}
r,r-;FTf ffiT-]
y=3x+4 y=2x+3

lronr the graph , the S S. = {(2 ,3)}

Algebraically :

'.' . MultiPlyingbY-3
from the graph , the S.S = {(- 1 , 1)}
:.-3X-6Y---74(l) I "' 3 x+Y=9121
AlgebraicallY: Adding (1) atrd (2) :

Substituting by ! =2 X+ 3 in the fi$t equation .. 5y=-15 :.Y=3

..x:-1 .'.Y:1 Substituting in (2): .'. X=7
:,3X Zx 3+4:O
rhe s.S. = 1 , 1)}
... rhe S.S. = {(2 ,3)}
... {(-
Answers of Unit One
@ Graphicalty ;

x=4+y _'7 -3 X
tr. ^,=-f,,^r=-= i
.'. The two straight lines intersect at a point
.'. mt * m2

.'. The number of solutions

= 1

9...^r=1=-z >mr=-2 j. mr =m2

',' The first straight line intersects y_axis at
the point (0 :5)
The second straight line intersects y-axis at the
.'. The two straight lines are parallel because of
m1 = m2 and the two intersection points with
y-axis are different
.', The number of solutions zero
from the graph r the S.S. =
{(3 , _ 1)}
E .'*, =:2=:12'-'2-
2 "'tnl=m2
Algebraically: '.' The two shaight lines intersect y-axis at
': x*y=4 ... multiplyingby2 the same point (0 r 4)

.'.2x-2y-8 (1) t 3X+2y=l .'. The two straight lines re coincident

.'. The number of solutions is an infinite
Adding ( l) md (2) : we find that 5 X 15 ... x= 3
Substitutingin (1) : i. y=- 1 E
... rhe s.s. = {(3 , _ 1)} '. (3 r - 1) is a solution for the equation
ax+by-5=0 .'.3a_b=5 (1)
@ Graphicatly :
'. (3 r * 1) is a solution for the equation
t- 11 -3x 3ax+by=t7
4 ...9a_b=17

Adding (1) md (2) : .'. -6a=-12

f'],-f+rl f,H-. l-, Substittrring in (1) : '. b= I

.'. a=2

'.' (a r 2 b) is a solution for the equation : 3 X _ y = 5
.'.3a-2b=5 (1)
, .' (a, 2 b) is a solution for the equation : X + y
_ 1

.'. a+2b=-1 (2)

Adding (1) and (2) : ... 4 a = 4 .'. a= I
Substitutingin (1) : ... b =- t
Another solution :
'.'3X-y=J (l) (2)
from the graph : the S.S. = 'x+y=-l
{(t ,2)} Adding(1)and(2): :,4X=4 ... X=1
Algebraically: From the second equation Substituting in (2) : :. y = - 2
:.Y=4-2x .'. (1 : -2) is a solution for the two equations
Substituting in the first equation :
, '.' (a , 2 b) is a solution for the two equations
.'. 3x+16-8x=lt ... -5 x=-5 ... x=1 .'. (a;2b)=(1 ,-2) a=1 > 2b=-2
:. y =2 ..b=-l
.'. The S.S. =
{(1 ,2)}
Algebro ond ProbobllitY

E a
Let the two numbers be X and Y
': f (D=ax2+btf (1)=5
t .' f (2)=1r :.x+Y=54(l)tY=2x(2)
-'. a+b=5 (1)
Substituting ftom (2) in (1) :

..4a+b=11 (2)
:.3Y=54 "X=18
3a=6 a=2
.'. 1*2Y=54
Subtracting(t)froni(2):.. " : .'. Y = 36
Substituting in (2)
Srbstituting in (l) : .. b = 3 :36
.'. The two numbers are 18

tr E
E(3 ,1) E{t-s,sl1 Let the first number be X I the second number
be y

@a ..3 X+2Y = 13
-a {tx.yr : Y=6-4X'(X'Y)€ :X+3Y=16 (2\
lE(t ,z) [4{(-2 '-s)} Fronr(2): X=16-3Y

A3 [g]4 Substituting tlom (3) in (l) :

E ll .'.48-7 Y =
Ed .. 48-o y + 2 y = 13
Elb @c {gb @a
Ed Oa @a Ed @c ...48-lJ=7y
Substituting in (3): X= 1

IE .. Thc two nunbers are 1 I 5

'.' X+Y =6 (l)

tY -2X=0 :.y =2X (2)

Let the length x cm. and the width be y cm'
By substituting from (2) in (1) :

... X+2X=6 .',3 X=6 .', X=2 .'. x- y=4 (l),2 (x+ v) -'28 "'
x+ v = 14 (2)

: .'. y =4 (2'4) Adding(1) and(2): .',2x=18 x=9

Bysubstitutingin(2) "'B "
. . The length of the altitude drawn from
B to Substituting in (1) : .'. Y = 5
.'. The length = 9 cm. , the wid[h = 5 cm'
16 is 4length units
.'. The area of the rectangle = 9 x 5 = 45 cm?
, . A€srraightline l-,'AGl7
at y = 0 in the equation X + Y = 6 E
.'. x--6 .. 4.(6 r0) Let the number of arabian teams be X teams
and let the number of non-arabian teams be teams
.. AO = 6length units
... The area of AABO = + x 6 x 4 = 12 squat units :. X + y = 16 (1), y - 3 X= 4 multiplying by - 1

r Anolications on solving two equations
Adding(1) and(2) t .'. 4 X= 12 X=3
7 in two unknowns of first degree "
. . The number of arabian teams = 3 teams

Let the two numbers be X and Y Let the father's age be x Years
.'. X+Y =63 (l) tx-Y = lr ()) and let the son's age be Y Years

Adcling (1) atd (2) : .'. 2 X = 74 . X=31 i. x+y=55 (1) tx-4Y=5 (2)

Substitulirg in equ. (1) |

"' Y = 26 MultiPlying tho equ. (2) bY 1 :

,'. The two numbers tve 31 ,26 :. -X+4Y =-J

Answers of Unif One
Adding (1) and (3) : ... 5 y = JQ
Y=10 IE
Substituting in (l) : ... X= 45 Let the units digir be X and the tens digit be y
.'. 'Ihe son's age = i0 years .. x+y= 11 (1)
and the father's age = 45 years ,(y+ l0X)-(X+ 10y)=27 :.9x-9y=)l

a '''
Adding (l) and 12) .'.2x=1.4
: .'. x=7

Let the measure of the greater angle be X"

Substituting in (l) :.y=4
and let the measure of the smaller angle be y.
.. The number is 47
:.x+y=180 (1),2x=7y (2)
..2 x-7 y =0 @
From(1):X=180-y Let the unirs digrt be X anrl the tens digit be y
Substituting in (2) : ... Z (1BO y)
..x+10y=s(x+y) ...5y-4x=0 (t)
- - 7y= O

-9y=Q y=J90=40
, (y + 10 x) - (x+ 10 y) = 9 :.9 X_9y =)
''.360 .: '9 .:x-y=l ...5x_5y=5 Q1
From (3) : :, X= 140 Addnrg (1) and (2): ... x= 5
The two measures olthe two angles arc 140" r 40" Substituting in (1) : ... y = 4
.'. The number is 45
Let the measure of the first angle be X. IE
and let tlte measure of the second angle be Let the rational number be 3
y" b
x+ y =90 (l),x-y=50 a- I l
.1 (2) " b- r - 2 .'.2a-2=b-1
Adding (l) ancl (2) : ... 2 X= t4O .'. X=70 .'.2a b=1 (1)
Snbstituting in (l): ... y = lQ al
.'. The two are 70o r 20o b+5 I ..3a=b+5
.'.3a-b=5 (2)
E Multiplying equ. (1) by -I :

Let the price of one pen be X pounds and thc price of .. 2a+b=--l (3)
one book be y porurds
Addiug (2) and (3) : ... a = 4
.'.4 x+2y =22 (1) r 5 x+ y = 20 (2) Substituting in (l) : ... b = 7
Multiplying equ. (2) by - ? : .'. The rational nrnrb". =
.'.-l0X 2s,=-qA f
Adding (t) and (3) : .'. -6 x=- l8 IB
Let Ahmed's age now be X yefl.s
Substituting in (2) : ... y = 5
and Osama's age now be y years
., The pricc of the pen = L.E. 3
:.X+y=43 (t)
The price of the book = L.E. 5
,(x+s)-(y+s)=3 x-y = 3 (2)
t0 Adtling (l) a\1d (2) : ... 2 X = 46 ., z.)
Let the unirs digir be X and the tens digit be y
Substrtuting m (2) :,., y = )e
:. X+y =3X :.2X-y =Q (1) . . Ahmed's age now = 23 years
ty-X=4 (2) and Ahmed s age aftcr 7 years from norv 23 + 7 30 yeam
= =
Adding (l) zntd (.2)
: ... X = 4 r Osiula's agc now = 20 years and
Substituting in (2) : ... y = g .'. The number is 84 Osama's agc aftcr 7 years from now
= 20 + 7 = 2l years
Algebro ond ProbobililY

IE a
Let the length of the rectangle be X cm and the
Let Magdi's age now be X Years
width be y cm.
and the age of his daughter Dina be y years
.'.2(x+Y)=24 :'X+Y=12
(x-s) =s (Y-s) .'.x-5Y =-20
,Y-4=y +2 x-Y =6 (2)
x+4=3(y +4) i. x-3Y=8 (2) "
Adding (1) and (2) : .. 2 X = 18 .'.
Subtracting (1) ftom(2): .',2Y =28 "'
Y = 14
.. The sicle length of the square = 9 - 4=5
Substituting in (1) : .'. X = 50
. . The area of the square = 25 cm?
. . The age of Magdi now = 50 Years
and the age of Dina = 14 Years E
Let the number of banknotes of P.T. 25 be X
ID and the number of banknotes of P.T. 50 be y
'. The triangle is equilateral.
(l) .'. x+ y =21 (1) r 25 X + 50 Y = 800
.'.X+2Y=X+Y+2 y =z dividingby25 :. X+2Y=32 (2)
3x-y=x+Y+2 2 x-2Y =2 ll
Subtracting (1) from (2) : .'. Y =
Substituting from (1) :
Substituting in (1) : .'. 10
.'.2x-4=2 .'. X=3
.'. The number of banknote of P.T. 25 = 10
.'. The side length = 7 cm. and the number of O^nUno," o1
p1 50 = I 1

@ Answers of Exercise 2
'. The triangle is isosceles
.'. The two base mgles are equal in measure Ea @a @c @c
.'.5X-5Y=3X+5Y ,.2x-10y=0(l) Eb Eb Q)c [!.]b
'. The measure of the ve(cx angle = 2 x @a @c @c
(5 x- 5 Y + 3 x + 5 Y) =2' x
.'. 180-
...180,8x=2r( .'.X=18
a (x)=x2 +2x-3
Substituting in (1) : ." Y = 3.6
x 3 1 0 I 2

pupils v 5 0 3 0 5

From the graPh :

E Thes.S.={_3,1}
1.1! =;6 ,4 =y .'. X+Y =3 (1)
@x2 +2x-3 =0
.'.2x+3Y=10 (2) ..(x+3)(x-l)=0
lrn .'. X+3 =0 t
Multiplying (l) bY - 2 .'. -Zx-2Y =-$ (3)
thenX=-3 or X- t =0 rthenX= I

Adding (2) and (3) : .'. Y=4 ...TheS.S.={ 3,1}

Substituting in (1) : .'. Y- 1 E.u=1,b=2,c=-3
... t=-r . _ _- z' ^[q, rz _-=:!.* _-,:1
)22 =_r r,
... The S,S. = {_ 3 , 1}
... -: + @rn"s.s.={-3,1}

Answers of Unit One
x I 0 1 2 3

v 3 0 1 0 3

From the graph : The S.S.

= {0 ,2}
x 4 3 2 -1 0 I 2
From the graph : The S.S. = Z
v 9 4 I 0 1 4 9

x 0 I 2 3 4 5

v 4 I 0 1 4

From the graph :

@ The maximum value = 0

@ rne s.s. = 1:1

Frrm the graph : The S.S. = {- 1} Efw)=x2-zx-q
E x l 0 I 2 3 4
f(x)=x2-qx+z v 4 I 4 5 4 1 4

x 1 0 I 2 3 4 5

v 8 3 0 1 0 3 8

From the graph:

@ The minimum value = - 1

E The equation of the

axis of symmetry is X = 2

tr From the graph : The S.S. =
x 0 I 2 3 4 5 6
v ll -3 x 4 2 I 0 2
6 2 -6 1l 1

v 12 3 2 3 0 7 18

Algebro ond Probobili

Of 6)=x'-t x+e
I .rl8
t' it1
x I 2 3 4 5 6 1

:'_'16 v 2 2 2 8
. rla
Draw by yourself and lrom the graPh
. _:13
:lz The S.S. = { 1,4 , 5.6} approximately

, 't t9
:.. l--.:s
E'. u= | tb=l ,c=2
i i':t
-t {Tq-s -1 !t[41
',3 orX= 6,7
.. X=-0.3
: |2
... {-0.3,-6.7}
rhe S.S. =

E. n=1:b=-4rc=1
. +tt[tr,-+ +t{n
.'. X=0.2'1 or X=3;73
From the graPh : The S,S. = {- 2 5'0} .. The S.s. = {o.27 ,3.73}

,.i)! 6)=-x2 +3 x+z lll . a=z tb=-4;c=l

x -l 0 -- +r{t6J 4t{8
I 2 3
v 2 4 4 ) -2 .'. X=0.293 or X= l;701
Draw by yourself ancl liom the graph ... The s.S. = {0.293 ' 1.707}
The S.S. = {- 0.6 ,3:6} approximately. p] . a=:1$=-S1g=1
0",[te-n o"[i
l4t txl=x2 -s x+3 ho
x 0 I 2 3 4 5 .. X=0.l84orX= 1 816
... Ttrc S.S. = [0.184' 1.816]
v 3 I 3 I 3

Draw by yourself turd from the graph Ir] . a=2,b=5,c=0

3} aPPtoximatelY - s tr/zs - o 5 t 5
Tlie S.S. = {0.7, 4
E)f6)=zx2+3x-6 . v= 0 =o ., ,=:!9- -2.5
x 3 1 0 I 2 ... rhes.s.= {0 ,,2.s}
E . o= l rb=3 rc=5
v 3 4 6 I 8

Drarw by yourself and from the graph

.J-1/e-2u -,lt1i-ll -1

t.t} apploximately
The S.S. = {- Z.O,
.'. The S.S. = Z
|a)f(x)=zx2-sx t
LZ'. o=t,b=8,c=9
-s=r/r,+-ro sr2\F
= -qLl7'= -4 F2.{)s
Drurw by yourself ancl from the graph
.. TheS.S.= {- 1,35 ,-6.65}
The S.S. = I-0.2 ,2.7 j approximately

Answers of Unit One
E .'a=2 tb= l;c= Z .'. a=1,b=-l rc=,8
rrif-ro r, i/tu
... *=!:il:2='"'[u
t +4.12
r14 22
... The S.S, = {- 0.78 , 1.28} l .'.x=S.ZlZorX=-2.3:,2
|t' .'. rhe S S = { 3.372 .. 2,3721

[2.'xts-x)=: :.5X-X2=3
E,rzxr-1ox-l=0 ,'.-X2+5X- 3=O
.'.a=2tb=- rc=-1 10
...a= 1 rb=5:c=_3
.. *=,0= {ou* _ Lotlfios _ rot6\E .._-s'r/is-rz -5ty'lj
-2 -2
s*glE .'. X=4.303orX=0.697
.'.x=5.098orX=-0.098 2
.'. The S.S. =
{nu ,0.697}
... The S.S. = {- 0.098 , 5.09s} @ Multiplying by 9

@'.'x2-x-+=o ... x2-12x=-18 ... x2-12x+ t8=o

.'.a=l,b=-1tc=-! .. a= 1 rb=_ 12;c=18
. ^. 1!{t*G r*fi7 ... x=12r''{tiq-72 _ 12x "[n
22 22
.'. X=2.562orX=-1.562 .'. X= 10.243 ot X= 1.75'1

... The S.S. = {2.562 , _ 1.562}

... The s.S. = {10.243 ,r.757}

@'.'zx2+3x 6=o Applications on solving an equation

.'. a=2;b=3 >c=_6
7 of the second degree in one unknown

... x= -3*{q*48 --zr'[i

44 TI
.', X= 1.137 or X--2.637 '.' -0.2X2 +ZX=0
... The S.s. = {1.137 ,-2.637} .'.a=-u.2rb=2,c=0 .. *-- 4^tl1
@...x'-11 x+9=o .. x= 1o orX= 0 (refused) -o4
...a=1rb=_11 rc=g . . The covered distance by the dolphin from the
startirg moment of its jumping from water till
rrrfizr-:o tr*fs5 returns again to water = 10 feet
.'. X= l0.110orX=0.890
... The s.S. =
... 0.3
x2 + 0.78 x + 0.38 = 0
{lo.110 ,0.890} -
@ Muttiplying rhe equalion by x :
.. a=-0.3 rb=0.78 rc=0.38
,'. X2 +4=6 x ... x2 -6x+4=O . o.zarlF;osr*o.as6 -o.zst rfo.ooaa
.'.a=1rb= 6tc=4 "_. _ 0.6 0.6
.'. X = 3 or X = - 0.4 (refused)
. ^. a*t[te-ta en.'[i
.. i= .'. The horizontal distance far from the cannon which
---- 22
the bullet covers till it strikes the land 3 km.
.'. X= 5.236or X=0.164 =
... The S.S. =
{5.236 ,0.764}
@ Multiplying the equation by x2 :
'.' -0.06 x2 +0.39 x+0.79 =O
,'. a=-0.06 rb=0.39 tc=0.79

Algebro ond Probobiliiy
r{ n u.rnr6 u 3u - {o-tal7 a2 . X..i=0 ..X=l
'...= o.:q
- - r|j-= .0J, Substituting in second equation :

,. X=8.12orX=- 1 62(refused) :.!2

.. The maximum clistance to which water reaches
.'.9 + y2=75 = 16

... y=z| 61 y=-4

= 8,12 rr. = 812 cm.
... rhe S.S, = {(3, 4), (3, - 4)}
['. -t6t2+8ot+20=0 E.x 2y=0 .'.x=zY (1)

Substituting itr thc otltcr equrtion :

.. a=-16 rb=80 rc=20

.'. (2y)2 -yz =z :. 4y2 -Y2 =3
- so r{Z+oo * rzeo
,?2 :.3 y2 =3 :.y2=l
.'. t= 5.24 ort= -0.24 (refused)
..Y=1 or Y=-1
.'. The ball reaches the floor surface after X=2 or X= -2
From (1) : .'.
5.24 seconds approximately.
... The S.S. = {{z, t) ,t-2,-t)}
E Calculate the Yertex of the cuNe to know the
E .'x-v=o ... x=y (1)
maximun height : the ball reaches to :
... The verrex of the curve = (- . I r t' t) Substituting in the other equatior :
X'+X> X+X'='21
= (2.5 ,120)
.'.3 X2 =2'7 .'. X2 --g
i.e. : The maximum height I the ball rcaches to is
120 feets and that is after 2 5 seconds I and .. X=3 or X=-3
hence it can't reach the height 130 feet' Frorn(1)::.Y=3 e1 Y= l
...Thcs.S.={(3,3),( 3, 3)}
'.'160--24t+4.9t2 l!'.'v-2x=o :.y=2X (1)

.'.4.9t2 +74t-160=0 Substituting in the other equation :

.'. a=4.9 ,b=24,c=-160 ... x(2 x) = 18 .'. z x2 -- 18

zq nnf r-lo * t 36 - z+ 4[ !1
t t z
... X2 ... X=3 or X= 3
98 q.8
Fron(1):. Y=6 or Y=-6
.'. t=3.7'l or t = - 8.67 Gcfused)
.. TheS,S.= {(3 ,6) ,( 3 ,-6)}
.'. The snake will be able to escape at less than
3./ / seconos. Substituting from equ (2) in equ (1) :

[-6 ]

:.1'2+Y=o j.y(y+1)=0
..Y=0 or Y= 1

X=0 or X=
82 B{-3} @1 E-1 Substitutinginequ.(1) : .. I

.'. The S.S. = {(0 ,0) , (1 , - l)}

Answers of Exercise I 3 x=y (1)
lt Substituting in the second equation

E Substituting from equ. (1) in equ. (2) :

.v2,y2-t ,tX2=2 v

.'. y=2 or y =-2
.'. xz =1 ,'. X--1or 1

From(1): ..X=2 ot X=-2

... The S.S. = {(Z,Z) ,(-2,-Z)}
TheS.S.= {{t, l),{- t,- t)}
Answers o, Unit One
a .'.x2-2x+3(x+3)=15
E Substituring from equ. (1) in equ. (2) : ...x2-zx+3x+9_15=o
:,(X*1)2+x=7 .'. X2+ x*6=O ... (X+3) (x-2)=O
... x2-2x+l+x_7 =O .'. X=-3 ot X=2
.'. x2-x-6=O ... (x- 3)(x+Z)=0 From(1):.'.y=0 or y=5
Substituting in equ. (1) : ... y 2 q1y
... The S.s. =
{(_ 3 , o) , (2 ,5)}
= =_ 3
... The s.s. = ,zy ,1_2,_zy} A)'.'y+2x=7 :.y=7-2x (1)
Substituring in the second equation :
@ Substituting from equ. (1) in equ. (2) :
.'. (5 - y)'- y'= 55
.'.2x2+x+3(j -zx)=19
.'.25-10y+y2-y2=55 ...2x2+x+21 -6x_1g=r)
j.-10y=30 ..,y=-3
Substituting in equ. (l) : ... X = g .'. (2 x- 1) (x-2) =0 ... x= | or x=z
... The S.S. = ,_ 3)} And from (1) : .. y = g 61y = 3
lE'.x y=l .'.x=1+y (1)
... rhe s.s. = {(+ ,6) , (2 ,3)}
Substituting in the second equation
8'.'x*y=l :.y=i-x (1)
2y2 +2y -24=0 Substituting in the second equation:
.'.y2+y-12=o (y+4)(y-3)=0
..x(7-x)=12 ...7x x2=12
.. Y=-4ory=3
...x2 -7 x+ 12=o ... (x-3) (x 4)=o
Andfrom(1): ... X=-3 or X=4
.'. X=3 or X=4
... rhe S.s. = {(_3,_4), (4,3)} From(l):..y=4 or y=3
@).x y z=o ...y=y+2
Substit[ting in the second equation :
... The S.S. =
{(3 ,4) , (4 ,3)}
.'.(y+2)2 y2=g L?].'x+y=s ...y=5 x (t)
:.y2+4y+4-.y2=g -rr =l ..Xy=o \2)
:.4y= 4 i.y= I Substituring from (1) in (2):
From(1):..X=1 .'.x(5-x)=6 ...5x-x2-6=O
.'.TheSS.={(1 ,-1)} x2 - s x+ 6 =o
... ... (x 2) (x_ 3) = 0
-. X=2or X=3 :.y=10_Zx (l)
Andli'om (l) : .. y= 3 or y =2
Substitutirg in the second equation :
... rhe S.s. = {(2 ,3) , (3 ,2)}
.'. x2 + (10 -2 x)2 =Zs
... x2+ 100-40x +4x2 25=O
@'.'y-x=z '. y =x+2 (1)
Substituting in the second equation
- x+75 =0 ... x2-8 x+ l-5 =0
.'. 5 x2 40
(x-3) (x-5) = 0 ... x=3 or x= 5
.'. x2+X(x+2) 4=O
From(1):.'. y=4ory=0
.'.2X2 +2 X -4=O .'. Xz + x-Z=O
... The S.S. =
{(3 ,4) , (5 , o)} .'. (x+2)(x-l)=0 .. X=-ZorX=1
E. y-x=3 :.y=x+3 (1) From(1)::.y=0s1y=l
Substituting in the equ. (2) ... The S.S. =
{(_ 2 ,0) , (1 ,3)}

Algebro ond Probobilil
@ Substituting from equ (2) in equ.
(l) :

@ . x-zy- t =o .. x=2Y + t
. -.2 t..-o .,,2 r.-R=o
..v -L!'o
Substituting in the second equation :

(2 Y + 1) = 0
:. (Y +2) (Y -a) = 0 :. Y =-2 ofY = 4
.'. (2y + t)2 -Y
Substituting il equ. (l) :
.'.4Y2+4Y+l 7Y2-Y=Q
.'. X=4otX=16
.'.2y2 +3 y + 1 =0 .'. (2Y + 1) (Y + 1) = 0

..r=-*ory= 1
.'. TheS.s. ={(4,-z) '(16,4)}
From(1):..X=0orX=-1 ll'.' x2 +2xY=z x(x + 2Y) =2

...rhe S.S.={(o' +),(-i ,-l)} t'. X+2Y=2 .'.2X=2

@'.x+2y=l .'.x=4-2Y (1) Substitutitrg in the first equation :

Substituting ir the second equalior : .', 1+2Y =2 Y = +

.'. (4 -2 y)2 + Y (4 - 2Y) + Y2 =1 ... rhe S,S. = 1(r ,
.'. 16-16y +4Y2+4Y-2Y2+Y2-'1 =O @'.' x2 +2xY +Y2 +Y =6
.'.3y2 -12y+9=o'.Y2-4Y+3=0 .'.1x+ytl+Y=r, t .' X+Y- )
''. (Y- 1) (Y-3) =0
j' Y = 1 ory = 3 .'.22+y=6 "Y=2
Anclfrom (l):.'. X=2otX= 2 Substituting in the first equation :

... rhe S.S, = {(Z ,1) , ( 2 ,3)} .'. X+2=2 X=0

[4..y-x=3 .'.y=3+x (l) ... The s.S. = {(0 ,2)}
Substitutirg ir thc secoud equation :
l! . x+y=z ,.. x=z-y (l)
.. x2 + (3 + x)2 - x(3 + x) = 13 ..1-nL=z
'x y .'.y+X=ZXY
.'. x2 + 9 + 6 x + x2 -3 x- x2 - 13 =o
:.Y+X-ZXY=o Q)
.'.X2+3x 4=O ..(x 1)(x+4)=0
Substitutirg liom (l) in (2) :

..X=lorX=-4 +2-y -2y (2-Y)=0

.'. y
Andlrom(1) : .. Y=4orY= I
... 1'heS.S.={il ,+),{ +, t)} ...(y 1)2=0..y=l
...y2 2y+t=O
El .'x-y=10 1= y+ 10
Substituting in tho second equation :
, 1)}
... rhe S.S. = {(t
.. (y + 10)2-4 y (y + l0) + Y2 = 52
.. y)+2oy+ 100 {1'-40Y+ Yr 52=tl E
,'. -zy2 z)y+48=0 .'. Y2+ l0 Y -24=0 @a Ed Ed @d
.'. (y +12)(Y-2)=0 .'. Y= 12orY=2 Eb G]d Ed @a
From (l) : .'. X---2or X= 12
Applications on solving two equations
... The S,S. = {(-2 , - t2) , (t2 '2)} in two variables one o{ them of the first
degree and the other of the second degree
E] Substituting from equ. (1) in equ. (2) :
...y2+3y-10=0 .'.(y 2)(y+5)=0 Let the two rumbcrs be X and Y :

.'. X+Y = \7 (l)

-. y-2orY- 5
,XY=12 (2)
... The S.S. = {(0 , 2) , (0 , - 5)}
Answers of Unit Q66r
From (1) : .'. X-- 17 -y (3)
.'. (x-3)(x-6) =0 .'. x-- 3 or x= 6
Substituting frorn (3) in (2) :
Substitutingin(3) : .'. y=6ory=3
.'. (17 -y)y =12 .'. 17 y - y2 -tz=0
.'. The two dimensions are 6 cm. and 3 cm.
:. y'. t ty+ t2=O,..(y-S)(y. 8)=0
.. y=9ory=8 E
Substiluring in t3,) : ... X= 8 orX=O Let the length of the rectangle be X cm.
.'. The two numbers are 8 and 9 and its width be y cm.

:, x-y =f
a .^y=26

Let the two numbers be X and y :

:. X+y From (l): ,'. Y=y +3 (3)

=) (1)
--) )
,a--v_=45 ,- (z) Substituting from (3) in (2) :

fro- 1t) , ,'. X=9 -y (3) ,. y(y+3)=28 .'.y2+3y-28=O

Substituting fronr (3) in (2) : (9 - yy2 - y2 = 45 :.(y+7)(y-a)=0
.'. 81 - 18 y +y2*y2=45 .: 81 - 18 y=45 :.!=-7(refusEd) or y=4
.' 18Y=l6 :.y=2 Substituting in (3) : .,. X=7
Substituting in (3) : .'. X=9 -2 =7 . . The two dimensions of the rectangle are 4 cm.
. . The two numbers areT atd,7 and 7 cm.

E .'. The perimeter of the rectangle = (7 + 4) x Z 22 cm

Let the two numbers be X and y :

:,X-3y=l (l)
Let the length ofthe greatest diagonal be X cm.
,x2+y2=17 (2)
and the smallest one be y cm.
From (l) : .'. X= I + 3 y (3)
Substituting in (2) : ... (1 + 3 y)2 + y2 = 17
:.x-y=4 (1)
'. The perimeter of the rhombus = 40 cm.
.'.10y2+6y-16=0 .. The side length = 10 cm.

..5y2+3y-8=0 (5y+8)(y- 1)=0 '. The two diagonals of the rhombus are
a perpendicular and bisects each other
.. y =; (refused) or y = I
And from (3) : .'. X = 4 ..
6 "*)'* () v)' = r,ot, ,.

.'. The two numbers are 1 and 4

x2 +
f v, = roo
:.x2+y2=4gg e)
a Fronr (1) : ,'. Y=y + 4 (3)
Let the Iength of the rectangle = X cm. Substituting in (2) : .'. (y + 4)2 + y2 = 4OO
and the width = y cm.
.'. y2+8y+ i6+y2-400=0
.'.(x+y)x2=18 :.X+y=) (1) .'.2y2+8y-384=0 ... y2+4y-192=0
,Xy= l8 (2)
From(l)::.y=9-X (3)
.. y=- 16(refused) or y= 12
Substituting in (2) ... x (9 - X) = 1S Substituting in (3): ,.. X= 16
.'.9X-x2=18 ... x2-9x+18=O
.'. The lengths of the two diagonals are l6 cm. and 12 cm.

(r : r ) Ysl sJi&l y / 1.u -u'*l).Lr-r, )Hlyoll 17

Algebro ond ProbobilitY
a x metre
..^-y=: (1)
Let the side length of the great square be x2 + y2 =225
and the side length of the small square be y metre From (1): .'. X=3 +Y (3)

:.4X 4y=8 Substituting in (2) : .'. (3 + y)2 + y2 -225

:. x-y =2 (1) .'.9+6y+y2+y2-225=o
, x2- =2X y2 Q) .'.2y2+6y-716=O .'. Y2+3Y 108=0
From (1) : .'. X=z+y (3) ..(y+12)(y-9)=0
Substituting in (2) : .'. (2+y)2 -y2 =2g .'. y =- l2(refused) or Y= !
:.4+4y +y2 -y2 =29 Substituting in (3): .'. X= 12

:.4y=16 :.Y=4 . . The perinretor of the triangle = 9 + 12 + 15 = 36 cm

And from (3) : .'. X = 6

.'. The side length of the great square = 6 metres (l)
': XY =7'l
and the side length of the small square = 4 metres
, Y-2=y +2 ...y=y+4 (2)

Substilulirrg in t I t : .. ty t 4t / y = l7
Let the lengths of the two sides of the right angle be .'. y2 +4y -71 =0 .. (Y + ll) (Y-7) =0
X cm. ancl y cu. .'. y=- ll Gefused)ory=7
..X+y+13=30 ;.x+Y=17 (1) Substitutirg itr (2) : .. x= l1
, . x2+y2=l6g (2) . . The side length of the square = X 2 = 9 ott.

From (1):
X= 17 -Y
.'. (3) . . The arca of the squarc = 81 cm?
Substitutirg irt(2): .'. (17 ' y)2 +Y2= 169

.'.y2 34y +z8g + y2 - 169 =o @

Let Ayman's age be X year and the age of his son
.'.2y2-l+y + 120=0 .'.y2-fl Y+60=0 Bassem be y year.
:.(y 12)(y 5)=0 :.Y=12otY=5 (l)
Substitutirg in (3) : .. X= 5 or X = 12 ,x"+y;-zxy=tat (2)
. . The side lengths of thc riSht angle are 5 crn. and 12 cm. From(1):.'.X=l+3Y (3)

g Substituting in (2) :

Let the length of the hypotenuse = X cm. .'. (1 + 3 y)2 + y2 -3 y (1 + 3 y) = 181

r the length of the other side = Y cm.

.'. 1 + 6 y +9 y2 + y2 -3y -9 y2- 18t =0
.'.X+y+5=30 :.X+Y=25 (l) .'. y2+3y- 180=0 .. (y+ 15)(y-12)=0
,y2=y2 +25 (2) .'. y=- 15 (refused) or Y= 12

X=25 -V (3) Substituting in (3) '. .'. x=37

From (1) : .'.
.'. Ayman's age = 37 years
Substituting in (2) : .'. (25 -y)2 =y2 +25
and the age of his son Bassem = 12 years
.'.625-50y+y2 y2-25=o
..600-50Y=a ..50Y=600
i Y= 12crr' Let the units digit be X and the tens digit be y
.. The area of a triangle = x 12 x 5 = 30 cm2. ." x=2y (1)
.'. xy= .'. xy= (2)
IE +(x+10y) lx+sv
Let the lengths of the two sidos of tho right angte be Substituting from (1) in (2) :

xcm.andycm. rX>y

Answers of Unit One
. r..2 ..
,,-) ..-t^..2 -6) .'. The driver moved towards the west a distance of
:. 2Y =6(sinceY*0) .. Y=3 16 km. : then he moved towards south a distance
of 12 km. or the fuiver moved 12 km. towards
Frorn (1) : .'. X = 6 .'. The number is 36
west and 16 km. towards south.

IE Excellent pupils
Let the units digit be X and the tens digit be y
:,y-X=l .',y=X+l (1)
.. (x+ 10 y)(y +10x)=252 (?,)
@ Substiruting from the first equation in the second
Substituting from (1) in (2) : equation.
.. (x+ torx+ lr) rx+ t + 10x) =252 . -2 t,, c-n . ,,- otr/u'-+*
..J LJ L-w ,,J-
.. (11 x + 10) (11 x + 1) = 252
.'. lZl X2 + lzl x-242=O .'. x2 + x-2=0
zx^[q-q s^-z zxt[aa
' 2xl 2
.'. (x+ z) (x- 1) = 0
z:r[n zn"'[z
.'. X= - 2 (refused) or X= 1 22
Substituting in (1) : .'. y =Z j.y=1+{ro.y= 1 ',[a
.'. The irriginal number is 21 Substituting in the first equation :

... x=1+.[iorx=t-"[i
Let the x coordinate be x and the y coordinate be y ... nres.s.={(r + lE, r * 16),(r -16 ,r - r[)1
:. y =2 xz
'.' The point moves on the straight line
(l) @...,[i*v=s ,.,[i=s-y (l)
Squaring the two sides : .'. X = 25 - 10 y + y2
.'. The coordinates of the point satisfy its equation Substituting in the equation'. X + y = 7
.'.5 x-Zy -1=0 (Z) .'.25 - 10 y + y2 + y =7 .'.y2 9y+18=0
SubstitLrting from (1) tu (2) :
,'.(y-3)(y-6)=0 i Y=3 2Qx\ t=O ..-4x2+5x-1=0 And substituting in (1) :

...4x2-5x+l=0 ...(4x t)(x l)=0 .'. X=4ory =6 (refused) because

...x=-|orx=r from the equation (1) : .. 5 6 = 1

Fronrtlt:.'. y={oty=z and fi should not be negative

.. rhe pointis (], f) -fr,zl ... rhe S.S. = {(4 ,3)}

IE a'.'
'.' X+Y =28 (1) (- 2 : 4) is a solution for the equation i a x+by=2
And from the opposite figure : ,', -2a+4b=2 ,'. a-2b=-1
.'. x2 + y2 = (2O)2 .'. a=2b I (l)
:. x2 + y2 4oo:o (2) '. (- 2 t 4) is a solution for the equation
From(l): abXy+2X2=O
.'. x=28-r (3) y .'.-8ab+8=0 ..ab=l (2)
Subsrituting in (2) : Substitriting from (l) in (2) :

.. (28-y)2 *y2-+oo=o ...(2b-1)b=1 ...2b2 b r=0

.'. 784- 56y + y2+y2 400=0 ..(2b+1)(b-1)=0
..2y2-56r-+384=0 .'.y2 28y+192=0 ..b= lrrefuscd)
or b=l
.. (y 12)(y tO)=O .'.Y=t2orY=t6 Snbstituting in (1) : .. a = I
Substituting in (3) : .'. X = 16 or X = 12 .. (a,b)=(l ' l)

Algebro ond Probobility

Answers of unit two @rtxl- (*-DUl-e)

- = (x _ t) (x + 1) (x- 3) (x + 3)
Answers of Exercise 4 ... z(f)={1 ,-1,3,-3}
3),<fl= {-zlr
Ea Eb lEc @c Ec
@f (n=x6-z) ...2(f)={o,z}
Ea Ec Ir jc Ea @d
E/(1r= (x+4)(x-4) ...?,(f)={ 4,4}
Elo @a [q] a @a @c
Ef (xt=ts+3x)(s-3 x) :. z(f)=t- +, +) E
E/ (x) = s x (x+ 2) (x-z) ... 261= {0,-z,z} ttr{s} @a Ei2} E{3}
7 [ txt= (X 5){X2 + 5 X+ 25) ... z r1r = {S} E{l ,-2} [E{1 ,-2} E{0,3}
a_q f 6) = z x (x + z1 1f - z x + q .'., 1p =
{0,-:} @{3,-3} E]z @-e
iEll (x) = (x-4) (x+ r) ...2.1l,!= {+ ,-t} E
@/ rxt = e x+ 3) (x-4) .'. zr.n = {- },+} ... / (5) = (5)3 - 2 6)2 - 7s = 125 - 50 - 75 = o
. . The number 5 is one of zeroes of the function f
@l 6)= -z x(x-z) (x, t) .., 111 = {0,2, r} E
1l f 6) = x2 (z x 3) (.x+ z)... zff,l= {0,1, z} ... z (fl = {0 , 1} ...f (0)=0
lAf fn - 6+z) (x,i) ... z(f) = {-z ,1} .. b=0 :..f(x)=al.2+x
[E]/(x)= (x+2)(x-1) .. z(f)= {-2,1} ,. /(l)=o .. a x 12 +1= 0

@ eut f (X) in the form X2 + 2 X - 6=o .'. a+ I =0

x= "-J!'-!' x, r+r[ orx= l-fr
... '..f (3)=0 ..9a+3b+15=0
.'.3a+b=-5 (1)
.'.,(fl={-t+fi, t fi} '. "f (5)=0 .'.25a+5b+15=0
* - x+5=o
@ eut 1 19 in rlre form 2 ..5a+b=-3 (2)

a=2 tb=- I rc=5 Subtracting (1) from (2) : ..2a=2 .'. a= I

. ^. it{r -+o rtrf:o
44 Excellent pripils
. tF:s +r.,i :. z(fl=a
,,}3-4x)-ef ...z(h)={-2,0}
t@f lx)= -t2) h(0)=0 ..c=0
=x(x2 4) 3(x2 4)=(x-r(f-4) ,h(-2)=Q 4a-2b-0
=(x 3)(x z)(x+2) .'.2a b=0 (l)
,.tt\-[1.1. 1\
'. h(3)=15 9a+3b= 15

.,3a+b=5 (2)
@ltxl=(x3-8)+ (*-2x) Adding (l) and (2) : .. 5 a = 5
=(x-D(f +2x+4)+x(x-2) And from (1) : .'. b =2
=(x 2)(* +3x+4) .'.h(x)-*+2x
..2(f)={z} h(2)=(2)2 +2x7=8
Answers of Unit Two

a Ll4 . n (x)
..,(e)={*} .',a=1 >b=-3rc=5
': z(g)=z(f) ^. tx,[g.zo 3+d*ll
..n'.(*)' t2x?+e=o {Te m

.', The domain of n = R

. 16 ," ^ t6
' "- 18 -' a
.)rst=,o= {;} = t+} Consider the algebraic fractions in each problem be
n, r n, and n. respectively the solution will be as
Answers of Exercise 5

[] The domain oI nr = R r the clomain of n, = m 191

E .. The common domain = R- {0}
@Thedomainofn=R-{2} lql The domain of n, = m. { s}
@ The domain of n = R - {- 2} r the domain of n, = IR - {7}
.. Thecomrnorrdonrrrin=R { 5 .7]
@ The domain of n = IR.
E j The domain of nr = IR - {2}
@Thedomainofn=m-{0} vr 1

@Thedomainofn=R-{0} - (x+ 3) (x l)
u2', .. Thedomainof n2=lR-{-3
| 6I .' n (X) = -j:----l-: '3}
x(x- t) .. The common domain =llt- {2 r - 3, 3}
.. The domain ofn =R- {0 ,1}
u2 -o lql . n,' tx) (x+2)(x-2)
[7].. n(x) (x+4)(x-4)
.. The domain ofn = R - a , a}
.. Theclomainofnl =R { 2,2}
{- The domain of n, = IR - {2}
@ The domain of n = R .'. The common domain = LR - {-Z ,2}
vZ -t<
l9J. n1x) =--::- :" x2+3x
X (x' + 25)
gt, [r\^,
' X(x+3)(X-l)
.. The domain of n =fR- {0}
*2 .'. The domain of nl = lR {0 , 3 ,3}
lX 3)lX+2) ''. nr(I)=-
- (x J)(x'FixrS)
.. Thedornainof n=R-{3 '-2}
.^, .'. The domain of n, = R {3}
liTl ^^,) "1*'^
.'n(x)=8(x+l)(x'-x+l) .'. The common domain = R- {0, - 3, 3}
.. The domain of n = R-
{- 1} (x 4)
[s] . n,' (x) -
[izl .n(x)- -x2-5x+6
(x" +9)(x-3)(x+3) .'. Thedomainof nr =R-{2,3}
.. The domain of n =R- {3,- 3} r '. 11r (Il 2x
'.n(x)= ^-'; ' X(X+3r(X 3)
-x(x-2)' .. Thedomainof n2=R {0,-3,3}
.'. The domain of n = R {0 , 2}
.. Thecommon domain =lR- {2,Z,O,- Z}

Algebro ond Probobility

t/ .-.n, tx)=-
E 2x+
tx+2)(x-2) 1

2 , 2} (x - 3) (x- 2)
.'. The domain of nt = R - {-
.'. Thedomain of n=lR-{3 ,2} 'n t0) = }
.. n7(X)
n (2) is meaningless because 2 fi the domain of n
.'. The domain of Irz = R { 2}
.'. The conlnon tlornain - IR - {- 2 . 2} '. Thedomainofn=R-{3}
@J The domain of nr = iR - { 4} ,', At X = 3 r then the denominator = 0
The domain of n2 = nR {3} ...9-3a+9=0 ...3a=18 .'.a=6
The domain of na = iR

.'. The common dornain = R - {- 4 ,3}

'.' n (a) is undefined
P l The domain of n, = IR .'. At x = a .'. The denominator = 0

r '. 11r (i) =

3 .'.4i-12a+9=O
" (xr3)(x-3) (2 a-3)2 :.2 a-3
.'. =O =O
. . The domain of r1z = lR - {- 3 , 3} .'.2a=3 .'.
"= +
r'. n,(X)= 3x
' x(x-3) tr
.'. The domain of n: = R - {0 ' 3} '.' The domain of f = IR - {2 , c}
.. The common domain =R- {O,- :, :} .'. WhenX=2 .', x2-5 x+m=o
.'.4-5x2+m=0 .. m=6
[a0 .'n, (x) ' =(x n2)(x
3) .'.f(-Y)= x ..f(Xt= X
. . The domain of nr = R {2 , 3} X2 SX+6 fX 2)(X l)
.'. Thedomain of f =R-{2
'3} .. c=3
,. n-(X) = (X+-l)(X-3)
.. Thedomainofnz=lR-{-3 ,3}
'.. the domain = IR - {,2}
. lt1 (r) x)-3x-4 .'. WhenX=-2 .'. x+a=0
- (x+2)(x l)
.'. -2+a=0 ,', a=2
.'. Thedomainofn3=R { 2, 1}
.. Thecommondomain=l,R-{2 t3 t-3;-2 tl} :. [(xt=Za!,.. "f(0)=.1 .rffi=:

E 2

ER-{-2} [q]R-{0,2} IE
'. 2 (fl {a} :. AtX= 4
tr{-z} En-{o} =
f{t) [6lrs .'.a*-6x+B=o
@t [44 .'.ax42-6x4+8=0
o .'.16a-16=0 .'.16a=16 ..a=1
@c EJb Ea Eld Ed , '. the domain of f = R - {2}

Ec []c Ec Ec @c .'. Atx=Z .'.bx-4=0

@d [1e]b @u @" ...2b-4=0 ...2b=4 ...b=2
Answers of Unit Two
Excellent pupils PlntrI=,1
-.^-. 2t1x i)
.'. The domain of n = lR - {2 , 3}
TT Y+?
'.' The domain of n =m-
{t, :} 'n(x)=-
.'. AtX= l rthet x2 + e x + a=O (x- -t)2

.'.1+e+a=0 ..e+a=-1 (1) 2X(x-3)(x+3)

and at X= 3 t then X2 + e X + a= 0
.. Thc domainoln =R {0 'l .-f}
.'.9+3e+a=0 .'.3e+a=-9 (2)
Subtracting (1) from (2) :
. r-- a
.. Thedonrrinofn=R { .3,5}
Substituting in (1) : .'. a = 3
,ntl l=-
a a;t-,v,_ Qx+3)(x+2)
The common domain = IR - {3} (2x-l)(2x+3)
'.' The domain of n, = R. .'. 3 @ the domain of n, ..Thedomainof n=1R.. {]t)'rl-1'
,', At X = 3 ) then X2 - 6 X- a = O ,ntLl=-
2X I

.'.9-18-a=0 .'. a=-9

llol n(X)-- {Xr
@ x(X'-x+1)
. . The dornain of n = fR - {0}

E .n(X)=? Yr l

' X+4
laaln(x)- (x-2)(x-l)3)
... The domain of n = R - {- 4}
tn(x)=2 .'. The domain of n = R {2 ,3}
.' -
x(x+3) 'ntr)= x-Z
.'. The domain of n =R* {0,- 3} (x-.r) rx - l)
[iEln (x ) -
v1 x(x 3)
' x+3 .'. The rlomain of n = n- {O, l}
lgln txt = x(x-4) rn (X) =-
(x-4)(x+4) x
.'. The domain of n = R- {4,- 4} il+t
rntXt=-lx+4 @n(x)=-j-

(x-2\ (x + 2\ ,
[t - {0}
... The domain of n =
.'. The domain of n =R - {2} ..,-,- X'nl - X2+l - I
4x'+4 4ll+l)
^ 4
,\\X)=- -4L
x'+2x+4 lizl, ry \ - (Xr- l) +(x2- 1)
lc n{X)= 4x(3 x-2t' (x- l)(x2 + x + 1) + (x- 1) (x+
2x(3x-2) 1)

(x 1)
.'. The domain of n =m- {o J}
_(x 1)(x2 +?x+2)
,n(x) =2 x-l
Algebro ond Probobility
.'. The domain of n =R- {1} E
,11(X)=X2+2X+2 :!'.'",(D=#5
a t2x 3\(2X+ 3\
.'. The domain of nr = IR {2}
fll n, (x) = 3,, x x ,,,
.'. The domain of nr =
* - {; }
rni (Ir=.::::.-
'^2 l
,n1 rX)=?&! . nrtxt={1?1r3) 2(x 2)

. . The domain of n, = rc - 121

. . The domain of nz = R - {0} (2)
,n"1x1={tl ...n,(X)=n2(X) !
rn^{Xt= x2
Forall the vrluesofXE *- {t,O} From (1) and (2) ; .'. nl = n2

x+g ' (.\)=: -3
(x+ 3) (x'
[!l . n, (x) (1)
3 X+
.'. The domain of nr = R - {- 3} . . The domain of nt = 19{ { ,r rrl
tn, tI l=-
x+-l nrtx)=-srr- rjlix* rl
,'.' nr(X)= r6+3) .'. The domain of nz = IR - {1 , - ,r 1 (2)
. . The clomain of n, = R - {- 3} rrr-(Xl=!(x-l)(x+l)
'n2(^)=x+3 From (1) ard (2) : .. n, = n,
.'. nr (X ) = n, (X) for all the values of
lsl . n,,.tx r=
x€ R- {- 3} -?x

u "1,--, lX 2)lX+3)
2){x+2) . . The rlornain of n1 = LR - { 2}
.. Thedomain of nl =R- {2,* 3} ],"
, nt (I l=
Xrl '. nr(x)=- x(x+2)
- (x+2)'
.--.l= x(x-3)(x+2)
, - n^ {X
x(x 3)(x+3) . . The tlomain of n, = IR {- 2}
.'. The domainof nz =R- {0, 3,- 3} ,l].111=- x
Vr )
- X+2 ],,
rn-lxl=- Fronr (1) and (2) : .. r, = n,
' X+ 3
:. n1 (X ) = n, (X) for all the values of {X l){X'z+X+ l)
L4t ..n,' (x)
xe IR-{0 ,2t3, 3} x(x'+x+ l)
fx+4)fx-3) .'. Thc dotnritt ,)lrt =lR {0}
l4 n,l]()
' (x+4) (X+ 1) (1)
.'. Thedomainof nl =R-{ 4 r- 1}
(x ]]: j l)
, n. I X , =
x3 .^.. (x-i)(x+ t) '.rrr(X)=]] l)lx2+
' x+ I '
(x+l)' ' X(X'+ l)
- of n2 = lR{ - {- I }
.'. The clomain .. Thc dorrrrirr of n, -.t {O I

,n,tx)- X 3 YI
_ xrl
.. n, (x)=rr1 (X) 'n2(X)=- ],,
Forallthevaluesofx€ IR { 4,- l} Ftorn (l) and (2) : .'. n, = n,

Answers of Unit Two

lsl..,nr' (x)
xrx 1)
x'\x-2) ' (x l) (x'+ 3)
.'. The domain of nr = tR - {0 , 2} .'. The domain of nr = lR - { 1}
(1) (l)
rn,, tXt=-{:l 2X
x(x 2) !11, Il

(x 2\(x 1\ '. n^txt=lI
rl) (X) = xl
- x6 2)z
.. The domain of n, =fR.- {1
.'. The domain of nz = lR - {0 2},
(2) From (l) and (2) : .. nt = n2
!ll^lX)= -'Y_ I'
x(x 2) because n, (X) = 12(J)
From ( [) and (Z) : .'. n, = n, and the domain of n, = t5s 6161roi,, o1,r,

@. rr, 1x.1
' ,x'
= x'(x-1) isl '. n,txt=(x x+5
' 5)(x+5)
.. The domain of n, =m.- {O, t} .. Thedomainof nr =lt-{5,-5}
(1) (X)= I

rn,tXl=-L ' nl x 5
'xl '- tt^(X)= 3
x(xz + x+ 1) 3(x-s)
n2(X) =
x(x l)(x2+x+t) .'. The domain of n, = lt 151
.. The tlornrin ol n2 = t {0 . | } ... 11^111= L
(2) x5
rrr- (X) =--L Fronr(1) and (2): .'. Dt*112
x-- I
From (l) and (2) : .. n, =n, bccause thc domain of n, + the dornain o1 ..,

[a].., n, rxr- (x+ ])(x+3)
1) (x+ 3)
. . The domain of n j = lR - {- 1,- 3 }
,n, (X)=-
.'. The domain of nl = R - {- 1}
'. n^txt=Jl
x (1)
r1l,{Il=- x+ I
' X+ I
. . The domain of n2 = IRt - {- } 1

'. n'txt=-!
x+ I (2) Frorn (l) and (2) : .'. rt + n2
.'. The domain of n2 = [R - {- 1}
because the domain of n, + the domain of n,
From (1) and (2) : .'. n, = n,
isl .. r, rx)- r'\ 2)(x+2)
tr . . The dornain ol nr = lR - {2 , - 3}
fi'l '. n, rx t = I:-! (1)
x (l) ,1, fX)=t
v L)

.'. 'lhe domain of nl = R ' x+3

- {0} (.Y l) (X + 2)
..n^(x)=- v_1
' (x 3)(x+3)
x (2)
.'. The domain of n, = IR- {0}
. . The clomain of n2 = lR - {3 , - 3}
, n, (X) = i'-
\-a ]
From (1) and (2) : .'. nl = n2 - a+J
because n, (x) = nz(x) F'rom (1) and (2) : .'. n, + r,
ancl the clonain of nr = the dom'in of n2
because the domain of n, + the domain of n,

Algebro ond Probobility
tx+lttx)-x+l) .'. The domain of n =
R { 4J
' X(X'-xt 1)
,n(x)=- v L1
... , 161= !aJ. =

.'. The domain of n, = m - 1g ; I

'. (x*2)'=+
^. x+r
!nl{^)= I(l) (n 1x1)'?= + ...
x )
,.@1p, =+
^- 1xl+x2.1+1x+ l) x2tx+ l)+{x+ l) "'(x+2)2=rc
X(X2+ l) X(X-+ l) .'. X+2=t4 .'. X=2or X=-6

_ (I'z+ 1) (x + l)
x(x2 + l) a
'.' The domain of nt = IR - {- a}
. . The dom:rin ol n, = R . {0} l
t" .'. - a( the domain of n, , n, = n,
't J .. - ae the domarn oi n2
From (1) and (2) : :. at = 12 .'. - a is a root of the equation X3 + aXz + X + 5 = O

because n, (x) = nz (x) .'. (- a)3 + a (- a)2- a + 5= 0

and the domain of nl = the domain of n2 .'. - a3 + a3-a+5 =0 .'. -a+ 5 =0

.'.a=5 .'.n.{X)=-}=
@ .'n,(x) =+-+=+ xr+bx
.'. n, (X) =
.. The domain ol nr = n - 191 " X'+5X'+X+5
'i a1= n,
,"y6)=l .'. n, (X) = n2(X)

x _
.'X+5- x3+bX
r '.' the domain of n, = lR - {0} X3+5X2+X+5
(z) - x(x2+b)
,r2$)=-L/ . x
" X+5 -- y2 1y+5)+(X+5)
From (1) and (2) : .'. nl + n2

because : n, (x) + n2(x) ... x _ xtx2+b) ...b=l

x+5 (X2+1)(x+5)

E AnswersofExercise I 7
E-1 @zx-t EIR-{0,2} E
IER-{o,-1} IE3 E4 Eb lEa [Ec [4a
Eb lq lb lzlb
Eb Ir]b Ec @c a av I
llnrx)='^ +-
Excellent pupils ^+t ^+z
.'. The domain of n = R - {- 2}
E )Y+L
-"'- 1(t+1\
(5x+3+3x- l)(5x+3 3x+ l) .. nfX)=
x+2 = ''^'''
x+2 =2
n(x)= 8(4x+1)
[p]'- ntxt= x3x3 - x-3 9

_ (8 X + 2) (2 x + 4) _ 2 (4 x + 1)a2 (X + 2)
8(4x+l) 8(4X+1) ... The domain of n = R - {3 }

_4(4x+t)(x+2) ..n(.t)=-=3X-9 3(X-3) x. 3 =1

Answers of Unit Two
E. ntxt = 2*' *)x2-25 El .rrxr= X-6 .- x s
" '- ttx-3)tx
2X+5 2X+5 6- Ax_3)txl)
... The ttomain of n = R
{_+ } .. The domain of n =m- {},e " s}
:. nlx)=4 x') -25 5tQx. 5,=) | + |
2X+5 -12x1
2X+5 " . ..n(Xt=
2X 3 2X.3 = 2x.3

l3.'n(x)=(x- t)x'(x+ - (x x (x+2){x- l)

[e]... ,: rxt' - (X _ x+5
l) 1) (x+ 1) I l){X- t, rX*SrtX*
.'. The domain of n
{t, _ t}
:.n1y.1= X'-x - x(x-1) - x
.'. The domain of n =lR_
{l r_ l,_5}
(i(- l) (x+ t) (x- 1) (x + t) x + I ..n(x)=x+2 I
Xrl X+l -x+l-r
E 3(x+s)
E...n(x) - (x+2) +(2x+t)(x-2)
E'.n(x)= x *x+t (x+ s) (x-2) (x+2)
x(x+2) x+2 ,. Thedomainof n =ru_{_Z,-S ,Z}
{O .-Z}
.'. The domainotn =m
J +2X+l
.. n(x)= I +x+l -L+2 Xt2 =2!1!
x+2' x+2-i*z= r

x _ x14 =l(x:2,_.
-x*2 ='
[Er...n(xr-x_4 (x+4)(X_4)
@ .'n(x) -
3(x 2) x(x-3)
.'. The domain of n = re-
{+,-+} (x 2)(x+2)- x(x+2)(x 3)
.'.n(X)= x I - x-l .'. Thedomainof n=lR_{Z r_2,0,:}
x_4 x_4 x_4 t
..nrxr=-L-X+) X+2- X+2
(x 2) (x + 3) (x - 2) (x + 2)
@... t (x) = - +
X+3 X+2
... Thedornrin of n =[i_ {_: . r}
x-2 3+X
.. n (x) = (x - 2) + (x_ 2) = z x _ 4
' x * 2x
.'. The domain of n =R _ {0}
14....n(x)-(x+J x.2
)(x I ) {x 2){x. l) ." n(x)=2(x-?)-!3+x -. 2 x-4+3 + x
2x 2X
n=m {_:, f ,Z}
.'. Thedomainof 3x I
.-,",_ X I x.t=l
'"" x t-x i-x-r
ltl .n(x)=X-2 x
tr n(X)= x2-zx+4 , (x-1)(X+1) .'. The domain of n =
- {2 , _ 2}
(x+2)(x2 2x+4) (x+2) (x- 1)
.. n(x,=x(x+2)- x{x '2'
.. The domain of n =IR-{-2,,1] (x 2)(x+2)
I _X2+2x-x2+ZX _ 4x
..n(x)- x-2'+xf l-jL+2 (x-2)(x+2) - 6 16_D
x+2-Jrt= |

2(x+3) x(x-6)
2 + x+3
lS.nrxt- X+3
lsl...n(x)* (x - X(x+31
+ 3) (x_ 2) (x- 6) (x- 2)
.. The domain of n =R_ {_
.. The dornairrof n=lR-{-3,2,6}
.. (x)= 2 Y'x*J - Jx r 3
...,, 1;6 1==L x _2_Y XrX+3) X(Xr .])
Y_2 x ) x 2
[al . nrxr- x+-1 x
2x 2x_1
x- )

... The domain of r, = m _

{O , } }
Algebro ond Probobility
(x+z)(zx- t)-zx2 E Y2X
2x(2X 1)
f1-l . n(x)=;_|-
),x2+5x- 3 2x2 - 5x-3 "_|
2x(2x- D 2x(.2X-1) ..Thedomainofn=R-{1}
v X+ 2
.,xll,,\ x2-x xo--7) -
sl.. n(xt-,rx;r ) 'ntx)=t_f =!)L-t'!=x
.'. Tlte tlontrin of rr - )R {0 ' 2 ' 2}
. lx(x+2) --:_6
r2 . n(X)=
ii \-!
(x-2)(x+4 x-)
I I X 2+X+2
''' tt(X)= xrz* x-z=lx;,,'x =R- {2,-2}
.'. The doniain of n
rY 6 lx 6 J(x-2)
= (x+2)(x-2) '''r\^'-x-2 x 2 x-2 x-2
2). I x2 +2 X+4 (X h J) (X 3)
6l. n(X)=rl-:ttx*l) x

LsI n(x)= (x*3xxr,


.'. The rlomain of n = IR - {2 , l} ,- 3}

.. The tlomain of n =R- {2
)Y-l x I x' 2 I
,nl\ l= I , X-3-X:2-l
tx-zrtx, ll (). -21(Xr lr x+ I .. n(L= x-_l- x.l- x-_2
'7 rl(x)=,.x -1X-4 l) x 5
" Jlrx .z'+,xl.rirx zt 4r'. r(x)=rx-x(xr
rrtx+r,*[_jri rr

.. Thedonainofn=R {3,2 '-3} .'. Thedomainof r1 =lR-{- l' 1'5}

(x ) = lx-4 * xJ2
v I x+l
... n
rx--rt lx zr ...n(x)=:Fv r=ii
-3X-4+2X-6 - 2xrx-4)
's' n(X)=r:x 'jrx +, {2x l)(2xr
.t(2{l .{)
(x - 3) (x.-2) (x'3) (x -2)
_ 5rX-2) - 5
(x-3) (x-2) x-1 ... rhc or n = R { j ., '+ }
j( r2Xl4 (X-41(XrJ)
e tt(X)
r.* :,'x=-z"a'
t'-*--itx-:' .. n(x'=l;i)Y Ix
=:x r ='
nixl= x+J
.. Theclonainof n =lR-{2,3' 3} 2X+-
I x 4 x lr(x 2)(x 4) _y v x' 2x-l
.. n(X)= - (Xr .1)
x1* x-1= -(x--;x_ r" 2rX- l)
3+x2 6x+8 x2 5x+5 (x-3)(x+3) (i(-3)(x+ l)
-x (x-2)(x-3) - (x 2)(x-3) -
.. Theclomainof n=lR-{3 t-3 '-1}
lx.2 .lx-4 I
L^ .-=
1 _l
s: .ll{X)" .. n(-\)-
x. I X. {
(lX- 2)(Xr lr {2X.5)(Xl l) X-.1
1Y-6 I -
... Ttredorrrrino[rr-]R-{ i .' . 17...ntX)=4 | x'+x'2
}} x'.4
.'.0{L= I
^- - - - l.r-4 .l{x- 2)- 9
X+ I (2X 5)(X+ l)
(x 2)(x+2) (x+2)(x 1)
5-3x+4 - -(x+l)
(2 x-s) (x+ 1) (2x-5) (xt l) .. The domain of n =n- {2,-2, 1}
=* -- n(Xl--+-.-
\+2 (X+2)rX l)
@ '. The clomain of n =R- {3} 3(x-l)+9 :x-:+9
- (x+2)(X l) - (r(+2)(x-l)
rx+J)(x-.1) x2 x o-xl
..ntlr= 3(.x+2) =-+
tr r - 3x+6
;-' (x+2)(x t) (x+z)(x-D x 1

28 -
Answers of Unit Two

l8 . n(.Y)
Y-< X+-l g
(x-s)(2x 3) (2x-3)(x_6) -- xtx 2\ x'-4
...Tlettornainof rr=:n {s, j.O} !ttyz_1yt)t

I- x+l _ x(X,2) , (x_2)(x+2)

..n(x)=2X-3 - xl,x26-r) -,x I)(x-r)
(2x_3)(x 6l
x-6x3 -9 .'. Thedomainof n=ln-{0 r2,1 ,-2}
(2x-3) (x 6) x-3)(x-6) x-z
,n1xs= L*
tJr..^,v,_(X 2)rX+2), 5(2X_t) x(x 1) x-l
(X+2\(X l) _(2X r)(X_l) _ l+x2-2x _x2-2x+l
x(x-l) x(x-l)
... Thetromainotn=R t 2,t . +l (x-l)2 - x-l
. ^,-,_x 2 5 X+3 =
x(x- 1) x
x I x I x-l
x-J + x' J r...n(X)=0
'x ...x l=0 ...X-1=0
lio ..nrxr-
(x J)(x 4) x-l .'. X= 1 ,. The S.S. = Z
... Thc dornrin o1n =
" . {: . +}
.. nrx)= | + I= L+ -\-4 * x-J IE
x-4x4x-4x-4 ,'r\,!/----
X'+X+ 1 x+3
X'-X X'+2X-3
E X(X-5) *+3X+9 X2 +X+ I x+3
'. nt\t=-
(X 3)(X-5) (X 3)(X2+3X+9) x(x-r)(x2 + x+1) (x+3)(x-1)
.'. The domain of n = m- {3, 5} .. Thedomain of n =lFl- {0, t .-:}
I -X-l ,n{-t)= | - I I-x
.'. r1161=
' -L- x-3
x-3 x-3 x(x- l)- x I x(x- t)
rn (1) = 0 rn (5) is undefined _-(x 1)_-1
x(x- 1) x
1t ,. n(a)=-2

x+3 x+2 . ^,I


1x+31' x+3
.'. Thedomainof n=R,{ 3}
I X+2 x+l EI
x+3 x+3 x+3 '.'z(/1)={s} .. atX=5
rn (- 3) is undefined because - 3( the domain of n ..X-r-0 ..5-a=0 ..a=5
, . the domain of /r =R- {3}
tr 12
,, x+b=0
'.'n(x)= 2
3(2x- t)12x+ l) - 2xt2x. t)

t" 2 . 1}
.'. The domainofn=m- {o'-l
"'^' o x- t, l, x - D- x\, x- t)
_ 4x-(2x+1)
x(2x-t)(2x+ r)
2X_t @
_ '. Thedomainof n=R-{0 .'.a=-4
x(2x-1)(2x+1) x(2x+t) '4}
...nrXt=!+ 9, ;...n15)=Z
, n (0) is undeflned because 0 @ the domain of n
.' xx_4
' -1(2x-l+l)
. b,n,r ...t=-7
b ...b=-3s

Algebro ond Probobility

Excellent pupils a
ER- {2} @x-z
E (x+
ER- {2} 14R- {5 ,2}
E- 1
5 2)
(x+2)(x 3)
ls11,R-.l0,-3} ?)-2
.'. Thedomain of n=R-{-2 ,:} .'. n (x) =
,} E
'. k (X) is the additive inverse of n (X) [i ln rx I = !-lI:if 4 \x+ 3)
x+3 ^ 5(X 5)
.. r< (D =
fr ana the domain of k =IR - {- 2, 3} .'. The domain of n =R- {- 3, 5}
.,-,",- 5 -. ,ntXl= I)
k (3) is undeflned because ( the domain of k .2ln(x) - (x- x+2 x2(x-2)
, 3
2) \x+2) x- l
.'. The domain of n = IR- {2,-2, 3}
E ,"6)=*-z
4X 3X
o x-1 x+l _t'
(x+1lz x-4
.4x(x+ 1)-3x(x-l) 1
(x- (x+
1) 1)
=R- {4,- 1}
.. The domain of n
.'. 4 x(x+ t) -3 x(x- 1) = (x- 1) (x + 1) vL1
.'. 4 x2 + 4 x- 3 x2 + 3 x= x2 - 1
2(x r)
ftl n(x)=(x--lr{1f,1]-lx(x2+x+
(x- l)': l)
.. Thedomainof n=R-{1}
\x-\1 \x+\7 2\7 ,t(X)=Z

. z(t[i+,[t)-z(,[i-,F) _ , 5 nfX)=-^ 2(y-5) x(x+5)

..: (x s)(x+s) x-j
(trr-t/, 2\'1
)(t/x+t/z) .. Thedomain of n =R- {5 r-5, 3}
where x+ tnlx l=-
(x 4) (x+ l) X x(x- l)
| ... x-7 =84
.. x 7 =.411
... x=91 b nlf l=
(x- l) (x+ l) x(x+ 3)
.. Thedomainof n =lR- {0, 1 r- 1 r-3}
rr 1' :
l)(x-5) xr(X+ l)(X-5)
-l ,n tX\=4.!
- x+3
wherexfi{0,-1'5} 3 tX * 2t?
X(2 X+ l)
fi)n (x t =
x+2 *.3(2x+l)
x2-4x-5 ..Thedomainofn=m { z. j}
x'(x+ t)(x-5) ,n(x)=x(x+2)=X2 +2X
. (x+ l)(x-5)
x2 (x+t)(x,5) @n 1xy=!{:!-(r1JZi! x x+3
x(x- l) x2 + x+ 1

:. X2=1''. X=I or X=- 1(refused) n=m- {0, 1}

.'. The domain of
,n tXl=44
E lEln (x ) = 5-41']) , tx n 6t tx - J1
x+6 (x-l)(X+l)
Ed @. Ed @d n=R-{-6 ,3'-1}
.'. Thedomainof

Ea Ed Ed lEb :n(X)=J,n(2)=5

Answers of Unit Two
j((x+2) (x-r2
@n(X)=(x-3)(x+3x+9) xx2+3x+9 (x- s) (x+ 3)
X+2 @ n ix ) =
(x+3)(x_3)x 2(x_5)
.. The domarn of n =m._ {:,_2} .'. The domain of n =R_ {_ 3, 3,5}
'nrX1=ox-.n(6)=,b,=3 ,t@)=
+ 6-3)
rn 2) is undelined because _ 2f the domain ofn
f;lnrxr=ll-2dl s;rla, , 2{x+.r)
jjnlyy=6-2)(x2 +2x+q x 2(x+3) rX+3)tX_ 2) X2t )Xt4
(x 2)(X+5) X2+2X+4 .. Thedomainof n=lR {-3,2},n (X) =Z
.. The domain of n =m_ {2, - S}
lEnrxr=- _]l--]l- x2+X+ I
' X+5 :.n r1x,,. x+5 (x- l)rxl+x+t) ^ x-1
,thedomainofn t =m_ ... The domain of n R _
{1} (x) = l
{r r_5 r_3} = :n

...n-r(l)= In5 =6__J j)t1yS= 6-3)(x+3x+g) * 2X

211+r,1 I 4 (r 3)(x+3) x(X2+3x+9)
@n (x) -z(x-2)(x2 +2x+4) .'. The domain of n =R_
{3,- 3,0}
(x 2)(x_s)
x (3r(+5)(x_5) ,nlX\- I+2-l
(X2 +2x+4)
.'. The domain of n =tR_ {2, 5} [elnrX)= x(x-]) \ 12x l)t2x+3)
' \2X+3)tX Zt xOi -lt
.'. Tlre domain of r, = fR
{- I ,Z ,O , }}
@n(x)= xs(x2+3x+s) rn(i()=I:a
5(x-3)(x2+3x+9) X+1 x-2
.. Thedornainofn=R_ {3 , 1}
[q n (x) = (x+ 1) (x 2) x (x+ 3) (x s)
(x-2)(x+3) (x 5)
(x+ 1)
'n(JC)= 1

@" A 2- \ - (2 x- 3) (2 x .'. Thedomainof n=lR_{2 r-3, L5}

1x7 = -x(2x 3\ (x 2)(2x+3\
+ 3)
... Thedorrrainotn -R_
lr. i, r. il 3r(x+3) /t2x 3)t2x+3t
'x @ntxl=rxX(2X+J\ l(X+5,(X -J)
x(x 6)
. . Thc domain of n
= R - { 0 . -* , r . r .
_(x_6)(x+6) }}
.'. The domain of r =lR _ {0,6,_6} ,rr{x)_(x+3)(2x 3)
x @n1;g1=
(x 2)tx+ul x(3x-s)
T]x. 5)(X+2)^ tx_2)t6X+j)
filn (x ) = 3
(x-s) 4 tx+ 3)
tj, z,z, -J,o)
X+3 5(X_5) a
'n(x)= 6x+1
.'. The domain of n = R_ {_ 3, 5}
,nUl= I5 [!ng;y= 6 t)$-2) xra-t)(x-s)
-(x 1)(x+l) 3(x 5)
l2-l n(x)=--a:l '5)(x+l) .. Thedomainof n=m-{t , t ,5}
(x -l)(x+ l) r(x x(x- 5)
.n1x,1= (X.2ttx-tl
.'. Thedomain ofn =R_
{t r_ I r0 r5} _J (x+ l)
x LlEn(x)=(x3(x 3)
x $ 2)(x+3)
(x+3) (x- l) 2(x+3)
lsln (x) - x (X (x+ l)
X+3 -l)(X+1) .'. Thedomainof n=lR-{2 ,3 r_3}
.'. Thedomain of n=lR- {_3, 1,_ 1}

Algebro ond ProbobilitY
Y ) (2X+3)(2X-l) E )lx 2) ., (X' 3) (X+5)
[eln{x)=-:"lrx*rx z, -.-.
n{x)= xtx+
tx:2)(xl'" xtx* rxx*sr
..Tltedonrainoln=n -{o'*' i ''} .'. The domain of n=R- {2, 3 r0 :- 1 r-5}
,n(Xl=ax n(X)=1 , n(7)=1
-2, . x(Y2+lt 2iX2+lt
ts nryr-{X f 3){( , n (3) is undefined because @ the domain of n

rX+3){X I 2) X'(X+2)+(X+2)
(x-3)(x-2t (X2l lrtX+2t IE
(x+3)(.x+2) (xz + r) (x 2) rx+3)(X 5) x(X-31
J \^']- (X-.1)(X+3)' (X-5)(X+5)
.. Thedomainofn=R-{-3 '-2 '2} '
.'.Thedomainof f =lR*{3 '-3 '5 , 5 r0]
.J(X)=i== '. f..tar=-I " =lJ
lrln (x) - (x-2) + 2\ ..3a=a+5 ,',2a=5
.. Thedomainofn=R-{2}
^.2.+L^ IE
rn(x)= .
x ... n-r(x) - ^ t2 x + 1\ x. \2
x-)\4 ]12 ]l))
x' +'2 x nl (x) = x+ x-
e x - l) \2 D x+ 7r t2 t)
a, Xz +2 .'. xz -3 x+2=0 .'. The domain of n, =R- {-+ '-+ '+}
x 4x2+2x+l
.'. (x 2) (x- 1) = 0 .'. n, (X) = =.....=--
' eX-1)(2X+r)
..X=2(refused) or X=1 3t2X-1)(2X+1)
' lAx'+2x+l)
tr .'. The domain of n, = fr
'. n\^)=x$+2)lX+
.'. The domain of n = R- {0, - 2} 'n^(X)=- 4x'+2x+l
(2x- l)(2x+ t)
.n(x)=x+trn-'t*t=r*, ,n(x)= 4x2+2x+ I x
(2x-1)l2x+l) 4x) +2x11
... The clomain of n-
=R - {0 , - 2 , - I} ,n(x)=1
2(the n
t +,-+,+I

n (-2) is undeflned
1 because- domain of wherethedomainof n=R -

lt - xtx' 2)+X X''2X+X

' nrxt=( -L14lj\* '**,' )
x-2 '(x+s)(x+2) x+2
- x,
_ x _L.q)
x-z - x-z x
(x-3\Uz +3x+g)
,t) (x2 +3 x+9)
.,n'(X)=-- I(I-1.)
n I =rc- {2, 1,0}
.. Thc domain of n =IR- {- 5,- 2}
E rx-rt_tx* lt , ;r -2
[*., -
lx-U\x2 +2x+4) xt'l =(?149) l;.-3)--2(x,3)
.. The domain of n =lR- {2,-7} '.' n(x) =2 ...2(x,3)=2
,nrx)= *,nttt=iluo=-1
:.x-3=I ... x=4

Answers of Unit Two

Excellent pupils a
,,*,=(x* rli=(+x*-fi)
'.' nl (X) x nir (x) = 1
_x(x-2)+1 .4x(x-2)+4
x-2 x-2
. X2 .-aX+12 (X+11.
_ x2-zx+1 . 4x2- gx+4
(x-4) (x+ t) x-3 = |

x*2 x-'2
.'. x2 - a x + 12 = (x - 4) (x - 3) = x2 - 7 x + t2 (x- lt2 x-2
X-2 " 41y- 1rz
.. Thedomainof n=lR-{2,1},n(D= +
.'. n (l) is undefined because 1 fi the domaln of n


(r:t)\a/ c!&ty / 1.rr.:.r"qg.t-..-1, Hlvcl

Algebro ond ProbobilitY

Answers of unit three B.. ACB .'.AUB=B

Answers of Exercise | 9
E tr ACB ... P(B)=P(AuB)
Eb @c Ed 13d
..2X=0.8 .'. x=0.4
Eb @c @a @a
E ... P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) -P (A O B)
@a tdb Bd .'. 0.8 = 0.5 +2 X-0.1

E ..2X=0.8-0.5+0.1 =0.4
Eo.7 laoz I il 0.65 .'. x=0.2

Ep(,q.n e) (AU B) =
EP (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) _ P (A [) B) = +,P 1oA
= ?
-2'3 Ep (a n c) = rero : P (A U c) = ft
3 6

E . P(AU B) = P(A) +P(B) -P (An B) EP(g n C) =zero,P(B UO = * = +

... l=i+1
..P(Anel=f +
+-+=+ EP(AnB)=+ EP(AuB\=+=l
E (AU B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A o B)
til P
EP(Anc)=? EnraUc)=f
=i*1-:8= u Epte O C)=zero @ era rJcr = f
[ii] '. A and B are two mutually exclusive events
EP (A) +P(B)-P(An B) =P(AU B) = 1

:. P(AOB)=zero
.. P(AU B)=P(A) +P(B) = + -+=Z IE
EP(A)= #
tr @ The probability of occunence of the two events
@ .' A and B are two mutually exclusive events AandBtogether=P(AnB)
,'. P(An B) = zero .. P(AU B) = P(A) +P(B) '.' P (AU B) = P (A) + P (B) P (A n B)
{=etal*S 2=#+fr e1.tne;
...P(A)= +,i=+ ...P(Anr>=#*+-*=+
EBCA .'.P(A)=P(AuB)=+
P(AU B) =P (A) +P(B)-P(AO B)
E @ The probability that the drawn ball is Utue = *
+=++r@)_fr @ The probability that the drawn ball is not r€d
.'.P(B)=+-+.t=+ = the probability that the drawn ball is blue or white
E - t2' 12- 3

E .ACB ...AOB:A E The probability that the drawn ball is blue or

-^A- 5 4
...P(A)=P(AoB)=? ""- t2 -' t2 -3
- 4

Answers of Unit Three

@ IE
@ The number of the black balls = 25 - (4 + 7) = 14 @ The probability that the written number is odd
The probability that the drawn Uatt is black = anddivisiblebys=*=#
@ The probability that the drawn ball is yellow @ The probability that the writren number is prime
or divisible by 7 =
E The probability that the drawn ball is not yellow IB s
= the probability that the drawn ball is red or trP(A)= + = +
x21 .26 ^25
b *29 ,28

u^:.-7 14 21 ^22,2t,j:_;><,?<
-^"_5-,i_25 trP(n)=+=ro1 \2O,19,11/"6/\xrr\
.rr,ro"o( 'ro( "ze 1* )
E The probability that the drawn ball is green = zero
@r1ann;=$ .rs "r.,n\-)Zil9{,
,7 Y5 >4 .2
IE $
{z .4,0} .B ={ L.r . s} ,c = {2} tg
E The probability of occuring the two events
LLJ The probability of the drawn ball is red or cm.ying
A and B together = P (A O B) = zero an odd number = -11

E . The probability of occurjng the events A or C E The probability of the drawn ball is green and

=P(AUc) canying an nu*b., =

"r"n *
' . P(Ancr= d (wnereanc= {2}) IE
'.' P (1) + P(2) + P(3) +P (4) + P(s) +P (6) =
.'. P (A U c) = P (A) + P (c) -P (A n c) 1

_3 I t-l '. P(1) = P(2) = P(3) = P(4) =P(5)

-6-6-6-Z ,'.P(6)=3P(1) ..sP(1)+3P(1)=I
@ .'.8P(l)=1 .'.P(1)=+
First :
faP (6) = +d
Es = {t ;2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 >8} @ . The event of appearance of an odd prime
EA= {2 ,4 ,6 ,8} EB = {2 ,3 ,s ,7} nr.6"1={:,s}
@c={+,s} . . The probability of appearance of an odd prime
Second : nurnher= ?tt4= I
[]The probability of
occuring A and B together '.' A and B are two mutually exclusive events
=P(AnB)=+ .'. P(AUB)=P(A)+P(B)
L4 The probability of ..0.64=P(A)+P(B)
occuring one of the two events , . P(B)=3P(A) ..0.64=r14;+3P(A)
B orCatlexst=PrB,lCr- !84-'l
...0.64=4P(A) ...P(A)=0.16
.i P(B)=0.48

Excellent pupils
trPG)=4=+ E
... P(A) = 2P (B),P(B) = P(c)
EP(An B) =
+ 1..
.8 ri ,2 I ,. P(A)+P(B)+P(C)=1
grlnUn;=$ I ^rr '4 |

Algebro ond Probobility
...4P(B)=1 ...P(B)=+ .'.ptc)=i tr
'.' The event that the player B wins and the event 3leiAl=r P(A)=,-+=+
that the player C wins are mutually exclusive tilprtir=1-P(B)=t
'fl 1=Z
. . The probability that the player B or the player C
EP(.q.U e) = P(A) +P(B) P(An B)
=P(Buc) =+.+=+ lJlT
=5*5 m=10
a @p (a-s) = p (A)
-P (A n B) = + -
-r = +
7 P (A n B) = 2 -
P (B)
Eptn-a) =P(B) P(AoB) = - i # = +

P (A n B) = P (AU B)
'.' P (A) + P (B) - (2) tr
(l) in (2)
Substituting flom : Eptil = 1 -P(x)= I 0.35 =0.65
.. P(A) +2-7 P(An B) P(An B)=P(AUB) P(i) = 1 -P(Y) = 1 -0.48 = 0.52
:. l+t 7P(AnB)-P(AnB)= + E . PG Uv) = P(x) +P(Y) -P(x n Y)
.. a prnn sr = I j+ ... p(An Br .'. P (x n Y) = P (x) + P (Y) * P (x U Y)

Substitutins in lri r - 0.5 = 0.23

= 0.35 + 0.48
P1 = ] E p Cx p (x) (x fl )) = 0.3 5 -0.23 =0l2
-v) = - P

Answers of Exercise EP (x nv) = 1 - P (x -lY) = 1 -0.23 = 0J7

:t Z
l! i tel a , s
lJ)3s Ea @a rzero Eprnr= P(A-B)+P(A n B)= +. + = +
[il(r)s e)a (3)1 (4) zero l2lP(A)=P(A-B)= +
80.2 A* 8.. BCA eiann;=e1s;=]3
a P(A)=P(A-B)+P{An er= I - +=+
Eb Ec tEb @a E
Ea Ec lzd @d E .'e6;=P1f> ,P(X)+P(x)=1
B ... P(D= +
P (A) P (A) P (A) + I'(A)
E P tx U Y) = P (x) + P (Y) -P (x O Y)

{z ,4 ,61 {r,:,s} 1
1 -z'5 5-10
{t ,z,+,s} {: o) z
1 g
. r1n; =r1A1,P(A) +P(A)= 1
I<t ,z,t
I,r {t
Eror= +"+=*
{r.z ':.+ a zeto I p (n U n) p (A) + P (B)
E nB)
= - P (A
= )*16 T6=4
a 1 1_7
EPta nt=PtAt-P(AflB)= ,-16-T6
EP(AnB) =?=+
,6 !
P(A)=8 =*,rru=i
E The probabnity of non occunence of the event
=P(A= + = +
Answers of Unit Three
,P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) -P (A O B) E . The probability of non occurrelce of the event
1.5t1 B=P(E)=+
,P(A-B) =P(A)-P(A0 B) = 1 - -L - I
..P(B)=l P(B')= r-+=+
z 3'- 6

t[ . . The prcbability of occurence of any of the two

events =P(AU B) =P(A) +P(B) P(An
I The probability that the drawn ball is ,ed = = * ?

E The probability thai the drawn ball is white or

sreel=L.*=#=i [! .' The probability of cccunrnce of the event A only

E The probability that the drawn ball is not white

1 I
=P(A B)=PrAr-PrAl ut=
+-+ =*
-2020 1J
fs l . the probability of occurence of one of the two
events only = P(A-B) +P(B A)
@- =P(A)+P(B)-2P(AnB)
E The probability of non occurrence the two events
_J_ I t_2_9
Aand B together = P (An B) = I -P (A n B) -4 2'"5-20
=1-0.6=0.4 s
j The probability of occunence of one of the two events IE l;;*--;;;;l
@ l-:-l
E Two students
atleast = P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A n B)
= 0.8 + 0.7 - 0.6 = 0.9 @ 4 students I Q,q,
| \!--l

I " r"'rnr

E The probability that the student I

IE is one of football team only The number

@ The probability ofoccurence ofone ofthe two events
*12_3 of members in
arteasr= p (A u B) = p (A) + p (B) -p (An B) 328 T"hj"t
= 0.5 + 0.6 - 0.4 = 0.7
E The probability of occurrence of the event B and
Assuming that
non occurence the eventA
A is the event that the student reads Al Akhbtr
= P (B -A) = P (B) -p (A fl B) =0.6-0.4=0.2
Newspaper and B is the event that the student reads
@ The probability of non occurrence of the event A
Al Ahram Newspaper
=P(A) = 1 -P(A) = 1,0.5 =0.5
E The probability that the student rcads Al Akhbm
@ The probability ofnon occunence of any one of the Newspaper=P(A)=+&=+
two events = P (AU B) = 1 -P(AU n) = I -0.7 = 0,3
@ The probability that the student does not read
LE The probability of occunence of one of the two evonts
Al Akhbar Newspaper = P (A)
but not the other = P (A- B) + P (B A)
=P(A)+P(B) 2P(AnB) = | P(A)=r- h= *
=0.5+0.6-2x0.4=0.3 E The probability that the student reads Al Alrram
@ The probability of occurence of the event A only
(A-B) @ The prnbability that the student reads the two
=P = P (A) -P (An B) = 0.s - 0.4 = 0.1
t = +
@ E The prcbability that the student reads Al Akhbar
@ '.' The probability of non occunence of the event Newspaper only = P (A- B) = P (A) - P (A n B)
e=PrAr= !4 _9 1_1
- n-5-4
...P{A)=l.PrAl=l- 1=l E The probability that the student reads A1 Afuam

@ .' The probability ofoccurrence ofone ofthe Newspaper only = P (B -A) = P (B) -P (An B)
two events at mosr = p (A i B) = _3 _t _ 1
i 8540
. . The probability of occurence the two events @ The probability that the student reads Al-Akhbar
together=P(AOB) only or Al Ahram only = e i4 - B; + P (B - A)
1' _1 7 _17
-4- 40-
5-5 40

Algebro ond Probobilily
*r Excellent pupils
@ The probability that the
I (, (,) ,,)
selected student is participant
I r2

The number of trc)P(A)=#33= +
intootballteam=#=? participmts in each set
{El The probabiiity that the selected studcnt is
pruticipant ir1 basketball tearr = =
f {
sj the probability that the selected student is (2) P (AU B) = P(A) + P (B)-P (A 0 B)
J 4 l_7
participart in football team and basketball s255010
fi = { t-rt PrA-Br=Prnr P(AOBr=+-+ = 4
J J{) Jt'
[ 1 ] The prcbability that the selected student is not r4r P(AU B)= I P{AU B)-, - = *
_4 a] .
t]flrltctl)iult ln il[) tetln - +i = fS I The probability that thc mothcr live in urban and
of age 3o years and --" =
u o*1!QQ
= f
IE . . The rumber of births in urban if the number of

E The probability that the chosen rr":--=r- births is 9 000 cases =

] x 9 000 = 2 250 cases.

student is participant in football

team and not participant in

basketballnu =4=Z
l@l a Assuming that the whit cows is A and the brown kind
'. The farm contains cows of the two colours
Ia] The probability that the chosen student is
p(AU B)= r,P(A)= .erer=
participart in ore tearn at least =
# = #
| $
s] The probability that the chosen student is rot E The probability that the cow has the two colours

ll)irrlicil)till in ilily teillr ofthc previott' leltns =P(AnB)

'. P (AU B) = P(A) + P (B)-P(An B)
.'. P(AnB)=P(A) +P(B) P(AUB)
5 ll , 3
IE -1 28'-28
@ The probability that the two events occur together E The probability that the cow is white only

=P(AOB) =p(A-B)=p(A)-p(AnB)=, ;, = *
... P (Au B) P (A) P (A
= + P (B) - n B)
Answers of
.'. P (A n B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A U B)

'"" ' J0 15 @a Ed Eb Bd
lE The probability of occuring one of the two events
Ec @a Eb Ea
but nottheother=P (A B) +P (B -A)
@c @c @c @b
@b @a @b EEd
=P(A)-P(An B) +P(B) -P(An B)
@d @d @c @b
=P(A)+P(B)-2P(AnB) @" @d @a @"
_ad-)2 2 _tt
-""'30 )_
-'15-i5 @d @c @c @c

Guide Answers
of Geometry Exercises
'. m(ZADM) =90',AM=r= 5 cm.

Answers of Exercise : 1 ... MD = /(AM)'z-rnof =r/zs - ro

E ={o =: "-.
Etheradius Eachord .'.DE=5-3=2cm (Second req.)

@ perpendicular to this chord @ '.' D is the mrdpoint of I-B

@ bisects @ thc cenhe of the cirtle ... MD.L AB
@ the circumference of the circle - m (Z BDM) = 90' similarly m (Z MEA) = 90'
.'. From A AFE : m (Z DFM) = 45"
a and from A DFM : m (Z DMF) = 45'
Eo [4b Ec Bo .'. A DFM is an isosceles triangle. (Q.E.D)
Eb @a Q)a @c
Ec lplc @c [t '.' C is the midpoint of IB-
." MD- ] AB-
E In A ACM : '. m (Z ACM) = 90'
E 1oo" E20" ls)5+",lz" .'. (N{C)2 = (AI,1)2 - (AC)2 (Pythagoras' theorem)

@to,a5" Eso",so' @zo',e0" .'. (MC)2 = (13)2 - Qz)z = 25

.'. MC = 5 cm.

g .'. CD =MD,MC = 13 -5 = 8 cm.

... Theaeaof AADB= + x24x8=96crfr
E40' L4 [!] 5 (The req.)
816 lll 20 [C4s'
@ '.' x is ttre miapoint of AB-
Q)z+,t @+s',st/z lgoro .'. MX -L AB .'. m (z AXY) = 90'
@ @ rzo' E6 E60 : '. AB- // CD- ,l-? is a transversal

..'v,t=lro=r .'. m (Z XYD) = m (Z AXY)

= 90' (altemate angles)
.'. A AMD is an isosceles triangle.
... ltv r co
(L ADM) = 25"
.'. m (1- DAM) = m
.'. Y is the midpoint of dD (Q.E.D)
.'. m(LDAC) =25'+ 40'= 65"
@ oisttremopointofl-B
.'. In A ADC :
m (Z ACD) = 180'- (25' + 65') = 90"
'. EisthemidpointofAC- ME-f AC
... pcran ...Mebt
.'. m (Z DME) = 360'- (120'+
90" + 90") = 60'
.'. C is the midpoint of I-B (Q.E.D) .'. m (z XMY) = m (z DME) = 60' (VO.A)
fl '.' x ts tne mtdpoint of eE
.'. A XYM is m equilateral triangle. (Q.E.D)
... MX-TBC
rn ('z- DMX) @ .'X is tnmiapoint of AB-
"' ...MX .L AB
= 360'- (90" + 90'+ 56')
.1 m (2. AXY) = 90" - 30'= 60'
= 124" (First req.)

, '.' tlutP f eS r...AB=AC ... 1as=1ac

.'. D is the midpoint of AB- .'. AX = AY ' '. m (z AxY) = 60"
.'.AD=4cm. .'. AAXYisanequilateraltiangle. (Q.E.D.)

Answers of Unit Four
Gl In fte great circle :
@ rnaauc:
... lae r AB .'. E is the midpoint of IB '. AM=MC=r .'. m(ZMAC)=m(ZACM)
r.AE=EB (l) ',' m (z BAC) m (Z MAC)
In the small circle : .'. m (Z BAC) = p (Z ACM) and they me
...ME-J- .'. E is the midpoinrof -D altemate angles

;. CE=ED (2) ... as//cM

Subtracting (2) from (1) : .'. AE- '. D is rhc midpoinr of -AE ... lAOr ag
CE = EB - ED
;. AC=BD (Q,E.D)
...nSZCM ... OrrtrCl,4 (e.E.D)

Let the radius length of the grcater circle be

... nao r nc D is the midpoint of EC @
.. ME-TAC rt=2 x
E is the midpoint of IE r the radius length y
of the smaller circle bery=
.'. In AABC:
r '.' the area of the shaded region
'D and E are the two midpoints of Be and AC-
= the trea of the greater circle
- the rea of lhc smaller circle
... BO,l ae (Q.E.D. 1)
...4Er,=4n 4n / /--\.\
D is the midpoint of BC
... DC = BC (1)
.'. 48n= (2x)2 tt-(xt2 t(, \ U:/r^
+ .'.48It=4xzfi-x2tt
'. E is the rnidpoint of
\ --,/
..48n=3x2n ,..48=3x2
.EC=+AC Q) .'. X2 = 16 ... x=t/ro = + cm.
'. D and E are rhc rwo rrridpoints or BC and IF . . The radius length of the greater circle
.. DLI = 1AB =2x4=8cm. (The rcq.)
t (3)
Adding (1) : (2) (3)
ancl :
@ n aauo : ... m (z ADM) = 90"
.'. The perir:teter of A CDE m(L
.'. +m(L2)=90"
= j- theperimeterof AABC (e.E.D.2) )'.'n(L 2)+m(23)=90"
... trlx r an , My- _L AC In AAADM I MEB B

,'. m(1 XMY) = 360'- (60" + 90" + 90") = 120. '. m (z ADM) = m (z MEB) = 90"
... MX r AB
.'. X is the midpoint of AB ,m(L l)=n(L3) :. m(L2)=m(L4)
.laYrac .'. Y is the midpoint of AC .'. In AA ADNL MEB
... xv z ec IMA=MB=r
.. m (Z AXY) = m (1. ABC) = 70.
(Coresponding angles) tn1L2)=ayL!,1
.'. rn (1 MXY) = rr (Z AXM) - m (L AXy) ... AADM:AMEB
= 90" - 70" = 20" =tft2 + 62 = t0
..InAMXY: "rr.
r'. MA=MC=r .'. MC = 10 cm.
m (Z XYM) = 180'- (120. + 20.) 40. (The rcq.)
= .. EC= 10-(6+ 2)=2cnt. (The req.)

Adding (1) and (2) :

[0..A8=AC'm(1 A)=60' .. The distance bet*""n AB , CD = 14 cnr

.'. A ABC is an equilateral triangle
(The req.)
'.' m (/
BM=2BX=5 cm.
BXM) = 90" ;. m (Z BMX) =
.. BC=2BM= l0cm
30o Yes therc is anothcr solutiol

In the salne way of the


/ -,----.-.\C
,'. AB

'. nlX f SE
= 10 cm

. . X is the midpoint of BE
(1) previous proof we llnd that

XM=8cm. rYM=6cm

.. XY=8-6=2ctn.
.'.BE=ZBX=Zx2.5=5cm. Q)
(The req.)
..AE=10-5=5cm (The req.)
E '. eS it a diameter of the circle

.'. M is the midpoint of AB

@ In aUNC : . NC +MC>NM (ffiangle inequality)
r'. MA=MC=r r NM=AN+MA ' M=(+ ,\31=O.;l (Firstreq.)

..NC+MC>AN+MA '. AM- is a radius in the circle M

AN (Q,E,D.)
... NC > .. arvr = f r.l :r' * (+ - *)
Construction t l;-r
@ /'-ix ={(3+) =3 i- lensth
ora* ME E / ,rr"\^
t i6 to cur it at . . The circumference of the circle = 2 x[ r
Proof :'. fvlgf CD \r,/ 'r)' =z x 2] x * = Z2lengthwits (Second req )
..EisthemidpolntolC5 t\g}/
,m (1 XCE) = m (Z MED) = 90'
@... rvv, ={1- 1 -fi * I - 6Y ='S;- to =ttX
but they are coresPonding angles = 5 length units

.'. xT ll trrf e similarly ME l/ YD ,MB=\F;zf *Q*zf=ff;f

.'. XC tttvCE ttYD
'. iV ora iD ." two transversals to them .'. MA=MB
,CE=ED .'. XM=MY .'. I\{ is the centre of a circle passes through the
two points A and B (Q.E.D. l)
=BM = T ." AM_XM= BM'MY
Let D be the midPoint of AB
... AX = By (Q.E.D.)
tEl Construction :
orawMLMC, .'. lr,rp r ee
ftlXrAe,ViVrCO .'. MD ={! - 2Y n1:ry =6 = 3 length units

Proof : .' lD< f Ag
.'. X is the midpoint of AE Let the equation of MD be Y= a x+b
.'.AX=6cm. IE
.'.InAAXM,xM={(tof-(6)'=8",t (l)
'. rhe slope of = * = + = -+
'. D is the midPoint of AE
. rrav r co
.. Y is the midpoint of -D CY:8 cm' ... rraorlE
" iB x the slope of fi6 = -
.'. The slope of 1

.. lrACYM,YM={rtor2_(8]=o.n, t)t

Answers of Unif FouI

.'. j x the slope or MD =

r @E
.. The slope of MD = - I E
.. The equation of MD : y = 2 x+ b Eoutside Eo, Einside
'.' D is the miclpoint of AB @ inside r the centre of the circle

.'.D=(422 4,1+5)=(o,l)
'. D €MD
.'. It satislles its equation @ outside the circle M tEAB
.'.3=0+b ..b=3 @ the radius !l a tangent to it
.. TIleequation of fri,y =2v*3 (Q.E.D.) @parallel lql4
Excellent pupils
@ is a secant to the circle M
tl Construction:
Draw MC rMB- rMO- @ lies outside the circle
, trax r as , tray r cp E is a tangent to the circle M tr t+,4t
Proof : '.' MX- f AB E{-3,3}
.', X is the midpoint of AB
,'. ln A MXB : 1MX;) = 17)7 1or' = t-l
Ec Eb Ec @b Ec Ec
. trav r ct-
Ec Ea Eb @a @a
.'. Y is the midpoint of CD . . YC = 5 cm. tr
. . In A N4YC : .'. (MY)2 = (7)2 - (5)2 = 24 Eb Bd Ea Ea Ec
In the quadrilateral MXOY
n (z MxO)

= m (Z XOY) = tn (Z OYM) = 90"

.'. Thc figutc MXOY ir r rcclnnglc.
Eas' Eao" Br:o' E+ Eoo Esz
... XO = MY ... (XO)'z = (MYF = 24 E .' gd i. a tangent to the circle M at B
InAMXO: ... scrMB-
'. (MO)2 = (MX)2 + (Xo)2 = t3 + 24 = 37 In AABC : m (ZA) = 180" - (45" +90") = 45'
.. 14g =1/t",r. (The rcq.) : . D is rhe midpoint o[IH .. tran r,qH
@ . ,VA- f eC .. D is rhe midpoinr ol BC m (Z DMA) = 180" - (45' + 90') = 45"
." Bo = 7f
"-. m (Z DAM) = m (Z DMA)
'.' AB = BM r BM = MA (The lengths of two radii) ".
... DA = DM (Q.E.D.)
.'. A ABM is an equilateral triangle.
. eD I AM .. D is lhe midpoint otIM f,t tnauon:
.'. Dl\4 =
MB ler DM= l,rae=z! '. MD=MB=r
In A BDM which is right-angled at D ." m (z MBD) = m (z Mon; = 1!Q:'1-Q0' = 4s"

\7.,13) =(2t)t t , . Id * u trng"nt to th" N,I u?,q.

... 147=11
,) ...
I =45
... traa r ec

t^ /cm
.. t= MB=14cm InAABC:
. . The radius length of the circle = 14 cm.
m (L C) = 180" - (90' + 40) = 50' (First req.)

(The req.) : m (Z CDM) = 180" -40" = 140" (Second req.)


E '.'MZ=r=5cm .'- MY = li cnr

, .' (MY)2= 169, (MX)2 =25
= +"'[Z (Second req.)
t (XY)2 = 144
Another solution for the first requirement.
..(lr4X)2 + (XY)2 = (MY)2 '.' Ai is a tangeut to the circie M at A
.. m(z MXY) =90" .. XY-Il4X- .. m (1 MAB) = 90'
.'. iY is a tangent to the circle M at X (Q.E,D.) MA
IE +=.8- .'.AB=S{Jcm
@Inauan: li: AB
',' The sum of measures of the interior angles of
the triangle = 180' @ '.' iY is u turgent to the circle at X

.'. m (z MAB) = 180" - (54' + 36) = 90" .'. rvtX r XV .'. m (Z MXY) = 90'
.'. In A MXY : (MY)2 = (MX)2 + (XY)2
... rrrerrE
.'. (MZ + 8)2 = (MX)2 + 144
.'. IE is a tangent to the circle ll (Q.E.D.)
'. MZ=MX=r :. (r+8)2 =12 + \44
12 + 16r +64=? +144 .. 16r=80
... AC i, u median ol-A AMB ' AC - + MB ,=!9=.s". (The req.)
.'. m (/ BAM) = 90o .'. IIA--LIE
i!! '.' ad t a tangent to the circle M at A
.'. IE is a tangent to the circle M (Q.E.D.)
... lnArac- . m (Z MAC) = 90"
@Inarraao:.'MA=MD=r In AA MAC I MBD :

m (Z MDA) = m (Z MAD) Ve
IUa = llengrhs of rwo radii.l
, .' m (Z MDA) = m (/- ADB)
] uc = irao 1gir.,,;
.. m (Z MAD) = m (Z ADB) but theY are

Im rz AMC) = m (Z BMD) (V.O.A.)

altemate angles ,'. The two trialgles are congruent and we deduce
...AM-//BD that m (1 MAC) = m (Z MBD) = 90'

.. m (z MAB) = m (Z DBE) = 90" ... eDrMB-

(Coffesponding angies) .'. BB is a tangent to the circle M at B (Q.E.D.)

... MA--L AE
[B '.' eE i, a tangent to the circle M at B
.'.IEr a tangent to the circle M (Q.E.D.)
.'. rrls r AE .'. m (z ABM) = 90"
itt '. aE i. a tangent to the circle M at A ,'. Adis atangentto the cicleM atC
... laa I aE ... MC I AC .'. m (z ACM) = 90'

.. m (z MAB) = 90" .'. In AA ABM r ACM which are righrangled

In A MAB : '.' m (1 ABM) = 30' fue=uc=r

.'.MB=2MA=16cm. InV l" a comrnon hypotenuse

.. AB ={(MB7-(MAI =\t s644
.'. m (z AMB) = m (z AMC)
..ffibisectsZIIMC (First req.)
= a{5cm. (First req.)
AABM : m (1 AMB) = (90' + 25')
In A ABC which is right-antlcd at C
From 180" -
= 55"
'.' m (Z ABC) = 30" .'. m (Z BMC) = 2 x 65" = 130" (Second req.)

Answers of Unit Four
@ In the small circle :
'.' BC = BM , MB = MC (lengrhs of trvo raclii)
'.' A B is a rangenl atc ... MC- J Fd .'. A BCM is an equilateral friangle.
In the great circle : ... tr,lC f ag
.'. m (z cBM) = 60.
.'. C is the midpoint of IE ... AC = 4 cm.
: ,' Z MCB is an exterior angle of A ABC
.. m (2,\) = m (1 ABC) - *" =.,r_r"
. , In A ACM which is right-angled at C 2

MC =f AMI - G.-aF='rDs - ro = : .m. (rhe req.)

,. m (z ABM) = e0. ... nas r Ai
. . AE is a tangent to the circle Ivi at ts (e.E.D.)
i[! .'Yii, a tangenr

to the circle M at B @ Construction : Draw MD

Proof : ... dD is a tangent-segment
... rrasrvi at D
.. l,tO f Cn
.'. m (Z MBY) = 90.
.. m (z cDM) = 90.
.'. m (z IVIBA) = 90o - 50o
:. MD=MA=I B
= 40"
.'. MD= MC
. SA Z MC , BM is a transversal to them +
.'. In A MDC which is righr angled at D
.. m (Z BMC) = m (Z ABM) = 40"
(alternate angles)
'. MB=MC=r .'. m (Z CMD) = lS0'- (90" + 30.) 600
. . A MBC is an isosceles triangle
.'. m (Z MDB) = m (z B)
.. m (Z MBC) - m (z MCB) - 180' 40" - 70.
.. m (z CBX) = 90" -70. =20. (The req.)
)" , .' Z CMD is an exterior angle
.. m(1 CMD)=m(ZMDB) +m(LB)
tE '.' Dd ir a tangenr to the circle M at C .. m(zMDB)=s=ro"
MC-LDC ,'. ni (Z MCD) = 90"
.. In A DMC
.. m (Z CDB) = 90'+ 30" = 120" (The req,)
: m (ZDMC)= 180. (90.+20.)=70"
' . en ll Un- ,IE is a transversal ro them @ '. The aea of the circle = 36 JI

(z MEC)
.'. m =m (1 BAE) = 80.
(corresponding angles)


= 36
= 36 tr,
.'. In A MEC:
.'. r=5cm.
m (Z ECM) = 180'- (70. + 80.) 30. (The req.)
... MX = My (lengths of two radii)
.'. AB = l2 cm.
tE , '. Ed i. a tangent to the circle M at B
: BX = CY (Given) , by adding ... MB = MC ... ec I AB
, '. Ed i. a tangent to the circle M at A In A ABC : trn (,/ C, =
4E ... ran 60. = -]q
.'.ltta f SC BC
. D^ 12 12 ,^l^
r '. A MBC is an isosceles triangle in which ran (600)
: t)
MB=MC,trAA.LeC .'. The area of A ABC
. . Mf bisects Z BMC =1ou.r"= l. t2^41[i
.. m (z BMA) = 6 (Z CMA) (Q E.D.)
= 241[i cn? (The rcq.)


E .. MC =(o rd+ (o raf =ft6 + 64 =fioo

A'.' id is a tangent to the circle M atA
... Marld = 10 length units
MC>r . C lies outside the circle.
.'. m (1 CAM) = 90"
'. EBis atangentto
the circle M at B
tr.. ya=t/t-r
-3)2 +(2 + t)) =1 l6 + 9 =1 2s
... MB I BD
= 5 length unirs
.'. m (Z EBM) = 90'
,MB =tftt* +Yi{z-ei ={,.16 -.\tE
q0" = 5 length units
r rn (1 CAM)- rll lZ IIBM) -

ettac; = rn (z BME) lv'o A)

t. , MC ={ et qi A n zY =^[, 16 =\t%
'l ,n "
= 5 length units

Inte = tr,ts llertgths oltwo rrtlii)

.', The two triangles are congruent arld we dcclucc .'. MA=MB =MC
that CM = EM .'. Thc points A r B and C lie on the circle M (Q.E.D.1)
10 l-[ length units (Q.E.D.2)
, . xM = YM (longths of two radii) I
by subtractirtg , its circunlerence =
CX=YE (Q.E.D,)
B . CD it a diameter in thmircle M
@ Construction : .'. M js the midPoint ot CD
^. 1 u )\
Draw ME -L Ec , LetC(x,y) :.(t'l)=\L?';)
drawMe ,MD,ME ..X*l=I ..x+3=2 .'.x-- I

'. AC = 12cm. rAB =4crr. .. BC= 8 cm' ,L-Z--t
...y-2=2 .'.y=4
, . lAefec .. CE=EB=4cm' ... c=(_i,4)
, ... the stope ot g[=-!-^ a
=- +
,. r=5cm. MC=5cnt ' -J+l =-.6
'. In A MEC : m (Z MEC) = 90' .'. The slope of the peryendicrltr straight line

... (ME)2 = (MC)2 - (CE)2 = 25 - t6 = 9 .46= 3

.. ME-lctn r '. the tangent to the circle M at C is
. . The clistance between the chord BC and thc
perpendicular to CD
cetrtre = 3 clr. (First req.) .'. The slope olrhe rangenr to the circle ar C = i
ln A MEA; m (1 MEA) = 90' .'. ff,. equalion of the tangent is y = x*
| ' J '
.. (MA)'z = (ME)2 + (AE)2 = 9 + 64 =13 , '. the tangcnt Passes through the Point C (- I :4)
. , ed i, it tlllgerll lo Ille ( i|clc . irarl r,q6 2
"'- T',- r'- "' "-d2 l
.. In AAMD : m (Z ADM) = 90'
2,- tThtrcq't
... (AD)2 = (AM)2 - (MD)2 = 73 -2s = 48 .. Thecqtrxlion it, y= j x++

.. ao ={+s = a{T.-. (Second req.)

Excellent pupils
6 . va={tol:7.t0:7 4;Al[x tt .' AB touches the small circle
... rrlcra.s
at C

= 5 lelElth units
.. MA= r . . A lies on the circle. ,. AB is a chord ofthe
f a1
[4 MB =\t6-r.7;6-rf =t[4., great circle , IAC
.'. Cis the midPointof AB
={fl3 length units

.'. MB <r .. B lies inside the circle :. AC=

t =7 cm.

Answers of Unit Four
'. 4 AMC is right angled at C AnswersofExercise 3
... (AC)2 = (MA)2
- (MC)2
... (71= (MA)2 - (MC)2
@distant @ touching externally
... (MA)2 - (MC)2 = 49
. . The area of the included part between the two [{ one is insidc the other r touching internally
circles = the area of the greater circle - the alea !lone is inside the other , distant.
of rhe smaller circle = fi (MA)2 - fi (MC)2 pJ touching internally r touching externally
= fi t(MA)2 - (MC)21= +s n c-? (The req.)
fQ] the conrmon chorrl r bisects it

El . IEl, o turgentto thecircleM atB fz l the comnron tangent at the point of tangency
. . MB- f Ii .'. m (z ABM) = e0" trMN [g]distant
'. MB = MD (lengths of two radii) []! intersecting []! touching externally
.. m (1 MBD) = m (Z MDB) = 2 x'
In AABD : m (ZA) + m (Z ABD) + m (1 D) = 180" a
.. x" + 90" + 2 x" + 2 x" = 180" Ea Ec Eu Ed Ea Eb
5 x. = 90.
.. x= 18' (Thereq.) Q)c @b Ed @c @d @b
Construction : We draw Mf and NB-
@d @b @u @d
Proof : .' IB is a tangent to the circle M at A B
.'. rvrarlE fil so" E il0" Eeo.
similarly NB- I iE
.. laa il aN
@6 lsl12 'Vlos @+t/ro

r '. MA = NB (two radii of two congruent circles)

.'. AMNB is a parallelogram E10 tr+s" j
.. AB-//MN- (Q.E.D. l)
I AC =BC {gi\en)
: . NA = NB = 7 cm. (lengths of two radii)
I MA = BN tgi\en)

I rrttz MACI= rn (Z NBC)=q0' .'. 12=MA+1 .'. MA= 5 cm. (The req.)
.'.AAMC=ABNC ..MC=NC (l)
.. A CMN is an isosceles triangle (Q.E.D.2)
'. The two circles are touching internally atA
... MX NY
= (2)
.. MN= 10-6=4"-.,Mfr-LIE
.. SubtractinS (2) from (l) :


.'. Thearea olA BMN = I2 x MN xAB

.'. From the isosceles rriangle XCY .'. 24 =

t x4x AB ... AB = 12 cm. (The req.)

...rn(ZCXy)_ 180"_m(/ t, (Jl


and from the isoscele s trlngle MNC

'.' MN is the line of centres r AE is the common
... m (z cMNr- l8o' r ('/ l) (4) chord
Fron (3) and (4) : n (1 CXY) = rn (Z CMN) AB-.1 ]VIN .. m (z AEN) = 90'
and they are conesponding angles The sum of the rleasures of the interior ansles of
... xv ll lar'l (Q.E.D.3) the quaclrilateral CDNE = 360'

.'. m (1 CDN) = 360" - (55' + 125" + 90") = 90' @'. fufr is ttre line of centres :

.. fiDrtd AE is the common chord of

.'. tD is a tangent to the circle N at D (Q.E D.) the two circles
B In AAMN: (AN)2 = 81
'.' ffi is the line of centres , AE is the common , (AM)2 = 144 , (MN)2 = 225
... (MN'z = (AM)2 + (AN)z
.. Mfrr,tn .'. rn (Z AEM) = 90"
. . A AMN is righrangled at A, '. AC -L MN-
r '. C is the mirlpoint of XY AM ^ AN '!2
A( =-=
_.- ^9_= /.tcm.
.. MC- r XY .'. (z MCX) = 90" MN 15

..AB=2AC=14.4cm. (The req.)

In the quadrilateral DCME :

m (z CME) = 360'- (90' + 90o + 40") = 140' @ '. MN is the iine of centres
(First rcq,) , AB is the cornnon chord
t '.'FZ rt a tangent to the circle N at F . . MF i. the axis of symmetry of AB
.. NP r FZ .'. m (z NFZ) = e0' .'. CA= CB
.'. m (1 MEA) = m (1 NFZ) .. InAABC : m (1 CAB) = m (Z CBA) (1)

and they arc concsponding ar,glcs , .' DA= DB

. . In A ABD : rr (1 DAB) = rn (Z DBA) (2)
..FZtt le (secondreq.)
By adding (1) (2) :
[t . Mfr t tH" tine of centres , AB is the .'. m (Z CAD) = m (z CBD) (Q.E.D.)
common chord of thc two circ1os
.'. fifrras- @ '. fiF is the line of cenffes , A-B i. tl,"
'. AB /i the straight line L chord.

.'. The straight line L 1 MN .. i'lTras i.o. m (Z AFM) = 90"

, '. CD i. a cliameter of the circle M
.'. eF -L MX- .'. XE = XF (1)
, is a tangert of it at C
simihly Nt t CD- .'. cX = XD (2)

Subtracting (l) fiom (2) :

... CX I CD i.e. m (Z ECD) = 90"
.'. m (Z CEF)-r m (Z CMF)
.. CX-xE=XD-XF
= 360' - (90' + 90') = i80"
CE = FD (Q.E.D.)
'.' m (Z DMF) + m (Z CMF) = 180"

@ '. MN' ir tt tine of centres , AB is the .'. m (z DMN) = m (z CEB) (Q E.D.)

common chord of the two circles
InAANB ; .' NA=NB,m(LN) =60"
.'. MN I ee , C is the midpoint of fE IE
.. A ANB is an equilalelcl trianglc.
.'. AC=.!2 x72=6cm.
.'. AB =AN=rbutMA=NA=r
... MC ={(AMJ':(ACf =droo*:e =a
"r. because the two circles ar€ congruent

InAAMN: ...Ats=MA=AN-r .,.A8=,1,2 MN

'. AM=AN=r ,AC- l MN .. m (Z MBN) = 90"
. . C is the mi<lpoint of MN since BN is a radius of the circle N

..MN=2MC=2x8=16cm (The rcq.) .. MB- touches the circlo N at B (Q.E.D.)

Answers of Unit Four
@ . Theareaof the shadedpan=550cm? '. F}i Uir""t. Ag ... AE = Ets = 4.8
.'. The area ofthe great circle the area ofthe .. AB =4.8 x2=9.6ctt. (Thereq.)
small circle = 550 cm?
lE . rr = 6 lengthunit rr,={lgngiliun1
.'. , rf -, rl = sss ... r {rf - ril = ssO
.'. 11 + r, = 10 length unit , 11 - 12 = 2 length unit
fi - S= sst " g, + rr) = 175
*, ... (r, - 12)
E ... nau
=(- a - 5! 4[* af =1ts1._-A4
:' M, M, = r, - 12 because the two circles are
touching internally =rtrr| = 15 lengrh unit

:. 7 (rr+rr) = 175 rr+rr= 175 .'. MN > r, l. r,

.'. =25 ga.
.'. The two circles are distant.
(The req.)

... AB- is E .' uN ={@:;Y;1, *7={,0.a

tD a raaius

of the circle A and =^[X =S length unit

a radius of the circle B
.'. The two circles are intersecting.
.'. The two circles
tre congruent @ Let the equation of be y = m X + c ffi
... CA= CB =AB = 3 cm '.' The two circles M and N are intersecting
.'. A ABC is m equilateral triangle atAandB
.. m(zACB)=60' (First rcq.) . . Mfr -L AB- and bisects it
:. sinA=!E .. sin 60' = Q '.'Theslopeotffi= i-1=r
AC ^^t:
^ -4-0
.. CE = i sin o0' =
jl1 3
'.' The stope olMfr x The slope otI-B = - I
.'. The slope of MN x 1 = -
.'. CD=2CE=2 x

=:r[.*. (Secopd req.) .'. The slope of fufr = - 1

.'. The equation of fifr i" y = - x *
@4,8,2+ '. The midpoinr of AB is ( o;4 , J I )
@ Yes , because =(_2,t)
AN = CN (lengths of two radii in the circle N) The midpoint of AE belongs to ffi
.'. It satisfies its equation
r A-M = MD (lengths of two radii in the circle M)
.'. c=-1
i.e.AN +AM + NM = CN + MD + NM :.Y= x-l (The req,)
.'. The perimeter of A ANM = CD

E m (Z NAIrO = m" because (NIf)2 = (NA)2 + (AM)2 @ ... ua=(3 + 9z4n y =\t16 - 64
@The reaofA NAM = +2 x NA x MA 4Glength unit
.'. A e the circle M
z ,'. 5a=(-3 a 911-7 *92 =\t4 - 16
@ Construction : Draw IE m cut fufr at E
= 21lJlength units
Proof : '. AB- int"rse"t,
.'. A€the circle N
MIV at S
... an r vrN
'.' MN =fl3 €v +(s +l =^h6._ u4
...AE=3Mtr4\ = {ra-o- = o {l rength units
.'. MN=MA+l{A
_8x6_/o cm.
10 .'. The two circles ae touching externally. (e.E.D.)

(L : | )\a / dt}l \ / 1-u -r.u1; -,,..r., rglyoll 49

E when M €L we can draw two circles

E '. I- is a tangcnt to the circle M atA

.. H,I-q r lc
InAACM :'.
M (1A)=90"m(Z C) =30"
.'.AM=+cM '. CM = 12 cm.
@] Wlen U @ f- we can clraw an inflnite number
'. DM=AM=6cm. ..CD=12-6=6cm
'. -E is a tangert of the circle N at B
... xs r cB
lnACBN: . rr(1 CBN)=90',m(ZC)=30'
...BN=+cN ,. BN=NE
. CE=E'N-ND-6=2",r. (TheLeq.)

fl Assuming that the radii lengths of the circles

L ' M and N are t1 ) t2, 1: respectively.
'.' LM = 5 cm. .'. tt+b=s (1)
@ We can draw two circles
...MN=8cm. .'. 12*13=8 (Z)
...LN=7cm. .'.13+r1 =7 (3)
'. trln t l,n
Addins (1) , (2) and (3)
.'. D is the midpoint of AB
.'.2(rr+rr+r)=24 ..rl+12+13=10
. 12 f o ..rl+8=10
'r - : .' m (L ADM,) = 90'
... M,D={(AM,)'LADY
ancl {iom(l) tt2=5 2=3cn.
ancl from (2) : 13 = 8 3=5 cm. (The req ) =^,[8i=+",,. (The req.)

Answers of Exercise | 4
<Notice that : Lengths are not real>>
@ We can draw two circles
[Id Ed L4a Ea @c
Ed Eb Ed @b @a
@d at
@ We can draw one circle onlY.

[! radius
its @ the circumcircle of this triangle
@ It is impossible to draw the
@ circle
one @ two circles
@ one circle @ t4 cm.
circle because the radius length
= t.5 cm. which is less than I
'. The radius length is the smallest /\,
.. r=3cm. \*)
There are two circles passing ttuough A

Answers of Unit Four
tr [I The centre of the circle is the point of inlersection of :

The heights of the triangle

- The medians of the triangle
.'. D is the midpoint of
- The bisectors of the interior angles of the ttiangie
...or=+AB=jx6=3cm Thlee axes of symmetry.
, '.' m (Z ADM) = 90'
,n(LA)=60' InAABC:
." m (z AMD) = 180" - (90. + 60) = 30. '. AB =BC
.'. AM= 2AD =2 x 3 =6 cm. (Thereq.) .'. A ABC is an isosceles triangle

tr . . EM bisects z ABC ... m (L MBC) = 60.
.'. A MBC is an equilateral triangle
...MB=MC=BC=r=4cm. (The rcq.)

There are an inflnite number of circles whose centres

lie on a straight line ptrallel to the straight
line L at a distance 3 cm. from it. aA^


The type of this himgle according to the measures of

{' A ABC is an acute-angled
triangle its angle is right-mgled triangle at C
+ The centre of the circle lies inside the tria[ele ABC
=tttal-s =6
= 5 length units
.'. There are two solutions

The centre of the circle lies at the midpoint of the

hypotenuse AC IE
.' an =r/[ -1y fi * 1y ='ft6 = 4 lengrh unirs
, BC =1m;lF + (-l +lf ={16 = 4length units
, AC =1ft1 *lf + (3 * 1F =l/-= 4llTtength units

(AB)2= 16:(BC)2= 16 >(AC)2=ZZ


.'. A ABC is righlangled at B a
.'. The centre of the circumcircle of AABC is the IMY,MF,FY @Mn,4, t6
midpoint of the hyPotenuse AC E tvIY , +O' [3]NY '

1,3-11=1 r,t.t
vr=(122 (The req.)
814 @AB,3,6'10
Excellent pupils
Eso" !l NY : congruent : AC

D is the mklpoint of AB
InAABC :'.' m (Z B) =m (Z C)
.'.AD=3cm. ...69 =AC
In A AMD which is righlangled at D
r '. X is the midpoint of AB ..' ffAX f eS
.. MD = 1I(A-N{FLADF , '.' n4y f AC r AB = AC .'. MX = MY (Q.E D')

=\[F4= ffi=4cn. (The req.)

a '. MF = ME (lengths of two radii)
rFX = EY
By subtracting : .'. MX = MY
, . X is rhe midpoint of AC Ivf X f AC
'.' AC- touches the circle Ni at A
. . Y is the midpoint of Be .'. frAV f eC
.'. AC = BC ,'. m(LA)=600
.. l,lT r ,cc
.. A ABC is rD equilaternl triflngle.
''. m (Z MAB) = 90'- 30'= 60'
'. MA=MB=r tr
. . A ABM is an equilateral t.iangle
.. X is the midpoint of IB .'. llX f A's
. fufP f ee D is the midpoint of BA '. Y is the midpoint o[ At .. fvv -] qc
:. AM=AB=4cn. '.' The sum of measures of the interior angles of the
quadrilateral AXMY = 360'
in A AMD rvhicli is right-angled at D
.'. m (Z XMY) = 360'- (70" + 90' + 90") = 110'
.'. MD= {GMTLADT''z =1F64=218 (First req.)
... The area of AAB* = i, +
" 21fr = +\fi ctrl '. AB =AC .'. MX=MY
(First req.)
'. MD = ME (lengths of two radii)
The arca of thc circlc M = fi r2 = 16 x[ cm? (Second req.) by subtracting .'. XD = YE (Second req )

Answers of Exercise l. 5 a
ll centre @ equal in length
'.' X is the midpoint of
'. AB=AC

E equidistant ,
@AB- 854' . MD = ME (lengths of two iadii) by subtraciing
.'. XD (Q.E.D. 1)
@.. trltt<lrae .'. cD>AB .'. x+1>7 .'. x>6 =YE
'. eD is a chord doesn't pass through the centre
of the circle M .. m (z MXY) = m (Z MYx)
..cD<10 ... x<9 '. m (Z MXB) = m (z MYC) = 90"
...6<X<9 i.e. x€f6 ,91 by adding .. m (1 YXB) = rn (1 XYC) (Q.E.D.2)

Answers of Unit Four
o @
'.' X is the midpoint of AB

.'. traX
r aS
Y is the midpoint of AC-
'. Y is the midpoint
... MY-rAe
, . lriX f ,A.S , MX = MY
of Ad

... lav r ec '. AB=AC c\ /B ." AB =AC

.. MX=MY
:. m (L C) =75"
.'. A MXY is an isosceles triargle (e.E.D. 1)
'. (Z AXM) =90' ;n(L MXy) = 30"
. . tn (Z A) = I 80" - (75" + 75") = 30" (First req.)
... l.lx r aE . . X is the midpoint of AB
.. m (z AXY) = 90'- 30. = 60.
.'. In A ABC
'. Ylrrhe
Xand nLidpoirrrso[ABarrd aC,eg =aC

xy= + BC,Ax=
.. AX=AY +AB,Ay= +AC
.'. Thepedmcterof AAXY
.'. A AXY is an equilateral tdargle (Q.E.D.2)
= j the perimeter.of A ABC (Second req.)
'.'AB=CD: tts
MB = MC (lengths of two radii) Constr.:
'. AM=DM P.r, 14P- 1 43 ,tvtB t lZ
'. il,tn r Xe , rlan r bT ... XE=EY Proof: In the great circle :

.. lae r xr A is the midpoint of XE-

'. m(LABz)=m(LA7B)
.i XE=$sm. EY = 6 cm. (The req.) .'. AB =AZ
.'wtP-r.aS ,tvlp,tnZ ... MF=ME
In the small circle :
'. AB- i. th" chord of the two circles M . N
"o*on '.' MF- I CD- , trAn -f Xy : MF = ME
r Mfr is the line of centres
... cD = XY (Q.E.D.)
... Mfrres ... nto r as
,.. Mirec ,AC =AB IB
.. MX=MD (1) '.' MF = ME (lengths of two radii)
> .' MY = ME (lengrhs of two radii) (2) :XI-=YE ... MX=My
Subtracting (1) from (2) : .. lax r as , trlv r co ... AB = CD (Q.E.D. 1)
.. XY=DE (Q.E.D.) ... lax r as

tll .'. X is the midpoint of IB

In rhe circle M : ... E is rhe midpoint ol CD
.'. rr,rErco
, '. AB= i. th" chord , fiN is the line of centres '. AB=CD ..AX=CY
.'. Mfr-Lae >...ME=ML ... AAXF,ACYE

..AB=CD (1) rAX=CY

In the circle N, . VtN f eg , Mrxy- L tti.- I xp = r'p.
:NL=NZ .. AB = XY t)\ I rn (Z AXF) = m (,2 CYE) - q0"
From (l) and (2) : i. A AXF = A CYE , then we deduce that AF CE
.'. CD = XY (Q.E.D.) (Q.E.D.2)

... The area of A ABC = x BC x AY
IE +
'. Y is the midpoint of IC llv r ec (1)
= | +t$ r 6 - tz\E ct.rl. (Second req )
Similarly MX -L AB
...AC=AB .'. MY=MX IE
and from AYMX | nt (LM) = i2o" Constr, : Draw NX IED
.. m (/ MYX)= m (Z YXM) =
180'r 120"
=30"(2) ,NYf nC
36' = 60" Proof:
from (1) and (2) : .'. m (Z AYX) = 9O' -
'. TZ bisects / AYX
'.' ffi is the line of centres

, BC is the common chord of the two circles

.'. m(LZYX) = !0r' =:0" E-
.. iZfr r sc , O is the midpoint of
.'. OB = OC
but they are alternate angles
...vztffi. (Q.E.D.)
IoB =
IE ] AO is comrnon side

'. The circle M O t5" l'J = {A B}

I I nr
(Z AOB) = m (z AOC) = 90'
.'. MN is rtre axis oI symmetrY o[IB ... AAOB=AAOC
.. In A ABD : De is the axis ot symmetry of AE .. rn (z BAO) = m (1 CAO)
... MX- IAD-, trAV r SD ... MX = MY (Q.E.D.) '. m (Z AXN) = m (zAYN) = 90"
: n (1 XAN) = m (Z YAN)
IE .'. m (Z ANX) = rr (Z ANY)
Constr.: Draw Mf ,MY,MZ,MA

tnl (Z ANX) = rr (Z ANY)
'. iE is a tangent to the I

(Z XAN)= nt (Z YAN)
smaller circle M lnr
I AN is r common
.. ira>< r as .\.__/" .'. AAXN=AAYN
.. NX=NY
. sirnilur) ; rr,rv I Ec . nlz r nc
, . tlX.LtlO , NYf CB
r '.' MX = MY = MZ = r in the smaller circle
... BD = CE (Q.E.D.)
.'. A ABC is an equilateral triangle (First req.) @
.'. m (1 B) = 60'
'. A MXA ancl A MYB which are right-angled tdangles

r '. the grcatcr circle M is the circumcircle of A ABC

[1Y14= MB (lengrhs oltwo radii)
ln mem I

.'. M is the point of intersection of the altitudes of

ltrax = uY
AABC .'. The two tdangles arc congruent , then we deduce that :

. . AY is an altitude in A ABC m (Z MAX) = m (z MBY)

lrr AABY which is righr at y : sirr B =-fr IIAB is an isosceles triangle (Q.E.D. 1)
.. .'. A

r'. AY=AM+MY=4+2=6cm. , .' \AX f lC- , fvrY f SD

nfJ6 .. -: = ,MX=MY
.'. sin 60'-
OO- nB .'.AC:BD ,. AH=BH
..,+n= )l=+1Ec,n. .. BC-rrB -4Fcm. ..AH-AC=BH BD ..HC=HD (QED.2)

Answers of Unit Four
'.' X is the midpoint of IB .'. AB = CD (First req.)
.'. MX -t- AB simltarty MV -r CO , .'irAXf an,Nyf Cn
'. AB =CO ... MX=MY .'. X is midoprnt of AB-
.. A MYX is an isosceles triangle , Y is the rnidpoint of -D
. lrtt- .L XV .. xL--LY (1) ,. AB=CD ...XA=yD
'. ML .L the chord EF .'. EL= LF (2) I ... XE
= YE (A MXE = A NYE)
subtracting (1) frcm (2) ; . XE=YF (Q.E.D.) By adding : .. AE = DE
.'. E is the midpoint ofAD (Seconcl req.)
... trae
r zc .'. A is the midpoint of Zd @
similarly B is the midpoint of ZD Constr.:
'. MA=MB ...2C=ZD Draw IX and DY
.. Proof:
tzc=lzo ...A2=BZ
'. AB is a tangert to the circleM atA
AZ = BZ rprowd)
... rira r AE'

lrr tlrcrn / , ..eclto .'. m (Z AXE) = 90.

nr (
= m tLZBy
ZAXI ) - 90"
Sirnilarly r
'. DEis a tangent of the circle N at D
.'. LXAZ: LYBZ and we deduce tttatXZ = yZ
. ZD
=ZC j. CY = Dx (Q.E.D.)
., NOrDE ,. eCllPn
.. m (Z DYB) = 90'
@ .'. AXDY is rectangle. ... AX = Dy
Constr. : , '. M and N are two congruent circles.
Draw : ... MA=ND .'. MX = NY
ME--LAB,ttrrcn ,. rrax r er' , NY-,L BC
Proof : . ef ZfraN,ME- LAB,NeICO .'. BC = EF (Q.E.D. t)
... las // NF , . AY=XD (l)
.'. The figure MNFE is a rectangle ... ME NF
= , .' l,,t,X f SF .'. X is the midpoint of EF-
'. M and N are two congruent circles ... AB CD Similarly r Y is the midpoint of EC
Adding BC to borh sides ... AC = BD (e.E.D.) :'. EF=BC i. BY = xE (2)

a Subtracting (2) from (1)


orawMx .rls @
,NYfCO . lao -r an- . . D is the midpoint of AB- (1)
Proof: ,. ME- -L AC- ... E is the midpoint of AC (2)
InMMXE,NYE , . AD=1/i2_tr;, oi-1,,Elerrgrtr units
Ir (1 MXE) = rn t,/ NyE, = q0" ,AE=1[Q-3f +e-4), =]/5 tergth units
Tn tlrenr rn (Z MtX) = rr {Z NEy) (V.O.A) .. AD =AE
J .'. AB =AC
I ug = .lg (grvcr) .'. ME=MD (Q.E,D.)

.'. A AMX = A AMY r then we deduce that MX = MY
'. F is the midpoint of AB nAX .]' ef- , ttaY f Af
. .,. AL=AK
.. MF =(l - 2fu (o +r=lElength unit a
'. rras=rF rrf +O-rP=filengthunits Constl:
Draw :

.. MF=ME
'. F is the midPoint of AR '. lr,fPf An
r.rerce 'Nnrcn \ ri

Proof NE -l- CB
: . ---.J A
'. E is the nriclpointofD- '. lr4e r- DC
.'. E is the midpoint of CB
.'. AB = CD (Q.ED.)
In A NEC which is righrangled at E
Excellent puPils
NE={aNCf -(cE)'? ={zs-o=+" .

... NE=AM
E ><E-\\ '. i- i.,, l,) thi cil(le M 'MA is rt rrtlius

oraw :NE I AE , Nf f ec
+-{d#})^ ' rraa r ac
rrax r ar- , trrty r,qK Y_:_-/ t'.' m(L CEN) = 1i2 CAM) = 90'
: . f.fS f AB, Nf ,tr'C- IAB = AC and they are alternate angles
Proof -f
.. NE=NF .'. Nr lt etr,t
.. The ligure NEAM is a rectalgle Nfl Z Ce
.'. A ANE and A ANF which are right-angleci "
I i're
= Nr .. The flgruc MACN is a trapezium
Tn then I
IAN is r cornmon side Irs area = .|tuN * ac) al,I
. . A ANE = A ANT : then we deduce that = ]')'r12-r 15; r -l = 54 m? e (First rcq )

m (Z NAE) = m (Z NAF)
'. r'.rrf CO,NeiCB ICD=CB
.. NF=NE=4cm.
. AM is commor side
I .. I hc disrrnce bctu'ectt the point N andiD is 4 cm'
(z AYM) qo'
ln thcrn ] m (z AXMt = m =
lrn (Z XAM) = rn (1 YAM) (Proved)

Answers of Unit Five

Answers of unii five . Thc tength ofiE'= 90 x 2 n r


Answers of Exercise _ 90 ... .. 22

G i6o /
lt rThe leq.)

@length @] equal in lengrh g

@equal @ equal '.' ann co = 1rr.l1
El aoo. @ 180" ,nr [Zso. .'. m (Z AMC) = p (z DMB) 35.
a .'.m(AC)=3s'
The measure of the mc = the measure of the circle
.'.-@Dy=-fi|;=35. (The req.)
The length ofthe arc =
] the circumference ofthe circle IE
...xe//cY .'. rn1ft;=r1@|y
=tx2nr r. XC=BY r'. MA-LXC r MDI BY
=i"2"?x21 =Mcn. .'. N{A=MD (Q.E.D.)
E t[
'.' m (z AMB) = 1200 ... m (-aa..-) = rzo"
'.' AD = 3g
'.' r =7 cm,
ofiD ;. m (Z AND) = rn (Z CNB)
.'. The length =ffi x 2 x r Adding m (Z DNB) to both sides
=ffixzx!xt=t+tcn. .'. m (z ANB) = m (z cND) (Q.E.D.)
o @
Ea @a @c Ec Ea '.' IE is a diameter in the circle M
Ec [Zt, @c Ec @b .'. m (ABC) = m (ADC) (semicircle)
@c @a (l)
BC=CD ... -6Bt=.r6Dl
'. (2)
tr Subtracting (2) from (l) :

.'. m(AB)=m(AD) (Q.E.D.)

tr IE
Ezs" Eso. E 1oo. @ l30" '.' IE is a diameter in the circle M
@ rso. 8210. A260" @310" j.mdD)=180.
a .'.m(6D)=180-60'
'.'m(AC)=m(BC) .AC=BC -' 3
.'. InAABC: ...AC=BC tm(LC)=70" .'. m (Z CMD) = 60. 'MC=MD
m (L ABC) - 180"i 70'
= 55o (The req) .'. A MCD is equilateral (Q.E.D.)

(z CMD)
MA=MB=r i. m(ZA)=m(ZB)=45" '.' m = 70. .. m(cD)=70'
- m ($) = 180"- (4s" +4s.) = e0" '. m(AC)+m(CD)+ m (DB)= 180"
.'. m(AB)=90o ,. m (AC) + m (DB) = 180" -70"
= 110"

Letm lidy ue s x, *(50) =o x tg_ _.-
'.' AM /i CD MD r is transversal
.'. 5 x+ 6 x= 110 ... 11a= 110
.'. m (z CDM) + m (Z AMD) = 180'
.. X= 10"
(two interior angles in the same side of the transversal)
;. m (Z CDM) = 180'- 90' = 90'
,. .6cD) = so" +io" = tzo' (The req.)
,'. MD=+MB ,MC=MB=r
IE .'. yp =
] uc .. m (z MCD) =
,.' .qs // DC
, '.' nM il cn , iM is a transversal
.. m(BC)=m(AD)
'.' E is the midPoint of AB
^ . . m (l- AMC) = 6 (Z MCD) = 30" (altemate angles)

.. m6c.-)=m(zAMC)=30' (The req.)

.'. m(EB)=m(AE)adding
..m(CE)=m(DE) @
.. CE=DE (QE,D.) Let m (z AMB the reflex) be x"

... ,q,s // EF ..m(AE)=m(BF) (1)
.'. tx*x=zeo" @"
.. as//.ts .. n(AC)=m(BC)
f x =:oo' .'. x=288"
Adding (1) and (2) :

(Q.E.D )
.. -fiE'1 =*12,+MB)= | x288=72' (The req.)
.'. CE = CF
Another solution : a
... tD l sF :.m(EC)=m(CF)
... AC
= BD .'. m (ABC) = m (BCD)

.. CE=CF (Q.E.D.) subtracting m 6B) from both sides

.'. - (iE) = - (6D) ".
AB = cD

IB .'.3X-5=X+3 2x=8 .'. x=4

'.' AB = CD (properties of the rectangle)- .'.AB=7crr (The req.)

,CE=CD ."AB=CE .'.m(AB)=m(CE)

and adding m fiE) to both sides @
.. m (AE; = m (nC) .. AE = BC '. AEis adiameterin the circleM
(Q.E,D.) ...1G;=rsO''.ae//DE
.'. m (6d) =m (60) ='H= ro'
'.' The length ofid = the length ofiD : '. X is the midPoint of 6C-

.. * tidl = - (aa) = ao' .'. m (/ AMB) = 80o ... m(ft)=+s' .'. m(zAMX)=m(fi)=4s"
InAAMB:'.'MA=MB=r , .' ng ll en , ffi is a transversal

... m (z Nlee; = 1!Qi:!Q1 = 59' (First req.) :. m (z EDM) = m (Z AMD) = 45' (altemate angles)

'.' Ae // CD .'. m (AC) = m (BD) = 80" ,...m6?) =2m(6v) .. .(6Y-) =oo'

.. - 6d) + m (iE') + m 6D) = soo" .. m(zYMB)=mdY=)=60"
- (6D) *
.'. - (60) = 360" - (80" + 80" + 80") = 120" ,. PB il nn , fiE is a trans,"rsal
(Second rtq.) : m (Z DEM) = m (Z EMB) = 60" (altemate angles)
.'. The length of 6 = ffi *Z
"Z't+ "
15 =3t'4 cm' ln a MDE : m (Z DME) = l80o -(45o + 600) = 75"
(Third req.) | (The rrq.)

Answers of Unit Five
@ g
tr Construction : Draw MN r MF r NF
Construction : Draw MD A : ,'AeMN-,8 €NF
Proof: CeMFandM:NandF
'.' ad is a tangent to rhe circle M at D are three congruent circles

,MD is a radius .'. m (Z MDC) = 90" .'. The radii lengths of them are equal

In A MDC : .'. m (LCMD) .'. A MNF is equilateral.

= 50"
.'. m6D)=so" j. m (Z ANB) = m (L BFC) = e (1 6MC) = 60.
(Firsr req.)
.'. m (iD) = 180'- so. = 130. (Second req.) .'.'nfiDl='n6d)=mfi|; @irstreq.)
. The perimeter of the figure ABC
E Construction :

Draw MD and MA = 3 xSx Z x 3.14 x 10 = 31.4 cm. (Secondreq.)

Proof : ... -D i, u turg.rt
Answers of Exercise I 7
to the circle M at D
, MD is a radius ) First: Problems on theorem (1) and its corollaries
.'. m (z MDC) = 90.
(z MDA) = 120" - 90" = 30"
.'. m
Ess" [E]zo" E:0. [1]45. IE40"
E tr+. Eso" E 1lo.
InAMDA: . MD=MA=r.
.'. n (Z DMA) = 180. - (30. + 30.) r20.
lE 20"
= @ m (z A) = 70' ,,, 16dy = roo"
.. rn (Z DMA the reflex) = 240.
El rn (1 C) = qO", t\ (.L B) = 26
.. - (iii) = z+0. (rhe nq.) []430. @+0" @ts" l@zs. @ss"
Excellent pupils !11 ni (z M) = 80" I m (1 C) = I40"
@11s" @rrz":d @110.
Construction : Oraw IM , ME a
Proof: Ev=zo" @z=40" E1=+0.
(tlie properties of the regular pentagon)
@z=62" zd Ex= t:s. Ey=40" ,z= 10.

.'. m(AB)=m(BC)=m(CD) E
=n (5E)=,r6E) Ea Eu Ec E"
'. measure ofthe circte = 360" @c Er Ed Ea
..rnfi[, =Y=rr (r,irstrcq.) Ea @t @c @a
.. m (1 AME) = rn (AE) = 72" @b u
liZl t
llsl liei r.
'. Ai is a tangent to the circle at

MA is a radius (z MAX) ... m

= 90o
'.' MA = MB (lengths of rwo radii)
similadym (LMEX)=90"
.'. m (z MBA) = m (Z MAB) = 26"
ln the qua(lrilareral MAXE :
. . m (Z AMB) = 180'- (26" + 26.) 128" (First req.)
.. m (z AXE) =360" =
- (12. + 90. + 90.) = 108.
'. m(zACB)= jm(zAMB)
(Second req.)
(hscribed md central angles subtended th" rr-" *"G)
.'. CB = 15 cm. (First req.)
.. m (z ACB) = | x OS = 6a" (Secolcl req )
'.' AB is a diameter .'. m (Z ADB) = 90"
'. m (1 AMB the rc0exl ' J60' 128'= 2J2"
. An - AC nB
=') 1=12 =7.2r* (sccond req )

.. m (Z AXB) = m (1 AMB the reflex) BC_15

(Third req.)
= 116. tr
(irscribed and central angles subtended the same '.' n(LBMC)=2m(L A)
.u.;o, ur"iR1 (central and hscribed mgles subtended th" *"6-;
. tiGl = m (z AMB) = 128"
(Foorth req.) .. m(/BMC)=2x30"=60'
'.' MB = MC = r .'. A MBC is equilateral
g .'.MB=MC=BC=7cm.=r
'. m(zBCD)=+m(zBMD) '. The uea of the circle M

(inscribed anrl cent al angles subtenderl by 6D) =nr'=!x49=154cn? (The req.)

, . eg l, a diameter in the circle M
.. m(ZACB)=90"
... D is the midpoint of EC \/.-fq\/
... m (Z ACD) = M (Z ACB) + M (Z BCD)
.. BD=3cm. "\-]:7u
= 90" + 25" = 115' (The req.) Rn J \f3 '\9:]'-
.. cos (z MBD) =ii^=;^tr=Z
tr .'. m (Z MBD) = 30"
'. IB is a diameter in the circle M TnAMBC:'.'MB=MC=r
.', m (z ACB) = 90' ;. m (Z MCB) = 30"
'.' m (Z ABC) = 180" - (90' + 35) = 55' .'. m (Z BMC) = 18D' -2 x 30' = 120"

similrlym(1ADB)=90" .'. m(zBAC)= lnizrvrc)

: .' the length of6 = the length of6D (insctibed and central angles subtended by the sme mc BC)

.. AD = DB r from AABD : m(zBAC)= lxlzo'=60" (The req.)

.'. m (Z DBA) = m (1 DAB) - 180":90" - 45'

.'. m (Z CBD) = 55' + 45" = 100' (The req ) o
E (inscribed md central mg1* subtendedthe *"G;
'. - fid; = z tn 1L ABC) = r4O' .'.m(zc)= txlzo"=60"
.'. D is the midpoint ofid InAAMB:'. MA=MB=r
.-=, 140" -^. j. m (z MAB) = m 1z l,aea; = 1!!lJQl = 3s'
(First req)
.'. m(LDCA) =35" tm(L CAB) = 180" - 130' = 50"
'.' AB ir ., diu-"t"r in the circle M .'. In AABC :

.'. m (Z ACB) = 90' m (z ABC) = 180'- (60" + 50o) = 70"

.. m (l- CAB) = 180' (90' +'7oo) =20' (Sccondreq) i. m (Z MBC) = 70" - 30" = 40' (The req')

tr @
'.' Id touches the circle atA .'. nAA f AC '.'m(zEBC)= lnQta)
(insctibed ard cenlral mgl6 subtended the *tG1
InAABC: "*"
(CB)2 = (AB)2 + (AC)2 = (r2)z + (g)2 =22s .'. m(z EBC) = I x r2o" =60"

Answers of Unit Five
;. LEBCis an exteriorangle of AABE IE
.'. m (z BEA) (z A) = '.'m(zACD)=
+m 600
,'. BE=BA .',m(LA)=S=r* (The req.)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by 6D;

.'. m
| *n" =25"
(z ACD) = (First req.)

'.'m(zBAC)={m(znNc) , . OC ff ag ,Id is a transversal

.'. m(L A) = m (Z ACD) 35. (altemate angles)
(inscribed md centual mgles subtended tte r*" *68; =
.'.m(zBAC)=+x80.=40. , '. AB is a diameter in the circle M
'. AB =AC
.'. m (z ABC) = m (z ACB) .'. m (z ACB) = 90.
.'. From AABC : m (ZABC) = 1S0. -(90" + 35.) 55.
_ 180":40. *70" (First req.)
(Second req.)
'. m(BC)=m(ZN)=80.
. . m @D trre maio4 = 360. 80. = 280. (Second nq.)
'.' IB is a diameter in the circle M

@ .'.m(LC)=90" ,t<-\
... m(zACD) = * rIDt = j * - rG't
i ,.. naorac- / >\\
.'. m(zADM)=eo" 'f-i-.l]o
.'. m (zACD) =
* * 6Dl = f, m (zANn) (e.E.o.) .'.m(ZC)=m(ZADM)=90.
IE and they are conesponding angles

'. an Z CO r Id is a transversal to them .'. Otr4llec (e.E.D.1)

.'. m (Z BAC) + m (Z ACD) = 180" r '.' A ABC is right-angled at C
.'. 100" + m (Z ACD) = 180. ... m (Z ACD) 80" ,m(ZA)=30"
.'. m (z AMD) = 2 m (Z ACD)
= 160" .'. BC =
+ AB r ... IB= is a diamerer in rhe circle M
(central and inscribed argles subtended
the ,u*" *"6) .'. BC = the radius length of the circle (e.E.D.2)
(The req.)
IE '. m(zBAC)=
!n(LMt - _-----,8
'. m(ZACB)=f -lzavrn; ,"gl.r ,r\/-r7
linscribed and cen-tral \
(inscribed md central angles subtended the
,u-" *G)
subtended by the sme trc)
( -..-X.r{ *' )
.. m(zACB)= 4 x 120.=oO. .. m (z BAC) = 70.
(t) ;7^\:J_/
-<Idl=*6dt ,...nonce=1a1 -c
'. cD//AB ...
''. AC = BC e)
.'. m (z EAD) = m (LBAC)
From (1) and (2) : .'. A CAB is equilaterat (e.E.D.) .'. m (ED) = 2 m (Z EAD) 2 x 70o 1400
= =
(Tlie req.)
'.' AB= is a diameter in the circle M
:m@6=;=rtr" '. m (z YMC) =2m(LYBC) (1)
(central and inscdbed angles
:'. m(AC) =I a (L ABC) =2x 40" = 80.
subtended the sam" *" 6?;
.'. m 66c-) = 180'- 80" = 1oo.
,'..ffilrsc '. MB =MY=r
.. *t6Dt=m(6Dr- 1oo"
2 -sn.
-- (Thereq.) .'. m (Z YBM) = m (Z BYM) (2)


Y and M ae the midpoints of BE , BC respectively

lav// sc
ni {i}, ,,,-) ,* 1id; =+,s 't
m (AB) =4 x,m (BC) = 5 x' m (AC) = 3 X
'. EE is a transversaL to them .. x=360"
."4X+5X+3X=360" 12
.. m (1 BYM) = m (Z BEC) . x-160"-J0. ...,r1fi,1=4x-10"=120"
(corresponding argles) t2-
(l) , (2) and (3)
.'. m (/ ACB) =| x 120" = 60" (The req )
Fron :

(1 YMC) =2 m(LBEC) (Q.E.D.)

.'. m
Construction : Draw MC
Proof : '.' CD = CB = r icN
... MC = MB = BC
.'. A MBC is equilateral
Proof: .' AE i, o touS.nt to the circle \) m (Z MCB) = 60"
at B . I\48 is r ratlius I , . ag i. a diameter of the semicitrcle M
.. m (Z MBA) = 90' .'. m (1 ACB) = 90'
In A MBA: .. m (z MCD) = 90' - 60' = 30'
.. m (/ BN{A) = I80" - (90' +40") = s0' InAMCD: . CD=r .. CD=CM
'. m (/ BDC) = j rr (z BMC) .. m tz cnm = 1$:1Q1= zs'
(inscribed ancl cental angles subtended the same atc BC) . . m (Z ADM) = 180" - 75" = 105' (The req-)

nr (z BDC) = \ "SO" =Zs" (The req.)

second : Problems on wellknown problems
a E
Construction :
B80' @zo" Iq 1oo'

!4N a
Draw MB 886' E40' lE 60'

'. m(zADB)=|m(zAIran)
acAB) (1)
llc 14"
(irscrikd and cenhal mgls subtended the same
Eb Eb
InAAMB: . AM=BM,tn'tCf .qB
.. Md bisects z AMB
'' . icrit * * (BDt + m (AD) + m (AC) = 360'
..m(zAMC)={m(zAMB) (60" + 100" + 120') = 80"
.'. m @) = 360'-
FLom (1) and (2) : (First req.)
:. m (Z AMC) = m (Z ADB) (Q,E,D.) (80" + 100") = 90" (Second req )
... m (z CEB) =
@ a
'. m(ZAMC) --2m(LABC) ...6d)-oo'=so'
(inscribed md cenhat mgles subtended th" ut"Id)
I t- 6dr - oo"1 = +o'
(First req.)
'o*" .'.m(EC)=140'
'.' Cl,f ll A.g , Mi is a transversal to them
'. m(BD)+n(BC)+m(CE) * - (6e-) =:oo'
.'. m (Z MAB) = m (Z AMC) (altemate angles)
,. n(BC)=m(DE)
InAAEB : m (z EAB) =2m (1 EBA)
m (z EAB) > m (z EBA)
.. 6o' + 2 m 168; * t+0" = :oo"
BE>AE (Q E.D.) .. ,, (6E) = ao' (Second req )

Answers of Unit Five
m (z E) =
] t- rldt_- 6o11 '. m (6D the major) =2m(LBCD)=Zx 100" = 200.
:.30.=+[ao"-m@D11 .'. ,,'6EDt = 360" - 2oo" = 160"
.. 60' = 80" - m (6D) ... . (6D) = zo. , . m 1€oy =.11 EMo) = s0"
, .' IE is a diameter in the circle M , ... m (z A) = j t- r6cDl _ * 66;1
.'.- 6d) +- (6D) + 6D) = rso"
.. m (z A) = j [roo" - so1 = ss. (rhe req.)
.. ao'+m(6D)+20"=r8o"
.'. . (6D) = 180. - i00. = 80" (The req.) '. j [. @l - ++'1 = :0" .. n, 6s) - ++. = oo.
tr .'.*6e)=to+. (First req.)
'.' m (z A) =
f I* 6Dl - - 6e-;1
:. to = [ [180. -m 6E)] '. . {60; *,, (6s) * n GE) n.16B1 =:r,0.
..140"=180'-m(6E-) .. 44' + 96 + 104. + m (6d) = :oo.
.. m (6s-) = 180'- 140. = 40.
. . ,, 6B) = t to"
, ..ogrsc ... -@D;=m@[;
(second rcq.)

, .. * 16D; + - (5p-) + * 6n-) = rso" EI

.'. m (6D) + +0" + m @D; 1ss"
.'. 2 m 16D; = 180" -40" = 140. .. -r6Dt =zxz6'=szo
... m (zA) = I- r6Ft_- t6Dtl
.'. - 6D1 =,UQl= 7s. (rhe req.) ,
.'.00.+ [-r6El-sz"]
z .'. m(CH)-s2'=80"
'. IB is a diameter in the circle M
... m(60)= rso" ,...-(6D)=ao" .'.m16i;=r:2. (Firsr req.)
.r m (1d; + m {6D1 = tse. * ss" - rrr" ,. m(zHXC)= j t," t6nt * - 16D11
' aS /i Cl) .'. nr (z HxC) =
! Lnz. + SZ.)= 92o (Seconcl rcrl..t
.'., r[tr = m (6D) l9o' so" = 2 = -'
;'.'m(Lounl=j-16D; ID
(z Boc) = j t* r6bt * ... m
- @r-;1
.. m(ZDHB) =zS"=t (Firstreq.) :.02"=t[m@ts;+m@e=;1
... m (z
AoH) = [* t[Ey *, 66r,
f ..184'=m(68)+mOE-) (l)
.'. m (z AoH) = j Iroo. * so1 = 75. (Second req.) ,... m(LA)=
{ I-t6c--l_-ffEy1
:. z+" =
E \ [. r6dt - - f6e-)]
'. m (Z BMD) = 40' - 68' = m @s=; -, (6E, (2)
.'.r(6il)=+0" Adding (1) and (2) : ... ZSZ. = 2 n 6d)
(z CME) = 100.
'.' m
, m (z cDB) = ," t6.-l
.. m (z A) = j {roo. -+o) =:0" (The req.)
!xD6.=63" (The rec1.)

@ a c
m(ZAEC)=jm{AC)=a0" (First req.)
EFirst: b Seconil: Ed
... ns // cD EBirst: b Second: a Eb Eb
.'. *6Dl=.6d)=ao' (Second req.) g
'. m (zAxc) = | i-tit'l +m (6F)l Fig.(1):X=65"
Fis.Q): x=Zs'
Fig.(3):x=40", Y=50'rz=90'
... * @l - ,ro' - gg' = 40" (Third req )
Fig.(4):x=s0" Fig. (5) : X= 60'

IB Fig.(6):X=40", Y=40'rz=30'
'.'AC=DB Fig.(7):X=53", y --53" tz=53"

.. m (z AEC) = j t- tidl *," 6Dll Fig.(8):Y=i0' Fig.(9):X=70"

E'ig.(10):X=10" Fig.(11):x=ls'
= { [-(eBr**tid, =-6dr Fig.(12):z=25'
.'. m (z AMC) = m (Z AEC) (Q.E.D.) B Theoretical.

Excellent PuPils
'.' IB is a diameter in the circle M
.'. m (z ADB) = 90'
E '. in AABD : m (Z ABD) = 25' ' m (Z ADB) = 90"
Let m (Z ABC) = m (Z AMC) = X I
.'. m (Z DAB) = 180'- (25' + 90") = 65"
'. m (Z ABC) = m (Z AMC the reflex)
(inscribed and central angles subtended the same mc
i. m (Z DEB) = m (z DAB) = 65"
(two insoibed angles subteuded by 6D) (The req )
id the major)

.'. m (Z AMC the reflex) = 2 X

'.' m (Z AMC) + m (Z AMC the reflex) = 360" '. IC is a tliameter in the circle I\4
.'. X +2 x=360" :. 3 X=364" .'. m (z ABC) = 90"
:. x=120' :. m (LB) = l2O" (The req.)
30' (First req )
. . m (Z CBD) = 90" - 69" =

,. m(ZADB)=m(ZACB)
a (two inscribed angles subtended byG)
'.' AB = AD = AC .'. A is the centre of the circle
which passes tbrough the points B ' D md C .'. m (z ADB) = 50'
In AABD : .' m (z BAD) = 180" - (50' + 60") =70'
.'. Z BAD is a central angle
(Second req.)
r I BCD is an inscribed mgle
(inscribed md central mgls subtended the sme rc BD) 1l
'.'AB =AC .'. m(AB)=m(AC)
.'.m(zBCD)= lxso"=2s" (The req.) (QED)
.. m(1-AEB)=m(zAEC)
Answers of Exercise 8
@ equal irr moasure @ equal in measure (two inscribed mgles subtended by BD)

E50',25' E40',90' Ezo" ' ttz" ... LS // cD

Answers of L.lnit Five
.'. nr (Z B) = m(L C) (alternate angles)
.. m (Aa) = r8o'- 60" = l20.
m(L A) = rn (Z B) .. AF = FB (Q.E.D.)
". .' D is the midpoint ofIB
g ...m(m) =Y=uo" (First req.)
...os//BC ... *<6Dl=rn6d1 r...m(zACD)=jm1[Dy
.'. m (Z D{B) =6 (LEAC)
Adding rn (Z BAC) ro borh sides
.'. m (Z ACD) = m (Z BAC) 30"
.. m (Z DAC) = m (z BAE) (Q.E.D.) and they arc alternate angles

IE ... ae z cD (Second req,)

'.'m(LA)= m(LC)
(two inscribed angles subtended by 6D)
'.'AD=BE .'. m(AD)=m(BE)
Adding m (6E),o bo,h ,id",
(two inscribed angles subrended by fd) .. m (AE) = m (BD)
'.'EA=ED :. m(LA)=m(LD)
... n (LB) =m(L A)
:. m (L B) = m (L C) ... EB = EC (e.E.D.)
'. AD = BE subtracring ... CD CE (e.E,D.)
'.' AB = CD tr
Subtracting m (BD) fron both sicles
.'. m (Z ACE) = m (Z CAE)
,. m(AD)=m(BC) .'.m(LC)=m(ZA)
Adding m (6F) to both sides
'. A ACE is isosceles (Q.E.D.)
.'. m(ADB)=m(CBD)
@ .1 m (Z ACB) = m (L CAD) (Q.E.D.)
'.' AB- is a diarneter of the circle M
.'. m (Z ACB) = 90'
In A.ABD : ...AD =AB
'. OC / eS , tE is a transversal to them . m (Z ADB) = rrr (Z ABD) - lll0"
!0'- 5U.
.'. m (z ABC) + m (Z DCB)
= t80o .'. m (L ADB) = m (Z ACB) = 50. bur they are
(two interior angles in the sane side of the tansversal)
drawn on AB and on one side of it
.'. m (Z DCB) = 180" - 55" = 125"
.'. The points A r B r C and D have one circle passing
.. m (1 ACD) = I2-5" 90" = 35" tlxough them. (Q,E.D.)
.'. m (Z AED) = m (Z ACD) 35.
(trvo inscribed angles subtended by iD) (The req.)
.. cnras
IE .'. m (Z BCD) = 90"
rn (Z BDC) = m (Z BAC) '.' AB- is a diameter
(two inscribed angles subtended by 6B) .'. m (z AEB) - 90.
.. m (Z BDC) = 30. .'. m (z BED) = 90"
, . ,, 168; =Zm(LBDC)=2x30.=60" ." m (Z BCD) = m (Z BED) bur they are drawn
, . AB is a cliameter of the oircle M on BD and on one side of it
.'. rn 1[E; = 130" .. The points D r E rC and B have one circlepassing
tluough them. (Q.E.D.)
(a, tJ\o / 6!e)y / t-U-'.,.1).1-_r, y<lsdl 65

@ r m (Z ADC) = m (Z ABC) - zt0"

E '. nO ll nC : BD is a transversal to them (two inscribed angles subtended byfr)
.'. m (/ CBD) = m (z ADB) = 38" (altemate angles) .'. m (Z CDB) = 90' + 40" = 130' (The req')

'.' / CED is an exterior angle of AAED

.'. m (Z DAE) = 7U' - 33' = 38'
(z CBD) coner=141
.'. m = m (Z DAC)
it m(zEAC)=m(zFAD) NoA)
but they are drawn on CD and on one side of
: m (Z EBC) = m (Z EAC)
.'. The points A r B r C and D have one circle
them. (Q'E'D ) (two inscribed angles subtended by6d)
passing through
; m (Z FBD) = m (Z FAD)
@ .' Z BEAis an exterior angle of AAED
(two inscribed angles subtended by FD)
.'. m (Z EAD) = 85o - 60" =2s" (Q.E.D.)
gr (L C}-D) =25" .'. m (z EBC) = m (z FBD)
'.' 4P =CD ;' m (ZACD) =
.'. m (/ ABD) = m (Z ACD) gD

but they are drawn on 6 and on the same side of it m (Z BNC) =2m(LBEF) =2 x 35" = 70"
.'. The points A r B r C and D have one circle (central and inscribed angles subtended by6)
passing through them. (Q'E'D') (First req.)

CE .'. m (z EBC) = m (z ECB) '.' Ed is a tangent to the circle N at B

E ... BE
'.' aD / sC ana Ed is a transversal to them "
m (Z BCN) = 180' - (90' + 7O") = 20o (Second req )
.'. m (z DAC) = m (Z BCA) (alternate angles)
m (Z DAC) = m (Z DBC) I but they ue drawn '. m (Z FAB) = m (Z FEB) = 35"
"' (two inscribed angles subtended by6)
on Dd and on one side of it
.'. In AABD : m (z BDA) = 180" - (90' + 35') = 55'
.'. The pointsA r B I C and D have one circle
(Q.E.D.) (Third req.)
passing through them.

Construction : Ei is a tangent to the circle ,fr, tt lc
Draw AD ...*(AB)=m(nc) (1)
Proof : '. AB =AC r
.'. m (Z ADB) = m (Z CDB)
D is the midpoint of EC
... ADC
DE bisects z (Q.E.D. 1)
... ao r ec
CDI '.'e.n/iSC .'. m(AB)=m(DC) Q)
,.. BE
.'. rn (Z ADB) = m (z AEB) = 90' From (1) and (2) , .'. * 6B) = - 6d)

and they are drawn on IE and on one side of it :. m(LCDB)=m(LCBD)

.'. A DBC is an isosceles. (Q.E.D.2)
.'. ThepointsA rB rD randEhaveacirclepassing
through them (Q.E.D,)
'.' A ABC is an equilateral triangle
Construction: Draw AD ... (
Proof: .'. m(ZD)=m(1A) c
..' IB is a diameter in the circle
'.' De is a diameter in the circle M
.'. m (Z ADB) = 90'

Answers of Unit Five
(z DBC) 90o
.'. m
= ... m (z BCD) = 30.
m (z MBC) = 6 (Z MCB) 30"
". =
(two inscribed angles subtended by6D)
From (1) : m (Z ABM) = fS. 30. 36"
- =
;. m (z ABp) = 6 (z cBM) = 30o ;. y +2=X+3 :.y =X+ I
m (Z ABD) = m (z ACD) '.' Y2-x2=53 :. (X+1)2-X2=53
(two inscribed angles subtended by 6) ,'. X2+2X+7-X2=53
.'. m (Z AB)) = p (L CBM) = a 1a 6CD) (e.E.D.) .'.2X+1=53 ...2x=52 :, X=26
a .'.

'.' . (iD) = rr GDl and adding fiD) to both sides
(central and inscribed angles subtendeA
." m (AE) = 6 (t[) i. m (z EBA) =m (z DAB)
m (Z CMB) = 58o (The req)
.'. InAACB:CA=CB (First req.) "'
'. EB= is a diameter of the circle M
.'. m 1f$1 = m r5Er = m J!Q1 = 6s.
r![.) = Fig. (1) : m (z ACB) = 32.
.'. m (DEB) = 60. + 60.
= 129. (Second req.) Fig. (2) : m (Z ADB) = 30. :m (Z BDC) = 50"

6 Fig. (3) : m (z ACB) = 25. ,m (z ABD) = 650

tm (LDAC) = 44" ,m(LBDC) 46
'.' A ABC is equilateral .'. m (z B) = 60. =
,im(ZD)=m(ZB)=600 ;m(LBAQ)=r'|.
(two inscribed angles subtended byfr) Fig. (4) : m (z BDC) = 40.
.'. A ADE is an equilateral triangle. (Q.E.D.)
Fig. (r) : m (z B) = !zf.
Excellent pupils Fig. (2) : rn (Z A) = 110.
Fig. (3) : m (Z C) = 104" : m (Z ADE) 80.
E I'ig. (4) : m (Z ADF) = 65. t m (L A) 75"
Construction : Draw EF Fig, (5) : m (1. B) = !lf. Fig, (6) : m (z ACD) 32"
Fig. (7) : m (Z DBC) 30" ng. (S) . m (LD) tlz.
= =
m (Z BCD) = m (z BFD)
(two inscribed angles subtended by 6D) (1) E
'.' Z BFD is an exterior angle ofA BEF Fig.(1):X=75.,y= 100.
.'. m(LE) < m (Z BFD) (2) Fig.Q): x=33' ty =)e"
From (1) md (2) :
.'. m (z E) < m (z BCD) (Q.E.D.) Fig. (4) : x= 100", y = 116"
l\nother solution :
... m (z E) =
f t* riDl -," fiFy1 Fig. (6) : x = 60' , y = 125"
Fig.(7)|x=70" ry=fQo 17= lQQo
.'. m (Z E) < m (Z BCD) (Q,E.D.) I'ig.(8):x=55",y=55.


o E
'.' ABCD is a cYclic quadrilateral
@ Supplementary
interior angle at the opposite vertex .'. m (Z ADC) = 180' - 60' = 120"
E]65" @tzz" ,zel" the length of6D = the length of6D
[u ] 36' E1os" .'. AD = CD
- 180': 120'
.. m (/ DCA) = m (Z DAC) = 30" (1)
E '.' Ee is a diameter in the circle M
Ela @c Eb
.'. m (z CAB) = 90'
Eb t5lc Ed 30" (2)
.. m (z ACB) = 180" - (60" + 90') =
E From (1) and (2) :

'.'*(iD)=rto' .'. ef bir""rc z DCB (Q E,D.)

.'. m (z BDA) = j - riDl =$= ss"

'. /. CBE is an exterior angle ofthe cyclic

'.' LECD is an exterior angle of the cyclic
quadrilateral ABCD
quadrilateral ABCD
i. m (Z CBE) = m (Z ADC) = 85' (First req.)
.. m (Z A) = m (1 ECD) = tt4'
: m(z BDC) =m (zADC) -m (z BDA)
_rr._55"=30" (The req.)
'. m(zB)= ln(to)
.. m(ZB)+m(ZD)=180'
a .. rn(ZB)+2m(1 B)= lU0'
'. 2 ABE is an exterior angle of the cyclic
.. m(zB)=600 (Second req.)
quadrilateral ABCD
.. m (Z D) = m (Z ABE) = 100' EI
In AACD : m (z ACD) = 180" - (100" + 40') = 40' '. 2 DCE is an exterior angle of the cyclic
.'. m (Z ACD) = m (Z CAD) quadrilateral ABCD

.'.m(CD)=m(AD) (Q.E.D.) :. m (l- DCE) = m (Z A) = 130'

In AABD : '. AB =AD
E .'. m (Z ADB) = m (Z ABD) - 180": 110'
= 25'
'.' Z CDE is an exterior angle of the cyclic
'. m (1ABD) = m (LDBC) =2s'
quadrilateral ABCD
(L 120" (First req ) m(AD)=m(DC)
.'. m (Z CDE) = m ABC) =
120" = 60'
m (Z.ADC) = 180" -
',' ID is a diameter in the circle M la
:. m (Z DCA) = 90' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'. m (z CAD) = 180'- (90' + 600) = 30' m (/- A) = 180" - 140" = ,l
(Second req.) (First rcq.)
.'. In A ADC which is right-angled at C I CB=CD
'. m (Z DAC) = 30' ...sD=|er I
nr (1 CBD) = m (z CDB) - 180'I 140"
- 20"

.. AD = 14 cm. .. r=7cm. AB is a diameter in the cilcle M

... The length of iD = t <z n ,l m (1- ADB):9Oo

x7 --22 cm. (Third req ) m (1 ADC) = 90o + 20" = I 10" (Second rcq )
= !
Answers of Unit Five
IE .. m(zABD) =n(/_E) (2)
: .' A=B is a diameter
Fig, (1) in the circle M
From and (2) : ... m (Z ABD) = m (Z C)
but they ale coresponding angles
.. . t6B') = t8o. - (80. + 60) = 4oo
... oe // c.t
.. m (z A)= J., t6E'r = * x tuu. =50.
(Q.E.D. 1)

12 -z ..,"fiE;=*fiD; (Q,E,D,2)
' m (4 B)= {z2 m (AC) = -l * t+0" =;0"
'.' ABCD is a cyclic quadriiateral
(LC)= t80'-m(zA) = 180" 50. = 130.
.'. nt '. 2 ECX is an exterior angle of rhe cyclic
tm (LD)= 180" -m (1 B) = lgg. -76. = 116" quadrilateral AF,CB
(The req.) .'. m (Z ECX) = m (Z EAB) (t)
Fig. (2) : . ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral '.' m (Z DAE) = m (z DCE) (2)
.'. m (Z C) = 180" -m (1 A) = 180. -95. = 85. (two inscribed angles of the same mcfE)
'.' aO / SE , IE is a hansversal to rhem
.'.m(ZDAE)=m(LEAB') (3)
.'. m (L A) + m (z ABE) = 180"
From (1) : (2) and (3) :
(two interior angles on one side of the transversal)
.'. m (z DCE) = m (z ECx)
.. m (z ABE) = 180' - 95" = 85"
.'. aE bisects Z XCD (Q.E.D.)
,m (Z CBE) = rn (Z CDE) = 28"
(two inscribed angles of the same arc6E-) IB
.. m (z ABC) = m (Z ABE) + m (z CBE) '.' The figure ABCD

= 85" + 28'= 113" is a cyclic quadrilateral

.. m (l ADC) = 180'-m (ZABC) = 180. - 113. = 67" .'. n (1- A) + m (L C) = 180'
(The rcq.) .. m(zA)= 180"- 105.

IB = 75' (First req.)

'.'m(ZBMD)=2m(ZA) . AD- // BC , IE is a transversai to them
(central and inscribed angles subtended by BD) ..m(1 B)+rl(ZA)=180"
,m (Z BMD) = m (Z BCD) 180'- 75' = 105.
.'. m (Z B) = (Seconcl r.eq.)

:. m(LBCD)=2m(LA)
r '. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral @
'. AB =AD
.'. m(L A) + m (Z BCD) = 180.
,.m(ZA)+2m(1 A)=180. .'. -riDl=-rfDt
.'.3m(ZA)=180' j. m (Z ACD) = m (Z ACB)

.'. m (z A) = 60" (The req.) _ t24"

(Firsr rcq.)
In AACE: The figure ABCD is a cyclic qua.drilateral.

'.'AC=AE .'. m (z BAD) = 180'- 124" = 56'

..n(ZC)=rn(1 E) (1) .. m (z cAD) = 56a 460 =2Oo
.' Z ABD is an exterior angle of the cyclic In AACD:
quadrilateral ECBD m (Z ADC) = 180'- (62" + 20') = 98" (Second rec1.)

'.' m (L YXZ) = m (L\LZ) = 20"
(two inscribed angles of the same arc YZ)
'. 1 BCE is an exterior angle of the cyclic
.'. n(LZXL) =80" - 20" = 60" (First req.)
quadrilateral ABCD = 60'

.'. m (z A) = m (Z BCE) = 60' ...

^ 0i) = 2 n (L ZXL) = t2o"
,. m (Z M) =Zm(L A)
.'.,, 1Z?y = z - LYLZ) = 40"

(central and inscribed angles of the sat or" 6D; '. m(XY)=m(xL)
.i=. 3b0' (40'+"-"'=loo
m(xy)=-*''; 120')
.'. m (Z M) =2 x 60" = 120'
.,.MD-//BC .'. m (XYZ) = m (XY) + m (YZ)
:. m (Z MDC) = m (Z BCE) (corresponding angles) = 100' + 40' = 140" (Second req.)

.'. m (Z DMB) + m (Z MDC) = 180'

(two interior angles in the same side of the transversal)
'. ABCD is a parallelograln
.'. lnln tl OC
.'.m(l,A)=m(zC) (1)
,...M0/sc .'. MDCB is a paralielogram
'. DEBC is a cyclic quadrilateral and Z DEA is
,'.'MD=MB=r an exterior angle of it
.'. The figure MDCB is a rhombus (Q E.D' 1) j.m(1 DEA)=m(zC) (2)

.'. CD = CB ..m(CD)=m(CB) From ( 1) and (2) :

'.' A is the midpoint of 6D (the major) j.m(ZA)=m(ZDEA)

.'. m(AD)=m(AB) ..InAADE:AD=ED (Q.E.D.)

.'. m (CD) + m (AD) = m (CB) + m (AB)

cilcle. (Q.E'D' 2)
.'. AC is a diameter of the
Construction : Draw AE
."1m (Z ABC) =
a cyclic quadrilateral
180'- 118'
.@" Proof:'. ThefigureABCD
is a cyclic quadrilateral

.'. m (Z BAD) = 180' - 70' = 110"

=62" '. The figure ABFE is a cyclic quadrilateral and

(First req.) it
Z BAD is an cxterior angle of
...1rstDe 110" (First req )
.'. m (Z F) = m (Z BAD) =
, Id is a transversal to them .'. n (LF) + m(L C) = l1O' + 70" = 180"
.'. m (Z ACD) = m (z EAC) (alternative angles)
but they ale two intorior angles on the same side of
'.' m (Z CBE) = m (Z EAC) the transversal FC
(two inscribed angles of the sme arctE) ... CD // EF (Second req.)

.'. m (l ACD) = m (1 CBE) (Second req.)

I '. ABFE is a cyclic quadrilateral.
'.' Z YZN is an exterior angle of the cyclic .'. m(LE)+m(LABF) = 180"
quadrilateral YZLX : '.' Z ABF is an extorior angle of the cyclic

.'. m (Z YXL) = 80' quadrilateral ABCD

Answers of Unit Five
.'. m (z ABF) = m (z D)
By substitution from (2) in (l) :

:.m(LE)+m(LD)= 180"
// .--'- \\\
DrawBJ- BvA
.'.4x'+5X'=180' ...
Proof ! IB- is a diameter in the circle
." 9 x" = 180. ... x=20"
." m (z AEB) = 90" (r)
'.' The figure DEBC is a cyclic quadrilateral
;. m (Z ABF) = m (z D) = 100" (The req.)
.'. m (Z DEB) + m (z DCB) = 180" e)
tr From (1) and (2) :
.'. m (Z AEB) + m (Z DEB) + m (Z DCB)
(altemative angles) ,@^ = 90' + 180" = 270'
.'. m (Z AED) + m (LBCD) =270. (e.E.D)
(two inscribed angles of the same mc6E)
Answers of Exercise
i.?. m (Z DBC) = m (Z BAE) (First req.)
.'. The figure CDEB is a cyclic quadrilateral E '. 2 BEAjs an exterior angle ofAAED
.'. m (Z DEB) = 180" .. m (z EAD) = 90. - 40. = 50"
- 130. = 50.
'.'Eisadiameter .'. m (z CBD) = m (Z CAD)

.'. m (z AEB) = 90. but they are drawn on CD and on one side of it
,'. m (z AED) = 90o - 50o = 40o (second req.) . . The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Excellent pupils
@ tnanlc : ... m(1 BDC)= 180"-(50. +40.) =90.

.'. m (Z BAC) = rn (Z BDC) but rhey are drawn

E Bd
'.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
on and on one side of it
.'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
.'.m(LA) +m(ZC).= 180"
.'.X+3y=1800 (Q.E.D.)

..'r(=180'-3Y (1) E '. AD- / BC , ED is a transversal ro them

tm(LB)+m(ZD)=180" .'. m (Z ADB) = m (Z DBC) = 41. (alrernate angles)

..2x+y =180' (2) .'. m (Z ACB) = 180" - (99" + 41) = 40.

by substituting from (1) in (2) : .'. m (z ACB) * m (L ADB)
.'.2(180"-3y)+y=180. but they are drawn on I-B and on one side of it
..360'-6y+y= 180' .'. The figure ABCD isn,t a cyclic quadrilateral.
i.-5y=-180o ''' Y = 36" (Q.E.D,)
by substituting in (l) :
[4 It is impossible to draw a circle passing through
.'. x= 180" -3x36. =72. (The req.) the vertices of the figure ABCD

'. 2 DCE is an exterior angle of the figure
@ '. aAec = a UCB (three side9 o______f'
ABCD rm (Z DCE) =m (Z A) = 106"
.'. m (z BAC) = m (L CDB) "_r,:"
/ \ .'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral'
bul they are drawn onEC and '..\
/ (The req.)
on one side of it c B

.'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. E ..AB/DE ,ffittsE

(Q.E.D.) .'. The figure ABED is a parallelogram

.'. m (z A) =m(LE)
@ln aABC:
'.' BC = BE .'. m (/ BCE) = m (z E)
'.' m (z BAC) = 180" - (110" + 34") = 36
.'. m (z A) = m (z BCR)
.'. nr (/
BAC) = m (Z BDC)
but they are on BC and on one side of it '. 1- BCE is an exterior angle of the figure ABCD

. . The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilareral'

.'. Tlie figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

(Q.E.D.) (The req,)

AenU: . AB =AD
a fe_ltn
.'. m (z ABD) = m (Z ADB)
@Inaanc: .. m(ZA)= 180"-2x
'.' m (L B) = 180" - (50" + 35') = 95'
rinADBC: . DB=DC
.'. m (Z B) +m(Z D) = 95' + 85' = 180"
.'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral'
(The req.)
. m(/.A)+m(ZC,= l8U' 2x+2x= 180'

| .'. fn" figurc ABCD is cyclic guadrilateral'

[tr '.' m (z EAD) = 86" (The req.)
.'. m (Z DAB) = 180" - 86' = 94"
'. m (Z DCF) = m (Z DAB) = 94' E
.'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral' Theoretical
(The req.)

(zADB) =m (zABD) = 30"

E'.' AB =AD .'. m '. EE is a diameter in the circle M
.'. m (z BAC) = 90' , '.' gn r eC
.'. m (Z A) = 180" - (30" + 30') = 120"

'.' Z DCE is m exterior mgle of the figueABCD I

.'. m (Z BAC) + m (Z EDB) = 90" + 90" = 180"
m (Z A) = m (Z DCE) = 120' .'. The figure ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'. 'fhe figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral' (Q.E.D. 1)
(The req.)
.'. m(/cED)=m(zn)= 2L m(id) (QED 2)

E .' el / gC , IE is a transversal to them

.'. m (LB) + m(L A) = 180' 6

'.' AB- touches the circle M at B .'. ffag f AB
Two interior angles on the same side of the
'. Ie touches the circle M at C

.'. m (Z A) = 136' - l{" = 106" .'. IAC I aC- m (Z ABM) + m (Z ACM) = 180'
',' m (/. DCF) = m (z FcE) = s3" . . The figure ABMC is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q.E.D. l)

:. rn(LDCE)=2 x 53 = 106' .'. m (1" CMD) = m G rt) = 45"

Answers of Unit Five
;'.' m(L MCD) = 90' '. m (z BMC) =2m(LXAC)
.. In AMCD : m (Z D) = 180- (90" + 45") = 45" (central and inscribed angles ofthe same arc6B)
.'. m (Z CMD) = m (Z D) .'. m(LBMC)=2 m (1 MYC) (Q.E.D.2)
.'. A MCD is an isosceles triangle. (Q.E.D.2)
g .-*
E '. m(zAxB)=m(zAyBr=e0" / /l\\
'.'IE is a diameter in the circle M and they aredrawn onABand * r@,
: Id is a tangent to ttre circle M at A onesjdeofit
.. ecree .'. m (1 CAM) = 90' .'. The figure.ABYX is a cyclic quadrilateral.
, '. E is the midpoint of ED ... frAS f DB (Q.E.D.1)
.'. m (Z MEC) = 90' .'. m (z XAY) = m (z xBY)
.'. m (L CAM) +m (L CEM) = 90" + 90. = 180" (they are drawn on IY and on one side of it)
.'. The figure AMEC is a cyclic quadrilateral. >'.' m(LCAZ)=s179P71
(First req.) (two inscribed angles of the same mctZ)
h AABC :m (/- C) = 180. - (40" + 90.) = 50. .'. m(LXBC)=m(LCBZ)
(Second req.)
.'. Bibisects LXBZ (Q.8.D.2)

a IE
'.' oB r aD_ ... m (z ADE) = e0. (t) '. m (Z BAC) = 11 (LBDC)
'.' I-B is a diameter in the circle M (two inscribed angles of the same rc6d)
.'. m (z ACB) = 90' e) .'.
From (1) and (2) : ... m (Z ADE) = m (Z ACE)
i. m (Z EAF) = m (Z EDF) but rhey tre drawn
but they are drawn on AE and on one side of it on EF and on one side of it
. . The figure ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral (e.E.D.)
.'. The figureAEFD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (e.E.D.1)

E .'. m (Z DEF) = m (z DAC)

'.' CY is a tangent , Me is a radius (two inscribed angles on DF and on one side of it)

... tr,tc r cv '.'m(zDBC)=p(LDAC)

'. X is the midpoint of AB= (two inscribed angles of the same arc 6B';

.'. IVIX- -L AE (Z) .'. m (Z DEF) = m (Z DBC) but they are

corresponding angles
From (1) and (2) ;

.. tn (Z AXY) = m (Z ACY) = 90. ... Br z nc (Q.E.D.2)

but they are drawn on AY and on one side of it

@ DA

.'. The figure AXCY is a cyclic quadrilateral. '.' ABCD is a square , AC

(Q.E.D.r) and BD- are two diagonals

.. m (Z XAC) = m (Z XYC) (two angles drawn on of the square
X-C and on one side of it) j. m (Z BAC) = m (Z BDC)

.'. The figure BCXY is a cyclic quadrilateral.
;. l^{zF#rc)=ln?nDc) (Q.8.D.1)
.'. m (Z xAY) = m (Z xDY) but they are drawn
.'. m (Z BXY) = sr (Z BCY)
on IY and on one side of it
(they are drawn on EY and on one side of it)
.'. The figure AXYD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
(Q'E'D'l) '.' m (Z CBX) = m (z BCY)

.'. m (z AYX) = m (L ADx)= 4s' .'. m (z CBX) = 6 (z BXY)

(they are drawn on If and on one side of it) and they re altemate angles
(Q.E.D.2) ... t?zEd (Q.E.D.2)

'.' D is the midpoint of the chord Ee '. lS // DE , 16 is a transversal to them
.'' VrO r BC m (z MDC) = 90" .'. m (Z A) = m (Z ADE) (alternative angles)
'. Ed is a tangent to the circle at C DF , tB is a transversal
'.' eC // to them

... MC l- BC .'. m (Z MCB) = 90' ..m(ZC)=m(ZCDF) (alternate angles)

'.' nS // MC , Ed is a ffansversal to them '. m (ZADE) + m (Z CDF) = 180'
.'. m (Z MCB) + m (z ABC) = 180' .'. m(L A) + m(L C) = 180'
(two interior angles in the same side of the tansversal) .'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q.E.D )
.'. m (Z ABC) = 180' - 90" =90'
.'. m (z ADC) + m (Z ABC) = 90'+ 90'= 180' ID
cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
'. X is the midpoinr of IE
,'. The figure ABCD is a
... Nlx r es (1)

IE , '.' Mfr i, tl," lin" of centres

In AAXY: 1' m (Z A) = 60' , ED is the common chord
.. m (Z X) + m (z Y) = 180'- 60' = 120' ... Mfrrso Q)
.'. | nQvl = | x Do" = 60"
I n(tx) + From (1) md (2) : .'. m (Z ND(C) + m (Z MYC) = 180"
.'. m (Z CXY) + m (/ CYX) = 60' .'. The figure CXMY is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'. m (z XCY) = 13s' - 69" = 120" (Q.E.D.1)

, ... Yi n x6= {c} ,. m(ZMXC)=90'

:. m (Z BCD) = m (z XCY) = 120' (V'O A') .'. The cenhe of the circle which passes through the
vertices of the figure CXMY is the midpoint
.'. m (Z BCD) + m (Z A) = 120' + 60' = 180'
of MC (Q.E.D.2)
.'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

.'. m (z ABC) = m (z ACB) .'. m (Z AEC) = 90'

.'. Jm(zABC1=*m(/ACB) '.' ED= is a diameter in the circle

.. m(zDXC):9Oo D
. . m (1 YBX) = m (LYCK) and they are drawn on
.'. m (1 YXC) + m (/ YEC) = 90' + 90' = t80'
YX and on one side of it

Answers of Unit Five
.'. The figure XYEC is cyclic quadrilareral. (e.E.D. 1) .'. n (Z MCA) = p (z MAC) (2)
.'. m (Z DYB) = m (Z ECX) From (1) and (2):
,'.' m(L DBX) = p 11 PgX; .'. m (1 MxY) = m (z MCY) (Q.E.D.2)
(two inscribed angles of the same arc 6i) '.' m (z AYM) = 90o
.'. in (Z DYB) = m (z DBX) (e.E.D.2) . . IM is a diarneter in the circle which passes
throughthepoinrsA rX :yandM (e.E.D.3)
'. AB i/ DC r AD is a transversal to them 4
'.'m(1 DAB)=p(LDCB)
.'. m (z A) + m (Z D) = 180. (1)
(two inscribed angles of the same mc 6D;
but I
CFE is an exterior angle of the cyclic
:m (Z DAB) = p (Z EMB) (given)
quadrilateral ABFE
:. m (Z ECB) = m (Z EMB)
.:m(ZCFE)=m(zA) e) but they are drawn on EB- and on one side of it
From (l) and (2) :
.'. The figure MCBE is a cyclic quadrilateral.
.'. m (Z CFE) + m (z D) = 180"
. . The figure CDEF is a cyclic quadrilateral. (e.E.D.) .'. m (Z CEB) = m (z CMB)
(drawn on BC and on one side of it)
tp '. m(LCMB)=2m(ZCDB)
'. IEisadiameterinthecircteM / n
... m (z AEB) = eo " ,|ft$^
(central and inscribed angles of the

sa." *"6E';
'. x is rhe midpoint of DC- Y'vc '>'
... l,rx oc @ /-+.\
'. -ffxl=-@t
.. m (Z YXB) + m (Z yEB) = 90. + 90" 180.
.'. m (z ACX) = m (z ABY)
.. The figure XYEB is a cyclic quadrilateral (First req.)
and they are drawn on DE and
:. m(LB) =m(LAYD) = 70.
on the same side of it
'. m(ZADE)=m(ZB) .'. The fi gre BCED is a cyclic quadritat€ral (e.E.D. 1)
(two inscribed angles of the same arc1E) .. m (Z DEB) = m (Z DCBr (they are drawn on DB-B

.'. m (z ADE) = 70" (Second req.) and on one side of it)

m (Z XAB) = (z XCB) p
@ (two inscribed angles of the same uc G)
'. X is the midpoint of IB- ... MX.r-AB (z DEB)
..' m =m (z xAB) (Q.E.D.2)
'. Y is the midpoint of IE ... trlY .L aC
.'. m (Z AXM) = m (Z AYM) 90. but they tre
'.' The figure ABCD
drawn on IM and on one side ofit
is a cyolic quadrilateral
.'. The flgure AXYM is a cyclic quadrilateral. (e.E.D.1)
;. m (Z MXf) = 6 (Z MAY) '.' rs // BC
(they re drawn on Wand on one side ofit) (1) and DC is a transversal to them
InAAMC : ...
AM = CM (two radii) .'. m (Z FED) = m (Z C) (conesponding mgles)

.'. m (Z A) + m (Z FED) = 180' ,. AD purr"t through the Point M
. . The figurc AFED is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q E D I) ... eo r ec
.'. m (Z EAD) = m (z EFD) .. m (Z MDC) + m (Z MEC) = 180"
ED and on one side of it, XC ll ng .. The figure MDCE is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q E D )
lrlrawn on
IF is a transversal to them)

.. m (1 BXF) = m (Z EFD) (coresponding angles)

'.' ABCD is a Parallelogram AD=BC
.'.m(/BXH=m(zEAD) (QED 2)

@ In A BCE'. .'. m (LC) = m (l- BEC)

'. AE is a diameter in the circle >', m(ZBAD)=m(LC)
.. rn (1 BAD) = m (Z BED) and they are drawn on
.'. m (Z AXB) = 90'
,'. m (/ EXB) = 90" B Il5 and on one sicle of it
... rs r AB . . The ligure ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q E D )
.. m (1 EDB) = m (Z EXB) =
and on one sicle of

lrut tlley are clrawn on Construction : Draw IL
. . The figure EBDX is a cyclio cluadrilateLal (Q E D 1)
'. 2 AXY is an exterior angle of the cyclic
'.'r(LYXZ)=n(LYLZ) z M Y
quadrilateral EBDX
= 90"
.. n (1 AXY) = m (1- ABE)
.. The l"igure XYZL. is a cycjic quadrilateral and
'. m (1 AXY) = m (/ ABY) it
is a diameter in the circumcircle of
(two inscribecl angles of the same arc AY) YZ
'.' M is the midPoint of
.. m (1 ABE) = m (z ABY) .'. M is the centre of the circle vihich passes through
.. Eibir""m z EBY (Q,E,D.2)
thepointsX tY;ZandL
(z xYL) = (xML)
6 .'. m
| m =2s'
inscribed and central angles of the same arc (XL)
(First req.)
l- '.' The figure XYZL is a cyclic quadrilateral
rn them :
I AE is a common side (
lm tZ DAE) = m tZ CAE) .' m (Z XYL) = m T L XZL) ldtawnon XL and on

one side of it) (Second req.)

.'. A ADE = A ACE and we deduce that
m (Z ADE) = m (Z ACE)
'. (Z AFB) = rn (L ACB)
nr Construction : Draw DB
arciF; x
(two insoribecl angles of the same Proof:
.'. m {1 ADE) (the cxterior) = rn (Z BFE) '.' IE is a diameter in the circle
.'. The figure BDEF is a cyclic quadrilatelal (Q E D ) .'. m (l- ADB) = 90'
. . m (Z DAB) + m (Z DBA) = 90' (1)
'. BY touches the circle at B
... eE r AC
,CffeS ,. erncr:1w} .'. ,qB I BY i.
m (/- ABY) = 90"

.'. M is the point of intersection of the altitudm of A ABC

.'. n(LY) +m(LYAB)=90" (2)

Answers of Unit Five
from (1) and (2) : .. m (Z Y) = m (Z DBA)
t ,' n (L DCA) = I (Z DBA)
Construction : Draw AE
(two inscribed angles of the same arc iD) Proof:
.. m fZ DCA) (the exterior) m
= (Z y)
'.' Z 1 is an exterior angle
.'. The figure XYDC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
of the cyclic quadrilateral ECBA
.'. nt (L l) = m (Z 2) simila.ty

@ n (L 3) = m (Z 4) but m (L 2) + m (L 4) = 180"
Construction : Draw BD- . . m (1 1) + m (1 3) = 180' but they ae opposite angles.
Proof: .'. The figure AFXE is a cyclic quaclrilareral. (e.E.D,)

in A DAB which is righr-angled

Excellent pupils
'. (AB)2
(BD)2 = (D,{)2 +
=36+64=100 (t) ...ADCE-ABAD
.. BD = l0 cn.
.'. m (Z DCE) = m (Z BAD)
'. l. DCE is an exterior angle of the figure ABCD
'. (DC)2 + (C812 =25 +'/5 = 100 i2) .'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quaddlateral (e.E.D. 1)
from (l) and (2) : ... (IlD)2 = (DC)2 + (CB)2
.'. nr (Z DCB) = 90"
.. m (z E) = m (z ADB) (1)
.. nr (1A)+m (LC)=90" + 90" = 180.
.'. The figrue ABCD is a cyclic quaddlateral
.'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateLal. (e.E,D. I )
.. m (Z ADB) =m lZ ACB) (drawn on EEand on
'. m (Z BAD):90"
one side of it) (2)
.'. BD- is a cliameter in the ciurmcircle of the figrtre
From (l) atrd (2) : ... m(LE) = m (ZACB)
ABCD rr)d irs ccrrrrc is rhc nridpoinr ol BD
but they are coresponding angles.
.. 'I'he its raclius length = BD = 5 cm. (e.E.D. 2)
{ ... eollcn (Q.E.D.2)
'.' AB , CL Construction : Draw BC and BD-
are two chords Proof:
intersecting at X '. FEis a tangent to the circle
.. m (zAXL)
atB r-isadiameter
= j (,"6Er*-<Cr) c
... Be r as
'.',n(G)=-(6e) .. n (Z CBA) + n (1 CBE) = 90.

.'. tr (L AXL) = j (- ridl *. (i;, '. AB is a cliameter

.'. csrne
= I ..n(LE)+rn(1 CBE)=90'
.'. m (L AXL) = n (L Z) ..m(1 E)=n(zCBA)
'. 2 AXL is an exterior angle of the figuie XyZL '.' m (Z CBA) = tn (Z CDA)
.'. The figure XYZL is a cyclic quadrilateral. (e.E.D.) (two inscribed angles of the same arc iBy
.'. m(LE) =m (1 CDA) E
'. m (Z CDA) is an sxterior angle of tllo figure CDFE '. IE ,ID are two tangent

.. The figure CDFE is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q.E D.) segments to the circle M
... AB =AD (1)
ofExercise 111 '. IE ,Ie a." t*o tangent
segments to the circle N
I parallel @ equal in length
... 43 =AC (2)

From (1) and (2) :

@ the bisectors of its interior angles
.'. AD=AC (Q.E.D.)
@4 L5lZero
@ the chord of tangency of these two tangents

these two tangents , the angle

@ the angle between '.' IB is a tangent-segment
between two radii passing through the two
to the circle at B A
tangency points
MB- is a radius
a .. m (Z MBA) = 90" c

Eb {rJc @a '.' AM bisects I BAC .'. m (z BAM) = 30"

Eb .. MA=2MB =2 x 10=20cm. (Firstreq)
Eb Is]a @b
(AB)2 = (MA), - (MB)2 = (20)2 - (10)2 = 300

E {! = 10{5cm (Second req.)

Ex=35',y=55" tz=55"
@x=65',y=25" tz=13O" o
Ex=30',y=60' tz=60" '. IE , A=-C *" t*o tangent-segments to the circle M
.'. ffibisects L BAC
a :. m(LBAC)=2 x 25 = 50" : AB =AC
j)x= 12 cm., y = 13 cm .'. In AABC :

@x=9cm.,y=17cm. m (z ACB) = -i!!1-!91= 65' (First rcq.)

@x=3cm.,y=4cm. '. MB is a radius , AB is a tnngent-segment

@x=zcm.'y=3cm. to the circle at B

@x=4cm. ry=7cm. .. MB- -L AB .'. m (z ABM) = 90"

@x=4cm.'y=3cm. similarly m (Z ACM) = 90"

from the quadrilateral ABMC
tr n (L BMC) = 360' - (90' + 90' + 50") = 130'
.. m{zBEC) -lnrLen Cr=} z l30o=65'
(inscribed and central angles of the same arc BC)
tr (Second req.)
'.' AB= touches the circle at B . . n'tS f AB
.'. m (z ABC) = 90" - 30" = 60"
'.' AB ,IC *" t*o tangent-segments to the circle M '.' IB , E-C aI" t*o tangents to the circle M
-.. AB = AC ... Iil bisects .. BAc
.'. AABC is an equilateral triangle (Q.E D.) .'. m (LBAC) =2 x 30" = 60' :AB =AC

Answers of Unit Five
.'. A ABC is m equilateral trimgle .'. 2 +XB +BY+ 3+3 +2= 18 cm.
.'. m (z ACB) = 60' ;.XB+BY=8cm.
, '.' SD i, a diameter ..' m (r. DCB) = 90" '.' IB , BY are two tangent-segments to the circle.
.'. m (z ACD) = 90' + 60" = 150" (The req.) ... xB = BY ..2BY=8cm.
,'. BY=4cm, (The req.)
'.' fi , IB *. t*o tangents to the circle from the IE
point X '.' M is the centre of the circle which touches
.'. sides of AABC
= l!{_2'- = ss"
... m (z XAB) r0"
(1) .'. eMbisecrs z C
'.' The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral :. m(LC)=2x20o =40"
.'. m (z BAD) = 180. - 125. 55" (2) '. MDreo-,l.rprIF
From (1) and (2) : ... m (Z BAD) m (Z XAB)
= .'. The figure MDAF is a cyclic quadrilateral.
'. IEbisects Z DAx (Q.E.D. 1) i. m (Z A) = 180'- 120" = 60.
;. m(LDAX)=2 x 55'= 1100 '.' The sum of the measures of the angles
.'. m (Z DAX) + m (Z X) 1100 + 70. 180.
= = ofAABC = 180'
but they me two interior angles on the same side of .. m (Z B) =
180'- (40'+ 60.) = 80. (The req.)
The transversal AX
... AD/i xB (Q.E.D.2) IE
'.' The length of (G) = the length of6d
'. m(zBCD)=.l^1z.vt| ofld = the length
... - <IDt =
(inscribed and central angles of the su*" u." 6Dy - 6dr = - ridt =T-= rzo"
(zBCD)= m (Z AMB) = 120.
.'. m *2 x t30" =os" (1.)
(First req.)
...AB//CD .' DA touches the circle at A .'. rr,rar5f
.. m (Z ABC) = m (Z BCD) = 65. (atternate angles) '. DC touches the circle at C ... MC-iDt
'.' IE ',' m (Z MAD) + m (Z MCD) = 180.
and A-E re two tangent-segments to the circle M
;. AB =AC .'. The figure AMCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

.. m(zACB)=6(zABC)=65" e) (Second req.)

From (1) r (2) : ... m (Z ACB) = m (Z BCD) .'m(zAMQ)=6(6dl=tzo.
.'. eB bisects Z ACD (F-irsr req.) '. m (L D) = 180. - 120. = 60. (1)
;m(L A) = 180. - 2 x 65" = 50" (Second req.) '.' Df , Dd ar" two tangent-segments to the circle
.'. AD = CD (2)
IE From (1) md (2):
'.'M ,M, *" t*o tangent-segments to the cilcle
.'. AACD is an equilateral triangle. (Third req.)
.'. AX=AZ=2cm.
','dZ , Ci ur" t*o tangent-segments to the chcle IE
.'. CZ=CY =3 cm. In ['ig. (1) : ... Ef , EE *" two tangent-segments
, .' the perimeterof AABC = 18 cm. to the chcle M from the point E
.'. AX + XB + BY+ YC + ZC + ZA= t8 cm. .'. EA=EC (1)


, .' EB , ED ot" two tangent-segments to the circle IE

N tiom the poirt E
'.' ID and XE are t*o
(2) tangent-segments to the circle
.. EB =ED
.'. XD = XE
Adding (1) and (2) :

.'. nr (Z 1) =m(L2) (1)

... AB = CD (Q.E.D.)
Ei is a transversal to them
In Fig. (2) :
.'. ta (L Z)'= m (/- 3) (corresponding anglcs) (2)

Flom (1) and (2) : .. nr(z 1)=m(23)

.. The figure DYZE is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q'E D )

Assuming that AB and dD intersect at E

Construclion, /I \.i
MF+_A \\,
, '. Ef and EC aLe two targent-segments to the
Dravr BC to cut AIt4 at \ \i /-.'
circle M from the Point E
Proof:.ACanoAgre Ul-
.. EA=EC (1)
two tangent-segments to the circle M
'. EB aud ED are two tangent-segments to the circle
r nc m (z cFM) = 90'
N liom the point E "' "'
.' gD i. a diameter in the circle M
.'. EB = ED (2) '
.. m (Z FCD) = 90'
Subtracting (2) flom (1)
.'. m (Z CFM) + m (l- FCD) = 180'

..EA-EB=EC-ED , but they are two interior angles in the same side of

.-AB=CD (Q.E D.) the transvemal BC

... ,qlv{ // cD (Q.E.D,)

'.' IE is a tangent-segment to the circle M at B @
, N,lB is a rarlius .. m (/ AMB) = 90'
From aABM : m (z MAB) = 180'- (90' + 70')
=20" '. IC ,IB *" t*o tmgent-segments to the circle M
, .'IMbisects z tsAC .'. If r sC .' Y is the midPoint ol BD
.'. m (Z BAC) =2 x 20" = 40" ... nv r eD
, . IE and A-C are two tangent-segments to .'. m (Z BXM) + m (Z MYB) = 180"
the circle M . , The figure XBYM is a cyclic quadrilateral (First req )
.'. AB =AC .. m (Z XBM) = m (z XYM) = 35"
.'. m (z ABC) = 6 12 46s1 = l!!: lq:= 79" , . if4g i. a radius r AB rs a tangent-segment to the
(First req.) circle M at B

,. m(1 BCD)={-1znrrao) ... rr.te r AB

(inscribed and central angles of the su*" .'. m (1 ABC) = 90" - 35' = 55"
^"6D; '.' AE andIC r" two tangent-segments to the circle M
.'. m (z BCD) = t x7o" =35"
.'. AB = AC .1 m (z ABC) : m (1- ACB) : 55"
.'. m (Z ACD) = 70'- 35' = 35' (Second rcq.)
.. m (1 BAC) = 180" - 2 x 55' = 70' (Second req )

Answers of Unit p;y6
@ In A XMY:
'. AB touches B
the circle ar ... nAS f AB .'. m (Z XMY) = 90'

'.' Ad touches rhe circle ar C .'. Xla r

... ffAC f nC (Firsr req.)

.'. m (Z ABM) + m (Z ACIU) = 90" + 90. = 180. '.' If , fE ur" t*o tangent-segnlents to the circle M
.', The figure ABMC is a cyclic quadrilateral (e.E.D. 1)
.'. XA = XC similarly YB = YC
'.' Z CMD is m exterior angle of it .'.XA+YB=XC+YC
.'. m (z CMD) =m (z A) = {s" ,.XA+YB=XY=13cm.
.'. In A MCD : m (z D) = 180' - (90. + 45.) = 45" ... I?lr EV , ... AB * Xy ... Ax * By
'. CD=MC (1) .'. The figure AXYB is a trapezium

IC ,IB are two tangent-segments to the circle .'. The area of the figure AXyB =
{ 1aX + e9 * en
:. AC =AB (2) = * - ,, r l0 = 65 cm? (Second req.)

Adding (1) and (2-) :

.'.CD+AC=MC+AB @
.'. AD=AB +MC '.' BE = BD r CE = CF AD AF and adding
' =
: . MC = NIB (the lengths of two radii) .'. BE+CE+AD=BD+CF+AF
.. AD =AB + MB (e.E.D 2) .'. BC +AD =AC + BD (First req.)

tt .'. l0+AD=8+(7-AD)
'.' bT , dD *" t*o .'.2AD=8+7-10=5
tangent-segments to the circle M
.'. AD = 2,5 cm. (Second rcq.)
.'. CA=CD (1)
'.' u;5 and C-B me two tangent-segments to the circle N ... BD=BE=7_2.5=4.5cm
.'. CD = cB e)
.'. CE = 10 - 4.5 = 5.5 cm. (Third req.)

From (1) and (2) : .'. CA = CD = CB

Excellent pupils
.'. C is the midpoint of AB- (e.E.D. 1)
.. InAABD : De is a median, DC = I AB E
... ao r sD ' (e.u.r. ,) Construction :

Oraw MX -L Ag , tr{l f aO
'. il, XC. n"o tangent-segments
Proof: '.' The circle M is
to the circle M
inscdbed in the quadrilateral ABCD
.'. XMbisects ZAXy
. . The circle touches the sides of the figurc ABCD at
.'. m (Z AXM) = m (Z MXY) X tY tZandL
'. Yd , T-B ,r" t*o B
.. 4Y- , [1 2," 1yo tangent-segments
tangent-segments to the circle M .'. AX =AL sirnilarly BX = BY t CZ = CY >DZ, =DL
.'. TM bisects Z ByX Adding we find thL\t AX + BX + CZ + ZD
.. m (l- BYM) = m (1 MYX)
... laa I ax , tian .L
ny ... ex z nv .'. AB + DC = AD + nC = rhe perinerer of the
.'. m (Z AXY) + m (Z BYX) = 180. figure ABCD

ImQAXY)+jm(zBYX)=oo" .'. The peritrrerer of rhe figure ABCD = 2 (AB + DC)

.. m (1 MXY) + m (a MYX) = 90. =2(9+12)=42cm. (First req.)

(r: e ) YelGJIsr y / t.,.u+tt.q*-1, y4!dl g1

the area of the figure ABCD Fig. (12) : m (Z BAD) = 30' r m (Z DAE) = 100'
Fig. (13) : m (z ABD) = 38'
= the area of A AMB + the area of A MBC + the

of A MCD + the area of A MAD Fig. (14) I m (Z CAB) = 80' , m (Z BDC) = 50'

= {m'.+ }scr.+ } cu*'* }oa*' Eig. (15) : m (z CAB)

(z CAB)
= 60" I m (z AEB) = 60"
Fig. (16) : m = 6s'
= | xS x42= 105cm? (Second req.)
E a tangent to the circle r a chord in the circle
a passing though the point of tangency.
@ the inscribed angle
D.u*Mf ,N-B
@ central angle
,NX-i/ AB to Second:80" Third:40'
@ First : 100'
cutMA atX
E60" E70'
Proof : '. MI is a radius ,Ii is a tangent to the
circle M at A g
:. m (Z MAB) = 90' (1)
Ec Ed @a
similarly : m (Z NBA) = 90' Q)
[4d Eb
'.' rl.X ll ,qe m (z AxN) = 90" (3)
From (1) , (2) and (3) : !t Theoretical.

.'. The figure AXNB is a rectangle.

'. BN=8cm. ..AX=8cm.
'. IB and Id ue two tangent-segments to the circle
' '.' MX = 9 cm. '.' m (Z MXN) = 90'
atB mdC
.'. Q{N)2 = (MN)2 - (Mx)2 = 1681 - 81 = i600
.'. m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB)
.'. XN = 40 cm.
.'. AB = XN = 40 cm. (The req.)
, '.' m (Z ABC) (the tangency angle)
Answels = m (Z BDC) (the inscribed angle) = 65"
.'. m (Z BAC) = 180' - (65" + 650) = 50o (The req.)
First: Problems on theorem (5) and its corollary
E '.' m (Z ABD) (the tangency angle)
Fig. (1) : m (z BAC) = 70' (1)
= m (Z C) (the inscribed angle)
Fig. (2) : m (Z AMB) = 112' ' xv I EB , iE is a trmsversal to them
Fig. (3) : m (Z ADB) = 80'
.. m (z YxB) = m (z XBD) (alternate angles) (2)
Fig. (4) : m (z CAB) = 70'
From (1) and (2) : .'. m (Z C) = m (Z YXB)
Fig. (5) : m (/ CAB) = 90'
.'. The figure AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
Fig. (6) : m (z CAB) = 60' (Q.E.D.)
Fig. (7) : m (z CAB) = s0"
Fig. (8) : m (Z CAB) = 65' , m (z ADB) = 115' a
Fig. (9) : m (z CAD) = 40'
'. m (ZACB) (the inscribed angle)
Fig- (10) : m (Z ABD) = 50" = m (Z XAB) (the tangency angle) = 40'
.'. m (Z BAC) = 180" - (40" + 110") = 30'
Fie. (11) : m (z ADB) = 40'

Answers of Unit Five
.'. m (Z CDB) = m (Z BAC) = 30. (two inscribed .'. m (z DBC) = 180. - 110. = 70.
angles subtended by the same rcfd) (The req) .'. m (z ABC) = 70. '.'AB =46
.'. m (Z A) = 180"
E - (70" + 70") = 46" (Second teq.)

In AACD : '.. X" + 6 X" +2 X. = 180"

.'. 9 x'= 180" ... x. =20 '. ABCD is acyclic quadrilateral
.'. m(LADC)=2x20" =40"
.'. m (Z BAC) (the tangency angle)
.'. m (Z ABC) = 180.
- 100. = 80" (Firsr req.)
'.' AS // DC , Ie is a transversal ro them
= m (Z ADC) (the inscribed angle)
." m (z BAC) =m (1ACD) 50"
.'. m (Z BAC) = 40. =
(The req)
(alternate angles)
o .'. m (Z CBE) (rhe hngency angle)
'. AB is a diameter in the circle = m (Z BAC) rhe inscribed angle = 50" (Second req.)
.'.m(ACB)=180" .'. m (l
ABF) = 180. - [m (z ABC) + m (z CBE)]
... CD // AB = 180. _ (80. + 50) = 50o
.'. m (1e) = -,60r,2= -!!!l =
qo" '.' FA = FB
.. m (Z DCA) (the rmgency angle) = .'. m (z F) = 180" - (50. + 50") = 80"
(Third req.)
(First req.)
The length ofld =
ffi x aa = 1r cm (Second req.)
'.'AC=AB ,n(LA)=4Oo
IE .'. tn (ZACB) =m (ZABC) 180"- 40'
- 2 - 70"
'. IZ and X-? m" two tangents to the ctcle (First req.)
,,,X2=XY '. eC ll gD , EE is a transversal to them
... mtLXZY\_ 180. _40" _ 7n.
.1 m (Z ACB) = m (Z CBD) = 70" (altemate angles)
2 ',"
t'. m (L ZEY) (the inscribed angle) .. m (Z ECD) (the tangency angle)
=m(LXZY) (the rangency angle) =m (1 CBD) (the inscribed angle)
= 70. (Second req.)
.'.m(LZEY)=70" (1) '. m (Z CDB) (rhe inscribed angle)
:. the figure YZDE is a cyclic quadrilateral
= m (Z ACB) (the tangency angle) = 70"
.'. m (L ZYE) + m(Z D) = 180"
.'. m (z CBD) = 6 (L CDB) 70.
.'. n(LZYE) = 180'- 110" 70. (2)
= .'. In A CBD : CB = CD flhird req.)
From (1) and (2) :

m(LZEY)=m(LZ-YE) @
:.ZE=ZY '.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'.-@1=^@1 (Q,E.D.) .'. m (Z ABC) = 180'- i20' = 60"
'. Edis a diameterin the circle
o'. .'. m (z BAC) = 90"
m (Z ABC) (the tangency angle)
.'. m (z ACB) = 180. - (90. + 60.) = 30"
= m (Z BDC) (the inscribed angle) (1)
'.' BC = CD .'. m (Z EAB) (rhe tangency angle)

.'. m (z CBD) = m (Z CDB) = m (Z ACB) (the inscribed angle) = 30. (l)

From (l) and (2)
'. 2 ABC is an exterior angle of A ABE

.'. m (L E) = 60' - 30" = 30. (2)

'. m (z ABC) = m (z CBD) (First req.)
.' BDEC is From (1) and (2) : ... m (Z EAB) m (Z E)
a cyclic quadrilateral =
;. BA= BE (Q.E.D. 1)

'.' Z ABE is an exterior angle of A ABC IE
.'. m (Z ABE) = m (1 BAC) + m (z ACB) '.' IB is a diameter . m (Z ACB) = 90'
'. m (Z EAB) (the tangencY nngle) '.' fn f rfS
- (Z ACB) (tlie inscribed angle)
rn .'. m (Z ACB) + m (Z ADE) = 90' + 90' = 180'
.'. m (z ABE) = m (1 BAC) + m (Z EAB) .'. The figure ADEC is a cyclic quaddlateral. (Q ED 1)

.. m (Z ABE) = m (1 EAC) (Q'E D 2)

.'. m (Z FEC) (the exterior angle) -' m (L

r '. m (Z FCE) (the tangency angle)

'.' D is the midpoint of A-C , E is the midpoint of Be = m (Z A) (the inscribed)

... as // DE (Q.E.D. 1) .. m (Z FCE) = m (Z FEC)

.'. m (1. BDE) = nt (Z ABD) (altelnate angles) .'. A FCE is an isosceles tdangle. (Q.E'D 2)

'.' m (Z ABN) (the tangencY angle) '. m (1 ACE) = 90"

=m (1 NCE) (the inscribed angle) .'. AE is a diameter of the circle passing through the
.. m (Z NDE) = m (z NCE) v(rtices o[ thc figure ADEC

but they are drawn on NE and on one sicle of it .'. The centre of the cilcle is the midpoint of AE
.'. The figure NDCE is a cyclic quadrilateral
.. The points N,D,C andE has one circlepassing
througlt thenl (Q.E.D,2) IE
'.' X is the midpoint of IE .. l"fX f ae
@ '. Ed is a tangent , M6 is a raclius

'. AB =AC .'. ftfCf gC

.,.601=,r,(id) .'. rn (1 EXM) + m (Z ECM) = 90'+ 90'= 180"
{ (-rinl **t6Bl) .. The figure ECMX is a cyclic quadrilateral
... m(z CYD) = j (- ridr n * 6tsD (Q.E.D. l)
.. m (Z EN4X) = m (1 ECX)
drawn ur EX ancl on one sitie of it but
'. m(zXDY)=1*tIDl rm (1 ECD) (the tangency angle)
.'. m (1 xYD) = m (Z XDY) (1 DBC) (the inscribed angle)
.. XY=XD (Q.E.D.)
.. m (z EMX) = n (1. DBC) (Q'E D 2)

'. ie i, n tnng"ntto the cilcle
AD is a langenl-segrnent
.'. m (Z BCD)
to the circle
(the tangency angle)
.. nr (1 l) (the tangelcY atrglc)
= m (Z BAC) (thc inscribed angle)
=m (L 3) (the inscribecl anglc)
'. Og Z nC ,IE is a transversal to them
'. BC is a diameter .'. 1n (1 BAC) = 90'
.. m (Z BED) = m (Z BAC) (conesponding angles)
.'. m (1 BCD) = m (/ BED)
n(L t)=n(L3),n(LD) : nr (1 BAC) = 90'
but they are drurvn on BD anrl on the same siCe of it
.. m(LZ)=m(.L4) (Q.E.D.)
.. The figure BECD is a ivclic quadrilateral (Q E D )

Answers of Unit Five
8 In A CED : r, (LECD) + m (LEDC) + m (a E) 180"
'.' ABCDE is a regular pentagon From (1) : .'. m (L CAD) + m (Z E) = 180.
.'.AB=BC=CD=DE=49 . . The figure ACED is a cyclic
.'. -
rGt =. 6Dt =- 16D; =,, (ffiy = *tlit (Q.E.D.2)
.'.nrfiE't=41=zz" (First req.)
.'. m (2. AEX) (The tangency angle) ) Second : Prohlems on the converse ofxheorem (5)

= * *t-*l= l x72 =26. E

fil no
, '.'AX = EX ... m (Z EAX) = rn (Z AEX) = 36. =
.'. In A AEX : m (1 AXE) = 180. (36" + 36") :. m(LB)=m(L BAD) = 70o
108. (Second req.)
.'. rr (Z D) = 80" - (70. + 70o) = 40.
.'. m (L CAB) =m(LD)
@ .'. Id touches the circle M atA (e.E.D.)
In the small circle
'. @ .' n (L BAD) = 90" (drawn in a semicircle)
m (Z XAts) (rhe tangency angle)
.'. m (z ADts) = 90'- 50. = 40.
= m (Z ADB) (the inscribed angle) (1)
.'. m (Z BAC) = m (z D)
In the great circle
.'. A-d touches the circle M A
'. m (Z XAC) (the tangency angle)
at (Q.E.D.)

= m (Z AEC) (ttrc inscribed

@ '. m (Z AI4B) ( = u0.
angle) (Z)
.. m (1 CAts) = s5"
From (1) and (2) :

- rlz ,|PB) = m (Z AEC) but they arc conesponding

.. m (1 CAB) =
t * ft RN{A) (cenrral)
... pBt/EC (Q.E.D.)
.. AC touches cir.cle M atA (e.E.D.)
@'. AB=BD
?E .'. irr (Z BAir) = m (Z BDA)
Construction: Draw BC
Proof: = jrrro" - so.) = 6s.
.. tn (Z CAB) = m (Z D)
m (Z FAB) (the tangency angle)
.'. Ae touches the circle M at A
= m (l ACB) (the inscribed anglerl
'.' Z ACB is an exterior angle of the cyclic quaclrilateral
.. or (l
ACB) = m (Z D)
E. sa=sc
j. m (z BAC) = m (z C) = ]&l-191= zo"
.'. m (Z FAB) = m (Z D) but they are alteruate angles
.'. m (z BAD) = 140" -70. =7i?.
AF // DE (Q,E.D.)
?A .'. AD is a tangent to the circle passing through
'. m (.L F,CD) (the tangency angle) the veftices of A ABC (Q.E.D,)
= m (Z CAB) (the inscribed angle) E .' A anC is equiiateral
,m (Z EDC) (the tangency angle) .. nr (1- C) = rn (LB) = 60.
(L DAB) (rhe inscdbed angle) li
=m '.' tt cg r Id is a tr.ansversat
By adding :
.'. m (L C) = m (1 DAC) = 60o (alternate angles)
.. m (z ECD) +m (z EDC) ..m(1 B)=m(ZDAC)
= m (Z CAB) + m (Z DAB) .'. AB im tangent to the circle passing through
.. m (Z ECD) + m (1 EDC) = m (/_ CAD) (1) the verticas of AABC (Q.E,D.)
(Q,E,D. 1)


tr '. The sum of measures of the interior angles of tr

the triangle = 1800 The figure ABCD is

.'.60"+3X+5X=180' a cyclic quadrilateral

... 8 x= 120" .'. X= 15" .'. m (Z ABC) = 180" - 125'

.'. m(LC) = 5 x 15" = 75" = 55. (l)

.. m (1 C) = 611 P43,
'. Ei
, EE nr" t*o tangents to the circle at A and B

... EA=EB '.' m(LE) =70'

,'. AB is a tangent to the circle passing through
the vefiices of A ABC (Q.E.D )
'.' EE is circle at A
tr '. AABC is right-angled u, a ' a6 = ]eC a tangent to ihe

.. m(zB)=30" . m (z EAB) (tangency) = m (z ACB) (inscribed)

.'. m (Z ACB) = 55" (7)
.'. m (Z C) = 180'- (90" + 30o) = 60'
From (1) and (2) : .'. m (Z ACB) = p (Z ABC) = 55o
.'. m(LC) = m (Z DAB)
.'. AB (Q.E.D. 1)
.'. AD is a tangent to the circle passing through =AC
the verlices of A ABC (Q.E.D,) .. m (/ BAC) = 180' -2 x 55' = 70"
.. m (z BAC) = m (LE) =70"
E .'. IE is a tangent to the circle passitlg tlx'ough the
'. nE ll eD , iE is a transversal to them pointsArBandE
.'. m (Z ABD) = m (Z BAE) = 55' (altemate angles)
'.'AB =AD
'.' DA and 5E re two
.'. m (l
ADB) = m (Z ABD) = 55"
tangent-segments to
.. m (Z BAD) = 180" - (55' + 55') = 70"
the circle M atA and B
.'. m (Z BAD) + m (LBCD) =70" + 110" = 180'
.'. DA=DB
.'. The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
(QED.1) (1)
.'. m(LD)=180" -2m(L 1)
': m (Z ADB) = m (Z BAE) = 55" InAABC:.'.AB=AC
. . IE is a tangent to the circumcircle of A ABD .'. m(L3) =m(L 4)
, .' the circumcircle of A ABD and the circumcircle .'. m (z BAC) = l8O" -2m(L 4) Q)
of the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD ile the same '. AD is a tangent-segment to the circle
circle because they have 3 common point'
= m (Z 1) (tangency)
.'. m(L 4) (inscribed) (3)
. . IE is a tangent to the circle passing through the
From (l) , (2) and (3) : .'. m (Z D) = m (Z BAC)
vertices of the figure ABCD (QED.2)
.'. 16 is a tangent to the circle passing through the
a vertices of A ABD

cyclic quadrilateral
'.' The figure ABCD is
.'. m (l- A) = 180'-

140" = 40'
a D-----3
InAABC: \ ,"\
'. AB =AD ...AC=BC \ \
... m (Z ABD) 180'- 40' - '/
- 2
.'.m(zB)=m(zBAC)(1) F=.*---lB
.'. m (z ABD) = m (z ADE) .' ,qB Z CD ,Id i" u ,r.."t.r"a1 to them

.'. 5E is a tangent to the circle at D (Q.E.D') .'. m (Z DCA) = m (Z BAC) (altemate angles) (2)

Answers of Unit Five
From (1) and (2) : .,. m (Z B) = m (Z DCA)
.', tB is a tangent ro the circumcircle of A ABC '.' i? is a tangent ro the circle
(Q,E.D.) .'. m (Z XCB) (tangency)

o = m (Z BAC) (inscribed) (1)

'.' m (l AEC) = m (z B) XY // BD
BC is a transversal to them
(two inscribed angles subtended
.'. m (Z XCB) = m (Z CBD) (alternate angles) (2)
by the same arc dd; '.' m (Z CBD) m (Z CAD) (3) (two
= inscribed
In AABC: '..AB =AC
angles subtended by the same arc 6D)
.'. m (z AQB) = p (LB) (2) from (1) r (2) and (3) : ... m (L BAC) p g4p;
= 12
From (1) and (2) : ... m (Z ACB) m (Z AEC)
.'. Idbisects Z. BAD (e.E.D. l)
.', A-C- is a tangent-segment to the circumcircle and from (1) and (2) we deduce that

ofA CDE (Q.E.D.) m (z BAE) = m (Z CBE)

Ed touches the circumcircle of
g .'.

A ABE (e.E.D. 2)

..'llcras,NA=NC=r @ /N\ l-
.1 m (z NCA) J!9!2Q'
ID is a tangent to rhe circre
'.' / / X\/"
= m 1z NaC; = = a5" ^,o
.'. m (Z AEC) = jm (z aNC) = a5" (inscribed and
=m(LB) (inscribed)
\ I D^
central angles subtended by the same arc Y}/ I
6d) .'' I?z sc
,IEis a transversal to them
.'. m (Z DCA) = 5 (L DEC) = 45" .'. m (Z AXY) = m (Z B) (conesponding angles)
.'. Id i. u tu.g".t to the chcumcilcle of A CDE i. m (z DAC) = m (Z AXy)

(Q.E.D.) .'. ID is a tangent to the circle passing through the

pointsA,Xandy (e.E.D.)
In AABC : ... IE
'. AE is a diarneter in the cicle
;. m (Z ABC) = m (L ACB)
.'. m (Z ACB) = 90.
'.' iE is a tangent to the circle
.'. m (L 1) + m (L2) = 90. (1)
.'. m (1" LAB) (tangency) 6 14 4gB) (inscribed)
= '.' BD is a tangent to the circle at B
.'. m (z LAB) = m (z ABC) (e.E.D. 1) ... ae r BD
'.' m (Z LAB) p (Z ABC) and they are alf€mate mgles
= .'. m (L l) + m (L 3) = 9oo (z)
.'. sc // LE From (1) md (2) : ... m (L Z) m (L 3)
.'. m (Z BEA) = m (Z CBE) (alternate angles) .'. AB is a tangent to the circumcircle of A CBD
, '. m (Z CAD) =I (Z CBD) (two inscdbed angles (First req.)
subtended by the sa-" ar" 6Dy In AABD : '.. m (Z ABD) = 90.
.'. m (Z DEA) = 6 (L CN)) .'. AD ={GBP+(BDP={07+:o ={roo = ro
..'ecrAD "*.
.'. Idis tmgent to the circumcircle of AADE
(Q.E.D.2) .'. BC =
tftu o.t cm. (second req.)

.'. Ae is a tangent-segment to the circie which
IB passes through the vertices of A CED (First req )
'. Ii , At u,e t*o tangents to the circle M
:. A ABC is an equilateral triangle
...Al, = AC = 7 cm. (First teq')
, E is the midPoint of E-
In AALC : m (L ALC) = m (z ACL)
"' AEIBC .'. m (z CEw) = 90" (1)
:'. m (Z LAC) = 90"
I8o'' e0' , '.' E is ihe midPoint of Be
.'. nllr- ACL) - - 4s'
.'. ED is a median in A BCD
LAC (1 LAM) = 45"
' . IM bisects z m

"' . ni(/BDC)=90" Q)
.. m LAN) = m (Z ACL.) = 45' '.BP=|ec i80'
From (1) ancl (2) : .'. m (Z CEW) + rn (L BDC) =
'.' Ai is a tangent to the circle passing through the
vertices of A ANC (Second req.) .', The figure CDWE is a cyclic quadriiateral
(Second req.)

IE ,'.' m(L CEW) = 90'

'.' The figure DBCE is cyclic quadrilateral , . Wd is the hYPotenuse of A WEC
.'. The extedor angle m (L AEC) = m (z B) (1)
.. The midpoinl ol the hypotcnuse Wt is lhe centre

'.'ffi.l A,IE is a transversal to them of the circle which passes through the vertices of
the quadrilaterai CDWE (Third req.)
.'. m (Z xAE) = m (Z AEC) (altemate angles) (2)

From (l) and (2) : m (Z B) = rn (Z XAD)

". IE
.'. Ff is a tangent to the circumcircle of A ABD
(Q.E.D.) '. ffi , ft *" t*o tangent-segments to the circle

.'. AD =AC
IE , . k ,IE ." t*o tangent-segments to the circle N
'.' m (Z XBD) (the tangency) .'. AD = AC = AB (First req )
.'. AC = AB
= m (Z BAD)
(the inscribed)
.'. AB =AD = 5 cm.
'. m(6D)=m(6D)
.'. m (Z BAD) = m (Z DAC)
.'. The perimeter of the figure ABNMD
.',m(ZXBY)=m(LXAY) (Second req.)
but they are drawn on iV lnd on one side of it to the circle N
, . Ae , AB n,t ttuo tangent-segments
. The figure ABXY is a cyclic quadrilateral
(Q E D I) (Third teq.)
.'. Nf bisects Z CNE
. . m (Z BYX ) = rn (a BAX )
((lr;rwn on BX rrrtl on 1lo"
... rn '2 ANC)
{Z - - 55"
one side of it;
.. m (Z ANC) = rn (1 DAC) = 55"
'. m (/ BAX) = rr (Z XAY)
,. AD i. lilngellt-segment to lhc ' irclc Pas5illg
.. m (Z RYX) = rn (4 XAY) "
through the vertices of A ACN (Fourth req )
.'. i? is a tangcnt of the circumcircle of A ADY
',' AB = BC
IB .'. m (Z BAC) = m (Z BCA)
'.' A ABC is an equilateral tdangle
.'. m (z ACB) = 600
'. Ei is a tangent tc the cjrcle M

r '. A DCE is an equilateral triangle .'. m (/ XBC) (the tangency)

=m (z BAC) (the inscribed)

.'. m (Z CDE) = 60"
.'. m (1 XBC) = m (Z BCA)
.'. m (Z ACB) = m (z CDE)

Answers of LJnit Five
, they are alternate angles a
,..Ei.rrcn (Q.E.D. 1)
'.' BC = BE ... m 16d; = 61f;gy
'. m (Z YBD) (the tangency)

(Z DCB) (rhe inscribed)

'.' m (z A) =
f [, tfc-l-.16"-,,
but m (1 yBE) = m (z E) (altemate angles)
= * [' tEDr--r6Er] = ] *rEDl
'. m (Z DEB) the inscribed j ," f6Dl
.'. m (1 DCB) =m(LE) =
.. BC is a tangent tc the circle passing through the ..n(LA)=m(ZDEB)
pointsC rDandE (Q.E.D.2) .'. EE ir o rangent-segment to the circle passing
through the vertices of A ADE (Q E.D,)
Excellent pupils

Construction I Draw IE E
Ea Ec @r: @a
Proof: Eu Ec A)a @b
. rtr (Z DAB) (rhe rangency angle) Ed @c @c @a
= nr (Z C) (the inscribed angle)
@u EAc Er @u
,m (Z DAB) = 6 (L DEB) @o @c @o @a
(two inscribed angles subtended by tlr" trlu Et" @b @a
,u." nr" 6D;
.. m (Z DEB) = m (Z C) but tliey are altemate angles @a @a @c @u
... nczoe (Q.E.D.)
@u @c

Guide Answers
Of The Notebook

Answers of Accumulofive Tests

Answers of the accumulative tests Accumulative test

on algebra and probability B
t|tra @c Ec @c
Accumulative test
Eu Ea lZa @u
tl Eu Ec Ql m=6 t c=3
Eo Ec
Eo @u @c Ea @ m" s.s. = {- t.os , a.os}

Accumutative test
E u=-z : b=-l E
p +s cm? tl Oa @o @u Etc
Ec @a da Ec
Accumulative te$ E ff [a] The common domain =lR- { - 4 rO, 4}
lI E" Ec Ea @a
[b] Prove by yourself.

Ea Ec Eo @r E u=r , b=-+
El Ete s.s. = {o.zz,} Accumulative test
Erne s.s. = {0.a4 ,4.s6} ll Eb @b Ea @u
Ec Eo Ea Er
ft Graph by yourself.

rhe s.S. = {(1 ,2)} El tal rne s.s. = {(r , r)}

lbl The domain of n =m- {- a, 3, _ 1}
Accumulative test
tr 'n(X)=-1
tl E" Eo Ea Eu f! [a]Tleoomainof n=tR-{2 ,1,_z}
Ec Ec Eo @u ;t (X) =).
[b] n, * n, , give the reason by yourself.
@ tres.s.={1:,2;}
Accumutative test
B me s.s. = {-z.A ,+.a} tl Ea Eb Ea @a
Ec @u O)c Eu
Accumulative test
tr E rire aomain of n- I = R
@ [a] - i0 , 2]
08" Ec Eo @u
rn - (X)=-l
Eo @u lZa @c Els ^

?,t8du=l : b=-8
[b] The domain of n =m._ {:, a, 0}
," U) = n (4) is undefined.
lbla=-SO +,
ft [a] thedomainof n=tR- {1,0},n (x) =}
f! Thenumberis24
lbl The s.S. = {(r , s) , (: , r)}

Algebro ond ProbobilitY

Etrb @a Ed @a EEd Eb Eld

tudElb Ba Ed
Eld Ed IbJc

E r"rtr+ @# E r"rtr+ tr+

tblP(A)= |, rPl= |, eteunl= | tbJllzero E$ tr?
Thedomainofn=m-{-: r-1 r 1} rn(X)= l El [a] The number is 23
tbrSJi Eri
1 .---a

Answers of ln)portoni euestjons

Answers df important questi LgJrhe s.S. = {t.+z ,o.zs}

on algebra & probability
@me s.s. = {2.s ,- 1.8}
[4rne s.s. = {- 0.38, - 2.62}
@rte s.s. = 1+.:o ,o.,lo]
f[! Ans*erc Amuttipte-choi.e questionsl
[z]rne s.s, = {2.62,0.38}
Ot"l E<,rt E(ut Erul Erul Elrhe s.s, = {- 0.78 , r.28}
E<,1 Erol Bral Et,l lEtor [4tt"s.s.= {- r *fi ,- r 1/;}
Ot"l lB<ul @<at @ rut @r"l E
@rur lBrar @rrl lEtal @rat
@rte s.s, = {(3,4), (3,_4)}
?B@t ?A<at @or @tut Etat
8r.r ?llat E.lThe s.s. =
The s .s. = t r - r - o t . .r . :
] r

tilffil " r

Answerslf essay questio,rsl @rne s.s. = {(13 , 12)}

E Lsl The S.s. = {(2 , o) , (3 , l )}
@ me s.s. = {(3 , - 1)} lqlrhes.s.={(0,-1)}
Erhe s.s. = {(2 ,2)} frnes.s.=i{.2,0) .{r ..r,}
E The s.s. = {(z , 1)} l!rne
s.s. = {(3, 3),(-3,_3)}
Erhe s.s. = {(2 , 1)} @rres.s.={(0,_ }),r- r,- rl}
@a=5 , b=..2
a Ea=-8 , b=6
@ Draw by yomself r the S.S. = {(2 , l)}
@ Draw by yourself r the S.S. = { (2 : 1)} @a=2 , b=1
@Draw by yourself , the S.S. = {(- 1, 3)}
@ Draw by yourself r the S.S. = {(2, - 3)}
@a=i : b=-1
@ Dravu by yourself , the S.S.
= {(- 1 , 1)} @)a=t 1 [=4
E @ The two numbers me:25 r 15
E rhe s.s = {(8 , 3)}
E:rne s.s. = {(3 ,- 1)} @ The two numbers are : 5 r 7

@rne s.s. = {12 ,:;y @ The number is : 47

@ rne s.s. = {(- 1, 3)}
Erhe s.s. = {(3 , 1)} @ The two numbers are : 1 r 5

@rnes.s.={(3,-r)} @ The length = Z cm. , the widrh = 2 cm.

BThe S.S. = {(* 1 ,1)}
@ Thetwonumberstre:-2 t-5 or 5;2
Erne s.s. = {0.4 ,-2.4} @ The two numb ers are ..
i tZ

@ The two dimensions are : 6 cm. r 3 cm

Algebro ond ProbobilitY

r@ @ The domain of n =m
- {- 3,-2}

@ !r.-.jryiry!,, Pe
"n"i9" -q'1991p1{ G The domain of n =lR- {0,-2 )} tn (x) =-2-
tlr,l El6) E("1 @141 Et"l
{- 1,o' r}'n fi
Et^r flt"l Etui tt(c) lE(") [Ei The domain of n =]R- 1D =

!I!(d) @<^t @to lBt"> lB("1 @ The domain of n =R- {3,-2, 4}

IE<ur [E{") lEttl [9ral @<al ,n (x) =

f, I n (3) is undefined

Elit"t @<^t @t") @t") @t") @ The domain of n =R- {- 3} I n ({) = |

6<o Etal 6tal @t"i @t"l n (- 3) is undefined n (2016) = , I 1

Eiul @<,1 @G) @o) 8<"1

; b=2r
Ettur 8(") @("1 @to 4tr("1 @a=-4
E("r @<ul @t"l @to @(d) @t=-:s , m=-4
@ Answers of essay questions lfia=5 , b=3

Prove by yourself. @ The domain of n =R- {0,2,-z}, n(l) = -3-

ll a=-e m-*"ir*, "r,, = * - f r, +, < x) = *+
f!u=-1 r b=0 E *"a*r-*t,=^-f, u,-t''<n =i=
lla=z ; b=6 q -"."*-r.=.-t-r,
$ a=6 @ Thedomainofn=R-{2 ,-Z rt} ,n(x)= ,!7
: n (1) is undefined.

[la=6 , b=-2
@ Thedomahof n=R-{-1r1ro
I Thedomainofn=R-{0} tn($= t ,"19=ffi
@ r=: $ll The domain of n = R- {1} ;n (x) = 2

[t The domainof n=lR rn (0) =- I tn(2)= t @ Thedomairof n=lR-{2 ,-zJ rnV)=fi

@ Thecommondomain=lR-{2 I3 r0 r-3} @ thedomahof n=R-{2,3 '-3}
tn(X)--l,n(0)= 1

@ Prove by yourself

,the comon domain =IR- {-3 t2 to t3} @ The domain of n =lR- t- r |', <n = ffi
n (1) = 0 I n (- 1) is undefined
@ ,@ hovebY

mention bY Yourself'
@ =Af
@ Thedomainofn=R- {-3 t3 t 5},n(x)
[E Th" do-u'n of n =iR- {2, 5}, n (x\ = Vj
EB rhe domain of n =m-
{* ,2 ,
Z 'o}
@ *-" u"* "r, =*-
l r, r, r],,' t'O = r-rl ,nlL)=-

Answers of lmportont Ouestions
@ The domain of n = m.-

{2,- 7} o+
X'+2x+4 7
g rii"*".t,=*<, ,;+ ") tro4 t{tz
, n, .n _ (X -2t (2 x + t) \x_ 3) +
rn (l)
x(x_ (x-s) 1)

is undefined : n (0) is undefined. Etr+ -3

@ @the domain of n- I =ng- t- j,o) EElg
z+ rd-i
otr* fz_lL
@ Eo.z Eo.r
@ @tne aomain of n- I =R- {- 1, 21
,"-t tg=ft @n# fr1
En-1(:)=+ till J
@ !tne aomain of n- I =tR- t- 3, 5] @tr? fr.L
,n-l(x)= x-5
En-t (+)=-z
an* a+
@tr+ lP )-

tEoi tt
'- l0
i lsl -!,L
@a+ trs
llrol Etut Er"t Er"t Erol
lE Eo.s @o.z

Erut Erul Erul E<ul lDrul @a+,+ Er

lErol@1a1 lEr"; @rur [Er"t @ Elo.s Eo.:
lD<or ll@t @<ot lEr") @<al
Erur @<at 8d? r5

rilnESleyeEltll:er@q @@+ lq] Prove by yourself

]|o.z EEo.s lEo.e @o.s
Etr+ titl BEo.: lEo.: igo s
E o.z

Algebro ond Probobility

of school book examlnations ,'.'29=Z1X+Y) .'.x.+Y=14 Q)

Substituting from (1) in (2) :
on algebra and Probability
:,Y+4+Y=14 :'2Y--lO i Y=5
Substituting in (1) : .'. X=9
E .'. The length = 9 cm. t the width = 5 cm'

Eb Ba Ed @c Eb Ea .'.Thearea=9x5=45c#
a tblUJ . n(x)= Cx_rxt_1)
l^l'.'2x2--5 x+ 1=0 j. n .(x)=6-2)(x-r)
-'-a=2 t b=-5 I c=1
5+d(-r'?-4"'2,1 st{rr .'. Thedomainof n-t=m-{0,1 '2}
"^- ,^2 4 .
:.X=2.3 ot X=0'2 't}=t
{E'. n-l(x)=:
... The S.S. = {z.z ,o.z}
x3 4 :.3X=X-1 :.3X-X=-t
lbl ... n (-v) - -xtx 4\
A _ 3, 6 4) ,'.2X=- t :' X=*
.'. Thedomainof n=R-{3 '4 '0}
t 4 x-4 -l Eu2
, n tx) = -;l a - i tx4)= x\x4)= x Ial '. n, (x) =x,^!-
(x_ t)
E '" '[he domairi of nr = R - {o ' 1}
(1) , '.' n1(X) = ,1,
.x'+xY+Y'=zr (z) x(x2+x+7)
'. n^lL=--------
Substituting from (1) in (2) : x (x- 1) (X"'F x + l)
.'.y2+y2+Y2=2'1 "'3Y2=27 .', The domain of n2 = R - {0 , 1}

:.yz=g ,'.Y=l e1 Y=-3 ,nr(x)= 7t-1

Substituting in (l) : ,', X=3 or X=-3
From (1) and (2) : nr = n2
... The S.S. = {(:'S), (-S,-:)} "'
(X+3)(X+t) -= X+g tblEP(AnB)= ? = +
tbl 'n(x)= .,_ 3xx{:r}t=7+3x+, 1

l2lP(A-B)= +
.'. The domain of n =R- {3,- 3} of the
@ The probability of non-occurence
(x)3\(x+l) x']+3x+9
' (x-3)(x'+ 3*:;
x+9) ^- X-3
"r"nt.c= * *
2+l 3_
,r \z) =-
ZJ --; --
rn (- 3) undefinecl because - 3 fi the domain of n Ea Ed Ea @b @c @a

E a
width be y cm' lal'.'3x2-5x+ 1=0
[a] Let the length be X cm. and the
;.X--y+4 (1) .'.a=3 t b=-5 r C=1

Answers of Finql Exominotions
s rV(_5)r*4 x J x t s.",[zr tz
... x_ _
--- .. Thedonrainoln=R_{Z, :,.1}
2x3 6

.n(X) - (xX + x+J
2) (x_2) (x_3)
... x= 1.43 ot x=0.23 _ xfx .ll+x+J _x2 lx+x+J
... The S.S . =
tX-2){X-.rr (x -ZtrX. :l
{1 .43 , 0.23}
-f)g) + )x+4, _ x2-2x+3
lbl . rr (x) =tx (x -2){xr 3t x x+J (x_ 2) (x_ 3)
xr+Zii lb)f(x)=x2-l
.. The domain of n =Rt_
{2, _ 3}
rn(X)=l x --l -2 I 0 1 2 3

v 8 3 0 0
E 1 3 8

lal .'x-y = I ... y=y + ) (1)

tx2+y2=25 (2)
Substihrting from (l) in (2) :

:.2y2 +2y -24=O ... y2 +y _12=e
.. (y-3)(y+4)=0
i. y=3 or y=-4
(l): ... X=4 or ,(=_3
Substitutingin From the graph :

.: The s.s. = {(4, 3), (_ 3, _ 4)} .. The S.S. = {- r , r}

tbl EJp (A U B) = p (A) + p (B) _ p (A n B)
Model examination for the s(udenti
+0.6_0.2=0] =0.3
lP(A-B) = p(A) _ p (An B) E
= 0.3 _ 0.2 = 0.1 Eo l2l-L
.-x-2 h)2

E @ second @ second rE{s}

la)'.'2x-y =z
tX+2y =Q
:. Y =2 x*3 (1)
Ea Eu E"
Substituting from (I) in (2)
.'. x+2(2x_3)=4
@u Ec @a
:.X+4X-6=4 ...5r(=t0 E
Substituting in (t) : ... y = i Ax @x @,r
firl' . rtxl_ x(x+3) 2x @t @x @,r
rXrJ,(X l)
... The domain ofn
=f{- { : r: rO}
' x_3Lxx+3 - x+3 E {tz , i;1 ,"-, ur{ul+ac
2x 2(x-j) 2a
@m.- {r ,- r} @-+-
E x'+ 4
lal r (x) - --li{lll El {5} l6i+
rX 2t{X .t)

(v t t ) r - / at4r / 1.,J.r.qg.,".t, )14lyolf

Algebro ond ProbobilitY --'----.'.-----.--
Substitutingin(1) :' Y=- 1

... The S.S. = {12 , - l1}

... n (x)
= (rj#r, *,;jiL,
1 Cairo ..Thedonrainoln='k tl 'l '-l)
E rtz
,ni1.y =01 +11 =y,_
Ia rzth tSld lalu @c @a
r n (1) is undefined because I
( the clomain of n

la7': x2 -l x+ 1 =0 E
.'.a=1 I b=-3 I c=1 [a] @ .' A r B re two mutually exclusive events

," i=-
1- =-
r=1E .'. P(AnB)=o
lEPtnl = I -P (A) = 1 -0.5 =o s

:.X=2.6 or X-0'4
." The S.S. = {Z.a '0.+}
-0 5 = 0'3
x(x+2\ x2-2x+4 .. P(B) = P (AU B)-P(A) =0 8

x + 4)x -- x--
lbl'.' n (xt = (x+2)(X+5)
tx +;f. lbl ...n(X)=-(x-5)
.'. Thedomainof n=R-{0 '-2}

:n(j0=1 .'. n-t.--. 3(x+5)

(^) =it;, (r;t

,. The clomain of n-' =m.- {- z' - s}

E (1) ,n-tlx)-- r]1
taj'.' x=5
,.,2-oo (2)
,L ^,2 aJ -Lt

Substituting from (1) in (2) :

,1 Giza . :
. <2 rJ, ,,2 -z) -co )5 +v2 =29
.,J B
.',y=), 61 Y=-2
:.y2=4 @a Eb @a @a @c @c
... The S.S. = {1S , Z; ,1S , - Z1}

lhl '.n(tr)
{x- l){X " l) I a
(x-l)(x)+x+l) x2+X+l tal EP (Au -P (A [l B)
B) = P (A) + P (B)

. . The tlomain of r1 = IR - { 1} --U'' *g'6 -g'Z=0'7

,nrxr--,x11 -,' f4 p (.q.-s) = P (A') - P (A n B)

x'rX- I X' FX+ I
= 0.3 - 0.2 = 0.1
I -
- x+l
x2+x+l x2+xrl lbl "' 2 x- Y = 3 ' multiPlying bY 2
..4x-2Y =$
E (1) t .' X+ZY =Q
lal'. 2x+Y =z
(2) Adding (1) and (2) ;

t3 X-Y ='l
...5X=10 .',.x=2
Adding (1) md (2):
:. X=2 Substituting in (2) : .'. Y =I
.'. 5 X= 10

Answers of Finol Exominotions

E . 2X
lbl '. n.t (X) = '2(X+4)
talE'. n (x)=(x_x(x-2)
1) (x 2) .'. The domain of ni = [i - {- 4}
... n-,(X) _(x-t)tx-2) ,1.I txt (1)
xlx_2) =-lX+4
.'. The domain of n-l =m- {0, t rZ} ' . n.. (X) - (X+4\tX+4)
, n-r 'x
111 = 2L-L .'. Thedomainof nr=R-{ 4}

E'.'o-'19=: rn^(Xt
t =-lX+4 (2)

.'.3=x.rl ....1 x.=x-l From (l) and (2) : ... n, = n,

;.3x-X=-t ...2x=- I x=_ i

2 3 I Atexandria.
lbl . n(x) =--IJ4l-2t
(x+ 3) (x- 3)= X+ 3 E
.'. Thedomain ofn =m_ {0 r3,_ 3} Ea Eu Ec @o Ec @a
.n{x; = x({+2t xx_+3 - x+2
(x+3)(x 3\ 2x 2(X 3) a
lal 2 x - y = 3, multiplying by
a (x+3)(x-3) :.4X-2y=g

lal'. n(r= x2+2,x+4 (1)

(x-2tlx'+2 X+4)+ tx+ 3)tX -2) )'.'X+2y=4 (2)
.'. Thedomainof n=m_{Z r_S} Adding (1) and (2) :

tntxt= ..5X= l0 :. X=2

,',-J-+f]=fi=t Substituting in (2) : ... y = 1

[bl'.'3x2-Sx+1=o .'. The S.S. = {(2 , 1)}

..a=3 r b=-5 , c=1
. -_ snfr-st'*+r.lrt s*rl: ,'.a=Z ; b=-4 , c=l
2'3 - 6
q +nl
.', X= 1.43 or X=0.23 ... *_
t- 4_l -_q x z xt_ q tz{j _ z !{,
2xZ - 4--- z
.'. The S.S. = tt.+t ,o.zzj
.', X= 1.7 or X= 0.3

E ... The S.S. = {t.l ,o.z}

.'. x= 5 -y (1)
,x2+y2=13 (2)
[a]'.'x-y=L .'.X=y+l (1)
Substituting from (1) in (2) t X2 +y2 =)5 (2)

.'.(5-y)2+y2=13 Substituting from (1) in (2) : ... (y + 1)2+y2=25

.'.25-lOy+y2+y'. 13=O .'.y2+Zy+1+y2- 25=g
.'.2y2-10y+tz=o :.2y2 + 2y -24= O

Dividing by (2) : ... y2 -5 y +6=0 Dividingby 2 : .,. f + y - 12 =0

.'.(y-3)(y-2)=0 :.y=3 ot y=z ,.(v+4ttv-lr=o ..)_ 4 or y=3
Substituting in (1) : .,. X=2 or X= 3 Substitutingin(1): ,., X=-3 ot X=4
.'. TheS.S.= {12,21 ,1z rz1} .'. The S.S. = {{-Z ,_+1 ,1+ ,11}

Algebro ond Probobilily
l:rf +2) X -l .'.X=2.56 or X=-156
... (x)
n =,iljoj+ rr l,rr .zr
... The S.S. = { ,-}
.'. The dornair o[ rr = ]L - {Z ' -t ' z} ltY 51 4(X+l)
.t(X)= x-+
1 X+l tbt ../(x)=_i"tt5
x' 2= x 2
.. The domain of f =fi- {- 3, 5}
g 1 .... ,f (x)=+
fl' n 1*r ='L ll{rlf,1ll.n{*
.. The domain of n =R- {0, 1}
lal '.' n., 6) = -j-
.'. The clomain of n, = n - {0 , t }
1rl1'.'"r(x)=ffi (!=;! ],,,
.'. The domain of n, = R - {- +}
],,, t . n^(I)= --- -;-
,nr(X)= rfu ' X(X-l)(X-+x+ l)
,. n2(-x)=Tx+4)tx+4l .'. The domain of n, = ts - {0 , 1}

.', The domain of n, = R - {- +} ]o,

,nr(x)= 21!1
,rr(X)=fa 10, Frorn (1) and (2) : ', rr = n2
From (1) and (2) i .. nr = rz (l)
[b) .'2x-Y =4
E Adding (1) and (2)
lal...n(x)=;#;n :

.'.3 X=9 :. X=3

..n- L^^
r- Substituting ii (2) : .'. Y= 2

.', Thedomainofn' =m-{0, t,Z}

,n | {x1=Z:) E x(x+l)
lat .../(x)=; v)+x+l {x r)(x.r)
tbl EP (Au B) = P (A) + P (B) -P (A n B)
/ =R- {1'- 1}
.'. The domain of
=0.3+06-0'2=07 txl-x(xl)
./(x)=x. t - x t=-x_t=- x. t --'
=0.3-0.2=0l tbl'.x-y=t .'.x=Y+l (1)

1Y2 + y2 =25 Q)
4I El-Kalyoubia
Substituting from (1) in (2) : .'. (y + 1)z + y2 =25
E .'.y2 +2y+t+Y2 Z5=o
Ed Eld @a @a [!d @c
a .. Y2 + Y -
Dividirrg bY 2'. 12 =O

Irl'.'x2-x-4=o .'.(y+a)(Y-3)=0 ..Y=-4 or Y=3

:.a=l ; b=-1 ; c= 4
Snbstitutingin(l);.. x=-3 or X=4
={F rE* r* a , "[i ... TheS.S, = {1-: :-+;,i+, :1}

Answers of Finol Exominqtions
E Jhl . r(x)- (Xx(x+J) + x'2
ta] LlJP (A U B) = P (A) + P(B) F l) fX- I) {X 2) {X t)
-P (A n B)
= 0.2 + 0.5
.. Thedonrrinolrr=lR_{t .2, :}
- 0.1 = 0.6
E p (a- s) = p (A) - (A n B) = 0.2_ 0.1 = 0.1 ,n(x) - x + I -x+l
x-I x 1-x-1
.' Let the length be X cm. and the widrh be y
x-y =4
cm. o
lal ', n.t tx) =. 2x
,Z(X+y)=28 2(x+4)
:.X+y=14 e) .'. The domain of n1 R _ 4}
= {_
Adding (1) and (2) : .., 2 x= 18 ... x =s ,r.I 1Y1 =--L
Substituting in (1) : ... y 5 X+4 ],,,
= x(x+4)
.'. The length = 9 cm.
> the width
= 5 cm. ' . n^ (x) - (x+4)(x+4)
.'. The area of the rectangle 9 x 5
= = 45 cm? . The domain of n, R _
= {_ 4}
5 | Et-Sharkia ,a^1Y1=-4-
t X+4 lo,
E From (1) and (2) : ... nt n2
Ec f4a Ea lEu Eo @b tbl . y-x=2 :.y=ya2 (1)
a tX2 +xy-12=0 (z)
Lal'. x+y =4 .'. x=4-y (1) Substiruring fiom (t) in (2) :

,3 X+2y = 14 (2) .'. X2 + x(x+Z) - lZ=O

Substitutirlg from (1) in (2) :
.', x2 + x2 +zx- 12=O
Dividingby 2:... X2 +X- 6=O

Substiruting in (1) :,,. X = 6

.. (X+3) (x-2)=O ... X=_3 or X=2
... The S.S. =
{10 , _ Z;} I or y=4
Substinrtingin(l) : ... y=-
.. TheS.S, = {(-3,_ t),(2, q}
lbl ... n
- '{ (xl,1xt.lf
rxr Ir . x' r x *
I)tx+ t) --XrJ

.. Thedomair of n =llt_ {t r_ t r_:} E

xr: - x+l lal '.' The dorrain of f tt - {- 2 , 2}
.n1x1 =({{x-1)rx@,
. trrx+ tr
fl1r-| = xr f . ^.2
..^ -a=u ateachof 2r2
.n { -1) is undefined becrusc -lf rt*'Oo,roin ol,,
:.(-2)2 a=O ..4-a=0
[a]'. x2 -2x-4=o
.'. a= 4 .'. .f (x) = x,* 2

, tta\
.,./\Jl:-===l )+l \ x'-4
.'.a=1 I b=_2 t c=_4 9-4 -l

tbl EP (AU B) = p (A) + p(B) p (An B)

... * -, "frJEi:lE =, =?fr =, *la -
= 0.4 + 0.5 - 0.2 = 0.7
.'. X=3.24 ot x=-1.24
E The probability of non occunence of the
.. Tlre S.S. ={l.z+.-t tt\ eventB =P(B-) = 1 -p(B) = 1 -0.5 =0.5

Algebro ond Probobility
6rffil-4;rr4 c,r2l,E,,rl1
6l El-Monofia
2xl =- z

o :, X=5.24 X=0"16
$a @c @c @a @a @c ... The s.S. = {s.z+
{x- l)(x +x+ l) x+3
a lbl . n(x)=-x t ';-.x, I

lal'.' 2 x-Y =3 .. The domain of n = fR- {i}
tX+2Y =4 ... x=4-7! Q)
Substituting from (2) in (1) :

.'.2@-2Y)-Y=3 "'8-4Y-Y=3 tr
..-5Y=-5 "Y=1 tal EP (AU B) = P (A) + P (B) -P (A n B)
Substituting in (2): .'. X=2
= 0.8 + 0.7 - 0.6 = 0.9
... 11r" g.5. = {12 , t;}
=p(.4) -P (An B) =0
... n (x) 6l Ep (a-s) 8 -0'6 =0
lhl = (x;lrx5 "x + l '.
tbl t-l n (x) =
.. Thedomain of n=R - {3'- 3}
1 (x_;Xx - D
6{x-3 XFI I- tX-2) (x- t)
,, (x) =Giirr-= - x*r,x-r, - x .:
= I
.. n- (x) =-X6-r)
.'. The domainof n' =n-{0' r'z}
lal . x-Y=0 ;. x=y (1)
' z/=z
,2x2-Y2=4 @'.'n'(x)=z
Substituting from (1) in (2)
), ."2X=X- I .. x= -

:.2Y'-Y'=4 i'Y =+
.',y=) s1 Y=-2 7'it- El'Gharbia
Substituting in (1) :

,'. X=2 or X=-2

.'. The S.S. = {12 , z1 , t-z ' -D} Eb Eb @c @a lild lel"

tbl . n,(x)=rfi5
a (1)
The dornain of nr = R' - {o ' 3} laf .' x-Y =q
"' (z)
,n, (x) =fr 1,,, tZX+Y =5
A<lding (1) and (2)
, . nr(x) .lY-o :,X=3
. . The dornain of n, = R. - {o ' 3} .' Y =-
Substituting in (1) : 1

,n.(x)=;! 10, ... The S.S. = {(e - t)} ,

From (1) and (2) : .. n, = n,

Irt)'.'n{9=ffi+ X!.,
@ ,', The domain of n : R - {- 3}
l^l'.' x2-6x+4=0 .v!6
2(X+3) ^
Answers of Finol Exominotions

[a)',' X2+3X_ 3=0 I El-Dakahlia
.'.a=1 r b=3 I c=_3 E
-st{G),-+rrr-: _="^ti lalEa Eu Ea
"_ lbl'.'x2-zx-a=o
;. X=0.79 or X=-3j9
,'.a.--1 > b=-2 t c=-6
... The S.S. = { ,_z.ts}
lbl . nl (x) = *-4,* z{kzYt'xtxa :
Lt^fz) ^ 2x I ' -1-411

.'. The domain of nr R

= - {_ 2}
." x=3.65 or X= - 1.65

,nr(x)=J*4 .'. The S.S. ={:.0s,-r.os}

. n.1x7= x(x+zl
"' . (x+2\(x+2)
.'. The domain of n, R
lalEc Er Ea
= - {- 2}
[b]. rr(x) -rx 5){YlJ). 2{x 5r
,nr(D= ,fi Io, fX- 3){X+J) (X 3)rX_.r.1
.'. Thedomainof n=lR_{f ,_: rS}
From (1) and (2) : ... nr = n2

3r(x 3)-x-j
g "'""- =IJx(x
x-J ' -z1x st = 1
lal .'x-4=0 (1)
, x2 +y2 =25 (2) lal '.1(3)=0 .'.9a+3b+15=0
Subsrituring from (1) in (2) : ., Jl+b=-) (l)
.'. (4)2 +y2 =25 .'. t6+y2 =25 :. /(s)=a ..25a+5b+15=0
:.y2=9 .. y=3 or y=-3 .'.5a+b=-3 (2)
.. TheS.S.={(4,3),(4 ),} Subtracting (l) from (2) :

Ibl P (A U B) = p (A) + p (B) p (A fl

- B)

= 0.3 + 0.6 0.2 = 0.7 Substituting in (l) : ... b = 8

(x - 2t
E [b] . p, (x) - (X+3ttX.2)
..'n1yy=@-1)(x'z+x+t) x x+3
x(x-t) x2 +x+l .. Thedomain of nr =R- {2,- :}
.'. The domain of n = m. - {O , I } rn, (X)=ffi
Yr )

,J( (x-3ttx+2)
.'. r^1y1
z = (x+3,(X_l)
[bl '.' tt (Y1= x(x-2)
(x 2) (x- 1)
.'. The domain of n, = iiR-
(x- 2ttx- {3, - 3}
.. n-r 11.; =
t t
x(_Y_2) 'n.(X)=-
. -,
.'. The dornain of r, ' = tR - {0 , 2 , 1} .'. n, (x) = n, (x)

,nr1x1 ={J Forall vnlucsolXent .{Z..t r-:}

Algebro ond ProbobilitY
Y-t (x+2)(x-4)
E lbl .. il(X)=A ;fr3)+ (r),x+x
tx 4t\x-4)
il .ntxl= x'+1x+q ..Thedorrainofn=t -13' 3' 2I
(x-3)(X-+3 X*s;- 64)tX )
.n(X)=x+J x4 X3
t tXr.l-Xr:
.'. The domain of n =m- {: r+}

"tn= ,\+lJ={i= r

[b] Let the length of the hypotenuse = X
cm lal'.' x2 - 4x+2=o
r the length of the other side = Y cm' a=l ; b=-4 ; c=Z
..X+y+5=30 :.X+Y=25 (1)

,x2--y2+25 Q)
From (1) : .'. x=25 -Y
Substituring in (2) : .'. (25 - y12 = y2 + 25
z5 = tbl '.'
.'. 625 - 50 Y + Y2 - Y' - O

;. 600-50Y=0 .'. 50Y=699

R {- 2}
.'. 'l'he domain of n, =

tiawle = lx 12 x 5 = 30 cml ,rr(b= rfu ],,,
.'. The area of the

tr .'. The domain of n, = LE - {- 2}
=P (A) -P (An B) =0'6 -0'4 =0
tal EP (A-B)
@ The probability of the occunence of ,rr(b=f1 ]o,
one of the two events at least From (1) and (2) : .. n, = n,
= P (A u B) =P(A) +P(B)-P(AnB)
=0.6+0.7-04=09 E vq8
,.,., * k+5-X2 '. n'x) = * z rx,-.rr
L"' -x x-3 xtx 3) -6 lal A;-;;_1
.'' x'rlrll=o =R- {- 3 ,5}
.', The domain of n
x (x- 3)
I X+3 l
.n(x)=?+3r 4-=?
.Lr(=o .'.k=-5
tbl '. x-3=0 ..X=3 (1)

I lsmailia .X'+Y-=25 (2)

Substituting fiom (l ) in (2)

E :

25 :,
@a @c Elb @b Ba @c .'. (3)z + yz = 9+ Y2 =25
j.y2=16 ..Y=4 or Y=-4
a (i) ... The s.S. = {(: , +) , (: , - +)}
lal : X+Y =4
t2 X-Y =2
E M. 2\G+2\ Hz +2H+4
Adding (1) and (2) :
lal .' n (H) =
2) (H, + 2 Hl+r
^ (H=z1H-5
:.3 x=6
... Thedomainof n =tr1 {2,-2,3}
Substituting in (1) : .'.
,r1D= n!
... 11r" g.5. = {12 ,

Answers of Finol Exominotions

tbl EP(A U B) = p (A) + p (B) -p (A n B) a

= 0.3 + 0.6 -0.2 = 0.7
.'.a=1 r b=-6 : c=4
EprAl = 1 -P(A) = 1 -0.3 =0.7
otf.olr-+rr"+ o=zd?
''r=._ ....._ z>-t = 2 =3!"1 5
1 Suez -
.'. X=5.24 or X=0.76
E ... The S.S. = {S,Z+ ,O.lA}
@c Ea Eu @a Ea @o lbl . ntxt ={lr .'.n'txt=fi1
a .'. The domainof n =m- {2,_7}

lal'.'x+y=q (1)
r3I-y=$ (2)
[aj..rr(xt-rx rx-l)(x2+x+l) 2tx.
lr(x .l) x'l.x.l
Adding (1) and (2) :

:.4X=12 :. X=3 .. Thedomainofn=R_{l}

Substituting in (1) : ... y = 1 tn(X)=)
... rhe s.s. = {(3 , 1)}
Ibl !lP (A U B) = p (A) + p (B) _ p (A a B)
x+2 + x 3
lbl . n(x)- (x .2)(x+
2) tx .2t\X_ 3) = 0.8 + 0.7 _ 0.6 = 0.9
.'. The domainof n =m_ {2,-2, :} l:JptAl = I p(A) = 1_0,8 =0.2
*f ,_
I I Port Said
lal 1'x-y=0 ." x=y
tjb Ea El l4r @a @c
,2 x2 -y2 =g (2)
tzlt lEa Eb @c @c @c
Substituting from (1) in (2) :
lEo FAa @" @b @a @o
:.2y2 -y2
=g :.y'=g @u @o @c
.' y=3 or y=-3 @t .. x2 - x-3 =o
Substitutingin(1) : X=3 or X=_3
,'.a=1 t b=-1 I c=-3
... The S.S. = {1: ,:; ,1-: , 3;} xl
tbl .' n, (xt = x
' -l
2(X+4) .', X=2.3 ot X=- 1.3

. The domain of nr = .'. The S.S. = {z3 ,_ t.Z}

. IR - {- 4}
, n, (x) = -*n lESl
.. nrxr=x+XI * X+| I
aL ],,,
., The dornain of n =trt_ {_ 1}
, ,.. n. (x) =
L -1t1)
.n1;61 =&1=1
)(+ I

.'. The dornain of r, =R - { 4} a4l ..n(x)- (Xxfx-.{r r xr J

3) (X+ J) x
,nr(X)=ffi ]o, .'. The tlomain oln =lir .
{0, J,_ 3}
From (1) and (2) : ,.. n, = n, rn(X)=l

Algebro ond Probobilily
Damietta ;.\(n=++;i
:. n(4)=J
o . a 9
" 4-4 t^-<'
4 J
@c Eb @c @a Eo Ed
.arl=s ..L-2 .',a=E
"4'" 4
lrl .' X2 +3 X-3 =O E
.'.a=1 I b=3 r c=-3 talEP (A) = 1 -P (A) = 1 -0.4= 0.6
l{[i [l
,.t=---:-r/f:lt-+'r.t-:l (e U s) = P (A) + P (B) -P (A B)
- Ep
Zxl z
= 0.4 + 0.5 - 0'2 = 0'7
.'.X=0.8 or X= -3.8
... The s.s. = {0.8 - , 3.8} P1 ', nr t"l=r-L
{x-l)(X2rX+l) x+5
lbl... n(x)=' (x_l,)rx+, ";ar*, .'. The domain of nr = R - {2} I

.. The domain of n =R- {1,- 5}

x2 +2x+4
, '.' n2(x) =
(x-z)(x1 +2x+4:)
. . The domain of n, = IRr - {z}
E ,nr(X)= r!1 1,,
lal'.'2x+Y=l :.Y=l-Zx (1)
(2) From (1) and (2) : .'. tr, = tr,
,X+zY =5
Substituting from (1) in (2) :
Kafr Ef'Sheirn .

.'.X+2(t-Zx)--5 .'. x+2-4x=5

.'.- 3X=3 .'. x=- I
(l) : .. Ed Ed tgb Ea @c @a
Substituting in Y = 3

... 11r" 5.5. = {1- a
1 lx+2)(x '4)
lbl . n(x)=G43)(x+) *a;-rl,*,tt lal'. n(x)=*-;a
.. Thedomainofn=R-{1}
.'. The domain of n =R- {'2,-3 I 3}
I X-4= X-3 / x xtx- t)
.n11c1 = r-+5+-*n 3 1+:
g lb7.2x2 4x+1=O
(1) ,'. a=2 > b=-4 : c= 1
lal .'x=y
+t{t-+I:-+xzxr 2rE
,xz +Yz =32 (z)
-4 2
Substituting from (i) in (2) :
z 2 -^
:.y'+y-=JZ :,2Y ^--2 =J2

,'.y2=rc .',Y=! s1 Y=-4

Substituting in (1) '. .'. x=4 or X=-4 E
... rhes.s.={(4 t4) t(-4 t-g} Ia] Y =2 x-3 x---Zy +4

lbl '. The domain ot n =

IR {0 , 1}
.'.X b=0 ffi-r;rf ffi;-tr]
Answers of Finol Exominoiions
lbi . n,l (x) - (x 2)\x+2t
.'. I'he domain of nr = R - {2 ' - 3}
! n f f) = " ' '
I -X+ l ],,,
r . I- til
- (x- 3) (x+ 3t
.. The domain of nr=R- {3,- j1
rtt2(X)= "'- vLa 1 ,,,
x+3 l
From (l) and (2): ,.. n,+t.

x+2 because the domain ofn, + the domain of n,

lbj. n(x)= --j(I{l?)
(x - 3|x' + 3 x + qr = ;2 +l;+
- 9
.. The domain of n{:,-2}
=m.- EI-Beheira
>n1x)---I1{1 lr /x t3x+9
_x "lt1;1'*jj(*n) Ec Ea Eb Ea Eu Ec
,\e)=;i=-z a
(- lal'.'2X+y=5 (1)
rn 2) is turdefined because
- 2fi the domain of n
;2X-y=f (2)
a Adding (1) and (2) :

[a] .' The domain of n = IR - {0 - 4}

, .'. 4 x=8 .'. X=2
WhenX=-4 ,.. X+a=0 .,. _4+a=O
.'. Substituting in (l) : ... y = 1
:, a=4 :, D(X)=*-;+4 ... The s.s. = {(2 , 1)}
r'.'n(5)=2 ..b- 9 x(x+2t + X-3
5 5+4 ='t lbl ...ntxl=(x+2\(x _2\ (x 3)\x_2)
.b - r =,
..T .,.*=t
.,. b= t5
.'. The domain of n=m-{-2, Z, :}
tbt EP(A U B) = p (A) ;p 1a) -p (A n B) ,n(x)=
= 0.3 + 0.6 - 0.2 = 0.7
[4p (.A.-s) = p (a) -p (A n B) = 0.3
-0.2 = 0.1 E
Ial': x2 -2X-4=C)
E ltb=-2;c=-4
[a] In A ABC I
': (AC)2=Y2ay2
,/l ... ^. :r{r-:r'-+rl*t-+r 2tzlG
r-- l- tt15
,= .F= -
: '. the sum of rhe squares ,/ l, ! --l
I .'. X=3.24 or X=-1.24
of lhe traveled distances ,/ I '

is 25 kml .'. The S.S. = {z.z+ ,-t.z+}

A x- B
.'. x2 +y2 =25 gast ... n (x) _ j(jll
(x_ t,tx7+x+ t)
:. (AC)2 =25 ..
lbl (X- I -Xl|tx t)
t) tX- I
aC ={X =S tm.
.'. The domair of n =m.- {t}
.'. The shortest distme between A and C
.,, 1x;={1tr1l 2tx t)
= The length of AC = 5 km. x-l ^ xt*xrl -z
Algebro ond ProbobilitY
a [b] Let the Iength be X cm. and the width bc y cm
lll'.'nlT)=ffit :.X-y = 3
.){Yrvr=10 ..x+v=15 (2)
.'. The domain ol n, = IR - {- 4}
,,, Adcling (l) ancl(2) : .'. 2 X= 18 ." X=9
,nr(x)=L1;a4 ]
Substituting in (l) : .'. Y = (
" n2{Xl' (X+4\(X+4) .. The length = 9 cm. r the width = 6 cm.
.'. The area of the rectangle = 9 x 6 = 54 crt2
.'. The domain of n, = R - {- 4}
,nr(X)=fi 1., E
From (1) and (2) : .'. nr = n2 [a]'.' x=Y + 1

,x2+Y2=13 (2)
lbl'.' x-zY =0 .'. x=zY (l)
(2) Substituting flom (l ) in (2) :
qy2 =20
..\)+r, ,,t ay..2 -tJ
Substitutingfrorn (1) in (2): .', (7y)2 +y2 =zO
.'. 4y2 +y2 =2g :. 5Y2 =29
'v=? or v=-2 +7y - 12=O .. Y'+Y-6=0
.'. 7y2
.. (Y+3)(Y 2)=0 .'. Y=-3 or Y=2
Substitutingin(1) : .. X=4 or X=-4
SubstiluLirrg in I l) : .. x--2 or X= l
.., TheS.S. ={@,2),( 4, D}
... The S.S. = {G Z , -Z) , (Z , D}
rY.lriX-2) X-4
E xrx 3)
lbl.., n(xt= (x-J)(r_1, + x J
... n (x) =
Af ,ril .'. The domain of n = lRt - {3}
.. Y-2 X 4 2)'-b-2rX J)-)
(^)= (x-3)(x'z+l)
.'.n l.^^ xlx,3)
J= x_J = \-.r --
.'. The domain of n t =m- {o,l} a
,n t.--.
(x)= xt+1 [a]. n,(x)=
, x"(x;x
, r)
.. The domainof nl =R- {0, 1}
tblElP (A) = 1 -P(A) = 1 -0.8 =0.2 ,,,
(A U B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A n B) ,nr(D= r!1 ]
'Y(x'* T *
=0.8+0.5-0.4=09 , ... n^ (xt =x(x-l)(x"+xtl) I )

= 0.8 - 0.4 = 0.4 , . The domain of nz = rR - {0 , l}

,nr{x)=l t ],,
From (1) and (.7) : ,'. n, = n,
E [b] @ The probability of occuring one of the two
Ed Eb @a Ij-] d lEld @b events at least = P (A U B)
B xrx l) 2 ). l-413 l-l
lal "l(x)=xr'xrl^
f, rx-l)(x'+xll)
- \266
. . The domain of J = IP{ - {0 , 1} EP(A-B)=P(A)-P(AnB)
l- I
,[(x)=1 -L_t,4
-3 6 6 2

Answers of Fin0l Exominoiions

E il)l ...r(x)-('x-J){x l), xt t

X r.r (X+ t)(X. t)

.'. a=2 ) b=-4 ; c= |
.'. Tliedomainofn=lRt-{t,- t, :}
+=fi-+f-+rzrr arz{i z"{i ,n(x)=l
2 x2 4 2
.'. X= 1.7 or X= 0.3 E
.. TheS.S.={t.Z,o.:} [a] Let the two positive real numbers be X and y

[b] . The domain of I = LR - {2} '.X=1+y (1)

.'.WhenX=2 .'. bX+4=0 , x2 +y2 =25 (2)

.'.bx2+4=O :.2b= 4 :,b=-2 Substituting lrom (1) in (2): .'. (1 + y12 + y2 = 25

' .' the set of zeros of / = {3} .'. I +2y +y2 +y2 -25=o
.'.WhenX=3 .'.X2-aX+g=O 'f',2r)w tl-i ',2' ' v- 12=0
..9-3a+9=0 ..18-3a=0
.'. (y-3)(y+4)=0
,'.3a=18 .. a=6
..y=3 or y= 4(refused)

Beni Suef Substituting in (1): .'. x= 4

E .'. The two numbers are : 4 r 3

Eb Ea Ec [1]b [!jb @c lbl .' n,I (X) ==il:

E .'. The domail of n, = n - {- S}
lal'.' x-y =+ .'. X=4+y (1)
t3 X+2y ='/ (.2) ,nfXt L
| = 5+x ],,,
Substituting frcm (1) in (2) t .n
, (xl=_ (X+5)(X+5)

.'.3(4+y)+2y=l .'. 12+3y+2y=7

.'.5y +12=7 5v= s .. The domain of n, = l 1- {- 5}
i'Y=-1 ,nr(x)=ik 10,
Substituting in (1) : .'. X=3
From (1) and (2) : .. nr = n,
... The S.S. = {(: , _ t)}

ltrl . nrXr=-Y 3
(Y 3)(X-4)*l:fY J E
.. The domain of n =IR- {3,4} talEP(A-B) =P(A) P(An B)=0.8-0.6 =0.2
Y3 @r1aU B) = P(A) + P(B) -P (An B)
,1111 =-a
x4 + l=lg-i= x4 x4
= 0.8 + 0.7 - 0.6 = 0.9
lal . x2-4x+I=o ^'^-:'
lblIt].'ntxt= (x-2\(x'+2)
,',a=1 r b=-4 t c=1 (x 2\u'+2)
. - l,-,
. .a"r'r
lvJ -aj}.[!_,*^fl
2 --rvJ ^\^-2)
r the domain of n-l =R - {0 , 2}
.'.x=2+lF or x=2 fi
... rhe S.s. = {z *"[ z , z -^,[z] ,n',r,=x'*2x

Algebro ond probobility

. xt +2 [a] '.' x-y =4 ...y=y+4 (1)
-, ,', xz +2=3 x
,x2 +yz =19 (2)
.'. x2 3 x+2=o Substituting from (1) in (Z) : :. (y + 4)2 + yl = lQ
.. (x- r) (x-2)=0 ..y2+8y+t6+y2-10=o
,',X=l t X=2(refused)
.'.2y2+8y+6=0 .'.y2+4y+3=0
because 2(
the domain of n-
.'.(y+1)(y+3)=0 .'.y=-l or y=-3
Substitutingin(1) : .'. X=3 or X= I
... The S.S. = {1: , - i; : (1 I 3)}
Eb Iq]a Ea Eb Ec Ea lbl...n(x) ='' ,"t'4r;ix4*iiot
a .. Thedornainof n=R-{1 ,2}
lal '.' x+ y =z (1) ,n(X)=1
)-X+Y =2 (2)

Adding (1) and (2) tr

- (x+x(x
ral . n(x) l)
:.2Y=! :.Y=2 ' 1) (x-2)

Substituting in (1) : ,', X=0 ... n ,(x)_ (x+1)(x-2)

... The S.S. = {(o , zl}
.', The domain of n-1 =m-{o t- 1 rZ ; 1}
tbl ... n ($=
,10* ,*_f!u**l, tbl EP (A) = 1 -P (A) = 1 -0.8 = 0.2
.'. The domain of n = m- {+,-+} EIP (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) -P (An B)
x 1 J(+1
'n(^)=x+4+ u4-= y++ = 0.8 + 0.7 - 0.6 = 0.9

Ial '.' x2 -4x+ 1=o
.'.a=1 r b=-4 r c=1 E
Ea @c Ea Ec Ed Eb
,,^- -_41 1]l]!_qrz"fi 2"1 - 2

,', X=3.7 or J(=0.3 a

lal'. xr.2y=0 .'. x=-2y (1)
... The S.S. = {Z.l ,O.Z}
^.2 , ,xz +yz =26 (2)
... n,
1u1 rxr =
o;|ff* 2y Substituting from (1) in (2) :

.'. The domain of nr = R - {2 , - 2} :. (*2y)2 +y2 =20 .'. 4y2 +y2 =29
,'.' nr(X)=@;@;" :.5y2=2g :.Y7=4
. . The domain of n, = R - {- 2} :.y=2 or y=-z
.'. The common domain of the two functions n1 Substitutingin (l): .'. X=-4 or X=4
)nz=Et- {z )-z} .,. The S.S. = {(-4 ,2) ,(4 ,-2)}

Answers of Finol Exominotions

lhl ...n(x) xtx 2t

(x-2)(x+2) E
(x+2)(x l)
la1 ',' 2 x-y = s (1)
.. Thc domuin ol'n =IR- {t .Z, Z}
)X+Y =4 (2)
v\', 1
Adding (1) and (2) :

E .'.3x=9 .'.x=3
lal'.'x2-zx-q=o Substituting in (2): .'. y = 1

:,a=l)b=-2>c=-4 .'. The S.S. = {(: , tl}

. ". zrt[€f-q")"\a =-z
"o=- z"t I bI E '.' The domain of the function n

= r.r[ =m.-{:,-3}
,', X-3,2 or X=-1.2 ,'. AtX=3 .'. X2 -a=O
... The s.S. = {zl ,_ t.z} .'.9-a=0 .',a=9
)" (x- 1) (x 3)
tbl . n, (r() = -- 2.n(X)='' .
' x'(x t) x'-9
.'. The domain of n, = Pr -- {6 , 11 ... n{JO-(x-l)(x-3)
,n, (X)= fi ],,, r
... n- {x) =
(x_3](x. 3)
,L(x2+x+ l) (x-1)(x-3)
r'. 11,(I)=---:
' x()-'l.) .'. Thedomain of n-1 =m- {t,3, -3}
- XrXz'X+ lt
x(x t)(x'+x+t) ,n-1rxl={ll
.. Thedomain of n, =R {0 o 1}
tnr(X)= r!1 ]o,
From (1) and (2) : .. nj = n^
Ed Iqlb Ed @a ljJd Eb
a a
tal E '.' A r B are mutually exclusive events
..P(AnB)=o [a]'.'y=x-1 (1)

.'. P(AuB)=P(A)+P(B) ,x2+Y2=25 (2)

:.$=t+x SubstitutinS from (1) in (2) :

7 I 1-4 3 - l .'. x2 + (x- t)2 =25

- T- a -12-4 ,',x2+x2-2x+1-25=o
.'. 2x' -z x-24 =o x- 12=o
.'. x2 -
.,P(B)=P(AUB) .'.x=$
,', (xt3)(X-4)=0 i'x=-3 or x=4
p1 .',1xy=3f;;J)-#3 Substituting in (1) :

.'. The domain of n = m. - {- : , S} .'. y=-4 or Y=3

3(x-s) 4(x+3) t2
'n{Jc)= x+3 tstx-sr= i ... The S.S. = {1_: , +; ,1+ ,:;}
Algebro ond probobility

1t1 .'r,(x)=ffi 1/Y

[b] . n (x) =,-r"':^:.,r1'

.'. The domain of nt = IR - {0 , t} .. The domain of n =m- {2, 3}

(X)=rl ,,,
,r, ] ,n(x)=t=
,'.'nr(\=r# , rn (2) r n-l (2) are undefined because

.', The domain of nz = IR - {0 , t} 2@ the domain of n

, nr(x) = 7!1 ]o,

From (1) and (2) : .'. nr = n2
tal'.' x2 -3 x-2=o Eb @c t4b Eb @a
.'.a=1 I b=-3 t c=-2
:*1Fr'-+'rr(2 _trrfi
' 2 [a)'.' x-y =q .'.y=y+4 (1)
.. X=3.56 or X= 0.56 t3 X+2y ='l (2)

... The S.S. = {:.:O ,_ o,:O} Substituting from (l ) in (2) :

... rx.t)(x-2)^(x-t)rx-5)
lbl IrXr . (x .'.3 (y + 4) +2y =l .'.3 y + 12+2y =l
r)(x- l) r(x-5)
.. Thedomainof n=lR {l : 1 ,5}
Substituting io (l) : .. x =3
... Thes.S.={1:,_ l1}
a lbl . n(x)-x r)X l< x(x ll
tal E P (B) = 1 - P (B=) =, -+=+ rX lt 1Xi+ X - 1.1

EP (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A ll B) .. The domain of n =R- {0, l}

_ I I
-j-z I _ 19
5-ld ,n(X)=1
@era B)=P(Ar P(AlB)=+-I =+
tbt . n(x)= 6+&s-;i E
.'. Thedomainof n=n {t ,S} lal'.' x2 -zx-1=0
.'. a=1 t b=-2 t c=-1
.n(X) =x i ,a=H= f ,r)= r

' ,t:
= l -t'
+l )
E 2xl 2

[a] '.' x= y 3 (1) 2.4 or X= -0.4

,X+Y =3 (2) .. The s.s.={2.4, 0.4}
Substituting from (1) in (2) : .'. y - 3+y=3
lbl . D(x)- (xxrx l) x
l)(x+l) * (x-l)(xr3r

:,2Y =6 :,Y =3
Substituting in (1) : .'. x ..Thctlorrrrirr oln=l-R. {f .:.-:}
15" 5.5. = {10 r:y} X I x+l
' n f, ) - r r .] | x + l - -l + t
... t

Answers of I-inol Exominotions

a .'.3X+16-8x=ll
[a] Let the length be X cm. and the width be y cm .'. 5X=-5 .',X=1
... a=y+3 (1) Substituting in (2) : :. y = 2
) XY =28 (2) ... The S.S. = {t r , Z) }
Substituting from (1) in (2) : (X- 2)(X* 2)
lhl . ,,l txt' = (x 2)(x+3)
.'. (y+3)y=28 .. y2+3y-28=0
.'. (y-4)(y+7)=0 .'. 'fhe clonrain of rr = lR - {2 , - :}
.'. y=4 or y=-7(refused) ,n I txt= x+2
Substituting in (1): .'. x=7 (X + 2\ tX- 3\
.'. Its perimeter = 2 (7 + 4) = 22 cta. ' . n-1 (.\..) =
L^ -1,, [I+ J]
.. Thedomainof n2=f(-{3
lbl . n,I (x) ===+- '-3}
Ll^- z)
,n,iX,1=41 ]
. . The domail of nt = lR - {0 , Z}
.'. n, (X) = n, (l{)
)n)(.X)= xJ ],,,
Porall thcvalrrcsof Xe?-{: r.t '- -t}
, ... nz (x) =

. . The clornain of n, = [t { L 2} E
I lal'.'3x2-5x+1=o
rn2tL= XJ ]o, ,',a=3 t b=-5 r c=1
(l) (2) : .'. nl *
From ancl n2
because the domain of nr + the domain of n2 "^= 2tJ 6

;. X= 1.43 or X=0.23
tr .'. The S.S. = {t .+l , o.zz}
tal.'z(/)={5},',atx=s (x+3)lx 'l)
.'. x2- 1ox+ a=o .'. (5)2- 10 (5)+a=o lbl ... n (X)= x/ +2x+4
(x L(x2 +2x+4) -+ {x+3)(x-2)
.'. 25-50+a=0 .', -25+a=0
.'. The domain of n =m.- {2,- :}

--"- =-L:a4.j
x-2 x 2= x 2
tbl f!P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) -P (A n B) -ZL=l
= 0.3 + 0.6 0.2 = 0.7 tr ...no0_ (x+4)(x+5)
EP(a-s)=P(A)-P(AnB) tal ' tx+4)(x-4)
= 0.3 0,2 = 0.1
. - rro _lx+4)lx 4l
EPtAI = 1 -P(A) = 1 -0.3 =0.7 ' (x+ 4) (x+ 5)
.'. Thedomain of n t =m.- {+, - 4 t - 5}
Luxor tn-1.-.. X-4
E [b] Let the length be X cm.
Ed Ig]c Ed PJc [9J a @c and the width by y cm.

a .'.;6=y+3 (1)

lal'. 3x+4y=11 , xY =28 (2)

;2X+y -4=0 :.y =4 2X (2) Substituting from (1) in (2) : .'. (y + 3) y = 28
Strbstituting lrem (2) in (1) : .'. 3 x + 4 (4 -2 x) = || .'. y2 +3 y -28 =O

(^: r)\. / cn&ty / (-r.r.3-*r, yalsll 113

Algebro ond probobility
.'. (y-4)(y+7)=0 .. X=2.28 or X=0,22
,', y=4 or y=-7(refused)
.. The S.S. = {Z.ZA ,O.ZZ}
Substituting in (1) : .'. X=7
(x)- /Y'';i']'1;.r'
,riYzr) r,i
Yt I'

.'. Its perimeter = 2 (7 + 4) = 22 cm.

lbl ... n
", ,,1)'r, o
.'. Theclomainof n=m-{Z '-:}
lal . n(x)=t'-+g={i!, X2+X+l 'n(X)=1
.'. The domain of n =m- {0, 1} E
v11 lal '. x-y=0 ;. x=y (1)

tbl IIP(A) = 1 -P(A) = 1 -0.8 =0.2 Substituting from (1) in (2)
tJ The probability of occunence of at least one
:.y2 =g y=3 or y=-3 .'.
of the two events = P (A U B)
Substitutingin(l) : .. x=3 or X=-3
... The S.S. = {1: ,:y ,1 : , _:;}
- 0.6 = 0.9
= 0.8 + 0.7
EP (A-B) = P (A) -P (AI-l B) = 0.8 -0.6 = 0.2 rbr...n(x)=c$;h.c#
.'. The rlomain of n =n- {l r- l, 5}
Aswan x 1 x+l
'n(r)=x t+x t-xJ
Ec Ed Ea Eb @c Eb E
tal .
a nr t^)=2lx+4)
[a]'.' x+y =7 (1)
.'. The domain of nr = R {- 4}
;2X-Y=J (2)
Adding (1) and (2) : .'.3 X= 12
t n III =
X+4 ],,,
,. n lIl=--
Substituting in (1) : .. y = 3
.'. The domain of n, = R - {- 4}
.. The s.s. = {(4 ,3)}
,rr(b= ,fu ]o,
Ihl '. - /Y x(x
n {J(t
' )rrY
tr From (1) and (2) : .'. n, = n,
. |.^.. (x 2)(x t) E ... p(A U B) = p(A) + p(B)
x(x-2) tbl -p(A fl B)

.'. Thedomainof n' =m-{0, t rz} ... P(An B) = P(A) + P(B) -P (Au B)
rn r.--.
tx)=xx I = 0.5 + 0,3 0.7 = 0.1

Ep (A-B) =
p (A)
- p(A l'l B) = 0.s -0.r = 0.4
la) .'2x2-5x+I=o New Valley
.',a=2 t b=-5 I c=1
stt/r-sI-axzxr s*tfu
" ^= 2 <2
@a Eu @c Eld Eb Ec
Answers of Finol Exominolions

a E u3 r -v2 t
lal'.'x2-4x+1=o [a] '. n (x)

.'.a=1 r b=-4 r c=1 (x- (x'+x+ 1) + (x-

1) 1) (x+ l)
.'.x=z*fJ o' x=2-1[ _(x-l)(x2 +2x+2)
tbt ..n(xr=iI ]l'I il . x2+2x+4-
6 )\(x J) 1r :1 1Xr+:X+4) ,'. The domain of n = R- {1}
)n(X)=Xz +2X+2
.'. Thedomain of n =m- {2, 3}
tbl r=2x 3 > X=-2y+4
,nrxr =
X )* *t_r= ,-LJ=t
lal '. y-x= I :.Y=x+1 (1)

,JCY=O (2)

Substituting ftom (1) in (2) :

:.X(X+l)=6 :.X2+X-6=O
;. (x-2) (x + 3) = 0

.'.X=2 or X=-3
Substitutingin(1) : .', y=3 or y =-2
.'. The S.S. = {(2 t3) ;(3 t-\} From the graph : .'. The S.S. = {(2 , 1)}
ol...nt{.= offrr*r:2-+ffi South Sinai
.'. The domain of n =m- {0, l,- 3} E
,"<n=ufffr"#=+ Ec Ea Eb @d Ea Eb
a la)'.' x+y =2 (l)
tal EP @') = 1 -P(B) = 1 -0.5 = 0.5 , X-Y =2 (2)

(A U B) = P(A) + P (B) (A 1 B) Adding (1) and (2) : .'. 2 X= 4

f4P -P
Substituting in (1) : .', y = 0
= 0.7 + 0.5 - 0.3 = 0.9
... 11r" 9.5. = {12 , O;}
Ep(e-s) =p (e)-P(An B) =0.7 -0.3 =0.4

tblE . n t 1ry=fu1 .'."@=+3 tbr'. n (x) =''u']l1.;lrj " "

.'. Thedomainof n=R-{1} ,n(n=2
;. X-a=X+2 :. a=-z
E n txt = 414
x-3 , the domain of n = IR - {3} E
... n@)=Z;=6 .'.a=1 r b=-5 : c=1

Algebro ond probobility

. ^- srfi-sP-+trrt= sr^[i North Sinai

"^= 2^l 2

.'.X=4.8 or X=0.2 E
.. The S.S. = {+.S , O.z}
Ic Ea Ea t4d [g]c Eb
tbl...n(x) =*-;a a
.'. The domain of r
- {2 , - 2}
= IR
,',a=1 t b=-3 r c=1
(x-2)(x+2) . ^. rtr/c.ll-+rr"r
..r=---- :rF
x2 +2x-x2 +2x 4X
zlF= 2

(x 2)(x+2) (x-2)(x+2) ,', x-2.62 or X=0.38

... The s.s. = {2.62 ,0.38}
E .,.
tbr n (x) *,jr,
lal .'x-y=0 .'. x=y (l) = .;!- *lU r,
,x2+xy+y2=27 (2) .. Therlomainof n=R-{- 1 ,3}
Substituring fronr (l) in t2t : .. y2 +y2 +y2 =21 ,n1xt=f=+fu=f]
:.3y2 =27 :.y2 =g
y=3 or y=-3 E
"' '.'nr(D=
3 or X = - 3
Substituting in (1) : ,'. X= 1a1
." rhe S.s. = {t: ,:l , (- 3 ,- 3 ,3)} .'. The domain of n, = m - {:}
xrx+2) .= 2x-
lhl nrXr- (x+l)(x
,"rlk=fi ]
l) xrl xq-3\
, ... n2 (^) =
.. Theclornainof n=fR-{0 t-3;3} (xl, (x5
x{x+2) X+) .'. The domain of n, = R - {S}
'nrtrt= (x+3)(x-3) ^4)}- 2Y 2(x l)
,nz(x)= x_3-L ]o,
E From (1) and (2) : .'. nr = n2
lal . n,(D=Tffit
[b] .'x y= l .'. 16=y+ l (1)
. . The domain of n, = R - {- +} tXY=12 (2)
rnI tx)=--{-
x+4 ] Substiruting from (i) in (2) :

,'.'t-txt= (X+4)(X+4) ,i(y+1)y=12 .'.y2+y-12=0
.'. (y-3)(y+4)=0
.'. The domain of n, = Rf - {- 4} .'. Y=3 or Y=-4
,n-2'(X\ =-L 10, Substitutingin(1):,', X=4 or X=-3
... Thes.s.={(4 r3),(-3 ,-4)}
From and (2) : .'. nl = n2

tblEP(AnB)=?=+ B
trt ...nrxr= x(x-3) x(x-l)tx+2\
@r1a-n; = f x(x-l) (x 3)(x+3)
E The prnbability of non-occunence of .'. The domainof n =lR- {0, 1, 3 r-3}
the eventA=p(Ar=
+= + rn(x)=ffi Y La

Answers of Finol fxominotions

[b)'.'2x+y =s (1)
E X(X+ t) X_5
tX-Y ='7 (2) lal .'n (x)= (x+ r)(x_ D + (x_sxi- D
Adding (1) and (2) :
.', Thedomain of n=m- {- t, t r5}
.'. 3 X= 12 .'. x= 4
,n1xl=f r+11=f]
Substituting in (2) : .'. y = - 3
lbl'.' x2 -3 x*2=0
.. Tlre S.S, = {1+ , l;}
.'.a=l : b=-3 > c=-2
E .'^=
.l={t-:r'-+rrtr-:t t*^[i
Ia'f . n(r)- x(x 2\
(x (x- 1\ :+r/rz or x=--i
/Y a\/Y 1\
.'.x=--i- J-il17

x(x 2)
.. rheS.S.=ti.F,aF)
.'. Thedomainofn I =m- {0, t,2}
rn rx) I
'x =]:1
[a] .' x-y =z .'. Y=y +2 (1)

tbl EP(A) = 1 -P(A) = 1 -0.4 = 0.6 tX2 +y2 =1g (2)

Ep(aUs)=p(A)+p(B) p(An B) (i) in (2)

Substituting from :

=0.4+0.5 -0.2=0.7 :,(y+2)2+y2=10

Ep (e-s) p(e) -p (An B) =0.4 .'.y2+4y+4+y2-10=0
= -0.2 = o.Z
Red Sea .'.(y+3)(y-1)=0 .'.y=-3 or y=1
E Substituting in (1) i ,', x= - 1 or X = 3

Ec lsla lBlc Bb
... The S.S. = {(_ L, e) , (: , t)}
Iq]d Is.]a
61'. nr(b=ffi
a .'. The domain of n, = R - {- +}
lal'.'2x-y =l rnI rX)=-L
x+4 1,,,
Multiplying the two sides of equarion by 2
,. n-(x)= x(x+4)
:.4X 2y=$ (1) t (x+4)(X+4)
,x+2y =4 (2) . . The domtrin of n, = in - {- +}
Adding (1) and (2) ,n-t 1;61 =! 1,,
.'.5X= 10 :. X=2 From (1) and (2) : .. n, = n,

Substituting in (2) : .'. y = 1

.'. rhe s.s. = {(2 , 1)} talE ,'n ''' ?'
... n (x) =,'-i!ffr;:f, " #* 2)\x +21
...,-,{x) -\x x(x 2)
,. Thedomainofn=R-{l} .'. The domain of n- ' =m - {O , Z}
,t(X)=2 t (xt= x2 +2
'n x
Algebro ond probobility

E . n '(xt =: ,. *'i' =l tbJ. n,(x)=*fi

.'. x2 +2=3 x .'. x'-3 x+z=o . . The domain of nr = lR - {- 2}
.. (x- 1) (x-2)=0 ._
''. r}-_D
.'. X= I or
. . The rlomain of n. = R - {- z}
x=2 (refused because 2( the domain of n- (2)
tbl EP (A U B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A [] B)
From (1) and (2) : .'. n, = n,
-r-t 1 l-17 J E- zq
[ 2J . A , B are mutually exclusive events E
.. P(Al^l B)=o lal.'/(x)=(x-3)(x-5)
(l) = {3 ,5}
.. PrAU B)=P(A)+erer= j. +=*
.'. z

rbr 1 n(x) =d#t\-@+&s

.'. The domain of n=R- {1 r5 r- 1}
E ,"@=;i-;i=f]=t
Ec Eb [!jb @a @c @c
a +a + 1 ga##D lal'.'x-y=1 ;,y=y+I (1)
... n (x) =x' -
,x2 +y2 =13 (2)

.'. The domain of n =R- {0 ,1} Substituting from (1) in (2) :

.n(x)=x'+x+1, x(x l) -l :.(y+1)2+y2=13

^ (X_ t)(X'+X+ t)
lbl'.'x2-4x+1=o .'. y2 +2y + I + y'?- 13 =0
..a=l : b=-4 I c=1 -12=O .'. y2 + y - 6 = 0
.'.2y2 +2y

ax2'[j ^ ^r: .'.(y+3)(y-2)=0 :.y=-3 ot Y=2

."x= +={t.a)'-+"rr.t
' =- 2 =2t\J
Substituting in (1) :

.'. X=3.73 or X=0.21

.'. X=-2 or X=3
... The S.S. = {Z.lZ ,O.Zl} ... Thes.s.= {1-2,-21 ,12,21}
g [b] .'A : B are two mutually exclusive events

lal'. zx-Y=5 ,, P(AnB)=0

Multiplying the two sides of equation by 5 [i].. praU B)= P{A)+ P(B)= -+=:
:. 10X-5Y=25 (1)
[4p(a-e) =P(N= +
:X+5Y=$ (2)

Adding (1) and (2) :

:. 11 x=33 .'. X=3

Substituting in (2): .'. y = |
... The S.S. = {(: , r)}
Answers of Accumulotive Tests

Prove by yourself
Answers of the accumulative tests tl
on geometry
Accumulative test n Accumulative test E
E Llb Ec Ec Ea E Eb lEa Er @a
Eu Eb Ed Ec Eb Ed Ed Ec

f,t Prove by yourself , 12ficm3

S@tz+ @zcm

@ EProve by yourself. @zo. tt Prove by yourself.

Accumulative te$ E
Accumulative test B
ll Eo @c Ec @c
ll U" Bd @c l4c Ea Eu Eu {Ec
Ec Eb Eu Ed
E Eoo'
lpl 24cm
@ Prove by yourself.

t! yourself. @ t:0"
E Er:2" @e2.

Accumulative test B Accumulative test E

ll Elb E]d @d @c o Eld Eu Eo Ec
Ec Eb Eb Iq]a
Ea Eb Ec {4b

@ Bm VBDC) = 30", m (Z ABD) = 30'

E 40"
@ Prove by yourself.

t! Prove by yourself.
It Prove by yourself.

Accumulative test @ Accumulative test E

ll E^ @c Eo Eb Il Elb Ea @d E]a
@a @c IZb @a Ed @c Eb @a

E 50'

tt Draw by yourself . one circle. E Etto"

@ Prove by yourself.
Accumulative test B Accumulative test m
ll E" Eu Ea [4]b tl Eu Ea @c Ea
lEa Eu Ea [!]d Eo @c Eu @b


tl Prove by yourself. Accumulative test B

Plove by yoursetf.
EE" @a Ed Ec
Ed @c @c Ed
Accumulative test m
@ Prove by yourself.
ll E. Eb Pa Ec
lEb lEa Ed @a
tt Prove by yourself

B Prove by yourself.

E Eos"

Answers of lmportont Questions

Answers of important questions lEttz"',.

on ge6metry
@ i+0"

@ Prove by yourself.

@@ @ The two circles are intersecting

Il(") Ef"l Ef"l Et.t Et"l
Erat E<rl Et"t O<"1 lpr.l Nll r+.t"m
llltu) lEtur [E<o l4tal [Et"t
lprul lflrul [E<o lErar @<ur @ Draw by yourself r we cm draw two circles.

E tul @1c1 @ r"r TAro @ 6y EE rro' @ Prove by yourself

@rrl ?lli"lr @(") @(") @r")
@r"t @Ol @rrl @rol @rul @ :@ Prove by yourself.

@(") Etal @<"1 @r.l @<at @E:o' @ Prove by yourself.

El("t @<^t
@E nn.**t"r"r*v q*-ti"*]
I Prove by yourself, Answers of multiple choice

Eluo=3".. t DB=2cm tl(.) E("r Eol E<al

El zo"- B rirst: 1ay Second: (a)

E("t E(.) E<ul Erat [E<rl
Eltor lE tur lE<"t @<tt @(")
f! fl: Prove by yourself. lEral lE<rr lE(") IErut @ral
El ral @@t @<ul ?A<^t Eral

@ d@) @tut @(") @(")

E Ea1F".. @Provebyyoursetf. ("1
El @ <,1 @("1 @tal @<ul
@ tz+ E!(") O(") @(.) @(") @tal

El a "..
4l <"1 @ tut @("1 @f.l @<"t
@rul @<al @(")
@ Prove by yourself.
Answers of

lE'0f".. Eut".
lEm=at[.n'. , AC=41[cm. E Eso' @ l5.z cm
@ @ Prove by yourself. E rro' E.<ft1 =30' ' m@y-)=60"

@ :@ Prove by yourself.
!t Prove by yourself,

E Ezo" E 280" @ rzo'

E zo' @Egs" @4s'

!l Prove by yourself. @ zo'

EEoo" E30" @x=to" , y=110'

El so" @ ss'

lE oo" @ Mention by yourself.

@ r:o' @ : @ Prove by yourself.

la40' @@ Prove by yourself.

EThe midpointof MC-

@ Prove by yourself
@ roo'

lE sc = 15 cm. : LD =7 .2 cm. @@Provebyyourself. E50'

tEEzo' ft ?<" f,lil : Glll Prove bv vourself.

lBao" El Ezo' El35"

lEEsz' l3) 1t2' @ Prove by yourself

@ oo" @z cm.

@to' @Escm.
E a ABC is dghr-angled at B
E m GDHB) =25" : m (zAOH) =75"

gT :
EE! Eil Prove bv vourself @x=Scm. , y=4cm.
@ [ Prove by yourself, f'l 4s"
E ro'

@ ,@ Prove by yourself. @r"

@ @ Prove by yourself. E30' @Ezo' @ Prove by yourself.

tzs' @ Prove by yourself.


@ Prove by yourself @s0'

O m(ZABE)=70" : m(zE)= 120' CiEtz" lZt 108.

G9l : Glil Prove bv vourself.

@Eoo" lqll30"

Answers of Finol Exominotions

of school book '.' AB = AC , tvtX f aS , frAY t aC

on geometry ... MX=MY r...MD=MH=r
By subtracting : .', XD = (Second req.)

tbl ...m(zA)= f tlntfidl--1fiy1

E :.30" = [rzo. -m 16Dy]
Ed @a Ed @a Eb {Ea +
.'. 60' = 120" - m (6D1 ,'. - 16Dy = 120" - 60.
a .'. m 16Dy = eo' (Filsr req.)
[a] supplementary r theoratical.
,'.'-(ft) =m(6u) .'. BC=DH
tbl '.' XY // Bd ,IE is a ffansversal
by adding m (6D) to both sides
,'. m (L DBX) = m (Z BXY) (altemate angleg (1)
: '.' m (L C) (inscribed) = m 12 4rr, ,,angency) (2)
.., m(6D)=m6D) ;. m1zCl=614111
From (1) and (2) i .'. m(L C) = m (L BXY) InAACH : .'. AC =AH r'.' BC =DH
.'. AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.) By sbutracting : .', AB = AD (Second req.)

tal '. aE r Ad me two tangents to the smaller circle
[a] '.' DA- and DB- are two tmgent-segments to the
.'.AB=AC :.2x-3=15 circle M atA md B
.'.2X=18 :. X=9 .'.DA=DB
, , IE , AB re two tangents to the greater circle :. m(L r) =m(Lz)
.'. AB
=AD ,'. m (z D)
[b] '.' m (z BDC) = m (z BAC) = 18o" -2m(L 1)
(two inscribed angles subtended by 6b) In AABC : '.' AB =AC
.'. m (z BDC) = 30" :.m(L3)=m(L4)
'.' m 16d1 = 2 6 12 BAC) = 60' .'. m (z BAC) = 180" -2m(L4) (2)
, ', I-B i. a diameter in the circle M r '.' AD is a tmgent-segment to the circle
.'. m(G)= tso" .'. m (Z 4) (inscribed) = 6 1l. 1) (tmsency) (3)
.'. m (6c-) = 180'- 6o'= 120' From (1) r (2) and (3) : .'. m (Z BAC) = m (Z D)
: '.' D is the midpoint of fid .'. AC is a tangent to the circle passing though
the vertices of the A ABD (Q.E.D.)
'r m (.6;.?= J291= 6s' (Ftst req.)
[b] In AAMB : '.' AM = BM = r
.'. m (zACD) =
{. <6Dl = } x 60" = ro. .'. m (z MBA) = m (z MAB) = 20o
.'. m (Z CAB) = m (Z ACD) but they are alterante '.' C is the midpoint of IB-
..' es // DC (Second req.) .'. trAC f an .', m (Z MCB) = 90'

o InABCM : .r
t'.' m(L BHD).,2
m (L BMC) = 180"

=+ m (Z BMD)
-(90" + 20") =70"

lal .' X is the midpoint of AB-

(inscribed and central angles subtended by 6D)
.'. IAX f AS .'. m (Z MxA) = 90'
: '.' Y is the midpoint of I-C
.'. m (1 BHD) =
+ x 70'o = 350 (First req.)

.'. l,Iv laC- (z MYA) InAAMB:'.'AM=BM=r

.'. = 90"
rm (Z MAB) = m (Z MBA) = 20'
From the quadrilateral AXMY :

.'. m (z AMB) = 180'- (20' + 20') = 140'

.'. m (Z DMH) = 360" - (90' + 90" + 70") = 110"
(First req.) .'. m (.(5E) = m (<AMB) = 140' (Second req.)


@E E
'.: BCDE is a eyalie quadrilateral
o .'. m (z CBE) + m (L D) = l80o
G-lt Ea Eu .', m (Z CBE) = 180o - 125" = 550
@c L!,1 d Eb , ',' IB ,IB *" two tangents to the circle
a .', AB =AC
,', In A ABC I m (Z ACB) = m (z 496;
lal ','AB =AC
,MD-rI-B ,lraErIe _ I 80": 70" _
.', 14P=ME r','MX=MY=r ,i m (Z CBE) = m (/. AeB) = 55'
... DX = EY (Q,E.D.)
and they are alternate angles

lbl In AABD : '.'AB =AD ,.,7frttffi

.'. m (z ABD) = m (z ADB) = 30o , ',' m (/ BEC) (inscribed)
:, m (L.A) = 180" - 2 x 30" = 120" = m (L ACB) (tnngeney) = 55"
t m (L A)+m (1" C) = 120" + 60" = 1800 .', m (z CBE) = m (/ BEC) = 5s'
.'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q,E.D.) ,', InACBE:CB=CE

E Model examination for the merge students

l8l State by yourself.

[b] . E is ihe midpoint oGF It

..,,nGEl=m(ffi) fil diameter @ perpendicular to this chord
.'. m (z FAE) = m (z BAE) lEequal E3 @infirrite
t '.' m (L CBE) (tangencY) = m (Z BAE) E l8o"

.'. m (z DAC) = m (z DBC)

and they are drawn on D_-C and on one side of it Ea Ea fsl a
.'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. Ec Eld [Ei
g E
tal'. AT rF are two tangent-segments to the circle Er @/ r-qlr
.'.AD=AF=5cm. @/ lEr Elr
, . Bi- , BE *" ttto tmgent-segments to the circle
.'. BD=BE=4cm.
EJ 90" [!] r3o' EJ40'
, .' G , G u." t*o tu8ent-segments to the circle

.'. CE=CF=3cm.
Es E30o Ez:t
.'. The perimeter of AABC = 5 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 3
= 24 cm, (The req)

tbl '.' AF / DE ,IE is a transversal

.'. m (Z AED) = m (Z EAF) (alternate angles)
t '.' m (L C) (inscribed) = m (Z BAF) (tangency)
.'. m (Z C) = m (Z AED)
.'. DEBC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q,E.D.)

Answers of Finol Exominotions

Answers of governorates' E
lal m (z AMB) = m (L CMD) = 40" (vo.A)
bxaminations of gebmetry
(First req.)

,. m(ZAMB)=+0" .'.m1fr) = 40"

,'. eOllSH
E .'. *(6F)=*(i's-)=+0" (Second req.)
[!c, Ed Eu @c Ed Ea tbl . AX- r fY are two tangent-segments,

a .. AY = AX = 6 cm. (First req.)

lalInAAHD:'. HA=HD , . AX ir a tangent-segment .'. lVf X f ,qX

.'. m (z HAD) = m (Z HDA) = 35' ,'. m (l AXM) = 90' (Second req.)

.'. m (Z H) = 180" - (35' + 35") = 110' (First req.) In A AXM : .'. m (Z XAM) = 180" - (90" + 65")

.'. m(LH)=m(t- ABC) = 110'

.'. ABDH is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Second req,) r '. AMbisects z XAY

m (Z ABD) = 180" 40' .'. m (Z XAY) = 2 x 25" = 50' (Third req.)

lbl - 140" = (Ftust req.)

, '.' Id is a tangent
,'. m (Z H) (inscribed) = m (Z ABD) (tangency)
.'. m (L H) = 40o (Second req.) E
E Elc Eb Ea Ed Ea l-ela

tal '. XY is a diameter. a

:. n(LXZY)=}}" (Firstreq.) [a] In A AMC : '. m (Z ACM) = 90'
' .' m (L YZL) --
| n (z vrvrr) .'. (AC)'z = (13)'z- (5)2 =
(inscribed and central angles subtendea Uyfi) .'.tc =l uq = 0 cm.
.'. m(LYZL) = j , eO'= :O' (Seconrl req.) , '. N C f Ag .. C is the midpoint of AB
tbI ... AB=2AC=Zx12=24cm.
r'. MD=MA=r=13cm.
.'. CD= 13-5 =8 cm. (Thereq.)

tbl . AC // MD I ffi is a transversal.

.'. m (Z AMD) = m (z CAB) = 40"
E (altemate angles)
lal .' m (z BAC) =m (1 DAC) = 50' , .' m (l ABD) = j m (z avrl)
..m(ZBAD)=2x50'=100' (inscribed and central mgles subtended by fD)
r '. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. .'. m (z ABD) = x zo' (The req.)
.'. m (Z BCD) = 180'- 100'= 80' (The req.)
t aO" =

lbl .' AC- is the comon chord. E

laj '.' m (1 BAD) = 1800 * B5o = g4o
r MN is the Iine of centres. .'. MN -L AC
.'. m (z BAD) = m (LDCE) = 94
r '.' MX = MO (two radii of circle M)
.'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
rHX=DO .'. MH=MD
,'..MEras ,MDrac tbl .' AB r I-C are two tangent-segments
.'. AB =AC (Q.E.D.) .'. AB =AC

. (ZABC) = m (Z ACB) - -
m 650

(First req.)
3 I Alexandria
, .' tfrtC f eC E
.. m(1ACM)=90o Ed Ed Eb @c Ea Bc
.'. m (z MCB) = 90" - 65" = 25' (Second req.) a '.'
AB is a tangent-segment to the circle M
, ,' Ir,tS f AB .'. m (Z ABM) = 90' [a]

From the quadrilateral ABMC :

.'. IrAl r AB .'. m (z MAB) = 90'

(/ 360'- (90'+ 90" + 50") = 130"

r '.' H is the midpoint of ed
.'. m CMB) =
... latt r co .'. m (Z MHB) = 90'
(Third req.)
From the quadrilateral ABHM :

.'. m (z AMH) = 360'- (90" + 90' + 50') = 130"

(The req.)
lal InAABC :'.' m (Z B) = m (Z C)

.'. AB =AC
tbt m (z A) = f t* t6i> - - t6ts'll
: .' X is the midpoint of AE = {z'ltoo'- ao1 = :s" (The req.)

.'. MX--LAB , .' tVtV f AC

... MX = MY (Q.E.D.)
[a] InAABM:
rbl ... m (z A) = ] t- r6Dt - - <6Ftl '. MA=MB =r
r. m (Z MAB) = m (Z MBA) = 50"
:.zB = + [-t6Dl-so"]
.. m (ZAMB) = 180'-2 x 50' = 80'
.'. so. = - (6D) -:0. , .' m (z ACB) = j m (z ervrn)
.'.-16D1 =so'+30'=86' (The req.) (inscribed and central angles subtended by AB )
[a] . ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. , .'-6d)=-(6d) .'. AC=BC
.. m (Z BAD) = 180'- 70' = 110"
.'. m (z BAC) = m (z Anc; =
1!Q:-1!: = 7s"
In A ABD : .'. m (Z ABD) = 180" - (110' + 30")
40" (The req.) .'. m (Z CAM) = 70'- 50' = 20" (The req.)
.'' AB cD ,MX-IAB rtrAYf Cn
tangents lbl =
tbl . Ae : AE me two .'. AC = AB
.'. MX=MY r','MH=ME=r

.'. XH=EY (Q.E.D.)
.'. m (Z ACB) = m (Z ABC) - - 70o

.'. m (Z CHB) (inscribed)

= m (Z ACB) (tangency) = 70" (Fistreq.) lal'.'AB//CD ... . @y =. tfDl
i. m (Z AEC) = m (Z DEB)
, .' Ad I lu- , Ed is a transversal
Adding m (Z CED) to both sides :
.'. m (z CBH) = m (L ACB) =70"
.'. m (Z AED) = m (z CEB) (Q.E.D)
(altemate angles)
In A BCH : .', m (L BCH) = 180" - (70o + 70o)
:. m (L ZYL) = m (L ZLY) = 40"
= 40'
:. n(LWY)= 180'- 2 x 40" = 100'
.'. * (68) =z- (z BCH) =2 x 40" = 80"
t '.' m (/ LZY) r m (Z LXY) = 100" + 80" = 180'
(Second req.) .'. XYZL is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

Answers of Finol Exominotions

ta] '.' AD r I-E are two tangent-segments to the chcle [a] In the greater circle :

.'.AD=AE=5cm. '.' Ir,fe f AS .'. E is the midpoint of AB

, ',' Bi- ,EE are two rangent-segments to the circle ... AE = BE (1)
.'. BD=BH=4cm. In the smaller circle
, '.' eE , G ." t o tangent-segments r '. ME- -L CD
to the circle .'. E is the midpoint of CD
.'. CH=CE=3cm. .'. cE = DE (2)
.'. The perimeterof AABC = 5 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 3
Subtracting (2) from (1) :

=24 cm. (The req.)

... AC = BD (Q.E.D.)
Ibl ',' AB , Ad *" ffio tung.nt , .'. AB = AC
tbl'.' m(zA) = | t* 6dl-* t6Dll
m (Z ABC) = m (Z Acn; = 1!9!10" = 65'
r '.' BCDH is a cyclic quadrilateral .'. oo"=mGd)-aa'
.'. m (z CBH) = 180'- 115'= 65' ,. - Gd) = oo' + M" = 104' (The req.)

.'. m (z ABC) = m (Z CBH) = 65"

... Edbi.""t, zABH (e.E.D.)
lal In A ABC : '.' AB = AC
;. m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB)
.'. ImQABC)= { m(zeco)
E ;. m (/ ABX) = m (z ACY)
Ed Ec Eb Ec Ed Ed and they are drawn on IY and on one side of it
quadrilateral. (Q.E,D.)
a .', BCXY is a cyclic

'. AE r Id
lal .' D is the midpoint of IE tbl are two tangent to the smaller circle

... rrlo r en .'. m (Z ADM) = 90' .'. AB =AC = 10 cm.

: '.' E is the midpoint of AC- , '.' IE ,ID *" t*o tangents to the greater circle

.'. trlE r AC .'. m (L AEM) = 90o .'. AB = AD = 10 cm.

From the quadrilateral MDAE: .'. X+7 = 10 .'. X=3 cm. (The req.)

.'. m (Z DME) = 3600 - (90o + 90o + 1200) = 60'

r '.' m (Z YMX) = m (z DME) = 60' (v.O.A)
[a] '.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
rMY=MX=r .'. m (Z BAD) =
.'. A MXY is an equilateral triangle. (Q.E.D.)
In AABD :,'. m (ZABD) = 180' -(110' + 30')
lbl In A ABM : = 40" (The req.)
'.'MA=MB =r lbl In AABC : '.' AC = BC
.'. m (z MAB) = m (z MBA) = 50" ,', m (Z BAC) = m (4 ABC) = 65"
.'. m(ZAMB)= ." m (Z CAD) = 1300 - 650 = 650
: '.' m (Z ACB) = j m (z Arvrn) .'. m (z ABC) = m (z CAD) = 65'
(inscribed and central angles subtended byiE') .'. 16 is a tangent to the circle passing through
.'. m (z ACB) =
f x 80' = a0' (The req.) the vertices of AABC (Q.E.D.)

(MXl = @M)2- (ap'z= 1roy2,1ay'z=:o
.'. MX=6cm.
E .'. XE= 10-6=4cm. (Second req.)

Eb @a l3d @a lEd Eb E
a tat
-.. m (L AEC) =
f t* @> - * 6Dll
[a] '.' X is the midpoint of IE ,.40"=+[roo"-,t6Dr]
... trax -L as , ... tray r co dtto'-
.'. 80" m 6D)
rAB =CD .'. MX=MY .', m (BD) = 100" - 80" = 20"
, '.' I-B i, a dimaeter .'. * (G) = tso"
By subtracting : .'. XE = YF (Q.E.D.)
,- 180'- (100' + 20') = 60" (The req.)
@Dy =
lbl .'I(LBDO=+m(zBMC)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by6B) lbl '. fEis a diameter .'. m 1i[; = 130'
.'. m (CAB) = 180" + 50" = 230'
.'.m(zBDC)= !x:.]lo'=60" j. m (z cDB)= j, (ail= t *uo' = tts"
; '.' --4
AB ll DC r BD is a transversal (The req.)
.'. m (Z ABD) = m (1 BDC) = 60"
(alternate angles) (l) tr
r '.' AB : AD are two langent-segments. tal .' AE r Ad are two tangents
.. AB = AD (Z)
.'. AB =AC
From (1) and (2) : .'. A ABD is an equilateral triangle
.'. n(Ll)=m(LZ)
.'. m(L A) = 180" -2 m (L 1)

[a] '.' I-B is a diameter. .'. m (Z ACB) = 90o :.m(L4)=m(L3)
: '.' m (L ACE) = m (L ADE)=90o .. m (z BCD) = 180'-2m(L3) (Z)
and they are drawn on AE and on one side of it r '. m (Z 3) (insoibed) = 6 12 l) (tangency) (3)
.'. ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral (First req.) From (l) r (2) and (3) :

.'. m (Z ACD) + m (Z AED) = 180'

.'. m (z ACD) = 180'
- 70' = 110' .'. CE is a tangent to the circle passing through
.'. m (Z DCE) = 110'- 90' = 20' (Second req.) the vertices of AABC (Q.E.D.)

lbl '. Y is the midpoint of AC [b] .' E is the midpoint of AC

... trav r ec .. ME- I AC- .'. m (Z MED) = 90"
.'. m (Z AYM) = 90' . . gEitatilngent-segmcnr .. frlgf BD-

, ...Mi-L a.e .'. m (Z MBD) = 90'

.. m (Z AXM) = 90"
,. m (1 MED) + m (Z MBD) = 90" + 90'= 180"
.. From the quadrilateral AXMY :

.. MEDB is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

m (Z XMY) = 360" - (90" + 90" + 72") = 108'
(First req.)
, . Mi r A.s . . X is rhe midpoint of AB
'. Bx=+AB=8cm. E
In A BXM '. '.' n (L BXM) = 90" [!c Ed Ed Bd Eb Ed
Answers of Final Exominotions

a tr
[a] '.' C is the midpoint of IE
...4c=|en=tzcm. (First req)

, lllC r eS .'. m (z ACM) = 90' t. : m (LBEC) =j t- 6dt *. <ffitl

.'. In A ACI\{ : (MC)2 = (MA)2 - (AC)2 :. oz' = | [," (6E) + sz"]
= (13)2 - (12)2 =25 .'. 184'=nGd)+s2'
... ]\4C =t/X =:... .'. * 6B) = $4" - 52' = 132" (Second req.)
.'.CD=13-5=8cm. (The req.)
[b]InAABC' "f---j
[b]InAABD:'. AB=AD ...AC BC
.'. m (z ABD) = m (z ADB) = 30'
= \\//,/ \\
:. m(LB) =m(Z BAC) (1) c*----r*B
.'. m (Z BAD) = 180'- (30'+ 30") = 120"
: '.' m (Z BAD) + m (Z C) = 120' + 60' = 180"
',' dS tt CD rId is a transversal to them

quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.) .'. rn (Z DCA) = m (Z BAC) (altemate angles) (2)

.', ABCD is a cyclic
From (1) md (2) : .'. m (Z B) = m (Z DCA)
E .'. ef is a tangent to the circle passing though
lal InAABC :'.' m (Z B) = m (L C) = 50" the vertices of A ABC (Q.E.D.)
.'. AB =AC ,...Mx--LAB ,MYTAC-
.'. MX=MY (Filst req.)
, .' Mx I an .'. X is the midpoint of IB
.'. AC=AB =2x3=6cm. (Secondreq.)
[b] . ABCD is a cyclic quadrilaterat
Eb Ec @a Ed Ec Ec
.'. m (L A) = 180"
'. AB is a diameter.
120' = 60' (First req.)
r .'. m (Z ADB) = 90" lal '. MX- r AB , MY .L CD-
.'. In A ADB : m (Z ABD) = 180' - (90" + 60") ,MX=MY .'.AB=CD
= 30" (Second req.)
, '.' Vfy f CO .'. Y is the midpoint of CD

a .'. AB=CD=?-xl =14cm. (The req.)

[a] ',' AE is a tangent to the circle lbl '.' X is the midpoint of AC-
,.. MB-LAB .'. rn (Z ABM) = 90o .'. MX- a AC- .'. m (Z AXNI) = 90o
.'. InAABM :m(1-AMB)= 180" (90'+40") , .' EY i. a tangent-segment
= 50' .'. MB- t BY .'. m (Z MBY) = 90"
.'. m(zBDC)=+m(zBMC)
I .'. m (z AXY) = P (z ABY) = 90'
(inscribed and central angles subtended by BC)
and they are drawn on AY and on one side ofit
.'. m (Z BDC)
| x
= so" =25" ('I'he req.)
.'. AXBY is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
[tr] '.' Ii is a common tangent for two circles

.'. m (1 BDA) (inscribed) = m (1 BAX) (tangency) g

r m (Z CEA) (inscribed) = m (1. CAX) (tangency) tal'.'AB//CD-
.'. m (Z BDA) = tn (L CEA) ... *160;=-6iy=3s.
and they tre corresponding angles .'. m (z BED) = j - 6Dl = ) x3o" = ls"
:. sD ti cE (Q.E.D.) (The req.)

(\ : | )to / GJe!\/ 1.u .r"ug .,r. .r, y4[ll 12g


[b] '. DY is a tangent to the circle .'.m(zA)+2m(ZA)=166"

.'. m (Z ACB) (inscribed) = m 14 36p, ,tangency) .'.3m(zA)=180'
: '.' m (Z BAC) + m (Z BAD) = 130' .. m(zA)=60" (The req)

.'. m (z BAC) + m (z ACB) = 130'

.'. m (z ABC) = 180'- 130' = 50' (The req.)
tal Ea Ec Eb
tblInAABC, 't-*7
a ...AC BC
= \\,,,/, \\
[a] . ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
.. m(ZB)=m(4BAC)(l) c*----+B
.'. m (Z ADC) = m (Z CBE) = 85'
'.' eS // CD- r Id is a transversal to them
.'. m (Z CDB) = 85'- 55' = 30' (The req.)
:. m (L DCA) = m (Z BAC) (altemate angles) (2)
tbl '.' m (L ADB) =
f * 1z erurn)
From (1) and (2) : .'. m (Z B) = m (Z DCA)
(insoibed and central angles subtended byf|')
.'. tB is a tangent to the circumcircle of A ABC
.'. m (zADB) =
t x rao' =7s"
, '.' AC il gD r ID is a transversal.
.'. m (Z CAD) + m (Z ADB) = 180" E
(two interior angles in the same side of the trmsversal) lal . n3- 1, a diameter .'. m 1i|'; = 1tO'
.'. n (z cAD) = 180" - 70" = 110" (The req.) , ..-(6D) =-fipy
tr , ... * (6D) =: - (6d)
lal . X is the midpoint of AB-

.'. MX- -L AB , '.' AS tt CD .'. *6d)=qo"-3=30"

... ntv r crt ... m(zAEC)= j t-r6Dt*rn@;1

. . Y is the midpoint of CD (Q.E.D.)

= i <ro.+ 30") = 60. (Thereq.)
tbl '. EX r Ed ile two tangents to the circle M
[b] Const. : Draw MX , MT MZ-
... EA= cE (1) '
Proof ; . ae . BC ,AC- A
, '.' EE = EE *" t*o tangents to the circle N
ue three tangents t. /,.A\
.'. EB = ED (2) thesmallercircle / %r\x \
Adding (1) and (2) : .. AB = CD (Q.E,D.) .'. fr.fXree,tr,tYreC \/\ i ,\/
8 I El-Dakahtta
r '. MX = MY = MZ = r (radii of the smaller circle)

tal Ec L4b @la .'. A ABC is an equilateral triangle (Q.E.D.)

lbl '. m (z BMD) =2m(L A) a

(central and inscribed angles subtendea UV 6D) [a] '. The two circles tre touching intemally.
rm (Z BMD) = m (Z BCD) .'. MN= 10-6=4cm.
.'. m(LBCD)=zm(LA) , .'ftfrrae
' .' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral rthe area of A BMru =
f " UU "le
;. m(L A)+m(L BCD) = 180' .'. 2a = xax AB ... AB = 12 cm. (The req.)
Answers of Finol Exominotions

tbl .' ABlCD a

.'..<i.-t=.r6Dr BA<-*-;]A Ial
... m (z AEp) =
{ tnr tiDl *rn t6Bll
..m(lABC)=m(ZBAD) \ x / .,.rr5.=+[r:0"+*@t]
.'. InAEAB:AE=EB '\-' .'.230"=130"+m6d)
.'. A EAB is an isosceles (Q.E.D.)
(68) = z:0" 1oo'
,. rn - 130" = (The req.)

E [b] '. ABXY is a cyclic quadrilateral

[a] '.' AB r AC are two tangent-segments to the circle .'. m (Z A) = m (z CxY) = 90'
.'. AB =AC (1)
.'. CB is a diameter of the given circle, (Q.E.D.)
, '.. IM bisects z A .'. m (z A) = 60' (2)
From (1) and (2) : E
.'. A ABC is an equilateral triangle tal'.' m (zADB) =
| nQ ettra)
.'. The perimeter of A ABC = 3 x I ='24 cm. (inscribed and central angles subtended byiE')
(First req.)
j.m(zADB)= xMo"=to"
'.' m (ZABC) = 60'
' ,'.' lc I gD rID is a transversal
.'. m (Z E) (inscribed) = m (Z ABC) (tangency).
.'. m (Z CAD) + m (Z ADB) = 180"
.'. m (Z E) = 60' (Seond req.)
(two interior angles in the same side of the transversal)
[b] In AABL:
'.'m(LL) .'. m (Z CAD) = 180' - 70' = 110" (The req.)

=180'-[m(z t)+m(LD] [b] In A ABD : '.' AB = AD

180"1 80"
t'.'m(Ll-lm@A) .'. m (Z ABD) = m (Z ADB) - - 50'
,m1tz1-- t ilts) D-
m (Z CBD) = 130'- 50' = 80'
... m(zL)i80"- lt ^<z O
t ^(zB, (1) m(LA)=n(L CBD) = 80o
B-C is a tangent-segment to the circle which
'.' m (z Y) = 180'- [m (z 3) + m(L 07 passes though the points A I B and D (Q.E,D.)
m(L!=lm(Lc) tm(L4)= lnQo)
.'. m (z \) = 1800 - ll n{t c) +
t n iZDf A) '.' X is the midpoint of IE
lal .', trAX f eS
Adding (1) and (2) :
: '.' Y is the midpoint of AC-
:. m(LL)+m(LY\ f eC-
.'. IrAY r '.' AB =AC
= 180'- [+ m (z A) + m (z B)] MX=MY
... r'.'MD=ME=r
m(LC)+ ... DX=Ey (Q.E.D.)
+ rso'- [] lneoll=zao"
- f [. tze) *- (LB) + m(Lc) +m(z D)] [b] '.' fY is a diameter.
t'.' m(L A) + m(LB) +m (Z C) +m (Z D) = 360' .'. - Gl = 180'- (70" + 600) = soo
.'. m(LL) +m(LY) 360'- ] x 360'= 180'
i, XYZL is a oyolic
quadrilateral, (Q,E'D')
;. m(LrYZ)= i ^@>=f {oo'*so) =ss'
rm(ZLXY)= f *Gl= { too"*zo)=os"
I lsmailia t '.' XYZL\s acyclic quadrilateral
:. m(LYZL)= 180'-65'= 115'
E ;m(LX\,Z)=180'-55"=125' (Thereq.)
Ec Ed @a Eb Ed @c
E ,- liDy =2 - 12 ADB) =2 x 7o' = l4o'
tul '. BCDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.
(Second req.)
m (Z EBC) + m (Z CDE) = 180"
X+Zx=180" .'.3x=180' ... x=60' E
'.' Be bisects z ABE [a] State by yourself.
m (Z ABC) = m (Z EBC) = 60' (1)
Ibl In AABD : '.' AB =AD
: '. AB : AC are two tangents to the circle .'. m (z ABD) = m (z ADB) = 30"
... AB = AC (2)
m(Z BAD)= x 30' = 120"
From (1) and (2)
.'. 180" -2
.'. m (Z BAD) = m (L DCE) = 120"
.'. A ABC is an equilateral triangle. (Q E D.)
.'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
[b] .' The two circles me touching intemally
.. MN= l0-6=4cm. E
, ... ffir xy ... m (z MXy) = 90. lal .' m (BD) = 2 m (LBCD) =2x 25" = 50'

,'. theareaotAYMN= 1) x MN x XY '.' D is the midpoint ofG

:. Z4= x 4 x XY .'. XY= 12 cm. .'. m (iD) =2 - (60) = 2 x 5o' = 1oo"
In A MXY: '. m (Z MXY) = 90"
.'. m (z AMB) = 6 tG-l = IOO' (The req.)

.'. (MY)2 = (Mx)'z + (xY)2 = (10)2 + ( I2)2 = 244 lbl '. AE , Ad -",*o rurg"nts to the circle

... My =4{244 = t5.6 cm. (The req.) .'. AB =AC

.'. In AABC:
m (1 ABC) = m tZ ACB) =
!rfez - 65'
r '. EBCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
E .'. m (Z EBC) + m (z EDC) = l80o
Eb Eb Ed Ec Ea LUJ
" .'. m (Z EBC) = 180' 115" = 65'

a .'. m (Z ABC) = p (Z EBC) = 65"

.'. Bd bisects z ABE (Q.E.D.)
lal'.' Ad is a tangent to the circle.

.'. nao r nD .'. m (z MDA) = 90"

: .' E is the midpoint of BC
.'. tr,IB r sc .'. m (z MEA) = 90' Ed Elb Ec @c Eb ldb
From the quadrilateral ADME : Q)a Ea Eb @b Ec @b
.'. m (z DME) = 360' (90' + 90" + 60") @c @c @c @d @c @a
= 120" (The req.) @d @a @d
tbl m (z AEC) =
{ t* 6Dt * * rldtl @ '. X is the midpoint of AB
= j troo" * so) = zs" (The req.)
.'. tr,IX -L,tS
,'. laYf eC:AB=AC
E ...AB=AC .'. MX = MY (Q.E.D.)
tal , MDTAB , Ir.tEraC {4ql '.' ABDC is a cyclic quadrilateral
... MD=ME r...MX=MY=f .'. m (Z ABD) + m (Z ACD) = 180"
... XD=YE (Q.E.D.)
.'. m (Z ABD) = I80" 115' = 65'
[b1 '.' Ed is a tangent to the ctcle. : '.' AB is a diameter .'. m (Z ADB) = 90"
.'. m (Z ABC) (tantenc, = m (Z ADB) (inscrib€d)
.'. In A ABD : m (Z DAB) = 180' - (90" + 65")
= 70" (Firstreq.)
=25" (The req.)

Answers of Finol Exomlnotions

El .' e,E ls a tangent to the circle , ',' ad ll sc ,Id is a transversal

.', m (Z BDC) (inscribed) = m (L ABC) (tangency) ,'. m (L CAD) = m (Z BCA) = 60"(altemate angles)

= 70" m (/ CAD) = m (/ ABC)

, '.' AE , Ad *. two tangents to the circle .'. 16 is a rangent to the circumcircle of A ABC

.'. AB (Q.E.D.)
In A ABC : .'. m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = 70' [b] . ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'. m (Z A) = 180" - (70" + 70") = 40" (The req.) .'. m (z BAD) = ,33" - 75' = 105'
r '. ABFE is a cyclic quadrilateral and Z BAD is
exterior of it.
.. m (Z F) = rn (2 BAD) = 105" (First req.)
E .'. m (Z F) + m (Z BCD) = 105'+ 75'= 180"
Ed Eb Ela Ec Eb Ea and they are interior angles in the sarle side of Fd
co I Ep
a ... (Second req.)

lal '.' m (z EBC) = + (z EMC)

(inscribed and central angles subtended by€B)
.'. m(Z EBC) = I2 x I20" = 60'
.'. m (z ABE) = 180'- 60" = 120"
.'. m (z BAE) = m rz nea) =
1!C;J2!l = :0"
(The req.)
We can draw two circles.
[b] .' YE is a tangent , A*-B is a diameter
.'. an r YE ;. m (z ABY) = 90" tbl .' AB r AC tre two tangents to the circle
, '. X is the rnidpoint of AC- .'. AB =AC
... trr>r r ac .'. m (z MxA) = 90' InAABC:
.'. m (Z ABY) = m (Z AXY) = 90" .'. m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = = 70"
and they are drawn on IT and on one side of it r '.' BCED is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'. AXBY is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.) .'. m (Z CBD) = 180'- 110'= 70"
.', m (Z ABC) = 6 (z CBD) = 70'
E .'. Ed bisects z ABD (Q.E.D.)
lal '.'MX-IAB 'tvfYrAC
Kafr El-Sheikh
.'. m (Z B) = m (Z C) =
180': s0'- 65" (The req.) E
tbl ... ED // cB Eb @c Ed Eh Elu Eb
1a1 '.' ffi is the tine of cenhes
Adding m (Z BAC) to both sides :
, AB is the common chord
.'. m(zDAC)=m(zEAB) (Q.ED.)
MNTAB .'. m (Z ACN) = 90"

a From the quadrilateral XCI{Y:

[a]InAABC: .'AB=BC=CA .'. m (Z XYN) = 360'- (90" + 135'+ 45") = 90"
:. m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = m (Z BAC) = 60' .'. IY is a tangent to the circle N at Y (Q.E.D.)


lbl Const,: Draw MB- tr

Proof: .'IEis atangent lalInAABC:.'BA=BC
... MB-.]-AE A .'. m (z BAC) =m (z BCA) = s0"
.'. m (Z ABM) = 90' .'. m (Z B) = 180' -2 x 50' = 80'
InAAMB: >'.' m(L B) + m (Z D) = 80'+ 100" = 180"
,'. m (Z BMA) = 180'- (90' + 40') = 50' .', ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
.1 m (z BDC) =
] m (z nrrac) =
x so" =zs'
[b] '. EDBC is a cyclic quadrilateral
(inscribed and central angles subtendeO byfc-) .'. m (Z CBD) = 180" - 130" = 50'
(The req.)
, .' AE ,Id *" ,wo tangents

E .'. AB =AC
lal . lE
D is the midpoint of .'. MD- -L AB InAABC:
,'. traBfaC,MD=ME .'.AB=AC .'. m (Z ABC) = m (z ACB) - 180"-2 80" - -'
;. m (Z ABC) = m (z CBD) = 50"
:. m (LB) (L 180':40"
=m C) = - 79" (The req.)
.'. Bd bisects z ABD (Q.E.D. 1)
lbl '.' m (z ADE) r '. m (Z ACB) = 6 (Z CBD) = 50'
= ] t- rel *. <IE'tl (1) "/*;,\"
j-7-fl and they tre altemate angles

'm(zAED) +/ \\ . Ed r Id (e.E.D. 2)

ta( " X

={[.rf],*.r6i,t EI-Beheira
'. X is the midpoint of fE'
r Y is the midpoint ofid E
... *riit=-<6i) (3) Ea Ed Eb @d IEd Eb
From (l) r (2) r (3) and (4) :
:. m (L ADE) = m (L AED) [a] '. E is the midpoint of E6.
InAADE:.'.AD=AE (Q.E.D.) .'. ME- r BC .'. m (z MEA) = 90'
, '.' Ei is a tangent . . MD- -L AB
E .'. m (Z MDA) = 90"
lalInAXYL:'. XY=YL
.'. From the quadrilateral ADME
:. m (L x) = m (L xt-v1 = 1!91=J!Q1 = 4s' :

.'. m(LX)=m(LZ)=40" m (z DME) = 360" - (90" + 90" + 560) = 1240

and they are drawn on YL and on one side of it. (The req.)

.'. The points X >Y >Latd.Zhaye only one circle tbl '. m (z ACB) = j m (z ava)
passing through them. (Q.E.D.)
(inscribed and central angles subtended Uyf|';
tbl .'.m(zACB)=!^no"=ao" (1)

,'..tBlan .'. mCi)=-t6Dt

.'. CA=CB (2)
From (1) and (2) :

r=4.lcm A CAB is an equilateral triangle. (Q.E.D.)

Answers of Finol Exominotions

lal'.' FX=EY,MF=ME=r .'. MX=MY
,'. Mires , Ir,tYrco E
... AB = CD (Q.E.D.) Et Eb Ea Ed [!d Eb
[b] '.' ABCD is cyclic quadrilateral
.'. m (Z ADC) = m (a CBE) = 85'
[a] '.' X is the midpoint of AB
t... rn(LADB)= +. rfDl= j x t00" =s0' .'. IrAX.l eS .'. m (Z MXA) = 90'
:. m (Z BDC) = 85" - 59" = 35' (The req.) r '.' Y is the midpoint of Id
.'. VtV r eC .'. m (Z MYA) = 90'
tr From the quadrilateral AXMY :

lal In AADE: '.' AE = DE .'. m (z EMD) = 360'- (90'+ 90' + 70') = 110'
... m (z A) = m (z D) .'. - 1601 = * 1iB) (First req.)

,'.'m(zC)= *rnrEDt r'.'AB =AC ,', MX=MY

,m(zB)={*tidl : '.' MD = ME = r .'. XD = YE (Second req.)

:.m(LC)=m(LB) lbl '.' IB is a diameter .'. - (60) = tao'

In A EBC : .'. EB = (Q.E.D.) '.'AB-// CD
' 180' : 100"
tbl . AB- is a dimeter .'. m (Z ACB) = 90' .r m @y = rn @p--; = - 40' (Fi$treq.)
:'.'DE.,]-AB .'.m(ZADE)=90" :'.'m(zAEC)= \^@>=zo"
.'. m (Z ACE) = m (Z ADE) = 90" .'.3 x-25'=20" .'. 3 x= 45"
and they are drawn on AE and on one side of it (Second req.)
.'. ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
tr [a] The measure of the mc = ] x 360" = 90'

tal '.' Xf r XE ae two tangents The Iength o111r" *. =ffi , 2 x ?] x Ia

;. XA=XB cm. (The req.)
= 22
.'. m (Z XABI = m (Z XBA)
- 70'- 55" lbl '.' AD is a tangent to the circle
.'. m (Z ACB) (inscribed) = m (BAD) (tangency)
r '.' ABCD is a cyclic quaddlateral
.'. m (Z ACB) + m (Z CAB) = 130'
.'. m (Z BAD) = 180'- 125" = 55"
.'. m (Z XAB) = m (Z BAD) = 55'
.'. m (Z B) = ,tg' * 139' = 50" (The req.)
.'. AEbisects z DAX (Q.E.D.)

lbl ... xY // BC a
o iE is a transversal [a] '. E is the midpoint of AC
.'. tnlB -L eC
". .. m (z MED) = 90"
(coresponding angles)
r '.' BD is a tangent-segment to the circle
r '.' m (Z ABC) (inscribed)
.'. tr,tg r BD
=m(Z CAD) (trngency)
.'. m (Z MBD) = 90'
.'. m (z AXY) = m (z YAD)
.'. m (Z MED) + m (Z MBD) = 90' + 90" = 180'
.'. AD is a tangent to the circle passing through
.'. EMBD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
thepointsA rXandY (Q.E.D.)


tbl . XA XB are two tangents to the circle m (1 BCD) = 120" - 50" = 70'
.'. XA=XB m (1 DCM) = 70" - 40' = 30' (The req.)

.'. In A ABX
m (,2 XAB) = m

(Z XBA) = 180"i 70"

= 55' ( t)
[a] .' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
r '.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilaterai .'. m (z ADC) = m (z CBE) = 100'
.'. m (Z BAD) = 180' - t25' = 55" 12)
, m(Laosl= {
.' m rfB)= } * Ito"=ss"
From (1) and (2) :

:. m (Z XAB) = m (Z BAD) = 55"

.'. m (z BDC) = 100" - 55' = 45" (The req.)

.'. AE bisects z DAX (e.E,D,) tbl '.' AB : AC are two tangent-segments

.'. AB =AC
tr ... InAABC:
lal m (z A) = * [* r€bl -. r6Dtl .'. m (z ABC) = m (z Acnl = ]!9L!9 = 65'
:. + [- 6c-l - ++.]
3a" = 2
r '.' EBCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'. m (Z EBC) = 180'- 115'= 65'
.'. m 6d) = 60' + 44" ='104'
.. m (1 ABC) = m (z EBC) = 65'
,'. - @)=2- (LriCD) =2x 48" = 96" .'. Ed bisects Z ABE (Q.E.D.)
.'.- (6d) = soo" - (to4' + s6' + M')
= 116' (The req.) a
1bl '. AF // DE ,IE is a transversal [a] Const: Draw AM
.'. m (Z AED) = m (Z EAF) (alternate angles) Proof:
r '. m (Z ACB) (inscribed) = m (Z BAI) (tmgency) X is the midpoint of C-B

.'. m (Z ACB) = ni (Z AED) ... MX-_LBC

.'. BCDE is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.) .'. m (z MXB) = 90"

.'. m (z MDB) = 90"
From the quadrilateral BDMX
E .'.m(zDMX)

Ec Ea Eu @a Ea lrjb
= 360'- (90' + 90" + 56") = 124" (First req.)

a '.' ,...MD-.LAB
[a] D is the midpoint of AB- .'. D is the midpoint of AB-
." MD- AB
' .'lr4ef AC 'MD=ME InAADM: '.' m (ZADM) =90o rAll =r= 5 cm.

.'. AB =AC ... r,p =1@E-GD)' =t[zr ra =,[ o = z

In AABC : .'. m (Z B) .'. DE=5-3=2cm.
=m(L C) =70" (Second req.)
.'. m(LA)= 180"-2x70'=40" (Thereq.) ... m (1- AEC)
tbl = ] t. r6-t - - 6D11
lblInABMC:'.'MB=MC=r :.30"=+[80"-mGD,
.'. m (Z MCB] = m (z Mncl =
!8!1-1991= 49" .'. oo'=ao"-m@D;
t'.' m(tBDQ =
tm (z BMC)= j x 100. =50" .'. -(f;D)=ro'-60'=20"
(insoribed md cenrral angles subtcndeA Oy6d; , '. fE is a dimeter ... rn 1ie=; = 196"
: '.' Z ABD is m exterior mgle of A BCD .'. - t6Dl = 180'- (80. + 20") = 80. (The req.)

Ansu/ers of Finol Exominotions

tal '.' XV / SC , Ed is a transversal lal .' X is the midpoint of AB ... MX-IAB
.'. m (Z AYX) = m (Z ACB) : '.' Y is the midpoint of AC .', Ir,tV f AC
(conesponding angles) r'.'AB =AC .'. MX=MY
r '.' m (Z ACB) (inscribed) :'.'MD=ME=r
= m (Z BAD) (tangency) ;. XD =YE (Q.E.D.)
.'. m (z AYX) = m (z XAD)
,', ;6 is a tangent to the circle passing through
tbl'.' m(ZABC)= t ^G }'vtq = tx 150' =75"

thepointsA rXmdY (Q.E.D.)

(inscribed and central angles subtendea ty6d)
: '.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
&l '.' YB is a tangent : fE is a diameter .'. m (Z CDA) = 180" - 75" = 1050 (The req.)
.'. AB- Ir YB .'. m (Z
... (z ABY) = 90.

:'.' X is the midpoint of E a

[a] '.' AB r AC are two tangent-segments
frAXraC .'. m (z MXA) = 90"
.'. AB =AC
.'. m (z ABY) = m (z AxY) = 90"
and they are drawn on I? and on one side of it
:. m (z ABC) = 6 (z ACB) = J-99:io' = 79'
.'. AXBY is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q.E.D. 1) 2
.:. m (Z D) (imribed) = m (Z ABC) (tanCency) = 70"
: '.' m (ZABY) = 90'
(The req.)
.'. The centre of the circle passing through the
vertices of the quadrilateral AXBY is the [b] '.' Ee is a diameter .'. m (Z BAC) = 90"
midpoint of AY (Q.E.D.2) ,'. ePf SC .'. m (z EDB) = 90'
'.' m (Z BAE) + m (Z EDB) = 90o + 90" = 180"
r7l. " ,
,'. ABDB is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q.E.D.)

tt E
Ed Ea @a Ec Ec Ec tal'.' m (G') = - tftl = * <ft1 = s60" - 3 = 120"
.'. m(zA) = * - 6tst = t x I2o = (The
a req)
[a] .' D is the midpoint of AB-
lbl '.' m (Z BMC) =2m(LBAC)=2 x 30'= 60'(1)
... trao r ag- ... m (z MDA) = 90" (central and inscribed angles subtendeO Uy6d)
r '.' H is the midpoirrt of AC r'.'MB=MC=r (2)
.'. MH--LAC .'. m(ZMHA)=90" From (1) and (2) :

.'. From the quadrilateral ADMH : .'. A MBC is an equiJaterai triangle. (Q.E.D.)
m (z DMH) = 360" - (90" + 90" + 60) = 1200
(The req.)

[b] '. XY // BD : BC is a transversal

.'. m (Z DBY) = m (Z BYX) (altemate angles) (1)
@a Eb @a @c @c Ed
: .' m (Z A) (inscribed)
= m (Z DBC) (tangency) (2) a '.'
From (i) and (2) : [a] D is the midpoint of XY
.'. m (Z A) = m (Z BYX) ... wtnrxv ." m (z MDX) = 90'
.'. AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.) : '.' E is the midpoint of XZ-

:. rrlB txz .'. m (L MEX) = 90' tr
r'. MD=ME :.XY=XZ (1) [a] '. BC is a tangenlsegment to the cfucle

From the quadrilateral XDME : .'. MB--LBC .'. m (z MBC) = 90'

.'. m (z X) = 360' - (90' + 90' + 120") = 60' (2) , ... ME -r AD- .'. m (z MEC) = 9o'
From (1) and (2) : : .' m(Z MBC) +m (Z MEC) = 90" +m' = 180'
.. A XYZ is an equilateral triangle. (Q.E,D.) . . EMBC is a cyclic quadrilateral (First req.)

tbl .' AB / CD .'.
(id) =.6D)
, . AB i. a diameter .'. m 6$1 = 139"
.'. (AC)z = (AB)2 + (BC)'z= (8)'z+ (6)'z= 100
... m rft r - -1!912 1!91= ao.
... AC =fioo = 10 cm. (Second req)
.'. m (z AECI = j,n rlir - ), +0" = zo'
(The req.) tbl .'m(6)=m(fi)
Adding m @D) to both sides :

E .'. -@)=m(6D)
lal . mrzBAD)= | m tz BMDr= j " tso'=l:" .'. m (z EBA) = 6 (Z DAB)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by 6D) In AABC :

r '. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral .'. AC = BC (Q,E.D.)

. .m (z BCD) = 180' - 75' = 105" (The req.)

tbl . XY // BC ,Id is a transversal
.. m (z AYX) =m (z ACB) (conesponding angles) II
r '.' m (Z ACB) (inscribed) = m (Z BAn) (hngency) Ea @c Ec Ea Eb Ec
.'. m (Z AYX) = m
(z XAD)
.'. is a tangent to the circle passing through
tal '.' XY ii eC ,IE is a transversal
the po:intsA rX andY (Q.E.D.)
. .m (l AXY) = m (/ ABC) (conesponding angles)
r '.' m (Z ABC) (inscribed) = m 12 g4p; (tangency)
tr .. m(1AXY)=m(ZYAD)
talEMN=8+6= 14cm.
EtlN= 8-6=2cm. . . 16 is a tangent to the circle passing through
thepointsA:XandY (Q.E,D.)
@MN = zero
tbl .'m(1 nco)={m(zM) .'. m (Z MAB) = 6 (Z MBA) = 50'
(inscribed and central angles subtended by 6D) .'. m(ZAMB) = 180" -2 x 50' = 80"
..m(zBCD)=fxr30"=6s" .'. m1G;=mizAMB)=80'
'. AB- // CD r Ed is a transversal
m (z ACB) =
+ - @'==1i". *o
.. m (Z ABC) = m (Z BCD) = 65"
(alternate angles)
'. AB and AC are two tangent-segments to '
m (fAE-) = 360" - 80' = 280' (Second req.)

the cfucle M
.'. AB =AC
tal .' Mfr is the line of centres
In A ABC : .'. m (Z ACB) = m (Z ABC) = 65'
r AB- is a common chord
.. m (Z A) 160" - 2 x 65" =
= (The req.) 50" .'. ffiis the axis of symetry of IE

Answers of Finol Exominotions

,...DCMN AD=BD [b] In AADC : '.' AD = DC

,..'Mf reo TMY-LBD m (Z DAC) = m (LDCA) =30"
.'. MX=MY (Q.E.D.) .'. m (ZADC) = 180" -2 x 30" = 120"
r '.' AABC is an equilateral triangle
tbl ...AB//CD m(AC)=m(BD)
.'. m (Z ABC) = 60'
: '. IE is a diameter - fiDy = tto' .'. m (Z ADC) + m (L /'BC) = 120' + 60' = 180"
1f,51 = 1801: l0'
.'. - 2 = 56.
-- .'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilaieral. (Q.E.D.)
.'. m(z DEB) =
i -dDt = $ " so =zs.
,m (zAWE) = j t- tct *In t6Dll Qena

= .| <roo" +50) =7s" (rhereq) E

Eu Ec Ec Eb Ea Ed
[a] , XYZD is a cyclic quadrilatoral a
.'. m (LZ) =m (a WXD) = 80" (First req.) [a] .' The arc is opposite to an inscribed angle of
, .' m (Z Y) + m (Z D) = 180" measure 45o
.'. The measure of the uc = 2 x 45' = 90"
tm(LY)= ! nQo) 901 , n . 22 - t
.'. , the lensrh of the =
lmQD)+m(zD)=180' ^r"
f m(zu)=180' = 11cm. (The req.)

.'. m(/-D) = l20o (Second req.) lbl '.' X is the midpoint of E

.'. ilAX r ae .'. m (z MXA) = 90'
tbl '. D is the midpointof IE r '.' Y is the midpoint of Id
.'. tllO ee f .'. m(zMDA)=90"
.'. tr,tV r aC ... m (Z MYA) = 90"
: '.' E is the midpoinr of AC-
From the quadrilateral AXMY :
.'. fr,tS f AC ... m (Z MEA) = 90"
.'. m (z DME) = 360'- (90'+ 90'+ 70') = 119'
From the quadrilateral ADME :
(Filst req.)
.'. m (Z )CUY) = 360'- (90' + 90" + 60') r'. AB =AC .'. MX=MY
= 120' @irst req.) : '.' MD = ME = r .'. XD = YE (Second req.)
r'.' =AC,AB trAO f an' IrAf f aC
.'. MD=ME E
>'.'MX=MY=r tal . nP ll eC
.'. XD = YE (Second req.)
... mGD)=mCE-)
E Adding m (Z BAC) to both sides :

[a] . AB ' AC ile two tangent-segments .. m (Z DAC) = m (z BAE) (Q.E.D.)

.'. AB
tU ... m (68) = z m (L ABC) = 2x 40" = 80.
InAABC : .'. m (lACB) =m (ZABC)
r '.' D is the midpoint of6d
r AMbrsects t BAC
.'. m16D;=m16c-;=+0.
.'. m(Z BAC) =2x20 =40"
r '.' AB- is a diameter .r m @|'; = 1to"
... m '2 acnl = l!{:10" = 76.
(z (Firsr req.)
.'. m (56D) = 180" -40" = 140'
. . m (Z BEC) (inscribed) = m (Z ACB) (tangency) ... m(z DAB) = j--$EDy= xMo" =70.
=70" (Second req.) (The req.)

tr .'. In A MAB which is right at A :

[a] '.' IE is a diameter ," m (Z ACB) = 90o (MB)2 = (MA)2 + (AB)2 = (5)2 + (12)2 = 169

r'. DEIAB .'. m (z ADE) = 90" =fi69 = 13 cm.

... NAs
.'. m (L ACE) = m (4 ADE) = 90o .'.BD=13-5=8cm. (The req.)

and they are drawn on IE and on one side of it

.', ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q'E.D )

[b] In A ABC :

'. (Z BAC) = 9s' ,Ag =

| nC
.'. m (Z B) = 30'
.'. m (z C) = 1800 - (90o + 30") = 60"

.'. m (l- C) = m (/ BAD) = 60'

.'. ID i, u turg"nt to the circlc passing through
. . We can draw two circles.
the vertices of A ABC (Q.E.D.)

[a] '.' The two circles are touching internally
lal '.' m (4 eCD) = (z u)
] m
(inscribed and central angles subtendcd by 6D)
m(zBCD) = x r30" =6s" ,...ffires
] ... The area of A BMN = x MN x AB
, '.' an tl cn , Ee is a transversal
.'. m (z ABC) = m (z BCD) = 65"
.'. AB = 12 cm. (The req.)
(alternate angles)
, '. ffi un6 4g- as two tangent-segments to tbl ..' AB // cD .'. m 16c-1 = - 16D1
the circle M .'. m (Z AEC) = m (z BED)
.'. AB =AC Adding m (1- CED) to both sides :

In AABC : .'. m (Z ACB) = m (Z ABC) = 65" .'. m (z AED) = m (z BEC) (Q.E.D.)

.'. m (L ACB) = m (1" BCD) = 65'

.'. Ci bisects / ACD (First req.)
: m (Z A) = 180'-2 x 65" 50' (Secondreq.) [a] '.' X is the midpoint of IB .'. laXf aS
,'. M?recrAB=AC .'.MX=MY
[b] .' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral r'.'MD=ME=I .'. XD=YE
.. m (Z D) = m (Z ABE) = 100' (Q.E.D. 1)
.'. m (Z ACD) = 180" - (100" + 40') = 40"
.'. m (Z MXY) = m (Z MYX)
.'. m (Z CAD) = m (z ACD)
, .' m (1 MXB); m (Z MYC) = 90"
.'. m(CD)=m(AD) (Q.E,D.)
By adding : .'. m (Z YXB) = m (1 XYC)
Luxor (Q.E.D.2)

E [h] ht AACD : .' AD = CD

Eb Ed Eb @c lEa Ed .'. m (Z DAC) = m (Z DCA) ='lO'

.'. m (Z D) = 180'- 2 x 40'= 100'
tal '. AB is a tangent-segment to the circle : .' m (Z B) + m (Z D) = 80" + 100" = 180'
.'. tvtA r en .'. m (Z MAB) = 90o ; . ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

Answers of Finol Exominqtions

tr E
tat '. xY ll ED , fE is a transversal [a] '.' AB- is a tangent-segment to the circle
;. m (Z DBX) = m (Z YXB) (altemate angle$ (1) .'. trl,q. r,qS .'. m (Z MAB) = 90o

; '.' m (L C) (inscribed) .'. In A MAB which is right atA:

= m (Z ABD) (tangency) (2) (MB)'z= (MA)'?+ (AB)2 = 62+ 82 = 100
From (1) and (2) : .'. un =li too = ro cm.
.1 m(ZC)=m(ZYXB) .'. DB= 10-6=4cm. (Thereq.)
.'. AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
[b] '.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
[b] '. BCDE is a cyctic quadrilateral :. m(LD)=m(L ABE)= l00o
.'. m (z CBE) i m (z D) = 180' In AACD:
.'. m (z cBE) = 180" - 125" = 55" .'. m(/ DCA) = 180'- (100" + 40") = 40"
, '.' AE ,Id -" two tangents to the circle :. m (Z DCA) = m (Z DAC)
.. AB =AC .'. mfif;=mfid; (e.E.D.)
.'. In A ABC
a '.'

m (Z ACB) = m (z ABC; =
1!Ql- 20" = 55"
2 tal 49- r Ad are two tangent-segmenrs
r '.' m (Z BEC) (inscribed)
.'. AB =AC
= m (Z ACB) (tangency) = 55'
.'. In A CBE : m (Z CBE) = m (Z BEC) = 55'
.'. m (z ABC) = m tZ ACn) = 1991-:191= 65.
.'. BC = cE (Q.E.P. 1)
(First req.)
, '.' m(L CBE) = m 12 4931 - -tr'
.'. m (Z BMC) (central) = 2 6 12 43g) (tangency)
and they are altemate angles

.'. adl eE (e.E.D.2) =2x65" =1,30.

(Second req.)

Aswan tbl '.' m (z D) = j m (z arran)

(inscribed and central angles subtended byIB;
E .'. m(LD)= | x]ao =ts"
Ec Ed Ea @b Ec Eo , '.' eC tt OS,ID is a transversal

a .'. m (Z DAC) + m (Z D) = 180"

(two interior angles in the same side of the
[a] .' Y is the midpoint of AC
... tray r ac-
.'. m (Z CAD) = 180'- 70" = 110" (The req.)
.'. MY=MX E
r'.'ME=MD=r [a] '.' Z DEC is an exterior angle of A BEC
... YE=XD (Q.E.D.)

[b] .' -6 is a tangent to the circle , '.' gO tt SC r Id is a transversal

.'. l.lo r Cts .'. m (z MDC) = 90' .'. m (l- DAC) = m (/ ACB) = 40"
InAMCD: (altemate angles)

.'. m (z CMD) = 180" - (90' + 40") = 50' .'. m (Z DBC) = m (L DAC) = 40"

... m (iD) = m (z AMD) = 180" -s0" = 130" and they ae drawn on D-C and on one side of it
(The req.) .'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)


Dt .' OP ll SC r id is a hansversal , ',' Bi- , EE at" tt o tangent-segments to the circle

;. m (Z AED) = m (Z ACB) .'. BD=BE=4cm.

(conesPonding angles) , '.' G , G r" t ro tangent-segments to the circle

r '.' m (Z ACB) (inscribed) = m (Z XAB) .'. CE=CF=3cm.

(tangency) ,', The perimeter of AABC = 5+5+4+ 4+3 +3
.'. m (z AED) = m (Z XAB) ='24 cm, (The req.)

.'. If is a tangent to the circle passing through

(zACB) =
thepointsA:D andE (Q.E.D.) tbl'.' m
{rn lzerrae)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by6D)
New Valley .
.'. m(zACB)= [ xr;r.-ao" (1)

,'.'Eftt ts ;. m@e) =p@|1

E .'. 4s = BC (2)
Eb Ec @c @d Eb @a
From (1) and (2) :

a AB
.'. A CAB is an equilateral triangle. (Q.E.D.)

[a] '.' X is the midpoint of

.'. MX- r AB .'. m (Z MxA) = 90' E

tal '.'m(zA)= f [*tfidl--t6Dl]
r '.' Y is the midpoint of Id
.'. tr,tY r eC .'. m (z MYA) = 90' :. 30" = + [rzo" -. <6Dl]
From the quadrjla(eral AXMY : .'.60"=120"-m(6D)
.'. m (Z DME) = 360'- (90" + 90' + 70') = 110'
- - (6D) = 120'- 60" = 60' (First req.)
(First req.) ,'.'-@Ey=-1ffi)
: '.' AB = AC , MX- -L AB , Ir,tY f AC
... MX=MY r'.'MD=ME=r .rm(eD)=mGD) .'.m(zc)=m(zH)
,'. XD = YE (Second req.)
InAACH:.'.AC=AH (1)

tbl ... DE// BC ,'.'-(68)=-(ffi) ;'. BC=DH (2)

.'. *6Dr=-@l Subtracting (2) from (1) :

.'. m (Z DAB) = m (z EAC) =AD

.'. AB (Second req.)
Adding m (Z BAC) to both sides
tb] '.' AB ,Id are two tangent-segments to the circle

.'. m (z DAC) =m (z BAE) (Q.E.D.)

.'. AB =AC
E .'. In AABC :

[a] State by yourself. m (L ABC) = m (Lacnl = -Ee;!91 = os'

lblInAABD: . AB=AD r '.' EBCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

.. m (Z ABD) = m (Z ADB) = 30" .'. m (z EBC) = 180" - 115' = 65'
.'. m (Z BAD) = 180" -2 x 30' = 120" ;. m (Z EBC) = m (Z ABC) = 65'

; '.' m(L BAD) + m (Z C) = 120" + 60' = 180' .'. Bd bisects z ABE (Q.E.D. 1)
.'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.) r '.' m (Z BEC) (inscribed)
= m (Z ABC) (tangency) = 650
!t .'. m (z EBC) = m (L BEC) = 650
tal '.' ID r F are two tangent-segments to the circle
AD=AF=5cm. ln A BCE : .'. CB = CE (Q.E.D.2)

Answers of Finol Exominotions

South Sinai .'. m(zA)= + [-@)--6D,

E = f troo" - +o) = so" (The req.)

Ea Ea Ea

Ec Eu Eu lbl ... XY / m , id is a transversal

a .'. m (Z DAY) = m (Z AYX) (alternate angles)

'.'AB =AC ,MDren
,MErac- t'.'m(L B) (inscribed)

;. MD=ME Vu!
.\___/, = m (Z DAC)
From (1) md (2):
(tangency) (2)

.'. DX=EY (Q.E.D.) .'. m (z B) = m (z AYX)
.'. XYCB is a cyclic quadrilareral. (Q.E.D.)
lal In AADE: ',' AE = DE North Sinai
;. m (Z BAD) = m (Z ADC)
... -fiD;=-fidy E
.'. m (Z BAD) = m (Z ABC) Eb Eb Ec Ec Eb @d
and they tre altemate mgles

... aDllcs (Q.E.D.)

[a] .' D is the midpoint of AE
[b] In AACD : .. AD = CD
... lao r aB .'. m (Z CDM) = 90"
.'. m (Z DCA) = m (z DAC) = 30'
, '.' B-C is a tangent-segment
.'. m (Z D) = 180'-2 x 30'= 120'
... lae -L BC .'. m (Z CBM) = 90'
t'.' m (LB)+m (Z D) = 60' + 120' = 180.
.'. m (z cDM) +m (z cBM) = 90. + 90. = 180"
.'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (e.E.D.)
.'. BCDM is a cyclic quadrilateral
a .'. m (Z DMA) = m (L C) = 4s'
tal '.' eE : Id are two tangents to the circle
In AADM : .'. m (Z A) = 180'- (90' + 45.) = 45.
.'. AB =AC .'. m (z DMA) = m (Z A)
,'. In AABC :

m (z ABC) = m (z ACn; = -l!9!!o'. = 65'

.'. MD =AD (Q.E.D.)
: '.' EBCD is a cyclic quadrilateral rbt m (z A) =
* [* @t -- <6Dr]
:. m (Z EBC) = 180'- 115'= 65' = -| trao. - oo) = ao. (Ftust req.)
.'. m (L EBC) = m (z ABC) = 65" 360" - (l1o' + 60')
.'. Bdbisects Z ABE (e.E.D.)
, - @81 =, @P=; - - 80.
(Second req.)
[b] '.' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
.'. m (Z ADC) = m (Z ABE) = 85'
[a] '. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
)'.' m(L eDC) = m (6C-r = *).' ] x ll0" = 55"
.. m (Z BAD) = m (Z DCx) = 100"
.'. m (Z ADB) = 85'- 55o = 30' (The req.)
E .'. m (Z ADB) = 180'- (100' + 40") = 40.
tul .' m (6D) = - (z BMD) = 40'
.'. m (Z ABD) = m (z ADB)
,-@E;=*12cME)=100" .'. AB (Q.E,D.)

[b] In AABC : .' m (LB) =m (L C)
Red SGa ,

.'. AB =AC
r '.' D is the midpoint of AB E
.. rra5 r ae . '. rt,le -L ac Ed Ec Ed lrlu @a Eb
... MD = ME (Q.E.D.)

@ [a]'. EisthemidpotutofC5 .'. ME-f CD
Ial '.' OB I nC , id is a transversal
.'. m (z BEM) = 90'
.'. m (Z AED) = m (Z C) (conesponding angles)
(/ BA)0 (hgency)
r '.' IB is a tangent-segment to the circle
r '.' m (Z C) (inscribed) = m
.'. m (Z AED) - m (Z DAX)
.'. frla f AS .'. m (1 MAB) = 90'

.'. Ii is a tangent to the circle passing tbrough From the quadrilateral ABEM :

the vertices of A ADE (Q E.D.) .'. m (Z AME) = 360'- (90' + 90" + 50")

lbl '.' m (z BMC) =2 n(LBAC) =2 x 30' = 60" (1) = 130' (The req.)

(central and inscribed angles subtendea Uy6d)

lblInAADC:'. DA=DC
:'.'MB=MC=r A)
.'. m (Z DAC) = m (z DCA) = 35"
From (1) and (2) :
:. m(LD)= 180" 2 x 35" = 110"
.', A MBC is an equilateral triangle (Q.E.D.)
; '. In (Z B) + m (LD)=10'+ 110" = 180"

tr .. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

tal .' np- , AF are two tangent-segments to the circle

.'. AD=AF=5cm. E
, .' B) , BE *" t*o tangent-segments to the circle lal '.'Xisthemidpointof Ag- .'. MX-f AB
.'. BD=BE=4cm. rY is the midpoint of IE .'. tllV r nC
,.G , CF ," n o tegent-segments to the circle r'.'AB =AC
.'. CE=CF=3cm. .'. lvD(=MY
.'. The perimeter of AABC = 5 + 5+4+4+3+ 3 o'.'MD=ME=r
= 24 cm. (The req.)
... )(D=YE (QED)
[b] '. -E is a tangent

tbl'.'m(LD)= !^2nrnl
(inscribed and central angles subtenderl bym)
,'. m(ZEAF)= 1-@l
r '.' E is the midpoint ofGF
.'.m(zD)= lxuo"=70' (First req.)

.'. *68)=m@) , '.'Te tt-BD, fE is a transversal

.'. m (LD) +m (L DAC) = i80"
;. m (Z CBD) = m (Z CAD)
and they are drawn on eD and on one side of it (interior angles on the same side of the transrersal)

.'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.) i. m (Z DAC) = 180" -70" = 110' (Srcond req.)

Answers of Finol Exominotions

a lbl In AABC: .'AB =AC

[a] .' ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral .'. m (Z ABC) = m (L ACB)
;, m (Z ABC) = m (Z CDE) = 1000 (First req.) .., j*1zecn;
,'.' m(zABD) = * - f6l= t x no. =60" .: m (1 YBX) = m (Z YCX) and they are drawn on
.'. m (L CBD) = 100" - 60' = 40" (Second req.)
YX and on one side of it
[b] '.' IB- is a diameter .. The figure BCXY is a cyclic quadrilateral.
.'. m(LACB) =9Oo (First req.) (Q.E.D. 1)
: '. m (Z ACD) = m (L ABD) = 20' .'.m(ZBXY)=m(LBCY)
(two inscribed angles subtended by iD) (they me drawn on BY and on one side of it)
.'. m (Z BCD) = 90" -20 =7O' (Second req.)
'.' m (l- CBX) = m (Z BCY)

tr ,'. m(zCBX)=m(LBxY)
tul '.' AB , Id *r ,*o tung"nts to the circle and they ue altemate mgles
.'. AB =AC ...frtfr. (Q.E.D.2)

.r m (Z ABC) = m (z ACBi !!Q1J0'

= 65'
tal '.' OS / BC
(Ftust req.)
.'. mr6Dt=m6dr
,m(LD) (inscribed)
;. m (Z BAD) = m (L CAE)
= m (Z ABC) (tangency) =650 (Secondreq.)
Adding m (Z BAC) to both sides :

Ibl '.' IE // xY r Id is a transversal

;. m (Z DAC) = m (z BAE) (Q.E.D.)
.'. m (Z AXY) = m (Z BAX) (altemate angles)
'.' XY // BC ,Id is a transversal
r '. m (Z D) (inscribed) = m (Z BAC) (tangency) tbl
i. m (Z AYX) = m (Z ACB) (conesponding angles)
.'. XCDY is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
r'. m (ZACB) (inscribed) =m i2 g6p) (tangency)
." m (Z AYX) = m (z xAD)
Matrouh .'. IB is a tangent to the circle passing tfuough
thepointsA rXmdY (Q.E.D.)
Eb Ec E]d Ed Ed Eb g
tal .' E Id re ffio tangent-segments
a ,.AB=AC
r to the chcle

lalInAAMB: .'MA=MB=r
.. m (Z A) = m 12 g1 180":90'
-45' InAABC:
= 2
(First req.) :. m (Z ABC) = m 1z acnl = l!{;J!l = 65'
r'.'cosrlA)=u4 r '. EBCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
U4 .'. m (z EBC) = 1800 - llso = 650
.'. cos 45' =
.'. m (Z EBC) = m (l- ABC) = 65"
.. MA = t0
" {41. = 51/7
(second req.)
.. Ed bisects Z ABE (e.E.D. l)

(\ r ) \. / cl'el\ / @d.q6i1 -,*..,, )l4 lyJl 145

'. 49 =AC .'. MX=MY
: '.' m (4 BEC) (inscribed)
.', A MXY is an isosceles triangle (Q.E.D. 1)
= m (Z ABC) (tangency) = 65"
'.' m (Z AXM) = 90' : m (Z MXY) = 30"
In A BCE : .'. m (L EBC) = m (Z BEC) = 65'
.'. m (z AxY) = 9o' - 3s' = 60' (1)
.'. CB = CE (Q.E.D.2)
'.' X md Y re the midpoints of AE and IE :
[b] '.' Ed is a tmgent AB =AC

.'. m (Z BMD) (central) .'. AX=AY (2)

=2m (L CBD) (tangency) = I x 50' = 100" From (1) and (2) :

.'. A AXY is an equilateral triangle. (Q.E.D.2)

,', m (Z AMD) = 1800 - 100' = 80o (The req)

[b] '.' MNLE is a cyclic quadrilateral

:. nL (LE) = 180' - 1 10' = 70"
lal '.' X is the midpoint of IE , '.' IE i. a diameter
.'. tlx r an
'.' Y is the midpoint of AC

.'. tr,tY -reC-

c( )"
.. m (Z LME) = 90'
In A LME : .. m (Z MLE) = 180'- (90' + 70")
= 20" (The req.)


Governorates' Examinations
pi Algebra and
) Probability

1 Cairo Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

W Choose the correct answer from those given :

pn The probability of the impossible event equals
(a)-l (b) zero. (d) 1

(a)- 6 (b) zero (c)6 (cl)9

The number of solutions of the equation X = 7 in JR x IE is

(a) infinite. (b) zero. (c)l (d)2

0If y 7C = 6 ? then y 9C =
(a) 1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4
X- 1
0Ifn(X)= > then the domain of n~ * is

(a)IE (b)IE-{0} (c)IE-{0 ,1} (d)IR-{l}

[6]IE^niE_ =
(a)IE (b)0 (c)IE-{0} (d)lE^ U IE_
jo [a] If A and B are two events of the sample space of a random experiment
where P(A)= 0.4 , P(B)= 0.5 , P(A fl B)= 0.3 , find :
S p(A) [2]P(A U B)

[b] Find in M x E the solution set of the two equations:X + y = 2 ? y = X + 2

[a] Using the general formula ? find in E the solution set for the equation : X^ X- 1 =0

(approximating the result to the nearest one decimal place),

[b] Simplify n(X)to the simplest form showing the domain of n where:
X-4 . X^-lb
2^ + 2' X0 11 X + 28
1 X02X + 4
IP [a]Ifnj(X)= X-2 ’ n2(X)= X^-8 ? prove that: n^ = n^
fb] Find in E x E the solution set of the two equations : X = y and X^ + y^ = 18
Final Examinations

m [a] Simplify n(X)to the simplest form showing the domain of n where :
X-5 8
X^-2X-15 2X + 6
X -25
[b] Ifn(X)= ? reduce n (X)to its simplest form and show the domain of n

Giza Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions:

W Choose the correct answer:

E IfV64 + 36 = 8 + X ,then X =
(a)2 (b)6 (c)9 (d) 10

^If the two equations : X + 4 y = 7 and 3 X + k y = 21 have an infinite number of

solutions in IE X IR ? then k =

(a)4 (b)7 (c) 12 (d)21

^IfX+3y = 7 ? then X + 3(y + 5)=

(a) 3 (b)7 (c)21 (d) 22
®Ifn(X)= X-3 ’then the domain of n is

(a)IE (b)IE-{2} (c)]R-{3} (d)IE -{-2 ,3}

[5]IfXy = 12 5 yz = 20 Xz=:15 where X GIE_^ ? y G1R_|_ > z GIE_^
5 then Xyz =
(a)± 60 (b)60 (c) 360 (d)± 360

[b]If A 5 B are two mutually exclusive events > then A fl B =

(a) zero (b)0 (c) 1 (d)S

^0 [a] If A 5 B are two events from a sample space of a random experiment ? P(A)= ^
,P(B)= ^ ,find P(A U B)if:
| = [2]A ? B are two mutually exclusive events.
[b] Find in IE x E the solution set of the two equations:2 X + y = 1 and X + 2 y = 5

[a] Use the general formula to find in E the solution set of the equation : 2 X^ 5X+1= 0

(approximate to one decimal place)

[b] Find n(X)in its simplest form and find the domain of n where :
X^ + 4X+3 . X+3
n(X)- Find n (2) ? n (- 3) if it is possible.
X^-27 ’ X^ + 3X + 9
Algebra and Probability

P [a]Find n(X)in its simplest form and find the domain of n where:
X X+4
n(X)= X-4

[b]Find algebraically the solntion set of the two equations in ]R x M:

X-y=l , X^ + y^ = 25
X^-4 X^-X-6 ? show if n
I0 [a]Ifnj(X) X^ + X-6 X^-9 1 = or not ? giving reason,

[b]If{- 3 ? 3} is the set of zeroes of the function /:/(X)= X^ + a ? then find a

Alexandria Governorate m

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)

P Choose the correct answer from those given :
[XlThe arithmetic mean of the set of the values : 2 ;> 3 ? 4 9 7 and 9 is
(a)4 (b)5 (c)6 (cl)8
@The set of zeroes of the function /:/(X)= - 3 X in H is
(a){0} (b){-3} (c){-3,0} (d)]I
[3]If 2^ X 3^ = 6*^ ,then k =
(a) 14 (b)7 (c)5 (d)zero.
011(5 ,X-7)=(y+ 1 ,-5),thenX + y =
(a)6 (b)-6 (c)2 (d)-2
X= then 2 X = "¥
Siff1 10 9
(a)- (b)l (c)2 (d) 50

0 If A and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
experiment , then AnB =
(a) zero. (b)0 (c) P (B) (d)P(A)

[a] Find in E x E the solution set of the following two equations :

X-y = 0 , x2 + Xy + y2 = 27
[b] Find the common domain for n^ and n^ , where :
X04 7
(X) = 9 n2(X) = X04X + 4

I0 [a] By using the general formula , find in IE the solution set of the equation :
X^-4X+ 1=0 ,taking 1.7
Final Examinations

[b] Find n {X)in its simplest form where :

X-3 , X-3 showing the domain of n
n (X)= 3-X ’
X^-7X + 12

^[a] Find algebraically in IE x M the solution set of the following two equations:
3X+2y=7 , X-y=4

[b] Find n(X)in its simplest form where:

X^-X+ 1 .. x^ + x
n(X)= X 1 showing the domain of n
X X^ + 1
X^ -1
- 5 find n“ ^ (X)in the simplest form ? showing the domain of n
lO [a]Ifn(X)= X^-8
[b] If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment
,andP(A)= 0.7 , P(A-B)= 0.5 ,find:P(An B)

El-Kalyoubia Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions:

\0 Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

l]If/(X)= X-3 ’then the domain of/ ^ is
(a){3} (b)IE-{-2,3} (c)IE-{-2} (d)IE

fs]The probability of the impossible event equals

(a)0 (b) 1 (c) zero. (d)-l

The set of zeroes of the function / where /(X)= X + 3 in IE is

(a)0 (b){3} (c){zero} (d){-3}
gifAcB ,thenP(AUB)= - -
(a)P(A) (b)P(B) (c) P(A n B) (d) zero.

® The two straight lines :3X+5y = 0 ? 5X-3y = 0are intersecting in the

(a) first quadrant. (b) second quadrant,(c) third quadrant (d) origin point.

[b]The solution set of the two equations ;X=1 »y = 3inIEx]Eis

(a) 1(1 ,3)} (b){(3 ,1)} (c)IE (d)0

X^-49 . X + 7
|0 [a] Simplify : n(X)= x3_8 ■ ^-2 ’showing the domain of n
[b] Find in IE the solution set of the equation :3X^-5X+l=0by using the general
formula and round the results to two decimals.

Algebra and Probability

P [a] Solve inExM:X+3y = 7 ? 5X-y=3

[b]If/j(X)- X + 2 and (X)= 2X^4 ’ 2
In [a]Simplify:f(X)= X-4
9 showing the domain of/

[b] Find in IE x M tbe solution set of the two equations : X- 3 =0 X^ + = 25

lo [a]If A ,B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment and P(A)= 0.3
,P(B)= 0.6 ,find:
[1]P(AUB) 1]P(A)
[b]If the curve of the function f where /(X)= X^- a passes through the point(1 0)
? find the value of a

El-Sharkia Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Using calculator is permitted)

m Choose the correct answer:

(T|The number of solutions of the two equations : 2 X- 3 y = 5 and 2 X- 3 y = 7 together
in IE X IE is

(a) zero (b)l (c)2 (d) an infinite number.

® The solution set of the two equations :y = 3 9X = 2inIExIEis

(a){(3 ,-2)} (b){(-2,3)} (c){(2,3)} (cl){(3 ,2)}
[I]IfP(A)= i P(A),thenP(A)= where A is an event from the sample space
of a random experiment,
1 1
(a) -| (b)^ (0 2 (d)l
X -1 ;
®Ifn(X)= 9 then the domain of n IS
X^+ 1
(a)]l-{0} (b)0 (c)lE-{-l} (d)IE-{l 9-1}
\J}If the curve of the quadratic function / passes through the points(4 9 0) 9(0 9 - 8)
9(- 2 9 0) 9 then the solution set of the equation f(X)= zero in IE is
(a){4 9 0} (b){8 9O} (c)(-2 9 4} (d){298}
U If{- 2 9 2} is the set of zeroes of the function f where /(X)= X^ + a 9 then a =
(a) 2 (b)-2 (c)4 (d)-4

Final Examinations

W [a]Find in IR x E the solution set of the following two equations :

X-y=4 , 3X+y=8
[b] Find n(X)in the simplest form 5 showing the domain of n where :
X X-4
n(X)= X + 4
X^- 16

I0 [a] By using the general formula ;> find the solution set of the following equation in E:
X^ + 3 X- 3 = zero (approximating the result to nearest 3 decimal digits),
1 1
[b]Ifn(X)= find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain.
X2_i • X+1 ’
[a]If A !> B are two events in the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)= 0.3 , P(B)= 0.6 , P(AnB)= 0.2 ,fmd:
[I]p(aUb) [2]P(A-B)

[b] Find in E x E the solution set of the following two equations :

X-y = 4 , x2 + y2= 10

|0[a]Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain where:

X^ + X+ 1 ..
X^ + 2 X
X^- 1 X^-4
X+ 1
[b]If the domain of the function n where n (X)= isE-{2}
X^-aX + 4
5 find the value of: a

El-Monofia Governorate 'A

Answer thefollowing questions: (Using calculator is permitted)

\0 Choose the correct answer:

[1]If X is the additive identity 5 y is the multiplicative identity 5 then (7)^+(2)^ =
(a)2 (b)3 (c)7 (d)9

[2]If i X = 6 5 then y X =
(a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)6

(in The solution set of the inequality : X < 2 in E is

(a)[2 ,oo[ (b)]2 , CxD
(c)]- °o ,2 (d) — 00

3The intersection point of the two straight lines : X = 1 9 y -3 =0 lies in quadrant.

(a)the first (b)the second (c)the third (d)the fourth

Algebra and Probability

® The set of zeros of the function f :f(X)= 7 h

(a)0 (b){7} (c)lR (d)K-{7}
® If A and B are two mutually exclusive events in the sample space of a random
experiment ? then P(A fl B)=
(a) 2 (b)l (c)0 (d) zero,

[a] Find algebraically in IE x IE the solution set of the two equations:

2X + y= 1 , A:+ 2y = 5

[b] Find n (X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n such that:

[al Find in E by using the general formula the solution set of the equation :
2 X -5X+1=0(rounding the result to the nearest two decimal places),
[b] Ifn(X)= ? find :
-3 X + 2

(T|n"'(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n"'

[2]n“‘(2)if it is possible.

|Q [a] Find algebraically in IE x IR the solution set of the two equations :

X-y=0 , Xy=9

[b] Find n {X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n such that:
X^ . 3X
‘ X^-9

In [a]Ifnj(X)= —X^ 2 and n^(X)= X^x‘^-x

+ X^ + X
!> prove that: Oj = n^
[b] If A and B are two events from a sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)= 0.3 5 P(B)= 0.6 and P(A n B)= 0.2 ? find each of the following :
[Up(A) U P(A U B) ®P(A-B)

El-Gharbia Governorate t

Answer thefollowing questions:

W Choose the correct answer :

[U If A and B are mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random experiment
? then(A n B)=
(a)0 (b) 1 (d)0
(c) 2
Final Examinations

^ If five times a number equals 45 ? then one ninth of this number equals
(a)l (b)5 (c)9 (d)8I

If the expression : + k X + 36 is a perfect square ? then k =

(a) ±6 (b)±8 (c)± 12 (d)± 1 8

0The set of zeroes of/:/(X)= 2 X is

(a){0} (b){2} (c)IR-{0} (d)IR- {2}
aifX^ = 64 ,thenYx
(a) 2 (b)±2 (c)4 (d)±8

[6^1 The number of solutions of the two equations:X + y = 7 ?y + X=15 simultaneous

in IR X is

(a)0 (b)l (c) infinite. (d)0

I0 [a] By using the general rule find in IE the solution set of the following equation
X^-4X+2=:0(rounding the results to one decimal place),
[b] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where :
X^-8 .. X+1
n(X)= and find n (2)
X^-3X + 2 X^ + 2X + 4

Ip [a]Ifn(X)= X^-2X
? find n '(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n and
if n (X)= 3 ? what is the value of X ?

[b] Find the solution set of the two simultaneous equations in H x IE algebraically :
X+y=4 , 2X-y=2

^P [a]Find the solution set of the two simultaneous equations in IE x IE algebraically:

X + y = 5 ? X^- y^ = 55
2X X^ + 2X
[b]Ifn,1 (X)= 2X + 4 ’ n2(X)= 9 prove that:n = n2
+4 X +4

^P [a] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where :
n(X)= X^ -X , X-3
X^- 1 X^-2X-3
[b] If A and B are two events in a sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)= 0.7 , P(B)= 0.6 , P(AnB)= 0.4 ,rmd:
SpcaUb) 2]P(A)

(1 : f V/ oUJ - )wUcll
Algebra and Probability

El-Dakahlia Governorate
Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)

IP [a] Choose the correct answer from those given :

pn The equation ; 3 X + 4 y + X y = 5 is of the degree.
(a)first (b)seeond (c) third (d)fourth

@The two straight lines:3X + 5y = 0 ? 5X-3y =0 intersect at the point

(a)(0,0) (b)(-5,3) (c)(3 ,5) (d)(-3 ,-5)
@Ifn(X)= -X+ 1 ’then n“'(2)-
(a)0 (b)2 (c)3 (d) undefined.

[b]Find the solution set of the equation :X(X - 1)= 4 in IE by using the general
formula rounding the results to one decimal place.

I0 [a] Choose the correct answer from those given:

[l]IfXy = 3 , Xy^ = 12 ,then y =
(a)4 (b)2 (c)-2 (d)±2

If A ,B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment

,then P(A n B)=
(a)0 (b)l (c)0.5 (d)0
The domain of the function / ;/(X)= X^-4 is
(a)]E-{2 ,-2} (b){2,-2} (c)IE (d)0
2X X^ + 4X
[b]Ifnj(X)= 2X+8 ’ n2(X)= X^ + 8X + 16 ,then prove that: Oj = n^

I0 [a]If the domain of the function n : n(X)= ^ + X-a

islE-jO ,4} ,n(5)= 2
,find the values of a ,b

[b]Two acute angles in a right-angled triangle. The difference between their measures
is 50° ,find the measure of each angle.

|Q [a]Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where:

X^-2X 4-X^
X^-3X + 2 X^ + X-2

[b] Find the solution set of the two equations :

y + 2X =7 , (y-i-2X-8)2 + x2 = 5inExIE
Final Examinations

IP [a] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n 9 where :
X^-8 X+3
n(X)= X
X^ + X-6 + 2 X +4

[b]If A and B are two events in a sample space S of a random experiment and P(A)= 0.5
,P(B)= 0.4 and P(A fl B)= 0.1 ,find :
Bp(aUb) [I]P(A-B)

Ismailia Governorate
Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)

P Choose the correct answer from those given :

[T]If I X I = 7 ,then X =
(a)-7 (b)7 (c)±7 (d) 14

[2]The two straight lines :X + 2y=l 92X + 4y = 6are

(a) parallel, (b)intersecting,

(c) perpendicular. (d)intersecting and perpendicular.

[T]The set of zeroes of the function / where f(X)= zero is

(a)IS - {zero} (b)0 (c){zero} (d)IS

[4]The number of solutions of the equation : X = 3 in IS x IS is

(a) zero. (b) 1 (c)2 (d) an infinite number.
[5]The domain of the function n : n (X)= is
(a){-l} (b)M-{l} (c){- 1 .1} (d)IS-{l ,-1}
® If A is an event of a patient’s recovery from corona virus and P(A)= 0.95
9 then P(A)=
(a)0.5 (b)0.05 (c)O.l (d)5

\0 [a]Find in IS x IS the solution set of the following two equations together :

X-3 = 0 , X^ + y^ = 25
[b]Find n (X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n :
X 2X + 4
n(X)= X-2
Algebra and Probability
X^ + X-6 X^-9
(O [a] Ifn,(X) X^-4 ’ n2(X)= X^-X-6
K show whether or not(give a reason)
[b] By using the general formula ? find in E the solution set of the equation :
2X-5X+1=0(rounding the results to two decimal places)

|Q [a] Find n(X)in the simplest form ,showing the domain of n :

X+2 2X-4
n(X)= X
X^~4 X -3

[b] If A ? B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
experiment ? and P(A)= 0.2 ? P(B)= 0.5 find :
[T]P(A U B) 2]P(A-B)

|Q [a] Two acute angles in a right-angled triangle. The difference between their measures
is 50° ? find the measure of each angle.
[b] Find n (X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n :
n(X)= X^+ 2 X ^ 2X
X^-9 ■ X+3

10 Suez Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)

Choose the correct answer from those given :
pT] The set of zeroes off where /(X)= X^-4 is
(a){2,-2} (b)E-{2 ,-2} (c)(2,-2) (d){4}
[s]If n (X)= 5 5 then n (2)=
(a) 3 (b)-3 (c)5 (d)2

@The solution set of the two equations:X = 2 , y = 5inExEis

(a){(2,5)} (b)(5 ,2) (c)E (d)0

(a)4 (b)8 (c) 2 (d)6

^ The probability of the impossible event is
(a)-l (b) zero (c) 0.56 (d) 1

®Ifa + b = 5 ,a-b = 3 ,then a^-b^ =

(a) 8 (b)9 (c) 15 (d) 25

Final Examinations

'(O [a]Find in M x IE the solution set of the two equations:X + y = 4 ? X-y = 2

[b]Find n {X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where:
X(X-l) X+5
x'-l X^ + 6X + 5

[a]Find the solution set for the following equation by using the general formula in IE:

X^-3 X + 1 =0(whereY5 = 2.24)

[b]Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where:
X^ + 2X X X-2
n(X)= X+3

Id [a]Find algebraically in IE x IE the solution set of the following two equations:

X-y =0 , x2+ y2 = 32
X+3 -1 1
[b]Ifn(X)= ? find n (X) and identify the domain of n

Id [a]If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and :
P(A)= 0.7 , P(B)= 0.6 , P(AnB)= 0.4 ,fmd:P(AUB)
[b]Ifn,(X)= X + 2 ’ "2 = 2X + 4 ’ 2

11 Port Said Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions:

W Choose the correct answer from those given :

pn The S.S. of the two equations: X = 2 ?y = 3inIExIEis
(a){(2,3)} (b){(3 ,2)} (c)IE (d)0
[2]The set of zeroes of the function / where /(X)= X + 4 in IE is
(a){4,-4} (b)IE (c){-4} (d)0
If A and B are mutually exclusive events from the sample space ,then P(A fl B)=
(a)0 (b)l (c)zero. (d)0.5

[A]The S.S. of the two equations : X = 3 ,X y = 15 in E x IE is

(a){5} (b){3 ,5} (c){(5 ,3)} (d){(3 ,5)}
X-2 .
^The domain of the additive inverse of the function /:/(X)= X-5

(a)M-{2 ,5} (b)E-{2} (c)E-{5} (d){2 ,5}

Algebra and Probabil ity

® In the opposite figure:

A !i B are two events subsets of S s

? then P(A - B)= B

1 x5 ;2yi'
(b)l x3/ x4

(d) 1

lO [a] Find in E x IE the S.S. of the two equations:X + y = 4 , 2X -y=2

X^-5X + 6

? then find n“ ^ (X)in its simplest form showing the domain of n“


I0 [a] Find algebraically in IR x ]R the solution set of the two equations:

X-1=0 , x2 + y2=10
1 X^-X+ 1
[h] Ifn,(X)= X+ 1 ’ n2(X)= X^+ I 5 prove that: n^=n^

[a] By using the general law find in IE the S.S. of the equation : X^ -X-4=0
[h] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n :
X X-2
X^ + 2X X^-4

|Q [a] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n :

X^+2X+1 X-4
n(X)= X
2X-8 X+ 1

[b] A ? B are two events of the sample space S and P(A)= 0.3 ? P(B)= 0.6
,P(ARB)= 0.2

Find :SP(A) [E p(A U B)

12 Damietta Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)

W Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

(a) 81 (b)49 (c)9 (d)3

E The set of zeroes of/:/(X)= - 3 X is

(a){0} (b){-3} (c){-3,0} (d)0

Final Examinations

@If(5 5 X + 1) = (y 5 3) ? then X + y =
(a) 3 (b)5 (c)7 (d)9

0The two straight lines : X + 2 = 0 and y = X are intersecting at the point

(a)(2 ,2) (b)(2,0) (c)(-2 ,-2) (d)(0,0)

[5]If23 x53 = 10^ ,thenX=

(a) zero. (b)3 (c)6 (cl)9

0If A and B are two mutually exclusive events of the sample space S
,then P(A n B)=
(a) zero. (b) 1 (c) P(A) (d)P(A U B)

^0 [a] Find algebraically in M x M the solution set of the two equations:

2X-y=3 , X+2y=4

[h] Find n(X)in the simplest form ,showing the domain of n where :
X02X + 4 X^-9
x'-8 X^ + X-6

\0 [a] Find the solution set in IE x ]R of the two equations :

y-X = 2 , Xy = 3

[h] Find n(X)in the simplest form ,showing the domain of n :

X02X+ 1 X-4
n(X)= X
2X-8 X+ 1

|Q [a] By using the general formula ,find in IE the solution set of the equation :
X^-5X+3 = 0(approximating the results to one decimal place),
[h]If n (X)= ,find :
X+ 1

pT]The domain of h 2]n"^ (3)

1 X04
lo [a]Ifnj(X) X ^ n2(X)= X^ + 4X
,prove that: Oj = n^
[b]If A and B are two events in the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)= 0.3 , P(B)= 0.6 , P(A n B)= 0.2 ,find the value of:
ap(AUB) 2]P(A-B)

Algebra and Probability

13 Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate (««

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

IP Choose the correct answer from those given :

rn The equation of the symmetry axis of the curve of the function / where
/(X)= -4 is

(a)X = - 4 (b)X = 0 (c) y =0 (ci)y = -4

[a]The set of zeroes of the function f ? where /(X)= X ^ + 4 in IS is
(a){2} (b){2,-2} (c)IS (d)0
[E If I XI = 7 ,then X =
(a)7 (b)-7 (c)±7 (d) 14

E As throwing a fair dice once ? the probability of appearting a prime odd number

1 1 1
(a)i (b)^
(AllfS = 1 ? then X =

(a) 1 (b)5 (c)0 (d)3

IE Half of the number 4® is

(a)2^ (b)2'’ (0)4^ (d)2

lO [a]Find the solution set of the two equations : X - y =1 5 X ^ + y^ = 25 in IS X IS

X^-3X + 2
? then find n“^ (X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n

lO [a]Using the general rule !. find in IS the solution set of the equation :
3X-5X+1=0? rounding the result to two decimal places,

[b] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n :

X^-8 X+3
xEx-6 xE2X + 4

X2 xHx^ + x
IP [a]Ifnj(X) X^-Xy and n^(X)= X^-X 5 prove that 10^ = 02

[b]If A 9 B are two events of a random experiment and P(A)= 0.3 » P(B)= 0.6 ?
P(A n B)= 0.2 ,find :[T]P(A U B) Ep(a-b)
Final Examinations

10 [a] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n : n(X)= X-1 + 1-X
[b] Find algebraically the solution set of the two equations in H x M:
X+y=5 , X-y=1

14 El-Beheira Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is permitted)

\0 Choose the correct answer from the given ones:

pn The number of solutions of the two equations : X + y = 1 and y + X = 2
together in IE x M is
(a) zero. (b) 1 (c)2 (d)3

[2]IfV64 + 36 = 8 + X ,then X =
(a)2 (b)6 (c)9 (d) 10
X+2 •
[Kl The domain of the multiplicative inverse of the function n : n(X)= X-3 rs

(a)IE-{3} (b)E-{-3} (c)IE-{-2 ,3} (d)IE

0If 3 a ='{4 b ? then

(a) y (b)| (c) 4
4 (Ci)f
[5]If A and B are two mutually exclusive events and P(A)= 0.5 ? P(AUB)= 0.8
5 then P(B)=

(a) zero. (b)0.3 (c)0.5 (d)0.6

[b]The degree of the equation :3X + 4y + Xy=:5is

(a)zero. (b)first. (c)second. (d)third.

|0 [a]Find the solution set of the two equations : X + y = 5 ? X -y = 7inExIE

[b]Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n:

X-3 4
X^-7X+ 12 X-4

[a]Find the solution set of the two equations in M x IE:

X + y = 3 , X^ + y2 = 5
[b]Find n (X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n:

n(X)= X^-8X+ 12 ^ X^-4X-5

X^-4X + 4 X^-7X+10
(V : V/(t^ljS) oUl - oL-iLj
Algebra and Probability

n a]Solve in IR. the equation :3X^-5X-4 =0 approximating to the nearest two decimals,
2X X^ + 4X
[b]Prove that: n^ = n^ where n^(X)= 2 X+8 ’ n2(X)= X^ + 8X+ 16

[a]Find n(X)in the simplest form ? showing the domain of n:

X^-1 2X-2
X^-2X+1 X^ + X+1

[b]If A and B are two events from a sample space of random experiment and
P(A)= 0.6 , P(B)= 0.7 , P(AnB)= 0.4 ,find:
0P(A) [2]P(AUB) ®P(A-B)

15 El-Fayoum Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

Choose the correct answer :

rn The solution set of the two equations :y-3 = 2 ? X + y = OinIExIRis

(a){(0,5)} (b){(5 ,0)} (c){(5 ,-5)} (d){(-5 ,5)}
X+ 1 .
® The domain of/ :/(X)= IS
(a)IR (b)]l-{2} (c)IR-{2 ,7} (cl)E-{5}
[3]The middle proportional between 9 and 16 is
(a)±12 (b)±9 (c)± 16 (d)±25

@If A is an event of the sample space(S)and P(A)= ,then P(A)=

(a)0.25 (b)0.75 (c)0.40 (d)0.50

[5]lfX^y-^ = 27 ,then^=
(a)27 (b) (c)A (d)3

[6]If 3 X = 45 ,then ^ X =
(a)3 (b)5 (c) 15 (cl)45

lO [a] Using the general formula ,find in IE the solution set of the equation:
X(X - 5)= 7 ,approximating the result to one decimal place.

[b]Two positive numbers one of them is twice the other and their product is 72
5 find the two numbers.

Final Examinations

II [a]Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where:

X^-3X 2X + 4
X^-5X+6 X^-4
X^ + 2X
[b]If/(X)= 5 find f ^ (X)in the simplest form ? showing its domain.
X^ + 8
And if: (X)= 2 ,find the value of X

|Q [aJFindin E x IE the solution set of the two equations:2 X + y = 5 ? X-y = 4

[b]If the domain of the function n ; n (X)= 2X-b is IE-{3} ? find the value of b

IQ [a] Find n (X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where :
X^-3X + 9 . X^ + 27
X^-l 'X^+4X+3
[b]If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)= 0.5 9 P(B)= 0.3 9 P(A U B)= 0.7 9 then find :P(A n B)and P(A-B)

16 Beni Suef Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

W Choose the correct answer from those given :

[T)The algebraic expression : 3 X^ + 2 X^ y^ is of the degree,
(a)first (b)second (c) third (d)fourth
X- 1
[1]If 5 ^= 1 9 then 5
(a)-l (b)- (c)l (ci)5

@If there is an infinite number of solutions of the two equations : X + 4 y = 7 and

3X + ky = 21inIExIE9 then k =
(a)4 (b)7 (c)12 (d)21

3If ab = 3 9 ab^ = 12 9 then b =

(a)4 (b)2 (c)-2 (d)-4

[5]If S is the sample space of a random experiment 9 A CZ S and P(A)+ P(A)= 3 m 9

then m =
1 1
(a)l (b)i (0- (d)t
X-a X-2
[e]If the algebraic fraction X-2
has a multiplicative inverse which is X+3
9 then a =

(a)-3 (b)-2 (c)2 (d)3

Algebra and Probability
lO [a] Find in E x IE the solution set of the two equations: y -3 X = zero and X ^ + X y = 4
[h] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where :
n(X)= X^-X ^ X+5
X^-1 X^ + 6X + 5

lo [a] Find in IE by using the general formula the solution set of the equation :
X - 4 X = 1 rounding the result to one decimal place,
2X X^ + 4X
[b]Ifnj(X)= 2X+8 and (X)=
X^ + 8X+ 16 ? prove that: n^ = n^

1Q [a]Find in E the set ofzeroes of the function f:/(X)= X^ + X^-20X

[b] Find algebraically in E x IE the solution set of the two equations:
2 X- y = 3 and X + 2 y = 4

Is [a]Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where :

X^ + 8 X-2
n(X)= X
X^-4 X^-2X+4 ? then find n (3) > n (2) if it is possible.

[b]If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)= 0.5 , P(AnB)= 0.2 , P(AUB)= 0.9 ,fmd:P(B),P(A-B)

17 El-Menia Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)t

Choose the correct answer:

[l]lfX-y = 3 , X + y = 5 ,thenX--y2 =
(a) 15 (b)16 (c) 17 (d)l8
X .
[U The domain of the function / :/(X)= X- 1 IS
(b){-l} (c)E-{l} (d)E-{-l}
[a]The S.S. of the two equations:X = 3 ? y = 4inllxEis
(a){3 ,4} (b){(3 ,4)} (c){(4,3)} (d)0

® If(X > 6)=(5 ? y) 9 then X + y =

(a)6 (b)5 (c) 11 (d)30

©The set of zeroes of the function /:/(X)= 4 is

(a)zero. (b){4} (c){0 ,4} (d)0

a]The probability of the impossible event equals

(a)0 (b)zero. (c) 1 (d)-l
Final Examinations

[a]Find in E x the S.S. of the two equations:X - 3 =0 !> x2 + y2 = 25

X 2X-4
[h]Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n :n(X)= X + 2 X^-4

^[a]Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n:

X^ -X X^ + X+ 1

[b]Find S.S. of the two equations inExE:2X-y = 3 , X+2y=4

2X X^ + 2X
IP [a]Ifnf(X)= 2X + 4 ^ n2(X)= X^+4X+4 ? prove that: n^ = n^
[b]Find in E the S.S. of the equation hy using the general formula :X^ + 2X+1=0
Ip [a]If A and B are two events in the sample space of a random experiment
,P(B)= 0.5 , P(AnB)= 0.3 , P(A)= 0.7 ,find: P(AUB),P(A-B)

[b]Ifn(X)=^, find : n '(X) ? showing the domain of n

li ••

18 Assiut Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)

W Choose the correct answer from those given :

.^^9 + 16 =
(a)5 (b)3 (c)1 (d)zero.

[^Thetwo straightlines ;2X +3 y = 0 , 5 X - 3 y = 0 are intersecting in the

(a)first quadrant. (b)second quadrant, (c)third quadrant. (d)origin point.
|~3~|Half of the number 2^ is
(a)2' (b)2‘ (c)2^ (d)2
3X . X
zero ? then
X^+ 1 ' X^+1

(a)zero. (b)l (c)2 (d)3

[^If A ? B are two mutually exclusive events of a random experiment

5 then A n B = ■

(a)zero. (b)0.5 (c)l (d) 0

[6]Ifab20 = 40 ,ab = 20 ? where a ¥> b zero ;> then b =

(a)l (b)2 (c)3 (d) 4

Algebra and Probability
jO [a] Find in IR x IE the solution set of the two equations : X- y = 0 ? Xy = 9
[b] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n:
X^-3 X + X-1
n (X)=
X^-9 ' X^+2X-3

10 [a] Find in IE the solution set of the equation :3X--5X+l=0,by using the general
formula 9 rounding the results to two decimal places,
X2 X^ + X+ 1
[b] Ifn^ (X)= x'-x' , n2(X)= X^- 1

9 prove that: n^(X)= n^(X)for all values of X which belong to the common domain
and find this domain.

|Q [a] Find in IE x IE the solution set of the two equations:X- y = 3 9 2 X+y=9

[b] Ifn(X)=: 9 find :
X^-3X + 2

(T)n“'(X)in the simplest form and identify the domain of n~ *

[2]The value of X 9 if n“ ^ (X)= 3

I0 [a]If A 9 B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment
where P(A)= 0.3 9 P(B)= 0.6 9 P(A fl B)= 0.2
9 find :(T|P(A U B) 2]P(A-B) [3]P(B)
X^-8 2X-4
[b]Ifn(X)= X 9 find :
X^-4X + 4 X^+2X+4
[T)n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n
The value of n (2)

19 Souhag Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)

W Choose the correct answer from the given ones:
Q The set of zeroes of the function / where /(X) = X - 5 in IE IS
(a)IE (b){-5} (C){5} (d)0
[2]If2'^“3= 1 9thenk =
(a) zero. (b)3 (c)-3 (d)8
If the two events A 9 B are mutually exclusive events from the sample space of
a random experiment 9 then P(A fl B)=
(a)0 (b) zero. (c)l (d)2
Final Examinations

@ The solution set of the equation ;X^ + 9 = 0inEis

(a){3} (b){-3} (c){3 ,- 3} (d)0

(I]lf2’x35 =6 9 then m =

(a) 5 (b)6 (c) 10 (d) 25

^If there is an infinite number of solutions of the equations ;X + 6y = 3 ? 2X + ky = 6
in IE X M 9 then k =

(a)4 (b)6 (c) 12 (d)21

[a] Find in M by using the general formula the solution set of the equation:
- 2 X-4 =0 rounding the result to the nearest two decimal digits,
2X X^ + 4X
[b]Ifn^(X)= 2X+8 X^ + 8X+ 16 9 prove that: Uj1 = n^

[a] Find the solution set of the two equations : y = 3- X and X y = 2 in E X E

[b] If: n (X)= 9 find :
(X) and identify the domain of n 2]n“^3)

^[a] Find in E x M the solution set of the following two equations:

2X-y=7 9 X+y=5
[b] Find n(X)in the simplest form 9 showing the domain of n where ;
X^ + X , X-5
n(X)=: 0

X^-l X^-6X+5

[a] Find n(X)in the simplest form 9 showing the domain of n where :
X^-8 X X+3
X^ +X-6 X^ +2X+5
[b] If A and B are two events from the sample space of a random experiment and
P(A)= 0.8 9 P(B)= 0.7 9 P(A n B)= 0.6 9 then find :
(UP(A) [2]P(aUb)

20 Qena Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are permitted)

Choose the correct answer :

(T)If the curve of the quadratic function / does not intersect X-axis in any point 9 then the
number of solutions of the equation /(X)= 0 is
(a) an infinite number of solutions, (b) two solutions.

(c) a unique solutions. (d) zero.

Algebra and Probability
[2]Half the number 2"*^ is ■ •••
(a)l" (b)22 (c)23 (d)42
[^The set of zeroes of the function /:/(X)= + 9 in IE is
(a)0 (b)zero. (c){3} (d){3 ,-3}
@If A !(B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space S of a random
experiment 9 then P(A fl B)=
(a)0 (b)zero. (c)l (d)0.5

If the sum of ages of Ahmed and Mohamed now is 15 years ? then the sum of their
ages after 5 years is
(a)20 years. (b)25 years. (c)30 years. (d)35 years.

[6]ie^ n iE_=-
(a){0} (b)0 (c)IE (d)IE-{0}

[a]Find in IE x IE the solution set of two equations : X + 2 y = 4 ? 2X-y=3

[b]Find n(X)in the simplest form 5 showing the domain of n where :
X^-2X+4 , X^-1
X= + 8 X^ + X-2

[a]Find in E the solution set of the equation ;

X ^ + 4 = 6 X(approximating to the nearest one decimal)
[b]Find n(X)in the simplest form 9 showing the domain of n where :
X-1 . X^-5X
X^-1 ■ X^-4X-5

|0 [a]The sum of two real positive numbers is 7 and the sum of their squares is 37 ? find
the two numbers.

X^ + 2X 2X
[b]Ifnj(X)= X^+4X+4 , n2(X)= 2X + 4 ? prove that: n^ = n^

iP [a]Ifn(X)= X^-X- 2 ? find: n '(X)in the simplest fonn ? showing the
domain of n 1

? then find n“ * (3)

[b]If A and B two events from the sample space S 9 P(A)= 0.3 5 P(B)= 0.5
,P(AnB)= 0.2 ,find:P(A) , P(AUB)

Final Examinations

21 Luxor Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions:

Choose the correct answer:

pTlThe S.S. of the two equations : X-2=0 5 y + 3 = 0in]KxIRis

(a){(2,3)} (b){(-2,-3)} (c){(2,-3)} (d){(-2,3)}
[2]The set of zeroes of the function /:/(X)= 0 is
(a)0 {b)IE (c){0} (d)IR +
[3]If A and B are two mutually exclusive events ? then P(A Pi B)=
(a)0 (b)zero (c)P(A) (d)P(B)
a Half of 2^® is
(a)2” (b)25 (c)220 (d)2'
[5]3 x4-4^2 =
(a)6 (b)8 (c)10 (d)12
81 =

(a)9 (b)3 (c)-9 (d)-3

^[a]Find algebraically in E x E the S.S.of pair of the equations:

X-y=4 , 3X+2y=7
2X X^ + 4X
[bJIfnj(X)= 2X + 8 ’ n,(X)= X- + 8X+ 16 ? prove that: n^ = 02

^0 [a]Find algebraically the S.S. of pair of the eqnations inExE:X-y = 0 ?Xy = 9

X X+4
[b]Find n(X)in the simplest form > showing the domain of n :n (X)= X -4

[a]Using the general rule 5 find in E the solution set of the equation :X^ + 3X-3 = 0
approximating the result to nearest two decimal digits,
[b]If A !i B are two events of a random experiment and
P(A)=^ , P(B)=|- , P(A n B)=
,fmd:0P(AUB) ©PCA-B)

[a]Find n(X)in the simplest form ? showing the domain of n :

3X-15 . 5X-25
X+3 ■ 4X+ 12

(A : f V (<„ljS) oUJ - iwWI 57

Algebra and Probability

[b] A box contains 12 balls ? 5 of them are blue ? 4 are red ? and the left are white.
A ball is randomly drawn from the box. Find the probability that the drawn ball is:
pT] blue. [a] not red. [T|blue or red.

22 Aswan Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

m Choose the correct answer:

(T]If3^ = 9 ,thenX =
(a)2 (b)3 (c)9 (d)81
The set of solution of the two equations:X-3 =0 ? y =
(a){3 ,4} (b){(4,3)} (c){(3 ,4)} (d)0
@If5X = 6 ,then 10 X =
(a) 3 (b) 12 (c) 20 (d) 30
0The domain of the function f :f(X)= X-3 IS
(a)IR-{3} (b)IE-{-2 ,3} (c)E-{-2} (d)E
[s]If'^64 + 36 = 8 + a 9 then a =
(a)6 (b)4 (c)3 (d)2
® If A and B are two mutually exclusive events from the sample space of a random
experiment ? then P(AnB)=
(a)0.5 (b) 1 (c) zero. (d)0

lO [a] Find in E x M the solution set of the two following equations:X-y = 3and2X + y = 9
[b] Find n(X)in its simplest form 9 showing the domain of n where:
X 2X + 4
X-2 X^-4

^[a] Use the general formula to find in M the S.S.of the equation:X^-2X-6 =0
[b] Find n(X)in its simplest form 9 showing the domain of n where:
X^+2X-3 X X+ 1
X+3 X“- 1

[a] If n(X)= -A. — J
5 then find n ^ (X) and show the domain of n
[b] Find in E x E the solution set of the two following equations :
X-3 = 0andX- + y2 = 25
Final Examinations

^0 [a] If A and B are two events from a sample space of a random experiment
and P(A)= 0.3 , P(B)= 0.6 and P(A fl B)= 0.2
,find :0P(A U B) 2]P(A)
X X^ + 2X
[b] Ifnj(X)= X + 2 , n2(X)= X^+4X+4 ? prove that:n 1 = n 2

23 New Valley Governorate II

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

P Choose the correct answer from those given :

1 1
(a) Y (b) t (c)|- (d)f
[2]If bc^ =12 and be = 6 ? then c =
(a) 3 (b)2 (c)4 (d)6
[T]A rectangle of a perimeter 30 cm. and its width is 5 cm. 9 then its length is cm.

(a)5 (b) 10 (c)15 (d) 20

gifAcB , P(A)= 0.2 , P(B)= 0.6 ,thenP(AUB)=
(a)0.2 (b)0.4 (c)0.6 (d)0.8
[5]The set of zeroes of/ : /(X)= X + 1 is
(a){-1} (b){l} (c)0 (d)IE-{-l}
® If the curve of the function f where /(X)= X^-4X+3 intersects the X-axis in the two
points (3 9 0)and (1 9 0) 9 then the solution set of equation /(X)=0 in M is
(a){l} (b){3} (c){l 9 3} (d){O9I 93}

[a] Find the solution set of the two equations in M x IR : X + y = 10 9X-y = 4

[b] Find in M the solution set of the equation :X^-5X + 6 = 0by using the general rule.

^||a]F1ndinEx®ThesoliitionsetofThetwoequationsTx^-y =()9Xy = 9
X- 1
[b] If the domain of the function n : n (X)=
X^ -aX+9
isIR- {3} 9 then find :
fT]The value of a fg]The value of n (1)
X^-8 X+3
10 [a] Simplify : n(X)= X^ + X-6 X
9 showing the domain of n
9 then find : n~ ^ (X)in the simplest form showing the domain
of n

Algebra and Probabil ity
X 4X+16
W [a]Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain where: n(X) ^-4 x^-16

[b]In the opposite figure : s

If A and B are two events

in a sample space S of a random

experiment then !> find :

T)P(A) @P(AnB)

24 South Sinai Governorate IP^I

Answer thefollowing questions:

Choose the correct answer from the given answers:

pr|The point(-2 ? - 3)lies in the ■ quadrant,

(a)first (b)second (c)third (d)fourth

[2\ The solution set of the equation ;X^-4 = 0inI^is
(a){- 2 > 2} (b){-2} (c){2} (d)0

g]If ^ X = A ,then X =
(a)zero. (b)l (c)4 (d)7
f4~|The two straight lines :X + 2y=l V2X + 4y = 6are
(a)congruent. (b)intersecting. (c)perpendicular. (d)parallel.
5X . X _
[5]If X A zero 9 then X- + 1 ■ X^+l
(a)-5 (b)-l (c) 1 (d)5
If A and B are two mutually exclusive events ? then P(A fl B)=
(a)zero. (b)0 (c) 2 (d)l

jgl [a]Find in E the set of zeroes of the function f: f(X)= X^ 2X+ 1

X^ X^ + X^ + X
[b]Ifn,(X)= X^ -X^ ’ n,_(X)= X^-X ? prove that: n^ = n.

Find n(X)in the simplest form ? showing the domain :

2X 4 Xi+ X., X^-6X + 5
[T]n(X)= X+2 X+2 @n(X)= X^-l X X-5

Final Examinations

W [a] Find algebraically in IE x M the solution set of the two equations:

y-X=3 andxHy2-Xy= 13
[b]Using the general rnle 5 find the solution set of the equation :X^-2X-6 = 0inIE
? rounding the results to two decimal places.

I0 [a]Find in IE x IE the solution set of the following two equations graphically:

y=X+4 5X+y=4

[b]If A and B are two mutually exclusive events from a sample space of a random
experiment and P(A)= y ? P(A U B)= > find :P(B)

25 North Sinai Governorate ^k.-

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)

m Choose the correct answer from those given :

SIf X- y = 0 and X y = 16 ? then y =
(a)4 (b)-4 (c)±4 (d)zero.

[2]If X is the additive identity element and y is the multiplicative identity element ?
then (5)^ +(9)^ =
(a) 10 (b)5 (c)9 (d)3
X- 1
[I]lfn(X)=3^’then the domain of n ^ is
(a){-l} (b)E-{l ,-l} (c)E-{-l} (d)E

SThe S.S. of the two equations :X-y = 3 9 X + y = 5inExEis

(a){(l ,4)} (b){(4,1)} (c){(_4,1)} (d){(l ,-4)}
[U The common domain of the two functions : — j
9 ——-
JC — j

(a)E (b)E-{5 ,3} (c)E-{5} (d)E-{3}

® The probability of the certain event is
(a) 1 (b)i (c)- 1 (d)zero.

I0 [a]Find in E the solution set of the equation by using the general formula 9 rounding the
results to two decimals :3X^-5X+1=0
[b]If n^ and n^ are two algebraic fractions where : n^ (X)= X-2
9 find the common domain of n^ and n.^
Algebra and Probability

\0 [a]Find in E x M the S.S.of the two equations : X- y = 1 , X^-y^ = 25

[b]Find n(X)in the simplest form 5 showing the domain of n:
X^-8 X X+3
X^+X-6 X^+2X+4

|0 [a]If A > B are events from a sample space of a random experiment

,P(A)= 0.3 , P(B)= 0.6 , P(AnB)= 0.2 ,find : P(A U B),P(A-B)
X^ X
[b]Ifn(X)= X - 1 + -——
i — -X
r. find n (X)in the simplest form 5 showing the domain of n

1 X^ + 4
IP [a]Ifn,(X) X ’ "2^ = X^ + 4X 9 prove that: n^ = 02
[b]Find in E X E the S.S.of the two equations graphically :2 X+y = 5 > X + y = 4

26 Red Sea Governorate im


Answer thefollowing questions:

ID Choose the correct answer from those given :

rn The number of common solutions for the two equations : X + y = 2 and X + y = 3
in E X E is

(a) zero. (b)l (c)2 (d)3

[2]If A and B are two mutually exclusive events in the sample space of a random
experiment ? then P(AnB)=
(a) zero. (b)l (c)0.5 (d)0

[3]The ordered pair which satisfies the equation : X - y = 1 is

(a)(l ,1) (b)(2 ,1) (c)(l ,2) (d)(i,i)
2 .
0The domain of the function n : n (X)= X-5 IS
(a)E-{5} (b)E (c)E-{-5} (d)E-{2}
0The point of intersection of the two straight lines : X =- 1 and y = 1 lies in the
(a)first (b)second (c) third (d)fourth

0The set of zeroes of the function /:/(X)= X ^ + 16 in E is

(a){4} (b){-4} (c){4,-4} (d)0

Final Examinations

IP [a] Using the general formula ? find in IR the solution set of the equation:
X X +4
[b]Put in the simplest form showing the domain : n(X)= X-4

^0 [a] Find in M x IE the solution set of the two equations algebraically :

2X-y=5 , X+y=4

[b]Put in the simplest form showing the domain : n (X)= X^-8 ^ X+3
X^+X-6 X^+2X+4

|Q [a] Find in E x M the solution set of the two equations:

X- y = 1 and X ^ + y ^ = 25
2X X^ + 2X
[b]Ifn^ (X)= 2X + 4 ’ n2(X)= X^+4X+4 5 prove that: Oj = 02

^0 [a]The opposite figure represents s

the two events A and B in a sample
space of a random experiment 9 find : x3 x4

SPCAflB) [2]P(A-B) x6


[b]Graph the function /:/(X)= X ^ - 1 where X G[- 2 ? 2] 9

then find the solution set of the equation : X ^ - 1 =0

27 Matrouh Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are allowed)

\D Choose the correct answer from those given :

(a)5 (b)-5 (c)±5 (d)25

@The S.S. of the equation :X^-4 = 0inIEis

(a){2} (b){- 2} (c){-2 9 2} (d)0

(a) zero (c)l (d)2
0The set of zeroes of/ where /(X)= X - 5 is
(a){zero} (b){5} (c){-5} (d){-5,5}
Algebra and Probability

[5]If3G{l ,7} ,thenX =

(a) 1 (b)3 (c)5 (d)7

[b]If a regular die is tossed once ? the probability of appearance of a number less than 3
1 1 1
(a)- (b) (c) f (d)f
^0 [a] Find the solution set of the two equations in M x ]R:X = 2 , Xy = 6

[b] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where:
X . 3X
X-3 X^-9

^0 [a]If A and B are two events in the sample space of a random experiment 9 and
P(A)= ^ , P(B)= and P(A n B)= ^ ,then find : P(A U B)
[b] Find n(X)in the simplest form showing the domain of n where:
X-1 X+3
X+1 X+1

\0 [a] If Oj ? 02 are two algebraic fractions where : n^ (X)= X- 1 X^- 4
? then calculate the common domain of n
1 ,02

[b] By using the general formula ,find in M the solution set of the equation :
X -2X-4 = 0(approximating to the nearest one decimal)

X- 1 (X-1)(X"+1)'
I0 [aJIfnj(X) X ’ n2(X)= X(X^+ 1)
5 prove that:n 1 "2

[b] Find in E x M the solution set of the two equations:X + y = 2 , X = y + 6


Governorates' Examinations on


1 Cairo Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

Choose the correct answer from those given :

|T)The measure of the reflex angle of the angle whose measure is 100° equals
(a)80 (b)90 (c)200 (d) 260

[2]If A lies on the circle M of diameter length 8 cm.,then MA = cm.

(a)2 (b)4 (c)6 (d)8

@The number of axes of symmetry of the parallelogram equals

(a)0 (b)l (c)2 (d)3

0If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ,where m(Z B)= 50° ,then m(Z D)=
(a) 25 (b)50 (c) 100 (d) 130

[5]If the measure of one of the two base angles of an isosceles triangle is 40°
5 then the measure of the vertex angle is
(a)40 (b)80 (c) 100 (d) 140
^The inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is ■ angle.
(a) an acute (b) a right (c)an obtuse (d) a straight

10 [a]Find the measure of the arc which represents ^ the measure of the circle ,then calculate
the length of this arc if the radius length of the circle is 14 cm.(where Jt =
[b]In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two tangent-segments

to the circle M at B and C m(Z A)= 80°
Find with proof: m(Z BCM)

lo [a] Using your geometric tools ,draw AB with length 5 cm. ? then draw a circle passing
through the two points A and B whose radius length is 3 cm. How many circles can
be drawn ?


[b] In the opposite figure:

M is a circle ? m (/- XMY)= 130° and ZX = ZL

Find with proof:


[2] m(Z XZY)

m(Z L)

^[a] In the opposite figure:

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B

? HX is a tangent to the circle M at X

AB = {Y}
Prove that: HXMY is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[b] In the opposite figure:

If A B is a tangent to the circle at B
? AC intersects the circle at C ? D

,m(BD)= 110° ,m(BC)= 40°

? find with proof: m(Z A)

[a]In the opposite figure:

XYZ is an inscribed triangle in the circle M
9 D 9 H are the midpoints of XY and XZ respectively
If MD = MH and m(Z DMH)= 120°

9 prove that: The triangle XYZ is an equilateral triangle.

[b]In the opposite figure : X Y

If XY is a tangent to the circle at X


9 XY // DH

9 prove that: DHZL is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Final Exanninations

Giza Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions:

Choose the correct answer :

(T)The point of concurrence of the medians of the triangle divides the median by the ratio
from the base.

(a)3 ; 9 (b) 3 : 1 (c)4 : 2 (d)2 ; 4

^ If the straight line L is a tangent to the circle M whose diameter length is 8 cm.
? then the distance between L and the centre of the circle equals •• cm.

(a) 3 (b)4 (c)6 (d)8

The measure of the exterior angle of the equilateral triangle at any vertex equals
(a) 60 (b) 108 (c) 120 (d) 135
0The measure of the arc which represents half the measure of the circle equals
(a) 180 (b)90 (c) 120 (d)240

[5]In A ABC ,if(BCf =(AB)^ +(AC)^ ,m(A B) = 50° ,then m(A C)=
(a) 90 (b) 50 (c)40 (d) 130

In the opposite figure:

M is a circle ? m(A A)= 120°

9 then m(A C)= °

(a) 110 (b)60

(c)55 (d) 180

[a]In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two chords in a circle M

? D is the midpoint of AB
5 H is the midpoint of AC
,m(A BAG)= 60°

Find with proof: m(A DMH)

[b]In the opposite figure:

AC // DB ,m(A AMB)= 140°

Find : m (A CAD)with proof.

(N» :f )'fo

\0 [a]In the opposite figure:

AB and DC are two chords in a circle

,ABnOT = {H},m(ADHB)= 110°

,m(AC)= 100°
Find : m (/. DCB)

[b] In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two tangent-segments
to the circle M > AB // CD

,m(ZBMD)= 130°
nn Prove that: CB bisects Z. ACD

|0 [a] In the opposite figure:

CD is a tangent to the circle at C
,OT // AB ,m(Z AMB)= 120°
Prove that: A CAB is an equilateral triangle,

[b] In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two chords equal
in length in the circle M
? X is the midpoint of AB
9 Y is the midpoint of AC
Prove that: XD = YH

[a] In the opposite figure:

ABC is a triangle inside the circle

Prove that: m(A DAC)= m (A BAH)

[b] In the opposite figure:

ABC is a triangle inside the circle
9 BD is a tangent to the circle at B
9XGAB 9YG^,XY//m
Prove that:

AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Final Examinations

Alexandria Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are permitted)

\0 Choose the correct answer from those given :

pn If the straight line L is a tangent to the circle of diameter length 8 cm.
? then the distance between L and the centre of the circle equals cm.

(a) 3 (b)4 (c)6 (d)8

^ The square whose side length is 5 cm. 5 then its surface area equals cm.

(a) 20 (b) 50 (c) 25 (d) 100

The inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is
(a) acute. (b) obtuse. (c) straight. (d) right.
3The intersection point of the medians of the triangle divides each median by the ratio
from the base.

(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1 (c) 1 : 3 (d) 3 : 1

[5] In the opposite figure:
A circle M ,m(Z CMA)= 140°
? then m(A CDA)= °
(a) 70 (b) no
(c) 40 (d) 140
® The length of the side opposite to the angle of measure 30° in the right-angled triangle
equals the length of the hypotenuse.
(a) 2 (b)f2 (C) 2 (d)-^
[a] In the opposite figure:
ABC is an inscribed triangle in a circle
Prove that:

m (Z. DAB)= m(Z CAH)

[b] In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two chords

in the circle M ? D is the midpoint of AB

? H is the midpoint of AC ^ m(Z A)= 60°
Find with proof: m(L DMH)


II [a]In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed
in a circle M ? AC is a diameter

in the circle ? CB = CD

Prove that: m(AB)= m(AD)

[b]ABC is an inscribed triangle in a circle ? X GAB > Y GAC where m(AX)= m(AY)

? CX n AB ={d} ? BY n AC = {H} Prove that: BCHD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[a]In the opposite figure:

M is a circle with radius length 7 cm.

,m(^)= 108°
Find:the length of AB 108

[b]In the opposite figure:

m(Y ABH)= 100°

,m(Z CAD)= 40°

Prove that: CD = AD

|0 [a]In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M »C Gthe circle M

A tangent was drawn to the circle at C s


to intersect the two drawn tangents for it at A ? B

5cm. 5cm.

at X ? Y respectively where AB = 10 cm.

5 XC = 5 cm. 9 YB = 8 cm.

Find :the perimeter of AXYB

[b]In the opposite figure:

ABCD is a parallelogram in which AC = BC

Prove that:

CD is a tangent to the circle circumscribed about the triangle ABC

Final Examinations

El-Kalyoubia Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions:

\0 Choose the correct answer:

pn The measure of the inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle equals
(a) 360 (b) 180 (c) 120 (d) 90

[2]In the opposite figure :

A circle of centre M ? m(AB)= 80°

9 then m (Z. ADB)=

(a)40 (b)60

(c) 120 (d) 160

In the opposite figure:


? MD = 6 cm. > then ME = cm.

(a) 12 (b)8

(c)6 (d)3

4]In the opposite figure:

Ifm(ZA)= 120°

9 then m(Z C)=

(a) 150 (b) 120

(c) 90 (d)60

15]If the surface of circle M fl the surface of circle N = {a} 9 then the two circles M and
N are

(a) touching internally, (b) touching externally,

(c) intersecting. (d) concentric.

[6 I The number of the common tangents of two circles touching externally is

(a)0 (b) 1 (c)2 (d)3


W [a]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two chords equal in
length in the circle M ? X is the midpoint of AB
? Y is the midpoint of AC m (/. CAB)= 70°
rn Calculate : m (Z. DME)
[2]Prove that:XD = YE

[b]In the opposite figure :

m(BC)= m(DE)
Prove that: AB = AD

[a]In the opposite figure:
ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = AD
,m(Z ABD)= 30° ,m(Z C)= 60°

Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral,

[b]In the opposite figure :

A circle is drawn touching the sides
of the triangle ABC ? AB BC
9 AC at D 9 E 9 E 9 AD = 3 cm.

9 BE = 4 cm. 9 CF = 2 cm.

Find : the perimeter of A ABC

|0 [a]ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle 9 AD is a tangent to the circle at A 9 X G AB

9 Y G AC where XY // BC 9 prove that: AD is a tangent to the circle passing
through the points A 9 X and Y

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB and CD are two chords in the circle

9 AB n OT ={e} 9 m(DB)= 80° 9 m(AC)= 50°

Find : m(Z AEC)

^0 [a]In the opposite figure: A

ABC is an inscribed triangle inside a circle

Prove that: m(Z DAC)= m(Z BAE)

Final Examinations

[b]In the opposite figure:

CD is a tangent to the circle at C
, // AB ,m(Z AMC)= 120°
Prove that:

The triangle CAB is an equilateral triangle.

El-Sharkia Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

Choose the correct answer from those given:

[i]The number of circles passing through three collinear points is ••
(a)zero. (b)l (c)2 (d)3

fT|M and N are two circles touching internally. If the radius length of the circle M is
3 cm. and the radius length of the circle N is 1 cm. ? then MN = •• cm.

(a)l (b)4 (c)3 (d)2

U If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral and m(A A)= 70° ,then m(A C)= °
(a) 140 (b) 110 (c) 100 (d)70

® A circle of centre M and the length of its diameter is 6 cm. ? A is a point in the plane of
the circle M ? if MA = 3 cm. ? then A lies

(a)inside the circle, (b)outside the circle,

(c)on the circle. (d)on the centre of the circle.

[1]In the opposite figure:

M is a circle ? m(BC)= 50°
,AB//DC ,thenm(OT)= M

(a) 100 (b)60

(c) 120 (d)80

[b]In the opposite figure:

M is a circle !. AB is a diameter of the circle

9 MA = 4 cm. ? then the length of AB = cm.

(a)2 JT (b)4Jt

(c)8 Jt (d)6 JC


m [a] In the opposite figure:

A circle of centre M

,in which m(Z BMC)= 130°

Find ; pTI m(Z A)

® m(Z D)
[b]In the opposite figure:
DC is a diameter of the circle M

? BA is a tangent to the circle M at B

,m(ZABD)= 135°
Prove that: DC // BA

[a]In the opposite figure:

AB ? AC are two tangents to the circle M at B
? C respectively ? m(Z A)= 45° ? BM fl AC ={d}
Prove that:

pri The figure ABMC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[U CD = CM

[b]In the opposite figure:

Two concentric circles at M ? AC and AB

are two tangent-segments to the smaller circle

at E and D and intersect the greater circle
at C and B respectively. Prove that: AC = AB

|0 [a] In the opposite figure:

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B
, n AB ={Y},m(Z YNX)= 80°
? X is the midpoint of AC
Find : m(Z BAC)

[b] In the opposite figure:

BE // DC ,m(Z DAB)= 120°
,m(Z FBE)= 45°

Find : m(Z CDA)

Final Examinations

m [a]In the opposite figure:

n^={A},m(Z BED)= 10°
,m(EC)= 80°

Find : m(Z A)

[b]In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at A

,m (Z. DAB)= 60° ,m(A B)= 30°

Prove that: AD is a tangent to the circle

passing through the points A ? B and C

El-Monofia Governorate m

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are permitted)

Choose the correct answer from those given :

(TjThe area of a square is 50 cm^ ? then the length of its diagonal is cm.

(a)5 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 25

2]Z A ? Z B are two complementary angles ,m(Z A)= ^ m(A B) ?
then m(Z A)=

(a)30 (b)45 (c)60 (d)90

fy] A ABC is right-angled at B ? m(Z C)= 30° ? AC = 6 cm. > then AB = cm.

(a) 12 (b)6 (c)3

0In the opposite figure:

AB n the surface of the circle M = • M

(a)0 (b){C,D}
(c) CD (d)

[5] ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ? then [m(Z A)+ m(Z C)- 100°]=
(a) 80 (b) 100 (c) 180 (d) 280
fel The measure of the inscribed angle in a semicircle equals

(a)45 (b) 135 (c) 90 (d) 150

{ N'V : f V/(i^ljS) oUJ - oL-iLj 121

IP [a]In the opposite figure:

AB is a diameter in the circle M ? AB // CD

Ifm(CD)= 100° ,m(AAEC)= 2X-10°

SCalculate: m(BD)
[2]Find :the value of X

[b]In the opposite figure :

A ABC is inscribed in the circle M

,m(Z B)= m (A C)
9 X is the midpoint of AB 5 MY ± AC
Prove that: MX = MY

1B [a]In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M ? CD // AB

,m(A AMC)= 70°

Calculate :

S m(A ADC) [a]m(AABD)

[b]In the opposite figure:

A ABC is inscribed in a circle

? AX is a tangent to the circle » DE // BC

Prove that: AX is a tangent to the circle
passing through the points A ;> D and E

lO [a]In the opposite figure:

Two circles M and N are intersecting at A and B
? E G BA 9 EC intersects the circle M at C ? F

? X is the midpoint of CF? m (A E)= 52°

Calculate: m(A XMD)

[b]In the opposite figure :

m(A A)= 70°

,m(A DBC)= 35° ,CB = CD

Prove that:

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Final Examinations

P [a]In the opposite figure :

The circle M touches the sides

of A ABC at D »E and F

If BC = 10 cm. ? DB = 6 cm.

9 calculate:the length of CE

[b]In the opposite figure: D


ABCD is a parallelogram

Prove that: AECD is a cyclic quadrilateral.


7 El-Gharbia Governorate
Answer thefollowing questions:

W Choose the correct answer:

pTlThe measure of the inscribed angle which is drawn in y a circle equals °
(a)240 (b)120 (c)60 (d)30

[2]If the surface of the circle M fl the surface of the circle N ={a} 9 then the two circles M
and N are

(a)distant, (b)one is inside the other,

(c)intersecting. (d)touching externally.

ABC is an equilateral triangle 9 then the number of symmetry axes of the side BC
(a)3 (b)2 (c)1 (d)0

[4]ABC is a triangle in which :(AB)^ +(BC)^ <(AC)^ 9 then Z C is

(a)right. (b)acute, (c)straight. (d)obtuse.

[5]The is a cyclic quadrilateral,

(a)trapezium (b)rhombus (c)rectangle (d)parallelogram

® A rhombus whose diagonals lengths are 6 cm. and 10 cm. 9

then its area is cm:

(a)60 (b)15 (c)30 (d)10


10 [a] In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two chords including an angle
of measure 120° ? D and E are the midpoints
of AB and AC respectively
? DM and EM intersect the circle at X and Y respectively.
Prove that: A XYM is an equilateral triangle,
[b]In the opposite figure:
DA bisects A BDM and cuts

the circle at A ? DB1 AB A

Prove that: B
AB is a tangent to the circle M at A

10 [a] In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M

,m (A BMD)= 50°

Find : m(A ACD)

[b] In the opposite figure:

ABC is a triangle inscribed
in a circle ? DE // BC
Prove that:

m(ADAC)= m(ABAE)

lO [a] In the opposite figure :

M and N are two intersecting circles at A and B
? AD is drawn to intersect circle M at E and circle N at D
? BC is drawn to intersect circle M at F and circle N at C
and m(A C)= 70°
Pn Find : m(A F) [2]Prove that: CD // EE

[b] In the opposite figure:

XA and XB are two tangents to
the circle at A and B » m(A AXB)= 70°
and m (A DCB)= 125°
Prove that: AB bisects A DAX

Final Examinations

9[a]In the opposite figure:

M and N are two circles intersecting at A and B ?
MX ± AC and intersects AC at X and intersects

the circle M at Y > MN is drawn to intersect AB

at D and intersect the circle M at E ? if AC = AB

? prove that: XY = DE

[b]In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle ?
BD is a tangent to the circle at B ? X G AB
and Y G BC ? where XY // BD

Prove that: AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

El-Dakahlia Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

W [a]Choose the correct answer :

[Tl The two tangents which are drawn from the two endpoints of a diameter of
a circle are

(a) parallel. (b)intersecting. (c)perpendicular, (d)equal.

fg]A chord is of length 8 cm. ? in a circle of radius length 5 cm.

9 then the chord is at cm.from the centre of the circle.

(a)l (b)2 (c)3 (cl)4

[Tl The measure of the central angle which is opposite to an arc of

length y Jt: r equals °

(a)30 (b)60 (c) 120 (d)240

[b]In the opposite figure :

BC is a diameter of the circle M

,m(YA)= 20° ,m(CE)= 80°

Find : m(DE)


W [a] Choose the correct answer:

IT] The number of symmetry axes of two circles touching externally is
(a)0 (b) 1 (c)2 (d) oo

® If the point A lies on the surface of the circle M and the length of its diameter is
6 cm. > then MAG

(a) — 00
^ 6J (b) — 00
93 (c)[0 9 3 (d) J3 9 oo
® ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle ? m (Z A)= 70° 9
then m(BAD)= °

(a) 35 (b) 55 (c) 140 (d) 220

[b] In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter of a circle M

9 m(Z BMD)= 30°

Find :|T] m(Z BCD) (U m(Z ACD)

[a] In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in
a circle 9 E GCB 9 m(Z ABE)= 100° 9
D is the midpoint of AC
Find: m(Z DAC)

[b] In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two tangent-segments to
the circle at B and C 9 AB =(2 X- 1) cm. 9
AC =(X -I- 2)cm. 9 BC =(7 - X)cm.
Find :[T| The value of X ® The perimeter of A ABC

[a] In the opposite figure: E

ABCD is a parallelogram 9

Prove that :[T] ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[2] m(Z AEB)= m(Z DBC)
Final Examinations

[b] In the opposite figure:

Two concentric circles at M

? AB and AC are two chords in the greater

circle and two tangent-segments to the smaller circle at D
)E respectively ? m(A A)= 50‘
pn Find : m (A EMD) ^Prove that: AB = AC

[a] In the opposite figure:

AB is a chord in a circle M

? D is the midpoint of AB and AC bisects L BAM

Prove that: DM ± CM

[b] In the opposite figure :

EA and EB are two tangents to the circle
at Aand B ,m (A E)= 70° ,m(Z D)= 125°
Prove that:

[j]AB = AC
[a] AC is a tangent to the circle
passing through the vertices of A ABE

Ismailia Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

Choose the correct answer from those given :
pT] The longest chord in the circle is called
(a) a tangent. (b) a secant. (c) a diameter. (d) an arc.
^ If the two circles M ? N are touching internally ? their radii lengths are 7 cm. ? 10 cm. ?
then ? MN = cm.

(a) 1 (b) 3 (c)7 (d) 17

^ The inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is
(a) acute. (b) obtuse. (c) straight. (d) right.
[D The length of the side opposite to the angle of measure 30° in the right-angled
triangle equals the length of the hypotenuse.
(a) 2 (b)- (c)Y2 (d) 2
Geometry .

® ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which m (Z. A)= 70° ? then m(Z C)=
(a) 20 (b) 25 (c) 10 (d) 110

[s]The number of rectangles in the opposite figure is

(a)4 (b)5 (c)6 (d)7

^0 [a] In the opposite figure:

A circle M ,m(Z BMD)= 150°

Find with proof: m(Z C)

[b] In the opposite figure:

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = AD
,m(Z ABD)= 30° ,m(Z C)= 60°
Prove that:

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

|0 [a]In the opposite figure:

AB is a diameter in the circle M ? m(AD)= m(DC)
,m (Z CAB)= 30°

[T|Find with proof: m(Z CDB)

[2]Prove that: CD // BA

[b] In the opposite figure :

AD is a tangent to the circle M
9 AC intersects the circle at B 9 C and E

is the midpoint of BC ? m(Z A)= 65°

Find with proof: m(Z DME)

[a] In the opposite figure:

AB ? BC and AC are tangent-segments to the circle M

at X ? Y and Z respectively.
If AC = 10 cm. ? AX = 6 cm.

and the perimeter of A ABC = 24 cm.

? find :The length of AB

Final Examinations

[b]In the opposite figure :

A circle of centre M ? m (A BMD)= 80°

,m(Z ABC)= 110°

(T)Find with proof: m(A CDB)

]Prove that: CB = CD

lO [a]In the opposite figure:

m (A A)= 40° ,m(BD)= 60°

,m(BC)= m(DE)

Find :[j]m(EC)


[b]In the opposite figure:

ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle
? BD is a tangent to the circle at B

,where XY // DB

Prove that: AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

10 Suez Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

Choose the correct answer from those given :

[T]In the opposite figure:
If M is a circle ? m(Z BAC)= 50°
> then m(Z BMC)= °

(a)50 (b)90

(c)25 (d)100

@The number of circles which pass through three non-collinear points equals
(a)0 (b)l (c)2 (d)3

(\V : jro/iijijiil r/(<^|jS) oUJ - oL^Lj >wbfell 129

Geometry —

[3]In the opposite figure:

If M is a circle ,E GOT ,m(A ADC)= 110°

5 then m(A ABE)= °

(a)70 (b)55

(c)110 (d)80

0The tangent to a circle of diameter length 6 at a distance of from its


(a)6 cm. (b) 12 cm. (c)3 cm. (d)2 cm.

[5]The circumference of the circle equals

(a)2 Jt r (b)Jtr2 (c)2 Jt r^ (d)JTr

[ejin the opposite figure:

If AB is a diameter of the circle M

? then m(Z C)=

(a) 180 (b)90

(c)45 (d)60

[a]In the opposite figure:

BD is a tangent to the circle M at B

,m(A BMA)= 80°

Find :(Tjm ABD) [2]m(AB)

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB is a diameter of the circle M

9 BC is a tangent-segment touching it at B
9 E is the midpoint of AD 9 m(A C)= 50°
Find : m(A EMB)

[a]In the opposite figure:

m(AB)= m(BC)= m(AC)

Find:m(Z C)

Final Examinations

[b]In the opposite figure:

M is a circle ? MD J_ AB

9 E is the midpoint of AC 9 MD = ME
Prove that: AB = AC

[a]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two tangents to the circle

at B and C 9 m(A BDC)= 70°

Find:0m(ZABC) [2]m(Z BAC)

[b]In the opposite figure :

AB // 9 m(^)= 30°
Find: m(Z BED)

[a]State two cases of the cyclic quadrilateral,

[b]In the opposite figure:

m(Z BAC)= 50° 9 m(Z BCA)= 30°

9 m(Z ADC)= 80°

Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

11 Port Said Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions:

Choose the correct answer from those given :

0The circumference of a circle of radius length 7 cm. is cm.

(a)7 Jt (b)8 Jt (c)14 Jt (d)49 Jt

^A circle can be drawn passing through the vertices of a

(a)rectangle. (b)rhombus. (c)trapezium. (d)parallelogram.


fsl In the opposite figure:

m(^)= 50° ,m(BD)= 110'
110 A
> then m(Z H)= °
(a)60 (b)50 H
(c)40 (d)30

3The inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is angle.

(a) an acute (b)a right (c)an obtuse (d)a straight

If the diameter length of a circle = 8 cm.and the line L is at a distance of4 cm.from its
centre > then the line L is ••• the circle.

(a) a secant to (b)outside (c) a tangent to (d)a symmetry axis of

fsl The number of common tangents of two distant circles is

(a)4 (b)3 (c)2 (d)l

lO [a]In the opposite figure :

XY is a tangent-segment to the circle
? MX is a radius

,MX = 5 cm.,XY= 12 cm.


Find :YZ

[b]In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two chords equal in length in the circle
,^1 AB AC
Prove that: OX = HY

lO [a]Mention two cases in which the quadrilateral is cyclic,

[b]In the opposite figure:
AB is a diameter in a circle M

!> BD is a tangent-segment

and H is the midpoint of AC

Prove that: DBMH is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Final Examinations

[a] In the opposite figure:

AB is a tangent
9 DC is a diameter in a circle M

,m (A A)= 40°

Find : m(A BDC)with proof,

[b] In the opposite figure:

A ABC is inscribed in a circle

,XY // BC

Prove that: m (Z. XAC)= m(Z YAB)

[a] In the opposite figure : A

The sides of A ABC touches the circle

externally at D ? H and Q
? AD = 5 cm. 5 BH = 4 cm. ? CQ = 3 cm.

Find :The perimeter of A ABC

[b] In the opposite figure :

AD is a tangent to the circle at A
,YX // CB

Prove that:

AD is a tangent to the circle

passing through the points A ? Y ? X

12 Damietta Governorate (^U

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

Choose the correct answer from the given answers:

11 The angle of measure 20° is the complementary angle of the angle of measure
(a) 20 (b)40 (c)70 (d) 160

[2]If the two circles M 5 N are touching externally 9 their radii lengths are 3 cm. 9 7 cm. 9
then MN = cm.

(a)3 (b)4 (c)6 (d) 10


@The two diagonals are perpendicular and not equal in length in the
(a) rhombus. (b) trapezium. (c) square. (d) parallelogram.
0The measure of the inscribed angle in a semicircle is equal to
(a) 30 (b)60 (c) 90 (d) 180
In the opposite figure:
If m(A ADB)= 70° ,then m(A ACB)=
(a) 35 (b)70
(c)90 (d) 140
® In A ABC ,if(AB)2 =(AC)^ +(BC)^ + 3 ,then Z C is
(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

^0 [a]In the opposite figure: A B E

AB is a tangent to the circle at A
,m(Z MBE)= 120°

Find with proof: m(A AMB)

[b]In the opposite figure:

ABCD is a rectangle inscribed in a circle
? the chord CE is drawn where CE = CD

Prove that:

[l]m(^)= m(OT) 2jAE = BC E

[a]In the opposite figure:
AB and AC are two chords equal in length
in the circle M ? X is the midpoint of AB
9 Y is the midpoint of AC
,m (A BAC)= 80°
BFind: m(A EMD) il]Prove that: YE = XD

[b]In the opposite figure:

ABCD is a quadrilateral > AB = AD ? m (A ABD)= 30°
,m(Z C)= 60°
Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Final Examinations

\Q [a] In the opposite figure:

CA and BD are two parallel chords
in the circle M ? m(Z AMB)= 140°

Find with proof: m(Z CAD)

[b] In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two tangent-segments

to the circle at B and C

? CB bisects L ACD m(Z BCD)= 65°

Find with proof: m(Z A)and m(Z D)

[a]In the opposite figure:


,m(S)= 110°
,m(Z CBE)= 85°
Find with proof:[T]m(Z ADB) 1]m(Z BDC)

[b]In the opposite figure :

A ABC is right-angled at A
9 AC = 3 cm. 9 BC = 6 cm. 9 m(Z DAB)= 60°

Prove that: AD is a tangent to the circle

passing through the vertices of A ABC

t3 Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate c

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

[a] Choose the correct answer from those given :

pTI The measure of the arc which equals half the measure of the circle is
(a)360 (b) 180 (c) 120 (d)90

[g]ABC is a triangle in which (AC)^ >(AB)^ +(BC)^ 9 then the type of Z ABC

(a) obtuse. (b)acute. (c) right. (d)straight.


@ M and N are two intersecting circles ? their radii lengths are 3 cm. and 5 cm. ?
then : MN G

(a) J8 , OO
(b) J2 , oo
(c)jo ,2 (d)J2 ,8

[b]In the opposite figure:

AD is a tangent to the circle M

? AC intersects the circle M at B and C

? E is the midpoint of BC ? m(Z A)= 56'

Find : m (Z. DME)

I0 [a] Choose the correct answer from those given:

pn The measure of the inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle equals
(a)45 (b) 120 (c)90 (d) 180
[2]The lateral area of a cube is 36 cm^ ? then its total area is cm:

(a) 18 (b)54 (c)81 (d)216

@In the opposite figure:

m(AB)= 140'

? m(CD)= 50° ? then m(Z E)=

(a)45 (b)40 E

(c)95 (d)55

[b]In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M

? C Gthe circle M ? m(Z CAB)= 30°

9 D is the midpoint of AC ? DB D AC ={h}

pTlFind: m(AD) [2]Prove that: AB // DC

|0 [a]Two concentric circles at M ? AB and AC are two chords in the larger circle touching
the smaller circle at X and Y respectively

Prove that: AB = AC

Final Examinations

[b]In the opposite figure:

ABC is a triangle in which m (Z. BAC)= 90°
? BC = 8 cm. ? AC = 4 cm.

,m(Z BAD)= 60°

Prove that: AD is a tangent to the circle
passing through the vertices of the triangle ABC

|Q [a]In the opposite figure:

A circle is drawn touching the sides of
the triangle ABC at D ? E 5 F
? AD = 3 cm.,BD = 2 cm. 9 AC = 8 cm.

Find :The length of BC

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two tangent-segments to the circle M
,AB // ,m(Z BMD)= 130°

Find : m(Z A)

[a] State two cases of a cyclic quadrilateral,

[b]In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M ? D G AB ? D^ AB
,DElAB,CG^,OTnra ={E}
[2]Prove that: ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

14 El-Beheira Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is permitted)

|0 Choose the correct answer from the given ones:

pn If the origin point is the midpoint of AB 5 A(5 1-2) 5 then B is
(a)(5 ,2) (b)(5 ,-2) (c)(-5 ,-2) (d)(-5,2)

@The slope of the straight line ;3X + 2y=lis

(a)f (0^ (cl)f

(\A : V (io,ljS) oia - jwbfell 137

[3]The measure of any interior angle of the regular pentagon is

(a) 90° (b) 108° (c) 120° (d) 135°
The ratio between the measure of the inscribed angle and the measure of the central
angle subtended by the same arc equals
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2: 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 3
[5]It is possible to draw a circle passing through the vertices of a
(a) trapezium. (b) rhombus. (c) parallelogram, (d) rectangle.
If the length of a diameter of a circle is 7 cm. and the straight line L is at a distance of
3.5 cm.from its centre ? then L is

(a) a secant to the circle at two points, (b) outside the circle,
(c) a tangent to the circle. (d) an axis of symmetry of the circle.

[a] In the opposite figure:

A triangle ABC is inscribed in the circle M
in which : m(Z B)= m (A C)
^ X is the midpoint of AB ,MY _L AC
Prove that: MX = MY

[h]In the opposite figure:

,m('S')= 110°
,m(Z CBE)= 85°

Find : m(Z BDC)

^0 [a] In the opposite figure:

AB is a chord in the circle M

,^//AB AM ={E}
,m(Z A)= 60°

Find : m(Z B)

[b]In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M !> AB D CD = {e}
,m(Z AEC)= 30° ,m(^)= 80°
Find : m(CD)

Final Examinations

H [a]In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M

? X is the midpoint of CA
and XM intersects the tangent to the circle at B in Y
Prove that: The figure AXBY is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[b]In the opposite figure :

AB is a chord in the circle M ? AC bisects Z. BAM

and intersects the circle M at C

If D is the midpoint of AB
? prove that: DM _L CM

jo [a]Inthe opposite figure :

AB and AC are two tangent-segments
to the circle at B and C ? m(A A)= 40°

Find with proof: m(A D)

[b]In the opposite figure:

XA and XB are two tangents to the circle
at A and B ? m(A AXB)= 50°

,m(ADCB)= 115°
Prove that:

pn AB bisects A DAX [2]BD =

15 El-Fayoum Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

m Choose the correct answer:

priThe inscribed angle in a semicircle is angle,

(a)an acute (b)an obtuse (c)a straight (d)a right

2]If ABC is a right-angled triangle at B ? AB = 6 cm. ? BC = 8 cm. ? D is the midpoint of
AC 5 then BD = cm.

(a) 10 (b)20 (c)5 (d)otherwise


The tangent to a circle of diameter length 6 at a distance of cm.from

its centre.

(a)6 (b) 12 (c)3 (d)2

The number of axes of symmetry of the circle is
(a)0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) infinite.
A regular polygon ? the measure of one of its interior angles is 144° ? then the number
of its sides is sides.

(a) 7 (b)8 (c)9 (d) 10

In a cyclic quadrilateral ? each two opposite angles are
(a) equal. (b) complementary, (c) supplementary, (d) alternate.

^0 [a]In the opposite figure:

AD // BC ,m(Z B)= 74°
, bisects Z DCF ,m(Z DCE)= 53°
Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral,

[b] In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two chords

in the circle M ? m(Z BAC)= 65°

9 D is the midpoint of AB
9 E is the midpoint of AC
Find : m(Z DME)

^10 [a]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two tangents
to the circle M at B and C

9 m(Z BAC)= 70° 9 BD = BC

Find : m(Z ABD)

[b]In the opposite figure:

BA is a tangent to the circle M at A
9BM= 10 cm. 9BC = 4cm.

Find :the length of AB

Final Examinations

P [a]In the opposite figure:

A circle M ,MX = MY ,XB = 5 cm.


Find:the length of CD

[b]In the opposite figure:

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which

AB = AD ,m(Z ABD)= 30°

,m (A C)= 60°
Prove that:

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[a]In the opposite figure:


Prove that:

m(A AEB)= m (A AEC)

[b]In the opposite figure:

AD is a tangent to the circle at A

Prove that: AD is a tangent to the circle

passing through the points A > X and Y

16 Beni Suef Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

m Choose the correct answer from those given :

(jjThe measure of the inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle equals •••
(a)50 (b)90 (c)120 (d)180

2]The angle whose measure is 50° complements an angle of measure

(a)310 (b)130 (c)50 (d)40


@If M and N are two circles touching externally , their radii lengths are 7 cm. and 12 cm.
? then MN = cm.

(a)5 (b)7 (c)12 (d)19

[5The number of axes of symmetry of the isosceles triangle equals
(a)3 (b)2 (c) 1 (d) zero.

J]A rhombus is of area 30 cm? and the length of one of its diagonals is 12 cm.,then the
length of the other diagonal is cm.

(a)5 (b)12 (c)18 (d)21

[e]In the opposite figure:
AD is a tangent to the circle passing
through the vertices of A ABC

? then m(A DAB)=

(a)30 (b)45 (c)60 (d)

10 [a]In the opposite figure:

AB = AD ,m(Z ADB)= 40°

,m(Z BCD)= 80°

Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[h]In the opposite figure:

AB is a diameter in the circle M

,AB n^={e},m(^)= 80'

and m(Z AEC)= 20°

Find : m(DC)

^0 [a]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two chords equal in length in the circle M
9 X is the midpoint of AB
9 Y is the midpoint of AC
9 m(Z CAB)= 60°

gFind : m(Z DME) [2]Prove that: XD = YE

Final Examinations

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two tangents to

the circle at B and C

,m(A BDC)= 65°

Find : m(A BAG)

|Q [a]In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M

9 BC is a tangent-segment to it at B

? E is the midpoint of AD B A

Prove that: EMBC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB is a chord in the circle M

,MC // AB ,BC n AM = {e}

? m(A A)= 60°

Find : m(A B)

[a]In the opposite figure :

AB and XY are two parallel chords

in the circle ? m(XC)= m(YC)

Prove that: AC = BC

[b]In the opposite figure :

XA and XB are two tangents to

the circle at A and B

,m(A AXB)= 70° ,m(A DCB)= 125°

Prove that: AB bisects A DAX


• ^
17 El-Menia Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

ID Choose the correct answer:

[J]The area of a rhombus which the lengths of its diagonals are 6 cm. and 8 cm.
equals cm^

(a)2 (b) 14 (c) 24 (d)48

[g The measure of the inscribed angle equals the measure of the central angle
subtended by the same arc.

(a) half (b)twice (c) quarter (d)third

/il A and Z B are two complementary angles ? m(Z A)= 40° ? then m(Z B)=
(a)360 (b) 140 (c)60 (d)50
g M and N are two circles touching externally ,their radii lengths are 3 cm. and 5 cm.,
then MN = cm.

(a)3 (b)5 (c)8 (d)2

[sjlf ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ? then m(Z BAG)= m (Z )

(a)BCA (b)DBA (c)BDC (d)ACD

fsl In A ABC ? if(AC)^ > (AB)^ +(BC)^ ? then the angle B is
(a) acute. (b)obtuse. (c)right. (d)straight.

[a]In the opposite figure:

AB = AC ? X is the midpoint of AB
Prove that: MX = MY

[b]In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle drawn

inside the circle M ^ m(Z MBC)= 25°

Find: m(Z BAC)
Final Examinations

II [a]In the opposite figure :

AB = AC ,m(Z D)= 100°

,m(Z ACB)= 50°

Prove that: ABDC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two tangents to

the circle and m(Z D)= 70°

Find : m(Z A)

|0 [a]In the opposite figure: C D

CD is a tangent to the
circle at C and CD // AB

Prove that: AC = BC

[b]In the opposite figure:

ni(ZABE)= 110°

and m(Z CAD)= 35°

Prove that: m(DA)= m(DC)

jo [a]In the opposite figure:


Prove that: EC = EB

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two chords

in the circle M

and m(Z A)= 50°

Find : m (reflex Z CMB)


18 Assiut Governorate 131

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is permitted)

\0 Choose the correct answer:

13 The area of the rhombus whose diagonal lengths are 3 cm.and 4 cm"

(a) 48 (b)24 (c) 12 (d)6

3The inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is

(a) acute. (b) obtuse. (c) right. (d) straight.

3lfAABC~AXYZ ,m(AA)= 50° ,m(A B)= 60° ,then m(A Z)=

(a) 110 (b)70 (c)60 (d) 50

3If M and N are two circles touching internally ? their radii lengths are 3 cm. and 5 cm. ?
then MN = • • cm.

(a) 2 (b)3 (c)6 (d)8

3If the ratio between the perimeters of two squares is 1 : 3 ?

then the ratio between their areas is

(a) 1 : 3 (b) 3 : 1 (c) 9 : 1 (d) 1 : 9

^ If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ? then m(A A)+ m(A C)-80° = ■ ¥"

(a) 60 (b) 80 (c) 100 (d) 180

[a] In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two chords equal in length in the circle M ?
X is the midpoint of AB ? Y is the midpoint of AC ?
m (A CAB) = 50°

3 Find with proof: m (A DME)

3 Prove that: XD = YE

[b] In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed
in a circle in which AB = DC

Prove that: AC = BD

Final Examinations

H [a] In the opposite figure:

AB ? AC are two tangents to the circle at B C
,m (A A)= 50°
Find with proof: m(A BDC)

[b]In the opposite figure:

BC is a diameter in the circle M

,ED 1 BC
Prove that:

5ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral.

2]m(ACED)= ^ m(AC)
|0 [a]In the opposite figure: A

M is a circle »MD = ME

9 D is the midpoint of AB
,^1 AC ,m(A ABC)= 65°
Find with proof: m (Z. BAC)

[b] In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed

in the circle M » BO // DC

,m(A EBO)= 65° ,m(Z BAD)= 120°

Find with proof: m(Z ADC)

[a]In the opposite figure:

m(AB)= 50°
Find with proof:
[1]m(Z ADB)

[b]In the opposite figure :

AB 9 AC are two tangents to the circle at B 9 C
9 m(Z A)= 70° 9 m(Z CDE)= 125°
Prove that:

[TjCB = CE
BC bisects Z ABE


19 Souhag Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is permitted)

W Choose the correct answer:

Pn In the cyclic quadrilateral > each two opposite angles are •
(a) equal in measure, (b) supplementary,
(c) alternate. (d) complementary.
® The length of the side opposite to the angle of measure 30° in the right-angled triangle
equals the length of the hypotenuse.
1 1
(b)- (c) 4

@ The inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is angle.

(a) an acute (b) a straight (c) a right (d) an obtuse
[4]A rhombus whose two diagonal lengths are 6 cm. !> 8 cm. ? then its area is cm:

(a)48 (b) 24 (c) 14 (d) 12

® The measure of the exterior angle of the equilateral triangle equals

(a) 60 (b) 108 (c) 120 (d) 135

[e]The number of circles passing through three collinear points is

(a) infinite. (b) two. (c) one. (d)zero.

[a] In the opposite figure:

AD is a tangent to the circle M
9 AC intersects the circle M at B 9 C

9 m(A A)= 56° and H is the midpoint of BC

Find with proof: m(A DMH)

[b]In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral 9 AB = AD
9 m(Z ABD)= 30° 9 m(Z C)= 60°

Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Final Examinations

II [a] In the opposite figure:

A circle is drawn touching the sides
of the triangle ABC 5 AB ? BC ? AC
at D ? E ? F 9 AD = 5 cm.

? BE = 4 cm. ? CF = 3 cm.

Find:the perimeter of A ABC

[b] In the opposite figure :

EGAB ,E^AB ,m(AB)= 110°
,m(A CBE)= 85°
Find : m(A BDC)

|D [a]In the opposite figure :

AB ? AC are two tangents to the circle at B ? C
,m (A A)= 70°

,m (A CDE)= 125°
Prove that: CB = CE

[b] In the opposite figure:

D, A
ABCD is a rectangle inscribed
in a circle »the chord CE
c B
is drawn where CE = CD
Prove that: AE = BC

[a] In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle inscribed in
the circle M in which m(A B)= m(A C) ?
X is the midpoint of AB ? MY A AC
Prove that: MX = MY

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB is a diameter in the circle M

,m(A ACD)= 115°

Find : m(A DAB)


20 Qena Governorate I
Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculators are permitted)

W Choose the correct answer from those given :

pn The length of a semicircle equals
(a) Jt r (b) 180° (d)2 Jt r
(c)^ Hr
[g]The sum of measures of the interior angles of a triangle equals
(a) 180° (b)360° (c)540° (d)720°

©The is a rhombus ? one of its angles is a right angle,

(a)rectangle (b)square (c) parallelogram (d ) trapezium

5The measure of the inscribed angle equals the measure of the central angle 5
subtended by the same arc.
1 1
(a)^ (b)2 (c) 3 (d) t
^The measure of the exterior angle of the equilateral triangle equals
(a)90° (b)180° (c) 120° (d)60°

© The number of the common tangents of two circles touching externally equals
(a) 1 (b)2 (c) 3 (d)4

^0 [a]Draw AB where AB = 5 cm. ? then draw a circle passing through the two points A and
B 5 the length of its radius is 3 cm. ? using your geometric instruments (Don’t remove
the arcs) How many circles can be drawn ?

[b]In the opposite figure:

Two concentric circles of centre M ? AB

and CD are two chords in the greater circle

and tangent-segments to the smaller circle at E and F
Prove that: AB = CD

|0 [a]In the opposite figure : A D

AD // BC ,F GBC , bisects A DCF ,

m(A B)= 70° ,m(A ECF)= 55°
Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. B C F

Final Examinations

[b]In the opposite figure:

A ? B and C are three points lie on the circle M

where : m(AB)= m(BC)= m(CA)

[T|Find by proof: m (Z. ABM)

^Prove that: A ABC is an equilateral triangle.

|Q [a]In the opposite figure:

AC and BD are two chords in the circle M

,AC n BD ={e} ,m(A AED)= 110° ,m(Z B)= 80°

Find by proof: m(Z D) ? m(AD)

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two tangent-segments to the circle M

at B and C ,m(Z ACB)= 65°

Find by proof: m(Z A) > m(Z D)

^0 [a]In the opposite figure:

AB is a tangent-segment to the circle M at B

? DC is a chord in the circle M ? DC fl BA ={A}

? E is the midpoint of CD

,EM n the circle M = {f} ,m(Z A)= 30°

nn Prove that: ABME is a cyclic quadrilateral.


[b]In the opposite figure :

LX is a tangent to the circle at X •> EF // YZ

? where YZ is a chord in the circle M

Prove that: XL is a tangent to

the circle passing through the points X 5 E and F


21 Luxor Governorate p*‘p IjI L3,D

Answer thefollowing questions:

H Choose the correct answer from those given :

pT]If the diameter length of a circle is 8 cm. and the straight line L is at a distance of4 cm.
from its centre ? then L is the circle.

(a) a tangent to (b)a secant to (c) outside (d)an axis of symmetry of

[2]The measure of the inscribed angle which is drawn in a circle equals

(a)45° (b)90° (c) 120° (d) 135°

^The two tangents to a circle at the two endpoints of a diameter of it are

(a) parallel. (b) perpendicular. (c)intersecting. (d)coincident.

0The sum of measures of the accumulative angles at a point is

(a)630° (b) 360° (c) 603° (d) 306°

The area of a square is 25 cm. ¥> then its perimeter is cm.

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 20

0 The measure of the supplementary angle of the angle whose measure is 60° equals
(a) 30° (b) 90° (c) 120° (d) 180°

I0 [a] In the opposite figure :

m(ZA) = 30° ,m(CE)= 120°

") m (BC) = m (DE) 120

priFind : m (BD)
[2] Prove that: AB = AD

[b] In the opposite figure :

AB = AC 9 X is the midpoint of AB

? Y is the midpoint of AC ? m (Z A) = 60°

[4] Find : m (Z. DME)
@ Prove that: XD = YE
Final Examinations

IP [a] In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral ? AB = AD

,m(Z ABD)= 35° ,m(Z C)= 70°

Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral,

[b]In the opposite figure :
AB is a diameter of the circle M

? m(Z CAB)= 30° r. D is the midpoint of AC

Find :0m(Z BDC)

|0 [a]In the opposite figure: A

The sides of A ABC touches the

circle externally at D ? E ? O
If AD = 5 cm. ? BE = 4 cm. •> CO = 3 cm.

Find:the perimeter of A ABC

[b]In the opposite figure:

AO is a tangent to the circle
atA , AO//DE

Prove that:

DEBC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

lO [a]In the opposite figure:

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed
in a circle ? where m(Z ABE)= 100°
? m(Z CAD)= 40°

Prove that: m(CD)= m(AD)

[b]In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are two tangents to the circle

at B and C ,m(Z A)= 50°

Find : m(Z BEC)


22 Aswan Governorate

Answer the following questions :

in Choose the correct answer from those given :

pTIThe area of the square whose side length is 6 cm. is cm.

(a) 12 (b)24 (c)36 (d) 60

[2]M and N are two circles touching externally ? their radii lengths are 3 cm. and 5 cm. ^
then MN = cm.

(a) 5 (b)8 (c)2 (d)3

@The angle whose measure is 50° complements an angle whose measure is

(a) 40 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d)180
(3lf ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ? m (Z A) = m (Z. C) ? then m (Z A) =
(a) 90 (b) 80 (c)60 (d) 50

@ In A ABC !. if (AC)^ = (AB)^ + (BC)^ ? then Z B is angle,

(a) an acute (b) a right (c) an obtuse (d) a straight

® In the opposite figure :

M is a circle ? if m (BC) = 80°
5 then m (Z A) = °
(a) 10 (b)20

(c)30 (d)40

[a] In the opposite figure :

AD is a tangent to the circle M at D
? AB intersects the circle at B and C

? m (Z A) = 50° ? E is the midpoint of BC

Find : m (Z DME)

[b] In the opposite figure :

A ABC is a triangle inscribed in
the circle M ? m (Z B) = m (Z C)

5 X is the midpoint of AB ? MY ± AC
Prove that; MX = MY

Final Examinations

w [a]In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter of the circle M

,m(A DCB)= 60°

Find : m(Z ABD)

[b]In the opposite figure :

AB = AC ,m(Z BDC)= 80°

,m(Z ACB)= 50°

Prove that:

The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[a]In the opposite figure : A

ABC is a triangle inscribed in the circle M

,m(Z A)= 30°

[T]Find : m(Z BMC)

[a]Prove that: A MBC is an equilateral triangle.

[b]In the opposite figure:
m (Z ADB)= 30°

,m(Z C)= 70°

Find : m(Z ABD)

Ipl [a]In the opposite figure:

AB 9 AC are two tangents to the circle at B ,C
and m(Z BDC)= 70°
Find : m(Z A)

[b]In the opposite figure:

The inscribed circle M of A ABC touches

its sides AB 9 BC and AC at D

9 E and F respectively.
If AD = 5 cm. 9 BE = 4 cm. and CF = 3 cm.

9 find : the perimeter of A ABC


23 New Valley Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions: (Calculator is allowed)

W Choose the correct answer from those given :

pTlThe circumference of the circle of radius length 7 cm. is cm.

(a) 11 (b)22 (c)44 (d)154

[1]In the opposite figure:

If m(Z B)= 60° ,m(A ACD)= 130'
? C £BD 9 then m (Z. A)= ‘

(a)40 (b)50 D C B

(0 60 (d)70

[^The measure of the inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle is

(a)45 (b)90 (c) 120 (d)180

5In the opposite figure: H

A circle of centre M

If MABC is a rectangle
? then the radius length of the circle equals
(a)BC (b)AC

(c)AM (d)AB
of the circle,
® The straight line perpendicular to any chord from its midpoint is
(a) a chord (b)a radius (c)a diameter (d)an axis of symmetry

6]The number of cyclic quadrilaterals in

the opposite figure is
(a)l (b)3

(c)6 (d)9

[a]In the opposite figure:
IfMD = ME ,m(AB)= 65°

? then find : m (Z. A)

Final Examinations

[b] In the opposite figure:

ABCD is a quadrilateral
in which m (ZL A)= 120°
,BC = CD = DB

Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

I0 [a]In the opposite figure :

M is a circle ? m(A BMC)= 80°
Find ; fT]m(A A)
[2]m(A MBC)

[b]In the opposite figure:

M is a circle with radius length 5 cm.
,YZ = 8 cm.

? XY is a tangent to the circle M at X

Find:the length of XY

[a]In the opposite figure: R

AB ? AC are two tangents

to the circle at B ? C

,m(A D)= 70°

Find : m(A A)

[b]In the opposite figure:

A circle is drawn touching
the sides of the triangle ABC
? AD = 5 cm. ? BE = 2 cm. •» CF = 3 cm.

Find :the perimeter of A ABC

[a]In the opposite figure:
Ifm(A C)= 20°
,m(CTI)= 140°
,find :

Em(AH) Em(BD) ^ m(A A)


[b]In the opposite figure:

m (Z. ABH)= 100°
,m(Z CAD)= 40°
Prove that: m(CD)= m(AD)

24 South Sinai Governorate

■ sV

Answer thefollowing questions:

W Choose the correct answer from those given :

Pn The measure of the inscribed angle drawn in a semicircle equals
(a)45° (b)90° (c) 120' (d) 80°

[§]The angle of tangency is included between ••

(a) two chords, (b) two tangents,
(c) a chord and a tangent. (d) a chord and a diameter.

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ? m(Z A)= 120° ? then m(Z C)=

(a)60 (b) 120 (c)90 (d) 180

0M and N are two circles touching internally ? their radii lengths are 5 cm. and 9 cm. ?
then MN = cm.

(a) 14 (b)4 (c)5 (d)9

0The number of symmetry axes of any circle is

(a)zero. (b) l

(c) an infinite number. (d)3

0In the opposite figure:

A circle of centre M in which AB // CD

> then

(a)m(AC)= m(BD) (b)AB = CD

(c) AC // BD (d)m(AC)>m(ro)

[a]In the opposite figure:

m(ZCMB)= 120°
Find : m(Z BAC)

Final Examinations

[b] In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are tangents to the circle M
,m(Z BAC)= 50°
Find :

[l] m(Z ABC)

[2] m(Z ACB)

I0 [a]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two chords equal
in length in the circle M 9 X is the midpoint of AB
-»Y is the midpoint of AC ? m(Z HMD)= 120°
(T)Find : m(Z BAC)
[2]Prove that: DX = HY

[b] In the opposite figure:

AB = AC , m(Z BDC)= 60°

and m(Z ACB)= 30°

Prove that: ABDC is a cyclic quadrilateral.

|Q [a]In the opposite figure:

m(CH)= 80°

,m(Z CAH)= 30°

Find : m(BD)

[b] In the opposite figure :


,m(Z ADC)= 50°

Find : m(Z CBD)

I0 [a]In the opposite figure:

AB is a diameter in the circle M

? CD is a tangent to the circle M at C

,CD // AB

Find : m(Z ABC)in degrees.


[b]In the opposite figure: A

AB = AD ,m(Z BCH)= 60°

Prove that:
the triangle ABD is equilateral. D H

25 .North Sin^i Goyernorate K^ v

Answer thefollowing questions:

|0 Choose the correct answer from those given :

pT]M and N are two circles of radii lengths 9 cm. and 4 cm.respectively ? MN = 5 cm. ?
then the two circles are

(a)touching externally, (b)touching internally,

(c)intersecting. (d) distant.

[2]The length of the side opposite to the angle of measure 30° in the right-angled triangle
equals the length of the hypotenuse.
1 fs
(a) Y (b)- (c)Y2 (d)2

fs]In the opposite figure:

m(Z AMC)= 120° ,then m(Z ABC)=

(a)360 (b)240

(c)90 (d)60

^A rhombus whose diagonal lengths are 6 cm. ? 8 cm. ? then its area is
(a)2 (b)12 (c)24 (d)48

^In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ? m(Z B)= 80°
9 then m(Z D)= °

(a) 10 (b)100

(c)80 (d)180

[b]The number of symmetry axes of any circle is

(a)l (b)2 (c)3 (d)an infinite number.
Final Examinations

P [a]In the opposite figure:

M is a circle in which : D is the midpoint of AB
9 E is the midpoint of AC ? m(Z B)= m (Z. C)
Prove that: MD = ME

[b]In the opposite figure:

M is a circle of radius length 6 cm.
5 XY = 8 cm. 9 MY fl the circle M = {e}
,EY = 4 cm.
X 8cm. Y
Prove that: XY is a tangent to the circle M at X

^p|a]In the opposite figure:

AB and CD are two chords in the circle M

,ABnOT ={E} ,m(ZDEB)= 110°

,m(AC)= 100°
Find : m(Z DCB)

[b]In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle M
,M GAB ,CB = CD ,m(Z BCD)= 140°

Find : m(Z A) ;> m(Z ADC)

|Q [a]In the opposite figure :

AB is a diameter in the circle M

? X is the midpoint of AC ? YB is a tangent to the circle M

Prove that: AXBY is a cyclic quadrilateral,

[b]Find the length and the measure of the arc » which is opposite to an inscribed angle of
measure 45° in a circle whose radius length is 7 cm.(^Consider JT 7

llPI [a]In the opposite figure :

AB and AC are tangent-segments to the circle
at B and C ,m(Z BAG)= 60° ,m(Z CDE)= 120°
Prove that: BCE is an equilateral triangle.

(XN : f V {<...ljS) olil - )whbll 161


[b] In the opposite figure:

ABC is a right-angled triangle at A
AC = 3 cm. ? BC = 6 cm. ? m {L BAD)= 60°
Prove that: AD is a tangent to the circle
passing through the vertices of A ABC

26 Sea Governorate

Answer thefollowing questions:

W Choose the correct answer from those given :

[3 The area of the circle whose radius length is 3 cm.equals cm:

(a) 9 Jr (b)6 JT (c) 12 Jt (d) 15 Jt

fil The number of symmetry axes of the circle is
(a) zero. (b) 1 (c)2 (d) an infinite number.

The number of circles which pass through three non-collinear points is

(a) 1 (b)2 (c)3 (d) zero
5 M and N are two circles touching externally ? the lengths of their radii are 5 cm.
and 3 cm. 9 then MN = cm.

(a)8 (b)2 (c)9 (d)6

[5]In the opposite figure:
m(zlA)= °

(a) 80 (b) 100

(c) 110 (d)90
ri]In the opposite figure:
m(BC)= 100° 9 then m(A A)=
(a) 100 (b)90
(c)50 (d)40

[a]In the opposite figure:
M is the centre of the circle 9 D and E are

the midpoints of AB and AC respectively 9 m(A A) = 70°

Find : m(A DME)

Final Examinations

[b] In the opposite figure:

ABnOT ={E}
,m(AC)= 50° = 100°

Find : m(Z AEC)

[a]Inthe opposite figure :

m(Z BAG)= 50° ,m(Z BCA)= 35°

,m(ZD)= 85°

Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

[b]In the opposite figure:

A circle M ? m(Z MBC)= 40°

Find : m(Z A)

Id [a]In the opposite figure:

A circle M is drawn touching the sides of A ABC

at D 5 E and E > BE = 5 cm.

? AD = 3 cm. 5 CF = 4 cm.

Find :the perimeter of A ABC

[b]In the opposite figure:

M is the centre of the circle


,MD = ME ,m(Z B)= 70°

Find : m(Z A)

Id [a]In the opposite figure:

E GCT ,m(Z ABE)= 100°

,m(Z CAD)= 40°

Prove that: m(CD)= m(AD)

[b] In the opposite figure:
AX is a common tangent to the two circles
touching internally at A
Prove that:^// OT

27 Matrouh Governorate m

Answer thefollowing questions:

W Choose the correct answer from those given :

[T]The two opposite angles in the cyclic quadrilateral are
(a) equal in measure, (b) complementary,
(c) supplementary. (d) alternate.
@The circumference of a circle equals
(a) r (b)2 Jt r (c)Ji:r2 (d)2 JT
[3]The measure of the inscribed angle is the measure of the subtended arc.
1 1 1
(a)i (b)-j (c)y (d)f
[4]The square whose side length is 4 cm. ? its area is cm^
(a)4 (b)8 (c) 16 (d)24
^The tangent to a circle of diameter length 6 at a distance of cm.from its centre.

(a)6 (b) 12 (c) 3 (d)2

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B ? then (AB)^ +(BC)^ =
(a)(AC)2 (b)(AB)2 (c)(BCf (d)2(AC)2

[a] In the opposite figure:

M is a circle » AB is a tangent-segment to the circle M at A
,m(ZB)= 30°

Find : m(Z ADB)

[b]In the opposite figure:

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = AD
,m(Z ABD)= 30° and m(Z C)= 60°

Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Final Examinations

H [a]In the opposite figure:

EGAB ,E^AB ,m(AB)= 110°
,m(Z CBE)= 85°

Find : m(Z BDC)

[b]In the opposite figure:

AB and AC are two chords equal in length
in the circle M > X is the midpoint of AB
5 Y is the midpoint of AC ? m(Z CAB)= 70°
pn Calculate: m(Z DME)
@Prove that: XD = YE

|0 [a]In the opposite figure :

BD is a tangent to the circle M
,m(Z BAM)= 30°

Find : m(Z ABD)angle of tangency.

[b]In the opposite figure :

Prove that:

m(Z AEB)= m(Z AEC)

[a] Complete the following :

rn The line of centres of two intersecting circles is to the common chord

and it.

[2]In the same circle ? the measures of all inscribed angles subtended by the same arc

[b]In the opposite figure :

XA and XB are two tangents to the circle
at A and B 5 m(Z AXB)= 70°

,m(ZDCB)= 125°
Prove that: AB bisects Z DAX

Algebra and Probability
lb] ¥."x = y (I)
Answers of governorates'
,X- + y-= 18 (2)
examinations of aigebra & probabiiity
Substituting from (I) in (2):
X^ + X^= 18 2X^ = 18
X- = 9 X= 3 or X=-3

IP Substituting in (I) y = 3 or y = -3
[ljb Ojc [3]a Hd (He IHb TheS.S. = {(3 ,3) ,(-3 >-3)}

l0 P
[a](l]P(A)= I -P(A)= 1 -0.4 = ().6 [a] n (X) =
(X-5) (X + 3) 2(X+3)
(H P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A n B)
.'. The domain of n =IE-{5 r-3}
= 0.4 + 0.5 - 0.3 = 0.6
4 5
> n (X) =
X+3 X+3 X+3
[b] ¥.¥X + y = 2 (1)
(X-5)(X + 5)
,y = X + 2 (2) [b] n (X) =
Substituting from (2) in (1) :
.-. The domain of n =K- {O r 5}
.-. X + X + 2 = 2 .-. 2X + 2 = 2

.-. 2 X = 0 .-. X = 0
,n(X) = ^
Substituting in (2) : y=2 Giza
.-. TheS.S. = {(0 ,2)} P
Ha (He Hd IHd Hb [6]b
[a] V X^-X- I = 0 a=l ?b = -l 9C = -
1 +V(-l)9-4xlx-l I ±f5 [a]Bv P(AnB) = -i
2 X I 2
.-. P(AUB) = P{A) + P(B)-P(AnB)
1.6 or X = -0.6
= l + ±-J -il
TheS.S. = {l.6 ,-0.6} 2 3 24

A , B arc two mutually exclusive events

X-4 . (X-4)(X + 4)
[b] n (X) = P(AnB) = 0
X+7 {X + 7) (X + 4)

.¥. The domain of n = M - 7 , - 4 ,4} .¥.P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B)=i + i = |-

[b] v2X + y= 1 .-. y = I - 2 X ( 1)
,X+2y=5 (2)
Substituting from (1) in (2):
X + 2(1-2X) = 5 X + 2- 4X = 5
[a] vn,(X) = X-2 - 3 X + 2 = 5 -3X = 3
The domain of n| =IR- {2} X= - I
X'+2X+4 Substituting in (1): y=3
9 """ (X) =
(X-2) (X' + 2X+4) .-. ThcS.S. = {(- 1 ,3)}
.-. The domain of n^ = - { 2 } (2)
, n, (X) =
1 w
X-2 [a] V 2X--5X+ I =0
a = 2,b = -5,c=l
From (1) and (2): = n.

Answers of Final Examinations

S±V(-5)--4x2xl' 5±i~n Alexandria
2x2 4

X=2.3 or X = 0.2 H
TheS.S,= {2.3 ,0.2} [T]b a [I]b 0a 0b 0b

{X+ l)(X + 3) X+3

[b] n (X)=
(X-3)(X-+ 3X + 9)' X^ + 3X +9
[a] V X-y = 0 X=y (I)
The domain ofn = lE-{3 ,-3}
, X0Xy + y027 (2)
(X+ l)(X + 3) X03X+9
,n(X)= X
X+3 Substituting from (I)in (2):
(X-3)(X- + 3X+9)
X+ I X0XxX + X^ = 27 X^ + X^ + X’= 27
X-3 3X0 27 X- =9
2+ 1
, n (2)= = -3 X = 3 or X = - 3

> n(- 3)is undefined because-3^the domain of n Substituting in (I): /. y = 3 or y =- 3

TheS.S.= {(3 ,3),(-3 ,-3)}
X'+ 4
X +4
[a] V n(X)=0^ [b] V n,(X)=(X-2)(X+2)
X -4 (X-4)(X+4)

The domain of n = M -{4 7-4} The domain ofUj =IE-{2 »-2}

1 X- 1 ’••• n,(X)=
’n(X)=^4 (X+2)'
[b] vX y=l X= 1 + y (1) The domain of n^ -{- 2}
,x'- + y'= 25 (2) The common domain = IE-{2 7-2}
Substituting from (1) in (2):
(I +y)0y025 I + 2y+ y0y025 =0
[a] X^-4X + 1 = 0
2y02y-24 = O y0y-12= O a=l ,b = -47C=l
(y + 4)(y - 3)= 0 y =-4 or y = 3
Substituting in (1) X =- 3 or X = 4 X= 4±'l/(-4)'-4x 1 X 1 _ 4±VT2
2X 1 2
TheS.S.= {(-3 7-4) 7(4 7 3)}
^4±2f3 ^2±Y3=2± 1.7
(X-2)(X + 2) X = 3.7 or X =0.3
[a] n,(X)=(X-2)(X + 3)
TheS.S.= {3.7 ,0.3}
The domain of =IE-{2 7-3} (1) X-3 X-3
X+2 [b] V n(X)=
’nj{X)= X+3 (X-3)(X-4) X-3

7 ■■■ n,(X)= The domain of n = IE-{3 74}
(X+3)(X-3) I 1 X-4 _ 5-X
7 n (X)=
The domain of n., =IE- 3 7 3} (2) X-4 X-4 X-4 X-4
,n,(X)= X + 3
From(1)and (2); /. nj ^ n, [a] V 3X + 2y = 7 (1)
because the domain of the domain of n, 7X-y=4 X = y +4 (2)

[b] 3 7 3} is the set of zeroes of the function Substituting from (2)in (I)
.•./(3)=0 3^ + a = 0 3(y + 4)+ 2 y = 7 3y+l2 + 2y = 7
9+ a = 0 a =-9 5y=-5 y = -l
Algebra and Probability

Substituting in (2); X=3 [bl •.•/,(X)=3^ (1)

TheS.S.= {(3 1)}
The domain of/, = IE-{-2}
X(X+ 1) 2X
[b] X >/JX)=
(X+ l)(x’-x+ 1) 2(X+2)

The domain ofn = IE-{0 > - l} mi{X)= I The domain of/^ = IE-{- 2}

¥ (X-2)(X+2) From (I)and (2):

[a] n (X)=
{X-2)(X'+ 2X + 4)
n" (X)=
(X-2)(X~ + 2X + 4) w X(X + 2) X 3
(X-2)(X+2) [a] ••• /(X)=
(X-2)(X+2)^ (X-3)(X-2)
? the domain of n '=E-{2^-2}
The domain of/ = {2 1-2 ? 3}
Ml '(X)= 1 X+ 1
x +2
’/(X)=^2 • X-2-X~2
[b] V P(A-B)= P(A)-P(AnB)
[bj vX-3 =0 X =3 (1)
P{AnB)= P(A)-P(A-B)
,X"+ y"= 25 (2)
= 0.7-0.5 = 0.2
Substituting from (1)in (2)
(3)- + y- = 25 9+ = 25
y-=16 y = 4 or y =-4
ID TheS.S.= {(3 >4) ,(3 ,-4)}
Bb Be Hd [4]b Bd Ha

w (X + 7)(X-7) . X+7 [a](B A ^ B are two mutually exclusive events

[a] n (X)=
(X-2)(xB2X +4)' X-2 P(AnB)= 0
.-. The domain ofn =lE-{2 >-7} P(A U B)= P(A)+ P(B)
(X + 7)(X-7) = 03+0.6 = 0.9
,n(X)= x2B2
(X-2)(xB2X+4) X +7
[I]P(A)= I -P(A)= 1 -03=0.7

xB2X +4 [b| •.• The curve of the function passes through (I >0)
/(l)=0 (l)“-a =0
[b] 3X^-5X+ I =0 a = 3,b = -5,c=l
1 -a =0 a= 1
5 ±V(-.5)--4x3x I _ 5 ±^13

.-. X=l.43 or X = 0.23 E El-Sharkia

.-. The S.S.={1.43 ,0.23}

Ba Be Bb Ba Be Bd
[a] V X + 3y = 7 X = 7-3y (I) w
j5X-y=3 (2) [a] X-y = 4 (I)
Substituting from (1)in (2): ,3 X + y = 8 (2)
.-. 5{7-3y)-y = 3 35 - 15y-y = 3 Adding(1)and (2): 4X= 12 X= 3

.-. - 16 y = -32 .¥.y= 2 Substituting in (1): .'. y =- 1

Substituting in (1): .'. X = I .'. TheS.S.={(3 ,- 1)}
Answers of Final Examinations
[b] n(X)= —
X+4 (X-4)(X + 4) El-Monofia
The domain of n =IR - 4 9 4} n
X + 4~X + 4
[lib Sc Sa [5]a ®d

[a] V X- + iX-3= 0 .-. a= 1 5b = 3 >c =-3 [a] 2X+ y = 1 /. y = 1 - 2 X (1)

-3±V(3)--4xlx-3 3±i2\ 5X+2y=5 (2)
2x1 2
Substituting from (1) in (2):
X = 0.79l or X = -3.791
X + 2(1-2X)= 5 X + 2-4X = 5

The S.S. = {0.791 5-3.791} /. -3X = 3 X =- 1

i 1
[b] V n(X)=: Substituting in (I): y =3
(X- i)(X+ 1) X+ I
TheS.S.={(-l ,3)}
The domain of n = E-{I »- I } 5 4
I [b] n (X)=
X-3 X-3
,n (X)= x(X+ 1)=
(X- i)(X+ 1) X- 1
/. The domain ofn=E-{3}
W 5 n(X)=
X-3 X-3
[a]0P(A U B)= P(A)+ P(B)- P(A n B)
= 0.3+ 0.6-0.2 = 0.7

[U P(A - B)= P(A)- P(A n B) [a] 2X--5X + 1 =0 .'. a = 2 ,b =- ,3 ,c = 1

= 0.3-0.2 = 0.1
5±V(-5)--4x2x 1 s±fn
2x2 4
[b] ¥.¥X-y = 4 .-. X = y + 4 (1)
.'. X = 2.28 or X = 0.22
5x9+ y'= 10 (2)
Substituting from (1) in (2):
.-. The S.S. = {2.28 5 0.22}
.'. (y + 4)0y-= 10 [b]0vn(X) =
(X -2) (X- I)
.'. y^ + 8 y + 16 + y' - 10 = 0 (X-2) (X- 1)
.'. n-' (X) =
.-. 2 yS 8 y + 6 = 0 .'. y9+ 4 y + 3 = 0 X(X-2)

.-. (y+l)(y + 3) = 0 .". y = -l or y = -3 5 the domain of n ' = E- {O 5 2 5 1}

X- 1
Substituting in (I) X = 3 or X=l
5n-'(X)= ^
.'. TheS.S. = {(3 5- I) 5(1 5-3)} dj n ' (2) is undefined because 2 ^ the domain
of n

X' + X+ 1 X(X+2)
[a] n (X) =
(X- 1)(X8+ X+ I) ^ (X-2) (X+2) w
[a] V X-y = 0 X= y (1)
The domain of n = E - {I ? 2 ? - 2}
1 X X ?Xy = 9 (2)
, n (X) = X
X -1 x-2 (X-l)(X-2) Substituting from (I) in (2):

[b] ".¥ The domain of n = E - {2} X X X= 9 .-. X^ = 9

.'. (2)- - 2 a + 4 = 0 .-. 4 - 2 a + 4 = 0 X= 3 or X=- 3

.-. 8 - 2 a = 0 ". - 2 a = - 8 Substituting in (1): = 3 or y = - 3

.-. a = 4 TheS.S. = {{3 .3) ,(-3 . 3)f

Algebra and Probability
[b] n(X)=
X(X-3) ■ (X-3)(X+3) D
[a] ••• n (X)=
The domain of n =IE- {() i 3 3} (X-2)(X + 2)

X (X-3)(X + 3) _ x + 3 I (X-2)(X+2)
,n (X)= X n"'(X)=
X-3 3X 3 X(X-2)
? the domain of n {O ,2 ,-2}
e -1
X' 9 n
[a] V n,(X)= — X+2
X'(X I)
,V n‘‘(X)= 3 X

The domain of|

n = E-{O •» 1} (1) 3X=X+2 2X=2
’ n,(X)= X- 1 X= 1

X(X'+ X+ 1) [b] V X + y = 4 (1)

, n,(X)=
X (X- 1)(X“ + X+ 1) ,2X-y=2 (2)
The domain of =E - {O ? 1} Adding (1)and (2):
1 (2)
3 X =6 X=2
’ n,(X)= X- I
Substituting in (I): y =2
From (1)and (2): /. n^ =
TheS.S.={(2 ,2)}
[b]H]P(A)= 1 - P(A)= 1 - 0.3 = 0.7
1X1 P(A U B)= P(A)+ P(B)- P(A n B)
[a] ¥."X + y = 5 .".X = 5-y (1)
= 0.3 + 0.6-0.2 = 0.7
>X--y- = 55 (2)
[XP(A-B)= P(A)-P(AnB) Substituting from (1) in (2):
= 0.3-0.2 = 0.l
.-. (5-y)^-y- = 55
.'. 25- 10y + y^-y^ = 55
.-. - I0y = 30 y = -3
D Substituting in (1) : X= 8
Qd lU U [Xc Ha Ha Hd .-. TheS.S. = {(S ,-3)}
B [b] V n, (X) = 2 (X+2)
[a] V X -4X+2 = 0 a =I 9b = -4?c = 2
.'. The domain ofn|=IE-{-2}
4±V(-4)--4xlx2 4 + 2^2
2x 1 2
9""" n, (X) =
= 2±i2 {x+2r

X = 3.4 or X = 0.6 The domain of n^ = E - 2}

.-. TheS.S. = {3.4 ,0.6}
From (1) and (2): = n.
(X-2) (xX2X + 4) X+ I
[b] n (X) = X 4

(X-2)(X- I) X' + 2X + 4
The domain of n = E- {2 » 1} [a] """ n (X) =
X(X- I) X-3

(X- i)(X+ 1) (X-3)(X+ I)

X^+2X+4 X+ I X+ I
5n(X) = X
X- 1 X^+2X+4 X- 1 The domain of n = E - {1 5-1 53}
X+ 1
5 n (2) is undefined because 2 ^ the domain of n 5 n (X) = ^ + = 1
X+ 1 X+ 1 x+ 1

Answers of Final Examinations

[b][T]P(AUB)= P(A)+ P(B)-P(AnB) w 2

= 0.7 + 0.6 - 0.4 = 0.9 [a] V n(X)=-#
x" + X-2
[2]P(A')= I -P(A)= I-0.1 = 03
X(X-2) ^ (X-2)(X + 2)
(X-2)(X- I) (X + 2)(X- I)
El-Dakahlia The domain of n =IE-{2 ? 1 »- 2}
H , n (X) = X I x-2 ^ 2X-2 ^2(X-1)^,
X 1 X-1 X-1 ;¥
X- 1¥
WBb aa (Ud
[b] V y + 2X = 7 y=7-2X (1 )
[b] V X(X-1) = 4 .-. X --X-4 = 0
,(y + 2X-8r + X- = 5 (2)
.-. a= I ,b = - I ,c = -4
Substituting from (1) in (2):
.-. x =
I ±V(-l)--4x I x-4 1 ±iii {7-2X + 2X-8r+ X- = 5
2x 1 2
{-l)^ + X- = 5 .-. I +X-=5
.-. X = 2.6 or X = -1 .6
X- = 4 X= 2 or X = -2
.'. TheS.S. = {2.6 ,-1.6}
Substituting in (1): y = 3 or y = 11
w .-. The S.S. = {(2 ,3) ,(-2 , II)}
[a] Ha [Lid Sc
W X+3
[b] V n, (X) = 2(X + 4) ^ ^ (X-2)(X + 3) X' +2X+4

The domain of =IE- {-4} The domain ofn = IS-{2 9-3}

. 11 (X) = = 1
X+3 X^+2X+4
X (X + 4)
n, (X) = [b][l]P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B)-P(AnB)
(X + 4)-
= 0.5 + 0.4-0.1 =0.8
The domain of n., = IR - 4}
(2) P (A - B) = P (A) - P {A n B) = 0.5 - 0.1 = 0.4

From (1) and (2) : n ,I = n.


Sc Sa Sd Bd Sd Bb
[a] The domain ofn = E- {0 ,4}
.-. 4 - a = 0 .'. a = 4

, n (5) = 2 '4 + -2_ = 2

[a] V X-3=0 X= 3 (1)
5 5-4
. _b = -7 (2)
.".-|- + 9 = 2 ¥ ' 5
,X- + y- = 25
.-. b = -35 Substituting from (1) in (2) :
.-. 3S yS 25 .-. 9 + y- = 2 5
[b] Let the measures of the two angles be : X ? y
.-. yB 16 y = 4 or y = - 4
X-y = 50° (1 )
.-. TheS.S. = {(3 ,4) ,(3 ,-4)}
, X + y = 90° (2 )
2 (X + 2)
Adding (1) and (2) : /. 2X = 140° [b] V n(X) = ^
X -2 (X-2)(X+2)
X = 70°
The domainofn = IE-{2 i-2}
Substituting in (I); y = 20° 2 X-2

.'. The measures of the two angles are : 70° and 20° 9n(X)= ^--_2 -
Algebra and Probability

P 10 Suez
[a] n,(X)= (X-2)(X + 2) w
The domain ofn|=E-{-2 >2} [T]a [i]c 0b 0b 0c
>n,I (X)= X + 2 &
(X-3)(X + 3) |a) x + y =4 (1)
t n,(X)=
(X-3)(X + 2)
,X-y=2 (2)
The domain of = IS -{3 5-2}
(2) Adding (I) and (2): 2X = 6
> n,(X)= X+2 X=3

From (1)and (2): n| 9^ n^ Substituting in (1); y= 1

Because the domain of n, 9^ the domain of n^ TheS.S.= {(3 ,1)}
[b] V 2X“-5X+ 1 =0 a = 2 5b =-5 ,c = 1 lb] n(X)= X(X-l) ^ X+5
(X- l)(X+ 1) (X + 5)(X+ 1)

5±V(-5)--4x2xl _ 5±fn, The domain of n = E-{l 1 »-5}
2x2 4
X = 2.28 or X = 0.22
,n (X)= , 1 _ X+I = I
X+l X+1 x+l

The S.S. = {2.28 rO.22}

[a] V X^-3X+ 1=0 a=l 5b = -35C= l
w X+2
[a] """ n (X) = .-. X=
3±'l/(-3)--4xlxl _ _ 3 ± 2.24
(X + 2) (X-2) X-3 -> 2

.'. The domain of n = !S- {- 2 5 2 5 3} X = 2.62 or X = 0.38

, n (X) = 1 .. 2 (X-2) ^ 2 The S.S. = {2.62 5 0.38}

X-2 X-3 X-3

X(X+2) „X-2
[b] A and B are two mutually exclusive events [bl n (X) =
{X-2)(X + 2) X+3
P(AnB) = 0
The domain ofn=IS-{2 5-2 5-3}
0 P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) = 0.2 + 0.5 = 0.7 Y Y _9 Y

0P(A-B) = P(A) = O.2 9¥9W=A><l7i= 3cT^

[a] V X-y = 0 X=y (I)

[a] Let the measures of the two angles be ; X > y
X-y = 50° (I)
, V X0y^ = .3 2 (2)

(2) Substituting from (1) in (2):

, X + y = 90<
.'. X0X- = 32 2X- = 32
Adding (I) and (2): .'. 2X=I40<
.-. X^= 16 X= 4 or X= -4
X = 70<
Substituting in (1): y = 4 or y = -4
Substituting in (1): y = 20<
The measures of the two angles are :
TheS.S. = {(4 ,4) ,(-4 ,-4)}
70< and 20< X+3
[b] n (X) =
X(X+2) . 2X (X + 3)(X^3)
[b] n (X) =
(X-3)(X + 3) ' X + 3 I lX+3) (X-3)
.-. iT (X) =
The domain of n = {3 ,-3 >0}
X(X+2) X + 3_ X+2 The domain of n< ' =IE- {- 3 > 3}
, n (X) =
(X-3)(X+3) 2X 2(X-3) .n9' (X) = X-3

Answers of Final Examinations

IP The domain of n, =IE- {- 1 } (2)

[a]P{AU B)= P{A)+ P(B)- P(An B) 5 n,(X)=
X+ !
= 0.7+ 0.6-0.4 = 0.9
From (1)and (2); /.

[bl v n,(X,=3^ (I)

The domain ofn|=lE-{-2}
2X [a] X--X-4 =0
5 n,(X)=
2(X+2) a= I ) b =- 1 ) c =-4
The domain of n, = M -{- 2}
»11,(X)= X^
(2) , ±'|/(-i)--4x1x-4_ 1 ±fn
2X I T

From (1)and (2); ii = n.

1 +V77 or X=
-) ->

II Port Said

The S.S
¥{i^f ,1^} X y-2
l a [^C l3jc [Td 5 1C IB] a [b] n (X) = +
X(X + 2) (X-2){X+2)

The domain of n = E - {O ? 2,2}

w I 1 2
la] vX + y = 4 (I) »n (X) =
X+2 X+2 X+2

,2X-y=2 (2)
adding ( 1) and (2) : 3 X=6 X=2 w (X+ i)9 X-4
[a] n (X) = X
Substituting in (1): y=2 2(X-4) X+l

TheS.S. = {(2 ,2)} 2'he domain of n = E - {4 ? - I }

[b] n (X) =
, n (X) =
(X+l)^ X-4 _X+1
(X-2) (X-3) 2(X 4) X+1 T

-1 (X-2) {X-3) |b][i]P(A)= I -P(A)= I -().3 = 0.7

n (X) =
[§]P(AU B) = P(A) + P(B)-P(An B)
The domain of n' = E- {() ,2 5 3}
- I = 0.3+ 0.6-0.2 = 0.7
? n

m Damietta

[a] X- 1 = 0 X= I (I) P
,X<+ y"= 10 (2) [T]d [2]a ll^c [4,c Sb [Bja
Sub.slituting from (1) in (2);
|- + y<=10 1 +y9=1 0
[a] V 2X-y = 3 (1)
y- = 9
,X+2y=4 X = 4-2y (2)
y = 3 or y = - 3
TheS.S = {(l ,3) ,(1 ,-3)} Substituting from (2) in (1)
I 2(4-2y)-y = 3 8-4y-y = 3
|b| n, (X) = X+ 1
(I) .¥.-5y = -5
The domain of n^ =]S- {- I }
Substituting in (2): r. X = 2
X^-X+ I
, n, (X) = TheS.S. = {(2 , I)}
(X+ 1)(X'-X+ I)

Algebra and Probability
X- + 2X + 4 (X-3)(X+3)
[bl n (X)= lb]Q]P(A U B)= P(A)+ P(B)- P(A n B)
tX-2)(X^+ 2X + 4) (X-2)(X+3)
= 0.3+ 0.6-0.2= 0.7
The domain of n = E-{2 )- 3}
X-3_ 1 +X-3_ X-2 = I [2]P(A - B)= P(A)- P(A n B)= 0.3 - 0.2 = O.i
,n (X)=
X-2'^X-2 X-2 X-2

13 Kafr El-Sheikh
[a] V y-X = 2 .-. y = X + 2 (1) H
,Xy = 3 (2) [T]b HJc 0b 0d 0d
Substituting from (1) in (2);
.-. X(X + 2)= 3 X^ + 2X-3 = 0
.-. X = -3 or X= 1 [a] vX-y=l .-. X = y+ I (I)
.'. (X + 3)(X- l)=0
Substituting in (1): ,X- + y- = 25 (2)

.-. y = - I or y = 3 Sub.slituting from (1) in (2): (y + 1)= + y" = 25

TheS.S.= {(-3 1) ,(1 ,3)} .-. y" + 2 y + 1 + y' - 25 = 0
(x+ ir ,.x-4 .-. 2 y- + 2 y - 24 = 0
[bl ¥."n(X) = 4
2(X-4) X+l
.-. y- + y l2 = 0 .-. (y + 4) (y - 3) = 0
The domuin of n =IE -{4 i - 1}
.'. y = - 4 or y = 3
, n (X) = (X+ ir .^X-4^X+
2(X-4) X+l
Substituting in (1) :
.-. X = -3 or X= 4

[a] V X^-5 x + 3 = 0
.-. TheS.S. = {(-3 ,-4) ,(4,3)}
a=l > b = -5 i c= 3
[b] n (X) =
.'. X =
5 ±V(-5)--4xlx3_ 5±fl3 (X-2)(X- 1)
2x 1 2
(X-2) (X- 1)
.'. X = 4.3 or X = 0.7
.-. iT' (X) = X(X-2)

.'. TheS.S. = {4.3 ,0.7} , The domain n '=E-{0,2, l}

IbiHv ¥ux) = |^ , n^ ' (X) = -X
-1 x+1
.'. n (X) =

? the domain of n E-{2 ,- 1}

3-^ I
[a] V 3X^~5X+ 1 =0
0n-8(3) = 3-2
a= 3 » b = -5 » c=l

w X=
5±V(-5)^-4x3xl 5±ii?
2x3 6
[a] ¥."n,(X) = i X=1.43 or X«0.23
The domain of iij =IE- {o} .-. The S.S. = { 1 .43 ,0.23}
, n, (X) = (X-2)(X- + 2X + 4) x+3
X(X8+ 4)
lb] n (X) =
(X-2) (X + 3) x V2X+4
The domain of =IE- {o} .-. The domain of n = E- {2 ,-3}
, n, (X) = ^ X^ + 2X + 4 X+3
, n (X) = X
From (1) and (2): .-. n^ =n. X"+2X + 4

Answers of Final Examinations

[a] n,(X)= [a] V X + y = 3 .".y = 3-X (1)
X^X~ 1)
,X- + y"= 5 (2)
The domain of n^ = E - {O ? I} (I) Substituting from (1)in (2):
^n,1 (X) = X- 1 X^ +(3 - xf = 5
X(X' + X+ I) x’+ 9-6X+x’-5 = 0
9 """ (X) =
X(X- ])(X" + X+ 1) 2x^-6X + 4 =0 .¥,x9-3X + 2 = 0
The domain of = E - {O ? 1} (2) (X-l){X-2) = 0 X=1 or X=2
, n^ (X) = X- 1 Substituting in (I) y = 2 or y = I
From (1) and (2): n ^ = n. TheS.S. = {(l ,2) ,(2 , i)}
|bj[l]P(AUB) = P(A)4-P(B)-P(AnB) .. (X-2)(X-6)^(X^l)(X-5)
= 03 + 0.6-0.2 = 0.7 (X-2)- (X-2)(X-3)
[i]P(A~B) = P(A)-P(AnB) The domain of n = E- {2 ) 5}
= 03-0.2 = 0.1 X-6,X+1 X-6 + X+1 2X-5
9n (X) =
X -2

W ¥.¥n(X) = 3^- X- I [a] V 3X^-5X-4 = 0
The domain of n = E - {I} .-. a = 3 , b = -5 . c = -4

3 ±V(-3)8-4x3x-4 5 ±i73
2x3 6

[b] vX + y = 5 (1) .-. X==2.26 or X = -0.39

»X-y=I (2) 2X
[b] n, (X) = 2(X + 4)
Adding (!) and (2); 2X = 6 X= 3

Substituting in (1): .*. y - 2 The domain of =1E- {- 4} (1)

TheS.S. = {(3 ,2)} .n, (X)= X ^+ 4


X(X + 4)
> ¥¥¥ (X) =
m El-Beheira (X + 4)

The domain of n, = E - 4}
P (2)
H a CO a Sa lUb Sc

P From (1) and (2); n| = n.

[a] X+y=5 (1)
.X-y=7 (2) (X- l)(xSx+ I) 2(X-1)
[a] n (X) =
Adding (I) and (2): r. 2X = 12 X=6 (X~l)" x9+ x+ 1

Substituting in (1) : .*. y = - 1 The domain of n = ® - { 1}

xSx-n 2(x-i)
TheS.S. = {(6 , - I)} : n (X) =
X- i
= 2
xSx+ ]
X-3 4
[b] n (X) =
(X-3)(X-4) X-4
[b] S P (A) = 1 P (A) = 1 - 0.6 = 0.4
S P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A n B)
.'. The domain ofn = M-{3 >4}
= 0.6+ 0.7-0.4 = 0.9
5 n (X) = _! 4 _ I -4 ^ -3
X-4 X-4 X-4 X-4
S P (A - B) = P (A) - P (A n B) = 0.6 - 0.4 = 0.2
Algebra and Probability
Substituting in (I): y =- 1
m El-Fayoum TheS.S.= {(3 1)}
D [b] The domain of n =E-{3}
|V d (3b a [A ii]c ra a 2 X 3 - b =0 6 - b =0 b =6

Q Ip 2
(X+3)(X'-3X + 9)
[a] V X(X-5)= 7 /. X^-5X-7 = {)
(X + 3)(X+ I)
a = 1 , b = - 5 . c =- 7
The domain of n =E-{1 I ’-3}
5 _5 X--3X+9 (X+3)(X+ I)
o 5 n (X)=
2x 1 (X- 1)(X+ 1) (X + 3)(X^-3X+9)
X=6.) or X = ~ l.l
X- 1
TheS.S.= {6.l .-1,1}
|bj V P(A U B)= P(A)+ P(B) P(A n B)
[bj Let the First number be X
P(AnB)= P(A)+ P(B)-P(AUB)
? the second number be y =().5 + 0.3-0.7 = 0.l

X = 2y (1) >P(A-B)= P(A)-P(An B)= 0.5-0.l =0.4

,Xy = 72 (2)

Substituting from (1) in (2):

2 y X y = 72 2 y^ = 72
m Beni Suef

y = 6 or y =-6(refused)
y- = 36
did [2]b 13k 0a 0c ■B1a
Substituting in (I): X= 12
/. The two numbers are : 12 9 6
D [a]:y-3 X = 0 .•.y = 3X (I)
X(X-3) 2(X+2)
[a] n (X)= )X0Xy = 4 (2)
(X-3)(X-2) (X-2)(X+2)
Substituting from (I) in (2):
The domain ofn=E-{3)2;-2} X03X ^ = 4
X0X(3X)= 4
,n (X)= 2_^2^= I
X-2 X-2 X-2 .-.4X^ = 4 X0 I
X(X+2) X= I or X = - I
[bJ /(X)=
(X + 2)(X--2X + 4)
Substituting in (I y = 3 or y = -3
(X + 2)(X^-2X + 4)
r'(X)= xrx + 2)
TheS.S.= {(l ,3) k- 1 >-3)}
1 the domain of f = E-{(),-2} fb] n(X)= X(X-I) ^ X +5
(X- l)(X+ I) (X +.S)(X+ I )
x’-2X + 4
’J (X)- ^ The domain of n = E-{1 j- I i - 5}
,V (X)= 2 =2 X4- I
X 9 n(X)=^+ =!
X^-2X + 4=:2X X^-2X+4-2X =()
X‘-4X+4 =() (X-2)'=0 le
X-2 =0 X=2 [a] V X---4X= I X--4 X- 1 =0
a= I 9 b = -4 9 c=- I

(1) X=
4±'^(-4)“-4xlx-i 4±2f5 = 2±i5
[aj V 2X + y = 5 2x1 2
,X-y=4 (2) X = 4.2 or X= 0.2

Adding (1)and (2): 3 X= 9 X =3

TheS.S.= {4.2 9-0.2}

Answers of Final Examinations
[b] V n,(X)= 2(X + 4) Substituting from (I) in (2):
3^ + y- = 25 9 + y- = 25
The domain of|
n = ffi -{- 4} (1)
y-= 16 y =4 or y =-4
TheS.S.= {(3 ,4),(3 ,-4)}
X(X + 4)
> n,(X)= 2(X-2)
ix + 4y [b] n(X)=^+
X +2 (X-2)(X+2)
The domain of =IE- 4}
(2) The domain of n =E - 2 5 2}
5 n (X) = X , 2 ^X+2
From (1) and (2): n| = n. X+2 X+2 X+2

(X- i)(x~ + x+ I) X
[aj V /(X)= X(X^ + X-20)= X(X + 5)(X-4) [al ••• n(X)= X
X(X- I) '
X + X+ 1

z(/)= {0 ,-5 54} The domain of n = E-{O ? 1}

[b] V 2X-y = 3 (1) X'+ X+ I X
> n (X)= X
X X'+ X+ I
5X+2y=4 X = 4 -2 y (2)
Substituting from (2) in {I): lb] V 2X-y = 3 (1)
2(4-2y)-y = 3 8-4y-y = 3 ;X+2y=4 X = 4-2y (2)
.•.-5y =-5 Substituting from (2)in (I):
Substituting in (2): X=2 2(4-2y)-y = 3
TheS.S.={(2 , I)} 8-4y-y = 3
.¥.-5y = -5 "¥"y= i
(X+2)(X'-2X + 4) X-2 Substituting in (2); X=2
[aJ n (X) = X
(X-2) (X+2)
(X'-2X + 4)
TheS.S. = {(2 , !)}
The domain ofn = E-{2 5-2}
rn(X)=2C^2^x X8 -2X+4 2
5 n (3) = 1 [a] V n, (X) = 2 (X + 2)
5 n (2) is undefined because 2^ the domain of n
The domain of n^ = E- {-2} (I)
[b] V P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B)-P(AnB) -,(x) = 3^
P(B) = P(AUB) + P(AnB)-P(A) X(X + 2)
= 0.9 + 0.2 - 0.5 = 0.6 9 n, (X) =
, P (A - B) = P (A) - P (A n B) = 0.5 - 0.2 = 0.3
.'. The domain of n, = K - 2}

m El-Menia
From (1) and (2) : n^ = n,
[i]a [Clc L3Jb He [5]d [Ub [b] x" + 2X + I = 0 a= I ,b = 2 ,c = I

-2±V(2)"-4xlxl _ -2 _ -I
2 X I ~ 2 ~
[a] X-3 = 0 .'. X = 3 (1)
,x" + y" = 25 TheS.S. = {- 1}

Algebra and Probability

[a.| P(A U B)= P(A)+ P(B)- P(A n B) [a] ¥."X-y = 3 (1)
= 0.7 + 0.5 -0.3 = 0.9 ,2X+y=9 (2)

,P(A-B) = P(A)-P(AnB) = 0.7-0.3 = 0.4 Adding (1) and (2):

X+3 3X= 12 :. X = 4

[b] ¥."n(X) = 3^ n (X) =

Substituting in (1): y= 1
The domain of n R-{0 ,-3} .-. TheS.S. = {(4,1)}
[bldlv n(X) =
m Assiut (X -2)(X- 1)
(X-2) (X- 1)
ll n-8(X) =
- 1
[iQc Ed Ec 0d Ed Eb The domain of n = E-{0 , 1 ,2}
w ,
(X) =
[a] vx-y = 0 X=y (I) ¥ iXi- 1
E n~ ' (X) = 3 X
= 3
)Xy = 9 (2)
3X = X- I 2X = - 1
Substituting from (1) in (2): .9. X^ = 9 1
.'. X = -
.-. X = 3 or X = -3 2

Substituting in (I y = 3 or y = -3 w
TheS.S. = {(3 ,3) ,(-3 5-3)} [a] E P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A n B)
X-1 = 0.3+ 0.6-0.2 = 0.7
[b] n (X) = X(X-3) ^
(X-3)(X+3) (X-l)(X+3)
EP(A-B) = P(A)-P(AnB)
.-. The domain ofn = E- {3 5-3 5I}
= 0.3-0.2 = 0.1
X+ I
5 n (X) = +
X+3 X+3 X+3
EP(B)= 1 - P(B)= 1 -0.6 = 0.4
(X-2) (xE2X + 4) .. 2 (X-2)
[blB n(X) =
[a] 3 X^ - 5 X + 1 = 0 a=3 5b=-5 5c= I (X-2)- xE2X + 4

5+V(-5)^-4x3x I 5±fl3 The domain ofn=E-{2}

2x3 6 X8 + 2X+4 2 (X-2)
5 n (X) = = 2
.'. X=1.43 or X = 0.23 X-2 xE2X + 4

.-. The S.S. = { 1.43 5 0.23} E a (2) is undefined because 2^ the dom.'iin of n
[b] n, (X) = X^X- 1)
m Souhag
.'. The domain of n| = E - {O 5 1} P
,n,1 (X) = X- 1 Be Bb Bb Sd Ba Be
X- + X+ 1
5 n, (X) =
(X- i)(xEx+ 1) W
[a] V X--2X-4 = 0 a= l 5b = -25C = -4
The domain of n, = E - {1}
>n, (X) = 2±V(-2)--4x1 x-4 2±2f5
X- 1 X=
2x I 2 = 1 ±f5
.'. n| (X) = n, (X) for all the values of .-. X = 3.24 or X = -I .24
.-. xeE-{0 5 1} TheS.S. = {3.24,-!.24}
Answers of Final Examinations

[b] vn,(X)= 2(X + 4) 20 Qena
The domain of =M-{-4}
(1) IP
’'’|W=xf4 Ed Ec Ea Bb @b Eb
X(X + 4)
, ■■■ n,(X)=
(X + 4r

The domain of = E- 4} [a] X+2 y =4 X = 4-2y (1)

52X-y=3 (2)
Substituting from {1) in (2): 2(4- 2 y)- y = 3
From (1))(2): = n.
.•.8-4y-y = 3 .¥.-5y = -5 y= 1
Substituting in (I): X=2
[a] V y = 3-X (I) TheS.S. = {{2 , I)}
?Xy = 2 (2) X~-2X+4 (X+I)(X-I)
Substituting from (1) in (2) : /. X (3 - X) = 2 [b] n (X) =
(X+2) (x9-2X+ 4) (X + 2)(X-I)
.".3X-X--2 = 0 .".X--3X + 2 = 0
The domain of n = E - 2 ? 1}
(X-l)(X-2) = 0 X=1 or X=2 X+1 ^ 1+X+1_ x+2
rn(X) = 3^4 X + 2 X+2 X+ 2
= 1
Substituting in (I y=2 or y=l
TheS.S. = {(l >2) ,(2 , 1)}
X+ 1 [a] X- + 4 = 6X .¥.X^-6X + 4 = 0
[blBv n(X) = |^ n-'(X) = X-2 a = 1 5 b =- 6 » c =4
! the domain ofn''=IE-{2 > - l} 6±V(-6)--4x 1x4 6±2f5
3+ I X=
2 X 1 2 3±f5
Bn'' (3) = 3 -2
X = 5.2 or X = 0.8

TheS.S. = {5.2 ,0.8}

X- 1 X(X-5)
[a] v2X-y = 7 (I) [b] n (X) =
(X- 1)(X+ I) ¥ (X+ l)(X-5)
,X+y=5 (2)
The domain of n = E- {I ,-1,5,0}
Adding (1) ,{2): 3X= 12 X= 4
1 X+ I 1
,n(X) = X+ 1
Substituting in (1): y= 1
TheS.S. = {(4,1)}
X{X+ I) X-5
[a] Let the two numbers be : X , y
[b] n (X)
X+y=7 :.X = l-y (I )
The domain of n = E-{l ,-l ,5}
rxBy^ = 37 (2 )
1 _ XH- I
> n (X) = 3^^ X-1 X-l Substituting from (I) in (2): (7 - yf + y^= 37
49-14y + yEy^-37 = 0
(X-2) (X' + 2X + 4) X+3 2y-- I4y+ 12 = 0 y"-7y + 6 = 0
[a] n (X) =
(X-2)(X+3) X" + 2 X + 4 (y-6)(y- I) = 0 y=6 or y= 1
The domain ofn = IE-{2 5-3} Substituting in (1) : X= I or X=6
X+3 The two numbers are : 6 and 1
+ 2X + 4 X(X + 2)
[b] V n,(X) =
[b]EP(f^)= 1 -P(A) = 1 -0.8 = 0.2 (X + 2)"
E P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A n B) The domain of n^ = E - {- 2} (1)
= 0.8+ 0.7-0.6 = 0.9
>n,(X) = 3^
Algebra and Probability
> n,(X)= Substituting from (1) in (2): X“ = 9
2(X + 2)
X = 3 or X =- 3
The domain of = M-{- 2} (2)
Substituting in (1): y =3 or y =- 3
TheS.S.= {(3 ,3),(-3 ,-3)}
From (I)and (2): /. n^ = n. X +4
[b] =

The domain ofn=IE-{4 7-4}

[a] n (X)= 1 X- I
(X-2)(X+ 1)
’" "ITT“3^4
IX ^ 2)(X + I)
n- (X)=

? The domain of n
- I
= IE-{0 ,2 7-1}
(al X- + 3X-3 =0 .'. a = 1 ,b = 3 ,c = - 3

> n ■ (X)= ,ir ' (3)= 3 + I _^


3 3 -3±V(3)--4x I x-3 3±1/IT

2^1 -)

[b]P(A)= 1 - P(A)= I -0.3 = 0.7

.-. X = 0.79 or X = -3.79
,P(AUB)=P(A)+ P{B)-P(AnB)
= 0.3+ 0.5-0.2 = 0.6 .-. The S.S. = {0.79 ,-3.79}
[b](T|P(AU B)= P(A)+ P(B)-P(AnB)
m Luxor

3 3
w @P(A-B)= P(A)-P(AnB)= J- i_1
3 6
He Hb [3]b Ha QOc Hb
¥ [a] n (X) =
3(X-5) . 5(X-5)
X + 3 ■ 4(X + 3)
[a] vX-y = 4 .'. X = y + 4 (1)
.¥.Thedomainofn=K-{-3 ,5}
,3X+2y=7 (2) 3(X-5) >4(X+3)_12
, n (X) =
Substituting from (I) in (2): X+3 ''SIX-S) 5
.'. 3 (y + 4) + 2 y = 7 .'. 3y + l2 + 2y = 7 [b] The number of white balls = 12 - (5 + 4) = 3 balls

.¥.5y = -5 .-. y = -l rriThe probability that the drawn ball is blue =

Substituting in (I) : .-. X = 3 H The probability that the drawn ball is not red
_5+3_ 8 _ 2
.-. ThcS.S. = {(3 ,-l)} 12 12 3
2X H 3'he probability that the drawn ball is blue or red
[b] n, (X) = 2(X + 4) 5 + 4 _ _9_ _ 3_
12 12 4
.'. The domain ofn|=E-{-4} (1)
22 Aswan

^ """ n, (X) =
X(X + 4) H
(X + 4)- Qa [Oc Sb Ba lA]«i He
The domain ofnT = M~{-4} (2)
[a] vX-y = 3 (1)
From (1) and (2): nj = n^
72X + y = 9 (2)

¥ Adding (1) and (2); 3 X = 12 .-. X = 4

la] vX-y = 0 .-. X = y (1) Substituting in (1); y= 1

,Xy = 9 (2) .-. TheS.S. = {(4,1)}
Answers of Final Examinations

2(X + 2)
[b] 'l(3C)=^ (X-2)(X+2) New Valley
The domain ofn=E-{2 ?-2}
X 2_ ^X-2 = 1
0a 0b 0b C4lc 0a 0c
,n (X)=
X-2 X-2 X-2

& [a] X + y= 10 ( 1)
[a] V X--2X-6 = 0 .-.3=1 , b = -2 , c =-6
5X-y=4 (2)
2±-y(-2)--4xlx-6 l±2il
I^Ti ““ 2 = 1 ±lf7 Adding (1) ,(2): 2X= 14 X =7

X= 1 +fl or X= 1 -fl Substituting in (1): y =3

TheS.S.= {(7 .3)}
TheS.S.= {l +l/7,1 -fv } [bj V X--5X +6 =0 .-.3=1 , b = -5 , c = 6
(X+3)(X- 1) X+ 1
[b] V n (X)=
X+3 ^ (X- 1)(X+ I) x=
5±V(-5)=-4xIx6 5± I
2X I •>

The domain of n =E-{-3 > 1 5 - I } X:=3 or X=2

.n (X)=(X - 1) X
X 1
=1 TheS.S.= {3 ,2}

X-f5 (a) V X-y = () X= y (1)
|a| n(X)=
,Xy = 9 (2)
The domain of n '= ® -{- 5 ? 3} Substituting from (1) in (2):
X""= 9
[b] V X-3 =0 X=3 (I) X=3 or X =- 3

,X0y^ = 25 (2) Substituting in (1): y =3 or y =-3

Substituting from {1) in (2):

ThcS.S.= {(3 ,3),(-3 ,-3)}
30y^ = 25 9 + y- = 25
[b]0 The domain of n =E-{3}
3- -3 a + 9 =0 9 - 3 a + 9 =0
y^= If) y = 4 or y =- 4
18-3 a =0 - 3 a = - 18
TheS.S.= {(3 )4) ,(3 ,-4)} a =6
t- 1
D CCln(l)= 7
(!r-6x I +9
[a]0P(A U B)= P(A)+ P(B)- P(A n B)
= 0.3 + 0.6 - 0.2 = 0.7
(X-2)(X02X + 4) X+3
[a] n(X)=
0P(A)= 1 -P(A)= I -0.3 = 0.7 (X 2)(X + 3) ^ X‘+ 2X+4
.'. The domain of n =IE-{2)-3}
[b] V =
X02X +4 ..
)n (X)= ■ xT3
= I
The domain of n^ =E-{-2} X" + 2.X + 4

X(X+2) |b] V n(X)=
(X-2)(X- 1)
> ■■■ n,(X)= (X+2)-
(X-2)(X- I)
The domain of n., - IE-{- 2} .'. 11 (X)=
(2) 1
’ (X)=
The domain of n =:IE-{o ,2 , 1}
X- 1
from (I)and (2): n^ = X

(A t r) r o / jii-Lc] r/ (oLUj) 113

Algebra and Probability
xSx^+ 6X + 9-X^-3X-l3 =0
l 4(X+4) X^ + 3X-4 = 0 (X + 4)(X- 1) = 0
[a]vn(X) (x-4)(X +4) X =-4 or X=l
The domain of n =IE-{4 5-4}
vSubstituting in (1): y =- 1 or y =4
4 _ X-4
¥"¥nW = ie^4 X-4 X-4 = I TheS.S.= {(-4 1) ,(1 ,4)}

[b][l]P(A) = | II]P(B') = | [b] V X^-2X-6 = 0

a = I ) b=-2 , c=-6
(I]P(AnB) = i
2±V(-2)--4x 1 x-6 2±2f7
m South Sinai x=
2x I 2

ID = I ±i7
X = 3.65 or X = -1 .65
(Uc IDa (Ub Hd [l]d [Da
TheS.S. = {3.65 1.65}
[a]v/(X) = X^-2X+I=(X-l)' W
[a] y = X + 4 9 y = 4-X
X - I -2 -3 X 1 2 3
[b] V n, {X) = X^X- 1) y 3 2 1

The domain of =IE- {O i 1} (I)

>n,(X) = X- 1
X(xSx+ 1)
9""" n, (X) =
X(X- 1)(X- + X+ I)

The domain of = IE - {O ? 1}
-3 -2 -I V 1 2 3
9n, (X) = X-1

From (1) and (2) : n 1 = n..

From the graph : The S.S. = {(0 >4)}

2 X 4
H """ n (X) = X+2 X+ 2
[b] A » B are two mutually exclusive events
P(AnB) = 0
The domain of n = IE - 2}
P(AUB) = P{A) + P(B)
,n (X) =
2X 4 ^2X + 4^2(X-f2)^ -1-1
X+2 X+ 2 X+2 X+2 P(B) = P(AUB)-P(A) = tt
12 3 4
X(X+ I) (X-5) (X- 1)
(U n (X) =
m North Sinai
(X+1)(X-1) X-5

The domain of n =]E- {- 1 ? ! »5} D

He Ha Hb Bb Bb [da
>n(X)=^^x(X-l) = X
[a] 3X--5X+ 1 = 0 a = 3 , b = -5 > c = I
[a] ¥."y-X=3 .-. y = X + 3 (I)
,xBy9-Xy=13 (2) .-. X =
5 ±V(-5)--4x3xI _ 5 ±fn
TJl 6
Substituting from (1) in (2); X= 1.43 orX = 0.23
.-. xB(X + 3)--X(X + 3)= 13 .-. TheS.S. = {l .43 ,0.23}
Answers of Final Examinations

[b] V n,(X)= X-2 ‘-u’'

The domain ofn, =IR-{2} >

3 3
’ n,(X)=(X-2)(X + 2) 2

The domain of = M -{2 »- 2} X'

-2 -|0 I 2^3
.-.The common domain =!R-{2 ?-2}

[a]'.'X-y=l X = y+1 (i) From the graph The S.S. = {(1 ?3)}
,X^-y^ = 25 (2)
Red Sea
Substituting from (1) in (2): (y + 1)^ - y ^ = 25
y‘ + 2 y + 1 - y'= 25 H
Ula (Da r3]b Sa [I]b 0d
2y = 24 y=12
Substituting in (I): X = 13
TheS.S.= {(l3 ,12)} [a] V X^-3X-3=0
(X-2)(X"+ 2X + 4) X +3 a = 1 )b =- 3 s c =- 3
[b] ■■■ n(X)= X
(X-2)(X+3) X^ + 2X + 4
3±V(-3)--4x1x-3 3±i21
The domain of n {2 ?- 3} X=
2X 1 2
X'+ 2X +4 X+3
.n{X)= X+3
X =1
/. X =
3+^21 or X=
X'+ 2X + 4 2 2

r 3 +i2\ 3 -{21 -1
[a]P(AUB)= P(A)+ P(B)-P(AnB)
The S.S
■ =i—
= 0.3+ 0.6-0.2 = 0.7 X +4
[b] vn(X)=3^ (X-4)(X + 4)
,P(A - B)= P(A)- P(A n B)= 0.3 - 0.2 = O.l
X- X
.'. The domain ofn=K-{4 >-4}
[b] n(X)=^ X- I X 1 _x-l
9 0(X)— ^^^ X-4
The domain of n = IE -{1}
X .X-X .. X(X-l) = x
X-I X-1
[a]v2X-y = 5 (I)

l0 )X+y=4 (2)
Adding(I)and (2): 3X = 9 .-. X = 3
[a] V n,(X)=^ (I)
Substituting in (1): .-. y = 1
.-. The domain of n| =IE-{o}
X^ + 4 .-.The S.S.={(3 »1)}
, n (X)=
X(X~ + 4) (X-2)(X%2X + 4) X +3
[b] n(X)= X
(X-2)(X+3) X +2X +4
.-. The domain of n, =M-{o}
(2) The domain of n =E-{2 9-3}
rn,(X)=^ 9 n (X)=
X'+ 2X + 4
= I
X +3
X‘+ 2X + 4
From(l),(2): .-. n, = n,
[bj y = 5 - 2 X 9 y = 4-X w
0 1 2 [a] V X-y= I X= y + I (I)
X 0 I 2 X

5 3 y 4 3 2
9X^ + y^ = 25 (2)
Substituting from (1) in (2):
Algebra and Probability
(y+ I)- + y- = 25 X . 3X
[b] n(X)=
X-3 • (X-3)(X+3)
y- + 2y+ 1 +y--25 = 0
The domain of n =E-{O >3 >-3}
2y^ + 2y-24 =0 .•.y^ + y-l2 = 0
(X-3)(X + 3) X+3
(y + 4)(y - 3)=0 y =-4 or y =3 ,n(X)= 3^x 3X 3

Substituting in (I) X = -3 or X=4

TheS.S.= {(-3 ,-4),(4 ,3)}
[a] P(A U B)= P(A)+ P(B)- P(A n B)
[b] V n,(X)= 2(X + 2) =1+1-1 5 "

The domain of = E-{-2}

The domain of n = E- 1}
X- 1 X+3 X 1+X+3
X(X + 2) ,n (X)= X+ I X+ I
» V n,(X)= X+ 1
(X + 2)^ _2X + 2^2(X+1)^
The domain of =IE-{- 2} (2)
X+ 1 X+ ]

From(l) y(2) ; [a] n,(X)= X- ]
The domain of n|= E-{I}
in ’ ••• n,(X)=

(X-2)(X + 2)
| = = l [2]P(A-B)= -i The domain of = E-{2 ’-2}
[3]P(AUB)= 4 o
/. The common domain =E-{l ^2 9- 2}
[b]/(X)= X^- I [b] X--2X-4 =0
_9 9 a=l , b =-2 5 c =-4
X -1 0 I

y 3 0 - 1 0 3 2±^|(~2)^-4xlx-4 2±2i~5
2x 1 2 = 1 ±f5
X = 3.2 or X = -1.2

TheS.S.= {3.2 ,-1.2}

X' B

[a] V n,(X)=^^ (I)

y' The domain of =E-{o}
From tbe graph ; The S.S. = {- I ? I} (X- i)(xS 1)
r ■■■ n,(X)=
X(x’+ 1)
The domain of n,= E-{o}
m Matrouh (2)

0a 0c 0c ■ 0b 0b 0b From (1),(2): n| =
[b] vX + y = 2 (I)
,X=y+6 (2)
[a] vX = 2 (1) Substituting from (2) in (1):
tXy = (s (2) y +6 + y =2 2 y =- 4 ""¥y = -2
Substituting from (I) in (2): :.2y = b .¥.y = 3 Substituting in (2): /. X = 4
TheS.S.= {(2 ,3)} ThcS.S.= {(4 ,-2)}

(bsj oi|i) oOZI =
SDJ1U30 JO OUI[ oqi SI fqj/V ‘
(o09 + o06 + o()6)- o09£ =(HWa 7)ui
pjoqD U01UIU03 u sj gv ‘
■ HWaV IRJsiciupnnb 3lh luojj
.06 =(WXH 7) lu XH T XW
.06 =(VHlAl)lu ■■■ 3V T HIAl ■■■
3V J“ unodpiiu sip si h ‘ ofano oq) oi luaSunj n si xH ■ I”)
.06 =(vaw 7)Oi gvTQw
gV JO luiodpuu aqi si q [i!|
(¥baj (ijiqx)
B z
0£ .Zt' = = (ZXl 7) lu = (1 7) lu
.SI I - .081
w =[i] 81® prn XZ = IZ """
H .S1 1 = .£9 - .081 = (XZl 7) in
BZiO ( boj puooag)
.£9 = o0£l X T = (AX) m TI = (AZX 7) m 8
CaHt)) ¥puainiupiinb aijoAT c si IZHQ
(aHX 7) III = (1 7) ui : (t) pun (1) uiojj ( baj isjy) .oei =(Awx7)iii = (Ax)iii [ql
(z) ¥sapajp OMi /v\ii.ip Lina 3/^
(AouaSiiin) (zxA 7) m = (paquasiii) (g 7) lu i
(I) (ssiaui: ajcujaqn) (gXA 7) lu = (QHX 7) m v
IBSJDASimj) B SI ^ I ^ ^ [q]
Caab) ¥a]aui?i.i] iiij3in[inba uii si ZAX V
:(c)8 (Diuo-y
(Z) .09 = (.OZI + .06 + .06) - .09C = (X 7) m
: HWaX liijareiupiinb aqj uioy
(I) ZX = AX ¥¥ HW = aiAI ¥¥¥ 8
.06 = (XHiq7)iii V ZX T HW a]
ZX JO liqodpiiu OU) SI H ¥¥¥ 8 ( bai aqx) .Ob = .o£ - .06 = (woa 7) III
.06 = (xaiAi 7) 111 ¥¥¥ AXTQW V .06 = {W3V 7) in ¥¥¥
XX JO Wiodpuu aqi si q [b] 3V T 3W ¥¥¥ snipiij 11 SI 3JM I
a z
.0£ = = OSV 7) in = (aov 7) in v
("bo.iaqx) >££ = (.OZ + .£Zl) - .081 = (V 7) m 3v = av ¥¥¥
laavvui v sjuaiiiSas-iuaSuBi o,wi aiii 3Y s gy [q]
.oz = (3a)ni j =(a 7)111 1 ¥nia ZZ = bl X X c X i = OJB aqi jo ipSiiai aqj i
o£ZI =
.06 =
.091' X j = OJI! oi|l JO ojiisiiaiu aqx [0]
.££-.081 =(aav7)iii V
li,v .SS = (Cia)nij = R
a Ot-j q® a[9) pTl ® q(JJ P®
(aaa 7) m v
01 oi
^< luaoiini 1? s] gv : jooaj
oa Miiia 1ISU03 [q] 04IB3
(¥a'3'0) ¥|i!j31ii|upvinb DqaAa n si aWXH
.081 = .06 + .06 = (JMAH 7) m + (IXXH 7) ni v Aj)3ujo35 p suojteujuiexa
.06 = (bXAH7)iu V NIA] T8V V ,S3)ej0UJ9A0Bp SJ3/M.SUV
1 MX J- AB
[b] m (^D)= i m(Z AMB) [b] X is the midpoint of AB
> Y is the midpoint of AC MY J_ AC
(inscribed and central angles subtended by AB)
, AB = AC MX = MY
m(/lD)= i X 140° = 70°
, MD = MH = r
> AC // DB 7 AD is a transversal
By subtracting :
m(YDAC)+ m(/-D)=180°
XD = YH (Q.E.D.)
(two interior angles in the same side of the

m(YDAC)= l80°-70°= 110° (The req.)

[a] DH // BC m (BD)= m(CH)
m (Z BAD)= m (Z CAH)
Adding m(Z BAC)to both sides
[a] m(Z DHB)= i[m (i5b)+ m (AC)] m (Z DAC)= m (Z BAH) (Q.E.D.)
110° = i [m(l5B)+ 100°] [b] XY // BD ? AB is a transversal
220° = m(DB)+ 100° m ()5b)= 120° m (Z YXB)= m(Z XBD)(alternate angles)
m(Z DCB)= 1 m (DB)= i- x 120° = 60° » m(Z ACB)(inscribed)= m (Z ABD)
(The req.) (tangency)
(bj m(Z BCD)= 1 m(Z BMD) m(ZYXB)= m(ZACB)
AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by BD)
m(Z BCD)= 1 X 130° = 65°
AB // CD 1 BC is a transversal.
i Alexandria

m (Z ABC)= m (Z BCD)= 65°

(Hb He Sd Ha Hb He
(alternate angles)(1)
^ AB ? AC are two tangent-segments
AB=AC [a] DH // BC m(DB)= m(CH)
m(Z ACB)= m(Z ABC)= 65° (2) m(Z DAB)= m(Z CAH) (Q.E.D.)
From (1) and (2): [bJ D is the midpoint of AB
m (Z ACB)= 111(Z BCD)= 65° I^IAB ni(Z ADM)= 90°
CB bisects Z ACD (First req.) 7 H is the midpoint of AC
In A ABC: MHIAC .'. m (Z AHM)= 90°

m(Z A)= 180° -(65° + 65°)= 50° (Second req.) From the quadrilateral ADMH :
ni(Z DMH)= 360° -(90° + 90° + 60°)
= 120° (The req.)
[a] V m(Z ACB)= ^ m(Z AMB)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by AB) w
[a] CB = CD ni(CB) = ni(CD) (1)
.-. ni(ZACB)= i- X 120° = 60° ( 1)
7 ".¥ AC is a diameter
7 ".¥ CD // AB .-. m(AC) = m(BC)
.-. AC = BC
.-. m (ABC) = ni (ADC) (2)
(2 )

From (I) and (2):

Subtracting (1) from (2):
.-. iii(AB) = m(AD) (Q.E.D.)
A CAB is an equilateral triangle. (Q.E.D .)

Answers of Final Examinations

[b] m(AX)= m(AY) From the quadrilateral AXMY :

m(A ACX)= m(A ABY) m (A DME)= 360° -(90° + 90° + 70°) =110°
and they are drawn on HD (First req.)
and on one side of it 5-.- AB=AC MX = MY

BCHD is a cyclic quadrilateral s V MD = ME = r

By subtracting : XD = YE (Second req.)

[b] ".¥in(BC) = ni(DE)
IP Adding in (BD) to both sides
[a] The length of AB = 360" x2x7 X ^ m (CD) = m (EB) m(ZC) = m(^E)
= 13.2 cm. (The req.) In A ACE ; AC = AE

[b] ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral, . V m(CB) = m(fD) .-. CB = ED

m (A ADC) = m (A ABH) = 100° AB=AD (Q.E.D.)

In A ACD :

.-. m{AACD)= 180°-(100°+40°) = 40°

.*. m(ACAD) = m(AACD)
m (A ABD) = m (A ADB) = 30°
CD=AD (Q .E.D.)
m (A A) = 180° - (30° + 30°) = 120°
I ¥ ¥ m (A A) + m (A C) = 120° + 60° = 180°

[a] XC 9 XA are two tangent-segments ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. {Q.E .D.)

.-. XC = XA = 5cm. [b] "." AD ) AF are two tangent-segments to the circle
9 YC 9 YB are two tangent-segments .-. AD = AF = 3 cm.

YC = YB = 8cm. 9 "." BD 9 BE are two tangent'segment-s to the circle

.'. The perimeter of AXYB = 5 + 5 + 8 + 8+10 BD = BE = 4cm.
= 36 cm. (The req.) 9 "." CE 9 CF are two tangent-segments to the circle
[b] In A ABC: v CB = CA CE = CF = 2cm.

m (A B) = m (A BAC)
The perimeter of A ABC = 3 + 3+ 4 + 4 + 2+ 2
9 AB // CD 9 AC is a transversal
= 18 cm. (The req.)
m (A ACD) = m (A BAC) (alternate angles)
.". m (A B) = m (A ACD)
.-. CD is a tangent to the circle circumscribed [a] AD is a tangent to the circle
about A ABC (Q.E .D.) .". m (A DAC) (tangency)
= m (A B) (inscribed) (
El9Kalyoubia 9 XY // BC 9 AB is a transversal

m (A AXY) = m (A B) (2 )
Sd ID a (l]c Bd Bb Bd (corresponding angles)
From (1) and (2) ; m (A AXY) = m (A DAC)
.". AD is a tangent to the circle passing through
[a] X is the midpoint of AB
the points A 9 X and Y (Q.E.D.)
.-. "^lAB .-. m (A AXM) = 90°
9 Y is the midpoint of AC
[b] m (Z AEC) = i [m (AC) + m (BD)]
.-. r^i AC m (Z AYM) = 90° m (Z AEC) = i (50° + 80°) = 65° (The req.)

o 5 '.- m(Z.MCD)= 90°

[a] DE // BC In A CMD : m(Z D)= 180° -(90° + 45°)= 45°
m (DB)= m (EC) adding m(BC)to both sides m (Z. CMD)= m (Z. D)
m (DC)“m (EB) CD = CM (Q.E.D. 2)
m(ZDAC)= m(^BAE) (Q.E.D.)
[b] AB »AC are two tangent-segments to the
smaller circle
[b] V m(Z B)= i m (Z AMC)= 60° (1)
(inscribed and central angle subtended by AC)
s V MD = ME = r
, CD // AB m(AC)= m(CB)
(radii lengths of the smaller circle)
AB=AC (Q.E.D.)
From (1)and (2):
A CAB is an equilateral triangle. (Q.E.D.)

[a] X is the midpoint of AC

1 AC m(ZNXA)= 90°
iP 5 AB is the common chord

Q]a lUd 06 0c 0d 0b 9 NM is the line of centres

NMX AB m(ZNYA)= 90°

From the quadrilateral AXNY :
[aj V m (Z. A)= y m (zi BMC) m (A BAC)= 360“ -(90“ + 90° + 80°)= 100°
(inscribed and central angles subtended by BC)
m (z:A)= 65“ (First req.) (The req.)

9 ABDC is a cyclie quadrilateral [b] V ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

m(Z D)=: 180°-65°= 115° (Second req.) nU^C)= 180“- I20° = 60“
9 BE // CD 9 BC is a transversal
[b] CD is a diameter
m U CBD)= 90° m (Z EBC)= m(Z C)= 60° (alternate angles)
.*. m(Z.ABC)= 135“-90° = 45° m(ZCBF)= 60“ + 45°= 105°

9 m (Z. D)(inscribed)= m (Z. ABC)(tangency) m (Z CDA)= m (Z CBF)= 105° (The req.)

= 45“

m (Z. D)+ m (Z ABD)= 45“ + 135° = 180“ lP

[a] m (BD)= 2 m (Z BED)= 20°
and they are interior angles in the same side of
the transversal
m(ZA)= i[m(CE)-m(BD)]
DC // BA (Q.E.D.)
= -i (80° - 20°)= 30° (The req)

w [bJ '. InAABC:[n(ZC)=l80°-(90° + 30°)= 60°

[a] AB is a tangent MBl AB m(ZC)= m(ZDAB)= 60°
m(Z ABM)= 90° .•. AD is a tangent to the circle
9 AC is a tangent MC 1 AC
passing through the points A 9 B and C (Q.E.D.)
m(Z ACM)= 90°
9 m(Z ABM)+ m(Z ACM)= 90° + 90° = 180° El-Monofia
ABMC is a cyclic quadrilateral, (Q.E.D. I)
m(Z CMD)= m (Z A)= 45°
0b 0a 0c 0c 0a 0c

Answers of Final Examinations

IQ I [b] In A BCD: BC = DC

[a] AB is a diameter m(AB)= 180” m (L BDC)= m (A CBD)= 35”

, AB // CD m (A C)= 180" -(35” + 35”)=110°
180°- 100
in(AC)= m(BD)= =40”(First req.) > m(A A)+ m(A C)= 70” + 110” = 180”
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
m (A AEC)=\ m (AC)= 20”
:.2X- 10° = 20° 2X = 30”
X= 15° (Second req.) [al BD )BE are two tangent-segments
[b] In A ABC: BD = BE = 6cm.

m (A B)= m (A C) AB = AC CE = 10-6 = 4 cm. The req.)

? •.• X is the midpoint of AB MX TAB
[bj In A ABE:
,V MY ± AC ,AB = AC V AB=AE m (A AEB)= m (A B)
MX = MY (Q.E.D.) 9 •.• m {A D)= m(A B)(properties of parallelogram)
A m(A AEB)= m (A D)
A AECD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
[a] ■■■ m (A ADC)= i m (A AMC)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by AC) El-Gharbia
m (A ADC)= 1 X 70 = 35” (First req.)

1 CD // AB ? AD is a transversal
Sb [l]d HJc Hb [5]c Ec
.'. m(A BAD)= rn(A ADC)= 35°(alternate angles)
? AB is a diameter
m (A ADB)= 90° [a] D is the midpoint of AB
A I^AAB A in (A ADM)= 90°
InAABD: a m(AABD)= 180° -(90° + 35°)
= 55° 9 •.• E is the midpoint of AC
(Second req.)
A AC A m (A AEM)= 90°
[bJ DE // BC 9 AC is a transversal
From the quadrilateral MDAE :
m(A AED)= m (A C) (corresponding angles)
A m(A DME)= 360° -(90° + 90° + 120°)= 60°
- V m(A C)(inscribed)= m(A BAX)(tangency)
9 m (A YMX)= m (A DME)= 60° (V.O.A)
A m(A AED)= m(A DAX)
9MY = MX = r
.'. AX is a tangent to the circle passing through
A XMY is an equilateral triangle. (Q.E.D.)
the points A 9 D and E (Q.E.D.)
lb] In A AMD:

[a] X is the midpoint of CF A m(AMAD)= m(AMDA) (I)

A ?^XCT m(A MXE)= 90° 9 V DA bisects A BDM

9 AB is the common chord A m (A MDA)= m (A ADB) (2)

9 MN is the line of centres From (1) 9 (2): m (A MAD)= m(A ADB)
A MNXAB A m(AMDE)= 90° and they are alternate angles
From the quadrilateral XMDE: A AM//^
in(A XMD)= 360° -(90° + 90° + 52°)= 128° 9 V "^X AB A MAXAB

(The req.) AB is a tangent to the circle M at A (Q.E.D.)


\D El-Dakahlia
[a] m (Z. BCD)= m(Z BMD)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by BD)
[alQ] a [Uc
m(ZBCD)= -^ X 50° = 25°

5 AB is a diameter m(/.ACB)= 90° [b] m(Z A)= ^[m(CE)- m (BI))]

m(ZACD)= 25° + 90° = 115° (The req.) 20° = i[80° - m (BD)]
[b] DE // TC m(BD)= m(CE) 40° = 80°-m(BD)
m (Z BAD)= m (Z CAE)
m(®)= 80° - 40° = 40°
Adding ni(Z BAC)to both sides 5 BC is a diameter
m(Z DAC)= m(Z BAE) (Q.E.D.)
m(BC)= 180'’
m(DE)= 180° -(80° + 40°)= 60° (The req.)
[aj ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral w
m(Z BAD)= 180°-70°= 110° [3]d
) ABFE is a cyclic quadrilateral and Z BAD is
exterior of it. [b] ¥." m (Z BCD) = i m (Z BMD)
m (Z EFB)= m (Z BAD)= 110° (First req.) (inscribed and central angles subtended by BL))
m (Z BCD) = 1 X 30° = 15° (First req.)
m(ZEFB)+ m(Z BCD)= 110° + 70° = 1^
> ¥.¥ AB is a diameter
and they are interior angles in the same side of FC
.-. CD // EF (Second req.) .-. m (Z ACB) = 90°

[b] X A 1 XB are two tangents to the circle m (Z ACD) = 90° + 15° = 105° (Second req.)
.-. XA = XB

In A ABX :
[a] ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
m (Z XAB) = m (Z XBA) = = 5 5°
2 .-. m(ZD) = m(ZABE)= 100°
) ¥.¥ ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral 5 ¥.¥ D is the midpoint of AC
.-. m (Z BAD) = 180° - 125° = 55° m (AD) = m (CD) AD = CD
m (Z XAB) = m (Z BAD) In A ACD ;
AB bisects Z DAX (Q .E.D.) 1 80°- 100°
.'. m (Z DAC) = m (Z DCA) = = 40°

l0 (The req.)
[a] AB is the common chord [b] AB ! AC are two tangent-segments
s MN is the line of centres MN J. AB
AB = AC .-. 2X-i=X + 2
.-. 2X-X = 2+ 1 X= 3 (First req.)
, V MX J_ AC ,AC = AB MX = MD (I)
.-. AB = AC = 2 X 3 - 1 = 5 cm.
) MY = ME (lengths of two radii) (2)
Subtracting (1) from (2): .'. XY = DE (Q.E.D.)
The perimeter of A ABC = 5-1-5 + 4=14 cm.
|bl 20 // BID , AB is a transversal (Second req.)
m (Z DBX) = m (Z YXB) (alternate angle.s) (1)
) "." m (Z C) (inscribed)
= m (Z ABD) (tangency) (2) [a] In A EBC : BE = BC
From (1) and (2) : m(Z BEC) = m(ZC)
m (Z C) = m (Z YXB) , m(Z BAD) = m(ZC)
AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.) (properties of parallelogram)

Answers of Final Examinations

m (Z. BED)= m BAD) m (Z. BAC)= m (Z. E)= 70°

and they are drawn on BD and on one side of it AC is a tangent to the circle passing through
the vertices of A ABE (Q.E.D.2)
ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D. 1)
m(^AEB)= m(^ADB)
(drawn on AB and on one side of it) i Ismailia
? AD // BC ^ BD is a transversal
m (/. DBC)= m (Z. ADB)(alternate angles) [T]c lUb [Ed Ha Hd [ejc
m(ZAEB)= m(ZDBC) (Q.E.D.2)

[b] AB ? AC are two tangent-segments to the

smaller circle [a] V m(Z.A)= l m(Z BMD)= i x 150° = 75°
1 AB .-. m (Z MDA)= 90° (inscribed and central angles .subtended by BD)
AC m (Z MEA)= 90° 5 ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

From the quadrilateral ADME ; .'. m(Z,C)= 180°-75°= 105° (The req .)
m (Z. EMD)= 360“ -(90“ + 90° + 50°)= 130° [b]InAABD: AB=AD
(First req.) .'. m (Z. ABD)= m (Z. ADB)= 30°
. MD = ME(two radii in the smaller circle) .'. m (A A)= 180° -(30° + 30°)= 120°
.-. AB = AC (Second req.) , m (Z A)+ m (Z C)= 120° + 60° = 180°

IP .'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

[a] In A AMC : AM = MC = r
.-. m (Z MAC)= m(Z ACM)
[a] m (Z BDC)= m (Z BAC)
m (Z BAC)= m(Z MAC)
(two inscribed angles subtended by BC)
.-. m (Z BAC)= m(Z ACM)and they are .'. m (Z BDC)= 30° (First req.)
alternate angles.
V m(BC)= 2m(ZBAC)= 60°
.-. AB // ™
? AB is diameter in the circle M
D is the midpoint of AB
.'. m(AB)= 180°
.'. AB , AB // CM
.-. m(AC)= l80°-60°= 120°
.'. i5m±cm (Q.E.D.)
5 ".¥ D is the midpoint of AC
[bj The figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
m (Z ABC) = 180° - i 25° = 55° (I)
.'. m(AD) = J~ = 60°
EA 9 EB are two tangents to the circle at .'. m (Z ACD) = 1 m (AD) = 1 X 60° = 30°
A and B
m (Z. BAC) = m (Z ACD) but they are
EA = EB m (Z E) = 70° alternate angles
m (Z EAB) = = 55° DC//AB
(Second req.)
EA is a tangent to the circle at A [b] AD is a tangent to the circle
m (Z EAB) (tangency) = m (Z ACB) (inscribed) i^ZAD m (Z ADM) = 90°
m(ZACB) = 55° (2) ? E is the midpoint of BC
From (I) and (2); .-. m(Z MEA) = 90°
m (Z ACB) = m (Z ABC) = 55° .". From the quadrilateral ADME :
AB=AC (Q.E.D. 1) m (Z DME) = 360° - (90° 90° -t- 65°) = 115°
m (Z BAC) = 180° - 2 X 55° = 70° (The req.)


[a] AX ! AZ are two tangent-segments [a] m (Z ABD) (tangcncy) = A m (Z AMB) (central)
AX = AZ = 6 cm.
= i x80° = 4()°(Firstreci.)
CZ = IO-6 = 4cm.
m (AB) = m (Z AMB) = 80° (Second rcq.)
5 CZ ) CY are two tangent-segments
[b] E is the midpoint of AD
CZ = CY = 4cm.
.-. t^lAD .-. m (Z MEC) = 90°
» BX s BY are two tangent-segments
s ¥.¥ BC is a tangent-segment
.-. t^ABC .-. m (Z MBC) = 90°
The perimeter of A ABC = 24 cm.
From the quadrilateral MBCE :
BX-rBY-r 6+ 10 + 4 = 24
.-. m (Z EMB) = 360° - (90° + 90° + 50°) = 1.30°
.-. BX + BY = 4 .-. BX = 2cm.
(The req.)
.-. AB = 6 + 2 = 8 cm. ( The req.)
[b] m (Z C) = i m (Z BMD) = 1 x 80° = 40°
[a] m (AB) = m (BC) = m (AC)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by BD) 36(1°
m (AB) = = 120°
) Z ABC is an exterior angle of A BCD 3

.-. m(ZCDB)= 110°-40° = 70° (First req .) .-. m(ZC) = i m(AB) = l X 120°
, ¥.¥ m (Z CBD) = 180° - 110° = 70° = 60° (The req.)
m (Z CDB) = m (Z CBD) = 70° [b] E is the midpoint of AC Ml AC
.-. In A CBD : CB = CD (Second req .) , V P^lAB ,MD = ME
AB = AC (Q.E.D.)
[a] m (Z A) = i [m (EC) - m (BD)]
.'. 40°=l[m'"(EC)-60°] [a] m (Z. BDC) (inscribed) = m (Z ABC) (tangency)
= 70" (First req.)
.-. 80° = m (K!) - 60°
AB 9 AC are two tangents
.-. m (EC) = 80° + 60° = 140° (First rcq.)
, V m(BC) = m(ED)
m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = 70°

.-. m(BC) = m(ED) = ^^y^Aii|)l+m = 80° In A ABC :

(Second req.) m (Z BAC) = 180° - (70° + 70°) = 40°

(Second req.)
[b] XY // BD 9 AB is a transversal
m (Z DBX) = m (Z YXB) (alternate angles) (1) lb] V AB//CD
9 ¥.¥ m (Z C) (inscribed) m(ffi) = m (AC) = 30°
= m (Z ABD) (tangency) (2) .-. m (Z BED) = i m (BD) = ^ x 30° = 15°
From (1) and (2) : (The req.)

m(ZC) = m{Z YXB) B

AXYC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
[a| State by yourself,
tb] In A ABC:
m Suez
m(Z B)= 180°-(30°+ 50°)= 100°
s ¥.¥ m (Z B) + m (Z D) = 100° + 80° = 180°
[ijd [sb [3]c He Ha [B]b .'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E .D.)

Answers of Final Examinations

BD = BH = 4cm.
11 Port Said
CH < CQ are two tangent-segments to the circle
H CH = CQ = 3 cm.
He [Da [3]d [4’'h Sc [sja The perimeter of A ABC = 3-t-.s + 4-t-4-(-3 + 3
= 24 cm. (The req.i
[b] AD is a tangent to the circle
[aj XY is a tangent-segment
m(Z DAB)(tangency)
m(ZMXY)= 90'’
= m(Z ACB)(inscribed) ( 1)
(MY)- =(XY)--KMX)"= 12-+ 5'= 169
) XY // BC ^ YC is a transversal
MY='fiM= 13 cm. m(ZAYX)= m{ZACB)
MX = MZ = r .-. MZ = 5cm.
(couesponding angles) (2)
YZ= 13-.5 = 8cm. (The req.) From (1) and (2);
tb] MO TAB rMHTAC ,AB=AC m(Z DAB)= m (Z AYX)
AD is a tangent to the circle passing through
, MX = MY = r .-. OX = HY (Q.E.D.) the points A > X and Y (Q.E.D.)

ip 12 Damietta
[a] Mention by yourself.

[b] BD is a tangent
Qc Hid |T.a [4^c 5 b 6 C
MBl^ m(ZMBD)= 90®
? H is the midpoint of AC
AC .-. m(Z MHD)= 90° [a] AB is a tangent
MAXAB .-. m(ZMAB)= 90°
, V m(Z MBD)+ m(ZMHD)= 90° +90°= 180°
.-. DBMH is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.EJ3.) > Z MBE is an exterior angle of A AMB
.'. m(Z AMB)= 120° -90° = 30° (The req.)
[b] AB = CD (properties of rectangle)
[a] AB is a tangent , ¥." CE = CD AB = CE
MB J, AB .'. m (Z ABM) = 90° .-. m (AB) = m (CE) (Q.E.D. I)
In A AMB ; m (Z BMA) = 180° - (90° + 40°) Adding m ("BE) to both sides
= .30°
.'. m (AE) = m (BC)
.'. m (Z BDC) = m (Z BMC) = 1 x 50° = 25° AE = BC (Q.E.D. 2)
(inscribed and central angles subtended byBC)
(The req.)
[a] X is the midpoint of AB
[b] XY // BC .-. m(XB) = m(YC) .'. MX J. AB m ( Z MXA) = 90°
.-. m (Z XAB) = m (Z YAC)
5 Y is the midpoint of AC
Adding m (Z BAC) to bath sides .-. MYTAC .-. m ( Z MYA) = 90°
.-. m (Z XAC) = m (Z YAB) (Q.E.D,) From the quadrilateral AXMY :
.-. m (Z EMD) = 360° - (90° -r 90° + 80°)
= 100° (First req.)
[a] AD s AQ are two tangent-segments to the circle r AB = AC .-. MX = MY
.'. AD = AQ = 5 cm. r MD = ME = r
5 BD > BH are two tangent-.segments to the circle .-. XD = YE (Second req.)

(s: o V o / r/ (otu) ouj oLiLj voWI 129


[b]InAABD: AB = AD [b] E i.s the midpoint of BC

m U ABD)= m (A ADB)= 30° i^lBC m(Z AEM)= 90°
m(Z A)= 180°-2 X 30° = 120°
7 AD is a tangent to the circle
, m(A A)+ m (Z. C)= 120°+ 60° = 180°
m(Z ADM)= 90°
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
From the quadrilateral ADME :

w m (Z DME)= 360° -(90° + 90° + 56°)= 124°

(The req.)
[a] m(ZD)= ^ m(ZAMB)
(inscribed and central angles substanded by AB) w
m(ZD)= l X 140° = 70° [a] He IZlb a

7 AC // DB 7 AD is a transversal [b] ¥.¥ m (BC) = 2 m (Z BAC) = 60°

m(Z DAC)+ m(ZD)= 180° 7 """ AB is diameter in the circle M

(two interior angles in the same side of the .-. m (AB) = 180°
transversal) .-. m(/^)= 180°-60°= 120°
ni(Z DAC)= 180°-70° = 110° (The req.) 7 "." D is the midpoint of AC
[b] bisects Z ACD m(AD) = m(DC) = -^ = 60° (First req.)
m(Z ACB)= m (Z BCD)= 65°
.-. m (Z ACD) = i m (AD) = 1 x 60° = 30°
7 AB 7 AC are two tangent-segments
m (Z CAB) = m (Z ACD) but they are alternate
In A ABC :
AB // DC (Second req.)
m (Z ABC)= m (Z ACB)= 65°
m (Z A)= 180° -(65° + 65°)= 50°(First req.)
[a] Construction :
7 ¥.¥ m (Z D) (inscribed) = m (Z ACB) (tangency)
m (Z D) = 65° (Second req.)

w AB 9 AC are two
[a]m(ZADB)= i m(AB)= i x 110° = 55° tangent-segments to the smaller circle.
(First req.) 9 MX 9 MY are two radii
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral MX TAB 7 MY ZAC
m (Z ADC) = m (Z CBE) = 85° 7 MX = MY = r (radii of the smaller circle)
.-. m (Z BDC) = 85° - 55° = 30° (Second req.) .-. AB=AC (Q.E.D.)
[b] In A ABC ; "." m (Z BAC) = 90° 7 AC = ^ BC [b] In A ABC ;
m (Z B) = 30° AC = I bC 7 m(ZBAC) = 90°
m (Z C) = 180° - (90° + 30°) = 60° m (Z B) = 30°
.'. m (Z C) = m (Z DAB) = 60° m (Z C) = 180° - (90° + 30°) = 60°
AD is a tangent to the circle passing through m (Z C) = m (Z BAD) = 60°
the vertices of A ABC (Q.E.D .)
AD is a tangent to the circle passing through
the vertices of A ABC (Q.E.D .)
m Kafr El-Sheikh

[a] AD 7 AF are two tangent-segments to

[alBb Ha Hd the circle

Answers of Final Examinations

AD = AF = 3cm. CF = 8 - 3 = 5 cm.
? BD » BE are two tangent-segments to
[a] CM // AB 5 AM is a transversal
the circle

BD = BE = 2 cm. .-. m (A CM A) = m (A A) = 60° (alternate angles)

> ¥.¥ CE j CF are two tangent-.segmenLs to the circle 5 V m(A B)= J- m(ACMA)
.'. CE = CF = 5cm. (inscribed and central angles subtended by AC)
.'. BC = 2 + 5 = 7cm. (The req.) .-. m (A B) = i- X 60° = 30° (The req.)

[b] m(A BCD)= i m (A M) [bl m (A E) = 1 [m (CA) - m (BD)]

(inscribed and central angles subtended by BD)
.-. 30° = i [80°-m(BD)]
.-. m(ZBCD)=l X 130° = 65°
.'. 60° = 80°-m(BD)
AB // CD ? BC is u transversal
.'. m(BD) = 80°-60° = 20°
m (Z ABC) = m (Z BCD) = 65°
9 BA is a diameter in the circle
(alternate angles)
m(K) = 180°
AB and AC are two tangent-segments to
the circle M m (CD) = 180° - (80° + 20°) = 80° (The req.)

m (Z ACB) = m (Z ABC) = 65°

[a] X is the midpoint of AC
In A ABC :
.'. MXXAC .-. m (A AXY) = 90°
m(ZA)= 180°-2x65° = 50° (The req.)
5 "." YB is a tangent to the circle
.-. MBXBY m(A MBY) = 90°
[a] State by yourself, 7 ¥.¥ m (A AXY) = m (A ABY) and they are
[b] ¥.¥ AB is a diameter of the circle drawn on AY and on one side of it
.'. m (A ACB) = 90° (First req.) (Q .E.D.)
.'. AXBY is a cyclic quadrilateral,
> "." m (A ACE) = m (A ADE) = 90°
[b] In A AMC : AM = MC = r
and they are drawn on AE and on one side of it
.-. m (A MAC) = m (A ACM)
.9.ACDE is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Second req.)
m(ABAC) = m(A MAC)

14 El-Beheira .'. m (A BAC) = m (A ACM) and they are

alternate angles.
IP .'. AB // CM
Bd Bb Bb [4]a 0d Be .-. MDl A B
D is the midpoint of AB
, ".¥ AB // CM

[a] In A ABC : m (Z B) = m (Z C) .-. DMX# (Q .E.D.)


» X Ls the midpoint of AB MXIAB

, V AC [a] AB ? AC are two tangents

MX = MY (Q.E.D.) AB=AC

In A ABC :
[b] V ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
m (Z ADC) = m (Z CBE) = 85° m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = - = 70°

5 m (Z ADB) = y m (AB) =1x110°= 55° 9 m (Z D) (inscribed) = m (Z ABC) (tangency)

.-. m(ZBDC) = 85°-55° = 30° (The req. ) m (Z D) = 70° (The req.)


[b] XA ? XB are two tangents to the circle m(ZD)= m(^BCD)= 55°

XA = XB ni(L DEC)= 180° - 2 X 55° = 70°

In A ABX : m {L ABD)= 55° + 70° = 125° (The req.)

m(AXAB)= m{AXBA)= = 65“ [b] MC = MA = r MC = MA= I0-4 = 6cm.

? ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral 9 BA is a tangent to the circle M

m (A BAD)+ m (A DCB)= 180“ MA 1 BA m(A MAB)= 90“

m(A BAD)= 180“ 115“ = 65“ (AB)^ =(MB)^ -(MA)^ = 10“ -6- = 64
ra (A XAB)= m {L BAD) AB=fM = 8cm. (The req.)
AB bisects L DAX (Q.E.D.1) D
5 rn {L ADB)(inscribed)
[a] MX 1 AB X is the midpoint of AB
= ni(A XAB)(tangency) = 65“
AB = 2xBX = 2x5 = 10cm.
m (/.BAD)=m(AADB)
BD = BA (Q.E.D.2)
CD = AB = 10 cm. (The req.)

[b] In A ABD: AB = AD
15 El-Fayoum
.-. m (Z. ABD)= m (A ADB)= 30°
H m (A A)= 180°-2x30°= 120°
[i'Jd LUc [He 0d [He ? m(A A)+ m(A C)= 120° + 60° = 180°
'm ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
[a] CE bisects Z DCF
m(Z DCF)= 2 X 53“ = 106“
[a] AB =AC
? AD // BC 5 DC is a transversal
m(AB)= m(AC)
m (Z D)= m(Z DCF)= 106“(alternate angles) .-. in(AAEB)= m(A AEC) (Q.E.D.)
m(Z B)+ m(Z D)= 74“ + 106“ = 180°
[b] ¥.¥ XY // BC 5 AB is a transversal
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral, (Q.E.D.)
.¥. m (A AXY) = ni (A ABC) (corresponding angles)
[b] D is the midpoint of AB ? ".¥ m (A ABC) (inscribed) = in (A CAD) (tangency)
AB m(A ADM)= 90° m (A AXY) = m (A YAD)
y E is the midpoint of AC AD is a tangent to the circle passing through
i^lAC m (A AEM)= 90° the points A s X and Y (Q.E.D.)
From the quadrilateral ADME :
ni(Z DME)= 360“ -(90“ + 90“ + 65“)=115“ 16 Beni Suef
(The req.)
m [Hb [Hd [Hd [Ha [He
[aj AB ? AC are two tangents AB = AC
[a] In A ABD; AB=AD
m(ZABC) = m(ZACB) = = 55°
m (Z ABD) = m (Z ADB) = 40<

m (Z D) (inscribed) = m (Z ABC) (tangency) m (Z A) = 180< - 2 X 40< = 100<

= 55°
, m (Z A) + m (Z C) = 100< + 80< = 180<
In A BCD; v BD = BC
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E .D.)

Answers of Final Examinations

[b] V m(Z E)= 1[m (AC)- m (BD)] [b] XA 9 X B are two tangents to the circle
20'’ = 1 [80° - m (BD)]
40° = 80° - m(BD)
m(BD)= 80°-40° = 40° m(Z XAB)= ni(Z XBA)= = 55° (1)
AB is a diameter m (AB)= 180° 9 ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
m (CD)= 180° -(80° + 40°)= 60° (The rcq.) m (Z DAB)= 180°- 125° = 55° (2)
From (1)and (2):
Ip m(Z DAB)= m (Z XAB)
[a] V X is the midpoint of AB
AB bisects Z DAX (Q.E.D.)
r^ZAB m(Z MXA)= 90°
9 Y is the midpoint of AC
r.'^lAC m (Z MYA)= 90° m El-Menia

From the quadrilateral AXMY

m(Z DME)= 360° -(90° + 90° + 60°)= 120° Be Ba Bci EC Be Bb
(First req.)
j ■■■ AB = AC MX = MY
[a] X is the midpoint of AB
, V MD = ME = r XD = YE (Second req.)
[b] m (Z BDC)(inscribed) 5 AC ,AB = AC
= m (Z ABC)(tangency)= 65°
MX = MY (Q.E.D.)
? AB )AC are two tangents AB=AC

In A ABC : m(Z ABC)= m(Z ACB)= 65° [b] MB = MC = r

m(Z BAC)= 180° - 2 X 65° = 50° (The req.)
m(Z MBC)= m(Z MCB)= 25°
ip m (Z BMC)= 180° -2 X 25° = 130°
[a] E is the midpoint of AD MET AD
m(Z MEC)= 90°
(inscribed and central angles subtended by BC)
9 BC is a tangent-segment BC ± AB

m (Z MBC)= 90°
.-. m(Z BAC)= i X 130° = 65° (The req.)

m(Z MEC) m (Z MBC)= 90° + 90° = 180°

EMBC is a cyclic quadrilateral, (Q.E.D.)
[a] In A ABC;
[b] MC // AB ? AM is a transversal AB=AC
m (Z AMC)= m(Z MAB)= 60°
m(Z ABC)= m (Z ACB)= 50°
(alternate angles)
m(Z A)= 180° -2 X 50°= 80°
, m (Z B)= i m(Z AMC)
7 m(ZA)+ m(Z D)= 80°+ 100°= 180°
(inscribed and central angles subtended by AC
ABDC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
.-. m (Z B)= 4-
X 60° = 30° (The req.
[b] m(Z BDC)(inscribed)
e = m(Z BAC)(tangency)= 70° ?
[a] AB // XY m(AX)= m(BY) (1)
AB ? AC are two tangents to the circle
»¥.¥ m (>«;)= m (YC) (2) AB=AC
adding (1) »(2): m (AC) = m (BC)
.-. In A ABC : m(Z ABC)= m(Z ACB)= 70°
AC = BC (Q.E.D.)
m (Z A)= 180° -(70° + 70°)= 40° (The req.)


[b] BC is a diameter m(L A)= 90°

[a] CD // AB m(AC)= m(BC) , ED 1 BC m (L EDB)= 90°
AC = BC (Q.E.D.) , m A)+ m (Z EDB)= 90° + 90° = 180°
[b] ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ABDE is a cyclic quadrilateral, (Q.E.D. 1)
ni(Z D)= m(Z ABE)= 110° m (1. CED)= m(Z B)
5 m (Z B)= i m(AC)
m(Z ACD)= 180° -(1 10° + 35°)= 35°
m(ZCED)^) (Q.E.D. 2)
m(Z ACD)= m (Z CAD)= 35°
m(DA)= m (DC) (Q.E.D.)
IP [a] D is the midpoint of AB MDIAB

[a] In AADE: ,V AC ,MD = ME A AB = AC

AE = DE A m(A DAC)= m (A ADB) In A ABC :

m(DC)= m(AB) m (A ABC)= m (A ACB)= 65°

m(A EBC)= m (A ECB)
m(A BAC) = 180° -2 x 65° = 50° (The req.)
In A EBC : a EC = EB (Q.E.D.)
[b] V ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
[bj ••• m (A CMB)= 2 m(A CAB)= 2 x 50° = 100°
A m (A BCD)+ m(A BAD)= 180°
(central and inscribed angles subtended by CB)
m (A BCD)- 180° - 120° = 60°
m (reflex A CMB)= 360° - 100° = 260°
5 BO // DC ? BC is a transversal,
(The req.)
m(A CBO)= m(A BCD)= 60°
m Assiut
(alternate angles)
ID m(Z CBE)= 60° + 55° = 115°
Qd HJc [Hb Ha [Dd He 5 ZCBEi.saiiexteriorangleofacyclicquadrilateral
ni(Z ADC)= m(Z CBE)= 115° (The req.)

[a] ¥.* X is the midpoint of AB w

.-. i^XAB m (Z MXA) = 90°
[a] m (Z ADB) = 1 m (AB) = 1 x 50° = 25°
5 "." Y is the midpoint of AC (First req.)
.-. AC A m (A MYA) = 90°
5 m (ADB) = 360°-50° = 310° (Second req.)
From the quadrilateral AXMY :
.-. m (Z DME) = 360° - (90° + 90° + 50°) = 130° [b] BCDE is a cyclic quadrilateral
(First req.) A m(ACBE) + m(A D)= 180°
5 V AB =AC A MX = MY A m (A CBE) = 180° 125° = 55°
5 MD = ME = r A XD = YE (Second req.) 5 AB 5 AC are two tangents to the circle
[b] AB = DC A m(AB) = m(DC) A AB=AC

adding m (BC) to both sides A In A ABC:

m (AC) = m (BD) AC = BD {Q.E.D.) m(AACB) = m(AABC) = = 55 °

w » m (A BEC) = (inscribed)
= m (A ACB) (tangency) = 55°
[a] AB 5 AC are two tangents AB = AC

A In A CBE : m (A CBE) = m (A BEC) = 55°
18 0°-50° A CB = CE (Q.E.D. I)
A m(AABC) = m(AACB) = = 65°
.-. m (A BDC) (inscribed) 5 V m (A CBE) = (A ABC) = 55°
= m (A ABC) (tangency) = 65° (The req.) A BC bisects A ABE (Q.E.D. 2)

Answers of Final Examinations

m U CBE)+ m(L CDE)= 180"

m Souhag
m CBE)= 180"- 125" = 55"
H In A BCE : m(A BEC)= m (A CBE)
Eb d]a Hb lEc ®d CB = CE (Q.E.D.)

[b] AB = CD (properties of the rectangle)

[a] H is the midpoint of BC . CE = CD AB = CE

MH 1 BC m(A MHA)= 90° m(AB)= m(CE)and adding m (BE)

? AD is a tangent /. A AD to both sides.

m(AMDA)= 90“ m(AE)= m(BC)

From the quadrilateral ADMH : AE = BC (Q.E.D.)

m(A DMH)= 360"-(90" + 90" + 56")= 124"
(The req.)
[a] In A ABC :
[b] InAABD: AB = AD AB = AC
m (A B)= ni(A C)
m (A ABD) = ni (A ADB) = 30°
) X is the midpoint of AB i^lAB
.'. m (A A) = 180°-2x30°= 120°
, m (A A) + m (A C) = 120° + 60° = 180°
MX = MY (Q.E.D.)
.*. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral (Q.E .D.)
[b] ABDC is a cyclic quadrilateral
m(AB)+ m(AC)= 180°
[a] AD 5 AF are two tangent-segments to the circle m(A B)= I80°- 115° = 65°
.-. AD = AF = 5 cm. ? *.¥ AB is a diameter m (A ADB) = 90°
1 BD 5 BE are two tangent-segments to the circle InAABD:

BD = BE = 4 cm. m (A DAB) =180°- (90° + 65°) = 25° (The req.)

) CE 5 CF are two tangent-segments to the circle
CE = CF = 3cm. Qena
The pcrimcterof A ABC = 5-r 5+4-r4-r3-i-3 ID
= 24 cm. (The req.) Ha Ea Eb 0 c ®c
[b] Z. CBE is an exterior angle of the cyclic
quadrilateral ABCD
m (Z ADC) = m (Z. CBE) = 85°

) m (Z. ADB) = Y (AB)

= i X 110° = 55°
m (ABDC) = 85°-55° = 30° (Th e req.)

[a] AB 9 AC are two tangent to the circle We can draw two circles.
[b] Construction :
180°-70° Draw ME , MF
ni (A ABC) = m (A ACB) = = 55°
m (A BEC) (inscribed)
= m (A ABC) (tangency) = 55° AB 9 CD are two tangent-segments to the
9 BCDE is a cyclic quadrilateral. smaller circle


MEIAB sMFXCD m(L BMP)= m(Z A)= 30°

m(BF)= m(Z BMP)= 30° (Second req.)
1 ME = MF= r(radii lengths of die smaller circle)
AB = CD (Q.E.D.) tb] m(L XZY)(inscribed) = m (Z. LXY)(tangency)
» EP // YZ!XZ is a transversal
m(Z XPE)= 111(Z XZY)(corresponding angles)
[a] CE bisects L DCF
m(Z XPE)= in(Z EXE)
m {L DCF) = 2 X 55° = 110°
LX is a tangent to the circle passing through
? AD // BC ? CD is a transversal
the points X s E and F (Q.E.D.)
ni (-li D) = m (4 DCF) = 110° (alternate angles)
m (4 B) + m (Z D) = 70° + 110° = 180° 21 Luxor
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)

[b] m (AB') = m (BC) = m (AC) = ^ = 120° Ba Bd Ba [4]b lUd [bJc

m (Z AMB) = m (AB) = 120°
, MA=MB=r
180°-120° [a] m(ZA)= r [m(EC)-m(BD)]
m(ZABM) = m (Z BAM) = 2
= 30° (First req.) 30° = r [l20° (BD)] - ni

m (AB) = m (BC) = m (AC) 60° = l20°-m(BD)

AB = BC = AC m(BD)= 120°-60° = 60° (First req.)

) * ." m (BC) = m (DE) BC = D E
A ABC is an equilateral triangle. (Second req.)
By adding m (BD) to both sides,
m (CD) = m (®) m (Z C) = m (Z E)
[a] V m (Z ABD) = m (Z ACD) = 80° In A ACE: z AC=AE

(two inscribed angles subtended by AD) , BC = DE

z AB=AD (Second req.)

> Z AED is an exterior angle of A ECD
z m(ZD)= 110°-80°= 30° (F irst req.) [bl X is the midpoint of AB
m (AD) = 2 m (Z B) = 2 X 80° = 160° (Second req.) zMXXAB m (Z AXM) = 90°
5 V Y is the midpoint of AC
[b] AB 1 AC are two tangent-segments
MYJ_AC m (Z AYM) = 90°
From the quadrilateral AXMY :
z m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = 65°
m (Z DME) = 360° - (90° + 90° + 60°) = 120°
m (Z A) = 180° - 2 X 65° = 50° (First req.)
(First req.)
. m (Z D) (inscribed) = m (Z ACB) (tangency)
. AB = AC z MX = MY
= 65° (Second req.)
. ¥¥¥ MD = ME = r

z XD = YE (Second req.)
[a] AB is a tangent-segment
MBZAB z m (Z MBA) = 90°
[a] AB = AD
9 "." E is the midpoint of CD
z m (Z ABD) = m (Z .ADB) = 35°
Micd m(ZMEA) = 90°
z m(ZA) = l80°-2x35°= 110°
m (Z MBA) + m (Z MEA) = 90° + 90° = 180°
z m(ZA)-sm(ZC)= 110°-I-70°= 180°
ABME is a cyclic quadrilateral (First req. ) (Q .E.D.)
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
Answers of Final Examinations

[b] m(Z BDC)= m(Z BAC)

(two inscribed angles subtended by B(?) Ml Aswan

m (Z BDC)= 30° (First req.)

, m (ffi)= 2 m (Z BAC)= 60° He Hb Ha He Hb Hd
» AB is a diameter in the circle M
m(®)= 180°
[a] AD is a tangent
m(^^)= 180°-60° = 120°
MD ± AD m (Z MDA) = 90°
» D is the midpoint of AC
? E is the midpoint of BC
m(AD)=-^= 60° (Second req.) ^1 BC m (Z MEA) = 90°

P From the quadrilateral ADME :

[a] AD 9 AO are two tangent-segments m(A DME)= 360° -(50° + 90° + 90°)
to the circle = 130° (T he req.)
AD = AO = 5 cm. [b] In A ABC : m(Z B)= m (Z. C)
> BD ? BE are two tangent-segments AB=AC
to the circle
) *.¥ X Is the midpoint of AB
BD = BE = 4cm. i^XAB 9 MY 1 AC

9 CE 9 CO are two tangent-segments MX = MY (Q .E.D.)

to the circle

CE = CO = 3 cm. P
The perimeter of A ABC = 5 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 3 [a] AB is a diameter
= 24 cm. (The req.) m (Z ACB) = 90°
[b] AO // DE ) AB is a transversal m (Z DCA) = 90° - 60° = 30°
.-. m (Z AED) = m (Z EAO) (alternate angles) m (Z ABD) = m (Z ACD) = 30°
> ¥." m (Z C) (inscribed) = m (Z BAO)(tangency) (Two inscribed angles subtended by AD) (The req.)
.-. m (Z C) = m (Z AED) [b] In A ABC: v AB = AC
.'. DEBC is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.) .-. m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = 50°

P .-. m (Z BAC) = 180° - 2 X 50° = 80°

[a] Z ABE is an exterior angle of the cyclic .-. m (Z BAC) = m (Z BDC)

quadrilateral ABCD and they are drawn on BC and on one side of it
m (Z D) = m (Z ABE) = 100° .'. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.ED.)
In A ACD :

m (Z ACD) = 180° - (100° + 40°) = 40°

[a] m (Z BMC) = 2 m (Z BAC) = 2 x 30° = 60° (1)
m (Z ACD) = m (Z CAD)
(central and inscribed angles subtended by BC)

m(CD) = m(ffi) (First req.)

(Q .E.D.)
9 V MB = MC = r (2)
[b] AB 9 AC are two tangents
From (1) and (2):
180°-50° A MBC is an equilateral triangle (Second req.)
m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = = 65°
m (Z BEC) (inscribed)
[b] "."ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
m(ZA)= 180°-70° = 110°
= m (Z ABC) (tangency) = 65° (The req.)
In A ABD :
[b] XY is a tangent
m (A ABD)= 180° -(110° + 30°)= 40° MXIXY m (A MXY)= 90°
(The req.) In A MXY :(XY)^ =(MY)’-(MX)^
n =(13)--5-= 144

[a] m(A BDC)(in.scribed) XY =1/744= 12 cm. (The req.)

= m(A ABC)(tangency)= 70° o

9 ¥.¥ AB 9 AC are two tangents
[a] m (A BDC) (inscribed)
.'. AB=AC
= m (A ABC) (tangency) = 70°
.-. m (A ABC) = m (A ACB) = 70°
9 "." AB 9 AC are two tangents
In A ABC; '
.-. AB = AC
.-. m (A A) = 180° - (70° + 70°) = 40° (The req.)
.-. m (A ABC) = m (A ACB) = 70°
[b] ¥.¥ AD 9 AF are two tangent-segments to the circle In A ABC :
AD = AF = 5 cm.
.-. m (A A) = 180° - (70° + 70°) = 40° (The req.)
9 BD 9 BE are two tangent-segments to the circle
BD = BF = 4cm.
[b] ¥.¥ AD 9 AF are two tangent-segments to the circle
.-. AD = AF = 5 cm.
9 CE 9 CF are two tangent-segments to the circle
.-. CE = CF = 3cm.
9 ".¥ BD 9 BE are two tangent-segments to the circle
.-. BD = BE = 2cm.
.'. The perimeter of A ABC = 5-i-5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 3
= 24 cm. (The req.) 9 ¥.¥ CE 9 CF are two tangent-segments to the circle
CE = CF = 3cm.

New Valley .-. The perimeter of A ABC = 5 + 5 + 2-+2 + 3-l-3

= 20 cm. (The req.)
(T]c IDd (Ub Hb HJd [6]b B
[a]m(Z.H) = m(ZC) = 20"
(Two inscribed angles subtended by BD)
[a] MD = ME
(First req.)
m (BD) = 2 m (A C) = 2 X 20° = 40°
.-. AB=AC .-. m(AB) = m(A C) = 65°
(Second req.)
.-. m (A A) = 180° - 2 X 65° = 50° (The req.)
[b] '.' BC = CD = DB A BCD is equilateral
.-. m (A A) = i [ni (CH) - m (BD)]
.-. m (A C) = 60°
= .1 (140°-40°)= 50° (Third req.)
m (A C) -I m (A A) = 60° 4-120° = 180° [b] ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
.*. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral ¥ (Q .E.D.) .-. m(AD) = m(AABH)=100°
.-. m(A ACD)= 180°-(100°+ 40°) = 40°
B .'. m(ACAD) = m(AACD)
[a] m (A A) = i m (A BMC) = .1 x 80° = 40° (Q .E.D.)
m(CD) = m(AD)
(First req.)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by BC)
, MB = MC = r
mi South Sinai

m (L MBC) = m (L MCB) =
180°-80° D
(Second req.) Q]b (He ll]a .Sb Ec Sa

Answers of Final Examinations

D , CD // AB m(AC)= m(BC)

la] m(Z BAC)= ^ m(Z BMC) AC = BC

(inscribed and central angles subtended by BC) In A ABC :

m(Z BAC)= 1 X 120“ = 60° (The req.) m (Z ABC)= m (Z BAC)= 2
= 45°

[b] AB 9 AC are two tangents (The req.)

AB=AC [b] ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
In A ABC: m(Z A)= m (Z BCH)= 60°
m(AABC)= m(AACB)= ,vAB=AD
= 65“ (The req.) A ABD is equilateral. (Q.E.D.)

s m North Sinai
[a] X is the midpoint of AB
.-.MX TAB ■ m(Z MXA)= 90°
mb [Ua [3]d He Hb [Hd
? Y is the midpoint of AC
MYIAC .-. m (Z MYA)= 90“ B
From the quadrilateral AXMY : [a]In A ABC:
m (Z BAC)= 360“ -(90“ + 90° + 120°)= 60“ V m(Z B)= m(ZC) .-. AB =A C

(First req.) 5 ".¥ D is the midpoint of AB

, AB = AC MX = MY .-. MDXAB
, MD = MH = r .-. DX = HY (Second req.) ; E is the midpoint of AC
[b] In A ABC : .-. ME X AC .-. MD = M E (Q.E.D.)
[b] V MF = MX = r = 6cm.
.-. m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB) = 30° .-. MY = 6 + 4= 10 cm.

.-. m (Z A) = 180< - 2 X 30< = 120< In A MAXY

.-. m (Z A) + m (Z D) = 120< + 60° = 180< (MY)^ = (I0)^= 100

ABDC is a eyclic quadrilateral. (Q .E.D.) 7 (MX)^ + (XY)^ = 6^ + 8- = 100
.-. (MY)^ = (MX)^ + (XY)^ .-. M X X XY
.-. XY is a tangent to the circle at X (Q.E.D.)
[a] m (Z A) = [m (CH) - m (BD)]
.-. 30° =
i [80<-m(BD)]
.-. 60< = 80<-m(BD)
[a] m (Z DEB) = j [m (AC) + m (BD)]
m (BD) = 80° - 60° = 20< (The req.)
.-. 1I0° = 1 [l00< + in(BD)]
.-. 220< = 100° + m (BD)
[b] InAACD: v AC = CD
.-. m(BD) = 220<- 100° = 120<
m (Z CAD) = m (Z ADC) = 50°
.-. m (Z DCB) = 1 m (BD) = i X 120° = 60<
m (Z CBD) = m (Z CAD) = 50^
(The req.)
(two inscribed angles subtended by CD)
(The req.) [b] ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
m(Z A) = 180°- 140° = 40° (First req.)
e ? "." AB is a diameter
[a] AB is a diameter .-. m (Z BCA) = 90° m(ZADB) = 90°

In A BCD : CD = CB
m {Z CDB)= m(Z CBD)= = 20°
[a] D is the midpoint of AB

m (Z ADC)= 90° + 20° =110° (Second req.) i^±AB m (L ADM)= 90"

? E is the midpoint of AC
D ^lAC m(Z AEM)= 90°
[a] YB is a tangent ? AB is a diameter From the quadrilateral ADME :
ABIYB m(Z ABY)= 90° m(Z DME)= 360° -(90° + 90° + 70°)= 110°
5 X is the midpoint of AC (The req.)
"^XAC m(Z MXA)= 90° [b]m(ZAEC)= i[m(AC)+ m(BD)]
m(Z ABY)= m (Z AXY)= 90°
= 3(50° + 100")= 75° (The req.)
and they are drawn on AY and on one side of it
AXBY is a cyclic quadrilateral, (Q.E.D.)
[a] In A ABC : m(Z B)= 180° -(50° + 35°)= 95°
[b] The measure of the arc = 2 x 45° = 90°
m (Z B)+ m (Z D)= 95° + 85° = 180°
The length of the arc = .360° X 2 X ^ X 7 = 11 cm. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral, (Q.E.D.)
(The req.) [b]InAMBC: v MB = MC = r

e m(Z MBC)= m(Z MCB)= 40°

m (Z BMC)= 180° -2 X 40° = 100°
[a] BCDE is a cyclic quadrilateral
.-. m (Z CBE)= 180° - 120° = 60°
> m(Z A)= i m(Z BMC)
(inscribed and central angles subtended by BC)
5 ¥.¥ AB ) AC are two tangent-segments
.'. AB=AC /. m(ZA)= ^ X 100° = 50° (The req.)

.-. In A ABC; D
m(Z ABC) = m(ZACB) = 2
= 60°
[a] AD ? AF are two tangent-segments to the circle
.9. m (Z CEB) (inscribed) AD = AF = 3cm.

= m (Z ABC) (tangency) = 60° ? BD » BE are two tangent-segments to the circle

In A EBC : m (Z CBE) = m (Z CEB) = 60° BD = BE = 5cm.

m (Z BCE) = 180° - 2 X 60° = 60° n CE »CF are two tangent-segments to the circle
.-. CE = CF = 4cm.
.'. A BCE is an equilateral triangle, (Q.E. D.)
The perimeter of A ACB = 5 + 5+ 4 + 4 + 3 + 3
[b] In A ABC : ¥.¥ m (Z BAC) = 90° = 24 cm. (The req.)
>AC = BC .-. m (Z B) = 30°
[bj MD = ME
.'. m (Z C) = 180° - (90° ^r 30°) = 60° ,MDXAB ,ME1AC
.'. m (Z C) = m (Z BAD) = 60° AB = AC

.-. AD is a tangent to the circle passing through In A ABC:

the vertices of A ABC (Q.E.D .) m(ZB) = m(ZC) = 70°
m(ZA)= 180°-2x70°=40° (The req.)
m Red Sea
[a] ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
(Da (Ud Sa Ha Hb He .-. m (Z D) = m (Z ABE) = 100°

Answers of Final Examinations

InAACD: m(AACD)= 180° -(100^ + 40°) [b] X is the midpoint of AB

= 40°
^±AB m(AAXM)= 90°
m(A CAD)= m(A ACD)= 40°
9 •/ Y is the midpoint of AC
m(®)= m{4S) (Q.E.D.) .-.MY LAC m(AAYM)= 90°
[b] AX is a common tangent for From the quadrilateral AXMY :
two circles
m (A DME)= 360° -(90° + 90° + 70°) = 110°
m(A BDA)(inscribed)
(First req.)
= m (Z. BAX)(tangency) 9VAB=AC MX = MY
? m (Z. CEA)(inscribed)
9 V MD = ME = r XD = YE (Second req.)
= m(Z CAX)(tangency)
m (A BDA)= m(A CEA) Id
and they are corresponding angles |a] BD is a tangent
BD//^ (Q.E.D.) MB 1 BD ni(AMBD)= 90°-
MA = MB = r

27 Matrouh In A MAB :

IP m(A MBA)= m (A MAB)= 30°

die djb [3]d 00 0c 0a m(A ABD)= 90° - 30° = 60° (The req.)
[b] V AB=AC

m(AB)= in(AC)
[aj AB is a tangent-segment
m (A AEB)= m(A AEC) (Q.E.D.)
MA 1 AB m(A MAB)= 90°
In A MAB :

m(A AMB)= 180° -(90° + 30°)= 60° [a]Q perpendicular 9 bisects

m (Z ADC)= -;E ni(Z AMC) ©equal

(inscribed and central angles subtended by AC) [b] XA 9 XB are two tangents to the circle
m(A ADB)= 1 X 60° = 30° (The req.)
[b]In A ABD: v AB=AD 180°-70°
m U XAB)= m(A XBA)= = 55° (1)
m(A ABD)= m(A ADB)= 30°
9 ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
m (A A)= 180° - 2 X 30° = 120°
m(A BAD)+ m (A DCB)= 180°
m(AA)-rm(AC)= l20°-h60°= 180°
m(Z BAD)= 180° - 125° = 55° (2)
ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (Q.E.D.)
From (1)and (2):
m(Z XAB)= m(Z BAD)= 55°
/. AB bisects Z DAX (Q.E.D.)
[a] Z CBE is an exterior angle of the cyclic
quadrilateral ABCD
m(Z ADC)= m (Z CBE)= 85°
. m(A ADB)= i- m(AB)= i x 110° = 55°
.'. m(A BDC)= 85° - 55° = 30° (The req.)


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