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Worksheet 3: (for Final)

1. Draw the simplified r-parameter model of a BJT.

2. For a common-base amplifier, the input signal is provided at the _______________ and
the output is taken at the __________________.
3. Given the following common-emitter amplifier,

a. Draw the dc equivalent circuit and determine IB assuming stiff biased condition.
b. Draw the ac equivalent circuit of the amplifier assuming the amplifier is operating at
midrange frequency. In doing so, represent the transistor with βacre’ and βacIb which is
based on the simplified r-parameter model of the transistor.
c. Draw the ac equivalent only to the base side in terms input resistance at the base Rin(b).
Then, determine the total input resistance Rin(tot), the ac rms base voltage Vb(rms) and rms
ac base current Ib(rms).
d. Determine the base-to-collector ac/signal voltage gain Av and the rms ac collector
voltage Vc(rms) .
e. Draw the ac equivalent only to the collector side and determine the ac collector current
Ic(rms) and the ac output voltage Vo(rms).
f. On provided figure above, disconnect only C2 and RL keeping all other components as
they are and then determine the base-to-collector ac voltage gain Av.
4. The two classes of MOSFETs include ______________________________ and
5. Draw the symbol for an n-channel E-MOSFET.
6. In the drain characteristic curve of a JFET, the value of drain-to-source voltage VDS where
the drain current ID starts to be constant though the supply VDD keeps increasing is known
as _____________________ voltage.
7. In the following self-biased common-source JFET amplifier, the drain current is 5 mA
when the transistor is operating in the linear/amplification region. Determine the gate-to-
source current VGS and the drain-to-source voltage VDS.

8. In the following voltage-divider biased common-source amplifier, the drain voltage VD is

measured to be 7 V. Determine ID and VGS .

9. A two-stage amplifier has gains of 14 dB and 18 dB for the stages. Determine, the overall
voltage gain in actual measurement Av’ and in decibel Av’(dB) .
10. For a class B power amplifier, the collector current flows for __________ of the input

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