I Love Eating

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By:kamiliatus syarifah

One’s upon times there lived a very cute little girl, named caca, she used to rejected her
mother when called to eat. One morning in the yard there was the sound of mom calling Caca.

Mother: "Caca, where are you? Caca, let's eat right now !"

It was Caca who ran out of the fence and she hid behind a tree because she didn't want to
be told to eat. After her mother left, Caca walked out of the hiding place. She jumped up and
down while singing, stopping when she saw that cici was standing while occasionally

Caca:" Hi,. What are you doing?"

Cici:"I was watching flocks of birds dancing in the sky. Just look, over there." She was as caca’s
best friend

Caca:"I can't see it."

Cici :"My eyes can see clearly because I am diligent in eating carrots. If only you want to eat
carrots, you will definitely be able to see this beauty."

Caca :"I think carrots are an unpleasant food"

Cici :"Try it first caca if you taste delicious you must be addicted!"

Caca :"No cici don't force me!I don't want it"

Caca ran away from Cici. She did’nt like cici for forcing her to eat carrots.

However, in the middle of her journey to the park she met koko, koko was a very strong
and dashing uncle of cici.

Koko :"Hello, Caca," Koko greeted.

Caca :"Hello, Mr. Koko. Where are you going?" .

Koko :"I want to take a walk to the park."

Caca :”Your house is far from here. Isn't it tired?"

Koko :"Of course not. I'm so strong because I never forget to eat breakfast every morning."

Caca:"I don't like to eat. I'll just go. Bye"

Caca walked away from Mr. Koko but she was so tired and she sat down in the middle of
the road. She felt exhausted because she walked many times to stay away from people who told
her to eat vegetables that she thought the vegetables as like grass flavor .Suddenly appeared Abil.
There Abil saw caca who was sitting with a gloomy face.

Abil :"Caca, what are you doing?"

Caca :"I'm tired," Caca replied.

Abil :"Here, you'd better eat carrots.".

Caca :"I don't want to. Carrots are not good. Why has everyone forced me to eat carrots since
just now?"

Caca stood up from her seat rebelling because again everyone told her to eat vegetables
exactly carrot

Abil :"It's delcacaous." Abil tried to persuade Caca.

Caca:"No you are lie. It's not nice ." Caca closed her mouth.

Abil :"Just try it." Abil hasn't given up yet.

Irritated caca was forced to take that carrot and start biting it. At first caca thought that
the carrot was very unpleasant and it turned out that the carrot tasted not as bad as what Caca
thought and the carrot tasted was very delicious, her body felt fitter and not tired anymore after
eating the vegetable given by abil.

Caca :”Wow, now my eyes can see clearly and I feel that my body is very fresh from eating this

Abit :"That's why you must eat a lot of vegetables and fruits." suggested Abit.

Caca:"Of course, from now i will always eat vegetable fruit, it turns out those are is very nice."

Abil :"What fruit do you like the most caca ?"

Caca :"I really like oranges."

Abil :"Yes smart it contains a lot of vitamin c good for our health. In addition to eating rice, we
have to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits to keep our food balanced."

Caca :"Oh so that's fine from now on I'm going to eat vegetables and fruit in order my body is

Abil :"Good surely you will be a smart girl."

Caca :”From now, I love eating so much abil.”

Abil :”That’s good caca. Well, I’m leaving first I have things to take care of.”

Caca :”Yes, thank’s for your suggestion abil see you.”

17 years later caca grew up to be an intelligent woman and she was able to achieve her
mind. Thank’s to abil, caca likes to eat. Not only eat vegetables but also likes to eat fruit so that
the food was balanced and good for the growth and development of the body.

The moral value contained in the story is to eat vegetables because vegetables are very
important for our bodies and vegetables also have many benefits and never be afraid to try them
because in fact vegetables are very tasty. Not only that, eat a balanced diet so that the
development of our body is good and can give birth to a smart generation in the future.

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