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Early in this morning, theirs an announcement about the upcoming symposium about drugs
“Battle Against Drugs.” And because of the small capacity that the covered court can cater, they
divided all the students into two, which concluded all the education department will have the
morning schedule. Later than that, the program started and to be honest, I literally did not have a
desire to listen but the thing is, Sir Junko said that we will be having a short quiz, that is when I
listened and I got interested because of the guest speakers. They started to talk about the effect, the
causes, and the reasons for these things that are happening in our country, even outside the

The time goes by, the speakers are exchanging their thoughts and opinions about the drugs.
They talk about the war on drugs, and their one speaker or the first speaker spoke that “BUHAY
INGATAN DROGA’Y AYAWAN”- BIDA. He also stated that the war on drugs transformed the image of
every Filipino. Goal of the moral core program / value which is; Maka- Diyos, Makatao, Makabayan
(law-abiding citizen), and Makakalikasan. In Makakalikasan, it has 6 forms of dangers (Dep.Ed);
smoking, alcohol, sex, drugs, gangs, and gadgets. According to Dr. Jose Rizal “Ang Kabataan and Pag-
asa ng Bayan.” Furthermore, they also discusses about the effect and the causes of RA 9211
( Cigarettes), were in they shows how the cigarettes made of and how cigarettes affect the life of
people who use it. Next, they discusses about the alcohol, alcohol also known as Alghawl in Arabic
word. The third topic that they’ve discusses is about the filthy things, such as movies, music, violent
movies, bold, online predator ( if your body is not for sale, don’t display), and tattoos and
piercing( effect of having tattoos; bad image, you cannot donate your blood, and its hard to get a
job. Bullying is also a case that they’ve discusses.

The fourth speaker talk about the pre-marital sex and it is increasing every 30 minutes. Sex
gets the most attention among the youth today, and it is because of confusion over love and lust.
100,000 of abortion has done every year. So do not give in to premarital sex, because you are just
degrading yourself. Dating is also a problem these days. Firmly reply if the partner said ‘ if you love
me you’ll do this’ instead reply, ‘ if you loved me, you wouldn’t ask’. Because TRUE LOVE WAITS.

Fifth issue is about sexually transmitted diseases (STD). In here the speaker presented that
560 are getting pregnant every 30 minutes, more than 900,000 teens get pregnant each year and
8.3% are students and align in 13 years old and more over 320 people are having an abortion every
30 minutes. AIDS is what we get from having a sex to person who are not clean enough. The next
speakers talk about marijuana, shabu, ecstasy and krokodil (zombie drug) and its signs, symptoms
cause and effects.

The last part of the program is all about how we become of the people of God. Even though
we lost in the our way, we lost in sins , but we believe in God, WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS GOD. We
can be save and by repenting on our sins that we committed, admit our sins and call upon on the
name of the Lord. We can go to heaven. We can have a everlasting life and it is stated in john 3:16.
Through the short encounter of video that we watch I realized tat it is not to late to go back
in GOD. Because of the worldly things I forgot that God is greater from everything. With the help of
chief of police, pastors, teachers, and facilitators the program that has been held has done smoothly.
The symposium battle against drugs by the help of the people mention above we can make a better
future, my country, my duty, to make it drug free. Say NO to DRUG, say YES to GOD.

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