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The Legend of Telaga Bidadari

Fazri Reza Prayoga




First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer
finished writing the paper entitled “The Legend of Siboru Namotung:
Sibottar Mudar” right in the calculated time.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and
obstructions but with Uhelp of many indiviuals, those obstructions
could passed. writer also realized there are still many mistakes in
process of writing this paper.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who
helps in the process of writing this paper. hopefully allah replies all
helps and bless you all.the writer realized that this paper still
imperfect in arrangment and the content. then the writer hope the
criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next
paper. Last but not the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the
readers to gain more knowledge about folklore in Indonesia.

Cirebon, 24 February 2023



A. BACKGROUND.........................................................................
B. PROBLEMS................................................................................
C. PURPOSE....................................................................................


A. CONCLUSION..........................................................................
B. SUGGESTION..........................................................................



In Indonesia there are many fairytale / folklore / myth/ legend.

Most of us didnt know about it.
In this paper, the writer try to introduce them. One of them is from
South Kalimantan with the tittle ' The Legend of Telaga Bidadari.


The problems that arise due to the history of malin kundang have
positive and negative impacts. In order for a more detailed
explanation, the author will limit the problem. The problems are as
1. What is the history of Telaga Bidadari?
2. What are the positive and negative impacts of the history of
Telaga Bidadari?
3. How to overcome the negative impact of the history of Telaga

To introduce about Indonesia Fairytale/myth/folklore/legend to
Indonesian especially the next/young generation.



B. History of Telaga Bidadari

On the edge of a dense forest, in a bund surrounded by dense and
shady trees, there is a small lake that is not very deep. The water is
clear and clear, even though the dry season is never even dry.
Near the lake lived a beautiful young man, his name was Awang
Sukma. He lives alone and does not have a wife. He became a ruler in
that area. Hence, it has the title data. Besides having a handsome
face, he is also adept at playing the flute. His songs touch the feelings
of anyone who listens to them.
Awang Sukma often harvested birds when the lime tree was in
bloom and the birds came to suck the honey. He installed the cooked
tree sap by attaching it to the bamboo slats. The bamboo blades that
have been given the sap are called pulut. Pulut was installed on the
sidelines of the flower stalks. When the bird lands, its wings will stick
to the pulut. The more the bird struggled, the tighter its wings clung.
Finally, the bird floundered down to the ground along with the pulut
blades. Then, Awang Sukma caught him and put him in a basket.
Usually, dozens of birds can be brought home. It is said that that is
why among the people, Awang Sukma is nicknamed Datu Suling and
Datu Pulut.

However, one day the atmosphere in the area was very quiet. No
birds and no insects are interested in approaching the Iimau flowers
that are in full bloom.
"Wonderfully," said Awang Sukma, "it looks like the lime flower is
poisonous so the birds don't want to approach it anymore." Awang
Sukma did not give up. While lying in the shade of lime trees, he sang
beautiful songs through his flute. He always does that while keeping
his pulut in contact. Actually by blowing the flute, he wanted to
cheer himself up. Because with the rhythm of the flute, his longing
for those he left behind is somewhat relieved. That said, Awang
Sukma was a migrant from a far country.
Awang Sukma was stunned by the rhythm of his flute. The gentle
breeze caressing his hair made him sleepy. Finally, the echo of the
flute disappeared and the flute lay by its side. He fell asleep.
He didn't know how long he had been lulled into a dream, when he
suddenly woke up to the sound of a frenzied flurry of flapping wings.
He couldn't believe his eyes. His eyes were rubbed. He didn't know
how long he had been lulled into a dream, when he suddenly woke
up to the sound of a frenzied flurry of flapping wings. He couldn't
believe his eyes. His eyes were rubbed. As it turned out, there were
seven beautiful young princesses descending from space. They flew
towards the lake. Not long after, there were loud voices and their
laughter was spraying water. "I want to see them up close,"
muttered Awang Sukma while looking for a place to peek that was
not easy for the person being peeked on.

From the hiding place, Awang Sukma could see more clearly. The
seven princesses had absolutely no idea that a pair of handsome
men's eyes were sharply enjoying their bodies. Awang Sukma's eyes
stopped at their clothes which were scattered on the edge of the
lake. The clothes are also a tool to fly them down to the lake and
back to their residence in heaven. Of course they are angels who
descended to mayapada.
Satisfied splashing in the clear water of the lake, they played on the
edge of the lake. That said, their game is called surui dayang. They
were so engrossed in playing that they didn't know that Awang
Sukma had taken and hidden the clothes of one of the princesses.
Then, the clothes were put into a roof. He hid the roof in the kindai.
When the seven daughters wanted to put their clothes back on, it
turned out that one of them could not find her clothes. Awang
Sukma's actions made them panic. The princess who lost her clothes
was the youngest daughter, incidentally the prettiest. As a result, the
youngest daughter was unable to fly back to heaven.
Confusion, fear, and resentment made the youngest daughter
helpless. At that time, Awang Sukma came out of his hiding place.
"Princess, don't be afraid and sad," persuaded Awang Sukma, "stay
temporarily with me."
There was no reason for the youngest daughter to refuse. The
youngest daughter also lives with Awang Sukma. Awang Sukma felt
that the youngest daughter was his soul mate so he asked for her
hand. The youngest daughter was willing to be his wife. They
become a very harmonious couple, between handsome and beauty,
wisdom and gentleness, in a bond of love. The fruit of their love is a
daughter named Kumalasari. Her face and skin inherited her
mother's beauty.
Apparently it is already the custom of the world, nothing is eternal
and eternal on this earth. What Awang Sukma had been hiding all
this time finally caught his scent. That afternoon, Awang Sukma slept
very soundly. He felt very tired after work. His wife sat by the cradle
of her daughter who was also fast asleep. At that moment, a black
cock climbed onto the barn. He pawed and pecked the rice on the
surface of the barn while squawking noisily. Rice was scattered to the
The youngest daughter hunted him down. Unintentionally his eyes
stared at a roof in the former black chicken cloth earlier. The
youngest daughter took the roof because she wanted to know what
was inside. How shocked his heart was after seeing the contents of
the roof. "Apparently, it was my husband who hid my clothes so I
couldn't go home with my brothers and sisters," she said, clutching
the clothes.
The feelings of the youngest daughter raged so that her chest
heaved up and down. He felt exasperated, annoyed, deceived, angry,
and sad. The various flavors mingled with love for her husband. "I
have to go back," he said to himself.
Then, the youngest daughter put on the clothes. After that, he held
his daughter who was not yet a year old. He hugged and kissed his
daughter's heart's content while crying. Kumalasari was crying. The
mother and child's cries kept Awang Sukma awake.
Awang Sukma was stunned when he looked at the clothes his wife
was wearing. The roof where the clothes were hidden was lying on
top of the kindai. He realized that the time of parting could not be
postponed again. “Adinda must return,” said his wife. "Kanda, take
care of our daughter, Kumalasari.

If he misses his mother, Kanda takes seven hazelnut seeds and puts
them in a basket. Then, Kanda's basket shook. Sing a song with
Kanda's flute. Adinda will come to see him.”
The youngest daughter flew away and disappeared into space
leaving her beloved husband and daughter. His wife's message was
carried out. However, the longing for his wife had to be suppressed
because they could not possibly be together as before. He shed his
love for Kumalasari, his daughter. It is said that Awang Sukma swore
and forbade his descendants to raise a black cock which was
considered to be disastrous for him.
The lake referred to in the legend above is then named Telaga
Bidadari, located in the village of Pematang Gadung. The village
belongs to the Sungai Raya sub-district, eight kilometers from the
city of Kandangan, the capital of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, South
Kalimantan Province.
Until now, Telaga Bidadari has been visited by many people. In
addition, none of the residents kept black chickens, according to
Awang Sukma's oath, who had the titles Datu Pulut and Datu Suling.

The Impact of the History of Telaga Bidadari

The positive and negative impacts of the history of Telaga Bidadari in
everyday life:
Positive impact :
a. Can add insight to students about history in Indonesia.
b. Can make a lesson for students, so they don't do what Awang
Sukma did.
Negative impact :
a. Can make students do things that are not pleasing as done by
Awang Sukma in the story.
Preventing Negative Impacts from the history of Telaga Bidadari
How to prevent these negative impacts are:
a. The importance of the role of parents in everyday life.


if we want something, preferably in a good way. We must not steal
or take other people's things.

Our advice as the authors of this paper, is as follows:
a. Students should not follow the bad behavior of Awang Sukma as in
the story.

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