Pardoner's Tale (Worksheet)

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Basic Education Department

Valenzuela City Campus

S.Y. 2021-2022

Worksheet in English 9

Name: Iris Gabrielle Andrada Date Submitted: 10-15-21

Worksheet No. __________ Date Checked: ____________
Quarter: 1 Score: ___________________

Topic: “Pardoner’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer

Activity #1
Directions: Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Write your answer on the space
provided. (20 points)

1-3. What are the three friends seeking in the tale? What is the purpose of their adventure?

The three friends are seeking for “death”, the purpose of their adventure is to kill “death”.

4-6. What is the plan of the three young wicked men upon seeing a treasure of gold coins?

After the youngest leaves, the two other friends began to plan to kill him so that they could be the richest men
in the town.

7-9. How did the three wicked young men find death?

After the old man told them that death is in the woods. But instead they saw a treasure after that they trapped
their youngest friend. When they went to a wine places they accidentally drank a poison so that’s how they
found death.

10-12. “Greed is the Root of all Evil.” What does it mean?

The quotation means that greediness is the basic trait in being an evil, because money changes person.

13-15. What is the lesson that you’ve learned in the story?

I learned that sympathy is important than greediness or money itself.

16-20. If you were to change the title of the story, what would it be? Explain.
If I were the author, I would change the title into “money isn’t vain, personality is”. what it means is that outer
characteristic is just an add-up for being a human, what it really matters is how we participate and help each and other
people and how to work hard for our needs and wants, so it’s like the money, appearance, position etc isn’t really
matter. But of course it can buy some of our needs but always remember that we can get it if we are working hard for
it. if you are person, you are a person, you can’t bring your money everywhere like in death how we’ll able to bring it
with us, especially like if we’re dying, can money save us? Absolutely not.

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