Good Afternoon Everyone

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Good afternoon everyone, my name is angelo tagapolotan, my the reporter of group 1.


 As we go through climate change adaptation We integrate our work in disaster risk reduction with
climate change adaptation to ensure sustainable humanitarian and development programming.
 Climate change and environmental degradation are some of the greatest challenges facing humanity.
Beyond direct environmental impacts, climate change has serious development, economic and
humanitarian implications.
 Climate change is altering the face of disaster risk. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), it leads to changes in the frequency, intensity, duration and timing of extreme
weather and climate events. It also causes increasing sea level and temperature rises.
 But climate change is also increasing societal vulnerabilities, for example, from stresses on water
availability, agriculture and ecosystems. The IPCC predicts that climate change is likely to slow
economic growth, erode food security and exacerbate poverty in most developing countries.

As you can see at the picture behind me is that at the right one Climate Change Adaptation(CCA) have a effects
which is rising of sea levels, air temperature increase, melting of glaciers and El Nino & El Nina phenomena
and global warming etc. are the effects of climate change adaptation(CCA). As we talk about (CCA) Climate,
change is here. Beyond doing everything we can to cut emissions and slow the pace of global warming, we
must adapt to climate consequences so we can protect ourselves and our communities. The fallout varies
depending on where we live. It might mean fires or floods, droughts, hotter or colder days or sea-level rise.
On the other side of the picture disaster risk reduction(DRR) is being on hand, Disaster Risk Reduction have
causes that our, eruptions of volcano, earthquakes and chemical spills etc. is a core element of disaster
management, and includes prevention, mitigation and preparedness. For development activities to be
sustainable, communities must understand the hazards around them and learn how to reduce their disaster
At the pic Climate Change Adaptation(CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) are being on hand to global issue
that affects our planet, their main effects are sea level rise, air temperature increase, melting of ice,
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and chemical spills. Disasters and climate change both have similar
consequences for people’s lives. There is significant overlap between the problems that disaster risk reduction
and climate change adaptation seek to address. Disaster risk reduction covers non-climate related disasters
such as earthquakes. But it also addresses climate-related disasters such as floods, droughts, cyclones and
storm surges. With climate change predicted to increase the frequency and/or intensity of climate-related
hazards and effects, populations already exposed to those hazards and effects will be at greater risk.
Populations exposed to hazards may also experience stresses due to long-term changes in climate.

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