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Coping with Stress

Task 1: Listening for the main ideas.

What problem is affecting the dad?

Coping with stress

Task 2: Listening for details. Answer the questions below.

1. What is the dad doing at the beginning of the dialogue?
doing a yoga

2. How does the daughter react when she sees her dad?

3. Why did the dad see a doctor?

Manage stress level

4. According to the doctor, what are the negative health consequences of

being chronically stressed out?
Depresion, heartdeases, anxiety

5. What lifestyle changes is the dad making?

Exersice, eating healthier

© 2018 Lanternfish ESL

Coping with Stress

Erin: Dad! What on the earth are you doing ?

Dad: I’m mediating.
Erin: All right. Who are you and what have you done with my dad?
Dad: No, I’m serious. I’m doing yoga. It helps me relax.
Erin: When did you start doing that?
Dad: Last week. I’ve been feeling ___________ out and my blood
pressure is really high. So I went to the doctor.
Erin: I see. And what did the doctor ___________?
Dad: The doctor told me that if I didn’t ___________ my stress levels, I
could suffer some serious health consequences.
Erin: like what?
Dad: ___________, anxiety, heart disease …you name it.
Erin: So what are you going to do?
Dad: I’ve made some lifestyle changes: I’m exercising eating healthier,
trying to be more sociable , and finding time to relax.

© 2018 Lanternfish ESL

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