Hearing - Problems Task

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A Patient is complaining of sudden hearing loss, it is your job to

find out what is wrong with them.

This is a diagram of the ear; in your packs you will find a

description of what each part does as well as possible problems
that the patient might have with that part and a list of
symptoms that the patient has told you about.
Our Patient:

Our patient today is complaining of these symptoms:

1. Hearing loss.
2. Pain in the ear.
3. Bleeding from the ear.
4. Head Cold.

Before the hearing loss, the patient said that they had been
working at an airfield very close to very loud jets. Their ear
protection fell off just as the engines where running up to
maximum. After that there was some pain and hearing loss.

Answer these questions in your books:

What’s wrong with the patient?

What is the evidence for this?

How could this have been avoided?

Extra challenge: What treatment do you think that you could

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