Quality Attributes of High Temperature Short Time Air Puffed Ready To Eat Potato Snacks

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International Journal of Food Properties

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Quality Attributes of High Temperature Short Time

Air Puffed Ready-to-eat Potato Snacks

A. Nath & P.K. Chattopadhyay

To cite this article: A. Nath & P.K. Chattopadhyay (2007) Quality Attributes of High Temperature
Short Time Air Puffed Ready-to-eat Potato Snacks, International Journal of Food Properties,
10:1, 113-125, DOI: 10.1080/10942910600764989

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Published online: 31 Jan 2007.

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International Journal of Food Properties, 10: 113–125, 2007
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1094-2912 print / 1532-2386 online
DOI: 10.1080/10942910600764989



A. Nath and P.K. Chattopadhyay

Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur, India

The effects of process parameters for high temperature short time (HTST) air puffing viz.
puffing temperature (175–275°C), puffing time (15–75s), moisture content (30–40%), and
air velocity (2.4–4.8m/s) on quality attributes such as expansion ratio (ER), bulk density
(BD), colour (L-value), and texture (hardness) of ready-to-eat (RTE) potato snacks were
investigated, based on central composite design. Increasing puffing temperature resulted in
potato snack with a higher ER, lower hardness, lower BD, and lower L-value. Increasing
puffing time produced lower hardness and lower L-value but no significant effect on the
ER and BD. Higher moisture content increased ER and L-value but reduced hardness and
no significant effect on the BD. Increasing air velocity resulted in potato snack with a
higher ER, higher L-value, lower BD and lower hardness.

Keywords: Potatoes, Puffing, High temperature short time, Snack, Quality.

In India, several ready-to-eat (RTE) products from potato are available in the
market, such as potato chips, French fries, and soon. Additionally, there are several instant
products, namely, potato granules, potato powder, and quick-cooking potato cubes. The
potato chips are very popular snack food in India. The French fries are gaining popularity
in big cities of the country, but these products contain higher amount of fat, which is
harmful for human health. The oil contents in chips are 36.8% to 38.1%.[1] High costs are
also a reason that these products have not gained popularity and wide acceptance in India.
The RTE foods are prepared by extrusion cooking,[2,3] puffing, popping, flaking,
frying,[4] roasting, and soon. RTE food products include extruded snacks, puffed cereals,
popcorns, rice flakes, fried fryums, potato chips, french fries, home made products like
papads, kurdai, chakali, and more, which may be consumed after frying or roasting. The
preferred grains for puffing are rice, wheat, oats or pearl barley, which are prepared by
cleaning, conditioning and depericarping (e.g., by a wet scouring process). Flavouring
adjuncts (sugar, malt syrup, salt, etc.) are added to the flaked products.[5] The puffed prod-
ucts mainly prepared from cereals, are extremely popular as ready-to-eat snack food items
because of their low costs and crisp textures. Puffing ideally creates an aerated, porous,

Received 18 January 2006; accepted 23 April 2006.

Address correspondence to A. Nath, Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, India. E-mail: amitnt@iitkgp.ac.in


snack-like texture with the added benefits of dehydration. Blending the puffed products
with different flavours and marketing them in moisture impermeable plastic film pouches
provides enormous opportunities for increasing acceptance and usage of puffed products.[6]
Puffing of cereals results from the sudden expansion of moisture present in the inter-
stices of the starch granules during the high-temperature-short-time (HTST) heating of the
grains.[7] The puffing process can be broadly classified as atmospheric pressure process
with sudden application of heat and pressure drop process.[8] The sand puffing, air puffing,
oil puffing, and roller puffing are examples of atmospheric pressure processes,[7] while
gun puffing is the example of pressure drop process.[9] The key to the degree of puffing of
the cooked grain is the suddenness of change in temperature or pressure.[9]
Chandrashekhar and Chattopadhyay[10] studied 12 Indian rice varieties for varietal effect
on puffing and found that the varieties Palmoi, Panloi, Kaviraj sal, Mugai, Bashkata, Masuri,
Kakhura, Patnai, Lata sal, and Bhutia (Black) showed ER from 9.71 to 7.17 with decreasing
order while variety Maul and Bhutia (white) showed ER of 5.34 and 4.82, respectively. Chan-
drashekhar[7] found that for air temperature below 200°C, puffed rice produced was of very
inferior expansion and above 270°C the puffed rice obtained was significantly discoloured.
Expansion of starchy vegetables, like potato, leading to a porous structure was also
achieved by High Temperature Short Time (HTST) fluidized bed drying.[11–14] They sug-
gested that HTST pneumatic drying, when applied to a variety of vegetables, brought
about porous structure in the products which resulted in considerable reduction in drying
and dehydration time with improvement in texture of the cooked products. Hanson[13]
reported that when potato pieces were blanched with a suitable concentration of common
salt and dried in fluidized state in a temperature range between 154 to 199°C for 5 to 20
minutes to a moisture level less than 10%, a product with porous structure was formed
which had better rehydration properties. Varnalis et al.[15] concluded that potato cubes
blanched for 2 minutes in water at 100°C followed by drying in air at 90°C for 40 minutes
resulted in the maximum increase in volume of puffed cubes. The optimized puffing con-
ditions of potato cubes were, blanching for 6 minutes in water at 100°C, dipping in
400ppm sodium metabisulfite solution for 10 minutes, initially drying for 40 minutes and
puffing in air at 200°C for 40 seconds, followed by final drying to a moisture content of
0.05 db using response surface methodology was reported by Varnalis et al.[16]
Ready-to-eat dehydrated puffed potato cubes with a long shelf life was developed
with high temperature short time (HTST) whirling bed treatment using CCRD, the opti-
mum puffed product qualities in terms of volume expansion (2.6 times), toughness, colour,
and ascorbic acid loss were obtained at an air temperature of 210°C, air velocity 3.76m/s
and retention time of 80s.[17] Considering the present need, development of potato based
ready to eat puffed product may be considered as a snack food with great potential for con-
sumer acceptability in India. This could be an excellent substitute to the French fries, potato
chips and also other cereal based snack products. Considering the Previously mentioned
points, the present investigation was aimed to study the effect of process parameters for
high temperature short time (HTST) air puffing on quality of ready to eat potato snacks.


Production of Potato Flour
The freshly harvested potatoes (Kufri chandramukhi) were procured from the mar-
ket, washed, brushed and peeled. The eyes and all bruises were pitted out. Immediately

after peeling, the potatoes were dipped in water containing a small amount of potassium
metabisulfite (1%). The potatoes were boiled for 30 minutes in water. The boiled potatoes
were sliced (1.0–1.5mm thickness) and uniformly layered in a tray and dried at a tempera-
ture of 60°C in a hot air cabinet drier for 4 to 5 hours.[18] The dried and shredded potatoes
were ground in a domestic grinder (Sumeet Brand) to pass through the sieve no. 72 (British
Sieve Standards). The powdered potato flour was packed in air-tight containers (Fig. 1).

Pasta Preparation
The non-cooked pasta was prepared from potato flour by adding required amount of
chilled water (5°C) and common salt. Kneading was done for 10–15 minutes to yield an
uniform dough using Dolly Pasta Machine (Model-DOLLY, Automatic fresh pasta
machine, The “La Monferrina” di A. Mascero & C. snc. Manufacturing company, Italy).

High-Temperature-Short-Time (HTST) Puffing

Puffing was done in a HTST fluidized bed air puffer specially designed and fabri-
cated for the purpose. Pasta obtained were passed immediately through the HTST air
puffer and thereby prepared RTE potato snacks (Fig. 2). A sample size of 100 g was
selected for each HTST treatment. After the material was discharged from the HTST air
puffer, the changes in expansion ratio, texture, colour and bulk densities were measured.

Fresh potatoes


Peeling (Stainless steel potato peeler)

Chemical treatment (1000 ppm potassium metabisulfite for 20 minutes)

Blanching (30 minutes in boiling water)

Slicing (1-1.5 mm slice thickness)

Loading on trays

Drying in cabinet dryer (at 60°C)

Grinding (Laboratory grinder)

Potato flour


Figure 1 Flow sheet for potato flour production.


Potato flour

Addition of water, salt etc.


Pasta making

HTST air puffing

RTE potato snacks

Figure 2 Flow sheet for RTE potato snacks.

Expansion Ratio(ER) and Bulk Density (BD) Measurement

Expansion ratio and bulk density was measured using rape seed displacement
method.[19] For this the following expression was used:

volume after puffing

Expansion ratio = (1)
volume before puffing

Instrumental Texture Measurement

The texture characteristics of puffed RTE potato snacks in terms of hardness was
measured using a Stable Micro System TA-XT2 texture analyzer (Texture Technologies
Corp., UK) fitted with a 25 mm diameter aluminium cylindrical probe. Hardness value
was considered as mean peak compression force and expressed in Newton (Fig. 3). Ten
randomly collected samples of each snacks were measured and an average taken. The

Figure 3 A typical force–time curve of RTE potato snack textural measurement.


studies were conducted at a pre test speed of 1.0 mm/s, test speed of 0.5 mm/s, distance of
30% strain, and load cell of 5.0kg.[20]

Color Measurement
The color (L-value) was measured using a simple digital imaging method.[21] A
high-resolution digital camera (2 mega-pixel or above) was used to measure color by
capturing the color image of the sample under proper lighting. Once the color images
of the samples were captured, the color was analyzed quantitatively using Photo-
shop.[22] Photoshop can display L*value (L-value) in the Info Palette and Histogram

Experimental Design
At first, the ranges of experimental parameters were selected based on preliminary
trials for puffing temperature, puffing time, moisture content, and air velocity. The exper-
imental design was applied after selection of the ranges. A central composite design was
used to show interactions of puffing temperature, puffing time, moisture content, and air
velocity on the quality of potato snacks in 30 runs, of which six were for the centre point,
and twenty four were for non-centre point.[23] The levels, codes and interval of variation of
the independent variables are given in the Table1, while the treatment combinations are
presented in Table 2.
A second order polynomial model for the dependent variables:

y = B0 + B1X1 + B2 X 2 + B3 X3 + B4 X 4 + B5 X12 + B6 X 2 2
+ B7 X32 + B8 X 4 2 + B9 X1 X 2 + B10 X1 X3 + B11X1 X 4 (2)
+ B12 X 2 X3 + B13 X 2 X 4 + B14 X3 X 4

was established to fit the experimental data. An ANOVA test was carried out using Design
Expert 6.0 (State-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, USA) to determine the significance at different
levels (1%, and 5%).

Table 1 Coded levels for the response surface design.


Variables Code −2 −1 0 +1 +2 Interval of variation

Temperature, °C X1 175 200 225 250 275 25.0

Time, s X2 15 30 45 60 75 15.0
Moisture content % (wb) X3 30 32.5 35 37.5 40 2.5
Air velocity, m/s X4 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 0.6

Where: X1 =(Temperature (T), °C −225)/25; X2 =(Time (t), s −45)/15; X3 =(Moisture content (M), %w.b. −
35)/2.5; and X4 =(Air velocity (v), m/s −3.6)/0.6.

Table 2 Treatment combinations for HTST puffing with 4 variable 2nd order design.

Coded values Actual values

X1 X2 X3 X4 T t M v

1 1 1 1 250 36 37.5 4.2

1 1 1 −1 250 36 37.5 3
1 1 −1 1 250 36 32.5 4.2
1 1 −1 −1 250 36 32.5 3
1 −1 1 1 250 18 37.5 4.2
1 −1 1 −1 250 18 37.5 3
1 −1 −1 1 250 18 32.5 4.2
1 −1 1 −1 250 18 32.5 3
−1 1 1 1 200 36 37.5 4.2
−1 1 1 −1 200 36 37.5 3
−1 1 −1 1 200 36 32.5 4.2
−1 1 −1 −1 200 36 32.5 3
−1 −1 1 1 200 18 37.5 4.2
−1 −1 1 −1 200 18 37.5 3
−1 −1 −1 1 200 18 32.5 4.2
−1 −1 −1 −1 200 18 32.5 3
2 0 0 0 275 27 35 3.6
−2 0 0 0 175 27 35 3.6
0 2 0 0 225 45 35 3.6
0 −2 0 0 225 9 35 3.6
0 0 2 0 225 27 40 3.6
0 0 −2 0 225 27 30 3.6
0 0 0 2 225 27 35 4.8
0 0 0 −2 225 27 35 2.4
0 0 0 0 225 27 35 3.6
0 0 0 0 225 27 35 3.6
0 0 0 0 225 27 35 3.6
0 0 0 0 225 27 35 3.6
0 0 0 0 225 27 35 3.6
0 0 0 0 225 27 35 3.6


The coefficients of Eq. (2) (Table 3) were obtained by fitting the response data in
Design Expert by employing a procedure to find the best-fit model.

Expansion Ratio
ER was highly significant (at 1% level) on linear terms of puffing temperature and
air velocity and quadratic terms of puffing temperature, puffing time, moisture content,
and air velocity, while ER was significant (at 5% level) on interaction terms of puffing
temperature and puffing time. The positive coefficients of the first order terms of puffing
temperature, puffing time, moisture content, and air velocity indicated that expansion ratio
increased with increase of these variables while negative coefficients of their quadratic
terms suggested that excessive increase of these variables resulted in decrease of ER.
However, negative coefficient of interaction term (puffing temperature and puffing time)
also resulted in decrease of ER (Table 3). Regression model explained 95.6% of the total

Table 3 Significant coefficients of regression equation (1)a for the responses.


Factors ER Hardness Colour (L value) BD

B0 4.45 13.223 72.05 0.25

B1 0.55** −4.034** −3.81** −0.05**
B2 0.08ns −1.552** −0.64* −0.01ns
B3 0.13* −1.351** 0.33ns −0.004ns
B4 0.26** −0.779* 0.40ns −0.02**
B5 −0.37** 1.859** −0.52ns 0.02**
B6 −0.11* — 0.39ns −0.01**
B7 −0.25** 2.381** 0.12ns −0.001ns
B8 −0.37** — −0.72* 0.01**
B9 −0.16* 1.256* −0.07ns 0.01*
B10 0.04ns — −0.03ns 0.02*
B11 −0.07ns — −3.02** 0.01*
B12 0.09ns — −0.56* 0.01*
B13 0.11ns — −0.12ns −0.01ns
B14 −0.08ns — −1.56** 0.01ns
R 0.978 0.957 0.957 0.972
R2 0.956 0.916 0.915 0.945
X1: Temperature (T); X2: Time (t); X3: Moisture content (M); X4: Air velocity (v). **Significant at the 1%
level; *significant at the 5% level.

variability in ER of the product. Reasonably good fit was obtained with coefficient of cor-
relation (0.978), which showed that model developed was adequate for the experimental
data (Table 3).
The effect of HTST air puffing conditions on potato snack ER were presented in the
3-D surface plot and contour plots (Figs. 4 and 5). Increase in puffing temperature leads to
a sharp increase of snack ER value at all time levels (Fig. 4). However, increase in mois-
ture content and air velocity caused a slight decrease in the ER of snack and subsequently
increased after certain limit (Fig. 5).
Mukherjee[17] optimized ready-to eat dehydrated puffed potato cubes with long shelf
life by high temperature short time (HTST) whirling bed treatment and he obtained



Time (s)




180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 260.00 270.00
Temperature (°C)

(A) (B)

Figure 4 Contour plots (A) and response surface (B) for the effect of puffing temperature and puffing time on
ER of RTE potato snack.

Air velocity (m/s)


30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00
Moisture content %

(A) (B)

Figure 5 Contour plots (A) and response surface (B) for the effect of moisture content and air velocity on ER of
RTE potato snack.

volume expansion (2.605 times) at an air temperature of 210°C, retention time of 80s, ini-
tial moisture content of 40%, and air velocity 3.76 m/s. Similar effects of temperature and
time on expansion of rice grains during high temperature fluidized bed puffing was also
reported by Chandrashekhar and Chattopadhyay,[24] while Roshdy et al.[25] observed the
same for puffing of corn. The effect of moisture content and air velocity in addition to
temperature and time on expansion during rice puffing was reported by Chandrashekhar
and Chattopadhyay.[26]

The snack hardness was highly significant (at 1% level) on linear terms of puffing
temperature, puffing time, and moisture content and quadratic terms of puffing tempera-
ture and moisture content, while hardness was significant (at 5% level) on interaction
terms of puffing temperature and puffing time. The negative coefficients of the first order
terms indicated that hardness decreased with increase of these variables while positive
coefficients of their quadratic terms suggested that excessive increase of these variables
resulted in increase of hardness. However, positive coefficient of interaction term (puffing
temperature and puffing time) also resulted in increase of hardness (Table 3). Regression
model explained 91.6% of the total variability in hardness of the product. The experimen-
tal data for hardness of snack were found to fit adequately to second order polynomial
model with a coefficient of correlation (R) of 0.957 (Table 3).
The effect of HTST air puffing conditions on potato snack hardness are shown in the
3-D surface plot and contour plot (Figs. 6 and 7). Increase in puffing temperature leads to
a decrease of hardness value of potato snack at all time levels (Fig. 6). However, increase
in moisture content and air velocity caused decrease in the hardness of snack and subse-
quently increased after certain limit (Fig. 7).
The effect of different combination of puffing temperature, puffing time, moisture
content, and air velocity on toughness of ready-to-eat dehydrated puffed potato cubes was
reported by Mukherjee.[17] These observations are consistent with the present work.
Chandrasekhar[7] reported decrease in hardness with increase in expansion ratio in case of
rice puffing which was again observed to be a function of temperature, time, moisture
content and air velocity, and was in accordance with the present study.



Time (s)




180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 260.00 270.00
Temperature (°C)

(A) (B)

Figure 6 Contour plots (A) and response surface (B) for the effect of puffing temperature and puffing time on
hardness of RTE potato snack.

Air velocity (m/s)


30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00
Moisture content %

(A) (B)

Figure 7 Contour plots (A) and response surface (B) for the effect of moisture content and air velocity on hard-
ness of RTE potato snack.

Bulk Density
Table 3 indicates that BD was significant (at 1% level) for puffing temperature and
air velocity on linear terms, while significant (at 1% level) for puffing temperature, puff-
ing time, and air velocity on quadratic terms. However, BD was significant (at 5% level)
for puffing temperature with puffing time, moisture content and air velocity and also puff-
ing time with moisture content on interaction terms. The negative coefficients of the first
order terms indicated that BD decreased with increase of these variables while negative
coefficients of their quadratic terms suggested that excessive increase of these variables
resulted in decrease of BD. However, positive coefficient of interaction terms also
resulted in increase of BD (Table 3). Regression model explained 94.5% of the total vari-
ability in BD of the product. Reasonably good fit was obtained with coefficient of correla-
tion (0.972), which showed that model developed was adequate for the experimental data
(Table 3).
The effect of HTST air puffing conditions on potato snack BD are shown in the
Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. Increase in puffing temperature leads to a sharp decrease of snack BD
value, while increase in puffing time caused a slight decrease in the BD (Fig. 8). However,



Time (s)




180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 260.00 270.00
Temperature (°C)

(A) (B)

Figure 8 Contour plots (A) and response surface (B) for the effect of puffing temperature and puffing time on
BD of RTE potato snack.
Air velocity (m/s)



30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00
Moisture content (%)

(A) (B)

Figure 9 Contour plots (A) and response surface (B) for the effect of moisture content and air velocity on BD of
RTE potato snack.

increase in moisture content caused a slight increase in the BD of snack and subsequently
sharp decrease after certain limit, whereas, increase in air velocity caused a slight decrease
in the BD of snack and subsequently sudden increased after certain limit with respect to
increase in moisture content (Fig. 9). Similar effects of different combination of puffing
temperature, puffing time, moisture content and air velocity on bulk density of ready-to
eat dehydrated puffed potato cubes was reported by Mukherjee,[17] while Mudahar
et al.[27] also observed the similar effect of temperature and time on bulk density of potato
cubes, which was in agreement with the present findings.

Changes in snack colour (L-value) during puffing were affected by puffing tempera-
ture (significant at 1% level) and puffing time (significant at 5% level) on linear terms,
while air velocity (significant at 5% level) on quadratic term. However, interaction terms
(puffing temperature with air velocity and moisture content with air velocity) were also
found significant at 1% level (Table 2). The negative coefficients of the first order terms
indicated that L-value decreased with increase of these variables while negative coeffi-
cients of their quadratic terms suggested that excessive increase of these variables resulted

in decrease of L-value. However, negative coefficient of interaction terms also resulted in

decrease of L-value (Table 3). Regression model explained 91.5% of the total variability
in L-value of the product. The experimental data for L-value of snack were found to fit
adequately to second order polynomial model with a coefficient of correlation (R) of
0.957 (Table 3).
The effect of HTST air puffing conditions on potato snack L-value are shown in the
Fig. 10 and 11. Increase in puffing temperature leads to increase in L-value of snack up to
certain limit and there after decreases at all time levels (Fig. 10). However, increase in
moisture content caused a slight increase in L-value of snack and subsequently sharp
increase after certain limit with respect to air velocity (Fig. 11). This might be due to the
fact that initially the surface colour intensity of the material decreased because of the vol-
ume expansion, but started darkening due to over exposure but no change occurred in the
volume of the snacks. These observations are consistent with previous studies.[17,26,28]
Effect of time on degree of brownness during dehydration of potato was reported by
Mishkin et al.[29] who observed that browning occurred only after a certain time exposure,
which was more than 40 minutes with the drying air temperature of 80°C. These observa-
tions supported the present findings regarding the effects of the puffing process variables
on the colour (L-value) of potato snack.



Time (s)




180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 260.00 270.00
Temperature (°)

(A) (B)

Figure 10 Contour plots (A) and response surface (B) for the effect of puffing temperature and puffing time on
colour (L-value) of RTE potato snack.
Air velocity (m/s)



30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00
Moisture content %

(A) (B)

Figure 11 Contour plots (A) and response surface (B) for the effect of moisture content and air velocity on
colour (L-value) of RTE potato snack.

Expansion ratio, bulk density, colour, and texture of ready-to-eat potato snacks by
high temperature short time air puffing process were dependent significantly on the pro-
cess variables namely, puffing temperature, puffing time, moisture content, and air veloc-
ity. Puffing temperature had the greatest influence, whereas the effects of puffing time,
moisture content, and air velocity were comparatively less on the quality attributes of
potato snack.

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