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Name: Nympha P.

Ramirez Date: April 20, 2023

Program/Yr/Block: ACT-2A Score:


1. Angielyn Dela Cruz
2. Nympha P. Ramirez
3. Martin Ravago
4. Lj Cogay


Nympha is the owner of a company called Hotel de Nymphs. She has a client named Eli, that
client she is waiting for in her office to partner with her business. Eli was on her way, later
when they met, they greeted each other and shook hands, introduced themselves to each other
until Eli started to present her presentation. there was a meeting and while nympha listened
carefully, she made sure that if it was worth it she should take this project with eli. after that
she asked questions that were answered well by eli, eli's presentation was good for nympha
so she took her to be a partnership in her business to run.


Nympha is in her office while she waits for eli. later eli came and she opened the door.
Nympha stood up to shake Eli's hand and they smiled at each other.

Nympha: Hello eli, , it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Eli: It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Nympha.

Nympha: Please take a seat lady. Would you like some water or coffee?

Eli sat in front of it, before answering what it was asking.

Eli: Coffee would be great ma’am, thank you.

Nympha nodded and she called her secretary, she said what her client wanted. After that they

Nympha: So, lets start. Can you tell me what your company is about and why you need a
partner to help your businesses?

Eli: Sure ma’am.

Mary then explains the details of her company, just to fulfill her desire to help her have a
partner with her.

Nympha: Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m glad that you were able to properly explain
to me what else I needed to know about your company.

Then , nympha explained what eli should also know about her company.

Eli: That’s sounds good, ma’am because you shared with the operating arrangement of your

They just continued with their meeting and the things they wanted to know about their

Nympha: It's very nice to meet you, Eli. I hope we can grow and improve the running of our
company together.

Eli: Thankyou Eli. It was a pleasure meeting you too.

Nympha stood up to shakehands and say good goodbye to each other with a smile.

Nympha: Alright. Be careful during your flight, Eli.

Eli: Thankyou, I will ma;am.

Eli stood up, then opened the door indicating that she was about to leave.

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