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Cooperation Toward Development
A good leader aims for the community's progress.
Because of this, the government perseveres in providing services to

the people through various programs.

It is important that citizens participate and cooperate for the success

of these programs.

To ensure peace and order, the community security officers are appointed.

They ensure the safety of the residents.

They also remind citizens how they could avoid crimes.


The resident cooperates with the government effort by being alert. They

inform the security officers and leaders if there is a misunderstanding or if

a suspicious person is spotted in their community.

Further, they work hard to make sure that they get along well with the

other community members.

Health Program

The government launches health programs through the help of

the Department of Health. One example of which is the free
vaccination for children. This is to prevent them from acquiring
certain diseases.

Other community members are also given free medicines and


In order to respond quickly during medical emergencies,

community leaders also secure their own ambulances.
Health Program

As a way of cooperating with the government, the

people try to keep their bodies healthy. They

follow the guidelines for cleanliness so that they

do not get sick.

When they get sick, they immediately consult the doctor.

They do so in order to quickly recuperate and to avoid

infecting others.
Health programs aim to protect the health of every resident.
Educational Program

Educational programs in
communities aim to help people
acquire sufficient knowledge.

Daycare centers are established to teach toddlers.

Residents who do not get the chance to study are also given

educational assistance. This includes giving scholarships to those

who are incapable of paying their school tuition fee.

Some communities have their
own libraries. Here, residents
can borrow and read books.

Why should children like you be

given an opportunity to study?
Livelihood Program

Community leaders help the residents find

means to earn a living.

They hold training and seminars on how to create

marketable products.
There are also workshops on how to repair a cellphone, TV,
and air conditioner, among others.
MMaarer,e I, Ip plalan nt ot op putu tu pup a a That's great! There is a free
smsmaall lbl busuisniensess. sT. hTihsis soap-making workshop this

Sunday. They help the

aadddititoinoanal iln icnocmome ew willill

participants form a small

hehleplp m me ep prorvoivdide et htehe group which can start up a

nenededs so fo fo uoru rc hcihldildrerne.n. business.


The government has programs for other aspects of

the community. These include programs on the

environment, sports, and culture.

There are also competitions in basketball, family

games, and singing songs.

Residents show their cooperation in

environmental programs by protecting and

conserving the rivers. They also plant trees

along the side of the roads.

In the fields of sports and culture, residents

are always ready to participate in exciting

competitions. These help strengthen the

bond between members of the community.

The Cultural Center of the

Philippines is often the

venue for Philippine-

culture-related shows and

Let's Summarize
The security officers and leaders ensure that the basic needs of the

residents are addressed. Like health, education, livelihood, and security

Unity and cooperation of residents in community programs are important.

Workshops, free services, and seminars are just some of the programs

provided by the government to the residents in the community.

What do you feel in the following situations?
Draw a happy face if the action performed by a

community leader is correct and a sad face if it is not.

_____ 1. Giving sanctions to those who cause disturbance
_____ 2. Granting scholarships to bright students
_____ 3. Granting permit only to those who are able to put up a business
_____ 4. Send away unemployed residents
_____ 5. Launching a workshop to help people open their own businesses
_____ 6.Maintaining peace and order
_____ 7. Giving shelter to animals
_____ 8.Giving vaccinations only to those who can afford to pay

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