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Guideline for
Expanded Program on
(Revised edition)

June 2021
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
National Implementation Guideline
2 for Expanded Program on Immunization
for Expanded Program
on Immunization

(Revised edition)

June 2021
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 3

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Government Health policy states the mission of the
Ministry of Health as “to reduce morbidity, mortality and disability and improve the health status of the
Ethiopian people through providing and regulating a comprehensive package of promotive, preventive,
curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services via a decentralized and democratized health
system’’. The Ministry of Health recognizes the crucial role immunization contributes in reducing child
morbidity, mortality and disability and reaffirms its commitment to ensure that reaching every child
with immunization services.

A life-course approach to immunization has been widely utilized by vaccination beyond childhood
to adolescence and adulthood for combating Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPD). Hence, the
Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) is one of the best and cost effective preventive public
health interventions. The EPI program builds on the direction and planning of the Government’s
Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP), the Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan (cMYP), the Reach-
Every-Child/Community (REC) immunization strategy, experience gained during the past years of
implementing routine and supplemental immunization activities, new vaccine introduction and global
technical immunization guidelines. This revised implementation guideline emanated from the need to
incorporate the details of the implementation of newly introduced vaccines over the past few years as
well as other new vaccines which are soon to be included in the routine immunization program.

Currently, Ethiopia is providing (12) antigens as part of the routine immunization program by targeting
major deadly diseases during the childhood. Two new vaccines, Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV)
and 2nd dose of measles vaccine (MCV2) were introduced into the routine immunization program
in December 2018 and February 2019 respectively in addition to the already existing (10) antigens.
Moreover, the need to improve access to uninterrupted supplies and to maintain the delivery of potent
vaccine through well managed cold chain system has been included in this version.

This updated guideline aims to provide strategic guidance to health administrators and programme
managers at different levels, health service providers in health facilities as well as the different partners
and actors contributing for implementation of the immunization program across Ethiopia. The Ministry
of Health appreciates the role of partner organizations and individuals for their technical contribution
in the revision of immunization implementation guideline. The Ministry would also like to express its
appreciation for the unreserved efforts of the EPI team, other Directorates of the Ministry of Health
and the EPI partner organizations for their inputs and constructive comments.

Dr Meseret Zelalem (MD, Pediatrician)

Maternal, Child & Nutrition Directorate Director
Maternal, Child & Nutrition Directorate
Federal Ministry of Health, Ethiopia
Table of Contents

Preface 4
Table of Contents 5
Acronyms 1
1. Introduction 2
1.1. Background 2
1.2. Health Care Delivery system 2
1.3. Historical perspective/development of the EPI program in Ethiopia 3
1.4. The Ethiopian Health Extension Program 5
1.5. The Health Sector Development Program 6
1.6. Rationale for Implementation Guideline revision 7
2. Vision 7
3. Mission 7
4. Objective of this guideline 7
5. Major vaccine-preventable diseases initiatives 7
5.1. Polio Eradication 8
5.2. Accelerated Measles Elimination Strategies with Targets 8
5.3. Sustaining Neonatal Tetanus Elimination 11
6. EPI implementation strategies 11
6.1. Strategies for increasing immunization access and coverage 12
6.2. Strategies to reduce Dropout/Defaulter Tracing 12
6.3. Increasing the quality of immunization services 13
7. Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization 13
8. Strategies to achieve and sustain high immunization coverage 13
9. Strengthen surveillance of target diseases and adverse events following immunization (AEFI) 14
9.1. Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Surveillance 14
9.2. Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) 14
10. Targeted strategies to address immunization inequalities (urban slums, rural, pastoralist, 15
hard to reach, conflict affected areas and IDP)
11. Life-course approach For Vaccination 16
12. The COVID-19 Pandemic 16
13. Immunization Leadership, Management and Coordination 17
14. National Immunization Schedule 18
14.1. Vaccines administration and schedules 18
14.2. Tetanus (Td) immunization schedule for women of childbearing age (15–49 years) 20
14.3. HPV vaccination for girls 20
15. Conditions and contraindications to immunization 21
16. Modalities of Immunization Service Delivery 22
17. Vaccine Supply, cold chain and quality control 23
18. Capacity building for EPI 24
19. Monitoring and evaluation of routine immunization 25
20. Surveys 27
21. Immunization Guideline specific to Private Health Facilities performing the service 27
21.1. Introduction 27
21.2. Private Health facilities engagement and guiding principles 27
21.3. Strategies of immunization service 28
21.4. National EPI Program Schedule 28
21.5. Cold chain equipment 28
21.6. Vaccine management and wastage monitoring 28
21.7. Supervision and Capacity Building 28
21.8. Immunization Communication activities 29
21.9. Safe injection 29
21.10. Service Charge 29
21.11. Recording, reporting, and monitoring of immunization services 29
21.12. Documentation and Reporting immunization data 29
21.13. Capacity building or training of immunization focal persons for PHF 30
21.14. EPI Coordination 30
21.15. Immunization Financing for PHF 30
21.16. Private health facilities linkage with respective government health sectors 30

AIDS Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome

ANC Ante Natal Care
BCG Bacille-Calmette-Guerin (Tuberculosis vaccine)
cMYP Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan
cVDPVs Circulating Vaccine-Derived Polio Viruses
DPT Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus vaccine
EPHI Ethiopian Public Health Institute
EPI Expanded Program on Immunization
EUL Emergency Use Listing
FDA Food and Drug Authority
GER Gross Enrollment Rate (School)
MOH Ministry of Health
HDA Health Development Army
HEW/HEWs Health Extension Workers
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HSDP Health Sector Development Program
HSTP Health Sector Transformation Plan
ICC Inter-agency Coordinating Committee
IEC Information, Education and Communication
IPV Inactivated Polio Virus
MCH Maternal and Child Health
MLM Mid-Level Management (training)
NIDs National Immunization Days
NNTE Neonatal Tetanus Elimination
OPV Oral Polio Vaccines
PAB Protected At Birth
PCV Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
PEI Polio Eradication Initiatives
PHCU Primary Health Care Unit
REC Reaching Every Community/Child
RED Reaching Every District
RI Routine Immunization
SIAs Supplemental Immunization Activities
Td Tetanus and diphtheria
TT2+ Tetanus Toxoid2+
VAD Vitamin A Deficiency
VAPP Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis
WCBA Women in child-bearing age
WHO World Health Organization

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 1
1. Introduction in rural areas. The regions are further divided
into (115) Zones having (1,054) Woredas
1.1. Background (Districts) and about (17,574) Kebeles. A
Kebele is the smallest administrative unit which
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
contains approximately an average of (1,000)
is the second populous country in Africa
households. The regions have population
with ten administrative regions and two city
figures ranging from (39,074,864) for Oromia
administrations covering about 1.1 million
to (263,657) for Harari in 2019 (projection from
square kilometers. The total population of the
Census 2007G.C.). The potential geographic
country is projected to be about (112,078,730)
health services coverage in the country is
with more than (83%) of the population living
estimated to be more than (99%).




Gumuz Dire Dawa

Addis Ababa

Gambela Oromia

Southern Nations Sidama
Nationalities and

Figure 1: Map of Ethiopia

1.2. Health Care Delivery system In Ethiopia, there are wide regional variations
in population size, landscape, infrastructure,
There are (395) hospitals, (3,704) health centers, socio-economy and cultural backgrounds. The
and (18,202) health posts that constitute the developing regional states such as Afar, Somali,
national health services in the country (FMOH, Gambella, and Benishangul-Gumuz with low
HRIS/2018). All hospitals and health centers as immunization performance have a shortage of
well as health posts with vaccine refrigerators qualified staff with weak infrastructure. Some
are expected to provide immunization services of these areas have nomadic population that
through static approach supported by makes their access to immunization services
additional outreach sites and mobile service in challenging. Other regions like Oromia, Amhara
some parts of the country. and SNNP are highly populated and are in a

National Implementation Guideline

2 for Expanded Program on Immunization
better position in terms of human resources and repeated VPD outbreaks such as measles
and health infrastructure. Yet, within these indicating low immunization coverage that
regions, there are pockets of inaccessible areas needs to be addressed.
with high number of unvaccinated children

Ethiopian Health Tier System

Specialized Hospital Teritary level

3.5 - 5.0 million health care

General Hospital Secondary level

(1 - 1.5 million) people health care

Health Center Primary Hospital

40,000 people (60,000-100,000) people

Health Center Primary level

(15,000-25,000) people health care

Health Post
(3,000-5,000) people

Urban Rural

Figure 2: Ethiopian Health Care Tier System

1.3. Historical perspective/ and mothers in 1986 which was to be in line

development of the EPI program with the global immunization target. Since
2019, infants, children in the Second Year of
in Ethiopia
Life for MCV2, girls of 9-14 years old for HPV
The Ethiopian National Expanded Program and women of reproductive age group are the
on Immunization (EPI) was launched in 1980 primary targets for the immunization services
with the aim of reducing mortality, morbidity in Ethiopia which is part of the implementation
and disability of children and mothers from of immunization as a life-course approach.
vaccine-preventable diseases. The target group There is an established immunization program
when the program started were children under support system in the country starting from the
two years of age until it changed to infants Federal level down to the health post.

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 3
1. Comprehensive Ministry of Health National EPI
S/Hospital (EPI program Team/
focal) MOH

2. General Hospital Regional Health Bureau

(EPI focal) (10 regions and 2 city EPI Experts

Zonal Health Departments EPI Experts

Woreda health Office EPI Experts

Primary Health centers Vaccinators/EPI

Hospitals focals
(EPI focal
KebeVaccinators/ HEWs
EPI focals

Figure 3: Organogram of Ethiopian health administrative and EPI unit

The immunization system comprises of five from TT to Td. In the near future, the country is
key operational components namely service planning to introduce Meningitis A, Yellow Fever,
delivery, communication, cold chain and Hepatitis B birth dose, Typhoid, and school Td
logistics, vaccine supply and quality, and VPD vaccines to replace the TT vaccine for women
surveillance and response. It also consists of reproductive age (and/or pregnant women
of three supportive components which as per the national immunization target), older
are management, financing and capacity children and adolescents.
Immunization service provision has shown
At the launch of EPI in Ethiopia in 1980, six gradual increments from (66%) in 2005 reaching
antigens (BCG, DPT, OPV, and Measles) have (97%) administrative coverage of Penta3 in 2019
been given in both public health facilities and (MOH). The current administrative coverage
few private health facilities. The country later as reported in the Joint Reporting Framework
introduced Hep-B and Hib (as Pentavalent (JRF) 2019 reached (97%) for Penta3 and
vaccine), PCV, Rotavirus, IPV, HPV and measles (91%) for measles first dose (MCV1). Based
second dose (MCV2) vaccines into the routine on the Ethiopian Demographic and Health
immunization program in 2007, 2011, 2013, Survey (EDHS), EPI coverage estimated that
2015, 2018 and 2019 respectively. The total Penta3 coverage increased from (29%) in 2005
number of antigens in the national schedule to (53%) in 2016 and (61%) in Mini EDHS 2019
reached twelve (including TT for women of (Figure 4).
reproductive age). In 2020, the country switched

National Implementation Guideline

4 for Expanded Program on Immunization
Figure 4: Trends of Penta3 coverage by different data sources 2005 – 2019, Ethiopia

Supplemental Immunization Activities (SIAs) 1.4. The Ethiopian Health Extension

are being conducted for different prioritized Program
diseases such as polio, measles, and tetanus
to augment the RI efforts and close population Cognizant of the inherent problems in access
immunity gaps by providing additional doses and utilization of the community health
through mass vaccination. Progress to programs, the government of Ethiopia decided
achieving optimal SIA quality is monitored to employ Health Extension Workers (HEWs)
by readiness assessment tool (RAT). The as salaried government staff since 2004.
main objective of RATs is to ensure a high- The deployment of a new cadre of salaried
quality campaign through timely and excellent government employees was the advancement
preparations. To achieve equity, transforming from the previous volunteer Community Health
the “Reaching Every District (RED)’’ concept Worker program in Ethiopia. The overall goal of
to ‘’Reaching Every Community/Child (REC)’’ Health Extension Program (HEP) is to create a
approach was used. Such mechanisms require healthy society with focus on maternal and child
management efficiency, evidence-based health. It targets households and communities
interventions, and community-based planning. based on the principle of primary health care to
By applying these approaches, Ethiopia has improve the families’ health status with their full
achieved MNTE elimination status in 2017, participation. Rapid expansion of HEP services
certified for wild polio eradication in 2020 and is a core component of the broader health
switched from TT in Td in 2020. system and it is one of the strategies adopted

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 5
with a view to achieving universal coverage Sector Transformation Plan. The strategic
of primary health care to the rural and urban themes of HSTP focus on excellences: health
population in a limited resource setting. Thus, service delivery, quality improvement and
HEP ultimately aims to overcome geographic assurance; leadership and governance; and
barriers, reach the underserved, and foster health system capacity. Most basic services
equity. It also aims to reduce mortality and will be shifted, and responsibility will be
morbidity through high impact interventions shared with the community level structures.
such aws the immunization program. Therefore, improving the competence of
HEWs and the Health Development Army
About (39,947) HEWs have been trained and
(WDA) is crucial. Renovating, expanding,
deployed to render the services. The HEWs
equipping, and supplying health posts with the
are recruited from the local communities
necessary equipment and supplies, shifting
and trained for one year. They are providing
essential services to the community level, and
a package of eighteen health interventions
institutionalizing of the HDA platform will also
for rural and fifteen health intervention for
be essential.
urban areas in which immunization service
has being one of the crucial interventions. In 1.5. The Health Sector Development
pastoralist and developing regional states,
the government has been providing special
support such as capacity building activities The Government of Ethiopia has instituted
for the HEWs. Two HEWs are assigned in each health reforms under the Health Sector
health post to undertake health promotion and Development Program (HSDP) promoting
preventive interventions as well as to provide decentralization and standardization of levels
selected high impact and simple curative of health care. Ethiopia has also implemented
services. Moreover, about (4,124) Urban Health HSTP (2016- 2020) focusing on maternal
Extension professionals are trained nurses and child health particularly on immunization
who are deployed and mobilizing parents/ activities as a priority program and increasing
caregivers to vaccinate their children at health the number of total antigens to (12) with a
facilities, tracing defaulters and other duties as focus on quality and equity in health. The HSTP
necessary. (2016-2020) was designed to sustain the gains,
further scale up and achieve the universal health
HEP optimization program
coverage (UHC). In order to drive HSTP, four
Changes in literacy rate, socioeconomic status, transformation agendas were designed: the
demographic and epidemiologic trends, and Woreda transformation, ensuring health service
rapidly increasing urbanization require more quality and equity, information revolution and
comprehensive health care services covering creating caring, respectful and compassionate
a wide range and quality of curative, promotive health care professionals. These agendas
and preventive services. To respond to this are believed to complement each other and
rapidly changing global and country level have synergistic effect contributing to the
situations, the Ministry of Health Ethiopia successful achievement of the Health Sector
is currently revisiting the HEP. Addressing Transformation Plan. The comprehensive
equity and quality in health services are the multi-year plan (cMYP) for immunization 2016-
main focuses of the new Ethiopian Health 2020 served as the source document for EPI
and was aligned and synchronized with HSTP.

National Implementation Guideline

6 for Expanded Program on Immunization
1.6. Rationale for Implementation 3. Mission
Guideline revision
“To promote health and wellbeing of
■ Requirements for updated accurate data and Ethiopians through providing and regulating
information a comprehensive package of promotive,
preventive, curative and rehabilitative health
■ Revised guideline will be an input for
services of the highest possible quality in an
strengthening the EPI program
equitable manner.”
■ Introduction of the new vaccines (IPV, MCV2,
HPV) since 2015 4. Objective of this guideline
■ Considering other new vaccines on the
To provide updated guidance and direction on
pipeline soon to be included in EPI program
implementation of immunization for health
■ Engagement of private health facilities managers, service providers in government
■ The need to take into consideration of the and private health facilities, administrators at
COVID-19 circumstances different levels as well as different partners
■ To maintain the timeline of guideline revision and actors in Ethiopia to enable the delivery of
quality and equitable immunization services
■ To sustain the progress of global, regional,
to every target population against vaccine-
and national VPD control, elimination and
preventable diseases.
eradication goals
■ Mitigate re-emerging VPD transmission 5. Major vaccine-preventable
Legal and Regulatory Framework diseases initiatives

The constitution of Ethiopia recognizes the right Vaccine-preventable diseases contribute

to health and Ethiopia has ratified international substantially to reduce under five morbidity
and regional human rights instruments which and mortality. By implementing the package
guarantee the right to health as a fundamental of newborn and child survival interventions
human right. Child’s right to health and health including immunization, proportions of lives
services article 24 (1) assures the right of saved by addressing leading causes of
children to the highest attainable standard of mortality such as diarrhea (9%), pneumonia
health and access to facilities for the treatment (28%), meningitis (5%) and measles (1%) will
of illness and rehabilitation of health. significantly improve (National Child Health
Report 2019). Due to expansion of access
2. Vision to immunization services and introduction
of new vaccines, complementary with other
“To see healthy, productive and prosperous interventions, many more deaths due to
Ethiopians” vaccine-preventable disease are averted than

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 7
ever before. Despite the gains of accelerated Moreover, Ethiopia introduced IPV into the
VPD control, elimination and eradication, there routine immunization program in 2015.
remains risks of cVDPV, measles outbreaks Although IPV consists of inactivated poliovirus
and population immunity gaps have continued strains from all three poliovirus types, it does
due to high number of unvaccinated children. not replace OPV doses and it will continue to be
provided side by side. Based on epidemiological
5.1. Polio Eradication evidence and global directions, the use of
trivalent OPV (t-OPV) was switched to bivalent
Ethiopia adopted the goal of polio eradication
OPV (b-OPV) in 2016.
in 1996 and AFP surveillance system was
established in 1997 as part of the global
5.2. Accelerated Measles Elimination
polio eradication initiatives (GPEI). Since then,
Strategies with Targets
strengthening OPV vaccination, introduction
of IPV and several OPV campaigns have been Despite availability of a safe and cost-effective
conducted at national and sub-national levels. vaccine, measles is still one of the leading
causes of death among children across the
To eradicate polio from the world, four
globe. Accelerated immunization activities
strategies are globally adopted:
have had a major impact on reducing
1. Reaching and maintaining at least (90%) measles deaths. During 2000–2016, measles
coverage with three doses of OPV in children vaccination prevented an estimated (20.4)
aged <1 year through routine EPI services million deaths globally. During this period, global
2. Conducting Supplemental Immunization measles deaths have decreased by (84%) and
Activities (SIAs) to interrupt transmission annual reported measles incidence decreased
of polio virus. In such campaigns, repeated by (87%), from (145) to (19) cases per million.
doses of OPV will usually be given to In September 2011, the Sixteenth Regional
children 0-59 months old and based on Committee, by its Resolution AFR/RC61/R1,
epidemiological data, children up to 15 years adopted a goal of measles elimination from the
old receive the vaccine irrespective of their African Region by the year 2020.
immunization status
3. Surveillance for Acute Flaccid Paralysis Ethiopia has developed a Measles Elimination
(AFP) cases, including collection and strategy which aligns with the target set
examination of stool specimens for isolation
by Regional Offices with an aim to achieve
of poliovirus
Measles Elimination by 2020. In Ethiopia,
4. Mop-up immunization campaigns in which though marked achievements in reduction of
surveillance data will be utilized to identify measles disease burden was achieved, the
where the last cases of polio occurred to incidence of measles has remained high and
focus on the activities to be undertaken. above the targets set for measles reduction
Areas where wild poliovirus were identified,
by 2012 (<5 cases/1,000.000 population)
and neighboring areas will be targeted
and measles elimination by 2020 (<1 cases
for the mop up. All these strategies
/1,000,000 population). As a continued effort,
implemented for several years enabled
Africa to be declared as a region free of wild
Ethiopia has introduced measles second
poliovirus in 2020. Ethiopia was granted wild dose vaccination for children at the second
polio free status in 2017. year of life (age of 15 months) to decrease
the disease burden and accelerate measles

National Implementation Guideline

8 for Expanded Program on Immunization
elimination. All eligible children will receive 5. Provide standard case management to
two doses of measles vaccine through the measles cases according to the standards
routine immunization program. To prevent set in the IMNCI protocols
measles epidemics, vaccination coverage
The routine immunization schedule
with two doses of measles vaccine needs to
recommends two doses of measles vaccine;
be maintained at high level, above (95%) in all
the first one given for all infants at the age of
districts. The introduction of measles second
nine months and a second dose given at (15)
dose vaccination in Ethiopia will significantly
months of age in the routine EPI program or at
contribute to the reduction of measles morbidity
a later age in the form of SIAs. As MCV1 will no
and mortality and to accelerate achieving the
longer be restricted to children under the age of
measles elimination goals.
one year, the minimum interval between MCV1
Ethiopia adopted the measles accelerated and MCV2 will be one month if child received
control initiative since 2011 and envisions MCV1 at or after age 15 months.
achieving measles elimination by 2025.
The advantage of MCV2 introduction is that
The following strategies and targets set for the there will be 2nd year of life immunization
accelerated measles elimination efforts are of measles to those children who would be
recommended: missed or remained unprotected in the routine
immunization during the first year of life. In
1. Strengthen routine measles immunization addition, having an established platform for
coverage among infants to reach (98%) immunization in the 2nd year of life will also
coverage measles containing vaccine increase the potential uptake of other vaccines
(MCV1) at nine months of age at national
and other health services which are being given
and (93%) and above in every district by
or will be introduced in the future (Vitamin A,
nutrition, growth monitoring, deworming, etc.).
2. Provide measles second dose (MCV2) at
the age of 15-23 months and achieve (87%) The following are strategies to increase the
MCV2 coverage nationally and (88%) and chance of providing additional doses of
above in every district measles,
3. Provide an opportunity for measles ■ Screening of vaccination history of children
vaccination through supplemental at the time of school entry and providing
immunization activities by achieving at least measles vaccine for those lacking evidence
(95%) coverage of MCV1 and/or MCV2 dose of measles
4. Establish and maintain effective measles vaccine. And in collaboration with Ministry of
case-based surveillance. Achieve the Education, it is planned for the screening on
surveillance performance targets of at least the vaccination history of children at school
two-suspected cases reported with serum entry.
sample per (100,000) population per year ■ Linking measles MCV2 dose delivery to
and achieve an annualized non-measles other child health programs such as Vitamin
febrile rash rate of (2/100,000) population A supplementation, deworming, growth
with (80%) of Woredas reported at least monitoring, Comprehensive Integrated
one suspected measles case with adequate Nutrition Services (CINS) etc.
serum sample for measles IgM test and

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 9
■ Avoiding missed opportunities through administered at the age of (15) months if the
training of health workers how to open child was givenMCV1 at (9) months. If the child
measles vaccine vial even if one child receives MCV1 at or after (15) months of age,
presents who is eligible for measles or BCG MCV2 will be given with minimum interval of
vaccination at an appropriate time, ensuring (4) weeks between MCV1 and MCV2 until the
that all children coming to health facilities
age of (23) months.
and outreach sites receive the vaccination.
■ Integration with other programs such as The general principles are:
safety net, food for work program, especially
■ All children should receive 2 doses of
in drought affected communities to ensure
measles containing vaccine (MCV)
equity in uptake of measles vaccine.
■ The first dose should be administered at first
■ Conducting catch-up vaccination for those
contact at or after (9) months of age
children who didn’t take their vaccination for
any reason ■ The second dose should be administered at
or after (15) months of age, or one month
5.2.1. Target age group for measles after the first dose if given at or after (15)
containing Vaccine (MCV) months of age, whichever comes first

In the Ethiopia context, MCV1 will be The vaccine dose (MCV1, MCV2) refers to the
administered at the age of (9) months or number of doses received, and not to the age
soon after the child comes to Health Facility that the dose is administered.
under the age of (12) months. MCV2 will be

Table 1: target age group for MCV1 & MCV2 doses Schedules

Age at contact MCV 1 MCV 2 Remark

Advise the mother to return when the

Child (9-11) months MCV1 NA
child is (15) months old for the MCV2

Child (12-14) months old Wait until (15) Advise mother to return when child is
who have received MCV1 months of age (15) months old

Child (12-14) months old Give MCV1 and record as MCV1 and
MCV1 at MCV2 between (15-
who have not received advise mother to return when the child
contact 23) months of age
MCV1 is (15) months old for MCV2

MCV1 And MCV2 after Give MCV1 and record as MCV1 and
Child (15-23) months who
at first one month of MCV1 advise mother to return in (1) month for
have not received MCV1
contact administration MCV2

Child (15-23) months who MCV2 at least after

had received MCV1 but NA one month of MCV1 Give MCV2 and record as MCV2
not MCV2 administration

National Implementation Guideline

10 for Expanded Program on Immunization
5.3. Sustaining Neonatal Tetanus service delivery strategy with Td vaccine
Elimination with a special focus on the remote and
underserved areas
Elimination of Neonatal Tetanus (NNT) is 2. Routinely immunize all children age (0-11)
an effort exerted to bring the level of NNT months with 3 does of DPT/pentavalent
to less than one case for every (1,000) live vaccine
births annually in each Woreda throughout
3. Immunize school children (girls) in the 1st
the country. Promotion of deliveries by skilled
cycle of primary schools with (3) doses of
birth attendants and immunizing women of
tetanus diphtheria toxoid (Td)
childbearing age, elementary school girl and
pregnant women against tetanus are critical 4. Promoting skilled birth attendants at all level
of health facilities to ensure skilled delivery
interventions in preventing NNT. All women
giving birth and their newborn babies should
be protected against tetanus and all pregnant 5. Improve neonatal tetanus surveillance in all
women (PW) attending visiting a health facility woredas
for any reason should be screened for their 6. Effective program communication on Td
tetanus toxoid (Td) immunization status and be immunization and RMNCH
immunized if they are eligible for a dose.
7. Immunize women of childbearing through
A child is protected at birth against NNT if the localized SIAs in identified high risk areas
child is born within the period of protection for MNT where structural improvements
of routine immunization or skilled delivery
conferred by the maternal immunization status,
services is lacking/suboptimal (new cohort)
which can be verified by monitoring of PAB
and where Td immunity from past Td SIAs
through cards, register, or collection of history
may have declined (old cohort) , and in areas
of Td vaccination. Only valid doses (at least two)
where school enrolment is low
or those given with the minimum required time
intervals between doses, are to be counted. 6. EPI implementation strategies
A birth is considered protected if it occurred
within the duration of protection offered by The achievement of immunization program
the last valid dose of tetanus toxoid (Td) given goals depends on strong immunization
to the mother. Certifying graduating mothers programs that are closely coordinated and work
who completed all (5) doses supported by card in synergy with other primary health care delivery
must be documented and excluded from the programs. Effective integration of between
target population for Td. immunization and other health programs
Adopted strategic recommendations to sustain can contribute to improving immunization
MNT Elimination are, coverage by reducing missed opportunities
for vaccination and zero-dosed children. The
1. Screening to routinely immunize women strategies outlined below are applicable in all
during pregnancy and immunization of EPI plus (Vitamin A supplementation, ECD &
women of reproductive age (15-49 years) GMT, Deworming, etc.) programs.
at fixed sites or through outreach or mobile

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 11
6.1. Strategies for increasing ■ Using African Vaccination Week to mobilize
immunization access and communities for vaccination and reduce
missed opportunities
■ Increasing access to immunization services 6.2. Strategies to reduce Dropout/
by integrating with RMNCH services Defaulter Tracing
■ Strengthen existing static EPI sites and ■ Sustain regularity of immunization
establish immunization service in the newly sessions fixed, outreach, mobile and PIRI
constructed health facilities implementations
■ Strengthen regular outreach services in hard ■ Engage the community particularly women
to reach areas including periodic intensified for immunization services including
immunization services (PIRI), RED/REC, child planning, implementation, and evaluation in
health days and SIAs the framework of REC/RED
■ Exert more efforts to reach underserved ■ Strengthen information provision to parents/
and un-reached children through innovative caregivers on key immunization messages
approaches through interpersonal communications,
■ Encourage and support the private health community dialogues, home visits,
institutions to provide immunization electronic/social media, and distribution of
services based on the national immunization IEC materials
implementation guideline ■ Enhance interpersonal communications
■ Use SIAs as opportunities to strengthen skills among health care providers
routine immunization ■ Promote proper use of the electronic
■ Provide adequate cold chain equipment, Community-Based Health Information
injection materials, vaccines, and other System (e.g. eCHIS) and practicing proper
necessary supplies on timely and regular registry system at facility level
basis ■ Establish or strengthen defaulter-tracing
■ Enhance public awareness and community mechanisms using the existing HDA, other
engagement interventions in collaboration relevant community structures and applying
with the HEWs, Health Development Army other communication strategies
and community volunteers ■ Track zero-dosed and under-immunized
■ RED/REC will be one of the key strategies for children from all Maternal and Child Health
increasing coverage and equity service delivery units (FP, ANC, delivery unit,
■ Strengthen monitoring and use of data
for action including process and coverage ■ Avoid vaccine stock out through an effective
indicators vaccine management system

■ Reduce missed opportunities for ■ Address rumors, misinformation, and

vaccination, promoting the routine checking disinformation around immunization and
of the immunization status of children AEFIs in the community and different media
and women whenever they visit the health by applying appropriate risk communication
services and immunize accordingly (service interventions and AEFI management

National Implementation Guideline

12 for Expanded Program on Immunization
6.3. Increasing the quality of ■ Improve public awareness through intensive,
immunization services regular, and widely implemented social
mobilization, demand promotion and health
■ Ensure the provision of adequate and safe education interventions in order to ensure
vaccines at all service delivery points participation of the public in EPI activities
■ Develop IEC materials in different
■ Minimize waiting hours through appropriate local languages to promote the public
mechanisms understanding on benefits of vaccines,
■ Provide adequate cold chain and injection immunization services and schedules
materials and ensure reliable vaccine stock ■ Promote public demand for vaccination
management through multi-channel interventions such
■ Strengthen the cold chain maintenance as IEC (electronic/print media), social
system at all level and behavioral change communication,
public meetings, health education in health
■ Apply cold chain monitoring system at all
institutions, dissemination of information
levels using functioning refrigerator, fridge
through schools and other events
tags, temperature monitoring charts and
other new technologies appropriately ■ Increase communication skills of health
workers, in public and private sectors,
■ Introduce and use quality assurance
through training, availing IEC materials and
methods on immunization activities at
job aids, review meetings, dissemination of
each health service level through proven
achievements and progress
approaches such as RED/QI
■ Increase the involvement and support from
■ Collaborate with the national regulatory body,
community, political and religious leaders
the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) to ensure
through sensitization workshops, review
the quality of vaccines
meetings, direct contacts from health
■ Capacity building of health workers on workers at all levels
immunization in practice (IIP), RED/REC,
■ Utilize community platforms and structures
vaccine management, PIRI, IRT for HEWs,
like Women Health Groups, religious
Mid-level Management (MLM) for mid-level
leaders, clan leaders, Kebele leaders, Town
managers and conduct periodic supportive
administrators, Youth Associations, and
supervision visits
“Edirs” as much as possible
■ Reinforce the skills of health care workers on
immunization service delivery 8. Strategies to achieve and
■ Use the multi-dose open vial policy for PCV sustain high immunization
13, Td, IPV and oral polio vaccine coverage
■ Ensure political commitments and inter-
7. Advocacy, Communication and sectoral collaboration towards achieving
Social Mobilization high and sustained immunization coverage
■ Ensure high level EPI advocacy both at to achieve VPD related morbidity and
national and regional levels to ensure mortality reduction goals
political commitments and financial ■ Enhance financial sustainability through
sustainability towards achieving high government budget allocation and resource
immunization coverage and diseases mobilization for immunization at national
reduction goals and sub-national levels

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 13
■ Ensure bottom-up equity focused micro Designated active surveillance staff regularly
planning is prepared and planned sessions visit health facilities in person to search for
are implemented fully suspected cases among persons who might
■ Ensure last mile vaccines and supplies have attended the facility. It involves physical
delivery is continuing as planned review of medical records and registers,
interviews with health workers and visits to
■ Regular monitoring of the program at all
levels by using both process and outcome relevant outpatient clinics and inpatient health
indicators facility wards.

■ Implement REC/RED approach to Passive Surveillance

strengthen routine immunization services
and management to increase and sustain Passive but regular notification and reporting of
equitable immunization coverage disease data by all institutions that see patients
(or test specimens) and are part of a reporting
9. Strengthen surveillance of network is called passive surveillance. It is a
target diseases and adverse common method which is utilized to detect
vaccine-preventable diseases.
events following immunization
(AEFI) Sentinel Surveillance

9.1. Vaccine-Preventable Diseases A sentinel surveillance system is used when

high-quality data are needed about a particular
disease that cannot be obtained through a
Currently, diseases targeted for eradication passive system. Selected reporting units,
and elimination are included in the national list with a high probability of seeing cases of the
of priority diseases for surveillance such as disease in question, good laboratory facilities
poliomyelitis, measles and NNT. These target and experienced well-qualified staff, identify
diseases should be immediately reported to and notify on certain diseases.
the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) and
investigated accordingly as per the National 9.2. Adverse Events Following
Surveillance Guidelines. Community-based Immunization (AEFI)
surveillance for active case searching is already
Adverse event following immunization (AEFI)
instituted. MOH EPI program will continuously
is any untoward medical occurrence which
utilize the National and Subnational VPD
follows immunization and which does not
Surveillance data for data triangulation to guide
necessarily have a causal relationship with the
strengthening RI and conducting campaigns as
usage of the vaccine.
Classification of AEFI
Types of surveillance
1. Mild, Moderate and Severe AEFI
Active Surveillance
■ Defined as an incident or reaction that is not
Active surveillance involves visiting health serious
facilities, talking to health-care providers
■ Most vaccine-induced reactions are mild and
and reviewing medical records to identify
transient, most frequently soreness at the
suspected cases of disease under surveillance.
injection site and mild fever

National Implementation Guideline

14 for Expanded Program on Immunization
2. Serious AEFI risk for the occurrence of vaccine-preventable
■ Defined as an event causing a potential disease outbreaks. The key to reaching every
risk to the health/life of a recipient leading child with vaccination is the availability of an
to death, hospitalization, or prolongation equity-based complete micro-plan capturing
of existing hospitalization (e.g. seizures), all catchment areas along with target children
significant disability or incapacity, congenital and required resources including vaccines
anomalies/birth defect or life-threatening and mobility and proper implementation and
conditions monitoring of the plan.

Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) The following are key strategies to address
should be documented, reported, investigated, immunization inequalities,
and monitored at different levels in the routine,
campaigns, and reactive implementations. ■ Analysis of available immunization data
Appropriate management and communication and information (EDHS, EPI performance
should be followed the detection of reviews, previous SIAs, VPD surveillance
immunization adverse events with parents, reports) at all levels for the existence of
health workers and with the community. immunization inequities (using equity
AEFI should be reported regularly at all levels; markers) between different socio-economic
groupings within the country
however, severe cases of AEFI should be
reported immediately and investigated. The ■ Identification of areas with poor
AEFI report will be compiled by EFDA and immunization performance (by zone, woreda
shared with the national EPI program and EPHI. and PHCU) and low coverage including
“high risk” or “hard-to-reach” communities;
A national Task Force for AEFI follow up, led by identify and examine underlying reasons for
EFDA is already established by members from unvaccinated and under vaccinated
various institutions such as EFDA, MOH, EPHI, ■ Identify information on barriers that affect
medical teaching institutions, WHO, and other community members’ ability to access and
organizations. utilize immunization services; also identify
the challenges of HFs to address vaccination
10. Targeted strategies to address services to all segments of the community
immunization inequalities ■ Update “Reaching Every District” to
(urban slums, rural, pastoralist, “Reaching Every Community” in order to
hard to reach, conflict affected address inequities within woredas micro
areas and IDP) plans and to reduce inequities by ensuring
every community is accounted for and
Data from DHIS2 analysis has shown that receive immunization services
most unimmunized and under-immunized ■ Allocation of resources to reduce
children and children who dropped from immunization inequities at the level they can
subsequent vaccinations are more likely from be overcome, within health at the level they
poor households, uneducated caregivers and can be overcome, and within Health Centers
migrants. The buildup of unvaccinated children and communities
or those who are missed from consecutive
■ Support Periodic Intensified Routine
vaccination are mainly in urban slum, remote Immunization (PIRI) outreaches and mobile
rural, pastoralist, hard to reach, conflict affected, strategies to reach the unreached children
urban outskirts and IDP areas in which it creates

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 15
11. Life-course approach For ■ Maintain (2) meters distance from others
Vaccination ■ Wearing a face mask that protects oneself
and others
As per Immunization agenda 2030, global
immunization efforts will expand to focus ■ Maintain hand hygiene all the time by
frequent hand washing or using sanitizers
on vaccination throughout the life course –
including booster doses for older age groups ■ COVD-19 vaccination to the priority target
and immunizing the elderly where vaccinating population to decrease mortality with
individuals beyond the current EPI targets with COVID-19
lifesaving vaccines. It will contribute to health
Following the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
as an individual as well as decrease the spread
pandemic that presents an extraordinary
of diseases to infants. This will also protect
challenge to global health; commercial vaccine
the general population from VPD through herd
manufacturers and other entities are developing
COVID-19 vaccine using different technologies
including RNA, DNA, protein, and viral vectored
12. The COVID-19 Pandemic
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an
Currently, many countries are scaling up their
infectious disease caused by severe acute
vaccination efforts and there are varieties of
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
COVID-19 vaccines produced by different drug
CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019
manufacturers. Among the COVID-19 vaccines,
in Wuhan, Hubei, China, and has resulted in
some of them are approved for emergency use
an ongoing global pandemic. On 30th January
(EUL) by WHO. AstraZeneca and SinoPharm
2020, WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak
vaccines are currently in use in Ethiopia at the
as a public health emergency of international
time of developing this guideline (June 2021).
concern, WHO highest level of urgency and on
Ethiopia will introduce other COVID-19 vaccines
11th March 2020, WHO made the assessment
as available which are EUL approved.
that COVID-19 should be characterized as a
pandemic. Target Population and Vaccination Delivery
As the pandemic started to overwhelm the Administration of COVID-19 vaccine will require
world, COVID-19 disease prevention and control a phased approach due to the incremental
strategies included, availability of vaccine supply over time. Built
on the WHO fair allocation mechanism for
■ Establish sensitive COVID-19 surveillance COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX Facility,
system that can detect, investigate, confirm, Oxford-AsteraZeneca and SinoPharm vaccine
and manage each cases of COVID-19 of China are available in Ethiopia. The vaccines
are administered as two doses scheduled
■ Avoid crowding conditions and poorly within interval of 8-12 weeks apart from the
ventilated indoor spaces first dose.

National Implementation Guideline

16 for Expanded Program on Immunization
COVID-19 vaccine allocation is planned in two vaccine availability and characteristics of the
phases, prioritized target population. The traditional
delivery strategies such as at health facilities,
Phase 1: Initially covers 3% of the national
community outreaches and settings where
population. This initial allocation will be
the target population will easily access the
for health workers, highest risk and other
vaccines will be employed.
essential/frontline workers. Incremental
shipments to reach a further 17% of the 13. Immunization Leadership,
country’s population will follow. This will likely
Management and Coordination
be for older people and individuals with
underlying health conditions. Strengthening coordination and accountability
through improved EPI management at all
Phase 2: Countries will receive more doses
levels enable to successfully deliver a robust
to vaccinate populations beyond the initial
immunization program deliverable. The MCH
20% who are included in the first phase.
directorate of MOH is the overall coordinating
Consideration may be given to a country’s
body for the EPI activities at the national level.
risk in establishing the pace at which it would
It coordinates the EPI interagency coordinating
receive additional volume of vaccines.
committee (ICC) efforts in achieving common
national goals and targets. At national level,
Key Objectives for Prioritization of Groups Ethiopia has a strong immunization interagency
coordinating committee (ICC) which is chaired
1. To avert COVID-19 morbidity and mortality
by the State Minister of the MOH and consists
by stopping the spread of COVID-19 infection
of members from UN agencies, Partners,
2. To minimize societal and economic Directorates of MOH, Civil Society Organizations
disruption and other key immunization partners. As
3. To protect the integrity of the health care advisory body to MOH, ICC provides overall
system by vaccinating more than (90%) guidance for the program and supports in
frontline health workers resource mobilization.
4. To reduce morbidity and mortality by
vaccinating more than (90%) of individuals Technical Inter-agency Coordinating
with comorbidities and aged population Committee (ICC) is immunization task force
above (55) years. with three technical working groups under the
5. To restore social and economic functionality EPI task force. The Technical Working Groups
by vaccinating more than (90%) of are named as the monitoring and evaluation,
individuals working in essential societal and logistics and communication technical
services working groups. FMOH and partner agencies
6. To ultimately reach population immunity are represented in all technical working groups.
and reduce transmission on COVID-19 by There is an independent National Immunization
vaccinating more than (90%) of healthier Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) which
adults and younger population advises the ministry on immunization policies,
strategies, and technical issues including NVI
The potential strategies for delivering the
and AEFI.
vaccine will depend on the vaccine properties,

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 17
To effectively oversee and coordinate measles or rotavirus is missed, immunization
immunization programs at subnational level, on the next occasion should be continued as if
the immunization task forces composed with the usual interval had elapsed; no extra dose is
appropriate stakeholders and partners have needed. (Table 2)
be established at region and zonal levels. The ■ If a child is previously vaccinated with BCG
technical working groups at all level contribute (verified verbally or by card), absence of BCG
to the improved vaccination coverage and scar should not be a condition to provide
equity. additional dose of BCG vaccine to a child
■ Additional “booster” doses are not
14. National Immunization recommended except for diseases targeted
Schedule for elimination and eradication, where an
additional dose would be provided through
14.1. Vaccines administration and periodic SIAs
schedules ■ Birth dose OPV means vaccine given within
The principle of immunization is to achieve the fourteen days of delivery
protection of the target age groups—who are ■ Birth dose of BCG vaccine means dose given
at risk of developing the vaccine-preventable at birth. BCG can be given for children less
diseases—having adequate antibody response than one year old, if not received at birth.
with minimal adverse effects from the vaccines. BCG should not be given to children above
The immunization schedule for all infants is one year of age
to receive one dose of BCG, three doses of ■ Immunization of preterm infants should
DPT-HepB-Hib, three doses of pneumococcal begin at the same chronological age
conjugate vaccine, two doses of rotavirus recommended for term infants.
vaccine, four doses of OPV, one dose of IPV, ■ All the EPI antigens are safe and effective
one dose of measles before the age of one when administered simultaneously, i.e.
year and one dose in their second year, and two during the same immunization sessions, but
dose of HPV with at least six month interval for injectable antigens must be administered on
(9-14) years old girls; although HPV is currently different sites
administered to girls aged (14) years due to
■ The child should be considered as fully
the global HPV vaccine supply shortage. The immunized if he/she received all vaccines
minimum interval between each dose of the including MCV1 before1st birth date.
multi-dose vaccines should be four weeks; However, the certification of completion of
however, there is no maximum interval between RI should be issued to the caretaker or child
the doses as long as it is given before the age when she/he received MCV2 during the 2nd
of one year except for measles and HPV. If a year of life
subsequent dose of Pentavalent, PCV, OPV,

National Implementation Guideline

18 for Expanded Program on Immunization
Table 2. National EPI Schedule and route of administration for antigens

Target diseases to be Route/Site of

No Vaccines Age
prevented administration

At birth or within 24 hours

Hep B of birth. If child is born
IM, left anterolateral
1 Vaccine Hepatitis B Virus Infection out of HFs or at home,
Birth dose track baby and vaccinate
until the age of 14 days.

At Birth or as soon as Intradermal (ID) right

2 BCG Severe forms of tuberculosis
possible after birth deltoid

Meningitis and pneumonia

Intramuscular (IM),
3 PCV associated with Streptococcus Weeks 6, 10 and 14
Right anterolateral thigh
pneumonia bacteria

Birth (OPV0), weeks 6, 10

4 OPV Poliomyelitis Oral drops
and 14

Poliomyelitis IM, right anterolateral

5 IPV Week 14 thigh 2.5 cm apart from
the injection site of PCV

Diphtheria, Pertussis, Meningitis

6 and pneumonia associated
DPT-Hib- IM, left anterolateral
with Hemophilus influenzae Weeks 6, 10 and 14
Hep B thigh
bacteria and Liver disease due
to Hepatitis B virus

Subcutaneous (SC), left
7 containing MCV 9 and 15 months

Rota virus Rota virus associated gastro-

8 Weeks 6 and 10 Oral only
vaccine enteritis

Human papilloma virus

HPV 14 years old girls and IM, left deltoid muscle
9 associated with cervical cancer
Vaccine after 6 months of 1st dose of upper arm
and anogenital wart

Td1 at first contact, Td2 4

Maternal & Neonatal Tetanus & weeks later, Td3 6 months
10 Td IM, right deltoid Muscle
Diphtheria after Td2, Td4 1 year after
Td3, Td5 1 Year after Td4

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 19
14.2. Tetanus (Td) immunization be protected against neonatal tetanus if the
schedule for women of mother received two doses of Td at least
4 weeks apart during the last pregnancy
childbearing age (15–49 years)
(assuming the last pregnancy was less than 3
Five doses of Td immunization for women of years) or if she received at least three doses in
childbearing age is the recommended schedule the past.
to have adequate protection against neonatal
Only well documented immunizations should
tetanus. Table 3 shows the schedule and
be counted. If in doubt, give an extra dose. As
expected duration of protection for women of
the risk for adverse reaction is negligible, there
childbearing age.
is no contraindication to the administration of
For practical purpose, a child is said to be Td.
protected at birth (PAB) or a child is said to

Table 3: schedule and expected duration of protection for women of childbearing age, in the routine

Dose Schedule Expected Duration of Protection

At first contact of childbearing age or as early

Td-1 None
as possible in pregnancy
Td-2 At least 4 weeks after Td-1 1-3 years
Td-3 At least 6 months after Td-2 5 years
Td-4 At least one year after Td-3 10 years
Td-5 At least one year after Td-4 All childbearing years

Schedule of school-based Td in primary 14.3. HPV vaccination for girls

The national EPI guideline targeting for HPV
Tetanus/diphtheria (Td) vaccine implementation vaccination is girls of (9-14) years old. The
in school immunization programs in all regions immunization schedule consists of two doses.
with School Enrolment Rate more than (70%) The recommended vaccination schedule is first
is recommended to provide at least two doses. dose at 1st contact and the second dose at (6)
Additional days can be used to reach out of months after the first dose (defined as after 180
school children following the school vaccination days from the first dose). Girls who are absent
days or to reach out of school children in parallel on the day of vaccination at a school or out of
with school vaccination days. schoolgirls will be given a referral slip to go to
the nearest health facility or outreach services

National Implementation Guideline

20 for Expanded Program on Immunization
provided by the health facility to receive the Contraindications to Vaccinations
vaccine doses. Girls who received the first dose
but missed for the second dose should be given ■ Persons with a history of anaphylactic
reactions (e.g., difficulty in breathing, swelling
the missed dose at the earliest opportunity.
of the mouth and throat, hypotension or
Health workers, teachers, parents, guardians,
shock) following egg ingestion should not
and others involved in the vaccinations must
receive yellow fever and influenza vaccines).
inform the vaccinated girls when and where
they should receive their subsequent or missed ■ Children with HIV infection/AIDS should not
doses. be immunized with yellow fever and BCG
■ Children who are HIV-infected when
An HPV vaccination card will be given for each
vaccinated with BCG at birth are at increased
vaccinated girl, and each vaccination will be
risk of developing disseminated BCG
recorded on this card and in a vaccine register. disease. However, if HIV-infected individuals
The register will be kept at the health facility including children who are receiving ART, are
and used during immunization sessions, clinically well and are immunologically stable
including outreach. The vaccination cards shall (CD4% >25% for children aged under 5 years)
be retained at school until the immunization they should be vaccinated with BCG. (BCG
schedule is completed. The teachers will use vaccines: WHO position paper – February
the cards to remind the girls for the next dose 2018)
and to track defaulters. Once a girl has received ■ A severe adverse event following a dose
the two doses, the vaccination card will be of vaccine (anaphylactic reaction) is a true
given to her. contraindication to a subsequent dose of
the same vaccine. A second or third dose
For girls who will receive their HPV doses at
of vaccine (e.g. Penta injection) should not
a health facility or outreach, their cards will be given to a child who has suffered severe
be kept by their parents/guardian after the 1st anaphylactic reaction to the previous dose.
dose, or HFs where they were vaccinated and
the provider will need to ensure that eligible In a child with acute febrile illness with fever of
girls completed the vaccination schedule. 38.5oC or above is a relative contraindication in
which case the child should be managed for the
15. Conditions and illness and get the vaccine upon improvement.
contraindications to
immunization The risk of delaying an immunization because
of a mild illness is that the child may not
It is recommended that health workers
return, and the opportunity is lost. Missed
should use every opportunity to vaccinate
immunization opportunities because of false
eligible children and avoid unnecessary
contraindications are the major cause of
contraindications. Based on numerous studies
delay in completing the schedule or of no
on this issue, the WHO confirms that there are
immunization at all. Children with serious
only a few absolute or true contraindications to
illness should be vaccinated as soon as their
the vaccines.
general condition improves and at least before
discharge from hospital.

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 21
Premature babies should be vaccinated to the community. It regularly provides routine
on discharge. It is particularly important to immunization services to communities that are
immunize children suffering from malnutrition. located near the health facility.
Low-grade fever, mild respiratory infection and
other minor illnesses should not be considered
Outreach strategy is the delivery of services
as contraindications to immunization.
to people who cannot go to health facilities or
who can do so only with difficulty. This usually
Conditions that are NOT contraindicated to covers settlements that are more than (5 km)
immunization away, but less than (10 km) from the health
facility. Trips to the outreach sites are usually
completed within a day and are made by health
■ Minor illnesses such as upper respiratory
facility staff on foot or using motorized vehicles,
infections or diarrhea with fever <38.5oC
bicycles, or pack animals.
■ Allergy, asthma, hay fever or snuffles
■ Prematurity or low-birth-weight infants Mobile strategy takes more than one day
■ Malnutrition to several days by health workers to deliver
■ Child being breastfed services to people living in remote areas which
are not covered by health facilities. Mobile
■ Family history of convulsions
teams may spend several days travelling to
■ Treatment with antibiotics, low-dose reach the community and can cover several
corticosteroids, or locally acting steroids settlements in one trip.
(e.g. topical or inhaled)
■ Dermatoses, eczema, or localized skin Immunization services should be regularly
infections available on daily basis in all health facilities,
■ Chronic diseases of the heart, lung, kidney, government, NGOs or private facilities with
and liver functional vaccine refrigerator and trained
■ Stable neurological conditions such as health care workers. Mobile services are
cerebral palsy and Down’s syndrome appropriate for pastoralist and hard to
reach areas. It is important to establish and
■ History of jaundice after birth
maintain regular outreach sites in hard to
reach areas. The mobile strategy is scheduled
16. Modalities of Immunization
at least quarterly to complete the (4) doses
Service Delivery
of scheduled vaccines before (1) year of age.
The common delivery strategies are static, Immunization status of all children and women
outreach and mobile strategies. in childbearing age should be screened or
assessed at every contact with health service
Fixed (static) strategy is the regular daily and appropriate antigens should be given.
delivery of vaccinations in a health facility or
in the compound of health facility on specified
days of the week and hours of the day that
are consistent and regularly communicated

National Implementation Guideline

22 for Expanded Program on Immunization
17. Vaccine Supply, cold chain and to use the vaccines or not. All vaccines should
quality control be stored and handled between (+2 to +8OC)
at public or private facilities. OPV vaccine shall
be stored between (-15 to -25oC) at national
and subnational levels. BCG, and measles
The Ministry of Health mobilizes resources
are light sensitive vaccines and required to
needed for vaccines, supplies, CCE procurement
store appropriately between and during the
and ensure availability of potent vaccines
immunization sessions.
at all levels. The Ethiopian Food and Drug
Authority (FDA) will oversee the licensing of All institutions and health facilities that provide
WHO prequalified vaccines and vaccine safety EPI services should have annual as well as
issues. The regulatory body also monitor any quarterly forecast and annually and quarterly
adverse effects following immunization and updated micro plan.
take the necessary actions in coordination with
the ministry and other stakeholders. a. Use of opened vial of vaccines in
subsequent immunization sessions
The Ethiopian Pharmaceutical and Supply
Agency (EPSA) manage and distribute vaccines
Multi-dose Open Vial Policy is applicable in the
and related supplies. MOH and EPSA quantify
Ethiopian context. Opened vials of Td, OPV, IPV
and estimate the needed vaccines, procure and
and PCV13 vaccines can be used in subsequent
distribute for health facilities by ensuring the
immunization sessions until the vaccines in the
quality of the vaccines and practice bundling
vials are fully used and the following conditions
where applicable. The MOH and stakeholders
are met:
are responsible for monitoring and ensuring
sustainable availability of vaccine and supplies ■ The expiry date has not passed
in all health facilities.
■ The vaccines are stored under appropriate
All health facilities and stores handling the cold chain conditions
vaccines need to monitor and record the ■ The vaccines vial monitor (VVM) has not
temperature of the vaccines in the cold chain been submerged in water
at least twice daily including weekend and
■ The VVM, if attached, has not reached its
holidays for timely action. All institutions
discard point
and health facilities handling EPI services
should use standard refrigerators (WHO PQS ■ Aseptic technique followed
prequalified) to store the vaccines. Continuous ■ The date on which the vaccine is opened is
temperature monitoring devices such as the clearly labelled
fridge tags, RTMDs and others must be utilized
All opened vials of vaccines that have been
to monitor the integrity of cold chain during the
taken to outreach, mobile team or in a fixed
storage and the transportation at all levels.
facility should be stored in the refrigerator
Freeze sensitive vaccines such as Hep B, DPT, under appropriate temperature and used first
and Td should not be frozen. If there is a suspect on the following vaccination sessions.
of freezing, shake test shall be conducted as
per the standard protocol and decide whether

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 23
Opened vials of measles, BCG, PCV13, yellow Training in EPI
fever and meningococcal vaccines must be
discarded (6) hours after reconstitution or at the Conduct pre-service and in-service trainings for
end of each immunization session whichever those assigned for the EPI Program; pre-service
comes first. trainings for the relevant health workers in health
training schools, universities, and colleges; and
regular integrated refreshing training (IRT) for
b. Safe injection and infection prevention in
Health Extension Workers.

■ Conduct Mid-Level Management (MLM)

Since 2002, injectable vaccines are delivered training to all mid-level managers.
with bundled auto disabled (AD) syringes
■ Train health care providers at the health
and needles. Immunization sessions are safe facility level on Immunization in Practice
when the correct vaccines are administered (IIP).
with AD syringes. Disposable syringes are not
■ Provide training for cold chain users and cold
recommended for EPI.
chain technicians.
■ Vaccines that need reconstitution should be ■ Training on other relevant topics which are
reconstituted with diluents from the same related to EPI program and services.
■ Single reconstitution syringe should be used Supervision
for a single use and be used only for one vial
of the vaccine. Checklists based supportive supervision
should be arranged for health facilities and
■ Use only auto disable (AD) syringe or RUP
(reuse prevention) syringes with needle. vaccine storage facilities for regular monitoring
and corrective actions. Health care workers
■ All used syringes and needles should NOT
and mid-level managers need to get hands
be re-capped; must be collected in safety
on coaching by experienced officers from
boxes and dispose following the appropriate
higher administrative level, colleagues,
procedures of waste disposal.
and partner organizations such as RHB,
ZHD, WHO and partners at service delivery
18. Capacity building for EPI
points. Troubleshooting and target disease
It is required to have trained providers and surveillance will be integrated into the existing
coordinators who are assigned and able to run EPI program through regular supervision and
the EPI program at the health facility as well as mentoring activities.
different administrative levels. Standardized
national training manuals and job aids should
Review meetings
be availed. Periodic needs-based trainings
should also be implemented accordingly for EPI review meetings should be conducted
all program level on IIP, MLM, IRT, VMA, CCE regularly at different administrative levels
Technician. with key actors and partners to review the
performance progress, to identify challenges

National Implementation Guideline

24 for Expanded Program on Immunization
and opportunities, to celebrate success, to Immunization Register: Any child who
document good practices and to develop received vaccination should be registered and
and share action plans for subsequent all information including name, sex, age, type
implementation periods. Review meeting will of vaccine received etc. should be completed.
be coordinated by respective MOH, RHB, ZHD,
sub-cities, woreda health office and partner Child Immunization Card: Maternal and
organizations. child’s health (health passport) immunization
card is a document that reflects child’s
19. Monitoring and evaluation of immunization status and it can be a separate
routine immunization document or part of a general child health
Immunization coverage should be monitored record (family folder). Each child should have
and analyzed in order to identify areas with low an immunization card. The immunization
coverage or high dropouts and to take actions card should reflect the national immunization
as appropriate. Availability of recording and schedule with the child’s immunization history
reporting tools including tally sheets should and status which are correctly marked. The
be ensured in health facilities at Woreda and immunization card should be kept by the
Regional levels for at least five years. Data child’s parents/guardian.
should be analyzed at all levels and utilized
for decision making. Proper recording, timely Tally sheets: Tally sheets are the forms on
reporting and record keeping are prerequisites which health care workers make a mark every
for monitoring and evaluation of the program. time a dose of vaccine is administered. Tally
sheets are useful for survey and reporting
Routine immunization recording and purposes. A new tally sheet should be used
reporting system for each vaccination session. Information
obtained will be utilized for monitoring the
Vaccination recording and reporting forms vaccination performance and prepare a
including vaccination cards, forms for AEFI, monthly report.
vaccine request form and vaccine stock ledger
book require periodic update particularly when
Vaccine and cold chain monitoring:
new vaccine introduction and/or switch of
Administration of potent vaccines relies
an antigen is made. The reporting process
on the thermoregulation of the vaccines
includes aggregate immunization coverage
by keeping the cold chain system is well
data from the vaccination site upwards. All
functioning. All vaccines are heat sensitive
facilities providing routine immunization should
and most are freeze sensitive. Utilizing the
maintain an immunization record register
new technologies or tools for the cold chain
as per the format recommended by Ministry
monitoring such as fridge tag, thermometers
of Health (DHIS2, CHIS) and should submit
and others are crucial. Health facilities and
monthly report to the next level.
storage sites should measure the temperature
The main recording tools that each health of the cold rooms, refrigerators, and other
facility uses are, storages twice per day and keep track of the
record and report accordingly to the higher

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 25
level. Immediate responses need to be taken ■ Conduct vaccination sessions in well-
for the timely identification of any abnormal ventilated areas and disinfect the areas
temperature ranges. often,
■ Ensure hand washing units (water and soap)
Vaccination Adverse Events reporting form: are available for mothers at the entrance to
An adverse event following immunization EPI room,
(AEFI) is any untoward medical occurrence, ■ Post information about COVID-19 prevention
which follows immunization and which does at vaccination waiting area which illustrates
not necessarily have a causal relationship • correct hand washing techniques
with the usage of the vaccine. The adverse
• physical distancing at all time (two
event may be any unfavorable or unintended
meters apart) and
sign, abnormal laboratory finding, symptom or
disease. Common events are to be expected • what to do during sneezing or coughing,
(usually within one month of immunization) ■ Use outdoor spaces for immunization
and health professionals should advise service if vaccination room is not wide
parents on the likely consequences of enough or with poor ventilation, and
vaccination and how to deal with them during ■ Separate immunization services and waiting
each visit. AEFI events that must be reported areas from the curative services.
by using standard reporting format include,

■ All cases of anaphylactic shock after Guidance for immunization providers

■ Perform hand hygiene frequently.
■ All injection site abscesses,
■ Wash your hands before performing any
■ All severe or unusual medical events thought clean or aseptic procedure.
to be related to immunization, and
■ Sanitize your hands every time after you
■ All deaths thought to be related to vaccinate a child.
■ Wash your hands frequently with water and
soap during vaccination service provision.
WHO’s guiding principles for immunization
■ Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
■ Practice respiratory hygiene by coughing
“Do-no-harm and limit transmission of or sneezing into a bent elbow or tissue and
COVID-19 while providing immunization then immediately disposing of the tissue into
activities” safety box.

“Immunization services should be maintained ■ If you are experiencing symptoms, such

for the prevention of VPDs even in the as cough or fever, you should self-isolate,
COVID-19 situation” contact your medical provider, and not be
Measures that should be taken to minimize
the COVID-19 virus transmission during
immunization sessions are to,

National Implementation Guideline

26 for Expanded Program on Immunization
20. Surveys private sectors. Accessing vaccination services
and ensuring the quality of vaccination services
National EPI coverage surveys should in both the public and private sectors need to be
be conducted every two to three years to coordinated to achieve the desired objectives
see the broader status of vaccination for of morbidity and mortality reduction of VPDs.
the tracer vaccines as well as validating
the reporting of administrative data. In countries where there is both public and
When survey results do not validate the private immunization service delivery, there
administrative rates, efforts need to be is often variation in coverage, quality and
made to improve administrative coverage accessibility of providers unless equally
reporting. Post introduction evaluation coordinated and treated by similar guidelines,
should be completed after six to twelve rules and regulations
months for every new vaccine introduced.
The role of the private sector contribution
In the future, the role and contribution
to coverage, service quality, disease and
of PHF in RI will be evaluated in terms
adverse events following immunization
of contribution in coverage, quality and
(AEFI) surveillance, and its engagement with
negative impacts ensured to enhance their
national immunization program varies within
competencies and improvement.
and between regions and remains poorly
understood in Ethiopia. This applies not only
21. Immunization Guideline
to the direct contribution of the private sector
specific to Private Health to the delivery of vaccines and the provision of
Facilities performing the health care, but also to the interaction between
service sectors, its impact on equity of services, level
of monitoring, and degree of regulations on
21.1. Introduction private providers need to be assessed and
The challenge of national Immunization standardized. In this case, section 2 of the EPI
program is to achieve the goal of high policy is intended to be used as a guideline for
vaccination coverage, quality of services the public private partnership in immunization
towards standardization and reducing equity program in addition to the general guideline
gaps, often in resource-constrained settings. incorporated with the public sector in section
To optimize effective vaccination services,
engagement of private sector, is a means to 21.2. Private Health facilities
improve the program and increase access and engagement and guiding
quality coverage for immunization services, principles
but only if the roles are clearly defined and
the services are collaborative with the existing The Public Private Partnership in Health
public health system and standards. (PPPH) is an element in the Health Sector
Transformation Strategic Plan (HSTP) and
Strong immunization systems that are an comprehensive multi-year plan (cMYP). The
integral part of a well -functioning health private sector is comprising all health care
system) is critical to ensure coordination providers who are outside of the public health
between the public nonprofit organization and sector, whether their aim is “private not for

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 27
profit” or “private for profit”. There is a need 21.6. Vaccine management and
to further provision of guidance and financing wastage monitoring
of health services outside of the public health
sector to engage them to contribute to the Vaccines are very expensive and precious
national immunization service delivery. supplies which requires strong management and
monitoring. Therefore, private health facilities
The national EPI guideline can serve as tool should train their staff on vaccine management,
to govern both the public and private sectors/ standard tools for requesting, recording, and
health facilities providing immunization reporting on vaccine consumptions, and
services. However, some distinct issues need vaccine wastage monitoring.
to be separately addressed for the private
sector as stated below. 21.7. Supervision and Capacity
21.3. Strategies of immunization
service Enhancing professional knowledge and skills
through regular mentoring or supervision,
Based on the national EPI guideline, private health training and competency exams ensures
facilities can voluntarily provide immunization accurate knowledge and skill transfer directly
services. All vaccines are provided according impacts the success of immunization program
to the national immunization schedule and and particularly the quality of the vaccination
delivery by fixed strategy at the health facilities. program.
PHFs should be using appropriate cold chain
equipment, recording, and reporting tools and Vaccines are administered to healthy eligible
skilled health personnel trained on EPI. individuals (infants/children/girls/women) and
need to be provided with maximum precautions
21.4. National EPI Program Schedule without any danger or harm. Single mistake/
error may affect the lives of people and the
The national schedule for EPI targeted diseases whole immunization program. Therefore,
remains the same for both public and Private private health facilities should assign skilled
sector. The private providers therefore should staff on injection techniques, such as for BCG
follow the national policy guideline strictly. (see vaccine, interpersonal communications (IPC)
the section 16) skills, cold chain and vaccine management,
recording and reporting of immunization data,
21.5. Cold chain equipment
monitoring performance and management of
Using non-standard cold chain equipment AEFI to be able to provide quality vaccination
(refrigerators, freezers, and passive containers, services. The Immunization staff can be trained
etc.) will affect quality/potency of the vaccines. in coordination with respective government
Therefore, private health facilities should also health sector and EPI partners through the
be equipped with WHO-prequalified cold chain supportive supervision and/or by organizing in-
equipment (refrigerators, vaccine carriers/ service training sessions. Skilled staff turnover
cold boxes, etc.) with standby generator as a and assigning trained staff at different service
prerequisite to provide immunization services. unit in rotation will compromise the quality of
immunization services. Thus, managers of the

National Implementation Guideline

28 for Expanded Program on Immunization
private health facilities should give due attention AEFI monitoring mechanism, just like in the
to prevent and minimize those challenges. public health sectors, to provide immunization
21.8. Immunization Communication
activities 21.10. Service Charge
Health workers serve as an important source The vaccines under the routine immunization
of information for parents and communities program, AD syringes and reconstitution
on immunization services. A health worker’s syringes are supplied free of charge by the
perception of and communication about government to the private health facilities.
effectiveness and safety of the vaccines are Private health facilities are expected to charge
important in encouraging parents/caregivers/ the minimum amount of service fee based on
communities to seek vaccination for children an agreed estimated cost.
and women. If a provider, private or public,
is unable to communicate effectively on the 21.11. Recording, reporting, and
need/benefits of vaccination, it will likely have monitoring of immunization
a negative impact on vaccine uptake and will services
contribute to a loss of public confidence and
It is important to utilize immunization data
possible vaccine hesitancy. It has been noted
for planning and monitoring of immunization
that there is insufficient knowledge among
services specifically for forecasting and
private providers including administration of
procuring the vaccines and supplies in the right
multiple vaccines in one visit and hesitancy is
amount. Capturing of vaccination data from all
the highest around the new vaccines.
health facilities (public and private) is crucial.
Vaccinators should pass the following key Therefore, private health facilities should
messages to parents/caregivers during each submit their vaccination data to respective
visit, government health institutions on a regular
basis by applying the standard templates and
■ Advice on what is given (vaccine) including timeframes developed by the government.
type of vaccine and what disease/s it
21.12. Documentation and Reporting
■ Alert on possible side effects and how to immunization data
Immunization data should be collected by
■ Arrange for when to return (to complete the
using the standard reporting formats then
follow-up doses and provide information on
place and date for the next visit to reduce
consolidated into a summary report with
DOR) data from the health facilities every month.
At each level, data should be analyzed and
■ Request to keep the health card/vaccination
utilized to improve the immunization services.
card in a secure place
Responsible person for reporting should ensure
that the prepared reports are complete, timely
21.9. Safe injection
and accurate as well as they are in consistent
Private health facilities should follow standard with the facilities EPI register, tally sheet and
injection safety rules such as use of safety public HFs data.
boxes, standard waste disposal system, and

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 29
21.13. Capacity building or training of information communication linkages can
immunization focal persons for strengthen and support the collaborative
relationship and build understanding between
the two sectors.
Enhancing professional knowledge and skills
through trainings and competency exams 21.15. Immunization Financing for PHF
ensure accurate knowledge transfer and
Vaccines and injection materials in the national
it will directly contribute to the success of
immunization program are provided to private
immunization program including the quality
HFs free of charge by the MOH. Private health
of the vaccination services, monitoring as
facilities should cover their costs related to the
well as AEFI and disease surveillance. All
immunization services (such as staff training,
vaccinators, whether in public or private HFs,
transportation, salary etc., except vaccines and
should undergo standard EPI training using
injection materials).
standard national EPI training manuals and
modules. Assigning the trained EPI staff
21.16. Private health facilities linkage
enables the immunization delivery with safe
with respective government
and appropriate use of injections, proper
vaccines storage and handling, screening health sectors
for contraindications, proper recording and Even though private health facilities are
reporting, proper interpersonal communication, providing the immunization services voluntarily,
and safety surveillance. they should provide the services based on
the government national EPI policy and WHO
21.14. EPI Coordination standards. Roles and responsibilities of the
The MOH/MCH Directorate is the overall government heath sector and private health
coordinating body for the EPI activities at all sectors are summarized below.
administrative structural levels and coordinates
ICC efforts towards common national goals and 21.16.1. Roles and responsibilities of
targets. MOH/MCH Directorate also provides the government heath sector
technical and financial support to the regions (MOH/RHB/ZHO/Sub-city/
and ensures updating EPI implementation Woreda HO/PHCU)
guideline, standardization of training manuals,
job aids, IEC materials and any related supplies. ■ All levels of the MOH be willing to coordinate
Monitoring, supervision and program reviews and collaborate with the private sector
through the Public-Private Partnership
will be coordinated through the Directorate.
Regional Health Bureaus (RHB) will also provide ■ Develop and provide the national
similar supports to the lower administration immunization policy guidelines and monitor
levels and health facilities. the adherence by the public and the private
Engaging private providers, PHF associations,
■ Provide vaccines, AD syringes and
and professional associations; supporting
reconstitution syringes, etc. which are
professional development; organizing necessary to run routine immunization
immunization forums; and creating health- services with free of charge

National Implementation Guideline

30 for Expanded Program on Immunization
■ Make sure the availability of the standard ■ Submit a formal request and obtain the
EPI monitoring tools such as EPI registers, permission from respective RHB to provide
tally sheets, vaccine ledger book, reporting immunization services
formats, job aids, guidelines, temperature
■ Collaborate with the public sector at all levels
recording pad, feedback books, file folders,
in all issues related to EPI services through
etc. with specifications for standard
Public-Private Partnership health policy
■ Maintain the minimum infrastructure and
■ Provide information on new vaccine
human resource requirements for the
introduction and other immunization related
delivery of immunization services and
updates on regular basis
provide these services as per the national
■ Monitor and evaluate the EPI activities which EPI implementation guideline
are carried out accordance with the national
■ Ensure timely request and collection of
required supplies/logistics to maintain
■ Conduct supportive supervision and give minimum stocks availability and prevents
feedback (written and/or oral) intermittent supply stock out as per EPI
implementation guideline
■ Provide technical support on capacity
building activities for public and private ■ Adhere to the national recording, information
health facilities staff who are working on and data documentation and compilation
immunization services based on the gaps of timely report on EPI data, as per the
identified during supportive supervision standard reporting requirement, to the
relevant government health authority (RHB)
■ Provide opportunities of in-service capacity
building for health workers who oversee EPI ■ Since immunization is free of charge in
service delivery in private health facilities as Ethiopia, agree to provide EPI services
needed with minimum cost (service fee) that will
not be a barrier for the caregivers to return
■ Ensure private health facilities are providing
multiple times to complete the immunization
EPI services in accordance with the national
schedules, quality, practices, and compliant
with vaccine management standards ■ Receive guidelines, technical assistance,
training, and supportive supervision from
■ Discuss on the PHF service payment issues
the RHB and its structure or from a partner
(free or charging) to reach the consensus
delegated by the RHB to execute the EPI
■ Provide standard EPI equipment through services as per the standard
public-private partnership or setting
■ Agree to assign dedicated, trained, and
procurement norms
skilled individual working on immunization.
■ Assess and supervise the current status and The skill required will be on injection
role of private sector EPI service delivery technique, vaccine management,
interpersonal communication skills,
21.16.2. Roles and responsibilities recording, reporting immunization data, and
of private health facilities monitoring performance of the immunization
delivering RI services

National Implementation Guideline

for Expanded Program on Immunization 31
■ PHFs should ensure that the EPI services are clinics and private not for profit NGO clinics
run by trained HCW and should request the fulfilling all the standard prerequisites to
relevant section of the MOH to train their EPI deliver EPI services with an optimal quality
staff when their trained staff leave the EPI which will contribute to the EPI coverage and
unit or the facility for any reason equity
■ Avail the EPI standard or WHO prequalified ■ The clinic should have a standard WHO
dedicated vaccine refrigerators and prequalified refrigerator and vaccine carriers
vaccine carriers for vaccine storage and for vaccine storage and transportation which
transportation which are prerequisite to run can be supplied by the MOH or facilitated
the EPI program by the MOH for private HFs to procure the
standard cold chain equipment
■ Monitor vaccine supply for proper utilization
so that vaccine wastage is kept at the ■ The PHF should commit in provision of the
optimum as per the country’s and WHO’s immunization services with free of charge or
standards the minimum amount of service fee which is
set by the relevant unit of the MOH to avoid
21.16.3. Prerequisite for immunization vaccine drop-out/defaulter caused by service
services provision by PHF charge
■ The PHF should commit to respect the
■ PHF should request the relevant unit of national immunization policies on delivery
MOH/RHB to assess if the requirements are of the EPI services (follow the national
fulfilled to deliver EPI services and secure immunization guidelines)
permission. If PHF did not have the right
set up and standards, the MOH will provide ■ PHF should be monitored by the relevant
support to the PHF to fulfil the gaps for the MOH/RHB supervisors/evaluators on the
next evaluation and permission. requirements before commencing the
delivery of EPI services
■ MOH and PHF providing immunization
services should sign an MOU for ■ PHF should have an appropriate waste
accountability purpose disposal system such as safety boxes and
incinerators for injection wastes disposal
■ The private sector granted to provide the
EPI services should include private for profit
hospitals, MCH and pediatric specialty

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32 for Expanded Program on Immunization
National Implementation Guideline
for Expanded Program on Immunization 33

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