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1-santiago strugle with marlin

In the novella "The Old Man and the Sea," Santiago struggles with a marlin, a large and powerful fish
that he catches while fishing alone in the Gulf Stream. The struggle between Santiago and the marlin is
not only a physical battle, but also a test of Santiago's strength and willpower. As the two creatures
battle it out, Santiago must use all of his experience and knowledge to keep the marlin from breaking
free. Despite his best efforts, however, the marlin eventually begins to weaken and die, leaving Santiago
to struggle with bringing the massive fish back to shore.

2-Fight with sharks

After successfully catching the marlin, Santiago's fight is far from over. On his way back to shore, he is
attacked by a group of sharks who are drawn to the scent of the marlin's blood. Santiago valiantly fights
off the sharks with his harpoon and other makeshift weapons, but the sharks manage to take large
chunks out of the marlin, leaving Santiago with only the skeleton of the fish to bring back to shore. The
fight with the sharks is a metaphor for the struggle that Santiago faces against the forces of nature and
the inevitability of death.

3-role of manoline
Manolin, Santiago's young apprentice, plays an important role in the novella as a source of comfort,
support, and hope for Santiago. Despite being forced by his parents to leave Santiago's boat and work for
a more successful fisherman, Manolin remains loyal to Santiago and often brings him food and supplies.
He also serves as a reminder of Santiago's own youth and of the possibility of future success. In many
ways, Manolin represents the future and the hope that Santiago will be able to continue fishing and
succeed in catching more fish. Through Manolin, Santiago finds the strength and inspiration to continue
fishing and to face the challenges that lie ahead.

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