CALAMITIES by Rose Ann 2

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It was January 12,2020 (Sunday) at 4 p.m. and I was

lying on my bed without looking outside because the
window in our room is open but covered by the curtain
causes darkness to our room. I feel so relaxed because
every corner in the house is too quiet. While I'm lying on
my bed I check my facebook account, then one thing
catch my attention to the eruption of Taal Volcano. I
ignore it because I don't know if it is true. It was 5 p.m.,
my cousin is shouting and calling her mommy while
going upstairs. It seemed like she had important to say.
When she got to her parents bedroom, she said that the
Taal Volcano erupted. After saying this kind of news,her
mommy got shocked on what she said. My Aunt thought
that my cousin is joking but she's not. To prove that she's
saying the truth, she said to her mommy to look at the
window to see what is happening outside. When I heard
their conversation, I pulled away the curtain and look at
the window. I saw a lot of ash falling to the ground. I
feel nervous so I pray that all people near to the volcano
are safe. Then my Aunt asked us to close all the
windows and the door downstairs. So, I went to
downstairs to close the door there and watch the news in
CNN channel. I see the flash report on the TV screen
about the eruption of Taal Volcano. This volcano is
found in Batangas City which is near in Tagaytay City,
Cavite and Laguna. This volcano is also one of the most
tourist spot in the Philippines because it is surrounded by
a lake and trees. Now its beauty become danger and
danger because of exploding ash. At the same day,
January 12,2020 PHIVOLCS raised Taal Volcano's alert
status level 3 after it spewed ash. The next day, January
13, 2020 PHIVOLCS raised Alert Level 4 and
recommended a total evacuation of the island and high
risk areas within 14 kilometer radius from Taal Volcano.
Until now, this volcano is still on alert level 4 because
the activity of the Volcano is continuously happening.
The total evacuees is still on count. The total knockdown
is declared for the Barangay that is included in 14
kilometers radius. NDRRMC report that they already
recorded the total volcanic earthquakes are 716 as of
January 20,2020 at 12 noon.I t looks like after this
calamity a lot of people will become jobless and
homeless, and start all over again. This calamity must
give us a lesson which don't do something bad in the
environment if you don't want it back to you. Teach us to
be responsible and not miserable.

Is it love or desire? Is it true that love is

unconditional? When we say love comes from the heart
of a person which is pure and very clear. Desire is a
feeling of wanting something that implies strong
intention. If you know these two you will know what is
really wanted of your suitor or person to you. Then love
is unconditional but it depends on the person who wants
to be with you. If you love someone you open up your
heart to accept him/her for who they really she/he is and
not because of having a good physical appearance. The
goodness of a person is not found in physical appearance
but found in being a true person and having a good
attitude to others. Not all beauty is in the physical body,
sometimes it is in having a good heart to another person.
Love is no basis. The best thing to do is to get to know
them first before giving your trust to them. Don’t let
others fool you. If you only want his/her physical
appearance then it is not love. The true meaning of love
is you’re accepting them into your life without any basis
and regrets no matter what life and appearance they
have. All people want to be loved but it is not easy to
choose who is the person which is right for you. Person
can fool but love cannot. It is hard to identify love for
one person, especially when you are not sure if they
really love you because of who you are or if they just
have something they want for you. Like in the story of
desire by Paz Latorena the girl in the story has a
beautiful body. Every time that she’s going outside all
boys looking at her, not exactly her but it’s her body.
Until the time she changed her style in clothing because
they like her not because it is her, they like her because
she has a beautiful body. This reason makes her change a
lot in being a girl who has a beautiful body.

In this story it teaches you to learn the true meaning

of love and acceptance. The first thing is you want to
change to see other people who you really are and not
what they see outside. Even though we are not blessed in
having beautiful faces. Second is the love that you
expect that is true but it’s not. Just like the time that the
boy said that he loved the girl but when the girl showed
her beautiful body the love of the boy changed because
of it. The last thing is don't blame yourself.

Don’t mind those kinds of people whose all they

want is your physical body. The girl in the story wants to
be loved. That's why she changes herself until she meets
the boy and they become close to each other until the
boy falls in love with her. The time that boy confesses
his feelings to the girl, the girl shows what beauty she
has in her body. Then the boy said, “I love. I love..” after
the girl showed her body, the boy said. In this part I
think the girl thinks that he is also like others whose all
they want is her body and not as she is. If I was the girl
in the story, I will tell my secret to that guy as soon as
possible rather than waiting for a perfect time. A perfect
time that you think is perfect but can hurt your feelings
at the same time. For me it is hard to find love nowadays
because some of them are looking for a good appearance
outside of one person. Some are not looking at the
beauty inside of a person. They have basis in terms of
love. Some people now are full of judgments like in
love. Boys and girls now are looking for a handsome and
beautiful woman without knowing who they really are.
Do they think that can they find their true love when
they are doing that? Do they think that it is the true
meaning of love? Can love fool you or is it just based on
the person? This story by Paz

Latorena looks like the song entitled “Hipon” by Sir Rex

Kantatero. Read the lyrics below. “Siya’y isang hipon
Maganda katawan tapon ulo Maganda siya pag
nakatalikod Pag humarap mukhang impakto.”

This song is very familiar to many Filipino because it

is related to reality. If you will read the lyrics, it seems it
is like this story. After I read the “Desire” first that came
to my mind is that song. I don’t know why but I
understand. It is hard to understand the story but if you
will read it carefully it contains lessons in terms of
person to person. As I also say, love and acceptance.

As my conclusion, when you love someone you

should never based on his/her face or body. You should
love from the bottom of your heart. Beauty is not always
based on face and body most of the time it is based on
the act of a person in terms of attitude and behavior. We
all know that it is hard to find true love in this world.
Many things happen for a reason and that thing makes
you better. Love has no basis; it depends on the person
who's making it. Saying ILove you to a person is not
enough if you really love him/her to make a way on how
you can express your true love. I believe that love is
unconditional because love can’t set a condition but a
person it can. If there’s “Age doesn’t matter,” then for
me “ Appearance doesn’t matter” in terms of love
because if you really love him/her you are ready to
accept who really she/he is. The important thing in desire
is the RESPECT. A respect to other people for what they
really are. Being disrespectful hurts the feelings of the
other person. As long as they are living give some
respect and don’t judge. Don’t be rude to others. Respect
their status, their life and respect them as how you
respect yourself. Three things that I’ve learned from the
story is respect, acceptance and love.
It gives a lot of memories: what problem comes, it
always has a solution, plastics and papers are not the
enemy. Plastics and papers are the symbol of getting up,
a kind of thing that can change into the most important.
Dear city showed your concern in every corner of
places, plastics and papers didn’t know where to go.
Where is the place where only things can survive? What
are the road need to cross? Wet roads comes and
blowing air on the streets, wet roads that’s very harmful
into brooms that makes them heavy and air teaching to
go in one place to another. How harmful wet road,
plastics and papers have done? What helps is that plastic
and papers need to show what beauty inside they hide. A
simple help they need people can’t do because they are
just little things. Little thing that need to be taken and put
where they want to be with. Wet road plastics have a
beauty like the beauty of a blue sky. Sometimes I walk
going to school and looking from my feet to another road
that surrounds
me. I never forget to thank God for blessings. want to
blame all people living here and you, because we are
people that has responsibility for you, we use you in
every aspects of our life, dear city. Plastics and papers is
not the problem cause it’s people who're using you every
time. The only important is you, dear city. This is the
end of my discussion. Everyone made
a mistake.

1.Blanket 2. Wallet

-covers tears -credit bank

-warm embrace -life happiness
-shield in the darkness -fortune carrier


-story of life
-list of scenes

4. Blood
-food of vampire
-family connection
-river that flows in a body


-life destination
-cycle of life
-fortune of life

Like weighing scales,
sometimes it is fair and unfair. Just like in the
story of the Trouble in Beijing the justice is not
give in a right person. He didn't commit that
kind of mistake but the punishment was given to
him. That means, if you will judge a person look
for relevant evidence and your life. Don't accuse
a person without enough reason. In love, culture,
tradition and religion justice should be fair and
equal. Even you're from that country or not.
Just be respectful and fair.

Painting symbolizes life. Even
though time goes by, it will leave a happy memory
that is unforgettable. The time and days are
passed that you can't bring it back but the
memories can bring happy memories from the
past like the memory behind the paintings.


Failure symbolizes challenges

in life that gives us a warning to change
ourselves for the better. If you choose to fail
again, you will not be successful someday. If you
failed, learn how to get up and reach the success
you want in life.

A very happy month,
That can brings family bonds.
You will hear a song,
That make you feel that you are not alone.

You saw people singing clear,

To make out your fear.
Warm words of joy,
Makes you to think a choice.

You can taste foods,

That everyone makes feel good.
The cold of wind,
Symbolizes Jesus Christ will hold our hand,
Until the end.

A month for Jesus

To make Him feel,
He is precious to us.
Everyone praising him,
To thank for everything.
A month when Jesus was born,
To teach us a lesson learn.
Love Him Everyday,
From the bottom of our heart.

Don't complain on noise

That you hear with other
Because that is a presence
For our Beloved God from Heaven.

Everyone is celebrating
The born day of Jesus
As a sign that people
He made never forget
The love from Him
And never fade forever.

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