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This consent shall be filled up by the girl child who will take part in PKKK online activity/meeting

Title of the Activity : PKKK Youth Advocates Assembly 2020 via zoom on November 28,
2020 at 9:00 to 12:00 NN
Youth Participants name : ________________

1. I confirmed my myself to be one of the participants who will take part in PKKK online
activity/meeting and I understand what is required of if I will joint in this
2. I have been given the opportunity consider the information, ask questions and reply was
given for all questions to my satisfaction.
3. I understand that participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time without giving
a reason.
4. I consent to any information I would be sharing to be used in future communication
materials related to the online activity/meeting
5. I understand that my name will not appear in any communication material without my
6. I agree to take part in the online activity/meeting. .

Name of Youth Participants : _______________________________

Signature/Thumbmark/verbal consent :________________________


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