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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal
Angono Campus


First Semester, SY 2022-2023

Course: Math 1: Mathematics in the Modern World

Grade Component: Written Works – Write-up Activity

Directions: Make your own write-up about talk of Mr. Roger Antonsen as he speaks about the how
Mathematics becomes the hidden secret to understand the world. You may include your thoughts,
personal experiences, insights, and realizations. Use the template below in making this activity.

Video Link:

File Name: LASTNAME,First Name-WriteUpActivity1 (PALADA,Tammy-WriteUpActivity1)
Font Style and Size: Arial 12
Line and Paragraph Spacing: 1.5
Word Count: 300+
Language: English
Deadline: August 12 Midnight

Math 1: Mathematics in the Modern World │Write-up Activity │SY 2022- 2023 │Page 1 of 3
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
Angono Campus


First Semester, SY 2022-2023

Mathematics in the Modern World

Write-up Activity 1

NAME: Cañete, Brylle John G. SECTION CODE: ABJ1



Good day ladies and gentlemen, in this topic we are going to talk about how mathematics becomes
the hidden secret to understand the world?. Some people didn't know what is the essence of
mathematics? Why mathematics has to do with patterns?. And lastly why do we need to change our
perspective? That's the question we need to talk about to have the answer.

Most of us do not pay much attention to the subject of mathematics, the reason being that they find it
difficult understand it because they only think that it revolves around messy numbers that need to be
sorted out. They don't know that this mathematics can help us a lot in our lives. To the extent that
mathematics covers. It is said to be the hidden secret for us to understand things in the world. The
essence of mathematics is great when it comes to things, because with it we can do anything with
just one thing. Mathematics has to do with patterns and that's what we can use in our daily lives. The
first is Finding Patterns. It has a connection, structure, regularity and rules that governs what we see.
Second is Representing the patterns with Language. We make up language if we don't have it. This is
essential for us to do, because it may help us better understand things. Third one is Making
Assumptions and lastly is Make a cool stuff. Mathematics has the ability to make you do cool stuff if
you totally understands it. As it turns out this person named Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz a German
Philosopher, mathematician, and namesake of this widely used mathematical notation in calculus. As
he invented the thing called Leibniz's Notation a pattern in nature in the year 1675. Mathematics can
also be created through sound and dot patterns. Like in the example given by Mr. Antonsen from just
a one straight line if we make it more lines and changing our perspective we can actually see that
what started out as just straight lines is actually a curve called a parabola. It’s like we find patterns
and we need to represent it to make new things and bigger things. Like in a one straight line you can
make some art if you will going to change your perspective. Do not stick in just one angle but you
need to explore the one thing to have a more things.

Math 1: Mathematics in the Modern World │Write-up Activity │SY 2022- 2023 │Page 2 of 3
The conclusion of this topic is we need to change our perspective from a different point of view to
understand things in our surroundings. If you change your perspective and if you take another point of
view you will learn something new about you are watching or looking at or hearing. Sometimes we
are just looking outside the things we see but when we actually see it from the inside we can now see
a new thing to discover just by changing our point of view or even our perspective. And by doing that
this it is required to used our own imagination to learn and to discover other things from ther other
side and from the different angle of something. Changing perspective all the time is actually
fundamental to humans. Everything in this world has a part of science and mathematics. And there's
a really deep connection between empathy and these science.

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