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Atoms meleculesamd Stoichiomet

1SoLo Pe havingSa number

The Same element
Atansf oifferent number neulons
Prolons bot

Yelative. atomc ass

The average mass ef an atom compred with
C-12 when one aton o c-12 has a mass 9

exaztly 12.

velative isotopic mass

The mass of an isotope' Compayecl wih c-12 3

when one alom f c-12 has a mass of exact} 12.

The substance
amounu af containing 6-02xo
Paticles f That Substance.

Yelative molecular mass

The mass f olecule coPaved. with c-2
when one
atonfc2 hass a wass exab12 3

Yelative fovnula ass

The mass
f a fovwnula unit ompaved with c-12 2
when one alow C-12 has
a mass exoctn 12 B

molecular ofmula
The actual numbex of
in one molecule
aTomsf each element Aeset
of aCompouno

PYolon number
The number fProtons in the nucleus of an atom

nuclecn mumber
The total number of protons and neuLYons in the
nucleus f an
first jonisation eney
The ene1 Yeauived to vemove one vmole of

electvons fYown one mole f 9aseous atms

t fon me mole aseous 1+1ons.



bond Polat
bonding eleclvons ave uneqwall
Covalent bond
an eleatvostaticforce fattractionbetween
bonding electvons and nuclei.

ionic bond
an electvastatic force attazionbetween
chamea ims

abrl efan dton to attvact
theshared pair f electons
dative bond coovdinate bond
covalent bond with both the electvonsave
psovidedfvom the Same species

welalic bond
attice f positive ions Surounded.
delocalised electvans
states of Mdtter

high Vapour pvessuye

/vapour Particles in equilibrium with he
e liauid
rele Propaftien f aas puticles han liayid paaticles

PyessurYe exerted bn qas perticles on the wals
a container when the qas palicles
as are in cauilibriimm
with the liguid

basic asSlimplicns ideal aSes

as nolecules have negligibe the
3 as ompared
tThe tota yalme the 7as
as nolecvles haye negligible forres f attraatim
botween hem
Lolisiams bolween qas Molecvles are elastie
as obYs al basic Jaws

eectrical insulats
hermal insulalars
hard Yigid
Yetains Sterglh high tepeaue / Pressure
AH when one mole
The enthalP uhange from its elements
compound isfrtned
in thei standad stales under standad
vmditiams298K 1atn):

The enlhalp ehungewhen one mole of
Substcescowlplstely cambusted in xcess
f air under strdas canditims(298 K, lan)

H //1-)
The enthap charye hen the males 9f Yeaclants
entaP he balanced eaation yeat complatel
to give he pradugis vnder standod conditin
(29d 1at)

The enthale change when one mole gasews

ators is producet frorn the element in its
stardard state2 under standard condstians
(298K atn)
The enthalP change when one mole of H
reacls_with one olefOHtofon one mole
fwaterundey standad cmditions298 K, 1atm
bond enen
enea Yeqpived to break me mole f a Covalent bond
in a aaseeus Substanceto f o 4seous aloms

Hess aw
The ovexall enthalp ehangefo a veaction is
independent the out taken
ptovided the initial and FiraLorditios ave

the Same
Yedcx Yeaation
a Yeacliom in which reduclio and oxidatton

take place Simu taneousl

disprortionation heaclicn
a Yedox Yeaction in which The Same species
IS Yeduced as well as oxidlised

** "
ddnamic qeilibrium
yate offovwad and backwara, veactions ave eaual
and concentvatims Yeactants ame poducts
Yemain constant

Le Chatelier's Pvinciple
ifThe Conditions of aa
SnsTen in eguilibrium
awve changed

That Positton
Pas equilibrium aves so as to vedvce
That chane

Brensted-Lowy Strong acio

a poton dono
imised itsagueous solutio
Bronsted- Lewr Weak aco
a pioton doov
Paoltiall'yjonised inis aayeous saloti

Catalist chemical veaclim

a Substamce That speeds up a

oweri ta
b Poviding an altermalive Palhua
wthout being usea up in the Process

Activalion eneg/
themimimum amount f eneny molecules
must have .
in nde fa the Yeattion to take place

Yate Yeaclin
the change in The concenttin
Substonce veaztant/prduet) wth tiwne
homog eneaus catalysis
Calaysis in whichYeactant& andl a atilst
in The Same
Phase state
helerogeneous calaysis
catayss in whiech veactant amd aa cahyst
ave inthe diffeventphase / Stat

Chiral centye
attachedL to
A Casbon atom amolecule
atoms. 0
four diffeven atoms or g1oups f

StyuctuYal ISomeyism
Sane molecwl fomua bot diffeent
Two different featuies foY steyeoisomevisn
chiva Cobn present
pres e t

A species which has a lone paiy of electons

Fyee Yadica
Amolecule or an ato wih an
unPaved electron (
wth he Same molecula oma
Diffevent molecules
styuctora formla 0
bot different amangemenls of atoms in Space ()
Cis-tyans9eometvic al Someyisn
Diffevent molecules with The Same molecula
and structwal fomvla
but diffevent atarngement in Pace taused

Molecules That ave nm-SurYimposakble
miyYoy mageS

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