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Question Bank 18CS653

1. Write a Java program to find the largest of threeinteger


2. List and explain the attributes of Java programming


3. Briefly explain JRE and JDK.

4. Brief about the comment statements supportedin Java

5. Explain three OOPs principles.
6. Java is a strongly typed language" - Justify this statement.
7. Discuss various data types used in Javain detail.
8. With suitable example explain i) if ii) for
9. Explain scope and lifetime of variables with suitable examples
10. With suitable syntax explain ifconditional construct.
11. Write a brief note on escape sequences used in Java andits usages
12. Write a Java program to print the natural numbers in the range 20 to 10 in reverse order.
13. Write a brief note on type conversion and casting done in Java with suitable examples.
14. Explain with syntax how 1-d array can be created in
15. Mention the different categories of operators supported in Java.
Explain in detail any two categories of operators in detail.

16. Write a Java program to swap to chartype


17. List out Bitwise operators

18. Explain the following, i) Identifiers ii) Literals iii) Separators
19. Write a brief note on escape sequences used in Java andits usages
20. Write a Java program to print the natural numbers in the range 20 to 10 in reverse order.
21. Write a brief note on type conversion and casting done in Java with suitable examples.
22. Explain with syntax how 1-d array can be created in
23. Write a note on operator precedence in Java.
24. Explain with syntax and example, switch statement used in Java.
25. Explain with syntax and example, do and while-do control structures used in Java.
26. Write a Java program to find the largest of ‘n’ integer values stored in the array.
27. Write a program to find sum of n natural numbers except those which are divisible by 3
28. Write a short note on Break and continue
29. Explain Short-circuit logical operators with suitable examples used in Java.

30. Explain with syntax and example usage of ternary operator in Java

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