Special Senses Test

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Special Senses Multiple Choice





Special Senses Multiple Choice

13 studiers today

5.0 (7 reviews)

What is the actual site of hearing?

a. Auricle

b. Auditory Canal

c. Organ of Corti

d. Tympanic Membrane

c. Organ of Corti

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Which of the following is NOT considered a special sense?

a. Smell

b. Touch

c. Singing

d. Vision

c. Singing

What is the actual site of hearing?

a. Auricle

b. Auditory Canal

c. Organ of Corti

d. Tympanic Membrane

c. Organ of Corti

The layer in the eye that contains the photo receptors (cones and rods) is the:

a. Iris

b. Cornea

c. Retina

d. Sclera

c. Retina
This portion of the ear is responsible for directing sound waves into the eardrum.

a. Outer Ear

b. Middle Ear

c. Inner Ear

d. Eustachian Tube

a. Outer Ear

The "white" of the eye is called?

a. Conjunctiva

b. Sclera

c. Retina

d. Iris

b. Sclera

The structure responsible for a person's eye color is the:

a. Retina

b. Sclera

c. Iris

d. Cornea

c. Iris
The mucous membrane of the eyelid is known as the:

a. Cornea

b. Conjunctiva

c. Sclera

d. Choroid

b. Conjunctiva

Where are the three bones of the ear found?

a. Middle ear

b. Inner ear

c. Outer ear

d. Auditory canal

a. Middle ear

Which of the following is not related to the eyelid?

a. Composed of skin, muscles, and lashes

b. Protects the eye from foreign objects by the blink reflex

c. Reduces friction during blinking

d. Moves tears along the surface of the eyeball

c. Reduces friction during blinking

Allows light waves to enter the eye.

a. Sclera

b. Iris

c. Pupil

d. Cornea

d. Cornea

Which structure regulates the size of the pupil?

a. Sclera

b. Iris

c. Cornea

d. Retina

b. Iris

Contains the nerves that when stimulated by light generate nerve impulses which are then sent to the
brain for interpretation.

a. Pupil

b. Retina

c. Sclera

d. Cornea

b. Retina

How many basic tastes are there?

a. 4
b. 7

c. 2

d. 5

a. 4 (sweet, salty, bitter, sour)

What are the specialized nerve cells that sense smell?

a. Olfactory nerves

b. Motor neurons

c. Glossopharyngeal

d. Optic nerve

a. Olfactory nerves

What is another name for middle ear infection?

a. Otitis Media

b. Tinnitus

c. Vertigo

d. Conjunctivitis

a. Otitis Media

Also known as pink eye:

a. Astigmatism

b. Conjunctivitis
c. Strabismus

d. Aphasia

b. Conjunctivitis

Which word means dizziness or spatial disorientation?

a. Tinnitus

b. Hyperopia

c. Myopia

d. Vertigo

d. Vertigo

Also known as ringing in the ears?

a. Vertigo

b. Myopia

c. Hyperopia

d. Tinnitus

d. Tinnitus


a. Myopia

b. Hyperopia

c. Vertigo
d. Conjunctivitis

b. Hyperopia


a. Hyperopia

b. Myopia

c. Vertigo

d. Tinnitus

b. Myopia

These professionals examine individuals of all ages and identify those with the

symptoms of hearing loss and other auditory, balance, and related sensory and

neural problems.

a. Optometrist

b. Speech language pathologist

c. Clinical researcher

d. Audiologist

d. Audiologist

These professionals prescribe eyeglasses and contact lenses.

a. Optometrist

b. Medical Researcher
c. Audiologist

d. Ophthalmologist

a. Optometrist

___________ is where the organ of Corti is located:

a. Vestibule

b. Cochlea

c. Semicircular Canals

d. Choroid

b. Cochlea

T or F. Special senses allow the body to react to the environment


T or F. Lacrimal glands produce mucous that protects the eye

False. Lacrimal glands produce tears.

T or F. The Choroid coat is interlaced with blood vessels to nourish the eye

T or F. Cones are used for vision when it's dark or dim

False. Rods are used for dark or dim. Cones are used in light.

T or F. Refraction is bending of light rays so they focus on the retina


T or F. Hyperopia is nearsightedness

False. Hyperopia is farsightedness. Myopia is nearsightedness

T or F. A cataract is a loss of transparency (cloudiness) in the lens


T or F. Special glands in the auditory canal produce a wax called cerumen to protect the ear


T or F. The eustachian tube equalizes air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane


T or F. The sense of taste depends on taste receptors on the tongue


T or F. Olfactory receptors determine the sense of smell


T or F. General sense receptors for pressure, hear, cold, touch, and pain are located in all parts of the


Increased intraocular pressure caused by excess amounts of aqueous humor

a. Glaucoma

b. Myopia

c. Strabismus

d. Cataracts

a. Glaucoma

Collection of fluid in the inner ear leading to severe vertigo or dizziness

a. Otitis Media

b. Meniere's Disease

c. Myopia

d. Otosclerosis

b. Meniere's Disease
Vision loss and blindness caused by damage to he blood vessels that nourish the retina

a. Macular Degeneration

b. Stabismus

c. Glaucoma

d. Presbyopia

a. Macular Degeneration

First section of the inner ear that acts as an entrance to the other two parts:

a. Pinna

b. Cochlea

c. Vestibule

d. Semicircular Canals

c. Vestibule

Structure in the inner ear that send impulses for balance and equilibrium

a. Pinna

b. Cochlea

c. Vestibule

d. Semicircular Canals

d. Semicircular Canals
Snail shell containing organ of Corti

a. Pinna

b. Cochlea

c. Vestibule

d. Semicircular Canals

b. Cochlea

Eardrum, vibrates with the sound waves

a. Tempanic Membrane

b. Cochlea

c. Vestibule

d. Semicircular Canals

a. Tempanic Membrane

Jellylike substance behind the lens

a. Aqueous Humor

b. Vitreous Humor

c. Conjuntiva

d. Sclera

b. Vitreous Humor
Opening in the center of the iris:

a. pupil

b. retina

c. sclera

d. cornea

a. pupil

Circular structure located behind the pupil:

a. pupil

b. retina

c. lens

d. cornea

c. lens

perceived is black.

46) Select the correct statement about equilibrium.

A) The weight of the endolymph contained within the semicircular canals against the

maculae is responsible for static equilibrium.

B) Cristae respond to angular acceleration.

C) Hair cells of both types of equilibrium hyperpolarize only, resulting in an increased rate

of impulse transmission.

D) Due to dynamic equilibrium, movement can be perceived if rotation of the body

continues at a constant rate.

47) The eye muscle that elevates and turns the eye laterally is the ________.

A) lateral rectus

B) superior oblique

C) inferior oblique

D) medial rectus

48) The receptor membranes of gustatory cells are ________.

A) basal cells

B) gustatory hairs

C) fungiform papillae

D) taste buds

49) Light passes through the following structures in which order?

A) vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor, cornea

B) cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor

C) cornea, vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor

D) aqueous humor, cornea, lens, vitreous humor

50) Damage to the medial recti muscles would probably affect ________.

A) refraction

B) accommodation

C) convergence

D) pupil constriction

51) Which statement about sound localization is not true?

A) It requires processing at the cortical level.

B) It requires input from both ears.

C) It uses time differences between sound reaching the two ears.

D) It is difficult to discriminate sound sources in the midline.

52) As sound intensity increases, we hear the sound as a louder sound at the same pitch. This

suggests that ________.

A) 540-Hz-receptive cells are particularly refractory

B) cochlear cells that respond to the same pitch vary in responsiveness

C) the timing of the cochlear vibrations encodes the pitch

D) inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) are building up in the auditory cortex

53) Which of the following is not a possible cause of conduction deafness?

A) impacted cerumen

B) middle ear infection

C) cochlear nerve degeneration

D) otosclerosis

54) Visual processing in the thalamus does not contribute significantly to ________.

A) depth perception

B) high-acuity vision
C) night vision

D) movement perception

55) ________ is a disorder of the olfactory nerves.

A) Uncinate fits

B) Anosmias

C) Scotoma

D) Otalgia

56) Visible light fits between ________.

A) X rays and UV

B) gamma rays and infrared

C) microwaves and radio waves

D) UV and infrared

57) Ceruminous glands are ________.

A) saliva glands found at the base of the tongue

B) modified apocrine sweat glands

C) glands found in the lateral corners of your eye

D) modified taste buds

Anatomy, Chapter 15


Anatomy, Chapter 15

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What is the main function of the rods in the eye?

A) accommodation for near vision

B) vision in dim light

C) depth perception

D) color vision

B) vision in dim light

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What is the main function of the rods in the eye?

A) accommodation for near vision

B) vision in dim light

C) depth perception

D) color vision

B) vision in dim light

What structure regulates the amount of light passing to the visual receptors of the eye?

A) iris

B) cornea

C) aqueous humor

D) lens

A) Iris

Receptors for hearing are located in the ________.

A) vestibule
B) tympanic membrane

C) cochlea

D) semicircular canals

C) cochlea

Which of the following types of neurons are replaced throughout adult life?

A) auditory outer and inner hair cells

B) retinal ganglion cells

C) olfactory receptor cells

D) retinal bipolar cells

C) Olfactory Receptor cells

The oil component found in tears is produced by the ________.

A) tarsal glands

B) conjunctiva

C) lacrimal glands

D) ciliary gland

A) tarsal glands

The receptor for static equilibrium is the ________.

A) cochlear duct

B) utricle

C) semicircular canals

D) macula

D) macula

Farsightedness is more properly called ________.

A) presbyopia

B) hyperopia

C) myopia

D) hypopia

B) hyperopia

Seventy percent of all sensory receptors are located in the ________.

A) nose

B) skin

C) eye

D) ears

C) eye
Which of the following structures is not part of the external ear?

A) pharyngotympanic tube

B) tympanic membrane

C) pinna

D) external acoustic meatus

A) pharyngotympanic tube

Nerve fibers from the medial aspect of each eye ________.

A) cross over to the opposite side at the chiasma

B) divide at the chiasma, with some crossing and some not crossing

C) go to the superior colliculus only

D) pass posteriorly without crossing over at the chiasma

A) cross over to the opposite side at the chiasma

Ordinarily, it is not possible to transplant tissues from one person to another, yet corneas canbe
transplanted without tissue rejection. This is because the cornea ________.

A) does not contain connective tissue

B) has no blood supply

C) is not a living tissue

D) has no nerve supply

B) has no blood supply

The oval window is connected directly to which passageway?

A) scala tympani

B) pharyngotympanic tube

C) scala vestibuli

D) external acoustic meatus

C) scala vestibuli

There are three layers of neurons in the retina. The axons of which of these neuron layersform the optic

A) rod cells

B) cone cells

C) bipolar cells

D) ganglion cells

D) ganglion cells

The first "way station" in the visual pathway from the eye, after there has been partialcrossover of the
fibers in the optic chiasma, is the ________.

A) temporal lobe
B) visual cortex

C) superior colliculi

D) lateral geniculate body of the thalamus

D) lateral geniculate body of the thalamus

Which of the following is true about gustatory receptors?

A) All gustatory receptors have the same threshold for activation.

B) Complete adaptation occurs in about one to five minutes.

C) In order for a chemical to be sensed, it must be hydrophobic.

D) The receptors generate an action potential in response to chemical stimuli.

B) Complete adaptation occurs in about one to five minutes.

Taste buds are not found ________.

A) lining the buccal cavity

B) in circumvallate papillae

C) in fungiform papillae

D) in filiform papillae

D) in filiform papillae

Select the correct statement about olfaction.

A) Olfactory adaptation is only due to fading of receptor cell response.

B) Substances must be volatile and hydrophobic in order to activate olfactory receptors.

C) Olfactory receptors have a high degree of specificity toward a single type of chemical.

D) Some of the sensation of olfaction is actually one of pain.

D) Some of the sensation of olfaction is actually one of pain.

What prevents the eyelids from sticking together when the eyes close?

A) conjunctival fluid

B) tarsal gland secretions

C) lacrimal fluid

D) ciliary gland secretions

B) tarsal gland secretions

Which of the following taste sensations is incorrectly matched to the chemicals that produceit?

A) bitteralkaloids

B) saltymetal ions

C) sweetorganic substances such as sugar and some lead salts

D) souracids

E) umamiamino acids glutamate and lysine

E) umamiamino acids glutamate and lysine

U.S. employees must wear hearing protection at ________ dB or above.

A) 70

B) 80

C) 100

D) 90

D) 90

What is a modiolus?

A) a bony area around the junction of the facial, vestibular, and cochlear nerves

B) a bone pillar in the center of the cochlea

C) bone in the center of a semicircular canal

D) bone around the cochlea

B) a bone pillar in the center of the cochlea

Which statement about malnutrition-induced night blindness is most accurate?

A) The impaired vision is caused by reduced cone function.

B) Visual pigment content is reduced in both rods and cones.

C) The most common cause is vitamin D deficiency.

D) Vitamin supplements can reverse degenerative changes.

D) Vitamin supplements can reverse degenerative changes.

Dark adaptation ________.

A) involves accumulation of rhodopsin

l Senses Multiple Choice





Special Senses Multiple Choice

15 studiers today

5.0 (7 reviews)

The layer in the eye that contains the photo receptors (cones and rods) is the:

a. Iris

b. Cornea

c. Retina

d. Sclera
c. Retina

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Structure of the Human Ear

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Processing Auditory, Somatosensory, Olfactory, and Gustatory Information

Professor Dave Explains



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What is the actual site of hearing?

a. Auricle

b. Auditory Canal

c. Organ of Corti

d. Tympanic Membrane

c. Organ of Corti

Not studied (44)

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Which of the following is NOT considered a special sense?

a. Smell

b. Touch

c. Singing

d. Vision
c. Singing

The layer in the eye that contains the photo receptors (cones and rods) is the:

a. Iris

b. Cornea

c. Retina

d. Sclera

c. Retina

This portion of the ear is responsible for directing sound waves into the eardrum.

a. Outer Ear

b. Middle Ear

c. Inner Ear

d. Eustachian Tube

a. Outer Ear

The "white" of the eye is called?

a. Conjunctiva

b. Sclera

c. Retina

d. Iris

b. Sclera
The structure responsible for a person's eye color is the:

a. Retina

b. Sclera

c. Iris

d. Cornea

c. Iris

The mucous membrane of the eyelid is known as the:

a. Cornea

b. Conjunctiva

c. Sclera

d. Choroid

b. Conjunctiva

Where are the three bones of the ear found?

a. Middle ear

b. Inner ear

c. Outer ear

d. Auditory canal

a. Middle ear
Which of the following is not related to the eyelid?

a. Composed of skin, muscles, and lashes

b. Protects the eye from foreign objects by the blink reflex

c. Reduces friction during blinking

d. Moves tears along the surface of the eyeball

c. Reduces friction during blinking

Allows light waves to enter the eye.

a. Sclera

b. Iris

c. Pupil

d. Cornea

d. Cornea

Which structure regulates the size of the pupil?

a. Sclera

b. Iris

c. Cornea

d. Retina

b. Iris
Contains the nerves that when stimulated by light generate nerve impulses which are then sent to the
brain for interpretation.

a. Pupil

b. Retina

c. Sclera

d. Cornea

b. Retina

How many basic tastes are there?

a. 4

b. 7

c. 2

d. 5

a. 4 (sweet, salty, bitter, sour)

What are the specialized nerve cells that sense smell?

a. Olfactory nerves

b. Motor neurons

c. Glossopharyngeal

d. Optic nerve

a. Olfactory nerves

What is another name for middle ear infection?

a. Otitis Media

b. Tinnitus

c. Vertigo

d. Conjunctivitis

a. Otitis Media

Also known as pink eye:

a. Astigmatism

b. Conjunctivitis

c. Strabismus

d. Aphasia

b. Conjunctivitis

Which word means dizziness or spatial disorientation?

a. Tinnitus

b. Hyperopia

c. Myopia

d. Vertigo

d. Vertigo

Also known as ringing in the ears?

a. Vertigo
b. Myopia

c. Hyperopia

d. Tinnitus

d. Tinnitus


a. Myopia

b. Hyperopia

c. Vertigo

d. Conjunctivitis

b. Hyperopia


a. Hyperopia

b. Myopia

c. Vertigo

d. Tinnitus

b. Myopia

These professionals examine individuals of all ages and identify those with the

symptoms of hearing loss and other auditory, balance, and related sensory and

neural problems.
a. Optometrist

b. Speech language pathologist

c. Clinical researcher

d. Audiologist

d. Audiologist

These professionals prescribe eyeglasses and contact lenses.

a. Optometrist

b. Medical Researcher

c. Audiologist

d. Ophthalmologist

a. Optometrist

___________ is where the organ of Corti is located:

a. Vestibule

b. Cochlea

c. Semicircular Canals

d. Choroid

b. Cochlea

T or F. Special senses allow the body to react to the environment

T or F. Lacrimal glands produce mucous that protects the eye

False. Lacrimal glands produce tears.

T or F. The Choroid coat is interlaced with blood vessels to nourish the eye


T or F. Cones are used for vision when it's dark or dim

False. Rods are used for dark or dim. Cones are used in light.

T or F. Refraction is bending of light rays so they focus on the retina


T or F. Hyperopia is nearsightedness

False. Hyperopia is farsightedness. Myopia is nearsightedness

T or F. A cataract is a loss of transparency (cloudiness) in the lens

T or F. Special glands in the auditory canal produce a wax called cerumen to protect the ear


T or F. The eustachian tube equalizes air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane


T or F. The sense of taste depends on taste receptors on the tongue


T or F. Olfactory receptors determine the sense of smell


T or F. General sense receptors for pressure, hear, cold, touch, and pain are located in all parts of the


Increased intraocular pressure caused by excess amounts of aqueous humor

a. Glaucoma

b. Myopia

c. Strabismus
d. Cataracts

a. Glaucoma

Collection of fluid in the inner ear leading to severe vertigo or dizziness

a. Otitis Media

b. Meniere's Disease

c. Myopia

d. Otosclerosis

b. Meniere's Disease

Vision loss and blindness caused by damage to he blood vessels that nourish the retina

a. Macular Degeneration

b. Stabismus

c. Glaucoma

d. Presbyopia

a. Macular Degeneration

First section of the inner ear that acts as an entrance to the other two parts:

a. Pinna

b. Cochlea

c. Vestibule

d. Semicircular Canals
c. Vestibule

Structure in the inner ear that send impulses for balance and equilibrium

a. Pinna

b. Cochlea

c. Vestibule

d. Semicircular Canals

d. Semicircular Canals

Snail shell containing organ of Corti

a. Pinna

b. Cochlea

c. Vestibule

d. Semicircular Canals

b. Cochlea

Eardrum, vibrates with the sound waves

a. Tempanic Membrane

b. Cochlea

c. Vestibule

d. Semicircular Canals

a. Tempanic Membrane
Jellylike substance behind the lens

a. Aqueous Humor

b. Vitreous Humor

c. Conjuntiva

d. Sclera

b. Vitreous Humor

Opening in the center of the iris:

a. pupil

b. retina

c. sclera

d. cornea

a. pupil

Circular structure located behind the pupil:

a. pupil

b. retina

c. lens

d. cornea

c. lens

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