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YEAR: 2023



YEAR: 2023

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1.1 Introduction

Advancement in the Information Technology sector over the years has influenced many business
organizations to embrace digital services as the efficient medium for communication, marketing among
many more business operations. Capriotti & Pardo Kuklinski (2012) supported that many businesses have
drifted away from the traditional methods of public communication such as journals, brochures, flyers and
letters to the effective and efficient means provided by information technology which includes websites,
emails and social media sites (for example Facebook and Instagram). However, Kampf et al., (2011) and
Lopez (2015) argued that a greater population in the third world countries lack access to information
technology services thereby suggested that web content and digital operations are not efficient.
Preservation of web content is also (give three major problems or challenges here!!)

Therefore, this research seeks to investigate the effectiveness of web content preservation as a strategy to
foster public communication at ZETDC. The main aim for conducting the research is to examine whether
the use of web content could improve the public communication for ZESA Holdings.

1.2 Background of the study

Zimbabwe Electricity Distribution Company (ZETDC) is a subsidiary of the ZESA Holdings which was
established in 2009 by its holding company. The business focuses on transmission and retailing of
electricity power to the final end consumer. The business organization mission is to make customers' lives
easier by offering sufficient, secure, and dependable power and associated operational services at
affordable costs. ZETDC utilizes a different number of social media platforms to preserve their web
content such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the official website.

The ZETDC official website which can be accessed on ( is the main digital platform that
the organization utilizes to show case their contact details, current and proposed projects and news articles
to report strategic information to customers. The news page of the website features 3 published articles
published in 2018 in which the organization released news relating to customer supplied meter scheme
agents, the news when ZETDC was to pull off plug on defaulters and the Alask-Karoi Power Transmission
Project (AKPT) (132)kv single pole electricity transmission line which stretched 85 km) by which the

project summary and Environmental and Social Management summary was shared. The website is also a
hub that have direct links to the organization digital platforms official pages such as Facebook.

@ZetdcOfficial is the official twitter page for ZETDC which was opened in January 2016 and currently
has 57.9 thousand followers. The account has a lifetime of 7 464 tweets in which the organization post an
average of 3 updates per day. The account is used to engage with customers on strategic and operational
news which includes the rolling out of smart meters across customers which was announced on the 4th of
February and currently has 3 535 customer views and 6 likes and 2 retweets. In addition, the account is
frequently used to announce daily power outages, nature of fault, current status and expected restoration
time which have an average of 1.7 thousand views per post.

Moreover, ZETDC organization utilizes the Facebook platform to preserve their web content and to engage
with their customers. The ZETDC official Facebook page has 52 565 followers and is mainly used to
release video content featuring executive meetings and to showcase some projects under development. The
ZETDC Facebook video TV has more than 150 videos which has an average of 500 views per video which
are updated in an average frequency of 1 video in 3 weeks. The Facebook page is also regularly updated on
a daily basis with articles relating to power outages, nature of fault and current status which however has
low customer engagement as most of the post have an average of 2 likes and 5 comments.

ZETDC digital marketing strategy also feature make use of Instagram social media platform for web
preservation and to interact with stakeholders. ZETDC profile on the social platform has 2778 followers
and its handle is zetdcofficial. However, the Instagram account only have 30 posts which are updated at
random intervals. The Instagram features posts of summarized power outages details which shows the area
affected and a sincere apology from the organization which have very low engagement as the posts have an
average of 15 likes per post

Gap analysis

ZETDC uses its official website to engage customers on strategic news such as the announcement of the
AKPT project which makes up the main hub for digital marketing strategy. ZETDC also utilizes its Twitter
account for regular operational updates as it is the largest following audience base than all other social
media platforms. Furthermore, the organization duplicates power outage reports on both Facebook as the
Facebook page is the second ZETDC largest social platform after Twitter despite that more customer are
engaged on Twitter. In addition, Instagram has the least following audience base and the organization uses
the account for summarized power outage details which are however, similar to those on Twitter and

Facebook. The social media platforms of the organization also show that ZETDC uploads similar content
on all their social digital platforms which indicates corroboration and confirmation of accurate
communication of information.

Organizations value social media communication because it allows them to connect with their audience,
engage with customers, and promote their products and services. Social media platforms like Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram offer an interactive environment for businesses to share content, respond
to comments and inquiries, and build relationships with their followers. Social media platforms, in addition
to being useful as communication tools, have the potential to be used as records. This is due to the fact that
they capture and store a wealth of information pertaining to an organization's activities and interactions
with its stakeholders. This data includes posts, comments, likes, shares, and direct messages, all of which
can provide valuable insights into a company's performance, reputation, and impact. The following are
some of the reasons why social media communication is valuable as documentation: Social media records
can provide a transparent and accountable record of an organization's activities, decisions, and interactions
with stakeholders, as well as valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. They can
also be used to monitor and respond to crises, such as negative reviews, customer complaints, or
reputational issues.

Record managers and information management professionals in the ICT department are responsible for the
continuum management of records at ZETDC. These professionals are trained in records management
principles and practices and are in charge of overseeing the creation, maintenance, and disposal of an
organization's records. Records managers are typically responsible for a variety of tasks, such as
developing policies and procedures for the creation, retention, and disposition of records. Conducting a
records inventory and assessment in order to identify and categorize records based on their value and risk
to the organization Supervising the safe storage and preservation of records to ensure their authenticity and

1.3 Problem statement

The Zimbabwe Electricity and Transmission Distribution Company (ZETDC) is a critical national
infrastructure provider in Zimbabwe, responsible for the generation and distribution of electricity. ZETDC
uses social media platforms to communicate with its customers, stakeholders, and the general public as part
of its operations. However, the company's ability to retain and retrieve critical information is jeopardized
by the lack of a comprehensive web content preservation strategy and best practices for social media

records management. ZETDC may lose vital information that is required for regulatory compliance, legal
defense, and historical purposes if it does not implement a robust preservation strategy. The purpose of this
research is to identify the challenges and opportunities associated with preserving web content and social
media records at ZETDC and to propose a strategy that promotes best practices for web content

1.43 Purpose of the study

The main purpose for conducting the research is to examine whether it is effective for ZETDC to use web
content preservation as a strategy to improve public communication

1.54 Research objectives

• To establish policies show the need for the storage and capture of web content information for long
term preservation

• To analyze the state of practice challenges faced byat ZETDC in preserving selected web content
from its social media platforms preservation

• To identify the policies behind ZETDC organizational strategies which inform their practices of ca
be used to improve preserving web content

• To document a historical narrative of their social media presence

1.5 Research questions

• What are the best policies show the need for the storage and capture of web content information for
long term preservation

• What is the state of practice challenges faced at ZETDC in preserving selected web content from
its social media platforms?

• What are the policies behind ZETDC organizational strategies which inform their practices of ca be
used to improve preserving web content?

• What is the historical narrative of their social media presence?

1.67 Significance of the study

This research is of adequate importance to different stakeholder depending on their interest. Some of the
stakeholders that stand to may benefit from this research includes the government, ZETDC, NUST,
scholars and the general public.


This research is of paramount significance to ZETDC as a company as the research will show If the current
forms of web content preservation being used are effective in public communication or not. The research
will examine the challenges that are being encountered by the organization in web content preservation and
recommends on other effective strategies that can be used by the organization to improve their preservation
technique for webs content. Furthermore, ZETDC will also appreciate their knowledge on the need for web
content preservation

To National Achieves of Zimbabwe (NAZ)

The National Achieves of Zimbabwe is a record keeper that keeps all national documents that relates to
business operations or code of conduct. This research is significant to the NAZ as it will show digital
platforms used by ZETDC for web communication therefore prepares NAZ to ascertain if it has the
adequate resources to store web content.To the government of Zimbabwe

The research is also of significant importance to the government of Zimbabwe as the owner of ZETDC as
the government will understand the different forms of web content preservation which can be used to
improve public communication for the organization. Furthermore, the government can use some of the
techniques discussed in the research on some other projects that requires severe public communication.
This research is also significant to the researcher as completion of a research is a necessity for the
completion of the final degree for the researcher under the NUST policies.

1.8 Definition of terms

• Database - It is an organized and structured way of electronically storing larger amounts of data in
a computer

• Cloud storage - It is the advanced way of storing data on the internet through cloud services
providers such as Amazon Web Services Nabukeera, (2010)

• Public communication – is the strategic process of sending information to a very large number of
receivers through broadcasting, satellites, newspapers or any other form of communication or advertising
Iglesias & Jambrino (2020).

• Web content preservation - the practice of keeping a record of a particular website or content
published on the web as a record for future use according to Walsh (2020).

1.9 Assumptions of the study

In research studies, assumptions are made to aid in the formulation of hypotheses, guide data collection and
analysis, and support the interpretation of findings. "Assumptions are necessary because they enable the
researcher to provide a framework for understanding the phenomenon under investigation," writes Creswell

• The research assumes that the information that will be collected from the respondents during data
gathering has been provided with honesty

• The research also assumes that the total response rate of the sample frame should be more than 50%
of the research participants

• The research assumes that the research participants will provide reliable and trustworthy

1.10 Research Methodology

The systematic and scientific approach used by researchers to conduct empirical investigations and acquire
knowledge about a specific research question or problem is referred to as research methodology. It
includes the methods, techniques, procedures, and tools that researchers use to design, carry out, and
analyze data from their research studies. A research methodology typically includes the following

The number of approaches to research methodology varies depending on the source and context. However,
the following are some of the most common research methodologies: Quantitative research is a systematic
approach to testing hypotheses and making predictions that involves collecting and analyzing numerical
data. This method analyzes data and draws conclusions using statistical methods. Qualitative research is a
systematic approach to gathering and analyzing non-numerical data in order to gain insights into the
meanings, experiences, and perspectives of individuals or groups. This method collects and interprets data

through methods such as interviews, observations, and focus groups. Mixed methods research is a method
that combines quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study to answer complex research questions
or to validate findings from one method using the other.

A mixed-methods approach may be the most appropriate methodology for the study's objectives of
establishing policies for the storage and capture of web content information and analyzing ZETDC's state
of practice in preserving selected web content from its social media platforms. This method allows for a
thorough examination of both quantitative and qualitative data. Researchers could conduct a review of
existing policies and best practices, as well as engage with stakeholders within the organization, to
establish policies for the storage and capture of web content information. In order to gather information
from these stakeholders, qualitative research methods such as interviews or focus groups may be useful.

Both quantitative and qualitative data could be collected and analyzed to analyze the state of practice at
ZETDC in preserving selected web content from its social media platforms. This could include analyzing
the types of web content being preserved, the methods used for preservation, and the organization's
challenges and successes in preserving web content. For this goal, a mixed-methods approach combining
quantitative data analysis and qualitative data collection methods may be appropriate. One advantage of
mixed methods research is that it enables researchers to triangulate data from various sources, resulting in a
more accurate and nuanced understanding of the research topic. Researchers can validate and enrich their
findings by combining data from quantitative surveys or experiments with qualitative interviews or
observations. Another benefit of mixed methods research is that it can assist in overcoming the limitations
of single-method designs.

A research design is the overall plan or strategy used by a researcher to carry out a study and answer
research questions. It includes a data collection and analysis framework, as well as strategies for dealing
with potential sources of bias or error. A well-designed research study should be able to answer the
research question clearly and effectively, as well as provide reliable and valid results. Potential limitations
and biases should also be considered in the research design, and appropriate measures to control for them
should be included.

To ensure that the study is conducted in a systematic, rigorous, and transparent manner, research should
adhere to a specific research design. A well-designed study can help to reduce bias and error while
increasing the results' validity and reliability. Adhering to a research design also aids in ensuring that the
study addresses the research question in an appropriate and effective manner. The research design specifies

the methods and procedures for data collection and analysis, and it helps to ensure that the data collected is
relevant to the research question. A research design can also help to provide a framework for the study,
making the research process easier to plan and organize. It can assist in determining whether the study is
feasible given the available resources and time constraints.

The case study research design is a type of qualitative research used to investigate complex phenomena in
their natural context. It entails a thorough examination of a specific case, which can be an individual,
group, organization, community, or event. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of
interest, the researcher examines the case using multiple sources of data, such as observations, interviews,
documents, and artifacts. When the research question focuses on "how" and "why" questions that aim to
understand the underlying processes, mechanisms, and causal relationships in a real-life situation, the case
study design is especially useful. It enables the researcher to investigate the context in which the
phenomenon occurs and to identify distinctive features that may not be apparent in other cases.

The case study design is a research method that allows for in-depth examination of a specific phenomenon
or context, resulting in a comprehensive understanding of complex issues. One of the primary benefits of
this design is its ability to provide an in-depth exploration of the topic under investigation, frequently
through the use of multiple data sources. This allows researchers to gain a more comprehensive and
nuanced understanding of the research question, including factors that may be difficult to capture using
other methods of research. Furthermore, case studies are based on real-life contexts and situations, which
increases the findings' external validity. As a result, the findings are more likely to be applicable to other
similar situations, making case studies especially useful for developing generalizable knowledge. Overall,
case study research is a valuable research method that can provide rich and nuanced insights into complex
issues, making it a popular choice in a wide range of research fields.

A population refers to the entire group of individuals, objects, or events that meet the criteria for inclusion
in a study The research purposively considered the population of public relations department and
information technology department as they were the ones with knowledge that may answer research
questions of the research. The research population is made up of public relations department and
information technology department employees that work at the ZETDC which includes both senior
management and low level employees. Random sampling methods will be used to narrow down the total
population into a small manageable sample frame as the organization have more than 40 employees in

these departments. The research will use a mixture of primary data and secondary data to collect
information that is of interest.

1.11 Scope of the Study

The research population will encompass of public relations and information technology employees that
work at the ZETDC Main branch which is located in Harare only. The research will also use secondary
data that has been published in a timely manner (less than 15 years) so as to avoid using obsolete
information as evidence as the world processes are changing.

1.12 Limitations of the study

1.12.1 Access to data limitation

The research faced limitation of access to data that would be needed for the research from the employees of
ZETDC. This is due that the organization ZETDC have strict rules on their data policies. Therefore, the
researcher approached the manager and fully explained that the data is only required for academic purposes

1.12.2 Financial limitation

Another challenge faced by the researcher was adequate financial aid to properly conduct the study.
Therefore, the researcher reduced costs by using technology in some pf the processes of the research such
as using electronically polls as questionnaires rather than printing physical questionnaires which are more

1.13 Ethical permissions

Informed consent

Ethical research is defined as research carried out in accordance with ethical principles and guidelines. It
entails adhering to certain moral and legal standards that ensure the rights and welfare of human subjects,
as well as the research's integrity and trustworthiness. All research should adhere to specific ethical
guidelines to ensure that the rights and welfare of research participants are protected, as well as that the
research is carried out in a fair and just manner. In research, informed consent and express permission are
important because they protect the rights and autonomy of research participants. The process of informing
participants about the nature of the study, its purpose, risks and benefits, and their right to decline or
withdraw at any time is referred to as informed consent.

1.14 Summary

In this chapter provided a background to for the topic being investigated which aims toward entitled the
effectiveness of web content preservation as a strategy to foster to foster best practice for social media
records management at the ZETDC public communication. The chapter presented research showed the
main four objectives which includes to establish policy show the need for the storage and capture web
content information for long term preservation, the state of practice challenges faced by ZETDC in
preserving selected web content from its social media platforms preservation and the policies behind their
organizational strategies which inform their practices of ca be used to improve preserving and documenting
a historical narrative of their social media presence the process of web content. In the next chapter, the
research will discuss the literatures concerning the objectives of the research.

References LIST THEM ALPHABETICALLY! Provide the URLs as well to allow for online access

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