Contingency Plan

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Contingency Plan

Name of Production: Memory Producers Name: Geo Syrio Contact Number:07368


Location / scene Potential problem Effect on production Control Measure Existing measures
Room inaccessible due Unable to record FMP Talk to department in charge for Ask staff for a key to the room
Dance Theater to being locked scenes that room before hand
Dance Theater Already housing people Unable to get clear shots, Talk to department in charge for Ask students already in there if I can
that have been in the might have people in the that room before hand film in a small area out of the way
room for longer shots or unable to record
Dance Theater Unable to book out Unable to record without Ask staff for help with the booking Go directly to the media technicians
camera proper equipment system to ask for help with the booking
system | If unable to get sorted, use
camera from home.
Dancer is absent due to Unable to use original Heavy communication with actor Have and use second dancer on
Dance theater medical or other dancer to know what is happening and standby.
engagements when

Dance Theater Unable to use location to

film due to booking Unable to film my project Book out the media studio Book out the media studio via Ben

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