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Name (Last, First): USI:

PHY1290 – Introductory Labs 2 Date:

Lab #4

1. TITLE: Kirchhoff’s Laws

2. AIM: To verify Kirchhoff’s Current Law and Voltage Law
According to the law of conservation of charge, charge is neither created nor destroyed. What we
consider as a current is the movement of charge within a conductor over an interval of time. A series
circuit is a circuit which provides only one path for the current to flow whereas a parallel circuit provides
multiple paths. In the latter case, when the current meets a junction in the circuit, the total charge entering
the junction must equal the total charge leaving it. The same can be said for the current, assuming the
time interval being considered is the same for each portion of charge.
Kirchhoff’s current law accounts for this phenomenon – the algebraic sum of currents entering and
exiting any node in a circuit is zero.
Electric potential energy is expended to move charge around a circuit. This energy is provided by the
power source. The energy gained by unit charge in a circuit from the power source must equal the energy
lost by unit charge as it travels around the circuit. An increase/gain in energy is associated with active
devices such as batteries and generators and the decrease/loss of energy is associated with passive devices
such as resistors and bulbs/lamps.
Kirchhoff’s voltage law states that the algebraic sum of the voltages (electromotive forces and potential
differences) in a loop is zero.


4. APPARATUS/MATERIALS: Falstad Circuit Simulator Applet:


Compiled by: Joash Gobin – Department of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, University of Guyana,
Name (Last, First): USI:
PHY1290 – Introductory Labs 2 Date:
Lab #4

Figure 5.1 – Simulation Circuit Used to Verify Kirchhoff’s Current Law

Figure 5.2 – Simulation Circuit Used to Verify Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law

1. Follow the link
2. From the ‘Circuits’ tab, choose ‘Blank Circuit’
3. Set up the circuit depicted in figure 5.1 using the Voltage Source (2-terminal), wires, resistors and
4. Set the voltage of the DC voltage source to 2 volts
5. Run the simulation
6. Record the currents entering the three (3) branches of the parallel circuit and the total current
leaving the voltage source
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for voltages ranging from 4 volts to 14 volts at regular intervals of 2 volts

Compiled by: Joash Gobin – Department of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, University of Guyana,
Name (Last, First): USI:
PHY1290 – Introductory Labs 2 Date:
Lab #4

8. Create another blank circuit

9. Set up the circuit depicted in figure 5.2 using Voltage Source (2-terminal), wires, resistors and
10. Set the voltage of the voltage source to 2 volts
11. Run the simulation
12. Record the voltage readings from the voltmeters in parallel with the respective resistors
13. Repeat steps 10 to 12 for voltages ranging from 4 volts to 14 volts at regular intervals of 2 volts

Table 7.1 – Template for recording results for Kirchhoff’s Current Law simulation

Source voltage Current through 5 Current through Current through Current leaving
(V) ohm resistor (mA) 10 ohm resistor 15 ohm resistor voltage supply
(mA) (mA) (mA)

Table 7.2 – Template for recording results for Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law simulation

Source voltage (V) Voltage across 5 ohm Voltage across 10 ohm Voltage across 15 ohm
resistor (mV) resistor (mV) resistor (mV)

1. For the currents flowing through the individual resistors recorded in table 7.1, calculate the sums
of the currents and compare to the current flowing through the voltage source found by dividing
the source’s voltage by the total resistance of the resistors.
2. For the voltages across the individual resistors recorded in table 7.2, calculate the sums of the
voltages and compare to the voltage of the source.
3. If the 5 and 10 ohm resistors were in series with each other and their combination was parallel
with the 15 ohm resistor, find the currents flowing through and the voltage across each resistor,
given that the battery voltage is 15 volts. Find the current flowing through the battery.

Compiled by: Joash Gobin – Department of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, University of Guyana,
Name (Last, First): USI:
PHY1290 – Introductory Labs 2 Date:
Lab #4

4. What is a potential divider? Explain its function by making reference to Kirchhoff’s laws and the
use of diagrams and equations.
5. Explain the function of the Wheatstone bridge with the use of equations used for the potential
divider along with diagrams.

Compiled by: Joash Gobin – Department of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, University of Guyana,

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