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Lesson 7: Stoichiometry

What is Stoichiometry?
Stoichiometry deals with the relationship between the amount of reactants consumed and the
amount of products formed expressed in moles.
1. How many grams of HCl ( FW=36 g/mole ) will be required to completely neutralize 4.0 grams of
NaOH ( FW=40g/mole )?
Solution :
HCl + NaOH -------- H2O + NaCl
?g 4.0 g
4.0 g NaOH x 1 mole NaOH / 40g NaOH x 36 g HCl / 1 mole HCl x 1 moleHCl / 1 mole
Mass of HCl = 3.6 grams HCl
2. When 1.06 grams of Na2CO3 (FW=106g/mole) reacts with 3.65 grams of HCl (FW=36 g/mole),how
much H2CO3 (FW=62 g/mole) in grams will be formed? Which reactant is the limiting reactant?
2 HCl + Na2CO3 -------- H2CO3 + 2NaCl
3.65 g 1.06 g ?g
Mole of H2CO3 = 3.65 g HCl x 1 mole HCl / 36 g HCl x 1 mole H2CO3/2 mole HCl
= 0.0506 mole H2CO3
Mole H2CO3 = 1.06g Na2CO3 x 1 mole Na2CO3/106g Na2CO3 x 1 mole H2CO3 / 1
mole Na2CO3 = 0.01 mole H2CO3
Limiting Reactant = Na2CO3
Grams H2CO3 = 0.01 mole H2CO3 x 62 g H2CO3 / 1 mole H2CO3 = 0.62 g H2CO3

Weight-Weight Calculations
Example :
1.Calculate the weight of oxygen needed to burn 20.0 g of methane.What weight of carbon dioxide and
water are formed?
Let x=wt of oxygen needed y = wt of CO2 formed z = wt of water formed Mol wt. of the ff:
CH4 = 16 g/mole O2 = 32 g/mole CO2 = 44 g/mole H2O = 18g/mole Balanced Equation :
CH4 + 2O2 -------- CO2 + 2H2O
20 g x y z
16 g/mole 2(32 g/mole) 44 g 2 (18 g/mole)
Solve for the weight of oxygen needed (x) 20g / 16g/mole = x / 64 g/mole
X = 20g (64) / 16 X = 80 grams O2
Weight of CO2 formed (y) 20 g / 16g = y / 44 g Y = 20g (44) / 16 g
Y = 55 g CO2
Weight of H2O formed ( z ) 20 g / 16 g = z / 36 g Z = 20 g (36 g) /16 g
Z = 45 g H2O

WEIGHT – VOLUME Calculations

At S.C. : P = 760 mm Hg ; T = 273 K
1.How many grams of zinc must react with sulfuric acid to produce 1000ml of hydrogen gas at S.T.P. ?
Let X = weight of zinc needed to react with sulfuric acid
Mol.wt. of zinc = 65 g/mole
Balanced Equation: Zn + H2SO4 -------- ZnSO4 + H2
X 1000ml
Solved for Zn :
X / 65 g/mole = 1 L / 22.4 L mole ( one mole of a gas occupies 22.4 liters at standard
conditions )
X = 65 g / 22.4 X = 2.9 g of zinc

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