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Lesson 6: Quantitative Composition of Compounds

Molecular weight (Formula weight)

The smallest particle of a compound that can exist is termed a molecule. A molecule is form by the
union of two or more atoms of the elements of which the compound is composed. Molecular weight like
an atomic weight is regarded as a relative weight. Molecular weight expressed in gram is called gram
molecular weight.
Example: Calculate the mol.wt of water
H=2 x 1 = 2
O= 1 x 16 = 16
Mol. Wt. = 18 grams

Percent Composition of Compounds

% of Element = total wt of the element x 100%
Example Calculate the percent composition of water.First ,calculate the mol wt. of water.
%H = 2 / 18 x 100 = 11.11 %
%O = 16/ 18 x 100 = 88.89% for a total of 100%
A mole is defined as the amount of substance that contain as many elemental entities as there are
number of atoms in exactly 12 grams of carbon.The number of atoms has been determined
experimentally to be equal to 6.02 x 1023 and this is known as Avogadro’s number
1. Calculate the no. of moles present in 85 grams NaOH.
The mol wt of NaOH is 40 g;therefore there are 40 g of NaOH in 1 mole.
85 g NaOH x 1 mol NaOH / 40g NaOH = 2.12 mole NaOH
Or using the formula: No.of Mole(n) = weight of substance ( m ) ( g )/ Mol.Wt (mol wt) ( g /
mol ) n = m / mw n = 85 g / 40 g /mol n = 2.12 mole NaOH
2.Calculate the mass in grams of 0.72 mole Calcium Phosphate.
Ca3(PO4)2 mol wt of calcium phosphate = 310 g/mol
Mass in grams ? if n = m/m.w. then mass = n x m. w.
Mass = 0.72 mol x 310 g / mol = 223 g calcium phosphate
3. Calculate the number of molecules in 24.5grams CO2
Mol.wt. of CO2 = 44 g/mol No.of molecule in 1 mole of CO2=6.02 x 10 23 molecules
n = m / m.w.
No.of moles = n x 6.02 x 1023
= 0.56 x 6.02 x 1023 = 3.37 x 1023 molecules CO2
4. It is found that 8.25 g of metal combine with oxygen to form 17.80 g of metal oxide. Calculate the
percent of metal and oxygen in the compound.
Mass of metal oxide = 17.80 g Mass of metal = 8.25 g
Mass of oxygen = 17.80 – 8.25 = 9.55 g
% of metal = 8.25 / 17.80 x 100 = 46.35 %
% of oxygen = 9.55 / 17.80 x 100 = 53.65% a total of 100%

Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula

1. A compound is found to contain 1.59% hydrogen,22.2% nitrogen and 76.2% oxygen.Write the
empirical formula.
Percent composition is proportionate to the relative weights of the elements,so that 100 grams of
compound we have:
H = 1.59 g / 1 g/mole = 1.59 mole / 1.59 = 1H
N = 22.2 g / 12 g/mole = 1.59 mole / 1.59 = 1N
O = 76.2 g / 16 g/mole = 4.77 mole / 1.59 = 3O
Empirical Formula is HNO3
2. A compound is found to contain 27.3 g carbon, 4.55 g hydrogen and 36.4 g oxygen. If the molecular
weight of the compound is found to be 90 g, calculate the molecular formula.
First determine the E.F.
C = 27.3 g / 12 g/mole = 2.28 mole / 2.28 = 1
H = 4.55 g / 1 g/mole = 4.55 mole / 2.28 = 2
O = 36.4 g / 16 g/mole = 2.28 mole / 2.28 = 1
Empirical Formula is CH2O
The mass of the empirical formula unit is:
C = 1 mole / 12 g/mole = 12 g
H = 2 moles / 1 g/mole = 2g
O = 1 mole / 16 g/mole = 16 g
If we divide this into the molecular weight we find that there are three of this formula unit in a
molecule, thus ( 90 g / 30 g = 3 ).Therefore the molecular formula is 3(CH2 O ) = C3H6O3

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