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Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244

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Urban parks: Visitors’ perceptions versus spatial indicators

Gyula Kothencz ∗ , Thomas Blaschke
Department of Geoinformatics – Z GIS, University of Salzburg, Schillerstraße 30, 5020, Salzburg, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Urban green spaces and their role in the quality of life of residents have been studied across multi-
Received 24 June 2016 ple disciplines, based on empirical measurements or qualitative studies – however, the relation, and its
Received in revised form 6 February 2017 strength, between spatial indicators of urban green spaces and visitors’ perceptions of green spaces are
Accepted 7 February 2017
less known. Addressing this knowledge deficit, the present research uses a Geographical Information
Available online 8 March 2017
System (GIS) to link subjective evaluations of the physical environment and objective spatial indicators,
to examine the correlation between the perceived and objective characteristics of five urban parks in the
city of Szeged, Hungary. A questionnaire survey was used to collect residents’ subjective perceptions of
Urban park
Urban green space
the parks, while objective – which is to say measurable and mappable – spatially explicit indicators of the
Subjective interpretation of the physical respective green spaces were calculated using GIS. The subjective evaluations of the parks were matched
environment to the objective indicators using a multiple regression analysis. The statistical analysis yielded two mod-
Objective, spatial indicators erate and two minor correlations between the human perceptions of the investigated green spaces and
Perceived quality of life the nine objective environmental indicators examined. These results showed that subjective evaluations
GIS and objective data reveal different aspects of the same reality. Therefore, the recommendations from this
study are to collectively use human perceptions and objective environmental indicators, both of which
are fundamental for adequately capturing the role of urban green spaces in quality of life.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction to human well-being is the shelter and habitat that green spaces
provide for biodiversity (Fontana et al., 2011).
Urban society is largely detached from the natural environ- The human perception of the ambient environment is subjec-
ment. This triggers a great demand for the services provided by tive, and differs from person to person (Hernández-Morcillo et al.,
urban green spaces. Urban green areas are essential contributors to 2013; Langemeyer et al., 2015); hence, the benefits derived from
human health and quality of life (Lee and Maheswaran, 2011; Maas urban green spaces and their objective properties are interpreted
et al., 2006), and they therefore provide a great scope for investi- individually. Therefore, the analysis of perceptual information
gating the human perceptions of the physical environment. Beyond on green spaces is challenging, although not unprecedented. For
the most obvious aesthetical benefits (Chen et al., 2009; James et al., example, Baur et al. (2013) researched the public attitude about
2009) served by urban green spaces, urban green contributes to the urban nature parks of Portland, USA, based on cognitive, affective
recreation of inhabitants and to the maintenance of social cohesion and behavioural components, and on social networks. Irvine et al.
(Germann-Chiari and Seeland, 2004; Kaźmierczak, 2013; Tzoulas (2009) analysed the soundscape of green spaces in Sheffield, UK.
et al., 2007). Other essential societal benefits, such as the advanta- Jim and Chen (2006) investigated residents’ perceptions of ecosys-
geous contribution of urban green to physical and mental health, tem services, and the condition and design preferences of green
are also widely emphasised (Van Herzele and Wiedemann, 2003; spaces in Guangzhou, China.
Wolch et al., 2014). Urban green surfaces effectively regulate the In contrast to perceived benefits, the objective indicators of
microclimate of their surroundings (Oliveira et al., 2011; Takács urban green spaces capture well measurable and quantifiable phys-
et al., 2014), and substantially contribute to air purification in cities ical attributes (Tsurumi and Managi, 2015). As their analysis is
(Escobedo and Nowak, 2009). An indirect, but still essential service relatively straightforward compared to subjective data genres,
objective indicators of green spaces are extensively researched
(Bowler et al., 2010) and utilised to support urban planning (Lakes
and Kim, 2012). For example, objective indicators of green spaces
∗ Corresponding author. are applied for biodiversity preservation (Fontana et al., 2011) or
E-mail addresses: (G. Kothencz), microclimate regulation (Lin et al., 2015). (T. Blaschke).
0264-8377/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
234 G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244

Understanding residents’ perceptions of the services provided domains. One of the few detailed studies using spatially explicit
by green spaces is equally important to quantitative data, and both methods found relatively low correlations (McCrea et al., 2006).
are crucial for the assessment of quality of life. Quality of life studies This finding corresponds with those from von Wirth et al. (2015),
have hitherto focused on either objective or subjective research, who identified a weak relationship between subjectively assessed
but rarely analysed the relation of the two different information

Fig. 1. Geographic location of Szeged.

G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244 235

and objective quality of life indicators of the safety in public spaces 2. Methods
and the access to central urban facilities.
Studies exploring the linkage between perceived and objec- 2.1. Study area
tive attributes of urban green spaces are equally infrequent. In
the context of subjective and objective urban greenness, Rhew The authors studied five parks of the city of Szeged, Hungary,
et al. (2011) and Leslie et al. (2010) probed possible correlations which is geographically situated in the Great Hungarian Plain
between values of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index region and stretching across the River Tisza (Fig. 1). Szeged is the
(NDVI) and perceived greenness. Rhew et al. (2011) noted a strong economic, educational and cultural centre of the “Southern Great
correlation between the perceived greenness, as reported by envi- Plain” NUTS 2 statistical region, and is home to 160,000 citizens.
ronmental psychologists, and NDVI values. In contrast, based on The land cover of the urban area is highly diverse. The city centre
a survey amongst citizens of Warrnambool, Australia, Leslie et al. was built in a classic late 19th to early 20th century architecture.
(2010) found a lack of agreement between subjective neighbour- The densely built up inner city districts around the historical cen-
hood greenness and the NDVI. tre are surrounded by five to ten storey apartment blocks in the
The knowledge deficit is even more apparent when the relation outer areas. The outermost districts are characterised by one or
between objective and subjective indicators of urban green spaces two storey detached houses.
is confounded by spatial indicators of the green spaces. Within this urban construct, a variety of public green areas sup-
Considering all the aforementioned aspects in relation to urban port the recreational demand of city dwellers. Our study focused
green area assessment, this study addressed the following knowl- on five parks of Szeged (Fig. 2). The 20 ha Erzsébet liget (ER) is in
edge gap: the degree of relationship between visitors’ subjective the vicinity of the city centre, and is mostly covered by lawn and
evaluations of urban parks and objective, spatially explicit indica- patches of woods, making it the most natural green space of the
tors of the same public green spaces remains to be explored. studied areas. The surroundings are characterised by diverse archi-
Based on the outlined research gap, the objective of this study tecture, ranging from spaciously placed (20th century, early 21st
was to investigate the degree of relationship between human century) detached and semi-detached houses with gardens, to 5–10
perceptions of urban green spaces and spatial environmental indi- floor apartment blocks, to schools, student housings and sports
cators of these studied green spaces by matching perceived and facilities. The Dugonics tér (DU) is a recently (2014) refurbished
reported features of the parks to their spatial environmental indi- square right in the city centre with 50% sealed surface to cater to
cators. the needs of extensive pedestrian traffic. The Széchenyi tér (SZ) is

Fig. 2. The studied parks.

236 G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244

the attractive main square of the city, largely covered by appeal- 2.2. Hypotheses
ing greenery, flower beds and trees. The architecture around both
DU and SZ is dominated by late 19th early 20th century architec- We formulated a number of assumptions about the subjective
ture (neo-baroque, eclectic, etc.). The spacious Vér-tó square (VE), perceptions of urban parks. The hypotheses development was built
of which a substantial part is covered by a lake, is situated near the upon evidence from previous literature (Table 1). A survey was
edge of the city, surrounded by 5–10 storey apartment blocks. The designed to collect subjective data for testing the hypotheses. The
fifth area, the Zápor-tó square (ZA) is characterised by similar envi- questions in the survey addressed these hypotheses, aiming to
ronmental and sociological settings as the VE, with a pond in the reveal participants’ perceptions. Objective spatial indicators based
middle, while being surrounded by blocks of flats. The differences on remote sensing and GIS analyses were expected to correlate with
to the VE are the lower noise disturbance and the pleasant atmo- the aggregated survey responses (Table 1).
sphere. While ER, DU and SZ attract the whole spectrum of Szeged’s
society, VE and ZA are almost exclusively visited by the middle class 2.3. Source of subjective data: survey
and lower middle class population living in nearby housing.
Initially, surveys were also conducted in two additional parks, in A survey was designed to investigate park visitors’ subjective
the Mátyás tér (MA) and the Búvár-tó (BU). Due to the unbalanced evaluations of features and services of the five green spaces. Top-
gender distribution of the surveyed participants in these parks the ics of the survey were the personal judgement of the park, the
two areas were not included in the multiple regression analysis (for greenness, the accessibility, and the functions of the park. Partici-
details, see Section 2.7). Consequently, MA and BU are not described pants were asked to respond to questions on a Likert scale, with
in greater detail, and are only noted throughout the article when ratings between 1 (worst) and 5 (best). An early version of the
relevant. survey was tested with experts and non-experts and unsatisfac-

Table 1
Hypotheses on perceived and objective spatiality of urban parks.

Hypotheses Referring question(s) (Subjective evaluations) Verifying objective property (Objective spatial indicators)

1. Bigger sized parks are more appealing to How much do you like the area? Area of the parks
visitors (Nordh et al., 2009; Schipperijn
et al., 2010). How much does the area satisfy the below
functions? => The look of the area, scenery.
2. Greener parks are more appealing to How natural do you think the area is? Area weighted NDVI for the parks
visitors (Nordh et al., 2009; Peschardt
et al., 2016). Are there enough green areas here? Area of vegetated surfaces

How much does the greenness of the area

contribute to the quality of life?

How much does the area satisfy the below

functions? => The look of the area, scenery.
3. Parks with greater ratio of green surfaces How natural do you think the area is? Percentage of vegetated surfaces
are more appealing to visitors (Nordh
et al., 2009; Nordh and Østby, 2013; Are there enough green areas here?
Peschardt et al., 2016)
How much does the greenness of the area
contribute to the quality of life?

How much does the area satisfy the below

functions? => The look of the area, scenery.
4. The presence of water surfaces makes How much do you like the area? Percentage of water surfaces
the green environment more appealing
to visitors (Nordh et al., 2009; Regan and How much does the area satisfy the below
Horn, 2005). functions? => The look of the area, scenery.
5. The visibility and look of the buildings How much do you like the area? Number of building units in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks
surrounding the urban parks contributes
to the human perception of the park How much does the area satisfy the below Percentage of built up area in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks
(Dee, 2001; Nordh and Østby, 2013). functions? => The look of the area, scenery.
Average building height in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks

Standard deviation of building heights in a 50 m buffer zone

around the parks
6. The building density around urban parks How much do you like the area? Number of building units in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks
influences the human perception of the
parks (Bonaiuto et al., 2003; Dee, 2001). How much does the area satisfy the below Percentage of built up area in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks
functions? => The look of the area, scenery.
7. The typical architecture of the How much do you like the area? Site inspection
surrounding buildings significantly
contributes to the personal opinion of How much does the area satisfy the below
green area visitors (Berney, 2006). functions? => The look of the area, scenery.
8. Disturbance indicators are expected to What are the disturbance factors at the area? Number of disturbance indicators (non-spatial indicator)
be significantly related to lower
perceptions of urban parks (Nordh and
Østby, 2013).
G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244 237

tory questions were redesigned according to the experiences and out panchromatic sharpening. This image was used to calculate
recommendations obtained from the pre-test. The amended ver- the NDVI, a widely-used measure of biomass based on the spectral
sion was reviewed by an expert focus group, comprising scientists reflectance difference between the red and near-infrared spectra. A
from environmental psychology, geography and geoinformatics. higher quantity of vegetation and higher biodiversity within urban
Ultimately, the survey was again reworked, and finally approved settings has a positive relation to the quality of urban life (Carrus
by the expert focus group members. The final survey consisted of et al., 2015). Being a measure of biomass, the NDVI has been widely
30 questions. applied as an indicator of quality of life (Jun, 2006). The NDVI has
Two field campaigns using a semi-random sampling method been used by a number of scholars (Balseviciene et al., 2014; Pereira
were carried out in April and May of 2014 in the five parks. The et al., 2013) to estimate greenery when investigating socially sig-
whole survey was conducted by one person interviewing visitors nificant issues.
in one park and then moving on to the next park. The survey of a
single green space was conducted throughout three to four consec- 2.4.2. Very high resolution aerial image
utive days at different times each day to reach a wide spectrum of A 10 cm ground resolution colour aerial image (DPGG, 2011) was
visitors. used to map parks, vegetated areas, and water surfaces within the
The survey targeted a confidence interval (margin of error) green spaces.
below ±10%, with 95% confidence level, which required a sample
size of at least 100 answered questionnaires (Niles, 2015). To make 2.4.3. Auxiliary GIS data
the data robust, the targeted sample size was a minimum of 200 A cadastral layer of Szeged was used to calculate the number and
questionnaires. area of building units around the parks. A Szeged building height
After the April survey, it became apparent that reaching 200 layer (Sümeghy et al., 2011) enabled a very accurate representation
answers was not possible, as only one surveyor was available for of building heights and their influence on the public perception of
the field work for four working days in April and four in May. There- the park amenities.
fore, to gain the desired minimum sample size, an internet survey
with the same questions was set up, aside from the in-situ data col- 2.4.4. Area weighted NDVI for participants’ neighbourhoods
lection, and operated from May to July 2014. The link to the survey To capture the perceived greenness of the parks in comparison
was sent out to eighteen local non-governmental organizations and to the respondents’ residential areas, the reported greenness dif-
clubs (sports clubs, senior clubs, the local Lions Club, an organisa- ference between parks and neighbourhoods served as subjective
tion for socially deprived citizens, etc.), thus reaching an expansive data input. The analogous objective indicator was calculated for
and diverse range of the city’s society. The administrators of these polygons of 50 m buffer zones around the centroids of participants’
organisations distributed the questionnaire to their members, and reported neighbourhoods. A buffer size of fifty meters was chosen
to anyone else the organisations are connected to or work with. It according to an earlier study, in which the same buffer size even-
was crucial to guarantee that the individuals sampled through the tuated in convincing results to describe area of green surfaces in
internet survey were equal to the field survey participants in terms urban neighbourhoods (Chen et al., 2014).
of familiarity with the respective study area. Hence, respondents’
knowledge of the parks was ensured in the following way. Respon- 2.5. Generation of objective green space indicators
dents’ neighbourhood was elicited in the survey. Answers were
only used from residents of Szeged and its close agglomeration. As Objective spatial indicators representing the physical properties
the study areas are well known both in Szeged and its catchment, of the park environments were selected based on experiences from
this practice ensured that participants knew the respective parks. earlier studies and on recommendations of our expert focus group.
During the two field campaigns, 125 samples were collected The indicators were generated using GIS (except indicator 8.). The
(including MA and BU: n = 159), with response rates of 92% in April indicators were expected to correlate with participants’ subjective
and 88% in May. The web survey was completed by 130 persons. responses, according to our hypotheses (see Section 2.2).
Altogether, 255 surveys were completed for the five areas (289 1. Area of the parks: Polygons of the studied parks were created
including BU and MA). After data verification, and a spatial overlay based on the aerial image. Then the area of each park was calculated
of the centroids of participants’ reported neighbourhoods with the (Nordh et al., 2009; Peschardt et al., 2016); Hypothesis 1.
Pléiades scene (see Section 2.4), 227 (261 including BU and MA) 2. Area weighted NDVI for the parks: Area weighted NDVI was
records proved to be sufficient for further processing. calculated for the polygons of the parks; Hypothesis 2.
3. Area of vegetated surfaces: Polygons of the vegetated sur-
2.3.1. Number of disturbance indicators faces within each park were digitised from the aerial image, and
Participants were asked to note disturbances in each park in the indicator was calculated for each park (Peschardt et al., 2016);
their own words (e.g. traffic noise, bad quality pavement). The Hypothesis 2.
number of noted disturbance indicators (Table 2) was numerically 4. Percentage of vegetated surfaces: The indicator was calcu-
summed up for each park, and the sum was also used as data input lated for the parks (Nordh et al., 2009; Nordh and Østby, 2013;
for the regression analysis and to test hypothesis 8. Peschardt et al., 2016) (Fig. 3); Hypothesis 3.
5. Percentage of water surfaces: The restorative function of
2.4. Source of objective data water surfaces is well known (Regan and Horn, 2005). The water
surfaces of the parks were digitised from the aerial image, and the
2.4.1. Satellite imagery indicator was calculated; Hypothesis 4.
A 120 km2 Pléiades satellite imagery (Astrium et al., 2014) scene The perception of green spaces highly depends on the look of the
from the 30th of August 2014 was used to derive data to measure surroundings outside the park (Nordh and Østby, 2013; Peschardt
the objective greenness of Szeged. The acquired bundle product et al., 2016). We aimed to investigate this relation with indicators
comprised a 2 m ground resolution multispectral image, including 6–9.
red, green, blue and near-infrared bands, and a 0.5 m resolution 6. Number of building units in a 50 m buffer zone around
panchromatic image. As retaining the original pixel values was the parks: Kyttä et al. (2013) found that the building density in
central to the measurement, and the 2 m resolution was sufficient buffer zones around the study participants’ homes contributes to
for the planned work, the multispectral product was used with- perceived environmental quality. This approach was adapted in
238 G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244

Fig. 3. Percentage of vegetated surfaces within the parks and percentage of built up area in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks.

indicator 6. Fifty meter buffer zones were generated around the 9 and 10. Average and standard deviation of building heights
parks. Based on the Szeged cadastral layer, the number of building in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks: Building heights in
units overlaid by the buffer zones was summed up for each park; Szeged are distinct markers of architectural styles. The studied
Hypotheses 5 and 6. green spaces with lower surrounding building heights and lower
The size of the buffer zones aimed for a high explanatory variations in the standard deviation of building heights are situ-
potential of the buffer areas, and to keep the incorporated con- ated in pleasant late 19th − early 20th century architectural settings
founding factors low. Experiments with different buffer radiuses (DU, SZ and partly ER). Meanwhile, architecture with greater build-
(50 m, 100 m and 200 m) revealed that buffer zones as small as ing heights or with greater variation in the standard deviation of
50 m already included all typical buildings and non-built up areas building heights are indicators of blocks of flats (VE and ZA) built in a
of the park surroundings, while expanding the radius did not add less attractive socialist realist style. The calculation of the two indi-
any valuable information to the buffers. This finding was confirmed cators was as follows: Building units overlaying the buffer zones
by Veldhuizen et al. (2013), who suggested that “the explanatory of the parks were selected from the Szeged building height layer.
power is strongest for small buffers, and it declines with increas- Then, the two indicators were calculated; Hypothesis 5.
ing buffer size”. Eventually a buffer size of 50 m was chosen and Table 2 lists the respective values for the calculated objective
applied. spatial indicators of the five parks.
7. The percentage of built up area in a 50 m buffer zone
around the parks: The indicator was calculated for each park, based 2.6. Integrating subjective and objective data
on the area of buildings in the buffer zones of the respective parks
and the area of the zones (Fig. 3); Hypotheses 5 and 6. The 261 questionnaire records (including BU and MA), together
8. Surrounding architecture: The view outside the green spaces with all calculated objective spatial indicators, were joined to the
is largely dominated by the surrounding architecture, which can respective records of the attribute table of the neighbourhood cen-
therefore contribute to the perceived aesthetical qualities of the troid layer, respectively to the parks in which the participants were
study areas (Dee, 2001). To investigate the hypothesised relation, surveyed. The following process was applied to ensure optimal
information regarding the typical architecture surrounding the matching of the sub-samples to the objective spatial indicators. The
green spaces was collected by site inspections; Hypothesis 7. first question of the web based survey was to specify which one
G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244 239

Table 2
Objective indicators of the studied parks.
Parks 1. Area of the 2. Area weighted 3. Area of 4. Percentage of 5. Percentage of 6. Number of 7. Percentage of 8. Surrounding 9. Average 10. Standard Number of
parks (ha) NDVI for the vegetated vegetated water surfaces building units in built up area in a architecturea building height deviation of disturbance
parks surfaces (ha) surfaces (%) (%) a 50 m buffer 50 m buffer zone in a 50 m buffer building heights indicatorsb
zone around the around the zone around the in a 50 m buffer
parks parks (%) parks (m) zone around the
parks (m)
Erzsébet liget 19.57 0.337316 16.78 85.75 0 45 10.19 B 12.88 6.94 42
Dugonics tér 0.60 0.232273 0.31 52.05 2.24 24 30.92 A 14.49 6.70 21
Széchenyi tér 2.97 0.314700 1.65 55.50 0 29 34.76 A 17.99 5.68 24
Vér-tó 5.87 0.180273 3.70 63.06 36.94 16 8.03 C 30.11 4.94 50
Zápor-tó 3.28 0.314616 2.38 72.65 21.59 20 16.50 C 13.38 12.34 25
Surrounding architecture: A) Dominated by late 19th early 20th century architecture (neo-baroque, eclectic, etc.). B) Mixed architecture: speciously placed (20th century,
early 21st century) detached and semi-detached houses (1–4 floors) with gardens; 5–10 floor apartment blocks; 2–10 floor educational, academic and public buildings. C)
Dominated by 5–10 floor apartment blocks (2nd half of the 20th century).
Reported by survey participants, therefore it is subjective.

of the five parks the participant wanted to characterise, by using a park. The described process enabled matching the sub-sample from
radio button right after the introductory text. The introductory text the web based survey to the objective spatial indicators by using
clearly informed respondents that their answers were to be made Table Join function in GIS software. Similarly, sub-samples from the
with reference only to the chosen park and none of the other areas. field survey were matched to the objective spatial indicators of the
This practice ensured that both the respondents and the authors parks.
knew for which of the five parks the answers were given. By using
the radio button, the name of the park was automatically writ-
2.7. Analytical process
ten in the respective record of the database of the online survey.
The name of the park in each record therefore uniquely identified
The collected subjective data and the calculated objective spa-
the study area for each respondent. Another unique identification
tial indicators were studied in comparison to each other during
code was generated for each answered questionnaire form. Thus
an extensive analytical process, to identify and quantify relation-
each questionnaire record included the unique identifier of the
ships between the perceived properties of the studied parks and
park and the unique identifier of the form. Records of the objec-
their environmental indicators. The overall workflow is depicted
tive spatial indicators were labelled with the name of the respective
in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. The workflow of the applied methodology.

240 G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244

Table 3
Factor loadings (F1–F3), communalities (h2 ), item means (M), item standard deviations (SD) and part-whole corrected selectivity of the 3-factor solution (rit ): F1 Impression
of green, healthy and recreational environment, F2 Impression of the state of the park, F3 Assessment of accessibility of the park by private or public transport.

Item F1a F2a F3a h2 M SD rit

How much does the area satisfy the below functions? 0.746 −0.133 0.198 0.613 3.765 1.072 0.675
Reduction of air pollution.

How natural do you think the area is? 0.745 0.006 0.077 0.562 3.765 0.992 0.646

How much does the area satisfy the below functions? A variety of plant and 0.716 −0.150 0.247 0.596 3.490 1.097 0.632
animal life.

Are there enough green areas here? 0.693 0.075 0.093 0.495 3.945 1.128 0.569

How much does the area satisfy the below functions? Cooler summer 0.693 −0.117 0.155 0.519 3.761 0.993 0.612
temperatures by the green area.

How much does the greenness of the area contribute to this quality of life? 0.597 0.195 −0.093 0.403 4.522 0.752 0.452

How quiet is the area in terms of traffic noise? 0.553 0.007 −0.286 0.387 3.216 1.029 0.389

How much does the area satisfy the below functions? Recreation. 0.523 0.103 0.327 0.391 4.224 0.799 0.457

How much do you like the area? 0.501 0.171 0.180 0.312 4.498 0.608 0.418

How green do you feel this area is compared to the area where you live? 0.479 −0.050 −0.032 0.233 3.231 1.266 0.365

Is the area well kept? −0.048 0.752 −0.087 0.575 3.935 0.974 0.480

Are there enough benches? −0.061 0.747 −0.027 0.562 3.273 1.165 0.519

Is the quality of paving of the sealed surfaces good enough? −0.020 0.681 0.192 0.500 3.665 1.139 0.490

How much does the area satisfy the below functions? The look of the area, 0.186 0.674 0.214 0.534 4.362 0.740 0.475

How do you consider the accessibility of this area? By car. 0.139 −0.019 0.755 0.590 4.122 1.006 0.474

How do you consider the accessibility of this area? By public transport. −0.022 0.185 0.749 0.596 4.682 0.606 0.465

How do you consider the accessibility of this area? By bike. 0.158 0.055 0.659 0.462 4.659 0.613 0.426
F1: Impression of green, healthy and recreational environment; F2: Impression of the state of the park; F3: Assessment of accessibility of the park by private or public
transport. Values of factor loadings included into each factor are highlighted in bold.

The final output table from the GIS analysis served as the forming a factor analysis. An interpretable three-factor solution
input data for the statistical analysis. The initial step was to con- was determined, with a total explained variance of 49.01%. Item for-
vert nominal data to dichotomous type dummy variables. Then, mulations, factor loadings, and communalities of the three-factor
an explorative data analysis was conducted to check the data solution (in descending order by factor loadings) are depicted in
set for errors and outliers. In the next step, principal component Table 3.
analysis (PCA) was applied to reduce the number of variables Factor 1 was termed “Impression of green, healthy and recre-
used in the questionnaire. In other words, based on the par- ational environment” (explained variance: 24.05%), factor 2 as
ticipants’ answers, the questions addressing similar topics were “Impression of the state of the park” (explained variance: 13.04%),
collected to principal common themes (conceptual data dimen- and factor 3 as “Assessment of accessibility of the park by private
sions, subjective assessment dimensions, or factor-item-pools). or public transport” (explained variance: 11.92%).
The PCA identified a three-factor-solution to the inter-correlation The factor dimensions were checked by item analysis (reliabil-
matrix of the questionnaire items (see Section 2.8 for details). ity analysis) in regard to their measuring precision (reliability),
Then, a reliability analysis was conducted on the identified con- whereby all three-factor dimensions showed suitable reliability
ceptual data dimensions using the Cronbach’s Alpha method, a (F1: Cronbach’s ␣ = 0.83, F2: Cronbach’s ␣ = 0.71, F3: Cronbach’s
coefficient that measures the internal consistency of the data ␣ = 0.65). The suitability of the three-factor dimensions is supported
dimensions (Cronbach, 1951). A Pearson Chi-Square-Test (Pearson, by earlier literature. Cronbach’s Alpha should be >0.80 when con-
1900), a measure of data distribution, showed significant differ- structing psychological “tests”; however, in terms of questionnaire
ences in the gender-distributions between visitors of the various data, Cronbach’s ␣ > 0.60 is acceptable (Bühner, 2004).
parks (2 (6,N = 261) = 13.54, p < 0.05). To eliminate the possibility of Scale type (interval) values for “Impression of green, healthy and
a “gender-bias”, the parks BU and MA were excluded from the sub- recreational environment”, “Impression of the state of the park”
sequent multiple linear regression analysis, due to the prevalence and “Assessment of accessibility of the park by private or public
of female study participants in these two parks. After removing the transport” were formed by calculating the mean, whereby higher
data of these parks from the study-sample, a further Pearson-Chi- values implied a higher expression of the dimension. Table 4 depicts
Square-Test no longer showed any significant gender-differences the inter-correlation matrix of the calculated scale values.
between the parks (2 (4,N = 227) = 3.91, p = n.s.). The final analysis Table 4 indicates that there is no correlation between the fac-
was a multiple linear regression using the subjective assessment tors “Impression of the state of the park” and “Impression of green,
dimensions as the dependent (“criterion”) variables (DV). This step, healthy and recreational environment”. There is only a small corre-
together with the results, is described in Section 3. lation between the factors “Assessment of accessibility of the park
by private or public transport” and “Impression of green, healthy
2.8. Factor structure and reliability analysis and recreational environment”.
Finally, the Pearson’s r indicated that there is no significant corre-
The KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity (2 (136,N = 261) = 1170.03, lation between the factors “Assessment of accessibility of the park
p < 0.01), measuring the homogeneity of data variance (Snedecor by private or public transport” and “Impression of the state of the
and Cochran, 1989), indicated that the data were suitable for per- park”.
G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244 241

Table 4 Table 6
Scale inter-correlation matrix (Pearson’s r) of the three factors extracted (N = 261). Beta values (Pearson’s r), t-values and VIF (collinearity statistics) for individual pre-
dictors for the dependent variable “Impression of the state of the park”.
Impression of Impression of Assessment of
green, healthy and the state of the accessibility of the Predictors ˇ∗∗ t p VIF
recreational park park by private or
Percentage of built up 0.43 7.33 0.00 1.01
environment public transport
area in a 50 m buffer
Impression of green, – 0.008 0.263* zone around the
healthy and parks
recreational Number of disturbance −0.25 −4.32 0.00 1.01
environment. indicators
Impression of the state 0.008 – 0.118
Note. ** p < 0.01.
of the park
Assessment of 0.263* 0.118 –
accessibility of the
park by private or
Based on the result, our 3rd hypothesis (“Parks with a greater ratio
public transport of green surfaces are more appealing to visitors”) is accepted.
Note. * p < 0.01.
3.3. Computation and results of correlations for the “Impression
of the state of the park”
According to the reliability analysis described in this section, the
data proved to be solid and reliable enough to further analyse using The final regression model for the criterion variable “Impression
multiple regression analysis. of the state of the park” was calculated. The p value proved to be
highly significant, with a corrected R2 = .26, an explained variance of
3. Results 26%, and F(2,219) = 40.56, p < 0.01. The statistical characteristics and
correlations of the individual predictors to the dependent variable
3.1. Regression analysis identified by the final regression model are provided in Table 6.
According to the results in Table 6, there is a moderate cor-
The three subjective assessment dimensions, excluding the relation between the “Impression of the state of the park” and
records of BU and MA, served as the dependent variables of the “Percentage of built up area in a 50 m buffer zone around the
a multiple regression analysis. The objective spatial indicators parks”. There is a low negative correlation between the indicators
and the architecture surrounding the parks were used as inde- “Impression of the state of the park” and “Number of disturbance
pendent variables (predictors) in each regression model. First, indicators”.
a stepwise regression model was used to isolate the rele- A higher expression of the dependent variable “Impression of
vant predictors. Then the relevant predictors were concurrently the state of the park” is correlated with a greater proportion of
inputted to a second analysis, combined with bootstrapping, to the building density objective indicator (“Percentage of built up
deliver robust regression estimates. Irrelevant independent vari- area in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks”) and a lower number
ables above a threshold of p > 0.10 were excluded from the final of reported disturbance indicators (“Number of disturbance indi-
regression, where p < 0.05 was set as the statistically significant cators”). The moderate correlation with the indicator “Percentage
probability for the entire model. Variance Inflation Factors (VIF) of built up area in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks” supports
measuring the multicollinearity effect (possible strong correlations hypothesis 6 (“The building density around urban parks influences
between independent variables) were calculated to identify possi- the human perception of the parks”); therefore hypothesis 6 is
ble interfering predictor-inter-correlations (which would lead to accepted. The low negative correlation with the “Number of dis-
effect-overestimations). turbance indicators” supports the acceptance of hypothesis 8 (“The
disturbance indicators are expected to be significantly related to
3.2. Computation and results of correlations for the “Impression lower perceptions of urban parks”).
of green, healthy and recreational environment”
3.4. Computation and results of correlations for the “Assessment
The final regression model for the variable “Impression of green, of accessibility of the park by private or public transport”
healthy and recreational environment” was calculated. The crite-
rion variable, with a corrected R2 = .24, an explained variance of The final regression model was calculated for the dependent
24.9%, and F(2,213) = 35.39, p < 0.01, proved to be statistically signifi- variable “Assessment of accessibility of the park by private or pub-
cant. The identified correlation between the criterion variable and lic transport”. The p value proved to be highly significant, with a
the correlating predictors is depicted in Table 5. corrected R2 = .06, an explained variance of 7.6%, and F(3,223) = 6.14,
According to the results in Table 5, there is a moderate corre- p< 0.01. The correlations for this criterion variable, identified by the
lation between the “Impression of green, healthy and recreational final regression model, are depicted in Table 7.
environment” and the “Percentage of vegetated surfaces”.
A higher expression of the variable “Impression of green, healthy Table 7
and recreational environment” is associated with a higher propor- Beta values (Pearson’s r), t-values and VIF (collinearity statistics) for individual pre-
tion of the objective indicator “Percentage of vegetated surfaces”. dictors for the dependent variable “Assessment of accessibility of the park by private
or public transport”.

Table 5 Predictors ˇ* t p VIF

Beta values (Pearson’s r), t-values and VIF (collinearity statistics) for individual pre- Standard deviation of building −0.15 −2.29 0.02 1.01
dictors for the dependent variable “Impression of green, healthy and recreational heights in a 50 m buffer zone
environment”. around the parks
Number of building units in a 0.13 1.97 0.05 1.01
Predictors ˇ** t p VIF
50 m buffer zone around the
Percentage of vegetated surfaces 0.48 8.00 0.00 1.01 parks

Note. ** p < 0.01. Note. * p < 0.05.

242 G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244

According to the results in Table 7, there is a low negative cor- tion that can be incorporated in decision-making processes. This is
relation between the indicators “Assessment of accessibility of the precisely the area that this study aimed to support by providing an
park by private or public transport” and the “Standard deviation of insight into different aspects of the same reality, revealed by a col-
building heights in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks”. There is a lective assessment of subjective information, visitors’ perceptions
low correlation between the indicators “Assessment of accessibil- of urban parks, and spatially explicit, objective data on the same
ity of the park by private or public transport” and the “Number of parks. The results of the work are discussed here.
building units in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks”. Results for “Impression of green, healthy and recreational envi-
A higher expression of the variable “Assessment of accessibility ronment” are in agreement with previous scientific evidence.
of the park by private or public transport” is associated with the Studies found the proportion of vegetated surfaces of urban parks
objective indicator “Number of building units in a 50 m buffer zone as being a key factor in visitors’ perceptions, and it has been proven
around the parks”, as well as with the indicator “Standard deviation to promote the recreational use of green spaces (Nordh et al.,
of building heights in a 50 m buffer zone around the parks”, to a 2011; Nordh et al., 2009; Peschardt et al., 2016). The previous
lesser extent. evidence affirms the identified moderate correlation between the
“Impression of green, healthy and recreational environment” and
3.5. Summary of identified correlations and accepted hypotheses the “Percentage of vegetated surfaces”. Furthermore, it supports
the acceptance of our 3rd hypothesis (“Parks with a greater ratio of
The statistical analysis revealed two moderate and two minor green surfaces are more appealing to visitors”).
correlations between the perceived park environments and the Results for the “Impression of the state of the park” suggest that
nine objective indicators of the studied parks (Table 8). A low visitors’ impressions of the parks are influenced by the scene sur-
correlation with the “Number of disturbance indicators” was also rounding the park and by the perceived disturbances. Concerning
identified. Beyond reflecting the identified correlations, Table 8 the grounds and the environments of the five study areas, these
shows that three out of the eight hypotheses (detailed in Table 1) findings are logical. Parks DU and SZ are surrounded by aesthetically
were accepted through moderate or low correlations. appealing and densely built late 19th and early 20th century archi-
tecture. At the same time their visitors reported the lowest number
4. Discussion of disturbance indicators. The relatively sparsely built architecture
around ER, VE and ZA exhibits considerably lower aesthetic quali-
City parks are essential contributors to the quality of urban life. ties than that surrounding DU and SZ, and the former parks have a
The importance of the societal and ecosystem benefits they provide high number of disturbance indicators. Our results are confirmed
will proliferate in the future, and help to assist cities in tackling by earlier studies, which found scenery – including building density
the ever growing needs of urban society and the increasing envi- and building aesthetics around urban parks – and reported dis-
ronmental challenges (e.g. extreme weather events). Methods for turbances as crucial determinants in human perception of urban
analysing well-measurable objective features of the urban green green spaces (Grahn and Stigsdotter, 2010; Mansor et al., 2012;
environment are vital for successfully coping with these challenges. Nordh and Østby, 2013; Peschardt et al., 2016). Results of the afore-
Beyond this factual information, the perceived urban green space mentioned studies also advocate for the acceptance of hypothesis
and the citizens’ satisfaction with and demand for services sup- 6 (“The building density around urban parks influences the human
plied by urban parks are equally important. The inherently different perception of the parks”) and hypothesis 8 (“The disturbance indi-
objective and subjective information reflect different aspects of cators are expected to be significantly related to lower perceptions
green spaces. Therefore, studies relying on either purely objective of urban parks”).
or on purely subjective methods can be limited in their view. On the The possible argument for the results associated with “Assess-
contrary, combined analyses may increase the wealth of informa- ment of accessibility of the park by private or public transport”

Table 8
Identified correlations and accepted hypotheses.

Objective indicators ␤-Beta values Correlating subjective assessment Accepted hypotheses (from Table 1)
(Pearson’s r) dimensions

Area of the parks (ha) – – –

Area of vegetated surfaces (ha) – – –

Percentage of vegetated surfaces (%) 0.48** Impression of green, healthy and 3. Parks with greater ratio of green
recreational environment surfaces are more appealing to visitors.

Area weighted NDVI for the parks – – –

Percentage of water surfaces (%) – – –

Number of building units in a 50 m buffer zone 0.13* Assessment of accessibility of the –

around the parks park by private or public transport

Percentage of built up area in a 50 m buffer 0.43** Impression of the state of the park 6. The building density around urban
zone around the parks (%) parks influences the human perception
of the parks.

Average building height in a 50 m buffer zone – – –

around the parks

Standard deviation of building heights in a −0.15* Assessment of accessibility of the –

50 m buffer zone around the parks park by private or public transport

Number of disturbance indicators −0.25** Impression of the state of the park 8. Disturbance indicators are expected
to be significantly related to lower
perceptions of urban parks.

Note. * p < 0.05,** p < 0.01.

G. Kothencz, T. Blaschke / Land Use Policy 64 (2017) 233–244 243

stems from the urban peculiarities of Szeged. Study areas sur- mental psychology would be crucial to improve the understanding
rounded by a greater number of buildings with a low variation in of the fuzzy relation of the perceived environment and objective
height are likely to be more easily accessible. In regard to the pre- environmental indicators.
dictor “Standard deviation of building heights in a 50 m buffer zone
around the parks”, there is little height deviation of buildings sur-
5. Conclusion
rounding ER, SZ and VE. In addition, the centre of Szeged, where DU
and SZ are situated, is densely built and boasts a high number of
This study provided an exploratory methodology to investigate
buildings. Due to the size of ER, it is also surrounded by a high num-
the link between measured spatially explicit indicators of urban
ber of buildings. The accessibility of these parks is generally good
green spaces and their contributions to subjective quality of life,
with all means of transport. Therefore, the aforementioned char-
as perceived and reported by their visitors. The statistical analy-
acteristics influenced the surveyed population enough to have an
ses partly resulted in minor and moderate correlations, while the
observable effect on the results. These outcomes are in line with
majority of the input data yielded no agreement between the sub-
those from previous studies, which revealed the importance of
jectively observed and objectively measured characteristics of the
the built environment surrounding urban parks (Nordh and Østby,
investigated areas. The links between objective measures of the
2013) and its effect on human perceptions in general (Dee, 2001).
urban parks and their surroundings and related subjective evalua-
The importance of building density was a strong factor in the per-
tions of the parks were not as strong as hypothesised. Nevertheless,
ceived environmental quality of urban neighbourhoods (Bonaiuto
based on a rigid statistical analysis, the results still support the
et al., 2003; Kyttä et al., 2013).
authors’ opinion that it is important to improve the urban qual-
In the present study, nine spatially explicit objective indicators
ity of life by taking into consideration both objective measures and
and the disturbance indicator were examined and compared to the
residents’ perceptions. The authors received very positive feedback
three subjective assessment dimensions. Concerning the objective
from many citizens in Szeged and from several institutions, and
indicators, two moderate and two minor correlations were found.
believe that the simultaneous application of subjective and objec-
Another minor correlation was identified regarding the number
tive indicators, together with additional input from subsequent
of disturbance indicators. The lack of strong correlations in this
studies to assess the citizens’ quality of life demands, can promote
research can be attributed to the different nature of the qualitative
informed decisions in urban planning and management to make
and quantitative data genres, as they reflect various aspects of the
cities more liveable.
analysed urban parks. The results produced by our work are in line
with the outcomes of other studies that identified a lack of agree-
ment between subjective evaluations of the urban environment Acknowledgements
and objective environmental indicators (Leslie et al., 2010; McCrea
et al., 2006; Van Herzele and Wiedemann, 2003). Our study thereby The authors thank Bernhard Brunner for his support in the sta-
suggests that decisions made based purely on objective data input tistical analysis. Thanks also go to our colleagues at the Department
or solely on subjective information cannot reveal features of green of Climatology and Landscape Ecology and the Department of Phys-
spaces as comprehensively as a mixed-methods approach. Conse- ical Geography and Geoinformatics of the University of Szeged
quently, the authors emphasise the importance of the collective for the data support and their help in the questionnaire survey.
application of qualitative and quantitative research instruments. We acknowledge Peter Ranacher and Michael Hodgson for their
Such an approach will ensure the consideration of a wider spec- valuable comments and suggestions. We thank the reviewer for
trum of the physical environment, which would not be possible taking the time to read the manuscript and provide constructive
using solely objective data or purely subjective information. suggestions for improvements. We also wish to thank Isabella Mer-
We identified two limitations of the study. First, there is a schdorf and Helena Merschdorf for proofreading the article. This
potential for measurement bias in this study when integrating research was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through
sub-samples from personal interviews within the parks and from the Doctoral College GIScience (DK W 1237-N23) at the University
the web survey. Online respondents’ knowledge of the parks was of Salzburg.
ensured (see Section 2.3), and their answers were matched to
specific parks (see Section 2.6). Still, one needs to be aware of poten-
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