Tom Flirt

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Issues or Concerns of Pilot

I. Introduction
A. What the job entails
1. The challenges and concerning issues of a
2. What requires me continuing the job

A. The common challenges about
becoming pilot
1. Fatique, stress, safety and full of
responsibility to the passengers
2. Responds to how changing conditions

A. Cost of effectiveness
B. Fuel insufficiency
1. weight, engine, size
2. Speed affect the fuel efficiency of the

IV. Conclusion
A. Short summary of everything
B. Includes problem solution on
concerning issues
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have your office 30,000 feet
above the ground? Aviation is a career that I’m interested with it, Working with
computers and full of buttons in a cockpit of a plane. Whether working on the
ground preparing for a flight or in the air transporting people to their destination
pilot are always busy traveling around the world. Although being an airline pilot is
thrilling career it takes many years of learning, experience and licensing all in
which factor the variety of different work atmosphere, pilot is most of the time
described in terms of duties, job requirements, proficiency, training, mental health,
employment opportunity, and good salary. More likely the duties and
responsibilities of an airline pilot are tough. Apart from piloting the plane, airline
pilots also have to plot out a safe flight route, analyze flight plans, check the
condition of the of the aircraft, and monitor the instruments in the cockpit. They’re
also entrusted to make the right decisions during an emergency to ensure the safety
of everyone on the plane.
Recently I’ve come to realize the issues and concerns pilot study, which
includes the cost of pilot school, the cost of training program was shocking, its
well justified. Students pilot are taught by highly skilled professionals in the
aviation industry and learn the required skills to properly fly a plane.
Since airline pilots have to tend so many things, they can forget to take care
of themselves. They’re so pre-occupied with managing their erratic work
schedules, planning their flights, and conducting pre-flight checkups that they can
neglect their own health. Due to their job description, a lot of pilots suffer from
stress, fatigue, sleep deprivation, and unhealthy eating habits. And if they don’t
make the necessary lifestyle changes, their health can worsen, which can affect the
performance at work. It can be difficult for airline pilots to readjust to their job
environment. However, if they make the effort to say fit and healthy, they can
easily adapt to their work lifestyle and manage their duties with a peace of mind.
It’s true that airline pilots are allowed several day off per month, but
conversely, pilots may be asked to fly a plane for many long hours during their
shift. Their unfixed work schedules can make their life hectic since their task can
vary daily. An airline pilot can be tasked to have several short flight on one day,
then suddenly handle a ling flight on the next. Pilots are at the airline’s beck and
call when they’re not off duty, so they have to be ready for anything the moment
they clock in for work.
Flying in bad weather conditions can greatly threatens the pilots route, but
it’s the job of airline pilots to fly them safely through thunderstorms, strong winds,
and all kinds of turbulence. Even if they’ve properly planned their route to avoid
bad atmospheric conditions, airline pilots can’t control the sudden changes in the
weather. That’s why airline pilots spend countless hours training to fly a plane in
bad weather for them to adapt how they manage the cockpit of the plane and that
they know how to safely navigate such conditions.
Pursuing my career as a commercial airline pilot has its perks, but flying
commercial planes for a living is tough. Each day, airline pilots face various
challenges, from potting their flight plans to landing the plane safely on the
ground. That’s why airline pilots go through hours of training to ensure that they
can handle these challenges without worry and achieve a good work life balance.
We all have different ambitions in life. I choose to become a pilot, I will get a
chance to fly to to different places. As a result, I would be able to see that how the
world looks from such a height. It will be in my daily job to see things everyday. I
don’t think there can be any other profession other than a pilot for making life full
of adventures, on the top of that why I want to pursue acareer in aviation , I need to
plan and research what I need to do and accomplish in order to get into it. Finding
more information about different flight schools, because I know it’s not always the
best to go with the flight school instructors would be great in orrer to get
information. On the various schools most especially in WCC in Binalonan
Pangasinan. This is a hard decision for me, because I am still unsure of what I want
to do after senior High school.
There are a number of reasons why I want to become a pilot, first and
foremost to mitigate the issues and concerns of a pilot, where there is darkness,
there will be always light. Pilots are still looking for a change or they want to
advance further in their careers, maybe fly a new aircraft a change the location of
their base you can still attract plenty of talent to fly your planes. Thus, not all hope
is lost and you can still over go and find solution in a certain problem. For me
flying is an incredibly rewarding experience. It gives you the opportunity to see the
world in a completely different way, and to do so while experiencing extraordinary
scenery and encountering some of the most interesting people on earth, finally
becoming a pilot provides me with many opportunities for career growth.

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