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TIITLE:-The relationship between Women and Child policy Practices

and Violation of Women’s Right in Guraghe Zone: The Case of Wolkite



1, Tesfaye Debele

2, Amare Tsagaye

3, Melkamu Lulie



A Senior Essay Submitted to the Department of Civics and Ethical Studies in Partial
Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of Art in Civics and Ethical Studies.

JUNE: 2023


CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................4

1.1. Background of Study................................................................................................................4

1.2. Statement of the problem...............................................................................................................6

1.3 Objectives of the study....................................................................................................................7

1.3.1. General objective of the study.................................................................................................7

1.3.2. Specific objectives...................................................................................................................8

1.4. Research question...........................................................................................................................8

1.5. Significance of The Study.............................................................................................................8

1.6. Scope of the studies........................................................................................................................8

1.7. Limitation of the studies.................................................................................................................9

1.8. Ethical considerations.....................................................................................................................9

1.9. Organization of the studies.............................................................................................................9

CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................................10

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..............................................................................................10

2.1. The Concept of Violence.............................................................................................................10

2.2.Definition of violence against women right.................................................................................10

2.3. Form of violence against women right........................................................................................11

2.3.1. Physical violence...................................................................................................................11

2.3.2. Sexual violence......................................................................................................................12

2.3.3. Psychological violence..........................................................................................................13

2.3.4. Emotional violence................................................................................................................13

2.3.5. Economic violence................................................................................................................14

2.3.6. Forced and child marriage violence......................................................................................14

2.4. Causes of violence against women right.....................................................................................15

2.4.1. Cultural factors......................................................................................................................15

2.4.2. Economic factors...................................................................................................................16

2.4.3. Political factors......................................................................................................................17

2.4.4. Legal factors..........................................................................................................................17

2.5. Effects of violence against women right.....................................................................................17

2.6. Physical, psychological and health effect....................................................................................17

2.5.2. Effects of forced and child marriage violence against women right....................................18

2.5.3. Economic cost of violence against women right.................................................................18

CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................................19

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................19

3.1. Description of The Study Area.....................................................................................................19

3.2. Research Design..........................................................................................................................20

3.3. Sources of data.............................................................................................................................20

3. 4. Methods of data collection..........................................................................................................20

3.5, Sample Techniques and Sample Size...........................................................................................21

3.5.1 Sample Techniques.................................................................................................................21

3.5.2 Sample Size............................................................................................................................21

3.6. Method of data analysis and process............................................................................................22



This study will examine the relationship between women and child practices by public
sectors working within Guraghe zone and violation women rights. This research will help
public managers understand the practices of their women protection decisions on the risk
of women right violation that their organization may experience. When public policy
decision makers know the relationship between women and child policy provision and
women right violation, this information can guide their plan for protecting women right
decisions to avoid the risk of experiencing future violation of women right.

Effective women right protection decisions can improve their workers' immediate right
protection situation through empowering women and strengthening community members
leading to a positive social change in workers’ living conditions. This chapter provides
the women right violation that this study will search to address as well as the purpose of
the study. This chapter specifies the research questions, the research objectives, and the
limitation and the scope of the study

1.1. Background of Study

International, continental and national conventions and policies require protection of
human rights in general and women rights in particular. Women and child policies of
institutions that practitioners use come from legislative decisions as well as from
executive decision makers. Executive decisions include those contributed by the top
executives of the government as well as the decisions of judiciary organs that would be
checked at a later period by other organs of the government. Every public sector
managers and leaders requires deciding on the sources of violation of women rights and
use of the various mechanisms of protection of the affected women.

Even though UN and national governments agreed to eliminate violence against women’s
right through different conventions and policies, the violation of women rights have
perpetuated in most parts of the world (Dekerssa 2000). The violations of the rights

include psychological, physical and sexual harassments. Beyond, traditional practices
such as forced female genital mutilation also harm women (Dekerssa 2000).

In Africa the problem of violence against women right wide spread, but violence against
still largely hidden. Ethiopia is no exception. Women right violation has been aggravated
by the performance of the system of patriarchy that women subordinated and subjugated
to men dominance. Thus, violence against women is generally accepted as the cultural
norms in African societies and not often concerned by community and even sometimes
by the leader (Bergen, 1999).

In Ethiopia, there is high level of prevalence of violence against women (Emebet, 2010).
Both urban and rural women have been exposed to physical beat by their husbands or/and
counter men. However, evidences revealed that the court in Ethiopia does not tend to
consider violence as serious justification for granting a divorce (Bergen, 1999). The
implementation of women policy is critical to the protection of the women rights as it
influences the reduction and elimination of the violation of women right. Equally, the
failure of practices of women policy can lead to the rising of women’s right violation.

Some empirical studies have investigated this relationship between women and child
policy practices and women’s rights protection or violation. Ojulu (2015) found a
significant negative relationship between women and child policy practices and violation
of women right in Gambela town. On the other hand, Melkamu (2010) argued that the
practices of women and child policy in Guraghe zone did not affect violation of women

The studies undertaken on the relationship between women and child policy and violation
of women rights have mostly been broken into two features. The first feature investigates
the effect of gender mainstreaming determinants in determining the women and child
policy practices at play (Ojulu, 2015). The other aspect examines the relationship
between policy elements and their effect on economic and social development is
indeterminate (Melkamu 2010). There is no knowledge of the association between
women and child policy implementation and the women rights violation level of city
administrations such as Wolkite. The trend and pattern between women and child policy

implementation, and women rights violation is presently unknown. There has been no
study for public sector organizations operating in Wolkite town to identify such a trend
of policy practices and its effects on women rights’ violation is vital. However, there is
no knowledge of the local-specific factors that might influence the relationship between
policy practice and Women rights violation in wolkite town.
The lack of understanding of this association can lead policy decision makers to make
women rights protection decisions that can place their public sector organization into
violation of women’s rights in their context. That can lead to public organizations
practice unnecessary women’s right violation and face the possibility of social and
economic failures. Thus, this study intends to examine this association between women
and child policy practices and women’s right violation to help decision makers make
improved women’s right protection decisions.

1.2. Statement of the problem

A study by Embet (2015) indicated that most violation of human rights results from poor
women’s rights protection decisions. Fkiremorkos (1999) reported that ineffective
women policy practice could effect on women’s right protection as the correlation
between women and child policy and their rights protection is not tedious. Ojulu(2015)
has discussed that although the women and child policy is significantly related to women
rights violation, such a relationship has been inconclusive.

The women policy implementation problem is that lack of understanding of the

relationship between women and child policy practice and violation of women’s right
leads erroneous public decision making. These, public organizations’ right protection
decisions could lead their organizations into social, economic and political difficulties.
The specific public decision problem is the poor rights protection decisions by public
decision makers of organizations operating in Guraghe Zone, Ethiopia resulting from the
lack of understanding of the relationship between women policy practices and their rights

An accepting of the association between the current women and child policy practice and
women’s right violation could assist policy decision makers in escaping their

organization falling into women’s right violation through enhanced women’s right
protection decisions.

African union in 2003 adopted the protocol on the rights of women in Africa and set out
right of women in the public and private sphere. Similarily, Ethiopia under take
significant gender sensitive reforms and laws since 1991 ( Fikiremorkos 1999) among
these law are 1995 federal democratic republic of Ethiopia constitution, the 2003 revised
family law and revised criminal code have publicized the need for eliminating women’s
right violation. The codes address violence against women in different forms, by
expanding the exits vague provision, by introducing name offices by redefine the element
of this and by aggregate circumstances of violation ( ibid). According to the criminal
code of 2004 most of violence against women and girls include rape, trafficking women,
prostitutions and physical violence with in marriage (criminal code 2004). The code calls
for protection the aforementioned women’s right violation in Ethiopia. Despite the
prevailing international conventions and national public policy that aim to eliminate
violence against women right why violation of women right have grown? Guraghe Zone
in general and Wolkite town in particular are no exception. However, the root causes for
failures of international conventions and national women policy on preventing women’s
right violation at the grass roots level such as Wolkite town are not clearly identified.
There is a lack of research regarding the relationship that may exist between public policy
practice and violation of women right in Ethiopia particularly in Guragahe zone.

Thus, this study will be conducted to investigate violence against women’s right in
Wolkite town and to address knowledge gap on this aspect. So, this research will fill the
gaps mentioned above and will provide suggestions on how to reduce women’s right
violation in the study area.

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.3.1. General objective of the study

The general objective of the study is find out the practices and challenges women and
child policy practice and examine the levels violations women right in Wolkite town.

1.3.2. Specific objectives
Specific Objective of the study will include:
1. To identify the type of violence against women's right in Wolkite town.

2. To identify the root causes of violence against women right in Wolkite

3. To examine the effect of violence against women right in wolkite town

4. To analyze the relationship between women and child policy and level of
women’s rights protection in Wolkite town.

1.4. Research question

Research question of the study will include:

1. Which type of women’s right are being violated in Wolkite town?

2. What are the root causes of women’s right violation in Wolkite town?

3. What are the effects of women’s right violation in Wolkite town?

4. How does women and child policy practices and level of women’s rights protection
relate in Wolkite town.?

1.5. Significance of The Study

After this research conduct it may be have the following significance. The study may be
primarily significant to the communities in Wolkite town to solve problems related to the
issue and create conductive equipment. The study is also important to other researcher
who want to study on similar issue’s. The study is any important to the government
policy makers and others who strive to solve the problem of violence against women

1.6. Scope of the studies

There are many parts of Ethiopia where violence against women right take place. But,
the research specifically focus on the assessing the cause of violence against women
right in Wolkite town. The researcher undertake to the place area of this study desired to
face the challenge in Wolkite town women's are required to special attention to desire,

because women are most vulnerable social group. Then solving and the un solved
problem desire to understand causal relationship and social thinking and can gain enough
information in the study area.

1.7. Limitation of the studies

Women’s right violation is associated with socially constructed norms and values so that
it can within context. Through conducting the study the following limitations will be
limited owing to obtain adequate data, unwillingness of respondents to cooperate the
study. The study will use the stratified sampling method. A limitation that might result
from this sampling method will be the exclusion of women’s right violation from the
analysis. Another significant limitation that will be resulted from the study design.
Correlational study design only suggests a relationship between the studied elements but
does not indicate whether the independent variable caused the dependent variable

1.8. Ethical considerations

Ethics of research here refers to the morals of investigation or intervention with
regard to minimal abuse or disregard of social and psychological wellbeing of
persons, community and/or animals that participate in the research work. Therefore,
this study will include a statement of ethical consideration and will obtain ethical
clearance from the department. Here, the benefits, and any harm to the study participants
will be clearly presented. In addition to the consent and voluntary participation of
respondents, the issue of confidentiality (keeping the information only for intended
purpose without using any personal identifiers) will be indicated.

1.9. Organization of the studies

The study will be organized in five chapters. Chapter one presents background of study,
statement of problem, research question, objective of the study, significance of the study,
scope of the study, limitation of the study. Chapter two covers about review literature and
conception of definition. Chapter three is devoted to research method and methodology.
Chapter four devoted to data, interpretation and analysis . Chapter five talk about
conclusion and recommendation.



2.1. The Concept of Violence

Generally speaking there is no single definition and meaning for the term violence. Thus,
different scholars defined it based on different contexts with in which the term is used.
Though there is no universally accepted definition for the violence (also name abuse
battering or family violence) is a pattern of behavior which involves violence’s or other
abuse by one person against another in setting ( Roberts albert R 2007). violence can
take place in hetero sexually and the same sex family relationships and can involve
violence against children in family ( ibid).

Globally, the victims of violence are over whelming women and women tend to
experience more sever forms of violence (WHO, 2012). violence occurs when the abider
believes that abuse is acceptable justified or unlikely to be reported (ibid). According to
Sicilian (2002) violence is a conduct which demands and enforced obedience,while
humiliating and degrading the victims using forces or threat to used force(WHO).

Violence can be seen as any how of force or coercion that gravely jeopardizes the life or
freedom of a person anti-family or kinship ( ibid ). Some human right activists prefer
abrade definition of violence against women right includes ‘’structural violence’’ such as
poverty and unequal access to health and education (Graham and Guar 1969). Violence
against women is any act of gender based violence that results in physical, sexual or
psychological harm or suffering at whole ( ibid )

Resource Theory is the theory that all social relationships are based on an assumption of
force or a threat of force (Kenny, Fotaki, & Scriver, 2019). It theorizes that the more
resources that are available to an individual ,the greater the threat of force, but the less
likelihood that force/violence will be used in that relationship (Walters, Basile, & Hall,
2013). It does not mean that no threat will be used to maintain control, it means that
physical violence will not be used. Rather the violence that a woman may experience in
this situation is not physical violence but rather emotional violence. However, when
someone has fewer resources, they can only resort to force/violence to maintain control

over the relationship(Walters, , Basile, & Hall, 2013)

Social Exchange Theory

Social Exchange Theory is the theory that people seek the highest reward while putting in
the least amount of effort while in a social relationship (Kreager, Felson, Warner, &
Wenger, 2013). As it pertains to violence against women, violence is used when the
reward of gaining control is worth the effort and potential legal consequences (Resko,
2010). Although there are laws against abuse, this does not always prevent abuse. This
occurs for a multitude of reasons.

Many women, when reporting abuse, are re-victimized and accused of putting themselves
in that situation (Vidales, 2012). This attempt to justify gender based violence not only
harms the victim further by blaming her for the violent actions of another human being,
but also encourages more violence from the perpetrator because society is essentially
condoning the violence. Without cultural retribution against the violence, the effort of
violence costs nothing but gives the perpetrator control.

2.2.Definition of violence against women right
Violence is physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family,
including battering sexual abuse of female in the house hold, dowries related violence,
marital rape, female genital mutilation and other traditional practices harmful to women
(UN, 1993). The world health organization defined violence as ‘’the range of physically,
psychologically and sexually coercive acts used against adult and adolescent women by
current or former male intimate partners (WHO 2003).

Violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used
by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner(ibid).
Traditionally, violence was mostly associated with physical violence. violence is no
commonly defined broadly to include all acts. Physical,sexually, psychological or
economic violence (Hanna cheery 2002) .

Violence is the will full intimidation physical assault battery sexually assault and or
other abusive behavior as a part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated
by one intimate partner against another (Caldwell , 2012). Violence against women's
right can be happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion or
gender. violence affects people of all–economic back ground and education levels
(WHO) 1997). It varies from community and the pattern of the violence affected by the
different socio –economic and cultural factors ( Ibid). Generally, violence is an act which
results in harasses, harms, injuries or endangers the aggrieved person with view to coerce
her or any other person related to meet any unlawful demand (National Crime statistics,

2.3. Form of violence against women right

The Violence against of women right in the home can take different forms. It may be
physical, sexual, emotional, and economical (David,2002). This includes any behaviors
that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame,
hurt, injure or would someone ( Ibid).

2.3.1. Physical violence
The dynamic of physical violence in relationship are of then complex, because of
physical violence can be the culmination of other abusive behavior such as threats,
intimidation and restriction of victim self- determination through isolation and other
limitations of personal freedom (WHO 2023).This form of violence is usual in that many
women are suffering from it. Physics violence is the intentional use of physical force with
the potential of causing injury, harm. Disabilities or death ( D.EWAL, 2002). For
example, Hitting, biting, and kicking by one member of the house holds against other
partner (Ibid). Defying medical care, sleep deprivation and forced drug alcohol use are
forms of physical abuse.It can include inflicting physical injury, onto other targets, such
as children or pets, inorder to cause emotional harm to victims.During pregnancy, a
woman is at higher risk to be abused or long standing abuse may change insecurity,
causing negative health effects to the mother and fetus.Prignancy can also lead to ahiatus
of violence, when the abuser does not want to harm the unborn child.The risks of
violence for women who have been pregnant is greatest immediately after child
birth(Graham, 1999). According to Human Rights Watch,honor killings are generally
performed against sexually assault, seeking a divorce(HRW).

2.3.2. Sexual violence

Sexual violence can be defined as any sexual act attempt to obtain asexual act, unwanted
sexual advances directed against person sexuality using coercion (WHO, 2011). Aside
from initiation of the sexual act through physical force, sexual abuse occurs if a person is
unable to understand the nature or condition of the act and unable to communicate
unwillingness to engage in sexual act( Ibid). Coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual
contact or behavior without consent (Charles, 2000). Sexual abuse includes marital rape,
attacks on sexual parts of the body, forcing sex after physical violence has occurred, or
treating one in a sexually demeaning manner ( Amanda, 1996).

In many cultures, victims of rape are considered to have brought 'dishonour' or 'disgrace'
to their families and face severe familial violence, including honor killings.This is
especially the cause if the victims becomes pregnant.Female genital mutilation is defined
by world health organization as "all procedures that involved partial or total removal of

the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organ for non medical
reasons".This procedure has been performed on more than 125 million females alive
today, and it is concentration in 29 countries in African and middle east (Ibid).

Incent, or sexual contact between adult and child is one form of familial sexual violence.
In some cultures, the are ritualized forms of child sexual abuse taking place with the
knowledge and consent of the family, where the child is induced to engage in sexual act
with adults, possibly in exchange for money or goods (Robert 2007).

Reproductive coercion (also called "coerced reproduction")are threat or act of violence

against women's reproductive rights health and decision making and includes collection
of behaviors intended to pressure or coercion is a partner's into becoming a parent or
ending a pregnancy.Reproductive coercion is also cited with forced sex, fear of or in
ability to make contraceptive decision, fear of violence after refuse sex, and abusive
partners interference with access to health(WHO).

2.3.3. Psychological violence

This form of violence happens after the victims already suffered from violent act of
perpetrators of violence (UN 1998). It may include intimidation, threading physical harm
against other partner, children, family or friends. Destruction of pets and property and
forcing isolation from family friend or school and work ( Ibid).

Among victims who are still living with their perpetrators high amounts of stress, fear,
and anxiety are commonly reported on the violence of against women. Depression is also
common, as are made to feel guilty for 'provoking' the abuse and are frequently subjected
to intense criticism. Victims of violence also commonly experience long term anxiety
and panic disorder .The most commonly referenced psychological effect of violence is
post traumatic stress dis order. Post traumatic stress disorder as experienced by victims is
characterized by flash backs, intrusive images, exaggerated startle response, night mares,
and avoidance of triggers that are associated with abuse(Hanna, 2002).

Studies have indicated that it is important to consider to the effect of violence and psyco-
physiologic sequel on women who are mothers of infants and young children. Several
studies have shown that maternal interpersonal violence related post traumatic stress

disorder can despite traumatized mother's best efforts, interfere with their child's response
to the violence and other traumatic events(Robert, 2007).

2.3.4. Emotional violence

Emotional violence is behavior that threatens, intimidates or systematically under mines
self-worth undermining an individual sense of self worth and self esteem is abusive
( charles 2000). This may include, diminishing one’s abilities, name calling, or damaging
one’s relationship with children ( Ibid).

According to Istanbul convention emotional abusive or violence is intentional Condit of

seriously impairing persons psychological integrity through coercion or threats (Brewster,
marry, 2003). Emotional abuse includes threats, isolation, public humiliation unrelenting,
criticism, constant personal devaluation and gas lighting staking is common form of
emotional intimidation and is most often perpetrated by former or current intimate(Ibid).

2.3.5. Economic violence

Economic violence is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially
dependent by maintaining total controller financial resources, with holding one’s access
to money or forbidding one’s attendance at school or employment ( Grima, 1999).
Economic abuse is a form of abuse when one intimate partner has control over the other
partner’s access to economic resources (Adams, megan R, 2008). Economic violence
diminutions the victims capacity to support themselves, increasing dependence on the
perpetrator, including reduce access to education, employment, career advancement and
assets acquirement (Hilber man, Elaine, 1984). In addition to economic violence may
involve preventing spouse from resource acquisition and exploiting economic resource of
the victim (Ibid).

Economics abuse (or financial abuse) is form of abuse when one intimate partners has
control over the other partner's access to economic resources. Disagreement about money
spent can result in retaliation with additional physical, sexual, emotional abuse. In parts
of the world where women depend on husband's income in order to survive (due to lack
of opportunities for female employment and lack of state welfare) economic abuse can

have very severe consequences. Abusive relations have been associated with malnutrition
among both mothers and children(Taylor -Brownie,2001).

2.3.6. Forced and child marriage violence

Forced and child marriages entrap women and young girls in relationships that deprive
them of their basic human rights. Forced marriage constitutes human rights violation in
and of itself. Article one (1) of the convection on consent to marriage, minimum age for
marriage and registration of marriage states that’’ No marriage shall be legally entered in
to without the full and free consent of both parties, such as consent to be expressed by
them in person after due publicity and the presence of the authority competent to
solemnize the marriage and of witnesses, as prescribed by law (Charles, 2000).

The marriage convention addressees the issues of age according to article (2) of the
convention’’ states parties to the present convention shall take legislative action to
specify minimum age for marriage no marriage shall be legally entered to by any person
under this age, except where competent authority has granted dispensation as to age, for
serious reasons, in the interest of the intending spouses (Graham, 1969). Forced and child
marriage mainly affects young women and girls, although there are causes of young men
and boys being forced to marry, especially if there are concerns about his sexual
orientation (WHO, 2011).

2.4. Causes of violence against women right

There is no single and simple explanation with regard to the cause of violence in family
setting, party clearly family violence against women right. The united nation identified
the following causes of violence. These Include:

2.4.1. Cultural factors

Cultural factors of violence against women right includes gender specific socialization,
culture definition of opportunity, expectations of the roles with in relationship, belief
inherited superiority of male, value that give men property right over women and notion
of the family as then private sphere (UN,1981). Also undermine control and custom of
marriage acceptability of violence as the means for solving conflict ( Ibid).

Cultural factors of violence against women right, women who are most dependent on the
spouse for economic well being (home makers, house wives women with hand caps un
employed) and are the primary care giver to their children fear the increased financial
burden ( UN) 1981).Some people with very traditional beliefs may think they have the
right to control their partner and that women are not equal to men. Others may have
undiagnosed personality disorder or psychological disorder. Still others may have learned
this behavior from growing up in a house hold where violence was accepted as a normal
parts of being raised in their family ( ibid).

A partner’s domination may take the form of emotional, physical or sexual abuse
(Charles 2000). Studies suggest that violent behavior often is caused by an interaction of
situational and individual factors. That means that abusers learn violent behavior from
their family, people in their community and other cultural inferences as they grown up
they many have seen violence often or they may have been victims themselves. Some
abusers acknowledge growing up having been abused as a child ( ibid).

Boys who learn that women are not to be valued or respected and who see violence direct
against women are more likely abuse women when they grow up ( DV ewla, 2008). Girls
who witness violence in their families of origin are more likely to be victimized by their
own husbands. Although women are most gender roles can and are reversed sometimes

2.4.2. Economic factors

Economic factors of violence against women right are another type of factor that lightly
affects women’s right in economic opportunities. It include economic dependence on
men, limited access to cash, and credit discriminatory law regarding inheritance, property
right, use common land and maintain diverse or widows head, limited access to
employment in formal and informal sector, limited education and training for women
(UNICEF, innocent research center, 1997).

Marriage can also be used to settle a debt, or to streaming then family or caste status
through social alliances. Fears about sexual activity before marriage, or fears about

rumors about such activity ruining a daughters opportunity to marry well also fuel early
and forced marriage ( UN1998).

Women experiencing violence under go occupational apartheid, they are typically

denied access to desired occupation. Abusive partners may limit occupations and create
an occupationally avoid environment which reinforces feeling of low self worth and poor
self-efficacy in ability to satisfactorily perform every tasks. In addition, work is impacted
by functional losses, ability to maintain necessary employment skills, and ability to
function with in the work place (UN, 1998).

2.4.3. Political factors

The political factors of violence against women right shows that there are political factor that affect
women from participating in political action. Then if including under representation of women in
power, politics, the media in legal and medical profession violence not taken seriously notice of
family being private and beyond control of the state risk of the challenging the status un-religious law
and limited participation of women unorganized political system (Belem, 2001). The
other cause for violation is that of political factor. This means, women's political action is very less
compared to men, because of the women's limited participation in politics. This affected women's not
to be aware of their political right and lowered women's political representation at grass root
(Blenheim, 2001).

2.4.4. Legal factors

The legal factors of violence against women right is another cause of violence against
women right. It imposes different influence on women from that of men. The exercise of
less or low legal status of women either by written law or by practice law regarding
diverse child custody, maintain and inheritance, legal definition of rape of women and
girls by police and judiciary ( unicef, 2007).

The legal instability to obtain a divorce is also a factor in the proliferation of violence.In
some culture where marriage are arranged between families ,a women who attempts a
separation or divorce with out the consent of her husband and extended family or relative
may risk being subjected to "honor" based violence(Graham,1999).

2.5. Effects of violence against women right
The violence against women right has number of terrible or adverse effects on the
victim, women or her children’s and on society at large. The main effect of violence
against women right is the following.

2.6. Physical, psychological and health effect

The physical effects on body could be have permanent and unnecessary marks cars and
disability (Solomon, 1999). At extreme case the violence against women could lead to
death if the victim has suffered serious physical damage and could cause the act of
committing suicide due to psychological trauma ( Blen 2001). Wife assault at home is
serious act including punching kicking, biting, treating at knife. As result a number of
assaulted women have been faced with the risk ( Solomon.1999).

Furthermore violence against women right has different health effects on women
physical health outcomes including injury, unwanted pregnancy, and gemological
problems including HIV/ AIDS, miscarriage and pelvic pain. Mental health problems
including depression, fear, anxiety, low self esteem, sexual dysfunction, easting
problems, obsessive compulsive disorder past basmati stress disorder ( who consultation

2.5.2. Effects of forced and child marriage violence against women right

Forced and child marriage have severe psychological, emotional, medical, financial, and
legal consequences. Victims tend to be isolated from their peers and friends. They rarely
have access to social services that could assist them ( Girma,1999).

Early marriages often interrupt a victim’s education. This deprives them of their right to
education, as well as limits any possibility of economic independence from an unwanted
marriage. Forced and child marriages are also more likely to became violent, because the
relationship is bases on the power of one spouse over the other (Ibid).

2.5.3. Economic cost of violence against women right

violence against women is widely recognized as serious problem of human right against
women that affects millions of world women. In recent year economist, human right
advocates and government have also became aware of severe financial and economic.
Burden that violence impose an victims, households, public sectors, private business and
society as a whole ( WHO consultant 1996). Violence perpetrated by on intimidate
partner is the most common form of violence experienced by women. More over the
spread prevalence of violence is not limited to the particular society or region, but it is
global phenomena (Ibid).

Violence against women and girls bring huge economic costs to any society. The
negative impact on women's participation in education, employment and civic life
undermine poverty reduction .It results in lost employment and productivity,and its drains
resource from social service, the just system, health care agencies and employe (Mergan

As such violence against woman is clear barrier to sustainable development. Violence

against women and girls is one of the most pervasive human rights, violations occurring
in world. It happens in every country, not only in situations of conflict crisis. But in
contexts others call peacefully and in both public and private space. Also some of the true
costs associated with violence against women and girls are highlighted in the results of
national studies(mergan R,2008).

{What is your conceptual and theoretical framework? Conceptual and theoretical

framework should be included!!}



3.1. Description of The Study Area

Wolkite town is one of the seven towns under Gurage zone in South Nations and
Nationalities of Peoples Regional State. Particularly it is found to the north west of South
Nations and Nationalities of Peoples regional state in Ethiopia. In the north and east it is
bounded by Oromia regional state.

Wolkite town is between Jimma and Addis Ababa. The administrative center of the
gurage zone of the Southern Nation ,Nationalities and People's Region(SNNPR),this
town has a latitude and longitude of 8° 17' N 37°47' E and an elevation between 910 and
935 above sea level. It is surrounding by Kebena woreda and it is a part of former Goro
woreda. Thus, majority of the rural kebeles of Gurage zone are locating far away from
the town. Currently, the total area of the district is 2,203.32 Sq.

According to BOFED (2011), regional statistical data information the total population of
Wolkite district are 79,392 among which male 39,806 and 39,586 are females, from those
urban populations are 10,485 among which male 5,145 and 5,340 are females and, rural
populations were 68,907 among which male 34,661 and 34,246 will be females within
the density of 360 Sq. Km..

3.2. Research Design

The proposal {study} will employs both qualitative and quantitative method. The
qualitative research is typically used to answer questions about the complex nature of
phenomena often with the purpose of describing and understanding the phenomena from
the participant point of view. The reason, is that qualitative method is used to find data,
information and the design also given to the information opportunity to share long time or
relatively experience on the issue or violence against women right and problems related
with it and enabling factors.

In addition to this the quantitative methods also employ this research. So using mixed
method can be used full to developed richer pictures of the phenomena under

3.3. Sources of data

In our research we will be used both primary and secondary data sources. The sources of
secondary data include both published and unpublished materials, news paper, books and
Internet. Source of primary data includes Questionnaire and interview method. The
researcher used questioner and interview methods in order to collect reliable information.

3. 4. Methods of data collection

This study will use both interview and questionnaire of data collection. Interview is to get
reliable information to be contacting face to face with respondents. Whereas,
questionnaire used to collect necessarily information by giving prepare questions. It helps
to collect information on, which the respondent does not want to express the truth
information by verbal expression. The main reason for using this method is because of
its being quickly, easily, and the respondent can express freely. {Only Questionnaire?!}

3.5, Sample Techniques and Sample Size

3.5.1 Sample Techniques

In this research proposal we will use both probability and non probability sampling.
Probability sampling is one of a technique in which each element of the population have
equal chance. Whereas non probability is a type of purposive technique.It is one that was
selected based on the knowledge of the population. {Why you intended to use these
sampling methods?}

3.5.2 Sample Size

The research proposal will determine the sample size by use solves formula
(proportionate) formula.

This formula, n=N/1+N (e) 2,Where, n=Sample size, N=total population, e= significance
point (error tolerance) . Let the confidence interval is 85%, Sample error is 0.15,then
the sample size were determined as follows. Total population =24,214 error is =0.15,
n=N/1+N(e)2. n=N/1+N(e)2=24,214, n=44.44.

The researcher is focused on the formula,and selected 44, respondents from different
sectors and society, that they have enough information about the researcher’s issue. The
researcher selected 15 respondents from different sectors office instance police office,
court office, women and children office, youth office for interview and for
questionnaires 29, respondents in society from the total population 24,214 in Wolkite
town.The questionnaires prepared by closed ended and open ended.The close ended
questionnaires include all possible answers per/written response categories and
respondents are asked to choice them. Where as the open ended questionnaires allow
respondents to answers in their own words. There fore,the researcher to get reliable
information from respondents used both open ended and close ended questionnaires for
'29'selected from society,in total population '24,214' in Wolkite town.

3.6. Method of data analysis and process

In this paper we {the researchers} will use both descriptive and analytical approaches to
describe and analysis the problem under the study. According, the research employs, the
statically analysis describe` the problem of violence against women right and to
indicate.Its level of severity using analytical approach of the study attempted to examine
the cases and analyze the effect of violence against women right.

After collecting the necessary data, the study will have been analyzed based on
information gathering by questionnaire, interview and the qualitative data was analyzed
by using simple distributive statement like percentage and table. Finally, there searcher
concluded by giving the summary of findings conclusion and recommendation.

Data analyzing methods are:

1. Qualitative
2. Quantitative
3. Mixed

General comments:

1. Your research background is not logically expressed and not well written!
2. More your statement of problem part is copy-paste of your back ground of
your study. Due to this:
a) The problem of the statement is not clearly identified and not well written
b) Research gap is not identified and expressed,…

3) Conceptual and theoretical frameworks are excluded from literature review


4) References are not written and listed

5) Your proposal writing system should be written based on future tense!

6) Your writing should be grammatically correct and legible!


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