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Juaño, Alexa Len P.


ASSESSMENTS Module 4- Environmental Protection

Task 1
1. Make clippings of news reports and magazine articles on how air pollution and
water pollution can drastically affect people’s health and the environment.
2. Discuss your findings with family members to get additional input from them.
Be ready to prepare a written report on this.

Pollution is everywhere for the earth is composed of air that we breathe in.
Pollution is very harmful for the health of the people for these damages the quality
of the air, water, and especially our land. Pollution really changes the world we are
living in.

I discussed this with my family members and this type of problem in our
country is very obvious and common. Actually, if you ask different people about
pollution, they know and they have knowledge but still some of these people don’t
know how to protect and take care of our environment. We all know that our
country faces so many challenges and problems when it comes to environment. We
cannot deny that our environment is getting worst and worst for people are taking
so much advantage in it. We rely so much in our environment that we never
realize that our environment is being gradually ruined.

In conclusion, we must know how to take care of our environment. We must

know how to decrease the pollution our environment is experiencing and not
helping in increasing it.

Task 2
1. Document any kind of improper waste disposal in your community. Take
pictures of the wrong practice as evidence.
2. List down ways of applying solid waste management as solution to these
improper ways.

Today in our city, our Mayor Francis Zamora conducted a proper way of
disposing of our garbage. They implemented or assigned a specific type of
garbage in every day of the week. For example, for Monday the garbage to be
collected are the biodegradable wastes. They implemented that kind of
ordinance in order to have a proper way of disposing wastes and also to teach
people of San Juan on how to dispose wastes in proper way.

Task 3
1. Observe your home environment.
In my own observation, our house is not perfect but I can truly say that it is
clean and can be called a true home. My mother is very meticulous when it comes
to cleanliness and organization of things. My mom taught me how to be properly
organized and clean. That's why I am very blessed that our home is being ruled by
my mother. I must say that our home environment is clean and pleasant. I am not
saying that our house is perfect but for me it is considered and can be called a
true comfort type of home.

2. List down good ways manifested in your home aligned with reducing greenhouse
- We apply the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in our own homes.
- We turn off lights and devices when not in used to conserve energy.
- We encourage our family members and others to conserve energy.

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