1305 - International Trade

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Academic Year 2022/2023
Semester II
Bachelor of Laws Year III
International trade and business

1. Submissions shall be uploaded only on the ERP system for those students who are
eligible to do the tests. Any other form of submission is prohibited. No opportunity
shall be accorded to a student who submits a wrong document, no document, the
test question or test instructions as the case may be respectively.
2. Students are allowed to upload either pdf documents, or Microsoft documents. A
student who submits images that are not viewable will not be accorded another
opportunity to submit a viewable document, he or she does it on his or her own
peril. Out of time submissions shall not be accepted and if submitted, they
shall not be marked and considered.
3. All answers to the question must be submitted at once in the same document. It is
prohibited for students to exchange or copy from each other or submit work which
belongs to another person. All forms of plagiarism are prohibited and may amount to
an examination malpractice. Please acknowledge all your sources of information.
4. Answer one question, it will carry 10 marks. Do not exceed 2 pages. The
test shall be from 9:00am-5:00pm.
5. Every student is advised to submit his or her test 30 minutes before time.
6. Students are advised to do their tests within the university so that incase of technical
issues he or she walks to the erp offices for assistance and that should be made 30
minutes before 5:00pm or contact the relevant ERP officers on any of the following
telephone numbers; 0705276932/0701624476/0702483648 before 5:00pm. No
assistance shall be given to a student who engages the erp officers at 5:00pm and
7. A student who does his or her test outside the university does it on his or her on
peril and no opportunity shall be accorded to the person in case of failure to submit.
8. These instructions are mandatory and applicable universally to all students
sitting for this test.
9. All the university rules, regulations, policies and practices are applicable respectively.

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Question 1

Subject to section 1(2) of the Marine Insurance Act 2002, a contract may be extended
to protect the assured against losses on inland waters, or on any land or risk which may be
incidental to any sea voyage through express terms or trade usage.

Critically analyse the above statement.

Question 2

Jintex Company Limited is a Ugandan Company that deals in the importation of sewing
machines from China. In February 2022, Jintex Company Limited entered into a contract
with Zing Xing Company Limited based in China for the supply of sewing machines. In their
agreement they agreed that Zing Xing Company Limited will supply Jintex Company Limited
with 100 sewing machines, they agreed on the price, and the date of delivery of the goods.

Zing Xing Company Limited agreed to transport the goods to the port of departure for
shipment, load the goods, and pay for the freight to the point of destination. However, Zing
Xing Company insisted that Jintex Company Limited nominate a vessel of its choice and
insure the goods against any risk, as they will not be responsible for any damage or
destruction of the goods. Jintex Company Limited, however, argues that it is the
responsibility of Zing Xing Company Limited to nominate the vessel and insure the goods.

Advise and explain to the parties the appropriate incoterms they can adopt for
the execution of their contract and why.

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