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The Maharashtra Shops and Establishments Act, 1948

Act No. 79 of 1948


[11th January, 1948]

This Act was extended to the rest of the State of Maharashtra by Maharashtra 26 of
1961, Section 2.
For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Bombay Government Gazette, 1948, Part
V, page 499.
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation of conditions
of work and employment in shops, commercial establishments, residential hotels,
restaurants, eating houses, theatres, other places of public amusement or
entertainment and other establishments.
Whereas it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to the regulation of
conditions of work and employment in shops, commercial establishments, residential
hotels, restaurants, eating houses, theatres, other places of public amusement or
entertainment and other establishments and for certain other purposes hereinafter
specified; It is hereby enacted as follows:-


1. Short title, extent and operation. - (1) This Act may be called [the Maharashtra
Shops and Establishments Act].
[(2) It extend to the whole of the State of Maharashtra.]
(3) It shall in the first instance come into force in the local areas specified in Schedule I:
[Provided that, on the commencement of the Bombay Shops and Establishments
(Extension and Amendment) Act, 1960, (Maharashtra XXVI of 1961), all the provisions
of this Act shall also come into force in each of the areas in which the Central Provinces
and Berar Shops and Establishments Act, 1947, (C.P. and Berar Act, XXII of 1947), or
the Hyderabad Shops and Establishments Act, 1951, (Hyderabad X of 1951), was in
force immediately before such commencement.]
(4) The [State] Government shall by notification published in the Official Gazette direct
that all or any of the provisions of this Act shall come into force in such other local areas
having population of twenty-five thousand and more as may be specified in the
(5) The [State] Government may also by a like notification direct that all or any of the
provisions of this Act shall come into force in such local areas having population of less
than twenty-five thousand as may be specified in the notification.
2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-
(1) "Apprentice" means a person who is employed whether on payment of wages or
not, for the purpose of being trained in any trade, craft or employment in any
[(2) "Child" means a person who has not completed his fifteenth year of age; but
does not include a person who has, before the date of commencement of the
Bombay Shops and Establishments (Amendment) Act, 1977 (Maharashtra LXIV of
1977), completed his twelfth year of age even though he has not completed his
fifteenth year of age, if he is on the day immediately preceding the said date an
employee in any establishment to which this Act applies;]
[(3) "Closed" means not open for the service of any customer or for any business, of
the establishment, or for work, by or with the help of any employee, of or
connected with the establishment;]
(4) "Commercial establishment" means an establishment which carries on, any
business, trade or profession or any work in connection with, or incidental. or
ancillary to, any business, trade or profession [and includes an establishment of
any legal practitioner, medical practitioner, architect, engineer, accountant, tax
consultant or any other technical or professional consultant and also includes] a
society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (XXI of 1860), and a
charitable or other trust, whether registered or not, which carries on [whether for
purposes of gain or not,] any business, trade or profession or work in connection
with or incidental or ancillary thereto but does not include a factory, shop,
residential hotel, restaurant, eating house, theatre or other place of public
amusement or entertainment;
(5) "Day" means the period of twenty-four hours beginning at midnight:
Provided that, in the case of an employee whose hours of work extend beyond midnight,
day means the period of twenty-four hours beginning when such employment
commences irrespective of midnight;
[(6) "Employee" means a person - wholly or principally employed, whether directly or
through any agency, and whether for wages or other consideration, in or in
connection with any establishment; and includes an apprentice, but does not
include a member of the employer's family;]
(7) "Employer" means a person owning or having ultimate control over the affairs of
an establishment;
(8) "Establishment" means a shop, commercial establishment, residential hotel,
restaurant, eating house, theatre, or other place of public amusement or
entertainment to which this Act applies and includes such other establishment as
the [State] Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare to be
an establishment for the purposes of this Act;
(9) "Factory" means any premises which is a factory within the meaning of [clause
(m) of section 2 of the Factories Act, 1948, (LXIII of 1948) or which is deemed to
be a factory under section 85 of the said Act];
(10) "Goods" includes all materials, commodities and articles;
(11) "Holiday" means a day on which an establishment shall remain closed or on
which an employee shall be given a holiday under the provisions of this Act;
(12) "Inspector" means an Inspector appointed under section 48;
(13) "Leave" means leave provided for in Chapter VII of this Act;
(14) "Local area" means any area or combination of areas to which this Act applies;
[(15) "Local authority" means a body specified in Schedule I-A and includes any
other body which the State Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, declare to be a local authority for the purposes of this Act;]
(16) "Manager" means a person declared to be a manager under section 7;
(17) "Member of the family of an employer" means the husband, wife, son, daughter,
father; mother, brother or sister of an employer who lives with and is dependent on
such employer;
[(18) "Opened" means opened for the service of any customer, or for any business of
the establishment, or for work, by or with the help of any employee of or
connected with the establishment;]
(19) "Period of work" means the time during which an employee is at the disposal of
the employer;
(20) "Prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(21) "Prescribed authority" means the authority prescribed under the rules made
under this Act;
(22) "Register of establishment" means a register maintained for the registration of
establishments under this Act;
(23) "Registration certificate" means a certificate showing the registration of an
(24) "Residential hotel" means any premises used for the reception of guests and
travellers desirous of dwelling or sleeping therein and includes [residential club];
(25) "Restaurant or eating house" means any premises in which is carried on wholly
or principally the business of the supply of meal or refreshments to the public or a
class of the public for consumption on the premises;
(26) "Schedule" means a Schedule appended to this Act;
(27) "Shop" means any premises where goods are sold, either by retail or wholesale
or where services are rendered to customers, and includes an office, a store-
room, godown, warehouse or work place, whether in the same premises or
otherwise, [mainly used] in connection with such trade or business but does not
include a factory, a commercial establishment, residential hotel, restaurant, eating
house, theatre or other place of public amusement or entertainment;
(28) "Spread over" means the period between the commencement and the
termination of the work of an employee on any day;
(29) "Theatre" includes any premises intended principally or wholly for the exhibition
of pictures or other optical effects by means of a cinematograph or other suitable
apparatus or for dramatic performances or for any other public amusement or
(30) "Wages" means wages as defined in the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (IV of
(31) "Week" means the period of seven days beginning at midnight of Saturday;
[(32) "Year" means a year commencing on the first day of January;]
(33) "Young person" means a person who is not a child and has not completed his
seventeenth year.
3. Reference to time of day. - References to the time of day in this Act are references
to Indian standard time which is five and a half hours ahead of Greenwich mean time.
4. Exemptions. - Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the provisions of this
Act mentioned in the third column of Schedule II shall not apply to the establishments,
employees and other persons mentioned against them in the second column of the said
Provided that the [State] Government may, by notification published in the Official
Gazette, add to, omit or alter any of the entries of the said Schedule [subject to such
conditions, if any, as may be specified in such notification] and on the publication of such
notification, the entries in either column of the said Schedule shall be deemed to be
amended accordingly.
5. Application of Act to other establishments and persons. - (1) Notwithstanding
anything contained in this Act, the [State] Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, declare any establishment or class of establishments to which, or any person or
class of persons to whom, this Act or any of the provisions thereof does not for the time
being apply, to be an establishment or class of establishments or a person or class of
persons to which or whom this Act or any provisions thereof with such modifications or
adaptations as may in the opinion of the [State] Government be necessary shall apply
from such date as may be specified in the notification.
(2) On such declaration under sub-section (1), any such establishment or class of
establishments or such person or class of persons shall be deemed to be an
establishment or class of establishments to which, or to be an employee or class of
employees to whom, this Act, applies and all or any of the provisions of this Act with
such adaptation or modification as may be specified in such declaration, shall apply to
such establishment or class of establishments or to such employee or class of
6. Suspension of all or any of the Provisions of this Act. - The [State] Government
may, by notification in the Official Gazette, suspend the operation of all or any of the
provisions of this Act for such period and subject to such conditions as it deems fit on
account of any holidays or occasions.


Registration of Establishments
7. Registration of establishments. - (1) Within the period specified in sub-section (4),
the employer of every, establishment shall send to the Inspector of the local area
concerned a statement, in a prescribed form, together with such fees as may be
prescribed, containing-
(a) the name of the employer and the manager, if any;
(b) the postal address of the establishment;
(c) the name, if any, of the establishment;
(d) the category, of the establishment, i.e., whether it is shop, commercial
establishment, residential hotel, restaurant, eating house, theatre or other place of
public amusement or entertainment; and
(e) such other particulars as may be prescribed.
(2) On receipt of the statement and the fees, the Inspector shall, on being satisfied about
the correctness of the statement, register the establishment in the register of
establishments in such manner as may be prescribed and shall issue, in a prescribed
form, a registration certificate to the employer. The registration certificate shall be
prominently displayed at the establishment.
[(2A) A registration certificate granted under sub-section (2), shall be valid [for a period
of twelve months from the day on which it is granted or renewed]. An application for the
renewal of a registration certificate shall be submitted not less than fifteen days before
the date of expiry of the registration certificate or of the renewed registration certificate,
as the case may be, and shall be accompanied by such fees, and the renewed
registration certificate shall be in such form, as may be prescribed.]
[(2AA) If the application for the renewal of a registration certificate is submitted after the
expiry of the period specified in sub-section (2A) but within thirty days after the date of
expiry of the registration certificate or of the renewed registration certificate, as the case
may be, such application shall be accompanied by an additional fee as late fee equal to
half the fee payable for the renewal of a registration certificate.]
[(2B) Notwithstanding anything contained in the preceding sub-sections of this section,
any registration certificate granted under sub-section (2) or renewed under subsection
(2A) may, at the option of the employer, be granted or renewed [for a period of thirty-six
months at a time, on payment of the fees for that period, so as to be valid upto the end
of thirty-six months from the date on which it is granted or renewed, as the case may
be.] ]
(3) In the event of any doubt or difference of opinion between an employer and the
Inspector as to the category to which an establishment should belong, the Inspector
shall refer the matter to the prescribed authority which shall, after such inquiry as it
thinks proper, decide the category of such establishment and its decisions shall be final
for the purposes of this Act.
(4) Within thirty days from the date mentioned in column (2) below in respect of an
establishment mentioned in column (1), the statement together with fees shall be sent to
the Inspector under sub-section (1):-
(1) (2)
Establishments Date from which the
period of 30 days to

(i) Establishments existing The date on which this

in local areas mentioned Act comes into force.
in Schedule I on the date on
which this Act comes
into force.

(ii) Establishments existing The date on which this

in local areas on the date section comes into force
on which this section comes in the local areas.
into force.

(iii) New establishments in The date on which the

local areas mentioned establishment
in Schedule I and other local commences its work.
areas in which this
section has come into force.
8. Change to be communicated to Inspector. - It shall be the duty of an employer to
notify to the Inspector, in a prescribed form, [any change in any of the particulars
contained in the statement submitted under section 7 within such period, after the
change has taken place, as the State Government may prescribe in respect of any
establishment or class of establishments]. The Inspector shall, on receiving such notice
and the prescribed fees and on being satisfied about its correctness, make the change in
the register of establishments in accordance with such notice and shall amend the
registration certificate or issue a fresh registration certificate, if necessary.
9. Closing of establishment to be communicated to Inspector. - The employer shall,
within ten days on his closing the establishment, notify to the Inspector in writing
accordingly. The Inspector shall, on receiving the information and being satisfied about
its correctness, remove such establishment from the register of establishments and
cancel the registration certificate:
[Provided that if the Inspector does not receive the information but he is otherwise
satisfied that the establishment has been closed, he may remove such establishment
from such register and cancel such certificate.]


Shops and Commercial Establishments

10. Opening hours of shops. - (1) No shop -
(a) dealing wholly in milk, vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, bread or any other goods
notified by the [State] Government shall on any day be opened earlier than 5 a.m.;
(b) [* * * * * *] other than those specified in clause (a) of this sub-section, shall on any
day be opened earlier than 7 a.m.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1) the [State] Government may fix later
opening hours for different classes of shops or for different areas or for different periods
of the year.
11. Closing hours of shops. - (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other
enactment for the time being in force, no shop-
(a) [* * *] other than those specified in clause (b) of this sub-section shall on any day
be [closed later than 10.00 p.m.];
(b) [dealing mainly] in pan, bidi, cigarettes, matches and other ancillary articles shall
on any day be closed later than 11 p.m.:
Provided that any customer who was being served or was waiting to be served at such
closing hour in any shop may be served in such shop during the quarter of an hour
immediately following such hour.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1), the [State] Government may fix earlier
closing hours for different classes of shops or for different areas or for different periods
of the year.
12. Hawking prohibited before opening and after closing hours of shops. - (1) No
person shall carry on in or adjacent to a street or a public place the sale of any goods
before the opening and after the closing hours fixed under sections 10 and 11 for the
shops dealing in the same class of goods in the locality in which such street or public
place is situate:
[Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to the sale of newspapers.]
(2) Any person contravening the provisions of sub-section (1) shall be liable to have his
goods seized by an Inspector.
[(3) The goods seized under sub-section (2) shall be returned to the person from whom
they were seized on his depositing rupees twenty-five as security for his appearance in
the Court.
(4) If the person fails to make the deposit, the goods seized shall be produced without
delay before a Magistrate who may give such directions as to their temporary custody as
he thinks fit.
(5) Where no prosecution is instituted for contravention of the provisions of sub-section
(1) within such period as the Magistrate may fix in this behalf, the Magistrate shall direct
their return to the person from whom they were seized.
(6) Subject to the provisions of the preceding sub-section, the provisions of the [Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898)], shall so far as they may be applicable, apply to
the disposal of the goods seized under this section.]
13. Opening and closing hours of commercial establishments. - (1) No commercial
establishment shall on any day be opened earlier than 8.30 am. and closed [later than
9.30 p.m.]
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1), the [State] Government may fix later
opening or earlier closing hours for different classes of commercial establishments or for
different areas or for different periods of the year.
14. Daily and weekly hours of work in shops and commercial establishment. -
(1) [Subject to the other provisions] of this Act, no employee shall be required or allowed
to work in any shop or commercial establishment for more than nine hours in any day
and forty-eight hours in any week.
(2) Any employee may be required or allowed to work in a shop or commercial
establishment for any period in excess of the limit fixed under sub-section (1), if such
period does not exceed [six hours] in any week.
(3) On not more than six days in a year which the [State] Government may fix by rules
made in this behalf, for purposes of making of accounts, stock taking settlements or
other prescribed occasions, any employee may be required or allowed to work in a shop
or commercial establishment in excess of the period fixed under sub-section (1), if such
excess period does not exceed twenty-four hours.
[15. Interval for rest. - The period of work of an employee in a shop or commercial
establishment each day shall be so fixed that no period for continuous work shall exceed five
hours and that no employee shall be required or allowed to work for more than five hours
before he has had an interval for rest of at least one hour]:
[Provided that,-
(a) in the case of employees in a commercial establishment engaged in any
manufacturing process, the interval for rest shall be at least half an hour; and
(b) in the case of any other employees that State Government may, on an
application made in that behalf [by the union recognised under any law for the
time being in force where there is such union, or where there is no such union by
majority of the employees concerned,] permit the reduction of the interval for rest
of half an hour.]
16. Spread-over in shops. - The spread-over of an employee in a shop shall not
exceed eleven hours in any day:
Provided that in cases where any shop is on any day entirely closed for a continuous
period of not less than three hours, the spread-over shall not exceed twelve hours in that
Provided also that where an employee works on any day in accordance with the
provisions of sub-section (2) of section 14, the spread-over shall not exceed fourteen
hours in any such day and where he works on any day in accordance with the provisions
of sub-section (3) of the said section, the spread-over shall not exceed sixteen hours in
any such day.
17. Spread-over in commercial establishments. - The spread-over of an employee in
a commercial establishment shall not exceed eleven hours in any day:
Provided that the [State] Government may increase the spread-over period subject to
such conditions as it may impose either generally or in the case of a particular
commercial establishment or a class or classes of commercial establishments.
18. Holidays in a week in shops and commercial establishments. - [(1) Every Shop
and commercial establishment shall remain closed on one day of the week. [Except
where the day is fixed under the provisions of sub-section (1B), the employer shall
prepare] a calendar or list of such closed days at the beginning of the year, notify such
calendar or list to the Inspector and specify it in a notice prominently displayed in a
conspicuous place in the shop or commercial establishment:
[Provided that, if no change is made in the calendar or list of closed days for any year, it
shall not be necessary to notify again such calendar or list as aforesaid:
Provided further that, where any shop or commercial establishment comes after the
beginning of any year within the purview of this Act for the first time, the employer shall
also prepare a calendar or list of such closed days for the remaining part of the year, and
notify it to the Inspector within a month of the date on which the shop or establishment
so comes within the purview of this Act.]
(1A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), [but except where the day is
fixed under sub-section (1B)], a shop or commercial establishment may remain open on
any day notified as closed day under sub-section (1), if-
(a) it remains closed on any other day of the week; and
(b) the employer has notified to the Inspector, his intention to close the shop or the
commercial establishment, as the case may be, on the day substitute under
clause (a), at least seven days before the substituted day or the day notified as
closed day under sub-section (1), whichever is earlier.]
[(1B) A local authority in respect of any area within its jurisdiction and the State
Government in any local area elsewhere, may, by order published in the prescribed
manner, after consultation with representative associations or otherwise as appear to
such authority or the State Government to be most appropriate for ascertaining the
views of the employers and employees affected by the order, fix the day on which a
shop or commercial establishment is to be closed, and any such order may either fix the
same day for all shops or establishments therein, or may fix-
(a) different days for different classes of shops or establishments, or
(b) different days for different parts of the area or local area, or
(c) different days for different periods of the year,
and thereupon, every shop or commercial establishment shall, on such day so fixed,
remain closed; but nothing in this sub-section shall apply to a shop or commercial
establishment, the employer of which has notified to the Inspector at the beginning of the
year his intention to close the shop or commercial establishment on a public holiday
within the meaning of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, (XXVI of 1881).]
(2) It shall not be lawful for an employer to call an employee at, or for an employee to go
to his shop or commercial establishment or any other place for any work in connection
with the business of his shop or commercial establishment on a day on which such shop
or commercial establishment remains closed.
(3) No deduction shall be made from the wages of any employee in a shop or
commercial establishment on account of any day on which it has remained closed under
this section. If any employee is employed on a daily wage, he shall nonetheless be paid
his daily wage for the day on which such shop or commercial establishment remains
closed. [If any employee is paid a piece rated wage, he shall nonetheless be paid his
wage for the day on which the shop or commercial establishment remains closed, at a
rate equivalent to the daily average of his wages for the days on which he has actually
worked during the six days preceding such closed day, exclusive of any earning in
respect of overtime:]
[Provided that nothing in this sub-sections shall apply to any person whose total period
of continuous employment is less than six days.].


Residential Hotels, Restaurants and Eating Houses.

19. Opening and closing hours of restaurants and eating houses. - (1)
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other enactment for the time being in force,
no restaurant or eating house shall on any day be opened earlier than 5 a.m.
and [closed later than twelve midnight] for service:
Provided that an employee in such restaurant or eating house may be required to
commence work not earlier than 4.30 a.m. and shall not be required [to work later than
00.30 a.m.]:
Provided also that any customer who was being served or waiting to be served at the
closing hour of such restaurant or eating house may be served in such restaurant or
eating house during the quarter of an hour immediately following such hour.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1), the [State] Government may fix later
opening or earlier closing hours for different restaurants or eating houses or for different
areas or for different periods of the year.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, or any other enactment for the
time being in force, or not more than ten days in a year on festive or special occasions,
the [State] Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, fix such opening and
closing hours for different restaurants or eating houses or for different areas, as it thinks
20. Restaurants and eating houses not to sell goods of the kind sold in shops
before the opening and after the closing hours of shops. - Before and after the
hours fixed for the opening and closing of shops under sections 10 and 11, no goods of
the kind sold in such shops shall be sold in any restaurant or eating house except for
consumption on premises.
21. [Daily and weekly hours] of work in residential hotels, restaurants and eating
houses. - (1) [Subject to the other provisions of this Act], no employee shall be required
or allowed to work in any residential hotel, restaurant or eating house for more than nine
hours in any day [, and forty eight hours in any week].
(2) On the days which may be notified under sub-section (3) of section 19 any employee
may be required or allowed to work in a residential hotel, restaurant or eating house in
excess of the period fixed under sub-section (1), if such excess period does not exceed
three hours in any day.
[22. Interval for rest. - The period of work of an employee in a residential hotel,
restaurant or eating house each day shall be so fixed that no period of continuous work
shall exceed five hours and that no employee shall be required or allowed to work for
more than five hours before he has had an interval for rest of at least one hour:]
[Provided that, the State Government may, on an application made in that behalf [by the
union recognised under any law for the time being in force where there is such union or
where there is no such union by a majority of the employees concerned,] permit the
reduction of the interval for rest to half an hour.].
23. Spread-over. - The spread-over of an employee in a residential hotel, restaurant or
eating house shall not exceed [twelve hours]:
Provided that the [State] Government may increase the spread-over period subject to
such conditions as it may impose on the days that may be notified under subsection (3)
of section 19.
24. Holidays in a week. - (1) Every employee in a residential hotel, restaurant or eating
house shall be given at least one day in a week as a holiday:
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to an employee whose total period
of employment in any week is less than six days.
(2) It shall not be lawful for an employer to call an employee at, or for an employee to go
to, his residential hotel, restaurant or eating house or any other place for any work in
connection with the business of his residential hotel, restaurant or eating house on a day
on which such employee has a holiday.
(3) No deduction shall be made from the wages of any employee in a residential hotel,
restaurant or eating house on account of any holiday given to him under subsection (1).
If an employee is employed on a daily wage, he shall nonetheless be paid his daily wage
for the holiday.
25. Employer to furnish identity card to employee. - The employer shall furnish every
employee in a residential hotel, restaurant or eating house an identity card which shall
be produced by the employee on demand by an Inspector. Such card shall contain the
following and such other particulars as may be prescribed, namely:-
(a) the name of the employer;
(b) the name, if any, and the postal address, of the establishment;
(c) the name and age of the employee;
(d) the hours of work, the interval for rest and the holiday of the employee;
[(e) the signature (with date) of the employer or manager.]


Theatres or Other Places of Public Amusement or Entertainment

26. Closing hour of theatres or other places of public amusement or
entertainment. - Notwithstanding anything contained in any other enactment for the
time being in force, no theatre or other place of public amusement or entertainment
shall, on any day, be closed [later than 00.30 a.m.].
27. Theatres or other places of public amusement or entertainment not to sell
goods of the kind sold in shops after the closing hour of shops. - After the hour
fixed for the closing of shop under section 11, no goods of the kind sold in a shop shall
be sold in any theatre or other place of public amusement or entertainment except for
consumption on premises.
[28. [Daily and weekly hours] of work in theatres or other places of public
amusement or entertainment. - (1) No employee shall be required or allowed to work
in any theatre or other places of, public amusement or entertainment for more than nine
hours in any day [and forty-eight hours in any week].
(2) Any employee may be required or allowed to work in a theatre or other place of
public amusement or entertainment for any period in excess of the limit fixed under sub-
section (1), if such period does not exceed six hours in any week.]
[29. Interval for rest. - The period of work of an employee in a theatre or other place of
public amusement or entertainment each day shall be so fixed that no period of
continuous work shall exceed five hours and that no employee shall be required or
allowed to work for more than five hours before he has had an interval for rest of at least
one hour]:
[Provided that, the State Government may, on an application made, in that behalf by the
employees concerned, permit the reduction of the interval for rest to half an hour.]
30. Spread-over. - The spread-over of an employee in a theatre or other place of public
amusement or entertainment shall not exceed eleven hours in any day:
Provided that the [State] Government may increase the spread-over period subject to
such conditions as it may impose wither generally or in the case of a particular theatre or
other place of public amusement or entertainment.
31. Holiday in a week. - (1) Every employee in a theatre or other place of public
amusement or entertainment shall be given at least one day in a week as a holiday:
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to an employee whose total period
of employment in any week is less than six days.
(2) It shall not be lawful for an employer to call an employee at, or for an employee to go
to, his theatre or other place of public amusement or entertainment or any other place for
any work in connection with the business of his theatre or place of public amusement or
entertainment on a day on which such employee has a holiday.
(3) No deduction shall be made from the wages of an employee in a theatre or other
place of public amusement or entertainment on account of any holiday given to him
under sub-section (1). If an employee is employed on a daily wage, he shall nonetheless
be paid his daily wage for the holiday given to him.


Employment of Children, Young Persons and Women

32. No child to work in an establishment. - No child shall be required or allowed to
work whether as an employer or otherwise in any establishment, notwithstanding that
such child is a member of the family of the employer.
[33. 0pening and closing hours for young persons and women. ] - (1) [* * *]
(2) No such young person shall be required or allowed to work in any establishment after
7.00 p.m.
(3) No such woman shall be required or allowed to work in any establishment [after 9.30
34. Daily hours of work for young persons. - (1) Notwithstanding anything contained
in this Act, no young person shall be required or allowed to work, whether as an
employee or otherwise, in any establishment for more than six hours in any day.
(2) No young person shall be required or allowed to work whether as an employee or
otherwise in any establishment for more than three hours in any day unless he has had
an interval for rest of at least half an hour.
[34A. Prohibition of employment of young persons and women in dangerous
work. - No young person or woman working in any establishment, whether as an employee
or otherwise, shall be required or allowed to perform such work as may be declared by the
State Government by notification in the Official Gazette, to be work involving danger to life,
health or morals.]


Leave with Pay and Payment of Wages

35. Leave. - [(1) (a) Subject to the provisions of clause (b), every employee who has
been employed for not less than three months in any year, shall for every 60 days on
which he has worked during the year be allowed leave, consecutive or otherwise, for a
period of not more than five days;
(b) every employee who has worked for not less than two hundred and forty days
during a year [irrespective of the date of commencement of his service] shall be
allowed leave, consecutive or otherwise, for a period of not less than twenty-one
Provided that such leave may be accumulated up to a maximum period of forty-two
Explanation. - The leave allowed to an employee under clauses (a) and (b) shall be
inclusive of the day or days during the period of such leave, on which a shop, or
commercial establishment remains closed under sub-section (1) of section 18, or on
which he is entitled to a holiday under sub-section (1) of section 24 or section 31.]
(1A) [* * * *]
(2) If an employee entitled to leave under sub-section (1) [or (1A)] is discharged by his
employer before he has been allowed the leave, or if, having applied for and having
been refused the leave, he quits his employment before he has been allowed the leave,
the employer shall pay him the amount payable under section 36 in respect of the leave.
(3) If an employee entitled to leave under sub-section (1) [or (1A)] is refused the leave,
he may give intimation to the Inspector or any other officer authorised in this behalf by
the [State] Government regarding such refusal. The Inspector shall enter such intimation
in a register kept in such form as may be prescribed. [The employee shall also send a
copy of such intimation to his employer and, thereupon, the employee shall be entitled to
carry forward the unavailed leave without any limit.]
[(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, every employee, irrespective of
his period of employment, shall be entitled to additional holiday on the 26th January, [1st
May, 15th August and 2nd October] every year. For holiday on these days, he shall be
paid wages at a rate equivalent to the daily average of his wages (excluding overtime),
which he earns during the month in which such compulsory holidays falls:
Provided that the employer may require any employee to work in the establishment on
all or any of these days, subject to the condition that for such work the employee shall be
paid double the amount of the daily average wages and also leave on any other day in
lieu of the compulsory holiday.]
36. Pay during leave. - Every employee shall be paid for the period of his leave at a
rate equivalent to the daily average of his wages for the days on which he actually
worked during the preceding three months, exclusive of any earnings in respect of
37. Payment when to be made. - An employee who has been allowed leave under
section 35 shall, before his leave begins, be paid half the total amount due to him for the
period of such leave.
38. Application and amendment of the Payment of Wages Act. - (1) Notwithstanding
anything contained in the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, (V of 1936) herein referred to as
"the said Act", the [State] Government may, by notification published in the Official
Gazette, direct that subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of the said Act [shall, in
such local areas as may be specified in the notification apply] to all or any class of
establishments or to all or any class of employees to which or whom this Act for the time
being applies.
(2) On the application of the provisions of the said Act to any establishment or to any
employees under sub-section (1), the Inspector appointed under this Act shall be
deemed to be the Inspector for the purpose of the enforcement of the provisions of the
said Act within the local limits of his jurisdiction.
[38A. Application of Act VIII of 1923 to employees of establishment.] - The
provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 (VIII of 1923), and the rules made
from time to time thereunder, shall, mutatis mutandis, apply [to employees of an
establishment to which this Act applies, as if they were workmen within the meaning of
the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923.]
[38B. Application of Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act to
establishments.] - The provisions of the industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act,
1946 (XX of 1946), in its application to the State of Maharashtra [(hereinafter in this
section referred to as "the said Act")], and the rules and standing orders (including model
standing orders) made thereunder, from time to time, shall, mutatis mutandis, apply
to [all establishments wherein fifty or more employees are employed and] to which this
Act applies, as if they were industrial establishments within the meaning of the said Act.
[38C. Application of Maternity Benefit Act to women employees in establishment.  -
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (LIII of 1961)
(hereinafter in this section referred to as "the said Act"), the State Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, direct that all or any of the provisions of the said Act or
the rules made thereunder shall apply to women employed for wages in all or any of the
establishments to which this Act applies. For that purpose, such women employees shall be
deemed to be women within the meaning of the said Act. On such application of the
provisions of the said Act, an Inspector appointed under this Act shall be deemed to be the
Inspector for the purpose of the enforcement of the provisions of the said Act also within the
limits of his jurisdiction.]


Health and Safety

39. Cleanliness. - The premises of every establishment shall be kept clean and free
from effluviarising from any drain or privy or other nuisance and shall be cleaned at such
times and by such methods as may be prescribed. These methods may include lime
washing, colour washing, painting, varnishing, disinfection and deodorising.
40. Ventilation. - The premises of every establishment shall be ventilated in accordance
with such standards and by such methods as may be prescribed.
41. Lighting. - (1) The premises of every establishment shall be sufficiently lighted
during all working hours.
(2) If it appears to an Inspector that the premises of any establishment within his
jurisdiction are not sufficiently lighted, he may serve on the employer an order in writing
specifying the measures which in his opinion should be adopted and requiring them to
be carried out before a specified date.
42. Precautions against fire. - In every establishment except such establishment or
class of establishments as may be prescribed, such precautions against fire shall be
taken as may be prescribed.
[42A. First-Aid. - In every establishment wherein a manufacturing process as defined in
clause (k) of section 2 of the Factories Act, 1948, (LXIII of 1948) is carried on, there shall be
provided and maintained a first-aid box containing such articles as may be prescribed.]


Enforcement and Inspection

43. Powers and duties of local authorities. - Save as otherwise provided in this Act, it
shall be the duty of every local authority to enforce, within the area subject to its
jurisdiction, the provisions of this Act, subject to such supervision of
the [State] Government as may be prescribed:
Provided that the local authority may order direct that the said duty of enforcing the
provisions of this Act shall be discharged, in such circumstances and subject to such
conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order by its Chief Executive Officer or any
other subordinate to it:
Provided also that in respect of the areas not subject to the jurisdiction of any local
authority, it shall be the duty of the [State] Government to enforce the said provisions.
44. Power to make by-laws. - A local authority empowered under section 43 to enforce
the provisions of this Act may, with the previous sanction of the [State] Government,
make by-laws not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act, or the rules or orders made
by the [State] Government thereunder for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of
this Act.
[44A. Provision for taking over administration of the Act from local authorities.  -
Notwithstanding anything contained in sections 43 and 44, with a view to implementing the
policy of the State Government of taking over the administration of this Act gradually from
all the local authorities in the State, the State Government may, from time to time by
notification in the Official Gazette without the necessity of giving any further notice or
reasons, declare that any local authority or authorities or class of local authorities specified in
such notification shall cease to perform the duty of enforcing the provisions of this Act from
a date specified in that notification. From that date, it shall be the duty of the State
Government to enforce the said provisions, in respect of the areas subject to the jurisdiction
of such local authorities also.]
[45. Delegation of powers. - The State Government may by order published in
the Official Gazette, direct that any power exercisable by it under this Act or the rules
made thereunder (except the power to make rules) shall in relation to such matters and
subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order, be exercised also by
any local authority, or by any officer subordinate to the State Government, as may be
specified in the order.]
46. Power of [State] Government to provide for performance of duties on default
by local authority. - (1) If any local authority makes default in the performance of any
duty imposed by or under this Act, the [State] Government may appoint some person to
perform it and may direct that the expense of performing it with a reasonable
remuneration to the person appointed to perform it shall be paid forthwith by the local
(2) If the expense and remuneration are not so paid, the [State] Government may,
notwithstanding anything contained in any law relating to the municipal fund or local fund
or any other law for the time being in force, make an order directing the bank in which
any moneys of the local authority are deposited or the person in charge of the local
Government Treasury or of any other place of security in which the moneys of the local
authority are deposited to pay such expense and remuneration from such moneys as
maybe standing to the credit of the local authority in such bank or may be in the hands of
such person or as may from time to time be received from or on behalf of the local
authority by way of deposit by such bank or person; and such bank or person shall be
bound to obey such order. Every payment made pursuant to such order shall be a
sufficient discharge to such bank or person from all liability to the local authority in
respect of any sum or sums so paid by it or him out of the moneys of the local authority
so deposited with such bank or person.
47. Expenses of local authority to be paid out of its fund. - Notwithstanding anything
contained in any enactment in regard to any municipal or local fund, all expenses
incurred by a municipality or a local board under and for the purposes of this Act shall be
paid out of the municipal or local fund, as the case may be.
48. Appointment of Inspectors. - (1) Every local authority shall appoint a sufficient
number of persons with the prescribed qualifications as Inspectors for the area subject to
its jurisdiction as it may deem fit for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act.
(2) In areas which are not subject to the jurisdiction of any local authority,
the [State] Government shall appoint Inspectors with the prescribed qualifications [and in
areas which are subject to the jurisdiction of any local authority, the State Government
may appoint Inspectors with the prescribed qualifications for such supervision as the
State Government may prescribe].
[(3) A local authority or, as the case may be, the State Government may direct that the
powers conferred on it by this section shall in such circumstances, and subject to such
conditions (if any), as may be specified in the direction, be exercised-
(a) in the case of a local authority, by its standing committee or by any committee
appointed by it in this behalf or, if such local authority is a municipal corporation,
by its Municipal Commissioner or Deputy Municipal Commissioner, and
(b) in the case of the State Government, by any officer subordinate to it.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, (XI of 1948),
Inspectors appointed, whether by a local authority, or the State Government under this
Act in relation to any area, shall be deemed to be also Inspectors for the purposes of the
Minimum Wages Act, 1948, in respect of establishments to which this Act applies, and
the local limits within which an Inspector shall exercise his functions under that Act shall
be the same as the area for which he is appointed under this Act.]
49. Powers and duties of Inspectors. - Subject to any rules made by
the [State] Government in this behalf an Inspector may, within the local limits for which
he is appointed,-
(a) enter, at all reasonable times and with such assistants, if any, being persons in
the service of the [Government] or of any local authority as he thinks fit, any place
which is or which he has reason to believe is an establishment;
(b) make such examination of the premises and of any prescribed registers, records
and notices, and take on the spot or otherwise evidence of any persons as he may
deem necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act; [******]
[(bb) he has reason to suspect that any employer of an establishment to which this
Act applies has committed an offence punishable under section 52 or 55 seize,
with the previous permission of such authority as may be prescribed such
registers, records or other documents of the employer, as he may consider
necessary, and shall grant a receipt therefor and shall retain them only for so long
as may be necessary for examination thereof, or for prosecution; and]
(c) exercise such other powers as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of
this Act:
Provided that no one shall be required under this section to answer any question or give
any evidence tending to discriminate himself.
50. Inspectors to be public servants. - Every inspector appointed under section 48
shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian
Penal Code (XLV of 1860).
51. Employer [and manager] to produce registers, records etc. for inspection. -
Every employer [and in his absence the manager] shall on demand produce for
inspection of an Inspector all registers, records and notices required to be kept under
and for the purposes of this Act.


Offences and Penalties

52. Contravention of certain provisions and offences. - (a) If any employer fails to
send to the Inspector a statement within the period specified in section 7 or to notify a
change within the period specified in section 8 or to notify the closing of his
establishment under section 9; or
(b) If in any establishment there is any contravention of any of the provisions of
sections 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 39, 40, 41 or 42 or any orders made
thereunder; or
(c) If in any establishment any person is required or allowed to work in contravention
of sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, or 31; or
(d) If in any establishment a child or young person or woman is required or allowed
to work in contravention of section 32, 33 or 34; or
[(e) If any employer or manager contravenes the provisions of Section 51 or any,
employer contravenes the provisions of section 62 or 65; or]
(f) If in any establishment there is any contravention of any section, rule or order for
which no specific punishment is provided in this Act;
the employer and the manager shall, on conviction, each be punished [for each
offence] with fine which shall not be less than [one thousand rupees] and which may
extend to [five thousand rupees]:
[Provided that, if the contravention of the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 7 is
continued after the expiry of the tenth day after convictions the employer shall on
conviction be punished with a further fine which may extend to [one hundred rupees] for
each day on which the contravention is so continued.]
53. Contravention of section. - If any person contravenes the provisions of section 12,
he shall, on conviction, [be punished for each offence with fine which shall not be less
than] [one thousand rupees] and which may extend to [five thousand rupees.]
54. Employee contravening section 18(2), 24, 31 and 65. - If any employee
contravenes the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 18, 24, 31 or 65 he shall, on
conviction [be punished for each offence with fine which shall] not be less than [five
hundred rupees] and which may extend to [five thousand rupees.]
55. False entries by employer and manager. - If any employer or manager with intent
to deceive makes, or causes or allows to be made, in any register, record or notice
prescribed to be maintained under the provisions of this Act or the rules made
thereunder, an entry which, to his knowledge, is false in any material particular, or
wilfully omits or causes or allows to be omitted, from any such register, record or notice,
an entry which is required to be made therein under the provisions of this Act or the rules
made thereunder, or maintains or causes or allows to be maintained, more than one set
of any register, record or notice except the office copy of such notice, or sends, or
causes or allows to be sent, to an Inspector, any statement, information or notice
prescribed to be sent under the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder
which, to his knowledge, is false in any material particular, he shall, on conviction, be
punished with fine which shall, not be [less than [one thousand rupees] ] and which may
extend to [five thousand rupees]:
Provided that if both the employer and the manager are convicted the aggregate of the
fine in respect of the same contravention shall not exceed [five thousand rupees.]
56. Enhanced penalty in certain case after previous conviction. - If any employer
and manager who have been convicted of any offence under subsection (1) of sections
10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 24, 31 or 34 or under sub-section (2) or (3) of section 14 or under
section 55 or under sections 21, 26, 28, 32, 33, 51, 57, 62 or 65, are again guilty of an
offence involving a contravention of the same provision, they shall each be punished on
the second conviction with fine which shall not be [less than [one thousand rupees] ] and
which may extend to [five thousand rupees]; and if they are again so guilty, they shall
each be punished on the third or any subsequent conviction with fine which shall not be
less than [seven thousand and five hundred rupees] and which may extend to [ten
thousand rupees]:
Provided that if both the employer and the manager are convicted the aggregate of the
fine in respect of the same contravention shall not exceed [ten thousand rupees] on
second conviction and [fifteen thousand rupees] on third or any subsequent conviction:
Provided further that, for the purposes of this section, no cognisance shall be taken of
any conviction made more than two years before the commission of the offence which is
being punished:
Provided also that the Court, if it is satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances
warranting such a course may after recording its reasons in writing impose' a smaller
fine than is required by this section.
57. Penalty for obstructing Inspector. - Whoever wilfully obstructs an Inspector in the
exercise of any power under section 49 or conceals or prevents any employee in an
establishment from appearing before or being examined by an Inspector, shall, on
conviction, be punished with fine which shall not be less than [one thousand rupees] and
which may extend to [five thousand rupees.]
58. Determination of employer for the purposes of this Act. - (1) Where the owner of
an establishment is a firm or other association of individuals, any one of the individual
partners or members thereof may be prosecuted and punished under this Act for any
offence for which an employer in an establishment is punishable:
Provided that the firm or association may give notice to the Inspector that it has
nominated one of its members who is resident in the [State] to be the employer for the
purposes of this Act and such individual shall so long as he is so resident be deemed to
be the employer for the purposes of this Act, until further notice cancelling the
nomination is received by the Inspector or until he ceases to be a partner or member of
the firm or association.
(2) Where the owner of an establishment is a company, any one of the directors thereof,
or in the case of a private company, any one of the share holders thereof, may be
prosecuted and punished under this Act for any offence for which the employer in the
establishment is punishable:
Provided that the company may give notice to the Inspector that it has nominated a
director, or, in the case of a private company, a shareholder who is resident in
the [State] to be the employer in the establishment for the purposes of this Act, and such
director or shareholder shall so long as he is so resident be deemed to be the employer
in the establishment for the purposes of this Act, until further notice cancelling his
nomination is received by the Inspector or until he ceases to be a director or
59. Exemption of employer or manager from liability in certain cases. - (1) Where
the employer or manager of an establishment is charged with an offence against this Act
or the rules or orders made thereunder, he shall be entitled upon complaint duly made
by him to have any other person whom he charges as the actual offender brought before
the Court at the time appointed for hearing the charge; and if, after the commission of
the offence has been proved, the employer or manager of the establishment proves to
the satisfaction of the Court-
(a) that he has used due diligence to enforce the execution of this Act, and
(b) that the said other person committed the offence in question without his
knowledge, consent or connivance, that other person shall be convicted of the
offence and shall be liable to the like fine as if he were the employer or manager,
and the employer or manager shall be discharged from any liability under this Act.
(2) When it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the Inspector at any time prior to the
institution of the proceedings-
(a) that the employer or manager of the establishment has used all due diligence to
enforce the execution of this Act,
(b) by what person the offence has been committed, and
(c) that it has been committed without the knowledge, consent or connivance of the
employer or manager, and in contravention of his orders,
the Inspector shall proceed against the person whom he believes to be the actual
offender without first proceeding, against the employer or manager of the establishment,
and such person shall be liable to the like fine as if he were the employer or manager.
60. Cognisance of offences. - (1) No prosecution under this Act or the rules or orders
made thereunder shall be instituted except by an Inspector and except with the previous
sanction of the [District Magistrate] [Additional District Magistrate, sub-Divisional
Magistrate, Commissioner of Labour, Additional Commissioner of Labour or Deputy
Commissioner of Labour,] or the local authority as the case may be [or, without any such
sanction, by an aggrieved person, or by a representative of the registered union of which
the aggrieved person, is a member]:
[Provided that any local authority may direct that the powers conferred on it by this sub-
section shall, in such circumstances and subject to such condition, if any, as may be
specified in the direction, be exercised by its standing committee or by any committee
appointed by it in this behalf or, if such local authority is a municipal corporation, by its
Municipal Commissioner, [Deputy Municipal Commissioner or Assistant Municipal
(2) No court inferior to that of a [Metropolitan Magistrate or a Judicial Magistrate of the
first class] shall try any offence against this Act or any rule or order made thereunder.
61. Limitation of Prosecutions. - [(1)] No court shall take cognisance of any offence
under this Act or any rule or order made thereunder, unless complaint thereof is made
within [three months from the date on which the alleged commission of the offence came
to the knowledge of an Inspector].
[(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) the aggrieved person or a
representative of the registered union of which the aggrieved person is a member, may
within three months from the date on which the alleged commission of the offence took
place give intimation of the offence to the Inspector and request Him to institute
prosecution. On receipt of such intimation and request, the Inspector may himself
institute the prosecution within the period of limitation specified in subsection (1) or
inform the applicant before the expiry of the said period or as soon as possible thereafter
that he does not propose to institute prosecution. On receipt of such intimation, the
applicant shall be entitled to institute prosecution, and the Court shall take cognisance of
the offence, if compliant thereof is made to it within two months from the date of receipt
of the intimation of the Inspector by the applicant.]


Miscellaneous and Supplemental

62. Maintenance of registers and records and display of notices. - Subject to the
general or special orders of the [State] Government an employer shall maintain such
registers and records and display on the premises of his establishment such notices as
may be prescribed. All such registers and records shall be kept on the premises of the
establishment to which they relate.
63. Wages for overtime work. - [Where an employee in any establishment to which this
Act applies is required to work in excess of the limit of hours of work, he shall be entitled,
in respect of the overtime work, wages at the rate of twice his ordinary rate of wages.]
Explanation. - For the purposes of this section the expression "limit of hours of work"
shall mean-
(a) in the case of employees in shops and commercial establishments, nine' hours in
any day and forty-eight hours in any week;
(b) in the case of employees in residential hotels, restaurants, eating houses,
theatres or other places of public amusement or entertainment, nine hours in any
day; and
(c) in the case of employees in any other establishment, such hours as maybe
[Provided that, the maximum limit for working overtime shall not exceed three hours and
the employer may, for the purpose of the work beyond the said overtime hours, engage
additional numbers of employees.]
64. Evidence as to age. - (1) When an act or omission would, if a person were under or
over a certain age, be an offence punishable under this Act, and such person is in the
opinion of the Court apparently under or over such age, the burden shall be on accused
to prove that such person is not under or over such age.
(2) A declaration in writing by a [qualified medical practitioner] relating to an employee
that he has personally examined him and believes him to be under or over the age, set
forth in such declaration shall, for the purposes of this Act be admissible as evidence of
the age of the employee.
Explanation. - For the purposes of this section, a [qualified medical practitioner] shall
have the same meaning as in the Factories Act, [1948], (LXIII of 1948)].
65. Restriction on double employment on a holiday or during leave. - No employee
shall work in any establishment, nor shall any employer knowingly permit an employee
to work in any establishment, on a day on which the employee is given a holiday or is on
leave in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
66. [Notice of termination of service.] - No employer shall dispense with the services
of an employee who has been in his [continuous employment-
(a) for not less than a year, without giving such person at least thirty days notice in
writing, or wages in lieu of such notice;
(b) for less than a year but more than three months, without giving such person at
least fourteen days' notice in writing, or wages in lieu of such notice]:
Provided that such notice shall not be necessary where the services of such employees
are dispensed with for misconduct.
[Explanation. - For the purposes of this section, "misconduct" shall include-
(a) absence from service without notice in writing or without sufficient reasons for
seven days or more;
(b) going on or abetting a strike in contravention of any law for the time being in
force; and
(c) causing damage to the property of his employer.]
67. Rules. - (1) The [State] Government may make rules to carry out the purposes of the
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision, such
rules may be made for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the appointment of prescribed authority under clause (21) of section 2;
(b) the period for which, the conditions subject to which and the holidays and
occasions on which, the operation of the provisions of this Act may be suspended
under section 6;
(c) the form of submitting a statement, the fees and other particulars under sub-
section (1), the manner in which the registration of establishments is to be made
and the form of registration certificate under sub-section (2) of section 7; and [the
form and the period for notifying] a change and the fees under section 8;
(d) fixing six days in a year for additional overtime under sub-section (3) of section
(e) fixing ten days in a year for overtime under sub-section (3) of section 19;
(f) further particulars to be prescribed for an identity card under section 25;
(g) [Deleted]
(h) fixing times and methods for cleaning the establishments under section 39; fixing
standards and methods for ventilation under section 40; and prescribing such
establishments as are to be exempted from the provisions of, and precautions
against fire to be taken under, section 42;
[(ha) the articles which a first-aid-box maintained under section 42A shall contain;]
(i) the supervision which the [State] Government shall exercise over local authorities
under section 43;
(j) the qualification of Inspectors appointed under section 48 and their powers and
duties under section 49;
(k) the registers and records to be maintained and notices to be displayed under
section 62;
(l) the limit of hours of work under clause (c) of the Explanation to section 63;
(m) any other matter which is or may be prescribed.
(3) The rules made under this section shall be subject to the condition of previous
publication and when so made, shall be deemed to be part of this Act.
[(4) All rules made under this Act shall be laid before each House of the State
Legislature as soon as possible after they are made, and shall be subject to such
modifications as the State Legislature may make during the session in which they are so
laid or the session immediately following and published in the Official Gazette.]
68. Protection to person acting under this Act. - No suit, prosecution or other legal
proceedings shall lie against any person for anything which is in good faith done or
intended to be done under this Act.
69. Rights and privileges under other law, etc. not affected. - Nothing in this Act
shall affect any rights or privileges which an employee in any establishment is entitled to
at the date this Act comes into force in a local area, under any other law, contract,
custom or usage applicable to such establishment or any award, settlement or
agreement binding on the employer and the employee in such establishment, if such
rights or privileges are more favourable to him than those to which he would be entitled
under this Act.
[70. Persons employed in factory to be governed by Factories Act and not by this
Act. - Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to apply to a factory [to which the provisions of
the Factories Act, 1948 (LXIII of 1948,) apply.]:
Provided that, where any shop or commercial establishment situate within the precincts
of a factory is not connected with the manufacturing process of the factory, the
provisions of this Act shall apply to it:
Provided further that, the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
apply all or any of the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 (LXIII of 1948), to any shop
or commercial establishment situate within the precincts of a factory and on the
application of that Act to such shop or commercial establishment, the provisions of this
Act shall cease to apply to it.]
71. Submission of annual report etc. - It shall be the duty of every local authority to
submit, within [two months] after the close of the year, to [the Commissioner of Labour,
Bombay] a report on the working of the Act within the local area under its jurisdiction
during such year.
[It shall also submit to him] from time to time such annual or periodical return as may be
72. Repeal of Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, 1939. - On and from date of
the commencement of this Act, the Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, 1939
(Bombay XXIV of 1939), shall be repealed:
Provided that-
(a) every appointment order, rule, bye-law, regulation, notification or notice made,
issued or given under the provisions of the Act so repealed shall, in so far as it is
not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to have been made,
issued or given under the provisions of this Act, unless and until superseded by
any appointment, order, rule, bye-law, regulation, notification or notice made,
issued or given under this Act;
(b) any proceeding relating to the trial of any offence punishable under the provisions
of the Act so repealed shall be continued and completed as if the said Act had not
been repealed that but had continued in operation and any penalty imposed on
such proceedings shall be recovered under the Act so repealed.
Schedule I
[Section 1(3)]
Local Areas
[1. Greater Bombay].
2. [* * * *]
3. The Poona City and Suburban Municipal Borough.
4. The Poona Cantonment.
5. The Sholapur Municipal Borough.
6. The Barsi Municipal Borough.
7. The Nasik Municipal Borough.
8. [* * * *]
9. [* * * *]
10. The Kalyan Municipal Area.
11. [* * * *]
12. [* * * *]
13. [* * * *]
14. The Panvel Municipal Area.
15. [* * * *]
16. [* * * *].
17. The Malegaon Municipal Area.
18. The Dhulia Municipal Area.
19. The Thana Municipal Borough.
20. [* * * *].
21. The Baramati Municipal Area.
22. [* * * *]
23. The Amalner Municipal Borough.
24. The Yeola Municipal Area.
25. [* * * *]
26. The Pandharpur Municipal Borough.
27. The Bhusaval Municipal Borough.
28. The Jalgoan Municipal Borough.
29. The Satara Municipal Borough.
30. The Ratn Municipal Area.
31. The Ahmednagar Municipal Borough.
32. The Chalisgaon Municipal Borough.
33. [* * * *]
34. [* * * *]
35. [* * * *]
36. The Mahad Municipal Area.
37. [* * * *]
38. The Uran Municipal Area.
39. [* * * *]
40. [* * * *]
41. [* * * *]
42. The Bhiwandi Municipal Area.
[Schedule I-A
(See section 2, clause (15).)
(1) A Corporation constituted under the Bombay Municipal Corporation Act, 1888, (Bombay
III of 1888) the Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporation Act, 1949 (Bombay LIX of 1949)
or the City of Nagpur Corporation Act, 1948 (M. P. Act No. 11 of 1950).
(2) A Municipality constituted under-
(a) the Bombay Municipal Boroughs Act, 1925 (Bombay XVIII of 1925).
(b) the Bombay District Municipal Act, 1901 (Bombay III of 1901).
(c) the Central Provinces and Berar Municipalities Act, 1922, (C.P. and Berar Act
II of 1922) for an area having a population, at the last official census of 50,000
or more.
(d) the Hyderabad District Municipalities Act, 1956, (Hyderabad Act XVIII of
1956) for an area having population, at the last official census, of 50,000 or
(3) A local board constituted under the Bombay Local Boards Act, 1923 (Bombay VI of
1923) or a district board constituted under Hyderabad District Boards Act, 1955 (Hyderabad I
of 1956).]
Schedule II
(Section 4)
Exemption [subjects to the note mentioned below]
Serial Establishments, employees or other Provisions of the Act
No. persons
(1) (2) (3)

[* * * * *]

1. [Establishment] of the Central All provisions


2. [Establishment] of Do.
the [State] Government
3. [Establishment] of the local Do.

4. [Establishment] of the Bombay Port Do.


5. [Establishments] of any Railway Do.

Administration Port Trust.

6. Bazars or fairs for the sale of goods Do.

for charitable or other purposes
from which no profit is derived

[6A. Offices of the Reserve Bank of India Do.]

[6B. [Offices of Trade Commissioners Do.]

and of Consular Officers and other
diplomatic representatives of
Foreign Government]

[6C. Offices of Air Service Companies Do.]

[6D. * * * * * *] Do.]

[6E. * * * * * *] Do.]

[6F. Establishments pertaining to any All provisions]

kind of educationals
activities [excepting those were
coaching or tuition classes are
conducted by individual persons or
by institutions other than those,–
(i) affiliated to any university
established by law, or
(ii) recognised by the Divisional
Boards under the Maharashtra
Secondary Education Board Act,
1965, or
(iii) recognised by the Directorate of
Education or the Directorate of
Technical Education, as a private
Secondary or Technical High
School, I.T.I., Polytechnic,
Engineering College or other
Technical Institutions conducting
courses recognised by Government.]

[6G. The High Court Law library, High All provisions]

Court, Bombay [and Nagpur]

[6H- * * * * *] All provisions]

[6L. Bombay Branch Office of the Indian Do.]
Telephone Industries Limited,
R.A.F. Base Postal Department,
Queen's Road, Bombay-1.

[6M. [Establishment of the N.C. Do.]

Corporation Pvt. Ltd.,
Bombay] [and the offices of the
needs of Life Co-operative Bank

[6N. Units and Offices run by the Coffee Do.]


[6-O. Offices of the industrial Do.]

Development Bank of India,

[6-P. Unit Trust of India, Bombay Do.]

[6-Q. Unit Trust of India Investment Do.]

Advisory Service Ltd., World Trade
Centre-1, 8th Floor, G.D. Somani
Marg, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400

7. [Employees in an establishment Sections 10, 11, 13 to 18 (both

exclusively attending to the receipt, inclusive) [subject to the condition
delivery, clearance of despatch of that, the employees concerned are
goods, or to assisting travel granted one day holiday in a week
arrangements of passengers by rail without making any deductions
or other means of transport.] from their wages on account

8. Employees exclusively employed in [Sections 10, 11, 13 to 18 (both

any establishment in the collection, inclusive), 21 and 24, subject to the
delivery or conveyance of goods condition that the employees
outside the premises of any concerned are granted one day
establishment. Holiday in a week without making
any deduction from their wages on
account thereof.]

9. [Establishments of Chemists and [Sections 10, 11, 13 to 18 (both

Druggists] inclusive).] [Subject to the condition
that the employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deduction from
their wages on account thereof] [and
to a further condition that exemption
from the provisions of the said
sections is not availed of for selling
any articles other than medicines
and pharmaceutical drugs.]

10. [Establishments rendering medical Sections 10, 11, 13 to 18 and 33

services of any nature] subject to conditions that-
(i) Spread-over should not
exceed 14 hours,

(ii) one day holiday should be

granted in a week without
making any deductions thereof,

(iii) duty hours should not

exceed 9 hours in a day and 48
hours in a week. If any
employee is required to work
beyond 9 hours in a day or 48
hours in a week, he shall be paid
in respect of overtime work
(which shall be noted in the
prescribed register) wages at the
rate prescribed, in section 63 of
the Act.

11. [Establishments] wholly or [Sections 10, 11, 13 to 18 (both

principally engaged in the sale of inclusive)], [subject to the condition
ice, aerated waters, [*] or funeral that employees concerned are
requisites. granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

12 Travellers, canvassers, and such Do.

other employees who are declared
by the [State] Government by
notification published in Official
Gazette in this behalf to be
employees whose work is inherently

[Explanation.– The following

employees shall be deemed to be
employees work is inherently

(1) Employees employed in the

sections of establishments
carrying out repairs for the
maintenance of water supply,
gas supply, electricity and
drainage or repairs to ships.

(2) Employees employed in bill

collection works.

(3) Employees employed in the

Road Service Department of the
Western India Automobile

[(4) Employees employed in the

section of establishments for the
purpose of maintenance and
repairs of buildings or of
projectors or sound equipments
in cinemas] [or of air-
conditioning and refrigeration
plants] [or of punched card
accounting equipment] [or of
lifts] or [or of the servicing and
repairs of television sets in the
homes of T.V. Customers.]

13. [ [Stalls] refreshment rooms and [Sections 19, 20 and 23.]

canteens at railway stations, docks,
wharves, airports and the State
Transport Bus Stations.]

14. Employees working in any Sections 10, 11, 13 to 19 (both

establishments as watchmen, inclusive), 22 to 24 (both inclusive),
caretakers, [fire-fighting staff] and 26 28 to 31 (both
messengers inclusive), [Subject to the conditions
that the employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

15. [* * * *]

[16-A. Persons occupying position of Sections 14 to 17 (both inclusive),

management: 21 to 24 (both inclusive), 28 to 31
(both inclusive), [33 and 63.]

Provided that the number of such [* *]

persons in any establishment shall
not, except with the sanction of the
prescribed authority, exceed 5 per
cent of the total number of
employees therein any fraction
being rounded up to the next higher

Provided further that in case of In respect of commercial

doubt as to whether a person is establishments, also sections 13 and
occupying position of management, 18. [Subject to the condition that the
the decision of the Commissioner of employees concerned are granted
Labour or any Officer appointed by one day holiday in a week without
him in this behalf will be final. making any deduction from, their
wages on account thereof.]]

[16-B. An employee engaged in a Sections. 14 to 17 (both inclusive),

confidential capacity: Provided that 21 to 24 (both inclusive), 28 to 31
the number of such employees in (both inclusive), [and 33.]
any establishment shall not exceed 5
per cent of the total number of
employee therein, any fraction being
rounded up to the next higher

Provided further that in case of In respect of commercial

doubt as to whether a person is establishments, also sections 13, and
engaged in confidential capacity, the 18 [Subject to the conditions that the
decision of the Commissioner of employees concerned are granted
Labour or any Officer appointed by one day holiday in a week without
him in the behalf will be final. making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]]

[17. * * * * * *]

[18. Legal and Income-Tax Practitioners [Sections 13 and 18(1)] so far as

concerns their own attendance and
the attendance of the staff exempted
from section 18.]

19. Establishments, dealing wholly in [Section 18, subject to the condition

fruits vegetables, [betel leaves, that the employees concerned are
meat], [bread], [mawa, eggs and granted one day holiday in a week
fish] [and establishments dealing without making any deduction from
exclusively in preparation of their wages on account thereof.]

20. Female attendants for women's Section 33

cloakrooms or lavatories at theatres
or other places of public amusement
or entertainment or at residential
hotels or restaurants.

21. [Female employees doing household Section 33

work like cleaning, washing the
utensils, cooking and female house
keepers employed] in [residential
hotels. Restaurants and eating
houses] and female artists in cabaret
or entertainment shows.

[21. * * * * *]

[22. Establishment of legal and income- Section 15]

tax practitioners

23. Sections of newspaper on news Sections 13 to 18 (both

agency offices pertaining to news inclusive), [subject to the condition
collection, editing and publishing that the employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

24. Ice [and ice-fruit] manufacturing Sections 13 to 18, [subject to the

establishments condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[25. Bakeries Provision relating to opening hours

in section 10, and section 18, subject
to the condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[26. ******]

27. Shops dealing in milk, curds, cream Sections 11, 16, 18 and 33 [subject
and butter to the condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof]

[28. Photography Establishments Provision of opening hour in section

10 and provision of closing hour in
section 11 or section 13, as the case
may be.]

29. Railway Book Stalls Sections 10, 11 and 18, [subject to

the condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

30. Those establishments in organised Section 15

markets (like the cotton or stocks
and securities markets) recognised
by the prescribed authority as
involving intermittent work, which
observe No. more than six and a half
total hours of work per day between
the limits of 11-30 a.m. and 6.30

31. Sections in banks pertaining to safe [Section 18, subject to the condition
deposit vaults or lockers or that the employees are granted one
godowns. day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]

32. Establishments employing not a [Section 62, save as regards any

single employee visit book prescribed to be

[33. * * * *]

[34. Any establishment wherein a [Sections 13(i) and 18, subject to the
manufacturing process defined in condition that the employees
clause (m) of section 2 of the concerned are granted one day
Factories Act, 1948, is carried on. holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof and subject to the
condition that a notice is displayed
by the employer of each
establishment is Form 'L' prescribed
under Maharashtra Shops and
Establishments Rules, 1961.]]

[35. Shops supplying [* *] petromax or Provisions relating to closing hours

any other lanterns on hire. in section 11 ['and section 18 subject
to the condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from wages on
account thereof'.]]

36. Shops dealing in newspapers [Section 18, subject to the condition

that the employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

[37. Code Departments of Commercial Sections 13 and 18], [subject to the

Establishments condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[38. Operators employed in cinema Sections 28 and 30.]

theatres on days on which, extra
charity shows recognised by the
prescribed are held.

39. Children and young persons [Sections 32, 33 and 34(2).]

exclusively employed in the sport
sections of residential clubs.

[40. Establishments of Telegram Sections 13 and 18], [subject to the

Commission Agents. condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deduction from their wages on
account thereof.]

41. Young persons employed as Section 33.]

performers in dramatic shows.

[42. Such shops dealing in pan, bidi, Section 10.]

cigarettes, matches and other
ancillary articles as open not earlier
than 6-00 a.m.

[43. Upcountry depots and transhipment [Section 18, subject to the condition
stations belong to oil companies. that the employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

[Provided that where any Depot

Superintendent is required to work
for half a day on the weekly closed
day, half days leave for each
occasion on which he is so required
to work shall be credited to his leave

[44. Such employees of the Co-operative Section 13.]

Banks as are engaged in
propaganda, supervision and
training in business methods of
agriculturists and rural artisans.

[45. Menial staff employed in stables for Sections 13 to 18 (both inclusive)

attending to the work of feeding, subject to the condition that an
bathing and milking of animals, employee instead of being given a
cleaning of stables and distribution weekly holiday shall be given leave
of milk. with pay for forty-five days or one
year of service or such proportionate
leave as the period of his service in
a year bears to the whole year, in
addition to leave admissible under
Section 35:

Provided that where an employee is

given any weekly holiday or
holidays during the year an equal
number of days may be deducted
from the total leave for forty five
days or, as the case may be,
proportionate leave admissible to

[46. Dal manufacturing establishments Section 16 and 18] [subject to the

condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[47. Canteens attached to the Central Sections 10, 11 and 18], [subject to

Telegraph Office, Bombay. the condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[48. *******]

[49. The outdoor staff of the motor [Sections 13 to 18 (both inclusive),

transport service subject to the condition that the
employees concerned are granted
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]]

[50. Such establishments of suppliers of Sections 17 and 18, subject to the

band parties as close not later than conditions that (i) the spread-over
11 p.m. shall not exceed 14 hours in any day
and (ii) that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deduction from their wages on
account thereof.]

[51. All Shipping Companies Section 15.]

[52. Shops dealing mainly in pan and "Provision relating to the closing
bidi and restaurants. hour in Sections 11 and 19, subject
to the condition that such shops and
restaurants undertake to conduct
business after the closing hours in
accordance with the terms and
conditions of a special permission
granted by the Commissioner of
Police in areas where there is a
Commissioner, and by the District
Magistrate, elsewhere".]

[53. Tea stalls and catering hotels Section 25(d)]

situated on the railway Premises.

[54. Establishments commonly known as [Sections 13(1) and 18, subject to

general engineering works wherein the condition that the employes
the manufacturing process is carried concerned are granted one day
on with the aid of power. holiday in a week without making
any deductions, from their wages on
account thereof.]]

[55. * * * * *]

[56. * * * * *]

57. Water Works establishments [Sections 13 and 18, subject to the

supplying water to the Public condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
on account thereof.]

[58. Annapoorna Cafetaria, New Marine Section 33.]

Lines Street, Churchgate, Bombay -
1 run by the Bombay Branch of the
All India Women's Food Council]

[59. Hand-loom and power-loom [Sections 13(i) and 18, subject to the
establishments condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]]

[60. The Sales Centre of the Aquarist [Section 18, subject to the condition
Society of India, New Citizen Bank that the employees concerned are
House, Palton Road, Bombay-1 granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

[61. Such theatres or other places of Section 26.]

public amusement or entertainment
are granted special permission by
the Commissioner of Police,
Bombay, or the District Magistrate,
to remain open after twelve

[62. Such Commercial establishments of [Section 13].]

licence holders of the Agricultural
Produce Market Committee
established or deemed to be
established under the Maharashtra
Agricultural Produce Markets Act,
1963 (Maharashtra XX of 1964) as
open not earlier than 7-30 a.m. and
close not later than 7-30 p.m.

[63. * * * *]

[64. * * * *]

[65. Cycle Stands Sections 11 and 18] [subject to the

condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[66. * * * *]

[67. * * * *]

[68. Poultry Farms Sections 13, 17 and 18 subject to the

condition that the spread-over shall
No. exceed 12 hours a day and [that
the employees concerned are
granted one full day or two half day
holidays in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof].]

[69. The Canteen and Mess in the Section 33.]

premises of the Poona University at
Ganesh Khind, Poona, run by the
Poona Branch of the All India
Women's Food Council.

[70. * * * *]

[71. * * * *]

[72. The Kalyan Electric Supply Sections 13 and 18 subject to the

Company Private Limited, Kalyan condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from wages on
account thereof.]

[73. Employees engaged by the treasury Sections 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18
Contractor for the treasuary working subject to the condition that the
in the Bombay General Post Office employees concerned are granted
and its five town sub-offices. wages for overtime work as required
by section 63(1) read with
explanation (a) thereunder and are
also granted one day holiday in a
week without making deductions
from wages on account thereof.]

[74. "Dock Workers" (as defined under Sections 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 63 and
Section 2(b) of the Workers 65 subject to the condition that
(Regulation of Employment) Act, the [employees concerned shall be
1948 (Act No. IX of 1948) given the same benefits in the matter
employed by the members of the of hours of work overtime payment
Bombay Stevedores Association and weekly holidays as are available
Limited. to the workers employed by the
Bombay Dock Labour Board.]]

[75. Bidi makers and wrappers in the Section 18(3).]

establishments manufacturing bidis.

[76. Shops dealing in poultry Sections 10 and 18 subject to the

condition that the
employees [concerned] are given
one full or two half day holidays in
a week without making [any
deduction from their wages] on
account thereof.]

[77. Tea Centre run by the Tea Board at Sections 35, 36 and 37.]
Churchgate, Bombay.

[78. Establishments maintained in Section 10, Section 11, Section 16,

connection with the Petrol Service subject to the conditions that the
Stations and Petrol Pumps spread over of the work of an
employee employed therein shall
not exceed fourteen hours in any
day; and section 18, [subject to the
condition that employees concerned
are granted one day holiday in a
week without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof].]

[79. (a) Office of the Maharashtra (a) In respect of all the employees I
Housing Board and Offices Sections 35, 36, 37 and 62, [subject
Subordinate to it. to the condition that any visit book,
(a) [* * * * ] register or is record maintained
(b) Office of the Industrial Finance immediately before the [date of
Corporation of India. notification] are continued to be
(c) Office of the Indian Rare Earths maintained properly and such
Limited Bombay. registers and records are made
available to the Inspector for
(d) Office of the Cotton Textile
Export Promotion Council,
(b) In respect of out-door staff and
[(e) Production and Sales Centres or
watchmen: Sections 13, 14, 15, 17
Depots of the Maharashtra State
and 18 subject concerned to the
Khadi and Village Industries
conditions that the employees
concerned are granted wages for
(f) [* * * * *] overtime work and one day holiday
(g) Offices of the Agricultural in a week without making any
Produce Market Committees deductions from their wages on
established under the Bombay account thereof.]
Agricultural Produce Markets Act,
(h) Office of the Industrial Credit
and Investment Corporation of India
Limited, Bombay.
(i) Offices of the Life Insurance
Corporation of India in the State of
(j) Regional Office of the State
Trading Corporation of India
(Private) Limited, Bombay.
(k) Office of the Shipping
Corporation of India, Bombay.
(l) Export Risks Insurance
Corporation (Private) Limited,
[(m) Deleted.]
[(n) Establishments of the
Maharashtra State Warehousing
[(o) Office of the Basic Chemicals,
Pharmaceuticals and Soaps Export
Promotion Council.]
[(p) Offices of the Maharashtra
State Farming Corporation Ltd.,
situated at Bombay and Poona and
office of the Kolhapur Sugar Farm.]
[(q) Office of the Indian Motion
Picture Export Corporation Ltd.,
[* * * * * * ]
[(r) The Offices of the Minerals and
Metals Hiding Corporation of India
Limited, Bombay.]
[(s) Zonal Office and Godown of
Bharat Earth Movers Limited,
Bangalore, situated at Bombay.]
[(t) Offices of the Maharashtra
Small Scale Industries Development
Corporation Limited, Bombay.]
[(u) Branch Office of the Engineers
India Limited, New Delhi, situated
in Bombay.]
[(v) Sales Establishment of the
Hindustan Machine Tools Limited,
Bangalore, situated in Bombay.]
[(w) Offices of the Maharashtra
State Financial Corporation in the
State of Maharashtra.]
[(x) Establishment of the Central
Warehousing Corporation, New
Delhi, situated in the State of
[(y) Office of the Vidarbha Housing
Board and offices subordinate to it.]
(y) [* * *]
[(z) Office of the Maharashtra Agro-
Industries Development Corporation
Limited, Bombay.]
[(za) MAFCO Limited, Bombay.]
[(zb) Office of the State Industrial
and Investment Corporation of
Maharashtra Ltd., Bombay.]
[(zc) Office of the City and
industrial Development Corporation
of Maharashtra Ltd., Bombay.]
[(zd) Office of the General
Insurance Corporation of India,
[(ze) India Tourism Development
Corporation, Regional Office,
'Nirmal', 11th Floor, Nariman Point,
Bombay-400 021.]
[(zf) Branch Office of the Regional
Sales Office of the Hindustan
Machine Tools Ltd., Bombay
situated in Pune.]
[(zg) Indian Dairy Corporation, Raj
Mahal 6th floor, 84, Veer Nariman
Rd, Bombay-400 020.]
[(zh) Messrs Maharashtra State
Handloom Corporation Ltd.,
[(zi) Western Coalfield Limited
(Subsidiary of Coal India Ltd.,)
Bisesar House, Temple Road,
Nagpur-440 001.]
[(zj) Western Maharashtra
Development Corporation Ltd., Red
Cross House, 111 floor, II, M.G.
Road, Bombay-400 001]
[(zk) Indian Drugs and
Pharmaceuticals, Regional Sales
Office, Brown Bowri House, 264-5,
Dr. Annie Besant Road, Bombay-
400 018.]

[80. The Modern Garage, Bombay Sections 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 and 18
subject to the condition that the
employees concerned are granted
one day holiday in a week [without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]]

81. [* * *]

[82. The Office of the Bombay Taxi Sections 13(1), 14, 15, 17 and 18
Association, Bombay subject to the condition that the
employees concerned are
granted [one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

[83. Employees in the canteens at Bus Section 19.]

Depots and Bus Station of the
Bombay Electric Supply and
Transport Undertaking of the
Bombay Municipal Corporation.

[84. Establishment of the Bombay State (a) In respect of out-door staff and
Road Transport Corporation. watchmen:-

Sections 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 35, 36,

37, 62 and 66 : Subject to the
condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day's
holiday in a week without making
any deductions on account thereof
from the wages.
(b) In respect of employees other
than those mentioned in clause (a):-
(i) Section 13: only in respect of-
(x) employees in the following
establishments, namely:-
Bus Stations, Reservation and
Advance Booking Offices, Out
agency, Parcel Booking and
Delivery Offices, workshops not
covered under the Factories Act,
1948, Control points; and
(y) employees in the following
establishments, namely:-
State Transport, Central Offices, 80-
81, Annie Besant Road, Worli,
Bombay-18, Office of the Controller
of Stores, State Transport, Central
Stores, Bombay Central Stand,
Bellasis Road, Bombay-8. Stores
Unit No. II, Petit Mills Compound,
Tardeo, Bombay, Office of the
Divisional Comptroller, State
Transport, Poona, Nasik Thana,
Kolhapur, Sholapur Ahmedabad,
Ratnagiri Nadiad, Baroda, Surat
Dhulia, Palanpur, Ahmednagar,
Sabarkantha, Administrative
Blocks-Central Works Depot and
Regional Workshop, Ahmedabad,
Office of the Executive Engineer,
State Engineer, State Transport,
Southern Division, Shankerseth
Road, Poona.
Office of the Executive Engineer,
State Transport, Northern Division,
Bombay Central, Bombay.
Office of the Executive Engineer,
State Transport Regional Workshop
Construction Division at
State Transport Divisional Stores at
Poona, Nasik, Thana, Kolhapur,
Sholapur, Ahmedabad, Ratnagiri,
Nadiad, Baroda, Surat, Dhulia,
Palanpur, Ahmednagar,
Subject to the condition that no
establishment shall open earlier than
7-30 a.m. and close later than 9.30
(ii) Section 14: subject to the
condition that the working hours of
any employee shall not exceed 9
hours in any day and 54 hours in
any week.
(iii) Section 15: subject to the
condition that no employee shall be
required or allowed to work for
more than five hours before he has
had an interval of rest of at least
(iv) Section 17: only in respect of
bus stations, bus depots and stores -
offices subject to the condition that
the spread-over of work of an
employee shall not exceed 14 hours
in any day.
(v) Section 18: subject to the
conditions that–
(o) every employee other than daily-
rated staff shall be given one day
holiday in a week without making
any deduction from wages on
account thereof.
(p) an employee on daily-rated
wages shall be granted one day
holiday in a week, payment for that
day being made at the rate agreed to
by the Corporation for that category,
with the union of the workers.
(q) the one day holiday referred to
in paragraph (o) and (p) if No.
granted in any week shall be granted
within a period of not less than two
months from the end of that week.
(vi) Sections 35, 36, 37, 62 and 66.]

[85. Shops dealing in pan, bidi, Sections 10, 11, 16, and 18, subject
cigarettes, matches and other to the conditions that the employees
ancillary articles, at the State are granted one day's holiday in a
Transport Bus Stations. week without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[86. * * * *]

[87. The Central Office of the Life Sections 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18
Insurance Corporation of India subject to the condition that (i) no
situated in Bombay. employee shall be required or
allowed to work for more than five
hours before he has had an interval
of rest of at least half an hour;
(ii) the employees concerned are
granted wages for overtime work
and one day's holiday in a week
without making any deductions on
account thereof from the wages.]

[88. The office of the Bombay Gas [Provision relating to opening hour
Company Ltd., at 214, Dr. Dadabhai in section 13] in respect of two
Naoroji Road, Bombay - 1. clerks and one office sepoy, subject
to the condition that the office will
not be opened earlier than 8-00

[89. Shops supplying cycles on hire, (i) Provision relating to closing in

(attending to repair of bicycles section 11;
including filling up air in the tubes (ii) Section 18 subject to the
of bicycles. condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without
making [any deductions from their
wages] on account thereof.]

[90. Establishments of Royal Western Sections 28, 29 and 30 subject to the

India Turf, Club, Limited. condition that the employees are
granted wages for overtime work as
required under section 63(1)-
(i) only in respect of the number of
permanent basis at Bombay and
Pune, indicated against each as
Ministerial staff 37
Peons 54
Driver 1
Waiter 1
Supervisor 7
Attendants -
(ii) only in respect of the number of
employees, employed on permanent
basis only at Pune, indicated against
each as follows:-
Ministerial 3
Peons 5
Drivers 3
Pantry men
Butlers 16
[on race days and the day following
race days], and
(ii) In respect of employees
employed in Bombay.]

[91. Office of the State Bank of India Section 18 subject to the condition
that the employees concerned are
granted one day in a week as a
holiday without making [any
deductions from their wages] on
account thereof.]

[92. Cooking section of the Yezdiar Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to
Industrial Institute, 779, Parsee the conditions that-
Colony, Dadar, Bombay-400 014. (i) The Cooking Section shall not be
opened earlier than 5.00 a.m. and
closed later than 7.00 p,m.
(ii) No employee shall be required
or allowed to work for more than 9
hours in any day.
(iii) The spread-over of an employee
shall not exceed fourteen
hours, [any day.]
(iv) Every employee shall be given
one day in a week as a holiday
without making [any deductions in
his wages] on account thereof.
(v) No female employee shall be
required or allowed to work before
7.00 a.m. on any day.]

[93. Such hair cutting establishments and Sections 10 and 16.]

hammam-khansas [* * * * *] as
open not earlier than 6.00 a.m.

[94. Such establishments wherein the Provision relating to opening hours

process of moulding and/or welding in Section 13.]
is carried on, as open not earlier
than 7.00 a.m.

[95. Establishments of Weigh-Bridges in Section 18 subject to the condition

Greater Bombay. that the employees concerned are
given one day in a week as a holiday
without making [any deductions
from their wages] on account

[96. Such establishment manufacturing [Provision relating to opening hours

bricks as open earlier than 5.30 a.m. in Section 13] and Section 18
subject to the condition that the
employees concerned are given one
day in a week as a holiday without
making deductions from their wages
on account thereof.]

[97. Office of the Indian Oil Company, (a) In respect of all the employees:
Bombay. section 35, 36, 37 and 6.
(b) In respect of out-door staff and
watchmen, sections 13, 14, 15, 17
and 18 subject to the condition that
the employees concerned are
granted wages for overtime work
and one day holiday in a week
without making any deduction on
account thereof from their wages.
(c) In respect of telephone operation
sections 13 and 18, subject to the
conditions that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions on account thereof
from their wages.]

[98. The R.H. Patuck Industrial Institute Sections 13, 14 and 18 subject to the
for Paris, Sleater Road, Bombay. conditions that-
(i) the institute shall not be opened
earlier than 7.00 a.m. and closed
later than 5.00 p.m.
(ii) No employee shall be required
or allowed to work for more than 9
hours in any days
(iii) Every employee shall be
given [one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from his wages] on account thereof.]

[99. Motor car drivers attached to the Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to
head offices of the Tata Hydro- the condition that the motor car
Electric Power Supply Company drivers concerned are given [one
Limited, the Andhra Valley Power day holiday in a week] without
Supply Company Limited, and the making deductions from their wages
Tata Power Company Limited, on account thereof.]

[100. Establishment of race horse trainers Sections 13, 17 and 18 subject to the
conditions that-
(i) The spread-over of an employee
shall not exceed fourteen hours in
any day.
(ii) Every employee shall be
given [one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from his wages] on account thereof.]

101. [* * * * * *]

[102. Establishment of the Maharashtra (a) In respect of all employees:

State Electricity Board. sections [35, 36, 37 and 62.]
(b) In respect of outdoor staff and
watchman: sections 13, 14, 15, 17
and 18, subject to the condition that
the employees concerned are
granted wages for overtime work
and one day holiday in a week
without [making any] deductions
from their wages on account

[103. Sub-Office of Coffee Board at (a) In respect of all the employees:

Haroon House, Bazargate Street Sections 35, 36, 37 and 62.
Bombay - 400 001. (b) In respect of outdoor staff:
sections 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18,
subject to the condition that the
employees concerned are granted
wages for overtime work and one
day holiday in a week without
making deductions from their wages
on account thereof.]

[104. Motor drivers employed by the Section 13, subject to the condition
Scindia Steam Navigation Company that the employees concerned are
Limited, Bombay. during the period of operation or the
award [being an award, dated 17th
July, 1961 given by the Arbitrator in
the Industrial Dispute between the
Scindia Steam Navigation Company
Ltd., the Bombay Steam Navigation
Company (1953) Private Ltd., and
the Scindia Workshop Private Ltd,
of the first part and the monthly paid
clerical and non-clerical staff
employed by them at their officers
in Bombay and Branch offices
located at the posts within the State,
of the second part], given allowance
in lieu of over-time as provided in
the said award.
Sections 14 and 17.
Section 18, subject to the condition
that the employees concerned are
given one day as holiday with wages
in a week during the period of
operations of the said award.]

[105. Canteen and Stores run at Pune by Section 33.]

the Pune Seva Sadan Society, Pune.

[106. Establishment of Jayems Chemicals, Provision relating to opening hour

Nasik Road, Deolali, Nasik. in Section 13 so long as the
Government order sanctioning
electric power to the establishment
from 11.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. is in

107. [******]

[108. Hair Dressing Saloon Stalls situated Sections 10, 11 and 18, subject to
within railway premises the condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[109. Employees in the Production Section 18. subject to the condition,

Department of the Publicity Society that the employees concerned are
of India Limited, Bombay. granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

110. [******]

[111. Pay clerks and peons and cash- Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to
guards, accompanying them, of the the condition that the employees
Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply concerned are granted wages for
Co. Ltd., the Andhra Valley Power overtime and one day holiday in a
Co. Ltd., and the Tata Power week without making any
company Ltd., Bombay House, deductions from their wages on
Mody Street, Fort, Bombay-1. account thereof.]

[112. Women employees, working as

gatekeepers, booking clerks, general
duty clerks, door-keepers in Cinema

[113. Messrs Arun Printing Press, In respect of section 62, so far it

Gajanan Talkies Road, Malkapur, relates to the maintenance of
District Buldhana. registers under rule 20(1), 20(4) and
20(11) of the Maharashtra Shops
and Establishments Rules, 1961.]

[114. Bombay Industrial Business Section 13.]

Machines Bureau, Meher Chambers,
Nicol Road, Ballard Estate,

[115. Staff car driver employed in-

(i) Shops Sections 10, 11, 14, 16 and 18,

subject to the condition that the
drivers concerned are given one day
in a week as a holiday without
making deductions from their wages
on account thereof.

(ii) Commercial establishments Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to

the condition that the drivers
concerned are given one day in a
week as a holiday without making
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[116. Employees of the Chartered Bank, Section 13]

Bombay-1, engaged for exchange of
money on board the ship or wharf in
Bombay Port.

[117. Employees in the Car Pool Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to
Department of the Greaves Cotton the condition that the employees
and Company Limited Bombay-1. concerned are granted wages for
overtime work and one day holiday
in a week without making any
deductions on account thereof from
their wages.]

[118. Banks Provision relating to closing hours

in Section 13 on the first working
day of a month and the working day
preceding and succeeding public
holiday subject to the condition that
the employees concerned are
granted wages for overtime work.]

[119. Purchase and Liaison Office of the (a) in respect of all employees
Fertilizer Corporation of India sections 35, 36, 37 and 62.
Limited, Bombay. (b) in respect of out door Staff:
Sections 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18
subject to the condition that the
employees concerned are granted
wages for overtime work and one
day holiday in a week without
making any deductions on account
thereof from their wages.
(c) In respect of telephone operator
sections 13 and 18, subject to the
condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions on account thereof
from wages.]

[120. Cooking Section of the Vindyu Section 13 and 18, subject to the
Home Industries, 116, Dadasaheb conditions that-
Phalike Road, Bombay-14. (1) the cooking section shall not be
opened earlier than 6.00 a.m., and
closed later than 3.00 p.m.
(2) every employee shall be given
one day in a week as a holiday
without making any deductions in
his wages on account thereof.]

[121. Office of the Maharashtra State Co- Section 18 subject to the condition
operative Marketing Society, Ltd., that the employees concerned are
at, Wadala, Bombay. granted one day in a week as a
holiday without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[122. Offices of the Maharashtra State All provisions.]

Khadi and Village Industries Board
(excluding Production and Sales
Centres or Depots).

[123. Employees in the Marine Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to

Department of Messrs Caltex (India) the conditions that the employees
Limited, Bombay. concerned are granted wages for the
over-time work and one day holiday
in a week without making any
deductions on account thereof from
their wages.]

[124. Distribution Office of Noble Section 18, subject to the condition

Distribution located at Margret that the employees concerned are
Building, Antop Hill, Wadala, granted one day in a week as
Bombay - 31. holiday without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[125. Employees in Research Centre of Section 13(1) subject to the

the CIBA of India Limited, condition that the Research Centre
Goregaon, Bombay will not be opened earlier than 8.00

[126. All mills which are prohibited from Sections 11 and 6, subject to the
using or consuming electrical condition that no flour mill shall on
energy for milling flour during the any day be kept open later than 9.30
hours of 5.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. p.m.]
under Government Order, No. VAC
1066/73827 - Elec-II dated the 28th
January, 1966 issued under clause
(a) and (b) of sub-section (1) of
Section 6-A of the Bombay
Electricity (Special Powers) Act,

[127. Establishment of the Dharamsi Section 18 subject to the condition

Morarji Chemical Company that employees are granted holidays
Limited, Bombay, at Parel Road, as are declared by the Mill Owners'
Cross Lane, Byculla, Bombay. Association, Bombay for their
member mill and a list is sent to the
Shops Inspector of the area each

[128. IBM Section of Accounts Section 13(1).]

Department of the Bombay
Suburban Electric Supply Limited,

[129. Employees employed in the * * *.]

Mechanical Billing Unit of the
Maharashtra State Electricity Board,
Shivajinagar, Poona.

[130. Establishment of Co-operative Sub-section (1-B) of Section 18

Societies in the Bombay, Municipal subject to the condition that these
Corporation area. establishments shall remain closed
on one day of the week as required
by sub-section (1) of Section 18.]

[131. Shop belonging to Shri. R.M. Sections 10, 11 and 18 subject to the
Agarwal of Shirpur, District Dhulia, condition that the employees
carrying on business of repairs to concerned are granted one day
motor vehicles and supply essential holiday in a week without making
services for travel arrangements. any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

132. [* * * ** **]

[133. Pan shop in the vicinity of the III Section 10, section 11, section 16
Class waiting hall of Nasik Road subject on the condition that the
Station on the Central Railway. spread-over of the work of an
employee employed therein, if any,
snail not exceed fourteen hours in
any day and section 18 subject to
the condition that employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[134. Establishments known as "Matru Section 33.]

Samaj" run by the Vishva Vatsalaya
Prayogik Sangh in Greater Bombay

[135. Females employed by Co-operative Section 33.]

Consumers' Stores registered under
the Maharashtra Co-operative
Societies, Act, 1960.

[136. Establishment of the Parbhani Zilla Sub-section (1-B) of section 18

Madhyavarthi Sahakari Grahak subject to the condition that these
Bhandar, Parbhani. establishments shall remain closed
on one day of the week as required
by sub-section (1) of section 18.]

[137. Shops dealing in flowers and other Sections 10, 11 and 16 subject to the
ancillary articles such as garlands, condition that no flower shop shall
venies and the like made out of be opened earlier than 5.00 a.m. and
nature flowers only. be closed later than 11.00 p.m. on
any day; section 18 subject to the
condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[138. The firms or establishments– Sections 13, 14 and 17, subject to

the conditions that–

(1) dealing in transport of fresh fish (i) if an employee is required to

(including fish preserved in ice); work for more than 9 hours in any
day or more than 48 hours in any
week he shall be granted overtime
wages as per Section 63(I)of the
Act; and

(ii) the spread over of the work of as

employee shall not exceed fourteen
hours in any day.

(2) engaged in actual fishing;

(3) dealing in processing of fish and Section 18, subject to the condition
other acquatic products such as that the employees concerned are
freezing plants canning plants and granted one day holiday in a week
fish meal Plants. without making any deductions
from their wages on account

[139. Employees employed in the Post Section 13.]

Clearances Service Unit of Messrs
Tata Fison Industries Limited, Ralli
House, 21, Ravelin Street, Fort,

[140. Messrs Kadbakutti Karbhandar Pvt. Sections 10, 11 and 18 subject to the
Ltd., 230, Mangalwar Peth, Poona- condition that the employees
11. concerned are given one day in a
week as holiday without making any
deductions from their wages, on
account thereof.]
[141. The following employees of the Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to
Bombay Suburban Electric Supply the conditions that–
Company Limited Bombay-55; (i) the employees concerned shall be
As namely:– granted wages for over-time work as
(1) Stores Section– required by section 63(1) read with
(i) Assistant Store-keeper, clause (a) of the Explanation
(ii) Six Clerks, thereunder;
(iii) Twelve Mazdoors. (ii) the employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
(2) Time-keeper Section–
without making any deductions
(i) Two Clerks.
from their wages on account
(iii) the list of names of employees
shall be sent to the Inspector having
jurisdiction every month before the
commencement of such month. If
there is change in employees during
the currency of any month, the
names of new employees shall be
sent to the Inspector forthwith.]

[142. Office of the Manganese Ore (India) (a) In respect of all the employees,
Ltd., Nagpur section 62, subject to the condition
that any visit book in register or
records maintained in immediately
before the 1st June 1963, are
continued to be maintained and
records are made available to the
Inspector for Inspection.
(b) In respect of outdoor staff and
watchman: Sections 13, 14, 15, 17,
and 18, subject to the conditions that
the employees concerned are
granted wages for over-time work
and one day holiday in a week
without making any deduction from
their wages on account thereof.]

[143. Establishments dealing in handloom Provisions relating to opening hours

products at Kamptee. in Section 13(1).]

[144. Employees of the Maharashtra Sections 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18

Housing Board, Bombay. subject to the conditions that
(i) the employee concerned are
granted wages for over-time work
and one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account
(ii) the exemption will remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the date of issue of this

[145. Establishments known as- Sections 13 and 18, subject to the

(i) Prakash Mangal Service, condition that the employees
Bombay concerned are granted one day
(ii) Mangal Vastu Bhandar, holiday in a week without making
Bombay. any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[146. Office of the Tariff Advisory Sections 13 and 15.]

Committee, Bombay.

[147. Khadi Gramodyog Bhandar, Section 33.]

Andheri (W), Bombay-58, run by
the Mahila Parishad, Andheri,

[148. Employees in the Offices of the Section 15 subject to the condition

following establishments situated in that they observe 40 minutes
crescent House', Ballared Estate, interval for rest.]
(i) Indian Explosives Ltd.,
(ii) The Alkali and Chemical
Corporation of India Limited;
(iii) F.C.I. (India) Private Limited.

[149. Shops selling flowers, pans, Sections 10(1), 11(1)(a), subject to

garlands, coconuts and sweet oil, the condition that no shops shall be
etc., situated in the premises of Shri. opened earlier than 5.00 a.m. and be
Tulja Bhavani Temple, Tuljapur. closed later than 10.00 p.m. on any
day. Section 18, subject to the
condition that the employees
concerned are granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deduction from their wages on
account thereof.]

[150. Happy Home Air-conditioned Section 33, subject to the condition

Department Store, Worli, Bombay- that female employees are not
25. required to work after 8.00 p.m.]

[151. Employees in the Office of the Section 15, subject to the condition
Colgate-Palmolive (India) Private that they observe half an hour
Limited, Steel crate House, interval for rest.]

[152. Shop at Laxmi Road, Pune, run by Section 33.]

the Hindu Women's Rescue Home
Society, Pune.

[153. Peons and sweepers employed in the Section 13(1) subject to the
office of the Cadbury-Fry (India) condition that they shall not be
Private Limited, Bombay. called for work earlier than 7.00

[154. Female booking clerks employed in Section 33, subject to the condition
Amber and Oscar Cinemas of M/s. that they are not required to work
R. R. Enterprises, Bombay. after 8.00 p.m.]

[155. Female employed in the Department Section 33.]

Store of M/s. Bajaj Electricals
Limited, situated at 2, East Street,

[156. Kalyan Branch of the United Provisions relating to opening hours

Western Bank Ltd., Satara. in section 13(1), subject to the
condition that the Bank will not be
opened earlier than 7.00 a.m.]

[157. Shops situated in the premises of the Sections 10, 11, and 18, subject to
residential hotels approved by the the condition that employees
Department of Tourism, concerned are given one day holiday
Government of India, New Delhi. in a week without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[158. Female employees employed in the Section 33.]

Departmental Stores of M/s.
Noorsons, situated at 257, Swami
Vivekanand Road, Bandra,

[159. Employees in the Office of M/s. Section 15, subject to the condition
Hindustan Feredo Ltd., Ghatkopar, that they observe 50 minutes
Bombay-56. interval for rest.]

[160. Biotech Laboratories, Poona Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18, subject
to the conditions that (i) the spread-
over shall No. exceed fourteen hours
in any day; and (ii) the employees
concerned are granted wages for
overtime work in accordance with
section 63 of the Act and one day
holiday in a week without making
any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[161. Establishments wholly or Sections 11, 14, 15 and 18 subject to

principally engaged in the sale of the conditions that-
sugarcane juice. (i) no establishment shall on any day
be closed later than 11.00 p.m.
(ii) if any employee is required to
work beyond 9 hours in any day or
48 hours in any week, he shall be
paid in respect of overtime work
(which shall be noted in the
prescribed register) wages at the rate
prescribed in section 63 of the Act;
(iii) the employees concerned shall
be granted one day holiday in a
week without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[162. Computer Section of the State Bank Section 13(1), subject to the
of India Offices, Bombay. conditions that-
(i) the computer should be used only
for work which cannot properly be
done by manual methods.
(ii) there should be no displacement
of any employees whatsoever in any
Sections or offices of the State Bank
of India on account of utilisation of
the computer system.
(iii) the working of the computer
should be open to the inspection of
the Officers of the Commissioner of
Labour, who will have the right to
scrutinise, satisfy themselves from
time to time whether the above
conditions are adhered to by the
State Bank of India.]

[163. Female employees employed in the Section 33, subject to the condition
Establishments of "Vaishali" known that they are not required to work
as- after 7.30 p.m.]
(i) Vaishali,
(ii) Chunar, and
(iii) Shaishao, Bombay-400 006

[164. Departmental store of Messrs. Section 33, subject to the condition

Zarapkar Industries, Bhawani that the female employees are not
Shankar Road, Dadar, Bombay-400 required to work after 8.00 p.m.]

[165. Head Office of Messrs Siemens (a) In respect of peons and other
India Ltd., Bombay-400 018 menial staff, Section 13(1).
(b) In respect of all employees
Section 15, subject to the condition
not allowed to work for more than
five hours before he has had an
interval of rest of at least 45

[166. Duty-free shop of the Indian Sections 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 32, 33
Tourism Development Corporation, and 63 subject to the conditions
New Delhi, situated at the Santa that- (1) the employees concerned
Cruz Airport, Bombay are not required to work for more
than 48 hours in any week;
(2) the spread-over shall not exceed
12 hours in any day;
(3) the employees concerned shall
be granted one day holiday in a
week without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof; an
(4) the employees on the sales side
shall be granted holiday every
alternate day without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]
[Sections 35 and 62 of the Act and
rule 20 of the Maharashtra Shops
and Establishments Rules, subject to
the condition that registers and
records shall be made available to
the Inspector for inspection.]

[167. Office of the Fertilizer Association Sections 35, 36, 37 and 62 subject to
of India, Bombay. the condition that any visit book,
registers and records maintained by
the Association are continued to be
maintained properly and such
registers and records are made
available to the Inspector for

[168. B. Kaikhushroo & Co., Bombay - Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to
400001. the conditions that-
(i) the total hours of work shall not
exceed 9 hours a day or 48 hours a
(ii) spread-over shall not exceed 12
hours in any day;
(iii) if any employee is required to
work in excess of the limit of hours
of work specified in Section 63 of
the said Act, he shall be paid
overtime wages at the rate not less
than those prescribed under Section
63 of the said Act; and
(iv) the employees concerned shall
be granted one day holiday in a
week without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[169. Punching Section of Messrs Hoechst Section 13(1) subject to the

Pharmaceuticals Limited, Bombay. conditions that-
(i) the Computer shall be used only
as a management aid to help
decision making in the areas which
cannot properly be serviced by
manual method. It should not be
used for information oriented jobs
such as pay-roll financial
accounting, building, etc.,
(ii) there shall be no displacement of
any employee whatsoever in any
section or offices of the Company
on account of utilisation of the
Computer system; and
(iii) the working of the Punching
Section and utilisation of computer
shall be open to the inspection of
officers of the Commissioner of
Labour, who will have the right to
scrutinise and satisfy themselves
from time to time, whether the
above conditions are adhered to by
the Company.]

[170. Exchange Bureau of the State Bank Section 13.]

of India at Taj Intercontinental
Hotel, Bombay.

[171. Female employee employed in the Section 33, subject to the conditions
Taj Mahal Intercontinental Hotel, that-
Bombay. (1) no woman shall be given night
duty continuing for more than one
(2) all women, whose duty
terminates or starts after 9.00 p.m.
and before 6.00 a.m., should be
provided with Company's
conveyance from their residence to
hotel and back;
(3) women should be placed in
groups at night;
(4) rest rooms and separate lockers
shall be provided in the hotel
premises for women;
(5) in the Bar room, no women shall
be put on duty as attendant.]

[172. Establishment of the Food All provisions except the provisions

Corporation of India, Bombay. of section 63 thereof.]

[172. Establishment of the Food All provisions [except the provision

Corporation of India, Mumbai. of section 63 thereof.]]

[173. Female employees employed in the Section 33, subject to the conditions
Oberoi Sheraton Hotel, Bombay. that-
(1) no woman shall be given night
duty continuing for more than one
(2) all women, whose duty
terminates or starts after 9.00 p.m.
and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided with Company's
conveyance from their residence to
hotel and back;
(3) women should be placed in
groups at night;
(4) rest rooms and separate lockers
shall be provided in the hotel
premises for women;
(5) in the Bar room, no woman shall
be put on duty as attendant.]

[174. (a) Office of the Maharashtra Sections 35, 36, 37 and 62 subject to
Fisheries Development Corporation the condition that any visit book,
Limited, Bombay. registers and records maintained by
the Corporation are continued to be
maintained properly and such
registers and records are made
available to the inspector for

[174. (b) Regional Sales Office of Messrs.

Bharat Ophthalmic Glass Ltd.,

[175. Female employees employed in the Section 33, subject to the condition
Hotel President, Cuffe Parade, that–
Bombay-400 005 (1) no woman shall be given night
duty continuing for more than one
(2) all women, whose duty
terminates or starts after 9.00 p.m.
and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided with Company's
conveyance from their residence to
the hotel and back;
(3) women should be placed in
groups at night;
(4) rest rooms and separate lockers
shall be provided in the hotel
premises for women;
(5) in the Bar room, no woman shall
be put on duty as attendant.]

[176. Employees in the Regional Section 15 subject to the condition

Accounts Office and Area Sales that the observe 30 minutes interval
Office of Messrs. Brooke Bond for rest.]
India Ltd., Nagpur.

[177. Peons and sweepers employed in the Section 13(1) subject to the
Head Office and Bombay Branch condition that they shall not be
Office of Messrs. Hoechst Dyes and called for work earlier than 7.30
Chemicals Ltd. Bombay. a.m.]

[178. Peons and sweepers employed in the Section 13(1) subject to the
Head Office and Bombay Branch condition that they shall not be
Office of Messrs. Hoechst called for work earlier than 7.30
Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Bombay. a.m.]

[179. Sweepers and coolies employed in Section 13(1) subject to the

the Head Office of Messrs. condition that they shall not be
Hindustan Lever Ltd., Bombay. called for work earlier than 6.30

[180. Transport Unit of the India Tourism Sections 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18 and
Development Corporation Bombay. 62, subject to the condition that the
employees concerned are granted
wages for overtime work and one
day holiday in a week without
making any deductions in their
wages on account thereof.]

[181. Touring Staff of Messrs. India Section 18 subject to the condition

Tobacco Company Ltd., in its Sales that the said staff members are
Branch at Royal Insurance Building, allowed to avoid leave with pay as
Bombay-400 020 soon as possible on their return from
tour to their Head Quarters at
Bombay, such Leave being not less
than at least one day for every week
during which they are on tour.]

[182. Peons and sweepers employed in the Provisions relating to opening hours
following double Shift Branches of in section 13(1) subject to the
the Bank of Baroda in Bombay, condition that the establishment will
namely:- not be opened earlier than 7.00 a.m.]
(1) Ambedkar Road, (2) Andheri,
(3) Bhaudaji Road, (4) Borivali (W),
(5) Bandra, (6) Dadar (Ranade
Road), (7) Ghatkopar, (8) Kandivali,
(9) Khar, (10) Khar Pali Road, (11)
Malad, (12) Matunga (Chadavarkar
Road), (13) Mulund, (14) Santa
Curz, (E) (15) Santa Curz, (W), (16)
Shivaji Park, (17) Vile Pane (E),
(18) Vile Pane (W), (19) Wadala,
(20) Sion, (21) Chembur, (22)

[183. Employees in Messrs. Manganese Section 15 subject to the condition

Ore (India) Ltd., Nagpur. that they observe 45 minutes
interval for rest.]

[184. Female employees employed in the Section 33 subject to the conditions

shops of Messrs. Artistic Trading that they are not required to work
Private Limited, Registered Office : after 8.00 p.m.]
National House, Tulloch Road,
Bombay-400 039, at Taj
Intercontinental and Oberoi-
Sheraton Hotels, Bombay.

[185. Kashmir Government Arts Section 62.]

Emporium, Sir Pherozshah Mehta
Road, Fort, Bombay-400 001.

[186. National Agricultural Co-operative All provisions.]

Marketing Federation Limited,
Bombay Branch, "Rajmahal", 3rd
floor, 84, Veer Nariman Road,
Churchgate, Bombay-400 020.

[187. Employees in Tanneries and Leather Section 18(3).]


[188. Teleprinter Operators in the office Section 13(1) on the condition that
of Tata Engineering and the hours of work should not be
Locomotive Co. Ltd., Bombay increased on this account.]
House 24, Homi Mody Street, Fort,
Bombay-400 023.
[189. Peons and Sweepers employed in Section 13(1) subject to the
the office of Messrs. Blue Star condition that they shall not be
Limited, Band Box House, called earlier than 8.00 a.m. and
Prabhadevi, Bombay-400 025. there shall be no increase in the
daily hours of work on this

[190. Two Operators of Adrema Printing Section 13(1) on the condition that
Machine in the Amalgamated the hours of work are not increased
Electricity Company Limited, on this account.]
Homiman Circle, Fort, Bombay-400

[191. Peon-cum-Messengers of Messrs- Section 13(1) subject to the

Polyolefins Industries. Limited, condition that total hours of work
Mafatlal Centre, Nariman Point, and spread over of these employees
Bombay-400 021. are not changed.]

[192. Sepoy Hamals of Messrs Patvolk, Section 13(1) subject to the

Division of Gokak Patel Volkart condition that hours of work and
Ltd., 19, Graham Road, Ballard spread over of these employees are
Estate, Bombay-400 001. not changed.]

[193. Messrs. Electronics Trade and All provisions except sections 7 and
Technology Development 8.]
Corporation Pvt, Ltd., Regional
Offices at Air India Bldg., 8th floor,
Nariman Point, Bombay-400 021.

[194. Branches of the Union Bank of Section 13(1).]

India, Bombay at - (1) Bhat Bazar,
(2) Princess Street, (3)
Mohammadali Road, (4) Grant

[195. The Mahila Sahakari Mandal Ltd., Section 33, subject to the condition
Jalgaon. that the women employees shall not
be allowed to work after 8.30 p.m.]

[196. The Poona Metropolitan Central Co- Section 33, subject to the condition
op Stores Ltd., Poona - 411 030. that the female employees are not
required to work after 8.00 p.m.]

[197. Female employees employed by Section 33, subject to the condition

Shri Jam Udyog Gruha, Bombay - that women employees are not
400 004, having 4 shops - two shops required to work after 8.00 p.m. and
at C.P. Tank, one at Tardeo and one that the employees should be given
at Ghatkopar. overtime wages are requested by the
existing provisions of the law.]

[198. Messrs Escort and Guide Leather Sections 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18,
Goods Shops and Barber Shops, 33, 34 subject to the conditions that-
situated at Bombay Airport, (i) [* * * *]
Santacruz, Bombay. (ii) Working hours of the employees
shall not exceed 9 hours a day and
48 hours in a week.
(iii) the concerned employees shall
be given at least half an hour's rest
(iv) The spread-over of employees
shall not exceed 14 hours on any
(v) Employees concerned shall be
given one day in a week as a holiday
without making any deduction in
wages on account thereof.
(vi) No young persons shall be
allowed to work between 9.00 p.m.
to 6.00 a.m. and otherwise than the
provisions of Section 34.]

[199. Indian Arts and Crafts shop of Sections 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18 and
Messrs. Sterling Exports Pvt. Ltd., 33 subject to the conditions-
Bombay, situated at International (1) The employees concerned are
Transit Lounge, Santacruz Airport, No. required to work for more than
Bombay. 48 hours in any week.
(2) The spread-over shall not exceed
12 hours on any day.
(3) The employees concerned shall
be granted one day holiday in a
week without making any
deductions from their wages.]

[200. I.B.M. Section of the Accounts Section 13(1) subject to compliance

Department of the Maharashtra with the provisions of Section 33
Small Scale Industries Development regarding employment of young
Corporation Ltd., Bombay. persons and women workmen.]

[201. Female employees employed in the Section 33.]

Hotel Corporation of India Limited,
Bombay-400 001.

[202. Boutique shop of Messrs Satyajit (a) Sections 10 and 11.

Traders, Bombay-400 003, situated (b) Sections 15, 16, 18 and 33
in the International Transit Lounge, subject to the condition that:-
Santacruz Airport, Bombay. (i) They observe one hour
interval for rest.
(ii) The spread-over shall not
exceed 14 hours in any day.
(iii) The employees concerned
shall be granted one day
holiday in a week without
making any deductions from
their wages on account thereof
and a holiday notice shall be
exhibited at the shop; and
(iv) The female employees shall
not be required to work after
9.00 p.m. and before 6.00 a.m.
regarding being given to
Section 34.]

[203. The BEST Parel Staff Quarters Section 33, subject to the conditions
Consumers Co-operative Society that-
Ltd., BEST Quarters, Dr. Rao Road, (1) No employee shall be required to
Parel, Bombay - 12. work for more than nine hours on
any day and forty-eight hours in a
(2) The spread-over shall not exceed
eleven hours in any day; and
(3) The period of work of the
employees shall be so fixed that no
period of continuous work shall
exceed five hours and the
employees shall be required or
allowed to work for more than five
hours, before the employee has an
interval for rest of at least one hour.]

[204. Jewellers Shop of Messrs. Natraj (i) Sections 10 and 11 subject to the
Jewellers, Bombay, situated in the conditions that each employee shall
International Transit Lounge, be given eight hours duty.
Santacruz Airport, Bombay. (ii) Section 15 subject to the
condition that no employees shall be
required or allowed to work for
more than five hours before he had
an interval of rest of one hour.
(iii) Section 16 subject to the
condition that the spread over shall
not exceed 14 hours in any day, and
(iv) Section 13 subject to the
condition that the employees
concerned shall be granted one day
holiday in a week without making
any deduction from their wages on
account thereof.]

[205. Vijaya Bank Ltd., Apartment, 55, Section 33 subject to the conditions
Waroda Road, Bandra, Bombay-400 that-
050. (1) No employee may be given more
than 9 hours duty in any day and 48
hours in any week per section 14;
(2) employees concerned shall be
granted one day holiday in a week
without making an deduction from
their wages.]

[206. Messrs. Navhind Hardware, Section 10 and 11 subject to the

Ichalkranji, District, Kolhapur. conditions, that-
(i) no employees shall be asked to
work more than 9 hours in a day and
48 hours in a week and shall not be
allowed to work overtime in excess
of the limits prescribed under
section 14.
(ii) The employee shall be allowed
to avail rest interval as per section
(iii) The employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on accounts
(iv) The employees concerned shall
be rotated every month, from first
shift to second, second to third and
third to first shift.]

[207. Offices and Establishments of the Sections 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 35, 37
Marathwada Development and 62.]
Corporation Ltd., Anvikar Building,
Adalat Road, Aurangabad.

[208. ILAC Limited, Calico Chemicals Section 13(1).]

Plastics and Fibres Division
Premises, Chembur, Bombay-400

[209. Development Corporation of Sections 35 and 36.]

Vidarbha Ltd., Mahajan Building,
1st floor, Main Road, Sitabuldi

[210. Female Employees working at Section 33, subject to the condition

Jawahar Nagar, Grahavastu that the female employees are not
Bhandar, Nayak Building, required to work after 8.30 p.m.]
Jayaprakash Road, Jawahar Nagar,
Khar (East), Bombay-400 051.
[211. Airport Plaza Hotel, situated at 70- Sections 33, subject to the condition
C, Nehru Road, Vile Parle (East), that the duty hours of the employees
Santacruz Airport Bombay-57. should not exceed 8 hours a day and
should be given lunch break as
provided under the Act.]

[212. Employees working at the Foreign Sections 10, 11, 14, 15, 17 and 18.]
Exchange Counter of the State Bank
of India, Centaur Hotel, (Bombay
Airport) Branch, Bombay-400 057.

[213. Shop belonging to Messrs. Sections 10, 11, 14, 16 and 18

Laxmichand Mhartari Travellers subject to conditions that the
Requisite Stores situated at Bombay employees concerned are granted
Airport Opp. to Indian Airlines wages for overtime work and one
Enquiry Counter, Bombay-400 029. day holiday in work without making
deductions in their wages.]

[214. Cleaners and Mukadam employed at Section 13(1).]

Head Office of Messrs. Pfizer Ltd.,
located at Express Towers, Nariman
Point, Bombay-21

[215. Branch of the Union Bank of India, Section 13(1).]

Bombay at Bhuleshwar.

[216. The Canteen of the Bombay P & T All provisions.]

Employees Co-operative Canteen
and Consumers Society Limited,
situated at G.P.O. Building, 1st
Floor, Bombay-400 001.

[217. Employees at Head Office at Lotus Sections 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 35, 36,
House, 33-A, New Marine Lines, 62 and 66 subject to the condition
near Liberty Cinema, Bombay-400 that the employees concerned are
010, and Branch Offices at granted wages for overtime work
Bhivandi. Nagpur, Malegaon and and one day's holiday in a week
Ichalkaranji of the Maharashtra without making any deductions on
State Powerlooms Corporation Ltd., account thereof from the wages.]

[218. Employees in Mulund Branch Sections 13 and 18 subject to the

Office, Dahisar and B.P. Highway conditions that the employees
Octroi Collection Centres of the concerned are granted one day
Municipal Co-operative Bank Ltd., holiday in a week without making
Bombay. any deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[219. Employees employed in two stalls Sections 10, 11, 14, 16 and 18,
and one counter, belonging to subject to the condition that-
Messrs Arjandas Gagnadas Kartari, (i) the employees concerned are not
Travellers Requsitie Stores, situated required to work for more than 48
at Bombay Airport, Bombay-400 hours in any week, if required, he
029. shall be paid overtime wages in the
rate prescribed in Section 63.
(ii) The spread-over shall not exceed
11 hours in any day.
(iii) The employees concerned shall
be granted one day holiday in a
week without making any
deductions from their wages.]

[220. Flour Mills in Greater Bombay. Provisions relating to closing in

Section 11 and Section 18 subject to
the condition that-
(i) The Flour Mills shall not remain
open beyond 9.30 p. m.
(ii) Spread-over shall not exceed 11
hours a day.
(iii) No employee shall be required
to work more than 9 hours in a day
and 48 hours in a week subject to
the condition that the employee
concerned is granted wages for
overtime work and one day holiday
in a week without making any
deductions from his wages.]

[221. Branch of the Union Bank of India, Section 13(1).]

Bombay, at Mandvi.

[222. Establishment of Messrs Centre for Sections 13 and 18, subject to the
Monitoring Indian Economy, 110- conditions that-
14, Kaliandas Udyog Bhavan, Near (i) the employees are not required to
Century Bazar, Worli, Bombay-400 work for more than 48 hours in any
025. week. If required, the employee
shall be paid overtime wages at the
rate prescribed in Section 63 of the
(ii) the spread-over shall not exceed
11 hours in any day; and
(iii) the employees concerned shall
be granted one day holiday in a
week without making any
deductions from their wages.]

[223. Branches of the Union Bank of Section 18, subject to the condition
India, Bombay, at Dadar, that the employees will be granted
Ghatkopar, Malad (East), and one day hbliday in a week without
Andheri. making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]

[224. Union Bank of India, Pune City Section 13, subject to the condition
Branch, Pune. that no employees will be allowed to
work beyond 10.00 p.m.]

[225. Branches of Union Bank of India, Section 18, subject to the condition
Bombay at Navipeth Ganesh Khind, that the employees will be granted
Bhavanipeth, Karve Road, and Tilak one day holiday in a week without
Road, in Pune City. making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]

[226. Khodad Circle Branch of the Section 18, subject to the condition,
Central Bank of India, Bombay. that the employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions in
their wages on account thereof.]

[227. Kirkee Branch of the Union Bank of Section 18, subject to the condition
India, Bombay. that the employees will be granted
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]

[228. Branches of the Union Bank of Section 18, subject to the condition
India, Bombay at Thane (East), that the employees will be granted
Bhayandar (East) and Bhusawal. one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]

[229. Ulhasnagar Branch of the Union Section 18, subject to the condition
Bank of India, Bombay. that the employees will be granted
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]

[230. Advance Computer Services Private Sections 13 and 18, subject to the
Limited, 401-Poonam Chambers, A. condition that the employees
Besant Road, Worli, Bombay-400 concerned are given one day in a
018. week as a holiday without making
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[231. Messrs Hindustan Construction Co. Section 35, 36, 37 and 62.]
Ltd., Bombay-400 018.

[232. Mathadi Labour Board Established All provisions.]

under the Maharashtra Mathadi,
Hamal and other Manual Workers
(Regulation of Employment and
Welfare) Act, 1969.
[233. Note Branch (Sakri Nata, Taluka Section 13, subject to the conditions
Rajapur, District Ratnagiri) of the that the Bank will not be opened
Union Bank of India, Bombay. earlier than 7.30 a.m.]

[234. Nul Bazar Branch, Bombay, of the Section 13, subject to the conditions
Union Bank of India Bombay. that the said branch office will not
be closed later than 10.00 p.m..]

[235. Foreign Exchange Department Section 33, subject to the condition

Counter of the Thomas Cook that-
Overseas Ltd., at the Taj (1) No woman shall be given night
Intercontinental Hotel, Bombay. duty continuously for more than one
(2) Women should be placed in
groups at night;
(3) Women whose duty terminates
or starts after 9.00 p.m. should be
provided with company's
conveyance from residence to
working place.]

[236. Khadi and Village Industries All provisions.]

Commission's Central Branch
Offices in the State of Maharashtra.

[237. Hamals employed in the following Sections 13(1) and 17, subject to the
establishment of Messrs Crawford condition that the employees
Bayler and Co., Bombay, namely:- concerned shall not be called for
(1) State Bank Building, Annexure, work earlier than 7.30 a.m.]
4th Floor, Bank Street, Bombay.
(2) Turner Morrision Building, 16,
Bank Street, Bombay.

[238. The Vishweshwar Sahakari Bank Section 18, subject to the condition
Ltd., Pune. that the employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

[239. Onion Establishments situated in the Section 11(i)(a) subject to the

Grampanchayat area of Lasalgaon, conditions that-
Pimpalgaon, Saikheda and (i) This exemption is granted for a
municipal area of Manmad in Nasik period of 7 months during the period
District. from 1st November to 31st May in
every year.
(ii) These establishments shall not
be kept open later than 11.00 p.m.
and if any employee is required to
work in excess of the limit of hours
of work specified in Section 63 of
the said Act, he shall be paid in
respect of overtime work, which
shall be noted in the prescribed
register, wages at the rate not less
than those specified in Section 3 of
the said Act.]

[240. Lottery shop of Shri K. K. Tathed, Sections 11 and 18 subject to the

Lottery Agent situated in front of conditions that-
Bombay Lodge, on Agra Road, at (i) The shop shall not be closed later
Dhule. than 10.00 p.m. on the day, and
(ii) In case, the employee is
employed by the owner of the said
shop the employee concerned shall
be granted one day's holiday in a
week without making any
deductions from his wages on
account thereof.]

[241. Permit Room at Hotel Ellora, Nanak Section 33(3) subject to the
Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Road, condition that the female employees
Borivali (East), Bombay-400 092. concerned are not required to work
after 11.00 p.m.]

241. [* * *]

[242. Female employees employed in Section 33 subject to the conditions

Welcome Hotel Sea Rock situated at that-
Lands End, Bandra, Bombay-400 (1) No woman shall be given night
050. duty continuing for more than one
(2) All women, whose duty
terminates or starts after 9.00 p.m.
and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided with Company's
conveyance from their residence to
hotel and back.
(3) Women employees shall be
placed in group at night.
(4) Rest room and separate lockers
shall be provided in the hotel
premises for women.
(5) In Barroom, no women shall be
put on duty as attendant.]

[243. Trombay Thermal Power Station Sections 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18
Construction Project, Unit 5, of the subject to the conditions that-
Tata Power Company Ltd., (1) the exemption will remain in
Bombay. operation for the period from the
date of issue of the Notification to
31st August, 1983; and
(2) the employees concerned are
granted wages for overtime work
and one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions on
account thereof from their wages.]

[244. All branches of the Central Bank of Section 18, subject to the condition
India in the State of Maharashtra. that the employees concerned are
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deduction from
their wages on account thereof.]

[245. Flour Mills in Solapur City. Section 11(1)(a) subject to the

conditions that-
(1) Spread over shall not exceed 11
hours a day; and
(2) No employee shall be required to
work more than 9 hours on a day
and 48 hours in a week and is
granted wages for over time work
and one day holiday in a week
without making any deduction from
his wages.]

[246. The Bombay District Central Co-op. Sections 13, 14, 15 and 18 subject to
Bank Ltd., Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji the conditions that-
Market, 1st floor, Patton Road, (1) If any employee is required to
Bombay-1. work in excess of the limit of hours
of work specified in section 63 of
the said Act, he/she shall be paid
overtime wages at the rate not less
than those prescribed under section
63 of the said Act, and
(2) The employees concerned shall
be granted one day holiday in a
week without making any
deductions from their wages on
account thereof.]

[247. Kemp and Co. Ltd., situated at Taj Section 33 subject to condition that-
Mahal Hotel Premises, Apollo (1) No women shall be given night
Bunder, Fort, Bombay-400 001. duty continuing for more than one
(2) All women, whose duty
terminates or starts after 9.00 p.m.
and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided with company's
conveyance, from their residence to
Hotel and back.
(3) Women should be placed in
groups at night, and
(4) Rest rooms and separate lockers
shall be provided in the premises for

[248. Hotel Horizon, 37 Juhu Beach, Section 33, subject to the conditions
Bombay-400 054. that-
(1) No woman shall be given night
duty for more than one week at a
(2) All women whose duty
terminates or starts after 8.30 p.m.
and before 6.00 a.m. shall be
provided with company's
conveyance from their residence to
the hotel and back.
(3) Women employees shall be
placed in groups at night.
(4) Rest room and separate lockers
shall be provided in the hotel
premises for women employees.
(5) No woman shall be posted for
duty in the bar/room/permit room.]

[249. Member-Employers of the Parola Section 18 subject to the conditions

Vyapari Mandal, Bazarpeth, Parola, that-
Dist-Jalgaon, dealing in sale of (1) This exemption is granted for a
seeds, agricultural Medicines, and period of 4 months during the period
Mixed fertilizers to agriculturists. from 1st July to 31st October, in
every year and
(2) The employees concerned shall
be granted one day holiday in a
week without making any deduction
from his wages on account thereof.]

[250. Ambassador Hotel, Churchgate, Section 33, subject to the conditions

Bombay-400 020. that-
(1) No woman shall be given night
duty continuing for more than one
(2) All women whose duty
terminates or starts after 9.00 p.m.
and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided with company's
conveyance from their residence to
hotel and back.
(3) Women should be placed in
groups at night.
(4) Rest room and separate lockers
shall be provided in the hotel
premises for women employees.
(5) No woman shall be put on duty
as attendant in the Bar/Permit

[251. Drivers employed in Tata Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to

Engineering and Locomotive conditions that-
Company, Bombay House, 24, (1) The drivers concerned shall not
Mody Street, Fort, Bombay-400 be called earlier than 5.00 hours.
023. (2) The drivers concerned shall not
be required to work beyond 1.30
hours on any day.
(3) The total hours of work shall not
exceed 12 hours a day and 48 hours
a wee.
(4) The drivers concerned shall be
granted wages for the over-time
work done by them.]

[252. Punch operators employed in the Section 13(1) subject to the

Punching Section of the condition that the other provisions
Maharashtra State Electricity Board, of the Act are fulfilled and the
Bombay. establishment will not be opened
earlier than 6.30 a.m.]

[253. Establishments maintained in the Sections 13, 17 and 18 subject to

"Stud and Agricultural Farms" in the conditions that-
State of Maharashtra. (1) The spread over of an employee
shall not exceed twelve hours a day.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his
wages on account thereof.]

[254. Staff employed by the Bombay

Municipal Education Department
Coop. Bank Ltd., Bombay Two
Officers, Two Typists, Four Clerks,
Two Peons.]

[255. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Service In respect of Section 62 so far as it

Station at Bhulabhai Desai Road, relates to the maintenance of
Bombay - 400 026. registers under rule 20(1) and 20(4)
of the Maharashtra Shops and
Establishments Rules, 1961.]
[256. Bale Press establishments at

[257. Bombay Metal and Alloys Section 3 subject to the condition

Manufacturing Company Private that the employees concerned shall
Limited, off. Magazine Street, Near not be called for work before 7.00
Reay Road Station, Post Box No. a.m. on any day.]
6210, Bombay.

[258. Peons, Hamals and Sweepers Section 13(1) subject to the

employed in the Associated Cement condition-that the concern will not
Co. Ltd., Cement House, 121, be opened before 7.45 a.m.]
Maharshi Karve Road, Bombay -
400 020.

[259. M/s. Agarwal Bichayat Kendra, Sections 10, 11, 15, 14, 16 and 18
Nagpur. subject to conditions that–
The shop shall not be opened before
5.00 a.m. and closed later than 10
p.m. on any day. The shop shall not
be required or allowed to work for
more than 5 hours before he has had
an interval of rest of at least ½ hour.
(1) The weekly hours shall not
exceed 50 hours of work in a week.
(2) The spread over shall not exceed
14 hours on any day.
(3) The employees concerned
should be granted wages for
overtime work in accordance with
section 63.
(4) One day's holiday in a week
should be granted with normal

[260. M/s. Tarun. Bharat, Section 33, Section 33.]

1365, Shukrawar Peth, Natubag,
Pune - 411 002.

[261. M/s. Ace Cars and Travels Pvt. Ltd., "Section 62 so far as it relates to the
Bombay. maintenance of registers under rule
20(1) of the Maharashtra Shops and
Establishments Rules, 1961, subject
to the condition that the present
register should be continued to be
maintained and should be available
for inspection at any reasonable

[262. The Hindustan Photo Films Section 62 so far as it relates to

Manufacturing Company Limited, Rules 20 of the Maharashtra Shops
205, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, and Establishments Rules, 1961
Bombay-400 018. subject to the condition that the
establishment should continue to
follow the present system and to
maintain the records (as June 1980)
as maintained by it.]

[263. 1. Offices and Establishments of the Sections 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 35, 37
Development Corporation of and 62.]
Konkan Ltd., Warden House, 5th
Floor, Sir P.M. Road, Bombay -400
2. Offices and Establishment. of the
Western Maharashtra Development
Corporation Ltd., Red Cross House,
3rd Floor, 11, Mahatma Gandhi
Road, Pune - 411 001.
3. Offices and Establishments of the
Development Corporation of
Vidarbha Ltd., Mahajan Bldg., 1st
Floor, Main Road, Sitabuldi,
Nagpur - 12.

[264. The Akola District Central Co- Section 62.]

operative Bank Limited, Akola.

[265. Punch Operator, senior punch Sections 13, 14 and 15 subject to the
operator and peon, Computer Shift conditions that-
incharge, Computer and Asstt. (i) The actual hours of work of
Computer Operator, M.S.E.B. employees should not exceed 8
hours in any day.
(ii) the spread-over should not
exceed 10 hours on any day.
(iii) Rest interval should not be less
than ½ hour and not later than 5
hours continuous work.]

[266. Maharashtra State Handloom Co- (1) Section 35, 36, 37 subject to the
operative Federation Ltd., Bombay. condition that existing facilities will
not be curtailed.
(2) Section 62 subject to condition
that the forms, registers and other
records maintained by the offices
and shops give relevant details that
are prescribed under Bombay Shops
and Establishments Act, 1948 and
Rules made thereunder.]

[267. Bharat Dairy and Juice Centre, Opp. Section 11 subject to the condition
Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, that-
Chowpatty, Bombay - 400 007. (i) the establishment should not be
closed on any day later than 2.00
(ii) the establishment should not sell
any intoxicating material on its
premises at any time.
(iii) no woman employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
8.30 p.m.]

[268. Sardar Refreshment, 164-A, Tardeo Section 19 subject to the condition

Road, Opp. B.E.S.T. Depot, Tardeo, that the establishment should not be
Bombay-400 034. opened on any day earlier than
12.00 noon and closed after 2.00

[269. Fruit Juice Stall, Sukhsagar Section 19 subject to the condition

Building, Chowpatty, Bombay-400 that-
007. (i) the establishment should not be
closed on any day later than 2.00
(ii) the establishment should not sell
any intoxicating material on its
premises at any time.
(iii) no woman employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
8.30 p.m.]

[270. Satguru Fruit Juice Stall, Cabin No Section 19 subject to the conditions
3, Opp. Patel Stores, Near Railway that-
Station, Chembur, Govandi Road, (i) the establishment should not be
Bombay- 400 07. closed ' on any day later than 3.00
(ii) the establishment should not sell
any intoxicating material on its
premises any time;
(iii) no woman employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
8.30 p.m.
(iv) on failure to comply with any of
the conditions at (i), (ii) and (iii)
above, Government may withdraw
the exemption.
(v) overtime in accordance with the
law should be paid.
(vi) if female employees made to
work beyond 830 p.m. they should
be provided with free transport with
escort up to their residence.]

[271. New Sansar Restaurant and Stores, Section 19 subject to the condition
601, Pipe Road, Kuria, Bombay-400 that-
070. (i) the establishment should not be
closed on any day later than 2.00
(ii) the establishment should not sell
any intoxicating material on its
premises at any time.
(iii) no woman employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
8.30 p.m.]

[272. Sweepers employed in the Madura Section 13(1) subject to the

Coats Limited, 81, Patton Road, condition that the sweepers shall not
Post Box No. 280, Bombay-400 be called for work before 7.30 a.m.]

[273. Establishments of National Centre All provisions.]

for the Performing Arts, Bombay
House, 9th Floor, 24, Homi Mody
Street, Bombay-400 023, and its
activities at Nariman Point, Dorabji
Tata Road, Bombay-400 021.

[274. CITI Bank of N.Y., 293, Dr. D.N. Section 13, subject to the condition
Road, Bombay-400 001. that-

(1) Three employees from Telex/ (i) work beyond 8.30 p.m. should be
Cable Deptt., of M/s. City Bank, taken from the employees by
293, Dr. D. N. Road, Bombay-1. rotation, the duration of each spell
being not more than one month.
(ii) work should not be taken from
the employees beyond 12.00 mid-
(iii) overtime in accordance with
law should be paid.
(iv) if female employees are made to
work beyond 8.30 p.m. they should
be provided with the free transport
with escort up to their residence.

(2) 12 employees from the accounts, (i) the exemption is availed of only
Book-keeping, Ledgers, the last day of every calendar
Management, Information Systems, month.
Departments of the aforesaid Bank. (ii) work beyond 8.30 p.m. should
be taken from the employees by
rotation, the duration of each spell
being not more than 1 month.
(iii) work should not be taken from
the employees beyond 12 midnight.]

[275. Patel Restaurant, 279, Belasis Road, Section 19 subject to the conditions
Nagpada, Bombay-400 008. that-
(i) The establishment should not be
closed on any day later than 2.00
(ii) The female employees, if any,
are not allowed to work in the
establishment after 8.30 p.m.
(iii) The establishment shall not sell
or serve intoxicants in the premises
of the establishments.]

[276. Bharat Electronics Ltd., 'ARCADIA' Section 62]

11th Floor, Office Nos. 5 & 6, Plot
No. 195, Nariman Point, Bombay-
400 021.

[277. Toyo Engineering India Ltd., Maker Section 13, subject to the conditions
Tower E, 3rd Floor, Cuffe Parade, that-
Colaba, Bombay-400 005. (1) The office of the establishment
shall not be opened earlier than 7.30
a.m. on any day and it shall not be
closed later than 8.30 p.m.
(2) The concerned employees shall
be paid over time wages in
accordance with the provisions of
sections 63 of the said Act if they
are required to work in excess of the
normal working hours.]

[278. Parag Juice Centre, A-Empress Section 19 subject to the conditions

Mahal, Dadar T.T., Bombay-400 that-
014. (1) the establishment shall not be
closed later than 2.00 a.m.
(2) it should not sell intoxicants in
its premises.
(3) female employees, if any should
not be made to work in the
establishment after 8.30 p.m.]

[278. Parag Juice Centre, A-Empress Section 11 subject to the conditions

Mahal, Tilak Birdge, Dadar T.T. that-
Mumbai - 400 014. (1) the establishment shall not be
closed later than 11.00 p. m.
(2) any female employee should not
be made to work in the
establishment after 8.30 p.m.
(3) if any employee is required to
work in excess of 9 hours on a day
or 48 hours in a week, the employee
shall be paid overtime wages as
specified in section 63 of the Act.
(4) every employee should be
allowed one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from his wages on account thereof.]

[279. Palm Grove Hotel, Juhu Beach, Section 33 subject to the conditions
Bombay-400 049. that-
(1) No female employees are
required to work after 11.30 p.m.
(2) No female employees shall be
given duty continuously for more
than one week.
(3) The female employees whose
duty terminates after 8.30 p.m.
should be provided with company's
conveyance with escort by the
employer from the establishment to
their residences.
(4) Female employees should be
placed in groups at night; and
(5) No female employees should be
posted in the permit room.]

[280. Ajanta Restaurant, Deftary Road, Section 33 subject to the conditions-

Malad (E), Bombay-400 064. (1) No female employees are
required to work after 11.30 p.m.
(2) No female employees shall be
given duty continuously for more
than one week;
(3) The female employees whose
duty terminates after 8.30 p.m.
should be provided with company's
conveyance with escort by the
employer from the establishment to
their residence;
(4) Female employees should be
placed in groups at night; and
(5) No female employee should be
posted in the permit mom.]

[281. Hotel Jai Pvt. Ltd., Nehru Road, Section 33 subject to the conditions
Vile Parle (E), Bombay-400 057. that-
(1) No female employees shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than a week.
(2) Female employees whose duty
terminates or starts after 8.30 p.m.
and/or before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided by the establishments with
conveyance from the residence of
the employees to the Hotel.
(3) Female employees should be
placed in groups at night.
(4) Rest room and lockers should be
provided by the Hotel for the female
(5) No female employee should be
put on duty in the permit room.]

[282. The Export-Import Bank of India All provisions.]

(EXIM-Bank), P.B. No. 19969,
Mittal Court, B' Wing, 224,
Nariman Point, Bombay-21.
[(2) The Export-Import Bank of
India, Western Region
Representative Office, 44,
Shankarsheth Road, Gultekdi, Pune
- 411 030.]

[283. Hindustan Teleprinters Ltd., Office Sections 15, 35, 36, 37, 38 & 62
No. 2 (12th Floor), Regent subject to the condition that any
Chambers, Backbay Reclamation, visit book, registers and records
Nariman Point, Bombay-21. maintained by the establishment are
continued to be maintained properly
and such registers and records are
made available to the Inspector for

[284. The Machine operators employed in Sub-section (1) of section 13 subject

the Bombay Main Office of the to the conditions:
Mercantile Bank Ltd., 52/60, (1) The number of operators
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Post Box required to sit late should not be
No. 128, Bombay-400 001. more than 10 and they should not be
required to work beyond 11.30 p.m.
(2) Late duty should not be given to
the same employees continuously
for more than one week.
(3) No female employee should be
made to work beyond 8.30 p.m.]

[285. Shop (Nos. 11 & 12) named Sections 10, 11, 15, 18 & 33 subject
"Trimurti" of the Maharashtra Small to the conditions that-
Scale Industries Development (i) the employees concerned are not
Corporation Ltd., at International ''required to work for more than 48
Airport, Sahar, Bombay. hours in any week.
(ii) the spread-over should not
exceed 12 hours in any day.
(iii) the employees are granted one
day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from their
wages on account thereto.]

[286. Computer Maintenance Corporation Section 62, subject to the condition

Ltd., and its establishments in that the registers and records shall
Bombay. The Arcade World Trade be made available to the Inspector
Centre, Cuffe Parade, Bombay-400 for inspection.]

[287. Khansama and other staff attached Sections 13, 14, 15, 17, and 18
to the rest houses/chummeries of the subject to the conditions that-
Maharashtra State Electricity Board. (i) Normal hours of work should not
exceed 48 hours in a week.
(ii) Hours of work including
overtime should not exceed 54
hours in a week.
(iii) Overtime wages should be paid
as per section 63; and (iv) Every
employee should be allowed one
day holiday in a week with wages.]

[288. Establishments of G.S. Anand and Section 13, subject to the conditions
Company 4, Lulla Nagar, Pune - that-
411 001. (Crane Service Section). (i) The concerned employees are not
required or allowed to work in the
establishment for more than 9 hours
in a day and 48 hours in a week.
(ii) The concerned employees are
allowed 1 day holiday in a week
without making deductions on
account thereof.
(iii) No employee is made to work
for more than a week continuously
during night hours.]

[289. Ivory Shop of Messrs. Nipan Sections 10, 11, 15, 16, 18 and 33,
Enterprises, Bombay-400 022, Shop subject to the conditions-
No. 10, situated in Transit Lounge (i) The employees concerned are not
(Custom Area), New International required to work for more than 48
Passenger Terminal, Bombay hours in any week.
Airport (Sahar), Bombay-400 099. (ii) The spread over shall not exceed
12 hours in any day.
(iii) The employees are granted one
day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from their
wages on account thereof.
(iv) Payment is made for over-time
work according to Section 63.]

[290. Hide-n-chic of Messrs. Jubilee Sections 10, 11, 15, 16, 18 and 33,
Leather Works, Bombay, Shop No. subject to the conditions-
2, situated in Transit Lounge, (i) The employees concerned are not
(Custom Area), New International required to work for more than 48
Passenger Terminal, Bombay hours in any week.
Airport, (Sahar), Bombay-400 099. (ii) The spread over shall not exceed
12 hours in any day.
(iii) The employees are granted one
day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.
(iv) payment is made for overtime
work according to Section 63.]

[291. Esquire Video Film Services Pvt. Sections 10, 11, 15, 16, 18 and 33,
Ltd., Shop No. 18, situated in subject to the conditions-
Transit Lounge (Custom Area), (1) The employees concerned are
New International Passenger not required to work more than 48
Terminal, Bombay Airport (Sahar), hours in any week.
Bombay-400 099. (2) The spread over shall not exceed
12 hours in any day.
(3) The employees are granted one
day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.
(4) Payment is made for over-time
work according to Section 63.]

[292. Handicraft Shop No. 3 of Messrs. Do.]

Shakti Corporation situated in
Transit Lounge (Custom Area),
New International Passenger
Terminal, Bombay Airport (Sahar),
Bombay-400 099.

[293. Show Room of Messrs. Selection Do.]

Centre, Shop No. 4, situated in
Transit Lounge (Custom Area),
New International Passenger
Terminal, Bombay Airport (Sahar),
Bombay-400 099.

[294. Handicraft Shops No. 5 of Messrs. Do.]

Indian Crafts situated in Transit
Lounge (Custom Area), New
International Passenger Terminal,
Bombay Airport (Sahar), Bombay-
400 099.

[295. Show Room No. 19 of Messrs. Do.]

Sahny Commercial Company,
situated in Transit Lounge (Custom
Area), New International Passenger
Terminal, Bombay Airport, (Sahar),
Bombay-400 099.

[296. Show Room No. 15 of Messrs. Sections 10, 11, 15, 16, 18 and 33,
Empire Footwear Fair, situated in subject to the conditions-
Transit Lounge (Custom Area), (1) The employees concerned are
New International Passenger not required to work more than 48
Terminal, Bombay Airport (Sahar), hours in any week.
Bombay-400 099. (2) The spread over shall not exceed
12 hours in any day.
(3) The employees are granted one
day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.
(4) Payment is made for over-time
work according to Section 63.]

[297. The establishments of Messrs. Mail Section 62 so far as it relates to sub-

Order Sales Private Ltd. at Rajan rule (4) of Rule 20 of the
House, Prabhadevi Bombay-400 Maharashtra Shops and
025. Establishments Rules, 1961 subject
to the condition that such a register
in respect of the employees of the
establishment at Rajan House,
Prabhadevi, Bombay-400 025, is
properly maintained at the
Company's Head Office at Mathew
Road, Bombay and that the same is
made available for inspection to the

[298. Establishment of MaIvan Taluka Sub-section (TB) of Section 18,

Shasakiya and Nimshaskiay subject to the condition that these
Karmachari Grahak Sahakari establishments shall remain closed
Sanstha Ltd., Sindhudurga. on one day of the week as required
by sub-section (I) of section 18.]

[299. The Unit of the Janakalyan Sahakari Section 18, subject to the condition
Bank Ltd., at Juhu, Vile Parle that the employees concerned are
(West), Bombay. granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deduction from
their wages on account thereof.]

[300. The establishment of Messrs. Section 18, subject to the condition

Demech Overseas Construction that the employees concerned are
Private Ltd., at 1107/4, Hari Krishna granted one day holiday in a week
Mandir Road, Pune - 411 016. without making any deductions
from their wages on account

[301. Loss Prevention Association of Sections 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 33(3),
India, Ltd., Warden House, Sir 35, 38-B, 38-C, 62 and 63 subject to
Pherozshah Mehta Road, Bombay- the condition that-
400 001. (i) The female employees whose
duty terminates or starts after 9.00
p.m. or 6.00 a.m. are provided with
company's conveyance from their
residence to their work, place and
back; and
(ii) No woman is given night duty
continuously for more than one

[302. Jas Restaurant and Bar. Natraj Section 33(3) subject to the
Market, S. V. Road, Malad, condition that-
Bombay-400 064. (i) The female employees are not
required or allowed to work beyond
12.00 midnight.
(ii) The female employees are not
required or allowed to work in the
permit room.
(iii) The female employees who are
required to work after 8.30 p.m;
shall be provided escorted transport
by the establishment upto the
residence of the concerned

[303. Persons occupying position of Sections 13 to 18 (both inclusive),

management in the offices of the 21 to 24 (both inclusive), 28 to 31
Maharashtra State, Electricity Board (both inclusive) 33 and 63.]
at Bombay provided that the number
of such persons in the offices of the
Maharashtra State Electricity,
Board, at Bombay shall not exceed
15 per cent of the total number of
employees therein any fraction
being rounded up to the next higher
Provided further that in case of
doubt as to whether a person is
occupying portion of management,
the decision of the Commissioner of
Labour or any officer appointed by
him in this behalf will be final.

[304. The Computer Division of the Sections 13 and 18, subject to the
Amalgamated Electricity Company conditions that-
Ltd., situated at 17-8 Dena Bank (i) the employees are given work in
Building, Nariman Circle, Post Box shifts by rotation as far as possible.
No. 879, Bombay-400 023. (ii) no employee should be allowed
to work in the night for more than a
week continuously.
(iii) the employees are allowed one
day in a week as holiday without
deducting wages on account

[305. The management of the Tata All provisions.]

Memorial Hospital (Tata Memorial
Centre, Dr. Ernest Borges Marg,
Parel, Bombay-400 012.

[306. The female employees employed in Section 33, subject to the conditions
Hotel Poonam International, that-
Shivsagar Estate, Dr. A.B. Road, (1) No woman employee shall be
Worli, Bombay-400 018 (excluding given night duty continuously for
executives and clerical employees). more than a week.
(2) All women employees whose
duty starts after 8.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. should be provided
with the conveyance by the
management from place of
residence to Poonam hotel and also
for return to residence.
(3) All women employees will be
placed in group at night.
(4) All women employees will be
provided with separate lockers in
the hotel premises itself.
(5) No woman shall be put on duty
in the Bar Room of the hotel.]

[307. Employees of the Cake Shops Section 13(1) subject to the

belonging to Taj Trade and condition that-
Transport Company Ltd., Bombay- (i) No shop shall remain open
400 039, situated at (1) Calton beyond 10.30 a.m.
Court, Bandra (West), Bombay-400 (ii) No woman employee will be
050, (2) 120, S. V. Road. Andheri required to work after 6.00 p.m.
(West), Bombay-400 058, (3) Beach Section 18 subject to the condition
Haven, near Palm Grove Hotel, that workers should be given one
Juhu, Bombay-400 045, paid holiday in a week.]

[307. Employees of the Cake Shops Section 11(1)(a) and 18 subject to

belonging to Taj Trade and the condition that-
Transport Co. Limited, Bombay-400 (1) No shop shall remain open
039, situated at (1) Calton Court, beyond 10.30 p.m.
Bandra (West), Bombay-400 050, (2) Women employees shall not be
(2) S. V. Road. Andheri (West). required or allowed to work beyond
Bombay-400 058, (3) Beach 8.30 p.m.
Heaven, near Palm Grove Hotel, (3) Every employee shall be given a
Juhu, Bombay-400 045, (4) Om paid holiday in a week by turn and a
Chambers, Kemps Corner, Bombay, time table of such holidays shall be
(5) Empress Mahal, Dadar T.T., put on a notice-board for
Bombay, (6) Sundar Apartments, information on the last day of every
Chembur, Bombay, (7) Meera month.
Apartments, Versova, Bombay, (8) (4) The above exemption shall be
Ramodia Mansion, Dr. A B. Road, subject to the provision contained in
Worli, Bombay. section 14(1), 16 and 63 of the said

[308. The establishment of the Janata Section 13, subject to the conditions
Commercial Co-operative Bank that no employee be allowed to
Limited at Tajna Peth in Akola City. work beyond 9.30 p.m.

Section 17, subject to the conditions

that spread-over shall not exceed
12½ hours a day on any day.

Six Branches of the Janata Section 62 subject to the conditions

Commercial that the Co-operative Bank Limited
in Akola City. registers and records
shall be made available to the
inspector for inspection.]

[309. The United Western Bank Ltd., Section 17, subject to the conditions
Bombay in its Branches at Mulund that-
(East), Mulund (West), Prabhadevi (i) these branches are not opened
and Thane. earlier than the times specified in
Column 2 in the Table given below.
(ii) they are not closed later than the
time given in Column 3 of the Table
given below, and
(iii) the total normal hours of work
of an employee do not exceed 6 ½
hours in a day.
Name of the Opening Closing
Branch hour hour

A.M. P.M.

Thane.. 8.30 12.30

Mulund(W) 8.30 12.30

Prabhadevi 8.30 12.30

Mulund(E) 8.30 12.30]

[310. Establishment of the Cotton All the provisions except the

Corporation of India Limited, Air provisions of section 7 thereof.]
India Building, 12th Floor, Nariman
Point, Post Box No. 1350, Bombay-
400 021.

[311. National Bank of Agriculture and All provisions.]

Rural Development, Poonam
Chambers, Shivsagar Estate, P.B.
No. 6552, Worli Bombay-400 018.

[312. Algernens Bank Nederland N. V. Section 62 subject to the condition

situated (1) at 44, Veer Nariman that the prevailing system in the
Road, Bombay-400 023 and (2) at establishment of maintaining muster
Zaveri Bazar, Bombay-400 003. rolls in respect of the said officers
etc. (as on 31st December, 1980)
should be continued.]

[313. Drivers attached to the ambulance Sections 13, 14, 17 and 18 subject to
Van of the State Bank of India. the conditions that-
(i) If any employee is required to
work in excess of the time limit of
hours of work specified in section
63 of the said Act, he/she shall be
paid overtime wages at the rate of
not less than those prescribed under
Section 63 of the Act. The
employees concerned shall be
granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages on account

[314. Employees of Shree Gajanan Sections 13 and 18 subject to the

Maharaj Sansthan, Shegaon, District conditions that-
Buldhana. (i) The establishment should not be
opened earlier than 5.00 a.m. and
closed later than 11.00 p.m.
(ii) No employee should be required
or allowed to work before 8.30 a.m.
or after 8.30 p.m. continuously for
more than a week,
(iii) The employees are given one
day's holiday in a week without
making deductions in wages on
account thereof.]

[314. Shree Gajanan Maharaj, Sansthan, All provisions]

Shegaon, District Buldhana,
Shegaon 444 203 (C.Rly.)

[315. Trombay Thermal Power station, Sections 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18
construction Project, Units-5, of the subject to the conditions that-
Tata Power Company Ltd., (i) The exemption will remain in the
Bombay. operation for the further period up to
and inclusive of 31st December,
(ii) The employees concerned are
granted wages for over-time work
and one day holiday in the week
without making any deductions on
account thereof, from their wages.]

[316. The establishment of- Sections 13, 15, 18, 33(3), 35, 36,
1. Allahabad Bank 37, 38-C and 62, subject to the
2. Andhra Bank following conditions:-
3. Bank of Baroda (i) The exemption are without
4. Bank of India prejudice to reference to the Act or
"the Shops Act of States" etc. made
5. Bank of Maharashtra
in the Awards/
6. Canara Bank
Settlements/Agreements (as defined
7. Central Bank of India in the Industrial Disputes Act. 1947,
8. Corporation Bank Bombay Industrial Relations Act,
9. Dena Bank 1946), applicable to the
10. Indian Bank establishments mentioned in Col. 2
11. Indian Overseas Bank thereof (hereinafter referred to as
12. New Bank of India "the Banks").
13. Oriental Bank of Commerce (ii) The exemptions are without
14. Punjab National Bank prejudice to the exemptions already
15. Punjab and Sind Bank granted in cases of individual banks
(mentioned in this schedule) unless
16. Syndicate Bank
17. Union Bank of India
(iii) The Banks should not be
18. United Bank of India opened earlier than 7.30 a.m. and
19. United Commercial Bank closed later than 9.00 p.m.
20. Vijaya Bank [Provided that its Main and service
21. State Bank of India Branches connected with Clearing
22. State Bank of Bikaner and House of Reserve Bank of India
Jaipur may be opened at 7.00 a.m. And
23. State Bank of Hyderabad closed at 11.00 p.m.]
24. State Bank of Indore (iv) No employee should be
25. State Bank of Mysore required or allowed to work for
26. State Bank of Patiala more than [5] hours before he has
had rest interval of at least half-an-
27. State Bank of Saurashtra
28. State Bank of Travancore
(v) The employees are given at least
29. The Benaras State Bank Ltd.
one day holiday in a week, without
30. Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd. making deductions from their wages
31. The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd. on account thereof.
32. The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. (vi) Women employees required or
33. The Federal Bank Ltd. allowed to work after 8.30 p.m.
34. The Hindustan Commercial should be provided with conveyance
Bank Ltd. (with escort) from their places of
35. The Jammu and Kashmir Bank work to their residence.
Ltd. (vii) No woman employee should be
36. Karnataka Bank Ltd. required or allowed to work after
37. The Karur Vyasya Bank Ltd. 8.30 p.m. continuously for more
38. The Iakshmi Commercial Bank than a week.
Ltd. (viii) The employee should be
39. The Lakshmilivas Bank Ltd. allowed by the Banks leave and the
40. The Miraj State Bank Led. female employees maternity benefit
according to
41. The Nedungadi Bank Ltd.
42. the Parur Central Bank Ltd. applicable to the Banks, or
43. The Purbanchal Bank Ltd. according to custom or usage
44. The Sangli Bank Ltd. prevalent in the Banks, immediately
45. The South Bank Ltd. before the grant of this exemption.
46. United Industrial Bank Ltd. (ix) The Registers/Records
47.The Vysya Bank Ltd. maintained by the Bank
48. Algemene Bank Nederland N.Y. immediately before this exemption
49. American Express International should be properly maintained by
Banking Corporation the Bank in respect of all their
50. Bank of America N.T. And S.A. employees.
51. The Bank of Tokyo Ltd. (x) The Registers/Records should be
made available to the Inspectors at
52. Banque National de Paris
the time of their visits to the Banks
53. The British Bank of the Middle for Inspection.
(xi) Visit Books should be
54. The Chartered Bank maintained by the Banks and made
55. City Bank N.A. available to the Inspectors, at the
56. Grindlays Bank Ltd. time of their visits to the Banks, for
57. Mercantile Bank Ltd. passing visit remarks.]
58. The Mitsui Bank Ltd.
[59. ICICI Banking Corporation
[60.Securities Trading Corporation
of India Limited, Mumbai 400 001.]
[61. “All Regional Rural Banks in
the State.”]
[62. (1) Times Bank Ltd., Times of
India Bldg, Dr. D.N. Road, Mumbai
- 400 001.
(2) Times Bank Ltd., Sana
Building, Sabtacurz (w),
Mumbai - 400 054.
(3) Times Bank Ltd., Chembur,
Mumbai - 400 014.
(4) Times Bank Ltd., Imperial
Mahal, Dadar T.T. Mumbai -
400 014.
(5) Times Bank Ltd., Oonit
Building, Colaba, Mumbai -
400 014.
(6) Times Bank Ltd., O.B.S.
Building, Shankersheth Road,
Pune - 411 042.
(7) Times Bank Ltd., Mantri
House, Ferguson College Road,
Pune - 411 001.]

[317. Employees employed in the Banks Sections 63, subject to the condition
mentioned in Col. 2 of entry at that the exact number (with name or
Serial No. 316 in this Schedule, names) of such exempted employed
occupying the position of Managers or employees is specified and
or Supervisory Officers, and intimated to the Inspector by the
drawing a salary (basic pay and concerned establishment.]
dearness allowance only) of not less
than Rs. 1,500 per month, provided
that the number of such employees
in any one establishment of the
Banks does not exceed 5 per cent of
the total number of employees in
that establishment (rounded up to
the next higher interest).

[318. All employees (other than those Section 62, subject to the condition
mentioned in Col. 2 of entry at Sr. that the employees are paid over-
No. 317 above in this Schedule, time wages in accordance with the
employed in the Banks mentioned in Awards/Settlements/ Agreements
Col. 2 of entry at Sr. No. 316 in this applicable to them, provided the rate
Schedule. of over-time is not less than double
the ordinary rate of wages.]

[319. Trombay Thermal Power Section Sections 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18,
Construction Project, Unit No. 6, subject to the condition that-
Tata Power Co. Limited, Bombay. (1) The exemption will remain in
operation for the period from the
date of issue of Notification to 31st
August, 1989, and
(2) Employees concerned are
granted wages for over-time work
and one day holiday in a week
without making any deduction, on
account thereof, from their wages.]

[320. Management of the Compudata Section 13, subject to the condition

Corporation, Data Processing that-
Centre, Sambava Chambers, 3rd (i) No employee shall be required or
Floor, Sir. P.M. Road, Bombay-21. allowed to work for more than 9
hours in a day or 48 hours in a
(ii) No female employee shall be
allowed to work after 8.30 p.m.]

[321. Establishments of Messrs. Hotel Section 19, subject to the condition

Step-in situated at Shop No. 1 Green that-
Lawn Building, Mahim Kapad (i) The hotel should not be closed
Bazar Road, Mahim, Bombay-16. later than 1.30 a.m. each day.
(ii) No woman or young person
should be employed in the
Bar/Permit Room of the Hotel.
(iii) The employees concerned
should not be required to work for
more than 48 hours in a week.
(iv) The spread over of the
employees shall not exceed 12 hours
per day.]

[322. Establishment of Messers Pheroze Section 13, 15, 17, 18 and 33

Framroze and Company, Bombay, subject to the conditions that-
situated in the International Airport, (i.) The employees concerned are
Terminal Building at Sahar, not required to work for more than
Bombay and Bombay Domestic 48 hours in any week.
Airport Terminal at Santacruz, (ii) The spread over shall not exceed
Bombay. 12 hours in any day.
(iii) The employees are granted one
day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from their
wages on account thereof.
(iv) Payment is made for over time
work, if any, according to Section
[323. Franchise Shops as per list below Section 18 subject to the conditions
where the products prepared by that-
Messrs Monginis, Bombay are sold. (i) No employee shall be required or
allowed to work for more than 9
hours in a day or 48 hours in a
week, and
(ii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof.]

[324. All Bakery Products Selling Centres Section 11(1) (a), subject to the
condition that no centre shall be
kept open after 11.00 p.m. and that
only Bakery Products shall be sold
out after 8.30 p.m.]

[325. Sale Counter Section - Section of Section 18(1) subject to the

Messrs. Central Camera Co. Ltd., conditions that-
Dadabhai Nauroji Road, Fort, (i) the employees concerned shall be
Bombay-400 001. granted one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from their wages.
(ii) the employer shall not keep open
the other parts of the establishment
on Sundays except Sale Counter
Section situated in front show-room.
(iii) no female employee should be
called on duty on Sundays.]

[326. Computer Section of the Western Section 13 subject to the condition

India Erectors Limited, Sahyadri that-
Sadan, Tilak Road, Pune - 411 030. (i) the Computer Section shall not
be opened earlier than 6.00 p.m. and
closed later than 10. p.m.]

[327. 4 Branches of Kirloskar Consultants Section 13(1) subject to the

Limited situated at- condition that these 4 Branches of
(1) 917/19-A, Ganeshwadi, Shivaji the said Establishment will not be
Nagar, Pune - 411 005. opened earlier than 8.00 a.m.]
(2) (2) 754/104, Deccan Gymkhana
Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune.
(3) Shirole Building, Shivaji Nagar,
(4) 1219, Paranjpe Road, Shivaji
Nagar, Pune.

[328. Establishment of Dr. Beck and Section 62, subject to the condition
Company India Ltd., Pimpri, Pune - that the Registers/Records
411 018. maintained immediately before this
exemption should be properly
maintained and should be made
available to the Inspectors at their
visits for inspection.]

[329. Electronic data processing Section Section 13(1), subject to the

of the establishment of Dr. Beck and condition that the section should not
Company India Limited, Pimpri, be opened earlier than 7.00 a.m. and
Pune - 18. closed later than 11.30 p.m.]

[330. Computer Department of M/s. Section 13, subject to the conditions

Nirlon Synthetic Fibres and that-
Chemicals Limited situated at (1) No female employee shall be
Nirlon House, Dr. Annie Besant allowed or required to work in the
Road, Worli, Bombay-400 025. Computer Department after 8.30
(2) No employee shall be given
night duty continuously for more
than 15 days in a month.]

[331. The establishment of "Cafe Kamal" Section 19, subject to the conditions
situated at Belasis Road, Bombay- that-
400 008. (1) The cafe should not be closed
later than 1.30 a.m. each day.
(2) No woman or young person
should be employed in the
Bar/Permit room of the cafe.
(3) The employees concerned
should not be required to work for
more than 48 hours in a week.
(4) The spread over of the
employees shall not exceed 12 hours
per day.]

[332. The Establishment of MID-DAY Section 62, subject to the condition

Publication Pvt. Ltd., F-4, Everest that any visit book, register or
Building, Tardeo Road, Bombay- record maintained immediately
400034. before the date of notification are
continued to be maintained properly
and such registers and records are
made available to the Inspectors for

[333. Establishment of Inquilab Section 62, subject to the condition

Publication Pvt. Ltd., 156, d-1, that any visit book, register or
Dadajee Road Bombay-400034. record maintained immediately
before the date of notification are
continued to be maintained properly
and such registers and records are
made available to the Inspectors for

[334. Establishment of HMT Limited, Section 62, subject to the condition

Watch Marketing Division 78 that any visit book, registers and or
World Trade Centre Cuffe Parade, records maintained by the
Colaba, Bombay-400 005. establishment are continued to be
maintained properly and such
registers and records are made
available to the Inspectors for

[335. Establishment of M/s. Hotel Rishi Section 19, subject to the condition
situated at 102, Madhavji Estate, that-
Dadasaheb Palke Road, Opp. (1) The Hotel should not be closed
Central Railway Station, Dadar, later ' than 1.30 a.m. each day.
Bombay-400 014. (2) No woman or young person
should be employed in the
Bar/Permit Room of the Hotel.
(3) The employees concerned
should not be required to work for
more than 48 hours in a week.
(4) The spread-over of the
employees shall not exceed 12 hours
per day.
(5) Hotel should not be opened
earlier than 5.00 a.m.]

[336. Women employees in House Section 33, subject to the conditions

keeping Department, front office that-
and restaurant of the Hotel Sun & (1) No women employees shall be
Sand situated at 39/2, Juhu Beach, allowed or required to work in any
Bombay-400 049. other Department except in House
keeping, front office and restaurant.
(2) No woman shall be given any
duty continuing for more than one
(3) No women employees shall be
put on duty as attendant in the bar
room/ permit room.
(4) All women whose duties
terminate or start after 8.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. should be provided
with company's conveyance from
their residence to Hotel and back.
(5) Women employees should be
placed in a group at night.
(6) Rest room and separate locker
shall be provided in the Hotel
premises for women.]

[337. Computer section of the Ceat Tyres, Section 13(1) subject to the
of India, Ltd., situated at 463, Dr. condition that no employee shall be
Annie Besant Road, Worli, given, without his consent, night
Bombay-400 025. duty continuously for more than
fifteen days.]

[338. Establishment of International Section 13, subject to the conditions

Computers Indian Manufacturers that-
Ltd. situated at Mistry Bhavan, 122, (1) The employees shall be entitled
Dinsha Wachha Road, P.O. Box. to overtime wages in accordance
No. 516, Bombay-400 020. with section 63 of the Act.
(2) No female employee shall be
allowed to work beyond 8.30 p.m.]

[339. Trombay Thermal Power Station Sections 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18,
Construction Project, Unit 5 of the subject to the conditions that-
Tata Power Co. Ltd., Bombay. (i) The exemption will remain in the
operation for a further period up to
and inclusive of [31st December,
1986 or the date of terminal of the
Construction project, unit 5,
whichever is earlier.]
(ii) The employees concerned are
granted wages for overtime work
and one day holiday in a week
without making any deduction on
account thereof from their wages.]

[340. The, workmen performing the Section 13(1) subject to the

functions as computer operators of condition that the computer section
the IBM Computer section in shall not be opened earlier than 8.00
Cyanamid India Ltd., 254 / D-2, Dr. a.m. and closed later than 8.30 p.m.]
Annie Besant Road, Worli,
Bombay-400 025.

[341. Lottery Shop of Shri S. V. Barad, Section 11(1)(a) and 18(1) subject
Barad Lottery Centre, situated at 86, to the condition that-
Navi Peth, Solapur-413 007. (i) No shop shall remain open
beyond 10 p.m. and
(ii) In case the employee is
employed by the owner of the said
shop, the employee concerned shall
be granted one day holiday in a
week without making any deduction
from his wages on account thereof.]

[342. Computer Department of Hong Section 13(1) subject to the

Kong and Shanghai Banking condition that-
Corporation, 52/60, M.G. Road, (1) No employee shall be given
Bombay-400 023. without ' his consent night duty
continuously for more than 15 days.
(2) No female employee shall be
allowed or required to work after
8.30 p.m. in the computer
(3) The employees concerned shall
be entitled to overtime wages in
accordance with section 63 of the

[343. Computer Department of Tata Section 13, subject to the conditions

Economic Consultancy Services, that-
situated at Orient House, Mangalore (1) No female employee shall be
Street, Bombay-400 038. allowed or required to work in the
Computer Department beyond 8.30
(2) No employee shall be given,
without his consent night duty
continuously for more than fifteen
(3) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
section 63 of the Act.]

[344. Computer Department of Indian Section 13(1) subject to the

Hume Pipe Co. Ltd., Construction condition that-
House, Waichand Hirachand Marg, (1) No employee shall be given
Bombay-400 038. without his ' consent, night duty
continuously for more than eight
(2) No female employee shall be
allowed or required to work in the
Computer Department beyond 8.30
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof.]

[345. Late Evening Counter of the Head Section 13(1) subject to the
Office of the Cosmos Co. op Urban condition that-
Bank Ltd., situated at Cosmos Bank (1) No woman employee shall be
Bldg., 612, Sadashiv Peth, Laxmi allowed ' to work after 8.30 p.m. in
Road, Pune - 411 030. later evening counter of the Bank.
(2) Later evening counter of the
Bank shall not be closed later than
11,.00 p.m.]
[346. Computer Department of M/s Lupin Section 13(1) subject to the
Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., 151, C.S.T. condition that-
Road, Kalina, Santacruz (E), (1) No female employee shall be
Bombay-400 098. allowed ‘ or required to work in the
Computer Department after 8.30
(2) No employee shall be given
without his consent night duty
continuously for more than 15 days.
(3) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
section 63 of the Act.]

[347. Establishment of Hindustan Pencils Section 62 in so far as it relates to

Pvt. Ltd., 510, Himalaya House, 79, maintenance of records only subject
Palton Road, Bombay-400 001. to the condition that any visit book
register or record maintained by the
establishment immediately before
this exemption should be properly
maintained and should be made
available to inspectors at the time of
their visits of the establishment for

[348. Establishment of Star Chemicals Section 62 in so far as it relates to

(Bombay) Pvt. Ltd., 55/58, Jolly maintenance of records only subject
Maker Chamber, No. 2, 5th Floor, to the condition that any visit book
Nariman Point, Bombay-400 021. register or record maintained by the
establishment immediately before
this exemption should be properly
maintained and should be made
available to inspectors at the time of
their visits of the establishment for

[349. Establishment of Indo-European Section 62 in so far as it relates to

Machinery Co. Pvt. Ltd., situated at maintenance of records only subject
Sambiva Chambers, Sir P.M. Road, to the condition that any visit book
Bombay-400 001. register or record maintained by the
establishment immediately before
this exemption should be properly
maintained and should be made
available to inspectors at the time of
their visits to the establishment for

[350. Establishment of the Gammon India Section 62 in so far as it relates to

Ltd., Gammon House, Veer maintenance of records only subject
Savarkar Marg. Post Box No. 9120, to the condition that any visit book
Prabhadevi Bombay-400 025. register or record maintained by the
establishment immediately before
this exemption should be properly
maintained and should be made
available to inspectors at the time of
their visits of the establishment for

[351. Establishment of United Motors Section 62 in so far as it relates to

(India) Ltd., 39 N.S. Patkar Marg maintenance of records only subject
Bombay-400 007. to the condition that any visit book
register or record maintained by the
establishment immediately before
this exemption should be properly
maintained and should be made
available to inspectors at the time of
their visits to the establishment for

[352. Establishment of Dr. Beck and Co. Section 62 in so far as it relates to

(India) Ltd., Pimpri, Pune - 411 018. maintenance of records only subject
to the condition that any visit book
register or record maintained by the
establishment immediately before
this exemption should be properly
maintained and should be made
available to inspectors at the
establishment for inspection.]

[353. Establishment of the Maharashtra All provisions.]

Housing and Area Development
Authority, its regional Boards and
offices subordinate to them.

[354. Establishment of the Kirloskar Section 13(1) subject to the

Consultants Ltd., situated at condition that the establishment
Swaroop Nagari, Karve Road, Pune shall not be opened earlier than 8.00
- 411 029. a.m.]

[355. Establishment of the Sandoz India Section 13 subject to the condition

Ltd. Sandoz House, Dr. Annie that no employee should be required
Besant Road Worli, Bombay-400 ID. allawed to work before 7.00
018. a.m. or after 11.00 p.m.]

[356. Computer Department of the Section 13 subject to the condition

Banque National De Paris, French that-
Bank Building, Homji Street, P.B. (1) No female employee allowed or
No. 45, Bombay-400 001. required ' to work in the Computer
Department after 8.30 p.m.
(2) No employee shall be given
without his consent night duty
continuously for more than 15 days.
(3) No employee shall be entitled to
over time wages in accordance with
section 63 of the Act.]

[357. Venus Computers Ltd., 20, Keytuo Section 13 subject to the conditions
Industrial Estate, 220, Kondivita that-
Village Road, Andheri (E), (1) No female employee should be
Bombay-400 059. allowed or required to work in the
Computer Division after 8.30 p.m.
(2) No employee shall be given
without his consent night duty
continuously for more than 15 days.
(3) The employee shall be entitled to
over time wages in accordance with
section 63 of the Act.]

[358. Ashok Juice Centre, A-Express Section 11 subject to condition that-

Mahal, Dadar TT., Mumbai - 400 (1) The establishment shall not be
014. closed later than 11.00 p.m.
(2) Any female employee should not
be made to work in the
establishment after 8.30 p.m.
(3) If any employee is required to
work in excess of 9 hours on a day
or 48 hours in a week, the employee
shall be paid overtime wages as
specified in section 63 of the Act.
(4) Every employee should be
allowed one day holiday in a week
without making any deductions
from his wages on account thereof.]

[359. Establishment of Messrs. Hotel Section 19, subject to the condtons

Ceasars Palace, situated at 313, that-
Linking Road, Khar, Bombay-400 (1) The Hotel should not be closed
052. later than 12.30 a.m. each day;
(2) No women or young person
should be employed in the
Bar/Permit Room, if any, of the
(3) The employees concerned
should not be required to work for
more than 48 hours in a week.
(4) The spread-over of the
employees shall not exceed 12 hours
per day.]

[360. Pankaj Juice Centre, Bhaudaji Road, Section 19 subject to the condition
King's Circle, Matunga, Bombay- that-
400 019. (1) The establishment shall not be
closed later than 12.30 a.m.
(2) It should not sell intoxicants in
its premises.
(3) Female employees if any, should
not be made to work in the
establishment after 8.30 p.m.]

[361. Money Exchange Counter of Section 13(1) and 17, subject to the
Central Bank of India at conditions that-
International Airport, Sahar, (1) No female employee allowed or
Bombay. required to work after 8.30 p.m.
(2) No employee shall be given
without his consent night duty
continuously for more than fifteen
(3) The spread-over of the
employees shall not exceed 12 hours
per day.
(4) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
section 63 of the Act.
(5) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof.]

[362. Computer Department of the Section 13(1), subject to the

Gammon India Limited Gammon conditions that-
House, Veer Savarkar Marg, Post (1) No female employee allowed or
Box No, 9129, Prabhadevi, required to work after 8.30 p.m.
Bombay-400 025. (2) No employee shall be given
without his consent any duty
continuously for more than fifteen
(3) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
section 63 of the Act.
(4) The establishment shall not be
opened earlier than 6.30 p.m. on any
day and it shall not be closed later
than 10.30 p.m.]

[363. Establishments of Cambata Aviation Section 13(1), 18 and 62 subject to

Pvt. Ltd. Hangar No. 3-A, Juhu the condition that-
Aerodrome, Bombay-400 054. (1) No female employee allowed to
work after 8.30 p.m.
(2) No employee shall be given
without his consent night duty
continuously for more than fifteen
(3) The employee shall be entitled to
receive overtime wages in
accordance with section 63 of the
(4) Every employee shall be granted
one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his
wages on account thereof.
(5) Any visit book, register or
record maintained by the
establishment immediately before
this exemption should be properly
maintained and preserved and
should be made available to
inspectors at the time of their visit
of the establishment for Inspection.]

[364. Establishments of M/s. Central The provisions of Section 63,

Warehousing Corporation, Baldota subject to the condition that the
Bhavan, M. K. Karve Marg, employees are paid over time wages
Churchgate, Bombay-400 020. in accordance with the rates of
overtime as approved prescribed by
Government of India from time to

[365. Establishments of Bank of America, The provisions of Section 13(1)

Bombay Branch, Bank of America subject to the conditions that-
National Trust and Savings, (1) No female employee shall be
Association. Incorporated in USA allowed or required to work after
with Ltd. Liability P.O. Box. No. 8.30 p.m.
10080, Bombay-400 021, India. (2) No employee shall be given
without his/ her consent any duty
continuously for more than fifteen
(3) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.]

[366. Establishments of Hotel Golden Section 19, subject to the conditions

Crown Bar & Restaurant, 29-33, that-
August Kranti Marg, Bombay-400 (i) the hotel should not be closed
036. later than 2.00 a.m. each day.
(ii) no woman or young person
should be employed in the
Bar/Permit Room, if any, of the
(iii) the employees concerned
should not be required to work for
more than 48 hours in a week.
(iv) the spread-over of the
employees shall not exceed 12 hours
per day.]

[367. Hotel Blue Diamond, Poona Section 33 subject to the condition

Industrial Hotel Ltd., 11, Koregaon that-
Road, Pune - 411 001. (1) No women employees shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than one week.
(2) All women employees whose
duty starts after 9.00 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. should be provided
escorted transport by the
Establishment up to the residence of
the concerned employees.
(3) Women employees should be
placed in groups at night.
(4) The female employees are not
required or allowed to work in the
permit room.
(5) Rest rooms and separate lockers
shall be provided in the Hotel
Premises for women employees.]

[368. Establishments of Sayed Shik Section 19, subject to the conditions

Kabab Centre, R. S. Nimkar Marg, that-
Nagpada, Bombay-400 008. (i) the establishment should not be
closed later than 1.00 a.m. each day.
(ii) no woman or young person
should be employed in the
Bar/Permit Room, if any, of the
(iii) the employees concerned
should not be required to work for
more than 48 hours in a week.
(iv) the spread-over of the
employees shall not exceed 12 hours
per day.]


[370. Bobby Fruit stall Municipal Stall, Section 19 subject to the condition
Bhaudaji Road, Maheshwari Udyan, that-
Matunga, Bombay-400 019. (1) the Establishment shall not be
closed any day later than 12.30 a.m.
(2) it should not sell any
intoxicating material on its premises
any time.
(3) Female employees, if any,
should not be made to work in
establishment after 8.30 p.m.]

[371. Computer Department of Citi Bank, Section 13(i) subject to the

N.A. situated at,- conditions that-
(i) Air India Building, 9th Floor, (1) No female employee shall be
Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021; allowed or required to work in the
(ii) 293, D.N. Road, Fort, Mumbai - Computer Department after 8.30
400 001; p.m.
(iii) Sahakar Bhavan, 230, Backbay (ii) The employee concerned, shall
Reclamation, Nariman Point be entitled to overtime wages in
Mumbai 400 021; accordance with Section 63 of the
(iv) Citi Tower, Dr S.S. Rao Road, said Act.
Parer, Mumbai - 400 012; (iii) No employee shall be given
(v) Ramnord Building, Dr. Annie without his/ her consent night-duty
Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 continuously for more than fifteen
018; days.]
(vi) Barodawala Mansion, Dr. Annie
Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400

[372. Data System Services, Nalin The provisions of section 13 subject

Chambers, 173, Dhole Patil Road, to the conditions that-
Pune - 411 001. (i) No female employee shall be
allowed or required to work in the
Computer Department after 8.30
(ii) The employee concerned, shall
be entitled to overtime wages in
accordance with Section 63 of the
said Act.
(iii) No employee shall be given
without his/her consent night-duty
continuously for more than fifteen

[373. M/s. Bradma of India Ltd., 4th Section 13(2) subject to the
Floor, Volkart Building, 19, J.N. conditions that the establishments
Heredia Marg, Bombay-400 038. will not be opened earlier than 9.00
a.m. and closed later than 5.15 p.m.]

[374. The Resort Paramount Hotels Section 33(3) subject to the

Private Limited, Aksa Beach Madh conditions that-
Marve Road, Malad (West), (1) No women employee shall be
Bombay-400 095. given night duty continuously for
more than one week.
(2) All women employees whose
duty terminates or starts after 8.30
p.m. And before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided escorted transport by the
Establishment up to the residence of
the concerned employees.
(3) Women employees should be
placed in groups at night.
(4) The female employees are not
required or allowed to work in the
permit room.
(5) Rest Rooms separate lockers
shall be provided in the Hotel
Premises for women employees.]

[375. Oberoi Airport Services, Sahar Section 33(3) subject to the

Airport Road, Sahar, Bombay-400 conditions that-
099. (1) No women employee shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than one week.
(2) All women employees whose
duty terminates or starts after 9.00
p.m. and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided escorted transport by the
Establishment upto the residence of
the concerned employees.
(3) Women employees should be
placed in groups at night
(4) The female employees are not
required or allowed to work in the
permit room.
(5) Rest rooms and separate lockers
shall be provided in the Hotel
Premises for women employees.]

[376. Establishment of Hindustan Section 62, subject to the condition

Petroleum Corporation Ltd., 17, that the registers and records shall
Jamshedji Tata Road, Bombay-400 be made available to the Inspector
020. for inspection.]

[377. Establishment of the Nuclear Power All provisions.]

Corporation, Homi Bhabha Road,
Colaba, Bombay-400 005.

[378. Establishment of the Shipping All provisions.]

Credit and Investment Company of
India Ltd., Nirlon House, 254, Dr.
Annie Besant Road, Bombay-400
[379. Leela Penta Hotel, Bombay Section 33(3) subject to the
International Airport, Bombay-400 conditions that-
059. (1) No woman employee shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than one week.
(2) All women employees whose
duty terminates or starts after 8.30
p.m. and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided escorted transport by the
Establishment from their residence
to hotel and back.
(3) Women employees should be
placed in groups at night.
(4) In the Bar room, no woman shall
be put on duty as attendant.
(5) Rest Rooms separate lockers
shall be provided in the hotel
Premises for women employees.]

[380. Centaur Hotel Juhu Beach, Juhu Section 33(3) subject to the
Tara Road, Juhu, Bombay - 400 conditions that,-
049. (1) No woman employee shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than one week.
(2) All woman employees whose
duty terminates or starts after 8.30
p.m. and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided escorted transport by the
Establishment from their residence
to hotel and back.
(3) Women employees should be
placed in groups at night.
(4) In Bar Room, no woman shall be
put on duty as attendant.
(5) Rest Rooms separate lockers
shall be provided in the hotel
premises for women employees.]

[381. Yeshwant Sahakari Bank Limited, Section 18, subject to the conditions
Venu Apartments, Block No. 2, B.J. that-
Deorukhkar Road, Dadar, Bombay- (1) ) The attendance on weekly
400 014. holiday viz., Sunday shall be
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof.]

[383. Computer Department of the Parekh Section 13(1), subject to the
Marketing Pvt. Ltd., Mafatlal conditions that,-
House, Backbay Reclamation, P.B. (1) No female employee is allowed
No. 11084, Bombay - 400 020. or required to work after 8.30 p.m.
(2) No employee shall be given
without his consent any duty
continuously for more than fifteen
(3) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance witr,
Section 63 of the Act.]

[384. Establishment of Pankaj Fruit Stall Section 19, subject to the conditions
Municipal Stall, Bhaudaji Road, that-
Maheshwan Udyan, Bombay-400 (1) the Hotel should not be closed
019. later than 12.30 a.m. each day.
(2) It should not sell intoxicants in
its premises.
(3) Female employees if any should
not be made to work in the
establishment after 8.30 p.m.]

[430. Society for Service to voluntary Section 13, 17 & 18 sub, to

Agencies (SOSVA) "Shardaram condition that (1) The spread over of
Park" A Wing, 3rd floor, Near an employee shall not exceed
Jahangir Nursing Home, Pune - fourteen hours in any day and.
411001. (2) If any employee is made to work
than usual hours as hours as
specified in Section 63 of the said
Act (a) it must be noted in register
and (b) rates of waged in overtime
work shall not be less than the rates
fixed under Section 63 of the Act.]

[432. Credit Card Department, Securities Section 13(1) subject to the

Department, Personal Telephone conditions, namely:-
Banking Department and Computer (i) No female employee is allowed
Department of the Hongkong and to work ' beyond 8.30 p.m. in the
Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. establishment.
Sudam Kalu Ahire Marg. Worli, (ii) Employees shall be given the
Mumbai - 400 025. work by rotation in second and third
(b) Entries 437,342,451 shall be shift.
deleted. (iii) No employee shall be given
work in second and third shift
continuously for more than one
(iv) Identity card should be provided
to the workers those who work in
night shift.
(v) The Security Department of the
establishment shah not be opened
earlier than 8.30 a.m. and closed
later than 10.30 p.m.
(vi) Time table of each shift for
every employee shall be placed on a
notice board in advance on the first
date of every month.
(vii) The employee shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the Act.]

[441. [Shopper's Stop Private Section 11(1)(a) and 18 subject to

Limited] Plot No. 211-D, C.T.S, No. conditions that-
543, S.V. Road, Andheri (West), (1) The Establishment shall not
Bombay-400 059 remain open beyond 10.30 p.m.
(2) Women employees shall not be
required or allowed to work beyond
8.30 p.m.
(3) Daily working hours in th.
Establishment should be 9 hours, or
weekly 48 hours, and
(4) Every employee shall be given a
paid holiday in a week by turn and a
time table for such holidays shall be
put on Notice Board for information
on the last day of every month.
(5) The employees who would be
requires to work beyond 8.30 p.m.
should not be required to work
before 11.30 a.m, on the subsequent
(6) Every employee shall be paid
wages for overtime work in
accordance with Section 63 of the
said Act.
(7) The employees in the
establishment should be provided
with Identity Cards.
(8) During the period 8.30 p.m. to
10.30 p.m., the employees should be
required to work by rotation.]
[(9) Due to change in the name of
the Establishment and Management
no adverse changes shall be made in
the service conditions and other
facilities which are applicable to the
(10) Due to change in the name and
management of this Establishment,
no staff and post shall be reduced.
(11) On account of change the name
of the Shop, the service of the
earlier employees should not be

[446. Dugdhapurna Dairy, Rajkamal Section 19(1) subject to the

Chowk, Amaravati-444 601. conditions namely:-
(i) The exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of five years
from the issue of the notification in
the Government Gazette.
In case of violation of any
condition, the exemption shall stand
cancelled automatically.
(ii) The establishment shall not
remain open after 12-30 a.m.
(iii) The proposed exemption is only
from the section 19(1) of the said
Act, and any permission, if required
under any other act or rules may be
obtained from the concerned
authorities, by the establishment.]

[447. All Co-operative Consumer Section 18, subject to the conditions

Departmental Stores. that-
(1) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof.
(2) The Co-operative Consumer
Departmental Stores, desirous to
avail this exemption shall sent the
yearly time table of such holidays to
the concerned Shop Inspector one
month in advance, from the date
From which the exemption is to be
availed of.]

[448. National Securities Depository Ltd., Section 13 and 18, subject to the
Trade World, 4th Floor, Kamala conditions that-
Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat (1) No female employees are
Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 allowed or required to work beyond
013. 8.30 p.m.
(ii) No male employees shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than a week.
(iii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.]

[449. Credit Card Department of Northern Section 13 and 18, subject to the
India Credit Factors Limited, Plot conditions that-
No. 15, City Survey No. 46, Mahal (1) No female employee is allowed
Industria Estate, Mahakali Caves to work beyond 8.30 p.m.
Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - (2) No employee shall be given
400 093. work in the same shift continuously
for more than one week.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table of such holidays
for every month shall be placed on a
Notice Board in advance.
(4) No employee is required to work
for more than 9 hours daily or 48
hours weekly. The spread over shall
not exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Payment is made for overtime
work according to section 63 to each

[450. The following four Branches of UTI Section 18, subject to the conditions
Bank Limited, Universal Insurance that-
Building, Ground Floor, Sir P.M. (1) No employee is required to work
Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001:- for more than 9 hours daily or 48
(1) UTI Bank Limited, Andheri hours weekly. The spread over shall
Branch, Royal Accord IV, not exceed 11 hours in a day.
Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri (2) Every employee shall be given
(West), Mumbai - 400 053. one day holiday in a week without
(2) UTI Bank Limited, Borivali making any deductions from his
Branch, Shroff Arcade, Sodawala wages on account thereof, and the
Lane, Borivali (West), Mumbai - list of time table of such holidays
400 092. for commencing month shall be
(3) UTI Bank Limited, Vasai placed on a Notice Board at the end
Branch, Lucky Palace, Near S.T. of the month for the information of
Bus Stand, Navghar, Vasai (West), employees.]
Thane-401 202.
(4) UTI Bank Limited, Virar
Branch, Gokul Building, Raja
Chhatrapati Shivaji Marg, Virar
(West), Thane-401 201.

[451. Personal Telephone Banking Section 13 subject to the conditions

Department of Hong Kong Bank, that-
The Hong Kong and Shanghai (1) No female employee is allowed
Banking Corporation Ltd., 52/60, to ' work beyond 8.30 p.m. in the
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Mumbai - Telephone Banking Department of
400 001. the establishment.
(2) Employees shall be given the
work by rotation in second and third
(3) No employee shall be given
work in second and third shift
continuously for more than one
(4) Identity card should be provided
to the workers who work in the
night shift.
(5) Time table of each shift for
every employee shall be placed on a
notice board in advance.]

[452. To the four branches of M/s. Birla Section 18, subject to the conditions
Global Finance Ltd., M.I.D.C., that-
Andheri Industrial Area, Andheri (1) The employees are not required
(E), Mumbai - 400 093, as below:- to work more than 9 hours in a day
(1) M/s. Birla Global Finance Ltd., or 48 hours in a week. The spread
MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 over shall not exceed 11 hours in a
001. day.
(2) Apeejay House, Fort, Mumbai - (2) Every employee shall be given
400 001. one day holiday in a week, without
(3) Choice Arcade, Dhole Palika making any deductions from his/her
Road, Pune. wages on account thereof; by
(4) Shiv Centre, Vashi, Navi rotation and the time table of such
Mumbai - 400 705. holidays for a month shall be placed
on the notice board in advance.]

[453. M/s. Hutchison Max Telecom Pvt. Section 13, 14, 17, 18 and 33(3)
Ltd., 6, Ramabai Ambedkar Road, subject to the condition that-
Pune - 411 001. (1) No female employees shall be
given night duty against their
desires, or compel to do work in
night duty.
(2) No female employees shall be
allowed to work continuously more
than one week in night shift.
(3) All women employees whose
duty starts or closes after 8.30 p.m.
or before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided with a free conveyance by
the management from the place of
residence to establishment and also
for return to residence.
(4) All women employees shall be
placed in group at night and women
employees shall be provided
separate restroom and they shall be
provided separate lockers in the
premises of establishment.
(5) No employee should be required
to work for more than 9 hours daily
or 48 hours weekly. The spread over
shall not exceed 11 hours in a day.
(6) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for every month shall be placed on a
Notice Board in advance.
(7) Each employee shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the Act.]

[454. M/s. Kasturi Capital and Financial Section 13, subject to the conditions
Services Ltd., Central Bazaar Road, that,-
Ramdas Peth, Nagpur. (1) No employee shall be allowed to
work, without his consent,
continuously more than a week in
night shift.
(2) No women employee be allowed
to work after 8.30 p.m. and before
6.00 a.m.
(3) The total hours of work shall not
exceed 9 hours in a day or 48 hours
in a week. The spread over shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) The employees will be granted
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table of such holidays
for every month shall be placed on a
Notice Board in advance.
(5) Payment is made for over-time
work according to Section 63.]

[455. Phone banking, Personal Banking Section 13, 18 and 33, subject to the
and credit card Department of conditions that-
Harishchandra Rai House, 81- (1) No employee shall be allowed to
Queens Road, Marine Lines, work continuously more than one
Mumbai - 400 002, Branch of M/s. week in night shift.
Standard Chartered Bank, Mumbai, (2) Every employee working in
Human Resources Division, 3rd night shift should be provided
floor, New Excellssior Building, Identity Card by the Management.
A.K. Nayak Marg, Mumbai - 400 Time-Table of shift duty for every
001. month shall be placed on a Notice
Board in advance.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his
wages on account thereof.
(4) The total hours of work shall not
exceed 9 hours a day or 48 hours a
week. The spread over shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Payment is made for overtime
work according to Section 63.
(6) All women employees will be
placed in group at night.
(7) All women employees will be
provided rest room with a separate
lockers in the premises of bank.
(8) All women employees whose
duty starts after 8.30 p.m. or before
6.00 a.m. should be provided with a
conveyance by the management
from the place of residence to bank
and also for return to residence.]

[456. Technical Division of M/s. Section 13, 18 and 33(3) subject to

Hutchison Max Telecom Ltd., Suhas the conditions that-
Building, Veer Sawarkar Marg, (1) No employee shall be given
Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400 025. night duty continuously for more
(2) Customer Services Division of than a week.
M/s. Hutchison Max Telecom Ltd., (2) All women employees whose
DCW Business Centre, Stanroze duty start after 8.30 p.m. or before
House, New Prabhadevi Road, 6.00 a.m. should be provided with a
Mumbai - 400 025. conveyance by the Management
from the, place of residence to
establishment and also for return to
(3) All women employees will be
placed in group at night and they
should be provided rest room.
(4) No employee is required to work
for more than 9 hours daily or 48
hours weekly. The spread over shall
not exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in week without
making any deduction from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for commencing month shall be
placed on a Notice Board at the end
of the month for the information of
(6) Payment is made for an overtime
work according to section 63.]

[457. Following two branches of M/s. Section 13, and 33(3) subject to the
Persistant System Private Limited, conditions that-
Pune - 411 004. (1) Establishment should not be
(1) "Kapil Vastu", 1st floor, 397/9, opened beyond 12.00 midnight.
Senapati Bapat Marg, Pune - 411 (2) Every employee shall be allowed
053. to work by rotation in shifts and
(2) "Phoenix", 1st, 2nd and 3rd shall not allowed to work
floor, Plot No. 401, C.T.S. 971, continuously more than one week in
Senapati Bapat Marg, Pune - night shift.
411053. (3) Women employee should be
placed in group in Second shift and
rest room and separate lockers shall
be provided in the premises of
(4) All women employees whose
duty terminates or starts after 8.30
p.m. and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided with conveyance from
their residence to Establishment and
(5) The total hours of work shall not
exceed 9 hours in a day or 48 hours
in a week. The spread over shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(6) Payment is made for overtime
work according to Section 63.
(7) Employees working in
establishment should be provided
Identity Card by management.]

[458. All Handloom Establishments. Under section 7 of the said Act, the
concession for the fees for the
purpose of Registration and renewal
of Registration of the Handloom
Establishments in the State.]

[459. M/s. Hotel Pride, Executive, 5, Section 33(3) subject to the

University Road, Shivaji Nagar, conditions that-
Pune -411 005. (1) No woman employee shall be
given work in the same shift
continuously for more than one
(2) No employee is required to work
for more than 9 hours daily or 48
hours weekly.
(3) All women employees whose
duty starts or closes after 8.30 p.m.
and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided conveyance with security
by the management from the place
of residence to establishment and
(4) All women employees should be
placed in groups at night.
(5) All women employees shall be
provided rest room with a separate
lockers in the premises of
(6) In bar room, no women
employees shall be put on duty as

[460. M/s. Bombay Swadeshi Stores Section 18, subject to the conditions
Limited, Western India House, Sir that-
P.M. Road, Mumbai - 400 001. (1) No female employee is allowed
to work beyond 8.30 p.m.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for every month shall be placed on a
Notice Board, in advance.
(3) No employee is required to work
for more than 9 hours daily or 48
hours weekly. The spread over shall
not exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Payment is made for over-time
work according to Section 63 to
each employee.]
[461. The Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd., Section 18 subject to the condition
Station Road, Kalyan, District that-
Thane and its branches. (1) No female employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
8.30 p.m.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
time table of such holidays for every
month shall be placed on a Notice
Board in advance.
(3) No employee is required to work
for more than 9 hours daily or 48
hours weekly. The spread over shall
not exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Payment is made for over time
work according to Section 63, to
each employee.]

[462. Only for Telephone Section of M/s. Section 13 and 18 subject to the
Birla AT and T Communications conditions that-
Ltd., Sharada Centre, 11/1, (1) No employee is required to work
Erandawane, off Karve Road, Pune for more than 9 hours daily or 48
- 411 004. hours weekly. The spread over shall
not exceed 11 hours in a day.
Payment is made for overtime work
according to Section 63 to each
(2) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for every month shall be placed on a
Notice Board in advance.]

[463. Shree Grahak Bhandar, Shree Section 18 subject to the condition

Complex, Phaltan-415 523, District that-
Satara. (1) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for every month shall be placed on a
Notice Board in advance.]
(2) No employee is required to work
for more than 9 hours daily or 48
hours weekly. The spread over shall
not exceed 11 hours in a day.]

[464. M/s. Victoria Road, Weighing Section 13 subject to the condition

Bridge, 28, Sant Savata Marg, that-
Mazgaon, Murnbai-400 010. (1) No female employee shall be
given night duty at any cost after
8.30 p.m.
(2) Employee shall be given work
by rotation in each shift.
(3) No employee shall be given shift
duty more than one week without
his consent.
(4) No employee is required to work
for more than 9 hours daily or 48
hours weekly. The spread over shall
not exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Payment is made for over-time
work according to Section 63 to
each employee, if necessary.]

[465. M/s. Eastern International Hotel Section 33(3), subject to the

Ltd., Balraj Sahani Marg, Juhu conditions that-
Beach, Mumbai - 400 049. (1) no woman employee shall be
given work in the same shift
continuously for more than one
(2) no employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours daily or
48 hours weekly;
(3) all women employees whose
duty starts or closes after 8.30 p.m.
and before 6.00 a.m. shall be
provided with conveyance and
security by the management, from
the place of residence to the
establishment and back.
(4) all women employees shall be
placed in groups at night;
(5) all women employees shall be
provided a rest room with separate
lockers, in the premises of the
(6) in bar room or permit room, no
woman employee shalt be put on
duty as attendant.]

[466. [* * * * * *] * * *]

[467. M/s. Taj Residency, P-17, MIDC Sections 18 and 33, subject to the
Ambad, Mumbai - Arga Road, conditions that-
Nashik-422 010. (1) No employee shall be allowed to
work continuously more than one
week in night shift.
(2) All women employees whose
duty starts after 8.30 p.m. or before
6.00 a.m. should be provided with a
conveyance by the management
from the place of residence to bank
and also for return to residence.
(3) All women employees will be
placed in group after 8.30 p.m.
(4) All women employees will be
provided rest room with a separate
lockers in the premises of bank.
(5) The women employees are not
required to allow to work in the
permit room.]

[468. CAC INDIA Ltd., 19, Neapean Sea Section 18 subject to the conditions-
Road, Mumbal-400 036. (1) No employee is required to work
for more than 9 hours daily or 48
hours weekly. The spread over shall
not exceed 11 hours in a day.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for every month shall be placed on a
Notice Board in advance.]

[469. The United Western Bank Ltd; Section 17 read with section 18
Satara City Branch, 143/146, subject to the condition that-
Bhawani Peth, Chirmule Niketan, (i) No employee is required to work
Rajpath, Satara- 415 002. for more than 9 hours in a day or 48
hours in a week. The spread over
shall not exceed 11 hours in a day.
(ii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time-table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on a
Notice Board in advance for the
information of employees.]

[470. Contemporary Arts and Crafts, 9, Section 18(1)(B), subject to the

Juhu Supreme Shopping Centre, conditions that-
Gulmohar Cross Road, Mumbai - (i) No employee shall be required to
400 049. work for more than 9 hours daily or
48 hours weekly;
(ii) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for every month shall be placed on a
Notice Board in advance.]

[471. ANZ Grindlays Bank Limited, 87, Section 13(1) and 18 subject to the
Vallabh Apartments, Bhulabhai conditions that-
Desai Road, Mumbai - 400 036. (i) The exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
in the first instance from the date of
issue of this notification and as after
observing how the bank fulfills the
specific terms and conditions during
this period, continuation or
cancellation of the exemption will
be considered.
In case of violation of terms and
conditions, the exemption shall
stand cancelled automatically.
(ii) No female employee shall be
allowed or required to work after
8.30 p.m.
(iii) Employees shall be given work
in second and third shift in rotation.
(iv) No employee shall be given the
work in the second and third shift
continuously for a week.
(v) Every employee shall be given
identity card by the bank.
(vi) The time table of the shifts of
the employees for the month shall
be placed on the Notice Board in
(vii) The employees shall be entitled
for payment for overtime in
accordance with Section 63 or as per
the compromise between
management and employees.
(viii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.]

[472. (i) Indian Register of Shipping, 52-

A, Adi Shankaracharya Marg,
Opposite Powai Lake, Powai,
Mumbai - 400 072.

(ii) Indian Register of Shipping, 72, All provisions.]

Maker Towers, 7th floor, Cuffe
Parade, Mumbai - 400 005.

[473. Coffee Shops of Juhu Hotel Pvt. Section 19, subject to the conditions
Ltd., Juhu Beach, Mumbai - 400 that-
049. (1) No employee is required to work
for more than 9 hours in a day or 48
hours in a week.
(2) No female employee is allowed
to work beyond 8.30 p.m.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for every month shall be placed on a
Notice Board in advance.
(4) Payment is made for overtime
work according to Section 63 to
each employee.]

[474. The following branches of M/s. Section 18(1) subject to the

Development Credit Bank Limited, conditions that-
situated at:- (1) The exemption shall remain in
(1) Lakshmi Centre, Fidai Baug, operation for the period of one year
S.V. Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - from the date of issue of this
400 058. Notification and after observing
(2) Children Welfare School how the establishment fulfills the
Building Yari Road, Versova, specific terms and conditions during
Mumbai - 400 061. this period, continuation or
(3) Shop No. 4/5, No. 28/29, Apana cancellation of the exemption will
Ghar Co-operative Housing Society, be considered.
Swami Samartha Nagar, Andheri In case of violation of terms and
(West), Mumbai - 400 058. conditions the exemption shall stand
(4) Sagar Classic, 64 Mirza Galib canceled automatically.
Marg, Byculla, Mumbai - 400 008. (2) Every employee shall be given
(5) 75 Wardhaman Market, Sector one holiday in a week without
17, Vashi, New Mumbai - 400 703. making any deductions from his
(6) Mumbai Main Office, 154, S.V. wages on account thereof and the
Patel Road (East), Dongri, Mumbai time table of such holidays for the
-400 009. next months shall be placed on a
(7) 74, H.A. Waiji Marg, Dongri. notice board on the last day of every
Mumbai - 400 009. month.
(8) Karimabad Co-op. Housing (3) The employees shall be entitled
Society Limited, 116, Immamwada for payment for overtime in
Road, Mumbai - 400 009. accordance with Section 63 of the
(9) Hasanabad Co-op. Housing said Act or as per the agreement
Society Limited, 116, Dr, between management and
Mascarenhas Road, Mazgaon employees.]
Mumbai - 400 010.
(10) 34, Das Compound, Nesbit
Road, Mazgoan, Mumbai - 400 050.
(11) Hill View Apartment, Mary
Road, Bandra (West), Muinbai-400
(12) Gulistan Apartment, S.V. Road,
Dahisar (East), Mumbai - 400 068.
(13) 112, Netali Subhash Road,
Than. -400 601.
(14) 284, S.G. Barve Road, Kuri.
(W.), Mumbai - 400 070.
(15) 14, Sadhuwasvani Road, Pune.
411 001.
(16) Chitnis Bungalow, opp.
Anupam Talkies, Station Road,
Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400
(17) Roop Apartment, S.V. Road,
Jogeshwari (West), Mumbai - 400
(18) 1-2-3, Shree Vikas, Linking
Road & North Avenue Junction,
Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400
(19) Liberty Garden, Road No.1,
Malad (West), Mumbai - 400 097.
(20) A-1, E, Rashmi Park, Sheetal
Nagar, Near Telephone Centre, Mira
Road (East), Thane-401 107.
(21) 9, Samrat, 314 Lady Jamshedji
Road, Mahim, Mumbai - 400 016.
(22) 35-58, Rizvi Baug Shopping
Centre, Mumbai-Pune Road,
Mumbra, District Thane.
(23) J. K. Towers, Adalat Road,
Kranti Chowk, Aurangabad-431
(24) Rohit Building, Gr. Floor,
Deccan Gymkhana, Near J. M.
Road, Opp. Hotel Central Park,
Pune - 411 004.
(25) Shreepant Samartha, Opp.
Vithal Mandir, C.S. Marg, Virar,
District Thane-401 303.

[475. "The Regent Mumbai", Sections 19 and 33(3), subject to the

Lokhandwala Hotels Ltd., R.S. No. conditions that-
416 and 417, B.J. Road, Bandra (1) (a) The exemption shall remain
(W), Mumbai - 400 050. in operation for a period of one year
in the first instance from the date of
issue of this Notification and after
observing how the establishment
fulfills the specific terms and
conditions during the said period,
continuation of the exemption may
be considered.
(b) In case of violation of any of the
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.
(2) The employees shall not be
required to work in the night shift
continuously for more than a week
at a time in a month.
(3) All women employees whose
duty starts after 8.30 p.m. shall be
provided with free conveyance by
the management, from the place of
residence to establishment and also
for return to residence.
(4) All women employees shall be
placed in a group at night.
(5) All women employees shall be
provided rest room with separate
(6) Women employees shall not be
allowed to work in permit room.]

[476. Software and Information Sections 13, 14, 15, 18 and 33(3)
Technology Establishments subject to the following terms and
including Customer Service Care conditions, namely:-
Centers operating through computer General Conditions-
in Maharashtra State (I.T.) (i) Written letters shall be taken
from each of the concerned software
industrial establishments that, all the
special conditions are acceptable to
(ii) If any of these conditions are
violated, the permission for that
specific industrial establishment will
be deemed to have been
automatically cancelled.
Special Conditions:-
Section 13 - Unconditional
exemption for opening and closing
hours of Establishment.
Section 14 -
(i) No employee shall be required to
allow to work in any establishment
for more than 9 hours in any day
and 48 hours in any week;
(ii) overtime as prescribed in
Section 63 of the said Act, will be
paid for work in excess of limit of
hours of work.
Section 15 - Each employee will be
given interval for a rest for half an
hour after continuous working of 5
Section 18 -
(i) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from the
wages on account thereof;
(ii) All employees shall be provided
work alternatively.
Section 33(3) -
(i) Special arrangement should be
made for protection of female
employees working before 6.00 a.m.
and after 8.30 p.m. including
(ii) Female employees should be
provided job jointly or in group;
(iii) Arrangement of rest room and
lockers should be made for women

[477. Westside, Unit of Trent Limited, 39, Sections 13(1) and 18 subject to the
N.S. Patkar Marg, Mumbai - 400 following terms and conditions,
007. namely:-
(i) The exemption shall be for one
year, in the first instance and after
observing how the establishment
fulfills the specific terms and
conditions during this period,
continuation or cancellation of the
exemption will be considered.
In case of violation of terms and
conditions, the exemption shall
stand cancelled automatically.
(ii) The establishment shall not
remain open after 10.30 p.m.
(iii) No female employee shall be
allowed or required to work after
8.30 p.m.
(iv) The working hours of
employees shall not exceed 9 hours
daily or 48 hours weekly and the
spread-over of the work shall not
exceed 11 hours daily.
(v) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deduction from their
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board on the last day of
previous month.
(vi) Every employee required to
work after 8.30 p.m. shall not be
required to report for work before
11.30 a.m. on the next day.
(vii) The employees shall be entitled
for overtime in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.
(viii) Every employee shall be given
identity card by the establishment.
(ix) Employees shall be given work
in rotation from 8.30 p.m. to 10.30

[478. M/s. Vama Apparels (India) Private Section 13 and 18 subject to the
Ltd., Kanchenjunga, Peddar Road, conditions that,-
Mumbai - 400 026. (i) The exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
in the first instance from the date of
issue of this notification and as after
observing how the establishment
fulfills the specific terms and
conditions during this period,
continuation or cancellation of the
exemption will be considered.
In case of violation of terms and
conditions, the exemption shall
stand cancelled automatically:
(ii) The establishment shall not
remain open after 10.00 p.m.;
(iii) No female employee shall be
allowed or required to work after
8.30 p.m.;
(iv) The working hours of
employees shall not exceed 9 hours
daily or 48 hours in a week and the
spread-over of the work shall not
exceed 11 hours daily;
(v) Every employee shall be given
one holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board on the last day of
previous month;
(vi) Every employee required to
work after 8.30 p.m. shall not be
required to report for work before
11.30 a.m. on the next day;
(vii) The employees shall be entitled
for over time in accordance with
section 63 of the said Act;
(viii) Every employee shall be given
Identity Card by the establishment;
(ix) Employees shall be given work
in rotation from 8.30 p.m. to 10.00

[479. Citicorp Securities and Investment Section 13, 14, 17, 18 and 33(3)
Limited, Infinity, Mind Space, Link subject to the conditions namely:–
Road, Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 (i) The exemption shall remain in
064. operation for period of one year in
the first instance from the date of
issue of this notification and after
observing how the establishment
fulfills the specific terms and
conditions during this period.
Continuation or cancellation of the
exemption will be considered.
In case of violation of terms and
conditions, the exemption shall
stand cancelled automatically.
(ii) The working hours of employees
shall not be exceed 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week and the spread
over of work shall not be exceeded
11 hours in a day.
(iii) Employees shall be given work
in rotation in night shift.
(iv) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board on the last day of
previous month and it should be
made available at the time of
(v) The employees shall be entitled
for overtime in accordance with
section 63 of the said Act.
(vi) All women employees whose
duty starts after 8.30 p.m. shall be
provided with free conveyance. by
the management from the place of
residence to establishment, and also
for return to residence.
(vii) Women employees shall be
given work in group in night shift.
(viii) Women employees shall be
provided with rest room and
separate lockers.
(ix) No women employee shall be
given work in night shift
continuously for more than one
(x) Every employee shall be given
identity card by the establishment.]

[480. Planet M. shop of Bennett Coleman Section 18(1) subject to the

and Co. Ltd., The Times of India following conditions, namely:–
Building, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - (i) The exemption shall remain in
400 001. operation for a period of one year in
the first instance from the date of
issue of this notification and after
observing as to how the Company
fulfills the specific terms and
conditions of this exemption
notification during this period,
continuation or cancellation of the
exemption will be considered;
In case of violation of any terms and
conditions mentioned above, the
exemption shall stand cancelled
(ii) No employee shall be given the
work continuously for more than six
(iii) The employees shall be entitled
for payment of overtime in
accordance with the provision of
section 63 of the said Act.
(iv) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time-table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.]

[481. Offices of the Small Industries All provisions]

Development Bank of India in

[482. Coffee Shop of Hotel Sun-N-Sand, Section 19(1), 21(1), 23, 24(1),
(Sunil Hotels Pvt. Ltd.) Andheri- 33(3) subject to the conditions that:–
Kuria Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai - (i) No female employee shall be
400 059. required to do work after 8.30 p.m.
(ii) Employees shall •be given work
in second and third shift in rotation.
(iii) No employee shall be given the
work in the second and third shift
continuously for a week.
(iv) No employee should be
required to work for more than 9
hours daily or 48 hours in a week.
The spread over shall not exceed 12
hours in a day.
(v) The time table of the shifts of the
employees for the month shall be
placed on the Notice Board in
(vi) The employees shall be entitled
for overtime in accordance with
section 63 of the said Act.
(vii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from their
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.]

[483. * * * * *]

[484. The following outlets of M/s. Food Sections 11, 13 and 18 subject to the
World, Super Markets Limited, following conditions
situated at Pune:-

(1) Sonata, Shop No. 2, Gera (i) No employee shall be required to

Harmony, Kalyani Nagar, Pune - work for more than 9 hours in a day
411 014. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.

(2) Gera Plaza, Boat Club Road, (ii) Every employee shall be given
Pune - 411 001. one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.

(3) Gera Grand, Salisburg Park, (iii) The employees who have given
Pune - 411 037. their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.

(4) 771, Abhudaya Apartments, (iv) The establishments shall not

Bhandarkar Road, Pune - 411 004. remain open after 9.30 p.m.

(5) Survey Number 161/2/2, DP (v) The employees who are required
Road, Aundh, Pune - 411 007. to work after 8.30 p.m. shall not be
required to report for work before
11.30 a.m. on the next day.

(6) Plot No. 1, Survey No. 1 28/IA, (vi) Employees shall be given work
Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune - 411 in rotation from 8.30 p.m. to 9.30
029. p.m.

(7) Plot No. 6 and 7, S. No. 692/ (vii) The employees shall be entitled
1+2B, CTS No. 2007, Bibwewadi, to over time wages in accordance
Pune - 411 037. with section 63 of the Act.

(8) Shalini Residency, S. No. 6/1, (viii) In case of violation of the

Hingne, Karve Nagar, Pune - 411 above terms and conditions, the
052. exemption shall stand cancelled
(9) Parmar Gallery Shopping Mall,
S. No. 77/48/1A + 77/71, Fatima
Nagar, Pune.

[485. M/s. Spectramind Service Private Sections 13, 14, 15, 18 and 33(3)
Limited, Powai, Mumbai-400 076. subject to the following terms and
conditions, namely:–
(1) The exemption shall only be for
a year in the first instance and only
after observing whether and how the
conditions are fulfilled, the said
exemption may be considered for
(2) Unconditional exemption for
opening and closing hours of
(3) No employee shall required to
allow to work in any establishment
for more than 9 hours in any day
and 48 hours be in any week.
(4) Overtime as prescribed in
Section 63 of the said Act, will be
paid for work in excess of limit of
hours of work.
(5) Each employee will be given
interval for a rest for half an hour
after continuous working of 5 hours.
(6) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from the
wages on account thereof. All
employees shall be provided work
(7) Special arrangement should be
made for protection of Female
employees working before 6.00 a.m.
and after 8.30 p.m. including
(8) Female employees should be
provided job jointly or in group.
(9) Arrangement of rest room and
lockers should be made for women
(10) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption will be deemed to have
been automatically cancelled.]

[486. The Orchid An Ecotel Hotel, Nehru Section 33(3) subject to the
Road, Vile Pane (East), Mumbai- conditions, that,–
400 099. (i) No female employee who has
given her written consent, shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than a week.
(ii) Female employee whose duty
starts or terminates after 8.30 p.m.
or before 6.00 a.m., as the case may
be, shall he provided with the
employer's conveyance from their
residence to hotel or vice-versa, free
of costs.
(iii) Female employees shall be
placed in groups at night shift.
(iv) For all female employees,
separate restroom, change room and
separate lockers shall be provided
by the employer.
(v) No female employee shall be
appointed and posted in the bar
room or permit room. In the case of
violation of terms and conditions
subject to which the exemption is
granted, the exemption shall be

[487. The following outlets of– Section 19(1) subject to the

M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks House , following conditions namely:–
situated at Kolhapur:– (i) the exemption shall remain in
(1) M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks operation for a period of five years
House, 456, Venus Corner from the date of issue of the
Kolhapur. Notification in the Maharashtra
(2) M/s. Solanki & Sons, Ice Cream Government Gazette.
and Juice Centre, 345-E, Opp. (ii) The establishment shall not
Railway Station, Kolhapur. remain open after 2.00 a.m. [(Except
(3) M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks, on the following 10 days when the
515/14, 'E' Ward, Opp. S.T. Stand, shops shall not remain open after
Kolhapur. 5.00 a.m. i.e. the day before and the
(4) M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks first day of Diwali festival, last four
House, 693/3, 'B' Ward, Kolhapur. days of both Ganeshotsav and
Navratri festivals)].
(5) M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks
House, [1552], 'C' Ward, Laxmipuri, (iii) The proposed exemption is only
Kolhapur, from the Section 19(1) of the said
Act, and any permission, if required
under any other Act or Rules may
be obtained from the concerned
authorities, by the establishment.]

[488. Bio Technology Establishments in Section 13, 14, 15, 18 and 33(3)
Maharashtra State subject to the following terms and
conditions namely:– General
(i) The exemption shall only be for a
year in the first instance and only
after observing whether and how the
conditions are fulfilled, the said
exemption may be considered for
(ii) Written letters be taken from
each of the concerned bio-
technology establishments that, all
the special conditions are acceptable
to them;
(iii) If any of these special
conditions are violated, the
permission for that specific
industrial establishment will be
deemed to have been automatically
Special Conditions–
Section 13.– Unconditional
Exemption for opening and closing
hours of Establishment.
Section 14.-
(i) No employee shall be required to
allow to work in any establishment
for more than 9 hours in any day
and 48 hours in any week.
(ii) Overtime as prescribed in
Section 63 of the said Act, will be
paid for work in excess of limit of
hours of work.
Section 15.– Each employee will be
given interval for rest for half an
hour after continuous working of 5
Section 18.-
(i) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from the
wages on account thereof;
(ii) all employees shall be provided
work alternatively.
Section 33(3).-
(i) Special arrangement should be
made for protection of female
employees working before 6 a.m.
and after 8.30 p.m. including
(ii) Female employees should be
provided job jointly or in group;
(iii) arrangement of rest room and
lockers should be made for women

[489. M/s. Styled Apparels, 207, Ram- Section 18(1) subject to the
Nimi Building, Mandlik Road, following conditions:-
Colaba, Mumbai-400 001. (i) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(ii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.
(iii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holidays.
(iv) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[490. M/s. Nhava Sheva International All provisions except Sections 7 and
Container Terminal Ltd., Sheva, 63, subject to the following
Navi Mumbai-400 707. conditions, namely:–
(1) the employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(2) The spread-over of an employee
in a commercial establishment shall
not exceed eleven hours in any day.
(3) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.]

[491. The following branches of ABN- Section 18(1) subject to the

AMRO Bank N.V. at– following conditions that:–
(1) Sakhar Bhavan, Nariman Point, (i) No employee shall be required to
Mumbai-400 021. work for more than 9 hours in a day
(2) 327, Mahatma Gandhi Road, or 48 hours in a week.
Pune, Camp, Pune - 411 001. (ii) Every employee shall given one
day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
notice Board in advance.
(iii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(iv) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(v) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[492. M/s. Unichem Laboratories Ltd., Section 13(1) subject to the

Unichem Bhavan, Prabhat Estate, following terms and conditions
S.V. Road, Jogeshwari (W), namely:–
Mumbai-400 102. (i) No women employee shall be
required to work after 8.30 p.m.
(ii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on
night duty continuously for more
than 15 days.
(iii) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(iv) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[493. M/s. Mehta Jaising Enterprise, 78- Section 18(1) subject to the
A, Vipul Apartments, Tagore Road, following conditions:–
Santacruz (West), Mumbai-400 054. (i) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(ii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.
(iii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holidays.
(iv) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[494. M/s. Music World Entertainment Section 11 and 18 subject to the

Limited No. 1, Church Road, Near following conditions namely :-
Hotel Sagar Plaza, Pune - 411 001. (i) No women employee shall be
allowed or required to work after
8.30 p.m.
(ii) No employee shall be required
to work for more than 9 hours in a
day or 48 hours in a week. The
spread over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(iii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.
(iv) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(v) The employees who are required
to work after 8.30 p.m. shall not be
required to report for work before
11.30 a.m. on the next day.
(vi) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the Act.
(vii) The Establishment shall not
remain open after 11-00. a.m.
(viii) in case of violation of the
above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[495. The following branches of M/s. Section 13(1), 17 and 18 subject to

Mandvi Co-operative Bank Limited, the following terms and
Mumbai-400 021. conditions :-
situated at Mumbai and Thane

(1) 217, Maker Chambers V, 2nd (i) No woman employee shall be

floor, Nariman Point Mumbai - 400 required to work after 8.30 p.m.

(2) Govind Bhavan, 47, Old (ii) No employee shall be required

Nagardas Road, Andheri (East), to work in night shift continuously
Mumbai-400 069. for more than one week.

(3) Siddhi Apartments, Marve Road, (iii) Every employee shall be given
Orlem, Malad (West), Mumbai - work in shift on rotational basis.
400 064.

(4) Shreenath Plaza, 1st floor, L.T. (iv) No employee shall be required
Road, Mulund (East), Mumbai-400 to work for more than 9 hours in a
081. day or 48 hours in a week. The
spread over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(5) Gaurav Plaza, 1st floor, (v) Every employee shall be given
R.R.T.Road, Mulund (West), one day holiday in a week without
Mumbai - 400 080. making any deductions from his
wages account thereof, and the list
of timetable of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the Notice
Board in advance.

(6) Suman Kunj, Maratha Colony, (vi) The employee shall be entitled
Off. Harishankar Joshi Road, to overtime wages in accordance
Dahisar (East), Mumbai-400 068. with Section 63 of the Act.

(7) Fashque Building, Station Road, (vii) In case of violation of the

Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400 above terms and conditions the
054. exemption shall stand cancelled

(8) Shobhana Apartments,

Chandavarkar Road, Borivali
(West), Mumbai-400 092.

(9) Chirag Co-operative Hsg.

Society Limited, Phadke Road,
Above Modern Cafe, Dombivali
(East), 421 201.

(10) 102/103, Royal Garden, 'A'

Wing, Carter Road No. 2, Borivali
(East), Mumbai-400 066.

(11) 'Tirth' 1st floor, Near Bhavan

Jinalay Temple, Dr. Ambedkar
Marg, (60 ft. Road), Bhayandar
(West), 401 101.

[496. M/s. Birya's Restaurant, Hotel New Section 19(1) subject to the
Bengal, Shalimar Estates (Sitaram following conditions that,–
Building), Dr. D.N. Road, Near (i) No woman employee shall be
Crawford Market, Mumbai-400 001. allowed or required to work after 8-
30 p.m.
(ii) No employee shall be required
to work in night-shift continuously
for more than a week at a time.
(iii) The employees shall be entitled
to receipt of overtime wages in
accordance with Section 63 of the
(iv) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[497. The following outlets of M/s. Section 18(1) subject to the

Lawrence and Mayo (India) Pvt. following:–
Ltd., situated at Mumbai and

(1) M/s. Lawrence and Mayo (i) No employee shall be required to

(Opticals), Lawrence and Mayo work for more than 9 hours in a day
House, 274, Dr. D.N. Road, Fort, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Mumbai-400 001. over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(2) M/s. Lawrence and Mayo (ii) Every employee shall be given
(Opticals), Shop No. 6, 'Sangeeta' one day holiday in a week without
Junction of S.V. Road and Ramgalli, making any deductions from his
Kandivili (W), Mumbai-400 067. wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table on such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.

(3) M/s. Lawrence and Mayo (iii) The employees who have given
(Opticals), Prop. Premiere Opticals their consent be only placed on duty
Pvt. Ltd., Kirti Manor, S.V. Road, on rotational basis on the day of
Santacruz, Mumbai-400 054. weekly holiday or other holidays.

(4) M/s. Lawrence and Mayo (iv) In case of violation of the above
(Opticals), Prop. Premiere Opticals terms and conditions, the exemption
Pvt. Ltd., Shop No. 4, Ramshanti shall stand cancelled automatically.]
Apartments, Ghantali Road,
Naupada, Thane-400 602.

[498. Union Bank of India, CPC Branch, Section 13(1) subject to the
Pune - 411 037. conditions that,-
(i) The establishment shall not open
earlier than 7.00 a.m. and closed not
later than 12.30 at night.
(ii) No employee shall be required
to work continuously for more than
four hours before availing an
interval for rest of atleast half an
(iii) No employee shall be required
to work for more than 9 hours in a
day or 48 hours in a week. The
spread over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(iv) No woman employees shall be
required to work after 8.30 p.m.
(v) Inspection Visit Book shall be
maintained by the bank, and the
same should be provided to the
Inspectors for entering their remarks
during the Inspection visit.
(vi) No employee shall be required
to work after 8.30 p.m. continuously
for more than one week.
(vii) In case of violation of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[499. The following branches of the Mis. Section 18(1) subject to the
Bassein Catholic Co.-op. Bank Ltd., following terms and conditions:–
Head Office at Vasai, Dist. Thane:– (i) No employee shall be required to
(1) Sarovar Apartments, 'B' work for more than 9 hours in a day
Building, Papadi. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
(2) Lawrence Shopping Centre, over of an employee shall not
Manipur exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Rozben Enclave, 1st floor, (ii) Every employee shall be given
Station Road, Bhayandar. one day holiday in a week without
(4) Sheetal Sarovar, Sheetal Nagar, making any deductions from his
Mira Road (E). wages on account thereof, and the
(5) Holi Bazar Catholic Building, list of time table of such holidays
Holi. for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.
(6) Sthayi Kiran Building, Narayan
Nagar, Nallasopara (E). (iii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
(7) Minaz Shopping Centre, Uttan
on rotational basis on the day of
Naka, Uttar.
weekly holiday or other holidays.
(8) Mob Shah Bhavan Near Deep
(iv) The employee shall be entitled
Mali, Zenda Bazar.
to overtime wages in accordance
(9) Pandurang Palace, Near PHC,
with Section 63 of the Act.
(v) in case of violation of the above
(10) Bassein Catholic Co. op. Bank
terms and conditions, the exemption
Ltd., Virar.
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[500. The following outlets of M/s. Sections 11(1) and 18(1) subject to
Shopper's Stop situated at Mumbai the following conditions:–
and Pune:– (i) The exemption shall be for six
(1) "Krushal Commercial Centre", months.
Near Bharat Glass Factory, G.M. (ii) No employee shall be required
Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400089. to work for more than 9 hours in a
(2) "Godrej Etenia", Wakde Wadi, day or 48 hours in a week. The
Shivaji Nagar, Mumbai-Pune Road, spread over of an employee shall not
Pune - 411 105. exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) "Suburbia", Linking Road, (iii) Every employee shall be given
Bandra (West), Mumbai-400 050. one day holiday in a week without
(4) "Naman Plaza" 41 S.V. Road, making any deductions thereof, and
Kandivili (West), Mumbai-400 the list of , time table of such
(5) "Nirmal Lifestyles" L.B.S. holidays for a month shall be placed
Marg, Mulund (West), Mumbai-400 on the Notice Board in 067.
080. advance.
(6) Inorbit Mall, Mind Space, Link (iv) The employees who have given
Road, Malad (W.), Mumbai -400 their consent be only placed on duty
064. on the day of weekly,holiday or
other holiday.
(v) The establishment shall not open
before 8.00 a.m. and remain open
after 10.30 p.m.
(vi) The employees who are
required to work after 8.30 p.m.
shall not be required to report for
work before 11.30 a.m. on the next
(vii) Employees shall be given work
in rotation from 8.30 p.m. to 10.30
(viii) The employees shall be
entitled to overtime wages in
accordance with Section 63 of the
(ix) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[501. M/s. Rhythm House Pvt. Ltd., 40, Section 13(1) subject to the
Rampart Row, Fort, Mumbai-400 following conditions that:–
023. (i) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(ii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions thereof, and
the list of time table of such
holidays for a month shall be placed
on the Notice Board in advance.
(iii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(iv) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shalt stand cancelled automatically.]

[502. The following outlets of M/s. Section 18(1) subject to the

Raymand Ltd. Thana situated at following conditions:–
Mumbai and Thane:- (i) No employee shall be required to
(1) The Raymond Shop, RNA work for more than 9 hours in a day
House, Veer Nariman Road, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Mumbai-400 001. over of an employee shall not
(2) The Raymond Shop, Moneera exceed 11 hours in a day.
Lodge, 20 Colaba Causeway, (ii) Every employee shall be given
Mumbai-400 001. one day holiday in a week without
(3) The Raymond Shop, 5/6, making any deductions from his
Sompun Market, Station Road, wages on account thereof, and the
Santacruz (W), Mumbai-400 054. list of time table of such holidays
(4) The Raymond Shop, 59/A, for a month shall be placed on the
Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai-400 Notice Board in advance.
026. (iii) The employees who have given
(5) The Raymond ,Shop, Shop No. their consent be only placed on duty
1, A/1 B.R. Mall, L.B.S. Marg. Near on the day of weekly holiday or
Mulund Checknaka, Mulund, other holiday.
Mumbai-400 080. (iv) In case of violation of the above
(6) The Raymond Seconds Shop, terms and conditions, the exemption
New Hind House, Ballard Estate, shall stand cancelled automatically.]
Mumbai-400 038.
(7) The Raymond Seconds Shop,
Arvind Niwas, Sandhurst Bridge,
Opera House, Mumbai-400 007.
(8) The Raymond Seconds Shop,
Khodadad Circle, Dadar T.T.,
Mumbai-400 014.
(9) The Raymond Shop, Mahatma
Phule Bhavan, Plot 66, Sector - 17,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400 703.
(10) The Raymond Shop, 507, M.G.
Road, Naupada, Thane-400 602.
(11) The Raymond Seconds Shop,
130, Gokhale Road, Ambedkar
Chowk, Thane-400 601.
(12) The Raymond Seconds Shop,
Pokhran Road No. 1, Jekegram,
Thane-400 606.
(13) The Raymond Seconds Shop,
62, World Trade Centre, Cuff.
Parade, Colaba, Mumbai-400 005.

[503. M/s. Shiva Ice Cream Parlour, Section 11(1) subject to the
Rajkamal Chowk Amravati. following conditions:–
(1) The establishment shall not
remain open after 1.00 a.m.
(2) The exemption is only from the
section 11(1) of the said Act and
any permission if required under
any other Act or rules may be
obtained from the concerned
authorities by the establishment.
(3) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of Act.]

[504. The following outlets of M/s. Section 18(1) subject to the

Century Textiles and Industries following conditions:–
Limited, Mumbai situated at (i) No employee shall be required to
Mumbai and Thane. work for more than 9 hours in a day
(1) Mangal Paridhan, Century or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Bazar, Dr. Anne Beasant Road, over of an employee shall not
Worli, Mumbai-400 025 exceed 11 hours in a day.
(2) Mangal Paridhan, 494, (ii) Every employee shall be given
Melegrina Linking Road, Bandra one day holiday in a week without
(West), Mumbai-400 050. making any deductions from his
(3) Mangal Paridhan, 494, Century wages on account thereof, and the
Retail Shop, G/3-B, Mani Bhavan, list of time table of such holidays
M.G. Road, Vile Parle (E), for a month shall be placed on the
Mumbai-400 057. Notice Board in advance.
(4) Century. Retail Shop, Mangal (iii) The employees who have given
Paridhan, B-2/E, Shila Apartment, their consent be only placed on duty
L.T. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai- on the day of weekly holiday or
400 092. other holiday.
(5) Century Retail Shop, Mangal (iv) The employees shall be entitled
Paridhan, Shop No. 4, Parasnath to overtime wages in accordance
Darshan, R.M. Road, Thane (W.), with Section 63 of the said Act.
Thane-400 061. (v) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[505. M/s. Dughdhapurna, Rajkamal Section 19(1) subject to the

Chowk, Amravati-444 601. following conditions:–
(i) The exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of five years
from the issue of the Notification in
the Gazette.
(ii) The establishment shall not
remain open after 1.00 a.m.
(iii) Until the establishment is open
if there is any possibility of danger
to consumer or in the premises, the
owner shall immediately bring it to
the notice of the local labour officer
and local police officer as well.
(iv) The proposed exemption is only
from the Section 19(1) of the said
Act, and any permission, if required
under another Act or rules may be
obtained from the concerned
authorities by the establishment.
(v) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the
exemptions shall stand cancelled

[506. M/s. Danvant Textorium, Tulshi Section 18(1) subject to the

Bhavan, Gopal Lane, M. G. Road, following conditions:–
Ghatkopar (W.), Mumbai-400 086. (i) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(ii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions thereof, and
the list of time table of such
holidays for a month shall be placed
on the Notice Board in advance.
(iii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(iv) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(v) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[507. The following outlets of M/s. Forbes Section 18(1) subject to the
Gokak Ltd., Forbes Building, following conditions:–
Charanjit Rai Mara, Fort, Mumbai- (i) No employee shall be required to
400 001. work for more than 9 hours in a day
(1) M/s. Forbes Gokak Ltd., DAKS or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Shops, INORBIT Mall, Malad, over of an employee shall not
Mumbai. exceed 11 hours in a day.
(2) M/s. Forbes Gokak Ltd., OAKS (ii) Every employee shall be given
Shops. Taj Mahal Hotel, Apollo one day holiday in a week without
Bandar, Mumbai, making any deductions from his
(3) M/s. Forbes Gokak Ltd., OAKS wages on account thereof, and the
Shops, J.W. Marriot, Juhu, Mumbai. list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.
(iii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(iv) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(v) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall tand cancelled automatically.]

[508. The following outlet of M/s.,HDFC Sections 13, 14, 15 and 18(1)
Bank Ltd., Administration Deptt., subject to the following
HDFC Bank House, C.S. No. 6/242, conditions :-
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, (i) No employee will asked to work
Mumbai-400 013. more than 5 hours continuously
(1) M/s. HDFC Bank Ltd., Manekji without half an hour rest.
Wadia Building, 3rd floor, Nanik (ii) No female employee is allowed
Motwani Marg, Fort, Mumbai-400 to work 'beyond 9.30 p.m.
001. (iii) No employee shah be required
to work for more than 9 hours in a
day or 48 hours in a week. The
spread over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(iv) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.
(v) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(vi) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(vii) In case of violation of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[509. M/s. Kantilat Karia and Co., Section 18(1) subject to the
Chowpatty View Building, Opp. following conditions:-
Sukh Sagar Chowpatty, Mumbai- (i) No employee shall be required to
400 007. work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(ii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.
(iii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(iv) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(v) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[510. The following outlets of M/s. Sections 11, 14, 18(1) and 33
Pantaloon Retail [India] Limited, subject to the following
Knowledge House, Shyam Nagar, conditions :-
Off. Jogeshwari Vikhroli Link
Road, Jogeshwari [E.], Mumbai 400
060 situated at Mumbai, Thane,
New Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur,
Nashik and Sangli.

1. PANTALOONS – Paradise (i) No employee shall be required to

Tower. Opp. Alok Hotel, Gokhale work for more than 9 hours in a day
Road, Thane-460 602. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

2. PANTALOONS – Centre One (ii) Every employee shall be given

Sector 30A, Opp, Vashi Railway one day holiday in a week without
Station, Vashi-400 075. making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.

3. PANTALOONS – High Street (iii) The employees who have given

Phoenix, Phoenix Mills Compound, their consent be only placed on duty
S.B. Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai- on the day of weekly holiday or
400 013. other holiday.

4. PANTALOONS – Plot No. D, (iv) The employees shall be entitled

Inox. Bund Garden, Pune - 411 001. to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.

5. PANTALOONS Factory Outlet – (v) Work should be allowed to

3. Castollino Road, Off. East Street, female worker by in common or
Pune - 411 001. groups.

6. PANTALOONS, Factory Outlet – (vi) Rest rooms and separate lockers

Jagat Towers, Law College Square, shall be provided in the Hotel
Amravati Road, Nagpur - 440 010. Premises for women employees.

7. BIG BAZAAR – High Street (vii) [The establishment should not

Phoenix, Phoenix Mills Compound, be closed later than 10.30 p.m.]
S. B. Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-
400 013.

8. Big Bazaar – Runwal Mall, Opp. (viii) In case of violation of the

Richardson Cruddas Factory, L.B.S. above terms and conditions, the
Marg, Mulund (W.) Mumbai-400 exemption shall stand cancelled
080. automatically.]

9. Big Bazaar – Landmark, Ramdas [(ix) This exemption shall remain in

Peth, Wardha Road, Nagpur-10. operation for permanent period from
the issue of the notification in
the Government Gazette.]

10. Big Bazaar – The Zone, College

Road, Nashik-422 005.

11. Food Bazaar – The HUB,

Western Express Highway, Next to
Nirlon Complex, Goregoan (E.),
Mumbai-400 069.

12. Food Bazaar – Centre One,

Sector 30A, Opp. Vashi Railway
Station, Vashi-400 075.

13. Food Bazaar – Infiti, 1st floor,

Next to Raheja Classique, Link
Road, Andheri (W.), Mumbai-400

14. Food Bazaar – Eastern Mall, 3rd

floor, Daftary Road, Malad (E.),

15. Pantaloons – Runwal Mall, Opp.

Richardson Cruddas Factory, LBS
Marg, Mulund (West), Mumbai-400

16. Pantaloons – Sri Vallabh

Shopping Centre, S. V. Road,
Borivali (West), Mumbai.

17. Fashion Station – Nirmal

Lifestyle, L. B. S Marg, Mulund
(West), Mumbai-400 080.

18. Big Bazaar – Lake City Mall,

Kapurbawdi, Ghodbunder Road,
Thane (West)-400 607.

19. Big Bazaar – New Pride

Multiplex, Near Circuit House,
Madhav Nagar Road, Vakharbag,
Sangli-416 416.

20. Big Bazaar – Growel Plaza,

Akurli Road, Kandivali (East)
Mumbai-400 101.

21. Big Bazaar – Fun N Shop Bldg.,

Himalayan House, Fatima Nagar,
Wanwori, Pune - 411 013.

22. Food Bazaar Infinity Mall, Near

Raheja Classic, Link Road, Andheri
(West), Mumbai-400053.

23. Food Bazaar – The Eastern

Mall, Daftary Road, Malad (East)
Mumbai-400 097.

24. Central – 256, Koncord Towers,

Boat Club Road, Samgamwadi
Town Planning Scheme, Bund
Gardens, Joggers Park, Pune - 411

25. "All" – Durolite House, Plot No.

C-1, Opp. Laxmi Industrial Estate,
New Link Road, Andheri (W.),

26. Pantaloon Factory Outlet –

Durolite House, Plot No. C-I, Opp.
Laxmi Industrial Estate, New Link
Road, Andheri (W.), Mumbai.

[511. The following outlets of M/s. GKB Section 18(1) subject to the
Optalab Pvt. Ltd., 50, Tivim following conditions:-
Industrial Estate, Mhapsa, Goa-403

1. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd., (i) No employee shall be required to

Shop No. 3, Tirupai Apartment, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Bulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai-400 or 48 hours in a week. The spread
026. over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

2. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd., (ii) Every employee shall be given
Shop No. 2/3, Ground Floor, one day holiday in a week without
Devaka Nivas, M.G. Road, making any deductions from his
Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai-400 086. wages on account thereof and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.

3. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd., (iii) The employees who have given
Shop No. B-516. Amul Commercial their consent be only placed on duty
Premises, 1st Road, Chembur, on the day of weekly holiday or
Mumbai-400 071. other holiday.

4. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd., (iv) The employees shall be entitled
Shop No. 57, 58 and 59, Krishna to overtime wages in accordance
Building, Ground Floor, Thakur with Section 63 of the said Act.
Village, Kandivali (E), Mumbai -
400 101.

5. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd., (v) The exemption shall remain in
Shop No. 485, Alamshad Fashan operation for a period of two years
Pvt. Ltd., Ground Floor, 2/3/4, Hill from the issue of the notification in
View Hill Road, Bandra (W), the Gazette.
Mumbai-400 050.

6. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd., (vi) In case of violation of the above
Shop No. 3, 4, 61, 62, Chadda terms and conditions, the exemption
Cresent Centre, Sector 17, Vashi, shall stand cancelled automatically.]
Navi Mumbai-400 701.

7. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 3, Pradhan Building,
Gokhale Road, Naupada, Thane
(W)-400 602.

8. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 12, Kedia Chamber, S.V.
Road, Malad (W), Mumbai-400

9. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 9, 10, Walkeshwar Road,
Tinbatti, Mumbai-400 006.

10. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 3, 4, 5, Gaurav Plaza RRT
Road, Mulund (W), Mumbai-400

11. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 9, Ground Floor,
Shangrilla Shopping Centre, L.T.
Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400

12. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 7, 8, Prerna Building,
Prerna CHS, Lokhandwala
Complex, Andheri (E), Mumbai -
400 053.

13. M/s, GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 13, Paras Darshan CHS,
Plot No. C-75, M.G.
Road,,Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai-400

14. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 11, 12, Ashoka Super
Market, S.V. Road, Goregaon (W),
Mumbai-400 062.

15. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 4, 5, Zainab Villa, 187,
Turner Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai-
400 050.

16. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 4, Makani Manor, 16
Peddar Road, Mumbai-400 026.

17. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 20-E/13, 12-E/B,
Shantinath Shopping Centre, S.V.
Road, Malad (W), Mumbai-400

18. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 14, 15, Anagirichas Ltd.,
Aradhana Theatre, General Arun
Vaidya Marg, Thane (W)-400 076.

19. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Galariya Hiranandani Garden,
Powai, Mumbai-400 076.

20. M/s. GKB Optaiab Pvt. Ltd.,

Forward Restaurant, 786, Poddar
Building, Near Asha Parekh
Hospital, Santacruz (W), Mumbai -
400 054.

21. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 3411-2, Chaman House,
Near Sion Bus Depot, Sion,
Mumbai-400 022.

22. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 2, 3, Viv Mahal CHS., Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Lalbag,
Parel, Mumbai-400 012.

23. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 1D, 2D, Vasant Niwas,
Ground Floor, Ranade Road, Near
Dadar Western Railway Station,
Mumbai-400 028.

24. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 2, Ground Floor, 361/367,
Bunaji House, Dr. D.N. Road, Fort,

25. M/s. GKB Optalab Pvt. Ltd.,

Shop No. 3, 4, Link Way Estate,
Link Road, Near Bank of India,
Malad (W), Mumbai-400 064.

[512. The following 97 outlets of M/s. Section 11(a) and 18(1) subject to
Bata India Ltd., Retail Western the following conditions:-
Chain, 93/A, Phokhran Road, No. 1, (i) No employee shall be required to
Bata Compound, Khopat, Thane work for more than 9 hours in a day
(West)-400 606. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
1. Elysium Mansion Opp. Cusrow over of an employee shall not
Baug, Causeway Colaba, Mumbai- exceed 11 hours in a day.
400 001. (ii) Every employee shall be given
2. 21/23 Veer Nariman Road Fort, one day holiday in a week without
Mumbai-400 023. making any deduction thereof, and
3. Omrigarh Building, 115, Carnac the list of time table of such
Road, Mumbai-400 003. holidays for a month shall be placed
4. Ness Baug Petit House, Nana on the Notice Board in advance.
Chowk, Mumbai-400 007. (iii) The employees who have given
5. Empire Building, 154, Dr. D.N. their consent be only placed on duty
Road, Fort, Mumbai-400 001. on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
6. 51, Hill Road, Bank of India.
Bandra, Mumbai-400 050. (iv) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
7. P 314 L.J. Road, Opp. Victori,
with Section 63 of the said Act.
Church, Mahim, Mumbai-400 016.
(v) The establishment should be
8. 254, Dr. A.B. Road, Worli.
closed at 9.30 p.m. ,
Mumbai-400 025.
(vi) During the period 8.30 p.m. to
9. 808/2, Khushum, Dadar T.T.,
9.30 p.m. the employees should be
Mumbai-400 014.
required to work in shift duties by
10. 20/21, Sundar Apartment,
Chembur Circle, Mumbai-400071.
(vii) This exemption should be for
11. No. 26 & 27, Ground Floor, 115
the period of one year from the date
& 116 First Floor, Nirman Vyapar
of issue of notification.
Kendra, Sector 17, Plot No. 10,
(viii) In case of violation of the
Vashi, New Mumbai-400 703.
above terms and conditions, the
12. 22, Swami Vivekanand, RR..
exemption shall stand cancelled
Opp. Khira Nagar, Santacruz (W),
Mumbai-400 058.
13. 2 Mohgebai Road, Vile Parle,
Mumbai-400 057.
14. Unit No. 2 & 3, Shivaji
Industrial Estate, 89, Kurla-Andheri
Road, Sakinaka, Mumbai-400 072.
15. Premises No. 1, Plot No. 54B &
54C, TPS-VI Sagar Avenue, Opp.
Shopper's Stop, Andheri (W),
Mumbai-400 058.
16. Shreeji Darshan Building (Shop
No. 12, 13, 14 & 14A), S.V. Road,
Kandivali, Mumbai-400 067.
17. 13, Ashok Super Market, Aare.
Road & S.V. Road, Goregaon,
Mumbai-400 062.
18. Shangrilla Shopping Centre,
L.T. Road, Borivali (W). Mumbai
19. Poonam Towers, Palm Road,
Nagpur-400 001, Maharashtra.
20. R. Mall, Runwal Arcade-7,
L.B.S. Marg, Mulund (W),
Mumbai-400 080.
21. Nirmal Lifestyle, Opp. Nirmal
Nagar, L.B.S. Marg, Mulund
(West), Mumbai-400 080.
22. Paradise Tower, Opp. Hotel
Alok, Gokhale Road, Thane (W),
Thane -400 601.
23. Shreeji Arcade, Shop Nos. 19 to
23, Opp. Nitin Casting Co.,
Thane(W)-400 601.
24. 37, Mahatma Gandhi Road,
Cantt. Poona-411 001.
25. P/654/A/1, Jangli Maharaj Road,
Poona City-All 004, Maharashtra.
26. H. No. 4-11-42, Laxmi Niwas,
Aurangpura P.O. Aurangabad- 431
27. 35/37, K.E.M. Hospital, Avenue
Road, Chika Compound, Parel,
Mumbai-400 012.
28. Bismilla Building, Opposite
Railway Station, Dadar, Mumbai-
400 028.
29. 17 & 18 Byculla Bridge, 3 Mirz.
Ghalib Marg, Mumbai-400 008.
30. P. No. 94-95 Schedule 6,
Rupam, Sion Circle, Mumbai-400
31. 67/69, Mohammed Ali Road,
Mumbai-400 003.
32. 354, Matunga Mansion,
Matunga, Mumbai-400 019.
33. 285/87, E.R. Road, Bhendi
Bazar, Mumbai-400 003.
34. Jahangir Building, Dr.
Nascarenhas Road, Mazgaon,
Mumbai-400 010.
35. Gordhandas Mansion, Opposite
Central Railway Workshop, Parel,
Mumba-400 012.
36. Ramodiya Mansion, 260, Dr.
Annie Besan. Road, Worli,
Mumbai-400 025.
37. C/o. Classic Enterprises, 6-10,
Gala Complex, S. V. Road, Near
Telephone Exchange, Malad (W),
Mumbai-400 064.
38. No. 5, Krishna Kutir, Station
Road, Andheri, Mumbai-400 058.
39. 386, Centenary Church
Building, Grant Road, Mumbai-400
40. Samadhan Agarkar Chowk, 18,
Sahar Road, Andheri (East),
Mumbai-400 069.
41. Cosmos Commercial Centre, 3rd
Road, Khar, Mumbai-400 052.
42. 13, Station Road, Santacruz,
Mumbai-400 054.
43. Gram Panchayat Road,
Goregaon (West), Mumbai-400 062.
44. Bela Court, Shahid Bhagat
Singh Road, Sassoon Dock, Colaba,
Mumbai-400 005.
45. 422/424, S.V. Patel Road,
Prarthana Samaj, Mumbai-400 004.
46. 187/89, Kumbhar Tukda Road,
Bhuleshwar, Mumbai-400 004.
47. 12 & 13, Dev-Ashish, Bharucha
Road, Dahisar (E), Mumbai400 068.
48. Near Railway Station, Mahim,
Mumbai-400 016.
49. 393, Surya Niketan, N.S. Sheth
Road, Girgaum, Mumbai-400 002.
50. Shop No. 6, Sushila Bhavan,
Near Parvati Cinema, Station Road,
Vasai, Thane-401 202.
51. Moosa Building, 433, Kalbadevi
Road, Mumbai-400 002.
52. 1. Shop No. 1/2/3/4, "Joyti
Chambers", Heerachand Desai
Road, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbal400
53. B-283, First Floor, Padke Road,
Thane, IDombivali (E)-421 201.
54. T/4/CS No. 32 Kopineshwar,
Trust Building 2, Station Road,
Thane (W).
55. 29, Ramratan Trivedi Road.
Mulund (West), Mumbai-400 080.
56. 585, Sahakar Bldg., Station
Road, Kuria (West), Mumbai-400
57. Station Road, Kalyan-421 301,
58. Plot No. 1A, Chemburkar Marg,
Chembur, Mumbai-400071.
59. Shivarn Enterprises, 38, 39
Sudhanshu Chambers, Shivajipath,
Kalyan (W)-421 304.
60. Ground Floor, Hemleela
Apartment, Mahatma Phule Road,
Mulund (E), Mumbai-400 081.
61. Gokhale Road, Naupada, Thane-
400 602. Maharashtra.
62. 508, Kasar Ali, Opp. Nagari.
Sahakar Bank, Near Bhiwandi
Talkies, Bhiwandi-421302.
63. Saiudyan, Shop No. 6, Sector
14, Vashi, New Mumbai-400 709.
64. 516, New Mill Road, Kuria.
Mumbai-400 070.
65. Survey No. 47, 3 to 13 and 15-
16 Sub Plot No. 1, Parvati, Pun.
Satara Road, Pune T. No. 443 571,
66. 1768, Laxmi Road, Poona City.
411 002, Maharashtra.
67. Shop No. 1 & 2, Swaroop
Complex, Karva Road, Pune - 411
004, Maharashtra.
68. Deval Super Bazar, Vishram
Baug Sangli-Muraj Road, Sangli-
416 415.
69. 345, Budhwarpeth, Poona City-
411 002.
70. 420, Mahatma Gandhi Road,
Sangli, Maharashtra.
71. Survey No. 2522, Baba Sheb
Ambeshkar Chowk Opp. Delux
Cinema, L.T. Road, P.O. Pimpri,
District Puna-411 017, Maharashtra.
72. S. No. 127/3A, Plot No. 1,
Karve Road, P.O. Karve Road,
Pune?411 029.
73. 1, Kirkee Business Centre,
Elphinston Road, Poona-411 003.
74. 85, New Bazar Kirkee, Poona-
411 003.
75. 3 and 4, Gandhi Chowk,
Ichalkaranji, District Koihapur?416
76. Survey No. 244, Pune - Bombay
Road, Chinchwad, District Pune,
77. Shop No. 1 & 2, Mihir
Apartment, Bhairobanala, Solapur
Highway, Pune - 411 013,
78. Sitabuldi Main Road, Nagpur-
440 012, Maharashtra..
79. Mahal Chowk, Nagpur-440 002,
80. Itwari Bazar, Bandra Road,
Nagpur-440 002.
81. Jawahar Road, Amravati-444
82. Sadar Bazar, Residency Road,
Nagpur-440 001, Maharashtra.
83. A/12, Plot 1, Rajkamal Building,
Panchsheel Square, Nagpur- 440
012, Maharashtra.
84. Chowk Bazar, Bhusawal-425
201, Maharashtra.
85. 7, M.G. Road, Municipal
Market. East Khandesh, Jalgaon-
425 001, Maharashtra.
86. Nasik S. Road, Suyojit Modem
Point, Sharanpur Road, Opposite
Police Ground, Nashik
87. 8/2, Morarjupeth, Sholapur -
Maharashtra, 413 001.
88. Sagar Enterprises, Building No.
3, Stadium Complex, M.G. Road,
Nashik City-422 001.
89. 6559 and 2534, M.G. Road.
Ahmednagar, Maharashtra-414 001.
90. Bhadrakaii Street, Nashik City-
422 001, Maharashtra.
91. Manik Chowk, Ahmednagar,
Maharashtra-414 001.
92. Shop No. 3, 4, 5, Anand Plaza,
Near Vidyut Bhavan, Pune Road,
Nashik Road-422 101.
93. 2908 Sadar B2, Motimasjid.
Jalna/ Maharashtra-431 203.
94. Tilak Path Road, Near Paithan
Gate, Aurangabad-431 001.
95. 7-9 Yeshwant Mandir, Raviwar
Peth, Nashik-422 001.
96. 4-5 102/104, Gulmandy Houz
Road, Aurangabad-431 001,
97. 1436, Agra Road, Dhulia-424
001, Maharashtra.

[513. The following outlets of M/s. Trent Section 11, 14, 18(1) subject to the
Ltd., Tata Enterprises, Bombay following conditions:–
House, 24, Homi Modi Street (i) The exemption shall remain in
Mumbai-400 001 situated at operation for a period of five years
Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur: from the issue of the notification in
1. Westside, 39, N.S. Patkar Marg, the Gazette.
Mumbai. (ii) No employee shall be required
2. Westside, Army and Navy to work for more than 9 hours in a
Building, 148, Mahatma Gandhi day or 48 hours in a week. The
Road, Fort, Mumbai. spread over of an employee shall not
3. Westside, R-Mall, LBS Marg, exceed 11 hours in a day.
Mulund Mumbai-400 080. (iii) Every employee shall be given
4. Westside, Infiniti, Raheja Classic one day holiday in a week without
Complex, Oshiwara, Andheri Link making any deductions from his
Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai-400 wages on account thereof and the
058. list of time table of such holidays
5. Westside, Kakade Magnum Mall, for a month shall be placed on the
231, Moledina Road, Opp. Coffee Notice Board in advance.
House, Camp, Pune - 411 001. (iv) The employees who have given
6. Westside, Landmark Complex, their consent be only placed an duty
Ramdas Peth, Wardha Road, on the day of weekly holiday or
Nagpur-440 012. other holiday.
(v) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(vi) Work should be allotted to
female workers in common or
(vii) Women employees will not be
allowed to work after 8-30 p.m. at
their work place.
(viii) The establishment shall not be
closed later than 10-30 p.m.
(ix) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[514. 1. M/s. Bhelpuri Fruit Juice Section 19 subject to the following

Icecream Shop, 19-A1 19-B, conditions:-
Hughes Road, Mumbai and M/s. (i) The establishment should not be
Sukh Sagar Snack, Gandhi Building, closed on any day later than 2.30
Ground Floor, 542, S.V.P. Road, a.m.
Mumbai. (ii) The establishment should not
sell any intoxicating material on its
premises at any time.
(iii) No women employees shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(iv) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(v) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[515. M/s. Mizuho Co-operative Bank Section 18 subject to the following

Ltd. Maker Chamber-III, 1st Floor conditions:–
Jamnalal Bajaj Road, Nariman (i) The exemption should be for the
Point, Mumbai-400 021. period of two years from the date of
issue of notification.
(ii) No employee shall be required
to work for more than 9 hours in a
day or 48 hours in a week.
(iii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(iv) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(v) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(vi) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[516. M/s. Sumangal Art Gallery, Shop Section 18(1) subject to the
No. 2, Ground Floor, R-Mall, L.B. following conditions:–
Shastri Marg, Mulund (West), (i) Every employee shall be given
Mumbai-400 080. one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his
wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.
(ii) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(iii) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(iv) In case of violation of the above
terms and conditions, the exemption
shall stand cancelled automatically.]

[517. Following outlets of M/s. Century Section 18(1), subject to the

Textiles and Industries Ltd. Century following conditions:–
Bhavan, Dr. Annie Besant Road,
Worli, Mumbai-400 030.

1. Cottons by Century 12 and 17. (i) This exemption will be for a

The Hub Mall, Ground Floor, period of two years from the date of
Western Express Highway issue of notification in Government
Goregaon (E), Mumbai-400 063. Gazette.

2. Cottons by Century V Mall, Shop (ii) Every employee shall be given

No. 77, Next to Sai Dham Temple, one day holiday in a week without
Western Express Highway, making any deduction from his
Kandivali (E), Mumbai-400 101. wages on account thereof, and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.

3. Cottons by Century, Nakshatra (iii) The employees who have given

Cine Shoppe, Shop No. 49 and 50, their consent be only placed on duty
First Floor, Ranade Road, Dadar on the day of weekly holiday or
(West), Mumbai-400 028. other holiday.

4. Cottons by Century, R. Mall, (iv) The employees shall be entitled

Shop No. 5, Ground Floor, L.B.S. to overtime wages in accordance
Marg, Mulund (W), Mumbai-400 with Section 63 of the said Act.

5. Cottons by Century, Eastern Mall, (v) In ease of violation of any of the

First Floor, Daftari Road, Malad above terms and conditions, the
(East), Mumbai-400 097. exemption shall stand cancelled

6. Cottons by Century, Huma Mall,

Shops No. 122, 123 First Floor,
L.B.S. Marg, Kanjur Marg,
Mumbai-400 078.
7. Century Mills Retail Outlet,
(Residual and Odd Quality) Harbour
Cross Building, S. Chapsi Bhimjee
Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai - 400010.

8. Mangal Paridhaan, Near Worli

D.D. Chawls, Opp. Bus Terminus

9. Worli, Mumbai-400 030, Mangal

Paridhaan, 312, Kalbadevi Road,
Mumbai-400 002.

10. Mangal Paridhaan 63/65, 1st

Floor, World Trade Centre, Cuffe
Parade, Colaba, Mumbai-460 005.

11. Mangal Paridhaan 9, Madhav

Kunj, Sodawala Lane, Opp.
Chamunda Circle, S.V. Road,
Borivali (West), Mumbai-400 101.

12. Century Mills Retail Outlet 429,

B.S.V.P. Road, Bhatia Sanitorium
Building, Prarthana Sarnaj,
Mumbai-400 004.

13. Century Mills Retail Outlet,

Near Worli D.D. Chawls, Opp. Bus
Terminus, Worli, Mumbai-400 030.

14. Century Mills Retail Outlet,

Shop No. 3, Padiye Bldg., B.S.
Road, Dadar (West), Mumbai-400

15. Century Mills Retail Outlet,

Shop No. 1, Hotel Jewel of
Chembur, Opp. B.M.C. Office,
Chembur, Mumbai-400 071.

16. Century Mills Retail Outlet,

Shop No. 12A, Gayatri Dham
C.H.S., M.G. Road, Ghatkopar
(East), Mumbai-400 077.

17. Century Mills Retail Outlet,

Shop No. 10, Rajkamal Building,
Sector No. 15/16, Vashi, Navi
Mumbai-400 703.

18. Century Mills Retail Outlet,

Shop No. 2, Ramtirth Co-op. Hsg.
Soc., Naupada, Thane.

19. Century Mills Retail Outlet,

Shop No. 7, Bldg. No. 7, Century
Staff Qtrs. P.B. Marg, Worli,
Mumbai-400 025.

20. Century Retail Shop, Mangal

Paridhaan Century Bazar, Dr. A.B.
Road, Worli, Mumbai-400 030.

[518. M/s. ITC Grand Central Sheraton Section 22 and 33(3), subject to the
Hotel and Towers, Dr. Babasaheb following conditions:–
Ambedkar Road, Parel, Mumbai- (i) Any female employee should not
400 012. be made to work in night
continuously for a week.
(ii) Any female employee should
not be made to work in any
department other than House
keeping department, Reception
office and Restaurant.
(iii) The female employees who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
escorted transport by the hotel to
and from the residences of the
concerned employees.
(iv) Female employees should made
to work in group at night.
(v) Female employee should be
provided separate lockers and rest
(vi) Every employee should be
given a rest period of 1 hour after 5
hours of work.
(vii) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(viii) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[519. [ * * * * *]

[520. Following Branches of M/s. Greater Section 18 subject to the following

Bombay Co-operative Bank Ltd., conditions:–
G.B.C.B. House, 89, Bhuleshwar,
Mumbai-400 002.
(1) The Greater Bombay Co- (1) This exemption shall remain in
operative Bank Ltd., Unit G-A, operation for a period of one year
Wing-B Silver Astra Apartment, from the date of issue of notification
J.B. Nagar, Andheri (E), Mumbai- in the Government Gazette.
400 059.

(2) The Greater Bombay Co- (2) No employee shall be required to

operative Bank Ltd., Domanic work for more than 9 hours in a day
Holman, 127-A-29 T.P.S III Road, or 48 hours in a week.
Bandra (W), Mumbai-400 050.

(3) The Greater Bombay Co- (3) Every employee shall be given
operative Bank Ltd., Bandra one day holiday in a week without
Extension Counter, Indian making any deductions from his
Education Society Management wages on account thereof and the
College, Vishvakarma Gate No. 1, list of time table to such holidays for
Lotalikar Vidhaya Complex, Bandra a month shall be placed on the
Reclamation, Bandra (W), Mumbai- notice board in advance.
400 050.

(4) The Greater Bombay Co- (4) The employees who have given
operative Bank Ltd., A-11, Ratan their consent be only placed on duty
Nagar Borivali (E), Mumbai-400 on the day of weekly holiday or
068. other holiday.

(5) The Greater Bombay Co- (5) The employees shall be entitled
operative Bank Ltd., 89, G.B.C.H. to overtime wages in accordance
House, Bhuleshwar, Mumbai - 400 with section 63 of the said Act.

(6) The Greater Bombay Co- (6) In case of violation of any of the
operative Bank Ltd., Navarojee above term and conditions, the
House, N.C. Narielwala, Agaary exemption shall stand cancelled
Building, Mumbai-400 014. automatically.]

(7) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., 6, Shefiled
Ground Floor, Opp. Jarimari Garden
Anand Nagar, Dahisar (E), Mumbai-
400 068.

(8) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., 110, Javahar
Nagar, Goregaon (W), Mumbai-400

(9) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., Amrut Kunj,
Anhariya Wadi, M.G. Road,
Ghatkopar, (E), Mumbai-400 077.
(10) The Greater Bombay Co-
operative Bank Ltd., Bhoomi
Apartment, Building No. 8,
Dhanukar Wadi, Sector 4,
Panchsheel Enclave, Kandivali (W),
Mumbai-400 067.

(11) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., M.D. Shah,
Mahila College, Near Libarti
Garden, Malad (W), Mumbai-400

(12) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., Lalwani
Industrial Estate, 14, Katak Road,
Wadala, Mumbai-400 031.

(13) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., Shop No. 2/3,
Prince Palace Building, Near
Khandelwal Sweet, Opp. Aradhana
Talkies, Pachpakhadi, Thane (W)-
400 602.

(14) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., Regence Co-
op. Housing Soc., Opp. St. Francis,
Ambadi Road, Vasai (W)- 401 202.

(15) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., C-Pearl
Apartment, J.P. Road, Opp. Pratap
Colony, Char Bunglow, Versova
(W) Mumbai-400 058.

(16) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., Megamal Co-
op. Soc., Sant Janbhai Road, Vile
Parle Mumbai-400 057.

(17) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., 193, D.S.
Baroto Road, Wadala (W), Mumbai-
400 031.

(18) The Greater Bombay Co-

operative Bank Ltd., Shop No. 10-
13, Amruta Sadan Sector 22, Opp.
Nerul(W) New Mumbai-400 706.
(19) The Greater Bombay Co-
operative Bank Ltd., Demat B
Branch 263, Kedia Kunj, J.B. Nagar
Andheri (E), Mumbai-400 059.1

[521. The following outlets of Solanki Section 19(1) subject to the

Cold Drinks House, Kolhapur– following conditions,–

(1) M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks (i) The exemption shall remain in
House, 456, Venus Corner, operation for a period of one year
Kolhapur. from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government

(2) M/s. Solanki & Sons Ice Cream (ii) The establishment should not be
and Juice Centre, 35-E, Opp. closed on any day later than 2.30
Railway Station. Kolhapur. a.m.

(3) M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks (iii) The establishment should not
House, 515/14, "E" Ward, Opp. S.T. sell any intoxicating material in and
Road Kolhapur. around its premises at any time.

(4) M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks (iv) No women employees shall be

House, 693/3, "B" Ward" Kolhapur. required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.

(5) M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks (v) the employees shall be entitled
House, 1553, "C" Ward, Laxmipuri, to overtime wages in accordance
Kolhapur. with Section 63 of the said Act.

(vi) In case of violation of any of the

above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[522. M/s. George Restaurant & Stores, Section 19 subject to the following
20, Apollo Street, Opp. State Bank, conditions,–
Fort, Mumbai-400 023. (i) The establishment should not be
closed on any day later than 2.30
(ii) The establishment should not
sell any intoxicating material in and
around its premises at any time.
(iii) No women employees shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(iv) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(v) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[523. The following outlets of M/s. Delhi Section 19(1) subject to the
Darbar Hotel, 197, Falkland Road, following conditions,–
Corner of Grant Road, Mumbai-400 (i) this exemption will be for a
004. period of one year from the date of
issue of notification in
the Government Gazette.
(ii) the establishment should not be
open before 10.00 a.m. and should
not be closed on any day later than
2.00 a.m.
(iii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof.
(iv) No employee shall be required
to work for more than 9 hours in a
day or 48 hours in a week. The
spread over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(v) The establishment should not
sell any intoxicating material in and
around its premises at any time.
(vi) No women employees shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(vii) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(viii) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[524. M/s. Infiniti Retail Ltd., 202, Akruti Section 18 subject to the following
Centre Point, MIDC, Andheri conditions,-
(East), Mumbai-400 093. (i) This exemption shall be valid for
(1) Croma Near Chandan Cinema, the period of one year from the date
JVPD Scheme, Vile Parle (W), of issue of the Gazette Notification.
Mumbai. (ii) No employee shall be required
(2) Croma, Ground Floor, Palm to work for more than 9 hours in a
Spring Centre, Malad Link Road, day or 48 hours in a week.
Mumbai. (iii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions form his/her
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(iv) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(v) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(vi) In case of violation of any of the
above term and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[525. The following outlets of M/s. Olive Section 18, 19 and 33(3) subject to
Bar and Kitchen Pvt. Ltd., Pali Hill, the following conditions,–
14, Union Park, Khar(W), Mumbai- (i) This exemption shall be valid for
400 052. the period of one year from the date
of issue of notification
in Government Gazette.
(ii) No employee shall be required
to work for more than 9 hours in a
day or 48 hours in a week. The
spread over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day
(iii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions form his/her
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(iv) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(v) Women employees will not be
allowed to work after 10.30 p.m. at
their work places.
(vi) The establishment shall not be
closed later than 3.00 a.m.
(vii) This exemption is only related
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(viii) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[526. M/s. Style Aperals (Cotton World Section 18 subject to the following
Corp.) Unit No. 5/5-A, Block No. 7, conditions,–
Finix Mill Ltd. Compound, Lower (i) This exemption shall remain in
Parel, Mumbai-400 013. operation for a period of one year
from the date of issue of notification
in the Government Gazette.
(ii) No employee shall be required
to work for more than 9 hours in a
day or 48 hours in a week the spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(iii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(iv) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(v) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(vi) In case of violation of any of the
above term and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[527. Following branches of M/s. Kotak Section 13 and 18 subject to the

Mahindra Bank Ltd., 5th Floor, following conditions,–
Dani Corporate Park, 158, C.S.T.
Road, Kalina, Santacruz (E).,
Mumbai-400 001.

(i) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., (i) This exemption shall remain in
5-C/II, Mittal Court, 224, Nariman operation for a period of one year
Point, Mumbai-400021. from the date of issue of notification
in the Government Gazette.

(ii) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., Gr. (ii) No employee shall be required
and mezzanine Floor, Batawala to work for more than 9 hours in a
Chambers, 2, Sir Pherozshah Mehta day or 48 hours in a week. The
Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. spread over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(iii) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., Gr. (iii) Every employee shall be given
Floor, Vinay Bhavya Complex, I one day holiday in a week without
59-A, CST Road Kalina, Santacruz making any deductions from his/her
(E), Mumbai-400 098. wages on account thereof and the
time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(iv) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., Gr. (iv) The employees who have given
Floor, Burhani Mahal, Near their consent be only placed on duty
Priyadarshini Park, Nepeansea of weekly holiday or other holidays.
Road, Mumbai-400 006.

(v) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., (v) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.

(vi) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., (vi) The establishment shall be

remain in operation in between 8.00
a.m. to 7.00 p.m. daily.

(vii) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., (vii) In case of violation of the

above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

(viii) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., Jai

Building, Plot No. 359, Central
Avenue Road, Opp. Diamond
Garden, Chembur, Mumbai-400

(ix) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., Gr.

Floor, Peninsula Towers 1,
Peninsula Corporate Park, Off.
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel,
Mumbai-400 013.

(x) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., Gr.

Floor, Marathon Max, Junction of
LBS and Mulund Goregaon Road,
Mulund (W), Mumbai - 400 080.

(xi) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.,

201, 2nd Floor, X-Cube Building
Opp. Fun Republic, Opp. Yash Raj
Films, New Link Road, Andheri
(W), Mumbai-400 053.

(xii) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.,

Block No. 4, Gr. Floor, Emerald
Plaza, Hiranandani Meadows, Near
Vasant Vihar, Thane (West)-400

(xiii) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.,

Basement and Gr. Floor, Gautham
House CHS Ltd., Opp. Reliance
Web World, Next to Punjab
National Bank, M.G. Road,
Naupada, Thane (W)-400 602.

[528. The following Shops of Warnan Section 18(1) subject to the

Hari Pethe Jewellers, North Site, following conditions,–
J.S.S. Road. Thakurdwar, Mumbai-
400 004.

(1) Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers, (i) The exemption shall remain in
Pethe Building, Ranade Road, operation for a period of one year
Dadar (W), Mumbai-400 028. from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government

(2) Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers, (ii) No employee shall be required

Shop No. 1, 2, 3, Ground Flr. 61-A, to work for more than 9 hours in a
Shantaram Niwas, North Gokhale day or 48 hours in a week. The
Road, Shivaji Park, Dadar (W) spread over of any employee shall
Mumbai-400 028. not exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers, 1st (iii) No woman employee shall be
Flr. Pethe Building, J.S.S. Road, required or allowed to work beyond
Thakurdwar, Mumbai-400 004. 9.30 p.m.

(4) Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers, (iv) Every employee shall be given
Cosmos Court, S.V. Road, IOC one day holiday in a week without
Petrol Pump, Vile Parle (W), making any deductions from his
Mumbai-400 056. wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(5) Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers, 4- (v) The employees who have given
5, Siddharth Society, Factory, Lane, their consent be only placed on duty
Off. L.T. Road, Borivali (W), on the day of weekly holiday or
Mumbai-400 092, other holiday.

(6) Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers, (vi) The employees shall be entitled
4/5/6, Sungrace Apt: F-1, Sector 10, to overtime wages in accordance
Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400 703. with Section 63 of the said Act.

(7) Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers, (vii) In case of violation of any of

Shop No. 1 & 2, Upper Ground Flr, the above terms and conditions the
Mithanager Shri Chintarnani CHS exemption shall stand cancelled
Ltd. Building No. 5, M.G. Road, automatically.]
Goregaon (W), Mumbai-400062.

[529. M/s. ITC Grand Maratha Sheraton Section 13, 14, 15, 19, 23 and 33(3)
Hotel and Towers, Sahar, Mumbai- subject to the following conditions,–
400 099. (i) This exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of one year
from the date of issue of
Notification in the Government
(ii) Any female employee should
not be made to work in night
continuously for a week.
(iii) Any female employee should
not be made to work in any
department other than House
keeping department, Reception
office and Restaurant.
(iv) The female employees who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
escorted transport by the hotel to
and from the residences of the
concerned employees.
(v) Female employees should be
made to work in group and rest
(vi) Female employees should be
provided separate lockers and rest
(vii) Every employee should be
given a rest period of 45 minutes
after 5 hours of work.
(viii) The employees shall be
entitled to overtime wages in
accordance with Section 63 of the
said Act.
(ix) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[530. M/s. Metro Cash and Carry Pvt. Section 13, 14, 15, 19, 23 and 33(3)
Ltd., Neptune Living Point, L.B.S. subject to the following conditions.–
Road, Bhandup (W), Mumbai-400 (i) This exemption remain in
078. operation for the date of issue of
notification in the Government
(ii) Every female employee should
not be made to work in night
continuously for more than a week.
(iii) Every employee having 48
hours working days in a week.
Accordingly the establishment
should plan their work.
(iv) The female employees who are
required to work after 8.30 p.m, and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
escorted transport by the
establishment to and from the
residences of the concerned
(v) No employee shall be kept away
from weekly holiday. They shall be
given full pay for such holiday.
(vi) The establishment should take
care not to violate the provision of
Section 34.
(vii) The employees shall entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.
(viii) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[531. M/s. DFS India Pvt. Ltd. 57-58, Section 11, 16, 18, 33 subject to the
Rajgir Chambers, SBS Road, following conditions.–
Opposite Old Custom House, Fort, (i) This exemption remains in
Mumbai-400 023. operation for the period of one year
from the date of issue of notification
in the Government Gazette.
(ii) Every female employee should
not be made to work in night
continuously for more than a week.
(iii) Every employee having 48
hours working days in a week.
Accordingly the establishment
should plan their work.
(iv) The female employees who are
required to work after 8.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
escorted transport by the
establishment to and from the
residences of the concerned
(v) No employee shall be kept away
from weekly holiday. They shall be
given full pay for such holiday.
(vi) The employees shall entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.
(vii) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[532. The following outlets of M/s. Exemption under Section 11 & 18

Subhiksha Trading Services Ltd. of the said Act subject to the
153-B, 1st Floor, Dongre Building following terms and conditions:–
(Talwalkar Poly Clinic), Opp. Ruia (i) This exemption shall remain in
College, Matunga, Mumbai-400 operation for a period of one year
019. from the date of issue of notification
(1) Ground Floor, Navele Plaza in the Government Gazette.
Complex, Shiv Mandir Road, (ii) Every employee shall be given
Ambernath (East), Thane. one floor, Near Ulhas Bhavan Hotel,
(2) Shop No, 1, 2, 3 & Flat on First day holiday in a week without
Kulgaon Bazarpeth, Badlapur (W), making any deductions from his/her
Thane-421 503. wages on account thereof and the
(3) Shop No. B-17, B-18, Station list of time table to such holidays for
Plaza Shopping Center, Station a month shall be placed on the
Road, Bhandup (West), Mumbai- Notice Board in advance.
400 078. (iii) The employees who have given
(4) 43/Deep Mandir, Navi Chawl, their consent be only placed on duty
Bhiwandi, Thane-421 302. of weekly holiday or other holiday.
(5) Hut No. MHB-83-1 & 1-1/1, (iv) The employees shall be entitled
Subhash Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai, to overtime wages in accordance
(6) 181 4(28), Borla Koliwada with Section 63 of the said Act.
Road, Dr. C. G. Road, Opp. Netaji (v) No employee shall be required to
Market, Chembur, Mumbai. work for more than 9 hours in a day
(7) Shubhangi Darshan Manpada or 48 hours in a week the spread
Road, Opp. KDMC, Near Station, over of an employee shall not
Dombivali (East), Dist. Thane. exceed 11 hours in a day.
(8) Poddar Building No. 1, Next to (vi) Establishment will not be closed
Sandhurst Road Rly. Stn., Dr. later than 10.30 p.m.
Maheshwari Road, Dongri, (vii) No women employees shall be
Mumbai. required or allowed to work beyond
(9) Vishal Apt. 1st Floor, Corner of 9.30 p.m.
R.B. Mehata Marg and Hingwaia (viii) In case of violation any of the
Lane, Ghatkopar, Mumbai. above terms and conditions the
(10) Hut No. 18/1/1 & 2, Shivaji exemption shall stand cancelled
Nagar, Main Road, Govandi (West), automatically.]
Mumbai-400 043.
(11) C.S. No. 1/124, 1st Floor,
Maulana Shaukatali Road, Grant
Road (East), Mumbai-400 007.
(12) Chandrakanta Apt., Gr. Flr.,
Navajivan Society, Opp. Monginis,
Station Road, Kalva, Dist. Thane.
(13) Namdev Complex, Shop No. 1
to 5, Village Gandhare, Kalyan
(West), Dist. Thane.
(14) Utekar Sadan, Kolsewadi
Katemanavali Road, Kolsewadi,
Kalyan (East), Dist. Thane.
(15) Shop No. 2, Gr. Floor + First
Floor, Neel Siddhi Arcade, Plot No.
E/IA, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi
(16) Shop No. 1, Ground Flr., Amar
House, Plot No. 98, Sector 7,
Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai.
(17) Shop No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Bldg.
No. 30, Nehrunagar, Prerna Co-op.
Hsg. Society, Kurla (E.), Mumbai.
(18) Shop No. 9, 10, 11, Hula
Tower (B Wing), 121, Dr. S. S. Rao
Road, Lalbaug, Mumbai-400 012.
(19) Shop No. 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9, Gr. Flr,
Zarine Manzil, Matharpakhadi
Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai-400 010.
(20) Gr. Floor, No. 01, AROTO
House, P.K. Road, Mulund (West),
Mumbai-400 080.
(20) Gr. Floor, No. 01, AROTO
House, P.K. Road, Mulund (West),
Mumbai-400 080.
(21) Gr. Floor, Shop No. 6, 7, 8A,
8B, 102A, 102B, 103, 104, Pranav
Commercial Plaza, Plot No. 507,
M.G. Road, Mulund (West),
Mumbai-400 080.
(22) 15-16-17-18, Gr. Floor, Tridev
Shopping Centre, Tridev Apts,
Bhakti Marg, Mulund (W),
(23) Shop No. 5, Ground Floor,
Bhagyashree, 1577, Sadashiv Peth
Tilak Road, Pune - 411 030.
(24) Mantry House, Near IDBI, F.C.
Road, Pune - 4.
(25) Shop No. 1, 2, 3 Building No.
52-A, Vrindavan Complex.
(26) Shop No. 3 & 4, Emerald
Plaza, Block-2, Hiranandani
Meadows, Pokhran Road No. 2,
(27) Shop No. 1,2,3 & 4, Vedant
Commercial Complex, Poi: saran
Road No. 1, Vartak Nagar, Thane.
(28) Plot No. 182, A-type Building,
Dhanlaxmi Park, Bhusari Colony,
Poud Road, Kothurd, Pune - 39.
(29) Ground Flr. & 1st Fir., Tika
No. 5, City Survey No. 124,
Tukaram Mahadik Road, Jambhali
Naka, Thane.
(30) Shop No. 675 & 676, Unit No.
8 & 9, Sheet No. 26, Kalyan-
Ambernath Road, Ulhasnagar,
Thane-421 003.
(31) Block No. C-3/5, Ulhasnager,
Dist. Thane-421 004.
(32) Shop No. 705/C, Awat Chouk,
Ulhasnagar, Dist, Thane-421 002.
(33) Shop No. 1, The Arneja,
Arcade Premises Co.op. Society
Ltd, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi
Mumbai-400 075.
(34) 6 & 6A, Bharat Commercial
Center, Sector 18, Near Mafco,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400 075.
(35) 146, Jayprakash Road, Andheri
(West), Mumbai.
(36) G- 1, G-2 & G-3, Sonal Bldg.,
Shere Punjab, Mahakali, Andheri
(East), Mumbai-400 093.
(37) Shop No. 1, 2, 3 and Hall No. 1
& 2, Shri Ekvira Mansion,
Bhadrakali Road, Bhayander
(West), Dist. Thane.
(39) Ground Floor, Shop No. 1 &
First floor, Unit No. 103 & 104,
Kapoor Apartment, Punjabi Lane,
Borivali (West), Mumbai-400 092.
(40) Shop No. 10, Ground Floor, A-
I, Dwarkesh Park Co-op. Housing
Society, Opp. Sai Baba Nagar Rd.,
Opp. HDFC Bank, Borivali (West),
(41) Shop No. 2 & 3, Sal Ashish
Co-op. Hsg. Society, Eksar Road,
Yogi Nagar Junction, Borivali (W.),
(42) Ground Floor, Laxmi Niwas,
Main Carter Road, Borivali (E.),
Mumbai-400 066.
(43) Shop No. 10, Sena Bhavan,
Ram Ganesh Gadkari Chowk, N. C.
Kelkar Road, Dadar (W.), Mumbai
400 028.
(44) Shop. No. 1, 2, 3, Saikripa
Building, Dahisar (E.), (Ashok
Van), Mumbai.
(45) Opp. Manas Shopping Centre,
Near Suvidha Vidyalaya, Charkop
Road, Gorai (W.), Mumbai.
(46) Ground Floor, Shree Sadan,
South Wing, Sonawala Road,
Goregaon (E.), Mumbai.
(47) Ground Floor, Raziya Manzil,
Junction of S.V. Road & Behram
Baug Road, Jogeshwari (W.),
(48) Ground Floor, Shop No. 11, 12
& 14, Umang Building, Vasant
Utsav Complex, Thakur Village,
Kandivali, Mumbai.
(49) Charkop Shraddha Co-op.
Society Ltd. Plot No. 231, RDP 5,
Sector-2, Charkop, Kandivali (W.),
(50) IQ Plaza, Pathak Road,
Kandivali (W.), Mumbai.
(51) Shop No. 17, Ground Floor,
Building No. 35, Kher Nagar,
Suryodaya Co-op. Housing Society
Ltd., Bandra (E.), Mumbai-400 051.
(52) Amar Kunj, Opp. Bank of
India, Chinch°li Bunder, Link Road,
Malad (W.), Mumbai-400 092.
(53) Shirish Traders, C/o. Gruh
Vastu Bhandar, 34/3, Station Road,
Malad, Mumbai.
(54) Plot No. 18, Shop No. 5,
Bhavani Tower, Bhavani Nagar,
Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai.
(55) Shop No. 1, Padmavati
Apartment, T. H. Kataria Marg,
Mahim, Mumbai-400 016.
(56) Shop No. 1, 2, 3 and Flat No.
001, Shanti Shopping Center, Opp.
Railway Station, Shanti Nagar, Mira
Road, Thane.
(57) Shop No. 3 & 4, Ground Floor
& First Floor, Blossom Arcade,
Silver Park Road, Jangid Circle,
Mira Road (East), Thane.
(58) Ground Floor, Fatima Mahal,
Naya Nagar, Mira Road (East),
(59) Shree Vinayaka Building,
Sarvodaya Complex, Mira-
Bhayandar Road, Golden Nest, Mira
Road (East), Thane.
(60) Shop No. 74, 75, 76 & 77,
Patankar Park, Nilemore, Station
Road, Nalasopara (West), Thane.
(61) Shop No. 5 & 6, Ayesha
Apartment, 2nd Hasanabad Lane,
Santacruz (West), Mumbai.
(62) 35, Jawaharlal Nehru Road,
Vakola, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-
400 055.
(63) Rang Bhavan (Patel House),
Mahatma Gandhi Cross Road, Vile
Parle (East), Mumbai-400 057.
(64) A/01 & A/02, A/13, Regency
Co-op. Society, Near Vijaya Bank,
Agashi Road, Virar (West), Thane.
(65) Ground Floor & First Floor,
Mataji Krupa, Opp. Virar
Nagarpalika Vachanalaya,
Phoolpada Road, Virar (East),
(66) Gala No. 31/K, Laxmi
Industrial Estate, New Link Road,
Andheri (West), Mumbai-400 058.
(67) D-I, Plot No. 57, Vinayak Co-
op. Hsg. Society, MHADA,
Versova, Andheri, Mumbai.
(68) House No. 164, Aram Nagar,
Part 1, Seven Bunglows, Andheri
(West), Mumbai-400 061.
(69) Ground Floor, Chhapra
Building, Guru Nanak Road, Bandra
(West), Mumbai.
(70) Shop No. 10, Natraj Building,
68, Bill Road, Bandra (West),
Mumbai-400 050.
(71) B/7/2, Aslam Compound,
Shetty Chemical Lane, Shrinagar,
Chandivali, Saki Naka, Powal,
(72) Ground floor, Hut No. 75,
Machi Nagar, Bhadwar Park, K
Pethe Marg, Colaba, Mumbai.
(73) B/14, Hind Service Industries
Premises Co-op. Society, Opp. Veer
Savarkar Marg, Shivaji Park, Dadar.
(74) D/3, Plot No. CD/36, R.S.C. 4,
R Wa-d, Akruli Sahakari Gruha
Nirman Sanstha, Akruli Road,
Kandivali (East), Mumbai.
(75) Gala No. 1, 2, Ground Floor,
Azad Road, Juhu Koliwada, Hira
Buwa Gawade Marg, Juhu,
Santacruz, Mumbai.
(76) Union Building, Room No. 26,
1st Floor, Opp. Grant Road Station
(West), Mumbai.
(77) Kailash Complex, Unit No. C-
23, New Parksite Colony, Vikhroli
(West), Mumbai.
(78) Flat No. 2, 1st Floor, Grace
Building, Opp. Lotus Eye Hospital,
Near Juhu Gymkhana, Juhu,
Mumbai-400 049.
(79) Plot No. 28, Dr. Bhagwanlal
Indrajeet Marg, Near Dhonke
House, Banganga, Walkeshwar,
(80) 19-B, T. V. Industrial Behind
Glaxo, Worli, Mumbai.
(81) Shop No. 5/6/7/8, Satyanand
Hospital Complex, Kondwa, Pune -
411 048.
(82) S. No. 34/12, Hingane Budruk,
Sweta Apartment, Near Rajaram
Bridge, Karvenagar, Pune - 411 052.
(83) Vyapar Sankul, Opp. Konark
Vihar, Vishveshvara Bank Chowk,
Dhankawadi, Pune - 411 043.
(84) Shop No. 1, Man Gold
Buildings, Necco Garden,
Vimannagar, Pune - 411 014.
(85) Kedari Piccasso, Beside Badhai
Sweets Mart, Salunkhe Vihar Road,
(86) Shop No. 1, Sanas Plaza, Opp.
Atre Sabhagraha, Subhashnagar,
Bajirao Road, Pune - 411 002.
(87) A-17, Kasturba Hsg. Society,
Opp. Bank of Maharashtra,
Vishrantwadi, Pune.
(88) Shop No. 1, Dahanukar
Residence, Near Coramunis
Factory, Kothrud, Pune - 411 029.
(89) Mahada Complex, Fusion Park,
Opp. Nani Narayan Katase Park,
Dnyaneshwarnagar, Morwadi,
Ajmera, Pimpari, Pune - 411 018.
(90) Majestic Crown, Near Geeta
Hsg. Society Synagouge Street,
Camp, Pune - 411 038.
(91) Shop No. 17/18/19, Shrushtri
Building, Beside Vrundavan Hall,
Near Guruganeshnagar, Kothrud,
Pune - 411038.
(92) ABC Plaza, Bhel Chowk, Near
Vasu Vadevala, Pradhikaran, Pune -
411 044.
(93) Ground Flr, Gold Crft Co-op.
Society, Opp. Hindusthan Bakery,
Station Road, Pune - 411 033.
(94) Shop No. 9, A Wing, Kent
Exclusive, Shivarkar Road, Near
KFCT Mail, Fatimanagar, Pune.
(95) 53/5, Sant Vihar, Opp. Sai
Sadan, Aranyeshwar, Sahakarnagar,
Pune - 411 009.
(96) Sai Chowk, Pimpri, Pune - 411

[533. M/s. Reliance Retail Limited and its Exemption under Sections 10, 11,
Subsidiary companies Shree Ram 18 & 33 of the said Act subject to
Mills Compound, Ganpatrao Kadam the following conditions:–
Marg, Worli, Mumbai-400 013. (1) This exemption shall remain in
(1) S. No. 27E, Deolali Lodge, Lam operation till further orders from the
Road, Deolali Camp, Nashik-422 date of issue of Notification
401. in Government Gazette.
(2) S. No. 708/1/2B/3, Plot No. 03, (2) Every employee shall be given
Mahadik Pride, Savarkar Marg, one day holiday in a week without
New Gangapur Naka, Nashik-422 making any deductions from his/her
013. wages on account thereof and the
(3) Gajra Warehouse, Gat No. list of time table to such holidays for
42/3/2, Rajur Bahula Village, Opp. a month shall be placed on the
Nirma Ashram, Nashik-422 010. notice board in advance.
(4) S. No. 653A, Final Plot No. 392, (3) The employees who have given
Shop No. 1 to 3 and 17 to 36, North their consent be only placed on duty
Wing, Vasant Market, Canada of weekly holiday or other holiday.
Corner, Nashik-422 005. (4) The employees shall be entitled
(5) Gate No. 101 to 139, Opp. to overtime wages in accordance
Nandini Agarbatti, Murnbai Agra with section 63 of the said Act.
Road, Vill Jahulke-Dindori, Tal. and (5) No employee shall be required to
Dist. Nashik. work for more than 9 hours in a day
(6) Opp. District Court, Nashik- 422 or 48 hours in a week. The spread
001. over of an employee shall not
(7) S. No. 728/1 to 10, Final Plot exceed 9 hours in a day.
No. 265 to 268/A and 265 to 268/B, (6) Establishment will, not be closed
Shop No. 2, 3 Priyanka Pride, Near later than 11-00 p.m.
Water Tank, Mahatma Nagar, (7) No women employee shall be
Nashik-422 007. required or allowed to work beyond
(8) S. No. 207/1/1, Plot No. 1 and 2, 10.30 p.m.
Saubhagya Marriage Hall, (8) In case of violation of any of the
Swadhyey Nagar, Meri-Mhasarul above terms and conditions the
Road, Nashik-422 003. exemption shall stand cancelled
(9) S. No. 850, Swastik Trade automatically.]
Centre, Shop No. 1, 2, 3, and 4,
Opp. Fame Multiplex, Nashik-Pune
Highway, Nashik-422 006.
(10) S. No. 302/1, Plot No. 10,
Burkule Hall, Ambad, Nashik Link
Road, Nashik-422 010.
(11) S. No. 275/10, 27B/11, 27B/42,
Plot No. 17, 18 and 42, Reliance
Anand Mall, Opp. Manjula
Karyalaya, Jail Road, Nashik Road,
Nashik-422 101.
(12) S. No. 67/1, 67/2A, 66A/1A
and 66A/1B, Lingfield Plaza,
Salunke Vihar/NIBM Road,
Wanworie, Pune - 411 040.
(13) Plot No. I, S. No. 31/2/1 and
30/1, Shop No. 1-9, Dahanukar
Regancy, Dahanukar Colony,
Kothrud, Pune - 411 029.
(14) Geetai Sankul, Ideal Colony,
129, Paud Raod-1, Kothrud, Pune -
411 029.
(15) S. No. 89, 90, 91/2, Ajay
Mangal Karyalaya, 131,
Tulshibagwala Colony, Sahakar
Nagar, Parvati, Pune - 411 009.
(16) 1, Flora Palace, Mangal
Karyalaya, Balaji Nagar, Pune -
Satara Road, Dhankawadi, Pune -
411 043.
(17) 8, Record Hall Road, Show
Room No. 1,2,3 and Hall Genesis,
Dhole Patil Road, Pune - 411 001.
(18) S. No. 7 + 8, Upper Ground
Floor, Shop No. U-7 to U-10,
Runwal, Platinum, Plot No. 3B,
Bavdan, Pune.
(19) "Swayambhu", Sujay Garden,
S. No. 706A and 706B, Final Plot
No. 410, Town Planning Scheme
No. 111, City Survey No. 12, Nisbet
Munjeri, Gultekdi, Pune - 411 037.
(20) S. No. 645/1, Bibwewadi, Main
Road, Pune - 411 037.
(21) Mont Vert-II, "C "Wing, S. No,
128/2A/I, Pashan-Sus Road, Pashan,
Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune - 411 021.
(22) Sai Plaza, CTS No. 1853, 1854,
1863, 1819, S. No. 174, of Shop No.
5 to 11, Village Chinchwad, Tal.
Haveli, Dist. Pune - 411 033.
(23) Shop No. I, Plot No. L, S. No.
137/1 and 138/1 A/7, Marutrao
Gaikwad Nagar, Aundh, Pune - 411
(24) Suma Silpa Ltd., 93/5-A,
Erandawane, Pune.
(25) S. N., 209/1/1-A, Bhamburda,
Shivaji nagar, Pune - 411 005.
(26) Shop No. 1-6, Varad Laxmi
Plaza, S. No. 116/171, Part,
Mumbai-Bangalore Highway,
Warge, Pune - 411 052.
(27) Adarsh Towers, Ground Floor,
Opp. Rustomjee Colony, Near St.
Carmel School, Off. Marve Road,
Kandivali (West), Mumbai-400 064.
(28) Anna Louis CHS Ltd; Shop
No. (1 to 11), Dura Properties Pvt.
Ltd., CST 280, Vikhroli (West),
Mumbai-400 083.
(29) Adinath Tower, Borivali,
(30) Bhola's Classes, Ground Floor,
Tukaram Jivaji Marg and Slater
Road, Near Station Grant Road
(West), Mumbai-400 007.
(31) Ground Floor, Bhushan
Heritage, Shimpoli Village, Borivali
(West), Mumbai 400 092.
(32) Reliance Tower No. 06,
Swadeshi Mill Compound,
Chunabhatti (East), Mumbai-400
(33) Crystal Paradise Mall, Dattaji
Salve Road, Opp. Sidbi Bldg; Off.
Veera Desai Road, Andheri (West),
Mumbai-400 053.
(34) A2, AT CW TW-1, Near Ram
Mandir, Cotton Green, Mumbai-400
(35) Business Centre, Shop No. (1
to 7), Chicholi Bunder Road, Opp.
S. V. Road, Malad (West), Mumbai-
400 064.
(36) Framroz Court Bulding, Phatke
Road, Next to Saraswat Bank, Near
Kailash Lassi, Mumbai-400 014.
(37) Galaxy Super Market, 2/2
Sindhi Society, On Road, Linking
Sion Circle-Sion Station, Opp.
Gurukripa Restaurant, Sion (West),
Mumbai-400 022.
(38) Neelyog Cine Mall, 1st Floor,
Near Station Ghatkopar (East),
Mumbai-400 077.
(39) Jai Sai, Central Avenue Road,
Near Diamond Garden, Chembur,
(40) Kaksons, Opp. R. K. Studio,
Sion-Trombay Road, Chembur,
Mumbai-400 071.
(41) Karnani Wadi, Shri Saurasthra
Dasha, Srimali Jam Bhojanalaya,
542, J S S Road, Chira Bazar,
Mumbai-400 002.
(42) Patel Apartment Ground Floor,
Chittabhai Road, Next to Bus Stop,
Kandivali (East), Mumbai-400 101.
(43) Rock Enclave, Near Hindustan
Naka, Opp. Joy Ice Cream,
Kandivali (West), Mumbai-400 067.
(44) 184, P. D'mello Road, Pasburry
Ray Road, Mumbai.
(45) Sarnath Arcade, Upper Govind
Nagar, Malad (East), Mumbai-400
(46) Sal Lee Shopping, New MHB
Colony, Gorai Road, Opp. Don
Bosco, Borivali (West), Mumbai-
400 092.
(47) Saraswat Bhoomi, Borivali,
(48) Salasar Bhoomi, Tembha Road,
120 Feet Road, Bhayander (West),
District Thane-401 101.
(49) Sanghavi Plywood, Jaywant
Apartment, Opp. Film Center,
Tardeo, Mumbai Central (West),
Mumbai-400 034.
(50) New Sion CMS., Sion (West),
Mumbai-400 022.
(51) Dr. Shah's Hospital, M. G.
Road, Opp. Jain Mandir, Vile Parle
(East), Mumbai-400 057.
(52) Thakur Complex, Shop No. (4-
10), Saraf Chaudhary Nagar,
Kandivali (East), Mumbai-400 101.
(53) Tirupati Apartment, Shop No.
05, Off Mahalaxmi Temple,
Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai-400
(54) Vishnu Shivam Mall, Ground
Floor, Opp. Vijaya Bank, Thakur
Village, Kandivali (East), Mumbai-
400 101.
(55) Vishwakarma, Mulund.
(56) Bhoskar Mega Mall, Airoli,
Navi Mumbai.
(57) CD1T, Maithil, Near Vashi
Railway Station, Vashi, Navi
(58) Dev Darshan, Shop No. 34,
Sector No. 19, Plot No. 23-24,
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai-410 210.
(59) Goodwill Heritage, Shop No.
(11-19), Plot No. 107, Opp.
Reliance Tower, Koperkhairane,
Navi Mumbai-400 709.
(60) New Jai Bharat, Plot No. 7 and
8, Sec. 05, Beside Army Colony,
Women's Hostel Bldg., Nerul, Navi
Mumbai-400 706.
(61) Munot Residency, Shop No.
(16-24), 34, 35, Thany Naka, Near
Garden Restaurant, Panvel- 410
(62) Mangola Tower, Shop No. (1,
2, 3, 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D), Plot 84,
Sec. 15, Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400
(63) Neelkanth Residency El, Plot
No. 02, Sector 46A, Nerul, Navi
Mumbai-400 706.
(64) Osho Kabir, Shop (1-9), Plot
No. 42, Sector 10, Khanda Colony,
New Panvel-410 206.
(65) Om Arcade, Sector-8, Opp.
Railway Station, Koperkhairane,
Navi Mumbai-400 709.
(66) Roop Darshan Society, Shop
(3-12), Ground Floor, Sector II, Plot
No. 15/12, Koperkhairane, Navi
Mumbai-410 708.
(67) Radhamith, Nerul, Navi
(68) D-42, TTC Industrial Area,
Jiiinagar, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai.
(69) Sal Palace, Ground Floor, Plot
No. 35, Sector 10-A, Vashi, Navi
(70) Ashok Hotel, Main Kalyan-
Bhiwandi Road, Near G. G.
Dandekar Factory, Bhiwandi- 421
(71) Aruna Sabhagruha, Dombivali.
(72) Brindavan Society, Building
No. 55-A, Shop No. 1-6, Brindavan
Complex, Thane (West), Thane-400
(73) Cine King, Bhayander (East).
(74) Gagan Galaxy, Shop No. (1 to
10), Ground Floor, Opp.
Shaktidham Temple, Deewan
Kuldeep Singh Nagar, Evershine
City, Vasai (East), Dist. Thane-401
(75) Gopi Talkies, GI Rasham
Gupte Road, Dombivali (West)-421
(76) HamaTa Bazar, 102, Narayani
Kutir, Ground Floor, Opp. Ganesh
Mandir, 60 Feet Road, Bhayander
(West), Dist. Thane-401 101.
(77) Harsh Plaza, Near Poonam
Vihar Complex, Opp. Sector 2,
Shantinagar, Near Railway Station,
Station Road, Mira Road (East)-401
(78) Hotel Prince, Next to Tiptop,
Near Ashoka Talkies, Station Road,
Thane (West), Thane- 400 601.
(79) Indian Corporation Godown,
Sankul, Dapodegaon, Mankodi
Naka, Bhiwandi.
(80) Jai Jagdamba C.H.S., Near
Ashwini TVS Showroom, Edaiji
Road, Charai, Thane (West), Thane-
400 601.
(81) Mahadev Hotel, Next to Malhar
Theatre, Opp. MTNL Exchange,
Gokhale Road, Naupada, Thane
(West), Thane-400 602.
(82) Mehak Motors (Car Decor),
Plot No. 223, Ground Floor, Near
Ashok-Anil Cinema, Kalyan-
Ambernath Road, Ulhasnagar
(West)-421 003.
(83) Manu Krupa Bunglow, H. No.
64-65, Manvelpada Road, Virar
(East), Tal. Vasai, Dist. Thane- 401
(84) Panchamrut, Shop No. (5 to
14), Near Suraj Water Park, Opp.
Kanchan Pushpa C.H.S., Waghbil,
Ghodbunder Road, Thane (West),
Thane-400 607.
(85) Shah and Sanghi Autom.5iles,
Hari Niwas Circle, Panchr3kdi,
Thane (West), Thane-400 602.
(86) Sanskar Tower, Near Hyundai
Showroom, Plot 311/312, Opp.
Sundaram Society, Panchpakdi,
Thane (West), Thane-400 602.
(87) Shree Sharanam Shop No. (3, 5
to 8), Opp. Shrima Vidyalaya, Near
Hiranandani Estate, Patilpada,
Thane (West), Thane-400 607.
(88) Spring Avenue, Club Road,
Near KDMC B-Ward Office, Burve
Road, Khadakpada, Kalyan (West)-
421 301.
(89) TVS Motors, Mahaveer
Chambers, Bramhan Society, Opp.
ICICI, Kalyan-Murbad Road,
Kalyan (West)-421 301.
(90) Pawar Properites, Seema
Centre Enterprise, Ground Floor,
Opp. Siddanchal Club House,
Vasant Vihar, Thane-400 606.
(91) Vishnupratibha Hall, Ground
Floor; Vishnuprasad Complex, Opp.
Utkarsha Vidyalaya, P. P. Marg,
Virar (West), Tal. Vasai, Dist.
Thane-401 303.

[534. Sahara Star, Sahara Hospitality Ltd., Section 33(3) subject to the
Opp. Domestic Airport, Vile Pane following conditions:–
(E), Mumbai-400 099. (i) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the issue of Notification in
the Government Gazette.
(ii) No women employees shall be
given night-duty continuously for
more than one week.
(iii) All women employees whose
duty starts or terminates after 8.30
p.m. and before 6.00 a.m. should be
provided escorted transport by the
establishment upto their residence.
(iv) Rest room and separate lockers
facility shall be provided in the hotel
premises for women employees.
(v) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(vi) The female employees are not
required or allowed to work in the
Bar/Permit Room.
(vii) In case of violation of any of
the above term and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled
[535. The following outlets of M/s. Olive Section 18, 19 and 33(3) subject to
Bar and Kitchen Pvt. Ltd., Pali Hill, the following conditions:-
14, Union Park, Khar (W), Mumbai- (i) This exemption should be for the
400 052. period of two years from the date of
issue of Notification in Government
(ii) No employee shall be required
to work for more than 9 hours in a
day over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(iii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(iv) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(v) Women employees will not be
allowed to work after 10.30 p.m. at
their work places.
(vi) The establishment should not be
closed later on 3.00 p.m,
(vii) This exemption is only related
to Bombay Shops and
Establishments Act, 1948.
(viii) in case of violation of any of
the above term and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[536. M/s. Nirmal Life Style, L.B.S. Section 18 subject to the following
Marg, Mulund (W) Mumbai-400 conditions:–
080. (i) This exemption should be for the
period of two years from the date of
issue of Notification in Government
(ii) No employee shall be required
to work for more than 9 hours in a
day or 48 hours in a week (sic. The
spread over) of an employee shall
not exceed 11 hours in a day.
(iii) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(iv) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(v) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(vi) In case of violation of any of the
above term and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[537. The flowing outlets of M/s. Section 11 & 18 subject to the

Vidhawan Food Retail Pvt. Ltd., following conditions:–
Diraj Asma, Ground Floor, Anant
Kanekar Marg, Station Road,
Bandra (E), Mumbai-400 051.

(1) M/s. Spinach, BKC Store, (i) This exemption is remain in

Madhava, Ground Floor, Bandra- operation for the period of one year
Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), from issue of date in Government
Mumbai-400 051. Gazette.

(2) M/s. Spinach, Seven Bunglow, (ii) No employee shall be required

New Siddharth Co-op. Hsg. Soc., 7 to work for more than 9 hours in a
Bunglow, Andheri, Mumbai-400 day or 48 hours in a week. The
053. spread over of an employee shall not
exceed 9 hours in a day.

(3) M/s. Spinach, Ghatkopar Store (iii) Every employee shall be given
Krushal Commercial Complex, one day holiday in a week without
Basement Floor, Nr. Shoppers Shop, making any deductions from his
MG Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400 wages on account thereof, and the
089. list of time table of such holidays
for a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board in advance.

(4) M/s. Spinach, Dahisar (Nancy (iv) The employees who have given
Colony). Siddhivinayak Garden, their consent be only placed on duty
Off. Shiv Vallabh Road, Behind on the day of weekly holiday or
Gokulanand, Opp. Omkar Hotel, other holiday.
Dahisar (E), Mumbai-400 068.

(5) M/s. Spinach, Saibaba Basant (v) The employees shall be entitled
CHS, Saibaba Nagar, Near Saibaba to overtime wages in accordance
Temple, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 with Section 63 of the said Act.

(6) M/s. Spinach, Chikuwadi Shop (vi) The establishment shall not be
No. 2, 3,4, 5, 6, Ground Floor, closed later on 10.30 p.m.
Aditya Apts, New Link Road, Chiku
Wadi, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400

(7) M/s. Spinach, Juhu Ground (vii) In case of violation of the

Floor, Navratna Apt., Nr. Post above terms and conditions, the
Office, AB Nair Rd., Juhu, exemption shall stand cancelled
Mumbai-400 049. automatically.]

(8) M/s. Spinach-Mulund Shop No.

1 to 5, Ground Floor, Surendra
CHS, Hira Nagar, Nahur Road,
Mulund (W), Mumbai-400 080.

(9) M/s. Spinach, Bhayander Mall,

Giriraj Brijbhumi, Near Flyover
Bridge, Tembha Hospital Road,
Bhayander (W).

(10) M/s. Spinach, Hiranandani

Golden Crown, Gr. Floor, Off.
Ghodbunder Road, Hiranandani,

(11) M/s. Spinach, Kalwa Shradha

Tower, Gr. Floor, Kalwa Stn. Road,
Kalwa (W).

(12) M/s. Spinach, Virar Runwal

Vihar, Agashi Road, Virar (W).

(13) M/s. Spinach, Thakur Village

Gr. Floor, Shop No. 32-50, Gayatri
Satsang, 120, Civil Road, Thakur
Village, Behind Viceroy Park,
Kandivali (E).

(14) M/s. Spinach, Airoli Shop No.

1-8, Gurudutt CHS, Sector-8,A,
Airoli, Navi Mumbai.

(15) M/s. Spinach, Kharghar Shop

No. 13, 14, 15 & 16, Twin Tower,
Sector 20, Plot No. 57, Kharghar,
Navi Mumbai-410 210.

(16) M/s. Spinach, Vasai (W.) Gr.

Floor, Shop No. 8-16, Padmashree
Bldg. Opp, St. Francis School, 100
ft. Road, Vasai (W).

(17) M/s. Spinach, Vijaynagari Shop

No. 10 to 15, Phasel, Green Acres,
Waghbil Road, Off. Ghodbunder
Road, Kaweshwar, Vijay Nagari,
Opp. Gala Super Mkt. Thane.

(18) M/s. Spinach, Ulhasnagar Shop

No. 3, 4 and 5, Hazari Villa, New
Post Office, Gr. Floor, Ulhasnagar,
Land Mark Gol Maidan.

(19) M/s. Spinach, Panchpakadi

Horizon Towers, Near Han Niwas
Circle, Bhakti Mandir Road, Opp.
Thanawala Garage, Panchpakadi,
Thane (W.).

(20) M/s. Spinach, Charkop- 1, 4th

Flight CHS, Plot No. 241, Sector-3,
Saraswat Bank Road, Charkop,
Kandivali (W). Mumbai-400 067.

(21) M/s. Spinach, Mira Road Shop

No. 33, 34, 35, 36-A, 36-B, 36-C,
Olympia Bldg., E Wing, Poonam
Sagar, Mira Road, Dist. Thane.

(22) M/s. Spinach, Dombivali Opp.

Vijaya Bank, Manpada Road, Deep
Milan Co-op. Soc., Dombivali (E.).

(23) M/s. Spinach, Kalyan Shop No.

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Orbit Commercial
Complex, Barve Road, Near
Madhav Shrushti, Khadakpada,
Kalyan (W).]

[538. M/s. Anila, Mohammed All Chowk, Section 18(1), subject to the
Station Road, Kalyan, Dist. Thane. following conditions:–
(1) The exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of one year
from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from hours
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(5) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(7) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[539. M/s. Hotel Marine Plaza, 29, Marine Section 18(1) and 33(3), subject to
Drive, Mumbai-400 020. the following conditions:–
(1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the issue of Notification in
the Government Gazette.
(2) Any female employee should not
be made to work in night
continuously for a week.
(3) Any female employee should not
be made to work in any department
other than House keeping
department, Reception office and
(4) The female employee who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
escorted transport by the hotel to
and from the residences of the
concerned employees.
(5) Female employee should be
made to work in group at night.
(6) Female employees should be
provided separate lockers and rest
(7) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 1 hour after 5 hours
of work.
(8) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[540. M/s. Ice-cream and Cold Drinks Section 19 subject to the following
House, 1810, C Ward, Shivaji conditions:–
Chowk, Bhausinghji Road, (1) The exemption shall remain in
Kolhapur-416 002. operation for a period of one year
from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government
(2) The establishment should not
sell any intoxicating material in an
around its premises at any time.
(3) The establishment should not be
closed on any day later than 1.00
(4) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[541. M/s. Cool House, Tarashankar Section 19 subject to the following

Complex, 245-L, 2/A, Aditya conditions:–
Corner, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur-416 (1) This exemption shall remain in
003. operation for a period of one year
from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government
(2) The establishment should not
sell any intoxicating material in an
around its premises at any time.
(3) The establishment should not be
closed on any day later than 1.00
(4) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[542. The following 19 stores of M/s. Section 11(1) and 18(1) subject to
Provogue (India) Ltd. 105/106, the following conditions:-
Provogue House, Off New Link
Road, Andheri (W.), Mumbai-400

(1) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., (1) The exemption shall remain in
Provogue Studio, Shop No. 15, operation for a period of three year
Internation Convention Centre from the date of issue of the
(ICC), ICC Trade Tower, Senapati Notification in the Government
Bapat Marg, Pune - 411 005. Gazette.

(2) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., (2) No employee shall be required to

Provogue Studio Shop No. 2, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Harbour Crest, Mazgoan, T.T., or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Mumbai-400 010. over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., Shop (3) No women employee shall be
No. 4 and 5, R.M. Pride Bldg., required or allowed to work beyond
Rammaruti Road, Thane (W). 9.30 p.m.

(4) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., Shop (4) Every employee shall be given
No. 9, Cursow Baug Bldg., Colaba, one day holiday in a week without
Mumbai-400 005. making any deductions from hours
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
Notice Board

(5) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., City (5) The employees who have given
Centre, Shop No. 193/101. 1st Floor their consent be only placed on duty
288, S.V. Road, Goregoan (W.), on the day of weekly holiday or
Mumbal-400 062. other holiday.

(6) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., (6) The employees shall be entitled
Phoenix Mill Compound Unit No. 9 to overtime wages in accordance
G, Block No. 3, 462 Senapati Bapat with Section 63 of the said Act.
Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai.
(7) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., The (7) Every employee should be given
Runwal Arcadects No. 639 and a rest period of 45 minutes after
639/1 to 7, L.B.S. Marg, Mulund every 5 hours.
(W.), Mumbai-400 080.

(8) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., (8) Other than these conditions, all
Nirmal Life Style, L.B.S. Marg, the terms and conditions of this Act
Opp. Nirmal Nagar, Next to is to the establishment.
Shoppers Stop, Mulund (W),
Mumbai-400 080.

(9) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., (9) The establishment should not be
Center One, Shop No. F-24, 1st closed later than 10.00 p.m.
Floor, Sector 30-A, Navi Mumbai-
400 705.

(10) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., (10) In case of violation of any of

Inorbit Mall, Unit No. U-22 and U- the above terms and conditions the
25, 1st Floor, Link Road, Naiad exemption shall stand cancelled
(W), Mumbai-400 064. automatically.]

(11) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd.,

Unit No. U-011, Gr. Floor, Infinity
Mall, New Link Road, Oshiwara,
Mumbai-400 053.

(12) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., H-

City Mall, Shop No. 129/130, 1st
Floor, Kanjurmarg, Mumbai.

(13) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd.,

Shop No. 4, 5, 6, Gr. Floor, Ganesh
Bhavan Extension, Dr. Ambedkar
Road, Lalbaug, Parel, Mumbai-40

(14) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd., The

Millenium Mall, Unit No. 223, 224,
231 and 232, 2nd Floor, Dr. Annie
Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai-400

(15) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd.,

Shop No. 10, Kakade Magnum
Mall, 231, Moledina Road, Camp.
Pune - 1.

(16) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd.,

Provogue Studio Shop No. 1, Gr.
Floor, Milan Mall, Near Santacruz
Bus Depot, Mumbai-400 054.
(17) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd.,
Provogue Studio Shop No. 19, Gr.
Floor, Palm Beach Road, Sec. 19-D,
Plot No. 17, Behind APMC Market,
Vashi Navi Mumbai-400 705.

(18) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd.,

Provogue Studio Shop No. F-I, F-2,
F-3, 1st Floor, The Oberoi Mall,
A.K. Vaidya Road, Off-W.E.
Highway, Dindoshi Goregoan
(East), Mumbai-400 063.

(19) M/s. Provogue (India) Ltd.,

Provogue Studio Shop No. G-32,
Gr. Floor, Inorbit Mall, Plot No.
39/1, Sector 30, Nevi Mumbai-400

[543. The following Store of M/s. Life Sections 11, 18 and 33 subject to the
Style International Pvt. Ltd., Office- following conditions :-
cum-Warehouse, Block No. 1012, (1) The exemption shall remain in
Devi Dayal Estate, Kanjurmarg (E), operation for a period of one year
Mumbai-400 042. from the date of issue of the
(1) Lifestyle international (P) Ltd., Notification in the Government
Runwal Arcade, 639, L.B.S. Marg, Gazette.
Mulund (W), Mumbai-400 080. (2) The Establishment should not be
(2) Lifestyle International (P) Ltd., closed later than 10.30 p.m.
Phoenix High Street, 462, Senapati (3) No employee shall be required to
Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai- work for more than 9 hours in a day
400 013. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
(3) Lifestyle International (P) Ltd., over of an employee shall not
Inorbit Mall India Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. exceed 11 hours in a day.
1406-A, 28/A, link Road, Mulund (4) Ever employee shall be given
(W), Mumbai-400 064 one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from hours
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a months shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(5) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(7) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
10.00 p.m.
(8) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 45 minutes after
every 5 hours.
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[544. M/s. Samsonite South Asia Pvt. Section 10, 11 and 18 subject to the
Ltd., Samsonite Stores, Unit No. 4, following conditions:–
Ground floor, J.B. Nagar, Andheri (1) The exemption shall remain in
(E), Mumbai-400 059. operation for a period of one year
from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government
(2) The Establishment should not be
closed later than 10.00 p.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread-
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from hours
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a months shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(5) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(7) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(8) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[545. M/s. Jawaharlal Nehru, Port Trust, All the provisions.]

Navasheva, Tal. Uran, Navi
Mumbai-400 707.
[546. M/s. Gateway Terminals India Pvt. Section 14 & 17, subject to the
Ltd., Navasheva, Tal. Uran, Nevi following conditions:–
Mumbai. (1) The exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of three years
from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government
(2) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(3) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 30 minutes after 5
hours of work.
(4) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[547. The following branches of M/s. Section 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 33
Thomas Cook India Ltd., Thomas subject to the following conditions:–
Cook Bldg., Dr. D. Naoroji Road,
Mumbai-400 001.

(1) M/s. Thomas Cook India Ltd., (1) The exemption shall remain in
Thomas Cook Bldg., Dr. D. Naoroji operation for a period of one year
Road, Mumbai-400 001. from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government

(2) M/s. Thomas Cook India Ltd., (2) Working nature of five days of
Corporate Park, Unit No. 8, Sion- establishment will be continued.
Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai-
400 071.

(3) M/s. Thomas Cook India Ltd., (3) The establishment should be
64, Bajaj Bhavan, Nariman Point, closed later than 10.00 p.m.
Mumbai-400 021.

(4) M/s. Thomas Cook India Ltd., (4) No employee shall be required to
206, Kakad Chamber, 132, Dr. work for more than 9 hours in a day
Annie Besant Road, Worli, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Mumbai-400 018. over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(5) M/s. Thomas Cook India Ltd., (5) Every employee shall be given
A/2, Silver Arch, S. B. Marg, J. B. one day holiday in a week without
Nagar, Andheri, (E), Mumbai-400 making any deductions from hours
059. wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(6) The employees who have given

their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.

(7) The employees shall be entitled

to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.

(8) Every employee should be given

a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
hrs of work.

(9) No women employee shall be

required or allowed to work beyond
10.00 p.m.

(10) In case of violation of any of

the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[548. The following 9 stores of M/s. Section 11 and 18, subject to the
Shopper's Stop Ltd., Eureka Towers, following conditions:–
B-Wing, 9th floor, Mindspace, Link
Road, Malad (West), Mumbai-400

(1) M/s. Shopper's Stop Ltd., 211 (1) The exemption shall remain in
D.S.V. Road, Andheri( West), operation for a period of three years
Mumbai-400 058. from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government

(2) M/s. Shopper's Stop Ltd., (2) No employee shall be required to

Krushal Commercial Centre, G. M. work for more than 9 hours in a day
Road, Chembur (West), Mumbai- or 48 hours in a week. The spread
400 089. over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) M/s. Shopper's Stop Ltd., (3) No women employee shall be

Suburbia, Old Bandra Talkies, required or allowed to work beyond
Linking Road, Bandra (W.), 9.30 p.m.
Mumbai-400 050.

(4) M/s. Shopper's Stop Ltd., (4) Every employee shall be given
Naman Plaza, 41, S. V. Road, one day holiday in a week without
Kandivali (W.), Mumbai-400 067. making any deductions from hrs
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(5) M/s. Shopper's Stop Ltd., Nirmal (5) The employees who have given
Lifestyles, L.B.S. Marg.,Mulund their consent be only placed on duty
(W.), Mumbai-400 080. on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.

(6) M/s. Shopper's Stop Ltd., Inorbit (6) The employees shall be entitled
Mall, Link Road, Malad (W), to overtime wages in accordance
Mumbai-400 064. with Section 63 of the said Act.

(7) M/s. Shopper's Stop Ltd., (7) Every employee should be given
Dynamix Malt, JVPD Scheme, juhu, a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
Mumbai-400 049. hours.

(8) M/s. Shopper's Stop Ltd., Godrej (8) Other than these Terms &
Etermia, B Wing, Shivaji Nagar, Conditions, all the Terms &
Mumbai-Pune Road, Pune - 411005. Conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.

(9) M/s. Shopper's Stop Ltd., (9) The establishment should not be
Nucleus Mall, Church Road, Pune - closed later than 10.00 p.m.
411 001
(10) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[549. The following establishment of M/s. Section 11 and 18, subject to the
Sai Om Developers Pvt. Ltd., following conditions:–
"Lalasis", Plot No. 219, Road No. (1) The exemption shall remain in
11, Chembur, Mumbai-400 071. operation for a period of three years
(1) M/s. K. Star Mall, Plot No. 317, from the date of issue of the
C.T.S. No. 1754, Chembur-Sion- Notification in the Government
Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai- Gazette.
400 071 (2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from hrs
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(5) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(7) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
(8) Other than these Conditions, all
the Conditions of this Act to the
(9) The establishment should not be
closed later than 10.30 p.m.
(10) The exemption is not
applicable other than this
(11) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[550. The following 7 stores of M/s. Titan Section 11 and 18, subject to the
No. C-26/27, Bandra-Kurla following Industries Ltd., The
Complex, Bandra (E.), Mumbai-400 Metropolitan, Plot conditions:–

(1) M/s. Titan Industries Ltd., (1) The exemption shall remain in
Holland House, S. B. Singh Road, operation for a period of one year
Colaba, Mumbai-400 039. from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government

(2) M/s. Titan Industries Ltd, 365/C, (2) No employee shall be required to
Giriraj Bldg., Linking Road, Khar work for more than 9 hours in a day
(W.), Mumbai-400 052. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) No women employee shall be (3) M/s. Titan Industries Ltd., G/ or

required II, Inorbit Malls Pvt. Ltd., allowed to work beyond 9.30 p.m.
Mindspace Link Road, Malad (W.),
Mumbai-400 064.

(4) Tanishq Titan Industries Ltd., (4) Every employee shall be given
ShopNo. 1, Plot No. 21/4/ I/A, Seth one day holiday in a week without
House, Bund Garden Road, Pune - making any deductions from hrs
1. wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(5) M/s. Titan Industries Ltd., (5) The employees who have given
(Xylus), Phoenix Mill Compound, their consent be only placed on duty
S. B. Marg, Lower Parel 400 013. on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.

(6) M/s. Titan Industries Ltd., F- (6) The employees shall be entitled
904, Durga Chambers, 40, to overtime wages in accordance
Waterfield Road, Turner Road, with Section 63 of the said Act.
Bandra (W.), Mumbai 400 050

(7) M/s. Titan Industries Ltd., (7) Every employee should be given
Ground floor, Mona Enclave, Plot a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
No. 245/277, Opp. Pyramid, Gokul hours.
Peth, WHC Road, Dharampeth,
Ward No. 89, Nagpur.

(8) Other than these Terms and

Conditions, all the Terms and
Conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.

(9) The establishment should not be

closed later than 10.30 p.m.

(10) In case of violation of any of

the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[551. The following 13 stores of M/s Section 11 & 18, subject to the
Raymond Ltd., Textile Division, following conditions:–
Retail Department, P.O. Jekegram,
Thane-400 606.

(1) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Gr. Floor, (1) The exemption shall remain in
Unit No. 6, Near Fame Adlabs, operation for a period of one year
Oshivara, Andheri (W), Mumbai- from the date of issue of the
400 053. Notification in the Government
(2) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Dev Plaza, (2) No employee shall be required to
Gr. and 1st floor, 68, S. V. Road, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Andheri (W), Mumbai-400 058. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Block No. (3) No women employee shall be
34, 1st floor, Phoenix Mills required or allowed to work beyond
Compound, S. B. Marg, Lower 9.30 p.m.
Parel, Mumbai-400 013.

(4) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Inorbit (4) Every employee should be given
Mall, G-54/55, Gr. Floor, Malad one day holiday in a week without
(W), Mumbai-400 064. making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(5) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Gr. Floor, (5) The employees who have given
Veer Mahal Bldg., Veer Mahal Co- their consent be only placed on duty
op. Hsg. Soc., Dr. B. A. Road, on the day of weekly holiday or
Lalbaug, Parel, Mumbai-400 012. other holiday.

(6) M/s. Raymond Ltd., High Tide, (6) The employees shall be entitled
Plot No. 30/B, Juhu Tara Road, to overtime wages in accordance
Santacruz (W), Mumbai-400 049. with Section 63 of the said Act.

(7) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Palm Beach (7) Every employee should be given
Galaria, Shop No. 16, Gr. Floor, a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
Sec-19-D, Palm Beach Road, Nr. hours.
APMC Police Station, Vashi, Navi
Mumbai-400 703.

(8) M/s. Raymond Ltd., The (8) Other than these Terms &
Millinium Mall, Shop No. 301, 3rd Conditions, all the Terms &
floor, Dr. A. B. Road, Worli, Conditions of this Act is applicable
Mumbai-400 018. to the establishment.

(9) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Shop No. (9) The establishment should not be
46-A, 46-B, 47 and 48 Profit Centre, closed later than 10-30 p.m.
Mahaveer Nagar, 90ft. Road, UTI
Bank, Kandivali (W), Mumbai-400

(10) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Shop No. (10) In case of violation of any of
2, Gr. Floor, ICC Trade Tower, S. the above terms and conditions the
B. Marg, Pune - 411016. exemption shall stand cancelled
(11) M/s. Raymond Ltd., 1031,
Shukrawar Peth, Tilak Nagar, Opp.
Maratha Chambers of Commerce,
Pune - 411 004.

(12) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Plot No.

E-I, MIDC Ajamtha Road, Jalgaon-
425 003.

(13) M/s. Raymond Ltd., Plot No.

168, M. G. Road, Navipeth,
Jalgaon-425 001.

[552. The following Five Establishment of Section 18, subject to the following
M/s. Lawrence and Mayo conditions:–
(Opticals), Lawrence and Mayo
House, 274, Dr. D. N. Road,
Mumbai-400 001.

(1) M/s. Lawrence and Mayo (1) The exemption shall remain in
(Opticals), Tirupati Apartments, operation for a period of one year
Shop No. 10, Gr. Floor, Opp. from the date of issue of the
Mahalaxmi Temple, Bhulabhai Notification in the Government
Desai Road, Breach Candy, Gazette.
Mumbai-400 026.

(2) M/s. Lawrence and Mayo (2) No employee shall be required to

(Opticals), 8-B, Basera Co-op. Hsg. work for more than 9 hours in a day
Soc. Ltd., Lokhandwala Complex, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Opp. RNA Shopping Arcade, over of an employee shall not
Andheri (W), Mumbai-400 053. exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) M/s. Lawrence and Mayo (3) No women employee shall be

(Opticals), 3, Dr, Ambedkar Road, required or allowed to work beyond
Opp. Nehru Memorial Hall, Pune 9.30 p.m.
Camp, Pune - 411. 001.

(4) M/s. Lawrence and Mayo (4) Every employee shall be given
(Opticals), Arihant Shop No. 3, Gr. one day holiday in a week without
Floor, 1187/26, Ghole Road, Behind making any deductions from hrs
Hotel Rajhans, Shivaji Nagar, Pune wages on account thereof and the
- 411 005. list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(5) M/s. Lawrence and Mayo (5) The employees who have given
(Opticals), Shop No.116, 'Fortaleza', their consent be only placed on duty
Central Avenue. Kalyaninagar, Opp. on the day of weekly holiday or
Gold Fame Ad labs, Pune - 411 014, other holiday.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.

(7) Every employee should be given

a rest period of 45 minutes after 5

(8) Other than these terms and

conditions, all the terms and
conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.

(9) In case of violation of any of the

above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[553. The following 6 establishments of Section 18 subject to the following

M/s. Infiniti Retail Ltd., 202, Akruti conditions:–
Centre Point, MIDC, Andheri (E.).
Mumbai-400 093,-

(1) City Center Mall, Shop No. 44, (1) The exemption shall remain in
1st Floor, Situated at Plot No. 18, operation for a period of one year
Sector 19 D, Palm Beach Marg, from the date of issue of the
Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400 706. Notification in the Government

(2) Croma City Centre Mall, Lords (2) No employee shall be required to
Apartment, Plot Nos. 10, 11, 12 and work for more than 9 hours in a day
13, Plot Nos. 35 and 35A, Sector 15, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400 over of an employee shall not
614. exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) Croma, Thakur Shopping Mall (3) No women employee shall be

and Multiplex, Near Dahisar Check required or allowed to work beyond
Naka, Western Express Highway, 9.30 p.m.
Dahisar (E.), Mumbai.

(4) Croma, Chhatrapati Shivaji (4) Every employee shall be given

International Airport, Terminal IB, one day holiday in a week without
Domestic Terminal, Chhatrapati making any deductions from his
Shivaji International Airport, wages on account thereof and the
Santacruz (E.), Mumbai-400 099. list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(5) Croma, Croma Mall, 32/1, Pune (5) The employees who have given
- Solapur Road, Wanowari, Pune - their consent be only placed on duty
13. on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.

(6) Croma Ishanya Mall, Yeravada, (6) The employees shall be entitled
Opp. Golf Cross, Shastri Nagar, to overtime wages in accordance
Yeravada, Pune. with Section 63 of the said Act.

(7) Every employee should be given

a rest period of 45 minutes after 5

(8) Other than these terms and

conditions, all the terms and
conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.

(9) In case of violation of any of the

above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[554. The following 14 Establishments of Section 18 subject to the following

M/s. Welspun India Ltd., Trade conditions:–
World, B Wing, 8th floor, Kamala
Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat
Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-400

(1) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., (1) The exemption shall remain in
Rehem Mansion No. I, 3 6/42, operation for a period of one year
Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Colaba, from the date of issue of the
Mumbai-400 001. Notification in the Government

(2) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., Level (2) No employee shall be required to
2, R-mail, L.B.S. Marg, Mulund work for more than 9 hours in a day
(W.), Mumbai-400 080. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., (3) No women employee shall be

Kothari Warehouse No. 3, Co.op. required or allowed to work beyond
Soc. Ltd., Godown F, S. V. Road, 9.30 p.m.
Chitalsar, Manpada, Thane (W.)-
400 607.

(4) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., (4) Every employee shall be given
Kamala Mills Compound, Trade one day holiday in a week without
World, B Wing, Gr. Floor, S. B. making any deductions from his
Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 wages on account thereof and the
013. list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(5) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., Upper (5) The employees who have given
Ground Level Office, CTS No. 586- their consent be only placed on duty
I and 257-G, W. E. Highway, on the day of weekly holiday or
Goregaon (E.), Mumbai-400 063. other holiday.

(6) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., F3 & (6) The employees shall be entitled
F4, 1st floor, Eternity Mall, Teen to overtime wages in accordance
Hath Naka, Thane (W.), Mumbai- with Section 63 of the said Act.
410 602.

(7) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., Huma (7) Every employee should be given
Mall, No. 47, Gr. Floor, L.B.S. a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
Marg, Kanjurmarg (W.), Mumbai- hours.
400 078.

(8) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., (8) Other than these terms and
Eastern Mall, No. 151/152, 1st conditions, all the terms and
Floor, Daftari Road, Malad (E.), conditions of this Act is applicable
Mumbai-400 097. to the establishment.

(9) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., Jewel (9) The establishment should be
Shopping Centre, Shop No. 20-23, closed later than 10.30 p.m.
Opp. Versova Police Station, Seven,
Bungalow Garden, Andheri (W.),
Mumbai-400 061.

(10) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd., (10) In case of violation of any of

"Inorbit Mall, F I, 1st floor, Mind the above terms and conditions the
Space, Link Road, Malad (W.), exemption shall stand cancelled
Mumbai-400 064. automatically.]

(11) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd.,

Center One, Shop No. S-35, Sector
30- A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400

(12) M/s. Welspun Retail Ltd.,

Nucleus, S-3, 2nd floor, Church
Road Camp, Pune - 411 001.

(13) M/s; Welspun Retail ltd., Unit

No. 15, Gr. floor, 265, Belasis Road,
Mumbai Central, Mumbai-400 008.

(14) M/s. Weispun Retail Ltd.,

Suleman Chambers, 4, Battery
Street, Colaba, Mumbai-400 005.

[555. M/s. Chen's Hair and Beauty Salon, Section 18, subject to the following
Shop No. 110, Marine Mansion, 1st conditions:–
Marine Street, Anandilal Potdar (1) The exemption shall remain in
Marg, Mumbai-400 002. operation for a period of two years
from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(5) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(7) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
(8) Other than these terms &
conditions, all the terms and
conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.
(9) The female employees who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
escorted transport by the
establishment to and from the
residence of the concerned
(10) Female employees should be
made to work in group at night.
(11) Female employees should be
provided separate lockers and rest
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[556. The following stores of M/s. Section 18, subject to the following
Century Textile and Industries Ltd., conditions:–
Century Bhavan, Dr. Anne Besant
Road, Worli, Mumbai-400 025.

(1) Cottons by Century, Shop No. (1) The exemption shall remain in
13/14. Opp. Majid, S. V. Road, operation for a period of one year
Bandra, Mumbai 400 050. from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government

(2) Cottons by Century, Galleria (2) No employee shall be required to

Mall, Shop No. 105-106, 1st Floor, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Palm Beach Road, Sector 19, Vashi, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Navi Mumbai-400 705. over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) Cottons by Century, Shop No. 2, (3) No women employee shall be

Vaibhav Bldg., Opp. Kasturi Plaza required or allowed to work beyond
Manpada Road, Dombivali (E.), 421 9.30 p.m.

(4) Cottons by Century, Shop No. (4) Every employee shall be given
15, Ground Floor, Heera Panna one day holiday in a week without
Shopping Complex, Haji Ali Road, making any deductions from hours
Mumbai-400 026. wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(5) Cottons by Century, (Sec), C/2, (5) The employees who have given
Kantilal Magan Lal Estate Pannalal their consent be only placed on duty
Compound, L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup on the day of weekly holiday or
(W.), Mumbai-400 078. other holiday.

(6) The employees shall be entitled

to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.

(7) In case of violation of any of the

above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[557. M/s. Krishna Palace Residency Section 19, subject to the following
96/98, Slater Road, Patei Bhavan, conditions:–
Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400 007. (1) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(2) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(4) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
(7) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the terms and
conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.
(8) The female employees who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
escorted transport by the
establishment to and from the
residents of the concerned
(9) Female employees should made
to work in group at night.
(10) Female employees should be
provided separate lockers and rest
(11) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[558. M/s. Inorbit Malls India Pvt. Ltd., Section 11 and 18 subject to the
Mindspace, Link Road, Malad (W), following conditions:–
Mumbai-400 064. (1) The exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of three years
from the date of issue of the
Notification in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his
wages on account thereof and the
list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.
(5) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(7) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
(8) Other than these term and
conditions, all the terms and
conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.
(9) The establishment should not be
closed later than 10.30 p.m.
(10) The exemption is not
applicable other than to this
(11) The female employees whose
work ends after 6-30 p.m. shall be
providing escorted transport by the
establishment to and from the
residents of concerned employees.
(12) Any female employee should
not be made to work in any
department other than house-
keeping department, reception office
and restaurant.
(13) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions
exemption shall stand cancelled

[559. The following establishments of Section 18, subject to the following

M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye Nation) conditions:-
Pvt. Ltd., 162, Chinnoy Mansion,
Warden Road, Mumbai-400 036.

(1) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye (1) The exemption shall remain in
Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Empire Mahal, operation for a period of three years
Dadar T.T. Circle, Mumbai-400 from the date of issue of the
014. Notification in the Government

(2) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye (2) No employee shall be required to

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Shanti Centre, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Sector 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400 or 48 hours in a week. The spread
705. over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye (3) Every employee shall be given
Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Shop No. 11 one day holiday in a week without
Chinnoy Mansion, Near Kemp's making any deductions from hrs.
Corner, Warden Road, Mumbai-400 (Sic his/her) wages on account
036. thereof and the list of time table to
such holidays for a month shall be
placed on the notice board in

(4) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye (4) The employees who have given
Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Vikram their consent be only placed on duty
Apartment, Ground Floor, Shop No. on the day of weekly holiday or
283, L. T. Road, Opp. T.B.Z. other holiday.
Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 092.

(5) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye (5) The employees shall be entitled
Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Niharika to overtime wages in accordance
Shopping, Shop No. 8/9, Gr. Floor, with Section 63 of the said Act.
Gland Alwares Rd., Off. Pokharan
Rd., No. 11, Thane (W) Thane-400

(6) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye (6) Every employee should be given
Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Kapeesh Building, a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
A-1 M.G. Rd., Mulund (W), hours.
Mumbai-400 080.

(7) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye (7) Other than these terms and
Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Leo Tailor, Shree conditions, all the terms and
Bhavani Chowk, Suvrat Apt., Tembi conditions of this Act is applicable
Naka, Thane (W)-400 602. to the establishment.
(8) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye (8) Any female employee should not
Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Aaspire Pride, be made to work in any department
Plot No. 227, 5, Ground Floor, other than housekeeping
MTNL Road, Near Rupali Cinema, department, reception office and
Panvel- 410 206. restaurant.

(9) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye (9) In case of violation of any of the
Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Shree Ambika above terms and conditions the
Apt., Sea Woods, Plot No. 10, Shop exemption shall stand cancelled
No. 7/8, Sector 42A, Nerul (W), automatically.]
Navi Mumbai-400 706.

(10) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Vallabh Kutir,
Opp. Krishna Cinema, Shivaji
Chowk, Kalyan West-421 301.

(11) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Shop No. 38/39,
"Centrium" Bldg. 2, Sector 4, Akurli
Village, Lokhandwala Township,
Kandivali (E), Mumbai-400 101.

(12) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Srushti Plaza,
Shop No. 5, Navpada, Gokhale Rd.,
Thane (W)-400 602.

(13) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Central Avenue,
Lamington Road, Opp. Shagun
Hotel, Mumbai Central, Mumbai-
400 008.

(14) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Shop No. 8,
Anandkunj, Plot No. 42, Daftari
Rd., Shivaji Chowk, Malad (E),
Mumbai-400 097.

(15) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Maxus Mall, G-
21, Near Flyover, Bhayandar (W),
Dist. Thane-401 101.

(16) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Shop No.1,
Sapphire Arcade, Plot No.42, M.G.
Road, Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai-400
(17) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye
Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Shop No.1 and 2,
Keshav Shrishti, Lal Bahadur
Shashtri Marg, Opp. Station Road
Bus Stop, Bhandup (W), Mumbai-
400 078.

(18) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Shop No. 1,
"Citipark" Iiiranandani Gardens,
Powai, Mumbai-400 076.

(19) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., Shop No. 1 and 2,
Plot No. 3, Kirti Manor, S. V. Rd.,
Santacruz (W), Mumbai-400 054.

(20) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., 114, 115, Bhusa
Industrial Estate, Near Century
Bazar, Prabhadevi, Dadar, Mumbai-
400 025.

(21) M/s. Gangar Opticians (Eye

Nation) Pvt. Ltd., 112, Bhusa
Industrial Estate, Near Century
Bazar, Prabhadevi, Dadar, Mumbai
- 400 025.

[560. The following establishments of Section 11 and 18, subject to the

M/s. Life Style International Pvt. following conditions:–
Ltd., Plot No. J-1, Delta House, (1) The exemption shall remain in
Cama Industrial Area, Wal Bhat operation for a period of three years
Road, Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400 from the date of issue of the
063. Notification in the Government
(1) M/s. Life Style International Pvt. Gazette.
Ltd., Mari Gold Premises, Mari (2) No employee shall be required to
Soft-4-A, Next to Mcdonald, Near work for more than 9 hours in a day
Ventura besides Adlabs, Vadgaon or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Sheri, Kalyani Nagar, Pune - 14. over of an employee shall not
(2) M/s. Life Style International Pvt. exceed 11 hours in a day.
Ltd., Oberoi Mall, Oberoi Garden (3) No women employee shall be
off Westen Express Highway, required or allowed to work beyond
Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400 063. 9.30 p.m.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from hrs.
(sic his/her) wages on account
thereof and the list of time table to
such holidays for a month shall be
placed on the notice board in
(5) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(7) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
(8) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the terms and
conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.
(9) The establishment should not be
closed later than 10.30 p.m.
(10) The exemption is not
applicable other than this
(11) Any female employee should
not be made to work in any
department other than housekeeping
department, reception office and
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[561. M/s. Trivedi Pan Shop, Shop No. Section 11 and 18, subject to the
11, Tilak Road, Ghatkopar (East), following conditions:–
Mumbai-400 077. (1) The exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of one year
from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) No women employee shall be
required or allowed to work beyond
9.30 p.m.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from hrs.
(Sic his/her) wages on account
thereof and the list of time table to
such holidays for a month shall be
placed on the notice board in
(5) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(7) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
hrs of work.
(8) Other than these Terms and
Conditions, all the Terms and
Conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.
(9) The establishment should not be
closed later than 12.30 a.m.
(10) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[562. M/s. Paaneri, 372, Dadarkar Section 18 subject to the Following

Building, N. C. Kelkar Road, Dadar conditions:-
(W), Mumbai-400 028. (1) The exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of three years
from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from hrs.
(Sic his/her) wages on account
thereof and the list of time table to
such holidays for a month shall be
placed on the notice board in
(4) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
(7) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the terms and
conditions of this Act is applicable
to the establishment.
(8) Any female employee should not
be made to work in any department
other than housekeeping
department, reception office and
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[563. M/s. Bombay Swadeshi Stores Ltd., Section 18 subject to the following
302, M. G. Road, Pune - 01. conditions:–
(1) The exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of six months
from the date of issue of the
Notification in the Government
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from hours
(sic his) wages on account thereof
and the list of time table to such
holidays for a month shall be placed
on the notice board in advance.
(4) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee should be given
a rest period of 45 minutes after 5
(7) Other than these terms
conditions, all the terms conditions
of this Act applicable to the
(8) Any female employee should not
be made to work in any department
other than house keeping
department, reception, office and
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[564. The following Establishments of Section 18 subject to the following

M/s. Infiniti Retail Ltd. (Chroma), conditions:–
Bombay House, 24, Homi Modi
Street, Fort, Mumbai-400 001.

(1) M/s. Infiniti Retail Ltd., (1) The exemption shall remain in
(Chroma), Link Square Mall, Plot operation for a period of six month
No. 490 & 491, 33rd Floor, Off from the date of issue of the
Linking Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai Notification in the Government
- 400 050. Gazette.

(2) M/s. Infiniti Retail Ltd., (2) No employee shall be required to

(Chroma), Mall Dhamaal, Pandit work for more than 9 hours in a day
Dindayal Upadhya Marg, LBS or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Marg, Cross Road, Mulund (W), over of an employee shall not
Mumbai - 400 080. exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) M/s. Infiniti Retail Ltd., (3) Every employee shall be given
(Chroma), Rajesh Bldg., Shri one day holiday in a week without
Vallabhacharyaji Marg, Near New making any deductions from his
Flyover Bridge, Bhayander (W), wages on account thereof and the
Dist. Thane- 401 101. list of time table to such holidays for
a month shall be placed on the
notice board in advance.

(4) M/s. Infiniti Retail Ltd., (4) The employees who have given
(Chroma), NSG IT Park, Survey No. their consent be only placed on duty
127/28/1A, ITI Road. Aundh, Pune - on the day of weekly holiday or
411 007. other holiday.

(5) The employees shall be entitled

to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.

(6) Every employee should be given

a rest period of 45 minutes after five

(7) Other than these terms

conditions, all the terms conditions
of this Act applicable to the

(8) Any female employee should not

be made to work in any department
other than house keeping
department, reception, office and

(9) In case of violation of any of the

above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[565. The following Establishment of Section 19 subject to the following

Hotel Babul, Andheri (W), Mumbai conditions:–
M/s. Food Culture (Kino 108), J.P. (1) This exemption shall remain in
349, J.P. Road, Apana Ghar, Dhake operation for a period of three years
Colony, Andheri (W), Mumbai - from the date of Notification
400 053. published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Women employees will not be
allowed to work after 9.30 p.m. at
their work places.
(6) The restaurant shall not be
closed on any day later than 3.00
(7) The exemption is only related to
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(9) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(10) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(11) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
(12) The female employees who are;
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
escorted transport by the
establishment to and from the
residents of the concerned
(13) Female employees shall be
provided to work in group at night.
(14) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[566. M/s. Escimo Ice-cream Parlour, Section 19 subject to the following,

Shop No. 5, E-Ward, 260/3, Conditions:–
Shakuntala Chamber, Tarabai Park, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Kolhapur. operation for a period of three years
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table in such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Women employees will not be
allowed to work after 9.30 p.m. at
their work places.
(6) The ice-cream parlour shall not
be closed on any day later than 1.00
(7) This exemption is only related to
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(9) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(10) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(11) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall be applicable to the
[(12) The Female employees who
are required to work after 6.30 p.m.
to 9.30 p.m. shall be provided
transport facilities from residence to
work place and return.]
(13) Female employees shall be
provided to work in group at night.
(14) The estblishment shall not be
sell any intoxicant material in an
aound its premises at any time.
(15) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[567. M/s. Pooja Ice-cream Parlour, In Section 11 subject to the Following

front of Rajapetha Police Station, Conditions:–
Amravati. (1) The exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of three years
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any 'deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and the
list of the time table in such
holidays for a month shall be placed
on the notice board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Women employees will not be
allowed to work after 9.30 p.m. at
their work places.
(6) The ice-cream parlour shall not
be closed on any day later than 1.00
(7) This exemption is only related to
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(9) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(10) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(11) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
(12) The female employees who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. to
9.30 p.m. shall Zbe provided
transport facilities from the
residence to work place and return.
(13) Female employees shall be
provided to work in group- during
the working period.
(14) The estblishment shall not be
sell any intoxicant material in an
aound its premises at any time.
(15) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[568. M/s. Shivaji Hairdressers Pvt. Ltd., Sections 11 and 18 subjects to the
Shop No. 11, Green Villa, Off Following Conditions:–
Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri
(W), Mumbai - 53.
(1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for a period of two years
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

M/s. Shivaji Hairdressers Pvt. Ltd., (2) No employee shall be required to

Shop No. 6 and 5, Saurabha Apts., work for more than 9 hours in a day
Sarvoday Nagar, Near Indraprashta, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Mulund (W), Mumbai - 80. over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

M/s. Shivaji Hairdressers Pvt. Ltd., (3) Every employee shall be given
Shop No, 4, Saurabha Sarvoday one day holiday in a week without
Nagar, Near Indraprashta, Mulund making any deductions from his/her
(W), Mumbai - 80. wages on account thereof and list of
the time table in such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

M/s. Shivaji Hairdressers Pvt. Ltd., (4) The employees shall be entitled
Shop No. 7, Gajlaxmi Bldg., to overtime wages in accordance
Shrinagar, Thane (W). with Section 63 of the said Act.

M/s. Shivaji Hairdressers Pvt. Ltd., (5) Women employees will not be
Seva CHS Ltd., Adarsha Nagar, allowed to work after 9.30 p.m. at
Near Scout Camp, Link Road, their work places.
Behram Baug, Jogeshwari (W).

(6) The shop shall not remain open

on any day later than 10.30 p.m.

(7) This exemption is only related to

Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.

(8) Female employees shall be

provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.

(9) Every employee shall be given a

rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.

(10) Every employee shall be

provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(11) Inspite of these terms and
conditions all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment as the case may be.

(12) The female employees who are

required to work after 6.30 p.m. to
9.30 p.m. shall be provided transport
facilities from residences to work
place and return.

(13) Female employees shall be

provided to work in group during
the working period.

(14) In case of violation of any of

the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[569. The following shops of M/s, Brand Section 18 subject to the following
House Retails, "Avadh" Shriram conditions:–
Mill Premises, G. K. Marg, Worli,

(1) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (1) This exemption shall remain in
Reid and Taylor Shop No. 1, 2 and operation for a period of three years
3, 9A, Villa Sorento, Juhu Tara from the date of Notification
Road, Juhu, Mumbai. published in Government Gazette.

(2) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (2) No employee shall be required to
Reid and Taylor, Shop No. 4-8, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Ground Floor, Chandrabhushan or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Plaza, Swami Sahajanand Chowk, over of an employee shall not
Agra Road, Kalyan (W). exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (3) Every employee shall be given
Reid and -Taylor, R Mall Shop No. one day holiday in a week without
8, Gr. Floor, L.B.S. Marg, Mulund making any deductions from his/her
(W). wages on account thereof and list of
the time table in such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(4) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (4) The employees shall be entitled
Reid and Taylor, Shiv Ashish Bldg, to overtime wages in accordance
Shop No. 1 and 2, Plot No. 10, 19th with Section 63 of the said Act.
Rd. Chembur, Mumbai.

(5) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (5) Women employees will not be
Reid and Taylor, S.N. Pursram, allowed to work after 9.30 p.m. at
55/A, V.N. Rd., Yousuf Bldg., Flora their work places.
Fountain, Mumbai.

(6) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (6) The shop shall not remain open
Reid and Taylor, Shop No. 1 and 2, on any day later than 8.30 p.m.
Unit No. 1 and 2, Gr. Floor,
Samruddhi Plaza, Opp. Sai Petrol
Pump, Near Gaurav Garden, Mira-
Bhayander Rd, Bhayander, Thane.

(7) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (7) This exemption is only related to
Reid and Taylor, Palm Beach, Bombay Shops and Established Act,
Galleria Mall, 110/111, 1st Floor, 1948.
Palm Beach Rd., Vashi, Navi

(8) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (8) Female employees shall be
Reid and Taylor, Trimurti Bldg., provided separate lockers and rest
Near Naupada Police Station, M.G. rooms at the work place.
Rd., Naupada.

(9) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (9) Every employees shall be given
Reid and Taylor, Shop No. 2, a rest period of 45 Minutes after 5
Kailashchandra Apt., Plot No. 3, hours of continous work.
Paud Rd., Kothrud, Pune.

(10) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (10) Every employee shall be
Reid and Taylor, Premier Plaza provided Identity Card, according to
Mall, Plot No. 4510-13, Reservation the Section 25.
No. 180, East Wing, Chinchwad.

(11) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (11) Inspite of these terms and
Reid and Taylor, G-5, S. K. Open conditions all the provisions of this
Mall, Near B. Y. K. Collage Rd., Act shall applicable to the
Nashik. establishment as case may be.

(12) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (12) The female employees who are
Reid and Taylor, Unit No. 4, Gr. required to work after 6.30 p.m. to
Floor Poonam Mall, Wardhaman 9.30 p.m. shall be provided transport
Nagar, Nagpur. facilities from residence to work
place and return.

(13) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (13) Female employees shall be
Reid and Taylor, G-4, Eatermity provided to work in group during
Mall, Variety Square, Sitaburdi, the working period.

(14) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (14) The employees who have given
Reid and Taylor, Shop No. 4 and 5, their consent be only placed on duty
Kanchandhara, Manpada Rd., on the day of weekly holidays.
Dombivali (East).
(15) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd., (15) In case of violation of any of
Reid and Taylor, Shop No. 102 and the above terms and conditions, the
103, 1st floor, Little World Mall, exemption shall stand cancelled
Plot-21, Sector-2, Kharghar, Navi automatically.]

(16) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Reid and Taylor, Shop No. F-15, 1st
Floor, R-City Mall, LBS Marg,
Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai.

(17) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Reid and Taylor, Shop No. 5 and 8,
Old B. J. Market, Jalgaon.

(18) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Reid and Taylor, Shop No. 216-
217, 2nd Floor, Little World Mall,
Sector-2, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.

(19) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Reid and Taylor, Charmichel House,
Kroma Mall, Shop No. 2002, Pune -
Solapur Rd., Hadapsar, Pune.

(20) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, Shop No. 4, Sal Harsh
Bldg., Plot No. 125, Shivaji Chowk,
Opp. MTNL Bldg., Old Panvel.

(21) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte Shop No. 10, Shivshankar
Plaza-I, Sector-8, Airoli, Navi

(22) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, A-54/320, Sati Bhavan,
Near Bank of Baroda, New Rd.,

(23) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, Shop No. 1. and 2, Shram
Safalya, Navghar Rd., Mulund
(East), Mumbal.

(24) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, Unit No. 3 and 4 Prestige
Business Centre, Bitco Point,
Nashik Rd., Nashik.

(25) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, Shop No. 4 I 5, Success
Chamber, 1232, Apte Rd. Deccan,

(26) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, Premier Plaza Mall,
Reservation No. 180, East Wing,
Chinchwad, Pune.

(27) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, F-49, 1st Floor, Eternity
Mall, Teen Haath Naka Junction,
LBS Marg, Thane (West).

(28) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, F-19, Maxus Mall, Near
Timba Hospital, Bhayander (West),

(29) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, Anand Vaibhav Soc. 18,
Vyankatesh Prasad, Opp. Shivaji
Mandir, N. C. Kelkar Rd., Dadar
(West), Mumbai.

(30) M/s. Brand House Retails Ltd.,

Belmonte, Stephens Brothers, S-11,
Sky Zone, Phoenix Mills
Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai.

[570. M/s. The Mirador, 131 B, New Link Section 19 & 24 subject to the
Road, Chakala, Andheri (E), following condition:–
Mumbai - 400 099. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of two years
from the date of
Notification Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee, shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employee shall be entitled to
over time wages in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(7) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(8) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6-30 p.m. to
9-30 p.m. shall be provided
transport facilities from residence to
work place and return.
(9) This exemption is only related to
Bombay Shop and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(10) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
(11) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[571. The following shops of M/s. Avenue Section 11 and 18, Subject to the
Supermarts Pvt. Ltd., Anjaneya, following conditions:-
Opp. Hiranandani Foundation (1) This exemption shall remain in
School, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076. force till further orders from the
Name :- D-Mart, Avenue date, on which, the said Notification
Supermarts Pvt. Ltd. Address. published in the Government
(1) ASPL, Zenta Building, High Gazette.
Street Corner, Hiranandani Gardens, (2) No employee shall be required to
Powai, Mumbai - 400 076. work for more than 9 hours in a day
(2) Plam Court Complex, M or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Building, near Goregaon Sport over of an employee shall not
Club, New Malad Link Road, Malad exceed 11 hours in a day.
(W.), Mumbai - 400 064, (3) Every employee shall be given
(3) Narmada Mall, Vasant Sagar one day holiday in a week without
Complex, Thakur Village, Kandivali making any deductions from his/her
(E.), Mumbai - 400 101. wages on account thereof and list of
(4) Godown, A one, Near Garden the time table of such holidays for a
Estate, Manpada, Thane (W.) 400 month shall be placed on the notice
601. board in advance.
(5) Plot No. 9, Sector-21, Nerul, (4) The employees shall be entitled
New Mumbai. to overtime wages in accordance
(6) Sector-7, Plot No. 205, Naik with section 63 of the said Act.
Circle, Koperkhairane, New (5) Women employees will not be
Mumbai - 400 709. allowed to work after 9-30 p.m. at
(7) Plot No. 1, Sector 38, Seawood, their work places.
Nerul, New Mumbai - 400 706. (6) The shops shall not remain open
(8) Babhola Naka, Near Babhola on any day later than 10-30 p.m.
Police Chowky, Vasai (W.), Dist (7) This exemption is only related to
Thane - 401 207. Bombay Shops and Establishment
(9) Near Nirmal Nagar, Mulund Act, 1948.
Goregaon Link Road, Mulund (W.), (8) Female employees shall be
Mumbai - 400 080. provided separate lockers and rest
(10) Plot No. 42 & 45, Sector 5A, rooms at the work place.
New Panvel, Dist Raigad - 400 206. (9) Every employee shall be given a
(11) Mahavir Nagar, Opp. Axix rest period of one hour after 5 hours
Bank, Kalpana Chawla Chowk, of continuous work.
Kamala Vihar Sports Club, (10) Every employee shall be
Kandivali (W.), Mumbai - 400 066. provided Identity Card, according to
(12) Plot No. 6, Sector No. 10, the Section 25.
Airoli, New Mumbai - 400 708. (11) Inspite of these terms and
(13) Shop No. 141, Flissa No. 2, conditions, all the provisions of this
Behind Leela Auto, Kashimira, Act shall applicable to the
Navghar-Bhaindar Road,Bhaindar establishment as case may be.
(E.), Thane - 401 104. (12) The Female employees who arc
(14) Building No. 2, Plot CTS No. required to work after 6-30 p.m. to
1116, Yari Road, Kabrastan, 9-30 p.m. shall be provided
Versova, Andheri (W.), Mumbai - transport facilities from residence to
400 061. work place and return.
(15) CTS No. 4747, 4748, 4749,Plot (13) The Female employees shall be
No. 181(A), Old Pune Mumbai provided to work in group during
Highway, PCMC, Pune - 411 011. the working period.
(16) Survey No. 63/2B, Plot No. 6B, (14) In case of violation of any of
Opp. Sharada Arcade, Pune - Satara the above terms and conditions, the
Road, Pune - 411 046. exemption shall stand cancelled
(17) Gulmohor Cly. 100 ft.. Road, automatically.]
Tal. Sangli, Dist Sangli - 416 416.
(18) 132/1A/1/1/2, Jule Solapur,
Solapur Village, Majrewadi, Tal.
and Dist. Solapur - 413 003.
(19) 224/A-2, E ward, Near Ashni
Hotel, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur - 416

[572. M/s. Hotel Sea Princess, 969, Juhu Section 19 and 26, subject to the
Beach, Juhu, Mumbai - 400 049. following conditions:-
(1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification,
published in the Government
(2) The particular section [Trilogy
bar and lounge] of said hotel,
considered for exemption, shall not
be remained open on any day later
than 3-00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(7) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(9) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6-30 p.m. to
9-30 p.m. shall be provided
transport facilities from residence to
work place and return.
(10) This exemption is limited
regarding only to the provisions of
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(11) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of the
said Act shall applicable to the
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled
[573. M/s. Touch of Class Gents Parlour, Section 18, Subject to the following
Shop No. A-7, 297, Tarabaug conditions:-
Estate, Rajaram Mohan Roy Marg, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Girgaon, Mumbai-400 004. operation for the period of two years
from date of Notification published
in the Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table in such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) The shops shall not remain open
on any day later than 8-30 p.m.
(6) This exemption is only related to
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(7) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of 45 minutes after 5
hours of continuous work.
(8) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment as the case may be.
(9) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holidays.
(10) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[574. M/s. Saheba Hotel Pvt. Ltd., Section 19, subject to the following
Mumbai Naka, Mumbai-Agra Road, conditions:-
Near Mahamarg Bus Stand, Nashik. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification
published in the Government
(2) The said hotel shall not be
remained open on any day later than
3-00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(7) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(9) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6-30 p.m. to
9-30 p.m. shall be provided
transport facilities from residence to
work place and return.
(10) This exemption is limited
regarding only to the provisions of
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(11) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of the
said Act shall applicable to the
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[575. M/s. Ogilvy and Mather Pvt. Ltd., Section 13 & 18 subject to the
Trade World, B Wing, Gr. Floor, following condition:-
Kamla Mill Compound, Lower (1) This exemption shall remain in
Parel, Mumbai-400 013. operation for the period of two years
from the date of Notification,
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) This exemption is only related to
Bombay Shop and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after five
hours of continuous work.
(7) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment as case may be.
(8) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holidays.
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[576. M/s. Hotel Appollo, Lansdowne Section 19 subject to the following

Road, Behind Regal Cinema, conditions:-
Colaba, Mumbai - 400 039. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the date of said Notification,
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The Hotel shall not be remained
open on any day later than 3-00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(7) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(9) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6-30 p.m. to
9-30 p.m. shall be provided
transport facilities from residence to
work place and return.
(10) This exemption is limited
regarding only to the provisions of
Bombay Shop and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(11) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[577. M/s. Hotel Megus Estates and Section 19 and 33(3), subject to the
Hotels Ltd., (Unit-Four Season following condition:-
Hotel Mumbai), Plot No. 114, Dr. E. (1) This exemption shall remain
Moses Road, Worli, Mumbai -400 operation for the period of one year
018. from the date of said Notification,
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The certain portion in the hotel,
shall not be remained open for
eating purpose on any day later than
3-00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall -be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(7) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the provision of Section 25.
(9) The Female employees, who are
required to work after 6-30 p.m. to
9.30 p.m. shall be provided transport
facilities from residence to work
place and return.
(10) Female employees shall be
provided for work in group at night.
(11) This exemption is limited
regarding only to the provisions of
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(12) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of the
said Act shall applicable to the
(13) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[578. The following shops of Subsidiary Section 10, 11 and 18 subject to the
and associate companies of M/s. following conditions:-
Reliance Retail Ltd., Reliance
Corporate Park, Reliance Petro-
Chemicals Ltd., Gate No. 1. Thane-
Belapur Road, Ghansoli, Navi
Mumbai -400 701.

(1) Almonte Store, Survey No. 8, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Hissa No. B-2/B-3, Near Zensar IT operation for the period of two years
Chowk, Mundhwa, Hadapsar from the date of Notification
Kharadi By-pass, Kharadi,Pune -14. published in Government Gazette.

(2) Vaishali Mangal Karyalaya, Plot (2) No employee shall be required to

No. P 117, Bajajnagar, MIDC work for more than 9 hours in a day
Walunj, Aurangabad -431 013. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) Behind Ramwadi Octroi Naka, (3) Every employee shall be given
Pune Ahmednagar Road, Kalyani one day holiday in a week without
Nagar, Pune - 14. making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(4) Bhugawkar Sabhagruha Besa (4) The employees shall be entitled

Road, Sai Nagar Onkar Nagar, to overtime 'wages in accordance
Nagpur-440 008. with Section 63 of the said Act.

(5) Pratik Arcade, Opp.Vidyut (5) Female employee shall be

Bhavan Bytco Point, Nashik Pune provided to work in group during
Road, Nashik -422 101. the working period.

(6) Cannought Place, Plot No. 27 (6) Women employees will not be
TCG Sector, Opp. Bhagwan allowed to work after 9-30 p.m. at
Homeopathic College, Cidco New their work places.
Aurangabad -431 003.

(7) Central City Mall, D.B. Road, (7) The shops shall not remain open
Opp. Kalpana Restaurant, Mumbai on any day later than 11-00. p.m.
Central (E.), Mumbai -400 008.

(8) Centrium Mall, Building No. 2 (8) The employees who have given
Plot No. E. Sector 4, Lokhanwala their consent be only placed on duty
Township Akurli Road, Kandivali on the day of weekly holidays.
(E.) Mumbai -400 101.

(9) Reliance Digital Retail Ltd., City (9) Every employee shall be given a
Centre Mall, Unit No. MFS 15, Plot rest period of 45 minutes after 5
No. 117/133, Opp. Trimbak Road, hours of continuous work.
Labate Nagar, Untwadi Road,
Nashik -422 002.

(10) CTS No. 16030/25, 26 and 27, (10) Female employees shall be
Plot No. 1, 2 and 9 Muthiyan provided separate lockers and rest
Corner, Osmanapura, Aurangabad - rooms at the work place.

(11) Ganga Marriage Hall, Medical (11) Every employee shall be

Square Medical College Layout provided Identity Card, according to
Hanuman Nagar, Nagpur-20. the Section 25.

(12) Gopal Nagar, Opp. VRCE, (12) The Female employees, who
South Ambazari Road, Ward No. are required to work after 6-30 p.m.
74, Shewalkar Garden, Mate to 9.30 p.m, shall be provided
Chowk, Nagpur-440 010. transport facilities from residence to
work place and return.

(13) Ground Floor, Ghorpadi, B T. (13) This exemption is only related

Kawade Road, Pune - 411 001. to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.

(14) Showroom Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 4 (14) Other than these terms and
Runwal Coronet, Bhusari Colony, conditions, all other provisions of
Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune - 21. this Act shall be applicable to the

(15) Shivam Apartments, Airtel (15) In case of violation of any of

Showroom, C. S. Road No. 05 Opp. the above terms and conditions, the
Corporation Bank, Anand Nagar, exemption shall stand cancelled
Dahisar (E.) 400 068. automatically.]

(16) Shop No. 1-7, Ground Floor,

Royal Retreat, Aundh Khadki Road
Village Bopdi, Mauje, Pune - 411

(17) Manish Nagar, Jayanti Mansion

III, Plot No, 2, Kh. No. 81/1,
Nagpur-440 021.

(18) Kalve Bldg. NIT Plot No. 255,

City S No. 145, Sheet No. 277,
Nandanvan Cement Road,
Nandanvan, Nagpur-440 009.

(19) Tain Square, Fatima Nagar,

Survey No. 15, Wanowrie,
Hadapsar, Opp. Cafe Coffee Day,
Pune - 411 040.

(20) Sky Cruise, Wing B Shop No.

1 to 5 Viman Nagar, Village
Lohegaon, Dist. Pune - 411 014.

(21) Shop No. U-7 to U-10, Plot No.

3B, Runwal Platinum, Ramnagar
Colony, Bavdhan, Pune - 411 001.

(22) Ground Floor, Shri Krupa

Complex, Plot No. 34, Hissa No. 2,
Ambegaon Budruk, Behind Katraj
Dairy, Near Datta Nagar Road, Near
Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune - 411 046.

(23) Survey No. 38, Kharadkar

Nagar, Wadgaon Sheri, Pune - 411

(24) Korum Mall, Plot No. 25 and

31, Near Cadbury Compound, Off.
Express Highway, Mangal Pandey
Road, Thane (West) 400 601.

(25) Tiara Mall, Junction of Gladys

Alwares Road, Pokhran Road 2,
Survey No. 324A, Near Asher
Residency, Gandhi Nagar,
Majiwada, Thane (West) 400 601.

(26) Palladium, Phoenix Mill

Compound, Senapatl Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai -400 013.

(27) R City Mall, Phase 1, Ground

Floor, Kalpataru Residential, LBS
Marg, Ghatkopar (West),Mumbai -
400. 077.

(28) Survey No. 632, Sitaram Patkar

Marg, Hughes Road, Next to
Westsite Retail, Mumbai -400 007.

(29) Main Street Mall, Near Elco

Market, Hill Road, Near Bandra
Police Station, Next to Globus,
Bandra (West), Mumbai -400 050,

(30) Dahisar Check Naka, Next to

MC Donald Mira Bhayandar
National Highway, Post Mira
Road,Thane -401 107,

(31) Empress Mall, Near Gandhi

Sagar Lake, Sir Bezonji Mehta
Road, Behind Raman Science
Centre, Nagpur-440 018.
(32) C/o. Varun Warehousing, Gat
No. 4975498, Katkewadi, Haveli,
Wagholi Nagar Pune Road, Pune -
412 207.

[579. M/s. Sahara Hospitality Ltd. Opp. Section 33(3) subject to the
Domestic Airport, Vile Parle (E), following Conditions:-
Mumbai -400 099. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification,
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week.
(3) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(4) Employee shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(5) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(6) No women employee shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than one week.
(7) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6-30 p.m. and
before 6-00 a.m. shall be provided
free transport facilities from
residence to work place and return.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided to work in group at work
(9) Separate rest rooms and lockers
facility shall be provided in the
Hotel premises for women
(10) The female employees are not
allowed to work in the Bar/Permit
(11) Other than these terms and
conditions. all other provisions of
this Act shall be applicable to the
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled
[580. M/s. Olive Bar and Kitchan Pvt. Sections 18, 19 and 33(3) subject to
Ltd., Pali Hill, Tourist Hotel, Union the following conditions :-
Park, Khar (W), Mumbai 400 052. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of two years
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than 3-
00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to over-time wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(7) Women employees will not be
allowed to work after 10-30 p.m.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(9) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6-30 p.m. and
before 6-00 a.m. shall be provided
them excorted transport facility
from residence to establishment and
(10) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(11) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and
Establishments Act, 1948.
(12) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(13) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[581. The following shops of M/s. The Sections 11 and 18, subject to the
Mobile Store Ltd., Essar House, 11 following conditions :-
K.K. Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai
400 034.

(1) R. Badwaik Complex Shop No. (1) This exemption shall remain in
1, Opp. Lokmat Building, Wardha operation for the period of one year
Road, Lokmat Square, Nagpur-12. from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

(2) Shop No. 2, Patkar Building, (2) No employee shall be required to

Manpada Road, Dombivali (E) -201. work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) Shop No. 3, 4 & 5, Shah Arcade, (3) Every employee shall be given
Vasudev Balwant Marg, Panvel. one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(4) Shop No. 12, Sai Arcade, Netaji (4) The employees shall be entitled
Road, Opp. New English School, to overtime wages in accordance
Ulhasnagar 005. with Section 63 of the said Act.

(5) Shop No. 4, Ground Floor, (5) Women employees will not be
Vachhani House, BK. No. 803, allowed to work after 9-30 p.m. at
UMC Road, Section-17, their work places.
Ulhasnagar, Thane 421 003.

(6) Shop No. 3, 156, Thamhne (6) The shops shall not remain open
Bldg., Bhiwandi 421 302. on any day later than 10-30 p.m.

(7) Shop No. 5, Swaraganga, Tai (7) This exemption is only related to
Pingle Chowk, Tilak Road, Bombay Shops and Establishments
Dombivali 421 201. Act, 1948.

(8) Shop No. 3, 4, 3agat Towers, (8) Female employees shall he

Dhararnpeth, Amravati Rd., Nagpur. provided separate lockers and
restrooms at the work place.

(9) Shop No. 3, Abhijat Bldg., Stn. (9) Every employee shall be given a
Road, Vasal Road (W.), Thane 401 rest period of one hour after 5 hours
202. of continuous work.

(10) Sai Plaza, Nr. ICICI Bank, (10) Every employee shall be
Nashik-Pune Road, Nashik. provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.

(11) Shop No. 4, Bhagyalaxmi Apts. (11) Inspite of these terms and
Model Colony, College Road, conditions, all the provisions of this
Nashik. Act shall applicable to the

(12) Shop No. 1/A, Ground floor, (12) In case of violation of any of
Ripon Apartment, S.V. Road, the above terms and conditions, the
Jogeshwari (West), Mumbai 400 exemption shall stand cancelled
102. automatically.]

(13) Shop No. 1, 2 & 3, City

Terrace, W.H. Marg, Opp. V.T.
Station, Below City Palace Hotel,
Fort, Mumbai 400 001.

(14) Shop No. 24, Galleria

Hiranandani Garden, Powai,
Mumbai 76.

(15) Next to Co-operative Bank

ATM, Sion Circle, Mumbai.

(16) Shop No. 2, Opp. Marol Bus

Stop Marol-Maroshi, Andheri (E.),
Mumbai 400 056.

(17) Shop No. 6, Chembur Fairlawn

CHSL, V.N.Purav Marg, S.T. Rd.
Chembur, Mumbai 400 071.

(18) Shop No. 3, Shakti Apartment,

Opp. Dahisar Station (W).

(19) Devraj Building, S.V. Road,

Near Ratna Hotel, Goregaon (W.),
Mumbai 400 062.

(20) Shop No. 438, 440, Shreenath

Bhavan, Kalbadevi,Mumbai 400

(21) Shop No. 4, Shnji Palace, Next

to Jain Mandir, S.V. Road,
Kandivali (W.), Mumbai 400 067.

(22) Shop No. 48, Centrium,

Lokhandwala, Kandivali (E.).

(23) Shop No. 12, D Wing, Kesar

Bldg., Plot No. 239, RDP-6,
Charkop, Kandivali (W.), Mumbai
400 067.

(24) Ground Floor, Mehta Mansion,

Bldg. No. 1, Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marg, Lalbaug, Mumbai 400 012.

(25) Shop No. 2, Swarnrekha Bldg.,

Nr. Khar Telephone Exchange,
Bandra Link Road, Mumbai.

(26) Shop No. 27, Shiv Shopping

Complex, Near Bon Bon Shoes,
Seven Bungalows, Andheri (West),
Mumbai 400 061.

(27) Shop No.56, Ground Floor,

Munshi Estate Co-op. Hsg. Soc.
Ltd., Plot No. 504-505, M.G. Road,
Mulund (W.), Mumbai 400 080.

(28) Shop No. 02, Next to Kodak

Film Studio, Chembur Station Road,
Near Malhar Cinema, Chembur,

(29) 11-8/36, Kalpak Estate, Nr.

Subhiksha Store, Antop Hill,
Mumbai 400 037.

(30) Shop No .4, 5, Keshav Bhavan,

Plot No.279C, Deodhar Road,
Matunga (East), Mumbai 400 019.

(31) Shop No. 5 & 6, Hallmark

Bldg, Vasant Oscar, L.B.S. Marg,
Mulund Mumbai 400 081.

(32) Shop No. 6, Bldg. No. 5,

Takshila Soc., Mahakali Caves Rd.,
Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 066.

(33) Shop No. 1, Jacob Bldg., Plot

No. 41, L.J. Road, Mahim, Mumbai
400 016.

(34) Shop No. 19, Bldg.No. 50, F-

Wing, Halley Bldg., Evershine
Millennium Paradise, Kandivali

(35) The Mobile Store, Phoenix Mill

Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai
400 013.

(36) Motiwala Trade Centre, Nirala

Bazaar, Aurangabad.

(37) Shop No. 2 & 3, Plot No. 4, N-

9K, Survey No. 18, HUDCO,
Aurangabad 431 003.

(38) Shop No. C-09, Samyak

Arcade, Block No. 12, Town
Centre, CIDCO, Aurangabad 431

(39) Shop No. 2 & 3, Dewan &

Sons Hsg., Enclave, Manikpur,
Vasai East.

(40) Shop No. 3 & 4, Prabha Niwas,

Ram Ganesh Gadkari Path, Thane.

(41) Shop No. 2, Siddharth Tower

C.H.S,L., Luis Wadi, Pal Rd, Nr.
Bank of Baroda, Kopri, Thane (E.),
400 603.

(42) Shop No.2, Plot No. 41, Om

Ashirwad, N.C. Kelkar Road, Dadar
(W.), Mumbai 400 028.

(43) Gurudwara Bldg, Anne Besant

Road, Opp. Bharat Petroleum, Worli
Naka, Mumbai 400 034.

(44) Shop No. 8, Jay Apartment, 32,

Nehru Road, Santacruz (E.),
Mumbai 400 055.

(45) Sainath Plaza, Opposite

Gurunanak Store, Dr. Ambedkar
Marg, Kamal Chowk, Nagpur 440

(46) Shop No.1, Vanjar Galli,

Adventure Tower, Savedi Bazaar,
Opp. Hotel Oberoi, Ahmednagar
414 002.
(47) Shop No. 117, First floor, Little
World Mall, Kharghar, Navi
Mumbai 410 210.

(48) Shop No.2, Ground floor,

Samarth Villa, Plot No. 20, Vijay
Marg, Sector 1, New Panvel (E.),
Navi Mumbai.

(49) Shop No. 6, Bhaveshwar Plaza,

L.B.S. Marg, Ghatkopar (W.),
Mumbai 400 086.

(50) Shop No. 1, Tejasingh

Building, Near City Pride, Pune-
Satara Road, Pune 411 037.

(51) Shop No. 4/5, Purva Plaza,

Near Dyan Probodhini High School,
Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411 030.

(52) Shop No.2, Kohinoor Arcade,

Tilak Chowk, Next to Jayshree
Wines, Nigdi, Pune 411 044.

(53) Shop No.2, Niyoshi Park 2,

Sangvi Nagar, Opp. Dass
Showroom, Aundh, Pune 411 007.

(54) 104, Shivaji Nagar, Near

Panchali Rd., J.M. Road, Pune.

(55) Shop No. 5, Ground Floor,

Saloni Apts., S. No. 129, Plot No. 9,
Ideal Colony, Kothrud, Pune 4 11

(56) Shop No. 32-33, Parmar Park,

Jagtap Chowk, Wanowrie, Pune 411

(57) Shop No. 9, Ground floor, Sai

Apex, Next to Neco Garden,
Vimanagar, Pune 411 014.

(58) The Mobile Store, Shop No. 3,

Ground floor, Mayur Center,
Bhamburde, F.C. Road, Shivaji
Nagar, Pune 411 004.

(59) Fortaliza Victoria, Kalyani

Nagar, Pune 411 006.
(60) The Mobile Store, Shop No. 8,
Parmar Pawan, Opp. to Ruppe Co.
Operative Bank, Next to Barista,
Khondwa, Pune 411 048.

(61) Shop No. 4, Ground floor,

Sterling Centre, 11, Moledina Road,
Pune Cantonment Board, Pune.

(62) Shop No. 14 & 34, " B" Wing,

Jewel of Pimpri, Kamala Cross
Roads, Opp. PCMC Office, Pune-
Mumbai Road, Finolex Chowk,
Pimpri, Pune.

(63) Shop No. 1 & 2, Kakade

Arcade, 629, Budhwar Peth, Ratan
Talkies Budding, Opp. Farshakhana,
Pune 411 002.

(64) Plot No. 9, Opp. Alora Palace,

Balaji Nagar Chowk, Dhankawadi,
Pune-Satara Road, Pune.

(65) Shop No. 04, Indra Chamber,

Opp. Maharashtra Mandal, Tilak
Road, Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411 030.

(66) Survey No. 49/2, Plot No. 29,

Pune-Nagar Road, Pathare
Complex, Chandan Nagar, Pune 411

(67) Shop No. 8/4, Banali

Apartments, Nal Stop, Karve Road,
Pune 411 004.

(68) Shop No. 26, Plot No-adc 12 &

13, City Pride, Pradhikaran,
Nigdi,Pune 411 004.

(69) Shop No. 6 Sayadri, Bld, Next

to Ballika College S.V. Road, Malad
(W), Mumbai 400 064.

(70) Thakkar Mall, Shop No. 1,

Ground Floor, S.V. Road Borivali
(W), Mumbai 400 092.

(71) Shop No. 2 Shiv Shankar Plaza,

Plot No. 1, Sec-8, Thane-Belapur
Road, Airoli (Near 'More' Outlet)
400 708.

(72) Shop No. 10, F-1, Wing,

Sahyog Apts, Sector-9, Nerul, Navi
Mumbai 400 706.

(73) Shop Nos. 29 & 30, Plot No. 1,

Sector 15, CBD Belapur, Navi

(74) Shop No. 7 & 8, Shankar

Sadan, Opp. Nerul Station, Navi

(75) Shop No. 1, Shah Arcade,

Opposite D-Mart, Sec. 42 A,
Seawoods, Navi Mumbai 400 706

(76) Shop No.21, BSEL Tech.Park,

Plot No. 39/5, Sector 30A, Vashi,
Navi Mumbai.

(77) G/2, A-Wing, Vishnuprasad

Complex, P.P. Marg, Virar (W), 401

(78) Shop No. 1 & I A, Sakaidevl

Apts., Bazaar Road, Virar (E),
Thane 401 303.

(79) Shop No.8, Rasesh Bldg.,

Besides Maxis Mall, Bhayender
(W.), Thane 402 302.

(80) Shop No.11, Asmita Ascon 1,

Near HDFC Bank, Mira Road
Station (E.),

(81) Snela Park, Next to SBI Bank,

Khadakpada, Kalyan (W).

(82) Shop No. 3 & 4, Jeeten Co-op.

Housing Society, Near Subash Post
Office, Sindhi Gate, Murbad Road,
Kalyan (W).

[582. The following shops of M/s.Vijay Sections 11 and 18(1), subject to the
Sales, V Mall, 3rd fir, Near Thakur following conditions:-
Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai
400 101.
(1) 384, Veer Savarkar Marg, Opp. (1) This exemption shall remain in
Siddhivinayak Temple, Prabhadevi, Operation for the period of one year
Dadar (W) Mumbai 400 025. from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

(2) 108, Lady Jamshedji Road, Near (2) No employee shall be required to
Victoria Church, Mahim Mumbai work for more than 9 hours in a day
400 016. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) Prime Centre, 18, S. V. Road, (3) Every employee shall be given
Santacruz (West) Mumbai 400 054. one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the timetable of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(4) 1. Abhishek, Plot No. 65, S.V. (4) The employees shall be entitled
Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 to overtime wages in accordance
058. with Section 63 of the said Act.

(5) Infinity Mall, 1st Floor, (5) Women employees will not be
Lokhandwala, New Link Road, allowed to work after 9-30 p.m. at
Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 053. their work places.

(6) The Hub, Western Express (6) Female employees shall be

Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai provided separate lockers and rest
400 063. rooms at the work place.

(7) Opp. Filrnistan Studio, S.V (7) Every employee shall be given a
Road, Goregaon (West), Mumbai rest period of one hour after 5 hours
400 062. of continuous work.

(8) Plot No. 57/2, S.V. Road, Nr. (8) Employees shall be given
Flyover, Borivali (West), Mumbai national and festival holidays.
400 092.

(9) 19, Mama Parmanand Road, (9) This exemption is only related to
Opera House, Mumbal 400 004. Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.

(10) Indrapuri Society, Sion Circle, (10) Every employee shall be

Sion, Mumbai 400 022. provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.

(11) Bezzola Complex, Sion- (11) In spite of these terms and

Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai conditions, all the provisions of this
400 071. Act shall be applicable to the
establishment duly.
(12) Opp. Shreyas Cinema, L.B.S. (12) In case of violation of any of
Marg, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai the above terms and conditions, the
400 086. exemption shall stand cancelled

(13) Inorbit Mall, 2nd floor inside

Home stop, New Link Road, Malad
(West), Mumbai 400 064.

(14) Tip-Top Plaza, L.B.S. Marg,

Thane (West).

(15) Opp.Wonder Mall,

Ghodbunder Road, Thane (West).

(16) Konari Arcade, Building No.

D, Gr. Floor, Gharda Circle,
Dombivali Sport Complex Ground,
Dombivali (East), District Thane
421 204.

(17) Savta Mali Vegetable Market,

Santoshi Mata Mandir Road, Kalyan

(18) Silver Park, Mira-Bhayander

Road, Mira Road, (East), District

(19) Palm Beach Galeria, Palm

Beach Road. Vashi, Navi Mumbai.

(20) Little World Mall, 2nd Flr, Plot

No. 21, Sector 2, Kharghar, Panvel.

(21) Ground Fir, Manipatrai

Chambers, M.H. No. 345A,
Kapkaneri, Bhiwandi 421 302.

(22) Ulhasnagar No.3, Near RKT.

College, Shivaji Chowk-421 003.

(23) Tania Planet, Opp. Bhaloba

Police Station, Near D Mart, Papdi
Road, Vasai, District Thane 401

(24) Kale Plaza, 63/2, B/64, Parvati,

Opp Sharda Arcade, Pune-Satara
Road, Pune 411 009.

(25) Petit Estate, Sadhu Waseani

Chowk, Near Bhaveri Motors, Pune
411 001.

(26) Amar Maner, Crome Furniture

Building, Pune-Solapur Road,
Hadapsar, Pune 411 013.

(27) Prime Purpal Accord, Next to

Hotel Mahabaleshwar, Opp.
Sinnetic building, R & Z Icon,
Baner Road, Baner, Pune 411 045.

(28) C.B./21001, Empire Estate, Old

Pune-Mumbai Highway Near Ranka
Jewellers, Pimpri-Chinchwad,Pune
411 019.

(29) Swaraj Arth, Plot No. 4, Survey

No. 128/B. Poud Road, Kothrud
Pune 411 038.

(30) Plot No. 9, Survey No. 48/2,

Prabhakar Heights, below Chate
Classes, Near Rupee Bank, Pune-
Nagar Road, Chandan Nagar,
Khardi, Pune 411 014.

[583. M/s. Somaiya Agencies Pvt. Ltd., Section 18, subject to the following
Gr. FIr. M.G. Road, Opp. Flora 45/47, conditions :-
Fountain, Mumbai 400 001. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) Employees shall be given
national and Festival holidays.
(6) The establishment shall not
remain open later than 8-30 p. m.
(7) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.
(8) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[584. The following shops in the Sections 11 and 18 subject to the

Maharashtra State of M/s. Mahindra following conditions :-
Retail Pvt. Ltd., having its Head
Office at 165/2, 1st Main Road,
Krishna Raju Layout, Dorai Sani
Palya, Bannerghatta Road,
Bangalore 560 076.
(1) Infinity Mall, Ground Floor, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Unit # 8 Link Road, Lokhandwala, operation for the period of one year
Andheri (W), Mumbai-53. from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

(2) Shop No. 37 and 38, IInd Floor, (2) The establishment shall not
R City Centre Mall, LBS Marg, remain open on any day later than
Ghatkopar (W.), Mumbai-77. 9:30 p.m.

(3) #101 and 102, "Sharyans (3) No employee shall be required to

Corner", No. 204, Waterfield Road, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Bandra(W.), Mumbai 50. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(4) FF-113B, Nirmal Lifestyle Ltd., (4) Every employee shall be given
LBS Marg, Mulund (W.), Mumbai one day holiday in a week without
80. making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(5) KORAM Mall, S-1 and 2, 2nd (5) The employees shall be entitled
Floor, Mangal Pandey Road, Near to overtime wages in accordance
Cadbury Compound, Eastern with Section 63 of the said Act.
Express Highway, Thane (W.) 400

(6) L-Square, Aundh, Sanghvi (6) Every employee shall be given a

Nagar, Pune-411 007. rest period of 1 hour after 5 hours of
continuous work.

(7) Unit No. 32 and 33, Empire Mall (7) Employees shall be given
Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.D/80, API national and festival holidays.
Compound, Airport Road, MIDC,
Chikhalthana, Aurangabad-431 003.

(8) Unit No. 250-51-52, Empress (8) Female employees shall be

Mall, Behind Raman Science provided separate lockers and rest
Centre, Dr. Bezonji Mehta Road, rooms at the work place
Near Gandhisagar Lake, Nagpur-
400 018.

(9) This exemption is related only to

Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.

(10) Inspite of these terms and

conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(11) In case of violation of any of

the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[585. M/s. Empire Mall Pvt. Ltd., P 80, Sections 11(1) (A) and 18 subject to
Prozone Mall, M.I.D.C., the following conditions :-
Chikhalthana, Atirangabad. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than
10-30 p.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of 45 minutes after 5
hours of continuous work.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holiday.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(9) Women employees will not be
allowed to work after 9-30 p.m.
(10) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and
Establishments Act, 1948 and shall
only for the establishment,
managing the mall and it shall not
be applicable to other establishment
situated in the said mall.
(11) 1nspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[586. M/s. Grand Hyat Western Express Sections 19 and 33(3) subject to the
Highway, Santacruz (E), Mumbai following conditions:-
400 055. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than 3-
00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holiday.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(9) In the Bar room, no women shall
be put in duty as attendant.
(10) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(11) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6-30 p.m. and
before 6-00 a.m. shall be provided
them excorted transport facility
from residence to establishment and
(12) Female employees shall be
given work in group at night.
(13) Any female employees, without
their written consent, shall not be
given night duty for more than one
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and
Establishments Act, 1948.
(15) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[587. The following shops of M/s. Enrich Sections 11, 18 and 33(3) subject to
Hair and Skin Solutions Pvt. Ltd., the following conditions :-
G1/ G2, Sheraton Classic, Gr. Flr.,
Charat Singh Colony, Opp.,
Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri (E),
Mumbai 400 093:-
Addresses :-

(1) Enrich Salon, Chembur, G/3, (1) This exemption shall come into
Peace Heaven, 18th Rd., Near force from the date of notification
Ambedkar Garden, Chembur, published in the Official Gazette.
Mumbai 400 071.

(2) Enrich Salon Lokhandwala, (2) No employee shall be required to

Shop No.6 and 7, Silver Spring work' for more than 9 hours in a day
Apartment, app. HDFC Bank, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Lokhandwala Andheri (W), Mumbai over of an employee shall not
53. exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) Enrich Salon Salon, Vileparle, (3) Every employee shall be given
145, Arvind Villa, S.V. Road, one day holiday in a week without
Vileparle. (W.), Mumbai 400 056. making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time-table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(4) Enrich Salon, Kemps Corner, (4) The employees shall be entitled
Chinay Mansion, Bomanjee Petit to overtime wages in accordance
Road, Survey No. 13, Mumbai 400 with Section 63 of the said Act.

(5) Enrich Salon, Bandra, Shop (5) Every employee shall be given a
No.1, Gr.Flr., Soni Apartment, rest period of one hour after 5 hours
Bandra Co-op. Housing Society of continuous work.
Ltd., 45, Hill Rd., Bandra, Mumbai
400 050.

(6) Enrich Salon, Thane, Shop No.1, (6) Employees shall be given
Prince Palace, Pachpakhadi, Thane National and festival holidays.
400 602.

(7) Enrich Salon, Matunga, Modi (7) Female employees shall be

Hair Trendz, A-373, Patel Mahal, provided separate lockers and rest
Survey No. 8, Gr. FIr., Kings Circle, rooms at the work place.
Matunga, Mumbai 400 019.

(8) Enrich Salon, Mulund, 1917A, (8) The Female employees, who are
Vikas Paradise, Lal Bahadur Shastri required to work after 6-30 p.m. and
Marg, Mulund (W.), Mumbai 400 before 6-00 a.m. shall be provided
080. them escorted transport facility from
resident to establishment and return.

(9) Enrich Salon, Borivali, Shop (9) This exemption is related only to
No.12, Gr. Flr., Kent Garden, Bombay Shops and Establishments
Factory Lane, Borivali (W.), Act, 1948.
Mumbai 400 092.

(10) Enrich Salon, Malad, (10) In spite of these terms and

Hypercity, Malad Link Road, conditions, all the provisions of this
Mumbai 400 064. Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(11) Enrich Salon, Kandivali (E), (11) In case of violation of any of

Shop No. G 19, Akurli Road, the above terms and conditions, the
Growel Mall Kandivali (E.), exemption shall stand cancelled
Mumbai 400 101. automatically.]

(12) Enrich Salon, Kandivali (W.),

16, Dhavalgiri, Opp. Bata
Showroom, S. V. Road, Kandivali
(W) Mumbai.

(13) Enrich Salon, Santacruz, Shop

No. 6, 7, Dinar Co. op. Housing
Soc. Ltd., Station Rd., Santacruz
(W.), Mumbai 400 054.

(14) Enrich Salon, Ghatkopar, Shop

No. 3, Meghdoot Building,
Shyamjio Dhamji Chowk, 60 ft
Road, Ghatkopar (E.), Mumbai 400

(15) Enrich Salon, Sion, Shop No.

27, Indrapuri CHS Ltd., 43/A,
Maharani Laxmibai Chowk, Sion
Circle (W.), Mumbai 400 022.

(16) Enrich Salon, infinity-2, LG05,

Infinity Mall, Malad Link Road,
Near D-mart, Malad (W.), Mumbai
400 064.

(17) Enrich Salon, Shopppers Stop,

211-D, S.V. Road, Level 4, Andheri
(W), Mumbai 400 058.

(18) Enrich Salon, Vashi, Shop No.

32/33 and 35, Gr FIr., Chaddha
Crescent CHSL., Plot 46/55, Sector
17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400703.

(19) Enrich Salon, Pune, Shop

No.101, 1st Floor, Jewel Square
Mail, Koregaon Park, Pune 411 001.

[588. The following shops of M/s. Sections 18 subject to the following

Neelkamal No. 77/78, Street No. 14, House Plot conditions:-
MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400

(1) "Eternia", Wakdewadi, Old (1) This exemption shall remain in

Mumbai- Pune road, Near Shoppers operation for the period of three
Stop, Shivaji nagar, Pune 411 005. years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

(2) "Ishanya", Arcade 2, ground (2) No employee shall be required to

floor, Opp. Golf Courses, Yerwada, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Pune 411 006 or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.

(3) "Town Center" West Block LC (3) Every Employee shall be given
floor 04, 05, 06 Amanora Park one day holiday in a week without
Township, Survey No. 173, Village making any deductions from his/her
Sadesatranali (17 ½ Nall), wages on account thereof and list of
Hadapsar-Kharadi Bypass, Taluka the time table of such holidays for a
Haveli, Pune 411 028. month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(4) "Akshara Plaza", Plot 26/27, (4) Every employee shall be given a
sector 19, Palm Beach Road, Vashi, rest period of 45 minutes after 5
Navi Mumbai 400 705. hours of continuous work.

(5) "Skydome" Above shoprite, (5) The employees shall be entitled

Nirmal Lifestyle Mali, LBS Marg, to overtime wages in accordance
Mulund (W), Mumbai 400 080. with Section 63 of the said Act.

(6) "R" City Mall, 2nd floor, Shop (6) Female employees shall be
No. S 28, Phase I, LBS Marg, provided separate lockers and rest
Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai 400 077. rooms at the work place.

(7) 1st floor, " Star Bazaar" Crystal (7) Employees shall be given
Point Mall, New Link Road, Jeevan national and festival holidays.
Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400

(8) 2nd floor, Korum mall, Mangal (8) This exemption i. related only to
Pandey Road, Near Cadbury Bombay Shops and Establishments
Compound, Off. Eastern Express Act, 1948.
Highway,Thane (W), 400 606.

(9) Inspite of these terms and

conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(10) In case of violation of any of

the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[589. M/s. Khandelwal Jewellers, 102, Sections 11 and 18 subject to the

Old Joshi Mangal Karyalaya, following conditions :-
Dharampeth, Nagpur-10 (1) The establishment shall not
remain open after 10-30 p.m. or any
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(8) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.
(9) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(10) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[590. The following establishment of M/s. Section 13 and 18 subject to the

Trion Properties Pvt. Ltd., Raheja following conditions:-
Tower, Block G, Plot No. C-30, (1) This exemption shall come into
Bandra- Kuria Complex, Bandra force from the date of notification
(East), Mumbai 400 051, published in the Government
M/s. Trion Properties Pvt. Ltd., Gazette.
Survey No. 35, Ador Plot, Tal. (2) The establishment shall not
Vadgaon Sheri, Pune-Nagar Road, remain open after 11-00 p.m. on any
Pune 411 014. day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of 45 minutes after 5
hours of continuous work.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(7) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(8) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(9) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948 and shall only for the said
establishment, managing the mall.
(10) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(11) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[591. M/s. Brintons Carpets Asia, Pvt., Sections 13 and 33(3) subject to the
Ltd., 401, A-wing, Lohia Jain, I.T. following conditions :-
Park, Poud Road, Kothrud, Pune-38. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification
published in the Government
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open after 11-00 p.m. on any
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of 45 minutes after 5
hours of continuous work.
(6) The Female employees, who are
required to work after 6-30 p.m. and
before 6-00 a.m. shall be provided
them escorted transport facility from
residence to establishment and
(7) Female employees shall be given
work in group at night.
(8) Night duty shall not be given to
any female employee for more than
one week, without their written
(9) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(10) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(11) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(12) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and
Establishments Act, 1948.
(13) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(14) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled
[592. The following Shops of M/s. Nav Sections 11 and 18 subject to the
Jeevan Super Shop, Jalgaon. following conditions:-

(1) 111, Navi Peth, Jalgaon 425 001. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for 3 years from the date
of Notification published in
the Government Gazette.

(2) 27, Gandhi Nagar, Jalgaon 425 (2) The establishment shall not
001. remain open on any day later than
10-00 p.m.

(3) Bahinabai Garden Chowk, (3) No employee shall be required to

Jalgaon 425 001. work for more than 8 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.

(4) Mahabal Chowk, Mahabal, (4) Every employee shall be given

Jalgaon 425 002. one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(5) Every employee shall be given a

rest period of 45 minutes after 5
hours of continuous work.

(6) The employees shall be entitled

to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.

(7) Female employees shall be

provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.

(8) This exemption is related only to

Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.

(9) In spite of these terms and

conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(10) In case of violation of any of

the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[593. M/s. Juhu Beach Resorts Ltd., Juhu Section 33(3) subject to the
Tara Road, Juhu, Mumbai 400 029. following conditions :-
(1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of three
years from the date of said
Notification, published
in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Female employee shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(7) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the provision of Section 25.
(8) The Female employees, whose
duty finishes after 6-30 p,m. and
starts or finishes before 6-00 a.m.
shall be provided them escorted
transport facility from residence to
establishment and return.
(9) Female employees shall be
provided for work in group at night..
(10) Female employees shall not be
allowed to work in bar/permit room.
(11) This exemption is limited
regarding only to the provisions of
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.
(12) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of the
said Act shall applicable to the
(13) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption, shall stand cancelled

[594. The establishment situated at Vashi, Sections 18, 19 and 33(3) subject to
Navi Mumbai of M/s. Inorbit Malls the following conditions :-
(India) Pvt. Ltd, Raheja Tower, 4th (1) This exemption shall remain in
Floor Block G, Plot No C-30, operation for the period of three
Bandra-Kurla Complex Bandra (E), years from the date of Notification
Mumbai 400 051. published in Government Gazette.
(2) This exemption shall only for
this establishment managing the
mall and it shall not be applicable to
other establishments situated in the
said mall.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(9) The employees, only who have
given their consent shall be allowed
to work on weekly off and on other
(10) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and
Establishments Act, 1948.
(11) In spite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[595. M/s. Marriott Executive Sections 33(3) subject to the

Apartments, 2 and 3B following conditions :-
Chinmayanand Ashram, Powai, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Mumbai 400 087. operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Female employee shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(7) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the provision of Section 25.
(8) The Female employees whose
duty finishes after 6-30 p.m. and
start or finishes before 6-00 a.m.
shall be provided them excorted
transport facility from residence to
establishment and return.
(9) Female employees shall be
provided for work in group at night.
(10) Female employees shall not be
allowed to work in bar/permit room.
(11) This exemption is Limited
regarding only to the Provisions of
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.
(12) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
(13) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[596. M/s. Asian Hotels (West) Ltd., Section 33(3) subject to the
Sahar Airport Road, Sahar, Andheri following conditions:-
(E), Mumbai 400 099. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of three
years from the date of said
Notification published in
the Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(4) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(5) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(6) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the provision of section 25.
(7) The Female employees, whose
duty finishes after 8-30 p.m. shall be
provided them free escorted
transport facility from resident to
establishment and return.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided or work in group at night.
(9) Female employees shall not be
allowed to work in bar/permit-room.
(10) Female employees shall not be
given continuous night duty more
than one week.
(11) This exemption is limited
regarding only to the Provisions of
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.
(12) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
said Act shall applicable to the
(13) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[597. M/s. Megus Estates and Hotels Ltd., Sections 19 and 33(3) subject to the
(Unit-Four Seasons Hotel Mumbai), following conditions :-
Plot No. 114, Dr. E. Moses Road, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Worli, Mumbai 400 018. operation for the period of five years
from the date of said Notification,
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall remain
open on any day upto 3-00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
(7) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of Minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the provision of Section 25.
(9) The female employees, whose
duty starts after 9-30 p.m. and
finishes before 6-00 a.m. shall be
provided them escorted transport
facility upto their resident.
(10) Female employees shall be pro-
vided for work in group at night.
(11) This exemption is limited
regarding only to the provision of
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.
(12) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
(13) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[598. The following shops of M/s. Sections 11 and 18 subject to the

Bagzone Lifestyles Pvt. Limited, following conditions :-
401, Ackruti Star, Central Road,
MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400
093, namely-

(1) Shop No. S-232, 2nd floor, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Infiniti-2, Next to Raheja Palm operation for the period of three
Court, Malad Link Road, Malad years from the date of Notification
(W), Mumbai 400 064. published in Government Gazette.

(2) Shop No. S-234, 2nd floor, (2) The establishment shall not
Infiniti-2, Next to Raheja Palm remain open on any day later than
Court, Malad Link Road, Malad 10-00 p.m.
(W), Mumbai 400 064.

(3) Shop No. F 139, 1st floor, (3) No employee shall be required to
Infiniti-2, Next to Raheja Palm work for more than 9 hours in a day
Court, Malad Link Road, Malad or 48 hours in a week. The spread
(W), Mumbai 400 064. over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(4) SF-229, S. No. 35, Opp. CTR (4) Every employee shall be given
Factory, Wadgaonsheri, Pune- one day holiday in a week without
Nagar Road, Pune. making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) F-63, Market city Pune, Viman (5) The employees shall be entitled
Nagar, Pune-Nagar Road, Pune. to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.

(6) Shop No. F-31, 1st floor, R- (6) Every employee shall be given a
Mall, Ghodbundar Road, Near rest period of minimum one hour
Runwal Estate, Thane (W), Thane after 5 hours of continuous work.
400 601,

(7) F-26, Centre One, Sector-30A, (7) Employees shall be given

Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705. national and festival holidays.

(8) 1, Morarji Velji Estate, Opp. (8) Female employees shall be

Vrunda's Hotel, Next to Vodafone provided separate lockers and rest
Gallery L.T. Cross Road, Borivali rooms at the work place.
(W), Mumbai 400 092.

(9) Shop No. 209, 2nd floor, Atria (9) This exemption is related only to
Millennium Mall, Worli, Mumbai. Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.

(10) G-8, Ground floor, Inorbit (10) Other than these terms and
Mall, Vashi, Sector No. 30A, Navi conditions, all the provisions of the
Mumbai. said Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(11) 269/B, Jubilee Court, Ground (11) In case of violation of any of

floor, Linking Road, Bandra (W), the above terms and conditions, the
Mumbai 400 050. exemption shall stand cancelled

(12) Unit F 1, 1st floor, Inorbit Mall,

Vashi, Sector No. 30A, Navi

(13) Shop Nos. 8, 9 and 10, C.T.S.

No. 639 and. 639/1 to 7, L.B.S.
Marg, Mulund, Mumbai.

(14) Ground floor, CR-2, Nariman

Point, Mumbai.

(15) Shop No. 5 and 6 Ground floor,

Asha Deep, Near Silver Park,
Signal, Mira-Bhayander Road, Mira
Road (E), Thane.

(16) Unit No. 110 on the 1st floor

and strong unit being unit No. LB
04 in lower basement of Infiniti
Mall, Oshiwara, Andheri (E.)
(17) 1st floor, shop No. 9 in the R-
city, Ghatkopar.

(18) Block No. 34/14B, Palladium

Mall, 462, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.

(19) Unit No. F-4, Korum mall,

Mangal Pandey Road, Thane.

(20) G 2, Grant Hayatt, Santacruz,


(21) Unit No. F-06, 1st floor,

Prozone Mall, Pune.

(22) Shop No. 9/10, Kamla Cross

Road, Opp. PCMC building, Pimpri,
Pune 411 008.

(23) Shop No. 3, Fiona Building,

Juhu-Tara Road, Juhu, Mumbai 400

(24) UG 14, Market city, Viman

Nagar, Pune 14.

(25) 255, Mahatma Gandhi Road,

Camp, Pune 411 001.

(26) Shop No.1, Ground Floor,

Bhosale Shinde Arcade, J.M. Road,
Deccan Gymkhana, Pune. 411 004.

(27) Unit No. UG-97, Kurla Market

City, L.B.S. Marg, Kurla (W),
Mumbai 400 070.

(28) Unit GF 12A, Ground floor,

Koregoan Park Shopping Centre,

(29) Unit No.- UG 39A, Kurla

Market city, L.B.S. Marg, Kurla
(W), Mumbai 400 070.

(30) F-63, Market city Pune, Viman

Nagar, Pune-Nagar Road, Pune.

(31) Unit No. F94, Kurla Market

city L.B.S. Marg, Kurla (W),
Mumbai 400 070.
(32) Unit No.EBGF-34B, Ground
floor, Amanora Town Centre,
Amanora Park Township, Village
Sadesatranali Hadapsar, Tal. Haveli,
Dist. Pune.

(33) C.S.T. Domestic Airport,

Terminal IA, Santacruz (E),

(34) International Airport, Bagzone

Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd., Terminal T2B,
Sahar Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai
400 099.

(35) Shop No. 130/131, Victoria 2,

Fortleze survey No. 200/10, Central
Avenue, Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411

(36) Citipoint Mall, Unit No.003,

Ground floor, Andheri- Kurla Road,
3. B. Nagar, Andheri (E), Mumbai
400 059.

(37) C.S.T. Domestic Airport, T1C,

Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400 099.

[599. M/s Poorti Super Bazar, A unit of Section 18 subject to the following
Central Madhyavarti Bahu India conditions :-
Uddeshiy Sahakari Sanstha (1) This exemption shall remain in
(Maryadit), Plot No.V 1, 8 Rasta operation for the period of three
Chowk, Laxmi Nagar, Nagpur-22. years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the timetable of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest-
rooms at the work place.
(6) Any female employees, without
their written consent, shall not be
given night duty for more than one
(7) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.
(8) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[600. The Following shops of M/s. Infiniti Section 18 subject to the following
Retail Ltd., 201, Akruti Centre, conditions :
MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400
(1) CROMA, Ground Floor, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Vasundhara CHS., Opp. Utpal operation for the period of three
Shanghvi School, JVPD, Vile Parle years from the date of Notification
(West), Mumbai 400 049. published in Government Gazette.

(2) CROMA, Palm Spring Center, (2) No employee shall be required to

Ground Floor, Malad Link Road, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Mumbai 400 064. or 48 hours in a week.The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in day.

(3) CROMA, At Phase II of (3) Every employee shall be given

Terminal B1 at CSI Airport, one day holiday in a week without
Mumbai 400 099. making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the timetable of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(4) CROMA, Lords Bldg., Plot 35 (4) Every employee shall be given a
and 35A, Sec-I5, CBD Belapur, rest period of 1 hour after 5 hours of
Navi Mumbai 400 614. continuous work.

(5) CROMA, Thakur Shopping Mall (5) The employees shall be entitled
and Multiplex, Near Dahisar Check to overtime wages in accordance
Naka, Western Express Highway, with Section 63 of the said Act.
Dist. Thane.

(6) CROMA, Rashesh Mall, Near (6) Female employees shall be

Maxus Mall, Sri Vallabhacharyaji provided separate lockers and rest
Marg, Near New Fly Over Bridge, rooms at the work place.
Next Venkatesh Hall, Bhayander,
Dist. Thane 401 101.

(7) CROMA, Mall Dhammal, Off (7) The employees, who have given
L.B.S. Road, Dumping Road, Opp. their consent be only placed on the
R. Mall, Next to Mulund Bus Depot, day of weekly holiday or other
Near Mulund Checknaka, Mulund holiday.
(West), Mumbai 400 080.

(8) CROMA, Lower Ground Floor, (8) This exemption is related only to
Link Square Mali, Plot No. 490 and Bombay Shops and Establishments
491, 33rd Road, off Linking Road, Act, 1948.
Bandra (West), Mumbai 400 050.

(9) CROMA, NSG IT Park, Survey (9) Inspite of these terms and
No. 127/2B/IA, ITI Road, Near conditions, all the provisions of this
Sarjaa Restaurant Audh, Pune 411 Act shall applicable to the
007. establishment duly.

(10) CROMA, Block No. 43, Grand (10) In case of violation of any of
Galleria, Phoenix Mills Compound, the above terms and conditions, the
462, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower exemption shall stand cancelled
Parel, Mumbai 400 013. automatically.]

(11) CROMA ZIP, Ground Floor,

Elphinstone Building, 10, Veer
Nariman Road, Horniman Circle,
Fort, Mumbai 400 023.

(12) CROMA, Unit No. G 10,

Ground Floor, R City, L.B.S. Marg,
Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai 400

(13) CROMA, Shubhan Galleria,

Shop No. 2, Ground Floor, Survey
No. 210/A, CST No. 4800 and 4801,
209, Near Pimpri Bridge, Opp.
Judson High School, Next to
Finolex Chowk, Pimpri, Pune 411

(14) CROMA, Unit No. F-25, First -

Floor, Oberol Mall Pvt. Ltd., Off
Western Express Highway,
Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400 063.
(15) CROMA, Unit No. G-1,
Ground Floor, Mega Mall, Near
Lokhandwala Complex, Opp.
Oshiwara Bus Depot, Andh.eri
(West), Mumbai 400 102.

(16) CROMA, Giridhar Avenue,

Ground Floor, S. No. 20/2, Plot No.
R1, CTS No. 677, Kothrud, Pune
411 038.

(17) CROMA, Sion Garage Bldg.,

Plot No.112, Sion-Koliwada Road,
Near Cinemax, Mumbai 400 022

(18) CROMA, Outlet No. 6, Level

2, Terminal 1C, Chhatrapati Shivaji
International Airport, Mumbai 400

(19) CROMA, R Mall, Ghodbunder

Road, Thane (West).

(20) CROMA, G-67, Prozone Mail,

Plot No. P-80, Chikalthana
Industrial Area, Airport Road,
Aurangabad 431 003.

(21) CROMA, Centre One, Plot No.

33, Sector 30A, Ground Floor, Unit
No. G 23, Palm Beach Marg, Vashi,
Navi Mumbai 400 705.

(22) CROMA, Pulse The Mall, F. P.

Plot No. 88/4, Near Aga Khan
Palace, Nagar Road, Pune 411 006.

(23) CROMA, Ground Floor,

Between Foresight and Allen Solly,
GK 25, Inorbit Mall, Vashi, Plot No.
39/1, Sector 30A, Vashi, Navi
Mumbai 400 705.

(24) CROMA, Star Bazar, Market

City, Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014.

(25) CROMA, Krome Mall, 32/1,

Pune-Solapur Road, Wanowari,
Pune 411 013.

[601. M/s. Central Depository Services Section 13 and 18 subject to the

India Ltd., Phiroze Jeejeebhoy following conditions:-
Towers, 17th Fir, Opp. P.J. Towers, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Dalai Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 operation for the period of one year
001. from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week.The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of 1 hour after 5 hours of
continuous work.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(7) Female employees will not be
allowed to work after 9-30 p.m.
(8) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.
(9) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(10) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[602. The following branches of M/s. Section 19 subject to the following

Solanki Cold Drinks House, conditions:-

(1) M/s Solanki Cold Drinks House, (1) This exemption shall remain in
B-9, Mahalaxmi Chambers, Opp. operation for the period of three
S.T. Stand E Ward, Kolhapur, years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

(2) M/s. Solanki Cold Drinks (2) The establishment shall not
House, 1552, C Ward, Laxmipuri, remain open on any day later than
near Shahu Talkies Kolhapur, 1.30 a.m.

(3) No employee shall be required to

work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.

(4) The employees shall be entitled

to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.

(5) Every employee shall be given a

rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.

(6) Any employees, without their

consent, shall not be given work in
night duty continuously.

(7) This exemption is related only to

Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.

(8) Other than these terms and

conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(9) In case of violation of any of the

above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[603. M/s. Mumbai International Airport Sections 13, 18 and 33 (3) subject to
Pvt. Ltd., Chhatrapati Shivaji the following conditions:-
International Airport, 1st Floor, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Terminal 1-B, Santacruz (E.), operation for the period of three
Mumbai 400 099, Maharashtra. years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers, security
and rest MOMS.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of minimum one hour
after 5 hours of continuous work.
(7) This exemption is limited
regarding only to the provisions of
Bombay Shops and Establishments
Act, 1948.
(8) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled
[(10) The Shops/Establishments and
retail outlets situated at the sub-
leased property shall have to make
separate applications to the
Government to availing benefit of
this exemption.]

[604. The following shops of subsidiary Sections 11 and 18 subject to the

and associate companies of M/s. following conditions:-
Reliance Retail Ltd., Reliance
Corporate Park, Reliance
Petrochemicals Ltd., Gate No.1,
Thane-Belapur Road, Ghansoli,
Navi Mumbai.

(1) Shop No. 14, Shop No. C06 (1) This exemption shall remain in
ABC Ground Floor, Courtyard, operation for the period of 5 years
High Street, Phoenix, Phoenix Mill from the date of Notification
Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai - published in Government Gazette.
400 013.

(2) Western Wind Building,, Juhu (2) The establishment shall not
Tara Road, Opp. Manekji Cooper remain open on any day later than
School, Santacruz (W), Mumbai 400 10.30 p.m.
(3) Ground Floor, Taj Mahal Place (3) No employee shall be required to
Tower, Heritage Wing, Colaba, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Mumbai - 400 001, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(4) Growel's 101, G 15, GF, Akurli (4) Every employee shall be given
Road, Behind Big Bazar, Kandivali one day holiday in a week without
(E.), Mumbai - 400 101. making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(5) Lotus Rachna, G1 and 2, Plot (5) The employees, only who have
No.5, Gorepeth Layout, WHC Road, given their consent shall be allowed
Dharampeth, Nagpur 440 010. to work on weekly off and on other

(6) Plot 6, Kataria Chambers, ITI (6) The employees shall be entitled
Road, Sanewadi, Aundh, Pune. to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.

(7) R Deccan Mall, 1st Flr, J. (7) Every employee shall be given a
M.Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune. rest period of 45 minutes after 5
hours of continuous work.

(8) Nirala Bazar, Opp. Citi Bank, (8) Female employees shall be
Aurangabad 431 001. provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.

(9) F 02-06, S 05A, 05B, Treasure (9) This exemption is related only to
Bazar, Plot D4, Latur Road, Bombay Shops and Establishment
Vasarani, Nanded, Maharashtra 431 Act, 1948.

(10) First Flr, Maxus Mall, Shop (10) Inspite of these terms and
No. S 13 to 16, Bhayander (West), conditions, all the provisions of this
Maharashtra 401 101, Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(11) Reliance Gems and Jewels (11) In case of violation of any of

Ltd., 709/710, Narayan Peth, Laxmi the above terms and conditions, the
Road, Pune 411 030. exemption shall stand cancelled

(12) 1st Floor, Site No. 61, Ward C,

Dalal Market, Laxmipuri, Kolhapur.

(13) Acme Mall, S. V Road, Near

Milan Subway, Santacruz (W),
(14) In front of Radha Krushna
Mangal Karyalay, Near Gajanan
Maharaj Temple, Garkheda,
Aurangabad 431 001.

(15) PORZONE MALL, Shop No.

F-57, P-80, G-08, D-5 API
Compound Jalna Road, Next to
Spencers, MIDC Chikhalthana,
Aurangabad 431 210.

(16) Unit No. 037, GF 002 and FF

102, SF-203, 204, LGF 21, Infiniti
Mall-Malad, CTS No. 1406/A/3/9,
Taluka Borivali Link Road, Malad
(W.), Mumbai 400 064.

(17) Sobo Central, at Cross Road

Mall, M Malviya Marg, In Between
Hira Panna, Tardev, Mumbai 400

(18) The Hongkong and Shanghai

Banking Corporation, Umang
Building, Mind Space, Malad (W.),
Mumbai 400 064.

(19) Voltas Compound, Pokhran

Road No.2, Subhash Nagar, Next to
Jupiter Hospital, Thane (W.).

(20) Opp. S.T. Road, P.P. Marg,

Virar (West) 401303.

(21) Agar Bazar, S.K. Bhole Marg,

Prabhadevi, Dadar (W.), Mumbai.

(22) Shop No.1, Sarnath Arcade,

Near Podar High School, Upper
Govind Nagar, Malad (E.), Mumbai.

(23) SFC Mall Sangli Store, UGF

and LGF, SFC Mall, M.G. Road,
Sangli 416 416.

(24) Reliance digital Retail Ltd.,

Shop No.5, Ground Floor, Jewel
Square Mall, Near Hotel Taj Blue
Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411

(25) Reliance digital Retail Ltd.,

Shop No. G 3, Upper Ground Floor,
Millennium Plaza, F.C. Road, Pune
411 005.

(26) Landmark Unit No. 2 Gr., 1st

FIr, Link Road, Andheri (W),

(27) Ground Floor and First Floor

121 and 139 Final Plot No-88/4,
Near Agakhan Palace, Pune Nagar
Road, Pune 411 006.

(28) Ground Floor, D/B, Shop No.8

and 9, Nirman Co-op, Hsg. Society
Ltd., Chincholi Naka, S. V. Road,
Malad-West (Two-shutters),
Mumbai 400 064.

(29) Ground FIr. Shop No.4 and 1,

Mayfair Meridian, Caesar Road,
Near Saintblaise Church, Andheri
(W.), Mumbai 400 058.

(30) Ground Flr. Shop No.3 and 4,

Sriji Darshan Co. op. Soc. S. V.
Road, Kandivali (W.), Mumbai 400

(31) Ground Flr. Shop No.60,

Kohinoor City Mall, Kohinoor City,
Kirol Road, Off LBS Mara,
Don Bosco School, Kuria (W.),
Mumbai 400 070.

(32) Shop No.7, Gr. Flr, Kapoor

Apartment, Chandavarkar Road,
Borivali (W.), Mumbai 400 092.

(33) Gr. Fir., Shop No.1, Paradise

Cinema, Lady Jameshedji Road,
Mahim (W.), Mumbai 400 016.

(34) Gr. Flr., Shop No. 64 and 65,

Centrium Mall, Lokhandwala
Complex, Kandivali (E.), Mumbai

(35) Ground Floor, Shop No. 1 and

2 Sat; Bhavan, Near Bank of
Baroda, Block No. A/54,
Ulhasnagar 2.
(36) Gr. Flr., Shop 12, 13 and Flat
No. 04, Bldg. No. A 63/64,
Shantinagar, Sec. 1, Opp. Mira
Road Stn., Mira Road (E.).

(37) Vision Express, GF, Shop

No.1, Jamuna Darshan Co. op.
Society, Natakwala Lane, S.V.
Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai 400

(38) Vision Express, Empire Mahal,

Shop No.1, opp. Chandu Halwai,
Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar T. T.
Circle, Dadar (E.), Mumbai 400

(39) Vision Express, Ground Floor,

Shop No.2, 2a and 91a DB Marg,
Near Navjeevan Society, Mumbai
Central, Mumbai 400 008.

(40) Ground Floor, Shop No.3 and

4, Dynasty Building, Plot No.3 and
3A, Sector-6, Airoli, Navi Mumbai
400 708.

(41) Shop No.1, Gr. Flr, Sterling

Centre, Opp. to Hotel Aurora
Towers, Beside Barista, M. G. Road
Camp. Pune - 411 001.

(42) Shop No.3 and 4, Jagannath's

Commerce Plaza, Near Godrej
Service Centre, Manpada Road,
Dombivali (E.), Thane- 421 201.

(43) LG 6, Next to More Megastore,

Ghodbunder Road, Thane (W.) 400

(44) Shop No.2 and 3, Gr. Flr, Anita

Chambers, Ambadi Road, Vasai

(45) Kalan Metro Junction Mall, Gr.

Flr., Shop/Unit No. 46, Netivali
Village, Shill Road, Next to
McDonalds, Kalyan.

(46) Palm Beach Galleria, Shop

No.9 and 10, Ground Floor, Plot No.
17, Sector 19D, Vashi, Navi
Mumbai 400 705.

(47) Phoenix Market Mumbai Store,

UG 44, UG 67, UG 70, UG 66, UG
69, G 28 and 29 G 48, G 49, 50, 51
Phoenix Market City, LBS Road,
Kuria, Mumbai 400 070.

(48) RDRL Lokhandwala Mumbai

Store, 102/A Green Ville, Off. J. P.
Road, Swami Samarth Nagar,
Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 053.

(49) Ahmednagar Road Store, UG

64, UG 26A, UG 56, UG 24, UG
52, F 31, F 1, UG 45, 146 and 47,
FF 33, 34, 35 Phoenix Market City,
Nagar Road, Viman Nagar, Pune
411 014.

(50) RDRL KPCT Pune Store,

Reliance Digital Retail Ltd., Shop C
and D No 26-27-28; Wing-B,
Ground and First Floor, KPCT,
Fatima Nagar, Pune 411 040.

(51) Laxmi Puri, Kolhapur Store,

Reliance Digital Retail Limited,
Laxmi Puri Kolhapur 416 002.

(52) Plot No.8, IPCL, JVPD, Juhu,

Near Punjab Grill, Juhu Street,
Mumbai 400 049.

(53) Sea Breeze, Mumbai Store, Sea

Breeze, Prabhadevi, Mumbai.

(54) Sparsh Plaza, Pune Store,

20/6/2/3 Sparsh Plaza, Hinjewadi
Main Road, Opp. HP Petrol Pump,
Next to Marriot Courtyard, Pune
411 057.

(55) Adity Automotive Pune Store,

Plot No. 413-414-420, Near Sai
Baba Mandir, Pune-Satara Road,
Pune 411 037.

(56) Shop No.4, Orion Business

Park, Ghodbunder Road, Near Cine
Wonder Mall, Thane (W).
(57) Ostwal Mall, Mira Road-Mira
Bhayender Road 411 018.

(58) RDRL and Reliance Footprint,

Kalyan Sarvodaya Mall Store,
Anchor Shop-B, Sarvodaya Mall,
Opp. New APMC Market, Kalyan-
Sheel Road, Kalyan (W.).

(59) Amanora Mall, Amanora Town

Centre Mall, Village Sadesatra Nali
(17 ½ Nali), Hadapsar Taluka
Haveli, Pune - 411 028.

(60) RDRL, Bund Garden Pune

Store, Reliance Digital Retail Ltd.,
GF-2, Godrej Castlermaine, Sassoon
Road, Pune 411 001.

(61) Maharaja Hall, Kalyan

Ambernath Road, Electronices
Market, Ulhasnagar (W.).

(62) RDRL, Footprint Solitaire

Aundh Store, Plot No.1 +2, Sr. No.
131/1 + 2, Solitaire ITI Road,
Aundh, Pune 411 007.

(63) Shop Nos. 1 to 76 FF, A and B

Wing and 1 to 33 and 35 to 51 FF C
Wing, Devpooja Builders, PLD,
Victoria Mall, Plot No.81 to 90,
Shimpoli, Borivali (W.), Mumbai
400 092.

(64) Fortue Plaza, Ichalkaranji,


(65) Jupiter, Kolhapur.

(66) Al and 2 Times Square Andheri

(E.), Andheri Kuria Road, Mumbai
400 059.

(67) Shop Nos. 13, 15, 17 and 19 on

FF and 17 and 19 on SF Growels,
101 Akurli Road Kandivali (E.),
Mumbai 400 101.

(68) Shop No. GF-13-2226-35 and

FF 25-52, Empress Mall Manpada
Road, Dombivali Thane 421 201.
(69) Unit No. SF-203 CTS No.
1406/A/3/9 Taluka Borivali Link
Road, Malad (W), Mumbai 400 064.

(70) Basant Cinema, Behind R. K.

Film Studio, Mumbai 400 093.

(71) 52 R City Mall, LBS Marg,

Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai 400 086.

(72) RDRL/RFPL, R Mall Ground

Floor, LBS Marg, Mumbai.

(73) Mulund West, Mumbai 400


(74) Maxus Mall, 2nd Floor Shop

No.S-13-14-15-16-20-21, Shree
Vallabhacharya JI Marg,

(75) Reliance Trends, Unit No.GF

(002 and FF 102, Infinity Mall, Link
Road, Malad, Mumbai 400 064.

(76) Unit No.TF 302, LB 02-03

Infinity Mall, Malad, Malad Link
Road, Malad(W) Mumbai 400 064.

[605. The following shops of M/s. Sheetal Sections 11 and 18 subject to the
India, Sheetal Estate, 451, Grant following Conditions :-
Road, Mumbai 400 007, namely:-

(1) Sheetal India (Malad), F/6, 1st (1) This exemption shall remain in
Flr. Inorbit Mall, Link Road, Malad operation for the period of three
(W), Mumbai 400 064. years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

(2) Sheetal India (Goregoan), Unit (2) No employee shall be required to

No. S-29/30, Oberoi Mall Pvt. Ltd., work for more than 9 hours in a day
Off. Western Express Highway, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Dindoshi, Goregoan (E.), Mumbai over of an employee shall not
400 063. exceed 11 hours in a day.

(3) Sheetal India (Mahalaxmi), 18, (3) Every employee shall be given
Bhulabhai Desai Road, Opp. one day holiday in a week without
Tirupati Apartment Mumbai 400 making any deductions from his/her
026. wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.

(5) Every employee shall be given a

rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.

(6) The establishment shall not

remain open on any day later than
10.30 p.m.

(7) Employees shall be given

national and festival holidays.

(8) This exemption is related only to

Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.

(9) Other than these terms and

conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(10) In case of violation of any of

the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[606. M/s. Krishna Palace Residency Pvt. Section 19 subject to the following
Ltd., 96/98, Slater Road, Patel conditions:-
Bhavan, Nana Chowk, Mumbai (1) This exemption shall remain in
400007. operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(7) The employees, only who have
given their consent shall be allowed
to work on weekly off and on other
(8) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(9) Other than these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(10) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[607. M/s. Delhi Darbar Hotel, 195/197, Section 19 subject to the following
P.B. Marg, Grant Road, Mumbai conditions:-
400 004. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open later than 3.00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(7) The employees, who have given
their consent be only placed on the
day of weekly holiday or other
(8) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(9) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provision of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(10) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[608. M/s. Bademiya, 7-8-9, Botawala Section 19 subject to the following

Bldg. (Nichol Bldg.), Ground Floor, conditions:-
Shop No.6, Bank Street, Fort, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Mumbai 400 001. operation for the period of three
M/s. Bademiya Sikh Kabab Stall, years from the date of Notification
Shop No. 1, and 2, Bowen published in Government Gazette.
Methodhist Church Bldg., Tullock (2) The establishment shall not
Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005. remain open on any day later than
[M/s. Bademiya Seekh Kabab Stall, 3.00 a.m.
Behind Tajmahal Hotel, Ashok (3) No employee shall be required to
Mahal, Tulloch Road, Colaba work for more than 9 hours in a day
Mumbai - 400 005.] or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees, who have given
their consent letter be only placed
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(6) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(7) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(8) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[609. Head Office - M/s. Colaba, Central Sections 18 and 33(3) subject to the
Consumers' Co-op. Wholesale and following conditions:-
Retail Stores Ltd., (Sahakari
Bhandar), Hotel Majestic, Opp.
Regal Cinema, Colaba, Mumbai 400
001 and its following Branches:-

(1) 26, Shyamkunj, Shree Rajasthan (1) This exemption shall remain in
C.H.S. Ltd., J. B. Nagar, Andheri operation for the period of five years
(E.), Mumbai 400 059. from the date of Notification
published in the Government

(2) 63, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Opp. (2) Every employee shall be given
Breach Candy Hospital, Breach one day holiday in a week without
Candy, Mumbai 400 026. making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time-table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(3) New Bombay Shopping Center, (3) The employees, who have given
Vaikunthlal Mehta Marg, Juhu- their consent be only placed on the
Parle Development Scheme, Vile- day of weekly holiday or other
Parle (W.), Mumbai 400 049. holiday.

(4) Chetak Apartment, 19, Love (4) No employee shall be required to

Lane, Mazgaon, Mumbai 400 010. work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.

(5) Matunga Gujarathi Club Bldg., (5) The employees shall be entitled
N. M. Parekh Marg, Behind Arora to overtime wages in accordance
Cinema, Mumbai 400 019. with section 63 of the said Act.

(6) Shyamkamal Bldg., Agarwal (6) Every employee shall be given a

Market, Behind Dinanath rest period of One hour after 5 hours
Mangeshkar Hall, Vile-Parle (E.), of continuous work.
Mumbai 400 057.

(7) 21, Colaba Chambers Shahid (7) Employees shall be given

Bhagatsingh Road, Colaba, Mumbai National and Festival holidays.
400 005.

(8) Municipal Building, Ground (8) Female employees shall be

Floor, Next to Mansarovar Hotel, provided separate lockers and rest-
Bandra (W.), Mumbai 400 050. rooms at the work place.

(9) Diamond Hotel Building, (9) The Female employees, whose

Central Avenue Road, Near duty is over after 9.30 p.m. shall be
Ambedkar Garden, Chembur, provided them escorted transport
Mumbai 400 071. facility from resident to
establishment and return.

(10) Behind Dilwara Bldg., (10) This exemption is related only

Anushakti Nagar Complex, Mumbai to Bombay Shops and Establishment
400 094. Act, 1948.

(11) Municipal Market Building, (11) In spite of these terms and

Opp. Dindoshi Bus Depot, conditions, all the provisions of this
Goregaon, Dindoshi (E.), Mumbai. Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(12) Agar Bazar, Kashinath Dhuru (12) In case of violation of any of

Road, Junction of S. K. Bole Road, the above terms and conditions, the
Near Siddhivinayak Temple, Dadar exemption shall stand cancelled
(W.), Mumbai 400 028. automatically.]

(13) Hyderabad Estate Residents

Consumers Co-op. Society Ltd., B-
Block, Ground Floor, Hyderabad
Estate, Nepeansea Road, Mumbai
400 026.

(14) Worli Sea-Face Consumers Co-

op. Society Ltd., Worli Sea-Face
(South End) Municipal Compound,
Khan Abdul Gafarkhan Road, Wort,
Mumbai 400 018.

(15) Saakar Consumers Co-op.

Society Ltd., Saakar leevan Beema
Nagar, Behind Post Office, Borivall
(W.), Mumbai 400 092.

(16) Saranath, Upper Govind Nagar,

Near Poddar School, Behind
Saibaba Mandir, Malad (E.),
Mumbai 400 097.

(17) Tower No.6, Reliance Fresh

Basement Opp. Jain Temple, S. M.
Road, Sion-Chunabhatti (E.),
Mumbai 400 022.

(18) The Shop, Gate No. 12, Marine

Drive Cricket Club of India,

(19) 1, Runal Vihar, Next to Parag

Medical, Lane Opp. to Dhanlakshmi
Bank, Bolinj, Agashi Road, Virar

(20) Trivedi Palace, Trivedi

Complex, Above Sharda School,
Near Church, Sheetal Nagar, Mira
Road (East).

(21) Fun-Fiesta Multiplex,

Sriprastha Complex, Nallasopara
(West) Taluka-Vasai, Dist. Thane
401 203.

[610. The following branches of Sections 13 and 18 subject to the

M/s.Talwalkars Health and Leisure, following conditions :-
Rajmahal, Aradhana Theatre Lane, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Ravi Compound, Panch Pakhadi, operation for the period of one year
Thane. from the date of Notification
M/s. Talwalkars Health and Leisure, published in the Government
Chestnut Plaza, Opp. Eden Wood, Gazette.
Pokharan Road No. 2, Thane (W.). (2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(6) The establishment shall not
remain open after 12.00 at night and
shall not to be opened earlier than
5.30 a.m.
(7) Female employees will not be
allowed to ' work after 9.30 p.m.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(9) The employees who have given
their consent be only placed on duty
on the day of weekly holidays.
(10) This exemption is only related
to Maharashtra Shops and
Establishment Act, 1948,
(11) In spite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment as case maybe.
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[611. M/s. Lakshdeep Restaurant and Bar, Sections 19 and 33(3) subject to the
HWG, 15-1-IC, Gazdar Bandh following condition :-
Road, Santacruz (W.), Mumbai 400 (1) This exemption shall remain in
054. operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than
3.00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(9) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(10) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
them escorted transport facility from
resident to establishment and return.
(11) Female employees shall be
given work in group at night.
(12) Female employees shall not be
given night duty for more than one
(13) Female employee shall not
allow to work in other part of
restaurant except housekeeping
department, entrance office of
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[612. M/s. Chinagate Restaurant and Bar, Sections 19 and 33 (3) subject to the
Chincholi Bunder Naka, Malad following condition:-
(W.), Mumbai 400064. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than
3.00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(9) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(10) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
them escorted transport facility from
resident to establishment and return.
(11) Female employees shall be
given work in group at night.
(12) Female employees shall not be
given night duty for more than one
(13) Female employees shall not
allow to work in other part of
restaurant except housekeeping
department, entrance office of
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[613. The following shops of M/s. Gangar Section 18 subject to the following
Opticians Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. 19 (7), conditions:-
2nd floor, Kamlesh Building, R.A.
Kidwai Road, Wadala (W.),
Mumbai 400 031.

(1) Empire Mahal, Dadar T.T., (1) This exemption shall remain in
Mumbai 400 014. operation for the period of five years
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

(2) Shanti Centre, Sector-17, Vashi, (2) No employee shall be required to

Navi Mumbai 400 705. work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.

(3) Shop No. 11, Chinoy Mansion, (3) Every employee shall be given
Near Kemps Corner, Warden Road, one day holiday in a week without
Mumbai - 400 036. making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(4) Gr. Floor, Vikram Apartment, (4) Every employee shall be given a
Shop 2 and 3, L.T. Road, Opp. TB2, rest period of one hour after 5 hours
Borivali (West), Mumbai 400 092. of continuous work.

(5) Niharika Shopping, Gr. Flr, (5) The employees shall be entitled
Shop No. 8/9, Gland Alwares Road, to overtime wages in accordance
Off Pokharan Road No. 11, Thane with Section 63 of the said Act.
(West), 400 601.

(6) Shop No. 1, Kapeesh Building, (6) The establishment shall not
Al, M.G. Road, Mulund (West), remain open later than 8.30 p.m.
Mumbai 400 080.

(7) LEO Taller, Suvrat Apartment, (7) Female employees shall be

Shree Bhavani Chowk, Tembhi provided separate lockers and rest
Naka, Thane (West) 400 602. rooms at the work place.

(8) Aaspire Pride, Plot 227, 5 (8) This exemption is related only to
Ground Floor, MTNL Road, Near Bombay Shops and Establishment
Rupali Cinema, Panvel 410 206. Act, 1948.

(9) Shree Ambika Apartments, Shop (9) Inspite of these terms and
No.7 and 8, Sector 42A, Plot-10, conditions, all the provisions of this
Seawoods, Nerul (West), Navi Act shall applicable to the
Mumbai 400 706. establishment duly.

(10) Vallabh Kutir, Opp. Krishna (10) In case of violation of any of

Cinema, R. P. Road, Shivaji Chowk, the above terms and conditions, the
Kalyan (W.) 421 301. exemption shall stand cancelled
(11) Centrium, Building No.2, Shop
38 and 39, Sector 4, Akurli Village,
Lokhandwala Township, Kandivali
(E), Mumbai 400 101.

(12) Shop No.4, Ishan Arcade,

Building No.1, Gokhale Road, Opp.
Gaondevi Mandir, Navpada, Thane
(West) 400 602.

(13) Central Avenue, Lamington

Road, Opp. Shagun Hotel, Mumbai
Central, Mumbai 400 008.

(14) Shop No.1 and 2, Keshav

Shrushti, L.B.S. Marg, Station
Road, Bhandup (West), Mumbai
400 078.

(15) Shop No.1, City Park

Shopping, Hiranandani Business
Park, Powai, Mumbai 400 076.

(16) Shop No.1 and 2, Plot No.3,

Kirti Manor, S. V. Road, Santacruz
(West), Mumbai 400 054.

(17) Assembly and Processing Unit

114, 115 Bussa Industrial Estate,
Near Century Bazar, Prabhadevi,
Dadar, Mumbai 400 025.

(18) Warehouse 112, 113, Bussa

Industrial Estate, Near Century
Bazar, Prabhadevi, Dadar, Mumbai
400 025.

(19) Shop No. 3 and 4, Dattatray

Maharaj C.H.S., Sector-8, Airoli,
Navi Mumbai 400 708.

(20) Shop No. 1, 2 and 15, Sawant

Arcade, Shiv Mandir Road,
Ambernath (East), Thane 421 501.

(21) 109, 1st Floor, Dream Heaven,

Piot No. 18, Sector 25, Opp.
Seawoods Railway Station, Nerul
(East) Navi Mumbai 410 210.

(22) Shop No.3, Vedas Centre, D. P.

Road, Next to Shivsagar Hotel, Near
Parihar Chowk, Aundh, Pune 411

(23) Shop No.3, Hari OM

Residency C.H.S. Ltd., Opp. Shivaji
Chowk, Kasar Ali, Bhiwandi, Dist.
Thane 421 308.

(24) Shop No.2, S. No. 588, New

ERA Society, 588/5A, Gagan Vihar
Chowk, Near Gangadham Society,
Kondhwa Road, Bibve Wadi, Pune
411 037.

(25) P-02/35 and 36, Harmony

Plaza, Opp. State Bank of India,
Boisar- Tarapur Road, Boisar
(West), Dist. Thane 401 501.

(26) Shop No. 14, Rajhans Hotel

Building, Plot No. 15/16, N. G.
Acharya Marg, Opp. Chembur
Railway Station, Chembur (East),
Mumbai 400 071.

(27) Shop No.2, Plot No. 13, Sheila

Mahal, 1st Pasta Lane, Shahid
Bhagatsingh Marg, Colaba, Mumbai
400 005.

(28) Shop No.6 and 7, New Chheda

Niwas, Phadke Road, Opp. New
Modern Cafe, Dombivali (East),
Dist. Thane 421 201.

(29) Shop No. F-65, R Mall, LBS

Marg, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai
400 075.

(30) Mantri Building, 119/121,

J.S.S. Road, Girgaon, Mumbai 400

(31) Shop No.3 and 4, Rajyog

Apartment, 60 Feet Road,
Bhayander (West), Dist. Thane 401

(32) Shop No.3, Sushila C.H.S., B

Wing 45, 46/4, Near Nal Stop,
Erandwana, Karve Road, Pune 411
(33) Shop No. 15, 16 and 22,
Budding No.3, Shelar Park,
Khadakpada, Kalyan (West), Dist.
Thane 421 301.

(34) Shop No. 1, Neel Siddhi

Arcade, Plot No. E/1A, Opp.
Kendriya Vihar Colony, Sector-12,
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai 410 210.

(35) Amar House C.H.S. Ltd., Plot

No. 98, Sector-7, Koparkhairane,
Navi Mumbai 400 709.

(36) Shop No. 2, Ground Floor,

Ashoka Vijay Complex, 326, M. G.
Road, Pune 411 001.

(37) B-31, Amarpali Building,

Sector 11, Shanti Nagar, Mira Road
(East), Dist. Thane 401107.

(38) Varanda, Block-B, Near

Shagun Chowk, Pimpri, Pune 411

(39) Shop No.2, Vaibhav Building,

Manpada Road, Dombivali (East),
Dist. Thane 421 201.

(40) Shop No.7, Evershine Marvel

C.H.S., Evershine City, Opp.
Broadway Cinema, Vasai (East),
Dist. Thane 401 208.

(41) Shop No. 1 and 2, Parshva

Padmavati, Sai Nagar Corner,
Ambadi Road, Opp. Gurudwara,
Navghar, Vasai (West), Dist. Thane
401 202.

(42) Shop No.1, 2, New Sonal

Society, Agashi Road, Virar (West),
Dist. Thane 401 303.

[614. The following shops of M/s. Waman Section 18 subject to the following
Han Pethe Jewellers, Pethe Bldg. conditions:-
North side, Jagannath Shankar
Sheth Road, Thakurdwar, Girgaon,
Mumbai 400 004.

(1) Pethe Building, Ranade Road, (1) Every employee shall be given
Dadar, Mumbai 400 028. one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(2) 160, Vijayashri Building, Nirala (2) No employee shall be required to

Bazar Road, Samarth Nagar, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Aurangabad 431 001. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 1.2 hours in a day.

(3) Pethe Building, J. S. S. Road, (3) Every employee shall be given a

Girgaon, Mumbai 400 004. rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.

(4) Building No.5, Mitha Nagar, (4) The employees shall be entitled
Shri Chintamani Co-op. Housing to overtime wages in accordance
Society, Close to Vidyaniketan with Section 63 of the said Act.
School, M. G. Road, Goregaon
(W.), Mumbai 400 062.

(5) 4/5/6, Sungrace Apt., F-1 Sector- (5) The establishment shall not
10, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703. remain open later than 8.30 p. m.

(6) Athary Empire, Shop No. B-2, (6) Female employees shall be
Upper Ground Floor, C. S. No. 263, provided separate lockers and rest
A-1-4, Opp. Sasane Ground, rooms at the work place.
Kolhapur 416 003.

(7) Leela Vista, Upper Ground (7) This exemption shall remain in
Floor, West High Court Road, Bajaj operation for the period of Five
Nagar, Nagpur 440 010. years from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

(8) Jeevan Mandir Society, Ground (8) This exemption is related only to
Floor, Factory Lane, Opp. Gokhale Bombay Shops and Establishment
Road, High School, Near Amba Act, 1948.
Mata Mandir, Borivali (W.)
Mumbai 400 092.

(9) Inspite of these terms and (9) Ground Floor, Sai Anand
conditions, all the provisions of this Arcade, Stella Apt., Opp. St.
Act shall applicable to the Augustine High School, Vasai Road
establishment duly. (W.), 401 202.

(10) Cosmos Court, S. V. Road, (10) In case of violation of any of

Opp. IOC Petrol Pump, Vile Parle the above terms and conditions, the
(West), Mumbai 400 056. exemption shall stand cancelled
(11) Shop No.1, 2 and 3 Ground
Floor, 61-A, Shantaram Niwas,
Gokhale Road, Mumbai 400 028.

(12) Shop No. 1, 2, 3, Ground Floor,

Urmila Complex Co-op. Premises
Society, 132, Station, Avenue Road,
Chembur, Mumbai 400 071.

(13) Shop No. 29, 43/A, Indrapuri

Building, Laxmibai Kelkar Marg,
Sion Circle (West), Mumbai 400

(14) Shop No.4, 5, 11, 12, Ground

Floor, C-Block, Shreeje Bldg.
Katrap Chowk, Badlapur (East).

[615. M/s. B. R. Restaurant Pvt. Ltd., Section 19 subject to the following

(Club Escape), A 101-108, Crystal conditions:-
Plaza, Link Road, Andheri (W.), (1) The establishment shall not
Mumbai 400 053. remain open later than 3.00 a.m.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(6) The employees who have given
their consent letter be only placed
on the day of weekly holidays or
other holiday.
(7) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of five years
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(8) This exemption is related only to
Maharashtra Shops and
Establishment Act, 1948.
(9) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment dully.
(10) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[616. The following shops of M/s. Kaye Sections 11 and 18 subject to the
Skin Ltd., C-10. Dalia Industrial following conditions :-
Estate. Off. Link Road, Andheri
(W.) Mumbai 400 093, Namely :-

(1) Kaya Skin Clinic. 102, 1st Floor. (1) The establishment shall not
Siddhesh Building. Sher- E-Punjab, remain open after 10.30 p.m. on any
Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri day.
(East), Mumbai 400 093.

(2) Kava Skin Clinic, Shop No. 13, (2) Every employee shall be given
1st Floor, Samarth Vaibhay. Off. K. one day holiday in a week without
L. Walawalkar Marg, Oshiwara. making any deductions from his/her
Andheri (West) Mumbai 400 053. wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(3) Kaya Skin Clinic, Atrial Mall, (3) No employee shall be required to
Opp. Poonam Chambers. Dr. Annie work for more than 9 hours in a day
Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 or 48 hours in a week. The spread
018. over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.

(4) Kaya Skin Clinic, Ground Floor, (4) Every employee shall be given a
Dayaprabha House, ITI Road, Next rest period of one hour after 5 hours
to Kobe Sizzlers. Aundh. Pune 411 of continuous work.

(5) Kaya Skin Clinic, Durga, 1st (5) The employees, who have given
Floor, Waterfield Road, Near Turner their consent be only placed on the
Road, Intersection, Bandra (West), day of weekly holiday or other
Mumbai 400 050. holiday.

(6) Kaya Skin Clinic, 1st Floor, A- (6) The employees shall be entitled
Wing, Sabari Aangan Building, Plot to overtime wages in accordance
No. 222. 11th Road Chembur, with Section 63 of the said Act
Mumbai - 400 071.

(7) Kaya Skin Clinic, Yogesh (7) Female employees shall be

House, East Street, Pune provided separate lockers and rest
Cantonment Board, Pune 411 001. rooms at the work place.

(8) Kaya Skin Clinic, 1st Floor, (8) This exemption is related only to
Emerald Plaza, Hiranandani Bombay Shops and Establishment
Meadows, Off Pokhran Road. Act, 1948. No.2, Thane (W.), 400

(9) Kaya Skin Clinic, Tain Square, (9) Other than these terms and
Shop No. 3, 1st Floor, Wanorie, conditions all the Provisions of this
Fatima Nagar, Pune 411 013 Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(10) Kaya Skin Clinic, Yashodham (10) This exemption shall remain in
Shopping Centre, Gen. A. K. operation for the period of one year
Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (E.), from the date of Notification
Mumbai 400 063. published in Government Gazette.

(11) Kaya Skin Clinic, Ground (11) In case of violation of any of

Floor, Himalaya Accord, Law the above terms and conditions, the
College Square, Nagpur 440 010. exemption shall stand cancelled

(12) Kaya Skin Clinic, Transocean

House, Unit No. G-4, Ground Floor,
Hiranandani Business Park, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076.

(13) Kaya Skin Clinic, Inorbit Mall,

Unit No. S 29. Second Floor, Sector
No. 30-A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.

(14) Kaya Skin Clinic, 101-

Goldcrest, 1st Floor, Juhu 10th
Road, J.V.P.D. Scheme, Near HSBC
Bank, Juhu, Mumbai 400 049.

(15) Kaya Skin Clinic, Ground

Floor, Oricon House. 14, K. Dubash
Marg, Kalaghoda, Fort, Mumbai
400 023.

(16) Kaya Skin Clinic, 1,

Commercial Premise No. 16, Emp-
50, Evershine Millenium Paradise,
Phase-V, Thakur Village, Kandivali
(East) Mumbai 400 101.

(17) Kaya Skin Clinic, Profit

Centre, Shop No. 5, Mahavir Nagar,
Kandivali (West), Mumbai 400 067.
(18) Kaya Skin Clinic, The Hub,
Shop No.13, 14, 15 and 16, 1st
Floor, Ghorpadi, Final Plot No. 332,
North Main Road, Koregaon, Pune
411 001.

(19) Kaya Skin Clinic, Ground

Floor, Mantri Vertex, Opp. Nirmitee
Furnishings, Law College Road,
Pune 411 004.

(20) Kaya Skin Clinic, 101, 102,

103, Ahimsa Keshav Shrushti
Complex, Opp. Subhiksha,
Chincholi-Malad Link Road, Malad
(West), Mumbai 400 064.

(21) Kaya Skin Clinic, MARKS 1st

Floor, 23/C, Mahal Industrial Estate,
Opp. Travellers Inn Hotel, Paper
Box Lane, Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri (E.), Mumbai 400 093.

(22) Kaya Skin Clinic, 1st Floor,

Nirmal Lifestyle Mall, L.B.S. Marg,
Above Mc Donalds, Mulund (West),
Mumbai 400 080.

(23) Kaya Skin Clinic. Gold's Gym

Garden View, Opp. St. Elizabeth
Hospital, J. Mehta Marg, Napeansea
Road, Mumbai 400 006.

(24) Kaya Skin Clinic, Anand Rupa

Apartment, Shop No.1, Ground
Floor, Parijat Nagar, Mahatma
Nagar Road, Nashik 422 005.

(25) Kaya Skin Clinic, Makani

Manor Ground Floor, Bearing No.4,
Gopal Rao Deshmukh Marg, Opp.
Jaslok Hospital, Pedder Road,
Mumbai 400 028.

(26) Kaya Skin Clinic, Bawa

Bhavan, Plot No. 180, Ground
Floor, Sion (West), Mumbai 400

(27) Kaya Skin Clinic, First Floor,

Ganesh Co-operative Housing
Society. Sector-1. Vashi, Navi
Mumbai 400 703.

(28) Kaya Skin Clinic, Gujarati

Society, Shop No. 6, 7 and 8,
Ground Floor, Nehru Road, Vile
Parle (East), Mumbai 400 057.

(29) Kaya Skin Clinic, Shop Nos. 13

and 14. Ground Floor, Krishna
Building, Plot No. 242, 243 and 244
at Jaywant Palkar Marg, Worli,
Mumbai 400 025.

[617. The following shops of M/s. Zodiac Section 18 subject to the following
Clothing Company Ltd., Apte condition :-
Properties, 10/78, Off. Dr. E Moses
Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018 :-

(1) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (1) Every employee shall be given
Shopping Arcade, Taj Mahal one day holiday in a week without
Intercontinental, Apollo Bunder, making any deductions from his/her
Mumbai 400 001. wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(2) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (2) No employee shall be required to

Shop No. L 13, Hilton Towers, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.

(3) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (3) Every employee shall be given a
Shop No.5, CR2 Mall, Opp. Bajaj rest period of one hour after 5 hours
Bhavan Backbay Reclamation, of continuous work.
block No. III, Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400 021.

(4) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (4) The employees shall be entitled
Shetty House, Opp. Mumbai to overtime wages in accordance
University, 101, M. G. Road, Fort, with Section 63 of the said Act.
Near Kandil Rest., Mumbai 400

(5) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (5) Female employees shall be

Shop 2, 262, L. T. Marg, Opp. G. T. provided separate lockers and rest
Hospital, Crawford Market, rooms at the work place.
Mumbai - 400 002.

(6) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (6) The employees, who have given
Napeansea Road, Near Priyadarshini their consent be only placed on the
Park, Opp. Russian Consulate, day of weekly holiday or other
Mumbai 400 006. holiday.

(7) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (7) This exemption shall remain in
High Street Phoenix, G-13, Senapati operation for the period of three
Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai years from the date of Notification
400 013. published in Government Gazette.

(8) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (8) This exemption is related only to
Bandra Linking Road, Opp. Bombay Shops and Establishment
Shoppers Stop, Bandra (W.), Act, 1948.
Mumbai 400 050.

(9) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (9) Inspite of these terms and
Shop No.2, Little Flower Ground conditions, all the provisions of this
Floor, Linking Road, Bandra (W.), Act shall applicable to the
Mumbai 400 050. establishment duly.

(10) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd., (10) In case of violation of any of

Ground Floor, B-1 and B-3, Jay the above terms and conditions, the
Villa, Linking Road, Santacruz exemption shall stand cancelled
(W.), Mumbai. automatically.]

(11) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Terminal 1C, Chatrapati Shivaji
International Airport, Santacruz
(E.), Mumbai 400 099.

(12) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Shop No. G17, Grand Hyatt, Entry
Level, Vakola, Santacruz (E.),

(13) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd;

Infiniti Mall, Shop No. 004,
Lokhandwala and Linking Road
Junction, Near Fame Adlabs,
Andheri (W.), Mumbai 400 056.

(14) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Shop No. G37, Inorbit Mall, Ground
Floor, Mindspace, Link Road,
Malad (W.), Mumbai 400 064.

(15) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Unit No. GF-024, Infiniti Mall, Link
Road, Malad (W.), Mumbai 400

(16) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Oberoi Mall, Unit No. F-18, Off
Western Express Highway,
Goregaon (E.), Mumbai 400 063.

(17) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Shop No. GI, Ground Floor, British
Gas House, Lake Boulevard,
Hiranandani Gardens, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076.

(18) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Shop No. S-111 (A and B), 1st
Floor, D Block, Nirmal Lifestyles,
L.B.S. Marg, Opp. Nirmal Nagar,
Mulund (W.) Mumbai 400 080.

(19) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Inorbit Mall, Unit No. G-44, Ground
Floor, Sector-30A, New Mumbai,

(20) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Shop No. 9, Apsara, Plot No. 51,
Sector-17, Vashi.

(21) Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd.,

Korum Mall, Store No. F-9, First
Floor Next to Cadbury, Thane (W.)
400 601.

[618. M/s. Gada Opticals Pvt. Ltd., Shop Section 18 subject to the following
No. 4 and 5, Akashdeep Bldg., conditions:-
Topiwala Wadi, V.P.Road, Mumbai (1) Every employee shall be given
400 004. one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(3) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(4) The employee shall be entitled to
overtime wages in accordance with
Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than
8.30 p.m.
(6) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification
Published in Government Gazette.
(7) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(8) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[619. (1) Head office:- M/s.Vijay Sales, Section 18 subject to the following

V Mall, 3rd Flr, Near Thakur conditions:
Complex, Kandivali East, Mumbai - (1) Every employee shall be given
400 101, one day holiday in a week without
Following Shops :- making any deductions from his/her
(2) 384 Veer Savarkar Marg, Opp. wages on account thereof and list of
Siddhivinayak Temple, Prabhadevi, the time table of such holidays for a
Dadar (W), Mumbai - 400 025. month shall be placed on the notice
(3) 108, Lady Jamshedji Road, Near board in advance.
Victoria Church, Mahim, Mumbai - (2) No employee shall be required to
16. work for more than 9 hours in a day
(4) Prime Centre, 18, S. V. Road, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Santacruz (W), Mumbai - 400 054. over of an employee shall not
(5) 1, Abhishek, Plot No. 65, S. V. exceed 11 hours in a day.
Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 (3) Every employed shall be given a
058. rest period of one hour after 5 hour
(6) Infinity Mall, 1st Flr, of continuous work.
Lokhandwala, New Links Road, (4) The employees shall entitled to
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 053. overtime wages in accordance
(7) The Hub, Western Express Section 63 of the said Act.
Highway, Goregaon East, Mumbai - (5) Female employees shall be
63. provided separate lockers and rest
(8) Opp. Filmistan Studio, S. V. rooms at work place.
Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai - (6) The established shall not open
400 062. after 10.30 pm. on any day.
(9) Inorbit Mall, 2nd Flr, Inside (7) Female employees will not be
Home Stop, New Link Road, Malad allowed to work after 9.30 p.m.
(West), Mumbai - 400 064. (8) Employees shall be given
(10) Plot No. 57/2, S. V. Road, Nr. national festival holiday.
Flyover; Borivali (W), Mumbai - (9) This exemption shall remain in
92. operation for the period of three
(11) 19, Mama Parmanand Road, years from the date of Notification
Opera House, Mumbai - 400 004. published in Government Gazette.
(12) Indrapuri Society, Sion Circle, (10) This exemption is related only
Sion, Mumbai - 400 022. to Bombay Shops and Established
(13) Bezzola Complex, Sion- Act, 1948.
Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai - (11) Inspite of these terms and
400 071. conditions all the provisions of this
(14) Opp. Shreyas Cinema, LBS Act shall applicable to the
Marg, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai - establishment duly.
400 086. (12) In case of violation of any of
(15) Tip Top Plaza, L.B.S. Marg, the above terms and conditions, the
Thane West. exemption shall stand cancelled
(16) Opp. Wonder Mall, automatically.]
Ghodbunder Road, Thane West.
(17) Savta Mali Vegetable Market,
Santoshi Mata Mandir Road, Kalyan
(18) Silver Park, Mira Bhayander
Road, Mira Road-East, Dist. Thane.
(19) Ground FIG Manipatrai
Chambers, M. H. No. 345A, Kap-
Kaneri, Bhiwandi-421302.
(20) Ulhasnagar No. 3, Near R.K.T.
College, Shivaji Chowk - 421 003.
(21) Tania Planet, Opp. Bhaloba
Police Station, Near D' Mart, Papdi
Road, Vasai, Dist.Thane-401202.
(22) Konak Arcade, Building No. D,
Gr.Flr, Gharda Circle, Dombivali
Sport Complex Ground, Dombivali
(East), Dist.Thane-421204.
(23) Palm Beach Galleria, Palm
Beach Road, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
(24) Little World Mall, 2nd Flr, Plot
No. 21, Sector 2, Kharghar, Panvel.
(25) 312/TPS 1, Leela glahadev
Complex, Old Pune Mumbai
Highway, Near Panvel S.T. Depot,
(26) Kale Plaza, 63/2 B/64 Parvati,
Opp. Sharda Arcade, Pune Satara
Road, Pune - 411 009.
(27) Petit Estate, Sadhu Waseani
Chowk, Near Bhaveria Motors,
Pune - 411001.
(28) Amar Maner, Crome Furniture
Building, Pune Solapur, Road,
Hadapsar, Pune - 411013.
(29) Prime Purpal, Accord, Next to
Hotel Mahabaleshwar, Opp.
Sinnetic Building, R&Z Icon, Baner
Rd., Baner, Pune - 411 045.
(30) C.B/2/001, Empire Estate, Old
Pune Mumbai Highway, Near
Ranka Jewellers, Pimpri
Chinchwad, Pune - 411019.
(31) Swaraj Arth, Plot No. 4, Survey
No. 128/B, Poud Road, Kothrud,
Pune - 411 038.
(32) Plot No. 9, Survey No. 48/2,
Prabhakar Flights, below Chate
Classes, near Rupee Bank, Pune
Nagar Road, Chandan Nagar,
Khardi, Pune - 411014.

[620. The following shops of M/s. Trent Sections 11 and 18 subject to the
Ltd., Bombay House, 24, Homi following conditions :-
Mody Street,Mumbai 400 001:-

(1) Army and Nevy Bldg., Ground (1) This exemption shall remain in
Floor, Kala Ghoda, 148, Mahatma operation for the period of one year
Gandhi Road, Mumbai 400 001. from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.

(2) 39, N.S. Patkar Marg, Mumbai (2) The establishment shall not
400 007, remain open after 10.30 pm. on any

(3) Infiniti Raheja Classic Complex, (3) Every employee shall be given
Oshiwara-Andheri Link Road, one day holiday in a week without
Andheri (W.), Mumbai 400 058. making any deduction from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.

(4) Level One, Haiko Mall, Central (4) No employee shall be required to
Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, work for more than 9 hours in a day
Powai, Mumbai 400 076. or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.

(5) Shop No. G-67, Ground Floor, R (5) Every employee shall be given a
City Mall, L.B.S. Marg, Ghatkopar rest period of one hour after 5 hours
(W.), Mumbai 400 086. of continuous work.

(6) Infinity Mall, Unit No.001/101, (6) The employees shall be entitled
Ranjan Pada, Ijimma Service Road, to overtime wages in accordance
Linking Road, Malad (W.), Mumbai with Section 63 of the said Act.
400 064.

(7) Inorbit Mall, Sector-30-A, (7) Female employees shall be

Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705. provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.

(8) Upper Ground Floor, Korum (8) The female employees shall be
Mall, Cadbury Compound, Mangal provided escorted transport facility
Pandey Road, Thane (W.) 400 606. from resident to establishment and

(9) City Centre Mall, Plot No. 117- (9) The employees, who have given
133, Opp. Trimbak Road, Lawate their consent be only placed on the
Nagar, Untwadi Road, Nashik. day of weekly holiday or other

(10) Kakade Magnum Mall, 231, (10) Female employees will not be
Moledina Road, Opp. Coffee House, allowed to work after 9.30 p.m.
Camp, Pune 411 001.

(11) Kakade Onecentre, S. No. 132/ (11) Employees shall be given

A-2-1, CTS No. 2687B, Shivaji national and festival holidays.
Nagar, University Road, Pune 411

(12) This exemption is related only (12) UG-25, Phoenix Market, City
to Bombay Shops and Establishment Survey No. 207, Behind Baker
Act, 1948. Guages, Next to Tyco Electronics,
Viman Nagar, Nagar Road, Pune
411 014.

(13) Landmark Complex, Ramdas (13) Inspite of these terms and

Peth, Wardha Road, Nagpur 440 conditions, all the provisions of this
012. Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.

(14) Prozone Mall, Plot No. 80, (14) In case of violation of any of
Chikaithana Industrial Area, the above terms and conditions, the
Masanatpur, Aurangabad 431 001. exemption shall stand cancelled

(15) Shop No. G-07, Inorbit Mall,

Malad (W.), Mumbai 400064.

(16) Unit No. F3, Palladium,

Phoenix Mills Compound, 462,
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel,
Mumbai 400 013.

[621. M/s. Hotel Sahara Star, Sahara Section 33(3) subject to the
Hospitality Ltd., Opp. Domestic following conditions :-
Airport, Vileparle (E.), Mumbai 400 (1) This exemption shall remain in
099. operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(6) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(7) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(8) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
them escorted transport facility from
resident to establishment and return.
(9) Female employees shall be given
work in group at night.
(10) Any female employees, without
their written consent, shall not be
given night duty for more than one
(11) Female employees shall not be
allowed to work in bar/permit room.
(12) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(13) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(14) In case on violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[622. M/s. Kanakia Hospitality Pvt. Ltd., Section 33(3) subject to the
Unit Courtyard by Marriot Mumbai following conditions:-
International Airport, C.T.S. No. (1) This exemption shall remain in
215, Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri operation for the period of two years
(E.), Mumbai 400 059. from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(5) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(6) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(7) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(8) The Female employees who are
required to work after 6.30 p.m. and
before 6.00 a.m. shall be provided
them escorted transport facility from
resident to establishment and return.
(9) Female employees shall be given
work in group at night.
(10) Any female employees, without
their written consent, shall not be
given night duty for more than one
(11) Female employees shall not be
allowed to work in bar/permit room.
(12) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(13) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(14) In case on violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[623. The Following Shops of M/s. Sections 11 and 18 subject to the

Hypercity Retail (India) Ltd. :- following conditions :-
(1) M/s Hypercity Retail India Ltd., (1) This exemption shall remain in
Malad Link Road, Malad West, operation for the period of three
Mumbai 400 064. years from the date of Notification
(2) Big India Mall, published in the
Behind Government Gazette. (2) The establishment shall not
Kasarwadawali Police Station remain open after 10.30 pm. on any
Kasarwadawali, Ghodbunder Road, day.
Thane. (3) Every employee shall be given
(3) M/s. Hypercity Retail India Ltd., one day holiday in a week without
Plot No. 39/1, Sec-30/A, Near making any deductions from his/her
Center One Shopping Mall, Vashi, wages on account thereof and list of
Navi Mumbai - 400 705. the time-table of such holidays for a
(4) Pacific Mall, S. No. 42, 43, month shall be placed on the notice
Final, Plot No. 387, Shankershet board in advance.
Road, Swargate, Pune 411 037. (4) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of One hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(7) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest-
rooms at the work place.
(8) The Female employees shall be
provided escorted transport facility
from establishment to resident and
(9) The Female employees, will not
be allowed to work after 9.30 p.m.
(10) Employees shall be given
National and Festival holidays with
(11) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(12) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(13) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[624. M/s. Suresh Collection, 2118/14, Section 18 subject to the following

Navi Peth, Near Ganpati Mandir, conditions:-
Opp, Kelkar Market, Jalgaon 425 (1) This exemption shall remain in
001. operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification
published in the Government
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than
8.30 p.m.
(7) This exemption is related only to
Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(8) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(9) In case of violation of any of the
above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[625. M/s. Fountain Hospitality Pvt. Ltd., Section 19 subject to the following
(Flarnboyante Restaurant), Shop conditions:-
No.7, Arcade W.T.C. Gr. Floor, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005. operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later
than [3.00 a.m. ]
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(9) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers, Security
and rest rooms at the work place.
(10) The female employees shall be
provided escorted transport facility
from resident to establishment and
(11) Female employees will not be
allowed to work after 9-30 p.m.
(12) Female employees shall not,
allow to work at the place where
liquor is served.
(13) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(14) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(15) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[626. M/s. Yourtbay Foods and Beverages Sections 11 and 18 subject to the
Pvt. Ltd., Shop No. 11-B, Gagangiri following conditions :-
Soc.,Off. Carter Road, Khar (W.), (1) This exemption shall remain in
Mumbai 400 052. operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification,
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open after than 10.30 p.m.
on any day.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(7) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(8) The employees, who have given
their consent be only placed on the
day of weekly holiday or other
(9) Female employees will not be
allowed to work after 8.30 p.m.
(10) Employees shall be given
National and Festival holidays.
(11) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(12) As the exemption is given from
closing time of the establishment,
new staff shall be appointed for the
extended work.
(13) Female employees shall not
allow to work at the place where
liquor is served.
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[627. M/s. Future Value Retail Ltd., (Big Sections 11, 14, 18 & 33(3) subject
Bazar), Knowledge House, Shyam to the following conditions:
Nagar, Off. J.V. Rd., Jogeshwari (1) This exemption shall remain in
(E), Mumbai - 60. operation for the period of three
(1) Food Right, Bombay years from the date of Notification
Ghymkhana Ltd., M.G. Rd, Fort, published in Government Gazette.
Mumbai 400 001. (2) The establishment shall not
(2) Food Court, Neeikamal Realtore remain open after 11.30 pm on any
& Builders P. Ltd., 265, Bellasis day.
Rd., Balwas Hotel,Mumbai Central, (3) Every employee shall be given
Mumbai - 400 008. one day holiday in a week without
(3) Big Bazaar, Fountain Square making any deductions from his/her
Mall, Sector No. 7, Kharghar, Navi wages on account thereof and list of
Mumbai - 410 210. the time table of such holidays for a
(4) Food Bazaar, The Hub., Nirlon month shall be placed on the notice
Compound, Western Express board in advance.
Highway, Goregaon (E), Mumbai - (4) No employee shall be required to
400 069. work for more than 9 hours in a day
(5) Big Bazaar, S. No. 4781, or 48 hours in a week. The spread
Babasaheb Paranjape Marg, Latur - over of an employee shall not
413 512. exceed 11 hours in a day.
(6) Fashion @ Big Bazaar, (5) Every employee shall be given a
Ghorapadi, Koregaon Park, Pune - rest period of one hour after 5 hours
411 001. of continuous work.
(7) Big Bazaar, Poonam's City (6) The employees shall be entitled
Pulse, Plot No.167, East Nagpur, to overtime wage in accordance
Wardhman, Nagpur-440 008. with Section 63 of the said Act.
(8) Big Bazaar, Mahavir Park, (7) Female employees shall be
Survey No.688, Bibewadi, Satara provided separate lockers and rest
Road, Pune - 411 013. rooms at the work place.
(9) Big Bazaar, Ostwal Empire, (8) Employees shall be given
Survey No. 111/A-2,111A/1/1, national and festival holidays.
Village Gram Panchayat, (9) Female employees shall be
BoiserTarapur- 401 506. provided free transport facility with
(10) Big Bazaar, Kolhapur Auto security guard from establishment to
Works, CS. No.1243/61 to 64/64A, residence after their closing hour at
Shivaji Udyamnagar, Kolhapur- 416 night.
008. (10) This exemption is related only
(11) Big Bazaar, M-Sdare, Survey to Bombay Shops and Establishment
No. 10, CTS No.15184/3, Act, 1948.
Akashwani Chowk, Jalna Rd., (11) Inspite of these terms and
Aurangabad 431 001. conditions, all the provisions of this
(12) Big Bazaar, Hermes Waves, Act shall applicable to the
Kalyani Nagar. Opp Baba Kalyani's establishment duly.
Bungalow, Yerwada, Pune - 411 (12) In case of violation of any of
006. the above terms and conditions, the
(13) Big Bazaar, Plot No.CC3 of S. exemption shall stand cancelled
No. 20/2, Adjoining City Pride automatically.]
Multiplex, Kothrud, Pune - 411 038.
(14) Big Bazaar, Plot No.
102/2/1+2, Sarda Mill Sawedi,
Ahmednagar- Manmad Highway,
(15) Big Bazaar, BB, Mantri
Chandak Arcade, City Survey
No.203, Saat Rasta Chowk,
Solapur- 413 001.
(16) Big Bazaar, 252-A, Dattani
Village, Bhabola Papdi Rd, Near
Telephone Exchange, Sandoor,
Vasai-401 201.
(17) Fashion @ Big Bazaar,
Neptune Magnet Mall, L.B.S. Road,
Bhandup (W), Mumbai - 400 078.
(18) Big Bazaar, Plot No. C/3,
MIDC PH. II, Dombivali Indl. Area,
Manpada Rd., Village Sagaon,
Thane- 421 201.
(19) Big Bazaar, Kandpile Mall
Railway Station Road, Old Panvel,
Panvel- 410 206.
(20) Big Bazaar, Parle Square,
Mongibai Road Near Dinanath
Mangeshkar Natyagruha, Vile Parie
(E), Mumbai - 400 057.
(21) Lootmart, Maxus Mall, Near
TEMBI Hospital Road, Bhayandar
(W),Thane- 401101.
(22) Big Bazaar, Big Bazaar, City
Centre Nashik, Near PWD Office,
Lawate Nagar, Nashik- 422 002.
(23) Big Bazaar, Big Bazaar,Urban
Space, Plot No. 2, Survey No. 18-B,
Deolali, Nashik- 422 101
(24) Fashion @ Big Bazaar, Nirmal
Lifestyle, LBS Marg, Mulund (W),
Mumbai - 400 080.
(25) Big Bazaar, Land Mark,
Wardha Rd., Ramdaspeth, Near
Panchsheel Square, Nagpur- 440
(26) Big Bazaar, The Zone, College
Road, Nashik- 422 005.
(27) Big Bazaar, Fun N Stop,
Fatima Nagar, Wanorie, Pune - 400
(28) Big Bazaar, Premier Plaza, Gr.
Fir., Near ICICI Bank, Chinchwad
Gaon, Pune - 411 019.
(29) Big Bazaar, Mega Mall,
Intersection of 90, D.P. Rd, Malad
Link Rd., Oshiwara, Andheri (W),
Mumbai - 400 080.
(30) Big Bazaar, Metro Junction,
C/o Hard Castle & Waud (P) Ltd.
Netivali Village, Kalyan Shil,
Thane-421 301.
(31) Fashion @ Big Bazaar, Thakur
Shopping Mall & Multiplex Near
Lion Pencil, Dahisar Check Naka,
Post Mira, Thane-401 104.
(32) Big Bazaar, Phoenix Retail
Business Centre, Phoenix-High
Street, 462, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Mumbai - 400013.
(33) Big Bazaar, C/o Ruwal Arcade,
Opp. Richardson Factory, LBS
Marg, Near Mulund Check Naka,
Mulund, Mumbai - 400 080.
(34) Big Bazaar, Survey No.128B,
129/2, Lake City, Village Majivade
Kapurbavdi Naka, Thane- 400 606.
(35) Big Bazaar, Growel 101,
Akurli Rd., Kandivli (E), Mumbai-
400 101.
(36) Big Bazaar, Raghuleela Mall,
Phase-I, Sector 38, Plot No.
34/35/38, Opp Vashi Rly. Station,
Navi Mumbai - 400 703;
(37) Food Bazaar, Plot No. 152,
Survey No.1054, Trimbak Naka,
(38) Food Bazaar, Ascent Mall,
Ganesh Khind Rd., Near E-Square,
Opp. Agriculture College, Pune -
411 007.
(39) Food Bazaar, Oberoi Mall, int.
Business Park, Oberoi Garden City,
Off-W.E. Highway, Goregaon (E),
Mumbai-400 063.
(40. Big Bazaar, Big Bazaar,
Fortune Plaza Gate No.650/B,
Sangli Rd., Ichalkaranji- 416 115.
(41) Food Bazaar, Eternity Mall,
Variety Square, Sitabuldi, Nagpur-
440 012.
(42) Food Bazaar, Infosys Tec. Ltd.,
Plot No.1, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech
Park, Hinjawadi, Taluka Mulsi,
Pune-411 057.
(43) Food Bazaar, Ishanya Mall,
Near Maharashtra Housing Board,
Viman Nagar Pune-411 014.
(44) Big Bazaar, Amar Arma
Genesis, Opp Domino Pizza,
Banner, Pune - 411 045.
(45) Food Bazaar, K. Star Mall,
Trombay Sion Rd., Chembur,
Mumbai-400 071.
(46) Food Bazaar, Infinity, Link
Rd., Andheri (W), Mumbai-400
(47) Big Bazaar, Fountain Square,
Plot No. 5, Sector No.7, Kharghar,
Navi Mumbai-410 210.
(48) Food Bazaar, Home Town, 247
Park, Hincon House, L.B.S. Marg,
Vikhroli (W), Mumbai-400 083.
(49) Food Bazaar, 160/1, Temple
Rd., Civil Lines, Opp. Science
College Ground, Nagpur- 440 001.
(50) Big Bazaar, Elite Mall, Gopal
Nagar Square, Badnera Rd.,
Amravati- 444 605.
(51) Big Bazaar, Khandesh Central,
Nehru Chowk, M.G. Rd., Jalgaon-
425 001.
(52) Fashion @ Big Bazaar,
Prozone Mail, MIDC, Aurangabad-
431 001.
(53) Big Bazaar, Hoppers Orbit,
S.No. 44, Dhanori Alandi Rd.,
Vishrantwadi, Pune - 411 015.
(54) Big Bazaar, Town Centre,
Amanora Park Town, Sr. No. 181,
Village Sade Satara Nalli, Hadapsar,
Pune - 411 028.
(55) Big Bazaar, Fun City, Plot No.
93, Sector 6A, Kalyan Ambernath
Rd., Ulhasnagar- 421 003.
(56) Food Bazaar, MSM Paranjape
Mall, Off Karve Rd., Near,4IES
College, Pune - 411004.
(57) Food Bazaar, Poonam Mall,
VIP Rd., Khasra No. 91, North
Ambazari Rd., Nagpur - 440 002.
(58) Food Bazaar, Sobo Central
Cross Rd., Pt. M. M. Malaviya
Marg, Tardeo, Mumbai - 400 015.
(59) Fooc Hall, Palladium Mall,
Phoenix Mall Compound, Senapati
Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-
400 016.
(60) Food Bazaar, Odeon Mall, 194,
Vallabh Baug, Ghatkopar (E),
Mumbai - 400 077.
(61) Food Bazaar, ICC Tech Park,
Plot No. 403, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Pune - 411 016.
(62) Big Bazaar, Maxus Mall, K.P.
Compound, Tharimari, Andheri
Kuria Rd., Kuria (W), Mumbai-400
(63) Big Bazaar, Empress City,
Near Gandhi Sagar Lake, Railway
Station Rd., Reward Real Estate,
Nagpur- 440 018.
(64) Big Bazaar; Nirmal Lifestyle
Mall, L.B.S. Marg, Opp. Nirmal
Nagar, Mulund (W), Mumbai-400
(65) Fashion @ Big Bazaar, K. Star
Mall, Trombay Sion Rd, Chembur,
Mumbai-400 071.
(66) Big Bazaar, Runwal Town
Centre, Wyeth Labs, L.B.S. Marg,
Opp. Presidential Tower,
Ghatkopar, Mumbai-400 086.
(67) Big Bazaar, Maxus Mall,
Temba Hospital Rd., Near Salasar
Housing Complex, Bhayander (W),
Thane- 401 105.
(68) Fashion @ Big Bazaar, infinity
Mall, Next to Inorbit Mall, Malad
Link Rd., Malad (W), Mumbai-400
(69) Fashion @ Big Bazaar,
Runawal Town Centre, Wyeth Labs,
LBS Marg, Opp. Presidential
Tower, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai-
400 086.
(70) Big Bazaar, lshanya Mall,
Viman Nagar, Near Maharashtra
Housing Board, Pune- 411 014.
(71) Fashion @ Big Bazaar, Gr. Flr.,
Orchild City Center, 265, Beliasis
Rd, Next to Balwas Hotel, Mumbai-
400 008.
(72) Food Bazaar, Gr. Flr., Orchild
City Center, 265, Beliasis Rd., Next
to Balwas Hotel, Mumbai-400 008.
(73) Food Bazaar, Phoenix Market
City MLL,B/H Baker Gauge, Next
Tyco Electronics, Viman Nagar,
Nagar Rd, Pune - 411 014.
(74) Big Bazaar, Nirmal Life Style
Mall, Nirmal Nagar, LBS Rd.,
Mulund (W), Mumbai - 400 080.
(75) Big Bazaar Direct, Plot 160/1,
Gupta Tower, 3rd, Flr.,Temple Rd.
Opp. Inst. of Science Play Ground,
Civil Line, Nagpur - 440 001.
(76) KB's- Fair Price, Shop No. 4, 5,
Saikrupa Niwas,Vaisetpada No.1,
Kurar, Village, Off Western Exp
Highway, Maiad (E), Mumbai.
(77) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 1, 2,
3, Royal Garden, S.V. Road,
Jogeshwari (W), Mumbai.
(78) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 10,
Dheera Kaveri, Off Chincholi,
(79) KB's Fair Price, Swity Land
Bldg, Asha Nagar, Thakur
Complex, Mumbai.
(80) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 7, 9
Goodwill Arcade, Sector 10, Nerul
(W), Navi Mumbai.
(81) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 9,
10, 11, Goya! Plaza, Borivali (E),
(82) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 12,
14, Jangal Mangal Road, Behind
Police Station, Bhandup. Mumbai.
(83) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 1, 2,
3, 4, Seawoods Shanti Park, Sector,
Nerul, Navi Mumbai.
(84) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 4, 5,
6 Bhanukant Complex, Aarey
Junction, Goregaon (E), Mumbai.
(85) KB's Fair Price, Bhumiraj
Manor, Plot No.3, Sector, Sanpada.
Navi Mumbai.
(86) KB's Fair Price, Shop No.1,
Padmavati Apartment 110-112, T.H.
Kataria Marg, Matunga (W),
(87) KB's Fair Price, Car Care
Centre, 43, Napean Sea Road,
(88) KB's Fair Price, Auto Care
Centre, 3/4 Junction of SV Road &
Turner Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai.
(89) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 7 &
8,D-Wing, Charkop Kesar CHS
Ltd.., Plot No. 239, RDP-6, Mhada
Laybut, Charkop, Kandivali (W),
(90) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 9 &
10, Dhanlaxmi CHS Ltd., Opp
Shabri Hotel Vidya Niketan Road,
Off M.G. Road, Goregaon (W),
(91) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 21,
22, Patidar Complex, Kannamwar
Nagar-2, Vikhroli (E), Mumbai.
(92) KB's Fair Price, Shop No.2,
Gulmohar Bldg., Flower Valley,
Birla College Road, Khadakpada,
Kalyan (W)
(93) KB's Fair Price, 26, Kapad
Bazar Market, Mahim, Mumbai.
(94) KB's Fair Price, Plot No.144,
Bhagat Kanwar Road, Kopri, Thane
(95) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 4, 5,
6, Shiv Sadan Bldg, Tisgaon,
(96) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 2, 3,
4, Rukmini Chs., Plot No. 36,
R.D.P. 1, Sector 2, Charkop,
Kandivali (W) Mumbai.
(97) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 16,
17, Yamuna Building, Jangid
Complex, Mira Road (E).
(98) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 4, 5,
Fatima Mahal, Opp. Narendra Park
Nayanagar, Mira Road (E).
(99) KB's Fair Price, Shop No.1, Gr.
Fir., Trimurti Kripa Chs. Ltd. No. II,
Yoginagar, Borivali (W), Mumbai.
(100) KB's Fair Price, Shop No.1,
Navdeep CHS Ltd., Navghar Phatak
Rd., Nr. Goddev Naaka, Bhayandar-
(101) KB's Fair Price, Shree
Complex, Shop No.14-15, Plot
No.106-112, Sector-14, Kamothe-
410 209, Navi Mumbai.
(102) KB's Fair Price, Shop Nos. 2
& 3, Four Flight CHS. Ltd., RDP 8,
Plot No. 241, Sector-4, Charkop,
Kandivali (W).
(103) KB's Fair Price, Shop No.3,
Sunil Niwas, Ghanashyam Gupte
Road, Tilak Chowk, Dombivali (W)
(104) KB's Fair Price, Shop No.7,
Thakur Chawl,Opp. Railway
Station, Bunderwadi, Bhayandar
(105) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 6 &
7, Ground Floor, Madhav Shristhi,
C-06 Wing, Godrej Hill Road,
Barave Village, Kalyan (W).
(106) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 1,
2, Tulip Garden, Central Park,
Nalasopara (E), Thane.
(107) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 2,
Sai- Sagar, Achole Road,
Nalasopara (E), 401 209.
(108) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 36,
Shivam Shopping Center, Near
Railway Station, Nalasopara (W)
(109) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 1 &
2, 'A' Wing, Plot No. 454,
Chunabatti- 400 020.
(110) KB's Fair Price, Ll, L2,
Nasheman Colony, .Opp. MTNL
Telephone Exchange, Mumbra,
Kausa Road, Thane- 400 612.
(111) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 1,
G.F. Seva Samiti C.H.S., Plot 368,
Comrade Harbanshlal Marg, GTB
Nagar- 400 037.
(112) KB's Fair Price, Shop No. 1,
Ground Floor, 'F', Type Building,
Shopping Centre, Sector 6, Vashi,
Navi Mumbai-400 703.
(113) KB's Fair Price, Shop 1, 2 &
4, Gr. Flr., Gajbandhan Apt.,
Gograswadi, Opp. Bus Stand,
Dombivali (E)- 420 401.

[628. M/s. Future Retail Ltd., (Pantaloon), Section 11, 14, 18 and 33(3) subject
Knowledge House, Shyam Nagar, to the following condition :-
Off. J. V. Road, Jogeshwari (E.), (1) This exemption shall remain in
Mumbai 400 060 operation for the period of three
(1) Home Town, M-Square, Survey years from the date of notification
No.10, CTS No. 15184/3, published in Government Gazette.
Akashwani Chowk, Jalna Road, (2) The establishment shall not
Opp. Honda Shop, Aurangabad 431 remain open after 11.30 pm. on any
001. day.
(2) Home Town, Plot No. CC3 of S. (3) Every employee shall be given
No. 20/2, Adjoining City Pride one day holiday in a week without
Multiplex, Kothrud, Pune 411 038. making any deductions from his/her
(3) Home Town, Landmark Towers, wages on account thereof and list of
3rd Floor, Ramdaspeth, Wardha the time table of such holidays for a
Road, Nagpur 440 010. month shall be placed on the notice
(4) Home Town, First Floor, board in advance.
Premier Plaza, Nr. ICICI Bank, (4) No employee shall be required to
Chinchwad Pimpri, Next to Big work for more than 9 hours in a day
Bazzar, Pune 411 013 or 48 hours in a week. The spread
(5) E Zone, Gr. and 1st Fir. Premier over of an employee shall not
Plaza, Near ICICI Bank, Chinchwad exceed 11 hours in a day.
Pimpri, Next to Big Bazar, Pune 411 (5) Every employee shall be given a
013. rest period of one hour after 5 hours
(6) E Zone, Phoenix Market City of continuous work.
Mali, B/H Baker Guage, Viman (6) The employees shall be entitled
Nagar, Nagar Road, Pune 411 014. to overtime wages in accordance
(7) E Zone, Town Center, Amanora, with Section 63 of the said Act.
Village Sandestralli, Hadapsar (7) Female employees shall be
Kharadi Bypass, Pune 411 028. provided separate lockers and rest
(8) Home Town, Town Center, rooms at the work place.
Amanora, Village Sandestralli, (9) Female employees shall be
Hadapsar Kharadi Bypass, Pune 411 provided free transport facility with
028. security guard from establishment to
(8) Employees shall be given residence after their closing hour at
national and festival holidays. night.
(9) E Zone, Central, Ascent Mall, (10) This exemption is related only
Ganesh Khind Road, Near E Square, to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Opp. Agriculture College, Pune 411 Act, 1948.
007. (11) Inspite of these terms and
(10) E Zone, Central, 256, Boat conditions, all the provisions of this
Club Road, Bund Garden, Pune 411 Act shall applicable to the
001 establishment duly.
(11) Home Town, Ishanya Mall, (12) In case of violation of any of
Survey No. 190 and 192, Yerawada, the above terms and conditions, the
Taluka Haveli, Pune 411 006. exemption shall stand cancelled
(12) E Zone, ICC Tech Park, Plot automatically.]
No. 403, Senapati Bapat Marg, Pune
411 016.
(13) E Zone, Ishanya Mall, Survey
No. 190 and 192, Yerawada, Taluka
Haveli, Pune 411 006.
(14) E Zone, MSM Paranjpe Mall,
Off Karve Road, Near MES
College, Pune 411 004.
(15) E Zone, Haiko Mall, Level 2,
Hiranandani Gardens, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076.
(16) E Zone, Central, Plot Bearing
No.C.S. No. 15/738 and 14/738, Off
Tardeo Div., Pt. M. M. Malviya
Marg, Mumbai 400 015.
(17) E Zone, 1st Floor, Metro
Junction Mall, Next to Bungee,
Kalyan (E.),Thane 421 301.
(18) E Zone, Infinity Mall, Next to
Inorbit Mall, Malad Link Road,
Malad (W.), Mumbai 400 053.
(19) F Zone, 247 Park, Hincon
House, L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (W,),
Mumbai 400 083.
(20) E Zone, Raghuleela Mall, 2nd
Floor, Mega Mall, Behind Poisar
Bus Depot, Kandivali (W.), Mumbai
400 067.
(21) Home Town, Thakur Shop-
ping Mall, Near Lion Pencil, Near
Dahisar Check Naka Post, Mira-
Bhay, Thane 401 104.
(22) Home Town, 2nd Floor, Maxus
Mall, 90 Ft. Road, Opp. Police
Chowky, Bhayander (W.), Thane
401 107.
(23) Home Town, R Mall, Old
United Motors Factory, Ghodbunder
Road, Chithalsar Manpada, Thane
400 601.
(24) Home Town, 247 Park, Hincon
House, L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (W.),
Mumbai 400 083
(25) Home Town, Blk A, GF and
First Floor, Sobo Central, 28, Pandit
Madan Mohan Malviya Marg, AC
Market, Mumbai 400 034.
(26) Home Town, Haiko Mall,
Level 2, Central Avenue
Hiranandani Gardens, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076.
(27) E Zone, K Star Mall, Near
Diamond Garden, Sion-Trombay
Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 071.
(28) E Zone, Shop No. 23, 2nd
Floor, Oberoi Mall, Off Western
Express Highway, Goregaon (E.),
Mumbai 400 063.
(29) E Zone, First Floor, Viva City,
Voltas Compound, Pokhran Road
No.2, Near Jupiter Hospital, Thane
400 610.
(30) LL, Store 219, Second Floor,
Infiniti Mall, Link Road, Malad
(W.), Mumbai 400 064.
(31) E Zone, C/o. Central,
Raghuleela Mall, Opp. Vashi
Station, Plot No. 34, 35, 38, Vashi,
Navi Mumbai 400 703.
(32) E Zone, Phoenix Market City,
Kaveri Estate, L.B.S. Road, Kurla
(W.), Mumbai 400 070.
(33) Home Town, 247 Park, Hincon
House, L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (W.),
Mumbai 400 083.
(34) Etnicity, R City Mall, CTS No.
169, L.B.S. Marg, Ghatkopar (W.),
Mumbai 400 077.
(35) Etnicity, Growel 01, Akurli
Road, Kandivali (E.), Mumbai 400
(36) Etnicity, Phoenix Mrkt. City
Mall, B/H. Baker Gauge, Next Tyco
Electronics, Viman Nagar, Nagar
Road, Pune 411 014.
(37) Etnicity, Infinity Mall, Link
Road, Malad (W.), Mumbai 400
(38) Etnicity, S. No. 181, VlIge
Sade Satar Nalli, Hadapsar,
Amanora Park Twn, Hadapsar
Kharadi By Pass, Pune 411 028.
(39) Etnicity, Sr. No. 37, Hissa No.
4,Village Poje, Tal. Ghorapadi,
Koregaon Park, Pune 411 001.
(40) Etnicity, Unit No. F 19/F 19A,
First Floor, Viva City Voltas
Compound, Pokharan Road 2,
Thane 400 610.
(41) Home Town, C/o. Central, 2nd
Floor, Raghuleela Mall, Opp. Vashi
Station, Plot No. 34, 35 and 38A,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703.
(42) E Zone, Runawal Town Centre,
Wyeth Labs, LBS Marg, Opp.
Presidential Tower, Ghatkopar (W.),
Mumbai 400 086.
(43) 1. all B Wing, Prathamesh
Dream Complex, PP. Vatika Hotel,
Kalyan-Bhiwandi, Bypass,
Bhiwandi 421 302 .
(44) Lee Cooper, R-Town, F-26, 1st
Floor, Wyeth Labs, LBS Marg,
Ghatkopar (W.), Mumbai 400 077.
(45) Lee Cooper, Building "C",
Prathamesh Dream Complex, Opp.
Vatika Hotel, Kalyan Bhiwandi
Bypass, Thane 421 302.
(46) Lee Cooper, Near MADC Main
Office, Mihan Sez, Wardha Road,
Nr. Babasaheb International Airport,
Nagpur 441 108.
(47) Adidas, Shop No. 08, SGS
Mall, Moledina Road, Camp, Pune
411 001.
(48) Planet Stports, Shop No. S2
and S3, Second Floor, Eternity Mall,
Variety Square; Sitabuldi, Nagpur
440 012.
(49) Planet Stports, SGS Mall, Shop
No. D, Lower Ground Floor, Plot
No. 231, Moledina Road, Camp,
Pune 411 001.
(50) Brand Factory, Hermes Pallazo,
1978, Convent Street, Next to
Shivaji Mkt, Pune Camp, Pune 411
Center, Amanora, Village
Sandestralli, Hadapsar Kharadi
Bypass, Pune 411 028.
(52) PLANET STPORTS, Prozone
Mall, MIDC, Aurangabad 431 001
(53) CONVERSE, Prozone Mall,
MIDC, Aurangabad 431 001
(54) CONVERSE, Town Center,
Amanora, Village Sandestralli,
Hadapsar Kharadi Bypass, Pune 411
(55) aLL, Sterling Center, 11,
Moledina Road, Pune 411 001
(56) PLANET STPORTS, Phoenix
Mrkt. Cty Mat, B/H Baker Gauge,
207, Next Tyco Electrncs Viman
Nagar, Nagar Road, Pune 411 014.
(57) CONVERSE, Inorbit Mall,
Nagar Road, Pune 411 014.
City Mall, Majiwade, Kapur Bawadi
Naka, Thane- Bhiwandi Road,
Thane 400 607.
Center, 233, West High Court Road,
Dharampeth, Nagpur 440 010.
(60) BRAND FACTORY, Plot No.
53, 54, 55, Modi Mall, Mukund
Nagar, Pune 411 037.
(61) BRAND FACTORY, Plot No.
197, Middle Ring Road,
Wardhaman Nagar, East Nagpur,
Nagpur 440 008.
Park, Tower B L.B.S. Road,
Vikhroli (W.), Mumbai 400 083.
(63) WSPL, C/o. Pantaloon Factory
Outlet, 1st Floor, Thakur Mall,
Dahisar (E.), Mumbai 400 104.
(64) INDUS LEAGUE, S-127,
Inorbit Mall No.7, Ahmednagar
Road, Pune 411 006.
(65) INDUS LEAGUE, Building
"C" Prathamesh Dream Complex,
Opp. Vatika Hotel, Kalyan-
Bhiwandi Bypass, Bhiwandi 421
(66) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No. F-
49, 1st Floor, Inorbit, Malad Link
Road, Malad (W.), Mumbai 400
(67) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No. S-
36 B, Second Floor, Pheonix Market
City, Virna Nagar, Pune 411 014.
(68) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No. F-
2, First Floor, Pheonix Market City,
Virna Nagar, Pune 411 014.
(69) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No.
GF040, Grnd Floor, Infinity, Link
Road, Mumbai Suburban, Tal.
Borivali, Malad (W.), Mumbai 400
(70) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No.
GF038, Grnd Floor, Infinity, Link
Road, Mumbai Suburban, Tal.
Borivali, Malad (W.), Mumbai 400
(71) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No.
002 and FF102, Ground Floor,
Infinity Mall, Link Road, Malad
(W.),Mumbal 400 064.
(72) INDUS LEAGUE, Reliance
Fresh Ltd., Amanora Mall, Kharadi
Bypass, Hadapsar, Pune 411 028.
RelianceFresh Ltd., Plot No. 81-90,
D Victoria Mall, Shimpoli Road,
Borivali (W.), Mumbai 400 092.
(74) INDUS LEAGUE, Reliance
Fresh Ltd., No. UG-44, LBS Road,
Phoenix Market City Mall, Kurla,
Mumbai 400 070.
(75) INDUS LEAGUE, 462,
Senapati Bapat Marg, Phoenix Mill
Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai
400 013.
(76) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No.
G58, Market City, LBS Marg,
Kurla, Mumbai 400 070.
(77) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No.
G58, Market City, LBS Marg,
Kurla, Mumbai 400 070.
(78) INDUS LEAGUE, Cooperidge
Foot ball Ground, Mahrshi Karve
Road, Mumbai 400 021.
(79) INDUS LEAGUE, Phoenix
Market City, Survey No. 207,
Behind Baker Gauge, Viman Nagar
Road, Pune 411 014.
Apparles, A-I, Ashoka Super
Market, S. V. Road, Goregaon (W.),
Mumbai 400 062
(81) INDUS LEAGUE, Shop No.5,
Plot 10/5, Shree Gajana Complex,
TPS-II, College Road, Nashik 422
No.# S-5, and S-6, Second Floor,
Inorbit Mall, Vashi, Navi Mumbai
400 705.
Floor, Shop No. F-31, CTS No. 169,
LBS Marg, Ghatkopar (W.),
Mumbai 400 077.
Floor, Shop No. 29 and 30, CTS No.
169, LBS Marg, Ghatkopar (W.),
Mumbai 400 077.
# U- 48-50, First Floor, Inrobit
Mall, Malad Link Road, Malad
(W.), Mumbai 400 064.
T-21A, Palladium Phoenix Mills
Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai
400 012.
F/1079, Final Plot No. 86, OFTPS
IV, Hill Road, Bandra (W.),
Mumbai 400 050.
(88) aLL, 2, Durolite House, Plot
No. C-1 Opposite Laxmi Industrial
Estate, Andheri, Mumbai 400 053.
Reliance Fresh Ltd., Korum Mall,
Nr. Cadbury Compund, Off Eastern
Express Highway, Thane 400 601.
(90) INDUS LEAGUE, FF-139,
Near Gandhi Sagr Lake, Sir Bezoni
Mehtha Road, Nagpur 440 018.
(91) aLL, Thakur Mall, Near Lion
Pencil, Near Dahisar Check Naka,
Dahisar, Thane 401 104.
(92) aLL, Infinity Mall, Next to
Inorbit Mall, Malad Link Road,
Malad (W.), Mumbai 400 064.
(93) aLL, Krishnabad, Bhulabhai
Desai Road, Breach Candy, Mumbai
(94) aLL, Center One, Sector 30-A,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705.
(95) PLANET STPORTS, Infinity
Mall, Next to Inorbit Mall, Malad
Link Road, Malad (W.), Mumbai
400 064.
(96) PLANET STPORTS, Phoenix
Market City Mall, Kaveri Estate,
LBS Road, Kuria (W.), Mumbai 400
(97) CONVERSE, Infinity Mal!,
Next to Inorbit Mall, Malad Link
Road, Malad(W.), Mumbai 400 064
(98) CONVERSE, Phoenix Market
City Mall, Kaveri Estate, LBS Road,
Kuria (W.), Mumbai 400 070.
(99) INDUS LEAGUE, Prozone
Mall, Shop G-08, D-5 API
Compound, MIDC, Off lalna Road,
Aurangabad 431 001.
(100) INDUS LEAGUE, Phoenix
Market City, Door, GF-45, FF-46
Nagar Road, Virnan Nagar, Pune
411 014.
(101) CONVERSE, Phoenix Market
City Mall, B/H. Baker Gauge, Next
TYCO Electrncs, Viman Nagar,
Nagar Road, Pune 411 014.
(102) CONVERSE, G-52, Grnd Fir,
Pune Mrkt. City, Srvy No. 207,
Behnd Maker Gauge, Vimal Nagar
Road, Pune 411 014.
Ghorpadi, Koregaon Park, Pune 411
(104) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No.
53, Inorbit Mail, Vashi, Navi
Mumbai 400 705.
(105) INDUS LEAGUE, Scullers
Inorbit Mall, G-25, lnorbit Mall,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705.
(106) INDUS LEAGUE, Palladium
Malldaniel Hechter Pheonix Mills
Compd, Senapati Bapat
Marg,Mumbai 400 013.
(107) INDUS LEAGUE, 5, Pheonix
Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat
Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400
(108) INDUS LEAGUE, Infosys
Stores, Pt. No. 24, Rajiv Ghandhi
Info Park, Phase II, Village-Man,
Taluka Pune, Pune 411 057.
Indigonation and Scullers, Shop No.
10, 1st Floor, R city Mall, LBS
Marg, Ghatkopar, Mumbai 400 086
(110) INDUS LEAGUE, Banyan
Squrecity Center, Plot No. 117 to
133, Opp. Trimbak Road,
Untwadi,Nashik 422 022.
(111) Central, 256: Boat Club Road,
Bund Garden, Pune 411 001.
(112) Central, Ascent Mall, Ganesh
Khind Road, Near E-Square
Opposite Agriculture College, Pune
411 007.
(113) Central Oberoi Mall, Int.
B'isiness Park, Oberoi Garden City,
Off W. E. Highway, Goregaon (E.),
Mumbai 400 063.
(114) Central, Raghuleela Mall,
Opp. Vashi Station, Plot No. 34,35
and 38, Sector-38-A, IIP,
Vashi,Navi Mumbai 400 703.
(115) Central, Plot No. 152, Survey
No. 1054, Trimbak Naka, Nashik
422 001.
(116) Central, Cross Road, Pt. M.
M. Malavia Marg, Tardeo, Mumbai
400 015.
(117) Central, R Mall, United
Motors Ltd., Ghodbunder Road,
Opp. Godrej Lawkim, Thane (W.)
400 601,
(118) Central, Town Centre,
Amanora, Village Sandestralli,
Hadapsar, Khadi Bypass, Pune 411
(119) Central, MSM Paranjape
Mall, Off Karve Road, Near MES
College, Pune 411 004.
(120) Central, Poonam Mall, VIP
Road, Khasra No. 91, North
Ambazari Road, Nagpur 440 002.
(121) aLL, K Star Mall, Trombay-
Sion Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400
(122) aLL, Shop No.4, Fiona
Building, 176, Juhu Tara Road,
Mumbai 400 049.
(123) PLANET STPORTS, Phoenix
Market City Mall, Kaveri Estate,
LBS Road, Kurla (W.), Mumbai 400
(124) aLL, S. No. 37, Hissa No.4,
Ghorapadi, Village Mouje, Taluka
Ghorapadi, Pune 411 001
(125) INDUS LEAGUE, Unit No.
F-11, Prozone Mall, Chikalthana
MIDC, Aurangabad 431 001.
(126) aLL, R-Town, F-26, Wyeth
Lab, L.B.S.Road, Opp, Presedential
Twr, 1st Floor, Ghatkopar, Mumbai
400 086.
(127) I M In, Land Mark, Wardha
Road, Ramdaspeth, Near
Panchsheel Square, Nagpur 440
(128) I M In, First Floor, Near
Jupiter Hospital, Voltas Compound,
Pokharan Road-2, Thane 400 610.
(129) INDUS LEAGUE, Reliance
Fresh Ltd., ACME Mall, S. V.
Road, Santacruz, Mumbai 400 054.
(130) WSPL, Phoenix Market City
Mall, B/h. Baker Gauge, Next
TYCO Electronics, Viman Nagar,
Nagar Road, Pune 411 014.
(131) Converse, Viva City, Unit No.
F-19/F-19A, 1st Floor, Voltas
Compound, Pokharan Road-2,
Thane 400 610.
No. F19/ F19A, 1st Floor, Viva
City, Volt as Compound, Pokharan
Road-2, Thane 400 610.
(133) Central, Neptune Magnet
Mall, LBS Road, Near Mangatram
Petrol Pump, Bhandup, Mumbai 400
(134) aLL, Voltas Compound,
Subhash Nagar, Next Jupiter
Hospital, Pokhran Road No.2,
Thane 400 610.
(135) INDUS LEAGUE, Reliance
Fresh Ltd., Westend Mall, Sector 2,
Aundh,Pune 411 004.
(136) INDUS LEAGUE, Reliance
Fresh Ltd., Kubde Heights,
Ambadevi Road, Near Rajkamal
Square,Amravati 444 601.
(137) WSPL, Phoenix Market City
Mall, Kaveri Estate, LBS Road,
Kuria (W.), Mumbai 400 070.
(138) INDUS LEAGUE, Reliance
Fresh Ltd., Viva City Mall, RT-L
Unit No. FF-24, 1st Flr., Pokhran
Road, Thane 400 610.
(139) INDUS LEAGUE, Terminal
1, Security Hoid Area, Chhatrapati
Shivaji International
Airport,Mumbai 400 099.
(140) Pantaloon Factory Outlet,
Jagat Tower, Near Law College
Square, Amravati Road, Nagpur 400
(141) Pantaloon Factory Outlet,
Pantaloon Factory Outlet, Paradise
Tower, Opp. Alok Hotel, Gokhale
Road, Naupada, Thane (W.) 400
(142) Pantaloon Factory Outlet,
Pantaloon Factory Outlet, Durolite
House, Opp. Laxmi Industrial
Estate, Andheri (W.), Mumbai 400
(143) Pantaloon Factory Outlet,
Pantaloon Outlet, Thakur Mall,
Western Express High-way, Mira-
Bhayander Road, Dist. Thane (W.)
401 107.
(144) Pantaloon Factory Outlet,
Second Floor, Maxus Mall, Nr.
Salasar Housing Complex,
Bhayander (W.), Dist. Thane 401
(145) Pantaloon Factory Outlet,
Premier Plaza, Chinchwad, Pune
411 019.
(146) Pantaloon Factory Outlet, Plot
No. 59/1-C, Vadgaon Budruk,
Sinhaghad Road, Bhide Baug, Near
Police Chowki, Dahari Fata, Pune
411 041.
(147) Pantaloons, Phoenix Mills
Compound, 462, Senapati Bapat
Marg, Lower Parel (W.), Mumbai
400 013.
(148) Pantaloons, Centre 1, Sector
30A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705.
(149) Pantaloons, Runwal Mall,
Opp. Richardson Cruddas Factory,
LBS Marg, Mulund (W.), Mumbai
400 080.
(150) Pantaloons, Sri Vallabh
Shopping Centre, S. V. Road, Near
Flyover, Borivali (W.), Mumbai 400
(151) Pantaloons, Orchid City
Centre, 265 Bellasis Road, Opp. S.
T. Bus Depot, Mumbai Central (E.),
Mumbai 400 008.
(152) Pantaloons, Milan Mall, Opp.
Gamdevi Mandir, Near S. V. Road
Junction Signal, Milan Subway,
Santacruz (W.),Mumbai 400 054.
(153) Pantaloons, Mega Mall, D. P.
Road, Malad Link Road, Oshiwara,
Andheri (W.), Mumbai 400 102.
(154) Pantaloons, R City Mall,
Runwal Tower Centre, Wyeth Labs,
L.B.S. Marg, Opp. Presidential
Tower, Ghatkopar (W.), Mumbai
400 086.
(155) Pantaloons, Nashik City
Center Oontwadi, Lawate Nagar,
Near PWD Office, Nashik 422 002.
(156) Pantaloons, Phoenix Market
City, Kaveri Estate, L.B.S. Road,
Kurla (W.), Mumbai 400 070.
(157) Pantaloons, Growel 101,
Akurli Road, Kandivali (E.),
Mumbai 400 060.
(158) Pantaloons, Prozone Mall,
Chikalthana MIDC, Aurangabad
431 001.
(159) Pantaloons, ICC Tech Park,
Plot No. 403, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Pune 411 016.
(160) Pantaloons, Phoenix Market
City Mall, B/h. Baker Gauge, Next
to TYCO Electronics, Viman Nagar,
Nagar Road, Pune 411 014.
(161) Pantaloons, Infinity Mall,
Shop No. 103, Near D-Mart, New
Link Road, Malad (W.), Mumbai
400 064.
(162) Pantaloons, Viviana Mall,
Cadbury Junction, Eastern Express
Highway, Besides Jupiture Hospital,
Thane (W.) 400 601.

[629. M/s. G. J. C. Corporation, B-1, Section 19 subject to the following

Amarchand Mansion, Madam Cama condition :-
Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 039. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification
published in the Government
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than
3.00 a.m.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(8) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(9) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers, Security
and rest rooms at the work place.
(10) Female employees will not be
allowed to work after 9.30 p.m.
(11) Female employees shall not
allow to work at the place where
liquor is served.
(12) As the exemption is given from
closing time of the establishment
new staff shall be appointed for the
extended work.
(13) Complaint redressal committee
against sexual harassment of women
should be established.
(14) This exemption is limited to the
employees who have given their
(15) Rules of respective department
for the sale of Liquor and
entertainment shall be applicable.
(16) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(17) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(18) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[630. M/s. Sternon, 501, Sagar Fortune, Sections 13, 18 and 33(3) subject to
Waterfield Road, Bandra (W.), the following conditions :-
Mumbai 400 050. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of one year
from the date of Notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers, and rest
rooms at the work place.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays with
(8) The female employees shall he
provided escorted transport facility
from establishment to resident after
their completion of work at night.
(9) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(10) As the exemption is given from
the closing time, new employee
shall be recruited for extended work.
(11) The employees, who have
given their consent be only placed
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(11) This exemption is related. only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(13) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the Provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(14) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[631. The following branch of M/s. Sections 13, 18 and 33(3) subject to
P.N.G. Tollway Ltd., 2nd Fir., the following conditions :-
Gajara Chember, Kamod Nagar, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Mumbai-Agra Road, Nashik :- operation for the period of one year
M/s. P.N.G. Toll Ltd., 390, 450 KM, from the date of Notification
NH- 3, Pimpalgaon Baswant, Dist. published in the Government
Nashik. Gazette.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(8) The female employees shall be
provided escorted transport facility
from establishment to resident.
(9) Complaint redressal committee
against sexual harassment of women
should be established.
(10) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25
(11) As the exemption is given from
section 18, new employee shall be
recruited for the extended work.
(12) The employees, who have
given their consent be only placed
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(13) This exemption is limited to the
employees who have given their
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[632. M/s. Angel Wellness Pvt. Ltd., Shop Sections 11 and 18 subject to the
No. 301 to 306, 3rd Floor, Crystel following conditions :-
Point, Link Road, Andheri (W.), (1) This exemption shalt remain in
Mumbai 400 053. operation for the period of three
years from the date of Notification
published in the Government
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open after 10.30 p.m. on any
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(6) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the-said Act.
(7) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(8) The female employees shall . be
provided escorted transport facility
from establishment to resident after
their completion of work.
(9) Female employees shall be given
work in group.
(10) Female employees will not be
allowed to work after 9.30 p.m.
(11) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays with
(12) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(13) Complaint redressal committee
against sexual harassment of women
should be established.
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[633. M/s. Chen's Hair and Beauty Salon, Section 18 subject to the following
Shop No. 110, Marine Mansion, condition:–
Next to Thacker's Restaurant, 1st (1) This exemption shall remain in
Marine Street, Anandilal Podar operation for the period of one year
marg,- Mumbai 400 002. from the date of notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/ her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(8) Complaint redressal committee
against sexual harassment of women
should be established.
(9) Employees, who have given
their consent be only placed on the
day of weekly holiday or other
(10) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(11) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[634. M/s City Bank, City Phone, 7th Sections 13, 14, 15, 18 and 33(3)
Floor, Block B-7, Nirlon subject to the following
Knowledge Park, Western Express conditions :-
Highway, Goregaon (E), Mumbai (1) This exemption shall remain in
400 063. operation for the period of three
years from the date of notification
published in the Government
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/ her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays with
(8) The female employees shall be
provided escorted transport facility
from resident to establishment and
from establishment to resident.
(9) Complaint redressal committee
against sexual harassment of women
should be established.
(10) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the section 25.
(11) As the exemption is given from
section 18, new employee shall be
recruited for extended work.
(12) The employees, who have
given their consent be only placed
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(13) This exemption is limited to the
employees who have given their
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[635. M/s. Ogilvy and Mather Pvt. Ltd., Sections 13 and 18 subject to the
Gr. Fir., Trade World, B Wing, following conditions:–
Kamala Mills Compound, Lower (1) This exemption shall remain in
Parel, Mumbai 400 013. operation for the period of one year
from the date of notification
published in the Government
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(7) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays with
(8) The female employees Whose
duty period closes after 9-30 p.m.
and opens before 7-00 am. shall be
provided escorted transport facility
from establishment to resident.
(9) Complaint redressal committee
against sexual harassment of
Women should be established.
(10) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the Section 25.
(11) As the exemption is given from
the closing time, new employee
shall be recruited for extended work.
(12) The employees, who have
given their consent be only placed
on the day of weekly holiday or
other holiday.
(13) This exemption is limited to the
employees who have given their
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[636. M/s. Citi Bank N.A., Shop No. G-9 Section 18 subject to the following
and G-10, Gr. Fir,, Palladium conditions:–
Phonix Mills Compound, 462, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, operation for the period of three
Mumbai 400 013. years from the date of notification
published in the Government
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) The establishment shall not
remain open after 09.30 p.m. on any
(4) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 12 hours in a day.
(5) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(6) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(7) Complaint Redressal Committee
against sexual harassment of women
should be established.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers and rest
rooms at the work place.
(9) This exemption is related only to
Maharashtra Shops and
Establishment Act, 1948.
(10) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(11) In case of violation of any of
the above term and condition, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[637. M/s. Amar Juice Centre, Shop No. Section 19 subject to the following
2, R. N. Cooper Hospital conditions:–
Compound, Gulmohar Road, Vile (1) This exemption shall remain in
Parle (W), Mumbai-400 056 operation for the period of five years
from the date of notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than
03-00 a.m. ,
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees, who have given
their consent be only placed on the
day of weekly holiday or other
(6) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(7) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card according to
the Section 25.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers, security
and rest rooms at the Work place.
(9) Complaint Redressal Committee
against sexual harassment of
Women should be established.
(10) As the exemption is given from
closing time of the establishment,
new employee shall be appointed
for the extended work.
(11) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(12) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(13) This exemption is limited to the
employees who have given their
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) In spite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[638. M/s. Hotel Zaika, Shop No. 1, Section 19 and section 24 subject to
Manish Plaza, NIBM Road, the following conditions:-
Kondhwa Kh., Pune 411 048 (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of five years
from the date of notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not r,
gain open on any day later than 02-
00 a.m.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees, who have given
their consent be only placed on the
day of weekly holiday or other
(6) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(7) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card according to
the Section 25.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers, security
and rest rooms at the work place.
(7) Complaint Redressal Committee
against sexual harassment of
Women should be established.
(10) As the exemption is given from
closing time of the establishment,
new employee shall be appointed
for the extended work.
(11) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(12) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays with
(13) This exemption is limited to the
employees who have given. their
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) In spite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[639. M/s. TUV SUD South Asia Pvt. Sections 13, 18 and 33(3) subject to
Ltd., Mugal House, Chandivali, Off the following conditions:–
Saki Vihar Road; Sakinaka, Andheri (1) This exemption shall remain in
(E), Mumbai 400 072. operation for the period of three
years from the date of notification
published in the Government
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(4) The employees, who have given
their consent be only placed on the
day of weekly holiday or other
(5) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(6) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card, according to
the section 25.
(7) The female employees whose
duty period closes after 9-30 p.m.
and opens before 7-00 a.m. shall be
provided escorted transport facility
from establishment to resident.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers, Security
and rest rooms at the work place.
(9) Complaint redressal committee
against sexual harassment of women
should be established.
(10) As the exemption is given from
the closing time of the establishment
new staff shall be appointed for
extended work.
(11) The employees shall-be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(12) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays with
(13) This exemption is limited to the
employees who have given their
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and
Establishments Act, 1948.
(15) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[640. M/s. Trident, C-56, "G" Black, Section 33(3) subject to the
Bandra- Kuria Complex, Mumbai - following conditions :-
400 098. (1) This exemption shall remain in
operation for the period of five years
from the date of notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(3) The Employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(4) No Women employee shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than one week without her
written consent.
(5) The Female employees whose
duty period closes after 6-30 p.m.
and opens before 6-00 a.m. or closes
after 6-00 a.m. shall be provided
free escorted transport facility from
establishment to resident.
(6) Female employee shall be
provided to work in group at work
(7) Separate lockers and rest rooms
facility shall be provided for women
(8) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(9) The Female employees are not
allowed to work other than house
keeping department, reception office
and canteen.
(10) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(11) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(12) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[641. M/s. RA Lounge, Block No. 5(A), Section 19 subject to the following
Phoenix Mill Compound, 462, S. B. conditions:–
Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 (1) This exemption shall remain in
013. operation for the period of three
years from the date of notification
published in Government Gazette.
(2) The establishment shall not
remain open on any day later than
03-00 a.m.
(3) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deduction from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(4) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(5) The employees, who have given
their consent be only placed on the
day of weekly holiday or other
(6) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(7) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card according to
the Section 25.
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers, security
and rest rooms at the work place.
(9) Complaint Redressal Committee
against sexual harassment of women
should be established.
(10) As the exemption is given from
closing time of the establishment,
new employee shall be appointed
for the extended work.
(11) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with Section 63 of the said Act.
(12) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays.
(13) This exemption is limited to the
employees who have given their
(14) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and Establishment
Act, 1948.
(15) In spite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(16) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

[642. M/s. Europ Assistance India Pvt. Sections 13, 18 and 33(3) subject to
Ltd., 301, Business Square, C Wing, the following conditions:–
3rd Floor, Andheri-Kurla Road, (1) This exemption shall remain in
Chakala, Andhen (E), Mumbai - 400 operation for the period of three
093. years from the date of notification
published in the Government
(2) Every employee shall be given
one day holiday in a week without
making any deductions from his/her
wages on account thereof and list of
the time table of such holidays for a
month shall be placed on the notice
board in advance.
(3) Every employee shall be given a
rest period of one hour after 5 hours
of continuous work.
(4) No employee shall be required to
work for more than 9 hours in a day
or 48 hours in a week. The spread
over of an employee shall not
exceed 11 hours in a day.
(5) Every employee shall be
provided Identity Card according to
the Section 25.
(6) The Female employees whose
duty period closes after 6-30 p.m.
and opens before 6-00 a.m. or closes
after 6-00 a.m. shall be provided
free escorted transport facility from
establishment to resident.
(7) Female employee shall be
provided to work in group at work
(8) Female employees shall be
provided separate lockers, Security
and rest rooms at the work place.
(9) Complaint redressal committee
against sexual harassment of women
should be established.
(10) The employees shall be entitled
to overtime wages in accordance
with section 63 of the said Act.
(11) Employees shall be given
national and festival holidays with
(12) No women employee shall be
given night duty continuously for
more than one week without her
written consent.
(13) This exemption is related only
to Bombay Shops and
Establishments Act, 1948.
(14) Inspite of these terms and
conditions, all the provisions of this
Act shall applicable to the
establishment duly.
(15) In case of violation of any of
the above terms and conditions, the
exemption shall stand cancelled

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