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Personal Skills

Perhaps the most fundamental of all skills are those concerned with self-preservation - that is, staying
healthy in both body and mind.
This section of SkillsYouNeed covers some simple ideas that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It
also provides information to help you learn, such as The Importance of Mindset, and develop your
character, for example, Learning to Use your Moral Compass and the basics of Emotional Intelligence.
Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and interact with other people,
both individually and in groups.
People who have worked on developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both
their professional and personal lives. From Interpersonal Communication Skills, including Listening,
through to Building Rapport and Persuasion, you should find all you need to improve your Interpersonal
Leadership Skills
The ability to lead effectively is based on a number of key skills. These skills are highly sought by
employers as they involve dealing with people in such a way as to motivate, enthuse and build respect.
Our Leadership Skills section has both theories, for example, what is a Leader? Leadership Styles and
Ethical Leadership, and more practical information, such as Project Management Skills.
Learning skill
Learning how to learn effectively is one of the most crucial skills in personal development.
This section provides some theory on learning, including pages on Learning Styles and Lifelong
Also, the skills that you will need for studying, starting with our Study Skills page, and for helping others
to learn, including Coaching and Mentoring Skills
Presentation Skills
Presenting information clearly and effectively is key to getting your message or opinion across and, today,
presentation skills are required in almost every field.
This section covers all you need to prepare and give great presentations, from What is a Presentation? to
Overcoming Presentation Nerves. It also contains information about handling specialized presentations,
such as Press Conferences and Lectures and Seminars.
Writing skill
Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience
than through face-to-face or telephone conversations.
This section is designed to provide the information that you need to communicate effectively in writing. It
covers both basic writing skills, such as Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation, and more advanced
information such as Writing a Business Case or Preparing a Report.
Numeracy Skills
Numeracy skills are not just for scientists, accountants and the tax man. Many professions require at least
a basic level of understanding when it comes to numeracy and mathematics.
This section is designed to help you develop or brush up on your basic and more advanced numeracy,
from Addition and Subtraction, through to Fractions, Understanding Percentages, and Money
Management and Financial Skills.
Parenting Skills
Parenting effectively is often described as one of the biggest challenges in life, as well as one of the most
rewarding experiences.
Our Parenting Skills pages are designed to help you through some of the ongoing challenges of everyday
life with children both large and small, from Preparing for Parenthood, through Looking After Your Baby,
to Entertaining Children and Toddlers and finally to Parenting Teenagers.

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