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1000 ad Leif Errikson the viking lands in new foundland land off the coast of north america and
vikings settle in the area

Christopher Columbus lands on Puerto Rico naming it San Juan Bautista in

November honor of Saint John the Baptist. Columbus thinking he found india calls the
19 native americans indians which of course is incorrect but the name indians
stuck and people still falsely call the native americans indians to this day!

From this time the Spanish would occupy much of south Americas like Peru Argentina etc defeating
the Aztec empire lead by the spaniad Herman Cortez and his conquistadores then moving north and
occupying mexico, and much of the west of north america.

1607 Colonists ( the pilgrims ) from england land at Jamestown in Boston in america.
They survive with the help of the native americans and start to settle and slowly
expand into america.

African Blacks are brought to Jamestown; beginning of slavery in Virginia colony


First university in colonies founded (Harvard College)


French and Indian Wars

France and tribes of native americans war with Britain Germany and other native
tribes for land and power

1774    First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia and becomes first capital of america

1775 American war of independence begins against britain

1776    July 4th: Declaration of American Independence signed america become a country


1783 American win with the help of france.britain however keep large areas of canada

 First session of Congress meets (american goverment); George Washington

inaugurated as 1st president of america
Bill of Rights passed giving rights and laws to people of america

1800 Washington DC becomes capital of national government

1800 1806 The Lewis and Clark Expedition from May 1804 to September 1806, also
known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, was the first American expedition to
cross what is now the western portion of the United States. It began near St. Louis,
made its way westward, and passed through the continental divide to reach the
Pacific ...

War of 1812 against Britain and native tribes .America win and keep the country

Mexican War america war with mexico mainly over the land of texas america now
called the united states of america

Gold discovered in California; Western Gold Rush begins people from all over the
world flood to the west in hope of gold and land

1860  Abraham Lincoln elected president


Civil War between north and south over slavery union north win and more states join
the u.s.a

1863     Emancipation Declaration; slaves freed


1865     Lincoln assassinated

1865-77 Reconstruction = The Union victory in the Civil War in 1865 may have given some 4
million slaves their freedom, but the process of rebuilding the South during the
  Reconstruction period (1865-1877) introduced a new set of significant challenges.

First transcontinental railroad completed the railways are a huge boom for americas
economy and travel between the states becomes easier and quicker

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