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Studies show that childhood obesity is increasingly evident, 1–3 as sedentary lifestyle
and malutritionmalnutrition during childhood is are becoming common.4 Other studies5,6
point to physical activity as a protective factor against various chronic diseases (such
ase.g., obesity) and human development facilitator for children.
Malnutrition is a patholoicalpathological condition caused by deficient or
inadequate intake of calories and/or proteins7 (i.e., the overweight or obese child may also
be malnourished, as this condition is related to the type of food consumed; , e.g., the ultra-
processed).8 Calories from ultra-processed foods are often “empty,”, that isi.e., even if the
individual consumes a high amount of calories, but lack ofthey do not have macronutrients
in diet, may contributeing to malnutrition, a condition related to the absence of nutrients—
– childhood malnutrition causes damage to the central nervous system (e.g., cerebellar
cortex and hippocampus).9
There is a relationship between family influence and children’'s good or /bad
habits.10–12 In the nutritional context, some family members let allow theirthe children to
choose the type of food (usually ultra-processed), time, and the amount ingested.; iIn terms
of physical activity, sedentary family mebersmembers raise sedentary children. (sSome
still believe that execiseexercise is contraindicated for children.); tTherse are some
attitudes that build bad habits in life,.10–12 for example Aabsence of instructions, on the part
of family members and teachers, favors the development of bad habits and chronic
Another problem in this context is the lack of exercise. Increasingly, the
opportunities, spaces, and time devoted to active play are being neglected in favor of
school education (i.e., one in which the child spends the day at school sitting). 4,14 In
addition, contemporary violence and the reduction of public spaces for the practice of
physical and leisure activities further restrict children, such as keeping them locked at
home, leaving them with cell phones, and videogames (in the case of urban areas); on the
other hand, there is children residing in rural areas (e.g., quilombolas), which are less
A quilombola child lives far from the uranurban area (in places difficult to
access);,17 however, there is a lack of studies on childhood malnutrition and obesity in
quilombola children, and this prevents us from presenting the current scenario. In
addition, to the best of our knowledge, there are still no descriptions that quilombola
children fulfill the amount of exercise recommended by the wWorld hHealth
oOrganization, that is,such as the need for moderate physical activity (e.g., walking,
family outings, and recreational activities with movement) or vigorous (e.g., running
and, other sports' games) for at least 1 hour daily/day, in order to add a total of 300
miutesmin of physical activity (exercise) at the end of the week.18
In this context, family mmbersmembers and teachers are drivers19 or inhibitors of
the child’'s development,20 because, s according to the United Nations Children’'s Fund
(UNICEF) and the Statute of Children's and Adolescents (ECA), the every child has the
right to movement and to play, and, whether, in urban or rural areas, this should be
encouraged.4 Thus, the question arises: aAre family members and teachers encouraging
good habits to promote quality of life for quilombola children?
Thus, the present study aims to verify whether studies with quilombola children
evaluated the influence of family members and teachers on childhood malnutrition and

An integrative review. For the elaboration of an integrative review, it is
necessary to adopt phases that present methodological rigor in search of evidence on a
given subject. These phases comprise some steps: selection of the question for review
(guiding question); selection of the surveys that will constitute the study sample;
representation of the characteristics of the researches reviewed; analyzes of the findings
according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria established in the project; interpretation
of the results; and presentation and disseminatione of the results.21
Based on the guiding quetionquestion – “Are family members and teachers
encouraging good habits to promote quality of life for quilombola children?”, – the
process of reading, collecting, and extracting data in the search engine and databases
began. The keywords raised according to the proosedproposed theme and after having
been refined through the vocabulary of the Decs (Descritores em Ciências da Sáude)
were: Atividade física; Desnutrição; Obesidade; Quilombolas; Crianças. And The
keywords for MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) were: Physical activity; Malnutrition;
Obesity; Quilombola; Children. The Ddescriptor “quilombola” does not change when
even after its term is used in English.
After defining the descriptors, they were grouped forming into the following
search terms: A1: “Atividade Física” AND “Quilombolas” AND Crianças; B1:
“Physical Activity” AND “Quilombolas” AND Children; C1: Desnutrição AND
Obesidade AND “Quilombolas” AND Crianças; D1: Malnutrition AND Obesity AND
“Quilombolas” AND Children.
We performed the search in Ggoogle sScholar,; Fiocruz’'s institutional arch-
repository;, PubmMed,; Periódicos Capes, and; BVS. Thise search in the bases took
place between the months of August and November 2020., lLater, the data extracted
from the selected articles were arranged in table formats in the wWord 2013 program of
the Microsoft Office sSuite.
Inclusion criteria were as follows: articles; monographs; dissertations or theses;
works written in Portuguese or English,; published between 2010 and -2020; studies
carried out in quilombola communities or vulnerable populations located near or outside
the urban area. Duplicate articles were excluded from the study.
Data etractionextraction was performed following the steps belowas follows:
first, those papers that were not related to the research topic were excluded by title, then
second, the researchers read the abstracts of those papers were read in which the
researchers were in doubt as to confirm whether they were related to the proposal. in
question, and third, in order to confirm whether the works were really related to the
theme, all the works selected from the abstracts were read in full.
At this stage, articles in the form of handouts, letters, and editorials that do not
include the necessary criteria for scientific research were excluded from this research, as
they do not include the necessary criteria for scientific research, as the focus of this
study was to seek scientific evidence on the subject. Articles that were not available in
full were also excluded.
Data from the extractedion fromof each selected article were arranged in
tabulares formatmade in the MS Wword program (oOffice 2013 package), and divided
into the following items: aAuthors; title; objective; methods; results; the influence of
subjects involved with children; environmental influence; main associated factors;
conclusion; notes (researchers’' perception of each article, i.e., whether the objectives of
the review were addressed, whether it contained all the other items in the table, etcand
the like.

We observed a small number of studies with on quilombola children.; mMost
recruited articles (11 out of 12) were retrieved via Ggoogle sScholar, out of which only
one was selected from the BVS database (supplementary document).
Some of the selected articles did not include all the items described in the table,
for examplee.g., in 6six of them (corresponding to 50%), they did not assess the
influence of family members and teachers on childhood malnutrition and obesity.
Environmental influences refer to issues of infrastructure and basic sanitation;
regarding the influence of the subjects involved with the children, we observed that lack
of knowledge is one of the factors mentioned in the studies described (Tables 1–-3).

*Table 1: Information extracted from selected articles (part a)

*Table 2: Information extracted from selected articles (part b)

*Table 3: Information extracted from selected articles (part c)

According to the results found, as well as those from several studies, 22–25 it
appears that the quilombola population continues to be neglected. Basic knowledge is
lacking innot reaching this population, such as, for example e.g., knowing how to
manage in the best possible way the money they receive from the Bolsa Família, so that
they can consumeuse healthy foods instead of ultra-processed ones. Furthermore, many
of them are unaware of the benefits of the practice of physical activity to maintain a
heathy life.17,26
Some influences were not clarified in the researched works, such as the
correlation between the location of schools and overweight of students, that isi.e., the
closer to places where ultra-processed foods are consumed, the greater the chances of
children consuming them. The prevalence of food insecurity is perceived as being
common to for studies that analyze the nutritional issue in quilombola populations;,
however, it is not possible to infer the reasons that lead quilombolas to have a high
prevalence of food insecurity.27
Food insecurity seems to be related to the food offered at school., Sinceas many
children are unable to maintain the same diet at home, thus, the school environment
becomes the main supplier of food for these chilren, 28 but this has not yet been under
Cordeiro et al.27 described that food insecurity was present in 75.2% (n = 160) of
quilombola families, and also highlighted the need for additional studies to understand
this phenomenon. Santos-de-Araújo et al.13 reported that micronutrient deficiency in
families living in quilombola communities was, often related to the consumption of
ultra-processed foods;, however, the authors do did not direct the attention of studies to
the understanding of aspects related to childhood malnutrition and obesity.
Assessment of food insecurity in all Brazilian municipalities found, as a result, a
large disparity in food insecurity within the states., they cite the example ofFor
example, in the state of Paraíba, in which there was a variation of 5.4– to 22.8% among
the municipalities.,29 However, again, quilombola populations, especially children, were
not investigated,; thuis showings the vulnerability of this population.30
Studiesy that were carried out in quilombola communities in the Sstate of Pará
(northern Brazil) investigated the BMI of quilombola children,23 but failed to explain
the causes of childhood malnutrition and obesity, as numerous factors are related to
overweight and obesity,31 and, with that, the studies guide the conduction of further
research with these communities.22,28,32
This study has limitations that must be addressed, such as the lack of studies on
the topic in question, revealing a gap in the literature, and hindering the argumentative
rationale of this discussion. FuthermoreFurthermore, environmental influences were not
investigated in studies with quilombola children, and this may be related in some way,
thus, we guide the development of future studies.

Only six studies describe childhood malnutrition and obesity in quilombola
children and possible influences from family members or teachers. Thus, we conclude
that there is a gap in the literature on studies on childhood malnutrition and obesity in
quilombola children.

Table 1: Information extracted from selected articles (part a)

Title Influence of individuals Environmental influence Associated factors

involved with children
Conhecimento de crianças ** Quilombola children do not Instruction/knowledge about
quilombolas sobre hábitos have access to knowledge healthy eating habits and physical
cardiológicos saudáveis.17 related to the prevention of activity; low education and family
cardiovascular diseases; this is income, precarious conditions of
perceived by the number of food education, and preventive
children who do not recognize health.
simple habits for
preventngpreventing these
diseases, such as having
adequate nutrition and
practicing physical activities.
Estado nutricional e As for community agents, there Restricted access to health They do not have basic sanitation;
crescimento de crianças is only one (in most of the services; lack of basic lack of structure and trained health
quilombolas de diferentes communities studied) that sanitation; there is no structure professionals; untreteduntreated
comunidades do estado do serves this population. for health care (e.g., health water; socioeconomic conditions.
Pará.31 post or health unit). On the
other hand, many of them
receive family allowances and
monthly basic food baskets.
Perfil epidemiológico da Both parents and teachers are The community is located Insufficient physical activity, high
obesidade infanto-juvenil em not encouraging the practice of close to the state capital, consumption of processed foods,
uma comunidade quilombola: physical activities by children. It favoring access to especially soft drinks and fast
relação entre televisão, is recommended that workshops manufactured foods, foods, geographic location
atividade física e obesidade.32 be offered to these subjects especially sotsoft drinks, and conducive to the consumption of
(parents, teachers, and fast food. unhealthy foods, in addition to high
schoolchildren) to encourage screen exposure, especially
them to use fruits, natural juices, television.
and vegetables produced in the
community, thus reducing the
consumption of industrialized
foods. In addition to motivating
children to engage in some
sporting activity that gives them
Consumo alimentar e estado The families, despite receiving Unfavorable socioeconomic Precarious socioeconomic class;
nutricional de pré-escolares the Bolsa Família from the conditions to maintain a varied food with little variety; low
das comunidades federal government, do not diet, poor diet, generating consumption of fruits (5.4%),
remanescentes dos quilombos select good food to be eaten by vitamin deficits. The lower the vegetables (0.8%), and vegetables
do estado de Alagoas.26 the children. socioeconomic class, the (0.5%); consumption of calories
lower the daily above the ideal; suboptimal intake
consuptionconsumption of of vitamins; lack of action in
micronutrients. Most families nutritional education for families to
received financial support make better use of the Bolsa
from the government. Família resource, selecting better
** does not have the information

Table 2: Information extracted from selected articles (part b)

Title Influence of individuals Environmental influence Associated factors

involved with children
Desnutrição e fatores ** High prevalence of Smaller height of the mother; food
associados em crianças malnutrition observed is deprivation; frequent infections
quilombolas menores de 60 related to the environmental (mainly diarrhea); low income and
meses em dois municípios do factors of the famliesfamilies education, informal employment
estado do Maranhão, Brasil.22 of the evaluated children, relationships, and difficult access to
which, for the most part, are goods and services.
inserted in lower economic
classes D (45.97) and E
(39.78) and with lower
purchasing power.
Condições socioecológicas ** Poor basic sanitation; poor Association with H/A deficit
familiares nos primeiros dois garbage collection, which, in (height for age): drinking water
anos de vida de crianças general, is buried by 92.1% of from inappropriate sources,
quilombolas no Pará: um the residents; precarious inadequate sewage disposal.
estudo de base populacional.23 socioeconomic conditions, Aspects related to overweight
low education. according to BMI: better
infrastructure, such as the presence
of an internal toilet.
Fatores Associados ao Déficit In families not served by the Children who lived in As for low P/A (weight for age):
Estatural em Crianças FHS (family health strategy), households with three rooms illiterate mothers; households
Quilombolas Menores de 5 there was a higher prevalence or less had a higher prevalence without a bathroom; lack of running
Anos na Região Nordeste do (7.7%; n = 35; p = 0.075) of low of low (7.1%; n = 49; p = water; I did not live in my own
Brasil.25 P/A (weight for age). 0.060), lack of bathroom home (in the case of the child); not
Overweight mothers were more inside households, lack of have access to the cistern programs.
likely to have children with low running water are also There was a lower prevalence of
P/A. In households where the environmental factors that low P/A in households where water
heads had a job, the prevalence interfered with low results. In was treated (5.2%; n = 32), and
of low P/A among children was homes whose lighting was where garbage was collected by the
higher (6.9%, n = 45) compared provided by fuel or other public network (4.4%; n = 8). Low
to children of unemployed sources, or which did not have W/A was more prevalent among
heads of household (4.5%; n = lighting, the aforementioned children who had diarrhea episodes
17). The lack of visits from the health problem was more in the week preceding the survey
CHA (Community Health prevalent (11.5%; n = 7; p = (6.5%; n = 6). There was also a
Agent) also influenced the low 0.072). higher prevalence in households
P/A. As for low E/A (height for where more than one child < 5
age), the related factors were: years of age lived (7.0%; n = 37), or
illiterate mothers, illiterate where four4 or fewer people lived
household heads, and (5.7%; n = 35). Regarding H/A
overweight mothers. (height for age), low income was
associated with low H/A (height for
age). A higher prevalence of low
E/A was found in households with
an employed or retired head
(15.7%; n = 96), compared to
households where the head was
unemployed (10.8%; n = 38; p =
0.034). Families that receive Bolsa
Família have a lower percentage of
children with low H/A.
Avaliação do consumo ** The snack offered at school Insufficient consumption of
alimentar de estudantes da (twice a day) where the micronutrients, mainly calcium,
comunidade quilombola children spend the whole day vitamin A, zinc; low consumption
Negros do Riacho no may have influenced the of fruits and vegetables.
município de Currais Novos, results.
no Rio Grande do Norte,
** does not have the information

Table 3: Information extracted from selected articles (part c)

Title Influence of individuals Environmental influence Associated factors

involved with children
Comida, cultura e alimentação ** It appears that school menus, Low supply of fruits, vegetables,
escolar quilombola.28 despite containing healthy and vegetables on the menus in all
foods, do not contain adequate regions of the country. High offer
amounts of fruits, vegetables, of processed foods, especially
and greens., iIn addition, there sausage and sardines, in addition to
is a high supply of savory and carbohydrates with low nutritional
sweet cookies in the four value.
regions of the country: North,
Northeast, Southeast, and
South., since tThe food
offered at school, can cause
countless damages related to
the health of quilombola
children, such as, for example,
non-communicable chronic
Nutrição e saúde das crianças ** The vast majority of families Socioeconomic precariousness;
das comunidades are beneficiaries of the Bolsa inadequate nutrition; receipt of the
remanescentes dos quilombos Família, partially explaining family allowance.
no Estado de Alagoas, the high prevalence of
Brasil.24 overweight children, signaling
a diet poor in nutrients, but
rich in calories, as more than
half of the children were
anemic (52.7%).
Saúde mental materna e estado Smaller mothers were As for chronic malnutrition: The income per capita, height of
nutricional do binômio associated with children with income per capita; anemia was mother, number of children, and
mãe/filho na população short stature and malnutrition. related to malnutrition and educatoneducation level.
quilombola de alagoas.9 Mothers of malnourished overeightoverweight/obesity.
children have a lower level of Working outside the home
education, smaller height, more was associated with a higher
children, children with anemia, probability of having
and families have lower per malnourished children. A
capita income. Among mothers higher number of children was
who had common mental associated with a higher
disorder (389), most (60.1%) probability of children being
had anemic childenchildren;, malnourished.
however, mothers without
common mental disorder also
had a high number of anemic
children (60.5%).
Excesso de peso em There was no statistically Location of schools; students Excess weight was associated with
estudantes quilombolas e a significant association between in urban shoolsschools are the food security of families, there
insegurança alimentar em seus the nutritional status of more likely to be overweight was a high incidence of food
domicílios.27 individuals and the Ffood compared to those in rural insecurity;, however, the factors
Iinsecurity of quilombola areas. assocatedassociated with this were
families. not explained in the work.
** does not have the information

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