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for the month of September 6, 2021- September 11, 2021

Goal: At the end of September 10, 2021, the social work intern will be able to understand and comply all the deployment
requirements needed, and enhance her skills in working with people as well as to accomplish the task given to her.

Specific Resources Person/s

Activities Time Frame Expected Output Actual Output
Objectives Needed Responsible

● To ensure that the ● Reminding the ● Sept 6, 2021 ● Computer/ ● Social Work ● The social work ● The social work
team Lutayan will team to do their 1:00 to 3:00 Laptop Interns intern will be able intern was able to
be able to comply task PM ● Ball pen to comply their comply their
the requirement for ● Checking the ● Paper requirements for requirements for
the second week of requirement for the second week the second week
deployment week 1 of deployment. of deployment.

● Drafting the
for week 2

● To accomplish the ● To process the ● Sept 7, 2021 ● Legal ● Social Work ● The social work ● The social work
office task documents 8:00 AM to Documents Inter intern will be able intern was able
assigned to her ● To deliver the 5:00 PM ● Paper ● Ma’am deliver the deliver the
document to the ● Pen Judalyn Paja documents to the documents to the
right agency right agency right agency
concerned concerned and to concerned and
● Seek for accomplish the accomplished the
support from task assigned to task assigned to
the Agency her. her.
Field Instructor

● To accomplish ● Draft the ● September 8, ● Logbook ● Social Work ● The social work ● The social work
and submit the individual 2021, 1:00 ● Ballpen Intern intern will be able intern was able to
requirements for deployment PM – 5:00 ● Computer/ to submit and complete and
the second week plan for the PM Laptop comply her submit her
of deployment second week deployment requirements for
● Write the daily requirement for the second week.
journal ● September 9, her second week
2021, 1:00 of internship.
● Write the daily
PM – 5:00

● September
10, 2021,
1:00 PM-
5:00 PM

● To acquire ● Virtual ● September ● Internet ● Social Work ● The social work ● The social work
information orientation 11, 2021, Connection Interns intern will be able intern was able to
regarding the ● Participate and 9:00 AM- ● Mobile Phone ● SFI Ma’am to raise their further understand
deployment raise concerns 12:00 PM ● Ballpen Jenelyn d. concerns, listen all the
requirements and ● Take down ● Paper Ardeña, attentively and requirements and
understand all the notes all the RSW clarify all the was able to
requirements that information things that need to accomplish such.
must be submitted be clarified in
relation to their

Prepared by:
Name of the Student Date Submitted

Checked by:
Name/Signature of the AFI    Name/Signature of the SFI

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