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Watch the TED Talk “Why we all need to practice emotional first aid” by Guy Winch.

Then answer the following questions:

1. Why do you think more people give importance to their body than their mind?
 Most people are preoccupied with their outward appearance and do not
devote enough time to their work. To be happy, however, we must first
have a healthy mind and a healthy body in sync It's what the rest of the
world sees. A person's physical qualities are frequently used to criticize,
interpret, or understand him. The more attractive and likable a person is,
the more appealing and likable he is.

2. How can we stop emotional bleeding that was brought by failure, rejection, and
 Simply thinking of those things as a challenge for you to overcome, and
the failure, rejection, and loneliness that you feel, can be your motivation
to do better than before and work harder than before. In that case, you will
be able to overcome the challenge that has been set for you.

3. What is rumination? Why is it dubbed as one of the unhealthiest psychological

 Rumination is the process of thinking the same thoughts repeatedly,
usually sad, or dark thoughts. It is regarded as one of the most harmful
psychological habits because it has the potential to prolong or worsen
one's depression while also impairing one's ability to think and process his

4. According to Dr. Winch, how can someone resist the urge of ruminating?
 According to Dr. Winch, one can resist the urge to ruminate by combating
negative thinking with a two-minute distraction.

5. What are the benefits of taking care of your psychological health? Name at least
two (2).
 The advantages of caring for one's psychological health are as follows: (1)
being able to build emotional resilience; and (2) having a good life.

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