Ge-Ppc - Activity

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1. Differentiate folk culture and mass culture. (10pts.)

 Folk culture means a group of people in a certain place who share
common experiences, customs, and qualities, and who try to preserve
such attributes and customs in order to enforce their uniqueness and set
themselves apart from others. While, mass culture is the result of
widespread consumption of manufactured social cues delivered through
the media.

2. In your own understanding give a vivid example of Cultural Diffusion and Cultural
Fusion that you observed; and (10pts.)
 Cultural diffusion means, to meld one culture into another, example of this
is you can find pizza all over the world. Another example is that burgers
originally a German sandwich may be found all over the world and they're
seen as a sign of American culture rather than the German culture that
gave birth to them. And in cultural fusion, in the Netherlands, you can get
pizza with hamburger flavoring. This is a mix of Italian pizza and
American/German hamburger cultures that has been adopted into Dutch
3. Also cite an example of Indigenous culture in any Asian Countries and how this
people preserve and promote their culture. (30pts.)
 So indigenous culture, in short, is a culture that belongs to a particular
place rather than coming to it from somewhere else. For example, keeping
old parents with the family and taking care of them by sons or daughters is
an Indian culture (indigenous) while sending them to Old-age homes is a
foreign culture. Similarly respecting our teachers like Gods is Indian
(indigenous) culture while treating them as friends is a foreign one. As for
me, I can preserve and promote my Filipino culture by keep practicing and
teaching them to the younger generations, traditional games can be well
preserved and passed onto the succeeding generations, and all I have to
do as a student is learn about it as much as I can. Of course, I cannot
learn about it fully anytime but at least as much as I can. Then share what
I have learnt. I can share it with my friends or post it on my social media
accounts so that a lot of people come to know about it.

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