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Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes

through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively,
while others face many problems and difficulties. This depends on the
environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their
living conditions, their education, and many other factors.
One of the main problems is financial problem. Every teenager that live in
a hostel or a rent house need to manage their financial to make sure they
will survive until their last semester. Some of them got their ways to get
money such as work as a part timer food delivery, scholarships and get
funded from their parents.
In addition to keep survive, the part timer workers need to sacrifice their
free time to get some pocket money. They will struggle to keep balancing
their studies and financial. Sometimes, the pressure to keep their financial
balance got interrupted their studies. So, they will study hard to have a
good grade.
Based on the conclusion of financial problem among student are
they have many problems by the student. They can’t take it slightly
about these problems. They still must find a solution so that they
won’t regret in future. students also must take an example of other
effected students who had gone through money problem as a
lesson. In conclusion, students must have ability to plan their
money to avoid financial problems from occurring.

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