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Name: Nisrina Nabila Meysun

Student's attendance number: 22

Class: XI IPS 4


The process of forming rain, The amount of water on earth depends on the hydrologic
cycle. The water cycle is the continuous circulation of air from the atmosphere to the ground
and back to the atmosphere. The water cycle goes through several processes, namely
evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Rain that occurs in the water cycle causes
precipitation. Rain is a natural phenomenon, namely the process of precipitation in the form
of liquid that falls to the ground. Heat from the sun shining on the earth's surface causes
water to evaporate and water molecules to rise from the earth into the atmosphere. This
process is called evaporation. Water transpiration also occurs in plants through stomata, and
stomata is referred to as transpiration. When it evaporates, water vapor also rises into the

The temperature difference in the atmosphere causes condensation. Condensation is

the conversion of water vapor into air due to cooling caused by changes in atmospheric
temperature. As the steam rises, the temperature drops. The vapor then cools and is stored
in clouds. When wet clouds rise, rain falls. That is, condensation falls to the ground and
forms rain. On the zero side, airdrops fall like snow. Rain is a useful natural phenomenon,
but it can also be detrimental to humans.

Rain is used as a source of water to meet needs. Starting from drinking water, cooking,
agriculture, industry, power generation and others. On the other hand, heavy rainfall can
increase the risk of flooding and landslides.

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