JS Script Complete. 2020

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Pangarap High School

February 28, 2020
Emcee 1: We would like to request everyone to kindly settle down as we are about to start the
program after _______ minutes.

Emcee 2: On this regard, we would like to request everyone to put your cellular phones into silent
mode, so as not to disturb the solemnity of the program.

Emcee 1: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Compose yourselves and prepare for your grand entrance.

Emcee 2: It is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you our Grade 9 and Grade 10 students. Without further a
due, let us now welcome our young lovely ladies, and our refined young gentlemen (assisted by their Grade 9
and Grade 10 advisers) in this year’s Pangarap High School’s Grand Promenade Ball.

*after entering*

Emcee 1: Around of applause to our young gentlemen who looked absolutely striking as well as our stunning,
lovely ladies tonight.

Emcee 1: At this moment, let us witness the entrance of the members of the faculty starting with our Grade 7
advisers and floating teachers with their Grade 7 Year Level Chairman _______________

*after entering*

Again, let us all give them a warm round of applause.

Emcee 2: A round of applause to our Grade 8 advisers and subject teachers with their Grade Level Chairman

*after entering*

Let us give them a big hand.

Emcee 1: Making their way are our Grade 9 advisers and floating teachers headed by their Grade Level
Chairman Mrs. Loida Tamayo. entrance of our Grade 10 advisers and floating teachers, headed by their
Grade Level Chairman Mrs. Mary Jane Dela Cruz

Emcee 2: Approaching now are the very supportive members of the Parent- Teachers Association, headed by

Emcee 1: At this juncture, we shall now witness the entrance of our coordinators and department heads
starting with …

Our Science Coordinator Mrs. Cynthia A. Ticlim and our Mathematics Coordinator, Mrs. Sonia S. Lazaro.

Emcee 1: Followed by the Head of the English Department……..Mrs. Celeste M. Pascual with the Values
Department Head……. Mrs. Michelle M. Rontale

Emcee 2: Making their way are our Social Studies Department Head Mrs. Charina E. Alimad with our Mapeh
Department Head, Mrs. Rosemarie M. Soliman

Emcee 2: Let us also welcome, the Head of the TLE Department and Grade 9 Supervising Officer, Mrs. Daisy
A. Borbon with the Head of the Filipino Department and Grade 10 Supervising Officer, Mrs. Ma. Renita G.

Pangarapians, let us put our hands together and welcome our prudent and compassionate principal, Dr.
Socorrro D. Claveria with our guests for tonight’s event. Let us all give them a warm round of applause.

Emcee 1: Please stand straight. (pause) Let us now witness the entrance of colors.

Emcee 2: At this moment, let us put ourselves in the presence of the Lord, as our Grade 9 and Grade 10 sing
With All I am to be followed by the Pangarapian Prayer to be led by Mae Acta from Grade 10- Newton

Emcee 1: Afterwhich is the singing of the National Anthem to be conducted by Ms. Marianne S. Martinito from
the Mapeh Department.
Thank you so much, Ms. Marianne.

Emcee 2: You may now be seated. Again, welcome ladies and gentlemen to the annual Juniors Promenade
Ball of Pangarap High School. I am more than honored to take part in such momentous occasion, I am

Emcee 1: And I am Erika Rose B. Santos.

Both: Your masters of ceremonies. (pause)

Emcee 1: The most awaited occasion has finally arrived. But before we start, allow me to first compliment how
sharp and handsome my partner tonight is. Sir Ramil, you are indeed an eye candy tonight. As well as our
teachers and students.

Emcee 2: *Adlib*

Emcee 2: To formally start our program, let us all welcome our Grade 9 Year Level Chairman, Mrs. Loida
Tamayo, for her opening remarks. A big hand, please.

Emcee 1: Promenade is not only a night of grace, beauty, and revelry. But a time to strengthen bonds and
friendships. To some, this serves as a new phase, a new beginning. Whereas, to others a passing of legacy.

Emcee 2: At this juncture, we would like to request the presence of our dearly beloved principal, Dr. Socorro D.
Claveria, to share with us her words of encouragement A warm round of applause, please.

Thank you so much, Dr. Claveria for that heart-warming message.

Emcee 1: After weeks of rehearsals, tedious and long preparations, we are finally here. Indeed, our students
really exerted a lot of effort to look their best tonight.

To deliver the mechanics and criteria for tonight’s competitions, we would like to request the presence of Ms.
Cleofe B. Dalilis.

*after the mechanics”

Thanks you so much, Ma’am Dalilis.

Emcee 2: To introduce to us our set of judges for tonight’s competitions, may we call onstage, Ms. Christian
Joanie T. Estudillo.

Thank you so much, Ma’am Estudillo.

Emcee 1: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that’s why it’s called present. There
is nothing more beautiful than fresh starts and new beginnings. And now, allow me to present to you, Ms.
Claudette P. Capundan to deliver her Words of Welcome.

*Thank you so much, Ashley*.

Emcee 2: They say that all great things must come to an end. But to us, your teachers, what will remain are the
memories we’ve shared, be it good or bad. We would like to request the presence of Ashley Melanie Cumla,,
the current CIC President to deliver her Words of Farewell.

“Thank you so much, Liloe*.

Emcee 1: At this juncture, let us witness the bequeathal and acceptance of the key of responsibility. Here are
Trisha Mae C. Caballero, our incoming SSG President and Ma. Gloria Carmie Cruz, our current SSG
President. A big hand please.

(Key of Responsibility)

Emcee 2: Thank you, ladies! May each of you be aware of your duties and realize the true meaning of our
responsibilities so that we can perform well and accordingly.

At this moment, we would like to call onstage, Ms. Dara Marie Lim for the Last Will and Testament. A round of
applause, please.
Emcee 1: Thank you, Dara. At this moment, we would like to request the presence of Clyde Mallo, from Grade
10 Aristotle and Ricabelle Taneo for the Bequeathal and Acceptance of the Book of Knowledge.

Emcee 2: Thank you so much Clyde and Ricabelle. May I now request everybody to prepare for the candle
lighting ceremony, as we sing “One Little Candle.”

Emcee 2: We’d like to remind everyone to be careful in lighting the candle, so as not to harm your partners,
even those who are near you.

(After the candle ceremony) You may now put out the fire of your candles.

Emcee 1: Witness the song heartfully made that speaks of new wonders and expresses the audacity of hope
and courage. Let us listen to the song prepared for us by Grade 9 students, entitled You’ll be in my Heart

*after the presentation*

Thank you so much for that heart-warming song, Grade 9 students.

Emcee 2: Aside from being grateful, we, your teachers know that our Grade 10 students are more than excited
as the next chapter of their lives unfold. Let us lend our ears as our Grade 10 students sing their community
song entitled “At the Beginning”.

*after the presentation*

Thank you so much for that amazing song number, Grade 10 students.

Emcee 2: All it took was four years, four years to establish strong foundation of friendship and camaraderie,
and as you venture outside your comfort zones, know that the academe will always be here for you. Let us now
listen to the song the Grade 9 and Grade 10 students have prepared for us, entitled “Memories”.

Emcee 1: Sir, may I just ask what is a cotillion?

Emcee 2: A cotillion is a type of patterned dance that originated in France during the 18th century. Taken from
the French word “cotillion” or petticoat, the dance showed how the flash of petticoats reflected as the changing
partners turned. The cotillion also refers to a formal ball or social ball where young ladies of the society are

Emcee 1: Thank you so much for that brand-new information. And so, without further ado, here are the
selected juniors to perform for us the cotillion de honor. Please give them a round of applause.


Emcee 1: Thank you, our young ladies and gentlemen for that charming performance

Emcee 1: The most awaited moment has finally arrived, we will now announce our nominees for tonight’s
competitions. We’d like to request the presence of Ms. ________________ from the Mathematics Department.


Emcee 2: Congratulations to all the winners and the nominees. Before we announce our tonight’s winners,
we’d like to introduce to you the gentlemen who will definitely make us swoon and our hearts flutter. To
serenade us with their oozing charisma and soothing voices, we’d like to call onstage, Mr. Francis Abolencia
and Mr. Angelo Michael Cribello.

Emcee 1: And now, to give her closing remarks, here’s Mrs. Mrs. Mary Jane G. Dela Cruz our Grade 10 Year
Level Chairman. Please give her a warm round of applause

Emcee 2: Thank you, Ma’am Dela Cruz. That concludes our program tonight. Again, congratulations to all the
winners and the nominees.

Emcee 1: The dinner is ready. Please observe proper decorum. The dance floor is also now officially open.


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