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Via: Information Technology has become a very important part of

our lives nowadays and it has evolved in many ways and is

probably without a doubt better than ever before.
Bryx: Indeed, I definitely agree with you Vi, this advancement
plays a huge impact in our society.
Via: Yes very true Bryx, The month April marks a special spot in
every Consolatricians heart, since we have several occasions to
Bryx: Today, we welcome you all to the College of Computer
Studies Days of Consolatrix College of Toledo City Inc., with
this year’s theme
Bryx&Via: “Fusing the Past and the Future: Harnessing New
Technology for a Diverse and Empowered Society.”
Bryx: A wonderful day to our AR sisters headed by our Dean of
College Sr. Josephine D. Ativo AR , faculty and staff.
Via: And of course a very Good morning to our fellow
Consolatricians ..
Bryx: I am Bryx, a 4th year BSIT student
Via: And I am Via a 3rd year BSIT student
And we are your masters of ceremony for today…
Via: To begin with this auspicious occasion, may I request
everyone to please rise/ for our opening prayer /and do remain
standing to give homage to our beloved country, the Philippines
As we all sing, our National Anthem.
-----------------Prayer & Singing of National Anthem---------------
Bryx: You may now be seated.
At this juncture, to welcome us in today’s event, may we
request Mr. Procoro Gonzaga our BSIT Program Head to give us
the opening remarks. Let’s give him a round of applause.

------------------Mr. Gonzaga’s Welcome Remarks-----------

Via: Thank you /very much Mr. Procoro for /spreading the red
carpet of welcome…..
Bryx: And now to keep our spirit lively and energetic, let us all
witness the Intermission prepared by our BSIT students. Lets
give them a big..big …big…. round of applause.
Bryx: Wow…..that was an amazing performance guys…..You
all deserved a warm of applause for sharing God’s given talent.
Via: This time, may we request our Dean of College Sr.
Josephine D. Ativo AR and College of Computer Studies head
Mr. Procoro Gonzaga together with the rest of CCS faculty and
staff for the cutting of ribbon.
------------------ After Ribbon Cutting---------------------
Bryx: There you have it ladies and gentlemen, College of
Computer Studies Days has officially started.
Via:This time let us keep the momentum of enthusiasm and
learning as we witness the expertise of the IT seniors , our fourth
year college students to share their Information Technology
Bryx: Starting with our first presentor entitled “Canteen Card: A
Mode of Payment in the Canteen of Consolatrix College of
Toledo City Inc.” (1)
Via: Let us go and proceed with our next presentor with their
capstone title “E-Bulletin Monitoring System for the School
Campus of Consolatrix College of Toledo City, Inc.” (2)
Bryx: Next presentor with their capstone title “Identity: A
Mobile and Web-Based Reservation and Logging System with a
Complimentary Digitize QR Code for Consolatrix College of
Toledo City Inc.” (3)
Via: Moving on to our next presentor with their capstone title
“Barangay Information Management System: An Online
Application for Barangay Daanlungsod Resident Profile” (4)
Bryx: This time lets proceed with the title “Online Learning
System for Information Technology Students in Consolatrix
College of Toledo City Inc.”(5)
Via: Up next with their capstone entitled “A Student Planner
Application for Organizing Educational Tasks” (6)
Bryx: Next presentor with their capstone title “QR Code-Based
Class Attendance System for BSIT Students in the Computer
Laboratory of Consolatrix College of Toledo City Inc.” (7)
Via: With our 8th presentor entitle “Digital Yearbook for
Consolatrix College of Toledo City Inc. (8)
Bryx: This time lets proceed with title “OJT Tracker: Mobile
Application for Monitoring OJT Trainees for the College
Students of Consolatrix College of Toledo City, Inc.” (9)
Via: Lastly with capstone title “ELock: An Electronic Locker
System for the Students of Consolatrix College of Toledo City,
Inc.” (10)

Bryx: Thank you so much presentors and consolatricians for

attending. Let’s give them an ARSC clap in my count……
To formally end our program may we call on Ms. Aidyl
Lingaolinago to offer a closing prayer.
-------------------Closing Prayer----------------

This is ___________________ your lady of ceremony, leaves

you with a saying
that good things must come into an end to give way to better
Thank you so much

Via: The first part of our program has end but the learning
This is Via
Bryx: And I am Bryx, your master of ceremony, leaves you with
a saying that
Both: Good things must come into an end to give way to better
things. Thank you so much and God bless us all.

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