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E-Book (Electronic Book) as Learning Media at English Course Institution for Elementary

School Children

Elang Waskito B (40020520650097)

Alvin Rusli (40020520650098)

Alifia Farah A (40020520650099)


1. Background
In this era, English is also known as an international language that is so indispensable.
People are increasingly required to be able to speak English both passively and actively. The
skill to master English is supported by the existence of English subjects that have begun to be
introduced in schools, as well as English courses or tutoring institutions that have increasingly
mushroomed in various places, especially in urban areas. In general, learning a language such as
English for children of elementary school age is very good because at that age, their ability to
learn a language is faster.
Learning guidance is a process of providing assistance or help for both individuals and
groups by one or more mentors who have expertise in this field in making choices. Adjustment
and solving learning problems related to changes in behavior as a result of experience, practice
and stimulation. The decision to enroll children in a course or tutoring institution is the right
decision for children. It is there that they can gain more linguistic knowledge that the teacher did
not have time to teach at school.
Elementary school education is the beginning of the introduction to the culture that exists
in Indonesia. Often elementary school education becomes an interesting thing to learn for
children and the relationship of technological developments in elementary school children is the
ease of information obtained and the information conveyed is enough to be interesting and easy
to learn so that it makes children more interested in learning. The purpose of technological
developments in the field of introducing Indonesian culture among elementary school children is
that children are expected to be able to Appreciate the diversity of ethnic groups and local
cultures of the district city province Indicators. Explaining the importance of unity in diversity.
In line with the turn of the year, technology has developed very rapidly. It was found that
there are many benefits in progress in various aspects that have been given, especially in the
current era of globalization. Technology in the field of education such as the use of smartphones,
computers, and laptops provides an opportunity for each student to access learning materials
presented in an interactive form which is expected to achieve success in gaining knowledge that
has not existed before. With the development of technology rapidly and evenly, there are many
sectors or things that make learning easier and more interesting, starting from information
technology, industrial technology and the development of large information. The education
sector is one of the things that is affected by the changing procedures or media for delivering
learning from conventional learning done by reading a medium such as books, newspapers,
magazines to something that is learned using digital information technology that is easy and
By utilizing digital books (electronic books) is the right thing because they can be stored
on devices and are easy to carry. The hope to be achieved from the use of e-books in elementary
school learning is to foster a culture of reading interest or scientific literacy of students and
increase active participation in every lesson so that it can open horizons, deepen insights, and
understand the world so that students are motivated to learn. As an alternative learning media, e-
books are more durable and require low costs because they do not have to buy printed versions
of books.

2. Problem Statement
1. Can learning media using e-books increase students' interest and motivation to learn?
2. Can e-book media facilitate students' understanding of English language learning?

3. Purpose and Benefits

A. The purpose of the author conducting the research are:

1. To find out the enthusiasm of elementary school children in learning culture using
online booklets.
2. Knowing the opportunities and shortcomings in learning with online booklet
media in elementary school children's learning.

B. Through this research, several benefits can be found related to the object to be studied
such as:

1. Have a new perspective on the positive and negative benefits of learning using
booklet media and feedback on the media used.
2. As an overall evaluation material in the learning system using booklet media at
the level of elementary school children.
Project Seminars

Elang Waskito B (40020520650097)

Alvin Rusli (40020520650098)

Alifia Farah A (40020520650099)


Learning media innovation at the English Language Course Institute


1. Course institutions that have to learn methods that look ordinary or boring
2. Learning media that still use books or handbooks


Creating interactive and fun learning methods for students at these course institutions, such as:

1. make interesting and interactive learning videos such as lots of examples of explanations
that are easy for students to understand, provide lots of animations on videos as examples
to make it easier for students to understand, and quick formulas for memorizing.
2. make e-books a new learning media in the institution. For example, by adding audio
explanations and pictures as examples that students easily understand.


The purpose of this innovation is to increase students' interest in learning English so that they
can easily understand the material presented.


1. Have a new perspective on the positive and negative benefits of learning using e-books or
video media and feedback on the media used.
2. As a thorough evaluation material in the learning system using e-books and video media
for students.
Seminar Proyek 

Elang Waskito B (40020520650097)

Alvin Rusli (40020520650098)

Alifia Farah A (40020520650099)

Inovasi media pembelajaran di Lembaga Kursus Bahasa Inggris.

1. Lembaga kursus yang memiliki metode pembelajaran yang terlihat biasa saja atau
2. Media pembelajaran yang masih menggunakan buku atau handbook

Membuat metode pembelajaran yang interaktif dan menyenangkan untuk para pembelajar di
lembaga kursus tersebut, seperti:
1. membuatkan video pembelajaran yang menarik dan interaktif seperti banyak
contoh dari penjelasan yang mudah dipahami oleh pembelajar, memberikan
banyak animasi pada video sebagai contoh agar lebih mudah di pahami
pembelajar, serta rumus cepat dalam menghafal.
2. membuatkan e-book sebagai media pembelajaran baru di lembaga tersebut.
Sebagai contoh dengan menambahkan audio penjelasan dan gambar sebagi
contoh yang mudah dipahami oleh pembelajar.

Tujuan dari inovasi ini untuk meningkatkan minat peserta didik dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris
agar mereka mudah memahami materi yang disampaikan.


1. Memiliki sudut pandang baru terhadap manfaat positif dan negative dalam pembelajaran
menggunakan media e-book atau video dan feedback terhadap media yang digunakan.
2. Sebagai bahan evaluasi secara menyeluruh dalam system pembelajaran menggunakan
media booklet dan video pada peserta didik.

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