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Regarding the origin of the word Masboro, there are some versions spread.

Some people
believe Masboro comes from two words, it’s called Mas which means 'gold' and boro which
means 'expanse'. So, Masboro is 'an expanse of golden hill'. The second version, Masboro was
taken from the name of the person who is buried in that place along with a gold casket. And
also many people say that the name Masboro was taken from the name of the prince who was
buried there. According to the stories spread among the people, once upon a time there was a
prince who died and was dumped beside a railroad tire or 'railway'. No one was able to lift the
corpse, even to take the gold around it. Then there were people who took the initiative to bury
it along with the gold. In a short story, the people who were able to lift the corpse were the
residents of Kernekan Hamlet. The prince was buried near the public cemetery along with the
gold that he brought.
The people truly believe that the gold is still as a whole until today. Under the hill there are also
some outsiders who looking for a gold with simple techniques. There are people who got a gold
even though not much. This strengthens the people's belief that the gold is still hidden neatly.
Moreover, they are believe that the area is actually a gold field.
As the rumors grew, there were people who wanted to own the gold. Imagine if you get a chest
of gold, for example, you can get rich suddenly, right? Like finding the treasure immersed by
God. So, what do you do with this wealth? Buy a house? Married? Come on, let's get up! Don't
dreaming in the daylight.
Various ways have been done by the people who think they want to take a gold there. This
effort was made, among others, by calling psychic even a powerful and knowledgeable shaman.
However, what happened? They were frightened and ran headlong. According to the
confession, they were intercepted by Masboro officers who had been on guard from the incline
of the grave hill. They said that behind the enchanting beauty of Masboro Hill, there are spirits
with various forms. No doubt they came home empty handed.
Previously there were also people trying to do the same thing. They even managed to take the
gold that was in the chest. The results of the hunt were brought home. However, what
happened in the next day? The chest that containing the gold is gone. The gold casket returned
to its original place and the excavation site on Masboro Hill returned as a whole.
Apart from that incident, another oddity was also happened by a goat herder named Mbah
Nyamo. He was died several years ago. At that time, when Mbah Nyamo was herding, he
deliberately took a tree branch that was right on the hill to drive away his goats home. But
when he got home, he was sick. He immediately went to the doctor, but didn’t recover.
Furthermore, he moved to another doctor for treatment and still did not recover either. Until
one night he had a dream. In his dream he was asked to return the branch that he took from
Masboro. In the next day he returned the branch. Surprisingly he gradually recovered from
After the Mbah Nyamo incident, the hamlet residents no longer dared to take anything from
that place other than grass. Until now many people who sacred that place. They sow flowers on
a certain day so that nothing strange happens.
Actually, not only in that place. Wherever we are, we should take nothing but pictures and
throw away nothing but footsteps. Let's be wise to nature then nature will also protect us.
Surely people ask, isn't it God who protects us? Yes, it is. But if we care about the environment
by planting trees, enjoying the scenery without leaving trash behind, we will feel the beauty of
nature without blemishes.

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