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New Runner PACK

Recommended Starting Equipment

nY Item Why You Want It

2,000 Lifestyle-Low (1 month) Gives you somewhere to sleep.
1,000 Commlink-Renraku Sensei Communication, connects all tech gear, provides some
DR 3, D/F 0/2, Prog 1 security against hacking.
10,000 Fake SIN-Rating 4 Fake ID, good quality, protects your real ID (if any).
800 >Fake License-Rating 4 Tied to fake SIN, permit for the gun.
800 >Fake License-Rating 4 Tied to fake SIN, permit for other specific gear/magic.
400 Glasses (Capacity 4) Glasses with a heads-up display for the following:
1,275 >Image Link Linked to commlink, interact with augmented reality.
>Flare Compensation Protects against explosive flashes.
>Low Light Vision Night vision. Most shadowrunning happens at night.
>Vision Enhancement (+1D) Improves vision clarity, bonus on all sight tests.
1,000 Armor Jacket (+4 DR, Cap. 8) Flak jacket, helps against gunshot wounds.
340 Defiance Super Shock (Taser) Quiet, non-lethal takedown of opposition.
6S(e), SS, 10/6/-/-/-, 4(m)
10 >10 darts Ammunition, for more opposition.
315 Browning Ultra Power (Hvy Pistol) Loud defense against opposition, if needed.
3P, SA, 10/9/6/-/-, 10(c)
105 >Extra clip, 100 rounds Reloading in case of extended defense.
18,045 TOTAL

Discount Starting Equipment (the bare minimum)

Take the above, with the following modifications:
Fake SIN-Rating 2 with Rating 2 License and Rating 2 License
Not as secure as a Rating 4 SIN/licenses, but you need these.
Commlink – Meta Link (DR 1, D/F 0/1, Prog 0)
Needed for calls, Matrix access, and device connectivity, hacker punching bag
Glasses – Image Link only
Not as useful, but provides AR interaction
9,795 nY TOTAL

Buy a Vehicle – Don’t Take the Bus to a Run!

nY Vehicle Description - Stats

11,000 C-N Jackrabbit Compact – H3/5, Ac20, SI15, TS160, B8, Ar4, P2, S1, Seat3
16,000 Ford Americar Midsize sedan – H4/5, Ac9, SI20, TS160, B11, Ar4, P1, S1, Seat4
8,000 Yamaha Growler All terrain bike – H3/3, Ac15, SI20, TS180, B6, Ar4, P1, S1, Seat2

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